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Research by: Alfauzan Alim

Supervise by: Mr Terrence Boyd Stephen

August 2010


1.1 Introduction

This research was to determine whether, stress among college students effect on students’
learning achievement. This chapter also explains the background of the research,
statement of the problem, purpose of the research, important of the research, limitation of
the research, definition of terms and summary.

1.2 Background Research

Stress is any situation that evokes negative thoughts and feelings in a person. The same
situation is not evocative or stressful for all people, and all people do not experience the
same negative thoughts and feelings when stressed. One model that is useful in
understanding stress among students is the person-environmental model. According to
one variation of this model, stressful events can be appraised by an individual as
"challenging" or "threatening" (Lazarus 1966). When students appraise their education as
a challenge, stress can bring them a sense of competence and an increased capacity to
learn. When education is seen as a threat, however, stress can elicit feelings of
helplessness and a foreboding sense of loss. A critical issue concerning stress among
students is its effect on learning.
1.3 Problem Statement

Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand. It can be caused by both
good and bad experiences. When people feel stressed by something going on around
them, their bodies react by releasing chemicals into the blood. These chemicals give
people more energy and strength, which can be a good thing if their stress is caused by
physical danger. But this can also be a bad thing, if their stress is in response to
something emotional and there is no outlet for this extra energy and strength. People
under large amounts of stress can become tired, sick, and unable to concentrate or think
clearly. Sometimes, they even suffer mental breakdowns (Whitman and Neal A; 1985).
This research will discuss different causes of stress, how stress affects students’ learning.

1.4 Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework of the research is given in Diagram1.1. This research is to

determine whether student stress effect on students’ learning.

Student Stress

Diagram 1.1 Theoretical Framework of the research

1.5 Purpose of Research

The purpose of this research was to determine whether student stress affect on students’
learning. The objectives of this research were:

1.5.1 Research objectives

This research was carried out with the following objectives:
a) To determine the effect of student stress on students’ learning.

1.5.2 Research Questions

This research was carried out to answer the following research questions:
a) What is the effect of student stress on students learning?

1.5.3 Research Hypotheses

a) There is no difference in students’ learning between students have a lot amount of
stress (distress) and students having a little stress (good stress).

1.6. Important of Research

The findings of this research hopefully will create awareness among students, that stress
might decrease students learning achievement and students will learn to avoid that
feeling, to achieve a better level in academic. The findings also help students to know
several types of stress and plan how to face stress situation and handle it smoothly.
(Mohd Nor, Hj Ismail: 2007)

1.7. Limitation of Research

This research was carried out in UNIRAZAK (University Tun Abdul Razak) in Sabah
campus area with a simple of 30 students. This research only implemented to students
who take education courses. Interaction of effect of stress and motivation were not
investigated in this research.

1.8. Definition of Terms

a) Student learning

According YCCD academic senate students’ learning are defined in terms of the
knowledge, skills and abilities that students have attained as a result of their involvement
in particular set of educational experiences.

b) Stress

Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand. It can be caused by both
good and bad experiences. When people feel stressed by something going on around
them, their bodies react by releasing chemicals into the blood.

1.9 Summary

This research was carried out for helps student realize that they still can improve
themselves in term of academic achievement as long as they not in too much stress and
know how to faced that situation. The purpose of this research was to determine whether
stress effect on students’ learning. The research was conducted to UNIRAZAK student in
Sabah Campus area.

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