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Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Model Solutionof ST-1 Paper

Course: B. Tech Semester: VIII

Session: 2015-16 Section: All Section (Open Elective)
Subject: Automation & Robotics Sub. Code: EOE-084
Max Marks: 100 Time: 2.5 hour

1. Attempt all parts. All parts carry equal marks. Write answer of each part in short.
(2x10 = 20)
(a) What is the importance of filtration process?
Ans.: filtration is a vital part of safe guarding hydraulic equipment and
maintaining the working condition of hydraulic fluid. It is the process of removal
of solid contaminants from the fluid. The contamination of fluid may result in
wear, corrosion, poor performance and ultimately the complete of hydraulic
(b) Define Degree of freedom.
Ans.: Degree of freedom is defined as the number of variables required to define
the motion of a body in space. The number of joints an industrial robot has
determines its degrees of freedom of motion. Each axis equals one degree of
This number typically refers to the number of single-axis rotational joints in the
arm, where a higher number indicates an increased flexibility in positioning a
Example: Six degrees of freedom (6 DoF) refers to motion of a rigid
body in three-dimensional space, namely the ability to move forward/backward,
up/down, left/right (translation in three perpendicular axes) combined
with rotation about three perpendicular axes (pitch, yaw, roll). As the movement
along each of the three axes is independent of each other and independent of the
rotation about any of these axes, the motion indeed has six degrees of freedom

(c) Differentiate between revolute and prismatic joints.

Ans.: A revolute joint (also called pin joint or hinge joint) is a one degree of
freedom kinematic pair used in mechanisms. Revolute joints provide single-axis
rotation function used in many places such as door hinges, folding mechanisms, and
other uni-axial rotation devices.
A prismatic joint provides a linear sliding movement between two bodies, and is
often called a slider, as in the slider-crank linkage. A prismatic joint is formed with
a polygonal cross-section to resist rotation.
The relative position of two bodies connected by a prismatic joint is defined by the
amount of linear slide of one relative to the other one. This one parameter
movement identifies this joint as a one degree of freedom kinematic pair.
Prismatic joints provide single-axis sliding often found in hydraulic and pneumatic

(d) What is the principle of non contact type sensors?

Ans.: these sensors are used to give the robot information about the process or
the environment without the use of physical contact. They operate on the
principles of electrical capacitive inductance sound waves as in ultrasonic, light
and laser beam techniques.
(e) Define laws of robotics.
Ans.: Three laws of Robotics by Asimov are:
1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human to
be harmed.
2. A robot must obey orders given by humans except when that conflicts with
the First law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence unless that conflicts with the first or
second law.
(f) Give classification of Industrial Robot based on Control system.
1. Path control system
i. Point to point Control
ii. Continuous Path Control
iii. XYZ Control
iv. Positive Stop Control
2. Drive Control System
3. Hierarchical Level Control
i. Level I - Actuator Control
ii. Level II - Path Control
iii. Level III - Main Control
4. Servo and Non-Servo Robot Control
(g) Explain following terms related to Robotics.
Ans.: Accuracy: the ability of a robot to go to the specified position without
making a mistake. It is impossible to position a machine exactly. Accuracy is
therefore defined as the ability of the robot to position itself to the desired
location with the minimal error.
Repeatability: it is the ability of a robot to repeatedly position itself when asked
to perform a task multiple times. Accuracy is an absolute concept, repeatability is
(h) Differentiate between Work Envelope and robot Workspace.
Ans.: Work Envelope: The maximum reach, or volume within a robot can
operate. This is usually specified as a combination of the limits of each of the
robot’s parts.
Robot Workspace: workspace is a volume of space which the end-effector of
the manipulator can reach. Workspace is also called volume or work envelope.
(i) Why accumulator is used in the hydraulic fluid power systems.
Ans.: accumulator is a pressure vessel used for storing fluid under pressure. It is
incorporated in the hydraulic fluid power system for one or more of the
following reasons:
1. To smooth out pressure surges in the system
2. To meet peak demands of power, and
3. To act as an emergency power source.
(j) Explain tactile sensing.
Ans.: This is the detection and measurement of the spatial distribution of forces
perpendicular to a predetermined sensory area, and the subsequent interpretation
of the spatial information. A tactile-sensing array can be considered to be a
coordinated group of touch sensors.
Section- B
Note: Attempt any five questions from this section. (10x5=50)

2. What do you mean by industrial automation? Discuss the advantages &

Limitation of Automation & Robotics in manufacturing.
Ans.: A robot is a mechanical device with links and joints, guided by sensors, driven
by actuators and controlled through programmed software, to handle and manipulate
parts, materials, tools and devices and performing various tasks in variety of work
For the operation and control of production or manufacture the mechanical,
electrical, electronics and computer based systems are integrated to form a
technology known as industrial automation.
Few examples for industrial automation are

 Special purpose machine (SPM) tools

 Computer numerical controlled (CNC) machines
 Transfer lines
 Flexible Manufacturing system
 Robotics
Hence it is clear that all automatic machines are not robots. But robotics is a type of
industrial automation.
Advantages of Automation & Robotics in Manufacturing
1. Robotics and automation can, in many situation, increase productivity, safety,
efficiency, quality, and consistency of products.
2. Robots can work in hazardous environments
3. Robots need no environmental comfort
4. Robots work continuously without any humanity needs and ill nesses
5. Robots have repeatable precision at all times
6. Robots can be much more accurate than humans; they may have mlli or micro
inch accuracy.
7. Robots and their sensors can have capabilities beyond that of humans
8. Robots can process multiples stimuli or tasks simultaneously, humans can only
9. Robots replace human workers who can create economic problems

3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the following configuration:

 Cylindrical co-ordinate type
 Spherical coordinate type
 Cartesian coordinate type

List their areas of applications.

Ans.: Cartesian Coordinates

Positioning may be done by straight or linear motion along three axes: back and forth, in and out,
and up and down.
These axes are known, respectively, as the Cartesian axes x, y, and z

Cartesian Cylindrical Coordinates

If the positioning of the manipulator allows the arm to rotate about the base or shoulder, and if the
other two axes allow up-and-down and in-and-out motions, the robot is known as a cylindrical-
coordinates robot.
The axes for the cylindrical coordinates are
θ (theta), the base rotational axis;
R (reach), the in-and-out axis; and
z, the up-and-down axis.
Scara Robot: A Cylindrical-Coordinates Robot
The SCARA (Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm) robot has the same work area as a
cylindrical-coordinates robot. However, the reach axis includes a rotational joint in a plane parallel
to the floor. This feature allows the SCARA robot to reach around some obstacles in its work
The manipulator rotates in two axes in the horizontal plane and moves linearly up and down.
The work envelope is the space cylinders.
The manipulator can reach around obstacles.
Also, a folding lamp has movements similar to those of a SCARA manipulator.

Polar or Spherical Coordinates

• The arm not only rotates about the base, but also rotates about an axis in the vertical plane,
called polar-coordinates or spherical-coordinates robot.
• The axes for the spherical coordinates are θ, the rotational axis; R, the reach axis; and β
(beta), the bend-up-and-down axis.
• The work area or cell serviced by a polar-coordinates robot is the space between two
concentric hemispheres.
• The outer hemisphere is defined by the reach of the arm when it is fully straightened along
the R axis.
• The inner hemisphere is defined by the reach of the arm when it is fully retracted along
the R axis
• The polar-coordinates robot can reach things almost directly above itself, as well as around
• The rotational axis of most robots is limited to a turning range of less than 360° and the
bend-up-and-down axis may be limited to 60° or less.
Jointed Arm
If the arm can rotate about all three axes, it is called a revolute-coordinates, articulate,
anthropomorphic, or jointed-arm robot.
Anthropomorphic means human-shaped.
The axes for the revolute coordinates are the base rotational axis; the upper arm rotational axis; and
the lower arm rotational axis
The revolute coordinates arm can reach things all around it, including things above and below it.
Most rotational axes do not rotate a full 360°.
The revolute-coordinates or jointed-arm robot can serve the largest work area for the smallest floor

4. (a) Distinguish in detail between point to point control and continuous path
Ans.: Point-to-point Robots: Point-to-point robots are capable of performing
motion cycles that consist of a series of desired point locations and related actions.
The robot is taught each point, and these Points are recorded into the robots control
unit. During play back, the robot is controlled to move from one point to another in
the proper sequence. Applications-loading and unloading machines and spot
When a robot moves in various individual and specific positions according to the
instructions in the program, the operation mode is called point to point. This type of
robot has a feedback and servomechanism in each of its axis, but the motion and
moving path from one point to another is independent of other points. When using
this operation mode, programs can be edited by trainer method or manual input. The
control system for point to point is relatively simple, so it is more suitable to control
components in the numerically controlled machineries.
Fig. Point to point operation Fig. Continuous path
Continuous- path robots are capable of performing motion cycles in which the path
followed by the robot is controlled. The programmer specifies the starting point and
the end point of the path, and the control unit calculates the sequence of individual
points that permits the robot to follow a straight line trajectory. If a robot has to
follow the path of the program totally, this operation mode is called continuous path.
This type of robot has a feedback and servomechanism in each of its axis. It can also
move to any points between the polar positions. Robots with continuous path as
operation mode can handle more complicated tasks, like welding of metal in a
particular path (Fig. 7), spraying paints on the surface of a car, etc. When using this
type of operation mode, it is better to use the method of trainer to write the program

(b) Discuss hierarchical level control system of robot with neat block diagram.
Ans.: A Hierarchical control systems is a form of control system in which a set of
devices and governing software is arranged in a hierarchical tree. When the links in
the tree are implemented by a computer network, then that hierarchical control
system is also a form of networked control system. A human-built system with
complex behavior is often organized as a hierarchy. For example acommand
hierarchy has among its notable features the organizational chart of superiors,
subordinates, and lines of organizational communication. Hierarchical control
systems are organized similarly to divide the decision making responsibility. Each
element of the hierarchy is a linked node in the tree. Commands, tasks and goals to
be achieved flow down the tree from superior nodes to subordinate nodes, whereas
sensations and command results flow up the tree from subordinate to superior nodes.
Nodes may also exchange messages with their siblings. The two distinguishing
features of a hierarchical control system are related to its layers. Each higher layer of
the tree operates with a longer interval of planning and execution time than its
immediately lower layer.

 The lower layers have local tasks, goals, and sensations, and their activities are
planned and coordinated by higher layers which do not generally override their
decisions. The layers form a hybrid intelligent system in which the lowest, reactive
layers are sub-symbolic. The higher layers, having relaxed time constraints, are
capable of reasoning from an abstract world model and performing planning.
A hierarchical task network is a good fit for planning in a hierarchical control
5. What is sensor? Write desirable features of sensors. Give detail classification of
sensors which used in automation & robotics.
Ans.: Sensor Characterics: Sensor Characteristics: to chose an appropriate sensor
for a particular need, we have to consider a number of different characteristics.
These characteristics determine the performance, economy, ease of application, and
applicability of the sensor. In certain situation, different types of sensors may be
available for the same purpose. Therefore, the following may be considered before a
sensor is chosen.
6. Explain the procedure to design robot gripper.
7. Explain major components of robot and give purpose of each.
Ans.: Components of Robots:

•Mechanical part or manipulator (Body, Arm, Wrist)

• The manipulator is the part of the robot that physically performs the task. Attached
to it is the gripper or hand, which actually contacts the parts or materials being
processed The industrial robot manipulator has

- an arm (an upper arm and a forearm),

- a wrist,
- a shoulder,
- an elbow, and
- a hand with fingers.
The number of joints an industrial robot has determines its degrees of freedom of motion.
Each axis equals one degree of freedom

•End effector (Tool or Gripper)

Human grippers and robot grippers use similar nomenclature. The moving parts that do the
gripping are called fingers The robot may require a different type and design of hand for
each different object it is to grasp or each different tool it is to hold. In some cases, the
hand itself acts as the tool. Designing grippers properly is a key task in robotics.

•Controller (Sensors, Processor)

• The controller is the brain or computer center of the robot.
• It may be as simple as a set of mechanical stops and limit switches or as complex as
a complete minicomputer or microcomputer.
• The controller must recall all the motions that the robot is to perform, in the proper
order and with the correct timing.
• An automatic control system is used to carry out the instructions stored in the
robot's memory.
• Without the automatic control system, the robot would just be a remote-controlled
• Automatic control systems are of two types.
- The open loop servo-controlled type.
- The closed-loop servo-controlled system.
• When two or more robots are designed to work together, their individual controllers
may receive directions from a large electronic computer that controls the entire
• Plotting the movements of several robots working together is known as robot

•Power supply,
• The power supply for the manipulator depends on the type of power used by the
manipulator like electric, hydraulic, pneumatic, or vacuum.

•Vehicle (optional)
• The robot may be stationary or sit on a vehicle.
• The vehicle may use wheels on a track, free wheels, treads, or some type of legs and
• Whether the robot is stationary or mobile, the base of the robot must be stable and
accurately situated if the robot's manipulator is to perform accurately.
The manipulator, controller, and power supply for the robot may be housed together as a
single unit or they may be housed separately as discrete units.
To apply spray paint, for example, only the manipulator need actually be located in the
spray paint booth.
The controller and power supply can be kept in another area

8. What do you mean by robot kinematics? Explain forward kinematics and

reverse kinematics.
Ans.: Robot arm kinematics deals with the analytical study of the geometry of
motion of a robot arm with respect to a fixed reference coordinate system as a
function of time without regard to the forces/moments that cause the motion.
Thus, it deals with the analytical description of the spatial displacement of the robot
as a function of time, in particular the relations between the joint-variable space and
the position and orientation of the end-effectors of a robot arm.
In forward kinematics of robot, the position and orientation of the manipulator end
are assessed based on available joint rotations. However, inverse kinematics of the
robot is about assessing rotations at joints for a desired position and resulting
orientation of the manipulator end.
With a robot of known configuration, the link lengths and joint angles of the robot
are known. Now, determining the position and orientation of the hand of the robot is
called forward kinematic analysis. In other words, if all robot joint variables are
known, using forward kinematic equations, one can calculate where the robot is at
any instant.
Inverse kinematics specifies the end-effector location and computes the associated
joint angles. For serial manipulators this requires solution of a set of polynomials
obtained from the kinematics equations and yields multiple configurations for the
chain. The case of a general 6R serial manipulator (a serial chain with six revolute
joints yields sixteen different inverse kinematics solutions, which are solutions of a
sixteenth degree polynomial. For parallel manipulators, the specification of the end-
effector location simplifies the kinematics equations, which yields formulas for the
joint parameters

9. Explain Denavit Hardenberg Representation of forward kinematics Equations

of robot.
conventions (DH conventions) are intended to simplify the execution of kinematic
forward and reverse transformation.
θ: Joint angle
d: Joint distance
a: Length of arm element
α: Rotation

It consists of the following parts:

DH conventions for defining the coordinate systems
DH parameters from the transformations
DH transformations for generating the coordinate systems
DH conventions: The following preconditions must be met:
1. The coordinate systems are fixed in the motion axes
2. The zn-1 axis is situated along the motion axis of the
nth joint
3. The xn axis is normally situated on the zn-1 axis and
points away from it
4. The arrangement of the yn axis results in a right-
handed system

DH parameters: The Denavit-Hartenberg parameters allow the definition of the

position and orientation of an element relative to a conjoining element.

Step1: Rotate about zn axis an angle of θn+1. This will make xn and xn+1 parallel to each

Step2: Translate along zn axis a distance of dn+1 to make xn and xn+1 colinear.

Step3: Translate along xn axis a distance of an+1 to bring the origins of xn and xn+1
Step4: Rotate zn axis about xn+1 axis an angle of αn+1 to align zn axis with zn+1 axis.

Frames n and n+1 will be exactly the same. This is referred to as transformation of
frame n to n+1,as shown in the figure on next page:

Now, writing down the transformations and post multiplying each to get the final total
transformation matrix, we get:
Tn 1  Rot ( z ,  n 1 )  Trans (0,0, d n 1 )  Trans ( an 1 ,0,0)  Rot ( x,  n 1 )

C n 1  S n 1C n 1 S n 1S n 1 an 1C n 1 

 S C n 1C n 1  C n 1S n 1 an 1S n 1 
  n 1
 0 S n 1 cos  n 1 d n 1 
 
 0 0 0 1 

In the above matrix, Cθn+1 represents cosθn+1 and Sθn+1 represents sinθn+1, where n =
0, 1, 2, 3, 4,

Note: Attempt any two questions from this section. (15x2 = 30)

10. Write short notes on the following:

a. Parallel and Closed Loop Manipulators
b. Robot Trajectory Planning
Ans.: Kinematics: geometrical relationships in terms of position/velocity between the joint-
and work-space.
Dynamics: relationships between the torques applied to the joints and the consequent
movements of the links.
Control: computation of the control actions (joint torques) necessary to execute a desired
Trajectory planning: planning of the desired movements of the manipulator. Usually, the
user is requested to define some points and general features of the trajectory (e.g.
initial/final points, duration, maximum velocity, etc.), and the real computation of the
trajectory is demanded to the control system.
The planning modalities for trajectories may be quite different: point-to-point with pre-
defined path Or: in the joint space; in the work space, either defining some points of
interest (initial and final points, via points) or the whole geometric path x = x(t).
For planning a desired trajectory, it is necessary to specify two aspects: geometric path
motion law with constraints on the continuity (smoothness) of the trajectory and on its
time-derivatives up to a given degree.
Input data to an algorithm for trajectory planning are: data defining on the path (points),
geometrical constraints on the path (e.g. obstacles), constraints on the mechanical dynamics
constraints due to the actuation system Output data is: the trajectory in the joint- or work-
space, given as a sequence (in time) of the acceleration, velocity and position values: a(kT),
v(kT), p(kT) k = 0, . . . , N being T a proper time interval defining the instants in which the
trajectory is computed (and converted in the joint space) and sent to each actuator.
Usually, the user has to specify only a minimum amount of information about the
trajectory, such as initial and final points, duration of the motion, maximum velocity, and so
Work-space trajectories allow considering directly possible constraints on the path
(obstacles, path geometry) that are more difficult to take into consideration in the joint
space (because of the non linear kinematics).
Joint space trajectories are computationally simpler and allow considering problems due to
singular configurations, actuation redundancy, and velocity/acceleration constraints.
c. Robot Wrist
11. Discuss the factors to be considered while selecting the drive systems for robots.
Compare the relative advantages and disadvantages of the following robot drives:

1. Electric motor
2. Pneumatic system
3. Hydraulic motor

12. Sketch and explain the working of the following types of grippers:

1. Mechanical Grippers or Actuators


2. Vacuum Grippers or Vacuum Cups

3. Magnetic Grippers:
Ans.:Ferrous metals a simple method to grasp them is to use magnetic grippers. The
principle is the same one as the vacuum except that the cups are replaced by
magnetic grippers. With that system we have the advantages that it can b handle
quickly metal parts with holes. Electromagnetic grippers are easier to control but
they require a source of electric power but permanent magnets have the
disadvantage of a lack of control in some whiles of the cycle.

4. Adhesive Grippers:
Ans.: Can handle fabrics and other lightweight materials:
These grippers are basically a sticky surface on the end of the robot.
As the adhesive gripper is repeatedly used, it loses stickiness, but a tape roll can be
used to refresh the sticky surface.

5. Expanding Grippers
Ans.: some parts have hollow cavities that can be used to advantage when grasping.
A bladder can be inserted into a part. And then inflated. This forms a friction seal
between the two, and allows manipulation. When done the pressure is released, and
the part free.

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