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SAP® Best Practices for Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)
supports midsize enterprises that require rapid implementation
and large companies that want to create a corporate template
for their subsidiaries. Whether you are a new or existing SAP
customer, using SAP Best Practices for FMCG gets your
solutions up and running quickly.

SAP Best Practices for FMCG describes exactly how best to

implement various key business processes in your system –
including how to set up and configure your SAP software.
These SAP best practices are delivered to you as an unrivalled
combination of detailed business documentation that describes
first-in-class business practices and a complete set of technical
tools and information to help you implement the business

The SAP best practices are described below.


Direct Store Delivery of Beverages with Empties
The SAP best practice for distributing beverage products directly
to the end customer shows how to make beverage goods avail-
able to stores and customers quickly, manage empties returned
from customers, and directly influence end customers such as
bars and restaurants. The best-practice information also helps
beverage producers or distributors optimize process settlement
in sales and distribution and reduce logistics costs by optimally
planning visits to stores.
Empties Processing Indirect Sales Without CRM
The SAP best practice for empties processing focuses on the use Similar to the best practice for extended rebate processing with
of empties-specific functionality when processing customer pendulum list in the beverage industry, this SAP best practice
orders and working with inventory management. Empties data is focuses on the use of sales data to determine the success of a
printed on delivery notes and on billing documents, enabling new product or a new display, regional differences, and so on.
producers and distributors to learn about their complete empties To acquire this information, a manufacturer or distributor
stocks and empties balances with each customer at the touch of requires its wholesalers to report their sales by material. Using
a button. Empties-specific reports also make an empties inventory information on the actual sales quantities and sales values
easy to manage. reached by various sales outlets, a company can prepare
business analyses.
Extended Rebate Processing
The SAP best practice for extended rebate processing in the Direct Store Delivery of Fresh-Daily Products
beverage industry focuses on wholesalers’ adherence to contrac- This SAP best practice is similar to the one for direct store
tual obligations and beverage producers’ determination of the delivery of beverages, but focuses on distributing fresh-daily
success of a new product or a new display, regional differences, products, such as ground meat, directly to the end customer.
and so on. The determination requires information on the The best-practice information shows how to make fresh-daily
actual sales quantities and sales values realized by different sales goods available to stores and customers quickly. The best-prac-
outlets. Beverage producers commit the wholesalers they supply tice information also helps producers or distributors optimize
to report the sales that the wholesalers have achieved – broken process settlement in sales and distribution and reduce logistics
down by materials. costs by optimally planning visits to stores.

Excise Tax Calculation Livestock Procurement and Meat Production

The SAP best practice for excise tax calculation focuses on This SAP best practice focuses on the procurement of livestock
tracking all goods movements of alcoholic beverages. It assists and the subsequent production and sale of finished meat
producers and wholesalers that deal with alcoholic beverages products. Especially important is the flexible pricing procedure
and manage excise taxes by helping them fulfill their legal used to determine the actual value of the delivered livestock
obligation to declare the amount of alcoholic beverages they and the segmentation of the meat before production. A cost-
sell and scrap in every period. The tax return is the primary object controlling method can be used to assign the costs of
document supported by the excise tax calculation. production to the goods produced. Although the best-practice
information focuses on meat, this SAP best practice can also be
Extended Rebate Processing for Customers used in the fish and dairy industries.
The SAP best practice for extended rebate processing for
customers focuses on direct sales with a customer. The sales are Meat Trading
saved as billing documents. A direct rebate agreement based The SAP best practice for trading meat products assists whole-
upon direct sales is created and a rebate is paid to the customer salers who receive and resell meat products. The best-practice
at the end of the agreed period, after the sales quantity agreed methods focus in particular on batch management.
upon in the rebate agreement has been reached.

KEY SAP BEST PRACTICES FOR FMCG of internal deliveries. The second simplifies the process and
In addition to the specialized best practices for beverage and omits the delivery documents. The third allows stock transfers
meat processing, SAP provides best practice methods, among several company codes.
documentation, and configuration support for the following
core business processes involved in managing fast-moving Production Planning and Discrete Manufacturing
consumer goods. The SAP best practice for production planning and discrete
manufacturing describes business processes typical of
Enterprise Management: Product Cost Planning, Sales companies with lot-size-oriented production, such as in the
Planning, and Overhead Cost Management food industry. Automatic batch determination based upon
SAP best practices for enterprise management help companies expiration date is performed during production order process-
perform processes ranging from multilevel demand planning ing. The SAP best practice supports goods movement (goods
to cost center planning, and from product costing to sales issues and goods receipts) and completion confirmation for
and profit planning. The best-practice information is the production order. The best-practice descriptions also
compatible with various other SAP best practices for materials include the primary required functions for cost-object
management, production planning and production, and sales controlling, such as preliminary costing, simultaneous costing,
processing. and period-end closing.

Procurement of Stock Material Production Planning and Process Manufacturing

The SAP best practice for procurement of stock material begins The SAP best practice for production planning and process
with a request for quotation (RFQ) mailed to vendors to inquire manufacturing describes methods for process-oriented
about their prices. A price comparison references the completed (regulated) production, such as that found within the food
RFQs and determines the best offer for a product. A contract industry and in production by lot size. Automatic batch deter-
follows. At this point, a purchase requisition and a purchase mination based upon expiration date is performed during
order that references the requisition are created. The process production order processing. The best practices also describe
continues with goods receipt; batch numbers are then created in-process and postprocess quality management. The best-
automatically. Before the goods can be placed into unrestricted practice descriptions also include the primary required
stock, a quality inspection must be performed. A usage decision functions for cost-object controlling, such as preliminary
posts the goods into unrestricted or restricted stock. The SAP costing, simultaneous costing, and period-end closing.
best practice for procurement of stock material supports
quotation handling, procurement contracts, automatic batch Production Planning and Repetitive Manufacturing
management, and quality inspection in purchasing. The SAP best practice for production planning and repetitive
manufacturing supports non-lot-based production, in which
Internal Procurement: Stock Transfer with or Without the order does not store the quantities of the end products and
Delivery and Cross-Company Stock Transfer their corresponding costs. Instead, a product cost collector, to
SAP supports three best-practice methods of internal procure- which all costs are posted, is used only as a controlling object.
ment. The first is cross-plant, internal procurement of materials After production, the system posts the goods receipt of the
for a single company code. This process uses standard functions, finished material (assembly) and backf lushes the components.
such as material requirements planning, purchase requisitions, The costs are posted to the cost collector, and material and
stock transport orders, transportation planning, and handling accounting documents are created automatically. Automatic


batch determination based upon expiration date is also per- trading goods. To support foreign-trade processing, SAP
formed. The best-practice descriptions also include the primary provides a software cockpit that helps companies through the
required functions for cost-object controlling, such as prelimi- steps involved in reporting their exports and imports to the
nary costing, simultaneous costing, and period-end closing. appropriate authorities.

Sales Order Processing Returns and Complaints

The SAP best practice for sales order processing describes the The SAP best practice for returns and complaints supports all the
entire process chain for a standard sales process with a cus- activities necessary for reclamation processing. The complaints
tomer. The business process encompasses all steps from creating process focuses on processing credit memos if goods are not
an order to the billing procedure, including extensive pricing returned. During returns processing, goods are returned and a
facilities, material substitution, free good items, availability quality evaluation is performed.
check, batch determination, and invoice lists.
Returnables Processing
Sales Order Processing via EDI The SAP best practice for processing returnable goods comprises
The SAP best practice for sales order processing via electronic all activities necessary for the shipment of goods with standard
data interchange (EDI) encompasses a business document packaging-material pallets. This process can be considered an
exchange between business partners via EDI, which is typical alternative to handling-unit management.
for order processing. The inbound sales order uses the EDI file
(PO) from a supplier to create a sales order automatically via Batch Recall
EDI. When a billing document referring to the sales order The SAP best practice for batch recall describes all steps
is created, an outbound EDI file (invoice) is generated required to recall a defective batch already delivered to a
automatically. customer. A sales activity is created to record the recall. If a
batch does not fulfill the customer’s quality demands or if a
Consignment Processing defect is discovered, a notification letter is sent to all customers
The SAP best practice for consignment processing describes who have received the batch. An automatic follow-up activity
the process in which the products shipped to the customer is created to handle the returns of the defective batch. During
are still owned by the company until the customer sells them follow-up, a return can be created and processed. The SAP best
to a third party. The best-practice descriptions cover the practice for batch recall uses the functionality of the sales sup-
following steps: consignment fill-up, consignment issue, port component to trigger batch-specific returns processing.
and consignment pickup. A report determines the customer addresses of those affected.

Foreign Trade Cross-Company Sales Order Processing

The SAP best-practice descriptions for foreign trade provide This SAP best practice supports the processing of sales orders
two examples of foreign trade. The first includes the steps across company codes. If a customer places an order that the
required for the export of finished materials and trading vendor cannot fill, the vendor sends the goods to the customer
goods. The second includes the import of raw materials and from a plant that belongs to another company code.

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