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1 General Notes and Instructions

Safety precautions
Check list
Maintenance schedule
Customer contact list & Complaint report

2 Drawings
Dimension drawing alternator AZ 20666 Rev. F
Rotor drawing 83602 Rev. A
Generator Lifting Drawing T67M00300XY
Mounting Drawing 41699.81

3 Circuit Diagram
Circuit diagram K 850.3.261 Rev. A
Circuit diagram K 850.3.261 Z
Legend to circuit diagram K 850.3.261

4 Operating Instructions
Three-phase synchronous electrical machines series DIG 110...191
Enclosure to operating instructions

5 Regulator Descriptions
Voltage regulator Unitrol 1000-15

6 Rotor mounting/dismounting

7 Bearings
RENK Sleeve Bearings: DE: EFNLB / NDE: EFNLQ
RENK Sleeve Bearings Type EF with self lubrication
Recommendation for Synthetic Lubricants for Sleeve Bearings –
Klüber Summit SH 46
Klüber Sales Offices worldwide

8 Spare Parts
Drawings 020, 3001ms, 400oRT, T67M00400XY, T67R00800XY

9 Technical Data
Technical Data
Data sheet for PT 100
EC declaration of conformity
Information to explosion protection device
Test report 8430417A101/B101/C101/D101/E101/F101

Wärtsilä Finland Oy - Power Plants 11/2010

Your order: 4501423568
Your project: Northern Katakhali
AvK Order no. 8430417A101/B101/C101/D101/E101/F101
General Notes
General Notes
Safety Precautions
English Español
Apéndice de los manuales de instalación, servicio y
Addendum to STAMFORD | AvK Generator
mantenimiento de los alternadores STAMFORD | AvK.
Installation, Service & Maintenance Manuals. The
Las siguientes precauciones de seguridad deben
following safety precautions are in addition to
considerarse precauciones añadidas a las descritas en
those described in the Installation Manual.
el Manual de instalación.


Ensure that all personnel operating, servicing, maintaining or Compruebe que todo el personal que utilice, inspeccione, realice
working near this equipment are wearing appropriate Personal tareas de mantenimiento, o trabaje en las proximidades de este
Protective Equipment (PPE) including eye and ear protection alternador lleve puesto el equipo de protección personal (EPP)
and are fully aware of the emergency procedures in case of adecuado, incluidas las protecciones de ojos y oídos, y que conozca
accidents. perfectamente los procedimientos de emergencia que deben
aplicarse en caso de accidente.

Before any maintenance work on the generator is carried out, Antes de llevar a cabo cualquier tarea de mantenimiento en el
please ensure it is isolated from any source of mechanical and alternador, verifique que esté aislado de cualquier fuente de energía
electrical energy. It is recommended that a suitable Lock-Out/ mecánica o eléctrica. Es recomendable adoptar un proceso de
Tag Out process is adopted. desactivación del equipo (Lock-Out/Tag-Out) adecuado.

Los alternadores emiten ruido. Asegúrese de que se emplea la

Generators emit noise. Ensure appropriate ear protection is protección de oídos adecuada en todo momento. Los niveles de
worn at all times. Maximum A weighted emissions levels may emisión A ponderados máximos pueden alcanzar los 104 db (A).
reach 104 db (A) Contact site for application specific details. Póngase en contacto con el emplazamiento para obtener datos
concretos de la aplicación.

ADVERTENCIA: Las causas que se indican a continuación pueden

WARNING: The following may lead to catastrophic generator dar lugar a un fallo crítico del alternador y ocasionar lesiones
failure and could result personal injury: personales:
* Excess Vibration * Exceso de vibración
* Overloading * Sobrecarga
* Syncronising outside of set parameters * Sincronización fuera de los parámetros establecidos
DO NOT exceed parameters on Ratings Plate and ensure NO DEBEN excederse los parámetros establecidos en la placa de
effective coupling of the generator to the engine using bolts to características y siempre hay que asegurarse de que el acoplamiento
avoid excessive vibration. Refer to specifications in the supplied del alternador con el motor se ha realizado con los pernos adecuados
Manual. para evitar el exceso de vibración. Consulte las especificaciones en el
Manual que se entrega junto con el equipo.

ADVERTENCIA: Los procedimientos de localización de averías

WARNING: Fault finding procedures present hazards, which presentan riesgos que pueden implicar lesiones graves e incluso
can result in injury or death. Only personnel qualified to perform la muerte. Únicamente el personal cualificado para efectuar
electrical and mechanical service should carry out these trabajos de servicio mecánico y eléctrico deberá llevar a cabo
procedures. Ensure engine-starting circuits are disabled before estos procedimientos. Compruebe que los circuitos de arranque
commencing service or maintenance procedures and refer to del motor están desconectados antes de proceder a las tareas de
detailed AVR instructions. Always use insulated screwdrivers mantenimiento o servicio, y consulte las instrucciones detalladas del
when using AVR. AVR. Use siempre destornilladores aislados para regular el AVR.

Note: Before commencing any fault finding procedures Nota: Antes de iniciar cualquier procedimiento de localización de
examine all wiring for broken or loose connections. averías, compruebe el estado del cableado y las conexiones para
asegurarse de que no están sueltos ni rotos.

ADVERTENCIA: No manipule generadores de imanes permanentes

WARNING: Do not handle PMG’s if you have mechanically
(PMG) si lleva implantado algún dispositivo mecánico, como un
implated devices; ie pacemakers.
marcapasos por ejemplo.

Caution: As the highly magnetic rotor will attract the stator Precaución: Como el rotor es altamente magnético y tenderá a atraer
core, care must be taken to avoid contact to avoid personal el núcleo del estátor, deberá procurar que no entren en contacto para
injury and potential damage the winding. evitar lesiones personales y posibles daños del devanado.

ADVERTENCIA: No coloque controles en las proximidades de

WARNING: Do not place controls within the vicinity of the air
las entradas o salidas de aire de la máquina, y asegúrese de
inlet/outlet of the machine and ensure personnel are restricted
que se impide el acceso del personal a estas zonas durante el
from these areas during operation. In the event of catastrophic
funcionamiento. En caso de producirse un fallo crítico, pueden salir
failure, machine parts may exit these areas.
piezas de la máquina por estas zonas.

CAUTION Warning Labels: Warning labels are affixed to the Generator. Etiquetas de advertencia: Las etiquetas de advertencia están
These must not be removed. If removed during painting, it pegadas en el alternador. No se deben quitar. Si se quitan o se pinta
is the genset manufacturer’s responsibility to reaffix warning sobre ellas, es responsabilidad del fabricante del equipo electrógeno
symbols back onto the generator. volver a pegar símbolos de advertencia en el alternador.

Directives: EC Declaration of Conformity: Each generator is supplied Declaración de conformidad CE: Todo alternador se suministra
2004/108/EC Low Voltage Directive with an ‘EC Declaration of Conformity’ in accordance with con una “Declaración de conformidad CE” de acuerdo con las
2006/95/EC EMC Directive the relevant EU directives designed for incorporation into correspondientes directivas de la UE relativas a equipos diseñados
2006/42/EC Machinery Directive an electricity generating set and is CE marked. The stated para su incorporación a un grupo electrógeno, y con la marca CE.
Standards have been applied. Our authorized representative in El equipo cumple las normas indicadas. Nuestro representante
Standards: the Community is Mr Jeffrey Matthews, Director, Engineering, autorizado en la Comunidad Europea es Jeffrey Matthews, Director de
EN 61000-6-1:2007 Cummins Generator Technologies Ltd. Ingeniería de Cummins Generator Technologies Ltd.
EN 61000-6-2:2005
EN 61000-6-4:2007
EN ISO 12100-1:2003
EN ISO 12100-1:2003
EN ISO 14121-1:2007
EN 60034-1:2004
BS ISO 8528-3:2005

Addendum2.indd 1 04/12/2009 11:36

Italiano Français Deutsche
Appendice ai manuali di installazione, Addendum aux manuels d’installation et de Ergänzung zu den Handbüchern für
assistenza e manutenzione dei generatori maintenance des alternateurs STAMFORD | AvK. Montage, Wartung und Instandhaltung
STAMFORD | AvK. Le seguenti misure di Les mesures de sécurité ci-dessous viennent für STAMFORD | AvK-Generatoren. Die
sicurezza vanno considerate in aggiunta a s’ajouter aux mesures décrites dans le manuel folgenden Sicherheitsvorkehrungen gelten
quelle descritte nel manuale di installazione. d’installation. zusätzlich zu denen im Montagehandbuch.


Accertarsi che tutto il personale in servizio, gli addetti Tout le personnel chargé de l’exploitation, de la
all’assistenza e alla manutenzione e tutti coloro che réparation ou de la maintenance de cet équipement, Alle Personen, die dieses Gerät bedienen, warten und
lavorano in prossimità del macchinario indossino gli ainsi que toute personne travaillant à proximité, doit instandhalten bzw. in dessen Nähe arbeiten, müssen
adeguati dispositivi di protezione individuale (DPI), incluso porter un équipement de protection individuelle (EPI) eine geeignete persönliche Schutzausrüstung (PSA),
protezioni per vista e udito, e che conoscano le procedure di adapté, notamment pour la protection des yeux et des einschließlich Augen- und Gehörschutz, tragen sowie
emergenza da seguire in caso di incidenti. di emergenza da oreilles, et avoir pleine connaissance des procédures die Notfallverfahren bei Unfällen kennen.
seguire in caso di incidenti. d’urgence à adopter en cas d’accidents.

Prima di effettuare le operazioni di manutenzione sul Avant toute intervention de maintenance sur Vor der Durchführung von Wartungsarbeiten am
generatore, assicurarsi che sia isolato da qualsiasi l’alternateur, celui-ci doit être isolé de toutes les Generator muss er von allen mechanischen und
fonte di energia meccanica o elettrica. Si raccomanda di sources d’énergie mécanique et électrique. Il est elektrischen Energiequellen getrennt werden. Die
adottare un’adeguata procedura di sicurezza di blocco e recommandé d’adopter une procédure de consignation/ Einführung eines geeigneten Einschaltsicherungs- und
segnalazione. déconsignation appropriée. Spannungsfreischaltungsverfahren wird empfohlen.

Les alternateurs émettent du bruit d’un niveau sonore Generatoren erzeugen Schall. Es muss zu jeder
I generatori emettono rumore. Assicurarsi di indossare
élevé. Une protection adéquate des oreilles doit être Zeit ein Gehörschutz getragen werden. A-bewertete
sempre le protezioni acustiche. I livelli di emissioni pesate
portée en toute circonstance. Le niveau de pression Schallpegel können einen Maximalwert von 104 dB (A)
possono raggiungere 104 db (A). Contattare il sito per
acoustique pondéré A peut atteindre 104 db (A). Pour erreichen. Anlagenspezifische Einzelheiten sind am
informazioni specifiche disponibili per l’applicazione.
des informations plus spécifiques, contactez le site. Einsatzstandort in Erfahrung zu bringen.

AVERTISSEMENT: Les facteurs suivants peuvent VORSICHT! Folgendes kann zu einem

ATTENZIONE: le seguenti condizioni possono determinare entraîner une défaillance grave de l’alternateur schwerwiegenden Generatorausfall mit
guasti irreparabili nel generatore e lesioni al personale: susceptible de causer des blessures : Personenschäden führen:
* Eccessive vibrazioni * Vibrations excessives * Übermäßige Schwingungen
* Sovraccarico * Surcharge * Überlastung
* Sincronizzazione al di fuori dei parametri impostati * Synchronisation en dehors des tolérances * Synchronisation außerhalb der eingestellten
NON superare i parametri riportati sulla targhetta con i dati prescrites Parameter
di funzionamento e assicurarsi del corretto accoppiamento NE dépassez JAMAIS les tolérances indiquées sur la Die Parameter auf dem Leistungsschild dürfen
tra generatore e motore per mezzo di adeguati bulloni al fine plaque signalétique. Veillez à accoupler correctement NICHT überschritten werden. Der Generator muss mit
di evitare un eccessivo livello di vibrazioni. Fare riferimento l’alternateur au moteur à l’aide de boulons appropriés geeigneten Schrauben am Motor befestigt werden, um
alle specifiche contenute nel manuale in dotazione. de façon à éviter les vibrations excessives. Reportez- übermäßige Schwingungen zu vermeiden. Siehe die
vous aux spécifications du manuel fourni. technischen Daten im mitgelieferten Handbuch.
AVERTISSEMENT: Les procédures de dépannage
ATTENZIONE: le procedure per la ricerca guasti espongono comportent des risques d’accidents, parfois mortels. VORSICHT! Fehlerbehebungsmaßnahmen stellen
ad alcuni rischi che possono causare infortuni e anche Seul le personnel ayant la qualification nécessaire à eine potenzielle Gefahr dar, die zu Verletzungen oder
la morte. Queste procedure, pertanto, vanno affidate l’exécution des opérations de maintenance électrique zu Todesfällen führen kann! Diese Arbeiten dürfen nur
esclusivamente a personale qualificato a eseguire interventi et mécanique est autorisé à exécuter ces procédures. von entsprechend qualifizierten Fachkräften ausgeführt
elettromeccanici. Prima di iniziare le procedure di assistenza Avant d’entreprendre une procédure de réparation, de werden. Vor Wartungs- oder Instandhaltungsverfahren
o manutenzione, verificare che i circuiti di avviamento révision ou de maintenance, vérifiez que les circuits de muss sichergestellt werden, dass Einschaltstromkreise
motore siano stati disattivati e fare riferimento alle istruzioni démarrage du moteur sont désactivés et reportez-vous deaktiviert sind. Siehe die ausführlichen AVR-
dell’AVR. Durante la regolazione dell’AVR usare sempre aux instructions détaillées relatives au régulateur de Anweisungen. Für die AVR-Einstellung sind stets
giraviti isolati. tension AVR. Utilisez toujours des tournevis isolés pour isolierte Schraubendreher zu verwenden.
ajuster le régulateur de tension AVR.
Nota: prima di avviare qualsiasi procedura di ricerca Hinweis: Vor Fehlerbehebungsmaßnahmen sind
guasti, esaminare tutto il cablaggio per rilevare eventuali Remarque : Avant d’entreprendre une procédure de alle Kabel auf schadhafte oder lose Verbindungen zu
connessioni interrotte o lente. dépannage, vérifiez tout le câblage pour vous assurer überprüfen.
que les connexions ne sont ni coupées ni desserrées.

ATTENZIONE: non manipolare il PMG (Permanent Magnet AVERTISSEMENT: Ne manipulez pas l’excitatrice PMG VORSICHT! Personen, die Implantate, z.
Generator, generatore a magnete permanente) in caso di si vous portez un dispositif mécanique implanté tel B. Herzschrittmacher, tragen, dürfen keine
presenza di dispositivi impiantati, ad es. pacemaker. qu’un pacemaker. Dauermagnetgeneratoren handhaben.

Avviso: il rotore magnetico, molto potente, attrae il nucleo Attention: Le rotor étant hautement magnétisé, il attire Achtung! Da der stark magnetische Rotor den
dello statore; è necessario, pertanto, fare attenzione per fortement le paquet de tôles stator. Veillez donc à éviter Statorkern anzieht, ist Vorsicht geboten, damit die
evitare contatti che potrebbero danneggiare l’avvolgimento e tout contact entre les deux pour ne pas risquer de vous Wicklung nicht durch eine Berührung beschädigt und
causare lesioni personali. blesser ou d’endommager le bobinage. Verletzungen vermieden werden.

VORSICHT! Bedienelemente dürfen nicht in der Nähe

ATTENZIONE: non posizionare i comandi nelle immediate AVERTISSEMENT: Ne placez pas les commandes
der Luftein- und Luftauslässe angeordnet werden.
vicinanze della presa d’aria e dello scarico della macchina à proximité des entrées/sorties d’air de la machine.
Während des Betriebs sind Personen von diesen
e assicurarsi che il personale non abbia accesso a tali aree Empêchez l’accès du personnel à ces zones pendant
Bereichen fernzuhalten. Im Fall eines schwerwiegenden
durante il funzionamento. In caso di guasto irreversibile, da le fonctionnement. En cas de défaillance grave, des
Ausfalls können u. U. Maschinenteile aus diesen
tali aree potrebbero fuoriuscire parti della macchina. pièces sont susceptibles de tomber à cet endroit.
Bereichen austreten.

Etiquettes d’avertissement: Des étiquettes

Warnschilder: Am Generator sind Warnschilder
Etichette di segnalazione d’attenzione: le etichette di d’avertissement sont apposées sur l’alternateur. Elles
angebracht. Diese Warnschilder dürfen nicht entfernt
segnalazione d’attenzione sono affisse sul generatore. ne doivent pas être retirées. Si les étiquettes originales
werden. Wurden sie entfernt oder überstrichen, liegt
Non devono essere rimosse. In caso di rimozione o se sont retirées ou recouvertes de peinture, il est de la
es in der Verantwortung des Generatorsatzherstellers
coperte da vernice, è responsabilità del produttore affiggere responsabilité du constructeur du groupe électrogène
die jeweiligen Warnsymbole wieder am Generator
nuovamente i simboli di avvertenza sul generatore. d’apposer de nouveaux symboles d’avertissement
appropriés sur l’alternateur.

Dichiarazione di conformità CE: Ciascun generatore EG-Konformitätserklärung: Jeder Generator wird mit
Déclaration de conformité CE: Chaque alternateur
è marcato CE ed è corredato dalla “Dichiarazione di einer EG-Konformitätserklärung gemäß den geltenden
fourni est marqué CE et accompagné d’une déclaration
conformità CE” in conformità con le direttive europee EU-Richtlinien für den Einbau in einen Generatorsatz
de conformité aux directives européennes relatives à
applicabili nel settore dei gruppi elettrogeni. Gli standard für die Stromversorgung ausgeliefert und trägt das
l’incorporation dans un groupe électrogène. Il répond
menzionati sono stati applicati. Il nostro rappresentante CE-Kennzeichen. Die aufgeführten Normen wurden
aux normes indiquées. Notre représentant autorisé
autorizzato per la Comunità Europea è Jeffrey Matthews, angewendet. Unser in der Gemeinschaft ansässiger
est M. Jeffrey Matthews, directeur de l’ingénierie de
Direttore responsabile engineering, Cummins Generator Bevollmächtigter ist Herr Jeffrey Matthews, Director,
Cummins Generator Technologies Ltd.
Technologies Ltd. Engineering, Cummins Generator Technologies Ltd.

Copyright 2009, Cummins Generator Technologies Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Stamford and AvK are registered trade marks of Cummins Generator Technologies Ltd
Cummins and the Cummins logo are registered trade marks of Cummins Inc.
Part Number: TD_MD_12_09_01 JS/SM

Addendum2.indd 2 04/12/2009 11:36

Read this advice as well as additional parts can be found in the
the operating instructions documentation.
supplied prior to
commissioning or storage of The documentation, including the
the generator. operating instructions, are part of the
Any works on the generator have to be machine and have to be passed on to the
performed by qualified and trained next user in case the generator is sold or
personnel only. moved.
Any person, working on the generator
has to read and understand these 1.2 Liability and guarantee
operating instructions.
All statements and advice in the operating
instructions are made under consideration
1. General Notes of our present knowledge and experience.

1.1 Important notes for users The technical information

and data, described in this
In the following instructions you will find manual, is the correct state
important information and safety advice for of information at time of
transportation, installation and operation printing. We reserve the right to
for AvK generators of the series DSG and changes due to technical progress
DIG. without changing this operating
instruction. Accordingly, no claims can
AvK generators are designed for different be made from statements and
applications for the use on land as well as descriptions in this manual.
offshore. Series DIG is dimensioned for a
nominal voltage bigger than 1 kV, DSG for
a nominal voltage up to 1 kV. Please refer We will not be liable for any damages or
to the rating plate mounted on the breakdowns due to operating mistakes in
generator for design data and as well as in disregard of these instruction or improper
the data of the respective order. repairs.

Any works on the generator has to be We particularly point out, that spare parts
performed by qualified and trained and additional parts not supplied by AvK,
personnel only. The necessary have to be accepted by AvK. AvK will
qualification can be obtained by training or exclude any liability for damages that
courses through the manufacturer. result from the use of spare and additional
Technicians can obtain a special parts that have not been accepted by AvK.
generator training at AvK Germany. The installation or use of foreign products
may possibly change the constructively
The installation should preferably be given design of the electric machine in a
performed by an AvK service technician or negative way, and may restrict the safety
by a specially trained qualified technician. of persons, machine or other values.

The operating instructions are to be kept Any unauthorized modifications and

close to the generator and have to be changes on the generator are not allowed
available for the personnel at any time. for reasons of safety and will exclude any
liability of AvK for resulting damages. If
Please take notice of the safety transformers supplied by the customer
precautions in chapter 2. Further safety shall be installed in the terminal box, AvK
precautions are mentioned in the has to be consulted first.
respective chapters.
The preceding notes do not extend the
The order related data of the generator as terms of liability and guarantee of the
well as the operating instructions for general delivery terms of AvK.

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH Page 2

Manufacturer's Address
Follow all warnings and
AvK Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG advice and act very carefully
Bunsenstraße 17 in these cases. Inform all
D-85053 Ingolstadt persons working on the
generator about all work-safety
Phone (+49) (0)841 / 792-0 regulations.
FAX (+49) (0)841 / 792-250

All rights reserved. Reprints 2.2 Signs on the generator

or copies - even extracts -
need the permission of AvK. At particular dangerous points on the
generator you will find safety notes. To
2. Safety Precautions avoid damages to persons or values these
safety notes have to be followed very
During transportation, installation, strictly.
commissioning and maintenance, certain
works might have to be performed on the
generator, e.g. on feet support, shaft end, Achtung!
bearings, terminal box, etc. The working Betriebsanleitung
area and area of danger includes the Im Klemmenkasten!
surroundings of the generator and the Vor Inbetriebnahme unbedingt lesen.
prime mover.
During normal operation, the working area Caution!
should be limited to the operating and Operating instructions are inside the
monitoring devices of the switchboard. terminal box. These must be read prior to
Despite taking into consideration all safety
precautions, the generator may be a The documents for the generator are in
source of danger, electrically and the terminal box
mechanically. To avoid damages to
persons and values, all safety precautions
have strictly to be followed. Transportsicherungen.
Vor Inbetriebnahme entfernen
Beside all safety notes in the operating
instruction the local safety precautions and Transport Safety Devices
rules for the prevention of accidents have Remove prior to commissioning.
to be followed. During transportation the rotor is secured
against shifting. The transport safety
2.1 Description of symbols and advice devices have to be removed before
The following symbols are used in the
instructions to highlight particular points
and actions: Maschine nicht betriebsfähig!

Machine out of order

Warning! Life in danger!

This sign is mounted when the installation

of transformers in the terminal box is
Danger! necessary. The transformers have to be
installed prior to commissioning. In this
case the installation manual for the
Besides these safety notes all local valid transformers is in the terminal box and in
instructions for safety and accident the enclosed documents.
prevention have to be followed.
Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH Page 3
All safety devices like covers, barriers and
E-Teile im Klemmenkasten protections have to be in place and must
be functioning perfectly at all times.
Spare Parts are inside
It is not permitted to operate
the generator with damaged
Spare parts that are delivered with the safety devices!
generator are in the terminal box. The
spare parts have to be removed.
2.3 Safety at site

ABSTANDSMAß-PROTOKOLL For operating the electrical machine the

AM GLEICHRICHTERTÄGER responsibilities have to be determined
clearly and kept, so that no unclear
Mounting-distance test-report is inside situation regarding safety may occur.
The generator must only be operated
when it is in an excellent state and
For the alignment of single bearing according to the design data. Any change
machines it is important to keep the that reduces the safety has to be reported
mounting distance between rotor and to the responsible person immediately.
stator on the NDE of the generator.
The respective report can be found on the Modifications on the
rectifier carrier at the NDE of the machine are only allowed in
generator. agreement with AvK and
these are to be performed
under supervision of qualified
ACHTUNG! personnel.
Vor Inbetriebnahme Öl einfüllen.
Menge und Qualität laut Beschreibung The way to the operating and monitoring
devices has to be free and must not be
Caution! obstructed by any objects.
Fill in oil prior to commissioning!
Please refer to operating instructions of Prior to commissioning and
the sleeve bearing manufacturer for during maintenance works, all
amount and quality. persons in the danger area
have to be warned. They must
Generators with sleeve bearings need oil be ordered to leave the area.
to be re-filled before commissioning. The
instructions from the sleeve bearing After completion of work, the generator
manufacturer are enclosed. must be checked by qualified personnel to
ensure it is in a safe working state.
2.2 Safety Devices
2.4 Safety precautions for maintenance
Special covers are mounted to protect
against mechanical danger (e.g. rotating Maintenance should normally
parts). Protection against electrical danger only be performed when the
is provided by covers and devices against generator is out of operation
over-voltage and over-current. It is not (except for the re-lubrication
allowed to change or dismount any safety of anti-friction bearings). The prime
devices or to put them out of order. mover has to be disconnected.

Unprotected machine parts may cause After completion of the maintenance work,
severe injuries. it must be ensured that all protection and
safety devices are back in place properly.

2.5 Special Dangers

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH Page 4
complete unit (generator and prime
The operator of the machine mover)
has to take care, that the
rules for fire protection are • For transporting the machine, the
kept and the equivalent following devices are permitted:
agents for fire extinction are available
near the machine and ready for use. - Cable and chains,

3. Shipping, Handling, Storage that comply with the local regulations,

that have a sufficient carrying capacity,
3.1 Safety precautions for transport that are in an excellent working condition

Please comply with the local It is not permitted to use

valid regulations for cables that are torn or worn.
shipments. Cables and chains may not be
knotted. Cables and chains
must not touch any sharp edges.
Never move loads over - Lifting devices: cranes
persons! overhead cranes

• The shipment and the unloading of the • Moving the machine over rough
generator must only be performed by ground e.g. rails, by using a haulage
personnel, who are familiar with the car is not permitted. This may cause
lifting cranes and corresponding damage to the bearings and the
devices. windings. This is especially important
for the moving of the machine within
• The lifting devices have to be designed the factory.
for the weight of the generator
(Chapter 3.4). 3.2 Packaging

• Follow the shipping instructions The material used for the packing of the
(pictographs) on the cover of the generator is made of ozone-friendly
generator. material – like wood. The packaging
depends on the mode of transport used –
• The generator must only be supported surface, water or air freight.
on its feet. The support on any other When the transport time is for a longer
part is not permitted. That is why the period, then the generator will be packed
generator is delivered with a in a protective covering against dust or
transportation construction. humidity.

• For the lifting of the generator, ring 3.3 Checking for Shipping Damage
bolts are mounted on the generator
housing. We recommend checking the
generator for shipping
Ring bolts, that are mounted damages and complete
on add-on pieces like e.g. the delivery by the time of
cooler top, must not be used delivery.
to lift the whole machine!
They are only used as mounting device If there are damages on the goods (open
for these add-ons. damages) report these to the haulage
contractor at take-over. In this case, the
• The ring bolts can only be used for the receipt should only be given under
transport of the separate machine, reservation with a written statement
they are not designed to lift the regarding the estimated amount of the
Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH Page 5
If damages that were not noticeable by the
time of delivery (covered damages), are
detected later, they have to be reported
promptly to AvK, latest 6 days after receipt
of the delivery.

3.4 Unloading the generator

The unloading has to be performed in

compliance with the safety precautions for
transport (see chapter 3.1) and the local
safety precautions and rules for the
prevention of accidents.

Please refer to the freight

papers and the data of the
respective order (Rating
plate) for the weight of the
The weight of the generator is also
written on the rating plate.

3.5 Storage of the generator

After unloading, the

generator and possible
boxes with loose parts have
to be stored until installation,
following the shipping instructions.

Wrapped parts and assessories must not

be unwrapped if the generator is stored for
a longer period of time.

The machine and packages have to be

stored in a safe place, dust-free and dry
(humidity < 75%). Avoid mechanical
vibrations and damages.

If it is planned to store the

generator for a longer period
of time, please contact AvK
for further information.

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH Page 6

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH
Bunsenstraße 17
85053 Ingolstadt, Germany
Phone: +49(0)841-792-0
Fax: +49(0)841-792-250

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH

Dreieich Office
Benzstraße 47-49
63303 Dreieich, Germany
Phone: +49(0)6103-5039-0
Fax: +49(0)6103-5039-40

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH Page 7

AvK Checklist to Order No. Page 2

Customer: .............................................................

Order No.: .............................................................

Generator Type: .............................................................

Operation Hours: .............................................................

Bearing design: Roller bearing 

Sleeve bearing 

Replacement of oil:  

Bearing inspection performed:  

I. Electrical Inspection

Pos. 1.1 - 1.19

II. Mechanical Inspection

Pos. 2.1 - 2.20

III. Test Run

Pos. 3.1 - 3.14

IV. Maintenance Result

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH Page 2

AvK Checklist to Order No. Page 3

Environmental Conditions:

a) Location: building  marine 

b) Atmosperic conditions: dry  high humidity 

dust  salt 

c) Ventilation: unrestricted  adequate 

restricted  inadequate 

Operating Conditions:

a) Site duty: single  parallel  idle 

b) Duty cycle: 24 hours  daily  occasionally  standby

c) Load condition: inductive  non linear 

d) Operation: manned  unmanned 

Generator Conditions:

a) Dirt content: slight dust  light layer dirt 

thick dust  thick compact dirt 

b) Corrosion: none, very little  steel/iron 

copper  severe  (....................)

c) Engine: Type: ....................

Serial No.: ....................
Fuel: ....................

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH Page 3

AvK Checklist to Order No. Page 4

I. Electrical Inspection

performed Complaints
see page 11

 1.1 Examination of cable entry and cable shoes 

to main terminal box

 1.2 Examination of strain relief of connecting power cables 

 1.3 Check of fixation of transformers installed 

 1.4 Examination of cable entry and cable shoes 

to auxiliary terminal box

 1.5 Check of strain relief of connection cables 

 1.6 Insulation test of stator windings 

 a) Stator winding phase U against ground 

Resistance ............. MΩ Voltage ............. V

 b) Stator winding phase V against ground 

Resistance ............. MΩ Voltage ............. V

 c) Stator winding phase W against ground 

Resistance ............. MΩ Voltage ............. V

1.7 Insulation test of stator windings

 a) Stator winding phase U against phase V 

Resistance ............. MΩ Voltage ............. V

 b) Stator winding phase U against phase W 

Resistance ............. MΩ Voltage ............. V

 c) Stator winding phase W against phase V 

Resistance ............. MΩ Voltage ............. V

 1.8 Resistance measurement of stator 

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH Page 4

AvK Checklist to Order No. Page 5

performed Complaints
see page 11

 1.9 Check and re-tightening of all screws and nuts 

in main terminal box by dynamometric key

 1.10 Cleaning and examination of insulators for cracks 

 1.11 Re-tightening of contact screws and nuts on 

auxiliary terminal strip

 1.12 Resistance measurement of auxiliary windings 

 1.13 Insulation test of auxiliary windings 

 1.14 Examination of anti-condensation heater 

............. V ............. A

 1.15 Insulation resistance measurement of rotor winding

 a) Insulation measurement main rotor 

Resistance ............. MΩ Voltage ............. V

 b) Insulation measurement exciter rotor 

Resistance ............. MΩ Voltage ............. V

 1.16 Resistance measurement of rotor 

 1.17 Inspection of rotating rectifiers 

 1.18 Inspection of stator end winding with endoscope 

 Inspection of stator end winding without endoscope 

 1.19 Inspection of rotor winding with endoscope 

 Inspection of rotor winding without endoscope 

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH Page 5

AvK Checklist to Order No. Page 6

II. Mechanical Inspection

performed Complaints
see page 11

Sleeve Bearing Design

Oil lubrication system installed:  

 2.1 Check of oil level in sleeve bearing 

 2.2 Check for leakage of sleeve bearings 

 2.3 Inspection of sleeve bearing with endoscope 

 Inspection of sleeve bearing without endoscope 

 2.4 Check of oil quantity of oil lubrication system 

 2.5 Check of oil pressure of oil lubrication system: 

.................... mbar

 2.6 Check of oil temperature of oil lubrication system 

 2.7 Check of oil pressure inside the bearing housing 

.................... mbar

 2.8 Check of lubrication ring 

 2.9 Check for any corrosion on drive side and non-drive side bearing 

 2.10 Oil viscosity used: according to ISO VG ................. 

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH Page 6

AvK Checklist to Order No. Page 7

performed Complaints
see page 11

Roller/Ball Bearing Design

 2.11 Relubrication of roller/ball bearing according to operating instructions 

 2.12 Removal of surplus grease 

 2.13 Removal of old grease from bearing covers 

Additional Mechanical Checks

 2.14 Inspection of abrasion of earthing brush 

 2.15 Inspection of base frame for mechanical deviations 

Mounting of alternator / Check of feet fixation

 2.16 Visual inspection of the drive coupling 

 2.17 Check of inlet and outlet airducts for dust and dirt 

 2.18 Check of inlet and outlet airducts for corrosion 

 2.19 Cooler / leakage monitoring 

 2.20 Check of drainage stoppers / drainage for condensation 


Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH Page 7

AvK Checklist to Order No. Page 8

III. Test Run

performed Complaints
see page 11

 3.1 Check whether earthing switch is disconnected 

 3.2 Check of bearing noise 

 3.3 SPM bearing analysis: DE: LR .......... HR .......... 

NDE: LR .......... HR .......... 

 3.4 Check of oil amount in sleeve bearings during operation 

 3.5 Effectivity of lubrication ring 

 3.6 Tripping of temperature protector for check 

of alarm and shut down

 3.7 Vibration test / Vibration values (mm/s) 

DE: .......... Hor. .......... Ver. .......... Axi.

NDE: .......... Hor. .......... Ver. .......... Axi.

Frame: ............. Airduct inlet: ............. Airduct outlet: .............

Output: ............. kW

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH Page 8

AvK Checklist to Order No. Page 9

performed Complaints
see page 11

 3.8 Check of regulator functions at no-load operation 

a) Exciter current at rated voltage and rated speed:

I1-I1': ............. A

b) Exciter current at rated load:

I1-I1': ............. A

c) Supply voltage: UH1-UH2: ............. V

UH1-WH2: ............. V

WH1-WH2: ............. V

d) Under speed protection: H1 LED off ............. Hz

 3.9 Check of parallel operation 

Check of distribution of load

Statics adjustment .......... %

 3.10 Check of overcurrent and short circuit protection trip 

 3.11 Check of differential protective trip 

 3.12 Check of exciter monitoring system 

TO 109/110.1 

 3.13 Check of generator voltage in parallel operation 

grid voltage min.: ............. kV

grid voltage max.: ............. kV

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH Page 9

AvK Checklist to Order No. Page 10

performed Complaints
see page 11

 3.14 Bearing and winding temperature after continuous 











Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH Page 10

AvK Checklist to Order No. Page 11

IV. Maintenance Result










 The operation of the alternator can be continued without immediate

elimination of the complaints.

 Electrical and mechanical checks were performed without any


 The alternator must be stopped immediately due to the complaints.

Date: ________________ ________________________

(Signature Customer)


Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH Page 11

AvK Checklist to Order No. Page 12

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH

Bunsenstraße 17
85053 Ingolstadt, Germany
Phone: +49(0)841-792-0
Fax: +49(0)841-792-250

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH

Dreieich Office
Benzstraße 47-49
63303 Dreieich, Germany
Phone: +49(0)6103-5039-0
Fax: +49(0)6103-5039-40

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH Page 12

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany Gmbh Page 1 of 2

Suggested Maintenance Schedule for AvK Order No.:


Pos. A Components Frequency Maintenance Carried out by

1 General alternator check 12 month According to AvK Checklist. AvK

Pos. B Additional components Frequency Maintenance Carried out by

1 Rotor windings 12 month *) The insulation resistance must be checked with a megger AvK
when the alternator has reached ambient temperature.
2 Exciter approx. 25,000 h *) Remove any accumulated dust from the rotating rectifier AvK
and the exciter stator. Check if the electrical connections
are secure.
3 Rectifier assembly approx. 25,000 h *) Remove dirt adhering to the rectifier unit parts. AvK
4 Stator end winding approx. 25,000 h *) Inspect and remove deposits of dust, dirt and grease. Do AvK
not use any abrassive materials or fluids. Use only

Caution: In case of heavy winding contamination please

call the AvK Service Department.
5 Protection equipment 12 month *) Check mechanical and electrical connections according AvK
to the supplier´s specification / manual.
6 Space heater 6 month Ensure that the electrical heater is operating to prevent Customer
condensation. Check the power supply as well as the
insulation resistance.

*) Maintenance frequency depends on the operating conditions at site.

POD-intro-AvK-eng-maintenance.xls Service / Steller Date: 18.04.2000

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany Gmbh Page 2 of 2

Suggested Maintenance Schedule for AvK Order No.:


Pos. B Additional components Frequency Maintenance Carried out by

7 Ball and roller bearings Grease relubrication acc. Check oil or grease for any contamination particles. AvK / Customer
to supplier´s manual
and/or name plate.

6 month SPM bearing analysis. AvK

8 Sleeve bearing: Oil ring 6 month Ensure that the oil ring is rotating freely and picking up Customer
enough oil when the shaft is turning.
9 Sleeve bearing: Oil seals 6 month Check for oil leaks. Customer

25,000 h *) The oil seals must be changed. AvK

10 Sleeve bearing: Complete check 50,000 h The bearing check must be done (according to supplier´s AvK
manual) and the oil seals must be changed.
11 Oil pipes and flanges 6 month Check for oil leaks. Customer
After the first 500 running hours it is recommended to
tighten the screws of the flanges again.
12 Sleeve bearing: Oil level monthly The oil level must be visible in the viewing glass. Customer
(Approx. one third of the diameter.)
13 Bearing earthing brush 3 month Check the earthing brush for abrasion. Customer
14 Dust filter 3 month *) At the appropriate intervals, the filters must be checked Customer
to establish their degree of contamination with dust and
15 Cooler 6 month Check the cooler elements and leakage detector. Customer
16 Complete alternator 100,000 h Review with manufacturer for recommendations for full AvK
inspection / overhaul.

*) Maintenance frequency depends on the operating conditions at site.

POD-intro-AvK-eng-maintenance.xls Service / Steller Date: 18.04.2000

Service / Warranty / Maintenance / Repair Quotes

FINLAND Fiona Barkhouse +44 (0) 1780 484742
FRANCE Richard Hardy Shay Binder +44 (0) 1780 484744
MARKON ITALY Tel +44 (0) 1780 484771 Bruno Labinjan +44 (0) 1780 484798
STAMFORD NORTH AFRICA Fax +44 (0) 1780 484104 Fax +44 (0) 1780 766074
AvK NORWAY Mobile +44 (0)7801 096641 Mobile +44 (0)771 8339215
SWEDEN email: email:
Bernard Haje
GERMANY Anita Albrich
MARKON Tel +49 841 792 163
AUSTRIA Tel +49 841 791 192
STAMFORD Fax +49 841 791 195
HUNGARY Fax +49 841 791 103
AvK Mobile +49 171 937 0775
Fiona Barkhouse
John Johnson
Tel +44 (0) 1780 484742
MARKON Tel +34 (0) 91-879 1277
SPAIN Fax +44 (0) 1780 766074
STAMFORD Fax +34 (0) 91- 879 1277
PORTUGAL Mobile +44(0)7718339215
AvK Mobile +34 (0)629-183 929
Judy Smith
Americas Parts Team
NORTH AMERICA Louie Shar Toll Free Tel (USA and Central
MARKON SOUTH AMERICA Americas Service Team America) 1-800 367 2764 Ext. 5
STAMFORD MEXICO & Toll Free Tel (0) 800 367 2764 1 763 528 7301 Ext. 5
AvK CENTRAL AMERICA Toll Free Fax (0) 800 863 9234 Toll Free Fax (USA and Central
CANADA email: America) 1-800 8963 9243
1763 574 5082
Theo Dragonas Theo Dragonas
MARKON AUSTRALIA Tel +61 (0) 296802299 Tel +61 (0) 296802299
STAMFORD NEW ZEALAND Fax +61 (0) 29680 1545 Fax +61 (0) 29680 1545
AvK SOUTH PACIFIC Mobile +61 (0) 412 886645 Mobile +61 (0) 412 886645
email: email:
V Devarajan V Devarajan
Tel. +912066246700 Tel. +912066246700
Fax. +912066025331 Fax. +912066025331
Mobile No. +91822395641 Mobile No. +91822395641
email: email:
Richard Lee Cynthia Chua (STAMFORD /
SINGAPORE Tel.+65 6305 3158 Ext 158 MARKON)
MALAYSIA Fax. +6563053151/2 Tel +65 6305 3169 Ext 169
PHILIPINES Mobile. +65 97595606 Fax. +65 6305 3151/2
INDONESIA email: email:
VIETNAM Tay Chek Chuan Cyril Ee (AvK)
JAPAN Tel. +65 6305 3158 Ext 158 Tel: +65 6305 3156 Ext 156
KOREA Fax. +656305 3151/2 Fax. +65 6305 3151/2
Mobile: +6591137511 email:
Ryan Xie
Mike Tami (Japan) Tel: +65 6305 3172 Ext 172
Tel +81 (0) 3 5735 0852 Fax: +65 6305 3151/2
Fax. +81(0) 5735 0788 Mobile: +65 9712 2009
Mobile: +81 (0 )80 5075 2979 email:
Mike Tami (Japan)
Tel +81 (0) 3 5735 0852
Fax. +81(0) 5735 0788
Mobile: +81 (0) 80 5075 2979
Jason Xu (Wuxi / Jiangsu)
Jason Xu (Wuxi / Jiangsu)
Tel +86 510 8110 3027 or +86 510
+86 510 8110 3027 or +86 510 8110 Ext 3027
8110 Ext 3027
Fax. +86 510 8521 7673
Fax. +86 510 8521 7673
+86 510 8521 7603
or Fax: +86 510 8521 7603
MARKON Mobile: +86 139 5157 0763
Mobile: +86 139 5157 0763
Jianguo Xu
Jianguo Xu
Tel: +86 510 81103088
Tel: +86 510 81103088
Mobile +86 150 5221 9180
Mobile +86 150 5221 9180
Bernard Haje
Tel +49 841 792 163
Fax +49 841 791 195 Anita Albrich
Mobile +49 171 937 0775 Tel +49 841 791 192
email: Fax +49 841 791 103
24 HOUR HELP DESK: +44 (0)1780 484732
Richard Hardy
Tel +44 (0) 1780 484771
Fax +44 (0) 1780 484104 Fiona Barkhouse
ALL OTHER Mobile +44 (0)7801 096641 Tel +44 (0) 1780 484742
COUNTRIES email: service- Fax +44 (0) 1780 766074
WORLDWIDE Mobile +44 (0)7718339215
24 HOUR HELP DESK: +44 (0)1780 484732
HEAD OFFICE: Cummins Generator Technologies Ltd ITALY Cummins Generator Technologies Italy s.r.l.
UK Barnack Road Via Carducci 125
Stamford Sesto San Giovanni
Lincolnshire PE9 2NB Milan – 20099
Tel: +44 (0) 1780 484000 Tel: +39 (0)2 380 00714
Fax: +44 (0) 1780 484100 Fax: +39 (0)2 380 03664

Cummins Generator Technologies JAPAN Sole Distributor for Japan:

Stamford Business Park Sawafuji Electric Co. Ltd
Ryhall Road Tokyo Office, Sakuma Seika Bldg. 7 F
Stamford 2-51-13, Ikebukuro, Toshima-Ku
Lincolnshire PE9 1XT Tokyo 171-0014, Japan
Tel: +44 (0) 1780 484000 Tel: +81 3 5391 1221
Fax: +44 (0) 1780 484107 Fax: +81 3 5391 1228
Nitta Plant:
Markon Sawafuji Tel: +81 276 56 7043
Lands End Way Fax: +81 276 56 6075
Rutland LE15 6RB
Tel: +44 (0) 1572 723811 MEXICO Cummins Generator Technologies Mexico
Fax: +44 (0) 1572 756856 Av. Circuito Mexico No. 185
Parque Industrial 3 Naciones
San Luis Potosi, SLP
AUSTRALIA Cummins Generator Technologies Australia C.P. 78395
PO Box 6027 Tel: +52 444 870 4400
Baulkham Hills Business Centre Fax: +52 444 870 4471
Baulkham Hills NSW 2153
Tel: +61 2 9680 2299
Fax: +61 2 9680 1545 NORWAY Cummins Generator Technologies Norway
Osloveien 20, N-1430 Ås
CANADA Cummins Generator Technologies Canada Norway
2275 Lakeshore Blvd. West
Etobicoke Tel:: +47 64 97 45 40
Ontario M8V 3Y3 Fax: +47 64 97 45 41
Tel: +1 416 259 3741
Fax: +1 416 259 7167
ROMANIA Cummins Generator Technologies Romania
CHINA Cummins Generator Technologies China B-dul Decebal Nr. 116A
No. 11 Xiang Jiang Road 200746 Craiova Dolj
High-Technical Industrial Dev. Zone Tel: +40 351 443200
Wuxi Jiangsu 214028 Fax: +40 351 443201
Tel: +86 510 8110 3088
Fax: +86 510 8521 7673 SINGAPORE Cummins Generator Technologies Singapore
10 Toh Guan Road #05-04
Suite 711, 7th Floor, TT International Tradepark
Metro Tower , Singapore 608 838
30 TianYaoQiao Road , Tel: +65 6305 3150
Shanghai 200030, China Fax: +65 6305 3152
Tel: +86 21 6085 2600
Fax: +86 21 6085 2777
SPAIN Cummins Generator Technologies Spain
GERMANY Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH Poligono Industrial "Los Linares"
Benzstraße 47-49 Avda. De Fuenlabrada 38
D-63303 Dreieich E-28970 Humanes de Madrid
Tel: +49 (0) 61 03 50 39 0 Tel: +34 91 498 2000
Fax: +49 (0) 61 03 50 39 40 Fax: +34 91 498 2004

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH

Bunsenstraße 17 USA Cummins Generator Technologies USA
D-85053 Ingolstadt 1400 73rd Ave N.E.
Tel: +49 (0) 8 41/7 92 - 0 Fridley, MN 55432
Fax: +49 (0) 8 41/7 92 - 250 Tel: +1 763 528 7301
Fax: +1 763 574 5082
INDIA Cummins Generator Technologies India
Godrej Eternia-C, B'Wing, 5th Floor, Wakdewadi,
Mumbai-Pune Road, Shivajinagar, Pune 411 005,
Tel.: +91 (0) 20 66246700
Fax: +91 (0) 20 66025331

C - 33, M.I.D.C. Ahmednagar 414 111

Tel.: +91 (0) 241 6603464 - 73
Fax: +91 (0) 241 2777494
G-06, M.I.D.C. Ranjangaon Ganapati,
Taluk Shirur, Dist. Pune 412 220
Tel.: +91 (0) 2138 399000
Fax: +91 (0) 2138 399098
Circuit Diagram
Seite 1 Legende zum Schaltbild Nr. Legend to Circuit Diagram No.
Page 1 K 850.3.261 K 850.3.261

B5 Spannungsregler UNITROL 1000 Automatic voltage regulator UNITROL 1000

ABB Reglerbeschreibung 3BHS116747_E20 See ABB’s wiring diagram 3BHS116747_E20
Rev.: F Rev.:F for detailed AVR connections and
zum Anschluß und zur Einstellung des Reglers adjustments!
F1 Schutzschalter für G3 Protection switch for G3
FS1 Schutzschalter für Spannungswandler T25,T26 Protection switch for voltage transformers
33-34,41-42 Meldung 33-34,41-42 Signal contacts
G1 Hauptmaschine Main machine
G2 Erregermaschine Exciter machine
G3 Hilfserregerwicklungen Auxiliary exciter windings
R11 Rotierender Varistor Rotating varistor
T6 Statikwandler für UNITROL 1000 Droop transformer for UNITROL 1000
..../1A 3VA 5P5 …./1A 3VA 5P5
Daten siehe Auftragsdokumentation datas see order documentation
T14,15,16 Stromwandler Current transformer detail

T25,26 Spannungswandler Voltage transformer detail

T32 Spannungswandler für G3 mit integriertem Voltage transformer for G3 with integrated
Schutzschalter F1 protection switch F1
V1 Rotierende Gleichrichter Rotating rectifiers
X1 Hauptklemmen Main terminals
X2 Klemmleiste für Regleranschluß Terminal strip for AVR connections
X4 Klemmleiste für Heizung, PT100 Terminal strip for heater, PT100
X5 Klemmleiste für Stromwandler Terminal strip for current transformers
Widerstandsthermometer PT100 Resistance Thermometer PT100
Statorwicklung Stator winding
A1 Phase U Phase U
A2 Phase V Phase V
A3 Phase W Phase W
A4 Phase U Phase U
A5 Phase V Phase V
A6 Phase W Phase W
A13 Lager, B-Seite Bearing, NDE
A15 Lager, A-Seite Bearing, DE

H Stillstandsheizung 400V +-10% 1500 W Anti condensation heater 400V+-10% 1500 W

3phasig 3Phase

Schnellentregung: Quick de-excitation:

Brücken UH1-24 und WH1-14 öffnen Open bridges UH1-24 and WH1-14
Entregungsschalter: 220 V AC De-excitation switch: 220 V AC
(nicht AvK Lieferumfang) 10 A (not AvK supply) 10 A
Erstellt am: 9.6.10 Issued on: 9.6.10
erstellt von: Jansen issued by: Jansen
Revision Nr.: 0 Revision No.: 0
Operating Instructions
Operating instructions
Three-phase synchronous electrical machines,
Series DIG 110…191 with "COSIMAT N" voltage regulator

1 Operating and maintenance instructions........................................................................ 3

1.1 Checking for damage incurred during transit................................................................ 3
1.2 Transport...................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Storage ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.3.1 Preservation.......................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Setting up the machine ................................................................................................ 4
1.5 Cooling the machine .................................................................................................... 4
1.5.1 Coolant temperature ............................................................................................. 4
1.5.2 Direction of cooling air .......................................................................................... 4
1.5.3 Quality of cooling air ............................................................................................. 4
1.6 Dust filter...................................................................................................................... 4
1.6.1 Synthetic filter elements ........................................................................................ 4
1.6.2 Woven metal filter elements.................................................................................. 5
1.7 Preparations for starting up .......................................................................................... 5
1.7.1 Removing preservation ......................................................................................... 5
1.8 Machine drive............................................................................................................... 5
1.8.1 Belt drive............................................................................................................... 5
1.8.2 Coupling drive ....................................................................................................... 6
1.9 Aligning the machine.................................................................................................... 6
1.10 Changing direction of rotation................................................................................... 7
1.11 Electrical connections............................................................................................... 7
1.12 Starting up ................................................................................................................ 8
1.12.1 Insulation resistance ............................................................................................. 8
1.12.2 Operating speed ................................................................................................... 8
1.12.3 No-load operation ................................................................................................. 8
1.12.4 Parallel operation .................................................................................................. 8
1.12.5 Loss of remanence ............................................................................................... 9
1.13 Power factor regulation............................................................................................. 9
1.14 Interference suppression .......................................................................................... 9
1.15 Operation.................................................................................................................. 9
1.16 Maintenance............................................................................................................. 9
1.17 Bearings ................................................................................................................. 10
1.17.1 Ball and roller bearings ....................................................................................... 10
1.18 Drying out the machine........................................................................................... 12

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH page 2 to 13

1 Operating and maintenance in- If the machine is to be stored after trial running,
structions note the following points:

1.1 Checking for damage incurred during

transit 1.3.1 Preservation

Immediately after receiving the machine, inspect it • Complete machine

for damage incurred during transit. The transport
or delivering company must be notified of possible Store the machine in a dry, dust-free condition, for
complaints immediately, or at the latest within example heat-sealed in plastic foil into which a
seven days of delivery (covered by warranty). quantity of desiccant has been placed, or venti-
lated with dry air.
Make sure that no moisture can condense on or in
the machine and its attached assemblies. The
1.2 Transport
machine must not be exposed to vibration while in
During transit, support the machine only on its storage.
feet. Do not allow the weight to be taken by any
other components. • Shaft end, flange and bright metal areas

Lift the machine at the crane rings attached to the Clean rust and dirt off the bright metal surfaces
stator housing. Note that crane rings on attached and apply a protective lacquer coating. Make sure
components such as the cooler assembly must that the coating is not porous.
not be used to lift the complete machine. They are
intended only to simplify attachment of these • Bearings
Sleeve bearings
In the case of complete machine sets on a base Drain the oil and apply a corrosion inhibitor to the
frame, use only the lifting facilities provided on the bearing, for instance Tectyl 511 M in the case of
base frame. The crane rings on the electrical ma- sleeve bearings lubricated with mineral oil. If the
chine itself are not rated for lifting the complete bearings are lubricated with a synthetic oil, make
machine set. sure that the bearing materials, the oil content and
the preserving agent are all compatible.
If transported over long distances, it is advisable
to protect the machine against environmental Ball and roller bearings
influences by sealing it in a plastic cover together To prevent brinelling marks caused by vibration
with a quantity of desiccant (moisture indicator), when at a standstill, bearings should either be
so that it remains dust-free and air-tight. pre-loaded with a transit keeper or the rotor
should be turned once a month to alter the posi-
Machines with plain or taper roller bearings, and tion of the balls or rollers. The bearing’s grease
machines in a single bearing design are supplied content should be increased to the maximum.
with shipping brace. This shipping brace should
never be removed until the machine has been set • Cooler
up in its future operating position on site. Install
the shipping brace again if the machine is, for Drain out the cooling water, clean the pipes, flush
instance, to be shipped on or stored as a separate through with clean water and dry the complete
unit after trials. cooler, using warm or pre-dried air.

For transport as a complete machine set, take the Check the efficacy of the protective treatment
necessary safety precautions, for instance support measures once a year. If ambient conditions are
the machine set on anti-vibration elements or particularly unfavourable, check at more frequent
attach transit keepers. intervals. If necessary, repeat the protective treat-


Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH page 3 to 13

Setting up the machine Important:
The distance between the air inlet or outlet on
The installation site must comply with the ma-
the machine and any nearby wall must not be
chine’s enclosure rating and be sufficiently large
less than the dimension stated below, other-
for cooling and maintenance purposes. When
wise ventilation will be obstructed.
setting up the machine, make sure that:
Minimum distance (guide value):
1 x diameter of machine
• The relevant operation and maintenance
safety regulations are observed
1.4.3 Quality of cooling air
• Cooling air can enter and exit freely
To extend the service life of the machine, and in
• Exhaust gas and heated cooling air cannot be particular its windings and bearings, it is extremely
drawn in by the machine important that neither contaminated not aggres-
sive cooling air be allowed to enter it. An air filter
can be installed if requested by the customer, or
1.4 Cooling the machine can be trofitted provided sufficient space is avail-
1.4.1 Coolant temperature
Unless otherwise specified, the machine is built to
run at a coolant temperature of up to 40°C and at 1.5 Dust filter
an installation height of up to 1000 meters above
If the machine is equipped with dust filters, please
mean sea level. Please refer to the machine’s
note the following points.
data plate for coolant temperature and power
• The cooling air must not exceed the tempera-
ture stated on the machine’s data plate.
Coolant temperatures higher than stated on the
machine’s data plate will result in power loss.
• At the appropriate intervals, the filters should
be checked to establish their degree of con-
Coolant temperature Max. available power
tamination with dust and dirt.
45°C 96%
50°C 92,5%
To ensure that the machine’s windings cannot
overheat as a result of blocked filters, three tem-
If the machine is ordered to run at coolant tem- perature sensors are provided in the stator wind-
peratures higher than 40°C, this is shown on its ing. These sensors must be connected to the
rating plate together with the alteration in power warning system.

1.5.1 Synthetic filter elements

1.4.2 Direction of cooling air
These are dry-type filters and must be cleaned at
The machine is cooled by an integral fan de- regular intervals, which depend on the amount of
pendent on the direction of rotation, mounted dust and dirt trapped by the filter. Filter elements
on the shaft. It draws cooling air through the ma- can be cleaned with compressed air, water at a
chine and expels it at the fan side. temperature not exceeding 50°C or a liquid deter-
gent, but it is often a more economical proposition
To ensure proper cooling, make sure that the to renew them.
direction of fan rotation is as indicated by the ar-
row on the machine. Comply with all relevant environmental protec-
tion and safety regulations.
If it is intended to use forced cooling, either alone
or to support the integral fan, the direction of air-
flow and rotation must be correct here too.

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH page 4 to 13

Woven metal filter elements If the machine was given protective treatment
following a trial run, the following measures must
These are supplied dry, that is to say not wetted
be taken:
with oil. They can either be operated dry or
sprayed with special filter oil. If the filter elements
are sprayed with oil, comply with the relevant
1.6.1 Removing preservation
environmental protection laws when cleaning
them. They can be cleaned with a high-pressure • Complete machine

cleaning unit. Additives to dislodge grease can be Check the machine’s insulation resistance. If it is
used, provided that they have been checked for below the minimum value (see Chapter 1.12.1,
compatibility with the filter material. After cleaning, Insulation resistance), the machine must be dried
dry the filter elements and if necessary spray the out. The procedure is described in Chapter 1.18.,
with fresh oil. Drying out the machine.

Comply with all relevant environmental protec- • Shaft end, flange and bright metal areas
tion and safety regulations.
Remove the protective lacquer coating with a
Regular cleaning of the filter elements is still suitable solvent. Do not rub it off with emery cloth.
needed even if the electrical machine’s windings Comply with the relevant environmental protection
are protected against overheating by built-in tem- and safety regulations.
perature sensors. Careful attention to this point
will ensure that the machine always runs cool and • Bearings
Sleeve bearings
Dismantle and clean the sleeve bearings. The
1.6 Preparations for starting up corrosion inhibiting agent must be removed. (this
is not necessary if Tectyl 511 M was used and the
Pull the protective lacquer coating off the end of
storage period was fairly short, provided that the
the shaft and the flange, or remove it with solvent.
bearing is then lubricated with mineral oil).
Never clean it off with emery cloth. Comply with
Fill the sleeve bearings with oil as stated on the
the relevant regulations on environmental protec-
lubrication plate and in the operating instructions.
tion and safety.
There is a threaded hole on the shaft, to which a
Ball and roller bearings
puller can be attached for installing and removing
Open the bearing housing and remove the addi-
discs or couplings. Hammering is not permitted,
tional quantity of grease which was previously
as this can damage the bearings. If the machine is
added to the bearings so that only the specified
delivered with shipping brace in position, remove
amount remains in the bearing (see chapter on
renewing bearings and lubrication plate).
If the machine is of single bearing design, its rotor
is delivered attached to the shaft flange and the • Cooler
housing by a steel hoop to prevent axial dis-
placement and is located in position radially be- Add water to the cooling circuit and operate it in
tween the shaft and fan housing by an angle accordance with the cooler manufacturer’s operat-
bracket. Both these transit keepers (axial and ing and maintenance instructions.
radial) must be removed.

Make quite sure that the radial transit keepers are 1.7 Machine drive
removed from the gap only after the rotor has 1.7.1 Belt drive
been centred on the drive shaft flange. Failure to
do so can result in damage to the exciter machine If the machine is driven by a belt, the machine
and the NDS (Non-drive-side) bearing. must be ordered specifically with bearings and
bearing lubrication to match the higher loadings.
In the case of machines with a steel disc coupling, Most belt-driven machines have roller bearings on
the radial transit keepers are screws in the flange the input side.
bell. They must be removed after the machine has
been aligned and its position fixed in relation to The rotor must be ordered with balancing by
the drive input. solid key, and the grooved belt pulley must be
dynamically balanced on a smooth mandrel. The
belt must run smoothly, without jerking.
Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH page 5 to 13
Desired balancing accuracy: ≤ Q 2,5 according to tolerances and clearances included with the ma-
German VDI 2060 standard. chine. For further instructions, see the chapter on
plain bearings.
When flat-type belts or V-belts which have already On machines with a steel disc coupling, radial
been in operation for a fairly long time are re- rotor alignment is by means of centering screws
moved for maintenance purposes, they must be inserted into the centering bell. These screws also
replaced by new ones (in case of hardening). act as transit keepers in a radial direction. They
replace the pressboard inserts otherwise placed in
Important: the air gap. Alignment is checked by measuring
Belts that are tensioned too tightly can put the the distance between the outer rim of the steel
bearings at risk. For this reason, establish the disc coupling and the machined inner diameter of
correct belt tension with the belt manufacturer the centering bell.
or the plant that supplied the machine, and In the case of single-bearing machines with a
have checks carried out on site. divide DS (drive side) end shield, accuracy of
alignment is checked by measuring the air gap.

1.7.2 Coupling drive If the machine has an undivided bearing plate, a

machined end disc is installed at the drive side.
Unless expressly ordered otherwise, the rotor is The measurement is then made between the shaft
balanced with a solid key. The grooved drive ele- and the machined inner diameter of the end plate.
ments must therefore be balanced on a smooth Take three measurements in each case, at 120-
mandrel. degree intervals round the shaft. The results must
not vary by more than 0,2 mm.
The coupling must be dynamically balanced to an This will ensure a uniform air gap beneath all
accuracy of poles and the correct axial position of the rotor.
≤ Q 2,5 according to VDI 2060. Check alignment accuracy at the end of the shaft
or at the coupling.
When installing the coupling on to the shaft end, While checking, turn the coupling slowly through
make sure that no hammer-blows or shocks are 360°C, at the same time taking the readings at the
transmitted to the machine’s bearings. Always use individual dial gauges. Attach one dial gauge ra-
a suitable puller. dially and two axially, to compensate for rotor
displacement. Refer to the coupling manufac-
When pulling the coupling on, comply with its turer’s data as a guide to permissible deviations
manufacturer’s assembly instructions. Unless from true alignment.
otherwise stated by the supplier, the coupling half
can be heated up to 80°C. It can then be pushed
on to the shaft end easily. Ensure that the drive
element is securely located after tightening, and
securely clamped against the mechanical stop on
the shaft.

1.8 Aligning the machine

Precise, careful alignment of the machine ensures
that it runs with the minimum vibration, thus ex-
tending the service life of the machine and in par-
ticular of the bearings. This applies to machines
with either flexible or rigid couplings.

Even slight errors of alignment can rapidly

result in damaged bearings.
It is vital that all the feet are fully in contact. Un- Possible test method:
even under surfaces cause stresses in the bear- Slowly turn the coupling through
ings and must be compensated for by attaching 360°C and determine maximum
sheet metal strips. Once the machine is aligned deflection of the dial gauge.
correctly, secure it with dowel pins. When aligning
a machine of single bearing design, it is important M = dial gauge
to comply with the reference dimensions specified
on the dimension sheet and the drawing showing

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH page 6 to 13

Guide values

Shaft centre displacement Shaft tilt Coupling gap*

* Note coupling manufacturer’s data and allow for thermal expansion at the electrical machine and the drive.

If the coupling manufacturer specifies closer toler- 1.10 Electrical connections

ances, always comply with them or obtain even
lower values if possible. The machine must be connected up according to
the accompanying circuit diagram. The marked
During alignment, remember that the length may earthing (grounding) screw must be connected to
increase as a result of thermal expansion in the the earth conductor. Installation is permitted by a
machine. This change in length is approximately qualified electrician only. Comply with the follow-
0,1 ,, per meter of machine length and per 10 ing points:
degrees Centigrade of temperature rise.
• VDE safety regulations or those of the local
In all cases, try to approach the ideal clear- safety authorities
ance values as closely as possible.
• Local electricity supplier’s guidelines regard-
Important points to be checked before starting ing protective measures
• Phase sequence or direction of rotation of
a) Have pressboard transit keeper inserts machine field as stated on rating plate
been removed from the air gap?
b) Have the aligning screws been removed • Correct direction of rotation as stated on the
from the centering bell? machine’s data plate

When connecting the cables, make sure that no

mechanical forces can act on the machine’s con-
1.9 Changing direction of rotation
necting terminals. This also applies during as-
Before reversing the machine’s direction of rota- sembly work.
tion, it is important that the manufacturer be con-
sulted. Unused cable glands in the terminal box and ma-
chine must be protected against dust and mois-
In most cases the fan is of a directional pattern ture, and closed so that they cannot turn. Take up
and will have to be renewed. slack at all screw contacts and nuts.

Note that the rotary field also changes with a re- If current surges or vibration are to be expected,
versal in the direction of rotation. secure the cables with cable clips or racks. If the
plant is set up on flexible mountings, ensure ade-
If the machine is to be used in parallel operation, quate clack in the cables.
the sensing lead plug connections on the regula-
tor (U and W) must be changed over so that con-
nections U V W on the regulator again receive a
right-handed field. The rotary field will change at
the main terminals.

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH page 7 to 13

1.11 Starting up Where UN is the nominal voltage of the machine
expressed in kV.
1.11.1 Insulation resistance When testing insulation and measuring the wind-
After a long period out of use or in storage, the ings, these must be connected to the posts or
machine’s insulation resistance must be meas- bars as the case may be, so that these parts are
ured. tested as well.

Before starting up any machine, measure the Secondary connections such as measuring con-
insulation resistance of the winding between nections to transformers and all connections to
phases (if the star point is separate) and between regulating, protection or interference suppression
phase and earth. All parts not subjected to the circuits, must be tested separately. Each of these
measuring voltage must be earthed. connections must be checked individually at the
terminal strip. This also register the insulation
When measuring the insulation resistance, all resistance of the terminal strip.
connections (main connection, measuring connec-
tion, connection to regulator and protection or Use a maximum test voltage of 500 V DC for all
suppression circuit) must be disconnected from secondary and measuring connections. Insulation
the winding. resistance should not fall below 5 MΩ.

The suppression elements and measuring leads

must be disconnected during high-voltage insula- 1.11.2 Operating speed
tion tests and tests with insulation measuring ap- The machine’s speed must correspond to the
pliances. value stated on its rating plate. The machine must
run smoothly, both at no-load and when under
Measure at 500 V DC on low-voltage machines load.
(< 1 kV) or at above 2 kV on high-voltage ma-
chines (≥ 1 kV). If the drive machine runs at reduced speed, the
voltage regulator’s under speed protection cuts in
Due to the capacitive charge in the winding, the and de-excites the machine. Irregular running will
measuring unit indicates the correct insulation lead to deviations from the nominal ratings.
resistance value only after several seconds have
elapsed. Earth the winding immediately after the The machine is voltage-regulated and maintains a
measuring voltage has been switched off. voltage accurate to ± 1% in any condition between
no load and full load, even if its speed fluctuates
If the insulation values are too low, first check the by ± 5%.
terminal insulation for dirt and moisture. Clean or
dry them as the case may be, and repeat the In the case of special versions, the order values
measurement. confirmed by the manufacturer should be
Damp windings can lead to current leakage, flash-
over or breakdown.
1.11.3 No-load operation
If insulation resistance on new, cleaned or
repaired windings is less than that stated be- The no-load voltage can be adjusted within a
low, drying out is needed (see Item 1.18, Dry- range of UN ± 8% by connecting the voltage set-
ing out the machine). ting rheostat to terminals s and t.

On low-voltage machines with a nominal voltage The voltage regulator ensures that the voltage
below 1 kV, and in the rotor winding, insulation remains constant as the machine warms up to its
resistance should not be less than 5 MΩ at a normal operating temperature.
winding temperature of 25°C.

In the case of medium- and high-voltage ma- 1.11.4 Parallel operation

chines with a nominal voltage equal to or greater Machines operated in parallel are equipped with a
than 1 kV, the insulation resistance in MΩ must be damper cage. They can be operated with identical
calculated using the following formula: or dissimilar machines or if necessary in parallel
with the mains.
R ≥ 3 + 2 x UN

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH page 8 to 13

The three familiar preconditions for parallel opera- 1.14 Operation
tion must be complied with:
• Identical voltages During operation, current-conducting and rotating
parts must be sealed with the covers provided for
• Identical frequencies
this purpose.
• Identical phase angles
Increased vibration may result from insufficiently
Matching can be carried out manually or by an
assert alignment, poorly fitted foundations or
automatic synchronizing device. For further de-
frame, or weak mountings. In addition, vibration
tails, see the supplier’s technical description.
can be introduced from the drive and non-drive
In parallel operation, a distinction must be made
between active and reactive load distribution.
1.15 Maintenance
Active load distribution depends only on the Before starting work on the machine make sure
speed characteristic of the drive and cannot be that it is switched off and take action to prevent it
influenced by the electrical machine itself. from being switched on again.

Reactive load distribution is determined by the Ensure that machine components which are
electrical machine’s voltage characteristic, accord- live during operation are at zero voltage (by
ing to load. earthing or disconnecting the wiring).

All work must be performed by qualified staff pos-

1.11.5 Loss of remanence sessing the necessary knowledge and experi-
If the auxiliary exciter machine (G3) has lost its
remanence, that is to say there is no voltage at
If there is moisture or dust in the terminal box, it
terminals UH1-UH2 and WH1-WH2, terminal I2
must be removed from the surface of the insulat-
(+) and K2 (-) must be excited briefly with a DC
ing parts. The reason for the accumulation of
voltage (1,5 – 12 Volt) while the machine is run-
moisture or dust must then be established and

If severe dust occurs, the electrical machine

1.12 Power factor regulation should be blown through at regular intervals with
For operation in parallel with the mains the ma- dry compressed air, as it is running down to a
chine can be equipped with an additional auto- standstill.
matic power-factor regulator (for pre-set co phi
range, see test report). For further details, refer to Clean the machine’s surface regularly as well, to
the description and adjustment instructions for the prevent dust and dirt from building up and ad-
additional "Cos" power-factor regulating module versely affecting the dissipation of heat.
in conjunction with the "COSIMAT N" voltage
regulator. Make sure that the air inlets and outlets are not
obstructed during operation.

1.13 Interference suppression Apart from the bearings the dust filters (if in-
stalled) and the attached cooler, the machine
The machine comply with radio inteference re- requires no routine maintenance.
quirement "N" as stated in German VDE 0875.
Note that the standard of interference suppression If carbon brushes are installed on the machine in
is related to the quality of earthing. equipment designed to perform various monitoring
functions, they must be checked for wear at regu-
Disconnect suppressor capacitors, measuring lar intervals.
transformers and regulators during high-voltage
insulation tests or if insulation measuring equip- If the machine has add-on equipment, for example
ment is in use (if the test voltage reaches 80% of a cooler, the additional maintenance instructions
the factory’s test voltage). issued by the manufacturers of this equipment
must be complied with.

Like any other machine, the electrical machine

requires to be treated with care.

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH page 9 to 13

1.16 Bearings Machines which have not been run for very many
hours must be re-lubricated at least once a year. If
1.16.1 Ball and roller bearings the stated re-lubricating interval is below 1,200
The machine is fitted with anti-friction bearings. hours, re-lubricate twice a year.
The DS has a floating bearing, the NDS a fixed
bearing. Under adverse operating conditions, e.g. a humid
atmosphere, relatively high dirt accumulations,
If the bearings on either side are of the deep severe vibration loading etc., the re-lubricating
groove ball bearing type, they are pre-loaded in interval must be reduced accordingly. If the per-
relation to each other by spring elements, this mitted coolant temperature is exceeded by app.
ensures smoother running and reduces the nega- 15°C, the re-lubricating interval must be halved.
tive effects of external sources of vibration on the
bearings. Deep-groove ball bearings are installed • Re-lubricating quantity
at both bearing points only to special order.
The machine’s bearings must each be re-
The standard bearing specification is as follows: lubricated with the amount of grease stated. Re-
on the drive side, a roller bearing, on the non- move expelled grease from the bearing points.
drive side, a ball bearing or a duplex bearing con- When re-lubricating the bearings, run the machine
sisting of one roller bearing an one ball bearing. if possible at half speed for one hour to distribute
the grease effectively. During this period, check
Each of the machine’s bearings is normally pro- the temperatures of the bearings and compare
vided with a relubricating device. If a duplex NDS them with the temperatures recorded before re-
bearing is installed, note that there are two grease lubricating.
nipples for relubricating. Refer to the appropriate
column in the lubrication chart for the correct vol-
ume of grease per nipple. Lubrication chart

Re-greasing should be carried out with a grease Type Lubrication Re-lubrication intervals in
gun at the nipples provided on the machine. points* hours for machine running
Quantity in speed of:
A regulator is installed to control grease volume, g

Double bear-

so that old grease is expelled from the bearing.

500-600 min-1

750-900 min-1


Before re-greasing, clean the nipple so that

dirt cannot enter the bearings.





Where possible, apply grease when the machine

is running at reduced speed, unless this repre- 120/
sents a hazard for the operating personnel. … 60 40 2500 2000 1500 1000
• Re-lubricating the bearings 130/
… 80 60 2500 1500 1200 800
Ball and roller bearings are supplied ex- factory 131
packed with high-quality anti-friction bearing 140/
grease and are therefore ready for immediate … 100 60 2000 1500 800 600
operation. Machines with re-lubricating devices 141
bear a plate on which the following information is 150/
stated: … 100 60 2000 1000 800 600
Re-lubricating interval in hours of operation
Quantity of grease 156 100 60 1800 900 700 500
* In the case of double bearing, the amount of grease stated in
Type of anti-friction bearing grease the "double bearing" column is to be injected into each of the
grease nipples.
• Re-greasing interval

Bearing must be re-lubricated regularly in accor-

dance with the specified re-lubricating intervals
(see chart).

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH page 10 to 13

• Ball and roller bearing greases disk should be rigidly attached to the shaft. Do not
remove new bearings from their packs until just
On delivery, the bearings are lubricated with high- before they are installed. Do not wash the bear-
grade, lithium-saponified grease of Grade 3 con- ings out, as the anticorrosion agent applied to
sistency )NLGI classification). The factory uses them is compatible with most customary anti-
Shell Alvania R3 for this purpose. friction bearing greases.
Clean the parts of the bearing that are to be re-
The grease channels and the channel between installed. Before fitting the bearing, check for di-
the nipple and bearings are filled with anti-friction mensional accuracy and lack of distortion at the
bearing grease before leaving the factory. The bearing seats on the shaft and in the housing.
following alternative types of lithium-saponified
anti-friction bearing grease may be used: When single-piece bearings (e.g. deep-groove
ball bearings) are installed, the force exerted to fit
Shell Alvania R3 them must always be applied to the firmly located
Arcanol L71 race, which has to be mounted first. Forces ap-
plied to the free-moving race have to be transmit-
Or a lithium-saponified brand-name grease of ted through the balls or rollers, which can damage
equivalent specification, heat-resistant up to at them and their tracks.
least 130°C and complying with German Industrial
Standard DIN 51825. Installation of separable bearings (e.g. roller bear-
ings) is more straightforward. The two races can
Recommendation: be installed separately. A screwing movement
when assembling them helps to avoid rub marks.
Always re-lubricate the bearings with the same
selected brand of grease. When fitting the bearing on the shaft, heat it to
about 80°C in an oil bath, oven or by a suitable
inductive heating method. Make absolutely sure
• Dismantling the bearings that it is located centrally and in positive contact
with the shaft shoulder.
During shaft production, the bearing seat and the
bearing stop shoulder on the shaft are subject to Once they have cooled down, pack the bearings
particularly stringent quality control. This is essen- fully with grease. The inner and outer bearing
tial to maintain the accuracy of shape needed to covers must each be filled with grease to approx.
keep the bearings fully operational. When disman- 50% of their full capacity.
tling the bearings, it is therefore important to han-
dle the bearings and bearing rings with particular • Monitoring the bearings
care, otherwise the bearing seats on the shaft and
bearing plate could become damaged. The first indication of damaged bearings is usually
a noticeable change in temperature or running
To simplify dismantling, the parts can be heated behaviour, or noise and vibration if bearing dam-
uniformly all round to a temperature of app. 80°C. age has reached and advanced stage.
Do not install bearings previously removed, but
renew them. Recommendation:

• Assembling the bearings Monitor the bearings by measuring transmitted

noise and vibration at regular intervals, and com-
Bearings must only be renewed by a qualified pare the readings with those taken on previous
person possessing the necessary knowledge and occasions.
experience, working in a dust-free environment,
on a clean surface and using suitable tools includ-
ing metric wrenches.
The grease and bearings must be kept free of
impurities, otherwise they will wear out faster and
possibly even fail. The correct arrangement of the
bearing components must be retained, this ap-
plies particularly in the event of repair work.

When renewing bearings, install original type-

approved bearings only, and maintain the correct
amount of bearing play. The grease regulating
Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH page 11 to 13
1.17 Drying out the machine If no improvement in the insulation resistance is
registered after a running period of approx. 2
To protect the machine against moisture, the built- hours, the machine must be dried out additionally
in heating should always be switched on when the with dried air supplied from the outside.
machine does not emit any heat of its own. Even If this in turn does not increase the insulation re-
a slight increase in the temperature of the air in- sistance after approx. 4 hours, the machine must
side the machine will prevent moisture condensa- be dried out by passing an electric current through
tion on the insulating components. the stator and rotor windings.
If the machine’s insulation value drops below that
stated in the chapter "Insulation resistance", the However, this task requires special knowledge
machine must be dried out. and must therefore only be performed by person-
nel that has received specific training. Please
In many cases it can be dried suitably using its contact our service organisation in this case.
own ventilation system, but it should not be elec-
trically live while this is being carried out. De-
For additional information on bearing renewal
excite the machine as indicated in its circuit dia-
or special operating conditions such as run-up
gram. Operate the built-in heating when drying out
synchronisation, rapid excitation or de-
with the machine’s own ventilation system.
excitation, please do not hesitate to contact
our engineers.

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH page 12 to 13

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH
Bunsenstraße 17
85053 Ingolstadt, Germany
Phone: +49(0)841-792-0
Fax: +49(0)841-792-250

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH

Dreieich Office
Benzstraße 47-49
63303 Dreieich, Germany
Phone: +49(0)6103-5039-0
Fax: +49(0)6103-5039-40

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH page 13 to 13

Enclosure to Operating Instructions
Advise for Commissioning

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH page 1 to 11

POD-geno-AvK-eng-DSG29144(ohne Cosimat).doc
Generator with vibration absorbers on in order to avoid relative movements
foundation between the cable fixing and the terminal


By connection of the cables it must be

ensured that no forces have an effect on
the machine connection terminals. The
same counts for the time during assembly.
The relative movements between the gen-
If shock load or vibrations are to be set and the foundation have to be
expected, the cables should be fixed over compensated for by a sufficiently long free
the cable clips and the cable platform. cable length between the cable fixing on
the gen-set and the foundation.
By elastic mounted gen-sets (see picture
above) sufficient 'free cable length'
should be ensured to compensate the
movements of the diesel/gas motor. In
order to ensure that the movements do
not have a negative influence on the
connection terminals, the cable must be
fixed with max. 300 mm distance from the
terminal box screw fitting. This cable fixing
has to be connected rigidly to the gen-set

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH page 2 to 11

POD-geno-AvK-eng-DSG29144(ohne Cosimat).doc
Generator with vibration absorbers on
frame base

By connection of the cables it must be In order to ensure that the movements do

ensured that no forces have an effect on not have a negative influence on the
the machine connection terminals. The connection terminals, the cable must be
same counts for the time during assembly. fixed with max. 300 mm distance from the
terminal box screw fitting. This cable fixing
If shock load or vibrations are to be has to be connected rigidly to the gen-set
expected, the cables should be fixed over in order to avoid relative movements
the cable clips and the cable platform. between the cable fixing and the terminal
By elastic mounted gen-sets (see picture
above) sufficient 'free cable length' The relative movements between the gen-
should be ensured to compensate the set and the foundation have to be
movements of the diesel/gas motor. compensated for by a sufficiently long free
cable length between the cable fixing on
the gen-set and the foundation.

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH page 3 to 11

POD-geno-AvK-eng-DSG29144(ohne Cosimat).doc

Stützer für Innenanlagen

Insulating supports for indoor use
Anzugsdrehmoment / tightening torque M12, 50-70 Nm
Anzugsdrehmoment / tightening torque M16, 90-110 Nm
6 Kt. Schraube: Stahl 8.8
hexagon bolts: steel 8.8

Durchführungsklemme DIN 46265

Duct terminals

Anzugsdrehmoment / tightening torque M12, 20 Nm

Anzugsdrehmoment / tightening torque M16, 40 Nm
Anschlussbolzen: Ms / connection bolts: brass
Anschlussmutter: Ms / connection hex. Nut: brass

Cable connection acc. to DIN 46200 Using the Protection switches Q1, F1, F2

Elastic parts, such as spring washers, can The purpose of these switches is to protect
be used in the electrical connection, the voltage transformers T24 (Q1) and the
however, only on one side of the clamped auxiliary exciter winding (F1, F2). In case of
conductor. If necessary, additional failure, these switches will lead to a quick
washers are to be used. The other side is de-excitation of the machine.
for current conduction, why only washers
or security locking plates of copper-zinc- These switches are not to be used for de-
alloys must be used. exciting the machine during operation or
By electrical connection with eyelet rings,
the eyelets have to be protected by
washers on both sides against bending. Open star point

The voltage transformer T24 has to be

De-excitation disconnected and the cables sufficiently
insulated! De-excite the machine as
described above.
Open the bridges UH1-24 and WH1-14 on
the terminal strip X2. De-excitation with
No tests are to be performed with open
extern switch takes place on these
star point! The correct connection of the
terminals, too.
power cables can be checked with
appropriate equipment.

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POD-geno-AvK-eng-DSG29144(ohne Cosimat).doc
Maintenance for earthing brush

Optimum maintenance and care for All brushes and holders must be checked
earthing brushes is the base for smallest for free movement. Blocked brushes may
brush wear. The maintenance of brushes lead to damage.
must take place after certain intervals that
depend on the alternators size as well as Worn out brushes must be renewed in
load and ambient conditions. time, so that damages at the contact
surface on the shaft can be avoided. New
Brushes are subject to wear and tear and earthing brushes do not need grind-in
must be cleaned by air (pressure or (other than slip rings).
suction) from time to time. Routine check
every 3 months is recommended by AvK to Using brushes bigger than the original size
ensure about operational behaviour and is only possible after agreement with the
suitable changing intervals. supplier.

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POD-geno-AvK-eng-DSG29144(ohne Cosimat).doc
Maintenance of Earthing Fault only possible after agreement with the
Monitoring supplier.

Optimum maintenance and care of the

brushes and slip rings is the base for
smallest wear. The maintenance must take
place in certain time intervals. The
frequency of the maintenances depends
on alternator size as well as on load and
ambient conditions.
Brushes are subject to wear and tear and
The Earthing Fault Monitoring is mounted
must be cleaned by air (pressure or
on the NDE of the machine.
suction) from time to time. Routine checks
every 3 months is recommended by AvK in
order to estimate the necessary time
intervals during the actual operation
Maintenance works must be performed
only during standstill of the machine.
All brushes and holders must be checked
for free movement. Blocked brushes may
lead to damage.

Worned out brushes must be replaced in

time in order to avoid damages on the slip
rings and to ensure the perfect function of
the Earthing Fault Monitoring. New brushes
need grind-in with the slip rings. The use of
larger brushes than originally mounted is

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Electrical Machines with two shaft ends Anti - condensation heater:

Bearing currents by electrical machines The anti condensation heater is to be

with two shaft ends must be avoided. connected according to correct rating
and supply voltage.
AvK recommends an insulated coupling Please refer to rating plate of the
mounted on the NDE. machine.

Another possibility is that all bearings of the Control of the anti – condensation heater
NDE aggregate are insulated. should be done that the heater

- is switched on after the machine has

- is switched off before starting up the

Tubular heater type RHK T + H art. no.

100870 and 100872


2 heaters type RHK dia. 8, 5mm x 500mm

long assembled into two brackets made of
stainless steel as per our drawing no 31522,
heaters wired in parallel by brass brackets,
silicon insulated connection cable
3000mm long.
Number of heater elements is according
to required heating power.

Technical data of the heaters

Heater sheath: Chrome-Nickel-Steel

AISI 321

Heater wire: NiCr 8020, Mat. no.: 2.48869

Insulation material:
pure magnesium oxide, highly compacted

threaded bolt M4 with silicon insulated


Diameter of heaters: 8,5mm ± 0,15mm

Straight length of
heaters: 500 ± 2 %
Wattage per heater: 500 Watt ± 10 %
Total wattage (4 heaters):1000 Watt ± 10 %
Voltage: 230 Volt
Dielectric strength: 1250 V
Final test: per standard
DIN EN 60 335
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Bolting torque for fixing screws Dust filter made of metal fabric

If no further indications are made , use the Description

following bolting torque for connections of
fixing screws and fixing nuts: Design of the filter

The frames and the plates of the filter are

fabricated of:
screws screws • Constructional steel with zinc coated
property class property mesh wire
8.8 class • Stainless steel with stainless steel mesh
4.6 wire alternatively depending on
M4 3,0 1,1 application conditions
M5 3,5 2,2
M6 9,0 3,7 Type of filter
M8 18 9,0
M10 45 18 B1 according to DIN 24185 / part 100
M12 50 31 EU2 according to DIN 24185 / part 2
M16 110 75
M20 250 150 Medium degree of deposition 65 ≤ 80 %
M24 440 255
M30 980 510
M36 1730 890
The maintenance intervals depend on the
M42 2700 1450
local dust accumulation. The dust
protective filter plates have to be cleaned
starting torque in Nm
with the usual commercial detergents.
Cleaning with high-pressure cleaning
Values according to VDI 2230 calculated
devices is also possible.
considering the maximal admissible
surface pressure under the screw head
and a frictional co – efficient µ ges = 0,125
Do not wet the filter plates with oil!
Observe the instructions for pollution

The following detergents can be used

when cleaning mechanically:

Calgonit / Somat / Topmat 760 (or


If only a manual cleaning is possible, use

the following detergents:

Rivonit / RG 1083 (or equivalent)

Regular checks and cleaning of the dust

protective filter system is indispensable
for the safety in operation of the electrical

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All wedges welded
Fixing pins Ø2
Enforcement over L500 2 pieces
P5 2/1 angle bracket Screen 20*20*2

B 25-1








20 20
Microcellular rubber 10*3

glued at installation

1* Ø10 borehole (outlet)


10 = = 10


Medium of the filter

P1 Material: St. 37 / round wire Ø 0.28 galvanized / mesh width 6-8 mm Frame and
screen St. 37 not galvanized
P2 Material: V4A 1.4571 / round wire Ø 0.28 / mesh width 6-8 mm Frame and screen like
above (marine)
P3 Material: Monell CuNi 2.4360 / round wire Ø 0.28 / mesh width 6-8 mm Frame and
screen V4A 1.4571
P4 Plastic PP / mesh width 6-8 mm Frame V4A 1.4571

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Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH
Bunsenstraße 17
85053 Ingolstadt, Germany
Phone: +49(0)841-792-0
Fax: +49(0)841-792-250

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH

Dreieich Office
Benzstraße 47-49
63303 Dreieich, Germany
Phone: +49(0)6103-5039-0
Fax: +49(0)6103-5039-40

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POD-geno-AvK-eng-DSG29144(ohne Cosimat).doc
Regulator Description
UNITROL® 1000-15 User Manual
Automatic Voltage Regulator
Compact voltage regulator for synchronous machines
up to 15 A exciter current

Product Release
Control: 5.001
Panel: 5.001
CMT1000: 5.000

Document No.: 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.-

Document Revision date: 07 / 2009

© ABB Switzerland Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

ABB reserves all rights to this document and to the information and
topics contained in it. This also applies to any possible claims to
copyright or patents. Forwarding and/or the duplicating of this document
without the express permission of ABB is forbidden.
This document has been prepared and checked with great care. If
however it still contains errors, please report them to ABB.

ii 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ...............................................................................................................iii

Terms and Abbreviations .................................................................................................vii

Chapter 1 - Introduction .................................................................................................1-1

1.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Field of Application...................................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 Contents of this Manual............................................................................................... 1-3
1.4 Manufacturer’s Address .............................................................................................. 1-4

Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions ......................................................................................2-1

2.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Intended Audience ...................................................................................................... 2-1
2.3 Qualifications and Responsibilities .............................................................................. 2-1
2.3.1 Qualifications and Responsibilities ......................................................................................... 2-1
2.3.2 Consequences of Non-compliance......................................................................................... 2-2
2.4 Safety Concept ........................................................................................................... 2-2
2.4.1 General ................................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.4.2 Safety Rules............................................................................................................................ 2-2
2.5 Safety Regulations ...................................................................................................... 2-3
2.5.1 Structure of Safety Instructions............................................................................................... 2-3
2.5.2 Pacemaker .............................................................................................................................. 2-4
2.6 Danger signs............................................................................................................... 2-4

Chapter 3 - Device Overview..........................................................................................3-1

3.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Description of the Excitation System ........................................................................... 3-1
3.2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.3 Hardware .................................................................................................................... 3-2
3.3.1 Connection diagram................................................................................................................ 3-2
3.3.2 Control Interfaces.................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.3.3 Overview of the Device Connections...................................................................................... 3-5
3.3.4 Device connections................................................................................................................. 3-6
3.3.5 Digital Inputs ........................................................................................................................... 3-9
3.3.6 Digital Outputs ...................................................................................................................... 3-11
3.3.7 Analog Inputs ........................................................................................................................ 3-12
3.3.8 Analog Outputs ..................................................................................................................... 3-14
3.3.9 Communication ports ............................................................................................................ 3-15
3.4 Software.................................................................................................................... 3-21
3.4.1 Operating modes .................................................................................................................. 3-22
3.4.2 Channel Follow-up ................................................................................................................ 3-23
3.4.3 Voltage droop compensation (VDC) ..................................................................................... 3-23
3.4.4 Synchronization (SYNC) ....................................................................................................... 3-25
3.4.5 Voltage matching (VM) ......................................................................................................... 3-28
3.4.6 Rotating Diode Monitoring (RDM)......................................................................................... 3-29
3.4.7 Power system stabilizer (PSS) ............................................................................................. 3-30
3.4.8 Double Channel (DCH) ......................................................................................................... 3-32

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- iii

3.4.9 Remote Access ..................................................................................................................... 3-41
3.4.10 Access Levels ....................................................................................................................... 3-42
3.4.11 Description of parameters ..................................................................................................... 3-44

Chapter 4 - Installation and Storage ............................................................................. 4-1

4.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Safety Regulations ...................................................................................................... 4-1
4.3 Unpacking ................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.4 Mechanical Installation ................................................................................................ 4-2
4.5 Electrical Installation ................................................................................................... 4-3
4.6 Storage ....................................................................................................................... 4-3
4.6.1 Storage Conditions.................................................................................................................. 4-3
4.6.2 Disposal................................................................................................................................... 4-3

Chapter 5 - Commissioning........................................................................................... 5-1

5.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Safety Regulations ...................................................................................................... 5-1
5.3 Setting Aids................................................................................................................. 5-2
5.3.1 Setting aids.............................................................................................................................. 5-2
5.4 Work carried out while Machine is at Standstill............................................................ 5-7
5.5 Work carried out while Machine is Running................................................................. 5-8
5.5.1 No-load tests (nominal speed, not synchronized)................................................................... 5-8
5.5.2 Tests under load ..................................................................................................................... 5-8
5.5.3 Synchronization....................................................................................................................... 5-8
5.6 Concluding Work after Commissioning........................................................................ 5-9

Chapter 6 - Operation..................................................................................................... 6-1

6.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Safety Regulations ...................................................................................................... 6-1
6.3 Panel Operation .......................................................................................................... 6-2
6.3.1 Panel start-up .......................................................................................................................... 6-2
6.3.2 Keypad operation .................................................................................................................... 6-4
6.3.3 Example of parameter setting ................................................................................................. 6-4
6.3.4 Menu structure ........................................................................................................................ 6-6
6.3.5 Limiters and Alarms .............................................................................................................. 6-13
6.3.6 Fault messages ..................................................................................................................... 6-14
6.4 PC Software tool ....................................................................................................... 6-15
6.4.1 System requirements for CMT1000 release 5 ...................................................................... 6-15
6.4.2 Installing CMT1000 software................................................................................................. 6-15
6.4.3 Starting with CMT1000.......................................................................................................... 6-15
6.4.4 Menu structure of CMT 1000 ................................................................................................ 6-19
6.4.5 Tune Menu ............................................................................................................................ 6-45
6.4.6 Save parameter file ............................................................................................................... 6-47

Chapter 7 - Preventive Maintenance ............................................................................. 7-1

7.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Safety Regulations ...................................................................................................... 7-1
7.3 Standard Procedures for Maintenance ........................................................................ 7-1

Chapter 8 - Troubleshooting ......................................................................................... 8-1

8.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 8-1

iv 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

8.2 Safety Regulations ...................................................................................................... 8-1
8.3 List of Possible Faults ................................................................................................. 8-1
8.4 Repair ......................................................................................................................... 8-4

Chapter 9 - Technical data .............................................................................................9-1

9.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.1 Ordering information ............................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.2 Mechanical data...................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.3 Climatic stability ...................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.4 Electrical data ......................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.5 Relevant standards, CE conformity ........................................................................................ 9-2
9.1.6 Ordering information connection cable ................................................................................... 9-2
9.2 Settings record for UNITROL 1000 ............................................................................. 9-2
9.3 Parameter Settings, default values.............................................................................. 9-3

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- v
Terms and Abbreviations

AC Alternating Current
AIO Analog Input and Output
AUTO Automatic Voltage Regulation
(Auto Mode)
AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator
Bat Battery
CB Circuit Breaker
MAIN Main Channel in double channel systems.
REDUNDANT Redundant (Backup) Channel in double channel systems.
CT Current Transformer
DC Direct Current
DIO Digital Input and Output
DSP Digital Signal Processor: referred as the main controller of the
AVR, responsible of regulation, control and communication.
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
EXC Excitation
FCB Field Circuit Breaker
GEN Generator
GFR Ground Fault Relay (Rotor Ground Fault Protection)
HW Hardware
IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
MANUAL Field Current Regulation
(Manual Mode)
PC Personal Computer
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PDF Portable Document Format
PE Protective Earth (Protective Ground)
PF Power Factor
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PS Power Supply
PT Potential Transformer
Q Reactive Power
SW Software
V/Hz Volt per Hertz (-Limiter)
VDC Voltage Droop Compensation

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- vii

Chapter 1 - Introduction

1.1 General

The User Manual provides detailed information on the

• description of the product,
• installation,
• operation,
• maintenance and troubleshooting
of the excitation system, including detailed descriptions of the functions and
the hardware of the device. Technical data is included as well.
Our experience has shown that, if the information and recommendations
contained in this User Manual are observed, the best possible reliability of
our products is assured.
The data contained herein purports solely to describe the product and is not
a warranty of performance or characteristics. It is with the best interest of
our customers in mind that we constantly strive to improve our products
and keep them abreast of advances in technology. This document has
been carefully prepared and reviewed, however should in spite of this the
reader find an error, he is requested to inform us at his earliest
It is hardly possible to cover every eventuality in the operating instructions
for technical equipment, which can occur in practice. We would therefore
request you to notify us or our agent in the case of any unusual behavior
that does not appear to be covered by these operating instructions.
It is pointed out that all local regulations must be observed when
connecting and commissioning this equipment in addition to these
operating instructions. We cannot accept any responsibility for damage
incurred as a result of mishandling the equipment regardless of whether
particular reference is made in these operating instructions or not. We lay
particular stress on the fact that only genuine spare parts should be used
for replacements.
All rights with respect to this document, including applications for patent
and registration of other industrial property rights, are reserved.
Unauthorized use, in particular reproduction or disclosure to third parties, is
Each person involved in the installation, operation, maintenance and repair
of the excitation system must have read and fully understood the
corresponding chapters in this Operating Instructions Manual and in
particular Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 1-1

Chapter 1 - Introduction

1.2 Field of Application

This advanced-design automatic voltage regulator is used for the excitation of indirectly
excited synchronous machines. This unit is only suitable for this area of application. The
regulator can also be switched over to function as a reactive power-, power factor- or field
current regulator.

SM = Synchronous Machine
Back-up Channel
E = Exciter
PMG = Permanent Magnet UNITROL 1000 UNITROL 1000



Shunt excitation with:

- short-circuit support (Boost)

- Power System Stabilizer (PSS)
- Synchronization unit
- Diode monitoring
- Changeover to a back-up unit.
- Others


Generator or motor excitation with

PMG or external supply.


Replacement of voltage regulators

for generators or motors with direct-
current excitation machines.

1-2 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 1 - Introduction

1.3 Contents of this Manual

Chapter 1 - Introduction describes the contents of the User Manual and

provides the manufacturer’s information.
Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions explains the safety instruction levels and
provides general instructions on safety, which need to be strictly observed.
Chapter 3 - Device Overview outlines the description of the device,
operation modes, hardware capabilities and software features.
Chapter 4 - Installation and Storage provides information on environmental
conditions to be maintained during transportation and storage, information
on disposal and recycling of materials.
Chapter 5 - Commissioning provides information on preparing the device
for commissioning.
Chapter 6 - Operation describes the instructions how to operate the device.
Chapter 7 - Preventive Maintenance contains the maintenance schedule
and step-by-step instructions for specific maintenance tasks to be carried
out by the customer.
Chapter 8 -Troubleshooting provides instructions on how to proceed when
encountering problems.
Chapter 9 - Technical data describes the technical data from the device,
ordering number and parameter list.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 1-3

Chapter 1 - Introduction

1.4 Manufacturer’s Address

If any questions arise, consult the local ABB representative or the


When calling ABB, please leave your name, department and phone
number. This will allow the responsible ABB representative to call back
without delay.

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Static Excitation Systems, Voltage Regulators
and Synchronizing Equipment
CH-5300 Turgi / Switzerland
Telephone: +41 58 589 24 86
Fax: +41 58 589 23 33

24 h – Hotline for urgent service inquiries: +41 844 845 845

Email contact for service inquiries:

ABB is constantly striving for the best product and service offerings for our
customers. Therefore ABB appreciates your valuable feedback or
suggestions for improvements of UNITROL products.
Please send your comments to "". Your
information will be forwarded to the responsible persons in order to improve
ABB’s future offerings.

1-4 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions

2.1 General

Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions includes the safety instructions that must

be followed during installation, operation and maintenance of the
excitation system. Please read all instructions carefully before operating
the device and keep this manual for future reference.

2.2 Intended Audience

The User Manual addresses the following target groups:

• Installation personnel
• Operators
• Maintenance and repair personnel

2.3 Qualifications and Responsibilities

2.3.1 Qualifications and Responsibilities

Personnel involved in installation work and commissioning of the

UNITROL 1000 must be familiar, specially instructed and informed about
the residual danger areas according to the regulations currently in force.
Operating personnel is not permitted to work at the control system.
Specially instructed personnel must only carry out maintenance and
repair work.
The maintenance personnel must be informed about the emergency
shutdown measures and must be capable of turning off the system in
case of emergency.
The maintenance personnel must be familiar with the accident prevention
measures at their workplace and must be instructed in first aid and fire
It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure that each person involved in the
installation and commissioning of the UNITROL 1000 has received the
appropriate training or instructions and has thoroughly read and clearly
understood the safety instructions in this chapter.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 2-1

Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions

2.3.2 Consequences of Non-compliance

Failure to comply with the safety instructions increases the risk of electric
shock and damage to the equipment. Third parties who approach the
installation are also at risk.
If the scheduled maintenance activities are performed only partially or not
at all, damage may occur with associated expensive repair costs.

2.4 Safety Concept

2.4.1 General

The safety regulations in this chapter generally apply when working on

the excitation system. You will find additional instructions and warnings
related to particular topics or actions throughout the manual where
The following regulations must be strictly observed:
• The technical specifications and the typical application of the
excitation system (see Chapter 1 - Introduction, Field of Application)
must be strictly adhered to.
• Training of personnel: only trained personnel are allowed to install,
operate, maintain or service the excitation system.
• Modifications without authorization: modifications and constructional
changes of the equipment are not allowed.
• Duty of maintenance: the owner must ensure that the excitation
system is used only under proper conditions and in a fully serviceable

2.4.2 Safety Rules

The following safety procedures according to EN 50110-1 must absolutely

be followed if any (maintenance) work is carried out on the excitation
1 Disconnect completely.
2 Secure against re-connection.
3 Verify that the installation is dead.
4 Carry out grounding and short-circuiting.
5 Provide protection against adjacent live parts.

2-2 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions

2.5 Safety Regulations

2.5.1 Structure of Safety Instructions

Signal Word!
Symbol Situation – Type of Hazard Statement
Possible consequence – Consequence Statement
Essential safety measure – Avoidance Statement

The safety instructions always appear at the beginning of each chapter

and/or precede any instruction in the context where a potentially
dangerous situation may appear. The safety instructions are divided into
five categories and emphasized by the use of the following layout and
safety signs:

This symbol indicates an imminent danger resulting from mechanical
forces or high voltage. Non-observance leads to life-threatening physical
injury or death.


! This symbol indicates a dangerous situation. Non-observance can result

in bad or life-threatening physical injury or death.

This symbol indicates a dangerous situation. Non-observance can lead
to physical injury or cause damage to the installation.

This symbol emphasizes important information. Non-observance can
cause damage to the installation or to objects close to it.

This symbol indicates useful information. Not to be used to indicate
dangerous situations.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 2-3

Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions

2.5.2 Pacemaker

Electrical and magnetic fields.
The system can cause malfunction of pacemakers.
Avoid being close to the excitation system.

Electrical and magnetic fields can influence pacemakers. It is difficult to

predict the general sensitivity of pacemakers.

2.6 Danger signs

Danger signs are attached to any equipment/location with a potential

The degree and likelihood of such dangers are described by the signal
words DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION. The content of the warning
sign contains information about the respective situation and the
preventive safety measures that must be taken.
Structure of danger signs:

Sign Description
Signal word
Hazardous voltage inside.

Disconnect power and

Essential safety measures
ground equipment before
maintenance work.

Meaning of signal words and consequence statement:

Sign Description of the signal word

DANGER, electrical
This symbol indicates imminent danger that will result
in life-threatening physical injury or death.

WARNING, electrical
WARNING This symbol indicates a possible dangerous situation
that could result in serious physical injury or death.

2-4 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions

CAUTION, electrical
CAUTION This symbol indicates a possible dangerous situation
that could result in moderate physical injury. This signal
word can also be used for warnings related to
equipment damage.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 2-5

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

3.1 General

Chapter 3 - Device Overview provides the technical data of the device.

This chapter contains:
• Hardware description
• Operation modes and software features
• Parameter description

3.2 Description of the Excitation System

3.2.1 Introduction

UNITROL 1000 is an automatic voltage regulator of the latest design for

synchronous generators and synchronous motors. The unit contains the
most advanced microprocessor technology together with IGBT
semiconductor technology (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor).
All operations are effected through a practical and simple-to-operate
panel on the unit. In addition, user-friendly software facilitates
commissioning and allows optimization of operation.
The mechanical construction is extremely compact and robust.
The UNITROL 1000 unit can be connected to a 40 A Power Module
called UNITROL 1000-PM40. For further information please refer to the
separate User Manual.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 3-1

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

3.3 Hardware

The device is built into an aluminum casing with
cooling flanges. The connection terminals are
integrated into the front of the circuit boards,
which are arranged on top of one another.

Power electronics
The power part is fitted with an IGBT semi-
conductor. The average value of the output
voltage is always positive. The output is current-
limited and thus short-circuit-proof.

Control elements
The operating keys, the display and the sub-D
connector for the RS-232 interface are located
on the unit cover.

The site of installation must be dry and free of
Dimensions in mm dust.

3.3.1 Connection diagram

" # $ $ " % &

+, . *
' ( '(
" ,

- !

. 23/
0 " 1

$ 4

' (
-- '( .

3-2 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

3.3.2 Control Interfaces

The UN1000 device can be operated in different ways and from remote locations as
described in the rest of this section. Keyboard and Panel display

The four-line display and the four keys are
Monitor sufficient to allow a complete operation.
Mode = Auto
Connected: 1
All settings can be carried out directly on the unit
without additional equipment:
• Configuration of inputs and outputs
OK • Parameter setting
• Display of important measuring values.

ESC The operation of the Panel is described in detail

in the section 6.3 Panel Operation. PC software tool

Parameter configuration and optimization can be done with the user-friendly software
CMT1000 for Microsoft Windows. The CMT1000 can be used to access the UN1000-15
by using a serial connection point-to-point via the RS-232 port or by using an additional
TCP/IP converter gateway, which allows access from remote locations. The connection
options to use CMT1000 are described in Chapter 3.3.9 - Communication ports.

Basic features of the CMT1000

• Configuration of parameters
and I/O signals.
• Measurement reading
• Trending function for controller
optimization (Oscilloscope,
Power chart).
• Parameter File upload or
• PID tuning, Setpoint step and
other powerful commissioning

The CMT1000 software operation is described in Chapter 6.4 - PC Software tool. Remote Access using MODBUS

The Remote Access feature allows device access and control from local or remote
locations by using MODBUS as application protocol. The communication can be
performed either via RS485 or TCP/IP using an external gateway over the RS-232 device
interface. More information about the connection possibilities can be found in Chapter
3.3.9 - Communication ports.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 3-3

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

Basic features and advantage of Remote Access

• Configuration of parameters and I/O signals.
• Measurement reading.
• Setpoint adjustment and PID tuning.
• Possibility to create a custom application that uses Remote Access to fully control the
• Monitor only and full control possible.

The Remote Access is fully interoperable with the CMT1000 software; both interfaces can
access and read from the device at the same moment and control permission (write
parameters) is handled automatically by the AVR microcontroller. The Remote Access
feature is described in detail in Chapter 3.4.9 - Remote Access. Terminal block

The UN1000 can be controlled by means of digital and analog inputs and can therefore
set up several configurations to fulfill most target applications. All devices' terminals are
located in the Terminal Block of the UN1000-15 which is shown in Figure 3-1.

serial port


+AI 1

+AI 2

-AI 1

-AI 2

DI 5

DI 6

DI 7

DI 8

32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
I M2 485 CAN






AO 2
+AI 3

AO 1
-AI 3

S1 S2 + - -

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 50 51 52 53 54 55

UML2 L3 L1
Ie - L1(+)
L2(-) L3 L1(+)
L2(-) L3
1 2 3 4 5 46 7 8 49 10 11 12
4 13 14 15
J2 J4
RS-485 CAN

Figure 3-1Terminal block of UN1000-15

3-4 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

3.3.3 Overview of the Device Connections

' )( ) & ' ( *
' )( ) & 2
' .2 )( ) , .' ( " %
* /
7 "5 +
+5 +

' ( 3

. * 8
=. 23/
+ 23/ /
. . +1
* * /.

6 , /*
0 " /2
. 7 . 0 "
+ =2
2 //

/ *
6 ' 0 (
.*. 8


** "
" .*
*2 " < .2
" . "
*/ ) &
" "5 + ./
*6 ".
*7 ".
*3 ) & < ; 9
*8 ) , .6

+ .7
3 ) & + . .3 + ;

8 .8 +
"* ; :9 ) ,
. "* ; :9 + * *
. ) & < + 2 *

; 9
2 +5 +
2 ) ,
2. +/ 9
2* +6
22 ) ,
2/ +7
26 +3 :9
27 +5 +

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 3-5

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

3.3.4 Device connections

Terminal Signal Circuit

L1(+) = 13 Auxiliary supply UAUX UN1000-15
L2(-) = 14 - AC input voltage three-phase External 3~
L3 = 15 (250 V / 140 V) or
9 to 250 V~ L1,L2,L3
- AC input voltage single-phase 1~
(250 V) or 50 to 250 V~ L1,L2
- DC input voltage UN1000-15
18 to 300 V= L1(+),L2(-)
L1(+) = 10 Power electronics supply UPWR UN1000-15
L2(-) = 11 - AC input voltage three-phase, External 3~
L3 = 12 AC input voltage single-phase 0 to 250 V~ L1,L2,L3
and excitation current < 10 A 1~
or 0 to 250 V~ L1,L2
- DC input voltage UN1000-15
0 to 300 V= L1(+),L2(-)
- AC input voltage single-phase External UN1000-15
and excitation current >10 A
Rectifier: 35 A, 1200 V L1
0 to 250 V~
Capacitor: 1000 µF, 600 V L2
Three-phase: Measurement inputs -#
L1=1, L2=2, L3=3 Three-phase: /
S1=16, S2=17 - Machine voltage UM .
> # 9 ./ ) ! 9. )"

Single-phase: Single-phase:
L1 = 1, L3 = 3 - Machine current IM2
" ! 9 )"
S1 = 16, S2 = 17 .
or >
Single-phase: -#
- Machine voltage UM

> # 9 / ) ! 9. )"

Three-phase with ground /

*PT & CTs must (Three ph gnd)

- Machine voltage UM
be grounded *
. * > # 9 / ) ! 9. )"
L1 = 4, L3 = 5 Single-phase: -#
Line voltage measurement UNET
*PT & CTs must * -

be grounded > # 9 / ) ! 9. )"

(+) = 8 Excitation current output Ie UN 1000-15 External

(-) = 9 +
0 to 300 V=
15 A = E
Earth connection=7 Earth connection

3-6 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

Terminal Signal Circuit

DIO1 = 27 Digital inputs
DIO2 = 28 DIO1 … DIO4 External 24 V DC UN1000-15
DIO3 = 30 +Vdig
DIO4 = 31 DIO1 … DIO4 can be
+Vdig = 26, 29 operated either as inputs or 24 mA
outputs. in

Digital outputs
UN1000-15 External
24 V DC
Caution: +Vdig
Configured as outputs, DIO1
… DIO4 must not be in
connected directly with +Vdig
(causes short circuit via DIO
internal transistor)

DI5 = 42 Digital inputs

DI6 = 43 DI5 … DI8 External 24 V DC UN1000-15
DI7 = 45
DI8 = 46 Controlled from potential-free
+Vdig = 41, 44 contacts 24 mA
DGND = 40, 47 DI


Note: The internal 24 V supply can be loaded with a maximum of 300 mA by all used
digital inputs and outputs.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 3-7

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

Terminal designation Signal Circuit

+AI1 = 33, -AI1 = 34 Analog inputs

+AI2 = 36, -AI2 = 37 AI1 … AI3 External 10 V DC UN1000-15
+AI3 = 19, -AI3 = 20 +Vref
+Vref = 18, 35 R = 10 k , 1 W +AI 100k
-Vref = 21, 38 R 47k
AGND= 25 -
Earth = 22,32,39
AGND 47k
-10 V DC

max. ±10 V
+AI + 100k
-AI -

+AI1 = 33, -AI1 = 34 Analog inputs digitally

+AI2 = 36, -AI2 = 37 assigned UN1000-15
+AI3 = 19, -AI3 = 20 AI1 … AI3 10 V DC
+Vref = 18, 35 (DI9 … DI14)
-Vref = 21, 38 see Chapter 3.3.7 - +AI 100k
+Vdig = 26, 29, 41, 44 Analog Inputs + Ain
AGND= 25 -AI
DGND= 40, 47 100k
Earth = 22,32,39 47k

AO1 = 23 Analog outputs

AO2 = 24 AO1 … AO2 UN1000-15 External
max. ±10 V
AGND= 25 max. ±20 mA
- ±12 V 100R

Serial port: Serial interface RS-232 Standard cable

Sub-D, 9 pol, Male RX = 2 (terminals 2 and 3 crossed)
TX = 3 2 2
GND = 5 3 3
5 5
RS485: (+)=50, (-)=51 - Serial interface RS-485

CAN: (+) = 54, (-) = 55 CAN Bus for Power

gnd = 53 Module UNITROL 1000-15 Power Module
UNITROL 1000-PM40 X102
53 1

Shielded cable: - 55 2
2x 2x 0.34 mm , 120R 52 3
Impedance 120 , J4
+ 54 4
Length of cable < 30 m 5

Earth: = 52

3-8 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

3.3.5 Digital Inputs

Input function Description

None Input not assigned

Excitation ON active Excitation ON command active:
- Field flashing begins if Off Level > 0%
- Auto mode: Soft start begins after the Off Level has been reached,
and rises up to the Auto Initial Setpoint.
- Other modes: Initial Setpoint is used.
Excitation ON not active Excitation ON command not active: Mode Initial Setpoint
All setpoints are immediately set to Auto 100%
their initial values and remain fixed Manual 0%
there (see table on the right).
Open Loop 0%
Auto, Manual and Open loop Initial PF 1.0
setpoints can be changed. Var 0%
Gen CB Closed Status Circuit-breaker closed status active:
active - Activates current measurement
- This message triggers immediately the ramp of the Softstart as if
still the hold time.
Gen CB Closed Status no Circuit-breaker closed status Mode Final value
longer active changes from active to not active. Manual 90% Ie No Load
All setpoints are immediately set
Open Loop 90% 1/Kceil
to the following values:
Auto 100%
Parallel with Grid Status Parallel with grid status active:
- Together with Gen CB Closed, enables the possibility to change
over to PF and Var modes.
- Disables VDC mode.
Increase Increase setpoint of active regulator
Decrease Decrease setpoint of active regulator
Reset Setpoint Status reset setpoint is active: Mode Final value
The setpoint of the active Manual Ie No Load
regulator goes to the following Open Loop 100% 1/Kceil
value at ramp speed:
PF 1.0
Var 0%
Auto 100%
Remote SP Enable When active it enables the setpoint adjustment from an analog input
(remote setpoints should be configured in Analog Input section).
PF Enable Activates Power factor regulation.
Var Enable Activates Reactive power regulation.
Manual Enable Activates Manual operation mode (field current regulation).
Open Loop Enable Open loop, direct control of power transistor active
Synchronize Activates Synchronization or Voltage Matching:
If Synchronization SW (optional) is not available in the device, the
input signal will activate Voltage Matching only.
VDC Enable Activates the Voltage Droop Compensation (VDC) control mode.
Secondary Net Selects the Secondary Net 2 for VDC operation.
Requires Synchronization SW.
4 5
Requires Voltage Droop Compensation (VDC) SW. Requires the PF/VAR SW.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 3-9

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

Input function Description

Reset Alarm Clear the following alarms:
- SW Alarm
- Supervision Alarm
- Supervision Trip
- Changeover
- System OK (reserved use)
Standby When the AVR is in Standby mode:
- The excitation output of the AVR is turned off
- Boost is disabled
- Field flashing is off
- Integrator is kept in 1/Kceiling
- All limits are disabled
- No VDC data is transmitted via the RS-485.
- The AVR displays Standby as Operation Mode.
- DCH Follow-up operates, only if DCH communication is active;
otherwise the Channel Follow-up operates instead. For more
information see Chapter - DCH Follow-Up and 3.4.2 - Channel
- Alarm and Trip statuses output their values via digital outputs only if
they are configured to behave like that. For more information see
Chapter - DCH Supervision.
RC Fieldbus Block It disables the Fieldbus communication in local operation.
FCB closed Status Field circuit breaker closed status active.
1 1
External Alarm Input to use as External Alarm input .
Requires Double Channel SW. Polarity

Polarity can be configured for all digital input/output ports (DIO) 1 to 4 separately, and
each one has a separate polarity configuration when configured as input or output. Each
DIO port can be configured as only input or only output at the same time.

24 V DC 24 V DC


DIO1 to 4 DIO1 to 4
DI5 to 8 DI5 to 8
normal DI9 to 14 DI9 to 14 Forcing digital input signals

Each digital input signal can be set to a predefined value (i.e. active/not active) by means
of configuration, without the need to make connections at the device's terminals; this
process is also known as forcing.
Forcing a digital input terminal can be done by configuring the Polarity parameter of an
input to Normal or Inverted. When Polarity is set to Normal, the digital input is set to not
active, i.e. false or logical 0. When it is set to Inverted, the input is set to active, i.e. true
or logic al 1. It is a must that the intended digital input, which is being configured, shall
not have connections at its device terminals. For more information about configuration
see Chapter 6 - Operation.

3-10 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

3.3.6 Digital Outputs

Output function Description

None Output not assigned
Boost Status signal boost is active
Boost supports excitation in the event of line short circuit or heavy load.
The boost function is blocked during field flashing and Softstart.
Field Flashing Field flashing (voltage built up) active, if Excitation ON
See section 2.4.2 The next field flashing can only be started after Excitation ON or after the
power has been switched off.
During field flashing the output of the regulator is blocked in all operation
System OK Reserved signal.
Limit Active One of the limiters (V/Hz, Ie, PQ or UM) is active
or setpoint limit has been reached (min. or max. position)
V/Hz Limit Active V/Hz limiter active
SP Limit Reached Setpoint limit has been reached
SP Minimum Minimum setpoint has been reached
SP Maximum Maximum setpoint has been reached
Operational Limit Ie, PQ, UM limiter or Diode Alarm active
Min Ie Active Ie minimum current limiter active
Max Ie Active Ie maximum current limiter active
Min PQ Active PQ limiter active
Min UM Active Limit value for minimum machine voltage is fallen below,
voltage limiter active
Max UM Active Limit value for maximum machine voltage is exceeded,
voltage limiter active
Voltage Relay Active = machine voltage below boost threshold
Inactive = boost threshold plus hysteresis exceeded
Not dependent on signal Excitation ON.
Close CB The command is released:
Command - Angle is in a value where it would take the Total CB Closing Time for the
breaker to close at zero degrees with current speed and acceleration.
- Sync Check demand active
- The command is active as long as the command Sync Check is active
Sync Check Sync Check demand to be active:
- Generator circuit breaker is open
- Machine voltage is higher than 50%
- Synchronization is possible (unit with Sync-Option)
- Synchronize is enabled
- Slip is between minimum slip and maximum slip
- Machine voltage is deviating from network voltage maximum Delta U
- Angle is between -maximum delta angle and +maximum delta angle
Requires Synchronization SW.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 3-11

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

Output function Description

SW Alarm Software program process is out of order
Diode Alarm Event of open diode
Diode Trip Event of a shorted diode
SW Alarm or Diode Trip SW alarm and event of a shorted diode
MODBUS Com Alarm Loss of MODBUS command
Close FCB Command Command to close the field circuit breaker
Open FCB Command Command to open the field circuit breaker
1 Alarm signal that can be connected to several monitoring
Supervision Alarm 1
functions .
1 Trip signal that can be connected to several monitoring
Supervision Trip 1
functions .
1 Configurable signal output used for Change-Over in a Double
Switch Over 1
Channel System .
Requires Double Channel SW.
Requires Rotating Diode Monitoring SW.

3.3.7 Analog Inputs

Input function Description

None Input not assigned
Auto Remote Setpoint External setpoint input to Auto regulator
PF Remote Setpoint External setpoint input to PF regulator
Var Remote Setpoint External setpoint input to Var regulator
Manual Remote Setpoint External setpoint input to Manual regulator
Open Loop Remote SP External setpoint input to open loop
UM Aux Auxiliary supply to the summing point of Auto regulator
Ie External Reserved.
Cooling Media Temperature Input temperature measurement for the temperature influence
Reserved 4 to 5 Reserved for future software expansions
Digital Input 9(+) & 10(-) Assign digital inputs
Digital Input 11(+) & 12(-) Assign digital inputs
Digital Input 13(+) & 14(-) Assign digital inputs
Requires PF/VAR SW.
Requires UM AUX SW.

Note: When configuring an external setpoint from the analog input list shown above, the
"Remote SP Enable" digital input should be also configured. For more information see
Chapter 3.3.5 - Digital Inputs.

3-12 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 3 - Device Overview Level of the analog inputs

Internal signal value [%]

External setpoint input
Setpoint max

Setpoint min
Ext. Setpoint Auto

-10 10 [V]
Uin0% Uin100%

UM Aux [%]
Input to the summing 10
point max
Uin0% Analog in

-10 10 [V]
min Uin100%

• Input voltage of the cooling media temperature

Range: Uin0% = - 10.0 V refers to - 100 °C
Uin100% = +10.0 V refers to +100 °C

• Analog inputs digitally assigned

Two digital inputs can be generated from one analog input. See example below.

Voltage between the (+)AI1 – (-)AI1 <= -5 V (+)AI1 – (-)AI1 >= 5 V

input terminals
Uin Uin
0V +AI1 10V +AI1
Principle hardware Ain Ain
10V -AI1 0V -AI1

DI9 = 1

-5.0 -2.0 DI9 = 0

DI10 = 0 Uin
2.0 5.0 [V]
Condition of the
digital inputs
DI10 = 1

Status of the digital -> Din9(+) = 0 -> Din9(+) = 1

inputs -> Din10(-) = 1 -> Din10(-) = 0

Note: +AI and -AI must not be active simultaneously!

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 3-13

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

3.3.8 Analog Outputs

Output function Description

None Output not assigned

Excitation Current Excitation current
PWM Pulse width modulation, control value is limited to a minimum of 2%
Fbias Analog continuous signal presenting difference between UNET and UM
Fbias = fNET – fNOM – (SlipMAX – SlipMIN)/2
Output signal Fbias is forced to zero:
- Not in Sync mode
- Synchronization function not enabled (unit without Sync-Option)
- Network frequency is not between 45 … 66 Hz
Slip Slip between Network and Machine frequencies
Active Power Machine Active Power
Note: The assignment of the analog outputs to the 2 terminals AO1 and AO2 can be
selected freely. Level of the analog outputs

Excitation Current Aout [V]

Caution: Uout 100%
Ie0% must be less than
Ie100% Uout 0%
400 [%]
Ie 0% Ie100%

Aout [V]
Uout 100%
Uout 0% Fbias
-10 10 [Hz]
Fbias 0% Fbias 100%

Aout [V]
Uout 100%

PWM Output
Uout 0% PWM
100 [%]

3-14 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

Slip " @)C

* The parameter "Slip0%" ?

cannot be set by the user. ' #(
This parameter is internally
set as the negative of "Slip @AB C
100%": ?
"Slip0%" = (-)"Slip100%" ' (

?> ?>
' ( ' #(

" @)C
Active Power

' #(
" : 4
. @?C
' (

" : 4 ?
' #(

Note: The full voltage range runs from –10 V to 10 V at a resolution of 10 bits.

3.3.9 Communication ports

The UN1000 has three main communication ports to share several features which can be
used in combination to cover the requirements of an application.
• RS-232 is a point-to-point interface that can be used to connect with a PC and is
used by the CMT1000 software to control the device. As an alternative, the
interface port can be connected via a TCP/IP gateway to create a multi-point
Ethernet network and allows the connection to both CMT1000 and Remote
• RS-485 is a multi-point interface that could be used for Remote Access or VDC;
only one feature can be used at the same time.
• CAN is a multi-point interface used to connect an UN1000-PM40 module and
uses the Double Channel feature; both cannot share the CAN bus and they are
only partially compatible to operate together in the same device.
This section describes the hardware and wiring requirements for the communication
interfaces. The software features that use these communication interfaces are explained
in Chapter 3.4 Software. RS232 interface

The UN1000 integrates a RS232 serial port with MODBUS capability to communicate
with the CMT1000 software and a remote terminal using Remote Access.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 3-15

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

The serial RS232 port of UN1000 can be used to connect a PC, which runs a CMT1000
software (see Figure 3-2). If the application requires a TCP/IP connection or access from
remote locations, a TCP/IP gateway can be used to create a multi-point network (Modbus
TCP) as shown in Figure 3-3. The use of a TCP/IP gateway on the RS-232 interface is
further referred to as RS232 TCP/IP connection.

# D ,E *

D : .*.
' F F (

Figure 3-2 RS232 connection to a PC (no TCP/IP interface)

0 ! 5 4 $

D : .*. D 0 : -E
4 G
' F F ( ' F (

# ,E *

Figure 3-3 RS232 TCP/IP connection

The RS232 TCP/IP connection allows the device to be monitored and controlled from a
remote location. It also offers the possibility to have max. one CMT1000 connection and
one Remote Control accessing the AVR at the same moment. This solution can be
suitable for applications that, for instance, require control or monitoring from remote
location, a custom control software, MODBUS TCP as communication interface or a
single CMT1000 software that accesses several AVRs. More information about these
software features and configuration can be found in Chapters 3.4.9 Remote Access and
6.4 PC Software tool.

RS232 connection requirements

The UN1000 serial cable provided by ABB (see Figure 3-4) should be connected in order
to use the CMT1000 software. The cable should be connected between the RS232 port
from the AVR and the serial port from the PC where the CMT1000 is installed (see Figure
3-2); USB to RS232 converters can be used on the PC side.

If the UN1000 serial cable provided from ABB is not available, a replacement cable can
be used as long as it fulfils the following requirements:

3-16 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

Cable and connector types

• Serial null modem RS232:
Terminals 2 and 3 must be crossed. Terminal 5 must be used (ground).
Terminals 1, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 must not be connected.
• DB9 female-to-female
• Length: 3 meters (maximum)

Internal crossing schema

2 2
3 3
5 5
Note: other terminals must not be
Figure 3-4 UN1000 Serial
RS232 TCP/IP connection requirements cable for RS232
The RS232 TCP/IP connection requires a
UN1000 serial cable provided by ABB (Figure 3-4) to be connected between the UN1000
and the TCP/IP gateway (Figure 3-3).

The TCP/IP gateway converts Modbus RTU to Modbus TCP data and vice versa. There
are several TCP/IP gateways available which can be used with UN1000. ABB have
tested the UN1000 operation with the NetBiter® Modbus RTU-TCP Gateway from
IntelliCom Innovation AB, Mgate MB3170 and Mgate MB3180 from MOXA.

Configuration of NetBiter® Modbus RTU-TCP Gateway

Settings at RS-232 side:
• Baud rate: 57600 /sec
• Data bits: 8
• Stop bit: 1
• Parity: none
Settings at TCP/IP side:
• Port number: 502
• IP and mask addresses: according to network.
• Slave response time: 200 ms
• The remaining settings should be left as factory default of the gateway.

The NetBiter® TCP/IP Gateway product datasheet and user manual can be found at the
manufacturer Internet address: When using Mgate MB3170 or
MB3180 from MOXA, the Modbus TCP Exception capability should be enabled, the Initial
Delay 10 msec. and the Response Time-out 200 msec.

Other TCP/IP Gateways can be used whenever it fulfills the following requirements:

Minimum requirements for a TCP/IP Gateway

• Modbus RTU Master on the serial side.
• RS232 serial compatible, preferred with DB9 male connector on the serial side.
• Modbus TCP Slave on the Ethernet side.
• TCP/IP Ethernet port compatible, minimum speed 10 Mbit/sec.
• Configurable at 57.6 Kbit/s baud rate, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity.
• Port configuration to 502. Configurable IP address according to the application.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 3-17

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

Firewall configuration for RS232 TCP/IP connection

In case of a firewall (software or hardware), port 502 and 1025 must be opened for
communication in both directions. RS485 interface

The UN1000 provides a RS485 interface for both VDC and Remote Access; however
only one should be activated and both can not use the bus simultaneously. If both
features are required and must be activated, the solution is the usage of Remote Access
over Modbus TCP (using a TCP/IP gateway) and VDC over RS485 (Figure 3-5). More
information about hardware connections over RS232 can be found in Chapter
RS232 interface.

D 0 '- E (

0 ! 5 4 $ 0 ! 5 4 $

)+0 : 23/

Figure 3-5 ABB solution if both Remote Access and VDC features are

The electrical connections of the RS485 bus should be performed according to EIA485
standard specification. The 120 ohm resistor normally used to terminate a RS485 bus is
already included in UN1000 and should be used by placing a jumper bridge over the J2
terminals. The J2 location is shown in Chapter Terminal block.

Cable type requirements

• Cable cross-section: 2 x 0.75mm2
• Cable impedance: 100 to 120R
• Shielded twisted pair.

The cable shielding shall be grounded as closely as possible to the device's terminals as
shown in Figure 3-6.

3-18 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

23/ 0 "

/ / /. /* /2 //

=. =2
23/ 0 "


E ,
, 9

Figure 3-6 Shielding and wiring recommendation when using the RS-
485 interface.

RS485 for Remote Access

When using Remote Access over the RS-485 bus, a jumper bridge over J2 terminals
should be placed whenever the AVR is located at the end of the bus. There should not be
any resistor placed externally, i.e. on the other terminals of the device, if a jumper bridge
over J2 is already being placed. The Remote Access software configuration is explained
in Chapter 3.4.9 Remote Access.

RS485 for VDC

When configuring the RS485 interface for VDC, a jumper bridge should be placed over
the J2 terminals of each AVR located at the end of the bus; and it should be removed
from those not located at the end (see Figure 3-7). No resistor should be placed
externally, i.e. on the device's terminals, when the jumper bridge of the UN1000 is
already being used.

") ") . =. ") *

=. ") 2
=. =.
/ 23/ / 23/ / 23/ /
. / . . / . . / . . / .
/. /. /. /.

Figure 3-7 RS-485 wiring and jumper settings to use VDC on a set of four AVRs.

As shown in Figure 3-7 the topology of the bus should be as "one line" with two endings,
and not as a "star". The recommendations described in Chapter RS485 interface
should be strictly followed. The total length of the cable from end-to-end should not
exceed 250 meters. The VDC feature operates only over RS485 and could not work
properly if there is any other device incompatibly connected to the same bus.
The VDC software should be configured in each device prior to use. The configuration is
described in Chapter 3.4.3 Voltage droop compensation (VDC).

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 3-19

Chapter 3 - Device Overview CAN interface

A CAN interface is provided for both Double Channel (connection with a second channel)
and UN1000-PM; however both cannot use the bus simultaneously. As explained in
Chapter 3.4.8 - Double Channel (DCH), the DCH Supervision can be used together with
a UN1000-PM connected to the AVR since the CAN communication is not needed for the
operation of the monitoring functions. However, the remaining functions from Double
Channel are not compatible with the UN1000-PM. For more information see Chapter - DCH communication: configuration and compatibility.

The electrical connections should be performed according to CAN standard guidelines. A

120 ohm resistor normally used to terminate the bus, is already included in the device
and can be used by placing a jumper bridge over the J4 terminals. The location of the J4
terminals can be identified by referring to Chapter Terminal block.

CAN for UN1000-PM40

The CAN connections between UN1000-15 and UN1000-PM40 are indicated in Figure
3-8. For more information refer to the UN1000-PM40 User Manual.

CAN: CAN Bus for

(+) = 54 Power Module UNITROL 1000-15 Power Module
(-) = 55 UNITROL 1000-PM40 X102
53 1
Gnd = 53 gnd CAN_GND

Shielded cable: - 55 2
2x 2x 0.34 mm , 120R 52 3
Impedance 120 , J4
+ 54 4
Length of cable < 30 m 5

Figure 3-8 CAN connections to use an UN1000-PM40 with UN1000-15.

CAN for Double Channel

When using Double Channel, the CAN connections should be performed as shown in
(Figure 3-9). The cable used for the CAN communication shall be connected only
between the two channels, i.e. Main and Redundant, and not to any other device. To
properly terminate the bus, there should be one jumper bridge placed over the J4
terminals of each device.

Cable type requirements

• Cable cross-section: 2 x 2 x 0.34 mm
• Cable impedance: 120
• Maximum cable length: 30 meters.
• Shielded twisted pair. The shielding shall be grounded.

The Double Channel is an optional feature that should be previously available in the
device (by password or product rubric), configured and the communication activated. For
more information refer to Chapter 3.4.8- Double Channel (DCH).

3-20 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

23/ 0 " 23/ 0 "

/ / /. /* /2 // / / /. /* /2 //

=. =2 =. =2
0 E 23/ 0 " 0 E . 23/ 0 "

0 " H 0 " H
0 " HA 0 " HA

E , E ,

+ D 0 E 0 " 0

Figure 3-9 CAN connection for Double Channel SW.

3.4 Software

The UN1000 device supports several operating modes and software

features, such as machine voltage regulator (Auto), field regulator
(Manual), measurements monitoring, change of parameters and others
which are described in detail in this section.
A set of basic software features is enabled by default in each UN1000-
15 product and is referred to as basic software package. There are
optional software features which extend the UN1000 capabilities and
which can be enabled by password. Once a password code has been
acquired from ABB, optional software can be enabled using the
CMT1000 software. A pre-configured device with selected optional
features can also be ordered by means of the product rubric number,
and in this case there is no need of software activation by password.
More information regarding the activation procedure can be found in
Chapter 6.4.4 Menu structure of CMT 1000.
The following sections explain the complete UN1000 software including
optional features. It is clearly mentioned at the beginning of the
description if a software feature is optional or not. The Panel and
CMT1000 software are explained in Chapter 6 - Operation.
After the configuration of the device, the parameters should be stored in
the non-volatile EEPROM memory; otherwise the changes are lost after
restarting the device. The command Save to the EEPROM is used to
store parameters in the non-volatile memory and is explained in Chapter
6 - Operation.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 3-21

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

3.4.1 Operating modes

There is a bumpless changeover between all modes performed by the Channel Follow-up
function. For more information see Chapter 3.4.2 - Channel Follow-up. Tuning and other
parameters are described in Chapter 3.4.11 Description of parameters. Automatic voltage regulation (Auto)

Regulates the terminal voltage of the UN 1000-15

synchronous machine. PID Regulator

Current measurement for compensation /
SM E Manual control

Regulates the field current of the UN 1000-15

excitation machine.
PI Regulator
No limiters are active as long as this
mode is active.
SM E PF or Var regulation (Optional)

Regulates the power factor or reactive UN 1000-15

power of the synchronous machine. PID Regulator


SM E Open loop

Control with a fixed output signal. UN 1000-15

No limiters are active as long as this
mode is active.


3-22 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

3.4.2 Channel Follow-up

A bumpless operation when changing between operation modes is provided by UN1000.

While the UN1000 device is operating at one operation mode, the setpoint from the other
modes are following the actual one in order to provide a soft transition, with no bumps, on
the generator regulation when a mode change takes place (e.g. from Auto to Manual).
This feature is called Channel Follow-up and is different from the DCH Follow-up; the
former is active as long as the DCH software is not used and the latter when DCH is
used. For more information about Double Channel software see Chapter 3.4.8 - Double
Channel (DCH).
When UN1000 is running at a specific operation mode, the other modes are following the
actual one by calculating their setpoints with a certain delay from the actual
measurements; i.e. the other setpoints are delayed with respect to the actual generator's
operating point (setpoint and measurements). This delaying method minimizes the
influence of system failures on the setpoint calculation (e.g. wrong measurement due to
PT failures) and improves the bumpless characteristic at the moment of changeover.
Channel Follow-up is the same function included in software release and, as
before, it requires no configuration from the user. If DCH Software is not used, Channel
Follow-up is enabled after Excitation On; except during SoftStart. During SoftStart, the
Channel Follow-up function is disabled.

3.4.3 Voltage droop compensation (VDC)

(Optional) – For island operation only –

UNITROL 1000 offers a special feature called Voltage Droop Compensation or VDC. This
feature equally shares the amount of reactive power between generators connected in
parallel to the same bus (see Figure 3-10), by using the RS485 bus for communication
between AVRs. The wiring connections of the RS485 bus are explained in Chapter RS485 interface.
During VDC mode all AVRs operate in Auto mode with a voltage droop control. Each
AVR has to be configured with a unique AVR-ID number which identifies itself among the
others on the bus. Each AVR sends the value of its own amount of reactive power over
the RS-485 bus, while the other AVRs take this information to calculate a common
average MVAR setpoint and compensate the effect of the voltage droop. The setpoints
are calculated to maintain the voltage level on the busbar at 100% (not adjustable).

" 1


") ") . ") * ") 2

$ .

Figure 3-10 VDC application example of four machines and two nets.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 3-23

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

The VDC software supports the network to be divided into smaller entities. Each AVR can
operate in one of two pre-determined island grids called Primary and Secondary Nets.
The Primary Net is selected by default if the Secondary is not configured.
When the Secondary Net is required, it should be configured using a digital input. This
input determines whether the AVR uses data for VDC calculation from the devices
configured in the Primary or Secondary Net. When the Secondary Net digital input is
active (logical high), the AVR is selected to operate in the Secondary Net and shares
reactive power between those from Secondary Net only; information from the Primary
Net's AVRs is ignored. On the other hand, if Secondary Net digital input is low or not
configured, the AVR operates in Primary Net and shares reactive power data only with
the others which operate in Primary Net as well.
Normally the digital input for Secondary Net is configured (appears in the DI port list) only
on the AVRs intended to operate in Primary and Secondary Net (see Figure 3-10). On
the other AVRs, the Secondary Net digital input is not normally configured in the DIO
section, which causes the parameter value to be internally assigned to logical zero;
therefore the device only operates in Primary Net. Configuration

Primary Net ID: Primary Net ID Machine voltage

Secondary Net ID: Secondary Net ID
Ramp Time: Ramp Up Time [s]

Ramp time to get machine voltage to

100% and Var equal between machines Reactive current
after VDC is activated.
Var SPmax [%]
Var SPmin

The Compensation Droop Kq shall be set at -5% (negative value) if VDC mode is used.

The AVR-ID number is used to identify the generator among the others and it should be
configured before using VDC. The AVR-ID shall be set as a number between 1 and 31
and it shall be a different number for each machine. In dual channel system, both AVRs
from the same machine (i.e. Main and Redundant) shall be configured with the same
AVR-ID number.
The Primary and Secondary Net ID numbers should be different from each other and
unique for each island grid. Communication

The VDC communication refers to the data transmitted over the RS485 bus whereas the
VDC operating mode refers to whether this data is used for compensation of the reactive
power or not. The AVR enables the VDC communication (i.e. transmit data over the bus)
as soon as the "Gen CB Closed status" input is active (logical one) and VDC software is
available in the device; except during Standby or when Remote Access via the RS485 is
active. As long as the AVR is in Standby or Remote Access via RS485 is active, the VDC
communication is disabled and will not be transmitted over the bus. Once the VDC
communication is enabled, the data available on the bus is taken and used for the

3-24 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

regulation only when the AVR is switched to VDC operating mode (i.e. by VDC Enable
digital input).

The availability of the VDC communication disregarding the operation mode (even during
Excitation Off), allows the cabling connections and communication quality to be easily
tested. The testing is performed by forcing the "Gen CB Closed status" input signal and
monitoring the status of the communication using the VDC Monitor tool included in the
CMT1000. The VDC Monitor allows checking whether the cabling connections are ok or
not, but it does not distinguish if the VDC operating mode is enabled in the device or not;
this can be checked by connecting the CMT1000 or by Remote Access to each AVR. For
more information about VDC Monitor refer to Chapter Communication Menu. Activation

The VDC operation mode can be activated via a digital input (i.e. VDC Enable signal) or
Remote Access. For more information refer to Chapter 3.3.5 Digital Inputs, 3.4.9 Remote
Access and 6.4.4 Menu structure of CMT 1000.

3.4.4 Synchronization (SYNC)


The automatic synchronization of a synchronous machine with the Line is achieved using
the optional integrated synchronizing function. By setting few simple parameters,
UNITROL 1000 supplies the corresponding control signals for the speed governor and
closes the circuit breaker.
Analog speed correction Fbias is given out from the UNITROL 1000-15 analog output to
the speed governor control summing point (not as pulse). This signal represents the
difference of network NOMINAL and network ACTUAL frequency. The reference
(setpoint) value for the speed governor must be nominal (50 or 60 Hz) and the Fbias
given by UNITROL 1000 will drive the speed close to actual network frequency.
Note that the speed control is not with INC/DEC pulses, and that it is not possible to
derive such pulses from the Fbias signal. Also, the configuration possibilities of PTs
(machine/net) are very limited. Other functions, like dead bus synchronizing, etc. are also
missing. The circuit breaker closing command type is traditional with no specialties (for
one breaker).

UNET UN 1000-15
Setpoint fSP = fNom Synchrocheck
Fbias Sync
Speed Controller


Figure 3-11 Typical application for Synchronization.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 3-25

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

Synchronization should never be performed by calculation only. All
measurements shall be confirmed on site before synchronization takes
Power circuit breaker (CB) must not be closed unless both voltages
are at least approximately synchronous (coincident).
Otherwise, this may result in faults in line operation, loading of the
synchronous machine and, in extreme cases, damage to the
synchronous machine.
A separate synchrocheck relay must be used to secure the right
operation. For further information please contact ABB.

Measuring and Matching

The values are obtained by the two measurement signals UNET and UM
• Voltage difference (amplitude)
• Slip (frequency difference)
• Phase-angle difference

The voltage matching function gives the adjusting value to the internal voltage regulator
and the frequency matching function sends the analog signal Fbias to the turbine

Monitoring and command generation

The command to close the breaker (CB) is released if all conditions are fulfilled. Configuration

Min Slip [Hz] : Minimum Slip (Delta U) UM -UNET [%]

Max Slip [Hz] : Maximum Slip 10.0
MaxDeltaU [%] : Max. voltage difference
Note: fM > fNET
Slip always negative [Hz]

-1.00 -0.40 0
Maximum Minimum

Angle = 10 -10

20 -20
Max Delta Angle Max Delta Angle [deg] 40 -20 -40

[deg] 60 -60

80 -80

3-26 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

Tot CB CloseTime Time between closing command and closed breaker (see data
[ms] sheet of the breaker).

Voltage Offset [%] Voltage correction factor between UM and UNET.


Angle Offset [deg] Phase correction factor between UM and UNET. Delta angle is
calculated as follows:
Delta Angle = PhaseNET – PhaseM + Angle Offset
Situation: Due to a step-up transformer between machine and
grid, UNET is delayed 30º with respect to UM.
Correction needed: Angle Offset = + 30º (positive).

SYNC When set to False (default), this enables the monitoring of Gen
DisableCBCheck CB Closed Status input during Synchronization (only): if Gen CB
[True / False] Closed Status is active, Voltage Matching is not performed.
When set to True, this disables the monitoring of Gen CB Closed
Status during Synchronization (only): Voltage Matching is
performed disregarding the Gen CB Closed Status input (not
recommended in most applications).
Important: Leave this parameter in False for backwards
compatibility with releases 4.401 or earlier.

After the power circuit breaker has been closed, the Synchronize
command must be deactivated.
The setpoint of the speed controller must have the nominal value of 50
resp. 60 Hz for the synchronization.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 3-27

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

@?C "
Voltage matcher

The machine voltage is raised to the level *


of the line voltage.

Ramp Rate has to be adjusted in the menu

Setpoint AUTO 83

Frequency matcher @AB C ID

fNOM = 50 Hz (45 Hz < fNET 54 Hz, 50 Hz) 93
(54 Hz < fNET < 66 Hz, 60 Hz) *
fNET = 49 Hz
fM = 50 Hz @AB C
fSP = 50 Hz (Setpoint speed governor) / &
Slipmax = -0.4 Hz & ID
& 92
289. 28 &
Slipmin = 0 Hz -

Fbias = fNET -fNOM -(Slipmax-Slipmin)/2 = -0.8 Hz

fSP+Fbias = 49.2Hz Activation

The Synchronization can be activated via digital input or Remote Access. For more
information refer to Chapter 3.3.5 Digital Inputs, Chapter 3.4.9 Remote Access and 6.4.4
Menu structure of CMT 1000.

The Synchronization and Voltage Matching are features that are activated using the
same activation signal, called Synchronize. When the Synchronization SW is not
available in the AVR (i.e. blocked), only Voltage Matching will be activated when
Synchronize digital input is set to high. On the other hand, when Synchronization SW is
available (i.e. unblocked in the SW Options section of the CMT1000), Synchronize input
will fully activate the Synchronization feature, which also includes the capability of voltage
matching and the Fbias output. For more information about Voltage Matching see
Chapter 3.4.5 Voltage matching (VM).

3.4.5 Voltage matching (VM)

Voltage Matching is a function from the Synchronization software (Chapter 3.4.4) but
included in the AVR basic software package. When Voltage Matching is activated, the
generator voltage setpoint is adjusted to match UGEN with UNET, also during
Synchronization; however there is no Fbias output. More information about Voltage
Matching can be found in Chapter 3.4.4 - Synchronization (SYNC). Activation

The Synchronization and Voltage Matching are features that are activated using the
same activation signal, called Synchronize. When the Synchronization SW is not
available in the AVR (i.e. blocked), only Voltage Matching will be activated when
Synchronize digital input is set to high. On the other hand, when Synchronization SW is
available (i.e. unblocked in the SW Options section of the CMT1000), Synchronize input

3-28 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

will fully activate the Synchronization feature, which includes also the capability of voltage
matching and the Fbias output.

3.4.6 Rotating Diode Monitoring (RDM)


The aim of the Diode Monitoring is to detect the following failures:

• Break of a diode
• Short circuit of a diode
It is needed in brushless excitation systems and can only be done indirectly, because the
diodes are part of the rotor. See the principle circuit for the excitation in Figure 3-12.


ie AC Exciter Synchronous Machine


Figure 3-12 Rotating Diode Monitoring application

RDM parameters

Nominal exciter frequency f Exc Nominal [Hz]

(Machine) : Tconst Exc [s]
Exciter time constant : Active = TRUE/FALSE
Diode monitoring active : Alarm Level [%]
Diode alarm level : Alarm Delay [s]
Diode alarm delay : Trip Level [%]
Diode trip level : Trip Delay [s]
Diode trip delay :

The device evaluates the alternating current induced in the field circuit of the exciter in
the event of a fault in the rotating rectifier.
The ALARM is triggered in the event of a broken branch in the rotating exciter.
The TRIP is triggered in the event of a branch short-circuit in the rotating exciter.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 3-29

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

3.4.7 Power system stabilizer (PSS)


The PSS is used to improve the damping of possible oscillations in large transmission
networks by adding a signal to the voltage regulator of the existing excitation system.
It is also used to attenuate local rotor oscillations in synchronous generators through
additional influencing of the excitation. The main application is in excitation systems in
single or multi-machine power plants.

Electromechanical oscillations can be classified in four main categories:

• Local oscillations between a unit and the rest of the generating station and
between the latter and the rest of the power system. Their frequencies typically
range from 0.8 to 2.0 Hz.
• Inter-plant oscillations between two electrically close generation plants.
Frequencies may vary from 1 to 2 Hz.
• Inter-area oscillations between two major groups of generation plants.
Frequencies are in a typical range of 0.2 to 0.8 Hz.
• Global oscillation characterized by a common in-phase oscillation of all
generators as found on an isolated system. The frequency of such a global mode
is typically under 0.2 Hz.

The IEEE Std. 421.5-1995 PSS 2A/2B type model functionally represents the PSS. This
model is shown in Figure 3-13.
The object of power system stabilizing (PSS) equipment is to increase the generator
exciter‘s contribution to improving the stability to the highest possible operating range of
the generator. The PSS derives additional signals from the generator internal frequency,
which considerably improves the stability of the power transmission.

• Dual input (frequency, electrical power).

Figure 3-14 shows a simplified diagram of the PSS and related functions




V1 s . TW1 s . TW2 + (1 + s ⋅ T8) N

+ 1+ s . T1 1+ s . T3 1+ s . T10 PSS
1+ s . TW1 1+ s . TW2
Σ (1 + s ⋅ T9) M
1+ s . T2 1+ s . T4 1+ s . T11
(∆ω) _


V2 s . TW3 s . TW4 KS2 +∆Pe'

1+ s . TW3 1+ s . TW4 1+ s . T7

Figure 3-13 PSS model.

3-30 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

UM Calc

UM Power
IM2 Calc

Figure 3-14. Simplified diagram of PSS.

Due to the PSS function implementation and structure of UNITROL 1000 AVR, there are
some points to be noticed when using this PSS. The following elements limit the
maximum performance of the PSS:

• Brushless excitation system,

• Single-phase machine current measurement (only) is available,
• Positive field voltage (only) can be supplied.

PSS Parameters
The PSS function can be activated by the PSS_SELECT configuration, if the PSS feature
is available.

The parameters are not explained here. They can be calculated by ABB Switzerland. For
further information please see the Functional Description of UNITROL 1000, Power
System Stabilizer, and document number 3BHS213239 E01.

The manufacturer information can be found in Chapter 1.4 Manufacturer’s Address.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 3-31

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

3.4.8 Double Channel (DCH)


The Double Channel (DCH) is an optional feature which integrates supervision functions
and redundant channel support to build robust and flexible double channel systems. Overview

The Double Channel feature has the following main components (Figure 3-15):

1. DCH Supervision
The Double Channel Supervision is a feature with 12 monitoring functions that
can be used to trigger an Alarm and/or a Trip outputs from the AVR. The
configuration is performed using a so called Configuration Matrix.
In addition to the configuration of the 12 monitoring functions defined within the
Double Channel SW scope, the Configuration Matrix allows Alarm and Trip to be
triggered from five other monitoring functions, e.g. Diode Monitoring. The flexibility
to combine multiple statuses in one or two signals like Alarm and Trip can be used
to save the number of digital outputs necessary to indicate a problem in the AVR.

2. Redundant Channel support

Channel changeover, DCH Follow-up and DCH communication
The Channel Changeover is a feature used to transfer the control to the other
channel; normally used when the active channel trips or under special
circumstances (i.e. monitoring alarms) which can be configured in the AVR.
The DCH Follow-Up is a function which is active as long the AVR is in Standby
mode (i.e. not active), monitoring the setpoint used on the other channel in order
to be ready to takeover in case of changeover. The DCH Follow-up is different
from the Follow-up used to change between operation modes within the same
AVR. For more information see Chapter - DCH Follow-Up.
The communication with the second channel is made using the CAN interface and
called DCH Communication. Throughout the CAN bus, measurements, statuses
and setpoints are transmitted and received from both channels. The data
information can be read from Panel, CMT1000, using Remote Access and is used
for the channel changeover functionality.

The features included in the Redundant Channel support (channel changeover, follow-up
and communication) are in operation and active as long the DCH CAN communication is
enabled and error-free. However, DCH Supervision can be used disregarding of the
existence of a second channel, and therefore, suitable also for single channel
applications. DCH Supervision does not depend of the DCH CAN communication.

The Double Channel software must be available in the AVR (i.e. unblocked) before the
use of DCH Supervision and/or functions from Redundant Channel support. Otherwise
the configuration is not possible and Alarm, Trip and Changeover digital output are
unconditionally set to logical zero (i.e. not active). The schema in Figure 3-15 shows the
relationship between the main functions described.

3-32 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

+0 A :
0 &, #
' E(

+0 A
, .

I *
' .(

9 9

9 9

9 9

'/( 6

" &,

0 E
0 E 0 E , :
+0 A I 4 'D G E 4 (
+0 A 0
. 90 E "

. 90 E 0 E
0 E , : 4 E :
0 9 ,

+0 A 0 " & 4
E D $ +0 A 0
I 4 &

Figure 3-15 Schema of main Double Channel functions. DCH Supervision

The DCH Supervision has a total of 17 status signals from different monitoring functions
which can be configured to generate a (global) Alarm and/or a (global) Trip. As shown in
Figure 3-16, Alarm and Trip status signals are configured by a so called Configuration
Matrix. Alarm and Trip are independent from each other and they can be configured
The Configuration Matrix allows the user to select which monitoring function will produce
an Alarm and/or a Trip at the output of the Supervision function. For instance, as soon a
monitoring function, which is configured to produce an Alarm, report a failure, the Alarm
status at the output of the Configuration Matrix will be set to active (logical true). The
same could happen to the Trip status if the monitoring function is configured to produce a
Trip. The configuration of Alarm and Trip are handled independent from each other and
therefore it provides great flexibility when engineering a project specific system.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 3-33

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

Each monitoring function that can be configured in the Configuration Matrix, has a status
which is used to detect the failure and then, to trigger Alarm and/or Trip according to the
configuration. The status from each monitoring function is implemented with a latch
memory, which makes the value remaining as active (logical true) even after the failure
have been diminished and the monitoring function reports no failure anymore. Therefore,
it is possible to determine which monitoring function cause an Alarm or Trip even after
de-excite the machine. The latch memory of all monitoring function statuses can be
cleared by the digital input "Reset Alarm" (only if the failure has been already diminished)
or by powering off the device (Figure 3-16).

+0 A :
0 &, #
' E(

+0 A
, .
' .( *

9 9

E 9 9
'/( 9 9

6 " " $ D
$ D & &,
' , ( E 7 E & , E
E $ 4 E E 0 E D$
& E ,&
$ && , 9
- E , E &,
4 E , , D$
' , ( " &,

Figure 3-16 Double Channel Supervision.

Both Alarm and Trip statuses are the outputs from the Configuration Matrix and they can
be monitored using the CMT1000 and Remote Access. Alarm and Trip Status can be
configured as digital outputs (DO), however as shown in Figure 3-16 they are not directly
connected to the output but to the Standby Configuration boxes. The Standby
Configuration boxes, shown in Figure 3-16, prevent Alarm and Trip to output their status
values to the DO port during Standby mode; and this function can be used to prevent
undesired alarms as long as the Channel is in Standby. When the Standby Configuration
blocks the status of Alarm and/or Trip, the value transferred to the DO port is logical zero.
A list with all the DCH monitoring functions (12) is shown in Table 3-1. Following, Table
3-2 shows the 5 status signals from other UN1000 functions which can also be
configured with the Configuration Matrix.

3-34 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

Monitoring Description Detection

Function time
1. Machine Voltage Machine PT monitoring function for 3-phases 30 msec.
One or Two phases system only.
lost Failure condition: The vectorial sum of 3
On CMT1000: phases is different to zero and it is within the
"Partial Loss of UM" range of failure.
2. Machine Voltage Machine PT monitoring function for 3-phases 60 msec.
system only. The function is activated only after
Loss of all phases the Softstart is finished.
Failure condition: Excitation current is higher
On CMT1000: than No-Load and Machine Voltage is below
"Loss of UM" 2%.
Machine Voltage Monitoring of the electronics for the Machine 60 msec.
Freeze monitoring voltage measurement components on the PCB
3. Phase L1 (this is not a PT monitoring function).
4. Phase L2 Failure condition: The voltage measurement is
Phase L3 more than 10%, constant and not alternating.
6. Network Freeze Monitoring of the electronics for the Network 60 msec.
monitoring voltage measurement components on the PCB
(this is not a PT monitoring function).
Failure condition: The voltage measurement is
more than 10%, constant and not alternating.
7. Machine Current Monitoring of the electronics for the Machine 60 msec.
Freeze monitoring current measurement components on the PCB
(this is not a CT monitoring function).
On CMT1000: Failure condition: The current measurement is
"IM2 Freeze" more than 10%, constant and not alternating.
8. Loss of control Supervision of PWM control 500 msec.
Failure condition: Excitation is On, PWM stays
below 12.5% of 1/Kceiling and excitation current
is above 250% compared to No Load condition.
9. Loss of Excitation Supervision of Excitation current 500 msec.
Failure condition: Excitation current is less
than specified value of No-Load condition and
PWM is above 1/Kceiling.
10. Heat sink Supervision of Heat sink temperature 2 sec.
temperature Failure condition: Temperature is equal or
Level 1* above 80 ºC.
11. Heat sink Supervision of Heat sink temperature 2 sec.
temperature Failure condition: Temperature is equal or
Level 2* above 100 ºC.
12. External Alarm Supervision of external digital input signal (must 100 msec.
be assigned in the digital input section).
Failure condition: The digital input value is
copied to the status of this function.

Table 3-1 Double Channel Monitoring functions.

* Available in UN1000-7 only

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 3-35

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

Status signal Description
1. SW-Alarm DSP Watchdog failure. -
MODBUS Comm. Alarm
Supervision of MODBUS keep alive Remote
2. On CMT1000: "Loss of 1 sec.
Access feature.
Remote Control".
3. FCB Alarm Supervision of field current breaker. 1 sec.
Rotating diode monitoring alarm.
4. Diode Alarm 1 sec.
Requires RDM software (optional).
Supervision of diode monitoring trip status.
5. Diode Trip 1 sec.
Requires RDM software (optional).
Table 3-2 Other function statuses that can be configured with the
Configuration Matrix. Channel Changeover

As shown in Figure 3-17, the Changeover status is the output of the AND-gate which
depends on the Alarm and Trip Status from the current channel, Alarm and Trip Status
from the Second Channel and the DCH Communication Status which is an indication of
the communication quality between both channels.
The DCH Communication refers to the data transmitted over CAN between the two
channels, and it contains setpoint information, measurements, status signals (including
Alarm and Trip) and others. The status of this communication is logical one (good) when
data coming from Double Channel feature is received well and free of errors (CRC
check). On the other hand, the Communication Status is logical zero (bad) when the data
received had errors, the communication is not enabled (no data received) and/or the
configuration is not set properly. Alarm and Trip from the Second Channel should be
configured using the DCH Supervision in the other channel.
To increase the flexibility, the Changeover dependency on Alarm and Trip status is
configurable; i.e. checkboxes allowing to configure whether these signals are part of the
AND and OR gate inputs of the logic decision (Figure 3-17). Each checkbox output is
determined according to the rules shown in Figure 3-18. An important setting is the
checkbox connected to the DCH Communication Status, which additionally lets the signal
pass through until the input of the AND gate. It also enables the DCH Communication
over CAN. The DCH Communication should be enabled to use the Changeover
functionality; otherwise the Changeover Status will be zero all the time (see Figure 3-17
and Figure 3-18).
The decision logic from Figure 3-17 shows that once the DCH Communication is
enabled, the dependency of Changeover Status is defined according to the checkbox
configuration and the Alarm and Trip status from both channels. When, for instance, the
checkboxes are configured according to Figure 3-17, the Changeover Status will be
logical one when: the Trip Status from the current channel is equal to one, the Trip Status
from the Second Channel is equal to zero (i.e. no trip in the Second Channel and it is
ready to takeover) and the Communication Status is equal to one (data from the Second
Channel is being received correctly).
The Changeover status value is latched (retains the value) when the AND gate output
changes from zero-to-one. The latched value may be cleared (to zero) using the Reset
command only if the output of the AND gate is already zero as well.
The Changeover status can be assigned to a digital output signal from the AVR. When

3-36 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

compared with Alarm and Trip DO signals, the DO assigned for Changeover always
outputs the Changeover Status disregarding whether the channel is Standby or Active;
for Changeover DO, this cannot be configured as it is for Alarm and Trip.

0 E , : ,


. 90 E " +
" + 4 E :

. 90 E

4 E : E
+0 A 0 9 4 E , & B
' , (

- D +0 A 0
0 ' B ( E E
4 E
4 E : $ & E
" + B 9

+0 A 0 " & 4

. 90 E J
J 4 D : D & +0 A 0 9
& +0 A I 4 D & +0 A 0 9
& G K B '9 9D K $ (9

Figure 3-17 Channel Changeover logic and configuration.

0 E G D # & " J ' . 90 E (

" "

" ' , (

0 E G D # & +0 A

" + " +

" " "

' D ( ' D (

+0 A +0 A
0 0

Figure 3-18 Configuration check boxes rules.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 3-37

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

The Changeover output is intended to be used together with the Standby input, in order
to activate the Redundant channel and deactivate the Main one. The Standby status can
be set via Remote Access or via a digital input (common case). Figure 3-19 shows a
typical example for the use of Changeover output to set the Redundant Channel to
Standby or Active mode. As also shown in Figure 3-19, the ResetAlarm input is normally
used to clear the latch memory of Changeover output and bring the Main Channel back
to Active (and the Redundant back to Standby) once the failure has been diminished or

0 E 0 E

+ 4 E : + D$

+ D$

+ " + "

0 " &

Figure 3-19 Typical configuration of Changeover output DCH Follow-Up

The DCH Follow-up is an automatic function that runs in the Standby channel, following
the actual setpoint used by the Active channel, in order to perform a bumpless transfer
during changeover. The DCH Follow-up is different from Channel Follow-up, which is
used to have bumpless between operating modes within the same Channel and could be
also used on systems without Double Channel software support. For more information
about Channel Follow-up see Chapter 3.4.2 - Channel Follow-up.
The DCH Follow-up uses the setpoint information from the Active channel over the CAN
interface. During DCH software operation, the Active channel sends the setpoints of the
current operation mode and the one for Manual mode through the CAN interface. These
two values are setpoints delayed and calculated out from the measurements of the Active
channel; the delaying method minimizes the influence of failures on the setpoint
calculation (e.g. wrong measurement due to PT failure) and improves the bumpless
characteristic at the moment of changeover.
At the moment of changeover, the Standby channel decides whether to take the setpoint
from the Active channel (over the CAN interface) or from its current measurements,
before goes to Active. The decision depends on the operation mode of both channels
according to the following:

• If operation modes on both channels are the same (except OpenLoop), the
setpoint is taken from the Active channel, i.e. delayed setpoint over CAN.
• If Standby channel has Manual mode enabled, the setpoint is taken from the
Active channel, i.e. delayed setpoint over CAN.
• If Standby channel has Open Loop mode enabled, the setpoint after changeover
is set to zero.

3-38 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

• For all other possibilities not described above, the setpoint will be calculated from
the current measurements of the Standby channel; i.e. not from CAN. Under
these conditions, the setpoint is calculated based on delayed measurements from
the own channel; the delaying method minimize the influence of failures on the
setpoint calculation and improves the bumpless characteristic.

A summary of the cases described are shown in Table 3-3.

Mode Standby AVR

Auto Manual PF VAR Openloop

Mode Auto
Manual SP
Calculated Calculated
Sync Auto SP of from from
of Active SP = 0%
VDC Active AVR Standby AVR Standby AVR
Measurements Measurements
Active Manual Calculated
Manual SP
Calculated Calculated
from from from
of Active SP = 0%
Standby AVR Standby AVR Standby AVR
Measurements Measurements Measurements
AVR PF Calculated
Manual SP
from PF SP of from
of Active SP = 0%
Standby AVR Active AVR Standby AVR
Measurements Measurements
VAR Calculated Calculated
Manual SP
from from VAR SP of
of Active SP = 0%
Standby AVR Standby AVR Active AVR
Measurements Measurements
Openloop Calculated Calculated Calculated
Manual SP
from from from
of Active SP = 0%
Standby AVR Standby AVR Standby AVR
Measurements Measurements Measurements
Table 3-3 Setpoint follow-up logic Note: SP = Setpoint.

The grey boxes show the setpoint follow-up taken from the CAN Interface (more reliable)

DCH Follow-up is not supported during synchronization. If a double channel system is
engineered, the option Synchronization should be available only from one channel.
Remote Setpoint via analog inputs should be avoided when using any feature from
Redundant Channel support since it influences on the DCH Follow-up functionality, and
as a result, the latter could not work properly.

DCH Follow-up is automatically activated as long the channel is in Standby mode, DCH
CAN communication is enabled and error-free and DCH software is available (un-
blocked). If those conditions are not fulfilled and the channel is set to Standby, the DCH
Follow-up will not be activated. Instead the Channel Follow-up will be activated. For
more information about Channel Follow-up refer to Chapter 3.4.2 - Channel Follow-up.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 3-39

Chapter 3 - Device Overview DCH communication: configuration and compatibility

As explained in Chapter Channel Changeover, the DCH communication must be

enabled to use the Changeover feature. When the DCH communication is enabled,
measurement, setpoints and status indications from the Second Channel are read and
valid as long as the DCH Communication Status is logic one; i.e. correctly configured,
enabled and free of communication errors.

The Double Channel software is only partially compatible with the UN1000-PM40
module. The DCH Supervision can be used together with UN1000-PM40, because it
does not depend on the CAN communication status and activation. However, a PM40
module cannot be used in the same device, where Changeover and/or DCH Follow-up
features are also required. Even whenever DCH Communication can be enabled, the
operation of the UN1000-PM40 has a higher priority and the DCH data transmission will
be stopped as soon as the AVR detects an UN1000-PM40 on the CAN bus. This priority
order is fixed in the AVR and not configurable.

Even without functions from Redundant Channel support, a double channel system with
UN1000-PM40 can be built using analog and digital inputs and outputs as communication
interface between the AVRs. Furthermore, Alarm and Trip output signals from DCH
Supervision could be used to extend the functionality to some extent.

The AVR-ID should be configured with the same number in both channels. One channel
should be configured as Main and the other as Redundant. The channel identification can
be configured using the CMT1000 or Remote Access. Only one channel should be Active
while the other is Standby. The use of interlocked contacts (connected externally) is a
recommended practice to assure this situation. The Standby/Active status of both
channels can be monitored using the CMT1000. For more information refer to Chapter
6.4 PC Software tool. Redundant system without Double Channel software

A redundant system with no Double Channel software can be built using analog and
digital inputs and outputs as communication interface between the AVRs. However, due
to the limited number of DO ports in each AVR, it could be possible that there are not
enough digital outputs to use all functions required by an application (e.g. diode
monitoring alarm, etc.).

In case of a failure in
channel 1, the back-up
channel is activated 1 G E
and the defective /! /!.
channel goes off.

Changeover to , ,
channel 1 can be
controlled by an alarm
signal or with an
" D$
external control signal.

Figure 3-20 Basic redundant system without DCH software

3-40 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

3.4.9 Remote Access

Remote Access is a feature that allows monitoring and control of the AVR using the
MODBUS protocol. It can be suitable for applications where the control from remote
locations is preferred (i.e. offshore) and/or a custom user interface is required.
The following sections explain the Remote Access software and configuration. The
electrical connections are described in Chapter 3.3.9 Communication ports. It is
recommended to read Chapter 3.4.10 Access Levels prior to this section, in order to fully
understand the software capabilities. Overview

A remote terminal configured as MODBUS master can access the device through RS485
or Ethernet TCP/IP (via RS232) using Remote Access. The communication choice is up
to the application requirements but since VDC needs a dedicated RS485 connection,
Ethernet TCP/IP is then the only choice when VDC is used. When VDC is not needed,
Remote Access can be performed using the RS485 interface. More information about
the communication interfaces can be found in 3.3.9 Communication ports.

The Remote Access allows the user to read and write registers (measurements, setpoint
and other information) from the AVR. The document that describes the MODBUS
Registers Table is normally inside the CD-ROM that comes with new devices. It can also
be ordered from ABB. The manufacturer details and contact information can be found in
Chapter 1.4 - Manufacturer’s Address.

The feature supports up to one MODBUS remote terminal and it must be assured that
requests are sent from only one remote terminal using the same communication interface
(RS485 or Ethernet TCP/IP). If more than one request comes from different interfaces,
they might be answered via the same interface from where they come. This method is
however not recommended and should not be used.

In order to communicate with the device, the remote terminal should gain a determined
access level in the AVR according to the operation desired: Monitor Access for reading
only and Control Access for reading and writing to registers. More information about
Access Levels can be found in Chapter 3.4.10 - Access Levels. Compatibility

The Remote Access feature over RS485 cannot be used together with VDC. If both
Remote Access and VDC are required, Remote Access should be used via TCP/IP using
an external gateway. When VDC mode is not required, Remote Access can be used via
either RS485 or Ethernet. For more information see Chapter 3.3.9 - Communication
ports. Configuration

Remote Access over RS485 has a number of parameters that should be configured:
Protocol (Modbus RTU or TCP), Activation (of the feature over RS485), Baud Rate,
Answer delay and others shown in Chapter Communication Menu.

When using Remote Access over Ethernet, the protocol used between the RS232 port
and the TCP/IP gateway is Modbus RTU; which is fixed and not configurable in the AVR.
Additionally, Remote Access through RS232 is always activated (i.e. there is no

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 3-41

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

activation parameter) and it uses the following communication settings, which are fixed
and not configurable in the AVR:
• Protocol: Modbus RTU
• Baud rate: 57600 bps
• Character format: No Parity
• Stop Bits: 1

The Modbus Slave ID value is used for both Remote Access over RS485 and RS232
(and TCP/IP); there is no differentiation of the physical interface. This number can be
configured between 1 and 247; the latter being the default value. A restriction applies
when the number is configured between 1 and 63 (except 32) and matches with the
Modbus Slave ID used for communication with the CMT1000; in these situations, the
AVR will change the Remote Access Slave ID to 247 upon restart. The Modbus Slave-ID
for Remote Access can be configured between 64 and 247 without restrictions; being the
range, the recommended for most applications.

The Modbus ID used for CMT1000 access is a number between 1 and 63, which
depends on the AVR-ID and the Channel Identification (Main or Redundant), even if
Double Channel feature is not being used. When the parameterization is done using the
CMT1000, the Modbus ID used for CMT1000 is shown in the MODBUS Supervision
window. This number should not be used as Modbus Slave ID for Remote Access. For
further information refer to Chapter Communication Menu.

3.4.10 Access Levels

The UN1000 device can be accessed from three different operators: front Panel,
CMT1000 or Remote Access. While all operators can read data simultaneously, only one
of them can have control access and is allowed to write or change parameters in the
AVR. This concurrence is managed in the AVR main controller by assigning, to each
operator, a determined Access Level or privilege:
• Offline or disconnected (no access)
When the status of an operator is Offline, the AVR microcontroller considers the
operator as not connected to the UN1000 and, therefore, there is mainly no data
exchange with the AVR. Only when using the CMT1000 as operator and the
presence of a compatible AVR is detected, a small quantity of data is exchanged to
provide and display the AVR-ID information on the main window of the software.
• Monitor (read access)
When an operator has Monitor Access, it is only possible to read data from the
device (i.e. measurements, parameters, etc.); and data cannot be changed or
modified in the AVR during this access mode. All the operators, i.e. Panel,
CMT1000 and Remote Access, can have Monitor access to the AVR at the same
time; all of them can read simultaneously from the same AVR.
• Control (read and write, full access)
If an operator has Control Access, this means that it has full control of the device
(write and read data). All operators are able to request Control access, but the
access will be granted to only one at the same time, based on the operator's
priority. The operator's priority is explained later in this section.

The Access Level status of each operator is stored in the AVR main controller and used
to grant and deny access requests. An operator can request the change of its Access

3-42 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

level to the AVR main controller, i.e. from Monitor to Control. Access changes to Monitor
are normally granted without restrictions since all sources can read simultaneously from
the AVR. Access changes to Monitor and/or Control are granted based on the following
operators' priority:
• Panel / CMT1000 access (highest priority)
The Panel and CMT1000 priority access are not differentiated from each other
since only one of them can be physically connected to the same AVR at the same
time. Whenever the CMT1000 or the Panel requests an access change to Control,
the change is granted disregarding the status of other sources (i.e. Remote
Access). If the Access status of Remote Access is Control at the time of the
request, it will be immediately changed to Monitor after the user confirms the action
from the Panel keypad. Remote Access can detect the change by reading back its
access status from the AVR.
• Remote Access (lowest priority)
Remote Access has the lowest priority during Access Level changes; a change to
Control is only granted when neither the Panel nor the CMT1000 have Control
Access to the AVR controller.
An Access Level changing request can be denied when more than one CMT1000 and/or
more than one Remote Access are trying to establish a connection to the same AVR. The
UN1000 supports a simultaneous connection of one CMT1000 and one Remote Access
per device (maximum). When those limitations are surpassed, one or all operators
connected can lose their accesses and go Offline; this practice is not recommended by
ABB. The method to change Access Levels from Panel, CMT1000 and Remote Access
are explained in the following sections. For more details about UN1000 user interfaces
refer to Chapter 6 - Operation. Panel
The Panel has Offline status as long as the communication with the main AVR is not
established or if another device is connected to the RS232 port (PC or a TCP/IP
Gateway). If there is no other device connected to the RS232 port and the
communication between Panel and the AVR main controller has just been established,
the Panel has Monitor Access and it remains in this access level as long as the user does
not modify any parameters using the keyboard. When a parameter is changed, the Panel
automatically requests Control Access, changes the parameter's value and then,
requests the change back to Monitor; the process may ask for a confirmation from the
user only if a remote terminal has Control Access to the AVR. CMT1000
The CMT1000 manages the Access changing requests: Offline, Monitor and Control by
using a graphic slide-bar displayed in the software's main window. The slide-bar shows
the CMT1000 current access status from the AVR and allows the user to simply change it
by sliding up and down. For more information about the user interfaces see Chapter 6 -
Operation. Remote Access

Changing of Access Levels from Remote Access is performed by requests via Modbus
protocol. For more information refer to the UN1000 Modbus Reference document.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 3-43

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

3.4.11 Description of parameters System Data

Nominal excitation current: Ie Nominal [A]

Measuring voltage three- or single- PT [Single_Phase] PTNET
phase: [Three_Phase]
[Three_ph_gnd] f Nominal PTM
UM Primary UM Secondary Regulator

Nominal voltage of the Machine: UM Nominal [kV]

IM2 Primary
Potent. transformer, prim. voltage: UM Primary [kV]
IM2 Secondary
Potent. transformer, sec. voltage: UM Secondary [V]
IM2 Nominal
Nominal voltage of the Network: UNET Nominal [kV] UM Nominal Ie Nominal
Potent. transformer, prim. voltage: UNET Primary [kV] Ie No Load
Potent. transformer, sec. voltage: UNET Secondary[V] SM E
Nominal machine current IM2 Nominal [A]
Current transformer primary: IM2 Primary [A]
Current transformer secondary: IM2 Secondary [A]
No load excitation current: Ie No Load [%]
Ceiling factor: Kceil [V/V]
Machine reactance: Xq [p.u.]
Frequency nominal: f Nominal [Hz]

If there is a block transformer with any circuit configuration between
PTGEN and PTNET, the phase shift must be compensated. The phase can
be compensated as described in Chapter 3.4.4 Synchronization (SYNC). FCB Control

Field circuit breaker control

FCB Control is an option to control the field circuit breaker. The control is active, when
the FCB command signals are configured.

Excitation ON Input
Close FCB Command Output
Open FCB Command Output

FCB closed Status Input


FCB closed Status FALSE Input

1s 1s
Alarm (MODBUS) Output

3-44 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 3 - Device Overview Field Flashing

Machine voltage
- Off Level Off Level [%] [%]
Signal field flashing

Setting the Off Level to 0% disables field Field flashing off level
flashing. Soft start level


Excitation ON Soft Start

- Starting voltage : Start Level E : ,

[%] from Initial Setpoint @?C '" (
- Delay until ramp : Hold Time [s]
- Ramp time : Ramp Time [s]
The final value of Soft Start ramp is the Initial
Setpoint for Auto mode. For more information @ C
consult Chapter Setpoint setting for
the regulator. A

5 0 1 0 :
,, $ E &
Note: Soft Start is available only in Auto mode. Limiters

V/Hz Limiter E : ,
- V/Hz knee point fknee [Hz]
- Slope Slope [%]

Ie Minimum current limiter P [W] Active power

underexcited overexcited
- Minimum limit Minimum [%] Limiter-
characteristics GENERATOR
- Limiter active Active = True/False
Iemin Reactive power
Q- Q+ [var]


UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 3-45

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

IeMaximum current limiter Excitation current

- 1st limit Maximum [%] [%]
1st limit
- Hold time Maximum HoldTime [s]
2nd limit
- 2nd limit delay Delayed [%] Contin. current
- Hold time Delayed Hold Time [s]
- Continuous Hold time Hold time
current Limiter Continuous [%]
active Active = True/False

PQ Limiter P [W] Active power

The characteristic is determined by 5 points
underexcited overexcited

- Q limit at P = 0% Minimum Q(P @ 0%) [%] Generator


- Q limit at P = 25% Minimum Q(P @ 25%) [%] P=25%

Reactive power
- Q limit at P = 50% Minimum Q(P @ 50%) [%] Q- P=0% Q+ [var]

- Q limit at P = 75% Minimum Q(P @ 75%) [%] P=25%

- Q limit at P = 100% Minimum Q(P @ 100%) [%] P=50%

- Voltage P=75%

dependency active Volt.Dependency:True/False P=100%

- Limiter active Active = True/False

UM Limiter (only in PF / Var mode)

- Limiting value of the minimum machine voltage Minimum [%]
- Limiting value of the maximum machine voltage Maximum [%]
- Limiter active Minimum Active = True/False
- Limiter active Maximum Active = True/False

IM Limiter
- Limiting value of the maximum machine current Maximum [%]
- Time Multiplier according to IEC 60255-3, Table 1,
Col. B, very inversed characteristic Time Multiplier K
- Limiter active Maximum Active = True/False

Boost-Output Machine voltage

Excitation ON
- Pick-up volt. to Threshold [%] Soft start
not active
generate boost Excitation ON Voltage drop

- Time boost Hold Time [s] Hysteresis

output is active Threshold

- Hysteresis for Hysteresis [%] t

the reset of
boost output Hold time

Boost = 0 1 0
Voltage Relay= 1 0 1 0 1

3-46 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 3 - Device Overview Limiters Temperature Influence

IM Limiter
T1 at Max IM T1 [°]
T2 at IM th2 T2 [°] #
T3 at IM th3 T3 [°] HE. .
T4 at IM = 0 A T4 [°] HE* *
Machine current level IM th2[%] ./
Machine current level IM th3[%] 2 0 , 9
. 2 . * 2 @LC

Ie Limiter -# @?C

T1 at Max continuous Ie T1 [°] 0


T2 at Ie th2 T2 [°]
T3 at Ie th3 T3 [°] HE. .
T4 at Ie = 0 A T4 [°] HE* *
2 0 , 9
Excitation current level Ie th2 [%]
Excitation current level Ie th3 [%] . 2 . * 2 Setpoint setting for the regulator

- Auto to voltage regulator

- PF, Var to power factor, reactive power regulator
- Manual to manual regulator
- Open Loop to open loop regulation circuit

All setpoints have the following parameters

- Minimum
- Maximum
- Ramp Rate

Auto, Manual and Open Loop also have the following parameters
- Initial Setpoint

Default Level of the setpoint if the digital input

Mode Initial Setpoints
Excitation ON is not active.
Auto 100% (configurable)
Auto, Manual and Open Loop initial setpoints Manual 0% (configurable)
can be configured. Open Loop 0% (configurable)
PF 1.0
Var 0%
The limits and ramp rate can be set separately for each operating mode.
The setpoints of the non-active regulators follow the relevant operating point. For
example, for reactive power regulation (Var) the setpoint of the auto-regulator follows the
current machine voltage. This allows surge-free switching between operating modes if the
new setpoint is within the setpoint limit.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 3-47

Chapter 3 - Device Overview

Particulars to the setpoint in Sync mode

No Load: Regulator works in AUTO mode. The setpoint follows the line voltage and the
ramp rate corresponds with the increase respective decrease command. Regulator tuning

Auto (voltage control) 5

@ 9 9C
- Proportional gain Proportional Gain
- Derivative time Derivation Time Tb
constant [s] )

Integration Time Ta
- Integral time [s]
constant ! ! D ./7 M@ ! C

Compensation or Droop Kq [%] Machine voltage

droop [%] sation Kq= 20% (max. compensation)
Kq= 0.00 (no effect)
Droop Kq= -20% (max. droop)

Reactive current

PF or Var Control Proportional Gain Vp P [W] Active power

underexcited overexcited
and PQ Limiter Derivation Time Tb [s]*) Var
Integration Time Ta [s] PF Generator PF

*) Only one parameter,

Reactive power
see voltage control Q- Q+ [var]


Manual Proportional Gain Vp

Field current control and Integration Time Ta [s] [p.u.]
Ie Limiter

1/Ta 1257 ω [rad/s]

All parameters should be stored in the EEPROM non-volatile memory after they are
configured. Store to EEPROM can be done via CMT1000, Panel or Remote Access. For
more information refer to the appropriate sections.

3-48 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 4 - Installation and Storage

4.1 General

Chapter 4 – Installation and Storage provides all instructions for

installation and storage of the excitation system. It also contains
information on how to dispose of and recycle materials.

4.2 Safety Regulations

First read and understand the general safety instructions in Chapter
2 - Safety Instructions before starting to work with the excitation

Converter components can be damaged while transporting the
excitation system.

4.3 Unpacking

The unit should be unpacked with the maximum degree of care, without
the use of force and using suitable tools.
The unit should be inspected visually to check for any damage caused
during transport. Complaints regarding defects resulting from
inappropriate transport are to be addressed immediately to the receiving
station or the last carrier.

The unit is visibly damaged:
• Safe operation is not possible.
• The unit must not be installed and taken into operation.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 4-1

Chapter 4 - Installation and Storage

4.4 Mechanical Installation

7 7
The unit is mounted by means of four screws.
See dimensional diagram for fixing holes and spacing.
Mounting instructions see Chapter 3.3 - Hardware
The unit should only be installed in indoor areas which
are dry and dust-free and which do not contain any

gases, acid fumes or similar.


Rack mounting Wall mounting

The UNITROL 1000 is designed for
rack or wall mounting in upright
A distance of approx. 100 mm around
the unit shall be kept free for optimal


Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage electronic boards and
• Do not touch printed circuit boards or other sensitive
components without taking static-sensitive handling
• Do not touch the components without wearing a wrist
grounding strap.
• Put the board or component on a grounded working surface
which is protected against electrostatic discharges.
• Hold a board only at the edge.
• Handle a faulty board with care.

4-2 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 4 - Installation and Storage

4.5 Electrical Installation

The emission limits in accordance with standard EN 61000-6-4 will only

be complied with if the connections for the power electronics supply and
the field output are made using shielded cables earthed at each end. We
also recommend that shielded cables be used for the analog and digital
The connection terminals are fitted on the front side of the unit, on three

Cross sections - Power electronics, terminal numbers 1 to 15 0.2 to 4 mm (AWG 10 to 30)

- Electronic sections, terminal numbers 16 to 55 0.2 to 2.5 mm (AWG 12 to 30)

The casing must be earthed at terminal 7 with 4 mm2. Additional earth

terminals are provided for the shielded cables. The earth connection
should be kept as short as possible.
The tightening torque for all terminals is: 0.6 Nm (5 - 7 lbf. in.).

4.6 Storage

The storage procedures described below must be followed in order to

avoid damage or a degradation of quality due to corrosion, dirt or
mechanical damage. The corresponding precautions must be observed
from the time the equipment is put into storage until the time it is taken
out of storage and installed.

4.6.1 Storage Conditions

The equipment must be stored in the original packing.

Temperature for operation: 0 to 60 °C.
Make sure that the following environmental conditions are fulfilled during
the entire period of storage. ABB recommends keeping the air
temperature and the relative air humidity constant:
Air temperature : -20 °C to +75 °C

4.6.2 Disposal

Used materials can serve as raw materials for recycling or other

purposes. For an ecological separation of materials and waste handling
please contact your community or the local waste disposal company.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 4-3

Chapter 4 - Installation and Storage

Improper disposal of electrical devices can lead to environmental

damage. It is therefore important that qualified personnel carry out the
disposal of electronic equipment.
The metallic casing does not present any risk to the environment and can
be recycled.
The printed circuit boards are simple to remove. The boards must be
removed and should be disposed of by a licensed disposal company.
Environmentally hazardous elements such as capacitors must be
separated from the boards.
Dispose of the following components according to local regulations:
• Capacitors.
• Printed circuit boards.
• Electronic components.
• Batteries.

4-4 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 5 - Commissioning

5.1 General

The Commissioning should be carried out by certified commissioning


5.2 Safety Regulations

The Safety regulations according to Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions must

be followed.


! UNITROL 1000-15 units operate with dangerous voltages of up to

250 VAC or 300 VDC.
Manipulation of live parts can lead to death or injury to the persons
involved or damage to the surroundings.
Possible risks are largely excluded if the unit is handled properly in
accordance with these instructions.


! The secondary voltage of the excitation transformer and the voltage of

the excitation field are fed into the excitation cabinet.
These components present a great danger of electric shocks.
The control elements and the PC interface on the front plate of the
UNITROL 1000-15 unit are to be touched and/or attached only with

After the unit has been switched off, it must be ensured by measurement
that no measuring voltages or control voltages >50 V are present at the
terminals. At an interrupted field circuit the input capacitor is slowly
discharged through internal circuits.
In order to prevent unintentional closing of open voltage circuits by third
parties, the circuits in question should be identified at the point of
interruption (e.g. by means of a warning sign).
Before switching on, check whether the connection terminals are wired up
according to the plant schematic.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 5-1

Chapter 5 - Commissioning

5.3 Setting Aids

All parameters have to be controlled at the first commissioning.

See the description of the parameters in Chapter 3.4.11 - Description of
parameters and settings recorded in Chapter 7.3 - Standard Procedures
for Maintenance.

Overview of parameter blocks

Setup: System Data
Soft Start
Field Flashing
Voltage Droop Compensation Control
Digital I/Os
Analog I/Os
Diode Monitoring
Power System Stabilizer (PSS)
Double Channel
Tune: Controller
Communication: AVR-ID / CMT1000 Port / MODBUS

5.3.1 Setting aids Setup \ System Data, Ceiling Factor Kceil

The following section describes how to determine the Ceiling Factor in two different ways.
We recommend the measuring method.
Measuring method

Ue max 100 U PWR

K ceil =
Ueo = PWMnoload

Uemax: Maximum output voltage UM Nominal

Ueo: Output voltage at nominal
voltage of the machine
(machine in no-load U emax
SM E U eo

PWM no load: Regulator output at no

load (PWM).

Definition: The ceiling factor Kceil determines the relationship between the maximum
output voltage of the regulator and the exciter voltage, which is required for no-load
excitation and is thus a measure for the possible overexcitation of the machine.

5-2 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 5 - Commissioning

Example: Regulator output signal (PWM) at no load shows 20% at nominal voltage
K ceil = =5

Calculating method
Power electronics supply: Three-phase: Uemax = 1.40 * UPWR – 8 V
Single-phase: Uemax = 1.25 * UPWR – 8 V
DC: Uemax = 0.98 * UPWR – 8 V

Specifications: Power electronics supply UPWR = 240 V, single-phase
No-load exciter voltage Ueo = 50V

Calculation: Uemax = 1.25 * 240 V – 8 V = 292 V

Kceil = 292 V/50V = 5.8 p.u. Setup \ System Data, Machine Reactance Xq (non-saturated)

- Salient pole machine: Xq 0.7 to 0.5 Xd

- Cylindrical-rotor machine (Turbo): Xq Xd Setup \ Limiter, Manual and Open Loop

There are no limiters active in the mode Manual and Open loop. Setup \ Limiter, UM Limiter

The limiting values of the UM limiter are, as a rule, set equally, like the setpoint range of
the voltage regulator (Auto mode).

Setpoint Auto UM Limiter Example

Minimum = Minimum 90%
Maximum = Maximum 110% Setup \ Digital I/Os, configuration

Software configuration of the digital I/Os

• Define terminal as input or output
• Assign terminal to desired signal
• Select polarity

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 5-3

Chapter 5 - Commissioning Setup \ Analog inputs / outputs, configuration

Software configuration of the analog inputs

• Assign terminal to desired signal.
• Define signal level of the input signal [Uin 0% to Uin 100%].
• If the input is used as a digital input, the desired signal name is to be assigned in the

Software configuration of the analog outputs

• Assign terminal to desired signal.
• Define signal level of the output signal [Uout 0% to Uout 100%].
• Define signal level of the field current [Ie 0% to Ie 100%]. Setup \ Digital I/Os, selection of operating mode

The operating mode is selected via the digital inputs. For this purpose, a maximum of
10 inputs have to be occupied by the following signals:

Mode Digital inputs to be assigned

Stand SYN Gen CB Parallel Manual Open Loop VDC PF Var

by Closed with Grid Enable Enable Enable Enable Enable
Status Status
Standby 1 X X X X X X X X
Sync 0 1 X X X X X X X
Manual 0 0 X X 1 X X X X
Open Loop 0 0 X X 0 1 X X X
VDC 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 X X
PF 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 X
Var 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
Auto 0 0 0 X 0 0 X X X
with *) 0 0 1 X 0 0 0 0 0

*) with droop or compensation

0 = logical 0 or open 1 = logical 1, X = not relevant

Note: If an input is to be continuously logical 1, then it can also be inverted by software

means. The input then naturally counts as being occupied.
The inputs DI9 to DI14 can be used as virtual digital inputs even if they are not defined in
Analog Inputs as Digital Inputs. Setup \ Synchronization

The machine frequency must always be higher than the network frequency and cannot be
synchronized by a positive slip.

5-4 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 5 - Commissioning Setup \ Diode Monitoring

The Nominal Exciter Frequency has to be adjusted; for the others, the default value has to
be kept.
Nominal Exciter Frequency = p x n/60
p = Number of pole pairs [.]
n = Revolutions per minute [U/min]. Setup \ PSS

The parameters can be calculated by ABB Switzerland. For further information please see
the Functional Description of UNITROL 1000, Power System Stabilizer, and document
number 3BHS213239 E01.
See manufacturer’s details, Chapter 1.4 - Manufacturer’s Address. Setup \ Double Channel

The configuration of Double Channel depends on the application and connections. For
detailed information about configuration, refer to 3.4.8 Double Channel (DCH). Tune \ Setpoint Adjust, Step

Mode Maximum adjustable setpoint jump during 10 s

Manual ±50%
Open Loop ±20%
PF ±0.2
Var ±50%
Auto ±20% Tune, Order of priorities

If several operating modes are selected simultaneously by the digital inputs, then the
following order of priority applies:

Priority Mode Remark

1. resp. top Standby
2. Sync
3. Manual
4. Open Loop
Only active, if Gen CB Closed status is active and
5. VDC
Parallel with Grid status is not active
6. PF Only active, if Parallel with Grid status is active

7. Var Only active, if Parallel with Grid status is active

8. resp.
Auto Active, if no other operation mode is active

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 5-5

Chapter 5 - Commissioning Tune, Auto

The following settings can be pre-set on the basis of the machine data.

Integral time constant Ta

This lies within the range of Td‘ of the main machine.
Setting: Ta = Td‘ (Typically value 2 to 5 s).

Derivative time constant Tb

This approximately compensates the load time constant TE of the exciter machine.
Setting: Tb = 0.7 to 1.0 * TE (Typically value 0.1 to 0.3 s).

Proportional gain Vp
This most important setting value depends primarily on the controlled system.
If the ceiling factor Kceil has been set correctly, values between 10 and 40 should result in
stable regulation of the machine.

A default value of 20 is set for the first excitation.

Reactive power influence Kq

In the case of machines which, without step-up transformers, are connected to the fixed
grid or, via a busbar, to other synchronous machines, it is essential that the droop Kq is set
to a negative value of -5 to -20%. A higher negative value makes the machine more
independent of voltage fluctuations in the grid. This stabilizes the reactive power output or
consumption in those configurations. At low negative values, the machine will support the
grid or busbar voltage.
In the case of machines with step-up transformers, the voltage drop of the transformer can
be partly compensated with positive values of Kq.

Step-up transformer Reactance = 12%
Compensation Kq = +6% Communication \ MODBUS (Remote Access)

The RS485 port is shared between VDC mode and MODBUS. With factory settings,
MODBUS is disabled.
To use MODBUS, the parameter MB_Enable must be set to true, then the parameters
have to be written to the EEPROM. Afterwards, the UNITROL 1000 must be restarted.
This procedure has to be followed for any change to MODBUS related parameters to take
effect. It serves as a protection against inadvertently overwriting the setup by MODBUS
itself and therefore losing connection to the UNITROL 1000.

Standard Configuration Answer Delay: 10ms

Bit Rate = 19200
Character Framing = even
RTU: Protocol of the RS485

5-6 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 5 - Commissioning

Slave ID
Zero and values higher than 247 are reserved, so the valid range for the slave ID is 1 to
247; 247 is the default. Recommended range is 64 to 247 due to the possible influence
with the Modbus ID used for CMT1000 access. For more information consult Chapter
3.4.9 - Remote Access.

Keep-alive time
The parameter “MB_KeepAliveTime” defines, in which time-period the “Keep Alive Bit” in
control word 1 must be changed. Valid settings are 1 to 120 seconds and 0 to disable the
connection monitoring.

Keep-alive action
If the timer reaches the supervision time, a “Modbus Communication Alarm” will appear
and one of the events can be selected with the “MB_KeepAliveAction”.

For more information, please refer to the UN1000 Modbus Reference document.

5.4 Work carried out while Machine is at Standstill

Preliminary Checks
• Wiring check, compare connections with schematics.

Check the insulation strength of the plant with the insulation tester
During the test, the equipment could be damaged by the testing voltage.
Disconnect cables to the UNITROL 1000

• Switch on auxiliary voltage UAUX

• Adjust parameters
• Check measuring voltage and current transformer circuits
• Measure field resistance
• Low-load test: External power electronics supply (3x <250 V AC)
- Open loop mode
- Optimize regulator Ie
• Adjust limiter settings based on the customer’s power chart

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 5-7

Chapter 5 - Commissioning

5.5 Work carried out while Machine is Running

5.5.1 No-load tests (nominal speed, not synchronized)

• Field flashing and discharge in Auto and Manual mode

• Soft start in Auto mode
• Adapt setpoint range, optimize voltage regulator
• V/Hz limiter: The actuation point fknee is set to 48 Hz by default
For 60 Hz machines the fknee should be set at approximately 58 Hz.

5.5.2 Tests under load

• Stator current measurement, internal P- and Q-measurement, droop/compensation.

The droop/compensation is set to 0% by default. If the machine is paralleled directly
with the rigid grid or, via a busbar, with other synchronous machines, it is essential that
the droop Kq is set to a value of approx. –10% before the first synchronization. The
reactive current must be monitored carefully during the first paralleling. If it increases
uncontrollably following the first synchronization, then the current polarity of the IM2
measurement is incorrect or the CT phase position is wrong.

• Load rejection overexcited and underexcited

• Optimize Iemin / Iemax Limiter

• Optimize PQ Limiter
The setting of the PQ limiter must be coordinated with the settings of the generator
protection. As a rule, the limiter should be set at least 5% lower.

• PF and Var regulator, stability, setpoint range.

To enable correct operation of PQ Limiter, the PF / Var regulator must be tuned, even if
these modes are not used.

5.5.3 Synchronization

It is a prerequisite for the correct functioning of UN 1000-15

the synchronization that there is no error in UNET
phase or magnitude between UNET and UM,
caused by wrong connection or ratio of PTs on CB AVR
the grid side and generator side. UM



5-8 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 5 - Commissioning

• Measurement of the phase angle of the voltages UNET and UM

Open the isolator, close the circuit breaker (CB). Due to safety reasons the
measurements have to be obtained not only from the Monitor\Oscilloscope or
Monitor\Sync Diagram but also from an oscilloscope.

• „Blind“ synchronization
Monitor the Synchronoscope (Monitor\Sync Diagram) by disconnecting the trigger of
the circuit breaker.

• „Live“ synchronization
Record the event with a Synchronoscope.

The synchronoscope must stand at “twelve o’clock “. If the
synchronoscope stands at “six o’clock“, one voltage is incorrectly
connected. In other positions, either measuring is being carried out on
incorrect phases or a phase shift caused by the connection group of a
step-up transformer has not been compensated.

In this status, the phase-angle difference must be 0 deg. Otherwise the
measuring cable is incorrectly connected. Incorrect polarity cannot be
detected by the UNITROL 1000. Paralleling with incorrect polarity can
lead to serious damage.
A phase shift caused by one of both measuring transformers or by the
connection group of a step-up transformer must never take place.

5.6 Concluding Work after Commissioning

Write the currently adjusted parameters to EEPROM so that they are

saved in the device. Save the corresponding settings into an INI file or
print out the INI file (see Chapter 9.3 - Parameter Settings, default
The INI file can be opened using an editor (Word, Note- or WordPad) and
printed out.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 5-9

Chapter 6 - Operation

6.1 General

ABB recommends periodical training for operating personnel

6.2 Safety Regulations

Dangerous voltage.
There is a danger of electric shock.

Before operating the excitation system the general safety instructions in
Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions must be read and understood.

Parameters are set during commissioning of the device and must not be
changed afterwards without taking into consideration the consequences
they can produce.
Running the excitation system with incorrect data can result in improper
operation, reduction in control accuracy and damage to the equipment.
Only qualified and certified personnel are allowed to operate the device,
i.e. personnel who are familiar with the excitation system and the
hazards involved.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 6-1

Chapter 6 - Operation

6.3 Panel Operation

The Panel of the UN1000-15 allows the configuration of most of the parameters, with the
exception of Double Channel parameter and others, which can be configured using
Remote Access or the CMT1000. The parameters that can be configured with the Panel
are shown in Chapter 6.3.4 Menu structure.
The Panel is operated using the buttons from the keypad installed in the front. The Panel
can even be used to read measurements and/or change parameters when there is a
Remote Access connection over RS485. In this case, the functionality explained in
Chapter 3.4.10 Access Levels comes into operation, in order to establish rights to change
parameter values in both Panel and Remote Terminal.

6.3.1 Panel start-up

After powering up the device (UAUX power) the Panel performs an initialization stage to
establish the communication with the AVR main controller. The serial cable should be
disconnected from the RS232 serial port in order to operate the Panel and Keypad.

1. During power up the Panel tries to

establish communication with the AVR
main controller. During this process the
Panel displays the information shown in
Figure 6-1

Figure 6-1 Panel screen just after

connecting Uaux power.

2. Just after the communication has been

established with the main controller, the
Panel displays the main controller and
its own software revisions on the
screen (Figure 6-2).

Figure 6-2. The SW revisions are

shown after the connection with the
AVR main controller is established.

3. Few seconds after the SW revisions

have been shown, the Panel shows the
main menu as in Figure 6-3. The Panel
can now be operated using the Keypad.

Figure 6-3 Main menu. The Panel

can now be operated.

6-2 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 6 - Operation CMT1000 or Remote Access connection over RS232

The Panel uses the same RS232 interface

that might be used for CMT1000 or Remote
Access to establish connection with the
AVR main controller. When the hardware
detects that the RS232 port is being used
by another device, the Panel stops its
communication with the main controller and Figure 6-4 Panel message when the
displays "REMOTE CONTROL" until the RS232 port from the UN1000 is
port is free and available again. being used by another device. Panel and Remote Access over RS485

The presence of a remote terminal can be

monitored using the Panel of the AVR. An
"R" is shown on the upper right corner of the
screen during the time a remote terminal is
connected with the main controller using
Remote Access over RS485.
For more information about Remote Access Figure 6-5 An "R" is shown on the
refer to Chapter 3.4.9 Remote Access. upper right corner of the screen when
Remote Access over RS485 is used. Connection problems

When the Panel is unable to communicate

with the AVR main controller due to
hardware problems, the screen might show
the message displayed in Figure 6-6. This
message can also appear when the Panel
and AVR main controller (DSP) firmware
are incompatible each other; which might Figure 6-6 Message shown when
occur after a firmware upgrade. communication problems occur
However, regulation and protection between Panel and AVR controller.
functions are normally still in operation,
without being influenced by communication
problems with the Panel.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 6-3

Chapter 6 - Operation

6.3.2 Keypad operation

The keypad consists of four keys with the following functions:

Keys Commands
, Select mode: Moves the cursor up or down
Horizontal arrow cursor marks the active line
Parameter setting: Increases or reduces value

OK Select mode: Selects sub-menu in the line marked with the cursor
On parameter level, the cursor disappears and the following text is
OK to write value => Accept new value, not yet saved in EEPROM
ESC to cancel => Retain old value
Parameter setting: Accept new value
ESC Select mode: Back to next-higher menu
Parameter setting: Retain saved value
ESC + Keys are locked if both are pressed during 2 seconds.
ESC + Keys are unlocked if both are pressed during 2 seconds.

All sub-menus are called up from the “MAIN” start menu

The vertical arrow ( ) indicates whether other lines are ∗∗∗
using the up ( ) or down ( ) keys. →
The horizontal arrow cursor (→) marks the active line.

"MAIN" start menu

The title and three lines are displayed ∗∗∗ MAIN ∗∗∗
- Online measurement of machine and field values → Monitor
- Current operating mode, serves only for information Mode = Auto
- Set ID number of the unit, serves only for information Connected: 1 MAIN
- Set parameters key Setup
- Set regulator parameters key Tune
- Set ID number key Communication
- Save parameters in UNITROL 1000 key Write EEPROM

6.3.3 Example of parameter setting

Example: Assigning Parallel wGrid to input DI6

Operating Key Resulting display

1. Display after auxiliary voltage is ∗∗∗ MAIN ∗∗∗
applied → Monitor
Mode = Auto
Connected: 1 MAIN
2. In the start menu, use key to
move down to setup
3x ∗∗∗ MAIN ∗∗∗
Mode = Auto
Connected: 1 MAIN
→ Setup

6-4 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 6 - Operation

Operating Key Resulting display

3. Select sub-menu 1, setup, and use
key to move down to digital I/Os OK, ∗∗∗ SETUP ∗∗∗
7x Volt. Droop Comp.
→ Digital I/Os
4. Select sub-menu 2, digital I/Os, and use
key to move down to I/Os
→ I/Os
1x Din from Ain

5. Select sub-menu 3, digital I/Os, and use

key to move down to DI6

5x DI5
→ DI6
6. Select sub-menu 4, DI6
OK ∗∗∗ DI6 ∗∗∗
→ Din = None
Polarity = Normal

7. Select parameter DI Cursor disappears,

text OK/ESC appears instead
OK ∗∗∗ DI6 ∗∗∗
Din = None
- OK to write value
- ESC to cancel
8. Use key to select assignment
3x ∗∗∗ DI6 ∗∗∗
Din = Parallel wGrid
- OK to write value
- ESC to cancel
9. Press OK key to save
OK ∗∗∗ DI6 ∗∗∗
→ Din = Parallel wGrid
Polarity = Normal

10. Press ESC key to return to start menu

4x ESC ∗∗∗ MAIN
Mode = Auto

Connected: 1 MAIN
→ Setup

• The above procedure only changes the parameters in the volatile memory. To make
the modification permanent, you have to save the entire parameter set.
• Save parameters: Start menu MAIN, Write EEPROM, OK, OK.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 6-5

Chapter 6 - Operation

6.3.4 Menu structure

Main screenshots Menu items

∗∗∗ MAIN ∗∗∗

Mode = Auto

∗∗∗ MONITOR ∗∗∗

UM = kV
UM rel = %
IM2 = A
IM2rel = %
Q = kVar
Q rel = %
P = kW
P rel = %
Ie = A
Ie rel = %
freq = Hz
Un rel = %

∗∗∗ SETUP ∗∗∗

System Data
Field Flashing
Soft Start
Volt. Droop Comp.
Digital I/Os
Analog Inputs
Analog Outputs
Diode Monitoring

6-6 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 6 - Operation

Main screenshots Menu items

∗∗∗ LIMITERS ∗∗∗

V/Hz Limiter
IeMin Limiter
IeMax Limiter
PQ Limiter
UM Limiter
IM Limiter
Temp Influence

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 6-7

Chapter 6 - Operation

Main screenshots Menu items

6-8 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 6 - Operation

Main screenshots Menu items

Din: {input signal}

Excitation ON,
Gen CB cl. st.,
Parallel wGrid,
Reset Setpoint,
Remote SP Ena.,
PF Enable,
Var Enable,
Manual Enable,
Open Loop Ena.,
VDC Enable,
Secondary Net,
Reset Alarm,
Fieldbus Block,
FCB Closed st.
External Alarm

Dout: {output signal}

Field Flashing,
System OK,
Limit Active,
V/Hz Lim. Act.,
SP Lim. Reach.,
SP Min. Reach.,
SP Max. Reach.,
Min Ie Act.,
Max Ie Act.,
Min PQ Act.,
Min UM Act.,
Max UM Act.,
Voltage Relay,
Close CB Comd,
Sync Check,
SW Alarm,
Diode Alarm,
Diode Trip,
SW or Di Trip,
Fieldbus Alarm,
FCB Close CMD,
Sprv Alarm
Sprv Trip
Switch Over

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 6-9

Chapter 6 - Operation

Main screenshots Menu items

∗∗ DIN from AIN ∗

DI9 from +AI
DI10 from –AI
DI11 from +AI
DI12 from –AI
DI13 from +AI
DI14 from –AI

Ain {input signal}

Auto Remote SP,
PF Remote SP,
Var Remote SP,
Manual Rem SP,
OpenLoop R SP,
UM Aux,
Ie Ext,
Cool Med Temp,

UM Aux
Ie Ext

6-10 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 6 - Operation

Main screenshots Menu items

Ie Range
Fbias Range

Aout {output signals}

Exc. Current,
Active PWR

Active =FALSE
PSS Settings
PSS Time Consts

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 6-11

Chapter 6 - Operation

Main screenshots Menu items

∗∗∗ TUNE ∗∗∗

PF/Var/PQ Limiter
Manual/Ie Limiter
Open Loop

Modbus Setup

6-12 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 6 - Operation

Main screenshots Menu items

∗∗∗ MAIN ∗∗∗

-OK to write value
-ESC to cancel

6.3.5 Limiters and Alarms

A number of limiter and alarm indications can be monitored from the Panel screen. The
message indications are shown in the first line of the screen, by toggling between the title
of the Panel menu and the message indication each for one second.

Example: Ie Max limiter is active

1. Initial screen:
* * * M A I N * * * *
M o n i t o r
M o d e = A u t o
C o n n e c t e d : 1 M A I N

2. One second later:

* * * I e H i g h A c t i v e * *
M o n i t o r
M o d e = A u t o
C o n n e c t e d : 1 M A I N

3. Another second later:

* * * M A I N * * * *
M o n i t o r
M o d e = A u t o
C o n n e c t e d : 1 M A I N

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 6-13

Chapter 6 - Operation

4. Another second later:

* * * I e H i g h A c t i v e * *
M o n i t o r
M o d e = A u t o
C o n n e c t e d : 1 M A I N

If more than one alarm or limiter is active at the same time, they are displayed one by one
after one second each.

The following alarms and limiters can be monitored from the Panel:

* I e
H i g h A c t i v e *
* U M
H i g h A c t i v e *
* * V / H z A c t i v e * *
* I M H i g h A c t i v e *
* * F C B A l a r m * *
* * I e L o w A c t i v e * *
* * U M L o w A c t i v e * *
* * I q L o w A c t i v e * *
* * I q M a x A c t i v e * *
* E x t e r n a l A l a r m *
* * M B C o m A l a r m * *
* * D i o d e A l a r m * *
* * D i o d e T r i p * *
* * S W A l a r m * *
M i n I M a x S P R e a c h e d
* * C o m m E r r o r * *
* * S p r v A l a r m * *
* * S p r v T r i p * *
* * S w i t c h O v e r * *

6.3.6 Fault messages

In certain circumstances the following fault messages could appear on the display:
The regulator could continue to work faultlessly and needs not be taken out of service.
However, no parameters can be entered or changed. The display is reset when the unit is
taken out of service and the auxiliary power is disconnected for a short time.
A defective unit should be sent for repair with a failure report attached to it. For contact
information, please refer to Chapter 1.4 Manufacturer’s Address.

6-14 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 6 - Operation

6.4 PC Software tool

The PC software tool used with UNITROL 1000 is called CMT1000. The CMT1000 release
5 is not compatible with earlier releases of the product, release 4 and below.

6.4.1 System requirements for CMT1000 release 5

• Minimum Pentium 200MHz or equivalent processor. Recommended: Pentium III or

Celeron 600 MHz or equivalent processor or higher.
• Minimum of 64 MB of RAM. Recommended: 256 MB or higher.
• Minimum screen resolution of 800x600 pixels. Recommended: 1024 x 768 pixels or
• CD-ROM drive.
• Microsoft® Windows TM 2000 (Service Pack 3 or later), XP or Vista.
• Minimum of 250 MB of free hard disk space.

6.4.2 Installing CMT1000 software

To install the CMT 1000 software, please carry out the following steps:

1. Place the CMT 1000 CD in your CD-ROM drive.

2. Open “My Computer” using Windows Explorer or Start Menu.
3. Open the CD root directory .
4. Double-click Setup.exe from the directory CMT 1000 \ Installer setup.exe
5. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen. The Setup
loads the CMT 1000 program to your hard disk.

The application program is now installed and ready to use.

To start the program:

Open the user interface via Start menu, then Programs, then 0
CMT1000 and then Click on the Shortcut icon: CMT1000

Distribution rights:
CMT 1000 was developed with the Lab VIEW software and is distributed free of license
charges and costs. The copyright to Lab VIEW is owned by the company National
Instruments International Distribution (NIID).

“Copyright © [02-03-20] National Instruments Corporation.“

6.4.3 Starting with CMT1000

The CMT1000 communicates with the AVR via the RS232 port. The UN1000 serial cable
provided by ABB should be used to connect the RS232 port from the AVR to the PC (using
an USB adaptor if necessary) or to a TCP/IP gateway. For more information about the
hardware connections refer to chapter 3.3.9 Communication ports.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 6-15

Chapter 6 - Operation Configuring the port interface

Before the communication can

be established with the AVR, the
connection type should be
specified in the CMT1000. The
connection type is specified
using the Port Configuration
window, which can be accessed
from the main window of the
CMT1000 (Figure 6-7).
Figure 6-7 Port configuration.

Connection over a RS232 port from the PC (no Ethernet)

1. Connect via the RS232 port from the

PC (or by using a USB to RS232
adaptor), select the "Serial" tab (1) first.
See Figure 6-8
2. Click on the arrow (2) to display the
available COM ports and select the
one that is connected to the UN1000.
3. Press the Ok button (3) to save the
changes, or Cancel to abort the
configuration. Figure 6-8 RS232 COM port configuration.

In case the appropriated COM port is not found, check whether the required COMx is
correctly configured in the operating system or being used by another application.
Port settings normally used for COM:
Base I/O Port address: 3f8
Interrupt Request Line (IRQ): 4

Connection over an Ethernet port from the PC (TCP / IP)

1. To connect to the AVR using a

TCP/IP connection, select the
"TCP/IP" tab first. See Figure 6-9.
2. Fill out the IP Address of the remote
terminal in the Remote IP Address
field and press Enter on the
keyboard. A pinging process should
be automatically started to check
whether the remote terminal can be
reached using MODBUS TCP. Figure 6-9 Remote IP address configuration.

6-16 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 6 - Operation

3. After some seconds the pinging

process should be finished and a
message is displayed whether the
remote terminal could be reached or
The message "Connection Ok"
indicates that the remote terminal could
be reached and that the connection is
Ok. In case the message "Not
accessible" shows up, check whether
the Ethernet, gateway, firewall and/or
cabling are correctly configured and
installed. For configuration refer to
Chapter 3.3.9 Communication ports.
The pinging process is repeated
periodically and it should start a couple
of seconds after displaying the last
4. Press the Ok button to save the
configuration or Cancel to abort the
Note: The message "In use" may
appear when the IP address is already
being used by CMT1000. Communicating with the AVR

Once the port connection is

configured, the CMT1000 performs
a scanning process to detect the
AVR over the interface selected
(RS232 or Ethernet). During the
time the scanning process is
performed), CMT1000 is
disconnected from the AVR and
cannot be changed to any other
Access level, such as Monitor or
Control. Figure 6-10 CMT1000 during AVR scanning process.
As soon as an AVR is detected, the
CMT1000 reads the AVR-ID,
channel identification and its Access
status from the AVR controller
(Figure 6-11). The slide bar can now
be used to change to Monitor or
Control Access. As long as the
CMT1000 is Offline, only the
information shown in the main
window is read from the device.
Figure 6-11 CMT1000 during Offline.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 6-17

Chapter 6 - Operation

As long as the CMT1000 has

Monitor or Control Access to the
AVR main controller, the main
window looks as in Figure 6-12 and
Figure 6-13.
As soon as the CMT1000 has
Monitor or Control Access, the
EEPROM LED (green light)
indicates whether the parameters in
the RAM are stored in the non- Figure 6-12 CMT1000 during Monitor Access.
volatile memory. The LED shines
(light green) when all current
parameter values match the ones
stored in the EEPROM memory.
Otherwise, the LED is dark,
indicating that at least one
parameter had been modified and
still not been stored in the non-
volatile memory.
To store all parameters in the
EEPROM using the CMT1000, click
on "Write parameters to EEPROM"
from the File menu. Figure 6-13 CMT1000 during Control Access.

AVR scanning process failure: "Link Not Found"

The CMT1000 scanning process

can last up to one minute before
the AVR is detected; especially if
connection type is Ethernet. If the
AVR is not possible to be detected
by that time, the message "Link
Not Found" might be shown in
main window of the CMT1000
(Figure 6-14). The configuration
and hardware should be checked
Figure 6-14 LinkNotFound message when the AVR can
to correct the problem. not be found or the communication port can not be
Even after the message "Link Not accessed by the CMT1000.
Found" has been displayed, the
CMT1000 continues the scanning
process in the background until
the AVR is found.
For details about the configuration
refer to RS232 interface.

6-18 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 6 - Operation

6.4.4 Menu structure of CMT 1000

The main window of the CMT1000 is shown in Figure 6-15 and is the starting point to access
all software features. The software features are accessed from the menu and each menu
item is grouped according to functionality.

• File: Load/save parameters

and enable optional SW.
• Monitor: Online measuring
• Setup: Set parameters
• Communication:
Set IDs / Ports / MODBUS
• Tune: Tune regulator
• Help: Software information

Figure 6-15 Main window of CMT1000.

The following sections describe the CMT1000 menu organization and window contents.

All software windows shown in this User Manual were taken with
standard style of Microsoft Windows (R) XP and most of them can be
closed by using the mouse and clicking on the cross in the upper right
corner. If the cross button is not available, the information in the window
explains how to close it. Help Menu

&4 ") &

About CMT1000
AVR S/N: Unit’s serial number
Control: DSP software version
Panel: Panel software version
Revision: CMT1000 version
Configuration: ABB or Custom
Click on the window to close it.
Note: the serial number of the AVR is
shown in the window of Figure 6-16 and
it should be provided when an optional
software is requested from ABB.

Figure 6-16 About CMT1000 Window

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 6-19

Chapter 6 - Operation File Menu

>9 ' 4 , , D 4(
: E E 0 E G
: E E : N --

D & ' 4 K (

Open Parameter File

A set of parameters values, previously stored in a so-called Configuration INI file, can be
downloaded to the AVR by using the option Open Parameter File from the CMT1000
menu. In order to download parameters to the AVR, make sure that the CMT1000 has
Control Access before trying to use the Open Parameter File option. The Configuration INI
file can also be opened during OFFLINE, in order to verify the values of the parameters,
prior to downloading them to the AVR.

The Configuration INI file should be compatible

and previously created with CMT1000 release, otherwise a warning message may show
up (Figure 6-17). Additionally, a message
indicating writing failure can appear after
continuing the download of the incompatible
configuration INI file, when it contains at least one
parameter value out of the permitted range of
Figure 6-17 A warning
The download of an incompatible configuration INI
window is shown in case
file is not recommended and it is up to the user to the INI file is incompatible
verify if all parameters are set correctly before with the AVR software
going into Operation with the AVR. release.

While the parameters are downloading, a warning

message may appear if at least one optional SW
is marked as activated in the INI file but is not
available in the AVR (Figure 6-18).
The warning window (Figure 6-18) also shows a
list of all optional SW which is activated according
to the INI file but which is not available in the
AVR. These will only be activated in the AVR,
when they have been enabled (available) using
SW Options tool from the CMT1000. Figure 6-18 A warning message is
shown when one or more optional
SW is set as active in the INI file but
not available in the AVR.

6-20 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 6 - Operation

Save Parameter File

The parameter values can be stored in a configuration INI file to the PC hard disk, for
further download to one or more AVRs (i.e. during commissioning) or for use as a
reference parameter file. A configuration INI file can be downloaded to an UN1000 AVR by
using the command "Open Parameter File".

When "Save Parameter File" is executed during Offline, it allows the user to create a
preconfigured file for further download to one or more AVRs. Once the CMT1000 is
started, all parameters are normally set to default values and they can be modified during
Offline Access. After they have been modified and the command "Save Parameter File" is
selected, all parameter values are stored in an INI file whose name is specified by the user
during the file creation process. The resulting INI file can be downloaded to an AVR by
using the command "Open Parameter File".

When "Save Parameter File" is executed during Monitor or Control mode, all parameter
values written in the configuration INI file are read directly from the connected AVR; i.e. the
created INI file reflects the actual configuration of the AVR. During Monitor or Control
mode, this command can be used when a device must be replaced by a spare unit.

Customer setup
Option for user defined application
only (password protected).

It allows the user to enable (un-block) optional software in the AVR. A password code is
required and should be provided by ABB.

The following steps should be

performed to enable an optional
software in the UN1000:

1. Make sure the CMT1000 has

Control Access with the AVR
(Figure 6-19).

2. Type the password (case sensitive)

in the white box located beside the
optional SW (Figure 6-20). Press .
the Enter key on the keyboard in Figure 6-19 CMT1000 must have Control Access before
order to validate the password. enabling an optional SW.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 6-21

Chapter 6 - Operation

A couple of seconds after clicking

Enter, the SW activation button
(located on the right of the white
box) is not shaded anymore (i.e.
not grayed out) if the password is
correct. Please verify the password
code if this is not the case.
The behavior rules for the SW
activation buttons are shown in
Figure 6-21

3. The optional SW is enabled by

clicking once on the activation
After a few seconds the LED on the
button should be bright, indicating
the optional SW is now enabled.

4. Once the button is On, press the

button “Save to EEPROM“ to save
the changes to the EEPROM
memory and close the window Figure 6-20.The SW Options window allows
afterwards. the user to enable optional software in the

Do not close the window without

saving to EEPROM first.

5. From the menu in the CMT1000

main window, click File and then
"Write Parameters to EEPROM".

6. Restart the device. Once restarted,

check whether the optional SW was
enabled correctly, using the SW
Options option in the menu. Figure 6-21 Upper: LED is bright when the
optional SW is enabled in the AVR. Lower: A
wrong password does not allow to press the
button to enable the SW.

Exit the CMT1000 software.

6-22 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 6 - Operation Monitor Menu

' 0 E (

& $ E B
& : B
& E 0 E

9 & & E
9 & & -#

Monitor \ Measurements
• Network Voltage (UNet) [% and kV]
• Machine Voltage (UM) [% and kV]
• Machine Real Power (P) [% and kW]
• Excitation Current (Ie) [A]
• Machine Current (IM2) [% and A]
• Machine Reactive Power (Q) [% and kVar]
• Network Frequency (fNet) [Hz]
• Machine Frequency (fM) [Hz]
• Power Factor (PF) --

Figure 6-22 Measurements window.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 6-23

Chapter 6 - Operation

Monitor \ Oscilloscope
Measurements and transients can be visualized, analyzed and stored to the hard disk
using the Oscilloscope tool of CMT1000. Up to 4 different measurements channels are
possible to be visualized simultaneously on the black box of the Oscilloscope window (see
Figure 6-23). The signal or measurement to be displayed is configured on the right end
side of the Oscilloscope window with the options shown in Figure 6-23.
The Buffer Length defines the length of the buffer size used to record the transient data
and display them on the display, i.e. the size of the black box of the Oscilloscope. The
selection can be performed at predefined values: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and higher up to
500 seconds. Each time the Buffer Length value is changed by the user, the black box is
resized in order to match with the new value selected. The transient shown on the black
box is possible to store to the hard disk afterwards; the transient data that could already
pass-through the black box and not shown anymore are lost (there is no additional
memory or buffer).
When a set of consecutives data measurements are received with errors (i.e. due to
cabling or communication problems) the Out of Frame LED indication should light-up.
Under these circumstances it is recommended to check the cabling and configuration
between CMT1000 and UN1000, in order to solve the problem. During the Out of Frame
indication, the Oscilloscope freezes and displays the last correct (error free) measurement
for each channel, until the failure is solved and the indication LED goes off (see Figure

Figure 6-23 Oscilloscope window.

6-24 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 6 - Operation

The Oscilloscope window menu and the function description of each item are explained in
Figure 6-24. The Oscilloscope can be started and stopped as explained in Figure 6-25.

: $ 4 : & '" 0 D >9# (

, & & E '>9 &,(

: E 4 : & " 0 &

: E , & '>9 &,(

: E 4 : & 1 & &

0 E 4 4

E 4 !E ' E 4 E & & E (9

$ E , , E "9

Figure 6-24 Menu structure of the Oscilloscope tool window and function
of each item.

O E O , $ , E 9
E E , & G 9

I B : & O E O , & B 9
E E , & G 9

Figure 6-25 The Oscilloscope is started and stopped using the "Start" /
"Freeze Waveform" button located in the menu of the window.

Previous waveform files saved with CMT1000 releases or
are not compatible with CMT1000 release 5.
The user is kindly asked to use the appropriate version of CMT1000 to
open older waveform files than release 5.

Evaluation of the waveform

Instantaneous values from transients can be observed using the cursors feature of the
Oscilloscope (menu Edit > Cursors).
As long as the cursors are enabled (Edit > Cursors), the two pointers or cursors A and B
are shown in the black box of the Oscilloscope with their standard configuration options, as
shown in the Figure 6-26. The cursors can be moved with the mouse (click + hold + drag)
along the curve of the transient from the Channel they are configured. When the cursors
are moved, the user can see the instantaneous value of the curve at the time (dt) where

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 6-25

Chapter 6 - Operation

they are placed (Figure 6-26). If the instantaneous value from another Channel is object of
interest, the channel selection for the cursors A and/or B can be changed on the
Oscilloscope window itself (see Figure 6-26).
The temporal buffer of the UN1000 can be used for troubleshooting by allowing retrieval of
data history recorded during the AVR operation time. As long as the CMT1000 is Offline,
the cursor A can be used to observe measurements and data stored on the temporal
buffer but on the Instrument windows. When instruments such as Measurements, Setpoint
Adjust, PQ Monitor and/or others are open when the cursor A is displaced along a curve in
the Oscilloscope window, the Instruments will show measurements reading from the AVR
at the time the temporal buffer was recorded (Figure 6-26). This additional information is
also stored in the temporal buffer but (some of them) are not shown in the Oscilloscope
Notice that the cursors moved along the temporal buffer will show historical data on the
Instrument only if the CMT1000 is Offline; otherwise the Instruments show actual
measurements and reading from the AVR (and the system).



125 Voltage [UM]

100 Limiter characteristics
50 75
25 125 75
75 x
0 150
50 PQ Limiter is active
50 x

25 1.067 [kV] x

106.7 [%]
0 x
Zoom -300 -275 -250 -225 -200 -175 -150 -125 -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100
File Edit Start
Freeze Waveform

Channel 1
UM Relative
1 100.0 %/div
0.0 %

Channel 2
1 Iq Relative
100.0 %/div
2 2
0.0 Hz

B Channel 3
4 Combined Limit
1.0 /div

Channel 4
A 3 3 Gen. State
2.0 /div
Cursors A, B
Channel 3 Channel 3
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 0 3
20.0 s 30.0 s
time / s Sweep Buffer
Buffer Length 50.0 s dt = 10.0 s
1/dt = 0.010Hz

Figure 6-26 Evaluation of a waveform

6-26 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 6 - Operation

A feature called Sweep Buffer can be used to displace the cursor A along the transient
curve at real time speed, and so, to observe the variations of measurements and data as
they might have been gathered during operation of the AVR.
When Sweep Buffer is enabled from the menu, a vertical line replaces the pointer A and
runs along the transient curve starting from the cursor A until the end of the transient at
real time speed (i.e. one second of cursor movement is equal to one second of operation
with the AVR). During the time the vertical line runs, the instantaneous value of the curve
is displayed on the Oscilloscope window, under the cursor A information. If an Instrument
window is opened during this process, the instantaneous data is also updated and shown
in the window. The Sweep Buffer is intended to be used together with Instruments
windows, and therefore, it is only available when the CMT1000 is Offline. It can only be
activated from the menu when the cursors were already enabled as well.


a) During OFF LINE: previously stored waveform files

File \ Open Waveform: Open stored waveform file.
Adjust the Buffer Length when necessary to see the full
transient on the Oscilloscope.
Edit \ Cursors: Assign channel with buttons A and B, use left mouse
button to drag cursor A to the desired point on the signal
curve. The measured values can be measured on the
oscilloscope, instruments or PQ diagram.
Edit \ Sweep Buffer: The curves are run through from cursor point A using the
scanning bar.

b) During MONITOR or CONTROL: Real time data

Start: The recording of the waveform is started.
Freeze Waveform: The recording is stopped.
File \ Save Waveform: Save waveform.
File \ Save Setup: Save oscilloscope settings.

• The window in "Tune" can also be opened to set the regulators.
• The setpoint step is simulated in “Tune Setpoint Adjust“.
• The buffer length can be adjusted from 1 s, 2 s, 5 s, 20 s, 50 s to 100 s.
• The time scale can be adjusted in the bar above the waveform (Zoom).

Monitor \ oscilloscope, status display

There are 4 quasi analog signals which can be used to represent status changes on the
oscilloscope. The decoding of those signals is explained as follows:

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 6-27

Chapter 6 - Operation

Generator Control Mode :

0 = Auto
1 = Var
2 = PF
3 = Manual
4 = Open Loop
5 = VDC
6 = Sync
7 = Standby
Combined Limit :
0 = None
1 = Minimum Excitation Current Limiter active
2 = Minimum Machine Voltage Limiter active
3 = Minimum Iq Limiter active
4 = Maximum Excitation Current Limiter active
5 = Maximum Machine Voltage Limiter active
6 = Maximum Iq Limiter active
7 = Maximum Machine Current Limiter active
+8 = V/Hz Limiter active
+16 = Minimum Setpoint reached
+32 = Maximum Setpoint reached
Excitation ON active: Combined Limit = See values above
Excitation ON not active: Combined Limit = -1.0
GenState (Generator State) :
0 = Idle (NoLoad)
1 = Change NoLoad -> Primary Net
2 = Primary Net
3 = Change Primary Net <-> Secondary Net
4 = Secondary Net
5 = Change Secondary Net -> NoLoad
6 = Primary Net or Secondary Net -> Grid ON
7 = Grid ON
8 = Grid ON -> Primary Net or Secondary Net
AlarmTripStatus :
0 = None
+ 1 = SW Alarm active
+ 2 = FCB Alarm active
+ 4 = External Alarm active
+ 8 = Modbus Communication Alarm active
+ 16 = Diode Alarm active (requires RDM SW)
+ 32 = Diode Trip active (requires RDM SW)
+ 64 = Supervision Alarm active (requires Double Channel SW)
+128 = Supervision Trip active (requires Double Channel SW)
+256 = DCH SwitchOver active (requires Double Channel SW)

Figure 6-27 Example of Combined Limit status

6-28 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 6 - Operation

0 D
# " : )!AB *9
# " : )!AB .9
K " : )!AB 9
" : )!AB 9
" : )!AB 89
)!AB " : 39

# " : /9
# " : 29
K " : *9
" : .9
" : 9

Window PQ Diagram
Monitor \ PQ Diagram (Power chart)

Note: The Limiter points can be moved with the cursor.

Synchronization Diagram. Synchroscope.

Monitor \ Sync Diagram

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 6-29

Chapter 6 - Operation

IM or Ie Temperature Monitor
Monitor \ Temp Influence

IM Temperature

Ie Temperature

6-30 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 6 - Operation

Second Channel Measurements

Displays status and measurements from the Second Channel. Double Channel SW is
required to show this window; otherwise it is not accessible from the CMT1000 menu.

1. Displays the current

measurements of UNET, UM,
Excitation Current and
Machine Current from the
second channel read from
the CAN interface.

2. Displays the current status

(Active or Standby) and
operating mode (Auto,
Manual, Standby, etc.) of
the second channel.

3. Displays Alarm and Trip

status signals from the
second channel. A LED is
bright when the signal is
logical 1 in the second Figure 6-28 Second Channel Measurements window, when
channel. Double Channel communication over CAN is Ok (data is being
received correctly)
4. Displays the current status
from the Double Channel
communication. The LED is
bright when the double
channel communication is
configured and enabled in
both channels, and the
DCH data is being received
correctly (no CRC errors).

The Second Channel

Measurements window is
shaded when the Double
Channel Communication
Ok LED is dark, as shown
in Figure 6-29. There is no
valid data from the Second
Channel when this is the

Figure 6-29 Second Channel Measurements, when Double

Channel communication failed or it is disabled.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 6-31

Chapter 6 - Operation Setup Menu

0 &, & $
I & E , &,
)+0 &4 &,
+, ! &,
" , &,
" , &,
$ E B
,+ , ,
4 $ D B
+ D 0 E :

) ! AB &,
P ; ; &,

" &,
I &,
)" &,

Note: Some menu items may be shaded and are not accessible when the CMT1000 has
Monitor or Control Access and/or the AVR has optional software which is not available. All
menu items are accessible when the CMT is Offline.

Adjust System Data

Setup \ System Data

6-32 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 6 - Operation

Configure Soft Start

Setup \ Soft Start

Adjust Field Flashing

Setup \ Field Flashing

Adjust V/Hz Limiter

Setup \ Limiters \ V/Hz

Operational Limits. Adjust Ie, UM, PQ and IM Limiter

Setup \ Limiters \ Operational Limits

Excitation current (Ie) limiter

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 6-33

Chapter 6 - Operation

Machine voltage (UM) limiter

PQ limiter and machine current (IM) limiters

Adjust Short Circuit Support

Setup \ Limiters \ Boost

Adjust Limiters Temperature

Setup \ Limiters \ Temp

IM and Ie nominal values can

be changed in System Data

6-34 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 6 - Operation

Adjust Setpoint Range

Initial SP refers to the Initial setpoint of the operation mode.

Setup \ Setpoints \ Auto

The Initial Setpoint (SP) of Auto
mode is the final value of the Soft
Start ramp. For more information
consult Soft Start.
1. Parameter configuration: "SYNC
For more information see Chapter
3.4.4 Synchronization (SYNC)

Setup \ Setpoints \ PF

Setup \ Setpoints \ Var

Setup \ Setpoints \ Manual

Setup \ Setpoints \ Open Loop

Adjust Voltage Droop Compensation

Control Range
Setup \ Voltage Droop Compensation

For configuration consult 3.4.3 Voltage

droop compensation (VDC).

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 6-35

Chapter 6 - Operation

Configure Digital I/O

Setup \ Digital I/Os

6-36 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 6 - Operation

Example of configuration of the input signals with the CMT1000 software tool

1. Select the analog input AI1 2. Select one or two digital signals
(or AI2 or AI3) and adjust the DI9 from +AI
input range [Setup \ Analog DI10 from –AI
Inputs] [Setup \ Digital I/Os]

Range : Uin0% = 2.0 V

Uin100% = 5.0 V

When using AI pins for DI signals, both inputs should not be active at the same time.

Example of parameter setting using CMT 1000

Example: Assigning Parallel with Grid Status to input DI6
Make ON-LINE connection to the unit

Menu bar CMT 1000, start


1. Select setup and then

Digital I/Os

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 6-37

Chapter 6 - Operation

2. Open input DI6 by

clicking on the white

3. Select input: "Parallel

with Grid Status"

4. Result: DI6 configured

The above procedure only changes the parameters in the volatile memory.
To make the modification permanent (even after restarting the AVR), all the parameters
have to be stored in the non-volatile EEPROM.

Save parameters during CONTROL Access:

- Unit: Menu bar CMT 1000 \ File \ Write Parameters to EEPROM
- Hard disk: Menu bar CMT 1000 \ File \ Save Parameter File

6-38 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 6 - Operation

Configure Analog Inputs

Setup \ Analog Inputs

Configure Analog Outputs

Setup \ Analog Outputs

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 6-39

Chapter 6 - Operation

Adjust Synchronization
Setup \ Synchronization

The window is only shown if CMT1000 is

OFFLINE and/or Synchronization SW
(optional) is available in the device.

Adjust Diode Monitoring

Setup \ Diode Monitoring

The window is only shown when the

CMT1000 is OFFLINE and/or the
Rotating Diode Monitor SW (optional) is
available in the device.

Adjust PSS
Setup \ PSS
The window is only
shown when the
CMT1000 is
OFFLINE and/or the
Power System
Stabilizer SW
(optional) is available
in the device.

6-40 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 6 - Operation

Double Channel configuration

Setup \ Double Channel
The window can only be accessed when Offline or when Double Channel (optional)
software is available in the AVR. For more information about the configuration refer to
3.4.8 Double Channel (DCH).

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 6-41

Chapter 6 - Operation Communication Menu

") + ')+0 ( E 0 E & '+0 A(

0 &, & 0
+1 &, & "
, & )+0

ID Definition (AVR-ID & DCH)

Communication \ ID Definition

Configuration window for AVR-ID (VDC) and

Channel Identification (Double Channel).

1. AVR-ID should be configured before the

use of VDC. For more information refer to
Chapter 3.4.3 Voltage droop
compensation (VDC).

2. Channel Identification should be

configured before using Changeover and
Follow-up from the Double Channel
feature. The chosen selection, Main or
Redundant, is displayed in the main
window of the CMT1000 (and Panel)
even if the Double Channel feature is not
available in the AVR.

If the Double Channel feature is not used,

the channel identification can be changed
without affecting other UN1000 functions
with exception of the Modbus ID, which is
used for CMT1000 access. That allows
changing the name displayed in the
CMT1000 and Panel. For more
information refer to Chapter 3.4.9 Remote

Port configuration
Communication \ Port configuration

Configures the connection interface with the

AVR. For more information consult Chapter Configuring the port interface.

6-42 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 6 - Operation

MODBUS configuration (RS485 and RS232)

Communication \ MODBUS
The MODBUS Slave-ID is the same used for MODBUS over RS232 and RS485. For
configuration consult Chapter 3.4.9 Remote Access.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 6-43

Chapter 6 - Operation

VDC Monitor
Communication \ VDC Monitor
VDC Monitor is a tool to analyze the VDC communication between the AVRs connected to
the same RS485 bus.

1. Shows the AVR-ID number

and the actual compensation
used for regulation. The
compensation is only used if
the AVR is operating in VDC
2. Each LED indicates VDC
activity on the RS485 bus and
can be used to detect cabling
and configuration problems.
Each LED is numbered from
1 to 31 and corresponds to
the data quality status from
each of 31 possible AVR-IDs
supported within VCD feature.
A LED number "x" is bright
when communication with the
AVR, configured with AVR-ID
= "x", is established correctly
and there are no errors in the
data reception (no CRC
A LED number "x" is dark as
long as there is no
communication established
with any AVR, configured with Figure 6-30 VDC Monitor window
AVR-ID = "x", or data
reception with that AVR
contains errors (CRC errors).

The VDC communication should be enabled before using this tool. For more
information refer to Communication.
3. The VDC data received from a specific AVR can be retrieved by specifying the AVR-
ID = "y" of the device.
4. The VDC data that is read from the bus and coming from the AVR whose AVR-ID =
"y" (from item 3) can be observed in Figure 6-30.
Net ID shows the Primary or Secondary Net number depending on the Net the AVR-
ID "y" is currently in operation. A special case may occur when Net ID is equal to
cero, which means the VDC data for the AVR-ID "y" had CRC errors or the
communication is not established; under these circumstances the LED "y" is dark.
IM Nominal refers to the Nominal Machine Current and Iq Rel to the Reactive
Current in p.u. units (both read from the RS485 bus).

6-44 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 6 - Operation

6.4.5 Tune Menu

Q ;
& " ' +( RK +
& I; )" P ' (
& ' (

Adjust Setpoint, Trigger Setpoint, Status Displays

Tune \ Setpoint Adjust
It allows setpoint adjustment, step response tests and visualization of operating
modes, generator states, limiters and alarms status.

1. Displays the generator state condition, according to the Gen CB Closed and
Parallel with Grid status signals. Prim. Net and Sec. Net are used during VDC
operation mode.
2. Displays the actual operating mode of the AVR. Some modes may be shaded
(disabled) if an optional feature is not available or due to system conditions or
configuration. For more information about the software feature and operation
modes consult Chapter 3.4 Software.
3. Displays Limiters status.
4. Displays AVR Alarms status. Not all alarms statuses are shown when an
optional feature is not available in the AVR.
5. The actual setpoint can be adjusted with the upper Up and Down buttons (if
the adjustment is not performed via analog or digital inputs). A step response
can be performed by specifying the Step value and then pressing the lower
Up (actual setpoint + Step) and Down (actual setpoint – Step) buttons.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 6-45

Chapter 6 - Operation

Regulator parameters AUTO

Tune \ Auto

Allows the configuration of parameters of

the PID regulator used during AUTO
mode and the Kq Droop. For more
information refer to Chapter 3.4.11
Description of parameters.

Regulator parameters PF/VAR/PQ

Tune \ [ PF/VAR/PQ Limiter ]

Allows the configuration of parameters of

the PI regulator used during PF/VAR
modes and PQ Limiter. For more
information refer to Chapter 3.4.11
Description of parameters.

Regulator parameters Manual / Ie

Tune \ [ Manual/Ie Limiter ]

Allows the configuration of parameters of

the PI regulator used during Manual mode
and Ie Limiter. For more information refer
to Chapter 3.4.11 Description of

6-46 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 6 - Operation

6.4.6 Save parameter file

0 /
" --

A G I II - --
: I


-- -+ ,E ; & " -- '

0 $( Status during MONITOR or CONTROL

After switching from OFF LINE to MONITOR/CONTROL, CMT 1000 reads the parameters
from the device‘s RAM. Now, all parameter changes carried out using CMT 1000 are
written directly into the device‘s RAM.

- Write Parameters to EEPROM: The parameters in the RAM are stored in the device (only
possible during CONTROL Access).
- Save Parameter File: The parameters are saved on the hard disk as an INI file.
- Open Parameter File: The INI file is loaded into CMT 1000 and the RAM is
overwritten again (only possible during CONTROL
When opening a parameter file from disk, the old parameter file is immediately overwritten in the
RAM (only possible during CONTROL Access). Status during OFF-LINE

Any parameter changes carried out in CMT 1000 are not transferred into the device.

- Write Parameters to EEPROM: No effect, since there is no communication between CMT

1000 and the device.
- Save Parameter File: The parameters are saved to the hard disk as an INI file.
- Open Parameter File: The INI file is only loaded into CMT 1000.
If you now switch to MONITOR or CONTROL the CMT 1000 reads data from the RAM again.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 6-47

Chapter 7 - Preventive Maintenance

7.1 General

ABB recommends periodical training for the maintenance personnel.

7.2 Safety Regulations


The secondary voltage of the excitation transformer and the voltage of
the excitation field are fed into the excitation cabinet.
These components present a great danger of electric shocks.
The control elements and the PC interface on the front plate of the
UNITROL 1000 unit are to be touched and/or attached only with

7.3 Standard Procedures for Maintenance

When the system is at a standstill, the screwed terminals, which can get
loose due to vibrations, should be checked for tightness. Dusty cooling
flanges should also be cleaned.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 7-1

Chapter 8 - Troubleshooting

8.1 General

Chapter 8 - Troubleshooting provides instructions to assist in localizing a

fault within the excitation system as a whole. However, it is not possible to
deal with all eventualities in full.

8.2 Safety Regulations

Before starting to work on the excitation system the general safety

instructions in Chapter 2 - Safety Instructions must be read and

8.3 List of Possible Faults

Possible causes Checks, action

Machine is not excited
Field circuit interrupted Check wiring for break
Field circuit-breaker does not close Check field circuit-breaker
Shunt supply:
Field flashing does not work Check field flashing circuit
No electronic supply UAUX Measure auxiliary supply UAUX
Check for tripped protective circuit-breaker
No control element supply UPWR Measure power electronics supply UPWR
Check for tripped protective circuit-breaker
Shunt supply:
Machine is only excited to the value supplied by the Measure auxiliary supply UAUX,
field flashing Measure power electronics supply UPWR
Check field flashing Off level
Machine is first excited then discharges again Check operating mode. For field flashing Auto is
normally used
Check field flashing Off level
Check setpoint
Measure power electronics supply UPWR
If all supplies and setpoints are correct, then
change the unit
Setpoint error Check operating mode. For field flashing normally
Auto is used
Check setpoint
Regulator error Measure output voltage at terminals 8, 9 (Osc.) ->
Measure voltage UPWM (CMT 1000, Monitor)
-> positive rising

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 8-1

Chapter 8 - Troubleshooting

Possible causes Checks, action

Overvoltage during build-up

Overvoltage caused by voltage regulator Machine voltage UM present

Check system data
Check operating mode. For field flashing normally
Auto is used
Check setpoint
Check thresholds of UM Limiter
Check regulator settings

Field flashing current too high Check design of the field flashing circuit.
Field flashing should deliver 10 to 15% of the no
load excitation current

Machine voltage not stable in no-load operation

Regulator error Check operating mode. For field flashing Auto is

normally used
Check setpoints
Check parameters of Auto regulator

Setpoint error Higher, lower inputs unstable

Externally input setpoint unstable

Control element fault Check wiring, loose contact UM, Ie

Parallel operation with grid unstable.

Periodic oscillation of reactive and possibly active power

Regulator settings incorrect Were changes made to the grid configuration?

Additional outputs, loads etc. installed?

Yes: reset regulator

No: check parameters of Auto and PF, Var

8-2 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 8 - Troubleshooting

Possible causes Checks, action

Irregular instability, i.e. sporadic over- or underexcitation which is not caused by grid

Droop influence of the voltage regulator ineffective or Check droop/compensation setting

IM2 measurement defective Check external current transformer circuit
Gen CB Closed Status not active
Machine within inadmissible operating range Bring machine into normal operating range by
(normally protected by limiters) adjusting the setpoint.
Check setting of limiters

Regulator fault Measure output voltage at terminals 8, 9 (oscillos-

Measure voltage UPWM (CMT 1000, Monitor)

Signals in phase opposition: unit defective

Signals in phase: disturbance possibly caused by
the driving side of the machine or by disturbances
from the grid

Operating point cannot be adjusted

Setpoint error Check operating mode. For field flashing normally

Auto is used
Check setpoint

Limiter active Bring machine into normal operating range by

adjusting the setpoint.
Check setting of limiters

Excitation with compounding and boost circuit:

Excitation is only supplied by the series compounding

No control element voltage

Measure power electronics supply UPWR
Check for tripped protective circuit-breaker
Regulator fault
Check operating mode. For field flashing normally
Auto is used
Check setpoint
Check parameters of Auto regulator

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 8-3

Chapter 8 - Troubleshooting

Possible causes Checks, action

External controls faulty

No external control voltage Measure control voltage

Check wiring

No internal control voltages Vdig, Vref Measure internal control voltages

Configuration of the digital or analog inputs or outputs Check configuration

is not correct

8.4 Repair

The unit must not be opened. A defective unit should be sent in for repair
with failure description and, if possible, trending of failure.
See manufacturer’s details on Chapter 1.4 Manufacturer’s Address.

8-4 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 9 - Technical data

9.1 General

9.1.1 Ordering information

Device designation UNITROL 1000-15, V5

Order number BASIC 3BHE014557 R0003

• PF / VAR regulation
• MODBUS (Remote Access)
• Voltage Droop Compensation (VDC)

FULL 3BHE014557 R0006

• BASIC options
• Synchronization (SYNC)
• Rotating Diode Monitoring (RDM)
• Double Channel Software (DCH)

9.1.2 Mechanical data

Weight 5 kg
Protection class IP20
Dimensions (HxWxD) 245x190x142 mm

9.1.3 Climatic stability

Temperature range for operation 0 to 60 °C

Temperature range for storage -20 to +75 °C
Vibration 2 mm f<15 Hz, 0.7 g f>15 Hz
Shock 5 g, 11 ms pulse

9.1.4 Electrical data

Auxiliary supply UAUX: Maximum power consumption 25 W

Power electronics supply UPWR: Frequency DC, 40 to 600
Excitation output Ie: Maximum continuous current 15 A
Current reduction for ambient temp. >50 1 A /degree
Overload (maximum 10 s) 30 A DC
Overload (maximum 4 min) 20 A DC
Frequency range of measuring values UM and 10 to 100 Hz
Machine current IM2: Maximum overcurrent 3A
Accuracy: Voltage regulation <0.1%

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 9-1

Chapter 9 - Technical data

Test voltage:
Power electronics supply UPWR against case and auxiliary supply UAUX 2830 V DC, 2 s
Auxiliary supply UAUX against case and power electronics supply UPWR 2830 V DC, 2 s
Voltage measurement inputs UM, UNET: High impedance voltage input without galvanic separation
According to (USA, Canada) UL specification:
The screw-type terminals for inputs and outputs are approved for maximum voltage 150 V

9.1.5 Relevant standards, CE conformity

EMC directive: 89/336/EEC

Generic emission standard IEC/EN 61000-6-4
Generic immunity standard IEC/EN-61000-6-2

9.1.6 Ordering information connection cable

Connection Cable PC to UNITROL 1000:

Serial RS232 cable (terminals 2 and 3 crossed) DB9 f/f/ 3 m

9.2 Settings record for UNITROL 1000

Name and Address of Customer:

Order No.:
Plant Schematic No.:

Device Identification:
Type Plate:
Delivery Date:
Software Revision: Control:
CMT 1000:


Place and Date of Commissioning:

Name: Company:

9-2 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 9 - Technical data

9.3 Parameter Settings, default values

Parameter Parameter INI-File Standard Setting range Set Unit

System Data [SYSTEM DATA]
- Nominal excitation current Ie Nominal 5.0 0.1 to 1000.0 A
- Measuring volt., three- or single-phase Potential Transformer Three_ Three_Phase /
Phase Single_Phase /
- Nominal voltage of the machine UM Nominal 1.000 0.010 to 32.000 kV
- Potential transformer, primary voltage UM Primary 1.000 0.010 to 32.000 kV
- Pot. transformer, secondary volt. 3-Ph UM Secondary 110.0 60.0 to 250.0 V
1-Ph 60.0 to 150.0 V
3-Ph gnd 60.0 to 150.0 V

- Nominal Voltage of the network Unet Nominal 10.000 0.10 to 320.00 kV

- Potential transformer, primary voltage (Net) Unet Primary 10.000 0.10 to 320.00 kV
- Pot. transformer, secondary voltage (Net) Unet Secondary 110.0 60.0 to 500.0 V

- Nominal machine current IM2 Nominal 500 1 to 32000 A

- Current transformer primary current IM2 Primary 500 1 to 32000 A
- Current transformer secondary current IM2 Secondary 1.000 0.500 to 1.500 A

- No-load current Ie No Load 30.0 0.1 to 100.0 %

- Ceiling factor Kceiling 3.00 1.00 to 100.00 V/V
- Machine reactance Xq 0.80 0.20 to 4.00
- Frequency nominal f Nominal 50.00 10.00 to 200.00 Hz
Field Flashing [FIELD FLASHING]
- Reached voltage off level Off Level 0.0 0 to 95.5 %
Soft Start [SOFT START]
- Starting voltage Starting Level 0.0 0 to 100.0 %
- Delay until ramp Hold Time 0.0 0 to 327.0 s
- Ramp time Ramp Time 10.0 0 to 327.0 s
V/Hz Limiter: [V/Hz LIMITER]
- Cut-off frequency fKnee 48.0 10.0 to 200.0 Hz
- Slope Slope 100.0 0 to 327.0 %
IeMin Limiter: [IeMin LIMITER]
- Minimum limit Minimum 0.0 0 to 150.0 %
- Limiter active Active FALSE TRUE / FALSE
IeMax Limiter: [IeMax LIMITER]
- 1 limit Maximum 160.0 0 to 400.0 %
- Delay time Maximum Hold Time 10.0 0 to 327.0 s
- 2 limit Delayed 120.0 0 to 300.0 %
- Delay time Delayed Hold Time 60.0 0 to 327.0 s
- Continuous current Continuous 105.0 0 to 150.0 %
- Limiter active Active TRUE TRUE / FALSE

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 9-3

Chapter 9 - Technical data

Parameter Parameter INI-File Standard Setting range Set Unit

PQ Limiter (Min Q): [PQ LIMITER]
- Q Limiter at P = 0% Minimum Q (P @ 0%) -40.0 -400.0 to -0.5 %
- Q Limiter at P = 25% Minimum Q (P @ 25%) -35.0 -400.0 to 0 %
- Q Limiter at P = 50% Minimum Q (P @ 50%) -30.0 -400.0 to 0 %
- Q Limiter at P = 75% Minimum Q (P @ 75%) -25.0 -400.0 to 0 %
- Q Limiter at P = 100% Minimum Q (P @ 100%) -20.0 -400.0 to 0 %
- Voltage dependency active Voltage Dependency TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- Limiter active Active TRUE TRUE / FALSE
UM Limiter: [UM LIMITER]
- Limiting value mini. machine voltage Minimum 90.0 0 to 150.0 %
- Limiting value maxi. machine voltage Maximum 110.0 0 to 150.0 %
- Limiter low level Minimum Active TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- Limiter high level Maximum Active TRUE TRUE / FALSE
Boost: [BOOST]
- Minimum machine voltage Threshold 40.0 0 to 100.0 %
- Time boost output is active Hold Time 3.0 0 to 32.0 s
- Hysteresis Hysteresis 15.0 0 to 100.0 %
Range of Setpoints
- Initial SP Initial 100.0 0 to 150.0 %
- Minimum value Minimum 90.0 0 to 150.0 %
- Maximum value Maximum 110.0 0 to 150.0 %
- Ramp rate Ramp Rate 0.30 0.01 to 100.00 %/s
- Minimum value Minimum -0.8500 -0.2500 to +0.2500
- Maximum value Maximum 0.8500 -0.2500 to +0.2500
- Ramp rate Ramp Rate 0.0050 0.0001 to 0.1000 /s
- Minimum value Minimum 0,0 -200.0 to +200.0 %
- Maximum value Maximum 100.0 -200.0 to +200.0 %
- Ramp rate Ramp Rate 1.00 0.02 to 100.00 %/s
- Initial SP Initial 0.0 0 to 300.0 %
- Minimum value Minimum 0.0 0 to 50.0 %
- Maximum value Maximum 150.0 10.0 to 300.0 %
- Ramp rate Ramp Rate 1.67 0.01 to 100.0 %/s
- Initial SP Initial 0.0 0 to 100.0 -- %
- Minimum value Minimum 0.0 0 to 100.0 -- %
- Maximum value Maximum 100.0 10.0 to 100.0 -- %
- Ramp rate Ramp Rate 1.00 0.01 to 80.0 -- %/s
Voltage Droop Compensation Control [VDC]
- ID-Nr. Primary net Primary Net ID 1 1 to 31
- ID-Nr. Secondary net Secondary Net ID 2 1 to 31
- Ramp time Ramp Up Time 10.0 0.1 to 60.0 s

9-4 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 9 - Technical data

Parameter Parameter INI-File Standard Setting range Set Unit

Digital I/Os
- Input Input None DI / DO signal name
- Polarity Polarity_IN (for Input) Normal Normal / Inverted
Polarity_OUT (for Output)
- Output Output None Signal name
- Direction Direction In In / Out
- Input Input None DI / DO signal name
- Polarity Polarity_IN (for Input) Normal Normal / Inverted
Polarity_OUT (for Output)
- Output Output None Signal name
- Direction Direction In In / Out
- Input Input None DI / DO signal name
Polarity_IN (for Input)
- Polarity Normal Normal / Inverted
Polarity_OUT (for Output)
- Output Output None Signal name
- Direction Direction In In / Out
- Input Input None DI / DO signal name
- Polarity Polarity_IN (for Input) Normal Normal / Inverted
Polarity_OUT (for Output)
- Output Output None Signal name
- Direction Direction In In / Out
- Input Input None DI signal name
- Polarity Polarity_IN Normal Normal / Inverted
- Input Input None DI signal name
- Polarity Polarity_IN Normal Normal / Inverted
- Input Input None DI signal name
- Polarity Polarity_IN Normal Normal / Inverted
- Input Input None DI signal name
- Polarity Polarity_IN Normal Normal / Inverted

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 9-5

Chapter 9 - Technical data

Parameter Parameter INI-File Standard Setting range Set Unit

Assign analog input to digital signal
DI9 from +AI: [DIGITAL INPUT 9 from +AI]
- Input Input None DI signal name
- Polarity Polarity_IN Normal Normal / Inverted
DI10 from -AI: [DIGITAL INPUT 10 from -AI]
- Input Input None DI signal name
- Polarity Polarity_IN Normal Normal / Inverted
DI11 from +AI: [DIGITAL INPUT 11 from +AI]
- Input Input None DI signal name
- Polarity Polarity_IN Normal Normal / Inverted
DI12 from -AI: [DIGITAL INPUT 12 from -AI]
- Input Input None DI signal name
- Polarity Polarity_IN Normal Normal / Inverted
DI13 from +AI: [DIGITAL INPUT 13 from +AI]
- Input Input None DI signal name
- Polarity Polarity_IN Normal Normal / Inverted
DI14 from -AI: [DIGITAL INPUT 14 from -AI]
- Input Input None DI signal name
- Polarity Polarity_IN Normal Normal / Inverted

Signal name:
Digital inputs +
Digital outputs
DIO1 to 4 DIO1 to 4
DI5 to 8
(DI9 to14)

9-6 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 9 - Technical data

Parameter Parameter INI-File Standard Setting range Set Unit

Analog Inputs [ANALOG INPUT]
UM Aux:
- Minimum value UM Aux Minimum -10.0 -100.0 to +100.0 %
- Maximum value UM Aux Maximum 10.0 -100.0 to +100.0 %
Ie Ext Range:
- Minimum value Ie Ext Minimum 0.0 0 to 1000.0 A
- Maximum value Ie Ext Maximum 30.0 0 to 1000.0 A
- Input Input None AI signal name
- Low level Uin 0% 0.0 -10.0 to +10.0 V
- High level Uin 100% 10.0 -10.0 to +10.0 V
- Input Input None AI signal name
- Low level Uin 0% 0.0 -10.0 to +10.0 V
- High level Uin 100% 10.0 -10.0 to +10.0 V
- Input Input None AI signal name
- Low level Uin 0% 0.0 -10.0 to +10.0 V
- High level Uin 100% 10.0 -10.0 to +10.0 V
Analog Outputs [ANALOG OUTPUT]
AO1: - Output Output1 None AO signal name
AO2: - Output Output2 None AO signal name
- Low level Uout1 0% 0.0 -10.0 to +10.0 V
- High level Uout1 100% 10.0 -10.0 to +10.0 V
- Low level Uout2 0% 0.0 -10.0 to +10.0 V
- High level Uout2 100% 10.0 -10.0 to +10.0 V
Ie Range: Output voltage range
- Low level Ie 0% 0.0 0 to 400.0 %
- High level Ie 100% 300.0 0 to 400.0 %
Fbias Range: Offset signal
- Low level Fbias 0% -3.0 -10.0 to +10.0 Hz
- High level Fbias 100% 3.0 -10.0 to +10.0 Hz
Slip (range):
- Low level - -10.0 Fixed = (-1)*Slip 100% Hz
- High level Slip 100% 10.0 0.0 to +10.0 Hz
Active Power (range):
- Low level - 0.0 Fixed = 0 %
- High level Active Power 100% 200.0 0.0 to 200.0 %
Signal name:
Analog inputs + + Analog outputs
AI1 to 3 AO1 to 2

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 9-7

Chapter 9 - Technical data

Parameter Parameter INI-File Standard Setting range Set Unit

- Proportional gain Vp Proportional Gain (Vp) 20.0 1.0 to 200.0
- Derivative time constant Tb Derivation Time (Tb) 0.20 0.01 to 5.00 s
- Integral time constant Ta Integration Time (Ta) 4.00 0.01 to 20.00 s
- Reactive current influence Kq Droop (Kq) 0.0 -20.0 to +20.0 %
PF /Var /PQ Limiter: [TUNE PF/Var/PQ LIMITER]
- Proportional gain Vp Proportional Gain (Vp) 10.0 0.1 to 200.0
- Integral time constant Ta Integration Time (Ta) 3.00 0.01 to 20.00 s
Manual/Ie Limiter: [TUNE MANUAL/Ie LIMITER]
- Proportional gain Vp Proportional Gain (Vp) 1.0 1.0 to 200.0
- Integral time constant Ta Integration Time (Ta) 0.30 0.01 to 20.00 s
Communication [COMMUNICATION]
AVR-ID AVR ID 1 1 to 31
Channel Identification Channel Identification Main Main / Redundant
Synchronization [SYNCHRONIZATION]
- Voltage offset UNetoffset 0.0 -30.0 to 30.0 %
- Angle offset Angleoffset 0.0 -120.0 to 120.0 deg
- Minimum slip Min Slip 0.00 -1.00 to 0.00 Hz
- Maximum slip Max Slip -0.40 -1.00 to 0.00 Hz
- Maximum voltage difference MaxDeltaU 5.00 0 to 10.00 %
- Maximum delta angle Max Delta Angle 10 0 to 72 deg
- Total CB closing time Tot CB Close Time 90 0 to 630 ms
- SYNC DisableCBCheck SYNC_DisableCBCheck FALSE TRUE / FALSE
Diode Monitoring [DIODE MONITORING]
- Nominal exciter frequency f Exc Nominal 50 10 to 400 Hz
- Exciter time constant Tconst Exc 350 1 to 2000 ms
- Diode monitoring active Active FALSE TRUE / FALSE
- Alarm level Alarm Level 5.0 2.0 to 100.0 %
- Alarm delay Alarm Delay 10.0 2.0 to 50.0 s
- Trip level Trip Level 20.0 10.0 to 200.0 %
- Trip delay Trip Delay 0.3 0 to 50.0 s

9-8 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 9 - Technical data

Parameter Parameter INI-File Standar Setting range Set Unit

d value
Active, General activation PSS_SELECT FALSE TRUE / FALSE
Wash out time constants TW1 5.0 0.0 to 30.0 s
Wash out time constants TW2 5.0 0.0 to 30.0 s
Wash out time constants TW3 5.0 0.0 to 30.0 s
Wash out time constants TW4 0.0 0.0 to 30.0 s
PSS gain factor KS1 15.0 0.1 to 50.0 p.u.
Compensation factor for calculation of integral KS2 0.60 0.05 to 5.00 p.u.
of electric power
Signal matching factor KS3 1.00 0.05 to 5.00 p.u.
Lead time constants of conditioning network T1 0.10 0.02 to 6.00 s
Lead time constants of conditioning network T3 0.18 0.02 to 6.00 s
Lead time constants of conditioning network T10 0.26 0.02 to 6.00 s
Lag time constants of conditioning network T2 0.02 0.02 to 6.00 s
Lag time constants of conditioning network T4 0.02 0.02 to 6.00 s
Lag time constants of conditioning network T11 0.02 0.02 to 6.00 s
Time constant for integral of electrical power T7 5.00 0.00 to 30.00 s
Ramp tracking filter time constant T8 0.00 0.00 to 2.50 s
Ramp tracking filter time constant T9 0.10 0.00 to 2.50 s
Ramp tracking filter degree M 5 2 to 5
Ramp tracking filter degree N 1 0 to 4
Upper limit of stabilizing signal PSS max 10.0 0.0 to 25.0 %
Lower limit of stabilizing signal PSS min -10.0 0.0 to -25.0 %
Activation level for PSS functionality P min 5.0 0.0 to 50.0 %
IM Limiter [IM Limiter]
- Limiter high level IMlim_Active FALSE TRUE / FALSE
- Time Multiplier K IMlim_K 1.00 0.01 to 100.00
- Maximum IMlim_Im_th 100.0 0.0 to 150.0 %
- T1 at Max IM IMlim_T1 50.0 -100.0 to 100.0 °
- Machine current level IMlim_Im_th2 75.0 0.0 to 150.0 %
- T2 at IM th2 IMlim_T2 60.0 -100.0 to 100.0 °
- Machine current level IMlim_Im_th3 50.0 0.0 to 150.0 %
- T3 at IM th3 IMlim_T3 70.0 -100.0 to 100.0 °
- T4 at IM = 0 A IMlim_T4 80.0 -100.0 to 100.0 °
- T1 at Max Continuous Ie IElim_T1 50.0 -100.0 to 100.0 °
- Excitation current level IElim_Ie_th2 75.0 0.0 to 150.0 %
- T2 at Ie th2 IElim_T2 60.0 -100.0 to 100.0 °
- Excitation current level IElim_Ie_th3 50.0 0.0 to 150.0 %
- T3 at Ie th3 IElim_T3 70.0 -100.0 to 100.0 °
- T4 at Ie = 0 A IElim_T4 80.0 -100.0 to 100.0 °

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 9-9

Chapter 9 - Technical data

Parameter Parameter INI-File Standard Setting range Set Unit

Slave ID MB Slave 247 1 to 247
Protocol MB_Protocol 0 0 to 1
Bit rate MB_Bitrate 7 3 to 7 and 10 to 12
Character framing MB_ChrFrame 0 0 to 3
Keep-alive time MB_KeepAliveTime 0 0 to 120 s
Keep-alive actions MB_KeepAliveAction 0 0 to 3
Answer delay MB_Delay 10 10 to 500 (step of 10) ms

9-10 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- UNITROL 1000 User Manual

Chapter 9 - Technical data

Parameter Parameter INI-File Standard Setting range Set Unit

Double Channel [DOUBLE CHANNEL]
Redundant Channel support
- Enable DCH CAN communication CAN Enable TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- Changeover on Alarm Alarm Enable FALSE TRUE / FALSE
- Changeover on Trip Trip Enable TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- Block changeover on 2 Ch. Alarm Changeover block at B. Alarm FALSE TRUE / FALSE
- Block changeover on 2 Ch. Trip Changeover block at B. Trip TRUE TRUE / FALSE
Double Channel Supervision
- Enable Alarm DO during Standby Alarm(DO) at Standby TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- Enable Trip DO during Standby Trip(DO) at Standby FALSE TRUE / FALSE

Configuration Matrix for Alarm:

- UM One or two phases lost Alarm at Partial loss of UM TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- UM Loss of all phases Alarm at loss of UM TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- UM Freeze phase L1 Alarm at loss of UM phase 1 TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- UM Freeze phase L2 Alarm at loss of UM phase 2 TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- UM Freeze phase L3 Alarm at loss of UM phase 3 TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- Unet Freeze Alarm at loss of Unet TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- Machine current Freeze Alarm at loss of IM TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- Loss of control Alarm at loss of control TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- Loss of Excitation Alarm at loss of excitation TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- Heat sink temp. Level 1 Alarm at Temperature 1 TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- Heat sink temp. Level 2 Alarm at Temperature 2 TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- External Alarm Alarm at External Alarm TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- MODBUS Comm. Alarm Alarm at loss of Rem.Control TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- FCB Alarm Alarm at FCB TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- Diode alarm Alarm at Diode Alarm TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- Diode Trip Alarm at Diode Trip TRUE TRUE / FALSE

Configuration Matrix for Trip:

- UM One or two phases lost Trip at Partial loss of UM TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- UM Loss of all phases Trip at loss of UM TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- UM Freeze phase L1 Trip at loss of UM phase 1 TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- UM Freeze phase L2 Trip at loss of UM phase 2 TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- UM Freeze phase L3 Trip at loss of UM phase 3 TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- Unet Freeze Trip at loss of Unet TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- Machine current Freeze Trip at loss of IM TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- Loss of control Trip at loss of control TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- Loss of Excitation Trip at loss of excitation TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- Heat sink temp. Level 1 Trip at Temperature 1 FALSE TRUE / FALSE
- Heat sink temp. Level 2 Trip at Temperature 2 FALSE TRUE / FALSE
- External Alarm Trip at External Alarm FALSE TRUE / FALSE
- MODBUS Comm. Alarm Trip at loss of Rem.Control TRUE TRUE / FALSE
- Diode alarm Trip at Diode Alarm FALSE TRUE / FALSE
- Diode Trip Trip at Diode Trip FALSE TRUE / FALSE

Parameter values should be stored in the device's EEPROM after
Panel: Start menu MAIN => Write EEPROM => OK => OK
CMT1000: Main Menu => File => Write Parameters to EEPROM
CMT1000 must be in Control mode.
For additional information refer to Chapter 6 - Operation.

UNITROL 1000 User Manual 3BHS262681 E80 Rev.- 9-11

Rotor mounting/dismounting
Rotor Dismounting and Mounting REV.: B

T67M00600XY, T67M00100XY SIDES 1-
T67M00104CY, T67M00104FY, T67M00110XY,
Instruction for Rotor Dismounting
and Mounting Before dismounting the
bearings, disconnect PT100
The following instruction refers to the attached on bearing housing (16)(20).
drawing T67M00100XY sheet 1-3 respectively
as well as table of torques. (i) Lift upper part of bearing housing (9) on
DE after loosening the screws (10).
The assembly works must be
carried out carefully by trained (j) Lift upper part of bearing housing (11) on
staff only. Before starting the NDE after loosening the screws (12).
works, read the complete
instruction. (k) Dismount upper part of bearing shell (13)
on DE.
Please observe the following
recommendations: (l) Dismount upper part of bearing shell (14)
- Use only suitable tools on NDE.
- Windings and bearing surfaces must
be protected against damages (m) Slightly lift rotor on DE (for discharging).
- Apply generator stable on stator core Dismount from lower bearing shell (15) as
as shown in T67M00100XY sheet 1. well as bearing housing (16) by loosening
Support only on longitudinal rips, of the fixing bolts (17).
where screws are mounted.
(n) Lower rotor and support it on sleeve
Please pay attention to the additionally bearing cover (18).
enclosed installation manuals.
(o) Unscrew the lower part of the bearing shell
Further, please observe additional mounting (19) on NDE by slight lifting (discharging).
and dismounting instructions of our sleeve
bearing manufacturer. (p) Remove the lower part of the bearing
housing (20) after loosening the fixing
bolts (21).
1. Rotor Dismounting
(q) Lower rotor on sleeve bearing cover (22).
(a) Dismount assembly cover (1) on NDE by
loosen screws (2). (r) Dismount air outlet box (23) by loosening
the screws (24).
(b) Drain the oil of the bearings on DE and
NDE. (s) Lift the rotor on DE for discharging.
After loosening the fixing bolts (25) the
(c) Dismount axial air filters (30) on NDE. bearing shield (26) has to be removed
towards DE together with the sleeve
(d) Insert Pertinax and respectively HGW- bearing cover (18) and with the help of the
sheets (at two positions at lower range existing jack bolts and the pipe (27) on the
through the whole core length) into air gap DE bearing shield. Change the support
and fix it (air gap is about 10 mm on 8-pole any time if necessary. Dispose rotor
rotors and 9 mm on 10-pole rotors). carefully on protection sheets mounted on
item (d). Then take of the bearing shield
(e) Mark the cables on the rotating rectifiers (26).
(3) and disconnect them.
(t) After loosening the fixing bolts (28), also
(f) Dismount the rectifier carrier incl. rotating dismount and deposit the fan (29) towards
rectifier (4). DE.
(g) Dismount seal carrier (5) after loosening (u) Dismount the cover of terminal box (31).
the screws (6). Mark the cables, wired between NDE-
shield and terminal box, and disconnect
(h) Remove seal carrier (7) after loosening the them.
screws (8).

Rotor Dismounting and DIG 167 acc. to drawing Seite / Page 1

Mounting T67M00100XY sheets 1-3 03.2007
(v) Unscrew the bolts (32) on terminal box
and lift the housing (33). Then unscrew Do not support on rotor
the bolts of terminal box supports (34)(35) bearing surface!
and lift the base plate (36). Take care of the stator coils,
even slight collisions may
(w) Lift the rotor on NDE for discharging. cause damage!
After loosening the fixing bolts (37) the
bearing shield (38) has to be removed Step 3:
towards DE together with the sleeve Mount a further extension pipe on the
bearing cover (22) and with the help of the generator shaft, lift the rotor again, move it
existing jack bolts on the DE bearing forward to NDE till the rotor core is completely
shield. Change the support any time if outside the stator.
necessary. Dispose rotor carefully on
protection sheets mounted on item (d). Step 4:
Then take of the bearing shield (38). When the rotor is supported like prescribed,
change position of crane from DE to NDE.
(x) Dismount air guiding element (39). Now the rotor can be removed and deposited.

2. Rotor – Removal
When depositing the rotor,
With the help of the removing devices support on the shaft. Never lay
- alignment part DE (50) down the rotor on core!
- alignment part NDE (51)
- two half shells DE c/d/e-size (52)
- two half shells DE f/g/h-size (53) 2.2 Dismounting from NDE to DE
- one bushing NDE (54)
- two adapter pipes (55) As per description from DE to NDE, only the
- one connection pipe (56) reverse direction.
- Bolt EN 24017 M16x60 (57)
- Bolt EN 24017 M8x25 (58) 3. Rotor Mounting Respectively
- Bolt EN 24017 M16x40 (59) Bearing Shield: In Reverse Order
- Bolt EN 24017 M8x40 (60)
Table of torques
which are part of generator manufacturer
supply. (optional equipment) Torques for bolts used for rotor dismounting
and mounting:
Pay attention to the drawings of
T67M00100XY sheet 2! A secure
handling of the rotor with help 1. Bearing bolts: s. table respectively
of the extension pipes is only description in the documents of Firm Renk
warranted if mounted as shown. 2. Fixing bolts bearing shield of generator
Differences could cause damages on the Housing, support of the exciter.
rotor or lead to severe injuries caused by Fastening housing of exciter on support

2.1 Dismounting from DE to NDE

Bolt size Torque [Nm]
Step 1: M16 175
By crane, remove the rotor towards NDE (see M20 330
drawing no. T67M00100XY sheet 3). Lower M24 570
rotor in the air gap on HGW or similar. For M30 1150
support mount alignment part NDE (51).
M36 1700
Step 2:
Mount the first adapter pipe (55) on the
generator shaft, lift the rotor again, move it
forward to NDE and lower it on supports on
prescribed positions.

Rotor Dismounting and DIG 167 acc. to drawing Seite / Page 2

Mounting T67M00100XY sheets 1-3 03.2007
for Maintenance and Inspection

Slide Bearings Type EF

with self lubrication

RH  EFEWI  E – 7.02
Maintenance and Inspection

Werk Hannover
Weltausstellungsallee 21
D  30539 Hannover
Telephone: (0511) 86010
Telefax: (0511) 8601266

All rights reserved. Copy or reproduction without prior permission of RENK Aktiengesellschaft Hannover

2 RHEFEWIE Version: 1 Juli, 2002 Ó RENK AG Werk Hannover

EF with self lubrication


Bearing Coding ..............................................................................................................................................5

General Drawing of the Slide Bearing EF with self lubrication ......................................................................7
General Drawing of the Loose Oil Ring..........................................................................................................9
General Drawing of the Floating Labyrinth Ring with Seal Carrier ..............................................................11
General Drawing of the Rigid Labyrinth Seal ...............................................................................................13
General Drawing of the Baffle ......................................................................................................................15
General Drawing of the Dust Flinger ............................................................................................................17
1 Considerations for Use ...........................................................................................................................19
2 Safety Instructions ..................................................................................................................................20
3 Operating Instructions after Standstill ..................................................................................................21
4 Maintenance Schedule ...........................................................................................................................22
5 Oil Change................................................................................................................................................23
6 Dismantling of the Bearing .....................................................................................................................24
6.1 Tools and equipment .......................................................................................................................24
6.2 Use of lifting equipment ...................................................................................................................24
6.3 Preparation for dismantling..............................................................................................................26
6.4 Dismantling of the shaft seal  outboard side ..................................................................................27
6.4.1 Floating labyrinth seal (Type 10) ...............................................................................................27
6.4.2 Floating labyrinth seal with dust flinger (Type 11).....................................................................27
6.4.3 Floating labyrinth seal with baffle (Type 12)..............................................................................27
6.4.4 Rigid labyrinth seal (Type 20) ....................................................................................................27
6.4.5 Rigid labyrinth seal with dust flinger (Type 21) .........................................................................27
6.4.6 Rigid labyrinth seal with baffle (Type 22) ..................................................................................27
6.5 Dismantling of the top half of the housing .......................................................................................28
6.6 Removal of the top half of the shell .................................................................................................28
6.6.1 Dismantling of the loose oil ring................................................................................................28
6.6.2 Dismantling the machine side shaft seal ..................................................................................29
6.7 Removal of the bottom half of the shell ...........................................................................................29
6.8 Dismantling of the machine seal ......................................................................................................29
7 Cleaning and Checking of the Bearing..................................................................................................30

Ó RENK AG Werk Hannover RHEFEWIE Version: 1 Juli, 2002 3

Maintenance and Inspection

8 Assembly of the Bearing.........................................................................................................................32

8.1 Fitting in the bottom half of the shell................................................................................................32
8.2 Assembly of the shaft seal  machineside ......................................................................................33
8.3 Installation of the loose oil ring ........................................................................................................35
8.4 Fitting in the top half of the shell......................................................................................................36
8.5 Closing of the bearing ......................................................................................................................37
8.6 Assembly of the Seals  Outboard Side...........................................................................................39
8.6.1 Floating labyrinth seal (Type 10) ...............................................................................................39
8.6.2 Floating labyrinth seal with dust flinger (Type 11).....................................................................43
8.6.3 Floating labyrinth seal with baffle (Type 12)..............................................................................44
8.6.4 Rigid labyrinth seal (Type 20) ....................................................................................................44
8.6.5 Rigid labyrinth seal with dust flinger (Type 21) .........................................................................46
8.6.6 Rigid labyrinth seal with baffle (Type 22) ..................................................................................46
9 Starting Operation after Inspection.......................................................................................................47
10 Corrosion Protection for Longer Standstill Periods ............................................................................48
11 Transport Protection...............................................................................................................................48
12 Glossary ...................................................................................................................................................49

4 RHEFEWIE Version: 1 Juli, 2002 Ó RENK AG Werk Hannover

EF with self lubrication

Bearing Coding

Ó RENK AG Werk Hannover RHEFEWIE Version: 1 Juli, 2002 5

Maintenance and Inspection

Œ  Ž   ‘

Type Housing Heat Dissipation Shape of Bore and Type of Thrust part Size  Diameter

E F  flange mounted N  natural cooling L  plain cylindrical bore with Q  without thrust part 9 80£D£100
bearing loose oil ring (nonlocating bearing )
W  water cooling 11 100£D£125
(finned cooler in oil sump ) B  plain sliding surfaces with oil
grooves (locating bearing) 14 125£D£160

E  taper land faces for one 18 160£D£200

sense of rotation
(locating bearing) 22 200£D£250

K  taper land faces for both 28 250£D£315

senses of rotation
(locating bearing)

Example for bearing coding:

Œ  Ž   ‘
E F N L Q 22200 Type E slide bearing with flange mounted housing, natural cooling
plain cylindrical bore with loose oil ring, non locating bearing without thrust part,
size 22, diameter 200.

Shaft seals Type 10  floating labyrinth seal (IP 44)

Type 11  floating labyrinth seal with dust flinger (IP 54)
Type 12  floating labyrinth seal with baffle (IP 55)

Type 20  rigid labyrinth seal (IP 44)

Type 21  rigid labyrinth seal with dust flinger (IP 54)
Type 22  rigid labyrinth seal with baffle (IP 55)

6 RHEFEWIE Version: 1 Juli, 2002 © RENK AG Werk Hannover

self lubrication

General Drawing of the

Slide Bearing EF

with self lubrication

Ó RENK AG Werk Hannover RHEFEE/WIE Version: 1 Juli, 2002 7

5 6 7 8 9



3 12











27 26 25
1 Top half of the housing
2 Hole for positioning pin
3 Pin for positioning shell
4 Oil filling hole
5 Top sight glass
6 Eye bolt
7 Screw (not included in delivery)
8 Screw
9 Tapped hole ( in the top and bottom halves of the shell, up size 14 )
10 Machine seal
11 Top half of the shell
12 Screw (split line of the housing)
13 Bottom half of the shell
14 Spherical seating
15 Engraved number  shell
16 Spigot
17 Tapped hole
18 Screw (not included in delivery)
19 Screw (split line of the shell)
20 Engraved numbers  housing
21 Bottom half of the housing
22 Tapped hole for journal bearing temperature measurement
23 Oil sight glass
24 Tapped hole for oil sump temperature measurement
25 Outlet/Inlet cooling water (Type E.T..)
26 Cooler ( Type E.T..)
27 Hexagon head plug (Oil drain plug)
self lubrication

General Drawing of the

Loose Oil Ring

Ó RENK AG Werk Hannover RHLSEE/WIE Version: 1 Juli, 2002 9




33 Loose oil ring
34 Dowel pin
35 Hole
36 Screw
self lubrication

General Drawing of the

Floating Labyrinth Seal

with Seal Carrier

Ó RENK AG Werk Hannover RHSSEE/WIE Version: 1 Juli, 2002 11

Bearing side






Outer view
47 44


37 Seal carrier  top half
38 Garter spring
39 Groove
40 Seal carrier  bottom half
41 Bottom half of the seal
42 Top half of the seal
43 Anti  rotation pin
44 Screw
45 Engraved number
46 Groove ( Type 11 )
47 Engraved number
self lubrication

General Drawing of the

Rigid Labyrinth Seal

Ó RENK AG Werk Hannover RHKDEE/WIE Version: 1 Juli, 2002 13



50 (2x)



48 Rigid labyrinth seal  top half
49 Screw
50 Screw (split line)
51 Groove ( Type 21 )
52 Rigid labyrinth seal  bottom half
53 Engraved number
54 Engraved number
self lubrication

General Drawing


Ó RENK AG Werk Hannover RHDSEE/WIE Version: 1 Juli, 2002 15



55 Baffle  top half
56 Screw
57 Baffle  bottom half
self lubrication

General Drawing of the

Dust Flinger

Ó RENK AG Werk Hannover RHLREE/WIE Version: 1 Juli, 2002 17


59 (2x)
58 Dust flinger
59 Screw (split line)
EF with self lubrication

1 Considerations for Use

The instructions for maintenance and inspection are addressed to qualified technical personnel
(fitters, mechanic installers, mechanical engineers).

Read these instructions carefully before starting assembly.

Slide bearings of type EF are almost universally used in the engineering industry. Therefore it is not
possible to provide detailed information on all possible types and range of applications for these
bearing types. For instance, the position of the connection points for supply and monitoring
equipment is determined by the place of application ( in the following called " installation " ).
Please keep ready the guidelines with the technical documentation before starting assembly and
operation of the slide bearings.

Additional technical documentation with detailed information is supplied in the case of special
design bearings. Please contact RENK Export or Domestic Department for supplementary
information on bearings. Please indicate the bearing coding and the full reference number, too.

Following indications should be observed when reading these instructions.

Safety instructions are marked as follows:

Caution !
Warning of dangers for personnel.
Example: Warning of injury

Warning of damage for the bearing or installation.

Useful recommendations and additional information are framed.

EFW.. This is how chapters, instructions or recommendations are marked when referring to a single type
or size of a bearing.
Example: Slide bearing type EF with water cooler

 Instruction follows.

· Beginning of an enumeration.

( ) This is how the different parts of a bearing as described in the general drawings ( numbers )
are marked in the text.

- Use the enclosed checklist before starting assembly or operation. Copies available on request.
- The check list provides the experienced mechanical fitters of RENK bearings with the
necessary instructions for installation and operation.

Ó RENK AG Werk Hannover RHEFEWIE Version: 1 Juli, 2002 19

Maintenance and Inspection

2 Safety Instructions

The maintenance and inspection of the slide bearings should be carried out by:
· persons nominated by the safety representative
· persons correspondingly trained and instructed
· persons with knowledge on appropriate standards, regulations and accident
. prevention rules
· persons with knowledge on firstaid measures and local rescue centers.

Warning of injury!
Before starting work on the bearing:
 Switch off the installation.
 Make sure the installation is not in operation.
Never lift or transport machines, the bearing eye bolts. These are only intended
for assembly and dismantling of the bearing !

Warning of injury!
Do not grab such heavy bearing parts as the housing during assembly or dismantling
work. This could result in bruising or injury to hands !

All metal parts of a slide bearing consisting of top and bottom half such as the housing, shells,
shaft seals are marked by engraved numbers. Fit together only the parts with the same number.

In case · the admissible bearing temperature exceeds 15 K
· inadmissible vibrations occur
· unusual noises or odours are noticed
· monitoring equipment triggers alarm
shut down the installation and inform the maintenance personnel in charge.

Do not operate the bearing below the transition speed values indicated in the bearing calculation,
thus avoiding inadmissible operating conditions, which could lead to damage to the bearing.

Please observe our leaflet Technical Information No. 85 which refers to various sealing compounds
for extended technical applications.

20 RHEFEWIE Version: 1 Juli, 2002 Ó RENK AG Werk Hannover

EF with self lubrication

3 Operating Instructions after Standstill

- Clean the external parts of the bearing. Dust and dirt impede the radiation of the heat.
- Check with the instructions for the use of the lubricating oil if an oil change is necessary.
Depending on the duration of the standstill an oil change is either prescribed or recommended.
Carry out the oil change as indicated in Chapter 5.
- Check the oil level
- If necessary, refill with lubricant by using the oil filling hole (4).
The refilling oil should be of the same type as already used.
The oil level limits are as follows:
minimum oil level: bottom of the oil sight glass
maximum oil level: top of the oil sight glass

- Retighten the and screws (12), (8), (18) to the following torque rates:

Bearing Size 9 11 14 18 22 28

Torque [Nm] for 69 69 170 330 570 1150

µtot = 0,1 (lightly oiled)

- Check the firm position of the top sight glass (5).

- Check the firm position of the oil sight glass (23).
In case a thermo sensor or/and an oil sump thermometer are used:
- Check if they are well fitted (see also the manufacturer's instructions).
- Retighten all screw plugs in the tapped holes (4), (22), (24) (27) to the necessary torque rates:

Screw plug threads G 3/8 G 1/2 G 3/4 G1 G 1 1/4 G 1 1/2 G2 G 2 1/2

Torque [Nm] for plugs 30 40 60 110 160 230 320 500

with moulded on plastic

Torque [Nm] for plugs 34 60 85 130 240 300 330 410

with elastic seal

- Check the functioning of the temperature monitoring equipment.

EFW.. - Check the functioning of the cooler.

The bearing is now ready to work.

Ó RENK AG Werk Hannover RHEFEWIE Version: 1 Juli, 2002 21

Maintenance and Inspection

4 Maintenance Schedule

Maintenance work Deadline

Exterior cleaning of the bearing every 1001000 hours

Oil change Bearing in reversing operation every 5000 operating hours.

Bearing in continous operation every 8.000 operating hours
(please observe also the indications for the use of the
lubricating oil).

Bearing inspection During prevention maintenance work for the installation.

Immediately if:

· the bearing temperature exceeds 15 K over the indicated

value (see the EDPcalculations)

· unusual operating noises occur

· unusual changes of the lubricating oil become visible

· increased oil level in the case of bearing type EFW....

22 RHEFEWIE Version: 1 Juli, 2002 Ó RENK AG Werk Hannover

EF with self lubrication

5 Oil Change

Risk of pollution!
Please observe the instructions for the use of the lubricating oil. The manufacturer can provide
information on waste oil disposal.

- Shut down the installation and secure it against unintended operation.

- Take all necesarry measures to collect the whole quantity of the lubricating oil.
- Drain off the lubricating oil in still warm condition. Impurities and residues will thus be
- Unscrew the hexagon head plug (27). Drain off the lubricating oil and collect it.

In case the lubricating oil contains unusual residues or is visibly changed, eliminate the causes. If
necessary, carry out an inspection.

- Tighten the hexagon head plug (27) to the following torque rates:

Bearing size 9 11 14 18 22 28

Torque [Nm] 30 30 30 40 60 60

- Remove the screw plug from the oil filling hole (4).

Make sure that no impurities get into the bearing.

- Use a lubricant with the viscosity indicated on the bearing type plate. Fill the lubricant through
the oil filling hole (4) up to the middle point of the oil sight glass (23).
The oil level limits are as follows:
minimum oil level: bottom of the oil sight glass
maximum oil level: top of the oil sight glass

· Not enough lubricant leads to temperature rises and thus to damage to the bearing.
· Too much lubricant leads to leakages. In the case of bearings with lubrication by loose oil
ring too much lubricant could have a considerable breaking effect on the oil rings,
thus leading to damage to the bearing.

- Tighten the screw plug into the oil filling hole (4) to the following torque rates:

Bearing size 9 11 14 18 22 28

Torque [Nm] 30 30 30 40 60 60

Ó RENK AG Werk Hannover RHEFEWIE Version: 1 Juli, 2002 23

Maintenance and Inspection

6 Dismantling of the Bearing

6.1 Tools and equipment

- Following tools and equipment are necessary:

· Allan key set
· Wrenching key set
· Openjawed spanner set
· Feeler gauges (up 0,05mm)
· Caliper gauge
· Emery paper, plain scraper
· Oil stone
· Lifting equipment
· Permanent sealing compound
· Clean (close weave) rags
· Oil with the viscosity indicated (see bearing type plate)
· Detergents
· Liquid screw locking compound (e.g.LOCTITE 242)
· Liquid sealing compound and Teflon tape.

6.2 Use of lifting equipment

Risk of injury!

Before transport or lifting check if the eye bolts are tight! Insecure eye bolts could
result in bearing becoming loose.
Before moving the bearing by the eye bolts make sure that the screws at the split line
are tightened, otherwise the bottom half of the bearing could become detached.
Make sure that the eye bolts are not exposed to bending stress, otherwise the bolts
could break.

Follow exactly the instructions for the use of the lifting equipment.

- Use lifting equipment for following assembly and transport works:

Transport/Assembly of: Use lifting equipment for the following bearing sizes

Whole bearing unit 928

Top half of the housing 1428

Bottom half of the housing 1128

Shells 1428

24 RHEFEWIE Version: 1 Juli, 2002 Ó RENK AG Werk Hannover

EF with self lubrication

Following steps are to be observed before using the lifting equipment:

Whole bearing unit

- Check if the screws are tight (12):

Bearing size 9 11 14 18 22 28

Torque [Nm] for 69 69 170 330 570 1150

µtot = 0,1 (lightly oiled)

- Check if the eye bolts are tight (6).

- Connect the lifting equipment to the eye bolts (6).

Top half of the housing

- Check if the eye bolts are tight (6).
- Connect the lifting equipment to the eye bolts (6).

Bottom half of the housing

- Screw two eye bolts (6) with suitable threads tight into the crossplaced opposite tapped holes

Bearing size 9 11 14 18 22 28

Tapped hole M 12 M 12 M 16 M 20 M 24 M 30

- Connect the lifting equipment to the eye bolts (6).

- Screw two eye bolts or screw hooks with suitable threads tight into the tapped holes (9):

Bearing size 14 18 22 28

Tapped hole M8 M 12 M 12 M 16

- Connect the lifting equipment to the screw hooks.

Ó RENK AG Werk Hannover RHEFEWIE Version: 1 Juli, 2002 25

Maintenance and Inspection

6.3 Preparation for dismantling

Make sure that the work place is clean. Contamination and damages to the bearing, especially of
the working surfaces, have a negative influence on the operating quality and could lead to
premature damage.

Do not use any violence or force!

- Shut down the installation and ensure it against unintended operation.

- Interrupt the cooling water supply.
- Dismantle all thermo sensors from the connection holes.
- Take all necessary measures to collect the lubricating oil.
- Unscrew the hexagon head plug (27) and collect the lubricating oil.

Risk of pollution!
Please observe the instructions for the use of the lubricating oil. The manufacturer can provide
necessary information on waste oil disposal.

- Tighten the hexagon head plug (27) to the following torque rates

Bearing size 9 11 14 18 22 28

Torque (Nm] 30 30 30 40 60 60

26 RHEFEWIE Version: 1 Juli, 2002 Ó RENK AG Werk Hannover

EF with self lubrication

6.4 Dismantling of the shaft seal  outboard side

- Dismantle the outboard side seals of the bearing.

Proceed correspondingly to the seal type:
· Floating labyrinth seal (Type 10) Chapter 6.4.1
· Floating labyrinth seal with dust flinger (Type 11) Chapter 6.4.2
· Floating labyrinth seal with baffle (Type 12) Chapter 6.4.3
· Rigid labyrinth seal (Type 20) Chapter 6.4.4
· Rigid labyrinth seal with dust flinger (Type 21) Chapter 6.4.5
· Rigid labyrinth seal with baffle (Type 22) Chapter 6.4.6
Type 6.4.1 Floating labyrinth seal (Type 10)
- Loosen all screws (44) and turn them off.
- Remove simultaneously in axial direction both top half (37) and bottom half (40) of the seal
carrier from the housing.
- Shift a little (about 20 mm) the top half (42) of the seal. Tilt it over carefully until the garter spring
(38) unbends.

Warning of injury!
During dismantling of the floating labyrinth seal hold tight the garter spring (38) which
is under tension and could bounce back and lead to injury.

- Open the garter spring (38) and remove the bottom half of the seal (41) from the shaft.

Type 6.4.2 Floating labyrinth seal with dust flinger (Type 11)
- Dismantle the dust flinger (58). Loosen the screws (59) and take out the dust flinger (58) from
the groove (46) of the seal carrier. Remove both halves of the dust flinger.
- Go on as indicated for type 10 (see Chapter .4.1).
6.4.3 Floating labyrinth seal with baffle (Type 12)
- Unscrew both top (55) and bottom (57) halves of the baffle by untightening the screws (56).
- Go on as indicated for type 10 (see Chapter 6.4.1).

Type 6.4.4 Rigid labyrinth seal (Type 20)

- Loosen all screws (49) and take them out.
- Take out the screws (50).
- Remove simultaneously in axial direction both top (48) and bottom (52) halves of the rigid
labyrinth seal.

Type 6.4.5 Rigid labyrinth seal with dust flinger (Type 21)
- Dismantle the dust flinger (58). Loosen the screw (59) and take out the dust flinger (58) from the
groove (51) of the rigid seal. Remove both halves of the dust flinger.
- Go on as indicated for type 20 (see Chapter 6.4.4).
Type 6.4.6 Rigid labyrinth seal with baffle (Type 22)
- Unscrew the top half (55) and the bottom half (57) of the baffle by untightening the screws (56).
- Go on as indicated for type 20 (see Chapter 6.4.4).

Ó RENK AG Werk Hannover RHEFEWIE Version: 1 Juli, 2002 27

Maintenance and Inspection

6.5 Dismantling of the top half of the housing

- Remove the screws (8).

- Remove the screws (12).
- Lift the top part of the housing (1) until the top part of the housing can be moved in axial line
over the shell, without touching it.

6.6 Removal of the top half of the shell

- Unscrew the screws (19) and lift the top half of the shell (11).

Do not damage the thrust and radial working surfaces.

In the case of insulated housings (white plastic insulating foil) avoid any jamming of the top half of
the shell when you lift it up
Jamming could lead to damage of the insulating foil in the bottom half of the housing.

6.6.1 Dismantling of the loose oil ring

- Open both split lines of the loose oil ring (33) by untightening and taking out the screws (36).
Separate both halves of the loose oil ring (33) carefully without using any tools or other devices.



33 33


Illustration 1: Opening of the loose oil ring

To check the geometry of the loose oil ring put it together as follows:
- Press the positioning pin (34) into the hole (35).
- Adjust both halves of the loose oil ring till the split lines match each other.
- Tighten the screws (36).

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6.6.2 Dismantling the machine side shaft seal

- Shift a little (about 20 mm) the top half (42) of the seal. Tilt it over carefully until the garter spring
(38) unbends.

Warning of injury!
During dismantling of the floating labyrinth seal hold tight the garter spring (38) which
is under tension and could bounce back and lead to injury.

- Open the garter spring (38) and turn the bottom half of the seal (41) in opposite direction from
the antirotation pin out of the integrated seal groove of the bottom half of the housing.

6.7 Removal of the bottom half of the shell

Make sure that all bearings mounted on a shaft line are opened. Loosen the screws at the split line
of the housings.

The lifting equipment should not come into contact with the seal and working surfaces of the shaft.

- Lift the shaft up to the point where shaft and bottom half of the shell (13) do not touch each
other any more. Protect the shaft against unintended movement.
- Turn the bottom half of the shell (13) out of the bottom half of the housing (21) and remove it
from the shaft.

If the bottom half of the shell (13) is provided with metal tabs (28) do not remove them. They
regulate the oil level in the oil pockets.

6.8 Dismantling of the machine seal

Usually it is not necessary to dismantle the machine seal (10) if maintenance works are carried out.
If due to certain reasons the split machine seal must be dismantled please observe that this
operation can be carried out only from the inner part of the machine. Loosen the screws at the
split line of the machine seal and remove the screws (7).
Nonsplit machine seals can be dismantled only after dismantling the machine shield or the shaft
In the case the machine seal is equipped with a hamp packing, some visible changes can be
noticed, such as : tallow excess, black colour of the seal due to temperature development. Even in
such cases it is not necessary to renew the hamp packing. Colour changes will appear with a new
hamp packing too, until the seal clearance adjusts during operation.

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Maintenance and Inspection

7 Cleaning and Checking of the Bearing

Use only nonaggressive detergents such as for instance
· Alcaline cleaning compounds (pH-value 6 to 9, short reaction time).

Warning of injury!
Please observe the instructions for the use of the detergents.

Never use cleaning wool or cloth. Residues of such materials left in the bearing could lead to
excessive temperatures.

- Clean the following parts thoroughly:

· top half of the housing (1)
· bottom half of the housing (21)
· top half of the shell (11)
· bottom half of the shell (13)
· sealing surfaces of the top half (37) and bottom half (40) of the seal carrier or of the rigid
labyrinth seal
· loose oil ring (33).
EFW.. - Check the condition of the cooler (26).
In cases where the cooler (26) is incrusted with oil sludge:
- Dismantle the cooler. Remove the incrustation by using for instance a wire brush.
- Install the cooler (26) into the bearing.

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- Carry out a visual check of the wear condition of all bearing parts. The following graph provides
information on the parts that must be replaced in case of wear.The right evaluation of the wear
condition, especially of the working surfaces of the shell, implies a lot of experience. If in doubt,
replace the worn part with new ones.

Bearing part Wear condition Maintenance procedures

Shell Scoring Bearing temperature before inspection:

· not increased  no new shells
· increased  new shells

White metal lining damaged New shell

Bow wave ridges New shells

Shaft seal Baffles broken or damaged New shaft seal

Loose oil ring Geometrical form ( roundness, New loose oil ring
flatness ) visibly changed

Size - Check the projection of the positioning pin (3) according to the values indicated below:
Bearing size 9 11 14 18 22 28

Projection of the 7 8 10 12 14 16
positioning pin (4) mm

In case the projection is less than indicated,

- drive the positioning pin (3) into the top half of the housing (1) until the indicated value is

insulated - Check the insulating layer of the spherical seating (14) of the top half (1) and bottom half (21) of
the housing. In case of damage contact the RENKsales agency in charge.

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8 Assembly of the Bearing

Remove all impurities or other objects such as screws, nuts, etc. from inside the bearing. If left
inside they could lead to damage of the bearing. Cover up the opened bearing during work breaks.

Carry out all assembly operations without making use of force.

Secure all screws of the housing, flange and at the split line with a liquid screw locking compound
(e.g.LOCTITE 242).

8.1 Fitting in the bottom half of the shell

EF..E Attention!
Mounting the bottom half of the shell (not marked with an arrow) correctly will ease the assembly
of the top half shell (marked with an arrow) (see chapter 8.4).

- Apply some lubricant to the spherical seating (14) in the bottom half of the housing (21) and to
the working surfaces of the shaft. Use the same type of lubricant as indicated for bearing
( see type plate ).
- Place the bottom half of the shell (13) on the working surface of the shaft. Turn the bottom half
of the shell (13) into the bottom half of the housing (21) with the split line surfaces of both halves
in true alignment.

In case the bottom half of the shell doesn’t turn in easily, check the position of the shaft and the
alignment of the housing

EF..B, Attention!
EF..K, These operations should be carried out most carefully. The thrust parts of the bottom shell must
EF..E not be damaged.

- Lower down the shaft till it sits on the bottom half of the shell (13).

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8.2 Assembly of the shaft seal  machineside

The machineside shaft seal is, as standard, a floating labyrinth seal. The integrated seal groove is
in the top and bottom halves of the housing.

Warning of injury!
During assembly hold the garter spring ends (38) securely to avoid them suddenly
releasing and causing possible injury!

Check the movement of the floating labyrinth seal on the shaft in the seal area outside the housing:
- Put the garter spring (38) around the shaft and hook both ends into each other.
- Put both halves of the seal (41), (42) in their place on the shaft.
- Put the garter spring (38) into the groove (39).
- Turn the floating labyrinth seal on the shaft.

The floating labyrinth seal should turn easily on the shaft. A jammed seal could lead to overheating
during operation and even to shaft wear.
If the floating labyrinth seal jams,
 dismantle the seal and
 remove the worn parts of the seal carefully, by using emery paper or a plain scraper.

- Dismantle the floating labyrinth seal.

- Apply sealing compound to the guide surfaces of the integrated seal groove in the bottom half
of the housing.

Illustration 2: Applikation of sealing compound to the integrated seal groove

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Maintenance and Inspection

- Apply a uniform layer of sealing compound to the seal surfaces and to the split line surfaces of
both halves of the seal (41), (42).

Illustration 3: Application of sealing compound to the floating labyrinth seal

Please observe the instructions for the use of sealing compound.

- Place the bottom half of the seal (41) with the labyrinths onto the shaft.
- The oil return holes at the bearing side must be clear and open.
- Turn the seal in opposite direction from the antirotation pin into the groove of the housing until
the split lines of the bottom half of the housing and the bottom half of the seal match each
- Remove the rests of sealing compound.
- Push the garter spring into the integrated seal groove between the bottom half of the housing
and the seal until both ends jut out from the split line.
- Place the top half of the seal with the cam facing the inside of the bearing on the bottom half of
the seal.
- Stretch the garter spring till both ends can be hooked.

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8.3 Installation of the loose oil ring

- Open both split lines of the loose oil ring (33) by untightening and removing the screws (36).
Separate both halves of the loose oil ring (33) carefully without using any tools or other devices.



33 33


Illustration:4 Opening of the loose oil ring

- Place both halves of the loose oil ring into the shell groove (13) around the shaft. Press the
positioning pin (34) of each split line into the corresponding hole (35).
- Adjust both halves of the loose oil ring till the split lines match each other.



33 13

llustration 5: Installation of the loose oil ring

- Tighten the screws (36) to the following torque rates:

Bearing size 9 11 14 18 22 28

Torque [Nm] 1,4 1,4 1,4 2,7 2,7 2,7

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8.4 Fitting in the top half of the shell

- Apply some lubricant to the working surfaces of the shaft. Use the same type of lubricant as
indicated for bearing operation (see type plate).
- Check if the engraved numbers (15) on the bottom and top halves of the shell correspond.
- Place the top half of the shell (11) on the shaft; both engraved numbers (15) should be on the
same side.

An incorrectly placed shell could jam the shaft thus leading to the damage of both shaft and

EF..B, Attention!
EF..K, Place the top half of the shell carefully on the shaft. The thrust parts of the top half of the shell
EF..E should not be damaged.

insulated In the case of bearings arranged for insulation monitoring, connect the black cable for insulation
bearings monitoring to the shell.
According to the bearing type, there are two possibilities of connection.
1. The black cable is provided with a cable connector.
- Plug the cable with the cable connector into the counterpart available on the top of the shell.
- Lead the cable through the cable gland in the bottom half of the housing and out of the
- Tighten the cable gland oiltight.
2. The black cable is provided with an eyelet.
- Fasten the cable with the eyelet to the split line of the shell, by using one of the shell joint bolts.
- Lead the cable through the cable gland in the bottom half of the housing and out of the
- Tighten the cable gland oiltight.

- Tighten up the screws (19) to the following torque rates:

Bearing size 9 11 14 18 22 28

Torque [Nm] 8 8 20 69 69 170

- Check the split line of the shell by using a feeler gauge. The split line gap should be less than
0,05 mm. If the split line is greater than this, dismantle both top and bottom (11),(13) halves of
the shell. Rework the split line surfaces of the top half (11) and bottom half (13) of the shell with
an oil stone.
- Check the mobility of the loose oil ring (33).

EF.L. A guide bush in the top half of the shell secures the function of the loose oil ring.
Bearing - Check the mobility of the loose oil ring (33) in the guide bush.

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Shells with taper land faces suitable only for one direction of rotation are marked with an arrow on
the top half shell, which indicates the sense of rotation of the shaft.
The arrow indicates the allowed direction of shaft rotation after completion of the bearing
- Before mounting the top half of the housing check that the proposed direction of rotation of the
shaft corresponds to the direction indicated by the arrow on the top half of the shell.
- If the directions match, continue the assembly of the bearing.
- If the directions do not match, the shell must be disassembled, realigned and mounted again.

A wrongly placed shell, without observance of the direction of rotation of the shaft, impairs the
operational safety of the bearing.

8.5 Closing of the bearing

- Check the true alignment of the shell (11), (13) and bottom half (21) of the housing.

The positioning pin (3) in the top half of the housing fits in the corresponding hole (2). The shell is
thus placed into its right position.

- Check if the engraved numbers (20) on the top and bottom halves of the housing correspond.
- Clean the split line surfaces of the top and bottom halves (1), (21) of the housing.
- Apply sealing compound over the whole surface of the split line of the bottom half (21) of the

Please observe the instructions for the use of sealing compound.

- Place the top half of the housing carefully into the machine shield, without touching the seals or
the shell.
- Lower the top half of the housing (1) vertically on the bottom half of the housing (21). Lower the
top half of the housing (1) till the split line of the housing is not visible any more.
- Gently hit the bottom half of the housing (21) with a nylon hammer, thus ensuring the alignment
of the spherical seating.
- Insert the screws (12). Tighten them handtight.
- Insert the screws (8). Tighten them to the following torque rates:

Bearing size 9 11 14 18 22 28

Torque [Nm] 69 69 170 330 570 1150

µtot = 0,1 (lightly oiled)

- Tighten the screws (12) of the housing crosswise to the same torque rates.

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insulated Insulation monitoring

In the case of electric insulated bearings provided with insulation monitoring, the cable coming out
of the housing must be connected in a professional manner.
According to the type supplied, please follow the assembly instructions given below.
a) The cable is very short and provided with a further cable connector at the end of it.
This cable is ready for connection to the housing.
The bottom half of the housing is provided with the counterpart.
- Plug the cable connector into the counterpart.

This connection bypasses the electrical insulation of the bearing.
In the case of electric machines, make sure at least one bearing is electrically insulated.

To check the electrical insulation, interrupt the connection cable  housing. Check the electrical
resistance with a suitable measuring instrument. Make sure that both bearings and the coupling
are electrically insulated.
b) The cable has a free end. In this case the customer has to make the connection.

If only one bearing is insulated, the end of the cable must not be earthed.

Any further connection depends on the customer’s requirements related to the insulation
monitoring and can not therefore be described here.

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8.6 Assembly of the Seals  Outboard Side

- Assemble the outboard side seals.

Proceed according to the seal type used:
· Floating labyrinth seal (Type 10) Chapter 8.6.1
· Floating labyrinth seal with dust flinger (Type 11) Chapter 8.6.2
· Floating labyrinth seal with baffle (Type 12) Chapter 8.6.3
· Rigid labyrinth seal (Type 20) Chapter 8.6.4
· Rigid labyrinth seal with dust flinger (Type 21) Chapter 8.6.5
· Rigid labyrinth seal with baffle (Type 22) Chapter 8.6.6

Type 8.6.1 Floating labyrinth seal (Type 10)


Warning of injury!
During assembly hold the garter spring ends (38) securely to avoid them suddenly
releasing and causing possible injury!

Check the movement of the floating labyrinth seal on the shaft in the seal area outside the housing.
- Put the garter spring (38) around the shaft and hook both ends into each other.
- Put both halves of the seal (41), (42) in their place on the shaft.
- Put the garter spring (38) into the groove (39).
- Turn the floating labyrinth seal on the shaft.

The floating labyrinth seal should turn easily on the shaft. A jammed seal could lead to overheating
during operation and even to shaft wear.
If the floating labyrinth seal jams,
 dismantle the seal and
 remove the worn parts of the seal carefully, by using emery paper or a plain scraper.

- Dismantle the floating labyrinth seal.

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- Apply a uniform layer of sealing compound to the guide surfaces and to the split line surfaces
of both halves of the seal (41), (42).

Please observe the instructions for the use of sealing compound.

Illustration 6: Application of sealing compound to the floating labyrinth seal

- Press the bottom half of the seal (41) against the shaft.
- Place the top half of the seal (42) on the shaft and align both halves of the seal to each other.
- Place the garter spring (38) into the groove (39) and stretch until both ends can be hooked.

43 42 1

38 41 21

Illustration 7: Assembly of the floating labyrinth seal

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- Place in true alignment the split line of the floating labyrinth seal and the split line of the seal
- Check that both engraved numbers (45) and (47) on top and bottom halves of the seal carrier
(37), (40) correspond.
- Clean the following parts:
· the seal surfaces of the top (37) and bottom (40) half of the seal carrier (the groove of the
floating labyrinth seal, the flange surfaces)
· the split line surfaces of the top (37) and bottom (40) half of the seal carrier
· the flange surfaces of the housing.
- Apply a uniform layer of sealing compound to:
· the lateral surfaces of the groove at the top (37) and bottom (40) half of the seal carrier
· the flange surfaces of the top (37) and bottom (40) half of the seal carrier
· the split line surfaces of the bottom half of the seal carrier (40).

Please observe the instructions for the use of sealing compound.

Illustration 8: Application of sealing compound to the seal carrier

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- Place the top half of the seal carrier (37) on the top half of the seal (42). Press the bottom half
(40) of the seal carrier against it. Push the shaft seal completely into the housing.




Illustration 9: Assembly of the seal carrier

- Place in true alignment the split lines of the seal carrier and the housing.
- Tighten up the screws (44) to the following torque rates:

Bearing size 9 11 14 18 22 28

Torque [Nm] 8 8 8 20 20 20

42 RHEFEWIE Version: 1 Juli, 2002 Ó RENK AG Werk Hannover

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Type 8.6.2 Floating labyrinth seal with dust flinger (Type 11)
- Assemble the floating labyrinth seal with dust flinger as described in Chapter 8.6.1, Floating
labyrinth seal type 10.
- Place both halves of the dust flinger (58) in front of the shaft seal around the shaft. Loosely
screw in the screws (59).

58 37

e 46

Illustration 10: Clearance between dust flinger and seal carrier

EF..Q - Push the dust flinger (58) into the groove (46) of the seal carrier.
- Set the clearance "e" at the following figure around the whole unit:
maximum longitudinal extension of the shaft in operation + 1 mm
(Parameters indicated in the Technical Documentation of the Installation).
- Tighten up the screws (59) to the following torque rates:

Seal diameter [mm] 80140 >140

Torque [Nm] 7 18

EF..B, - Push the dust flinger (58) into the groove (46) of the seal carrier.
EF..E, - Set the clearance "e" at 1 mm around the whole unit.
EF..K - Tighten the screws (59) to the following torque rates:

Seal diameter [mm] 80140 >140

Torque [Nm] 7 18

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Type 8.6.3 Floating labyrinth seal with baffle (Type 12)

- Assemble the floating labyrinth seal with baffle as in Chapter 8.6.1, Type 10.
- Apply a uniform layer of sealing compound to the flange surfaces of the top half (55) and
bottom half (57) of the baffle.
- Screw · the top half of the baffle (55) onto the top half of the seal carrier (37)
· the bottom half of the baffle (57) onto the bottom half of the seal carrier (40).
- Tighten the screws (56) to the following torque rates:

Seal diameter [mm] 80140 >140

Torque [Nm] 4 10

Type 8.6.4 Rigid labyrinth seal (Type 20)

- Check if the engraved numbers (53) and (54) on the bottom half (52) and top half (48) of the rigid
labyrinth seal correspond.
- Clean
· the flange surfaces of the top half (48) and bottom half (52) of the rigid labyrinth seal
· the split line surfaces of the top half (48) and bottom half (52) of the rigid labyrinth seal
· the flange surfaces of the housing.
- Apply a uniform layer of sealing compound to the following parts:
· the flange surfaces of the top half (48) and bottom half (52) of the rigid labyrinth seal
· the split lines of the bottom half (52) of the rigid labyrinth seal.

Please observe the instructions for the use of sealing compound.

Illustration 11: Application of sealing compound to the rigid labyrinth seal

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- Place the top half (48) of the rigid labyrinth seal on the shaft and press slightly the bottom half
(52) of the rigid labyrinth seal from below against it. Lightly push the rigid labyrinth seal
completely into the housing.
- Tighten the screws (50).
- Place in parallel alignment the split line of the rigid labyrinth seal and the split line of the
housing. Press the rigid labyrinth seal slightly from below against the shaft. Adjust the rigid
labyrinth seal in such a way that the clearance "f" between the shaft and the rigid labyrinth seal
at both split lines has the same figure.

1 48

f f

21 52

Illustration 12: Alignment of the rigid labyrinth seal

- Tighten the screws (49) to the following torque rates:

Bearing size 9 11 14 18 22 28

Torque [Nm] 8 8 8 20 20 20

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Type 8.6.5 Rigid labyrinth seal with dust flinger (Type 21)
- Assemble the rigid labyrinth seal with dust flinger as indicated in Chapter 8.6.4, Type 20.
- Place both halves of the dust flinger (58) round the shaft, in front of the rigid labyrinth seal.
Mount the screws (59) loose.

58 48


Illustration 13: Clearance between dust flinger and rigid labyrinth seal
EF..Q - Push the dust flinger (58) into the groove (51) of the rigid labyrinth seal.
- Set the clearance "e" at the following figure around the whole unit:
maximum longitudinal extension of the shaft in operation + 1 mm
(Parameters are indicated in the Technical Documentation of the Installation).
- Tighten the screws (59) to the following torque rates:

Seal diameter [mm] 80140 >140

Torque [Nm] 7 18

EF..B, - Push the dust flinger (58) into the groove (51) of the rigid labyrinth seal.
EF..E, - Set the clearance "e" at 1 mm around the whole unit.
EF..K - Tighten the screws (59) to the following torque rates:

Seal diameter [mm] 80140 >140

Torque [Nm] 7 18

Type 8.6.6 Rigid labyrinth seal with baffle (Type 22)

- Assemble the rigid labyrinth seal with baffle as described in Chapter 8.6.4.
- Apply a uniform layer of sealing compound to the flange surfaces of the top half (55) and
bottom half (57) of the baffle.
- Tighten · the top half of the baffle (55) to the top half (48) of the rigid labyrinth seal
· the bottom half of the baffle (57) to the bottom half (52) of the rigid labyrinth seal.
- Tighten the screws (56) to the following torque rates:

Seal diameter [mm] 80140 >140

Torque [Nm] 4 10

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9 Starting Operation after Inspection

- Fit the thermo sensors for:

· temperature measurement of the journal part in the tapped holes (22)
- Retighten all screw plugs in the tapped holes (22), (24), (27), (29) to the following torque rates:

Screw plug threads G 3/8 G 1/2 G 3/4 G1 G 1 1/4 G 1 1/2 G2 G 2 1/2

Torque [Nm] for plugs 30 40 60 110 160 230 320 500

with moulded on plastic

Torque [Nm] for plugs 34 60 85 130 240 300 330 410

with elastic seal

- Check that the top sight glass (5) is tight.

- Check that the oil sight glass (23) is tight, the screws should be handtight.
- Carry out a visual check of the assembled bearing.
- Remove the screw plugs from the oil filling hole (4).

Make sure that no impurities get into the bearing.

- Use a lubricant with the viscosity indicated on the bearing type plate. Fill the lubricant through
the oil filling hole (4) up to the middle point of the oil sight glass (22).
The oil level limits are as follows:
minimum oil level: bottom of the oil sight glass
maximum oil level: top of the oil sight glass

· Not enough lubricant leads to temperature rises and thus to damages to the bearing.
· Too much lubricant leads to leakages. In the case of bearings with lubrication by loose oil
ring too much lubricant could have a considerable breaking effect on the oil rings,
thus leading to damages to the bearing.

- Tighten the screw plug into the oil filling hole (4) to the following torque rates:

Bearing size 9 11 14 18 22 28

Torque [Nm] 30 30 30 40 60 60

- Check that the temperature monitoring equipment works.

EFW.. - Start operating the cooling water supply system and check its functioning.

The bearing is ready for operation.

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Maintenance and Inspection

- Supervise the bearing during the trial run ( 5  10 operating hours ).

Pay special attention to:
· oil level
· bearing temperature
· sliding noises of the shaft seals
· tightness
· occurrence of inadmissible vibrations.

If the bearing temperature exceeds the calculated value by 15 K (see the EDPbearing
calculations) stop the installation immediately. Carry out an inspection of the bearing and find out
the causes.

10 Corrosion Protection for Longer Standstill Periods

If you want to protect the bearing mounted on an installation against corrosion proceed as follows:
- Dismantle the bearing (see Chapter 6).
- Clean the bearing (see Chapter 7).
- Paint or spray the top half of the shell (11), the bottom half of the shell (13) and the shaft with
- Assemble the bearing (see Chapter 8).
- Close all tapped holes with screw plugs.
- Seal the gaps between · shaft seal and housing
· shaft seal and shaft
by using a selfadhesive, permanent tape.
- Remove the top sight glass (5). Spray some anticorrosive such as TECTYL 511 or VALVOLINE
into the bearing.
- Put a bag of dessicant (silicate gel) inside. The dessicant absorbs the humidity and prevents the
formation of condensation water inside the bearing.
- Close the bearing tight with the top sight glass (5).

In case the standstill period is longer than 1/2 year:

- Repeat the preservation procedures.
- Put a new bag of dessicant into the bearing.

In case the standstill period lasts more years:

- Dismantle the shells.
- Preserve and store the bearing parts.

11 Transport Protection

In case of a machine equipped with slide bearings of type EF:

- Carry out the corrosion protection as described in Chapter 10 and apply enough lubricant on
the working surfaces of the bearing.
- Secure the shaft against thrust and radial movements during transportation

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12 Glossary

Baffle With bearing types 10 and 20 the baffles are assembled externally in front of the shaft
seals. The baffle, made of reinforced polyamide, protects the bearing from dust and

Rigid labyrinth seal The rigid labyrinth seal (type 20) is used with slide bearings type E with high oil
throughput.It corresponds to the protective system IP44 and is made of an aluminium
The rigid labyrinth seal is built of two halves, flanged at the housing.The labyrinths that
wipe out the lubricant are arranged into two groups.The first two labyrinths , installed
inside keep back most of the lubricant. Five further labyrinths protect the bearing from
outside.They prevent the lubricant overflow and the ingress of impurities.The overflow
lubricant is collected into a chamber between the both groups of labyrinths.Through
the return bores the lubricant flows back into the bearing.

Spherical seating The spherical seating is a special feature enabling the alignment of the shell in the
housing.The shell is seated on two spherical seatings. The advantages of the spherical
seating are:
· easy at assembly
· good heat transfer from the shell to the housing
· suitable for such applications with high thrust or journal loads.

Dust flinger In the case of bearing types 10 and 20 a light alloy ring is clamped on the shaft in front
of the shaft.This ring fits into a groove in the seal carrier or the rigid labyrinth seal, thus
building a labyrinth. The labyrinth protects the shaft exit against low pressure that could
otherwise " absorb " the lubricant. Low pressure occurs for instance in the case of
rotating discs, such as couplings or cooling discs.

Floating labyrinth The floating labyrinth seal (type 10) in the seal carrier is used as a shaft seal in the case
seal of bearings type E operating under normal conditions. It prevents the lubricant and
lubricant mist coming out and the ingress of impurities. The floating seal has a high
capacity of resistance to wear. It is made of a highperformance, high temperature
stability and electrically insulated plastic material.The floating seal consists of two
halves held together by a garter spring. Both ends of the spring are hooked together. In
the case of slide bearings type EM the floating seal is mounted into a twopiece seal
carrier. The groove allows for radial movement of up to 1 mm. The seal is thus
insensitive to shaft radial displacement or deflection. The sealing effect is produced by
the baffles wiping off the lubricant from the shaft. The lubricant flows back into the
bearing via oil return opening.

Machine seal In the case of the flange mounted bearings, the machine seal reduces the influence of
positive and negative pressure in the machine thus preventing leakages at the inner
seal area. The space between the machine seal and the bearing housing must always
be vented to atmospheric pressure. The size of the gap between shaft and machine
seal influences the sealing effect.

Ó RENK AG Werk Hannover RHEFEWIE Version: 1 Juli, 2002 49

Empfehlung für synthetische Recommendation for Synthetic
Schmierstoffe für Gleitlager Lubricants for Sleeve Bearings

Beide Gleitlager der Maschine sind für Both sleeve bearings of the machine are
synthetische Schmierstoffe geeignet. designed for synthetic lubricants.

Gleitlager werden ab Werk ohne Sleeve bearings are delivered without oil
Ölfüllung ausgeliefert und sind mit filling and are protected against
Korrosionsschutz versehen. corrosion by the manufacturer. There is
Korrosionsschutz braucht vor no need to remove the protective coat
Inbetriebnahme nicht entfernt zu before commissioning.

Als Schmierstoff dürfen nur Use only lubricants according to the

Maschinenöle entsprechend der following list!
nachfolgenden Schmierstoffliste
verwendet werden.

!! Es ist unbedingt auf richtige !! It is most essential to pay

Viskosität, Ölmenge und Öldruck attention to the viscosity, oil quantity
gemäß Maßzeichnung zu achten!! and oil pressure according to the
dimensional drawing!!

Die Lager sollen vor Inbetriebnahme bis The bearings should be filled with oil, up
etwa Mitte des Schauglasses mit Öl to about half of the sight glass prior to
gefüllt sein. commissioning.

Schmierstoffempfehlung: Recommendation:

Shell Corena AS 46 Shell Corena AS 46

Klueber Summit SH 46 Klueber Summit SH 46
Mobil Rarus SHC 1025 Mobil Rarus SHC 1025

Esso und Mobil Lubricants, Hamburg Esso und Mobil Lubricants, Hamburg

Cummins Generator Technologies Cummins Generator Technologies

Germany GmbH Germany GmbH
Bunsenstr. 17 Dreieich branch
85053 INGOLSTADT Benzstr. 47-49
GERMANY 63303 Dreieich Phone: +49(0)841-792-0 GERMANY Fax: +49(0)841-792-250 Phone: +49(0)6103-5039-0
Fax: +49(0)6103-5039-40

Klüber Lubrication München KG

ein Unternehmen der Freudenberg-Gruppe
a member of the Freudenberg group Edition: Okt-06
 Germany  Argentina  China, People’s Rep. of
Klüber Lubrication Argentina S.A. Klüber Lubrication China Ltd.
Klüber Lubrication München KG Martin J. Haedo 4301/63 Room 1012 Shatin Galleria
Geisenhausenerstraße 7 (1602) Florida, Prov. Buenos Aires 18-24 Shan Mei Street
 +54-11-4709-8400 Fotan, Shatin, N.T.
81379 München Fax: +54-11-4709-8430 Hong Kong
 +49-89-7876-0  +852-26920191 / 26920329
Fax: +49-89-7876-333 Fax: +852-26934304  Australia Klüber Lubrication (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
Klüber Lubrication Australia Pty. Ltd. Room 1806-1809, Tian An Center
1st Floor, 3 Brand Drive No. 338 Nanjing Road (West)
P.O. Box 4 Shanghai 200003
Thomastown Victoria 3074 (Melbourne)  +86-21-63720022
 +61-3-9464-7577 Fax: +86-21-63721806
Fax: +61-3-9464-7588
Beijing Liaison Office:
Sydney Office Room 1805, A Building
Unit 23, 380 Marion Street, Condell Park China International Science & Technology
NSW 2200 Sydney Convention Center
 +61-2-97908562 Yumin Road No. 12, Chaoyang District
Fax: +61-2-97904760 Beijing 100029
 Austria Fax: +86-10-82259777
Klüber Lubrication Austria Ges.m.b.H.
Franz-Wolfram-Scherer-Straße 32
Postfach 84 Chengdu Liaison Office:
5028 Salzburg-Kasern Room 2306 Zongfu Building
 Produktion und Vertrieb
 +43-662-452705-0 No. 45 Zongfu Road
Production and Distribution
Fax: +43-662-452705-30 Chengdu, Sichuan 610016
 Vertriebsgesellschaft : +86-28-8675-2970 / 8675-2971
mit/ohne Lager Fax: +86-28-8675-2956
Sales Company  Bangladesh
 Vertretung/Distribuent mit Lager DELCOT ENTERPRISES LTD. Shenzhen Liaison Office:
Representation/Distributor with stock 28 Dilkusha C. A. RM 2904, Huaneng Building
Suite No. 303 (3rd Floor) 2068 Shennanzhong Road, Futian District
Representation/Distributor Dhaka-1000 Shenzhen, Guangdong 518031
 +880-2-9666507 / 9560529 / +880-2-8853634  +86-755-83680482
Fax: +880-2-9551626 / 9861455 Fax: +86-755-83684147
Headquarters:  Belgium  China, Republic of
Klüber Lubrication Deutschland KG Klüber Lubrication Benelux S.A./N.V. LUBTEK Co. Ltd.
Geisenhausenerstraße 7 Rue Cardinal Mercier 100 5Fl, 4, Lane 235; Pao-Chiao Road
81379 München 7711 Dottignies Hsin-Tien 23115
 +49-89-7876-0  +32-56-483311 Taipei Hsien, Taiwan
Fax: +49-89-7876-565 Fax: +32-56-486252  +886-2-29173593 / 29174559 Fax: +886-2-29114213
Sales Offices:
Klüber Lubrication  Colombia
Lubrificantes Especiais Ltda. & Cia. Hanseatica Cía. Ltda., Bogotá
Verkaufsregion Nord Rua São Paulo, 345 Calle 17 No. 69B-06
Krendelstraße 32 Distrito Industrial de Alphaville A. A. 14467 Santafé de Bogotá, D.C.
30916 Isernhagen bei Hannover 06465-902 Barueri - São Paulo  +57-1-4229330 / 4229331
 +49-511-610170-0  +55-11-4166-9005 Fax: +57-1-4118863
Fax. +49-511-610170-70 Fax: +55-11-4195-6832
 Croatia, Republic of
Verkaufsregion West
 Bulgaria TERAD d.o.o.
Carl-Sonnenschein-Straße 124 Konstantin & Soehne GmbH Gojlanska 41
47809 Krefeld Jantra Straße 13 A 10040 Zagreb
 +49-2151-522940 / 522950 1124 Sofia KROATIEN
Fax: +49-2151-522929  +359-2-9434190, -9434188, -9447917  +385-1-2994112, 2994709 Fax: +359-2-9434199, -9447917 Fax: +385-1-2915944
Verkaufsregion Süd-West
Weilimdorfer Straße 74/1  Canada  Cyprus
70839 Gerlingen  USA TRCI Ltd.
 +49-7156-9400-0 122 Limassol Avenue
Fax: +49-7156-9400-25  Chile P.O. Box 4371 Klüber Lubrication Chile Ltda. 1703 Nicosia
Av. Edo. Frei Montalva 9950  +357-22-427980
Verkaufsregion Süd-Ost Módulo B1 Fax: +357-22-423021
Geisenhausenerstraße 7 Cargo Park
81379 München Quilicura, Santiago
 +49-89-7876-0  +56-2-7471188  Czech Republic
Fax: +49-89-7876-565 Fax: +56-2-7471184 Klüber Lubrication CZ s.r.o. Pražákova 10
61900 Brno
 +420-5-43424836 / 43424837
Fax: +420-5-43424839


Klüber Lubrication München KG

ein Unternehmen der Freudenberg-Gruppe
a member of the Freudenberg group Edition: Okt-06
 Denmark  India  Mexico
Klüber Lubrication Skandinavien A/S Klüber Lubrication India Pvt. Ltd.
Klüber Lubricación Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.
Literbuen 9, Silver Jubilee Block III Floor,
2740 Skovlunde Parque Industrial Querétaro
Mission Road III Cross
 +45-70-234277 Avenida de la Montaña No. 109
Bangalore 560 027 Km. 28.5 Carr. Qro.-S.L.P.
Fax: +45-70-234200 INDIEN Santa Rosa Jáuregui
 +91-80-5124-0201 Querétaro 76220
Fax: +91-80-5124-0209  +52-442-22957-00
Empresa Técnica Comercial C.A. ETECO Fax: +52-442-22957-10
9 de Octubre N19-33 y Av. Patria, P.
P.O. Box 17.17.589,
 Indonesia, Republic of
PT A. Darmawan  Morocco
Jl. Hegarmanah 63, Bandung 40141 A.E.R. Geissmann et Fils
 +62-22-2030100 Rue Ach Charif El Idrissi
Fax: +593-2-2907406
Fax: +62-22-2041689 B. P. 5118 20100 Casablanca
Jakarta Office:  +212-22-251215
 Egypt Jl. Tomang Raya 48 B, Jakarta 11430 Fax: +212-22-253590
CATEC  +62-21-5600563
Consulting and Technical Engineering Co. Fax: +62-21-5600575
242, Abdelsalam Aref Street, Apt. 103
New Zealand
P.O. Box 114 Elsaray
 Iran  Australia
21411 Alexandria Faratek Ltd.
 +20-3-5833301 Technical & Trading Consultants  Nigeria
Fax: +20-3-5823514 North Vali-Asr Ave., before Vanak Squ., No. 1262, Soatec Engineering Services Ltd. Apt. No 5, P. O. Box 11365-5883, Teheran 14356 61 Palm Avenue Mushin
 +98-21-88796325 / 88773987 P.O. Box 1865, Festac Town
 El Salvador Fax: +98-21-88774680 Lagos
J.M. Escobar  +234-1-525870
Prolongación Calle Arce 3017 Fax:+234-1-4528178
P.O. Box 107
San Salvador Klüber Lubrication Italia S.A.S. di G. Colori
 +503-2607989 / 2607990 Via Monferrato 57, Sesto Ulteriano  Norway
Fax: +503-2605505 Casella postale 4381 Klüber Lubrication Skandinavien A/S 20098 San Giuliano Milanese Centro (MI) Industriveien 25, Inngang B
 +39-02-98213-1 2020 Skedsmokorset
 Finland Fax: +39-02-98281595 Postboks 220 2021 Skedsmokorset
Klüber Lubrication Skandinavien A/S
Hämeentie 3  +47-64837800
00530 Helsinki
 Japan Fax: +47-64837801
NOK Klüber Co., Ltd.
1-12-15, Shibadaimon, Minato-ku
Fax: +358-9-85456130 Tokyo 105-8585  Pakistan
 +81-3-3434-1734 Industrial Contracting Trading Company
 France Fax: +81-3-5472-6073 107, Anum Estate, Block 7/8
Klüber Lubrication France S.A.S. Darul-Aman, C.H. Society
Z.I. des Auréats, 10 à 16 Allée Ducretet Kitaibaraki Plant Opposite Duty Free Shop
26014 Valence Cedex 955-4, Aza - Ohishi, Isohara, Isoharamachi Main Shahrah-e-Faisal
 +33-4-75448426 Kitaibaraki-City, Ibaraki - 319-1541 P.O. Box No. 549
Fax: +33-4-75449336  +81-293-427320 / 425365 Karachi 74200 Fax: +81-293-426784  +92-21-4534490-92 Fax: +92-21-4530428
E. Scazikis - L. Marangos S.A.  Korea, Republic of  Peru
P.O. Box 154 Klüber Lubrication Korea Ltd. Dicomet S.R.L.
57022 Sindos Seoul Head Office: Av. Eduardo de Habich 111
Industrial Area of Thessaloniki Rm. 901, Samhwan Camus Bldg. 17-3 Urb. Ingenieria
 +30-2310-797640 Yoido-Dong, Youngdungpo-ku Lima 31
Fax: +30-2310-795246 Seoul, 150-874  +51-1-4812555  +82-2-7825151 Fax: +51-1-3825858 Fax: +82-2-7849900
Athens Office:
E. Scazikis - L. Marangos S.A. Factory:  Philippines, Republic of the
Serron Street 2 562 Okmyung-ri Daesong-myun, Nam-ku Diversified Holdings, Inc.
10441 Athens Pohang, Gyungbuk 790-840 Rm. 300 DHI Bldg., # 2 Lapu-Lapu Ave.
 +30-210-5296900  +82-54-278-5151 Victoria St., Magallanes Village
Fax: +30-210-5223412 Fax: +82-54-278-5155 Makati City 1232 Metro Manila
 +63-2-8518385 /8528568
 Guatemala  Lebanon Fax: +63-2-8522786
Nativo Trading, Ltda.  Cyprus
km 16,5 Carretera a San José Pinula
Empresarial San José, Interior no. 8  Malaysia
Apartado Postal: 2212 Klüber Lubrication (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Guatemala, C.A. No. 17 Jalan PJU 3/49
 +502-6637-5289 / -5293 Sunway Damansara Technology Park
Fax: +502-6637-5288 47810 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan
 Hungary Fax: +60-3-78034947
Késmárk u. 9 North Malaysia Office:
1158 Budapest
No. 22A (1st Floor) Persiaran Mahsuri 1/2
Sunway Tunas
Fax: +36-1-3796473 11900 Penang
Fax: +60-4-6451669


Klüber Lubrication München KG

ein Unternehmen der Freudenberg-Gruppe
a member of the Freudenberg group Edition: Okt-06
 Poland  Slovenia  United States of America
KLÜBER LUBRICATION POLSKA sp.z o.o. PETROL d.d. Headquarters:
ul. Wierzbiecice 44 a Dunajska 50 Klüber Lubrication North America L.P.
61-558 Poznań 1527 Ljubljana 32 Industrial Drive
 +48-61-8700790  +386-1-4714176 Londonderry, N.H. 03053
Fax: +48-61-8793805 Fax: +386-1-4714104  +1-603-647-4104 Fax: +1-603-647-4105
Midwestern Group Office
 Portugal  South Africa, Republic of 512 West Burlington Avenue, Suite 208
Paulo C. Barbosa Lda. LaGrange, IL 60525
Rua do Negral, 1141 H/I Klüber Lubrication (Pty) Ltd.
P.O. Box 11461  +1-708-482-9730
4440-115 Campo Valongo/Porto Fax: +1-708-482-9407
 +351-707-219544 Randhart / Alberton 1457
Fax: +351-707-219545  +27-11-908-2457 / 908-2458 / 908-2459 Southeastern Group Office Fax: +27-11-8647373 233 North Main Street, Suite 300 A Greenville, SC 29601
 Romania  +1-800-889-4283
Super Plus S.R.L.  Spain Fax: +1-864-467-0740
BD. Corneliu Coposu Nr 10/55 Klüber Lubrication GmbH Ibérica S. en C.
Western Group Office
Sibiu 550245 Carretera C-17, Km 15,5
572 East Green St., Suite 208
 +40-269-2163000 08150 Parets del Valles (Barcelona)
Pasadena, CA 91101-2045
Fax: +40-269-216134  +34-93-5730711 / 5730666 / 5730667
 +1-626-795-5455 Fax: +34 93-5730754
Fax: +1-626-795-6064
KL Texas, L.P.
Klueber Lubrication OOO
Klüber Lubrication Skandinavien A/S 9010 County Road 2120
Skladochnaja ul., dom 2 A, strojenije 1
Box 601 Tyler, Texas 75713
127015 Moskau
194 26 Upplands Väsby  +1-903- 5348021
 +46-8-59098600 Fax: +1-903- 5814376
Fax: +7-495-1011886
Fax: +46-8-59098601
Sankt Petersburg Office:  Uruguay
Litejny prospekt, d. 22, of. 55  Switzerland Marx Representaciones Ltda.
191028 Sankt Petersburg Rambla O’Higgins 4937 - Oficina 603
Klüber Lubrication AG (SCHWEIZ)
 +7-812-2724757 C.P. 11400 - Montevideo
Thurgauerstraße 39
Fax: +7-812-2750782 Postal address:
8050 Zürich P.O. Box 18948 - Distrito 9
Fax: +41-44-3086944 C.P. 11500 - Montevideo
Rostov-na-Donu Office:  +598-2-6137550
prospekt Semashko, d. 114, of. 310
Fax: +598-2-6137654
344010 Rostov-na-Donu
Fax: +7-863-2500008 TEXMAC Co. Ltd., Klüber Division Texmac Building
912 Srinakarin Road, Suanluang, Suanluang, RIESE INDUSTRIAL, C.A.
Samara Office: Bangkok 10250 Av. Abraham Lincoln Con Calle Olimpo
ul. Uritskogo, d. 19, of. 2, etash 9 Postal address: Torre Domus, Piso 3, Ofic. 3-C
443030 Samara G.P.O. Box 1594, Bangkok 10501 Sabana Grande, El Recreo
 +7-846-2734362  +66-2-3625216 Caracas Fax: +66-2-3625229  +58-212-7941362 / 7925949 / 7939720 Fax: +58-212-7938707
Kazan Office:
ul. Kremljovskaja, d. 13, of. 202/B  Turkey
420111 Kazan Klüber Lubrication  Vietnam
 +7-843-2920749 YAGLAMA ÜRÜNLERI SAN. VE TIC. A.S. VU MINH CO., LTD. Cerkezköy Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 281 Doi Can Street, Ba Dinh District
Atatürk Cad. 10 Sok. No: 7 Ha Noi
 Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Cerkezköy/Tekirdag  +84-4-7628495
REDA TRADING & DEVELOPMENT CO. FOR Postal address: Fax: +84-4-7628496
MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT LTD. PK 56, 59500 Cerkezköy/Tekirdag
Khobar-Dammam Expressway  +90-282-7581530 / 7581710
31952 Al Khobar Fax: +90-282-7582935 / 7582936 / 7581714  Yemen
Fax: +966-3-8587503 Jebel Ali (Free Zone)
 Ukraine Dubai/UAE
 Singapore, Republic of Evrosmazki  +971-4-8815027
Klüber Lubrication South East Asia Pte Ltd Borispolskaja str., 12-B Fax: +971-4-8815036
25 International Business Park 02099 Kiev
# 04-54 German Centre  +380-44-5672646
Singapore 128384 Fax: +380-44-5672646
Fax: +65-6562-9469  United Arab Emirates
 Singapore, Republic of P.O. Box 15004
Marine Teknik Pte. Ltd. Khalid Al Attar Tower, Suite 901
Blk 196, Pandan Loop # 05-17 Sheikh Zayed Road
Pantech Industrial Complex Dubai
Singapore 128384  +971-4-3325100
 +65-6779-8366 Fax: +971-4-3325200
Fax: +65-6779-8266  United Kingdom
Klüber Lubrication Great Britain Ltd.
 Slovakia Hough Mills, Northowram
KLH, s.r.o. Halifax, HX3 7BN
Sládkovičova 4  +44-1422-205115
96501 Žiar nad Hronom Fax: +44-1422-206073
Fax: +421-45-6723475


Klüber Lubrication München KG

ein Unternehmen der Freudenberg-Gruppe
a member of the Freudenberg group Edition: Okt-06
Spare Parts
Ersatzteile: 0.2.0 Spare Parts: 0.2.0

1 Dichtungsträger Seal Carrier

2 Labyrinthdichtung mit Wurmfeder (außen) Labyrith seal with Garterspring (outside)
3 Ölablauf Oil Outlet
4 Gehäuse Unterteil Housing Lower Part
5 Gehäuse Oberteil Housing Upper Part
6 Ringschraube Ring Bolt
7 Ölschauglas (Gehäuse Oberteil) Oil inspection glass (upper part of housing)
8 Gleitlagerschalen Sleeve bearing Shells
9 Schmierring Lubrication Ring
10 Labyrinthdichtung mit Wurmfeder (innen) Labyrinth seal with Garterspring (inside)
11 PT 100 PT 100
12 Ölschauglas (Gehäuse Unterteil) Oil inspection glass (lower part of housing)
13 Sichtthermometer Thermometer
14 Kühlschlange Cooling Coil
15 Ölablassschraube Oil drain plug

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH
Ingolstadt Branch Dreieich Office
Bunsenstraße 17 Benzstraße 47-49
85053 Ingolstadt 63303 Dreieich
Germany Germany Phone: +49(0)841-792-0 Phone: +49(0)6103-5039-0 Fax: +49(0)841-792-250 Fax: +49(0)6103-5039-40
Ersatzteile: ms Spare Parts: ms

1 Klemmenkasten Unterteil Terminal Box Lower Part

2 Stromwandler Current transformer
3 Kupferschiene Wandleranschluß Copper Bar Transformer Terminal
4 Kupferschiene Sternpunkt Copper Bar Star Point
5 Kupferschiene U, V, W Copper Bar U, V, W
6 Isolator Insulator
7 Statik Wandler Static Transformer
8 Klemmkasten-Deckel Terminal Box Cover
9 Abschlussplatte Endcover Plate
10 Muffe Oberteil Bushing upper part
11 Muffe Unterteil Bushing Lower Part
12 Anpassungstrafo Potential Transformer
13 Schutzschalter für Anpassungstrafo Security Switch for Potential Transformer

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH
Ingolstadt Branch Dreieich Office
Bunsenstraße 17 Benzstraße 47-49
85053 Ingolstadt 63303 Dreieich
Germany Germany Phone: +49(0)841-792-0 Phone: +49(0)6103-5039-0 Fax: +49(0)841-792-250 Fax: +49(0)6103-5039-40
Ersatzteile: 4.0.0 oRT Spare Parts: 4.0.0 oRT

1 Hilfsklemmenkasten Auxiliary Terminal Box

2 Deckel für Hilfsklemmenkasten Cover Auxiliary Terminal Box
3 Reihenklemmen Terminals in a Row
4 U-Schiene U-Bar
5 Abschlussplatte Gland Plate

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH
Ingolstadt Branch Dreieich Office
Bunsenstraße 17 Benzstraße 47-49
85053 Ingolstadt 63303 Dreieich
Germany Germany Phone: +49(0)841-792-0 Phone: +49(0)6103-5039-0 Fax: +49(0)841-792-250 Fax: +49(0)6103-5039-40
Technical Data
Technical Data Sheet for AvK-Alternators FM 7.3-5

Date: 12/07/2010 Customer: Wärtsilä Finland Oy

Project No.: P-10.30855/FIN AvK Reference: 1-432-0000347-1
Object data:
Site: Northern Katakhali Prime Mover: Diesel engine
Application: Stationary Power Plant Manufacturer: Wärtsilä 20V32
Generator data:
Generator: DIG 167 f/8 Poles: 8 Standards: IEC 60034
Rated power: 11155 kVA 8924 kWe 9143 kWm
Power factor: 0.80
Power at pf 1,0 8966 kVA 8966 kWe 9143 kWm
Rated voltage: 11 kV
Speed: 750 1/min
Frequency: 50 Hz Voltage range:
Rated current: 585.5 A Zone A according IEC 60034-1 (+/- 5%)
Winding pitch: ca. 5/6
Insulation class: Stator: Class F Rotor: Class F Temperature rise: F
Ambient 50 ° C Environment: Standard environment
Site altitude: 1000 m
Enclosure: IP23 Filter: Stainless steel filter at air inlet
Cooling: IC 01 - Open-circuit ventilation
Coolant: Ambient Air Temperature 50 ° C Temperature Air inlet 50 ° C
Coolant: generator:
Cooling air vol.: 5.5 m³/s Cooling water quantity: n/a
Moment of inertia 2430 kgm² Weight: 30200 kg Losses (environment): 219 kW
(I): Losses (cooling): n/a
Wires: 4 terminals, starpoint connected in terminal box
Operation mode: Single mode
Voltage Unitrol 1000-15 on MP
Electrical data: (acc. IEC)
Efficiencies: 110% 100% 75% 50% 25%
Power factor 0.8 97.48 97.6 97.56 97.06 95.61
Power factor 0.9 97.72 97.83 97.76 97.26 95.75
Power factor 1.0 97.96 98.06 97.96 97.46 95.88

Reactances and time constants

unsaturated saturated unsaturated saturated

xd 2.09 1.88 p.u. xq 1.04 1.02 p.u. Td0' 4 s Td0'' 0.0301 s

xd' 0.304 0.304 p.u. xq' 1.04 1.02 p.u. Td' 0.58 s Tq0' 0.4 s
xd'' 0.222 0.202 p.u. xq'' 0.222 0.222 p.u. Td'' 0.02 s Tq0'' 0.18739 s
x2 0.232 0.211 p.u. x0 0.067 0.061 p.u. Ta 0.14 s Tq' 0.4 s
x1s n.a. 0.121 p.u. Tq'' 0.04 s
Short circuit ratio saturated: 0.53 Zn 10.847 Ohm

Short circuit data:

Initial short circuit current (3-phase): Ik'' 2898 A
Max. peak current (3-phase): IS 7377 A
Sustained short circuit current: Ik 1756 A 3 x rated current for max.10 s
Initial short circuit torque: Mk2 914.0 kNm
Mk3 548.4 kNm
Max. faulty synchron moment: Mf 1965.1 kNm
Rated kVA torque: MSN 142.04 kNm
Rated torque MN 113.63 kNm
Shaft torque MSh 116.42 kNm
Load application:
max. load application: 5504 kVA (= 49 % of 11155 kVA) Power: 11155 kVA
for Power factor 0.4 Power factor: 0.8
15% transient voltage drop transient voltage drop: -23.3 %
Ecxiter machine data:
rfE(20°C) = 11,6 Ohm; if0 = 1,7 A; Uf0 = 19 V; ifN = 5,0 A; UfN = 58 V
Exciter machine time constant TE = 0,2 s
PT100 Temperatur Fühler RTD’s PT100 Temperature Detectors
Einstellwerte für Meßinstrumente in der Schaltan- Adjustment Values for Measuring Equipment in
lage the Switchboard

Statorwicklungen: Stator windings:

Isolationsklasse Warnung°C Abschaltung°C Temperature Class Alarm °C Shut down°C

Erwärmung nach B 125 130 Temperature class B 125 130

Erwärmung nach F 140 145
Erwärmung nach H 155 160 Temperature class F 140 145

Temperature class H 155 160


Lagertype Warnung°C Abschaltung°C

Wälzlager 75 90 Bearings:
Gleitlager 85 90
Bearing Type Alarm °C Shut down°C
Anti-fricition bearing 75 90
Falls auf der Maßzeichnung nicht anders ver- Sleeve bearing 85 90
merkt, gelten folgende Warn- und Abschaltwerte
für die Gleitlager der Generatorbaureihe DIG 167:
Unless otherwise noted on the dimension draw-
ing, following alarm and shut down adjustments
Generatortype Warnung°C Abschaltung°C are valid for the sleeve bearings for the generator
DIG 167 c/d/e 103 105 series DIG 167:
DIG 167 f/g/h 107 110
DIG 167 i/k 117 120 Alternator type Alarm °C Shut down°C
DIG 167 c/d/e 103 105
Diese Warn- und Abschaltwerte können nur durch DIG 167 f/g/h 107 110
die Verwendung der auf der Maßzeichnung ange- DIG 167 i/k 117 120
gebenen Synthetikölsorte erreicht werden.
The above given values for alarm and shut down
are only valid, if the synthetic oil listed on the di-
mension drawing is used.

Andreas Kellerer/Robert Hagl/16.9.2010/ Rev. 2

Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH Cummins Generator Technologies Germany GmbH
Ingolstadt Branch Dreieich Office
Bunsenstraße 17 Benzstraße 47-49
85053 Ingolstadt 63303 Dreieich
Germany Germany Phone: +49(0)841-792-0 Phone: +49(0)6103-5039-0 Fax: +49(0)841-792-250 Fax: +49(0)6103-5039-40
EC Declaration of Conformity

This synchronous a.c. generator is designed for incorporation into an electricity generating-set and fulfils all the relevant
provisions of the following EC Directive(s) when installed in accordance with the installation instructions contained in the
product documentation:
2006/95/EC Low Voltage Directive

2004/108/EC The EMC directive

2006/42/EC The Machinery Directive

and that the standards and/or technical specifications referenced below have been applied:

EN 61000-6-1:2007 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Generic standards - Part 6-1: Immunity for residential,
commercial and light-industrial environments

EN 61000-6-2:2005 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Generic standards - Part 6-2: Immunity for industrial

EN 61000-6-4:2007 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Generic standards - Part 6-4: Emission standard for
industrial environments

EN ISO 12100-1:2003 Safety of machinery - Basic concepts, general principles for design - Part 1: Basic
terminology, methodology

EN ISO 12100-1:2003 Safety of machinery - Basic concepts, general principles for design -Part 2: Technical

EN ISO 14121-1:2007 Safety of machinery - Risk assessment - Part 1: Principles

EN 60034-1:2004 Rotating electrical machines - Part 1: Rating and performance

BS ISO 8528-3:2005 Reciprocating

p g internal combustion engine
g driven alternating
g current ggenerating
g sets - Part 3:
Alternating current generators for generating sets

BS 5000-3:2006 Rotating electrical machines of particular types or for particular applications - Part 3:
Generators to be driven by reciprocating internal combustion engines - Requirements for
resistance to vibration

The manufacturer’s authorised representative in the Community and person empowered to draw up this declaration and to
compile the relevant technical documentation, on behalf of the manufacturer is:

Dr. Andreas Biebighäuser

IPP Engineering Leader
Cummins Generator Technologies
Bunsenstrasse 17
85053 Ingolstadt

Signed: Date: 21st December 2009

DRAWING REF 450-16383-B

Description: DIG 167 f/8 Serial Number: 84 30417 ABCDEF001

Registered in England under Registration No. 441273.

Cummins Generator Technologies Ltd. Registered Office: Barnack Road, Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 2NB, England
Information zum Explosionsschutzblech Information to explosion protection device

Das Explosionsschutzblech ist ein Schutzsystem The explosion protection device is a protective
zur Druckentlastung, das den Schaden im Falle system for decompression that limits the damage
einer Explosion im Klemmkasten örtlich begrenzt. caused by an explosion in the terminal box and
Eine Explosion kann im Fehlerfall durch einen keeps the effect local. A spark-over in the terminal
Überschlag im Klemmenkasten entstehen. Hierbei box can - in case of an failure - lead to an explo-
werden Luft und andere Materialien, aufgrund der sion. Due to extreme high temperatures, air and
extrem hohen Temperatur, schlagartig um ein other materials expand to a multiple of their nor-
vielfaches des Ausgangsvolumens ausgedehnt. mal volume.

Es wird versucht, den aus dieser Reaktion entste- Pre-determined breaking points are designed for
henden Druck gezielt durch Sollbruchstellen so reducing the occurring pressure so that the con-
abzubauen, dass die Auswirkungen der Explosion sequences of an explosion can be minimized.
minimiert werden kann. Primäres Ziel ist, dass Primary target is to eliminate the risk of danger to
eine Personengefährdung nahezu ausgeschlos- staff and other persons.
sen werden kann.

Zu diesem Zweck wird in die Muffe des Klemm-

kastens konstruktiv eine Sollbruchstelle zur For this purpose a metal plate is integrated in the
Druckentlastung integriert. Diese besteht aus vier terminal box extension duct. This plate consists of
Einzelblechen, die zu einer viereckigen Platte four smaller triangular sheets fixed together by
angeordnet sind. Die Einzelbleche werden in der four welding dots in each corner and one in the
Mitte und in den Ecken von einzelnen Schweiß- middle. Resulting from this assembling the plate
punkten gehalten. Dieser Zusammenbau wird in gets a rectangular shape. This pre-determined
Richtung Generator zeigend montiert, um im Un- breaking point for decompression is positioned
glücksfall, Schaden an vorbeigehenden Personen towards the alternator to ensure that – in case of
abzuwenden und um eventuell auftretenden Split- an explosion - no person is harmed, when walking
terflug zu minimieren. by and to reduce the danger of flying fragments.

Der Schlitz im Explosionsschutzblech wird bei der

Endmontage so abgedichtet, dass die geforderte
Schutzart (IP23, IP54, …) erfüllt, allerdings die The cuts have to be sealed before assembling to
Druckentlastungsfunktion nicht beeinflusst wird. acquire the required protection class (IP 23,
IP54…) without adversely affecting the decom-
Im Falle einer Explosion im pression-function.
Klemmkasten muss unverzüglich
eine Inspektion des gesamten Ge- If case of an explosion in the ter-
nerators erfolgen. minal box, a complete inspection
of the entire generator has to take
Es reicht nicht aus, lediglich das Explosions- place.
schutzblech zu erneuern.
It is not enough just to replace the explosion pro-
tection device.

issued approved
Date 14.02.2008 14.02.2008
Position Mechanical Design Mechanical Design
Engineer Manager
Signature Andreas Bachhuber Thomas Koerner

Cummins Generator Technologies Cummins Generator Technologies

Germany GmbH Germany GmbH
Bunsenstr. 17 Dreieich branch
85053 INGOLSTADT Benzstr. 47-49
GERMANY 63303 Dreieich Phone: +49(0)841-792-0 GERMANY Fax: +49(0)841-792-250 Phone: +49(0)6103-5039-0
Fax: +49(0)6103-5039-40
Explosion protection device

Explosion protection device

must show towards alternator or in any direction, where

sudden release can not cause harmful effects for op-
erators and safety relevant installations

Cummins Generator Technologies Cummins Generator Technologies

Germany GmbH Germany GmbH
Bunsenstr. 17 Dreieich branch
85053 INGOLSTADT Benzstr. 47-49
GERMANY 63303 Dreieich Phone: +49(0)841-792-0 GERMANY Fax: +49(0)841-792-250 Phone: +49(0)6103-5039-0
Fax: +49(0)6103-5039-40

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