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∞Love Peace and Harmony
∞01-31st of October 2010 - 01-31 Ekim 2010∞

The Guilt/Shame Cycle a message from

Jennifer Hoffman 27 September, 2010
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 3, 2010 at 12:46am

The Guilt/Shame Cycle

a message from Jennifer Hoffman

27 September, 2010

Emotions like guilt and shame do not exist in a vacuum. They are part of a long process of
actions involving people and situations that have created
these emotions. All we remember is the end of this process, how terrible
we feel and these have been repeated often enough to prevent us from
moving forward as soon as we sense a hint of them. But if we stop the
cycle when it starts, release the fear that we have around feeling guilt
or being shamed, they move into the background of our responses and go
back into the past, where they began.

Guilt is one way that we are manipulated by others. Parents often use guilt to control their
children, believing that by showing them the
consequences their behavior has on others that they will learn to be
considerate and compassionate. It's a backwards way of saying that we
should be aware of our connections. But then we avoid acting by trying
to minimize the guilt we will feel when we put our needs and desires
over those of others and we lose our perspective about what is important
to us.

Shame is such a destructive form of manipulation because it takes guilt one step further. If we
disregard the guilt ploy then we get moved into
shame. Now we are a bad person, inconsiderate, selfish, or self serving
by ignoring others' needs. Our desires become a source of shaming by
those who feel their needs are more important. Within the guilt/shame
cycle, if we can overcome guilt and proudly declare our intention to
serve our needs, we are attacked at our core and our being. Shame moves
blame from what we are doing to who we are. Few of us can withstand this
type of attack, so we absorb the shame and it becomes part of our
belief system.

When we have learned these principles well, we use the guilt/shame cycle on ourselves. After
a few passes with it, we do not need someone to guilt
and shame us, we know what to do. So when we put our desires forward, we
look at what others want or expect of us and decide whether the guilt
is worth the effort. If we decide it is, then risk shame if we make a
choice whose outcome ripples energetically around us, as it will. Now
comes the hard part, can we step out of this cycle, see the interplay of
these energies and use our heart to ask "what do I want' instead
assessing each choice through what it will cost us in terms of our guilt
and shame?

The Worst that can Happen

Guilt and shame take us on internal journeys of fear, where they convince us that whatever
they represent is the worst thing that can happen. Like

all fearful things, they are the debris of the past, so they have no
real power other than that which we give them. But as with all things
that reside in our imagination and harness the power of our mind and
thinking, guilt and shame are powerful creators of our reality. They can
also block us at every turn until we move beyond the belief that their
imaginings are the worst that can happen because there is something
worse than our guilt and shame.

How can anything be worse than shame and guilt? The paralysis that they create within us
which prevents us from taking any action whose outcome
they could be connected to. For guilt, these are outcomes that risk our
feeling guilty about our actions or being made to feel guilty by someone
else. Remember that guilt is about manipulation, so if we want to do
something that benefits us, the fear of having someone telling us that
we are bad or wrong, because they would have preferred we make the
effort, spend the time or use the energy on their behalf.

Shame connects to our fear of abandonment, rejection and ultimately, death. Our fear of being
shamed has long roots in our primal fear of being left
alone, without support, and dying. This could be physical death but it
can also be emotional death, where we have no one to love or care for
us. In today's world this fear can seem silly but we're dealing on the
level of the mind, past lifetimes and cellular memory. So from that
perspective these fears are very real and will lead us to do anything to
avoid shame and its potentially disastrous results.

What's the worst that can happen to you? Probably nothing as serious or as terrible as you
think. Are you going to allow that fear to paralyze you?
So often what keeps us stuck is the fear of the worst that arises from
our guilt and shame. Guilt and shame are a denial of your divinity. Let
these fears rise to the surface, make peace with them and then
confidently move forward on your path, knowing that from your point of
truth everything is possible and when you stand in that truth, the worst
never happens.

Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc.

This material is protected by US and international copyright now and may be distributed
freely in its entirety as long as the author’s name and website,

com are included.

The Guilt/Shame Cycle - Part 2 a message
from Jennifer Hoffman 2 October, 2010
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 3, 2010 at 12:47am

The Guilt/Shame Cycle - Part 2

a message from Jennifer Hoffman
2 October, 2010

The Guilty Conscience
How often have we done something that we have later felt guilty about? A client called
because the man she was dating had said something that
she felt indicated he didn't trust her. When I reminded her that she had
done something that she was out of integrity with, she realized that
her reaction was based on her guilt and fear that he would find out
about what she had done. Her guilt was interpreting his comments and
creating a situation that was not based on the reality of their
relationship but on the guilt she was feeling.

There is a risk of guilt when we engage in behavior that violates some

standard of behavior or thinking we or others have created. The extent
to which these standards are incorporated into our thinking determines
whether we will feel guilty or not. When we keep secrets from others,
hide our true intentions or act in ways that serve us instead of others,
we are in conflict with these standards of behavior and must decide
whether we will be honest and in integrity or say that we will act
within the standards and secretly do something else.

When we realize that these standards limit our ability to be who we are,
to live life the way we want to or to be honest about our feelings, we
feel guilty. What will the other person think or say, how will they act
and what will they do? When we feel we have something to gain or lose in
the situation we will be conflicted in our thinking. How can we act in
ways that serve everyone? Since that is not always possible, we will do
what we feel we need to do and then live with the guilt.

Wouldn't it be easy if we could be honest about what we think and feel

with everyone? It would make life so much easier but that is not always
the case. Everyone has their own agenda and we have complex roles in
each others' lives that make simple honesty a difficult choice. We can
avoid having a guilty conscience by setting our boundaries, deciding on
the standards of behavior we will choose and look at the role
expectations, ours and others', play in the decisions and choices we
make. This week I am challenging you to be in integrity with yourself,
to look at the guilt you carry and to decide whether you will live with a
guilty conscience or walk in the freedom of living the life you choose

Shame on You

Our journey to awakening can bring up some very painful issues that are
buried deeply within our heart and soul. These are the difficult
emotional situations we have experienced in our lifetime, the ones that
we know are there but it is easier to leave them buried than to face
them again. While we may think that if we ignore them they do not affect
us, that is not true. They subtly appear in our lives in many different
ways, reminding us of our unworthiness and shortcomings. The most
destructive, subtle and difficult of these is shame.

The shame experience can either be real or imagined, where someone says
or does something that creates shame within us or we imagine that the
response to our actions will cause us to be humiliated or embarrassed.
Where guilt is a response to an action, shame is a reflection on who we
are and is generally do to something that others do to us. And with it
arises all of our fears about not being valued, loved, worthy or
perfect. Shame goes to the core of who we are as a person and causes us
to question our right to be.

Since we are shamed by those whose acceptance and opinions matter to us,
the rejection creates a double whammy in our life. We are dismissed for
what we have done and who we are. No matter when our first shame
experience occurs, it resonates throughout our life, affecting how we
interact with others because it has changed how we view ourselves. Our
confidence can be destroyed, our self image shattered and our life path
altered. Being shamed even once can create a lifetime of avoiding any
expression of our talents and gifts where we can risk being shamed

Why would we choose such a difficult life lesson? Because lessons in

power always begin with powerlessness and shame issues have their basis
in past life and karmic sources. Can we remember that shame gives us
insight into our healing instead of the wound we must heal? Do you
remember the first time you felt shamed? Can you see how it resonates
throughout your life? Are you ready to work through it now so you can
remember that you are worthy, lovable, powerful and deserving of all of
life's blessings? Don't allow your shame to convince you that you are
unworthy or undeserving of the wonderful blessings that are yours by
divine right so you can powerfully move beyond it to reclaim your power.

Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. This material
is protected by US and international copyright now and may be
distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author’s name and
website, are included.

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 3, 2010 at 1:00am


A.Şerif İzgören anlatıyor

"İzgören&Akın'a toplantıya gideceğim. Baktım genç kalma ihtimalim var,bindim bir taksiye,
muhabbetçi bir
arkadaş. O anlatıyor ben dinliyorum. Tam işyerinin önüne geldik. Ankara'da
Bakanlıklar. Diyelim ki taksi parası 9.75 TL tuttu, ben 10 TL uzattım. Hani
hepimizin yaşadığı sahne vardır ya, taksici üstünü arıyormuş gibi yapar,siz de
para üstünü alabılmek için bir ayak dışarda, inmemek için debelenirsiniz. Tam o
sahne olacak. Şoför,para üstü varmı diye aranmaya başladı.

"Üstü kalsın kardeşim" dedim.

Döndü bana doğru

"Vaktin varmı ağabey ?" dedi.

"Evet" dedim (tek ayağım hala dışarda)

Dörtlülere bastı, trafik dört şerit akıyor, indi araçtan. Önde bir büfe var. Gitti oraya, bir şeyler
konuşup geldi. Bana 25 Krş
uzattı. Belli ki para bozdurmuş.

"Birader" dedim,"9.75 değil,10.50 yazssa istermiydin 50 krş.benden?"

-Ne alacağım ağabey 50 krş.u

-Peki niye gittin 25 krş.için o kadar uğraştın.üstü kalsın demiştim.

Döndü bana,attı kolunu arkaya :

-Vaktin varmı ağabey


-Çek kapıyı o zaman

Muhabbetçi bir taksici ile karşı karşıyayız.

5 dk.konuştuk. İngiltere'de profösüründen,bilmem kiminden eğitimler aldım. O taksicinin 5

dk.da öğrettiklerini, ingiliz hocalar
haftalarca verdikleri derslerde öğretemediler.

Ağabey biz Keçiören'de 5 kardeşiz. Babam rençberdi benim, günlük yevmiyeye giderdi; artık
inşaat falan bulursa çalışır gelir, o gün iş bulamamışsa, biz eve gelişinden,
yüzünden anlardık. Durumumuz hiç iyi olmadı. Akşam yer sofrasında yemek yerdik.
Yemek bitince babam bize"Durun kalkmayın" derdi. Önce dua ederdik sonra babam
bize sofrada konuşma yapardı.

"Aha" dedim,"Bizim meslek", seminerci.

- Ne anlatırdı baban

- Hayattta nasıl başarılı olunur ?

O gün inşaata çağırmazlarsa eve para getiremiyor, sonra çocuklara hayatta başarı teknikleri

-Babam işe gidince büyük ağabeyimiz onu taklit ederdi, delik bir çorapla pantalonun ceplerini
çıkarır, dört kardeşi karşısına
alıp "Dürüst olun,evinize haram lokma sokmayın" diye anlatırken , biz de
gülerdik. Annem kızardı, "Babanızla alay etmeyin. O, hem dürüst hem de
çalışkandır" derdi. Yan evde iki kardeş var, onların babası zengin. Babaları
birahane işletiyor, ama adamda her numara vardı, kumar falan oynatırdı. Bizim
yeni hiç bir şeyimiz olmadı, hep o ikisinin eskilerini kullandık. O amca
mahalleden geçerken biz 5 kardeş ayağa kalkardık, çünkü bize bahşiş verirdi.
Babam eve gelince ayağa kalkmazdık. Çünkü hediye, para falan hak getire. Ağabey
biz babamı kaybettik. Altı ay içinde yandaki baba da öldü. yandaki baba iki

çocuğa 5 katlı bir apartıman, işleyen birahane,dövizler ve araziler bıraktı.
Bizim baba ne bıraktıbiliyor musunuz ?

-Ne bıraktı ?

-Bakkal veresiyesi ve konuşmalarını bıraktı : "Evladım işinizi dürüst yapın, hakkınız olmayan
parayı almayın..."falan filan. Ağabey
aradan 15 yıl geçti,diğer 2 kardeş cezaevindeler, ne ev kaldı ne birahane.
Ailesi dağıldı.

Biz 5 kardeş,beşimizin Keçiören de taksi durağında birer taksisi var hepimizin birer ailesi,
çoluk çocuğu,hepimizin birer
dairesi var. Geçenlerde büyük ağabeyimiz bizi topladı ve dedi ki :

"Asıl mirası bizim baba bırakmış."

Hepimiz ağladık. 5 kardeş taksiciliğe başladığımızdan beri, taksimetrenin yazmadığı 10 krş.u

evimize sokmadık. Her şeyimiz var Allah'a şükür.

Çok duygulandım,veda ettim,tam ineceğim :

-Dur ağabey,asıl bomba şimdi.

-Nedir bomban ?

-Nerede oturuyoruz biliyormusun ? O iki kardeşin oturduğu 5 katlı apartmanı biz aldık. 5
kardeş orada oturuyoruz.

Evladınıza ne araba bırakırsınız, ne ev, ne de başka bir miras.

Evlada sadece değer kavramları bırakırsınız.
Bakın iki baba da evlatlarına değer kavramları bırakmışlar.

A.Şerif İZGÖREN'in kitabından aktarılmıştır.

Sevgili Gülten e tesekkürler

The Crowning by Mother Mary
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 3, 2010 at 1:00am

The Crowning by Mother Mary

September 30, 2010

I am Mary , Queen of Heaven and Earth .

My beloved children , I come to you as advertised. Let me , first , to give you all my love to
Mother. In fact , I 'm your mother in the flesh
and blood. In this sense, there is in me a responsibility and a duty
beyond the love of every mother is the one to his children one day grow
up and regain their freedom and truth. Many of you , my children , have
traveled this world to be lived, have suffered and have also experienced
the joys . But today is a great day. It is the day where your Spirit is
revealed to you, the day when, finally, by your prayers, your love ,
for your connection, too, each other , you 've managed to raise the
vibration of the Unit . Many of my children feel close to me in the
flesh and communicate with me, each in its own way and this is strictly
true because you are, no pun, flesh of my flesh and blood of my blood.
But , of course , and as you know, you 're not that. above all ,
children of Light and Unity , before my children in the blood and flesh .

I was the one who planted this world , that more than 20 million years of your earth time , to
deposit the seed crystal that would allow to
express the Life, increasingly , in different dimensions of the of the
Spirit. This is a very remote time , the miracle happened: the pure
spirits have decided , freely and independently , to take the flesh that
I was offering them and animate. Myself , like any creator, I attended
my incarnate in creation , freely, like you, in its structures, but
without losing the freedom and grace . Simply the Spirit remained free
at these moments, very old , to project his consciousness in this body
but to be at the same time , the Spirit. Over eons and eons , life has
developed. This matrix was pure. The Archangels have contributed their
vibrations , like I 've made some good qualities. So you've experienced ,
and we have experienced and lived , a magnificent creation : Earth.
Some of you went back to that time , freely , over very long periods ,
their of origin and in their original form dimensional . In these times
everything was free, the Kingdom was in you.

Then came a time (where some of you were present with me now more than 320 000 years
but what is time? ) where Consciences, also free , decided to
lock ourselves in my own Created by exercising the deprivation of
liberty. They have developed schemes that led eventually to suffocate in
you, remember what you were, well beyond the flesh, beyond the
material. It was on this Earth at the time, Brothers and Sisters who
could live in water as well as Brothers and Sisters , Spirits of pure
light , coming from different worlds . There was also the Angels and all
that this world was created, the Agency of the World, freely. With the
arrival of conscience, the freedom is lost . Other rules and other laws
were introduced . Beings the largest managed to escape , to the limit
before being trapped in their turn. These great beings were called the
Giants. Other beings have escaped this trap by returning to Intra ground
or through the third dimension Unified either in 5th Dimension, but
now, for you, a carbon body but slightly different from yours. So you've
never been alone. Simply the memory, bit by bit, that you were ,
disappeared . Of course, at the end of each cycle the light came back
but she was never able to settle because the gravitational forces were
such that the trap was closing every time.

great day because we have, together , we, we all intergalactic forces of Light whole and free,
and you, here , done a great job , a great work :
to gather sufficient awareness , raise sufficient Hearts to awaken the
Unified Cristal , who is in you, because I had placed it there and the
one on this Earth , that great Beings brought upon initialization of the
last cycle . But this, my children , they are true stories but it is
your responsibility to find in yourself. is not there. My goal is not to
tell. My goal is to announce today that both beings redemption and
crowned you find your kingship , as I announce my royalty. I was able ,
as you know, being surrounded and well surrounded . Those I called my
Stars ( three of which are present on Earth) , they are my ambassadors .
One of them is in your country. Many of my sisters , my children ,

carry my memory because you are my blood and my flesh. Many women
realize that beyond their role as mother, wife , they are connected to
me. Some even identified themselves to me. Among them , some by the
resonance between each of my children have expressed my own

As you may know (and that you have been told) that when you start to escape this matrix, you
find your multidimensionality . At this point,
you realize that you are, at once, and this body , at once, this being
of pure Light. This results in your flesh body , by the awakening of
your crowns . Yesterday , the Archangel Michael restored the Triangle of
Truth, the Tri -Unity found that allows you to establish yourself in
the center of your temple. Your crowns are now, if you wish, fully
active and you go , my dear children , now in the Announcement of my
Kingship and your royalty. In the times that you live, you leave this
time and so you will radiate and shine of the Light Source and the One
because that is what you are, in truth .

great day because I am announcing my return and this return is a reflection of what you are
and what I am. It is first and foremost in the
consciousness of your multi- dimensionality , not only in your flesh,
your blood, not only in your memories and waking , in truth , too, in
your heaven and in your Heart. There are more and more messengers since I
sowed the seeds needed for this. Remember that no one has come to
punish you for anything and that is , either, no one came to save you
from anything. Only you and you alone who can establish yourself in your
unit , your royalty. Cross of Redemption has been traced, she rose. The
Wheel in the Wheel , your crown is now asked. You will feel it more and
more, and in this sense Vibratory real, I will establish with each of
you , a connection more direct and more intimate. For the 12 tubes of
light on your head and the activation of the triangle of the new Trinity
in your Heart, we will connect more easily, but you also between us and
you is the goal. So there is a new form of communication that occurs
between each of you and me, between each of you and all of us in the
Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds unified and free .

The beloved Archangel Michael told you that your skies turn . This is indeed the case . Of
course, this results in important insights in you.
These insights will become part of a increasingly important in our
reconnection common result very soon. But , again , I do not want to put
you in the waiting or in the projection. You have to worry about
anything except what you are, your royalty. What we are building as
interconnections with you, make it possible , in time , the Announcement
of the 3 days that will sign the entry of this World and the
Establishment in a new existence , prior to the Ascension. Remember that
you are all invited to this royalty, without exception. For this, there
is absolutely nothing else to do than be in the Heart, without
pretense, without expecting anything , only you in establishing yourself
because you own that you crown and nobody else.

The illusion comes to an end . This World carbon , I had created like so many others, is
destined to live a full illumination , restoring the
Truth. You 're in that time . Increasing your vibration perception
associated with this reconnection , will draw you into an inner
certainty . For some pictures , sensations , sounds , visions , too, of
what comes. Remember that ultimately it comes is only Light and Light.
Only the illusion that debate , before disappearing forever. Do not
expect anything else, do not expect anything else , stay in the service,
in the radiance of the Light that you are now because we are connected
and interrelated . For many of you this is the first contact with this
multi -dimensional , with the world of unity and finally with your
essence .

Align yourself with what you are. Go to what is simple , do not catch what is heavy. Stay in
this word in your Kingship . Humility is the key, is by
agreeing to be little here that you find your greatness elsewhere .
Liberty is the price . My Son told you : " whosoever will save his life
will lose it, whoever wants to rise will be down . " He was talking , of
course , ego , personality ephemeral. Then there are words that marked
the spirits because they had to make an impression . These words ,
terrible , like the word Judgement , Judgement Day , is not exactly a
trial. It's just when you will see yourself as you are . This time
comes. Some of you , through the establishment of the Crowns , are
already in themselves and in their lives , which and what is not. This
doomsday corresponds to what has been called 3 Days. There is nothing to
prepare except your Heart. There is nothing to fear . There is no hope
for you and for everything else . There's just stay focused , listen to
your heart, to establish more and more the connection between us and you
and between you all and to spread , step by step, this royalty.

Thus , the time of my return is coming. But what we celebrate , what you celebrate , is not my
home, but your return, we met in the unified
world. The vibration that you hear in your heart, your head and your
back are the guarantor of truth . Truth of the passage from one state to
another. But also understand your brothers and your sisters who do not
live . They too will be as they are. You just have to establish yourself
, more and more in this reconnection . The vibration of your crown ,
the coronation you have experienced , will lead to vibration and heat
more intense in your head because the time has come. Your Heart will
also be felt more and more , the heart organ, such as the Crown of the
Radiant Heart and the Sacred Triangle therein, and your back. Welcome
and make money this royalty. I remind you that the key is humility.

The second key is the meaning of service , not wanting to save anyone ( who would still be a
duality ) , but simply to show your royalty. By
establishing yourself in your own Light and your axis , changing in your
lives outside illusory, what should be, you expand your reach . You
will have moments of greater and greater , Joy and Mental Silence . You
'll have moments to live , more and more extended , multi -dimensional ,
in that period, until needed , so that the flesh changes. This is not

an end but the beginning of a purpose, a new birth. This is live now.
So, I'm talking about it now is not what it is today but now , every
minute . And , as you know, three days before you see for yourself, Ad ,
Ad of my 3 Days. You hear and you hear a sound like no other , in the
air and not only in your ears. will hear the entire Earth . The trumpets
will sound . They were announced by the release of the Cavaliers . The
seals have been opened . This moment is imminent , imminent in our sense
and meaning of your consciousness . Get ready . Be prepared not to say
or predict and prepare to be afraid or projected . Getting ready is to
be in an inner attitude of tranquility , to live the Coronation ,
amplify , connect, and the Archangel Michael told you , to each other by
the crown of the head and the Heart and especially to connect to our
presence , Christ , Mary and Michael, reunited in the same vibration .

You are called to rediscover your unit . You are all called to live what I would call your
Crucifixion but not in the sense of suffering, in the
sense of a resurrection as Christ revealed, without exception. Whatever
souls are revealed to you at this moment , you recognize your eyes ,
some the other . You know , looking at you , where you go and if the
person you will look at the same place as you. This is not a separation
but an understanding and respect for the road and the road of each. It
is time for your royalty, let the Light arise , that is to say, leave on
Intelligence of Light and my presence , like that of Christ and
Michael, in you, for you allow you to Unity. By choosing the images that
you have been given by various speakers, I would say that the
caterpillar begins to make its chrysalis. And it is now. The idea of the
chrysalis is taking place . Some son of light you weave in , preparing ,
for the 3 days , the chrysalis . You 're in those days . So yes , today
I am announcing that the time has come back , if you so desire , if
that is your truth because you have complete freedom to say yes or say
no. Nobody will judge you . No one will condemn you , absolutely nobody
will shut up again. You only have to establish yourself as royalty. So I
boot from that evening , I returned to you and among you . That's my ad
. Oh it will prove different ways for each of you within 2 days ahead :
for Vibration, by dream, by vision , by sound, according to our ability
in our relationship, we draw toward one another. Cross of Redemption
has been completed , your connection by the 12 Stars , is total. made
according to your faith. made according to your vibration because it
yourself and nobody else will.

So today, at this very moment now, I allow , for the Kingship of ours , to set the resonance of
the new Triangle Tri -Unity of the Heart with the
sacrum . You see, increasingly , in moments of connection with the new
crystal lattice dimensions , the inter-dimensional Merkabah , you will
experience the phenomenon of increasingly intense and increasingly lucid
. I 'll do this now, all over the Earth . know, I will return in two
days and I will at that time , answer questions and, most importantly,
give the implications of what I am doing tonight, in your flesh In your
blood, your Spirit. Vibration and Consciousness Christ , Michael and
Mary will fertilize the earth , now.

... Shedding energy ...

At that moment , the fire of the Spirit and Unity , the fire of the Heart, has re - fertilized our
flesh and blood. My beloved children and
especially children of the Law of One and Light , now the truth appears
and awakens in this world . Rejoice, nothing is more beautiful, nothing
is more true, nothing is more love than you have to live.

... Shedding energy ...

I 'll get back to you in 2 days,

Vibration and unified presence to Christ and to Michael and to you.
Love is unveiled , Love is manifested. Rejoice.

I love you , feel free .

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 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 3, 2010 at 1:11am


Unutma! Gerçekte sen ne hissediyorsan, o her zaman doğrudur.

Hayatta senin için neyin doğru olduğunu, bir tek içindeki ses söyleyebilir.
Dolayısı ile içindeki ses ile konuşmayı öğren.
İçindeki sesin kendine has nedenleri vardır ki akıl hiçbir zaman anlayamaz.
Her gün kendinle kalmak için zaman ayır ve kalbini dinle.
Tüm diğerleri farklı hissedebilir, farklı düşünebilir ama bu senin hissettiklerinin yanlış
göstermez, sadece onlardan farklı olduğunu gösterir.
Sadece, onların bakış açılarını anlamaya çalış. Hemfikir olmaya çalışma!
Bazen içindeki ses sana zor geleni yapmanı söyleyebilir… Korkma… ve içindeki sesi
dinlemeye devam et…

Her yanlışında kendini acımasızca eleştirip üzme…

Gereğinden fazla üzülmek, bugünün gücünü tüketir, yarınlarının güzelliklerini çalar.
Aksine, başını okşa, kendini kucakla ve her şeyin geçeceğini kendine hatırlat.

Yaşadıklarının senin için önemli bir ders olduğunu bil.

Bu tecrübe ile aldığın bilgiyi incele, bir dahaki sefer için hazırlıklarını yap.
Kimsenin senin adına karar vermesine izin verme, ama başkalarının da haklı
olabileceklerini unutma.
Asla başka insanlar üzülmesin diye kendini üzme.
Unutma! Sen kaldırabiliyorsan onlar da kaldırabilir.
Her zaman ama her zaman, mutlaka kendine iyi davran.
Sen buna layıksın!
Hayatta en büyük dostun sen olabileceği gibi, en büyük düşmanın da sen olabilir.
Seçimini yap ve kendin için dost mu yoksa düşman mı olacağına karar ver.
Yaşamdaki tüm acılarını atlatabilirsin, her şeye rağmen mutlu olmayı başarabilirsin,

istersen kötü alışkanlıklarını bırakabilir ve her zaman yeniden başlayabilirsin.

Bugün, hayata yeniden başla! ilk adımın kendini bağışlamak olsun!
Tıpkı kasvetli ve bulutlu bir havanın ardından kendini gösteren güneş gibi olabilirsin.
Ve aynı güneş gibi, ay gibi, her gün ve her gece bıkmadan usanmadan yeniden doğabilirsin.
Asla tecrübe kazanmaktan kaçma… Ne kadar zor olursa olsun, yeniden ayağa kalk ve devam
İnan bana, o tecrübelere ihtiyacın var…
Unutma! Yapılacak daha nice yeni hatalar var, öğrenilecek daha nice yeni dersler var,
tekrar tekrar aynı hatalara düşmek niye?
Unutma ! Her şey sende gizli.
Hayatın kötü bir yola girmişse, direksiyondakinin sen olduğunu hatırla!
Kendini yalnız hissettiğin kadar yalnız, güçlü hissettiğin kadar güçlüsün.
Seçimi yapacak olan sensin….

Problems of Humanity
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 3, 2010 at 1:15am


Problems of Humanity PP 32 - 40
Published in 1947
Problems of Humanity - Chapter II - The Problem of the Children of the World

The Problem of the Children of the World

This problem is, without exception, the most urgent confronting humanity today. The
future of the race lies in the hands of the young people everywhere. They are the parents
the coming generations and the engineers who must implement the new
civilization. What we do with them and for them is momentous in its
implications; our responsibility is great and our opportunity

This chapter deals with the children and adolescents, under sixteen years old. These two
groups are the most hopeful element in a world which has fallen to pieces before our
eyes. They are the guarantee that our world can be rebuilt
and - if we have learned anything from past history and its dire consequences in
our lifetime - rebuilt along different lines, with different objectives and
incentives and with well-defined goals and carefully considered

Let us remember, however, that visionary, mystical hopes and dreams, wishful thinking
and the formulation of highly organized plans upon paper are useful as far as they
indicate interest, a sense of responsibility and possible objectives but they
are of small importance in any effective, transitional enterprise unless there
is a grasp of the immediate problem and of the immediate possibilities, plus a
willingness to effect those compromises which will lay the ground for later
successful work. This work is largely that of education. Hitherto, there has
been little effort to bring about a bridging between the needs of the future and
the present forms of education. These forms have apparently failed to equip [33]
humanity for successful and cooperative living and the newer aspects of mental
training; no scientific bridging has been done and little attempt has been made

to correlate the best of the present methods (and not all are bad) with future
ways of developing the youth of the world so that it can cope with a new
civilization which is inevitably upon its way. The visionary idealist has
hitherto held the field against the established modes of teaching; his
impracticality and his refusal to compromise has thus slowed up the process and
humanity has paid the price. The day has now come when the practical mystic and
the man of high mental development as well as of spiritual vision will take his
place, thus providing a training which will enable the youth of any nation to
integrate successfully into the world picture.

We start with the realization that our educational systems have not been adequate; they
have failed to train children for right living; they have not inculcated those methods of
thinking and acting which will lead to right human
relations - those relations which are so essential to happiness, to success and
to a full experience in any chosen sphere of human enterprise.

The best minds and the clearest thinkers in the educational field are constantly endorsing
these ideas; the progressive movements in education have done something to remove old
abuses and to instill new techniques, but they
still constitute so small a minority that they are relatively ineffectual. It is
well to bear in mind that had the teaching given to the young during the past
few hundred years been of a different nature, the world war might never have

Many and differing reasons have been given for the total war which engulfed us. This has
raised the question whether the failure of our educational systems or the ineptitude of the
churches may not be the basic [34] causes behind the others. But - the war
happened. Our old civilization has been swept away. There are those who would
like to see that civilization return and the old structure again rebuilt; they
yearn for a peaceful return to the situation before the war. They must not be
allowed to rebuild along the old lines or to use the old blueprints, even though
necessarily we must build upon the old foundations. It is the task of the
educators to prevent this.

Let us be willing to recognize that those countries in which the old mode of education is
still peacefully practiced may be not only dangerous to themselves because they are
perpetuating the bad old ways, but that they also constitute a
menace to those countries which are in the happy position of being able to
change their educational institutions and thus inaugurate a better way of
preparing their youth for total living. Education is a deeply spiritual
enterprise. It concerns the whole man and that includes his divine

Education in the hands of any church would spell disaster. It would feed the sectarian
spirit, foster the conservative, reactionary attitudes so strongly endorsed, for instance, by
the Catholic Church and the fundamentalists in the
Protestant churches. It would train bigots, build barriers between man and man
and eventually lead to a powerful and inevitable swing away from all religion on
the part of those who would finally learn to think as they reach adult manhood.

This is not an indictment of religion. It is an indictment of the past
methods of the churches and of the old theologies which have failed to present
Christ as He essentially is, which have worked for riches, prestige, and
political power and which have striven with all available means to increase
their membership and to imprison the free spirit in man. There are wise and good
churchmen today who realize this and who are [35] steadfastly working for the
new age approach to God, but they are relatively few in number. Nevertheless,
they are waging war against theological crystallization and academic
pronouncements. They will inevitably succeed and thus salvage the religious

Then let us endeavor to see what the goal of the new educational movement should be
and what are the signposts on the way to that goal. Let us try to formulate a long range
plan which will meet with no hindrance from the methods
immediately employed, which will link the past and the future by using all that
is true, beautiful and good (inherited from the past) but which will emphasize
certain basic objectives which have hitherto been largely ignored. These newer
techniques and methods must be developed gradually and will hasten the process
of integrating the whole man.

There is no hope for the future world except in a humanity which accepts the fact of
divinity, even whilst repudiating theology, which recognizes the presence of the living
Christ, whilst rejecting man-made interpretations
of Him and of His message, and which emphasizes the authority of the human

The future which lies ahead is full of promise. Let us base our optimism upon humanity
itself. Let us recognize the self-proven fact that there is a peculiar quality in every man,
an innate, inherent characteristic to which one may give
the name "mystical perception". This characteristic connotes an undying, though
oft unrecognized, sense of divinity; it involves the constant possibility to
vision and contact the soul and to grasp (with increasing aptitude) the nature
of the universe. It enables the philosopher to appreciate the world of meaning
and - through that perception - to touch Reality. It is, above all else, the
power to love and to go out towards that which is other than the self. It
confers the ability to grasp ideas. The history of mankind is [36] fundamentally
the history of the growth of ideas, progressively realized and of man's
determination to live by them; with this power goes the capacity to sense the
unknown, to believe in the unproveable, to seek, search and demand the
revelation of that which is hidden and undiscovered and which - century after
century owing to this demanding spirit of investigation - is revealed.
It is the power to recognize the beautiful, the true and the good and by means
of the creative arts to prove their existence. It is this inherent, spiritual
faculty which has produced all the great Sons of God, all truly spiritual
people, all artists, scientists, humanitarians and philosophers and all who,
with sacrifice, love their fellowmen.

Here lie the grounds for optimism and courage on the part of all true educators and here
is the true incentive to all their efforts.

The Present Problem of Youth

The world, as known to people over forty years of age, has crumbled and is fast disappearing
The old values are fading out and what we call "civilization" (that civilization we have
thought so wonderful) is vanishing. Some of us are
thankful it is so. Others regard it as a disaster. All of us are distressed that
the means of its dissolution have brought so much agony and suffering to
humanity everywhere.

Civilization might be defined as the reaction of humanity to the purpose and the activities of a
particular world period and its type of thinking. In each age, some idea
functions and expresses itself in both racial and national idealisms. Its basic
trend down the centuries has produced our modem world and this has been
materialistic. The aim has been physical comfort; science and the arts have been
prostituted to the task of giving man a comfortable and if possible a beautiful
[37] environment; all the products of nature have been subordinated to giving
humanity things. The aim of education, generally speaking, has been to
equip the child to compete with his fellow citizens in "making a living", in
accumulating possessions and in being as comfortable and successful as

This education has also been primarily competitive, nationalistic and, therefore, separative. It
has trained the child to regard the material values as of major importance, to believe that his
particular nation is also of major
importance and that every other nation is secondary; it has fed pride and
fostered the belief that he, his group and his nation are infinitely superior to
other people and peoples. He is taught consequently to be a one-sided person
with his world values wrongly adjusted and his attitudes to life distinguished
by bias and prejudice. The rudiments of the arts are taught him in order to
enable him to function with the needed efficiency in a competitive setting and
in his particular vocational environment. Reading, writing and elementary
arithmetic are regarded as minimum requirements, plus some knowledge of
historical and geographical events. Some of the literature of the world is also
brought to his attention. The general level of civilized information is
relatively high, but it is biased and influenced by religious and national
prejudices which are instilled into the child from his earliest years, but
which are not innate. World citizenship is not emphasized; his
responsibility to his fellowmen is systematically ignored; his memory is
developed through the impartation of uncorrelated facts - most of them unrelated
to daily living.

Our present civilization will go down in history as grossly materialistic. There have been
many material epochs in history but none so generally widespread as the present or which
have involved such untold millions. [38] We are
constantly told that the cause of this war is economic; that is surely so but
the reason is that we have demanded so much of comfort and of "things" in order
to live "reasonably well". We require so much more than our forefathers needed;
we prefer a soft and relatively easy life; the pioneering spirit (which is the
background of all nations) has faded, in most cases, into a soft civilization.
This is particularly true of the Western hemisphere. Our standard of civilized

living is far too high from the standpoint of possessions and far too low from
the angle of the spiritual values, or when subjected to an intelligent sense of
proportion. Our modern civilization will not stand up to the acid test of
value. A nation is today regarded as civilized when it sets a value on
mental development, when it puts a premium on analysis and criticism and when
all its resources are directed towards the satisfying of physical desire,
towards the production of material things and towards the implementing of
material purposes as well as towards dominating competitively in the world,
towards the amassing of riches, the acquiring of property, the achievement of a
high standard of material living and towards the cornering of the produce of the
earth - largely for the benefit of certain groups of ambitious and wealthy

This is a drastic generalization but it is basically correct in its main implications, though
incorrect where individuals are concerned. For this sad and dire situation (entirely of
humanity's own
making) we pay the penalty of war. Neither the churches nor our educational
systems have been sound enough in their presentation of truth to offset this
materialistic tendency. The tragedy is that the children of the world have paid
and are paying the price of our wrongdoing. War has its roots in greed; material
ambition has motivated all the nations without exception; all our planning has
been [39] directed to the organization of the national life so that material
possession, competitive supremacy and individual and national selfish interests
would control. All nations, in their own way and degree, have contributed to
this; none has clean hands and hence war. Humanity has the habit of
selfishness and an inherent love of material possessions. This has produced
our modem civilization and, for this reason, it is being changed.

The cultural factor in any civilization is its preservation and consideration of all the best the
past has given, and its evaluation and study of the arts, the literature, the music and the
creative life of all nations - past and
present. It concerns the refining influence of these factors upon a nation and
upon those individuals in a nation who are so situated (usually financially)
that they can profit from them and appreciate them. The knowledge and
understanding thus gained enable the man of culture to relate the world of
meaning (as inherited from the past) to the world of appearances in which he
lives and to regard them as one world, but one existing primarily for his
individual benefit. When, however, to an appreciation of our planetary and
racial inheritance, both creative and historical, he adds an understanding of
the spiritual and moral values, then we have an approximation to what the truly
spiritual man is intended to be. In relation to the total population of the
planet, such men are few and far between, but they guarantee to the rest of
humanity a genuine possibility.

Will cultured people realize their opportunity? Will our civilized citizens embrace the chance
to build afresh - not a material civilization this time but a world of beauty and of right human
relations, a world in which children can
indeed grow into the likeness of the One Father and in which man can return to
the simplicity of the spiritual values of beauty, truth and goodness?

Yet, facing the worldwide reconstruction demanded and the well-nigh impossible task of
salvaging the children and youth of the world, them are those today who are engaged in
raising funds to rebuild stone churches and restore ancient buildings, thus
demanding money which is sorely needed to restore broken bodies, to heal
psychological wounds and to produce the warmth of love and understanding among
those who believe that such qualities do not exist!

SaLuSa 1-October-2010
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 3, 2010 at 1:16am

SaLuSa 1-October-2010

All around you there are more people than ever, suddenly finding that they
have the ability to channel messages. As with any skills that suddenly
appear it takes time to settle in, and the clarity of them is dependent upon
your level of consciousness. We would certainly encourage you to persevere
with channeling, and if successful you will be contacted by Beings who can
resonate with your own vibrations. It is possible that the messages you get
are personal and for your own advancement, as not everyone will be expected
to go public. These could for example come from your Higher Self, but care
needs to be taken in the early stages to ensure you do not attract lower
entities. As you might expect, when you sit for such a reason you need to
place protection around yourself. Michael invokes Warrior Angels that work
with Archangel Michael, and you could hardly do better than follow this
example. Some of you will develop your own methods, and what you need is to
surround yourself with Light, and for example the Golden White Light is most

As time passed you will find your psychic abilities also developing, and
telepathy will become more commonplace. Many of you already experience it
often without realizing it has taken place. It comes in the form of knowing
something that has not yet been spoken or taken place. You probably call it
intuition and that is why we regularly advise you to use it where you can.
When you meet new people it is a "feeling" that speaks to you volumes, and
it is indeed first impressions that tell you a lot about them. With your
expanding levels of consciousness you will begin to experience a "knowing"
about matters that are of a spiritual nature, and it will become your
measure where other information is presented to you. To continue developing,
you will need an open mind so that you do not pre-judge a situation. This
way you will allow your Guides to come closer to you, and they know exactly
what you need by way of spiritual knowledge. In reality you do not need
help, as everything is held within, even if it is in your subconscious
memory. However, wiser Beings can point you in the right direction, and you
can take it from there.

Hitherto you have not been encouraged to develop psychically, and indeed
there has been outright opposition to it. This has usually centered around
fear, and through religious teachings that associate it with the Devil. The
only one we will acknowledge is the one that Man has created through so much
negativity. It follows that what you believe in becomes real for you, so it
is best not to focus upon such creations. Of course there is evil, but there

is no point in blaming it on some mystical beast. Negative energies are all
around and even embedded in the earth, and part of the cleaning process that
is taking place is to transmute them. Some of you carry out such wonderful
unselfish work for the good of all, and that is greatly appreciated. Dear
souls of Light incarnate for such purposes, and it becomes their

The Lightworkers do tremendous work, and many have come from the higher
dimensions to which they have already ascended. Therefore although outwardly
there does not seem to be much evidence of it, without their help you would
be in a worse predicament. For many years they have sought to bring more
Light to Earth, and succeeded in opening people's eyes to the truth. You
needed to move on, and throw off the mindset created over millennia of time
that stifled original thinking. The time to be led has passed, unless you
wish to remain shackled with beliefs that will hold you back. We of the
Galactic Federation are part of the revelations, that have opened your eyes
to the existence of life beyond your Earth. The civilizations represented by
the Federation are light years away from you, yet are easily in touch
because of inter-dimensional travel. It was not that long ago it was thought
to be quite impossible, but now the idea of meeting us has expanded your
understanding. More importantly it is beginning to be known that many of you
originally came from the Star Nations. You no longer think of yourselves as
a unique form of life, or that you are God's only creation. The Universe
teems with life and it is recognizable as humanlike, and at a soul level you
have all come from the Source.

The more you accept the wonders around you the hand of God will be seen. Man
may play with genetics and your DNA but whilst he can create a body, he
cannot and never will be able to create a soul that can animate it. You are
a godspark that is immutable, indestructible and has infinite life. You were
sent out from the Source to experience whatever was your choice, and
originally you had immense power to create for yourself. As you climb back
up through the dimensions it will return along with your expanded
consciousness. However, first you must complete your journey upon Earth, and
so little time remains. You are about to embark upon the last episode that
will see an end to duality, and all will eventually change from what you
know it as now. The new Earth is emerging, and with Ascension you shall join
it in all its beauty and splendor. It will truly be a paradise that you
would call heavenly.

The wait has been long, but now the changes will start in earnest and a
great peace will settle upon the Earth. It is what you have longed for and
sought in vain. It was in fact beyond your reach whilst the Illuminati
retained their power, because their intent was exactly the opposite, by
fomenting war and destruction. All of this will soon end with the conclusion
of this cycle, and then you will be taking a giant step on the path to
Ascension. This is not therefore the time to wilt or give in to outer
pressures, as they will not impinge on you for much longer. Take whatever
happens in your stride, and keep looking ahead.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and know that predictions involving us are more
than usual, but that is to be expected as people are picking up the
vibrations involved. This often happens when changes are near, and as a
result sometimes the predictions are fragmented. Again use your intuition to
sift out the likely messages against those that are clearly false and meant
to be misleading.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

St. Germain and Hilarion on Feel the new

energies within
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 3, 2010 at 1:17am

I welcome myself to your presence - those who will read or feel this.
You understand we vary standard English grammar to assist in transmitting the real feeling
and meaning of the words, as outside of 3D, thinking and communicating are more buoyant
and without much of the
struggle feeling of 3D world.
In 3D, you must be this or that.
outside of 3D, we are everything, are we not?
and can be anything??
The channel inwardly asked what physical beings on earth at this time can do to ease their
transition in a way that actually encourages opening and contributes to continual and deeper
I recommend the word WAIT.
don't do anything.
don't think anything.
At that point you may find, feel that part of the greater reality and freedom that you seek is
there vibrating inside of you or inside of your spine, even now!
We cannot assume that partial schism between each persons physical and non-physical light
selves precludes the reality that new energies are entering anyway.
So we seek to become aware.
Now, you may begin to feel a blending an alchemy of the physical and non-physical energies.

Much is going on behind the screen of the mind.
gently waiting, and stopping assists us to step behind the screen of that which we know and
Now we are within!
here we may feel an expanded sense of our own being.
This we call the rhythm and vibration of ourself.
follow this rhythm!
Follow this vibration!
Open to the all through this vibration within you.
Then you know you are getting an alchemy that truly speaks of going within to go out, and in
this way avoiding the pitfall of abandoning your own resonation.
For if we cannot bear (wear) our own resonation than we will have difficulty transforming our
own substance by the use of our own energy and light.
We may need rest occasionally, but the push is on to join with our complete self in this
ascension cycle.
Yes be expectant!
But also remember, expect these changing realities to be registered by you right in your very
This registration is part of what we call awakening!
As Always,
St. Germain and Hilarion

Bill Maher says most Americans stupid for

believing in religion and the Bible
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 3, 2010 at 1:18am

Akashic Records for October 2010 - a
message from Akashic Records channeled
by Jen Eramith MA
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 3, 2010 at 1:29am

Akashic Records for October 2010

a message from Akashic Records channeled by Jen Eramith MA

1 October, 2010

What energy and experiences can we expect in October 2010?

This month there is a sense of rolling up your sleeves and getting to work. It can be a very
grounding month. This is a good time to get
practical things done and to begin to build the structures in your life
that will support you best in the coming years. A significant shift is
happening between 2010 and 2011. You are moving from the energy of
facing the truth and responding to challenges, and now toward actively
deciding what structures you want to have in your lives that support

This month, October 2010, is the first month when that act of building
becomes available. You have done all this work in the last year, and
especially in the last couple of months, to face the truth and take
accountability for what you know. It is time now to think ahead. Think
about the life you want to be living, think about the forces and
dynamics, the habits and patterns you want to have in your life.

This month, roll up your sleeves and start to figure out how you are
going to build those things in your life. None of you can afford to
waste any time. None of you can afford to stay in reaction or survival
mode. It is time to take accountability for everything you know and
using that knowledge. Actively take steps to build what you want to
build the relationships that support you to build the kind of work that
helps you fulfill your calling to make the world a better place and to
build the structures that enable you to support the people you feel
committed to.

It is vitally important this month that you really ask yourself the
question what is my sphere of influence? Who are the people that I can
affect? Who are the people that I am hurting now and helping now? How
can I turn every action I take into an action that creates more benefit
in the world? Everything from what you choose to buy, where you choose
to shop, the words you choose to use when you communicate, even the
thoughts you have are influencing the world for better or for worse.
This month, it is time to pay more attention to this than you ever have
before. To really consider who is influenced or what parts of the world
are influenced with every action that you take.

It is true that it is difficult to change everything at once. So this

month, when we say roll up your sleeves, we are saying get down to the
every day, moment by moment work of paying attention and bringing your
life further into integrity. When it is time to buy groceries, stop and
think about who is affected -- who has been affected by the growing and
the processing of that food, and are those effects negative or positive?

Ask yourself how can you buy your groceries in a way that benefits the
most people within your own sphere of influence -- within the
limitations of your own budget and your own field of influence.

These are the kinds questions to consider this month. This is an

important month to pay attention, to notice what you think, how you
think and to do everything you can to make the world a better place with
every thought, word and deed.

What more can we do to work with the energy this month?

This month, it is important to engage the energy of waking up. That will
be supported if you will take such good care of your physical body that
you can be awake and alert during every day. This is a very important
month to make sure you get enough sleep. The amount of sleep is
different for each of you, but all of you have an amount that you truly
need in order to thrive -- not just survive, but thrive. Make sure you
do what you can to get enough sleep this month. You might need to take
naps, to go to bed earlier, or to cut out some activities so that you
get more sleep. It is important that you sleep and eat healthy food this
month. Just pay attention and give your body what it needs to be awake,
alive and alert during every day.

Another practice that will serve you this week is to develop the
practice of acceptance. Accept the things you cannot change, thereby
freeing yourself to dedicate completely to the things you can change.
When you are feeling as if you should be doing more than you are, you
tend to feel overwhelmed and then you do not do anything at all. That is
when you tend to neglect the things that you could influence for the
better. Instead, give yourself a sense of acceptance and allowance.
Accept that you cannot change everything. Accept that you can only do
one thing at a time. When you accept that, your mind can find a sense of

Within that peace, you can think more clearly. You can take better
accountability for what you are doing and for what you are influencing.
This is a really important month to just take things one step at a time.
Instead of responding to challenges, think ahead and avoid them or
solve them preemptively. At the beginning of every week, think ahead to
the challenges you think you will have and plan for those. You are just
beginning to learn to step from survival mode into proactive, creative
mode. That opportunity is very much available for you this month.

Is there any further information the Keepers want to tell us about this month?

This is a good time for working together, to look for opportunities for
collaboration, to give people the benefit of the doubt, and to be
forgiving and accepting with others.

October 7 can be a turning point. If you have been feeling overwhelmed
or challenged, on October 7 you are going to get information that will
give you what you need to turn things around. Look for a way to change
the process so that you have your hands on the steering wheel to take
control of your own process and emotions. This is an important time to
be empowered; it is an important time to make clear decisions, to listen
to your intuition and your thoughts and to trust the thinking that
arises out of both. Trust yourself and be more decisive.

October 13 through 15 is a time when everything is amplified. It will be

hard to grasp upon any single thing very clearly. Things will change a
lot in these three days, so do not get attached to what happens. Pay
attention and collect as much information as you can. You will be able
to work with the information in the weeks following these three days.

Otherwise, the energy of this month is available as a direct result of

all the work that humanity has done. Your efforts, on the energetic,
physical, and emotional levels to heal yourselves and to reunite the
world are making a radical difference in the trajectory of humanity.
Things would be going much worse if you were not doing the work that you
are doing.

But because you are doing the work that you are doing, you all have this
opportunity in the year 2011 to take control of your destiny in a way
that was not foreseen. You have the opportunity to become proactive
about the fate of your individual lives and the fate of humanity because
of the work you have done on a personal and collective level. Things
will not get suddenly easy and they will not become simple – yet you
have more say and more ability to affect how the world is going than was
ever foreseen before.

In any of the prophecies regarding 2012, it was never foreseen that

humanity would have as much understanding of energy and spirit, of
manifestation and the power of your thoughts, your intentions and your
actions. Because you have this understanding and because you have worked
so hard to develop integrity, you are going to have a more powerful
steering wheel. You are going to have a more clear ability to affect the
world around you than was ever foreseen.

Congratulations are in order and, while you have your work cut out for
you, it is worthwhile to take some time this month to celebrate the
transition from being in survival mode, reacting to everything that
comes your way, into proactive mode where you decide in advance how to
address the challenges that you foresee coming. You are doing beautiful
work -- every single one of you!

Copyright © Akashic Transformations 2005 - 2008 All rights reserved.

The Monthly Message Preview was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith,

M.A. Permission is given to copy and redistribute the Messages
Previews provided that the contents remain complete, all credit is given
to the author, and it is freely distributed.


Culmination Lifetimes and the Sequencing

of Life Experiences by DL Zeta
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 3, 2010 at 1:59am

Culmination Lifetimes and the Sequencing of Life Experiences

by DL Zeta

Lifetimes where the overall purpose involves achieving a major understanding such as
unconditional love are lifetimes of deep commitment to one's spiritual path. Choosing a major
purpose for a lifetime sets into motion a sequencing of life experiences
designed to bring the ego into deeper and deeper levels of surrender to
the higher self. Over time, this brings the conscious mind into
constant telepathic communion with the higher self.

The circumstances chosen to create this telepathic communion can be dramatic

in that they are created to awaken consciousness and bring the ego into
a state of alignment with the soul's purpose. It is mind-boggling to
contemplate the distance the ego/conscious mind must travel to come into
this state of alignment with one’s spiritual purpose. Imagine an ego
focused on acquiring a new sports car changing its focus to that of
world service and helping to raise the collective consciousness of all
humanity. You might wonder how many steps must be undertaken to create
this shift in focus. The answer is many small steps or several quantum
steps or any combination thereof.

Symbolic ‘Deaths’ and ‘Walk-in’ Consciousness

Many souls choose to undertake major shifts in consciousness gradually

over lifetimes, following a kinder, gentler course of soul growth and
evolution. By contrast, those souls who choose a "quantum growth"
lifetime set into motion intense life events such as near-death
experiences or other extreme challenges to plunge themselves into deeper
states of awakening with more dramatic and profound results.

This example of the near-death experience is symbolic of the act of
freeing one's self of the shackles of physical life while remaining
incarnate. In undergoing symbolic "death", the ego surrenders to the
spirit's purpose for the lifetime and effectively exchanges a more human
existence for that of a conduit for spirit on the Earth plane. When
this circumstance occurs, the consciousness is sometimes viewed as a
form of “walk-in” consciousness.

There is a saying that the greater the sacrifice, the greater the magic.
The word “sacrifice” carries connotations of deprivation and lack, but
this is a misunderstanding often perpetuated by ego-directed minds that
do not yet understand the true nature of joy and bliss. We offer you
this definition of sacrifice: releasing everything that exists outside
Divine Purpose. Aligning with your Divine Purpose in this lifetime is
the strongest "magic" of all, in that it strips away everything that
stands in the way of total joy, bliss and unconditional love. These
states are the natural condition of infinite beings. Until the conscious
and subconscious become aligned, an individual is locked into physical
reality by "veiled" consciousness. Aligning with Divine Purpose is the
key that turns the lock and opens the door to planetary and personal

Energy Forecast for the rest of 2010
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 4, 2010 at 5:18pm


Robert Baker

This year moves us past the midpoint of an 9-year cycle of

integrating soul potential (2004-2012). It is a year of resolving
duality, in preparation for soul consciousness. In other words,
resolving all that is in opposition inside our own bodies and energy.

(NOTE: To get a greater sense of how these months fit into a bigger picture,
we strongly

encourage you to read the OVERVIEW of 2010 first. We have included a great deal
information in that article that is important to understand each segment of the
year. We

will not repeat that information below.)

This is a time of ending the separation of matter, as you prepare to

activate the Soul / Christed Consciousness. You are now preparing the
physical form for this to even be possible.

The last four months of the year 2010 are a part of that preparation
process. At this time you have already had the beginning movements of
the 7th chakra moving down into the lower body (Jan - April), the 6th
chakra moving down (May - August) and now in the last four months the
5th chakra will begin to move down.

This is so that the imprints of the Divine Plan can prepare the soul
to integrate itself into the physical... which will affect each
individual according to each individual's soul level of development.
That is because each person will be able to handle different amounts of
soul light. So at this time each person is having their body evaluated
for that process on a higher level of consciousness than you are able to

Keep in mind that you have chosen your specific body for what is
perfect for you, to sound your specific Soul note into the universe.
That vehicle must now be able to evolve without damaging it.

However, the potential of this time is tremendous as you prepare to

be able to radiate forth the soul light as a mass consciousness for the
first time in the history of your planet! We mention this specifically,
because this is what is being done as the Divine Plan penetrates the
physical world in a more direct way.

You must develop a clear vehicle, so that you can interpret the
information clearly and accurately as it penetrates from soul
consciousness. For that to happen, you need to learn to work WITH these
energies... and will therefore be able to interpret the Divine Plan as
it applies to you specifically, so that you can take your perfect

The records of your soul cycles are being explored, so that you can
grow into a conscious fit in the Divine Plan on the planet. This is
being done in an attempt to help you assimilate as much as possible.

The 7th chakra is working to raise the physical body, specifically

the lower chakras which help you balance life in the physical form.
Those chakras also interpret Divine consciousness into action, activity
and commitments in the physical. You then begin to see the precise

vision that is behind you, supporting you, in the purpose of the Divine

That Plan is attempting to awaken in every living thing, but it

requires that no living thing remain in separation. This is quite a
challenge for the personality, which has for the most part attempted to
separate itself (due to the memories of pain, shame and conflict that
are imprinted at this level of your learning curve).

The choices that you make within this divine energy will be used in
the clearest ways as you go through this preparation process. The Divine
Plan guides each soul, and is seeking to inform how you can be be
served, as well as how you can best serve the whole.

The Divine Plan has access to the Akashic Record, the record of all
souls and their journeys and all that you have come to know and learn.
It is time to begin to take ownership of life on those levels, knowing
yourselves as sacred vessels of the light. Each of you has been created
as a special link in the planet Earth's history.

This planet is a unique vessel that supports 12 distinct life forces

that come from 12 different star systems... all of which have integrated
one aspect of the Godmind in your soul histories. Now you have the
chance to integrate all 12 aspects for the first time in creation!

This will expand your levels of learning and knowing in unfathomable

ways, as you move through this process in the next 2000 years on your
planet. Each of the 12 star systems that is participating in this
experiment of consciousness will become a part of a gift of breaking
into new levels of reality.

You are all "chosen ones" to be at the forefront of this movement

into light, simply by having chosen to be here at this time. You are
also the first group of souls in all the human experience (not just
special, selected individuals as it has been in the past) to go through
this awakening - IF you work with the energies and prepare. This is what
has been promised.

As the 7th chakra has moved down, it has helped the body to be able
to begin interpreting a language of light for the development of the
physical form, as it begins to discern and translate the divine
comprehension of the Godmind. This is possible at various levels of
integration for each individual on the planet.

Prior to this time, you had not reached a stage of preparation even
on a physical level... and certainly not on an emotional level... to
begin to discern the still small voice of intuition of the Soul.
Resolving your emotional wounding is VITAL at this time, as this is the
only way to activate and uplevel the emotional body to become an
intuitional vehicle, which is how the soul will communicate with the

physical form.

We strongly suggest that you seek help to get the education and tools
for this process. These energies are powerful and if you habitually
resist in the subconscious, you will come into greater and greater
friction with life. The opportunity is great, for now is the time when
you will begin to be taught as the chosen people in the chosen time.

The second coming of the Christ is now, making itself known as a

consciousness moving into the womb of matter. This is the privilege that
you have been given. It is important that you prepare the physical, so
that you can ground these levels of light. Only then can you add to the
profound experience of life as it is intended to be.

It is only through experience and the practice of choosing the

activities of the Divine Plan through the force of love that you can
know this potential. The force of LOVE is awakening for the first time
in mass consciousness. And you must prepare the body in very real ways.
Only then can you know that you and your Creator are One. Many of you
have felt lost... and you have been living at HOME.

But you have not known how to become intimate with your home, as you
have not even become intimate with your selves for the most part. In the
next four months, these are some of the symptoms and shifts that you
can expect.

As the Divine Plan begins to download into your planetary physical

grids in a more direct way, it will be placed into a sacred physical
space on the planet as a macrocosm, with 13 dimensional access points.
In this coming month, there will be a new level of learning and desire.
This will activate the experiential desire for the soul.

This four months is very important for making sure that all of the
information reaches its destination clearly and without mishap. This is a
vast source of multi-dimensional consciousness that needs to be
downloaded into a single dimension for experience. It has NEVER been
done before on any star system.

This is why all other star systems have lost their physical form as
this awakening into Ascension took place. They had not worked out HOW to
make this a physical experience that was going to be clear and
understandable. And these were only SINGLE cycles of the Godmind. At
this time, you have a very ambitious plan - integrating all 12 of the
Archetypes of the Godmind, all translated into experience and expression
and action of being through a fully-awakened soul.

This is a rare vibrational level to reach. The human body has been
created to be able to assimilate these differences. This has been done
in a way that is harmonious for all 12 systems. As this plan for your
particular soul fragment downloads in the coming months, it will move

directly into the HEART, the mind of the soul.

This will be what is perfect for each person, so that you will each
be ready to take your places in service for the good of the whole. Those
who are able to awaken their souls fully will be those who are at a
higher soul level of development and have volunteered to be here to do
this very thing.

This is so there would be enough participants on the planet, to move

from the density of separation into the sophisticated multi-dimensional
awareness and intelligence that is now becoming possible. The souls will
now educate the body and personality, to become capable of
understanding everything, masters at understanding life in a new way.
You will learn to use the inspired creativity of the soul light through
the heart.

The intuition will become a direct communication of divine light,

giving you instructions that serve you and the whole. Not a moment is
being wasted. Because the excitement behind the scenes with the souls
that have reached this stage of evolution - to be the servants of the
whole of humanity is a privilege and a responsibility that you many
never experience again.

There is no way we can convey this level of energy and anticipation.

When you are ready, you are given the opportunity. All of you will
become ready as you take your forward steps in the next 2000 years. We
inform you now to encourage you to begin taking clear and conscious
steps into healing your wounded lower selves.

Learning about the unknown is very exciting. As you reveal it to

yourselves, you will begin to feel the transformations on the spot,
without delay. As you open to this experience, you will know that you
have never been separate from the Divine Creator energy. They have
merely not let their presence known when you were trapped solely in an

You will come to experience moments in the next month, as this energy
begins to download into the heart, that you move into truth in a new
way. In the future, this will become known as the soul beginning to
speak to you in its own casual level. You will imbibe it and begin to
feel a new connection in your heart.

There will be a growing sense of "knowing," less and less the

observer of life, separate and listening to some authority outside of
yourself. At other times, you will begin to remember early lifetimes
when you chose to be a part of this experiment. You will start to feel
on a new "page" energetically.

The energy of the lifeforce is what you will recognize as it gets

stronger and stronger in the coming months. At the same time, you will

be distracted by sudden jolts from old things that you have experienced,
that will now be seen in a different light. You will start to
understand that your past experiences have provided symbols that have
been important for your teachings.

These teachings were conveyed in ways that could be understood for

each group at each level. You may become surprised at how you have
evolved unconsciously, as you begin to awaken to who you actually ARE.

You will start to feel a new trust in the process of life, as you
develop the necessities that are inherent at each level. It is alright
to know that you are beginning to know yourselves as ONE with the
creative force. It has "got your back" at all times, even though you
haven't had the kind of understanding that would allow you to know that
or to communicate through that. You will eventually KNOW that you are a
part of the energy and consciousness of God.

It would not be wise to share this with people who are at levels of
consciousness that are much more fundamental. This may create more fear
than healing. Just let it be your truth, as you are ready to move into
it and know it.

However, as the body becomes prepared, you will develop a mainline of

communication, which will start to be put into a process of primitive
experience - which will at first intrigue and pull you more fully

Each group will be given specific tasks, which will allow the
assimilation of different parts of the Plan. This will involve
tremendous levels of integrity. You will know if you are being a part of
these tests. You will be having experiences that are disguised through
archetypes in your daily experiences, which will reveal the archetypes
that are necessary for you to face, resolve and become.

Your initial responses will determine where you are and what you are
ready to handle. This is how very clearly each one of you is being
honored within the Plan. Each person is very sacred and of specific use
at every level!

They are honoring the depth of the Divine Plan by considering each
person in the unfoldment of what may seem like a fantasy or impossible
dream. It will be like a "training manual" for the soul, as it is
downloading into the lower chakras/energy centers of the subconscious.

The soul can then become the "teacher" for your individual nervous
system, guided through your developed intuition. The language of sacred
geometrics will be translated into your consciousness. The time will
come when you will no longer even use the primitive tools that you now

use. This is all being developed by the soul as it comes into conscious

During this time you may have some shake up in the throat and heart.
You may have throat symptoms as you assimilate and clear blockages. You
may also be very emotional as these high energies bring up the lower
unresolved energies that need to be expressed and neutralized. You will
go through phases in these four months. In the heart, it will move
through the seven gateways of the heart.

These give you the ability to be able to translate the Divine Plan
into a cycle of learning that is perfect for you. You may see lights
during this time. You will feel things that are new, but feel
pleasurable to you. To some of you, it will seem like "this is the way
that it always should have been."

The good news is that you no longer have to remain separate from this
potential. The pineal and pituitary glands will continue to be
activated during this time, as you go through your testing. This is to
activate a new vision for your life. What you may experience is symptoms
like having your cell phones stop working.

This is because there are more interferences energetically, affecting

your connections. This will be revealed layer by layer over time. It
will not be the same for everyone, keep in mind.


The 5th chakra will begin to move down into the heart (4th chakra in
this month). This energy deals mainly with the creative force, the
expression of individuality. This will be a time that encourages you all
to become self-contained as individuals.

This month will be a time to focus on what is in balance and what is

out of balance. Giving and receiving. Experiencing duality and
attempting to bring that into more balance.

In the 4th chakra (heart), it will reveal where the extremes of

giving and receiving are out of balance at first. It may bring up the
extremes of dramas between the positive and negative sides of things

You will see the extreme of your capacity to experience the positive,
as the extreme of the negative rises to the surface. It is much the
same as the darkness reveals the light of day.

It is also the time where you will see in the world around you a
general malaise or uncertainty in various groups. Even politicians may
make decisions that are caught in indecision and being unsure about new
directions or how to create solutions. There may be many contradictions

that come to the surface for you all.

In the contradiction, you will eventually find the truth that is

inherent in it all. However, at first you face the questions and
uncertainty. This will certainly be the case with things that are very
important. That is only the surface of the process that will allow you
to transform.

There will also be some heartfelt revelations, with a light in the

head and heart that inspire you into new experiences, as things start to
align. Ahah!

It is a time when a lot of light that has been waiting to establish

itself in the physical sense begins to reveal itself through ideas,
concepts, experiences and creativity. Experience is the key to
revelation. You will find yourself experiencing less as an idea, but how
the feeling and mental come together as a new type of experience.

It is a place where the gateways of the heart begin to activate in a

more powerful way, as an energy at first... not so consciously at first.
In the coming months, you will begin to download them as new
perspectives in your conscious reality.

It will be a time to look for deeper truths. And it will be hard to

stand in denial of deeper truths any longer. This will only add to the
confusion of the old, survival approach to life.


In this second month, the 5th chakra will move you into the 3rd...
identity and power connected to the higher will. This will awaken the
passion for life and for truth that will awaken more and more.

Since the 3rd chakra is the area of manifestation and the lower
mental body (ideas, concepts and beliefs), it will be a time when old
beliefs will rise and you will begin to see the illusion to some of your
old perceptions.

You will find that in the world there will be a sudden struggle to
hold onto old forms and traditions. It may become a focus for many,
which will create conflict with others.

The experience and expression of identity will be triggered here. So

there may be a lot of conflict with identification of self, who you have
known yourself to be. Co-dependent relationships with life will no
longer feel like truth. The illusion of it will become more important.

These higher energies are revealing deeper truths in these lower

chakras, running into conflicts with the illusions. And this month will
include the lower will, which is where you have looked outside to the

world as the "source" of your fulfillment. It can never be.

So it will be a time of revealing a level of attachment, so that you

can begin to let go. This will take place as you become more aware of
deeper truths. It can be a month of many power struggles, within and

It is also a time where you will begin to create a fusion or

connection between the outer and inner, in a relationship that is unique
to what you have known. You will see it less as an opposition of one
with the other, but more and more how they serve each other. You will
begin to understand that the outer is nothing more than a mirror that
reflects what is taking place in the inner world.

You will begin to see the power that is available to you, but only as
you become conscious and make decisions from the inner truth of your
being. You will see how cause and effect and the repetition of feelings
creates a constant reflection in the outer world of form. This will
reveal deeper truths.

You may also see some of your major fears surfacing, in very strong
timelines. In other words, you will see how these patterns have come
from the accumulated experiences of this lifetime, as well as the
influence (for some) of past lives that have brought you to these
moments and opportunities.

This is the beginning of contemplation, the subconscious penetrating

into the conscious awareness more fully. This will open you to the
beginnings of multi-dimensionality and how things interconnect more than
you have known.

An example would be when a certain trauma takes place in your present

reality and you see how it relates to your past in a pattern and
unfoldment of that cycle. You will then see more clearly how it is all
held together. This may have a domino effect of revelation for many of

Physically and energetically there may be some strange sensations.

Examples include feeling the revelation of consciousness as a wave of
energy moving in certain parts of the body. This is because these
memories have been held in various places in your body and are being
released and revealed.

As you get to the origins of these timelines and releases, you may
feel movements left and right, up and down, undulations, etc. You may
get a wave of feelings or images that move as well.

In the world, it will be a time of some increase in negotiations. The

relationship between countries may move into deeper negotiation. There
will also be more corruption revealed in this time. This will happen for

individuals, companies and on some grander scales. The new energies are
committed to revealing the truth of things.

Many illusions and secrets will be revealed.


In this month you will move the 5th chakra down to the 2nd chakra.
This will begin to create a level of emotional truth that knows no

The truth of how you feel will begin to gnaw and nag in new ways, to
new degrees. There will be confusion for some, particularly people who
have not been in touch with their emotional bodies. They will find
themselves thrown into emotional chaos as the truth of their feelings

The way people in resistance have identified themselves will be

called into question. You will hear a lot about the divorce rate
increasing, based on how people are finding less and less they can trust
what their illusions have perpetuated.

People have been attracted to illusions in many ways. This chakra is

all about attraction and sexual energy. It will start to be connected to
different truths. You may perceive all people in your life from new

You may find yourself losing your sexual energy to certain things and
people as it is transformed. Remember that you are inspired to relate
to all things through sexual energy. There will be upheavals across the
board in relationships that are not based on truth.

You will also find that the sexual force of attraction will begin to
change. What has attracted you within certain conditioning of the family
system will be waning more and more. It is not the deepest truth. It
has been through interpretations of a child, projections at a certain
level of being that no longer resonates.

The reality of things will also move you into stages of a loss of
desire, not only through attraction, but in your passion for things in
your life. You may have flagging interest, which will concern the old
way of being. The values of these new energies will at first interrupt
what has been, prior to the new truths revealing a new way of relating.

As you allow this, you will find new levels of meaning and awareness
of what truly has no meaning for you. In some ways, it may feel like a
chasm inside at first. Many will try to fill that hold, whether it be
through food, alcohol, activities, etc.

The emptiness will build if you fight it. However, it is a space that

is waiting to be filled and claimed in the deeper truth of who you are
and what you need. If you allow this, you will experience a much deeper
authentic ability to connect, where you exchange with others in truer

It may feel as though someone lifted a veil that was hanging over
your reality. It will be in some ways like going through adolescence all
over again. Your conditioning has been held into place from early
adolescence where you had extreme emotional attachments and reactions.

As that reveals itself, the answers will be found somewhere in the

middle of your extremes. You may then begin to see the wondrous truth of
things and how that will have a ripple effect and inspiration of other
parts of your life.

You may find yourself more neutral about things as well, with more neutral


This will be a month to begin building up new structures, as the 5th chakra
moves into the 1st at the base of the spine.

The 7th Ray and the 2nd Ray will help to move the Divine Plan into more of
the structure and form of your lives.

You may have impatience with certain old formats and patterns and
behaviors that have mostly been to distract or avoid or delay life. As
you become more aware of the truth, you will be more inspired to act and
move into the manifestation of those truths. What is out of order will
irritate in many ways.

As you get clear about what serves you and what does not, you will
tend towards these new truths in your choices and commitments. Decisions
will become more finely tuned. And you will experience more fruits of
your labors and investments.

The gift of clarity and focus will become more embodied. You will
appreciate knowing more of what is real and what is not, what you want
to invest in and what you do not. You will see more clearly with a
newfound inspiration to act upon the truth.

This may create a depth of peace and joy on the inside as these
levels of light begin to hint and give glimpses. it is a month that can
be very beneficial, revelatory, with many things potentially

You will see the benefits of the inner investments you have made.
These are some of the things you can experience and expect in the
last four months of 2010. There are wonderful possibilities, as well as

some deeper challenges. Face them with as much willingness as you can
muster. Learn to love yourself is the primary key, for it will be
reflected in the life around you.



Hamilelik ve Ses hakkında - Hathorlar, Tom

Kenyon kanalı ile
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 4, 2010 at 6:00pm

Hamilelik ve Ses hakkında - Hathorlar, Tom Kenyon kanalı ile

- Bir süredir ses ve hamilelik hakkında düşünüyorum. Bir bebek dünyaya geldiğinde,
boyutlararası özelliklerinin çok büyük bir
bölümünü kaybediyor. Ben de sesin, bu veriyi korumaya bir yardımı olup
olamayacağını merak ettim. Bir çocuğun doğduğu zaman, hala özüne bağlı olduğunu
ve bu bağlantının bilinç seviyesinde yavaş yavaş koptuğunu biliyorum.

- Hamileliğin son üç ayında, cenin beyninin ve sinir sisteminin işitsel kanalları

aracılığıyla ses titreşimlerini net bir şekilde alır. Bundan önce, işitsel
kanallar, belirsiz farklılıkları ayırt etmeye yetecek kadar gelişmemiştir.
Ancak, gelişmekte olan ceninin enerji alanı, duygulara olduğu kadar sese ve
titreşime de aşırı derecede tepkiseldir. Buna annenin duygusal durumunu da
eklemeliyiz. Bir yetişkinin enerji alanı, ses titreşimine karşı son derece
açıktır, ama genel anlamda çocukların alanları çok daha geçirgen, daha az
yapılandırılmış, daha yumuşaktır.

Bizim anlayışımıza göre, bir çocuğun özüyle bağını kaybetmesinin nedeni, senin de belirttiğin
gibi, hamilelik
sırasında destek alamaması değil, içinde bulunduğu kültürü benimsemesidir.
Hamilelik döneminde çocuk, annenin ortamındadır. Anne, küçük gelişmekte olan bir
embriyoya bir Tanrıça gibidir ve embriyo, büyük dölyatağında yüzmektedir.
Dolayısıyla çocuğun dünyası, annenin dünyası ile sınırlıdır. Böylece annenin
duygusal tepkileri ve düşünceleri, çok güçlü bir şekilde etkilidir ve embriyonun
gerçekliğinin küresel bir özelliğidir.

Ancak doğum sırasında, yeni doğan bebek annesinin ortamından ayrılır ve aniden dünyadadır
ve son derece geçirgen

enerji alanı, çevreye yayılır ve çocuğun karşılaştığı şeyle şekillenir ve
etkilenir. Çocuklar, doğaları gereği, açık yüreklidir, ama bu zamanda bir
kültürle mücadele etme sürecinde, onu nasıl kapatacaklarını veya ondan nasıl
kopacaklarını öğrenirler. Dolayısıyla boyutlararası temasın kaybolması, kültürel
bir fenomendir.

Çocuklarımız bize doğduğunda, doğum anından kısa bir süre sonra toplanır ve En Yüksek
Kaderin Şarkısı adını verdiğimiz şarkıyı söyleriz.
Bu, seslerimizdeki ses titreşimlerini, bu benliğin zaman çizelgesine göndererek
çocuk için engelleri kaldırma niyetiyle yapılır. Biz bunun son derece besleyici,
destekleyici ve çocuğun dünyamıza gelmesine yardımcı olmada etkili olduğunu

Bir çocuğa doğumdan önce yardım anlamında size önereceğimiz, ennenin embriyoya şarkılar
söylemesi, hatta mümkünse babanın da aynısını
yapmasıdır. Burada verebileceğimiz birkaç öneri var. Bu, anne veya babanın
yüreğinden gelen bir ninni olmalıdır. Tek yapılması gereken, bu çocuk için
duyduğunuz özgün minnettarlık hissinizle temas kurmaktır. Bu çocuk için gerçek
bir minnettarlık duymuyorsanız, o zaman gerçekliğinizle ninni aracılığıyla
anlatmaya çalıştığınız şey arasında bir uyumsuzluk olacaktır. Döllenme anından
itibaren çocuğa ninni söylemenin olumlu bir etkisi vardır, tabi bu şekilde
yapıldığı taktirde.

Yeterince farkında olanlar için, ekleyebileceğiniz bir unsur daha var. Düşünce ve niyet
formunun daha incelikli bir kullanımı daha
var. Anne ya da baba, yürekten gelen bir minnettarlık duygusu ile çocuğa ninni
söylerken, düşünce ve formunu ya da inancı tutun ki çıkardığınız sesler, çocuğun
boyutlararası ya da kutsal yönüne yollar açsın ve geleceğini temizlesin. Bu
iletişimin ileri bir formudur ve eğer bunu yapma kapasitesine sahipseniz, kısa
anlatımımızdan bunun nasıl yapılacağını hemen anlayacaksınız. Söylediğimiz şey
sizin için zorsa, endişelenmeyin. Sadece duyduğunuz minnettarlıkla ona yürekten
ninni söyleyin.

Tüm çocuklar bu Dünya alemine bu şekilde gelselerdi, bu dünyaya olağanüstü bir armağan

The New Energy Wave by Archangel
Sandalphon channelled through Natalie
Glasson - 04/10/10
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 4, 2010 at 8:26pm

The New Energy Wave by Archangel Sandalphon

channelled through Natalie Glasson
- 04/10/10

A deep appreciation extends to you now from the angelic kingdom and the inner plane light
beings; we wish to say that we love you as our brothers and
sisters and that we are here to guide and assist you through the periods
of change on the Earth and within your being. Change is an energy that
must be embraced; it is an aspect of life that allows evolution. Our
love for you cradles you completely and awakens your energy so that you
may receive and accept the new energy wave of 2010 which is a powerful
intention expressed by the Creator's soul at this time.

First we wish for you to allow yourself to bathe in the angelic love of the angelic kingdom.
This is one of the many reasons why I, Archangel
Sandalphon, have been guided to bring forth this special message to you;
it is to assist you in connecting with the love of the angelic kingdom
to prepare your energies for acceptance of the new energy wave. The love
of the angelic kingdom is so pure and fine in its vibration; a single
breath of angel love will heal and rejuvenate your energies completely,

releasing any fears or blockages in your own energy flow and expression.
Allow yourself to sit peacefully for a moment and say out loud,

'Beloved Archangel Sandalphon, the Archangels and the Angels, I invoke your attention,
presence, love and light to encapsulate me now and the Earth.
Let your love shine as a torch of light into my soul and heart,
awakening and invigorating the natural loving energies that I hold. Pour
your consciousness of love into my entire being and energy bodies so
that I may exist as the pure and blissful love of the angels. Allow me
to experience a love that is greater than I have previously experienced.

I ask that the energy of the entire angelic kingdom of the most appropriate vibration is
anchored deep into the Earth now on all
vibrational levels of the Earth. Please stabilise the Earth's energies
and my own energies so that we may experience and absorb the presence of
love with ease.

Archangel Sandalphon, I ask that now or at the most appropriate time that you remove the
separations and boundaries between the Earth and the angelic
kingdom to allow the love of the angelic kingdom to truly manifest into
humanity's physical plane and reality. Archangel Sandalphon, as an
Archangel of the Earth I trust in your sacred knowledge of the Earth and
its humanity's needs. Let the love of the angelic kingdom prepare all
to be receptive to the new energy wave of 2010. Thank you.'

Take time to experience this fully, you should be able to feel the power of the angel's love
embracing and surging into your being.

The new energy wave of 2010 holds powerful intentions of connecting and bonding the
energy of the nature kingdoms, nature spirits and Mother
Earth with humanity to build a greater oneness, unity and harmony on the
Earth. In addition to anchoring love in preparation for the new energy
wave of 2010 there is a need for you to energetically reach out to the
Earth and the nature kingdoms to create bonds now so that the energy
that you receive can be shared openly and easily with the Earth. As the
Earth receives the energy wave your energies will merge more fully with
the light of the Earth. The nature kingdom, the Earth and Mother Earth
are sacred and beautiful soul energies and vibrations, they are
representatives of the Creator's soul on the Earth. Now is the time to
appreciate and honour their presence, learning from the knowledge that
they hold. Allow yourself to sit peacefully in meditation and say out

'Archangel Sandalphon, I ask you to assist me in magnifying my energy and extending my

light to the nature kingdoms and the Earth. Please create a
sacred bond that is unbreakable between my soul and the sacred pure
vibrations of the nature kingdom. I am open to learning from and
listening to the wisdom that the nature spirits wish to share with me

I wish to anchor my own energies of love into the soul of Mother Earth so that we may exist
as one united energy, merging and exchanging valuable
Creator energy to aid our spiritual development but also the ascension
of humanity. I express my love to Mother Earth for her constant loving
presence and ask that I am able to adopt a constant loving presence on
the Earth as a reflection of Mother Earth's divine soul and pure
qualities. Mother Earth as I send my healing energies to you now I
honour, respect and love you with all my heart and soul, recognising you
as the Creator on the Earth. Let my bonds and appreciation of the
Earth, Mother Earth, the nature kingdom and spirits increase with each
day as I extend the love of my soul to all. Thank you.'

Take time to experience this and to imagine, sense or acknowledge your light extending into
the Earth knowing that your soul will create the most
perfect connections and bonds for your growth and spiritual development.

With these preparations in place you will be ready to invoke the new energy wave of 2010to
anchor into your being, you can begin to anchor this
energy several days before 10/10/10 but you will feel its strength and
climax on 10/10/10. This is because of the greater volume of people
holding the same intention on this day and a greater volume of light
souls on the inner planes focusing upon the anchoring of this energy
wave with devotion and love. You may simply sit in meditation with the
intention of anchoring the new energy wave of 2010 into your being,
aligning with the Creator's soul to experience this flow or charge of
energy through you. Just being open to the light will allow you to
experience and decipher its energy, purpose and intentions. Invoking the
light each day will support your growth and understanding of the
teachings held within the energy wave and how they may influence your
reality and spiritual practices now and in the future. Alternatively you
may wish to say this invocation out loud during a peacefully state of

'Archangel Sandalphon, the Archangels, Ascended Masters, my beloved guides and the
Creator, I call upon your protection, support and love now and ask you
to align me on a new higher vibration to the soul of the Creator as well
as the soul of Mother Earth. Please allow me to be receptive and open
to the loving and inspirational energies I am about to receive. I ask
that you now anchor into my entire being the new energy wave of 2010,
let me experience this sacred energy holding wonderful intentions from
the Creator's soul pouring through and merging with my being. Assist me
in perceiving and understanding the teachings of the new energy wave
with ease. Thank you.'

Simply feel the energy flowing as a beam of light down the centre of your being and into the
Earth. Let this energy build as a core of strength
within you emanating brightly into your entire being. Your body will
begin to maintain and hold the light within your being while you
experience the continuous and constant flow of energy through your
being. Allow the light to build in your heart and soul connecting with

your mind to bring about a loving mindfulness where your thoughts are
influenced by your heart and you are able to manifest loving experiences
for yourself and the Earth. This is one of the energy wave's teachings
to adopt a loving mindfulness that allows you to work with Mother Earth
to create and magnify the energy of love on the Earth through your

The energy wave teaches all to take greater attention and care of the Earth, to listen to the
Earth, to focus upon healing the Earth and
blending your energies with the Earth's vibration to achieve a powerful
unity. The Creator asks you to listen to the needs of the Earth and to
offer your services and thoughts of healing and love to manifest the
divine will of the Creator and Mother Earth on the Earth. There is a
need to respect the sacred energy that the nature kingdoms and spirits
hold, realising the wealth of ancient knowledge and abilities they can
share with us. When we begin to work with the Earth we will see the
beauty of the Creator and discover more about ourselves as the Creator. A
new found respect for the Earth will allow the Earth to support the
growth of humanity and manifest a haven of love for true unity with the
Creator to take place. Listening to the Earth allows you to remain truly
balanced in times of change, receiving essential information and
insights when needed. If humanity begins to value the Earth, with a
greater unity to the Earth, humanity will magnify the Earth's energy as
the Earth magnifies humanity's energies.

Additional teachings of the new energy wave of 2010 are the ability to understand, accept and
build your abilities of connection and communication,
manifesting the presence of simplicity in your reality and actions as
well as listening with a greater concentrated attention. These teachings
will be discussed in greater depth next week.

It is essential now that you draw upon your own inner guidance and power to discover the
personal meaning of the new energy wave for you as a
soul on the Earth.

May you enjoy the greater presence of the Creator and the Creator's intentions in your life

Archangel Sandalphon

The Akashic Records and the Repository of
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 5, 2010 at 2:00am

The Akashic Records and the Repository of Thoth

‘Akashic’ is an eastern term which, according to Thoth, refers to the planetary ‘Recorder
Cell,’ where thought, feeling and occurrences throughout all
time in the planet’s history are stored as a record of knowledge within
the subtle etheric substance of the planet. However, the nature of the
akashic records are much more complex and far-reaching than might be
imagined according to Tehuti, whom we also know as Thoth, and who holds
the title of being the ‘Great Akashic Scribe.’ He tells us that the
akashic is an etheric subtle energy region arranged into bandings which
are concentric shells within and around the Earth. These akashic energy
bands or shells have a very high resonance with the God-Source emanating
from within the human element.

The electromagnetic and gravitational force fields of the planet are the media upon which
these energy bands are able to record information, also providing stability to their
energy bands are formed through the interaction of two distinct
dynamics, which then form a third that becomes the final qualification
for the planetary akashic records. The first two dynamics are 1) the
divinity within human souls and 2) the Planetary Soul. The Planetary
Soul is the living essence of the planet, the heart of Gaia. These two
dynamics interact to form the World Soul, which the Lemurians called the

Thus the World Soul is formed via the combined Light of the souls present within the
planetary experience, in interaction and combination with the Planetary Soul.

So it is the World Soul which is then the basic format for the akashic records held in the
concentric energy bands previously mentioned. As they vibrate with the dynamic of
the World Soul, fields of resonance with the God-Source are created
within their parameters. These akashic energy bands interlink to form
three dimensional geometric patterns. These patterns then comprise the
‘recording crystals’ within the Recorder Cell or akashic of Earth. Thoth
tells us that the most basic of these patterns is called the acosha,
and is actually a single ‘crystal.’ The acosha is in the shape of a
dodecahedron. Upon each face of the acosha dodecahedron the thought
forms of the World Soul create etheric ‘ripples.’ The type of thought
within these ripples determines where it ‘records’ its impression upon
the crystal, and upon which face of the crystal it is to be recorded.
Each recording crystal is receptive to receiving the impressions of
specific types of thought forms, just which ones is determined primarily
by the degree and quality of the illumination contained within the
thought. This is the manner in which the thought forms containing the
knowledge, perception and wisdom, as well as the illusion of the ages of
Earth, are catalogued into the library of the Recorder Cell of the

Within the ‘main library’ of Earth’s akasha, there are two major levels. There are the higher or
Greater Akashic, and the lower or Lesser Akashic records. In the Lesser

Akashic, every thought, feeling and expression of consciousness
expressed upon the Earth is recorded and compiled
according to the intensity level they find within the souls of Earth who produce them. In
other words, whatever is continually ‘fed’ by the power of mind and
emotion in humanity, builds a field of increasing intensity within the
Lesser Akashic.

Some of the most prevalent consciousness thought-forms in the Lesser Akashic would be such
things as the world’s religions, common issues of survival, and politics. Many
of these records contain accurate and true information. However, they
are also liberally inter-mixed with many illusions that are born of mass
belief systems as well. When accessing the Lesser Akashic, the
individual akashic investigator’s thoughts, feelings, and beliefs will
magnetically attracted to information (true or illusional) that supports their own inner feelings
and beliefs. If the akashic
investigator is exceptionally clear mentally and emotionally, and not
egoically attached to their ability to access the information available
within the Lesser Akashic, they can move amongst the strong currents of
lower magnetic energy present, and align with the highest truth to be
found in the Lesser Akashic.

The Greater Akashic does not actually store the thought-forms contained in the World Soul
(those of the planetary consciousness) as does the Lesser Akashic. Rather, it
alchemically extracts the nectar; the purest
knowledge-forms from the Lesser Akashic and translates them into highly defined ‘Light
Inscriptions,’ which are then ‘flamed,’ or inscribed, into the heart of
each crystal in the Greater Akashic field of the Recorder Cell.
Understand that there is only one Recorder Cell, with two main fields,
or levels.

These Light Inscriptions then emanate repeating pulses of Light Language imaging from the
center of the recording crystal, which can be intercepted by a sentient being. In
order for a sentient being to ‘read’ the Greater Akashic Record,
they must first be able to receive this information deep within their
own ‘Recorder Cell.’ Therefore, the individual is not ‘channeling’ as it
is commonly understood when working in this level of the akashic, but
summoning an attunement of vibration between the Greater Akashic
recording crystal within the Planetary Akashic Recorder Cell, and the
prototype Recorder Cell within their own crystalline DNA spirals.

The information that is contained within the Greater Akashic which the individual has then
‘attuned to,’ is sent to their brain-mind complex from their own
Recorder Cell to interact with the individual’s process of thought
formation. Thus, it is through the individual’s thought formation
process being modulated with this higher level information that some
communicable understanding of the knowledge received is effected.
Unfortunately, while the information received in this manner is
relatively pure, it is also very difficult to comprehend when it is
transcribed into the common languages of the Earth. This is due to the

fact that in this current reality, we have structured our languages to
communicate a very limited understanding of the Omnipotence we call
‘God’ and the many aspects and nuances of divine expression. Thus, often
another translation factor needs to be applied. There are various
adjustments that can be made, but in my case, Thoth supplys me with
keys and codes, or ‘guidance commands,’ which I can use as a ‘Rosetta
Stone’ to further translate the information. This is accomplished on a
subconscious level, whereby these key ‘codes’ are placed into my auric
field and therefore ‘read’ by an area in my brain which is responsive to
them. The codes are in the form of pictures or ‘pictographs’ that
prompt and orient my language center into a greater comprehension of the
knowledge being released from my Recorder Cell. In addition, Thoth
often directly answers my questions, this information flow also
comes to my conscious awareness via my Recorder Cell. In addition, when I
need clarification concerning certain types of material, Thoth many
times then guides me to other areas of the Greater Akashic in which the
specific knowledge can be located to give me a larger perspective on the
original information I am attempting to translate. Since I play an
interactive role in ‘de-coding’ the knowledge downloaded into my
Recorder Cell from the Greater Akashic, Thoth refers to me as a ‘source

This whole procedure for me, or anyone working primarily through direct receipt of the
Greater Akashic is not an infallible program; most especially in that the
mental-personality has to be involved at some level in interpretation of
the information so that it may be brought into a pattern suitable for
planetary comprehension. It needs to be realized that all humans on the
planet interact with the Lesser Akashic. They contribute to it and
receive imprints from it, both in dream and waking states, that
influence their lives.

Thus we have the Greater and Lesser fields of the Akashic present within the Recorder Cell of
the Earth. The Lesser Akashic is influenced and greatly controlled by lesser
human thought-feeling impressions; the Greater Akashic is impersonal
and responds only to the essence of truth within the soul. Thoth states
that in the case of the Higher Akashic, although it "does not store the
thought-forms contained in the World Soul," it does integrate with it,
as it extracts the purest essence, or nectar, from the Lesser Akashic.

Thus, this is the manner in which it integrates with the World Soul via the Lesser Akashic

Yet there is another, even greater realm of the akashic, which Thoth defines as the ‘Supra-
Akashic.’ This field is not within the Earth domain, but is
comprised of the akashic recording crystals of the Universe. It operates
similarly to the Greater Akashic of the Earth, but is not integrated
with any individual ‘World Soul.’ Instead, it contains the harmonic
musical language of the Angels, Archangels, Elohim and all the Creator
Lords of this Universe. Because the Supra-Akashic does not interface

with the Lesser Worlds directly, only ‘master souls’ of Earth can as yet
interact with its high level hologramic thought-form information.

When this planet enters its ascended phase as the ‘New Earth Star,’ souls present within that
reality system will then be able to start accessing some of this higher level information as the
begins to feed select harmonics into the New Earth Star Greater Akashic field.

Thoth tells us that as a planetary whole, we will integrate our individual Recorder Cells
directly with the Supra-Akashic once our planet moves through the
Mazzaroth (zodiac), and enters under the command of the
Mazaloth (greater state of universal being). This will be a gradual ongoing process beginning
with the
Earth’s entry into the ascended New Earth Star reality, and will complete at
the end of that next cycle, which he calls the New Earth Star Aeon.

The Records of Thoth

Now that a good understanding of the nature of the akashic records has been revealed, we can
investigate the ‘overlay’ upon the Greater Akashic field called the ‘Records of Thoth.’
As I have said previously , certain Master beings (including Thoth) have
their own ‘repositories’ of knowledge within the Greater Akashic. These
repositories are actually filters
which define the ‘pure extract’ taken from the Lesser Akashic, in a specific
modality of divine encoding. Thus the souls who are meant to work with that
certain form of encoding can more accurately discern its particular essence
within the whole ‘Light-brary’ represented in the Greater Akashic. This
is kind of like ‘flagging’ or ‘tagging’ files on a computer hard drive
a particular operation, like when you do a back-up to a tape drive. The tagged
files form a new ‘database’ of sorts, that can be considered a
repository of information which has been created from the existing files
on the hard drive.

Why is this necessary? Thoth explained to me that this world and all aspects of the universe in
which the Earth resides, are in a process of returning to Source. In this process,
the many components of this universe are all moving toward the
full-Light spectrum
(Source) at different velocities, or rates of evolution so to speak. In order
for all these differing aspects of the fallen universe to move in a confluent
manner towards Source, various levels and modalities of guidance must be
inserted into the Light Program of Return issued forth from the Divine Hierarchy
of Light. Within this framework, the ‘Masters’ have their service, and in
concordance with that service, many develop and maintain their distinct
repositories of knowledge within the Greater Akashic Light-brary.

There are individuals who are ordained to the service of working within these repositories to
re-insert the knowledge contained therein into the planetary consciousness aspect of
the World Soul.
This occurs in synergy with other souls who are required as well, in order to

effectively disseminate and hold that consciousness vibration within the World
Soul dynamic. The net result of this activity, then, is to help bring some of
the various components of this universe, in this case those primarily
related to the Earth, into synchronization in their evolutionary movement with
other aspects of the universe. In other words, the Masters are working to
help bring the slower aspects of the universe up to the same speed as the
faster moving components, by accelerating or quickening them via the release of
the ‘pure’ information contained within their specific repository in the
Greater Akashic. These releases are carefully timed by the Hierarchy, to assure
that the acceleration will serve the greater purpose of synchronization, rather
than cause further imbalance.

From among all these ‘Master’ repositories, Thoth informs us that his is somewhat unique in
regard to the manner in which it was originally formed, and in how it is
organized. It is for this reason that
the archetype of Thoth or Tehuti, which bears his name and higher mind
impression, is known as the ‘Scribe of the Gods’ and the ‘Guardian of the

There are ancient texts that state the living Thoth-Hermes was the author of some 3,000
books. We must consider that this master soul was upon the Earth twice where he used
the name ‘Thoth.’ In the
first experience he came to Earth as ‘Toth-mus-Zurud,’ a being from Orion
who lived 5,783 years on thisp lanet in that embodiment. He returned later in
the planet’s history as the Earth-incarnated Thoth Raismes of Aphra, who was
born in Tibet and lived 300 years. Certainly in all that time, he could have
easily written 3,000 books.

This is how I had imagined it to be until he recently informed me that during his two
consecutive lifetimes as ‘the Thoth’ on Earth, he actually wrote not one single book of any
kind by his own hand or
even through dictation! When I then asked him about the Emerald Tablets which he
was supposed to have written, he replied that these tablets had actually been
impressed with an ‘energetic fire’ coming from his chakras while his body
was in a supra-luminous state. They therefore contain ‘fire codes’ which can
be translated into a codified text. This is also true of several other ‘works’
which he inscribed upon gemstone in this manner. However, these are not
comprised of actual written information as we would define it, and the gem-encodings
of Thoth are few in number. However, in his embodiments both as Toth-mus-Zurud
and Thoth Raismes, he directly inscribed several thousand ‘books’ directly
into the Greater Akashic via the previously described process. This whole body
of work which Thoth committed to codification and expression through divine
fire, forms the original doctrine or overlay, for the ‘Records of Thoth.’ As
such, it became his repository of Knowledge and Wisdom in the Greater Akashic.
In both the ancient and recent past, there have been source translations by
other souls of the Thothic works in his repository, yet he informs me that they
were never placed into the written word through any activity of his own.

After his two ‘Thoth’ embodiments on Earth, this soul continued to incarnate into specific key
experiences on the planet. All the while he maintained the template of his Thothic

form, which he could
re-create genetically at will. His soul would then return to this higher genetic
vehicle at regular intervals between his other incarnations in the Earth’s
experience. He is currently in his ultra-genetic ‘Thoth’ body within the
Inner Earth realm. During the times when he is working in this Thoth form, this
being has continued to ‘Light-inscribe’ updated information into his akashic
repository: the Records of Thoth.

This activity not only places Thoth’s signature of spiritual expression and mastery upon the
Greater Akashic, as have other Master beings done with their signature as well, but also
inserts these Light
inscripted codices within the repository itself. These insertions then further
enhance and direct the presence and essence of the divine programs contained
within the Planetary Akashic Recorder Cell. Thoth also tells us that
both Enoch and Melchizedek maintain Light inscripted codices in the
Akashic. The records of Enoch and Melchizedek are composed of a few
specific etheric ‘books’ which link into other areas of the Greater
Akashic via specific Light encodings.

Consequently, the development of knowledge within these repositories is dependant upon the
entire field of the Greater Akashic. Without these ‘links’ to other portions of the
Greater Akashic, the information stored in their repositories cannot be
deciphered by human sentience.

Thoth’s repository is singular in its form and operation, in that his many and voluminous
Light Inscripted Akashic texts vibrate with the hologram of the whole Greater Akashic
initialized within the very crystals that contain his recordings. In
other words, Thoth’s repository of knowledge contains all knowledge
inherent within the Greater Akashic as part of its own form, but yet is
not limited to that base of knowledge. In this way, his texts are still a
part of the whole synergism of the Greater Akashic, but the ‘mountain’
comes to his repository, rather than the information within the
repository having to move outside its own context in order to connect to
the whole. This does not infer that Enoch’s or Melchizedek’s
repositories are inferior to Thoth’s, but that the nature of their work
is different. Indeed, it is the ‘nature’ of Thoth’s place in the higher
planetary Hierarchy that creates the uniqueness of his presence as a
Master being, an Archetype and a ‘Keeper of the Records.’

The Energies of October a message from
Jennifer Hoffman 4 October, 2010 b
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 5, 2010 at 2:35am

The Energies of October
a message from Jennifer Hoffman
4 October, 2010
Lately every month seems to have its special challenges and September certainly was an eye
opener. From the moment it began with Mercury
retrograde, then the Equinox, its powerful full moon and the heavy
energy on the 30th, it has been a month to remember (or perhaps forget).
If we needed to hear the ringing of the clue phone, we heard it in
September. And we answered it too, or it was answered for us. Now we're
into a new month with new opportunities and yes, a few challenges.

This month we will feel like we're learning to drive a very fast, high performance car, so we
need to go a little slowly at first and get used
to the power. Then we can take off!

October will bring a welcome break from the relentless challenges we have experienced since
May. If we have done the work that was revealed to us
(and only if), October will bring many blessings. If not, then October
is going to be another challenge. What is your work? Did September
reveal any feelings, people, situations or beliefs that you needed to
release? Did you release them? If not you will get another chance to do
so in October. Just remember it is always a little harder the second
time around.

The lesson of September was surrender, which is our call to stop fighting ourselves, the
Universe, our dreams, and our heart. In October our
surrender can be rewarded as we start creating, manifesting, dreaming
big and getting clear on who we are and what we deserve. We will
continue to feel the time warps and collapses as we move into non-linear
time. You may find that your intuition increases this month and you may
even begin to hear unseen voices or feel energies that exist outside
the third dimension.

This is going to be a busy month for all of us as we start receiving what we have been asking
for. Then we'll regret not taking full advantage of
the time that we had when little seemed to be happening. I felt a big
sigh of relief when September ended and I have been telling people for
months that October starts a whole new paradigm shift - one that will
not be as focused on the lessons, healing and release of the past few
months but on creating, manifesting and finding our new life purpose,
which is possible once we move beyond the healing.
Stay positive and remember you are a powerful co-creator. Use your power wisely.
Have a wonderful month.

Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. This material
is protected by US and international copyright now and may be
distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author’s name and
website, are included.

Uriel's Message -- Love the Divine, Love the
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 5, 2010 at 2:36am

Uriel's Message -- Love the Divine, Love the Human

by Jennifer Hoffman

Each person has a divine center that is a direct emanation of the Source light.
No human is without light even though some choose to express that light in ways
you do not understand. There are legions of souls that need to experience darkness,
powerlessness, evil and suffering as part of their spiritual journey. They are also
worthy of your love because they are also both divine and human. You cannot judge

someone's worthiness of divinity by what their human aspects are expressing.

It is easy to love those who express the highest aspects of their divinity because
they do not challenge your beliefs that there is good and bad in the world and loving
the bad violates spiritual law. Judging whether anyone deserves unconditional love
violates the first law, which is the law of Oneness. You are all one, connected
by the light which feeds and nourishes you and which makes life possible. There
is no life without Spirit, so there is no life that is not divine.

How can you love those who create pain and suffering, who torment you and reject
you? The human that you judge also contains the divine which you love and both
are equally deserving of your acceptance. Your judgments reflect your fear of your
own human self which, if not constantly monitored, can express the darkest side
of your own energies. All of humanity expresses both light and dark, as this is
the nature of the third dimension. You cannot love one and not the other without
being in judgment.

Expressing unconditional love is the healing mandated through your agreement for
ascension. There is no judgment, criticism or denial in love. The human knows fear
while the divine knows love. The human aspect must be taught love in order to know
it and that is what you do when you practice love, acceptance and non-judgment with
everyone. If you connect to the fearful human through judgment you become part of
their fear. When you connect to them through your divine center, you reveal their
light to them and they can find their own divinity. This also begins within you,
for as you love your own human self you allow your divinity to bring forth its
highest aspects and this is how you create heaven on earth.

Merlin on 10.10.10
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 5, 2010 at 2:38am

I come to speak with you regarding the coming 10.10.10 alignment.

Firstly, at the 9.9.9 portal I gave advice that you should each begin
your own alchemical process of transmutation on each level of your
being, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It has been a year of
endings which has resulted in great changes for many. Thank time of
endings now ends with the portal of 10.10.10. As previously asked of you
for the 9.9.9 I wholly urge you all come together in powerful circles
of loving, healing energy as you work to anchor in yet another level of
awareness on your planet, thus allowing more of humanity to step into
their true potential. Each time you come together in this way, you are
gifting humanity the chance to heal itself and the Earth Mother, a
chance for humanity to realise its true potential. This is a great work
of love and honour.
Through this last Earth year, many of you have seen the depths of your
souls, your physical bodies have complained, broken down and demanded
attention, love and respect, your bodies pains are the silent cries for
purity to be restored. Your emotions have come as tidal waves and washed
over you and left you scattered and drained, then they have receded and
left you lonely, empty as if dazed and I a stupor. On the spiritual
many are now awakening to paths previously hidden to them whilst others
are reaching ever higher in their communications with the Divine ones as
they accept their place amongst us as Gods and Goddesses incarnate.
Many of you have seen your closest relationships broken, battered and
beaten, some have stood tall and regained their composure, others sold
their souls to the darker side and sought to harm with words, actions
and weapons. There is still some of this to come, sadly, as each
struggles to be in the right place for their unfolding destinies.
Dear ones, 10.10.10 is a global chance to shine together as the beings
of light that you are. It is time for choices (he smiles, nods)
hhmmmm…..a word I use often, but until you all understand it deeply and
completely, with all its implications, I shall continue to use it.
Choices. Choices.
You are each quick to condemn another for what they do or do not do, but
children, condemnation neither enlightened the perpetrator or their
deed, or energises your own soul with love. It is a negative energy.
Look deep inside yourselves before you seek to judge another, for you
are all as guilty as each other, yet each has the same potential for
change. The choice as always is your own.

So now, as the portal of 10.10.10 arrives, are you ready ? Are you ready
to make a choice for the betterment of the future generations ? For the

healing of the Earth Mother ? To put the choices of the greater whole
above your own petty needs, wants and desires ?
This portal is the beginning you have all been waiting for, will you rise to the challenge ?
We have witnessed the phenomenon in your world where everyone stops what
they are doing at a given time and date and stands for one moment
(minute) collectively in silence to honour a past occurrence, in
reverence for your dead. It is honoured in workplaces, homes, and by
government officials. So we call to you to make 10.10.10 such an
occasion, and come together at 10 am in silence for 10 moments (minutes)
when you cease all mundane activities and conversations, not for the
past, but for the enhancement and betterment of the future of the Earth
and all Her inhabitants. This is a choice of great magnitude that you
can make at this time. The choice you make during the 10.10.10 portal
will set the energies for the coming year. A year that will begin on the
10.10.10 and continue until 11.11.11 - choose wisely dear children,
your future and the future of all children yet to be born depends on it.
For this is where you take responsibility for yourself and for the
future generations to come. If you do not like what comes to you, you
will have no one to blame save yourselves. YOU (said with raised voice
and hand) will have chosen your future path and the future of the Earth
by your own actions or in-actions, thoughts and intentions on this
special day and time.
Now, when you gather in your circles, bring your crystals, do not let
another tell you what to bring, or what to put where, the crystal grids
must be unique formations created by souls who are guided on what to
bring and place where by the universe, for the universe knows what is
needed where at this time in each of the places that you meet and gather
your circles of like minded souls to create an anchoring grid of
crystal beings to bring in the Violet Flame of Love and Transformation.
Use also sacred geometry and sound in this alchemical marriage of light
and sound frequencies.
Ancient sounds such as chanting and drumming, the thundering of dancing
feet upon the Earth, serve to dislodge negative energies both within
your own energy fields and within the Earth Mothers form accumulated
there because of humanities atrocities. I urge you to perform all these
activities interspersed with prayers, visualizations, words of love,
honour, peace and wisdom share for and by all who participate, for each
must add their own sacred energies to the circle on this special day in
which to end the year of transformation and initiate the year of
Manifestation. Yes, Manifestation dear ones, that is why your choices,
from the small and seemingly insignificant, to the larger life changing
ones, are all hugely important in this portal of 10.10.10, for the
choices will set the energy for the manifestations in the coming year
until 11.11.11.

Choose wisely dear ones, choose future generations, beauty, growth, love, healing,
compassion and respect.
Blessings to you all, Merlin and the Universal Masters for the 10.10.10.

10:10:10 a REALLY cool number
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 5, 2010 at 2:56am

Take a moment to just feel its vibration. What does it feel like to you? Breathe that feeling
deeply into your being through your heart. Do this until you have a real good vibrational
feeling-sense of this number, ask your cells to record its crystalline time-code frequency so it
can inform you from a deep cellular level.

This number is its binary nature.

It is made up of two numbers repeating in a sequence, and they are ones and zeros just like the
binary code used in computers. In a similar manner the 10:10:10 time-code is part of the
underlying binary code of the universe! As an aside, even computer binary code is read right-
left just like the sacred languages of ancient Hebrew, Aramaic and others.

Esoterically the number 1 represents yang energy and the number 0 represents yin energy. in
10:10:10 we therefore have a balance of yin-yang energies being represented,. These yin-yang
energies are interwoven with each other by the alternating 1's and 0's: 101010 (yin-yang-yin-

If we instead had the code 111000 we would still have a balanced energy (yin-yin-yin-yang-
yang-yang), but one which is operating with two very distinct polarities that stand next to
each other, each holding to its own matrix grouping for strength.

When we alternate them, we then have the yin-yang polarities evenly inter-woven. This equal
inter-connecting of the yin-yang energies then obviously speaks to a greater unification and
co-creative engagement of these two fundamental polarities of energy.

Esoterically the 10 also represents the transition from one major cycle into the next. The
number nine represents completion, we experienced the powerful results of that type of portal
in the 999 time-gate last year. The number 10 is an equivalent to 0 in the numerical sequence
from 0-9, and where after the number 9 we then need a two digit number to continue the

The numeral 10's essence of transition from one cycle to the next thus holds within it an
essential code of continuity. Continuity is inherent within the concept of eternality, time
without end.

Numerologically the number 10 is reduced to 1, which is often related to the Sun. The number
10 has also been known as a number of Solar Initiation in esoteric circles for a very long time
as well. We can see from these associations how the transition from one cycle into the next,
will of necessity, involve a Solar Initiation.

In other words, to make the transition will require that we access and integrate the next octave

of awareness represented in the Solar Paradigm that we are focused within - i.e. the
consciousness envelope of our star-sun and the various matrices of consciousness it holds
within its field.

The 10:10:10 time node is a place where the Cosmos and the Earth can find greater
connection on the conscious plane of experience at a specific point in the linear time sequence
of our collective evolution. As a collective consciousness we have chosen to use this time-
node in our linear time matrix to host a major infusion of our planetary collective with the
energy and consciousness of the "Golden Star of Mazuriel" which is a higher-dimensional
celestial body not visible in our skies or with our telescopes and other space-scanning
technologies. It is, simply put, a Supra-Christ-Energy Star or Quanta Christar.

It lies vibrationally beyond even what Thoth refers to as the "attasic universe" which
represents a membrane of non-polarized energy and consciousness that leads us back into the
Totality of Oneness. The Golden Star of Mazuriel is therefore the highest dimensional form of
Christ Consciousness energy possible. Christ Consciousness energy has been described in
many ways by many people. A balanced energy matrix wherein yin-yang energy is operating
in such complete harmony that there simply is no possibility for it to become imbalanced at
any level.

Thus love and compassion are fully present without additional energy input or evolutionary
effort, they are autonomous. This level of Christ energy is complete and whole, just as we are
in our most expanded aspects of beingness. It operates within very high frequencies of energy
and embeds very expanded states of awareness.

We can even say that the Golden Star of Mazuriel represents the most expansive aspect of the
entire collective of beings which exists in the universe that we find ourselves locally projected

We have an incredible opportunity to ride this wave of unified consciousness and Oneness by
consciously choosing to do so. Regardless of what you are going to be doing on 10:10:10 you
can merge your intention to access, integrate and embody all that this time-gate offers with the
higher dimensional collective intention to use 10:10:10 as a crystalline portal of planetary

Time-gates like 9:9:9 and 10:10:10 are individual steps on the proverbial Stairway to Heaven
transporting us ever closer to the full ascension of our consciousness into its native domain
upon the Cosmic Plane. The 10:10:10 time-gate will thus personally offer us the opportunity
to make the next step in our transition into Oneness, which is our natural and inherent state of

We have been on a very long journey within the linear time matrix. As we open to such time-
gate "stair-step" infusions from our most expanded aspects of being, and integrate them with
the awareness we have accessed during our journey, an entirely new universe of possibilities
and potentials emerges. There is no limit, they are infinite.

Together in the unity of our hearts, minds and souls, we can assist this 10:10:10 time-gate's
Golden Star of Mazuriel infusion process, for each other and our planet, to bring it into its
higher field of potential.

Taking the Leap


There is only one way to get what you want

- a message from Archangel Michael
channeled by Meredith Murphy
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 5, 2010 at 2:57am

There is only one way to get what you want

a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy

2 October, 2010

The Divine Light is Flowing From Within

My beloved Masters of Light! I greet you in joy and recognition of all that is transpiring on
the Earth plane because of your BE-ing! What
great shifts in energy and consciousness are transpiring across our
entire experience as a rippling of the energetic transformations within
your bodies!

Divine Light IS flowing from within! This is the result of many aspects
of focus, working in harmonic resonance and converging in focus upon the
Earth plane and yet, without your willingness to experience and indeed
welcome the transformation of the living vessel of your focus, none of
this would be possible!

Divine Light flows from within. To be given form and focus is the great
joy of All-That-Is and the awareness of the experience of this is
amplified enormously by the capabilities of your ever-expanding human
body! This incredibly spacious experience is yielding magnetic rings of
focus around your energy field and the harmonic resonance of your
overtones and your amplitude are elevating, radiating and broadcasting
out to all which has “ears to hear”, the glory of life and living. The
keys of which are Freedom, Creativity and Presence.

Within your experience you are beginning to realize that permission to

achieve and experience FREEDOM lies within your domain. {Smile!} The
entirety of the implications of this emergent truth have not yet
integrated into most of your physicality. For it is in integration and
indeed, replication of holograms and paradigms across your being that
you BE-come new, that your experience changes. How’s that for clear
direction as to making things shift?

Do you understand what this means? You are for example, largely water.
Water replicates information. Your beliefs, paradigms, feelings,
expectations exist as energetic structures, or templates (holograms) in
which depending on the focus and intensity—energy flows, thereby
amplifying and ultimately creating what was originally a vector, an
ascending, creative energy arc! As you internalize (meaning as a belief
or insight replicates through water—for example—throughout the cells of
your body) you and your experience BECOME the living embodiment of this I
AM realization.

Only in your orientation to what is not do you prevent this from

happening, or actually, do you CREATE SOMETHING ELSE~! It is as if you
threw one rock in the lake, watched it ripple out and it’s vibration

take over the surface of the pond and inform the entire body of water
upon transmission=reception. Yet then, you throw another, in a different
spot, and suddenly there is interference of all kinds and the clarity
of your original vector—what creates the path, what indeed “carries”
from one point to another—is not only diminished, but often incapable of
replicating due to conflicting energy waves.

Such is life.

You throw rock after rock into the timeless pool of energetic potential,
with no regard to the contradictions in your focus! Yes—it is
challenging to learn to chose your focus. Isn’t that what’s fun in our
experience? Learning and expansion? Thus you chose to be here and take
your Mastery to new levels of experience collectively !


Creativity is the natural extension of presence. In presence you exist.

Your personal harmonic signature, YOUR divinity, flows forth into being.
The unique and entirely relevant, inspired, valued, powerful, perfect
aspect of Source which is you, exists! In presence, you unfold. Your
energy intermingles and merges, take on form and participates in the
great cosmic, galactic and planetary dances which invigorate your being!
In the essence of participation you create exquisite joy within
everything! This energetic amplification of radiance, generates energy
and light which may then nourish and support creativity and extension of
All-That-Is. It is a divinely endless looping and enlarging of
experience in which we participate and there is not one aspect which is
not powerful and enthusiastically loved!

So within creativity, you express your presence. Within freedom, you

allow your creative impulses to flow freely and you allow yourself to
receive. Freedom is an expression of Self-love! Giving oneself freedom
is required in order for one’s creativity to flow, and one’s presence to
be clearly broadcast! So you see my dear ones, the importance of giving
yourself permission to be YOU.

In all ways, Divine Light is flowing into being, and your access point is within.

Innate Wisdom. Innate Awareness. Innate knowing. The cellular matrix in

which your focus rests is fully informed, and resourced. Any way in
which you do not have full access to your own “vibrational escrow” is
simply an aspect of being out of alignment with YOU.

And so, my friends, who shimmer in endless buoyancy upon the waves of
life which come in and out as does breath: claim your divine nature.
Make an altar to yourself. Pray, talk and listen to YOU for guidance.
Realize that God is Great and God is YOU and yes, indeed you...and there
is, no difference between any of you and all of us and everything and
get over this excruciating hump of self-doubt, and recrimination which

in any way still exists within your very being. This is the nature of
the energetic experiences which challenge you—your body is on a vector
to get to this experience of presence, freedom and creativity…and like
the Earth in her pathway to ascension, is intent upon doing so. Aren’t
you glad?

For when you do not know what to do, your body certainly does. If you
simply focus on BE-ing and attempting to elevate or allow yourself to
naturally rise to an lighter, easier perspective, you will provide the
greatest assistance to your body in it’s wise and ultimately perfectly
informed transit by simply not contradicting it’s wisdom and focus!

Divine Light flows into your being. Burning out (felt the heat lately?)
all energetic remnants of older paradigms and limitations. You are
continually refreshed during sleep and even throughout your day—given a
completely new platform of clarity and wholeness in which to BE. You
only need recognize this, in order to orient to this inner flow of
energy and information, which is Divine Light.

The gift we all have in endless supplies is this Divine Light. Our
experience and our radiance, our frequency and our point/location as
focused presence is a reflection of what we have learned to receive.

Freedom liberates full presence. Creativity is the natural extension. Presence

means not just putting your focus in the now-point, but knowing, BE-ing
this now-point with all of you in wholenes. In Unity. As One.

The Earth leads you in the ascension process; the body knows and is in
perfect harmony with the Earth. Both the body and the Earth are in
natural rhythmic engagement with All-That-Is…only you, oriented so often
from the neck up, lose touch with all of this. Learn to listen to your
cells. Learn to know what your muscles, your blood, your bone and your
breath are attuned to. This will not likely be something you can put
into words; it will be far beyond the vocabulary of language. But you
will find resonance of it, mirrors if you will—in art, in nature, in
feelings and sensations which are far too rich to be named and which
maintain their wholeness in this mode of expression which is beyond
naming and locating primarily in one’s head! In alignment with this
natural quality of being, you ARE Unity. This is what Unity
Consciousness means—it’s not a mental construct, or an idea, it’s a mode
of being.

Your aspiration is to BE Unity as YOU.

This is the I AM presence which is Divine Light flowing from within,
into being, through the lens of focus which is YOU through you.

The specific and particular within and of the whole; entirely flexing
between the two points of focus. This IS happening, even if you are not
aware of it. You naturally move between the local (you) and the

non-local (YOU/All-That-Is) constantly. And your body is entirely clued
in, if you would simply allow it to lead, rather than asking your body
to follow the superficial dictates of the external world and other focal
points looking to you for what they can only find within.

Divine Light flows from within.

This is your only

source. You can feel the light of others; recognize it, resonate to it,
but it will NOT carry the wisdom of the integration of you with YOU that
your inner connection to source IS.

YOU in the future, YOU in other versions of YOU, YOU in the

expansiveness of everything—are and flow your energetic signature, which
is what you need to tap into, get to know—even if you cannot articulate
it—and allow to replicate across all of your cells, all your beliefs,
expectations and paradigms. Then remain connected to—trusting more in
the truth of your presence, then being concerned with consistency—for
remember YOU are in movement, always.

Thinking must integrate with being. Your mind is your most powerful
lens. Learn to view it as the “sight” from which you aim and then launch
your creative vectors in language. Know that you have other “sights” in
your body, which also are powerfully creative and require no words or
eyes to know exactly what to aim for in flowing your energy.

And guess what else?

Everything within being orients to the same flow.

There is peace within All-That-Is naturally. In this is your reassurance

that permission is not only safe, but unnecessary! Walk forward and
release all that you have been.

Come into total newness as often as possible.

Give yourself total freedom to know your energetic signature experientially, and reflected
back to you as above, so below…

There is only way way to get what you want, and to be who you are inspired to be in
expression of who YOU are:

Divine Light flows endlessly from within.

This is all you need to Be.

I AM Archangel Michael and I remind you, that YOU are these truths.

© 2009-2010, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications
You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the
following conditions: You must give author credit, you may not use this
for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon
this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others
the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if
you get the permission
of the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by the author.

Pulling Abundance Towards You - a
message from Archangel Michael
channeled by Carolyn Ann O'Riley
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 5, 2010 at 2:58am

Pulling Abundance Towards You

a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Carolyn Ann O'Riley
4 October, 2010

Greetings and Salutations My Beautiful Beings of Light.
Welcome to the monthly message gathering.

My Beautiful Beings of Light The Creator sends you pink waves of

unconditional love and grace. Allow this wonderful gift from The Creator
to simply wrap itself around you in an Etheric Hug. Enjoy the Hug for
as long as you like.

My Beloveds each of you made an appointment with yourselves before you

incarnated to read this message today. (note: today is whatever moment
in NOW you are reading it) That is just a small specific fact about the
minute detail that you each wrote in your pre-incarnation contracts
before descending into the world of matter on Planet Earth once again.

Amazing isn’t it how concise and specific those contracts are. You
probably don’t realize that you wrote a contract, but start asking
yourselves the questions My Beloveds on what specifically is contracted
in your lives. You will be surprised and soon understand and grasp that
you are responsible for what is going on from moment to moment within
your lives on Planet Earth.

All you need to do, to ask yourselves the questions, is simply jot them
down on a piece of paper. Concentrate on these questions when you go
into your meditations and dreams. Invite your Angels in to assist you in
pulling these answers towards yourselves.

Begin asking yourselves “Why did I select My Mother”, Why did I select
My Father” and so on until you have covered all the major players in
your lives. Put the questions out there so that you can then start to
fully awaken and begin to take responsibility for selecting those that
have been your best and sometimes the worst teachers in this lifetime of
yours. These are all lessons and experiences for whatever reason you
selected to walk through during your current incarnation, My Beloveds.
You scripted each one with your Spiritual Advisors, Angels and Guides.

Many of these lessons have been so incredibly painful; they have been
horribly difficult for your Angelic support staff to watch as you have
experienced them. The experiences have however assisted you in pulling
forth remembrance, compassion and understanding for others.

You each are here for a very specific purpose and NOW is the time to
begin asking for that remembrance of what you contracted for yourselves
to be doing. My Beloveds ask the questions now so that you can pull that
remembrance towards you. It’s time to open the door for more
information and en-lighten-ment.

All these questions are within yourselves and you have all the most
perfect answers within yourselves as well. Your Angels and Guides can

assist you in your remembrance. No third party person is required for
your to delve in and get back in touch with your own most perfect
answers. In fact you are the only one with the key to that valuable
memory treasure chest. Others may guess but you are the only one that
can remember.

Allow this Messenger to take you on a mediation journey. A journey to help you reconnect
with your Abundance.

Arrange yourself in your chair or lie on a bed so that you are

comfortable. Keep your legs and arms from crossing if at all possible as
this blocks the flow of energy. Cover yourself with a light blanket if
you chill easily. We want you comfortable and undisturbed for a while as
you journey within yourself through meditation.

Close your eyes and take a comfortable deep breath, then comfortably
exhale as hard as is possible. With each in breath, you are breathing in
love. With each out breath, you are breathing out fear and doubt. Take
another comfortable deep breath in and comfortably exhale just letting
all the stress go. Take another comfortable deep breath in and then just
exhaling letting it all go with a sigh as you are breathing out all
frustrations of the day.

Feel your body relaxing from your toes to the top of your head. Give
yourself permission to feel the calm and peace. Your muscles are feeling
loose and limp, so relaxed, so deliciously serene, so wonderfully lazy.

Direct your ego self to perch on your left shoulder. Instruct your ego
self that it is only to be an observer on this journey, it is not to
participate. If it helps you to visualize by identifying your ego with a
symbol or as an object please do so.

In your imagination ask through prayer for The Creator to send you down a
protective Ray of White Light by praying mentally something like this
“My Creator I AM asking for a protective Ray of White Light to enfold me
and lift me up so that I am experiencing the very highest of vibrations
during this journey into my inner most depths of understanding and
Being. I am protecting myself My Creator from anything that is not for
my highest good on this journey. I am thanking you My Creator for
assisting me by sending this Ray. I am visualizing the ray in my
imagination now coming down through the corner of the area where I am
meditating. It is entering into my physical form, permeating all that is
within my I AM presence.”

The Creator has responded to your prayer and has gifted you with an
Iridescent White Ray plus soft Pink & Purple Rays for this journey.
The Rays are entering into your body through the soles of your feet and
moving up through your physical vessel; permeating throughout all of
your etheric energy fields & physical vessel and into all corners of

the actual area that you are meditating in; then the rays are exiting
through your Crown Chakra. The Rays are returning to The Creator and
cycling back down through you again and back to The Creator in a
continuous circular loop. These protective therapeutic rays are in a
continuous circular motion while you are in meditation.

You are now divinely protected at this moment and nothing can even
communicate with you, that is not for your highest good, without your

My Divine Beings of Light. You are breathing very slowly and evenly now; you are feeling
secure and safe.

Breathe in deeply My Beautiful Beings of Light and feel the lighter

relaxed feelings of being protected & divinely guided into this
meditation. Breathe in deeply and know that you are breathing to the
Pulse of The Creator. Listen to The Creator’s spiritual heart beat and
feel the unconditional love that courses through you each time you think
about this moment.

Breathe in deeply allowing and seeing within your spiritual imagination

your Guardian Angels and invited Spirit Guides as they join you. The
Angels take your etheric essence hands and guides you out of your
physical body and directs you into your Etheric Spiritual Heart Chakra.
An Angel has been stationed to stay with your physical essence until you
return from your meditation journey.

You are seeing, feeling and sensing this within your imagination, Your
Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides and special invited guests are now within
your Spiritual Heart Chakra with you. Your Angels and Guides are
helping you locate the Golden Door that says “To My Highest Guidance
Within” you turn the etheric spiritual door knob and cross over the
threshold knowing that you are on a spiritual growth adventure.

You find yourself in a White Marble Corridor. Your Angels whisk you down
the hall toward your Helipad. Your Angelic pilot takes off once you are
aboard. Your Angels tell you that you are on your way to your own
Crystal Palace.

Looking down as you fly over you see the trees, meadow, brook, mountain
and coming up in front of you is your Garden of Serenity. Standing
around the Helipad you notice your beautiful animal friends. Each time
you visit you see new animal species that you have not seen on the Earth

Your favorite thus far are the Unicorns. You just love stroking their
silky ears and nose horn. Your Unicorn friend, Jake, is right there
ready to open the Helicopter door for you when your Helicopter lands on
the Helipad.

Jake opens the Helicopter door enthusiastically and thanks you for
visiting again. You and Jake talk as you look around your Garden of
Serenity and then begin institutively begin walking down the path to
your own Crystal Palace.

You thank Jake for walking with you and Jake tells you that he will be
waiting right here when you finish your spiritual meditative work today.

In front of you is your beautiful Crystal Palace with the solid golden
door that has your name on it right up there at the top of the door.
Below your name, as you are aware of it within your current incarnation,
are the names that you have held within all other past lives along with
your original name given to you at your birth into Creation itself.

When you are ready you will be able to read the names. Some may be only
in symbols, some in foreign languages, and some perhaps in only tones,
light or sounds, but all belong to the spiritual Being that you truly
are. Take a moment and see if any of the names are ready for you to
remember them. Don’t worry or strain if the information isn’t present
for you yet, you will have access to it again when you are ready for the

You turn the handle on the golden door and cross over the threshold
entering into your very own Crystal Palace. The entrance hall is flooded
with beautiful colored dots that are being created by the refracted
light filtering through the crystal facets above.

One of your favorite activities when you come to your Crystal Palace is
to step into each of the colored dots. You have found that you feel
differently with each color that you stand in. The dots also enjoy
providing messages for you sometimes when you come. Take your time here
and enjoy the colors today.

When you are finished with your colored dots you look down the hall and
see that there is lots of construction going on. Your Angels remind you
that you are always under construction since this is your own Crystal
Palace. This Palace is part of you; you are an eternal Being, it is only
fitting that your structure is also constantly expanding to allow for
the evolution and growth that you experience from one moment to the

You walk a few more feet down the hall and take a left turn into the
Grand Room. The Grand Room is in a large circle shape and all around the
perimeter are doors with labels on each one. You also see additional
hallways off of the Grand Room as well. The Angels remind you that these
halls too have door after door after door for you to visit, explore and
remember or do work in some way or other.

The very first door to your uppermost left is marked “The Creator”. You
feel the wonderful love waves coming from that space along with seeing

glowing lights all around the door facing. Other doors are labeled “Your
Angel”, “Your Guides”, and on and on they go.

Today your Angels ask you to find the door that is labeled “Your
Abundance”. That door is located about three quarters of the way around
the Grand Room circle of doors. You walk towards it and turn the door
handle, cross over the threshold and look up. There you notice that this
room is almost filled from top to bottom with gold, silver, jewels,
stones and riches of all varieties. In the middle of the room is a
fountain that actually has golden coins flowing from it as if they were
water. Your Angels tell you that you are never without abundance, but
your limiting thought patterns and scarcity mentality have of late
blocked your prosperity and abundance from flowing to you.

Prosperity and abundance are your birthright and thus this room is proof
of that completely. This room is never without its hugh store of
wealth. It is constantly being resupplied within each moment.

Within this moment in NOW you will take a seat next to the wonderful
bountiful always flowing fountain of wealth. Your Angels hand you a copy
of an ancient scroll that they take from the table to the left of the

You unroll the scroll and there within its writing is a prayer that your Angels request that you
use for the next thirty days.

My Creator, I AM thankful with all my heart, soul, mind and intent for
the divine abundance manifesting through my personal fortune and
success. I AM manifesting, receiving, accepting and allowing my divine
abundance to completely permeate all parts of my Beingness on all
levels, dimensions and throughout all of my aspects within all
directions of eternity and infinity.

I AM grateful to you My Beautiful Creator for this blessed prosperity.

I AM moving beyond fear and fulfilling my Divine Blueprint prepared for me, My Creator on
Earth and beyond.

I AM open and receiving my financial wealth, success, bounty, abundance,

blessings, gifts, and grace. I AM fulfilling my service commitments.

I AM accepting my divine heritage right now and I AM thanking you My

Creator for the timely answer to this prayer. I AM so very grateful for
the divine bounty. My Creator Your Will Is Done Through Me.

And So It Is

Amen, Amen, Amen, OM

My beloved subconscious mind, I AM hereby lovingly decreeing, commanding

and acknowledging that this prayer is heard directly by My Creator and
it is sent along with all the manna and vital force asking, manifesting
and demonstrating my intent in this prayer.

Amen. And So It Is

My Creator the Rain

of Blessings Is Falling On Me and I AM soaking up the abundance that is
multiplying one thousand fold throughout all my levels, dimensions and
within all aspects of this Beingness throughout all directions of
eternity and infinity. This prosperity manifestation is bursting forth
with Divine Bounty, Blessings, Gifts, Grace, Wisdom, Truth, Love and
Light. I AM thankful and I AM sending you my gratitude.

And So It Is

Breath in this prayer to The Creator through your Crown Chakras, Along with the prayer
demonstrate with the arm Mudra by lifting your arms in a cup
shape above your head visualize the abundance of blessings, and grace
showering down upon you, all around you, and penetrating all parts of
you Beingness on all levels dimensions and aspect that you are. Wait ten
to fifteen seconds continuing until you have repeated the prayer 3
times and continue this process for a full 30 days.

You follow the Angels instructions and pray the prayer with the deepest of
intention and feeling as if the abundance were already true for you
there within the Earth Plane. You see the riches within “you” in your
own Crystal Palace room and you know that it is true, you simply need to
reinforce the flow pattern so that the wealth will flow directly
towards you unimpeded by your conscious mind.

You have finished your prayers for the day and it is time to return to
complete your mission within the Earth Plane. Your Angels lead you back
out of the Abundance room and back into the Grand Room. Your attention
once again is drawn to The Creator’s door where now you are hearing a
faint music melody that sounds so vaguely familiar but you can’t place
the name of it within your current awareness. Your Angels giggle and
tell you that the sound you are hearing is your very own song that was
created just for you and was played for you at the time of your birth
into Creation.

Standing and listening for a while you find yourself swaying to the
music, it is so inviting and speaks to your Spiritual Heart directly.
You smile and close your eyes and allow the music to intoxicate and
permeate all your Being. You find it is hard to pull yourself away but
realize that you have work to do within the Earth Plane. The Angels tell
you that you may return at anytime as this is your very own Crystal

The Angels guide you back into the entrance hall where you say goodbye

for now to all the wonderful colored dots. The Angels open the golden
door and you cross back over the threshold as you look up you see your
Unicorn friend, Jake waiting on you.

Jake senses your desire not to go and tells you that you will be missed
until your next visit. The two of you chatting walk back down the path
to the Helipad. Jake stands next to the Helicopter and opens the door
for you as you climb aboard. He tells you until next time…

You feel tears well up in your eyes but realize that you may return here
at anytime. The Helicopter takes off. You see the mountain beneath only
for a brief second before the scenery changes to the meadow, trees and
the brook. In no time you find yourself back at the Helipad where you
took off. Your Angels help you out of the Helicopter. You thank your
pilot Angel.

Your Angels quickly have you back inside. You instantly find yourself back in the White
Marble Corridor.

You catch a glimpse of your glowing Essence in the mirror. Your Angels
lead you back across the golden threshold door, back into your Spiritual
Heart Chakra and then they assist the return of your spiritual Essence
back into your physical form.

Wiggle your fingers and toes and when ready open your eyes. Go about
your day remembering that your Inner Higher Wisdom and Angelic support
staff are always at your service working with you to help you reach your
highest most appropriate potential.

Beloveds you are blessed beyond words and loved beyond measure,
more than any Earth Plane language can ever express.

I Am Archangel Michael, The Creator’s Messenger,

of Love, Joy, Wisdom, Light, Peace and Grace.

Message is Channeled Through & Written by Carolyn Ann O’Riley. This
is copyrighted material. © It may be shared with those that you sense
might resonate with the material provided all the appropriate credits
are given and there is no charge
for the channeled message shared with another.

ender bulunan Osho resimleri
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 5, 2010 at 3:14am

Bu resimler oldukça ender bulunan Osho resimleri... herhalde 60 ve 70'li yıllar olmalı

Vipassana Bulten
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 5, 2010 at 3:44pm

Vipassana Bulten

Arkadaşlar Merhaba,
Ekte, onumuzdeki kurs icin hazirladigimiz ve basina dagitmaya basladigimiz bultenimizi
bulacaksiniz. Dilerseniz bultenimizi bilgi almak isteyenlere ve paylasmak istediklerinize
dagitabilir, ya da bastırıp uygun gordugunuz yerlere asabilirsiniz.

Boylelikle ilgilenen ve faydalanmak isteyen daha cok kisiye erisim saglanabilir.

Tesekkur ve Sevgilerimizle

Vipassana Turkiye
Gonullu Organizasyon Komitesi


Vipassana meditasyon kursu İstanbul’da

Dünyanın en eski meditasyon tekniği Vipassana, 1-12 Aralık tarihleri arasında

İstanbul’da düzenlenecek on günlük konaklamalı kursla Türkiye’den katılımcılara
ulaşacak. Türkçe olarak

düzenlenen kurslarla katılımcılar bu tekniği ücretsiz olarak öğrenme ve
uygulama şansı bulacaklar.

Dünyanın en eski meditasyon tekniği olarak kabul edilen ve Türkiye’de 8 yıldır öğretilen
Vipassana, 1-12 Aralık tarihleri arasında İstanbul – Şile’de düzenlenecek kursla katılımcılarla
buluşacak. “Olanı olduğu
gibi görmek” anlamına gelen ve 2500 yılı aşkın süre önce Hindistan'da
öğretilmeye başlanan Vipassana, evrensel hastalıklara evrensel bir çare, başka
deyişle bir “yaşama sanatı” olarak tüm dünyada on binlerce kişi tarafından

Türkiye, Vipassana ile 2003 yılında tanıştı. Önceleri İngilizce dilinde düzenlenen 7 kurstan
sonra, çevirilerin tamamlanmasıyla Şubat 2009'da ilk Türkçe kursun düzenlenmesiyle bu
teknik daha geniş kitlelere
ulaşmaya başladı. Şile Resort Otel’de dış etkilerden uzak, sessiz bir ortamda
düzenlenecek olan kurs, Vipassana meditasyon tekniğini öğrenmek isteyen
herkesin katılımına açık.

Kurslarda eğitim, yeme-içme ve barınma için ücret talep edilmiyor. Tüm giderler, Vipassana
kurs programını daha önce başarıyla tamamlamış, tekniğin
faydalarını bizzat gördükten sonra başkalarına da bu teknikten yararlanma
fırsatı sağlamak isteyen öğrencilerin bağış ve katkılarıyla karşılanıyor. Yeni
katılımcılar da kursun faydasını gördüklerini hissederlerse, kursun son günü bağışta
bulunarak, başkalarının da bu teknikten faydalanmasına destek olabiliyorlar.

Vipassana hakkında

Vipassana, yaşamın gerilimlerini ve problemlerini daha sakin ve dengeli biçimde karşılamayı

mümkün kılan, zihni basit ve uygulanabilir bir yöntemle arındıran
bir teknik olarak tanımlanıyor. Bu yaşama sanatıyla zihinsel gerilimler yok
olurken sevgi, neşe, şefkat, dengelilik gibi yaşamın pozitif nitelikleri
doğallıkla gelişiyor. Sağlıklı bir zihne ulaşmayı sağlayan Vipassana, dünyanın
birçok ülkesinde öğretiliyor.

Vipassana eğitmeni Hint asıllı S. N. Goenka, Hindistan ile Doğu’da ve Batı’daki

diğer ülkelerde yılda binden fazla düzenlediği kurslarla bugüne kadar on
binlerce kişiye eğitim verdi. Kurslara artan talebi karşılayabilmek amacıyla
1982 yılında görevlendirilmeye başlanan yardımcı öğretmenlerle daha büyük
kitlelere ulaşıldı. Bugün, S. N. Goenka’nın yetiştirdiği öğrenciler dünyanın
dört bir yanında düzenlenen kurslarla Vipassana meditasyon tekniğini öğretiyor.

Ayrıntılı bilgi için sitesini ziyaret edebilir, kursa katılım

ya da
adresine yazabilirsiniz.

Başmelek Mikail’den Mesaj LM-10-2010
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 5, 2010 at 3:57pm

Başmelek Mikail’den Mesaj LM-10-2010

Ronna Herman kanalıyla aktarılmıştır
Sevgili üstatlar, gerçek olmayan bir dünyada yaşamaktasınız: Tanrı’nın verdiği güçlerinizi
elinizden almak ve sizi korku, mücadele ve yoksunluk
realitesinde tutsak etmeyi sürdürmek için, gerçeğin çarpıtıldığı,
değiştirildiği ve hatta silindiği bir illüzyon dünyasındasınız.
Yaratıcı’nın bu evren için master planı Kutsal Zihninizde saklanmakta ve çağların bilgeliğinin
ve bir kez daha Dünya planında birlikte yaratıcı üstat olma
yeteneğinin anahtarı Kutsal Kalbinizde saklanmaktadır. Çok fazla
duygusal sıkıntı hissetmemeniz için, çağlar önce Solar Kalp Merkezinize
yerleştirdiğiniz koruyucu kalkanı uzaklaştırmanın önemini bu kadar sıkça
vurgulamamızın nedeni budur. Farkında olmadığınız şey, koruyucuyu
koymanızla ışıltınızın büyük ölçüde azalmış olmasıdır, çünkü Kutsal Kalp
Merkezinizden İlahi Yaratıcı Işığın içeri ve dışarı akışı da büyük
ölçüde azaldı. Sonuç olarak, Kutsal Kalbinizin içinden saf sevgi dolu
niyetle Yaratıcı Işığın Adamantine Parçacıklarını artık aktive
edemiyorsunuz. Ondan sonra, çalışmak için yalnızca yarı – spektrum Ana
Yaşam Gücü Maddesine sahip oldunuz. Üç katlı Aleviniz artık
parlayamıyor; bu nedenle, tezahür ettirmek için birlikte - yaratıcı
yetenekleriniz de azaldı ve böylece size İlahi olarak bağışlanmış olan
özelliklerinize ve yeteneklerinize erişmek ve bunları kullanmak için
mücadele etmeye başladınız.
Sizler büyük geriye dönme, düzelme ve genişleme çağındasınız, bu çağda size zorla dayatılan
haksızlıklarla kişisel olarak yaratmış olduğunuz tüm
negatifliği armonize etme fırsatı veriliyor. Siz YILDIZ TOHUMLARI büyük

boşluktan ve tezahür etmemiş evrenden yolculuğunuza başladığınız zaman,
Işığın saflaşmış alemlerine geri dönüş yolunun ayrıntılı planlarının
yapıldığını ve uygun zamana kadar ve belirli koşullar karşılanıncaya
kadar bekletildiğini size açıklamıştık. Zaman geldi ve
plan Dünya zamanı ile 1980’lerin başlarında aktive edildi. Farkında
olduğunuz gibi, insanlığın ve Dünya’nın yaşamının her aşaması son otuz
yılda radikal şekilde değişti. Sevgililer, son zamanlarda gerçekleşmiş
olan şeylerin sadece daha da büyük değişimlerin başlangıcı olduğunun
farkında olun. Size değişim dalgalarını kolaylıkla ve zarafetle geçmeniz
için teknikler, ileri bilgiler/öğretiler ve her fırsatı vermek için
gayret ediyoruz.
Daha yoğun, düşük frekanslı, daha düşük boyutlu galaksiler, güneş sistemleri ve gezegenlerin
yaratılmasına yardımcı olma hazırlıklarında İlahi
BEN’İM Varlığınızın daha küçük fasetlerine nasıl kırıldığınızı (ışığın
kırılması) birçok şekillerde kısaca açıklamıştık. Ayrıca Kutsallığınızın
her bir parçasının daha sonra Işığın iki Kıvılcımına nasıl ayrıldığını,
bunlardan birinin dişil niteliklere, diğerinin eril karakteristiklere
sahip olduğunu tartışmıştık. Bu mükemmel ayrılıkların her biri bu amaçla
bilhassa yaratılmış olan küçük bir Işık piramidi içinde
gerçekleştirilmiştir. Master plan güvenceli idi; çünkü Özünüzü her
böldüğünüzde, Işığın küçük piramitlerinin birinde yeniden kavuşma
zamanını bekleyen eterik bir kopya (suret) bıraktınız. Bu kişisel
piramitler her boyutta ve birçok alt boyutlarda tüm evrende yayılmıştır.
Yaşamın inşa edici bloklarına erişim kazanabilmeniz için, Baba/Anne Tanrımız,
Elohim/Formun İnşacıları ve Başmelekler, Yaradılışın her seviyesinde
canlı Işık Piramitleri yarattılar. İnsan Varlıklar olarak yüksek bilinç
haline – Kutsal halinize – geri dönebilmeniz için, bu yaşam veren
formlar dönüşümün gerekli bileşenleri olan Işık frekanslarına erişim
Sizler beşinci boyutun çoklu seviyelerinde yerleşik olan kendinizin birçok fasetleri ile yeniden
birleşme sürecindesiniz ve bazılarınız altıncı
boyut Özünüzün bir veya iki parçası ile birleştiniz. Ruhsal Birleşmeden
bahsettiğimiz zaman, bu tek seferlik bir olay değildir. Bu süregiden
harikulade ve karmaşık bir sürecin başlangıcıdır, bu süreçte Enerji

İmzanızın belirli bir frekansa eriştiği her seferinde, Ruhunuzun/Yüksek
Benliğinizin daha yüksek bir fasetiyle yeniden birleşirsiniz. Benliğin o
fasedinin Eterik Kopyasını içeren Piramit, BEN’İM Varlığınıza/Tanrısal
Benliğinize bağlantınız olan Işık sütununuzla hizalanmaya girer ve
kademeli olarak o Parçanın Özü, Kutsal Kalp merkezinizdeki Ruhsal
Benliğiniz ile birleşir. Tanrı Bilincinin belirli bir seviyesine
eriştiğiniz zaman, süreç büyük ölçüde hızlanır ve her bir Ruhsal
Birleşme arasındaki zaman aralığı dramatik şekilde azalır.
Döngü Yasası bu evrende başlatıldı ve bu harika En Yüce Yaratıcı Tohum Düşüncenin
enerjisel etkisi şu anda tam gücüyle işlemekte. Yaradılışın bu
aşamasının genişleme zamanı sona erdi ve döngünün şu andaki aşaması,
genişlemenin bu özel döngüsü sırasında yaratılmış olan HERŞEYİ dahil
etmek için Yaratıcının KENDİ Özünü göndermesini gerektiriyor. Bu, En
Yüce Yaratıcı’nın, Omniverse’teki Tanrıların ve Tanrıçaların ve Tüm
Büyük Işık varlıklarının yaratmış oldukları her şeyi BİLEBİLMELERİ ve
DENEYİMLEYEBİLMELERİ için, Yaradılışın dengeli, tezahür etmiş Özünün birleşimidir.
“Yukarda nasılsa aşağıda öyledir”
deyişini birçok kez işittiniz ve bu hatırlanacak önemli bir gerçektir.
Kutsallığınızın tüm fasetlerine sahip çıkarken, aynı yeniden kavuşma
süreci En Yüce Yaratıcı Kaynaktan dışarı doğru gerçekleşir.
Birlikte - yaratıcı yeteneklerinizi sahiplenmenizde size yardımcı olmak için verdiğimiz bilgi,
Omniverse’deki yaratıcı sürecin mikrokozmik
kopyasıdır. Öncelikle, Baba/Anne Tanrımızın Kalp Özünden gelen Yaşam
Nehrine doğru yayılan, Adamantine Parçacıkları adı verilen bu evrenin
Tam Spektrum Metatronik Işığını/Yaşam Gücünü çekme yeteneğini elde
etmelisiniz. Bu, sizin Enerjisel İmzanız dördüncü boyutun orta
seviyelerine ve daha yükseğine uyumlandığı zaman erişilebilir olur. Bu
Kutsal armağandan yararlanmak için, Evrensel Tezahür Yasalarını anlamalı
ve uygulamalısınız; ve bu Işık Özü aktive edilebilmeden ve dünyaya
akabilmeden önce saf niyetinizle Işığın Adamantine Parçacıklarını aktive
etmelisiniz. Süreci hızlandırmak için, etrafınızda kendi kişisel
Yaratıcı Çarkınızı/Yaşam Çiçeğinizi yaratmış olmanız ve onu dikkatle
tasarladığınız gelecek tasarımınızla doldurmuş olmanız önemlidir. Bundan

sonra, Sonsuzluk Nefesi, odaklanmış niyetiniz ve maksatlı eylemleriniz
ile maddi dünyadaki tezahür işlemi epeyce hızlanır.
Yaradılışın met ceziri hiç sona ermez. Tohum Düşüncelerin oluşturulduğu ve birleştirildiği ve
Yaşamın Özünün Yaratıcı’nın kalbi ve zihninde ve
Dünya gezegenindeki insan birlikte - yaratıcı olan sizlere kadar
Yaradılışın her seviyesinde aktive edildiği bir Dingin (hareketsiz)
Nokta duraklaması vardır. Bu, Tohum Düşüncelerin sevgiyle
aşılanması/aktive edilmesiyle gerçekleştirilir. Tohum Düşünceler sonra
form dünyasında tezahür edilmeleri için boşluğa üflenir. Bu işlem, geri
dönüş/yeniden kavuşum sürecinin başlama zamanına kadar her büyük döngüde
devam eder. Tüm Yaradılış, sonraki büyük Dingin Nokta duraklaması ve
sonraki çok önemli genişleme döngüsünden önce, İlahi Işığın büyük
Yaratıcı Çemberine bütünleştirilme sürecindedir. Bu süreç bu evrendeki
Yaradılışın her seviyesinde tekrar tekrar yinelenir.
Sizler kozmik yeniden kavuşma sürecinin ortasındasınız, cesur dostlarım ve zamanı gelince
öyle ya da böyle tekamül edeceksiniz. Bu dönüşüm
sürecinin uzun ve karmaşık bir döngü olduğunun farkında olmalısınız;
ancak, size sunduğumuz bilgelik öğretilerinden ve aletlerden
yararlanırsanız, bu harika bir yolculuk olabilir. DÖNGÜ YASASI,
her yeni yaratıcı çabanın Yaratıcı/birlikte - yaratıcının Çekirdek
Özünden, İrade/Gücün Dingin Noktasından başlaması gerektiğini ifade
ÜÇGEN YASASI Yaradılışın bir başka önemli bileşenidir. İncil’inizden Üçlü kavramına
aşinasınız: Baba, Oğul ve Kutsal Ruh, bunlar aslında Tanrı’nın Eril
faseti, İlahi İrade/Gücün İlk Işınıdır ve Kutsal Ruh Tanrı’nın Anne
Fasetidir; Baba Tanrı’nın zihninden Tohum Düşünceler – Adamantine
Parçacıkları – ile aşılanmıştır. Sonra Tohum Düşünceler Anne Tanrı’nın
Kalp Özündeki Sevgi/Bilgeliğin İkinci Işını ile aktive edilir ve sonra
sonu olmayan dünyalar ve harikulade şeyler yaratmak için Üçüncü Işının
nitelikleri, özellikleri ve veçheleri vasıtasıyla Güneşler (oğullar ve
kızlar) tarafından kullanılmak üzere Yaşam Nehri aracılığı ile evrene
Üçlünün Gücü bu evrende itici güç oldu. BM Metatron, Lord Melchizedek ve ben BM Mikail
evrensel seviyede bir Bilinç Üçlüsü oluşturuyoruz. Baba/Anne

Tanrımızın İlahi Işık/İlahi Bilgelik/İlahi İrade veçhelerini ve
niteliklerini taşıyoruz ve bu evrene YAYIYORUZ. Bilinç Üçlüsü
yaratıcı sürecin önemli bir bileşenidir, çünkü eğer Yaratılışın
herhangi bir seviyesinde formun başarılı, becerikli bir birlikte –
yaratıcısı olmayı diliyorsanız, üç güçlü Tanrı Işınının özelliklerini, niteliklerini ve veçhelerini
Siz YILDIZTOHUMLARI evrendeki küçük veya büyük birçok gruplara katıldınız ve belirli
bölgelerde ve belirli zamanlarda grup olarak taşınacak olan
belirli görevleri kabul ettiniz. Elmas Çekirdek Tanrı Hücrenizin
içindeki zaman veya olay tetikleyiciler ile kodlanmış olduğunuzdan daha
önce söz etmiştik; bunlar tasarlanmış zamanda veya Büyük Planın belirli
bir parçası başlatıldığında aktive edilmiş olacaklar veya aktive
edilecekler. En yüksek düzenin belirli görevlerinden oluşan birçok Üçlü Hücrelerin
bir parçası oldunuz. Bu üçlü grup genellikle geçmişte birçok özel
görevlere sahip olmuş olan ve ayrıca gelecekte bir araya gelecek olan
yakın Ruh arkadaşları veya Ruhlardan oluşur. Üçlü, dokuzlu ve on ikili gruplar, bu yeniden
kavuşma zamanlarında daha da çok bir araya gelmekteler ve bu gelecekte daha da sık
Vizyonunuzu özel küçük dünyanızın veya mikrokozmik gerçekliğinizin ötesine genişletmeye
hazır mısınız? Bu evrende bir dereceye kadar herkesi ve her
şeyi etkilediğiniz ve Dünya’daki ve her bir diğer alemdeki herkesin de
sizi etkilediği gerçeğini kabullenmeye hazır mısınız ve istekli misiniz?
Her birinize soruyoruz, İlahi Doğuştan Hakkınız olan harikulade
armağanları kullanmaya hazır mısınız? İnsanlığa ve dünyaya mirasınız ne
olacak? Yıldızlara ulaşın sevgililer, çünkü vizyonlarınız herkesin en
yüksek hayrı için İlahi Plan ile uyum içinde olduğu zaman, tezahür
ettirebileceklerinizin sınırı yoktur. Bizi çağırın, azminizi
güçlendirmede yardımcı olacağız. İlham vermek, rehberlik yapmak ve sizi
korumak için ve de Baba/Anne Tanrımızın sevgisini size yaymak için her
zaman yanınızda olduğumuzu bilin.
Ben Başmelek Mikail’im.

Eğer istiyorsanız, uyumadan önce, kişisel Işık piramidinize girin ve Ruhunuzun/Yüksek
Benliğinizin Eterik bir Kopyasının bulunduğu kristal
masanıza uzanın. Kişisel piramidinizden Dünya Piramidine akan Işık
akımını tasavvur edin. Bu Işık akımını takip edin ve Dünya Piramidinin
içinde kişisel kristal sandalyenizde Ruhsal Benliğinizin bir diğer
Eterik Kopyasını gözünüzde canlandırın. Bundan böyle, Yaratıcı Işık
akışının yaratmış olduğunuz farklı piramitler arasında ileri geri
serbestçe akması için kendinizin bu Eterik Kopyaları (Suretleri) yerinde
kalacaklar. Ayrıca BM Mikail’in bize verdiği meditasyonlar vasıtasıyla
bölgenizdeki yüksek boyutlu Işık Şehri ile bağlantı kurduysanız, altıncı
boyut frekanslarının küçük bir kısmını kişisel piramidinize yayacak
olan daha küçük bir Işık akımı olacaktır. Ayrıca, Yaratıcı
Işık/Adamantine Parçacıklarının akışını sürekli olarak almanız için ve
sevgi dolu niyetiniz, kutsal nefes teknikleriniz ve onaylamalarınız ile
aktive ettiğiniz Işığı paylaşmanız için, kişisel Işık Piramidinizden
fiziksel bedeninize akan bir Işık akımı da vardır. Bu gerçek bir
bağıştır, sevgili dostlar. Tanrısal Işığımızı başkalarıyla paylaşmaktan
başka verebileceğimiz daha büyük bir hediye var mı? ONAYLAMA: BEN SAF
Ebedi sevgi ve melek kutsamaları, Ronna.
Ronna Herman vasıtasıyla aktarılmıştır * Bu makalenin aktarıcısı olarak ben, Ronna Herman
Başmelek Mikail adına evrensel telif hakkına sahip
çıkıyorum. Bilgi değiştirilmediği, ilave yapılmadığı veya
eksiltilmediği, yazarın adı ve E - mail ve Website adresi eklendiği
sürece websitelerine gönderilebilir. adresinden izin alınarak gazete, dergi vs de yayınlanabilir.
(Çeviri: Saffet Güler)

The New Earth is an Energetic Zip Code in
the Universe of Human Consciousness By
DL Zeta
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 5, 2010 at 4:12pm

The New Earth is an Energetic Zip Code in the Universe of Human

Consciousness By DL Zeta

The New Earth is an energetic field that is and always has been alive and well in its own zip
code within the universe of human consciousness.

This energetic field is not something that has manifested or appeared in recent time frames.
This location in human consciousness has always existed, sending out a bright bacon and
broadcast for all those willing to tune in. This
frequency exists in harmony with frequencies of unconditional love, peace and

You might wonder why it is that so many souls throughout time have chosen not to tune into
this broadcast of the New Earth if it has always existed. You might also wonder why some
even now tune it out.

Powerful ‘Codes and Keys’ of the New Earth

The energetic codes and keys of the New Earth are so powerful they have the ability to unlock
hidden rooms within each being. Once the contents of unseen chambers are brought to light,
they must be healed and brought to spiritual
understanding. Many are not ready for such undertakings.

Barriers to Aligning with the New Earth

Addiction is one reason many turn away from the frequencies of the New Earth. We're not just
talking about addiction in the sense of substance abuse, but addiction in the broader sense of
over-investment in physical reality. This
addiction is an energetic condition that can take the form of a substance, goal,
person, a way of life -- anything that enslaves consciousness.

Fear is closely related to addiction. Many have difficulty surrendering to a higher energetic
frequency for fear they will lose control of their existence. It’s true you may find certain
aspects of your life changing as you move along
your spiritual path. Your higher self may urge you along a path that will bring
needed understandings for you to progress. However, fear of these changes is a

Younger aspects of your consciousness may resist spiritual growth when they are stuck in old
emotional dramas. Synchronistically, when you release fear and align with the frequencies of
the New Earth, you are guided to situations that
provide you the understandings you need to heal and free these younger,
resistant aspects of your being.

Discernment versus Resistance

There is a difference between discernment and resistance. Once you have aligned with the
frequencies of the New Earth, you are empowered to discern and design realities that are
along the energetic spectrum that serves your highest
good and that of others. When you remain locked in old patterns of fear, you are
not creating or choosing the realities you experience. Rather, you are choosing
to remain a prisoner of old situations created in the past. To remain stuck in
the past is to say to the universe that you are a mall, hapless, disempowered
being. When you deny the true infinite nature of your being, you lose your
ability to access the advanced capabilities of your spirit.

By setting your intention to open to and align with the frequency of the New Earth, you allow
yourself to be gently guided to heightened states of empowered bliss and love. In this way,
your consciousness becomes a bright bacon and
outpost for the New Time. As a bright beacon, you are able to help others
recognize and harmonize with this powerful and loving location in the universe
of human consciousness.

For more on the New Earth, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-
Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta


How to rebuild the New World by Joe

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 6, 2010 at 5:13pm

How to rebuild the New World
Now let's consider what to do about the dangerous
guys who are not sufficiently evolved, and who are incarnated
in positions where they have become a danger
to the peaceful evolution of our planet. Let's face it!
There is nothing we can do on our own. We have seen
that a fanatic cannot be convinced by arguments. And
we have seen that those who have suffered cannot forgive
Those who have started accumulating money for selfish
purposes cannot be talked into giving it away easily!
Those who have devised a system for controlling
a country or an area or a religion will not give up this
position of power on their own initiative. These four categories
of people can become very dangerous!
We have found out that the option of fighting them is
not our best option. Especially since our objective is not
to defeat or eliminate them but to bring them back to
their senses and since most of these "dangerous guys"
are not intrinsically bad or evil, but just not sufficiently
evolved to be able to judge the right path.
They could be inspired religious leaders who want to
teach a lesson to the infidels or proud government
ministers who want to take their revenge on a terrorist
country or a frightened government that wants to attack
before the "enemy" strikes. It might be the fear of a
nuclear attack that makes a government want to strike
first or a desire to protect a religious building from the
infidels, or a cleric who thinks he has studied the

Qura'an, or the Bible, and is furious that one of the
"teachings" he has read about is not being followed.
Or…or…or…the possibilities are without end and, at first
sight, could appear laudable to many. Except that our
history has taught us that without love and forgiveness,
and understanding, and trust in God, the warlike conditions
on the planet cannot end. It is about time that we
all understand that not a single war has ever resulted in
a permanent positive result for a period exceeding the
sixty years needed for the new generation to grow up!
Divide and rule: There is an old saying that if you want
to exercise your control over an area all you have to
do is to encourage divisions among its inhabitants. And
many of these guys who have become a danger to their
society have just been tricked into taking the wrong
path. They only need to be shown where their real priorities

The Infinite World:

We have to face the facts as our logic sees them.
First of all the world is infinite since it cannot be finite
and limited. In other words had it been finite, what would
there have been beyond?
Now let us ask God himself in a direct question to tell
us about infinity and parallel dimensions, and big bubbles.
As we know{ 3 }when we ask a question to God, our
next thought is his answer. So here is his answer as I
received it.
God is infinite and he is in All There Is:
He is in everything, in every thought, in every atom.
Enjoy looking at infinity. Close your eyes and visualize
{ 3 Multidimensional Man – Joseph Zaidan - Amazon}
it. Everything else, from the big bang bubble down to
the quark exists in infinite numbers of parallel dimensions,
and in every one of these parallel dimensions
God is in every portion of each parallel dimension.
Thus in the parallel dimension that we are in now, God
is an essential constituent of every human, and of every
particle of this human.
While we are in the physical world we keep facing
choices, and what we do when we face a choice determines
to which parallel dimension we will go. To one of
happiness, or one of sorrow, of prosperity or of poverty,

The five jokers:

Now let's get back to our responsibilities while on earth.
One of these basic responsibilities is to teach the laws
of ethics by our example. Thus when others see us succeeding
and reflecting on the reasons for our success,
they may come to suspect that our ethical living is one

of the major reasons, and they may tend to want to copy
our way of living.
However, now we may be feeling that time is getting
short, and the world may well be reaching a decisive
catastrophic turning point where we decide that we
have to act.
So what do we do? We have five "jokers" in our hand
that can all five produce miracles, providing they are
handled in the right way. We have to practice using
them properly and actively on every occasion. These
five jokers are all known to be capable of affecting the
thinking processes in a positive way.
- 1: Positive thinking.
- 2: The saints.
- 3: The universal mind. God.
- 4: Sending our love by Ho Opono Pono.
- 5: Asking for help from a parallel world.
Let's use them all, and powerfully.

1: Positive thinking: Never think, or talk, about

the possibility
of a WWIII starting in any particular
area of the earth. Think instead of the leaders of
opposing countries shaking hands and smiling to
each other! Visualize the children of both sides playing
together, camping together, and going to school
Whenever you hear about a war or a civil conflict in the
news, visualize a win / win solution and send it out to
them, powerfully and repetitively.
Keep thinking of this win/win solution. Talk about it and
write about it on the internet. Every thought you express
will have its effect on others. Directly or indirectly your
thoughts will reach the "dangerous guys"

2: The saints: We must ask for the help of the saints

by praying to them and visualizing what it is we want. In
an emergency, we must pray to all our saints. To those
we trust most, those to whom our community prays.
Also we must pray to all the others. A saint does not
differentiate between communities. So the message,
accompanied by a visualization of peace, and love and
forgiveness between all earth peoples could be worded
on the following lines: Dearest Jesus, Mohammad,
Buddha, Mary, [add all those you know] we love you!
Just as much as you love us. We have been following
your teachings since our childhood and continue to do
so. We know that we are all one with all on earth and in
the heavens. We have unconditional love toward all the
inhabitants of our earth, and we want to live in peace

and love with them all.
Earth and we want to live in peace and love with them all.
PLEASE HELP US to achieve peace and love. Now
visualize what you want, powerfully, and send it out.
Send out a powerful visualization and keep seeing it,
over and over! This could consist of all the "bad guys"
and the "good guys" smiling at each other; shaking
hands; dancing with each other's wives; playing with
each other's children; laughing and joking together; and
joining in the inauguration of hydraulic projects, solar
projects, and universities.

3: The universal mind: We can command the universal

mind, our Creator by visualizing what we want,
with a powerful and repetitive image of what we want.
Before doing that, we must make sure we are in union.
First activate your spiritual bodies as described earlier
in this book. And when you have the happy feeling of
being in the void, send out your message: "I want union
with the universal mind" Once ths union has taken
place follow it with your command:
"In my capacity of a son (or daughter) of God, I
have decided that I want a final end to all conflicts
on planet earth! This being my will, so it is."
Follow this decision with a visualization of these conflicts
disappearing once and for all!
See the "Dangerous Guys" you know off as they change
their mind about what their real priorities are: Peace,
Love, Happiness, and Prosperity for all!

4: Sending them our love: All the above is familiar

and has been done time and again by everybody.
But sending our love to the "dangerous guys" is a new
concept. As we have said in the introduction, forgiveness
and love of our enemies is not intended to show
that we are "good guys", it is a condition sine qua non
for survival! This has been proved to us right through
our history as a race. Forgiveness of our enemies
could have prevented all the wars, sufferings, and destructions
we have seen right through our history.
Now we are going to apply this to the "dangerous guys"
This has already been tried as a curing method to bring
extremists in prison back to their normal thinking processes.
And it works!!
Place before you a picture
of the "dangerous guy". See
yourself leaving your body through your crown chakra,
above your head, and visiting his spiritual body, and
talking to him. Just tell him four phrases:
----"I'm sorry that I'm acting this way. Please forgive me.

We certainly don't want to cause any harm to anybody!
We are all one – I Love You."
In the science of "Ho' opono pono" the factual explanation
is that our spiritual dimension is the same as that
of the other. And this means that we will be speaking in
his name!!
This may sound ridiculous, even silly. However it is a
system that since its discovery has been tried and reused
time and again with remarkable success. It is a
current curing process in Hawaii, but has not yet been
applied in modern medicine because of the difficulty of
explaining things scientifically! Grin!
On reflection, how can we not love each other when
we remember that we are all part of the same spiritual
body, just as the cells in our body are all parts of the
same human body; it is illogical to think that it is possible
that all the cells in our body should not love each

5:Asking for help from a parallel world.

As our world is advancing fast spiritually, every new discovery
is spreading far and wide like wild fire through
the internet. The latest discovery in this connection is
about parallel worlds. This was studied by Burt Goldman,
and he has found that every important decision
a person makess, every decision that changes the
course of his life, causes a parallel world to form; and
this person continues in each of these parallel worlds
making the person or his parallel self succeed or fail,
possibly turning to a life of happiness or alternately of
failure. Thus this person could continue in his academic
studies or turn into an inspired religious leader
So let us try to turn our world into a parallel world.
Or rather let us "jump" from our world into the parallel
world we want. Here's how:
Move into the alpha state by counting from ten to one,
slowly, while calming your mind, then taking a deep
breath and counting slowly from three to one. Now think
of your intent and visualize it. For instance, you could
visualize a world where unconditional love is the norm
or a world where a single religion exists and uses the
laws of ethics. Or chose your own intent! Use the ancient
Indian technique of raising the tip of your tongue
to the roof of your mouth
See yourself in a hallway leading to a door. Open the
door and enter the world of parallel dimensions. Your
intent will be visible in your aura. It will attract, by a
magnetic type of attraction, the world of your intent.
Now spend the next few minutes thinking powerfully
about this world—what it looks like and how people live

in it. Enjoy yourself! WOW! This is beautiful!
While you are in this blissful state, send out your decision:
----"These are the changes I want for my world!"

The point to remember is that we are not alone! We

are all part of an infinitely large cosmic universe, ruled
by cosmic laws all activated by love, just like positive
and negative electricity, and every powerful thought we
send out with a message
of love, reacts with the universe,
and is acted on. At this stage we do not need
to understand all the details. Except
to know and keep
remembering that we are all loved beyond measure by
the saints around us, who will do anything to help us
succeed in our missions.
Actually they stand in awe at our courage and temerity
for having chosen to undertake this dangerous mission
on earth!

Training ourselves for other missions.

We are all today rulers of our own body, and training
ourselves in this relatively simple mission for the larger
missions we may later have to undertake such as ruling
over a planet, a solar system, a galaxy, or a whole
confederation of galaxies.
So perhaps we should start thinking on how to do this.
No, this is not science fiction! Grin! It is a logical
We know that our body consists of many cells, organs,
and dimensions. And each of these cells, organs, and
dimensions must logically be ruled and controlled by its
own mind, who in its turn forms part of a larger body,
ruled by a larger mind!


To those who think that our attempts at making the
world a better place to live in, is all wishful thinking and
that terrorism is on the increase and wars cannot be
stopped, let us remind ourselves about the changes in
Europe. And the same changes which are also starting
to appear in the Middle East and in South America
where common markets are already being organized.

10/10/10 by Roberto Durante
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 6, 2010 at 5:36pm

This is once I write about the creation of Atlantis, and this I write it
today as supplementary information of what could be happen on 10/10/10
at 10:10 if everything goes as planned.

I yado chiwa niva yo santi itche a wani todi yo I ti!

It was with pleasure that Iragon and SaliYah ware watching to the new
materialized holograms, that will be ready to be tell-transported to a
new secret project, that the Pleiadians had prepared with an enormous
quantum of unconditional love.
Like we all know or not the Pleiadians are old and strong light being
and want to discovered and populated a new created planet with the name
of Earth, On this planet after they incarnated their souls, they will
have as spiritual being, one physical human experience. That will be the
key of a new age. The creation of thousand of dynasty will make this
young Planet evolute, they will be part of the evolution of his
SaliYah and Iragon ware two of this new specie who ware part of this
project that was formed with million of this materialized hologram with
the mission to go colonized this new Blue Planet.
The preparation was going for while now, and the transportation was
almost ready, it was necessary to bring all this souls in the other part
of the galaxy from the biggest sun of the Pleiades calling Maya. On one
sharp gliding ban one half sphere full herself with these million souls
coming inside and melted to each other in one big blue energy field
through a small door.

After a few weeks, the sphere was totally full and perfectly round, and
was now ready to be launched. From a enormous meditative circle of light
being, one vibration start to create a energy field going through the
space to an infinity destination. After few day the vibration was so
intense that the sphere start to move and with the speed of light start
her journey into space and time. To speeding up his cruiser time, the
vibration went on one very low frequency and accelerating the energy, it
was now producing antimatter. The light blue ban get darker by the
antimatter and on the same way than through a black hole, the sphere
dematerialized and continue his way to our solar system. Arrived in our
solar system and under the influence of the attraction of our sun, the
sphere start to materialized again in the form of a beautiful blue star,
enter in the atmosphere of the Earth.
The sphere going with high speed, perforated the ocean and slow down before she reach the
This big blue star explode and let go out millions of soft cocoons, and
there on the bottom, it will take few thousands years before the human
being will start to colonizes the planet. Te project Atlantis was done.
In this time the planet Earth was for 100% composed with water and the
reason why it was inhabited by only marine species, the reason why the
dolphin are called "the children of Atlantis", they ware the guardian of
this cocoons.
That was around 250000 Earth Years a go.
NOW we are in 2010, a very important year, a year of transition, of
selection and a year to unify again all galaxies together to help Mother
Earth for her exam to pass at the next vibration level.

When Atlantis existed, it was possible to travel between the

constellations through this high way of light energized by the power of
the crystal in the high temple of Atlantis. Lets travel with me in time,
so we?
Lets go a bite faster again, when Atlantis disappear under the wave
(after a great age of light for hundred thousands of year) because of a
corrupted infection of the souls living there in power, the high way of
light have be destroyed and the power of the crystal have been taking a
way from the planet Earth by the Creator of the Creations until 1987.
In 1987 started the new cycle of the New Golden Age of Light and the
opportunity once in this history of our planet and at the same time also
synchronized with the entire Cosmos. Little by little the crystal got
their power back, first the small one, using for healing and later the
master crystal, like the one under the Mont Shasta deep under ground
saving just before the total destruction of Atlantis.
So , you have to know that Atlantis was a project of the Light Masters
of the Pleiades’s with the support of the Creator of the Creation, it
was a secret and till 1987, the Council of the Wise from the Pleiades’s
didn’t know it. Of course in space time is not existing, its all the
time NOW. So for us as human being, it have been the Dark Age of the
planet Earth before this Council discover the truth about this failed
project Atlantis that didn’t exist anymore after been destroyed. You
also can say the Pleiadians light master are the creator of our

materialized holograms, and with this responsibility and knowing of the
real situation of Atlantis NOW, they started to restored the High Way of
Light and in one way to another , I got once this information about 12
years a go, but was not a loud to make any publication about it, for
security, because the time was not yet ready to tell the human being.
And the funny thing , is that in that time, a man and a woman came to me
from no where, with the mission to protect me, we made a lot of
meditation seances, space and time travel and after making me understand
that if, I would make this public, I could be in a great danger, they
just got out of my life the same way they enter in, they ware with me 24
hours a day and they told me that they ware agent from the Galactic
Federation Of Light. To be honest in that time I was not so far as I am
now and was thinking sometime, that I was in the middle of a Star War
movie. Now, when I see what 's happen in the world around us, the
sighting and connection everyday more and more with E.T space ship, they
are not UFO anymore because they are our brothers who can use again
this high way of light to reach and help us in the ascending of our
mother Earth and all her children to another higher vibration dimension.
So after a small try out of several little gates around the world on
09/09/09 at 09:09 and the reaction of the awakes souls,I think, because I
am the one who decide what will be next!! :)
That 10/10/10 at 10:10 will definitely open the several gates to the
entire stars system, and help us to complete our mission here, that is
to leave this Dark Age for a golden Age of Light again. If you are
conscious of the power of light coming through our planet everyday that
now also get filtered by massif space ship intervention ( the size of
our planet) with a very high technology and in orbit of our sun (see
this discovering video of the NASA, here the link to the youtube video
to minimized the damage for the physical body of the population who are
not yet ready to absorb this energy of light into their
body,transforming us from carbon to crystalline and
producing by the shooting of indefinite millions of photons to our
planet, who will activate and restore our 12 spiral DNA, when you know
that right now we only have 2 left after the sterilization of the soul
by the Dark Age Masters very long time a go, in the beginning of the
Dark Age.
So let all be ready for global meditation on 10/10/10 at 10:10
preciasly, no matter where you are, this will produce a massive energy
field who will open the gates 4 ever again, and that is out of control
by the dark forces, the Light is stronger and make disappear the dark
for ever, like snow in the sun. So my dear brothers and sisters of the
Light, we will win, it is time NOW for the Revolution in Evolution, and
our biggest and strongest weapon of mass instruction is Eternal Love, so
let spread it around, make it the biggest contagious pandemic, and may
the love , the light and the power of Atlantis be in Harmony and peace
again for ever on Planet Earth, Roberto

Oneness and the Quantum Hologram by
Gregg Braden
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 6, 2010 at 5:52pm

Oneness and the Quantum Hologram

by Gregg Braden

In this interview, Gregg goes into

detail about why the energy of the present energetic changes in the
Earth are very personal for each one of us, and what they mean for our
lives and our ability to consciously co-create a better world.

Spiritual Tradition and Western Science

I've had the opportunity to travel throughout the world. I have been on
every continent except Antarctica. I have been in some of the most
pristine, highest mountains in the world, remote villages in the
Himalayas and the Andes, as well as along the rivers near the cradles of

And one of the most interesting things that I've found is that it is
only here in the West that we feel this need for logic-based
explanations — like the concept of the Unified Field, or the

Consciousness Grid — for how everything works: the need for proof every
step of the way.

And I think this is because in other parts of the world, as in many

ancient traditions, people do not perceive the need to engineer the
forces of Nature. Rather, they accept the relationships as they are, and
then apply them in their lives.

So when we go into the Dead Sea Scrolls, for example, or some of the
Gnostic traditions, or the old Egyptian or Native traditions, we find
that they were not actually trying to figure out how things worked. They
just accepted things as they were, and then asked, "How do we apply
this in our lives? How do we create miraculous healings in our bodies?
How do we invite the forces of Nature to create rain for our crops so
that we can survive?"

In the West, we want to know why and how because we choose to engineer
our world. We choose to engineer the forces of Nature, and to do so, we
have to understand how Nature functions.

I'm not saying that there's a right, wrong, good, or bad in these
different perspectives, but I am saying that the ancient traditions seem
to contribute the most intact records of who we are in the Cosmos and
how we relate to Creation. It's just that in our world of science,
technology, and engineering, the ancient texts have not been well
received or given much credence because they do not explain the why or
the how of Nature.

But these texts do tell us how to deal with the relationships that already exist.

Our scientific concept of the the Unified Field and the Consciousness
Grids is reflected in these texts as Oneness or Unity. We are are not
simply a part of the Earth, these texts tell us. We are the Earth. We
are not simply a part of the Force that governs all Creation. We are
that Force.

Further, in my travels I have had the opportunity to correlate the

relationships between the measurable physical changes that are going on
in our world with the predictions made in some of the most cherished
traditions of our time: the Hindu, Buddhist, Egyptian, Mayan, Native
North American, South American, ancient Hebrew, pre-Christian, and
Christian traditions.

And I have found that all of them, as different as they may appear on
the surface, refer to this current time in history as one of great
change on the Earth.

And many of the traditions that remain intact take us one step further.
They say that this isn't a change we can sit back and watch. Instead,
this change is actually a catalyst that invites us, as individuals and

collectively, also to make changes within ourselves. We are being called
upon to reconcile the meaning of this great change in our lives — day
in and day out — in our careers, our relationships, our health, our
bodies, and in the peace or lack of peace between nations.

Reconciling these things within our own bodies actually prepares us to acclimate to the
changes that Earth is undergoing.

This need for change within ourselves is the piece I saw that was missing from scientific and
technological traditions.

Oneness and the Unified Field

Almost universally, ancient texts and traditions say to us, in the

language of their time, that we are part of all that we see, that we are
related through a Force to the events of our world, to one another, to
the processes within our bodies and the Cosmos and beyond. In our most
sacred traditions, this Force is described as all-powerful, something
that permeates all of Creation. It's not "out there" somewhere. It is a
part of ourselves as well as a part of all that we perceive.

Now Western science, beginning in about 1993, through accredited

academic and scientific institutions, has performed experiments with
unexpected — and in some cases very surprising — results, experiments
demonstrating that the ancient tenets appear to be true. In these
experiments, the only way that the curious and bizarre behavior of
nature and particles in the subatomic world, the quantum world, could be
explained was if those particles were all connected through a
previouisly unrecognized Force.

So what's happening right now, in the early years of the 21st Century,
is that Western science is moving toward accepting the ancient idea of
this unity field that links all of Creation.

Some scientists are calling this field Nature's Mind. Some scientists
are calling it the Mind of God (a famous name given to it by Stephen
Hawking in his book A Brief History of Time.) Many researchers now are
calling it the Quantum Hologram

This unity field, this Quantum Hologram, responds to the things that we
do and the way we think and feel. It allows us as individuals to
participate in the events of our lives rather than feeling hopeless as
we stand by and watch the world teeter on the brink of war, or watch our
loved ones succumb to illness and diseases that we really don't

Western scientists now not only identify this field, but they give it
characteristics. They say that this field appears to be everywhere, all
the time, a form of energy that's already present rather than being
generated in one place and transmitted somewhere else.

It's everywhere all the time and appears to have been with us since Creation began, what
physicists called the "Big Bang."

So it's always been here, it's everywhere all the time, and it also
appears to have what Western scientists are now calling "intelligence."
It appears to be an intelligent field in that it responds to the
language of coherent human emotion.

Except for the language, this field sounds very similar to what the ancients called God.

The Language of God?

The language the Unified Field seems to speak is that of coherent emotion.

What's incoherent emotion? It's the kind of emotion we experience when

we are feeling one way, thinking another way, and expressing something
different from either our thoughts or our feelings.

Let's say for example we come to work on a Monday morning and we just
had a terrible weekend with our family, and we've lost a loved one. Life
has not gone very well, and we're feeling all that on one level. And a
co-worker asks us how our weekend was, and we answer, "Oh, it was fine."

Because we don't want to talk about it, we end up blocking ourselves

from having a coherent feeling and a coherent emotion. We're not being
honest, so we do not have our emotions aligned with our thoughts,
feelings, and expression.

Coherent emotion happens when what we are thinking, feeling, and

expressing are all in alignment. When we have coherent emotion, it can
be measured and documented that there also are effects that extend
beyond our bodies.

For example, if we prayed for our loved one to be healed, but we were
thinking it probably wasn't going to happen, and feeling fear of loss,
then that prayer would not be speaking the "language" of the Quantum

But in the same example, if we feel and think that our loved one is
already healed — or in the example of praying for peace, that peace
already exists in our world — that triggers a series of processes in our

First, it creates a chemical shift, a shift in the pH levels, i.e., the

alkalinity and the acidity in our blood stream. And it changes the
hormonal levels of our body. The life-affirming hormone precursor DHEA,
for example, increases over 100 percent in our bodies in the space of
only six hours in the presence of coherent emotions of appreciation and

By contrast, the life-depleting hormones like cortisol, the stress
hormone, decrease over 23 percent in that same six hours in the presence
of incoherent emotion.

So we know that emotion is triggering processes within our bodies. And

now we know that those processes have quantum effects that extend beyond
our bodies into our families, into our communities, into the societies
that surround us.

So it is through coherent emotion that we affect the Unified Field, or the Consciousness Grids,
in a purposeful way.

The Need for Personal Change

If we are the Earth, if we are the Force, it follows that when Earth
goes through changes — for example, when the magnetics of the Earth
change, or if we have a polar reversal — our bodies are going to change,
as well.

In other words, these kinds of changes are having direct effects upon
our perceptions of space and time, upon our relationships, our romances,
our careers, our sleep patterns, and how we view ourselves in relation
to one another. All of those things are affected by changes in the

And I think most of my readers will agree that each of us is

experiencing, at least to some degree, changes in our personal lives,
right now, that are reflecting the kinds of changes that are going on in
the Earth at large.

And further, in the language of the ancients and our most cherished
spiritual traditions, faith moves us into a "space," where we can affect
the forces of Nature around us and bring about the kinds of changes in
our world that we call miracles.

Or as Western science would put it, coherent human emotion produces a

chemical change in our bodies, and that chemical change has quantum
effects that extend beyond our bodies and bring about changes in our
physical world (and now it's no longer a "miracle").

But if we were going to make a flow chart of these two ways of

describing what happens, the flow chart would be the same for the
scientific and the traditional world view.

In the Essene texts and in the Hebrew and the Christian texts, the way
that this is described is that when thought, feeling, and emotion become
one — in other words, when they are all aligned — then we say to the
mountain, "Move!" and the mountain moves.

Gregg Braden
stands at the crossroads where science meets spirituality. A former earth scientist and
aerospace computer systems designer, Braden is now
considered a leading authority on the spiritual philosophy of ancient
and indigenous traditions throughout the world.

He is the author of the groundbreaking books Awakening to Zero Point: The Collective
Initiation, Walking Between the Worlds: The Science of
Compassion, and The Isaiah Effect: Decoding the Lost Science of Prayer
and Prophecy.

Gregg's passion for bringing science and spirituality together, his articulate and colorful
presentations, and the enthusiastic reception of his
seminars and books have made him a well-known and beloved international
figure and a popular guest and keynote speaker for conferences, expos,
and media specials worldwide.

Gregg and his family make their home in New Mexico and Florida. You may contact him by
email at, or by phone at 505-424-6892.
His website is at


Crystalline Changes and the Higher Self by
Jan Tober with Julia Griffin
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 6, 2010 at 5:53pm

Crystalline Changes and the Higher Self

by Jan Tober with Julia Griffin

Jan told Julia definitely that the information in this article was what she is being guided to
share with you, our readers. It describes the energy
changes that are happening now, gives advice specifically for
Lightworkers on how we can make our way through the coming time, and
provides us with an extremely powerful exercise (it looks much simpler
than the results it gives — we hope you'll try it!).

Like much of the information Julia says she received for this issue,
there is a great deal between the lines here, "for those with eyes to
see and ears to hear."

Grid Changes

In all of Earth's history, this is the most exciting time to be in a

human body. But of course this is not new information for those who have
been interested in the New Age.

An incredible change is taking place: The electromagnetic grid is aligning with the Crystalline

The electromagnetic is the old grid. It holds us in place in matter.
Now, it has moved into alignment with the Crystalline Grid — the new
grid of the new world that is being formed at this moment. The clearing,
activation, and setting of the Crystalline Grid began in March 2003.
Completion will continue until 2012.

We are starting to feel a shift from the electromagnetic energy to the

new, nuclear energy that is coming in with the Crystalline Grid. Nuclear
energy is a combination of electromagnetic energy and nuclear fusion.
This new energy will enable us to step into the next dimension. This is
not the destructive energy we have associated with nuclear power in the
past. This type of nuclear power will enable our strands of DNA to make
the shift into the 5th dimension.

This energy is called "adamante," which refers to the tiniest

subparticles of life, or the "life force energy." This energy will allow
humans to return to their original blueprint, increasing the lifespan
and perhaps even bringing immortality.

The most important thing to remember about the Crystalline Grid is to

stay anchored. But we must also stay flexible. We want the energy to
remind us of who we really are. And we want to allow the grid shift, as
well, to be both flexible and anchored.

These changes are making many things happen. For example, our archetypes
are changing. Male and female roles are changing. Many of us feel
anxious, fearful, or depressed. The body is experiencing profound
changes as we move from one dimension to another. Change is becoming a
constant. There are major changes as the old paradigm is falling away.

We don't have to feel anxious. We need to feel with our consciousness that the new change is
to be loved and embraced.

Aligning with the Inner Child

One thing we can do now is to work with the Divine Inner Child. This is
important because we can learn self-love in this way. Self-love is one
of the most important steps to take in the new paradigm. The Inner Child
resides in the Heartspace, and this is the place we all need to be
working with — the space behind the heart. We need to disconnect our
Inner Child from its earth parents, i.e. our physical parents, and
connect it with Divinity.

One way to do this is to see your Inner Child reconnected with the
God/Goddess or sacred Father/Mother. See the Inner Child being embraced
by the God/Goddess in the Heartspace, and bring in feelings of
peacefulness. Breathe in, and really work in the heartspace. Talk with
your Inner Child and find out what she/he wants. Connect lovingly. And
above all, listen.

The techniques for relating to Indigo Children also work with your
Divine Inner Child. The Indigo Children are advanced souls that have
come to bring in new energy at this time.

So we must learn to work with the Inner Child. None of this is easy —
but it's what's here for every person. The whole evolution of beings is
changing. We must learn to co-exist with the Indigos, and the only way
that we can do this is to be our authentic selves and learn to
experience the feeling of self love.

You have to learn how be authentic with the new Indigo Children, and you
have to use the same method of communication with your own Inner Child.
For instance, it's wise to always allow the Indigo Child choices, and
you can do this with your own Inner Child.

You can negotiate. If you are working a lot, your Inner Child may feel
smothered and need a break. You can ask to finish what you're working
on, and then agree to have fun or play.

Here's an exercise from the Indigo Children book I co-wrote with Lee
Carroll: Simply write a question with your dominant hand and answer it
with your non-dominant hand! You can receive incredible information in
this way.

It is possible to really connect with your Inner Child to create at the

optimum level. Through this connection, we can truly learn self-love.
When you learn to feel an emotional, warm love for your Inner Child, and
will start finding it natural to honor yourself. You will find that you
will keep your promises to this Divine Inner Child and protect it from
being tired or hurt through a loss of boundaries.

Boundaries are very important to the Inner Child. You will be a mess in
these times without learning to hold your boundaries. It's important to
hold your boundaries so that others cannot push you, either consciously
or subconsciously. Be aware of this and heighten your awareness.

It would also help to release anyone who you allow to take your energy
in any way. Eliminate the energy takers in your life. If you feel tired
or drained after talking to someone, examine that. Don't let it go by.
If they are friends, you still must let them go. Making this decision in
these times is important. Everyone needs to look at the cast of
characters in their movie, their life — because the movie is changing.

The Braided Breath and Platinum Ray Visualization

There is one technique, called the Braided Breath which, together with
the Platinum Ray Visualization, can make the shift a little easier for
anyone who practices it. It is simple and effective. It is a
DNA-shifting technique. This technique was channeled through Source by
Ellen Kaufman Dosick, Karen Wolford, and myself in May 2003. We are

working together on channeling information for the Crystalline Grid and
documenting it for an upcoming book.

Here is the meditation that came through for the three of us:

Braided Breath

1. Inhale 2 counts — count as "one thousand one, one thousand two..."

Don't fully expand the lungs, but breathe deeply into the Tan Tien (the
area just below and behind the navel).

2. Hold for 1 count — count as "one thousand one."

3. Exhale for 2 counts — "one thousand one, one thousand two..."

4. Hold for 1 count — "one thousand one."

This breath should be repeated eight times. Eight represents infinity,

and works well for this exercise. The Platinum Ray visualization below
should follow the breathing part of the exercise.

The Platinum energy has been anchored into the planet with the opening
of the Crystalline Grid. The Platinum Ray is a silver ray with tinges of
blue that works with the healing of duality.

Platinum Ray Visualization

1. After you have completed Braided Breath eight times, see your own
crystal before you filled with the Platinum Ray and the irridescence of
the Crystalline Grid.

2. Simply step in the center of this crystal and stay for a while. This helps to anchor your
energy and keep you centered.

The exercise may be used as little as once daily or repeated many times during the day.

Changes for Health

It's important for us to pay careful attention to our health at this

time. The body needs to be de-toxified and cleansed. Each of us must
find the answer that works for our own body, but it is important to have
plenty of protein, from whatever source is appropriate for you. And
please drink a great deal of water, but only in small amounts at any one

Also, we need to focus on releasing stress. Turning off the television

and electronics in the house whenever possible is one important stress
reduction technique.

There tend to be challenges with the back — specifically the spine —

bones, and blood sugar. I recommend that everyone see a holistic
practitioner of some kind — a chiropractor or homeopathic doctor — who
will really look at your body. Find out what you need to do for your
body. Everyone should take his or her health very seriously at this
time. Take a look at all of the stress in your life and focus on
eliminating it.

For working with your bones, I suggest running Emerald Green Light into those areas. We
have found this to be effective.

Managing Your Vibrations

Color and sound will help us make a shift in our feelings. I have a CD
available on my website that helps. It works the colors of the chakras
using tones. The new irridescent colors of the Crystalline Age will be
coming into the aura.

Also, you may want to make certain adjustments to your aura when you go
out in public. This is a time of high security in the world because of
the planetary changes, so if you are a person who holds a "higher
charge," you may want to imagine a rainbow filter (ask for Rainbow
Light) when you go out. You won't attract as much attention, and it will
easier to travel through public places.

Most public places, especially government buildings, are very third

dimensional. You may ask the building's permission — just as the Native
Americans asked the plants before taking leaves — to encompass the
building with the Rainbow Light, and if it agrees, then you can do this
and enter more comfortably. And also remember to wrap yourself in the
Rainbow Light.

The Rainbow Light makes us seem peaceful and familiar to other people.
The rainbow filter allows other people to see us as being similar to
them, and so they are more comfortable. People also will get what they
need from the rainbow, since its colors are plugged into the Earth. It's
better not to imagine White Light around one's self. That's a little
overwhelming to others just now.

There are also two books that I recommend — Toll's Power of Now, which
reminds us of the importance of taking breaths and being in the NOW, not
in the past or future; and Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting by Lynn
Grabhorn. Grabhorn's book is a mainstream version of Abraham's
teachings. It teaches that wherever you are, you are magnetizing. This
is important because what we magnetize can make us feel crazy. You have
to learn to clear the garbage, because it keeps coming back, and this is
because you're magnetizing it through your thoughts, emotions, and
subconscious intent.

You have to learn what your triggers are, and once you can identify the area of triggers, you
can truly begin to clear.

Recent Energy Changes

I'd like to talk some of the changes that have taken place. On April 14
and 15, 2003, there was an acceleration of the energy, an invitation to
the Indigos. A door opened for the Indigos to step into the 5th
dimension completely. Many of them may have received their life map or
syllabus at this time, because Indigos are born without a syllabus.

Everything on the planet was speeded up, and it was a very emotional
time. Many people made a decision to step into the 5th dimension.

There are also some channelings I would like to share. I ask that the
reader listen and feel from the heart. Don't accept this or anything as
gospel unless it is something your heart accepts.

The Feminine Messiah energy was anchored in on April 15. In October, the
Male Messiah aspect was anchored in. The partnering of people at the
highest soul level will then begin take place. The actual new
relationships will be real — they will not be based on karmic

The 5th-dimensional energy is also bringing in group souls. We are

rapidly making connections with the souls in our group. The energy this
brings is very profound and quickening, and in some cases may even be

Also, part of the channeling of Ellen, Karin, and myself centered around
the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The energy at this point in Jerusalem
has always acted as a centrifuge — it has been the umbilical cord of the
planet. It spun and made peace very difficult. That energy has been
cleared, transformed, and has become a pure Love energy that resides in
Ground Zero in New York. This will allow the opportunity for a New
Jerusalem and create a Love vortex at Ground Zero. It will stimulate a
new center that has a great effect on our country and the world.

We're all explorers. We need to observe and be aware of who we really

are — the golden God/Goddess. We need to be aware of our responsibility
for the Divine Inner Child. We can find deep and real self-love through
the Inner Child. Through this, we can come together as a blazing light
of Love on the planet. But we must start with the self.

Once, we could change, go away, or be the same. Those options are no

longer available. However, the grander picture is this: With the help of
the Crystal Grid, we are changing the history of Planet Earth.

Jan Tober,
with Lee Carroll, is a channel for Kryon. Jan also channels the Council of Thirty-Three.

She has three CDs that are all channeled pieces. The intent of the channeled music is to help
anchor the DNA activations. They are "The

Journey Home," "Teknicolour Tapestry," and "Color Sound." They co-wrote
the book Indigo Children.

Jan may be reached through the Kryon website, Jan Tober at

Istanbul Tunelleri
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 6, 2010 at 5:57pm

Istanbul Tunelleri


We Are One. There Is No Separation. 10-10-
10 by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 6, 2010 at 6:02pm

Humanity has been through some incredible shifts of energy, vibration, and consciousness this
past summer. Now the I AM Presence, the God
Self of each person, is able to communicate more effectively within the heart
and conscious mind. These powerful shifts allowed our I AM Presence to burst the
bonds of our manipulative human ego. Once that was God Victoriously
accomplished, our I AM Presence escorted this wayward aspect of our personality
into the schools of learning in the Inner Planes where it will be transformed.
Our human ego is no longer able to manipulate us or to block our forward
progress the way it has for aeons of time. This is allowing people everywhere to
awaken at an accelerated pace. When people awaken, they lift their hearts and
minds, which, in turn, raises their consciousness and allows the Light of God to
increase on Earth. When our consciousness is raised and the Light of God

increases in our lives, we begin to “see with new eyes and hear with new

We do not need to fully comprehend just why this wondrous event occurred during this
particular time, but know that it is the result of
the dedicated work of millions of Lightworkers and the entire Company of Heaven
over decades of time. Now, day-by-day, the newfound freedom from our human ego
is enabling us to more easily hear the “still small voice within.” This
phenomenon has the wonderful effect of allowing us to clearly perceive the
Oneness of Life and the Divine Truth that all Life is interconnected,
interrelated, and interdependent. We now realize beyond a shadow of a doubt that
we are One with ALL Life and that there is no such thing as “us and
them.” Our erroneous belief in separation is what has caused the pain and
suffering people are experiencing all over the world. Our responsibility now is
to heal the polarization that was created by our human egos. Never have
circumstances been more perfectly aligned to accomplish this mighty feat.

Just imagine, the I AM Presence within each person can now act unimpeded by the sabotaging
antics of the human ego. All we have to do is ask our I AM
Presence to take dominion of our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions and to
guide us through our daily experiences with Divine Intelligence and Reverence
for ALL Life. This will help us to stay focused in the Light as we transmute the
obsolete behavior patterns that were associated with our human egos.

Our Etheric Bodies are known as “the seat of all memory.” Everything we
have experienced through all of our Earthly sojourns is recorded in this
vehicle. That means that the memories of our human ego’s devious schemes and
deceptions are recorded in this vehicle. Since we are all creatures of habit, if
we do not stay focused on our I AM Presence, it will be easy for us to have a
reflex response to our life experiences that imitates our ego’s behavior. That
will occur, simply, because that is the way we were used to acting in the past.
It is our responsibility to be PRESENT in every moment of our lives. Daily and
hourly, we must think and feel aligned with our I AM Presence BEFORE we respond
to a situation. Move away from any trace of fear and say to yourself, “I AM
my I AM Presence. From this level of Divine Consciousness, how will I respond to
this situation? How will I add to the Light of the world with my thoughts,
words, feelings, actions, beliefs, and attitudes in this instance?” Then
with listening Grace, respond to the Divine Guidance of your I AM Presence.

Without the interference of our human egos, we will hear the guidance of our I AM Presence
in new and profound ways. This has been extremely difficult in
the past, but that is over. Everything has changed! Listen and Trust yourself.

An easy test to be sure you are responding to the guidance of your I AM Presence and not
merely connecting with the etheric records of your human ego is
to ask yourself “Is this response free from fear? Is it the most positive
way of handling this situation? Does this response involve the highest good for
all concerned? Am I adding to the Light of the world by responding in this
way?” If your answer is “NO” to any of these questions, the guidance is not
coming from your I AM Presence. You are responding from a residual habit of your

ego from the past.

Instead of acting out of that old habit, center yourself and ask your I AM Presence for
guidance again. Do this as many times as
you need to until you are able to answer “YES” to all of the questions.

Many people are not aware on a conscious level that their I AM Presence has succeeded in
bursting the bonds of their human ego and that they are now
free from their ego’s fear-based manipulation. They may not even realize that
they have an I AM Presence. Consequently, they will not know about asking their
I AM Presence these important questions before responding to the situations in
their life. These people are going to be more prone to act out of the old habits
and the obsolete behavior patterns of their human ego. But, fortunately, there
is an answer to this problem, and the Company of Heaven is asking for our
assistance in resolving this situation.

Since we are One with ALL of our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity, we can
invoke their I AM
Presence on their behalf. Everyone still has the free will to ignore the inner
guidance of their I AM Presence, but without the interference from their human
ego they will hear this guidance much more easily. The important thing to
remember is that our I AM Presence is very practical, therefore the guidance
always involves viable options and solutions that will enhance our lives and the
lives of others. It is hard to keep resisting this kind of guidance. As we
perpetually invoke the I AM Presences of our sisters and brothers around the
world and ask THEM to intervene in their lives, eventually, even the most
resistant person is going to respond to the heart call of their I AM Presence.
Then that person will see the life-enhancing results of their actions, which
will motivate them to listen to that inner guidance on a regular basis.

It is impossible for us to truly comprehend the magnitude of what it means for all of us to be
free from the manipulation of our egos, but our lives
have been transformed. Instead of feeling like we are struggling to accomplish
our goals by walking through tar with gale force winds blowing in our face, we
are now empowered in new ways by our I AM Presence and the Divine Intervention
of the Heavenly Realms. The patterns of perfection we focus on for our
individual life and our collective lives as the Family of Humanity, will
manifest much more quickly. Through the newly created template of Unity
Consciousness and Humanity’s newfound freedom from our human egos, we will
cocreate the New Earth in a very tangible way sooner than we ever dreamed

Daily and hourly, things are going to get better on this planet. Pay attention, and empower
only that which reflects the Higher Order of
Being associated with your I AM Presence. Then you will automatically empower
the patterns of perfection for the New Earth through your thoughts, words,
actions, and feelings.

KNOW that through your I AM Presence, you are the Divine Qualities of Liberty, Divine
Justice, Freedom, and Victory freeing

Humanity, and all of the energy bonds within Humanity, which include the
relationships and the interactions of all people, all races, all religions, all
organizations, and all nations. You are your I AM Presence liberating these
interactions into the harmony of a Higher Order of Being, thus expanding the
influence of Humanity’s I AM Presence on Earth. You know this Higher Reality
within your heart and mind, and through your I AM Presence you are a calm ocean
of these Divine Qualities flooding the Earth.

We have God Victoriously made a quantum leap up the 5th-Dimensional Spiral of Evolution.
There is no
turning back! Be at Peace, and enjoy the ride. Your time has come. And so it

A RARE OPPORTUNITY - OCTOBER 10, 2010 - 10-10-10

We are all being presented with a rare opportunity to catapult Humanity forward into the
consciousness of Oneness and Reverence for
ALL Life. On October 10, 2010, 10-10-10, there will be myriad activities of
Light around the world that will increase the Light of God on Earth. I would
like to share with you one of the events that resonates most deeply in my heart.
This event is being orchestrated by an organization named The Power of

The Power of One - 10-10-10


We could co-create a whole New World, of the people, by the people, with the

Imagine what it would feel like to envision and then create the world we most deeply want.
Imagine what Humanity would be capable of if we
all could come together as One, starting with endorsing a simple Declaration of

10.10.10 Humanity’s Date with Destiny is a worldwide invitation to begin a new era of
planetary healing, global
community, and co-creative partnership with all Life. In the powerful venue of
the National Mall in Washington, D.C., 10.10.10 invites
Humanity to begin the new era by coming together to make a profound, historic
and visible demonstration of the collective will to form the Founding
Family of the New World.

When we pause for a moment in silence...

When we make the Declaration of Interdependence...
When we declare ourselves the Founding Family of the New World...
When we encourage everyone we know to do the same...
We become a drop that makes countless ripples...

That Create the New World.

TAKE ACTION - The more of us that declare ourselves to be the Founding Family —
showing up on 10.10.10 at the
Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC, at events around the world, or even
virtually — the more visible our collective readiness to create the New
World becomes. Isn’t it time?

About Us: 10.10.10. Humanity’s Date with Destiny is organized by Power of One, a 501(c)3
charitable organization in
collaboration with an emerging founding family of people and organizations who
are declaring themselves ready to co-create the New World. Our mission is to
inspire and empower integrated action by people and organizations toward
transformation to a peaceful, sustainable global society. Drawing on advanced
sciences and collective consciousness, we develop initiatives, partnerships, and
collaborations that stimulate creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovative
financing and business models in service to the whole.



by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

This is about a book that I have been waiting 35 years to write.

At long last, the answers to the questions that people have been asking for lifetimes can be
revealed. These profound
Truths have been carefully hidden in mystery schools, awaiting the time when the
masses of Humanity would be awake enough to comprehend them. This is that time.

"Who Am I? Why Am I Here?"

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

This amazing new book answers the questions:

1. What is the true story of Humanity's fall from Grace?

2. How did the various world religions form?
3. What was Jesus' mission, and how does he fit into the present unfolding Divine Plan?
4. What was Jesus' relationship with Mary Magdalene?
5. Is there a Feminine Aspect of God? Do we really have a Mother God?
6. Are all Human Beings Children of God, and what does that mean?
7. Are there Beings on other planets? If so, are they Children of God?
8. Why is there so much pain and suffering on Earth? Can I do anything to change Humanity's
9. Is Humanity's natural Birthright the infinite Abundance of God?? If so, why is there so
10. Why are things so intense right now? Is something big about to happen?
11. What is going to happen in 2012?
12. Am I really capable of transforming my life into what I want it to be?

In the vitally important new book, "Who Am I? Why Am I Here?" these
questions, and many more, are answered very clearly and comprehensively.

Because of the urgency of the hour, and the number of people who are sincerely seeking
answers to these questions, we would like to
make this book as accessible as possible.

The book is normally $25.00, but we are putting it on sale for $20.00 plus postage and
handling. This is a beautiful 280 page hardback book.

If you are interested in ordering this important book for yourself or as gifts for
your friends and loved ones, you may do so from our SECURE WEBSITE

If this link does not work, please cut and paste it in your browser.

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

FAX: 520-751-2981;
Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose

PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any
medium as long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is

©2010 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in
the Realms
of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to
encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the
bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.
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Filmekimi ~ 8-15 Ekim 2010
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 7, 2010 at 12:17am

Filmekimi ~ 8-15 Ekim 2010

Yildiz Isik Konseylerinden 10-10-10 Mesaji
Solara An-Ra kanaliyla
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 7, 2010 at 1:38pm

Yildiz Isik Konseylerinden 10-10-10 Mesaji

Solara An-Ra kanaliyla

Onlar bu tarihte gezegenimizde simdiye kadar yapilan kutlamalardan cok daha fazla
Isikiscisinin toplanacagini ongoruyorlar!
Toplantilarimizda bizden yapmamiz istedikleri seyler:

• Berrak veya pembe kuvars kristali tasimak (veya ikisini de)

• O gun daha fazla isik getirmek icin bir araya gelmis olan tum dunyadaki diger gruplara
bilincli olarak baglanmak (Bunun icin belli bir saat yok, 10:10:10’da herhangi
bir saat olabilir)
• Su anda Gaia’nin yuzeyinde olan kutsal kristal kafataslarina baglanmak
• Gaia’nin kristal yataklarina & simdi uyanmakta olan Dunya’daki Master Atlantis
• Gaia’nin kalbindeki cekirdek kristale baglanmak
• Ve son olarak, Gaia’nin Kristal Izgarasina baglanmak!

Yildiz Isik Konseylerinden 10-10-10 Mesaji

Gaia kabilesi, bu gercek gucunuze uyanma & hatirlama zamaninda buyuk sevincle
sizinleyiz! ‘Guc’ sozcugu, yanlis kullanimi nedeniyle bazilariniz icin cekici
bir sozcuk degil – ve bu nedenle gucun baskasinin uzerinde hakimiyet kurma,
birbirini baskilama ile ilgili oldugu kavramina sahipsiniz. Guc sozcugunun
gercek anlami, gercekte kim oldugunuza sahip cikmak ve istediginiz seye sahip
olma, yaratma ve secme yeteneginizin farkinda varmaktir! Bu anlamda tum
dunyadaki Isik Savascilari kendinizi bir kurban olarak dusunmek yerine,
gercekten sectiginiz yasami yaratma fikrine uyaniyor.

Gazete ve haber yayinlarinin haberlerinin beyninizi yikadigi seylere inandiniz. Aniden buyuk
ekonomik kriz oluyor! Ve bunun korkusu kalplerinize asilaniyor, boylece kaybetme
korkusuyla sahip olduklarinizi daha fazla koruma ve savunmaya basliyorsunuz ve
onlarin ongordukleri gibi yikilmaya basliyorsunuz, cunku bu tasvir edildi –
kacinilmaz yoksunluk, mutsuzluk ve felaketin resmi. Bu resimler ekranlarda
resmedildi ve hafiza bankalariniza damgalandi. Simdi, kendi resimlerinizi
yaratmanin zamani! Sevincin, bereketin ve bollugun resimleri! Eglencenin ve
birbirinize bagli olmanin resimleri; kutsanmis gezegeninizle birligin resimleri;

Yildiz Varliklari, Gaia’nin hayvanlari ile, birbirinizle baglantinin

Simdi, 10-10-10’da enerjilerin bir araya gelmesinden soz ediyoruz. Bu enerjilere, hala
Gaia’nin bedeni icinde kalan bireysel guc
kristalleri tarafindan aktive edilmekte olan, Gaia’nin kristal yataklari
tarafindan yardimci olunuyor. Bu harika kristaller hakkinda ve kristal
kafataslarinin yeniden ortaya cikisi ve kristal kafataslari ile calisma yetenegi
hakkinda (eski caglardan kalan, guce ve bilgiye sahip bir kristal kafatasinin
dekorasyon olarak sehpanin uzerine durmasinin sizin uyanisiniza pek faydasi
olmaz, oyle degil mi?) her taraftan haberler geliyor. Ama kadim insanlarin
bilgisini getiren, gezegeninizde olmus olan her seyin akasik kayitlarini getiren
ve bir olarak kabilenize katilan bu harika hissedebilir guc varliklari ile
calismayi secmis olanlar vardir.

Bunu vurguluyoruz, cunku bir olarak bir araya gelmeden, mumkun olan en yuksek yukselis
formunuza erisemezsiniz. Ve bu
nedenle 10-10-10’da Isik kabilesinin klanlari olarak bir araya geliyorsunuz! Bir
araya geliyorsunuz, siz Dunya varliklarina baglanma surecinde, sizi
gezegeninizin icindeki Isik varliklari ile birlestirme surecinde, Yildiz
varliklari, Yildiz uluslari olarak sizinle birlikte kutluyoruz. Ic Dunya ile
ilgili hisleriniz ve duygulariniz donusurken, simdi farkina vardiginiz Ic Dunya
Isik varliklari.

Kristallere daha fazla baglanirken, Gaia’nin kristal yataklarindaki kristallere baglanirsiniz.

Gaia’nin kristal yataklari, onlarin
farkinda olmanizin farkina variyor ve bu onlarin uyanisina yardim ediyor.
Lemurya, Atlantis ve kadim Misir’in kadim kabileleri ve rahipleri, kristal
yataklarin farkindaydilar ve simdi siz enerji bilincinizde onlarin farkina
variyorsunuz. Ve simdi disarida olan ve 3B gezegeninizde tezahur eden
kristalleri ve kristal kafataslarini kullaniyorsunuz. Hem Gaia’nin kristal
yataklarina hem de onun kalbinin kristal cekirdegine baglanmak icin bu
kristalleri ve kristal kafataslarini kullaniyorsunuz. Bunu, 10-10-10’da Gaia’nin
kristal izgarasina baglanarak, tonlamaniz ve sevginiz ile, birlikteliginiz ve
birlesik niyetlerinizle yapiyorsunuz.
Sizin gelecek zaman cizginizde, 10-10-10’da, Isik kabilesi olarak simdiye dek bir araya
gelenden cok daha fazla
insanin toplanacagini goruyoruz. 9-9-9’da, ilk kez Armonik Kavusum’dan daha
fazla insan bir araya geldi ve 10-10-10’da daha da fazla insan bir araya
gelecek! Ve sizler tum dunyada birbirinizle baglantili olan gruplarda
olacaksiniz. Sizden birbirinize baglanirken, kristal kafataslarina baglanirken,
Gaia’nin kristal yataklarina ve cekirdek kristalin kendisine baglanirken, berrak
veya pembe kuvars tasimanizi/tutmanizi istiyoruz. Bu gunu ve olayi sizinle
kutluyoruz – 10:10:10 ve su anda Gaia uzerinde olan Yildiz Isik Varliklari
olarak uyanisinizin daha da buyuk olayini!. Namaste.
Solara An-Ra, Isik Savascisi

(Ceviri: Saffet)

10-10-10’da Neler Oluyor?
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 7, 2010 at 1:40pm

10-10-10’da Neler Oluyor?

10-10-10 tarihi enerjisel olarak kutlu bir gundur, gezegenin ve onun tum sakinlerinin
meridyenler ve ley hatlari olarak
bilinen elektromanyetik enerji izgaralari vasitasiyla baglanti kurmasini
saglayan yuksek boyutlu enerjilerin mevcut oldugu bir gundur, bu enerjiler
gezegene ve onun uzerinde yuruyen, ucan, surunen ya da yuzen her yaratiga
Birligi ve sifayi getiren enerjilerdir.

Arkansas’taki Bilginin Mavi Kristali 10-10-10’da %100 islevsellige aktive oluyor.

Shasta Dagindaki Cokboyutlulugun Om Kristali, Arkansas’taki Sifanin Zumrut Kristali,

Gerais, Brezilya’daki Yenilenmenin Altin Kristali ve Titicaca Golu, Bolivya’daki
Arkturus Gunes – Ay Kristali %50 islevsellige aktive oluyor.

Bahia, Brezilya’daki Sesin Mor Kristali %25 islevsellige aktive


Bunlarin hepsi Ilahi Disilin Zumrut Kristalinin Manifoldu ile tetikleniyor. Tum bu
aktivasyonlar, gunes sistemimiz galaksimizin merkezi,
Merkezi Gunesin kalbi ile hizalanmaya ilerlerken, yuksek boyutlu enerjilerin
akisi nedeniyle gerceklesiyor. Bu enerji akisi ayrica Isis’in Gozu olarak
biliniyor, cunku bu Ilahi Disil Enerjinin odaklanmis bir isin demetidir.
Arkturuslu Juliano’nun 10-10-10’daki aktivasyon ile ilgili

“Shasta Dagi, guclenmis spirituel gucu iceren bu ozel 10-10-10 kapisi isigini alacak. Enerji ve
isigin yogun odaginin en yuksek
besinci boyut olanaklarina buyutulmesi icin, bu kapi isigini tum Gezegensel Isik
Sehirlerine, tum Yildiz tohumlarina, tum Isikiscilerine ve tum Eterik
Kristallere ayni anda aktarmak icin calisacagiz. Bu kapinin isiginin Shasta
Daginin uzerinden tum gezegene yayilmaya basladigini hissetmeye ve gormeye
basladim. Bircok insan donusturucu vecheleri onceden hissetmeye baslayacak ve
bunu zamanin deneyimlenmesi acisindan ve ruhsal calismaniza daha fazla konsantre
olma ve adanma acisindan fark edeceksiniz. Gezegensel calismaya adananlar essiz
bir enerji gorecekler…”

Su onaylamayi kullanabilirsiniz: “10-10-10 kapisi sirasinda besinci boyut benligimden

alabilecegim kadar cok alabilmem
icin, ucuncu boyut benligimde mumkun olan en fazla yere izin


(Ceviri: Saffet)

Eve Kimlerin Resimlerini Goturuyorsunuz

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 7, 2010 at 2:03pm

Eve Kimlerin Resimlerini


Yazan: Alan Cohen

ceviri: Lale Kulahli

Costco'da yururken, koca bir sepet dolusu basilmis ve sahiplerini bekleyen

fotograflari farkettim. Muhtemelen birkac yuz paket, alfabetik olarak listelenmisti.
Birden herkesin ozel resimlerini iceren bu zarflarin acikta oyle durdugunu ve
alicilarini bekledigini gordum. Herhangi birisi bu resimlerden herhangi birini
calabilirdi veya birisi baska birisinin zarfini kendisininkiymis gibi alip parasini

Birden farkettim ki bu sistem calisir, cunku kimse baskalarinin fotografini eve

goturmek istemez. Kim kucuk Ashleigh'in agzindan bebek mamasi akarkenki resmini
ister? Veya Henderson'larin Florida'daki tatil resimlerini? Hayir, kimse baskasinin
resmini eve goturmek istemez.

Ama psikolojik seviyede, bunu hep yapiyoruz ve pismanlik yasiyoruz. Yanlislikla satin
aldigimiz fotograflar baska insanlarin realitelerinin resimleri. Ailemizin iliskiler modelini,
para korkusunu, agabeyimizin cinsellikle ilgili tutumunu, bakanimizin Tanri ile
olan iliskisini, ogretmenimizin politika ile ilgili dusuncelerini kendimizinmis
gibi kabul ediyoruz. Pek cok insanin realitesinin resimleri korku temelli,
sinirlayici ve hizmet etmiyor. Ama onlari eve goturuyor ve kendimize ait
olduklarina inanana kadar kendi

hayatimizda cogaltiyoruz. Sonra, eger dikkat etmezsek, onlari kendi cocuklarimiza

geciriyoruz. Ardindan da kendimizin ve etrafimizdakilerin neden bu kadar mutsuz
olduklarina sasiyoruz. Hepsi bize hicbir zaman ait olmayan sikici ve mutsuz resimleri
kabul edip parasini odedigimiz icin.

Size ogretildiginin aksine, yasadiginiz realite sizin seciminiz. Realitenizi odaklandiginiz

resimlerle uretiyorsunuz. Herhangi bir realite resmine daha fazla odaklandikca, size daha
da gercek geliyor. Sadece gercek olduklarini dusunerek sayisiz dunya yaratip oralarda
yasayabilirsiniz. Bu, onlarin gercek oldugu anlamina gelmez, sadece onlara cok fazla
dikkatinizi verdiginiz ve inandiginiz anlamina gelir.

Klasik bir hikaye, ulkesinde bir arkadasini ziyarete giden bir adamdan bahseder. Gecenin
ortasinda adam banyoya gitmek icin uyanir ve yerde onu sokmaya hazir olumcul dev bir
yilanin kivrilmis durdugunu gorur. Ertesi sabah ev sahibi kalktiginda yerde misafirin olusunu
bulur ve yaninda da yerde kivrilmis olarak duran buyuk bir halat vardir. Misafir yilan
isirigindan dolayi degil ama korkusundan olmustur. Sanki yilan gercekmiscesine... Adamin
katili yilan degil, kendi zihnidir.

Bu kisa hikaye deneyimledigimiz tum korkular icin gecerlidir. Aydinlamis ustatlar

korktugumuz hicbirseyin gercek olmadigini soylerler; korktugumuz seyler sadece
hayalimizde varolurlar. "Korku" kelimesi "gercek gibi gorunen sahte delil"
anlamina gelir. (fear: False Evidence Appearing Real)

Pek cok insanin korktugu, ve korkularini korktuklarina saldirarak guclendirdikleri bir

dunyada, akli basinda kalarak ve algiladiginiz yilanlarin aslinda halat oldugunu
farkederek cok ciddi sifa ortaya cikarabilirsiniz. Zihninizle guc vermediginiz
surece sizi hicbirsey incitemez. Baskalarinin sevginin varligini unuttugu bir
durumda siz sevgiyi hatirladiginizda, istenmeyen fotograflari sepete geri koyar
ve kendi fotograflarinizi alirsiniz.

O elestirel ses size ait degil. Siz yargi, eksiklik ve ayrilik dusunceleri ile dogmadiniz. Bunlarin
hepsi ogrenilmistir ve zihninizden cikartilabilir. Cocuklar ve hayvanlar bizim en
buyuk ogretmenlerimizdir cunku henuz fotograf departmanindan gecmediler ve
baskalarinin berbat resim albumlerini satin almadilar. Cocuklar Tanri'yla
surekli baglantidadirlar ve henuz baska turlusu onlara ogretilmemistir. Tanri'ya
cocuklar, hayvanlar ve tabiat icin sukredin; onlar Ilk Masumiyet'e cankurtaran

5 yalindaki bir cocuk ailesinin yeni dogan kucuk kardesimi hastaneden eve getirmelerini izler.
Gunlerce kardesi ile yalniz kalabilmek icin ailesini rahatsiz eder. Cocugun bebege zarar
verecegi korkusu
ile aile direnir. Ama cocuk inat eder. Sonunda aile peseder ve olabilecek bir
rahatsiz etme durumu icin bebegin odasina bir telsiz dinleme aleti koyarlar.
Kaygilarinin aksine, cocugun bebegin odasinin kapisini kapattiktan sonra bebegin
besigine yaklastigini ve ona egilip "Bana Tanri'dan bahseder misin? Ben unutmaya
basliyorum" dedigini duyarlar.

Size ait olmayan resimleri sepete geri birakin. O karanlik fotograflar hic bir zaman size ait
olmadilar. Sizin tadina varacak, kendinize ait cok daha iyi resimleriniz var.

Alan Cohen

Sevgi ve sifayla kalin,

Sifa Cemberi

Neyzen Tevfik
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 8, 2010 at 3:00pm

Yasam üzerine fazla geldigi zaman onu zorlama, biraz duraksa,

neler olup bittigine anlam verme.
Mutlaka yanlis bir sey oldu ve
dusuncelerin ile dileklerin ayni orantida degildi ve varligin ile bulusamadi.
Sorun yok, sadece bekle.
Gunes dogacaktir, cimler yeserecektir, cicekler acacaktir, ruzgar esecektir
ve yagmur yagacaktir, zorlamaya gerek yoktur,
olmasi gereken kendiliginden olur!
Izlemene devam et, sahitlik guzeldir, hem olayin disindasindir hem de icinde,
o bir dengedir,o anlamlidir, sahit ol, tanik ol, olan ile butunles,
guzellik olanlarin icinden filizlenecektir;
zorlamaya gerek yoktur, olmasi gereken kendiliginden olur!..
Hayat ucbucukla dort arasindadir. ..
Ya ucbucuk atarsin, ya da dort dortluk yasarsin...

Neyzen Tevfik

10:10:10 Donusumun Yildiz Kapisi Portali
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 8, 2010 at 4:36pm

10:10:10 Donusumun Yildiz Kapisi Portali

Bu en hayirli Isik olayinda,

Galaksinin bu ceyrek kisminda ve bu Gunes sisteminde ve Dunya’ya
Isik boyutlarinda bir Yildiz kapisi aciliyor,
Tum Yasami Kutsalligin Onuncu Isininin Ilahi Aydinlanmasinda isitacak,
ayrica Kutsalligin uc katli alevi olarak bilinen
Guc, Sevgi ve Bilgeligin mukemmel dengesi.

Kutsalligin onuncu isini Akasik Kayitlarin kilidini acarken

ve Kayitlar Salonundaki Insanligin En Yuksek Potansiyelinin
bilgisinin ortaya cikmasina izin verirken,
bu Takdiri Ilahi ve kutsal yanardoner uc katli alev ile
tum yasam denge vasitasiyla donusum firsatina sahiptir.

Isigin bu Kutsal etkinliginde, tum bu Isik frekanslarini tasiyan

on iki eterik kristal kafatasi ve on ucuncu holografik bir kristal kafatasi
bu dunya planinin icinde ve etrafinda aktive olacak;
Bu, Akasik Kayitlara erisim saglayacak,
Ve bununla, bu dunya planindaki tum Isikiscilerinin En Yuksek Potansiyeli,
sizi baslica Lemurya, Atlantis ve kadim Misir’dan kalan
Kendinin Ustatliginin anilarina goturecek,
Ve bu Simdide, BEN’IM Varliginin daha derin seviyesinde ve bu eterik kristal
kafataslarindaki damgalar vasitasiyla, Yukselmis Ustat
armaganlarini getirecek.

10:10:10 Donusumun Yildiz Kapisi Portali Icin Dua/Onaylama

Kutsalligin Onuncu Isininin Birlikte – Yaratici Konseyine hizalanirken,

Anne/Baba Tanri’nin, Ben’im Varligimin ve kisisel olarak tanidigim Yukseklerdeki tum Isik
Varliklarinin isiklandirmasini

Simdi dissal Merkaba Isik Aracinda, Kutsalligin Onuncu Isininin Yukselis Makamina
Guc, Sevgi ve Bilgeligin yanardoner uc katli aleviyle sarmalaniyorum,
Denge ve kararlilik, adalet, Sevgi, guc, sonsuz bilgelik, tarafsizlik, basari, sorumluluk,
Ustatlik ve askinligin isin
niteliklerini aliyorum.

Simdi Ben’im Varligim ile daha derin bir birlesme ve butunlesmeyi istiyorum,

Beni hep var olan sureklilige goturmesini ve En Yuksek Isigima hizalamasini,
uyumlamasini istiyorum.
Ben’im Varligim ile birlesirken,
Kendimi Gucun, Sevginin ve Bilgeligin bu Ilahi bedenlenmesi olarak,
BEN’IM Avatar Mavikopyasinin insan bedenlenmesindeki bu ilk dalga Ruh olarak taniyorum,

Simdi, Kutsalligin bu yanardoner alevini, bu Gunes Sistemine ve bu Gunes Sistemi icindeki

tum kutsal ve kutsal olmayan
gezegenlere, sonra Shamballa vasitasiyla Dunya’ya, ley hatlarina ve kutsal
sitelere yonlendirmeye yardimci oluyorum.
Ve simdi, bu kutsal uc katli alevi,
Dunya Ana’nin kristal yataklarina ve simdi
Dunya Ana’nin Kristal Kalbine yonlendiriyorum.

Isigin Mesih Bilinci izgarasi vasitasiyla,

Guclendirme, Sevgi ve Bilgeligin bu ozu tum Insanlik icin elde edilebilir kilinirken,
on iki eterik kristal kafatasinin maksimum Kozmik Isik frekanslarina yukseltildigini
ve simdi on ucuncu holografik kristal kafatasi Dunya Ana’nin kalbinde aktive oluyor.

Simdi kendimi bu holografik kristal kafatasinin icinde buluyorum,

Bu Dunya planinin ilerideki tekamulunde bulunan tum Isik varliklari dahil,
tum Yasamin En Yuksek Potansiyelinin anilarini deneyimliyorum.

Ve simdi, 10:10:10 Donusumun Yildiz Kapisi Portalinin buyutulmesini, guclendirilmesini

deneyimlerken, paralel
realiteler ve zaman cizgilerinde deneyimlemis oldugum Isik inisiyasyonlari
vasitasiyla, kendimi bu Ustat Isik Varligi olarak gorme armaganini

Ilahi Benliklerimin ve Ben’im Varligimin enerjisi vasitasiyla bu liderlik kaftanini alirken,

Kendimi bu Isigin Muhafizi olarak taniyor,
Ben’im varligim, Ruhum ve Yildiz Isik aileleri vasitasiyla, kisisel gucume gercekten adim
atarken, illuzyonun tum perdelerini
Anne/Baba Tanri’nin Yuksek Zihninin bilgeligini deneyimlerken,
Simdi bu yanardoner uc katli alevi kalbimin derinliklerine aliyorum,
Ve simdi bedenimdeki her cakraya aliyorum,
Ve bununla, Yuksek Isigim, BEN’IM Varligim olarak
En Yuksek Potansiyelimi deneyimlemek icin tum kalan anahtar kodlari aktive ediyorum.

Ben Sevgiyim,
Ben Gucum,
Ben Bilgeligim,
Ben Anne/Baba Tanri’nin Isigiyim,
Ben Ben’im.

Anrita Melchizedek
(Çeviri: Saffet Guler)

The Energies for October 2010! Archangel

Jophiel through Frixos Christodoulou |
Athens, 1. Oct.10
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 8, 2010 at 4:38pm

The Energies for October 2010!

Archangel Jophiel through Frixos Christodoulou | Athens, 1. Oct.10

Beloved family of the Light, we welcome you in your new home! This house being built for
you, which is completing now so to welcome you and host you is the new Christ
Consciousness. This is your
new home full of health, protection, love, full of peace and light.
Loved ones, this month brings forward the new paradigm which is related
with the expression of unconditional love.

As you approach the portal of union of the twin flame within, this energy will express within
you, in your hearts and in your consciousness the new and complete "prototype" of love.
Taking you on a

new understanding and experience of unconditional love in your
consciousness. In there we establish the new paradigm.

Through the Angelic Kingdom of Light we carry the integrated-balanced energy of Love –
Wisdom –Power. This Light work is now completing; braid, and woven with the new energies
of the integrated
Christ through the inner union of the energies of the Twin Flame. So
your Angelic Self is anchoring like a drop of Light in your esoteric
heart, and this energy will start to spread in your bodies, in your
blood, in your DNA.

Acknowledging and Embracing the New Self!

Beloved ones, the month of October will play its role in the planetary transformation. The
Light code which is anchoring this period will bring about many changes while it allows your
spirit to
start expressing outwards. With this we mean that the programs of
personality start to "collapse", acknowledging what are you and what you
are not. The true expression of You, of each one, now starts appearing
out of the light "crack" of your consciousness. The light will shine
much stronger. You know, this is a continual process of transformation
and needs to complete.

This time will be a complete transformation. Each man (/woman) on earth experiences the
process of transformation, transmutation from the old to the new consciousness. And as we
said many
times, the new consciousness has nothing to do with the old! So many
things are changing while the veil between the dimensions open and you
receive the blessings from above. The presence of the Light within your
hearts transforms all of this you recognize as self. So you begin now to
realize, have an idea of who you truly are. This has nothing to do with
what you believe about yourself till this moment. While the integrated
Christ will be born in your hearts. Growing and completing within you;
you will get to know the true eternal Self.

10:10:10 Energy Portal & Sacred Marriage!

Love will come forward. The Energy Portal of 10:10:10 this month is an opportunity given to
you to embrace the alchemical marriage of transformation. The reunion with Spirit. On that
day the
alignments of the energies will allow the codes of the twin flame to
anchor on Earth. This will also assist in the planetary ascension,
bringing the new codes of unity within the collective energy field of
the planet. Earth is taking her upward course of her ascension. Unity!

The same is taking place within you. The codes of the integrated Christ, the light codes of
Love with the union of Mary Magdalene and Jesus/ Sananda energies within you, will create
dynamic you need now. A portal of light will open in your consciousness
carrying you in front of the sacred union of the secret marriage,

recognizing and embracing you completely in this mystagogy. The union of
all the parts of your being in a complete marriage of the male and
female Christ energy. A very blessed moment which signals the beginning
of a new course towards the Light. After this, be sure that many things
will change.

Energy Fluctuation & A New Shift:

Beloved light workers of truth, in the month of October an energy fluctuation will take place.
About in the middle of October the energy will start changing and shifting. This is happening
due to the acceleration you will receive on the Portal 10:10:10. And new
energies will come in the planetary field and hologram, thrusting the
old energies out of the fields of earth.

So this light action will remove a big percentage of the old energy. Many of you might
experience this as a severance or a feeling that something is missing. This, loved ones, is
perfect; embrace the process of your personal transformation. While you
let the old go away, recognize the change, and welcome the new in your

Connect with the new energy coming now on earth. Mother Gaia embraces the entire physical
world in her arms and she rises now with you, taking you upwards. The energy of love is
spreading all
over the planet and its grids.

Loved ones, we told you many times that everything is a matter of consciousness. In there
exist all the programs, impression, the way you think and the way you act. Allow your
consciousness to be
magnetized from the integrated Christ Consciousness, which is clear,
crystalline, without fear, but full of the Light of Ascension, of Divine
Love, Heavenly Transformation and merger with the One. As we told you,
now you need to know the real "you". To get to know who you truly are,
without the impressions you created for yourself. Now it will come
forward and on this recognition, this love will flood your being and the
complete reunion with home will be the heaven you will be living on

Trust the process in the hands of your Spirit!

Our beloved, the angelic kingdom is so close to you as never before. Focus through the clear
"view" and balanced love and power, with wisdom. Now, it is the time that for many people,
need to make the leap; surrender in the hands of your Spirit and then
you will fly. Trust this process. Some minutes before the completion of
transformation, an accelerated change has begun for all.

In the month of October you will be guided to see the old patterns and to recognize them in
order to be completely released. Many people will turn to themselves, realizing that
everything starts

from there; they will seek to find the ways and ask for guidance. Give
them help, whenever they need it, give them the opportunity to make the
change for their self. You will be the guides, all the light workers,
you who already experienced many changes during all these years, you
will be called to contribute and act dynamically in the process of the
planetary transformation. This doesn't mean that you will take a role in
the recognized society or something similar to his. But you will be a
"leading actor" in the lives of people around you, while you will be
helping in your own way, you would have played an important role in
their lives and the path of their liberation. This is a blessing, it is a

Regarding this matter of the outer situation prevailing, it is directly related with your
consciousness. Work with it (-your consciousness) and it will reflect the outcomes around
you. This
is another gift for all the beings that refine their energies and
create their reality.

May this month lead with you with grace through the alchemical marriage in a complete
reunion with Love. May this portal bring forward the miracle of planetary unity.

Archangel Jophiel
Channeling from Archangel Jophiel through Frixos Christodoulou | 1 Oct.10, Athens

Visualization of the month from Archangel Jophiel!

Connect with the energy of Archangel Jophiel! For all those who wish for more Light and
inspiration in this period you can invoke the energy of Archangel Jophiel in order to provide
you with a
boost and expansion in your life. In your meditation, request and let
this energy to shower you.

I invoke Archangel Jophiel to bring his yellow-gold energy, and flood me and illuminate the
mind, the heart and intellect, filling me with inspiration, light, joy and vitality. Archangel
bring your gifts in my life and open my path to the Light, now!

Important Dates & Energy Movements:

10 October: Energy Portal 10-10-10. Sacred Union & Secret Marriage!

23 October: Full moon with Sun in Scorpio.

Please forward this message! (Channeling - translated from Greek)

Angels House University:

An Introduction to the 10:10 Stargate
Portal of Transformation
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 8, 2010 at 4:39pm

An Introduction to the 10:10 Stargate Portal of Transformation

On this most auspicious occasion of Light,
a stargate of Light is opening through the dimensions of Light,
through this quadrant of the Galaxy,
and through this Solar system and onto Earth,
basking all Life in the Divine Illumination of the Tenth Ray of Divinity,

the perfect balance of Power, Love and Wisdom,
also known as the three-fold flame of Divinity.

Though this Divine Dispensation and sacred pearlescent three-fold flame,

all Life has the opportunity of transformation, through balance and equilibrium,
as this tenth ray of Divinity unlocks the Akashic Records,
and allows the knowledge of Humanity's Highest Potential through the Hall of Records to be
In this Divine activity of Light,
twelve etheric crystal skulls and a thirteenth holographic crystal skull holding all these
frequencies of Light,
will be activated within and around this earth plane,
allowing access to the Akashic Records,
And with this, the Highest Potential of all Light workers on this earth plane,
taking you into the memories of Self Mastery,
primarily from Lemuria, Atlantis and ancient Egypt,
and in this Now, bringing through these Ascended Master gifts,
through the imprinting at a deeper level of the I AM Presence,
and these etheric crystal skulls of Light.
Invocation for the 10:10 Stargate Portal of Transformation
I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,
my I Am Presence and all the Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge,
as I align with the Co-Creative Council of the Tenth Ray of Divinity.
I am now taken in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light,
into the Ascension Seat of the Tenth Ray of Divinity.
As I am surrounded in this pearlescent three-fold flame of Power, Love and Wisdom,
I take on the ray qualities of balance and equilibrium, justice, Love, power, infinite wisdom,
detachment, attainment, responsibility, Mastery, and transcendence.
I now request a deeper merger and integration of my I Am Presence,
taking me into the everpresent continuum, and the alignment of my Highest Light.
As I merge with my I Am Presence,
I recognise myself as this Divine embodiment of Power, Love and Wisdom,
as this first wave Soul in human embodiment of the I AM Avatar Blueprint.
I now assist in directing this pearlescent flame of Divinity,
through this Solar System and into all the sacred and non-sacred planets within this Solar
now onto Earth, through Shamballa, the leylines and sacred sites.
And now, I direct this sacred three-fold flame,
through the crystal beds of Mother Earth,
and now, into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth.

As this essence of empowerment, Love and Wisdom,

is made available to all of Humanity,
through the Christ Consciousness grid of Light,
I experience the twelve etheric crystals skulls being amplified to their maximum Cosmic
Light frequency,
and now, the thirteenth holographic crystal skull is activated within the Heart of Mother Earth.

I now find my Self within this holographic crystal skull,

experiencing the memories of the Highest Potential of all Life,

and all Light Beings involved in the forward evolution of this Earth plane.
And now, as I experience the amplification of the 10:10 Stargate Portal of Transformation,
I am given the gift of viewing my Self as this Master Being of Light,
through the initiations of Light that I have experienced,
in parallel realities and timelines.
I recognize my Self as this Keeper of Light,
as I take on this mantle of leadership,
through the energy of my Divine Selves, and my I Am Presence.
I remove all veils of Illusion,
as I truly step into my personal power,
through my I Am Presence, Soul and Star families of the Light;
as I experience the wisdom of the Higher Mind of Mother/Father God,
I now take this pearlescent three-fold flame deep into my heart,
and now into each chakra in my body,
and with it, activate all remaining key codes to experience my Highest Potential,
as my Higher Light, as my I AM Presence.
I Am Love,
I Am Power,
I Am Wisdom,
I Am the Light of Mother/Father God,
I Am All that I Am.

Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek

Production Adele Selina
Music by Mike Hammer/Yahoel

10-10-10 Beginnings & Endings by Jennifer
Hoffman, October 9, 2010
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 9, 2010 at 11:59pm

Beginnings & Endings
by Jennifer Hoffman, October 9, 2010


On Sunday we celebrate the date 10-10-10, a symbol of new beginnings that we are
so ready for. We want to find a new life purpose, new relationships, new ways of
being and more joy. So we welcome this opportunity with open arms and an open heart.
New beginnings are available as long as we are willing to create space for them,
which we do by allowing their corresponding endings to occur. Every new beginning
we ask for is the door that opens when another closes. We cannot begin without also

Why don't we welcome endings with the same joy as we do beginnings? Because we think
they involve sacrifice, suffering, pain and discomfort. When something ends we have
to do without, start over or acknowledge a failure. Endings show us how things did
not work out, where we could not succeed at something or where our expectations
were not met. And endings disrupt the flow of our lives, as they compel us to look
in other directions, point out our shortcomings and work on ourselves.

While that is what we may believe, that is not what endings are about. Endings give
us closure, confirmation and support on our next steps. They are signs that we are
ready for something else and the only painful thing about them is when we do not
allow them to occur.

There is a law of physics which states that two things cannot occupy the same space
at the same time. And this is so true of endings and beginnings. When we ask for
something new, it takes the place of something that already exists. So we have
to release the old to make room for the new. That's easy enough to do when it's
something we do not care about but when it is important to us, the ending has become
personal, a testimonial of who we are and a sign that we failed or lost. Allowing
it to end means that a part of us ends too and if we are not ready to detach from
it, let it go or have judgments then our endings will be quite disruptive and painful.

On this date and on future dates like it, for there will be more waves of the energy
of new beginnings as more shifts occur, we open more energetic portals and step
into higher dimensions, we will be asked to make room for new beginnings by allowing
endings to occur. Are we as open to the ending as we are the beginning?

Along with any new beginning that you experience on October 10, 2010 and afterwards,
give yourself the gift of an ending. This could be an actual ending, a symbolic
ending or an affirmation to release something that you know does not serve you.
Could you be more confident, positive, happy, grateful, self assured, or loving
or appreciative of yourself? Imagine the ending as the closing door that allows
the new beginning to enter.

If you want to be more confident or successful, release any guilt, shame or other
blocks that prevent you from expressing your full potential.

To be happy, close the door on an unhappy experience that you hold in your memory.

To create love, be grateful for every unloving teacher you have had, for their purpose
was to help you find love within yourself.

To know your new life purpose, embrace where you are in this moment and everything
you have learned.

To be at peace, be grateful for every experience of chaos and that you have the
power to choose the energies that manifest in your life.

Embrace your new potential as you give yourself the gift of the endings that make
beginnings possible.

Many blessings in these amazing, miraculous times.

Jennifer Hoffman

Many thanks to Beloved Ramsiel


Problems of Humanity PP 128 - 134
Published in 1947
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 12, 2010 at 4:45pm


Problems of Humanity PP 128 - 134
Published in 1947

Problems of Humanity - Chapter V - The Problem of the Churches

Today men's minds are recognizing the dawn of freedom; they are realizing that every man should be
free to worship God in his own way. This will not mean (in the coming new age) that every man will
pick a
theological school to which he will choose to adhere. His own God-illumined mind

will search for truth and he will interpret it for himself. The day of theology
is over and that of a living truth is with us. This the orthodox churches refuse
to recognize. Truth is essentially non-controversial; where controversy emerges,
the concept is usually secondary in importance and consists largely of men's
ideas about truth.

Men have gone far today in the rejection of dogmas and doctrine and this is good and right and
encouraging. It signifies progress, but, as yet, the churches fail to see in
this the workings of divinity. Freedom of [129] thought, the questioning of
presented truths, a refusal to accept the teachings of the churches in terms of
the past theology, and a rejection of imposed ecclesiastical authority are
characteristic of creative spiritual thinking at this time; this is regarded by
orthodox churchmen as indicative of dangerous tendencies and as a turning away
from God and, consequently, of a loss of the sense of divinity. It indicates
exactly the reverse.

Perhaps as serious, because of its effect upon untold thousands of the more ignorant public, are the
materialistic and political ambitions of the churches. In the Eastern faiths this is not so prominently the
case; in the Western world
this tendency is fast bringing on the degeneration of the churches. In the
Oriental religions a disastrous negativity has prevailed; the truths given out
have not sufficed to better the daily life of the believer or to anchor the
truths creatively upon the physical plane. The effect of the Eastern doctrines
is largely subjective and negative as to daily affairs. The negativity of the
theological interpretations of the Buddhist and Hindu Scriptures have kept the
people in a quiescent condition from which they are slowly beginning to emerge.
The Mohammedan faith is, like the Christian, a positive presentation of truth
though very materialistic; both these faiths have been militant and political in
their activities.

The great Western faith, Christianity, has been definitely objective in its presentation of truth; this was
needed. It has been militant, fanatical, grossly materialistic and ambitious. It has combined political
objectives with pomp and
ceremony, with great stone structures, with power and an imposed authority of a
most cramping nature.

The early Christian Church (which was relatively pure in its presentation of truth and in its living
processes) eventually split into three main divisions - [130] the Roman Catholic
Church which today seeks to make capital out of the claim that it was the Mother
Church, the Byzantine or Greek Orthodox Church and the Protestant Churches. All
of them split away on the question of doctrine and all of them were originally
sincere and clean and relatively pure and good. All have steadily deteriorated
since the day of their inception and today the following sad and serious
situation can be found:

1. The Roman Catholic Church is distinguished by three things which are all contrary to the spirit of

a. An intensely materialistic attitude. The Church of Rome stands for great stone structures -
cathedrals, churches, institutions, convents, monasteries. In order to build them, the policy
down the centuries has
been to drain the money out of the pockets of rich and poor alike. The Roman
Catholic Church is a strictly capitalistic church. The money gathered into its
coffers supports a powerful ecclesiastical hierarchy and provides for its many
institutions and schools.
b. A far-reaching and far-sighted political program in which temporal power is the goal and not
the welfare of the little people. The present program of the Catholic Church has definite
political implications;
their attitude to Communism has in it the seeds of another world war. The

political activities of the Catholic Church have not built for peace, no matter
under what guise they are presented.
c. A planned policy whereby the mass of the people are kept in intellectual ignorance and,
through this ignorance, are naturally to be found among the reactionary and conservative forces
are so powerfully at work resisting the new age with its [131] new civilization
and more enlightened culture. Blind faith and complete confidence in the priest
and in the Vatican are regarded as spiritual duties.

The Roman Catholic Church stands entrenched and unified against any new and evolutionary
presentation of truth to the people; its roots are in the past but it is not growing into the light; its vast
financial resources enable it to menace the future enlightenment of mankind
under the cloak of paternalism and a colorful outer appearance which hides a
crystallization and an intellectual stupidity which must inevitably spell its
eventual doom, unless the faint stirrings of new life following the advent of
Pope John XXIII can be nourished and developed.

2. The Greek Orthodox Church reached such a high stage of corruption, graft, greed and sexual evil that,
temporarily and under the Russian revolution, it was abolished. This was a wise, needed and
right action. The emphasis of this church was entirely material but it never
wielded (nor will it wield) such power as the Roman Catholic Church did in the
past. The refusal of the revolutionary party in Russia to recognize this corrupt
church was wise and salutary; it did no harm, for the sense of God can never be
driven from the human heart. If all church organizations disappeared from off
the earth, the sense of God and the recognition and the knowledge of Christ
would emerge in strength and with a fresh and new conviction. The church in
Russia has again received official recognition and faces a new opportunity. It
does not yet constitute a factor in world affairs but there is hope that
eventually it may emerge as a regenerating and spiritual force. The challenge of
its environment is great and it cannot be reactionary as can - and are - the
churches in other parts of the world. [132]

3. The Protestant Churches. The church, covered by the generic name of "protestant", is distinguished
by its multiplicity of divisions; it is broad, narrow, liberal, radical and ever protesting. It comprises
within its borders
many churches, large and small. These churches are also distinguished by
material objectives. They are relatively free from any such political bias as
conditions the Roman Catholic Church, but it is a quarreling, fanatical and
intolerant body of believers. The spirit of differentiation is rampant; there is
no unity or cohesion among them, but usually a constant spirit of rejection, a
virulent partisanship and the growth of hundreds of protestant cults, a constant
presentation of a narrow theology which teaches nothing new but produces fresh
quarreling around some doctrines or some question of church organization or
procedure. The Protestant Churches have set a precedent of acrimonious
controversy from which the older churches are relatively free, owing to their
hierarchical method of government and their centralized authoritarian control.
Again, however, the first efforts to achieve some form of unity and cooperation
have recently emerged and may continue to grow.

The question arises whether Christ would be at home in the churches if He walked again among men.
The rituals and the ceremonies, the pomp and the vestments, the candles and the gold and silver, the
graded order of popes,
cardinals, archbishops, canons and ordinary rectors, pastors and clergy would
seemingly have small interest to the simple Son of God Who - when on earth - had
nowhere to lay His head.

There are deeply spiritual men whose lot is cast within the cramping walls of ecclesiasticism; they are
many in the aggregate, and within all churches and faiths. Their lot is
a difficult one; they are aware of conditions and they struggle and strive to

present sound [133] Christian and religious ideas to a searching, suffering
world. They are true sons of God; their feet are set in most unpleasant places;
they are aware of the "dry rot" which has undermined the clerical structure and
of the bigotry, selfishness, greed and narrow-mindedness with which they are

They know well that no man has ever been saved by theology but only by the living Christ and through
the awakened consciousness of the Christ within each human heart; they interiorly repudiate the
materialism in their
environment and see little hope for humanity in the churches; they know well
that the spiritual realities have been forgotten in the material development of
the churches; they love their fellowmen and would like to divert the money spent
in the upkeep of church structures and overhead to the creation of that Temple
of God "not made with hands, eternal in the heavens". They serve that spiritual
Hierarchy which stands - unseen and serene - behind all human affairs and feel
no inner allegiance to any outer ecclesiastical hierarchy. The guidance of the
human being into conscious relation to Christ and that spiritual Hierarchy is to
them the factor of major importance and not the increase of church attendance
and the authority of little men. They believe in the Kingdom of God of which
Christ is the outstanding Executive but have no confidence in the temporal power
claimed and wielded by Popes and Archbishops.

Such men are found in every great religious organization, both in the East and in the West and in all
spiritual groups, dedicated ostensibly to spiritual purpose. They are simple,
saintly men, asking nothing for the separated self, representing God in truth
and in life, and having no real part in the church wherein they work; the church
suffers sadly through the contrast which they represent and seldom permits them
to rise to place [134] and power; their temporal power is nil but their
spiritual example brings illumination and strength to their people. They are the
hope of humanity for they are in touch with Christ and are an integral part of
the Kingdom of God; they represent Deity in a manner which the great
ecclesiastics and the so-called Princes of the Church seldom do.

Special Messages From Archangel Michael
And Sananda, For The 10-10-10 11
October 2010
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 12, 2010 at 4:58pm

Thank you AA Michael and Sananda!

Special Messages From Archangel Michael

And Sananda,
For The
11 October 2010
Channeler: Michelle Coutant
Message From Archangel Michael, October
10, 2010
Through Rev. Michelle
“A Message For The
Dear Ones,
The request has been made for a special
message for you, on the 10–10-10, this momentous occasion, as you move forth
into the ascension. The occasion for celebration continues to occur as each new
triple date brings forth new wonders, opens new doors and pathways, for you to
experience great cleansings, great progress on your path, and the achievement
of the greatest levels you have available to you. You are aligned and in
position with the planetary bodies, the activations have and are occurring on
mother earth, with the assistance of the blessed ones who are drawn to do these
activations, as their divine service. All is in place for you now to come into
final preparation for the incorporation of your light body.
What does this mean, dear ones? It means
you have the potential and the ability to bring forth more light into your
physical body than you had thought possible, than you have been able to do in
the millennia you have been mired in the third dimension. Now is the time for
you to concentrate and focus your efforts on working within the latitude and
the parameters of all that is being presented to you through the divine
teachers who are in place around your planet. It is no accident that those who
are in the forefront are working in planetary service to bring forth this
information. The agreement was made in the higher realms before they
incarnated, for them to do this. You agreed before you incarnated to bring

forth as much of your Divine I Am Presence, in this lifetime, as you are able
to hold, with ease and grace. You must integrate and use the light that you
bring forth, and more will be given to you, and you are to radiate this light
out to the earth and humanity. This is the greatest gift you can give to
yourselves, each other, mother earth, all life forms. This is the gift that you
came forth to anchor on the planetary level.
You came forth to experience the full
light of your God Presence in the physical expression. Keep your focus on the
light and continue to ask for ease and grace as you release, release, and
continue to release all the negativity that has accumulated within your field
from the beginning of your sojourn upon planet earth. Spend time each day, dear
ones, in the conscious releasing of all that no longer serves your highest good
and the highest good of all. You must do this daily, as you release in layers,
all that no longer serves you. As you do this daily, you open the cells and
every facet of your body and your field, to incorporate new light and new
wisdom and new growth. Your light quotient will increase dramatically. You will
be building your light body.
You must remain in honesty as you, dear
ones, each day, go into self inquiry. It does not serve you or any who are in
relationship with you, for you to deny, and blame, and judge, and refuse to
accept responsibility for that which is of your creation. Accept responsibility
for that which you have created. Understand that you must live that which you
have created, and then forgive yourselves. Forgive yourselves, forgive all
others, and release, release, release. Transmute with the Violet Flame all that
you have released, and fill yourselves with the God light of the
The Mahatma presence is here upon the
planet to allow you to tap into the highest levels of the God light, to assist
you in returning to balance and harmony, and to assist you in drawing forth
your light body, your Divine I Am Presence, the Mahatma energy. They are all
one and the same. When you invoke the Mahatma, you are opening your vision to
the expansiveness, the limitlessness, the eternal Cosmic Fire of all creation.
It is available to you, and you may bring the light of your Divine I Am
Presence into your physical vessel and you may incorporate your light body. It
is time, beloved ones. It is what you came here to do, to be joyous creators,
as you experience the wonders of the physical expression. Embrace it, be
passionate for life, savor every moment of your blessed journey. It is a most
magnificent time here upon planet earth.
Many are lined up in the higher realms,
waiting for physical incarnation. You, blessed ones, agreed to incarnate, you
agreed to be the full Divine expression in the physical. You knew you were
capable of this most magnificent feat, and you are, dear ones. We delight in
sharing your joys, your successes, as you become and be, the glorious light
beings that you are, and radiate your light to the earth and humanity, and out
to the cosmos. You, dear ones, are lighting up the cosmos. Your light is
wondrous, your dedication, your diligence, your perseverance, which take you to
heights that you are only now beginning to remember. It is all within you,
within the wisdom of your God Self.
We are here to assist you in this time
of great joy, this time of great progression of your evolution. Embrace this

time, and allow us to enfold you in the unconditional love of the higher
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you
this truth.
You may copy and share, with Love and
Blessings. Please copy the message in its entirety, giving credit to Archangel
Michael through Rev. Michelle Coutant, and provide a link to:
Visit Michelle’s website at:
All my Love and
Message From Sananda, October 10,
Through Rev. Michelle
“A Message For The
Beloved Ones,
As you move into the coming times, we
ask you to be aware of and work more closely with your chakras and the twelve
Rays, as you release all that no longer serves you. All that you have lived is
within your energetic signature. It is the light which you radiate out to all
others. It is the love of your Sacred Heart; it is the very essence of who you
are as you express your Divinity. Your energetic signature may be light and
bright or it may be filled with darkness and blemishes. As you release each
day, you will lighten your density and you will become the light of your Divine
I Am Presence. Assist yourselves in this transition, and use the twelve Rays as
you bring in the personality of God, your I Am Presence. The twelve Rays will
help you cleanse and clear and bring forth the balance and the harmony which
you desire. The twelve Rays will assist you in bringing balance and harmony
within your charka system and they will assist you in bringing forth and
anchoring your light body into the physical.
The five higher Rays have been brought
forth to give you even greater assistance, as you integrate the love of your
Sacred Heart. Beloved ones, call on the Eight Ray, this sea foam green with
violet Ray, to clear and cleanse your four bodies. Clear and cleanse your
physical, emotional, and mental, and spiritual bodies, through the calling in
of this Ray. As you release in layers, each day, call upon this
Call upon the Ninth Ray for the love and
the joy to assist you to stay within your passion for life, your great desire
to become and be your light body, your Divine I Am Presence. The Ninth Ray of
luminescent light green and blue, and the light of God, will help you to
further cleanse and release layers which no longer serve you. This Ray will
assist you in attracting your light body.
It is the Tenth Ray of pearlescent

luminosity and God light, which will code your light body into the physical.
Cleanse and clear, beloved ones, cleanse and clear, so you may make way for
your light body to fill the very essence of you, to fill your physical body and
every aspect of you with the unconditional love, will, power, and wisdom of the
Cosmos. Intentionally draw in your Divine I Am Presence, and freely call on the
Tenth Ray to assist you. This Ray is of most great importance to you at this
The Eleventh Ray, of peach luminosity
and God light, is the bridge to the New Age. It will further help you clear
remaining patterns which no longer serve you; it will help you bring into
balance the remainder of the masculine and feminine polarities, as you
integrate your Divine I Am Presence.
The Twelfth Ray is the glorious,
luminous, white gold, God light. It is the light of the Cosmos, the Cosmic Fire
of all Creation. It is the Heartbeat of God. It is the Wisdom of God. Draw it
in, beloved ones, draw it in, incorporate it, ask for ease and grace in all
that you do, and ask for ease and grace as you work with these Rays. Call upon
the amount of each Ray that is perfect for you in the Now Moment so that you
will move forward in the love of your Sacred Heart, with full ease and
Your beloved Michael and I, and all
those of the higher realms, are most willing to assist you in every endeavor,
but you, dear ones, must do the work. Call on us, you are loved and supported
by all of the higher realms. I am here with you, in the love of your Sacred
I am Sananda.
You may copy and share, with Love and
Blessings. Please copy the message in its entirety, giving credit to Sananda
through Rev. Michelle Coutant, and provide a link to:
Visit Michelle’s website at:
Michelle’s Cosmic Blog:
All my Love and Many
Hello Dear Ones,
Archangel Michael and Sananda have
guided me to share with you, a practical application for drawing in and
integrating your Divine I Am Presence, and the Mahatma.
Each morning, go into meditation. A
morning meditation sets the tone for your day. You want to recenter yourself in
the physical body, from your night time activities. Between soul travel,
classes on the inner plane, and our dreams, we are very busy while we sleep!
Breathe deeply, and bring yourself into your Sacred Heart.
Now, just as you get dressed physically
each day, you want to get dressed spiritually.

Place your golden sphere of protection
(a gift from Archangel Michael) around you. Once you have done this, you only
need to reinforce it each morning, and before you go to sleep at night. You may
also place a pillar of divine light around you, the white light of God, tinged
with gold.
Put on your spiritual, white robe of
love, wisdom, and power.
Put on your blue flame spiritual armor,
a gift from Archangel Michael.
Take up your Sword of Michael, and claim
your personal power, today and every day, in service to the
Call on the Mahatma. It is as simple as
saying “I Am The Mahatma”. You may say the affirmation often, during the day,
as you draw in, and feel this expansive light.
Call in your Divine I Am Presence.
Breathe deeply, and ask your divine spiritual light body, your I Am Presence,
to take dominion in every aspect and facet of you. Ask your I Am Presence to
think through you, feel through you, speak through you, and act through you,
today and every day, in every Now Moment. Feel this presence within
Visualize, and see your light body. How
does it feel, what does it look like? What do you want to look like? You are
drawing in eternal youth. Visualize yourself as you desire to be, and visualize
yourself in perfect, vibrant, health.
Call upon the Twelve Rays. Use your
inner wisdom to determine which Ray or Rays to call in. In regards to the five
higher Rays, spoken of in Sananda’s message, you could call in the Eighth Ray
for a cleansing of your four bodies. You might call in the Ninth Ray for an
infusion of joy, to begin your day. Freely call on the Tenth Ray to assist you
in coding in, and anchoring your light body into your physical body, or the
Eleventh Ray to further assist you in integration and cleansing. Call on the
Twelfth Ray, for an infusion of the glorious God light. Always ask for ease and
grace, and ask for an infusion of a Ray, that is just perfect for you in the
Now Moment. Remember, more is not necessarily better, so use your discernment
and inner wisdom as you call upon the Rays, so that you may experience ease and
You may recenter yourself within your
Sacred Heart and reinforce your light body, and the Mahatma energy, as guided,
during the day.
Finally, express gratitude and
appreciation for all the blessings in your life. Do this throughout your day.
See, and focus on what is good in your world, and on the earth, and see the God
Self in all others.
Once again, ask for ease and grace in
every aspect and facet of you, and all that you do, each day.
With great love and


Uriel's Message -- Seek with an Open Heart

by Jennifer Hoffman October 11, 2010
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 12, 2010 at 5:00pm

by Jennifer Hoffman
October 11, 2010

Are you a seeker in your life, asking for the fulfillment of your desires but unsure
of how they will manifest? Do you wish for a rescuer, savior or for a spiritual
presence to guide you from the state of wanting to manifestation? What is the secret
to creating your heart's desire and are you afraid you will never learn it? You
see the process of manifestation as challenging and it is, when you approach it
from your mind, the emptiness and lack you observe in each moment and a heart that
is closed to receiving.

The secret to continuous and unfolding manifestation of what you desire and more
is to have an open heart. Everything you need and want in life is available to
you when your heart is open to receiving. An open heart is one that does not have
judgment and is not critical, is aware of its divinity, believes that it deserves
to have all it desires and trusts in the Universe as its partner in creation. The
open heart does not have needs, it moves from the fulfillment of one desire to the
next, always seeing itself as fulfilled in each step.

The open heart is loving and detached, powerful and humble, confident and forgiving.
It exists in the wholeness of the highest vibrations of your emotional energies.
With an open heart you cannot have regret, sadness or sorrow. You cannot be angry
with your enemies or those who hurt you. You cannot limit yourself in any way or
punish yourself or others for what happened in the past. Only the present moment
exists. Your open heart remembers its connection and the abundance that exists in
the flow of energy that is the Universe.

Open your heart to receiving so you can live within the fullness of the manifestation
of each moment. Every moment has the potential to fulfill your heart's desires.
Are you willing to receive and open your heart from the place of wanting to being
in fulfillment? See your desires as fulfilled because they are as soon as you ask
for them. Trust in divine timing and release the emotions that remind you of lack
and fear as their lower vibrations limit your life in every way. Limitation is one
choice and limitlessness is another. Release your pain from the past and open your
heart to the fullness of its potential. Your open heart can experience unconditional
love and within it you can experience life as an unfolding banquet of abundance,
joy and peace, without effort or pain.

Get the Cord Disconnect and Healing Meditation CD

NOW available as an
audio file


Hilarion’s Weekly Message: October 10-17,

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 12, 2010 at 5:02pm

Hilarion: All Blockages are Now Dissolving

October 10, 2010


Hilarion’s Weekly Message: October 10-17, 2010

Received by Marlene Swetlishoff

Beloved Lightworkers,

You are now receiving powerful energies that will continue to create changes within your
physical, mental and emotional bodies. All blockages and obstructions that have
been keeping you from moving forward on your spiritual journey are now
dissolving and you will find a greater sense of ease and well-being
filling you now.

All that once kept you from releasing that which no longer serves you is now being removed.
Know that you have myriad helpers from the Higher planes working with you to
create a greater connection to your Higher Self. Be open and observant
in the days ahead and be willing to look at your daily existence in a
new and different way.

As your mind expands into new possibilities and you cross boundaries that have kept you
chained to the old paradigms, you will experience a greater sense of freedom and a
reconnection with your own sovereignty and power and this will expand
your thinking into new avenues and solutions that were not visible for
you before. As the greater Light pulsates in waves upon your Planet, it
opens your Higher chakras to greater awareness and perceptions than you
have ever experienced before.

This might be confusing at first and you will find it difficult to explain to others what you are
seeing and perceiving. This will be an experience that occurs on a personal
level rather than one that is shared with others, for it is a time of
the opening of your greater capabilities. It will not happen suddenly,
rather, it will be a gradual process and it will be helpful for you to
be aware of the process so that you can take full advantage as your
extrasensory abilities begin to be noticed in your daily interactions
with others around you.

Some of you will be experiencing a greater opening of your abilities, including the ability to
channel the Higher dimensions. Always set the intent that only the very highest
truth and 100 percent Light may come through you and that only that
which is the Highest Christ vibration may come through. Be sure that you
are clear of your own less than Light energies by doing a clearing
exercise such as the Total Energy Clearing that the Scribe has posted on
her Decrees page -

before attempting to channel through a Light Being from the other side of the thinning veil.

It is important to approach the channeling session with as pure an attitude as possible in that
moment. In order to attract a higher level Being, one must do the daily
disciplines so that your frequency level is operating within the Higher
realms. Most of you are already doing this so this should not be a major
problem for you.

It is important to set aside a certain time each day for this practice and to practice diligently.
You will also begin to receive impressions and thoughts from others around
you so be aware that this ability is opening up and keep yourselves in
equilibrium so that you do not react to these thoughts in a personal way
but will just be a witness to them.

As you can tell, you are now entering a time of the blossoming forth of your abilities and
talents and you will begin to reap the harvest of the seeds you have been
planting for such a long, long time. It is a time of harvest now,
Beloved Ones, so keep yourselves on the High Road at all times and hold
to your Highest Visions. Do not give up in the final moments before the
unfolding of this precious time and spend as much alone time as you can
claim for yourselves in these changing times. Your Light is spreading
and your sphere of influence is growing ever larger.

Be kind to yourselves and practice smiling at others, for a smile can melt the strongest shields
that have been built around the human hearts around you, and find many things to
laugh about and celebrate each day. Nurture your ever growing attitude
of gratitude, for this is the shortest road to the One Source. Make the
words “thank you” be a constant refrain in the inner recesses of your
thinking processes and prepare yourselves for the emergence of the
miraculous in the days ahead.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

Wake up Call - Archangel Gabriel 10.10.10 -

Telepath by Nancy Tate
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 12, 2010 at 5:07pm

Wake up Call - Archangel Gabriel 10.10.10 - Telepath
by Nancy Tate

Archangel Gabriel speaks

There is something that I wish to tell you on this day of days. It is my understanding that
you are all raising the energy for peace today and
for infinity. It is also my understanding that it is happening tenfold
and a thousand times duplicated.

I am telling you this to remind you of the tremendous amount of power you have and
have had since time wasn’t, and has been. You have always had
such an infinite amount of power that you have never squashed and
forgotten on a soul level. Anytime that you have seemed to forget that,
it has been providence that has made it seem that way.

Providence is what I came here to talk about this day, and it won’t take me very long. In
fact, it is taking me as long as it takes for you to know
exactly what I am talking about, and that is one second of your time. In
universal time that one second reverses to all that has been and is and
will come to be. It is available to you at any point in time or
non-time and as you make use of it, it too makes use of you in any way
that you so deem.

I come to the place right now dear ones when I remind you of the journey that you
agreed upon when you began wafting through the universe in the
way that brought many treasures and many trials. You have lived through
them all with a modicum of disbelief in yourselves and others, and in
that light I now share with you that you are no longer in that doubt
mode, or you would not be in the state of being that I see you all in
You are bound for glory in that which you seek, and in that promise that you made to
yourselves is the eventual outcome that is at your elbow at
this moment. It will be but a minuscule whisper in time and then your
whole world will change and begin to manifest itself in the way that you
have set the image as. You will be expressing in your glory at that
point in time when you have seen the tribulations go over the fence and
drift away into the bright light of healing. You have done it my dear
ones. It is now the time to hold that peace and happiness for it is seen
in the light of Truth and the expression of Total and unabridged Love.

I sing to you in the Image of that Truth right now in the Love that I am forevermore. I
am Your Guardian, the Angel of Love and Mercy, Gabriel.

Thank you dear Archangel Gabriel,

Nancy Tate

Your Higher Mission a message from
Kuthumi, Archangel Gabriel channeled
by Lynette Leckie-Clark 26 October, 2010
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 12, 2010 at 5:09pm

Your Higher Mission

a message from Kuthumi, Archangel Gabriel channeled
by Lynette Leckie-Clark

26 October, 2010

Your Higher Mission

I am Kuthumi. I stand before you with the Arch Angel Gabriel – the voice of God. We
come to bring you great news. We come in celebration of this wondrous and Light filled
time on Earth.
Man has reached a pivotal point in his evolutionary process. This is
what I have been preparing you for in my previous transmissions. Now we
raise our hands in glory, in joy. Let the trumpets sounds and the angels
sing. For now on your date of 10 -10 – 10 the Gateway of Unity is
resurrected. This is a magnificent occasion. The Light from God, the
Source has merged with the Light of those on the planet and together
through the intent of love and joy, and the opening of the Higher Heart –
all have
merged to open this gateway to unite all in Oneness.

Now your soul reflects in your conscious mind. It does this

not only by the Light you carry, but that Light has merged
your left and right brains
into one of super - consciousness.

This in turn unites with your crown chakra and the Pineal gland. So all flow as one, in Light,
in unity. The energies from the Gateway of Unity empower this process,
linking through to the Diamond Light contained in your Higher Heart. A
wondrous flow of Soul Light, a direct link to God through the Gateway of
Unity now surrounds you, is birthed within you. The
Equinox energies further enhance this process. In the South you are
prepared for new birth, the new beginnings of Spring. Ready to forge a
new path out of drudgery, out of despair as new hope rises deep within
you from your Soul. In the North you experience the Fall equinox. A time
of rest, of review, of planning a great renewal. That is where man is
now. At the gateway of a great renewal. I have spoken of the Second
Birth and the Epiphany of Self in previous transmissions.. I have given
you an easy four step Survival Kit. All in preparation of this time.
This wonderful time in your evolution. The vibratory rate of your cells
has now increased to be attuned with your Soul Light and super-

The White Fire Body of pure Light surrounds you. This is

the source of Divine love and wisdom.

I say to each of those who have prepared – arise! Arise in Soul Light. Walk in Soul Light.
Speak through your Soul Light. To those who wish to attain once again
their Soul Light while embodied in human form, I ask you to read my
previous transmissions. Prepare and strengthen your energy field, awaken
your spirit within through the meditations on my website. All have been
given. All are channelled transmissions. They have been given in
readiness for this time.

The Resurrection through Gabriel

I, Gabriel now come forward. I bring thee wondrous news. The news of
your mission on Earth. Your mission is to resurrect the Light. In
yourselves and for every living creature on
Earth, including the Earth itself. Your planet Earth is also a great
living energy in service. In service to you. To provide the food to
nourish you through the fauna and plants which feed you, and the air you
breathe which gives you life. In resurrecting the Light you help the
Earth to heal, to replenish, and to cleanse herself from years of abuse.
Earth must now be born again of Light, just as you must rise again to
live in, to experience Soul Light incarnate. This is your mission. When
you flow in Soul Light your entire being will seem to be reborn. Even
your cells will feel the Light. Your DNA will grow another strand. This
assists your cells with the higher vibration you now radiate. Your
thoughts will also change.

Judgments and anger will cease by your choice. For both

of these emotions will so
disturb your energy field, you will desire not to enter into

From your thoughts, your speech will alter. What you think – you speak of. So pleasant
words will be uttered. The higher emotional and mental bodies are now
activated and the old falls away. So you experience your true mission.
You join others of similar Light and vibration. The nervous system
begins to flow in peace as the Light sparkles through the meridians of
the body. This is the process you are entering. For some this will occur
in a short period of your time. For others it may take longer. There is
no judgment, no comparisons. There simply IS and the Light energy is
every where.

I am here. I came through the invitation of the Master Kuthumi. To tell you this
Gateway of Unity opens a time of remembrance. Remembrance of who you truly are.
Remembrance of your higher mission, thereby living your truth. Join us
now. I will lead you through the Gateway of Unity to remember, in a
meditative state. We depart in unity

Master Kuthumi
Archangel Gabriel

The Great White Brotherhood

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 12, 2010 at 5:20pm

LADY PORTIA She is a Lord of Karma. A Keeper of the Divine Mother Holy Heart Flame
(And is the Twin Flame of St Germain)
Also Beloved Master of Seventh Ray
Dispensations: The dispensation of the Divine Mother’s Holy Heart Flame.

Prayers for Dispensation:

I call forth now beloved Portia to anchor and activate the purity of the
Divine Mother into my entire consciousness now. SO BE IT. x 3 times

LADY NADA is one of the Lords of Karma. And is The Ascended Master of
the eighth ray (Lady Nada is also twin flame of Master Jesus, and can
also helps you bring forth the Divine Pink Rose) Beloved Master of The
Sixth Ray

Dispensations: Lady Nada brings forth the dispensations of higher
cleansing. She can also help you anchor and activate the purity of
spirit into your heart and pure Devotion
Prayers for Dispensation:
Mighty I AM PRESENCE under the grace of God I call forth to Lady Nada
for an anchoring and activation of the 8th Ray of Higher Cleansing in my
4 bodily systems now. SO IT IS DONE.x 3 times
I call forth to Lady Nada to place into my heart the Divine Pink Rose. SO BE IT. x 3 times
I call forth to Lady Nada to anchor and activate the pure love of God into my entire energy
matrix now. SO BE IT. x 3 times..

MOTHER MARY is the Master of the 9th Ray of Joy and attracting the
lightbody (she is also the twin flame of Archangel Raphael). Mother Mary
is the Divine Master of the Healing Ray of God.

Dispensations: Mother Mary carries the dispensation of the Pink Rose

(The Pink Rose is the divine love aspect of the Mother, Father God). She
can also help you bring more joy and peace into your life through the
pure healing rays of Mother, Father God.

Prayers for Dispensation:

I call forth Mother Mary for the anchoring of Joy, Light, Love and
Wisdom of my Divine Self in the service of our Mother - Father God. SO
BE IT.x 3

HILARION Master of the 5th Ray which represents the new age science. He is the master of
healing and science.
Dispensations: The Divine Dispensations for Healers and those bringing forth the new healing
and science discoveries.

Prayer for Dispensation:

I call forth to beloved Hilarion for an activation and illumination of
the new healing modalities in my entire energy matrix now.
SO BE IT.x 3 times

SANANDA Master of the 6th Ray and the Divine Master of the Cosmic Light
Command (force) Divine Master of the Ray of Devotion and Peace.

Dispensations: The divine dispensation of pure devotion. And the

dispensation of the resurrection. Sananda will bring the pure love of
God to all who ask

Prayers for Dispensations

Beloved Sananda please help, call forth now the Pure Christ Consciousness in my being now.
SO BE IT. x 3 times

ST GERMAIN is the Maha Chohan ( is the Master of the Masters of the 3rd,
4th,5th,6th and 7th Ray. As well he is helping anchor the new age (the
new age is the Golden Age of Ceremony and Magic of the Highest Divine
Dispensations: The dispensation of the Violet Transmuting Flame of
Forgiveness (this flame is helping purify every being upon this earth).
Also the dispensation of purity of ceremony and purity of your

Prayers for Dispensation:

Mighty I AM PRESENCE I call forth the Violet Transmuting Flame of
Forgiveness to heal and cleanse my 4 bodily systems now! SO IT IS DONE

Beloved St Germain I call forth now the divine dispensation of the

Violet Transmuting Flame. Sacred Flame come forth now from the very
heart of God and blaze in through and around my entire 4 bodily systems
now. SO BE IT. x 3 times

SERAPIS BEY The Master of the 3rd Ray the Master of the Ascension Flame
and the Resurrection Flames. The Master of the Etheric Retreat in Luxor (
which is one of the great planetary ascension acceleration retreats on
planet earth).
Dispensations: The keeper of the Ascension Acceleration Flame. The
Master of Active Intelligence and of Divine Service. The Divine
dispensation of the Ascension and Resurrection Activations which are
presently enlightening this planet.

Prayers for Dispensations:

I call forth Serapis Bey for an anchoring of the ascension and resurrection flames.,into my
entire being now
SO IT IS DONE. x 3 times

Beloved Serapis Bey please help me now to bilocate in a spiritual sense
to the Ascended Masters Retreat in Luxor and place within my spiritual
body the keys of the Ascension Flame.
SO BE IT.x 3 times

DJWHAL KHUL (sometimes known as the Tibetan) Ascended Master of the 2nd Ray. The
Divine Master of the Inner Plane Ashrams.

Dispensations: The Core Fear Matrix Removal Program ( This program is a

forty foot high lattice work shield of light and protection that the
Divine Masters anchor over your body so they can draw out of your being
anything that is stopping you from achieving your highest divine
potential). The 2nd Ray Light Quotient Building Program (this program
acts like a drip systems that when you ask for this at night time or
during the day the masters drip pure light into your entire being)

Prayers for Dispensations:

Mighty I AM I call forth by the grace of God Djwhal Khul for anchoring
and activation of the Core Fear Matrix Removal Program and I ask that I
am permanently placed on this program from now until I fully ascend. SO
IT IS DONE. x 3 times

MASTER KUTHUMI Also the Master of the 2nd Ray but will hold the office of the
planetary Christ (the new world teacher).
Dispensations: Is the Master of all Healings, Activation’s and the
Anchoring of the coming New Age The dispensations of Divine Love and
Prayers for Dispensation:
Beloved Ascended Master Kuthumi please bring forth all the Divine Wisdom
and Divine Love and anchor it in my 4 bodily systems now. SO IT IS
DONE. x 3 times

I call forth to Master Kuthumi to align my entire energy matrix with the
river of light and let this river of light expand my entire being into
the Ascended Master I truly am
SO IT IS DONE x 3 times

EL MORYA Master of the 1st Ray. The Master of the Divine Will aspect of
God. The Master of all Planetary Leaderships and their Qualities.

Dispensations: Carries the dispensation of Divine Will and the dispensation of the Love of
God itself.

Prayers for Dispensation:

I call forth now Beloved El Morya to anchor and activate the Divine Will of God. SO IT IS
DONE. x 3 times

Mighty I am Presence we call forth now the Beloved

EL Morya and we lovingly ask will you help anchor
And activate a " Rod of Power " for our spiritual
Mission here on Earth ~ So Be It – It is done x 3 times

Ascended Masters
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 12, 2010 at 5:24pm

The Masters are collectively called the "Great White Brotherhood" in

Theosophical belief systems. The use of the term "white" refers to their
advanced spirituality (i.e., that they have a white colored aura) and
has nothing to do with race. Blavatsky described many of the Masters as
ethnically Tibetan or Indian (Hindu), not European. She did, however,
describe them as being from all cultures and races, such as the "Greek
gentleman" known as Hilarion.

Belief in the Brotherhood and the Masters is an essential part of the

syncretistic teachings of various organizations that have taken the
Theosophical philosophical concepts and added their own elements.
Examples of those believed to be Ascended Masters by these organizations
are Jesus, Confucius, Gautama Buddha, Mary the Mother of Jesus, Lady
Master Nada, Enoch, Pope John Paul II, Kwan Yin, Saint Germain, Sanat
Kumara, Kuthumi. It is believed that all of these put aside any
differences they might have had in their Earthly careers, and unite
instead to advance the spiritual well-being of humanity.
Ascended Masters, in the Ascended Master Teachings is derived from the
Theosophical concept of Masters of Wisdom or "Mahatmas". They are
believed to be spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations
were ordinary humans, but who have undergone a process of spiritual
transformation. The term "Ascended Master" was first introduced in 1934
with the publication of Unveiled Mysteries by Guy Ballard in The "I AM"
Activity. This term was further popularized by others in books like The
Bridge to Freedom (1951), The Summit Lighthouse (1958), The Temple of
The Presence (1995), and various other organizations.

Beliefs about Ascended Masters

Originally presented by H. P. Blavatsky in the 1870s, the "Masters of

Wisdom" or "Mahatmas" or "Elder Brothers" were further developed by C.
W. Leadbeater, Alice Bailey, Helena Roerich, Manly P. Hall. Later on
many others in theosophy-based organizations, especially in the United
States, developed the concept of Ascended Masters which departs from the
theosophical one in several aspects. It is believed that Ascended

Masters are individuals who were formerly embodied on the Earth and
learned the lessons of life during their incarnations. They gained
mastery over the limitations of the matter planes, balanced at least 51%
of negative karma, and fulfilled their Dharma (Divine Plan). An
Ascended Master, in such an understanding, has become God-like and a
source of unconditional "Divine Love" to all life, and through the
Ascension has united with his or her own "God Self," the "I AM

It is further claimed by various groups and teachers that the Ascended

Masters serve as the teachers of mankind from the realms of Spirit, and
that all people will eventually attain their Ascension and move forward
in spiritual evolution beyond this planet. According to these teachings,
they remain attentive to the spiritual needs of humanity, and act to
inspire and motivate its spiritual growth. In many traditions and
organizations, they are considered part of the Spiritual Hierarchy for
Earth, and members of the Great Brotherhood of Light, also known as the
Great White Lodge, Great White Brotherhood, or Universal White
Brotherhood (per Peter Deunov).

According to Alice Bailey and Benjamin Creme there are sixty Masters of
the Ancient Wisdom, defined as beings who are have reached the Fifth
Level of Initiation or above, with Djwhal Khul in a pivotal role as the
master who telepathically dictated the many esoteric teachings in
Baileys' books. Elizabeth Clare Prophet revealed the names of a number
of these Ascended Masters that were previously unknown.
The concept of recognizing the spiritual self, one's own psychological
and karma battles and how to overcome them, and eventual Ascension of
all humanity is covered in James Redfield's Celestine Prophecy and its
sequels, The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision and The Secret of
Shambhala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight. These books, while
controversial, are recent popularizations of the concept of Ascension.
Esotericism is defined as the belief that secret societies and mystery
schools possess advanced spiritual knowledge. Such beliefs are extremely
ancient. This idea was re-introduced in the West by the Rosicrucians in
the 17th century.
The founder of the Theosophical Society, H. P. Blavatsky, in the late
19th century brought attention to the idea of secret initiatory
knowledge, by claiming her ideas were based on traditions transmitted to
her by occult means from a group of highly evolved humans which she
called the Mahatmas or Masters. These Mahatmas, she claimed, were
physical beings living in the Himalayas, usually understood as Tibet.

".. they are living men, born as we are born, and doomed to die like
every mortal. We call them “masters” because they are our teachers; and
because from them we have derived all the Theosophical truths... They
are men of great learning, whom we call Initiates, and still greater
holiness of life."

While some of her critics believe the Masters are pure fantasy, other

writers suggest that her changing stories were meant to hide the
identities of real human teachers guiding her work. In assessing the
veracity of Blavatsky's claim regarding the existence of these Masters,
it is worth noting that at least 25 other people left a written account
of having met the Mahatmas themselves during Blavatsky's lifetime.
Blavatsky claimed that she personally met numerous Masters on countless
occasions, and was also the guest of the Master Koot Hoomi while
visiting the "Little Tibet" region of Kashmir.
After Madame Blavatsky's death in 1891, the Mahatma concept was
developed by her successors in the Theosophical Society leadership,
Annie Besant and Charles W. Leadbeater, who described the Masters in
great detail and added Jesus to their number. In Leadbeater's book, The
Masters and the Path (1925), the Masters are presented as human beings
full of wisdom and compassion, albeit still limited by human bodies.
Later organizations theosophy-based developed the theory adding more
elements developing the concept of Ascended Masters which bears some
important differences with the Theosophical one.

Spiritual Prayer
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 12, 2010 at 5:26pm





















THE FIVE SENSES From the Mesnavi of

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 14, 2010 at 2:00am


From the Mesnavi of Rûmi.

United are the senses five,

They all from one original spring:
The food of one is strength for all,

Each to the others drink supplies.
Sight by the eyes increases love,
Love in the heart will truth augment,
Truth every sense will rouse from sleep,
Taste friendship with the senses makes.
When an internal sense the bonds have opened,
Each other sense transfigured is;
When one sense things unfelt perceives,
To senses what's unseen revealed will be.
If one ram leaps a little from the flock,
All others follow in its track.
Impel the sheep of your perceptions
To graze in "pastures He produced,"
*To feed on basil sweet and hyacinths,
Ways to find, to rose-groves of truths divine;
Each sense to the others a herald will be,
And all to the heavenly paradise will go.
Your senses to your senses secrets tell
Without a tongue, a tale, or trope,
Although their story is the midwife of comments,
The surmise, source to speculate upon;
But things self-evident and plain
Admit no explanation or comment.
When all perceptions your senses have enslaved
The spheres cannot escape your ken;
When in the realm of husks questions arise
Its very kernel is proved to be but husk;
Amidst disputes of scarcity in blades
Their seeds you are to strive to find!
When spheres but husks will be, the spirit's light the grain,
—The one is seen, the other hid; start not:
—The body can be seen, the soul is hid;
But intellect is more concealed than the soul,
Therefore the spirit seeks the sense, and soars beyond:
You motion see and life perceive,
But that intellect fills it you forget;
Yet inspiration transcends intellect,
It is a mystery divine and unrevealed.

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 14, 2010 at 2:22am


"Arabesk bir ruhtur. Toplumsal bir ruh; bir çöküşün ruhu. Yılışıklıkla zaman geçirerek ölümü
bekleyen o tembel ruh... Mesela
Türkiye'de en önce televizyon arabesktir. Bütün gün yılışıklık seyrediyorsunuz,
akşam haberler başlıyor: Bir haftada 35 şehit, 27 siyasi tutuklama, 62 cinayet,
78 kişi trafik kazasında öldü. 20 milyon insan işsiz, 10 milyon insan açlık

sınırında, İsrail'le savaş durumu, Ermenistan'la savaş durumu. "Türkiye çözüldü,
Türkiye tükendi " haberIeri. Sonra haberIer bitiyor ve yılışık, cıvık programlar
devam ediyor. Hiçbir şey olmamış gibi, seyrettiğiniz haberler anlamsızmış
gibi... Göbek atanIar, kirli söylenen şarkılar, düzeysiz konuşmalar, saçma sapan
espriler, yavşaklıklar, bir cehalet okyanusu.
O ruh işte bu; arabesk!

Düşünün ki, öğleden sonra yemek programı. Yemek yapanların tahammül edilmez laf
salataları. Hiçbir şey öğrenemeyeceğimiz bir boş laf
galaksisi içindeyiz... Ve, "Televizyonda yemek yapanlar" göbek atmaya
başlıyorlar. Aniden! Hiçbir sebep yokken. Onlar göbek ata dursun, altyazı
geçmeye başlıyor, memleketin bir yerinde olan hazin ölümler, şehitler altyazıdan
geçiyor, sol köşede ise bir margarin reklamı. İyice vıcıklaşması için. Altyazı
bedenlere sıkılan kurşunları geçiyor, görüntüdeki vıcıklık ise ruha sıkılan

FAZIL SAY (14.8.2010)

~Galactic Free Press~ 10/12/10

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 14, 2010 at 2:37am

Your Unique Newspaper, for Your 5D Reality Reading Pleasure

“Right Now Humanity is breaking down the old habits and the old programs into zeros and
Ones. A zero cannot exist without the Ones, but the
Ones Can Exist without the zeros.”

The Focus of Forever is Now, for this is where We vibrate, right in the center.

All of Forever, is Now's Expression. Joy is the Feeling, and Life the Experience.

When You Let Go You Are In The Now. Now=Love Everywhere Present=Joy In All
Moments, Ever increasing. Once you release sorrow, there is Only Love
and JOY!!

All lies on this Planet are Being revealed, to Be Healed. Yes, Humanity has been lied to for a
very long time. However, The twist is that
Love is Here, to reveal all that does not serve The Greater Good of
The ALL, So That The Good of the All, The Reality of Love Everywhere
Present,may Enter the Space, Awakening and Joy for ALL. WE are with
You. All our Love and Support.

Your Missions Right Now are To Be Focused On Love. Love is all that is Real On Planet
Earth=Heart. This is where You remain safe In Love's
Arms. Be In Joy, Spread the Joy, and Share the Joy.

Focus on the Joy not the “BS”, You Will Be Very Happy

The opening of the Intergalactic Gateway on 10/ 10 /10

End Transmission With Love Everywhere Present



“Visualize the highest possible outcome occurring for all of humanity! We Are One, We
are raising our vibrations in flow with Mother Earth, We are ascending and
bringing the Planet and our bodies with Us!” Desi Love Reporter

Once you start deliberately offering thought, then you can never offer enough action to keep
up with the thought.
Once you access the Energy that creates worlds, a huge vortex comes
into place, and there's just not enough action for you to keep up
with that. And so, what you have to do is visualize every step of
the way, envision you happy in the process. Envision things in
place, envision people catching on. Just envision it working. Skip
over the how and the where and the when and the who -- and just stay
focused upon the what and the why. ~Abraham-Hicks

Letters to the Editors:

Satu Vahakuopus

Hi, hope everything is ok with you.

I have a question about energy levels and I believe that you can give me an answer, if it´s ok?

I feel a total change in my energy – high vibrations – I can

control it but I feel the change. The change is strong. My question
is – how many days before the body get use to the new vibrations?

I have to take long breaths so the body doesn’t get stressed.

Lots of Love

Father~Mother God Amon Ra:

“We Highly Recommend, do not try to control it, this is where it gets challenging if you are
holding on, Just Let Go, Breathe and Be
Present. You are Moving to your natural state of Being, and is
effortless. However, if you try to control or resist the energy, it
gets blocked, whenever you feel blocked take a moment and breathe. WE
Love You, Love Mother and Father God

From Angelika Stargate:

Hello, My Wonderful Parents. What are your thoughts regarding this infamous day of visit?
The 13 and 14th?

Father~MotherGod Amon Ra Response:

“We Know we are already here. May the Ones waiting find us soon. Cause We are Going to
Show Up for them, Inevitably so. Sit Back Relax and
Enjoy the Show. WE are Here. We are Here to Observe Humanity's
response to The Present Moment of Now. Light It UP! Love Mom and

Bwell Btr Love Reporter on FB

“In Spirit there is no Emotion, only "Truth ( the balance and harmony of all things with all

Father~MotherGod Amon Ra

“Emotion is Transformed into Compassion=Feeling, when emotion and passion are Unified.
Yes, Truth then is the Balance, Love Everywhere Present,
from the within to the without. WE Love YOU All “

As We Open our Hearts, Spirit enters,Whispering softly. Be with me for eternity within the
Now. My heart feels you, as We rejoice in our
dance. Come, We will listen to your song that heals the Planet. Dance
with me in harmony to the Music of the Spheres.

Love Reporter Predrag

“Your Light shine through Your WORDS,

Like a Sword of Love and CON-Passion,
cutting all the darkness from OUR souls,
From OUR Thoughts, and OUR Beings.”
with Love, Predrag

"Your critics should not be tossed aside, lightly...they should be thrown with great
force!!!" Vicky FB

Subject: Your Children

Your children are not your children.

They are the sons and daughters
of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
and though they are with you,
and yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love, but not your thoughts.
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward, nor tarries with yesterday."

Kahlil Gibran, 1883-1931

John O'Callaghan - Never Fade Away (Original Mix)

"You may be guided to leave a job, a city or even a relationship - all of which may sound
terrifying at the moment. Nevertheless, if the
signals keep coming and they resonate internally with you, take the
step - and while doing so, know that you're being guided to a life of
inspiration." Wayne Dyer

Love Reporter Shane Derrick Jonker

“Love is all that is Real and True”

Love is reliable. It's the only true, real & lasting experience of life. It's a source of happiness,
to 'belong'. It's the most powerful &
necessary element in life.
Eternal love requires an intimate connection, togetherness, one that benefits
both. A relationship is
meant to be based on love, trust, truth & respect.
Everything happens for a reason...

Nothing happens by means of good or bad luck. Love, lost moments of true greatness & sheer
stupidity all occur to test without these
'tests', whether they are events or relationships, life would be a
smoothly paved straight flat road to nowhere, safe &
but dull & utterly pointless.

There comes a time in your Life when you realize that if you withdraw from love, you stand
still, you remain at this point forever. You realize that if you fall
& stay down, love and life will pass you by. Walk your path 1 step at a
time – with courage, faith &
determination. Keep your belief in yourself & walk giving out
love on
your new journey, proclaiming this is my destiny which I will follow from this
moment on.
Walk in total state of awareness of love along the path of life's beauty. Oh,
may love
penetrate deep within you, suck your juices.

Let loves eyes feast upon you. Let love thrill you with the wonder of being in love. Let love
intoxicate you with its beauty. Behold the very ground you walk upon is
It's our sacred duty to awaken the beauty of love in our lives. To behold loves
beauty and to
keep it close by. To let it fill our minds, hearts, body and souls. In
this way
we will help to purify the consciousness of Love throughout our different

Commentary to Shane Derrick Jonker

from Carolyn Aldred Andrews

“Yes, yes, all! Amazing, beautiful words, Shane! You know my heart well...I have just
experienced today the wonder and glory and grace
of our Great husband Ron experienced a shock to his
difibrulator this morning around 11:30 am EST...because he'd had the
same thing just 5 weeks ago, the cardiologist had him admitted to the
hospital...after an arduous day in the emergency room, he is now
sleeping comfortably, and will undergo a cardiac cath sometime
tomorrow...the most calming blanket has enveloped me...during the
time I spent in the waiting room with Rons' daughters and son in
law...and home with the dogs and cats...I am at perfect
peace...and know that Ron INDEED will be matter what
happens is the KEY...and I ACCEPT THIS EXPERIENCE
with awareness of my role in this lesson....BLESSED BE! Thank you for
the loving kindness of your words...they flow with such truth and
love...I feel it! Carolyn”

ॐ Your True Source Of Security Is Your Heart ♥ Never Doubt That It Will Keep You
Safe And
Protected Through Everything ♥♥♥♥ )) Q Tar FB

We are Beings of Light

Love Reporter Sheila Keisner

Mother/Father God,

I thought you might enjoy this beautiful poem I found today. It was included at
the end of a wonderful channeling I read.
Although I didn't write it myself, it touched my heart..and knew it
was perfect for our wonderful 5th dimensional News!

I have also included the link to the full article for those who would
to read it.

There was no title.

With all my Love,


As I bask inside the love

I surrender to the NOW

I don’t know what will happen

But my spirit tells me HOW

As I float among my memories

Of who I’ve been and why

I know I can release them

With a blessing and a sigh

All I’ve been and had and known

Are circling round my mind

I see now what I have looked for

What I’ve tried so hard to find

Surprising as it may be

I need to look no more

I’ve found my SELF at long last

I am deep within my core

This core, it now is glowing

And shines out into my life

I know if I can just relax

It will ease ALL of my strive

Working hard and suffering long

No longer wins the day

I’ve found this place inside me

Now, if I can only stay

Can I remember how I’m feeling

When I’m here so deep inside?

Can I be this ME in daily life?

Can I release my need to hide?

So long I’ve kept my secret

From those I feared would judge me

But, no longer can I trap my SELF

It is time to let ME be free

My secrets now are fading

With the memories of the past

As I become my SELF again

I am coming Home, at last!

So long I have awaited

For this moment of completeness

I hear, I see, I feel it

I can even taste its sweetness

If I can just remember

These sensations through my day

Not only will I know the HOW

I will also see the WAY

“Sitting all alone in the darkness waiting for the sun to rise. I still feel your presence
around me, surrounding me with love. Urging me to be better than I
think I can be, do more than I believe I am able to, be all you
created me to be. Softly supporting, never harsh or judgmental.
Simply a rock to lean on so I can become with each day that passes
more and more authentically me, the way you created me to

♥ Robin ♥ FB

“The Winds of Change” With Commentary from Love Reporter Desi

The winds of change have been blowing in saying hello. Changes are occurring and we notice
that it's merely a shift
in perspective, a shift in consciousness that is occurring. We
gather together today in the light, and the love standing up and
sharing the reality that we are here. First contact has been
made....the ships are landing and decloaking. We are gathering

together Now to awaken humanity to the love and light they are and
share with them true reality.

Healing Art With Bev- Stratton Proemper

“The Ascension”

By Sapphire Stone!/no...

Ascension Is A Shift In Energetic Frequency Patterns Held Within A Dimensional Space
Which When Absorbed Into The Layers of The Planetary And Human Bio-Energetic
Field, Activates Its Own DNA Template Instruction Set!

Ascension Is All About Anchoring While Bringing In Layers of Light, The Force That Is
Present Within Our Multidimensional God Selves! These Layers Descend Into Matter
Anchor Into The Physical Reality!

The Process of Ascension Is All About The Awareness of Multiple Realities Existing
Simultaneously, Since "Reality" Is A Dimension, We Shift Dimensionally!
Hold A Reality By A Complex Layer of Coded Energetic Grids To Create
The Illusion of Time And Space For Our Consciousness To Perceive
Within Its Own Range of Frequency! As Its Magnetic Attributes Change,
The Dimensional Grids Shift Its Frequency, And Everything Within That
Broadband Also Shifts And Changes In Many Ways!

Within A Cycle of Evolutionary Time, The Human Soul's Journey Energetic Templates
Changes And Creates A Complete Transformation And Transmutation of Various
Patterns And Programs Held! Once Activated These Patterns Begin To
Shift, Re-Emerge And Clear From The Layers of Experiences Coded Into
Every Cell And Memory Pattern Held As An Energetic Vibration Within
Your Body!

We Must Surrender And Accept This Transformation Process And Not Try To Fight It or Deny
It, For Our Relationship With Time And Space Is Changing Dramatically And Your
Soul's Purpose And True Divine Essence Is Adjusting To Your Way of

As We Shift The Thought Patterns Not Serving The Soul Purpose, We Will Become Aware of
These Beliefs And Behaviours That Exist As Imbalances Within Us And We Must
Them! Our Deepest Fears, Beliefs of Limitation And Old Pain Patterns
Surface Through Triggers In Our Awareness So We Can Consciously
Become Aware of Them And Heal Them For Good!

Since We Are All One And Connected Consciously We Are Needing To Cleanse And Purify
From The Last Evolutionary Cycle! Appreciate And Acknowledge The Assignment of
Particular Clearing And Do Not Claim It As You! Rather Send It Into
The Light To Be Dispelled of Forever! Some of These Issues Are Also
Ancestral or Inherited In Their Nature And May Feel Familiar And Yet
Unfamiliar To You! You Are Also Clearing The Karmic Gird As

By Cleansing And Purifying Your Thoughts Into The Light Repeatedly, We Clear Our
Emotional And Energetic Bodies, That Have Impeded Our Ability To Experience Our
True "BEing" And Bring More Joy Into Our Lives! Once We

Clear And Resolve Old Pain or Trauma, The Physical Body Then Is
Enabled To Clear Out Equivalent Blocks of Energy!

Realise You Are Clearing Out The Soul's Cellular Memory And Record Through Layers of
The Bio-Energetic Field! When Doing So You May Become A Lot More Emotional
Sensitive Than Usual Without Truly Understanding Why!

Once The Cleansing, Clearing And Purifying Is Removed! Our Bodies Are Able To Take In
More Light Within Our DNA, While Sustaining Our New Frequency And
Higher Consciousness Within Multidimensionality! While This Is
Happening To Us We Are Enabling The People Around Us To Also Vibrate
Within The Same Frequency Patterns As We Are To Activate Their Own
Inner Potential And Divine Inheritence Towards

Sometimes The Frequencies Don't Match With Others, No Matter How Hard We Try To Open
Them Up To A New Way of Thinking, Which Explains Why, We Are Be And De Friending
Our Personal Lives And On Face Book! For When You Are Not Resonating
On The Same Frequency, You Feel Blocked And Nauseated! Your Inner
Structure Is Feeling The Tension!

Some of Us, Such As Myself, Are Programmed To With Stand The Energetic Process To
Transmute The Bad Energy Through Us, As A Cosmic Filtration System For The Greater
Whole! Since Emotional Pain And Imbalances Are Responsible For
Dis-Ease, Many Will Experience Illness of Physical Releases of Pain
Clearing From Our Bodies!

Most of These Painful Experiences Can Be Avoided By BEing Self-Aware And Self-
Sovereign In All of Your Choices, And Taking Time To Heal Through Emotional Clearing
Listening To Your Body's Request For Other Healing Techniques! Spirit
Is Always There To Aid And Guide You, But They Cannot Help You If You
Do Not Ask For Help!

When You Are Feeling A Certain Way, It Helps To Voice Your Opinion On Here, And Not Be
Afraid of Sharing Your Experience With Others! For When You Freely Share,
Are Bringiing A Sense of Serenity And Well Being Into The Thoughts
And Minds of Others!

I Wish You ALL Nothing But "PEACE" of Mind Knowing This Too Shall Pass! How Long
Depends On You And How Much Time You Have Spent Cleansing And Purifying Your
The White Light of God!

Love & Light : ))

Sapphire Stone

Love Reporter Katie Dempsey [FB]

“I am so much more than I am at this very moment.

As I continue to embrace the boundless flow energy that comes to me and through
me from All That Is, I align with
my true nature.

As I continue to breathe in and breathe out my connection with and to Mother

Gaia and all her brothers and
sisters in this galaxy and beyond, I align with my true nature.

As I continue to nurture and nourish my love for self and for All That
Is, I align with my true nature.

As I continue to align with my true nature in the infinite ways that exist, I
am and will
continue to be so much more than I am at this very moment

I AM IMMEASURABLE and my true nature is ALL-BEING”

Comments from the 10-10-10 Event

KH Yap [FB}

it was around 6am morning Oct.11... after the Stargate was Fully Activated from our
Consciousness Grid... I fully understand that this was shared by many
that were in the right parallel reality, or others shared other
similiar out of Mind or Body experiences of a Spiritual Nature or
something Extra Special

Anna Bliss [FB]

KH.. I also had a UFO dream on the 10th. The "dream" is indeed real, on many levels
(Inception) and we are definitely the "chosen ones" =)
thank you ALL for sharing! (((♥)))

Special Donation Request

Thank You for Sharing with Us, your Family of Light. We are Requiring your Assistance
Today, to Support Us in This Divine Mission. We are working 24 hours a Day
unconditionally all given freely, and We have simple needs that still
are required. A Simple donation of 5$ would assist us, to be able to
keep our internet going, and support us as We build a New Website to
support the High Level of Traffic for the Information of Truth. The
Donations are Energy to be Used for The Highest Good of

Thank You for Honoring us with your support today!


Would You Like an Awakening Session with Us? Email us at

for a list of services follow this link

If You would like to join the rest of Your Family, you can join us at

Skype: father.mothergod.amon.ra


With ALL our Love Unconditionally

Father~Mother God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 14, 2010 at 2:41am


Birini kendine yakın hissettiğinde, yakınlık doğduğunda, söylediğin her kelime önem kazanır.
O zaman
kelimelerle kolayca oynayamazsın çünkü her şeyin bir önemi vardır. O yüzden,
sessizlik boşlukları olur. İnsan başlangıçta kendini garip hisseder çünkü
sessizliğe alışık değildir. Bir şeyler söylenmesi gerektiğini düşünürsün, diğeri
ne düşünür yoksa? Birine yakınlaştığında, sevginin herhangi bir türü doğduğunda,
sessizlik gelir, ve söylenecek bir şey kalmaz.

Aslında gerçekte de söylenecek bir şey yoktur. Hiçbir şey yoktur. Bir yabancıyla, söylenecek
çok şey
vardır; dostlarınla, söylenecek hiçbir şey yoktur. Ve sessizlik ağır gelir,
çünkü buna alışık değilsindir. Sessizliğin müziğini tanımıyorsun. Sadece tek bir
iletişim yolu biliyorsun, o da sözel, zihin kanalıyla. Kalple iletişim kurmak,
sessizlikte, kalpten kalbe iletişim kurmak nedir, bilmiyorsun. Sadece orada
bulunarak, varlığın kanalıyla iletişim kurmayı bilmiyorsun. Büyüyorsun, ve eski
iletişim yöntemlerin yetmiyor. Sözel olmayan, yeni iletişim yöntemleri
geliştirmen gerekiyor. İnsan olgunlaştıkça, sözel olmayan iletişime daha çok
ihtiyaç duyar. Dile ihtiyaç duyuyoruz, çünkü iletişim kurmayı bilmiyoruz. Bunu
bildiğimiz zaman, yavaş yavaş, dile ihtiyacımız kalmaz. Dil, son derece ilkel
bir ortam. Gerçek iletişim ortamı, sessizliktir. O yüzden, yanlış bir fikre
kapılma, yoksa
büyümeni durdurursun. Dilin kaybolmaya başlaması bir eksiklik değildir; bu yanlış bir
fikirdir. Yeni bir şey var olmaya başladı ve eski kalıp
bunu içine almaya yetmiyor. Sen büyüyorsun, elbiselerin kısa gelmeye başlıyor.
Bir şey eksilmiyor; sana her gün yeni bir şey ekleniyor. Daha çok meditasyon
yaptıkça, daha çok seversin, ve daha çok ilişki kurarsın. Ve sonunda bir an
gelir ki, o an sadece sessizlik işe yarar. O yüzden, bundan sonra biriyle
birlikteyken ve sözcüklerle iletişim kurmadığınızda, ve sen de kendini garip
hissettiğinde, mutlu ol. Sessiz kal ve o sessizliğin iletişim kurmasına izin
ver. Sevgi ilişkisinde olmadığın insanlarla ilişki kurmak için, dil gereklidir.
Sevgi ilişkisinde olduğun insanlarla birlikteyken, dilsizlik gereklidir.

İnsan yeniden bir çocuk gibi masumlaşmalı, sessizleşmelidir. Hareketler olur yine; bazen
gülümser, el ele tutuşursun, bazen sessizce göz göze kalırsın;
hiçbir şey yapmadan, sadece var olarak. Varlıklar buluşur, birleşir, ve sadece
ikinizin bildiği bir şey gerçekleşir. Sadece bunu yaşayan ikiniz bilirsiniz;
başka kimse farkına varmaz, öyle bir derinlikte olur her şey. Bu sessizliğin

tadına var; hisset ve tadını çıkar. Kısa zamanda anlayacaksın ki, onun kendi
iletişimi var; daha büyük, daha yüksek, daha derin ve daha içten. Ve bu iletişim
kutsaldır, saftır.


Bir insan kendisine nasıl davranıyorsa

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 14, 2010 at 2:43am

Bir insan kendisine nasıl davranıyorsa; başkalarına da öyle davranıyor.

Çünkü bildiği, yapageldiği "ilişki modeli" budur.
İnsan kendisine yapmadığı birşeyi, başkasına asla yapamaz bu yüzden.
Eğer bir insan kendisine yalan söyleyebiliyorsa ancak, başkasına da söyleyebilir.
Kendisini kandıran insan, bir başkasını kandırabilir.
Başkasına ihanet edebilen biri; aslında kendisine ve kendi yaşamına ihanet edip durmakta
olan biridir..

kendisini sahiden seven biri, başkalarını gerçekten sevebiliyor..
Kendisine sadık biri ilişkilerinde sadık, kendine dürüst biri tüm ilişkilerinde dürüst
"Oyun"lar oynamıyor kimseye; kimseden, birşeyleri kaybetmekten korkmadan KENDİSİ
Kendini VAR etmekten onur duyuyor,
"kendisi olduğu için" onu sevenler oluyor etrafında,
"oynadığı için" yada onların ihtiyaçlarını karşıladığı için değil..

Eğer birisi size yalan söylediyse,

eğer birisi kandırdıysa yahut aldattıysa,
eğer birisi gerçek bir ilişki kurmuyor, yarım yamalak birşeyler paylaşıyorsa..
size yapılmış bir davranış olarak görmeyin bunu..
O; "kendisine" nasıl davranıyorsa size de öyle davranıyor..
"Kendi hayatına" nasıl davranıyorsa size de öyle davranıyor..
Çünkü böyle davranmayı biliyor ancak..
Çünkü kendisini, "asıl kendisini" tanımıyor; "sahte benlik"le yaşıyor
ve onu gören, anlayan olmasın diye de kamuflajlar kullanıyor habire;
yalanlardan, tevillerden, ihanetlerden oluşan..
yarım yamalak paylaşıyor ki o sahte benliğini anlamasınlar.. görmesinler.. bilmesinler..
anlarlarsa o sahte benliği; O'ndan uzaklaşacaklar, sevmeyecekler sanıyor..
Sevileceğini sandığı hayali bir kimlik çizmiş, habire onu OYNAMAKTADIR..

Herkese ve kendine...


Güneş varken, mumla ısınmaya çalışmaktadır O...

Ta ki... illüzyonlarını sona erdirmeye "O" yada "hayat" karar verene kadar..

Gülten Atlı (gultence) / ekim 2010

Ya siz bir ışık temsilcisiyseniz.....?

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 14, 2010 at 2:47am

Ya siz bir ışık temsilcisiyseniz.....?

.... Belki bu sizin o işte neden "saplanıp kaldığınızı" açıklar !

Çevrenizdeki kişilerden ne haber? Bu konuda hiç düşündünüz mü? Belki

hiç de saplanıp kalmamışsınızdır..Işığınız onlara daha berrak bir görüş

sağladığından,onlar bu ışıkta kararlar verip, yollarını değiştirebilirler.Ne

demek istediğimi anlıyor musunuz..? Ya siz bir ışık temsilcisiyseniz...?

Belki bu bulmacanın sizin hiç düşünmediğiniz bir parçasıdır...

Belki siz o " berbat " yere oraya ait olduğunuz için, ışığı ona ihtiyaç

duyan yerde tutmak için çekildiniz... Belki artık sizin, (ışık temsilcisinin)

çevrenize bakıp ışığınızın nerede demirli olduğunu görmenizin

zamanıdır.. O sizin hiç iyi bir enerjiye sahip olmadığını hissettiğiniz bir yerde

mi? Siz hiç kendi ihtişamınız üzerinde düşündünüz mü..? İnsan kılığına

bürünmüş melekler, siz muhteşemsiniz! Daha kaç kere size meleklerin

buraya sizin yolunuza saygılarını sunmak için geldiğini söylememiz

gerekiyor.. Daha ne kadar sık bir biçimde görünmeden yanınızda oturup

sizi " odada garip bir şeylerin olduğunu" hissettiğiniz kadar güçlü bir

biçimde sevmemiz gerekiyor.. ? Çevrenizde bulunduğumuzu

anlayabilmeniz için daha ne kadar sık bir biçimde size 11:11 " yüksek

işaretini " vermemiz gerekiyor.......... - KRYON -

Paranormal Dergisi Ekim Sayısı

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 14, 2010 at 2:48am

Paranormal Dergisi Ekim Sayısı

Paranormal dergisinin ekim sayısını aşağıdaki linke tıklayarak indirebilirsiniz. Dergi dili
ingilizcedir. İçinde çeşitli olay vaka incelemelerini ve
çeşitli sorulan güncel soruları bulabilirsiniz.

Lee Carroll kanalıyla
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 14, 2010 at 3:30pm


"Akaşik Sistem"
Bu canlı kanallık Syracuse, New York’da verildi.
11 Eylül 2010
Lee Carroll kanalıyla
Selamlar sevgililer, ben Manyetik Hizmetten Kryon’um. Üstatların bir deyişi var: “Benimle
iyi, ruhumla iyi.” Onlar bunu ölümden önceki zamanlarda, hayal kırıklığı

zamanlarında ve zorluk zamanlarında söylerlerdi. Bunun nedeni üstatların tek
bir şeye ve
tek bir realiteye odaklanmalarıydı – benliğin sevgisini yaratan
içlerindeki Tanrı’nın sevgisine. Bunu daha önce söyledik. Bunu birçok
kez ilettik. Hatta size bunun üstatlığın sırrı olduğunu söyledik.
İçinizde hoşnut olduğunuz, Tanrının bulunduğu yere gidin ve yaşamınızla
ne yapacağınızı öğrenirken, etrafınızda uygunluk içinde yavaşça gelişen
diğer şeylerin hepsini bırakın. Nereye gideceğinize veya ne yapacağınıza
önceden karar vermeyin.
Kısaca, çok kadim geçmişteki, yakın geçmişteki enerji ve değişmekte olan enerji arasındaki
farkı özetleyen bir mesaj vereceğiz. Işıkişçisinin
detaylarla nasıl başa çıktığının ve olayların nasıl değişmiş olduğunun
niteliklerini vereceğiz. Bu gelecek [Buffalo, New york’da verildi]. Ama
bugün değil.
Bugün size Gaia ve İnsanlık olan Akaşik sistemin derinliğini vermek istiyorum. Yapmak
istediğim şey, görünürde karmaşık ve ezoterik olan, ama gerçekte yerküre ile
ilişkinizi tanımlayan bir sistem ile ilişkinizi açıklamaktır. Arada bir,
mesajdaki konuların kanıtlayamayacağınız şeyler olduğu bu tür mesajlar
veriyorum ve bu mesaj sizinle ilgili.
Gaia’nın tüm amacının insanlığı desteklemek olması mümkün mü? İnsan Varlıkların güneşin
etrafında dönen bir gezegende sadece başka memeliler olmaması
mümkün mü? Bu gezegenin titreşim hızından aktarılan enerjinin,
insanlığın yaptığı şeye bağlı olması ve bunun gerçekte Evren’i
etkilemesi mümkün müdür? Bunların hepsinin yanıtı evettir. Böylece eğer
durum buysa, böyle bir şeyin olmasına izin veren ne tür bir sistem
uygulamadadır? Bu kısa zaman süresi içinde tartışacaklarımız budur.
Gezegenin Enerjisi Ve Akaşa
Gaia ve Akaşa’dan söz edelim. Gaia’nın bir enerji olduğunu işitmiş olabilirsiniz, Dünya
gezegeninin enerjisi. Gaia hissedebilirdir [bilinçli]; Gaia yaradılıştan
gelen zekaya sahiptir; bu nedenle Gaia sizi “tanıyan” zeki bir
bilinçtir. Gaia, Kryon’un yaptığı gibi söyleşebilir ve konuşabilir. Eğer
bunu işittiyseniz, haklı olurdunuz.
Gaia’nın enerjisi birçok şekillerde konuşur ve bunlardan biri Akaşa’ya bakarak görülür. Eğer
Gaia’ya bunun ne olduğunu sorsaydınız, o “gezegenin yaşam

gücü” olarak tanımlanırdı. Bu, her şeyin canlı olduğunu dikkate alır,
bunlara sizin canlı olduğunu düşünmediğiniz şeyler bile dahildir. Bu
nedenle Gaia’nın Akaşası kavramı muazzamdır ve çok büyüktür. Ama bu
akşam özellikle, İnsan Varlığının yerküre ile ilişkisinin Gaia Akaşası
bahsetmek istiyorum. Gaia’nın İnsan ruhsal deneyimindeki işbirliğinden
ve aslında her şeyin İnsan etrafında döndüğünden söz ediyoruz, hatta
gezegenin amacı bile.
Eğer başlangıçtan başlarsak ve basit tanımlamalar verirsek, dünya üzerinde kimin
bulunduğunu takip etmek için bir sistemin bulunduğunu söyleriz. Ruhun bir
sisteme hiç gereksinimi olmayacağını düşünebilirsiniz ve haklı
olurdunuz. Ama Gaia’nın gereksinimi vardır ve bunun bir nedeni vardır.
Çünkü Dünya denen bu yere gelen her bir İnsan ruhu, gerçekte Gaia’nın
yaşam gücünü değiştiren eşsiz bir enerji olarak bir fark yaratır.
Böylece, ruh geldiği zaman, Gaia bir kayıt yaratır ve daha fazlasını.
Böylece ayrıntılara geliyoruz.
Yaradılış Mağarası
Birçok kez size tekrar sunduğum bir kavramı gözden geçirdim. Yerkürenin derinliklerinde,
asla bulunmayacak olan boyutlararası bir mağara vardır.
Bu mağaranın onu Dünya realitesine bağlayan 3B özellikleri vardır, ama o
ayrıca çok boyutludur. Bunu size açıklamak zor, çünkü siz sadece tek –
basamaklı boyutsallıkta olan realiteyi algılıyorsunuz. Bu nedenle
istediğim her şeyi açıklayabilirim, ama açıklamalarım sizin için yeterli
olmaz. Bu sanki sizinle sizin dilinizde konuşuyormuşum ve aniden hiç
işitmediğiniz bir dil konuşmaya başlıyormuşum gibidir, sözcüklerin allak
bullak, geriye doğru olduğu ve lineer olmayan bir şekilde yeniden
düzenlenmiş bir dille. Sadece mesajı anlamamış olmazdınız, ayrıca çok
garip dilin kendisini işitmek sizin için rahatsız edici olurdu. Çok
boyutlu şeyler size bu şekilde görünür – kaotik. Ama en azından
yapabileceğim kadar bilgi vereceğim, böylece “nasıl” olduğunu bilmeseniz
bile “ne” olduğunu bilirsiniz.
Yaradılış Mağarası gezegende boyutsal bir melez olan eşsiz fiziksel nesnelerden biridir. Yani,
eğer görülebilseydi kesinlikle göreceğiniz ve
anlayacağınız üç boyutlu özelliklere sahiptir, ama görülemez – çünkü o

asla bulunamaz veya belirlenemez ve bulunmayacak. Bu çok boyutlu yerin
içinde kim olduğunuzun kaydı vardır. Yine, buna Yaradılış Mağarası adı
Gezegene geldiğiniz zaman, burası doğum kanalından önce bile ziyaret ettiğiniz ilk yerdir.
Gezegeni terk ettiğiniz zaman, yuvaya gelmeden önce ziyaret
ettiğiniz son yerdir. Bundan dolayı, burası insanlığın kaydının
deposudur – insanlığın yaşamış olduğu tüm yaşamlar ve her birinizin kim
olduğunuzun en temel çekirdek ruh özü. İşte bunun nasıl işlediği ile
ilgili daha fazla bilgi. Bu Akaşik Kayıttır.
Yaradılış Mağarasındaki her ruh eşsizdir. Örneğin sizinkini ele alalım. Sizin spiritüel isminiz
nedir? Bu, telaffuz edebileceğiniz bir isim değildir,
sevgililer, daha çok bu bir enerjidir. Bu enerjisel isim kısmen
Tanrı’nın ismidir ve Yaradılış Mağarasında metaforik olarak kristalin
bir yapı üzerindeki bir şerit olarak kaydedilir. Kristalin yapının,
sizin kim olmuş olduğunuzun titreşimini hatırlayan bir yapı olduğunu
söyleyebilirsiniz. Böylece, gezegene ilk kez geldiğinizde, sizi bekleyen
kristalin bir yapı vardır (çünkü gelişinizin potansiyeli biliniyor).
Siz Dünya gezegeninde yaşarken, Gaia ve tüm sistem sizin burada olduğunu
“bilir”. Sonra perdenin diğer tarafına geçersiniz. Buradan ayrıldığınız
zaman, mağarayı tekrar ziyaret edersiniz ve kristalin yapıyı yapmış
olduğunuz her şeyin enerjisiyle zenginleştirirsiniz. Sonra dünyadan
ayrılırsınız, ama sizin bilginizi taşıyan kristalin yapı kalır.
Diyelim ki Dünya’ya geri geliyorsunuz ve başka bir hayat yaşayacaksınız ve başka dünyasal
bir isminiz olacak. Doğum kanalı içinde gelmeden önce,
kristalin yapıya bir başka şerit eklenir. Not: Bu aynı ruhtur,
ama şimdi iki adet şeride sahiptir. O, gezegende gelişirken, mağara
geri döneceğinizi bilir ve geri döndüğünüz her seferinde şeridi aktive
eder veya uyandırır. Bu nedenle, her yaşam için değil, her bir ruh için
kristalin bir yapıya sahipsiniz. Temsil edilen ruhların bazıları
binlerce şeride sahiptir! Böylece belki bu kristalin ruh kayıtlarından
düşünebileceğinizden çok daha azı olduğunu anlayabilirsiniz. Her yaşam
için değil, her ruh için bir tane.
Şimdi size bir şey söylemek istiyorum: Bu odada olan ve bunu okuyan yaşlı ruhlar var. Bu
sizin kim olduğunuzdur. Yaşlı bir ruh olmak için,

spiritüel şeyler bilmek zorunda değilsiniz. Birçok insan bu yeryüzünde
yürür ve kim olduklarına hiç uyanmazlar, çünkü bu onların özgür
seçimidir. Ama gerçek şu ki bu tür toplantılara sıkça gelen İnsanlar,
gezegenin geçişinin, bir çağın bitişinin ve bir başka çağın
başlangıcının parçası olma çağrısını hissedenlerdir. Onlar gözleri şu
anda bu sayfanın üzerinde olanlardır.
Mağaranın Gizemli Fonksiyonları
Böylece Yaradılış Mağarası burada bulunan ve burada bulunmuş olanların Gaia kaydı oluyor.
Bu fiziksel kısımdır. Size bundan sonra anlatacağım şey
İnsan Varlığının kafasını karıştıran boyutlararası kısımdır. Dinleyin:
Mağara 3B’de statiktir (durağan) ve buna rağmen çoklu Boyutlarda
dinamiktir; yani, 3B’de eklenen veya çıkarılan kristaller hiç yoktur.
Bu, Dünya gezegeni üzerinde yaşayacak olan her potansiyel İnsan Varlığı
için kristalin bir yapı bulunduğu anlamına gelir. Şimdi “Oh, hayır, bunun
bir anlamı yok. Bu alın yazısına benziyor. Ruh gelen herkesi tanıyor mu?”
Hayır tanımıyoruz, ama bu alın yazısı değildir. Bunun yerine, mağara
her an tam olmak için kuantum şekilde eğilimlidir (önceden
hazırlıklıdır). Kuantum enerji potansiyellerle uğraşır, deneysel [kesin]
niteliklerle değil. Bu nedenle, gezegende olaylar değişirken, mağara
kuantum şekilde değişir, fiziksel olarak değişmez. Kristalin yapı
hesapları değişmez. Bunun kuantum bir olay olduğunu söylemenin dışında
bunu size açıklayamam. Mağara her zaman tamdır, bütündür. Her zaman tüm
insanlığı içinde taşır. Mağara geçmişe, şimdiye ve geleceğe bağlıdır.
Sizin için çok kafa karıştırıcı olan şey, bunun sizin aslında henüz burada olmayanlar ile
etkileştiğiniz anlamına gelmesidir. Yine, bunu bundan daha iyi açıklayamam
ve sizin üç boyutlu zihniniz bu yolculuğa çıkmaya hazır değil. Ama bunu bilin.
Mağara tamdır.
O kutsaldır.
O ebediyen mühürlüdür.
Ruh kristalleri yaşamlarınızı ve yaşamlarınızın enerjisini hatırlar.
Kristallerdeki ruhsal enerjiler birbirleriyle etkileşirler.
Yaşadığınız hayatlar mağarasının enerjisini ve bu nedenle Gaia’nın enerjisini değiştirir,
modifiye eder.
Gaia ordadır, çükü mağara Gaia’nın içinde çok boyutlu olarak bulunur.

Böylece, özetle bu mağara ruhların kaydı, onların birçok yaşamlarının ve yarattıkları enerjinin
kaydı oluyor. Şimdi beni dinleyin, çünkü bu, bu
mesajın odağıdır. Gezegende ne yaparsanız yapın, gezegende ne tür enerji
yaratırsanız yaratın, bunlar bu kristalin maddelere massedilir. O yaşam
enerjisinin kaydı, kristaldeki eşlik eden titreşim ile gezegende kalır –
Mary ve George

Diyelim ki siz bu akşam Mary’siniz. Sizinle konuşacağım. Mary, vefat ettiğinde,

gittiğin yer mağaradır. Bu üç günlük bir Dünya yolculuğudur. Mary,
yaşlı ruh, daha önce orada bulundun. Oh, Mary, daha önce ordaydın – ve
bu nedenle, oraya sevinçle gidiyorsun. Onu hatırlıyorsun! Nereye
gittiğini biliyorsun ve bunun ne anlama geldiğini biliyorsun. Yuvaya
gidiyorsun. Ölümde acı yoktur, boyutlararası yeniden bağlantının geçici
bir bulanıklığı olabilse de, sevinç hissini hatırlarsın! Hepimiz elini
tutarız ve sen bunu hissedersin, bu sana sözdür, Mary. İnsan Varlığın
ölümü sona ait bir enerji değil, bir geçiş enerjisidir. “Son” yoktur,
son nefesinizi aldığınız anı hatırladığınız bir enerjiye bir yolculuk
Diyelim ki Mary bir şifacı. Diyelim ki Mary yeryüzünde yürüyen varlığıyla bu gezegenin
titreşimini artırdı. Diyelim ki yerküre Mary’nin ayak izlerini
hatırlıyor, çünkü Gaia onun kim olduğunu biliyor. Diyelim ki Mary
Yüksek Benliği ile temas halinde. Diyelim ki Mary bu nedenle gittiği her
yerde mini bir portal yarattı ve şimdi vefat etti.
İnsanlar üzüntüyle toplanır. Onun gidişini görmekten çok üzgündürler, çünkü o harikulade bir
kişilik, mükemmel bir anne ve sevgi dolu bir İnsan
Varlığı idi. Onlar ağlarlar ve gözyaşları vardır ve matem vardır.
Pekala, işte metafiziksel gerçek: Mary Yaradılış Mağarasına gider ve bir
İnsan olarak onun olduğu her şey ve yarattığı portal onun ruhsal
kristalin yapısına massedilir (emilir). O portal daha sonra kalır, çünkü
Mary buradaydı! Harikulade kişilik, mükemmel anne ve sevgi dolu İnsan
israf edilmemiştir, boşa gitmemiştir! O, Yaradılış Mağarası işlemi
vasıtasıyla Gaia’nın kendisine massedilmiştir ve hatıranın o enerjisi

asla çekip gitmez. O asla gitmez! O andan sonra yerküre yaşam gücü
bilincinin parçası olur.
Sonra Mary, George olarak tekrar gelir.
Gülmeyin, çünkü burada gerçek süreç ve sistemin güzelliği var. Hazır mısınız? George geldiği
zaman, Mary’nin kaydını toplar! Sonra hem George hem de Mary Akaşik
öğretinin sonraki bölgesine gider, bugün öğrettiğimiz dört bölümün
ikincisine gider. Sistem devam eder.
DNA’nızdaki Akaşa
Yaradılış Mağarasının kristalinde sizin çekirdek ruhsal kristaliniz ile ilgili temsil edilen her
şey, doğumda DNA’nıza aktarılır. Bunu Yaradılış
Mağarasında aktarırsınız. Bu nedenle oraya gidersiniz. Bu sizin kişisel
Akaşik Kaydınız olur, bulunduğunuz her yaşam, yapmış olduğunuz her şey,
hepsi DNA’nızdadır. Daha önce bahsettiğimiz gibi, bu Akaşik Kayıt her
çifte sarmalda çokboyutlu şekilde bulunur ve bilimin çöplük olarak
gördüğü DNA’nın %90’ında milyarlarca kimyasal tarafından temsil edilir!
Bilim ona 3B gözlerle bakıyor ve simetrisi veya düzeni olmayan çok
karmaşık bir şey görüyor. Aslında o maksimuma kadar çokboyutludur! Ama
orada bulunan her şey güzel bir sistemdedir. Bunu daha önce anlatmıştık.
Ama belki bunun ne anlama geldiğinin tüm imalarını almadınız?
Düşün. George, şimdi sen DNA’nda George ve Mary’ye sahipsin, ama sadece George’un
bedeni orada. Öyleyse, George DNA’sındaki Mary’nin yaşamıyla ne yapacak? Size
yanıtı vereceğim.
Mary’nin öğrendiği her şey şimdi George için elde edilebilirdir. Mary ve
George’un, aynı ruh olduğunu hatırlayın, sadece şu anda Gaia’da farklı
bir form alıyor. Sistemin güzelliği şudur: Yüksek Benlik de aynıdır,
çünkü o öz ruhsal enerjiyi temsil eder. Bu nedenle, George, Mary’nin
öğrenmiş olduğu şeyleri tekrar öğrenmek zorunda değildir! Bunlar onun
DNA’sındadır. Şefkatli anne bile oradadır. Mary’in ruhsal yolculuğu
oradadır ve cinsiyet hakkında daha az önemsiz bir seviyede, Dünya
gezegeni üzerinde bir İnsan ruhunun yolculuğuyla yaratılan Tanrı’nın
sevgisi oradadır.
Beni dinleyin. Bu hayata geldiniz ve bunu dinleyerek veya okuyarak sandalyede
oturuyorsunuz – ve bugün ruhsal şeyler öğreniyorsunuz. Belki

dik bir öğrenim eğrisi olduğunu ve çok fazla öğrenilecek şey olduğunu
düşünüyorsunuz. Belki tüm bunlar yenidir ve tüm bu bilgiyle ve bununla
ilgili hislerle eziliyorsunuz? Sana anlatayım, yaşlı ruh, sen yalnızca
zaten önceden bildiğin şeylere yeniden uyanıyorsun. Eğer niyet edersen,
yaşlı ruh, bunu hatırlayacaksın!
Bu gezegende çok yaşlı bir ruh iseniz ne olmuş? Bu, sizin tam şimdi DNA’nızdaki kadim
insanların bilgeliğine sahip olacağınız anlamına
gelir. Bu, bir Kryon kitabında okuduğunuz her sayfada, “Bunu hatırlıyorum.
Bu doğru. Burada yeni olan bir şey yok. Ama bunu yazılı olarak görmek güzel”
diyebileceğiniz anlamına geliyor.
[Kryon gülümser]
Şimdi insanlığın Akaşa’sının ilk iki niteliğine bakalım. (1) Yaradılış Mağarası gelip gidenlerin
bir kaydıdır. Bu yüzden enerji yerkürede kalır
ve gezegenin titreşiminin değişmesine yardım eder. Bundan dolayı, insan
yaşamları gezegenin titreşimini modifiye eder, değiştirir. (2) Her
İnsanın DNA’sı tek bir ruhun bireysel kaydını içerir ve sonraki
enkarnasyonun [Dünya’daki İnsan ifadesinin] daha fazla farkında olmasına
yardımcı olur, eğer bu onların seçimi ise.
Bu derste ilk niteliğe bakın: Bu Gaia ile ilişkilidir. Mağara Gaia’dadır. O yerkürenin
derinliklerindedir ve birçok kristalin yapıyı temsil eder.
Sizler “dünya tarafından tanınıyorsunuz.” Dünya tarafından
seviliyorsunuz. Dünyasal şeylerle – doğa, hayvanlar, hatta kayaların ve
toprakların incelenmesiyle – uğraşanlarınız bunu hissedebilirsiniz. Bazı
yerlerde yürüdüğünüz zaman, bunu hissedebilirsiniz! Gaia olan zeka
sizinle konuşur. Etrafınızı sarmalayan, “Seni tanıyorum. Sen buraya aitsin.
Gezegenin üzerinde adım atman uygundur”
diyen bir enerji izdihamı var. Oh, İnsan Varlığı, çünkü senin burada
yaptığın şey en sonunda Evren’i değiştirecek. Bunu hissedebiliyor
musunuz? Kaçınız bir ormana tek başınıza yürüdünüz ve ağaçların
arkadaşlığını hissettiniz. Bu gerçektir!
Her zaman değerli hayvanlardan ve burada insanlığa hizmet etmek için bulunduklarından ve
bunu nasıl tam olarak yaptıklarından bahsederim.
Onların bazılarının burada yenilmek üzere bulunduklarından söz ettim.

Birçoğunuz bunu işitmekten hoşlanmazsınız, ama kollektif olarak
hayvanların bunu anladığını anlayın. Onlar İnsan besin zincirinin
parçası olmak zorundalar, çünkü insanlık şeyleri hızlı bir şekilde
büyütme ve bu gıdayı dağıtma yeteneğine sahip değil. Bu bir hizmet,
görüyor musunuz? Vejeteryan olanlarınız, “Onları asla yemem!”
diyebilirsiniz. Bu sağlığınız için bir seçimdir. Bu uygundur ve
doğrudur, ama İnsan ırkının hayatta kalması için gerçeği taşımaz, çünkü
şu anda hayvanlar İnsanın beslenmesi ve hayatta kalması için gereklidir.
Bir an için yön değiştirelim ve size İnsanların hayvan yaşamını tüketmesi hakkında bazı
değerli bilgiler verelim. Birçok İnsan onları yemeye
gereksinim duyar, ama hayvanın bunu bildiğini hiç anlamaz. Bu sizin için
çok mu acayip? Bu, hayvan ruhlarını tanıyanlar tarafından bilinir ve
onlar bunun fedakarlığını ve uygunluğunu görebilirler. Bu kadim insanlar
tarafından da çok iyi biliniyordu. Ama soru şu, sevgili İnsan: Onlara
nasıl davranıyorsunuz? Gezegende bu tür bir amaçla, onlar sizin gıdanız
olmadan önce onlara nasıl davranıyorsunuz? Kadim insanlar onlara nasıl
davranıyorlardı? Şimdi bu zor bir soru, öyle değil mi? Size gerçeğin bir
özelliğini vereyim. Onlara daha iyi davranılırsa, bedeninizin içinde
daha çok besleyici olacaklarını biliyor muydunuz? “Kryon, lütfen bundan
bahsetme. Bunu düşünmek istemiyoruz”.
Sevgililer, ben bahsetmezsem, kim bahsedecek? Dinleyin, eğer bu
hayvanlar gelmeye ve bu gezegenin yaşam gücünün bir parçası olmaya
istekliyse ve sizin seçimler yapabilmeniz için sizi hayatta tutarak
gezegenin titreşimini yükseltmeye yardım etmeye istekliyse,
yetiştirilirken saygı ve rahatlığı hak etmiyorlar mı? Nıhai sonuç
sağlığınıza çok daha iyi katkı olacaktır. Bilim insanları ön ayak olsun
ve bir hayvan kısa ömrü sırasında onurlandırıldığı zaman, besinsel
değerlerinin dramatik şekilde arttığını göstermek için bazı
karşılaştırmalı çalışmalar yapsın. Kadim insanlar bunu biliyordu ve
kendi yaşam güçlerinin bir parçası olmadan önce her hayvanı
Hayvanlar için Yaradılış Mağarası yoktur. Onlar insanlığı desteklemek için buradalar. Onların
bazıları sizi sevmek için buradalar ve siz bunu
biliyorsunuz. Evinizde olanlardan söz ediyoruz. Onlar sizi sevmek için

buradalar – İnsanlara bir başka büyük hizmet. Onların gözlerine
bakıyorsunuz ve onlar da size bakıyor. İçinizdeki yaşlı ruhu görüyorlar,
bunu biliyor muydunuz? Onlar sistemi biliyorlar. Ama çok uzun
yaşamıyorlar, öyle değil mi? Bazen onlar ayrıldıklarında derin üzüntü
oluyor. Ama iyi haber? Evet, onlar reenkarne olabiliyorlar! Sizinle
sevgi işlerine devam etme seçimine sahipler! Odada kaç sevgili varlığın
bu sistemin farkında olduğunu bilmiyorum ve hayvan severlerin bunu
bilmeleri için partnerimin bunu daha berrak geliştirmesini istiyorum.
Onların sevgili hayvanları öldüğü zaman, eğer isterlerse, doğru yere
bakarak, geri dönen ruhu bularak, onu alarak ve yaptıkları şeye devam
ederek, sevgi işlerine devam edebilirler. Bunu işitmeye ihtiyacı olan bu
odada biri ve okuyanlardan birileri var. Onların öz ruhlarının geri
dönmesi için bir sistem vardır!
Böylece bir bakıma birçok hayvanın ruhu vardır, ama onlar Yaradılış Mağarasında değiller.
Kendisini özgür seçimle artırabilen bilinç olan, sizin
yaptığınız gezegensel değişimin harika sistemine sahip değiller. İnsan,
Dünya’da bunu yapabilen tek varlıktır, çünkü İnsan DNA’sında kutsallığa
sahiptir. Bu oraya, başka bir yıldız sisteminden olanlar tarafından
yaklaşık 100,000 yıl önce uygun şekilde ve sevgiyle aşılanmıştır.
Size tüm bunları daha önce verdik. Tüm uygunluğunda, bu gezegendeki İnsanlar spiritüel
tohumlarını güzel bir şekilde, uygun bir şekilde, ilahi bir
şekilde, mükemmel bir şekilde Pleiadeslilerden aldı. Savaşlar yoktu,
gizli planlar yoktu ve bu güzel yıldız ruhlar hala buradalar. Onlar
sizin kardeşleriniz ve onların bir parçası sizin içinizde. Siz onlarla
kuantum bir hal içindesiniz. Daha fazlasını açıklayamam. Ama bazılarınız
bunu hissediyor. Bazılarınız bunu görebiliyor. Bu güzeldir ve uygunsuz,
garip veya korkutucu değildir. Bunun yerine, gezegendeki gerçek
yaradılış hikayesidir ve tüm gezegendeki yerlilerin yazılarında
bulunabilir. Yedi kızkardeş ve yaradılış ile ilgili referanslara bakın.
DNA’nda olmuş olduğun her şey kaynaşıyor, yaşlı ruh ve buna nasıl erişebileceğini birçok
mesajda anlattık. Bu erişim sadece ruhsal bilgi
olarak değil, geçmişte sahip olduğunuz İnsan özeliklerinin bazılarına
erişme yeteneğidir. Olmaya alışık olduğunuz sizin
enerjinizin özü DNA’nızdadır. Bu nedenle, Akaşik bilgi kök

hücrelerinizin mavikopyası ile iletişim kurma yeteneğine sahiptir.
Hatırlayın, bunların hepsi protein – kodlu kısmı, genlerinizi içeren
aynı çifte sarmal yapı içindedir! Bunu anlıyor musunuz? Bundan dolayı,
DNA’nız herhangi bir tıbbi otoritenin şimdiye dek olduğuna inandığından
çok daha büyük bir sistemdir. O, kendisini herhangi bir zamanda modifiye
etme yeteneğine sahip olan boyutlararası bir sistemdir. Bu, hastalıkların
kendiliğinden iyileşmesini
açıklar. Kendiliğinden iyileşme, hastalıkla işinin bittiğine karar
veren ve sonra geçmiş yaşamdan hiç hastalığa sahip olmayan enerjiyi
toplayan İnsan Varlığıdır. Birçok İnsan kendisini insanlığın bildiği en
tehlikeli hastalıklardan kurtardı. Onlar aniden hiç iz kalmadan
hastalıklardan temizlendiler – kendiliğinden iyileşme. Ürkütücü hastalık
sadece çekip gider. Sevgililer, bunun yukarıdan gelen bir mucize
olmadığını söylüyorum. Bu içinizden gelen bir mucizedir.

Kristal Izgara – Dördün Üçüncüsü

Size üç rakamını anlatayım. Bugün bu

enerjide, daha önce hiç olmadığı şekilde, aktive edilen bir uygunluk
ızgarası vardır. Bu ezoterik bir ızgaradır; bu onun doğasının spiritüel
olduğu anlamına gelir ve siz onu göremezsiniz. Yaptığı şeyi açığa
çıkaran bir ismi vardır. Ona Kristal Izgara deniyor.
Kristal ona verilen isim, böylece onun Gaia’nın depolama özelliği
olduğunu anlarsınız ve o yaşam gücü bilgisini depolar. Kristalin yapının
amacı ile ilgili – bilgi depolama - Yaradılış mağarasına benzerdir.
Yukarıdaki tanımlamayı daha açık olması için belirginleştirelim. Gaia’nın [gezegen]Kristal
Izgarası yerkürenin ezoterik [spiritüel] olan ve
insanlığın yaşam gücü enerjisini, sizin enerjinizi depolayan
ızgarasıdır. Bu, Yaradılış Mağarasından farklıdır. Mağara kim olduğunuz
ve yaptığınız şeylerin kaydıdır. Dünya’ya katkınızın enerjisi [her
neyse] mağaraya gider, yerkürenin parçası olur ve orada kalır. Ancak
Kristal Izgara dünyanın üzerindedir; onun dünyanın üzerinde uzandığını
hayal edin. Izgara dış taraftadır. Onu göremezsiniz, ama o oradadır.

Kristal Izgara ayrıca enerjinizin damgalarını içerir, ama yeri belirlidir. Size verebileceğim en
iyi örnek şudur. Avrupa’nın bazı bölümlerine
gittiğiniz zaman, orada gerçekleşmiş olan şeyleri hissedebilirsiniz.
Katman katman savaşlar vardır. Bazılarınız orada meditasyon yapmayı zor
buldunuz. Topraklar üzerinde gerçekleşen şeylerden dolayı, toprakları
temizlemek zor, öyle değil mi? Kristal Izgara şimdiye dek olan her şeyi
ve bunların nerede olduğunu kapsar. Görüyor musunuz? O, yeri belirli
İnsan enerjisi depolama ızgarasıdır. O Gaia’nın bir parçası mı?
Kesinlikle. Gaia’nın üzerinde İnsan bilincinin enerjisinin battaniyesi
gibi uzanır.
Gezegenin, neredeyse İnsan tarihinde önemli hiçbir şeyin olmadığı bazı bölgelerine gittiğiniz
zaman, orasının berrak ve temiz olduğunu ve daha iyi
meditasyon yaptığınızı hiç fark ettiniz mi? Size bir şey sormak
istiyorum. Bunun, bu yeni enerjide spiritüalistlerin geldiği yer
üzerinde etkisi olduğunu düşünüyor musunuz? Son 25 – 30 yılda kanalların
hepsinin nereden geldiğine bakın. Onlar hiç büyük savaşlar yaşamamış
olan saf, temiz topraklardan çıktılar [çoğu ABD’nin batı bölümünden].
Bunu düşündünüz mü? Bir bakın. Bunun nedeni, İnsan Varlığının Gaia’nın
saf, temiz özü ile ilişki kurmasının daha kolay olmasıdır. Bu daha güçlü
bir ruhsal bağlantı yaratır. Yine, Gaia ile bağlantı oradadır – yerküre
ile bağlantı. Neden yerküre? Çünkü Gaia ölçüm sisteminin bir
parçasıdır, titreşimsel ölçüm sisteminin. Yerkürenin titreşimsel
niteliklerinin ölçüldüğü bir gün gelecek – İnsanların yaptığı şeylerle
yaratılan nitelikler. Kollektif olarak tüm İnsan deneyimi bu gezegenin
üzerinde ve içinde uzanır ve Ruh tarafından ölçülebilen bir titreşim
hızı yaratır. Bu Kristal Izgaradır.
Bir süre önce, size Kristal Izgaranın beklemediğiniz bazı özelliklerini verdik. Bu son mesajda
idi [Berkeley Springs, West Virginia]. Onu okuyabilir ve içerdiği enerjinin daha
fazlasını anlayabilirsiniz. Hatta o hayaletleri bile açıklıyor. Kristal
Izgara belirli bölgelerde İnsan Varlıklar orayı terk etmiş olsa bile,
çok kuvvetli bir kuantum damga içerir, o insanların yapmış olduğu
şeyleri bir kaset gibi tekrar tekrar oynatan damga. İlginizi çektiyse bu
bilgiyi bulun* İnsanın Gaia üzerindeki etkisi bu kadar derindir.

Böylece işte bu bilgiyle buradasınız. İlginç, öyle değil mi? İnsan enerjinizin aynı anda mevcut
olduğu üç yer vardır. (1) Yaradılış Mağarası – siz
gelip gittikçe kim olduğunuzun kaydını tutar ve siz gitmiş olduktan
sonra bile sizin yaşam deneyiminizi gezegenin titreşimine masseder. Bu,
Gaia için İnsan deneyimini zapteden çokboyutlu sistemdir ve Gaia ile
birlikte kalır. (2) Siz her bir yaşamda canlıyken, İnsan bedenindeki DNA
size yardımcı olur, çünkü olmuş olduğunuz her şey çifte sarmalda
saklanan bilgi ve enerjidir. Eğer binlerce yaşam yaşadıysanız, binlerce
yaşamın tümü oradadır. Onların hepsi erişilebilirdir. Asla spiritüel
olarak hiçbir şey öğrenmek zorunda değilsiniz, çünkü o birikir, yani
yaşamdan yaşama sizinle birlikte kalır. Tüm yapmanız gereken o hatırlama
niyetinin ruhsal kavanozunu açmaktır, kadim insanların bilgeliği
çıkagelecektir. Bu size bir şey anlatmalıdır. Hepiniz kendi
atalarınızsınız. Bunu düşündünüz mü? (3) Kristal Izgara – İnsanların
yaptığı her şeyi ve nerede yaptıklarını hatırlayan, gezegenin yüzeyi
üzerinde uzanan spiritüel ızgara. Siz 2012’ye yaklaşırken bu ızgara da
yeniden aktive edilmekte, çünkü daha çok kuantum oluyor, sizin gerçek
zamanda yaptıklarınız, gerçek zamanda bu ızgara vasıtasıyla Gaia’ya
aktarılmaktadır. Bu, siz Yaradılış Mağarasına geçiş yaptıktan sonra
enerjiyi almak için beklemek yerine, insanlığın
enerjisinin gezegenin titreşim seviyesini gerçek zamanda etkilediği
anlamına geliyor. Bu ayrıca sizin için zamanın hızlı ilerlediği hissini
Bir an için atalara bakalım, çünkü onlar bir şey biliyordu. Onların bilgeliklerine bakın. Ruhsal
bir törene başladıkları zaman, yaptıkları
ilk şey nedir? Onlar atalarını onurlandırırlardı! Onların hepsi
atalarının hala onlarla birlikte olduklarını sezgisel olarak biliyorlar.
Bu onların onurlandırma düzeninde her zaman ilk sıradadır. Karar
vermeden önce, her zaman atalarına giderler ve onlardan bilgelik
isterler. Yerli insanlar Akaşayı nasıl kazacaklarını bilirler, çünkü
onlar yaşam döngüsünün erişilebilir bilgi içerdiğini kavrıyorlar. Bunun
onların içlerinde olduğunu biliyorlar. Ayrıca Gaia’yı tanıyorlardı ve
onu bir yaşam gücü partneri olarak – ruhsal yaşamlarında bir partner
olarak – görüyorlardı. Oh, sevgililer, kadim insanları araştırırsanız,

size bugün verdiğim her şeyi bulacaksınız. Onlar biliyorlardı. Sezgisel
olarak biliyorlardı.
Yedek Sistem Canlı
Son olarak, daha önce yalnızca iki kez sözünü ettiğimiz bir şey. Yıllar önce, size şimdi
tamamladığımız bazı bilgiler verdik. Aşağıdakini
anlamanız zor olabilir, ama size biraz önce verdiğim üç sistem
çoğunlukla Gaia ile ilişkili. İnsan DNA’sı bile Gaia sisteminin
parçasıdır, çünkü gezegende, insanlığın yerkürenin tozundan biyolojik
gelişimini temsil eder. Yine de bunların hepsi için bir yedek sistem
vardır, sizin düşündüğünüz “backup” türünde olmayan bir yedekleme –
çünkü sizin backup’ınız (yedekleme) lineer olan bir şey, ilkini
kaybettiğinizde kullandığınız bir şey. Bu “yedekleme” sistemi,
diğerlerine her zaman yardım eden bir yedekleme sistemidir. Bu üç
birleşik Akaşik sistemin bilgisi bu gezegende yaşayan bir memelide
saklanır. Bu şekilde olmak zorundadır, çünkü bu son katmandır ve sizi
sadece Gaia’ya bağlamaz, ayrıca Dünya üzerindeki yaşamın kalanına en
mükemmel şekilde bağlar. Sistem Dünya’nın balinalarında saklanır.
Bir an için balinalardan söz edelim. Onları seviyorsunuz, öyle değil mi? Yeri gelmişken, bir
biyologa sorun, yunus bir balinadır, sadece daha
küçüğü. Bunu biliyor muydunuz? Yunusları seviyorsunuz, öyle değil mi?
Balinanın Dünyanın neredeyse tüm ülkelerinin, hatta okyanusu olmayan
ülkelerin bile imzaladığı anlaşmalar tarafından korunan gezegendeki tek
memeli olduğunu kavradınız mı? Ne tesadüf? Hükümet sistemleri ne olursa
olsun, nerede bulunurlarsa bulunsunlar, kim olurlarsa olsunlar, tüm
insanlığın balinaları yok edemeyeceğinizi, yoksa Dünya’nın yaşam gücü
dengesini değiştireceğinizi bilen sezgisel bir seviyesi vardır. Onlar
kayıtları taşırlar. Bu döngüdür. Balinalar Gaia’nın içindedir; suyun
altındalar. Onlar sizin gibi memelilerdir. Bilgi içerirler. Akaşik döngü
tamdır. Dünyanın suları ayrıca sizin yaptığınız her şeyle, kim
olduğunuzla ve kim olabileceğinizle parıldar.
Sistemin mükemmelliğini görüyor musunuz? Bunun neyle ilgili olduğuna bakın: Hepsi sizinle
ilgili. Hepsi. Neden dünya sizi izlemek, sizi
onurlandırmak, kim olduğunuzu ve sahip olduğunuz spiritüel ismi bilmek
için bu kadar zeki şekilde tasarlandı? Siz önemli olmadıkça, siz master

planın bir parçası olmadıkça, Evren’in geleceği ile ilginiz olmadıkça bu
olur muydu? Bunu düşünün. Sistem budur. Bu bilgiyi size tek veren ben
olmayacağım. Bu sözcükleri hiç işitmeyen, size aynı şeyleri anlatacak
olan başkaları var. Şansınız varsa, Gaia’ya bile sorabilirsiniz, o size
aynı şeyi anlatacaktır.
Gaia bu gezegende derste olan kutsal İnsan varlıklar için vardır. Bunu bugün size sevgiyle
veriyorum. Bir şeyleri düşünmenizi istiyorum. Yürüdüğünüz
her yerde, dünya tarafından tanınırsınız. Ne sistem! Neden bunu bugün
size veriyorum? Sevildiğinizi ve özen gösterildiğinizi hissetmeye devam
etmeniz için. Eğer isterseniz, Ruh ve sizin aranızda ve de siz ve Gaia
arasında devam eden bir el - elelik olduğunu bilmeniz için. Burada sizin
için, eğer isterseniz birçok şey var. Yaşlı ruh, bir amaçla burada
oturuyorsun. Belki bugün bunu işitmeye ihtiyacın vardı. Sen önemlisin,
sen değerlisin ve sen bir üstatsın. Şimdi buna sahip çık. Uzun süre
yaşa. Süreçte neşeli ol. Olması farzedilen şeylerle zihnini doldurma.
Yapabileceğiniz en kötü şey, düşündüğünüz şeyin şu anda gerçekleştiğine
dayanarak, Tanrı’nın sizin için sahip olduğu şeyi uygun hale getirmek,
önceden hazırlamaktır. Bunun yerine, gevşeyin, her şeyde neşeli olun ve
kendinize aşık olun.

Bu yerden geldiğinizden farklı şekilde ayrılın.

Ben Kryon’um, insanlığın aşığı – iyi bir nedenle.

Ve öyledir.

(Çeviri: Saffet Güler)

Positive Ions Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus) in
expression through Judith Coates 14
October, 2010
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 14, 2010 at 3:30pm

eshua ben Joseph (Jesus) in expression through Judith Coates

14 October, 2010

Beloved one, you are the expanded expression of divinity, come from the one Source, the one
creative One, come forth from before time began to have
an experience known as human, to have other experiences that you are now
beginning to tap into, and to be the expression of the creative One
walking the face of our holy Mother, the Earth.

Know that truly you are One with everything that you see, everything that you feel,
everything that you experience. It is your consciousness that
brings forth everything you experience. Others have other experiences.
Their consciousness is aware of other experiences. Everything that you
experience is in your awareness because of your consciousness and
because of your desire to remember and to come Home, even while walking
on the two feet having the human experience.

From the moment that you thought that there could be otherwise than Oneness, otherwise than
divinity, from that moment you decreed that you would
live a drama, and so you have created lifetimes of drama. Some of you
have practiced so well that you are the drama queens and kings. You know
how to play your parts very well. But you also know—as we have talked
about this in other times—how to take that holy deep breath, the easy
breath that allows you to step into a new space and to feel the peace
that the breath brings with it, and to be able to look at whatever is
happening with new eyes; not the world eyes, because the world judges
and the world usually says you are coming up short with everything, but
to be able to look with the holy eyes and to look with love upon
yourself and your choices and upon others and their choices and to love
them no matter what choices they make.

You have come as a great ray of Light. You have come to share your Light. You have come
with a contract that says, “Yes, I will live the life of a
human, but I will also begin to remember the expansion of my soul, the
expansion of what I have called my individual self,” to the place where
you see yourself as part of the rainbow that we spoke of earlier, where
you can see that you are part of the whole, and yet you are an
individual—as you understand individual—vibration of Light, a color, if
you will, in the rainbow.

And so you will see that you are expressing that which is needed, that which is called for, that
which you have agreed that you will do, even
if you do not understand at the time what you are doing.

Allow yourself to live in love. Know yourself to be loved by me. Share with me what is going
on. Talk with me. I am not afar off as you have
believed for many lifetimes. I am not up on the cross, still hanging on
the cross. I am not up there. I am not afar off in some other dimension.
I am right here with you every day, every moment. So speak with me as
you drive your vehicle. Sing to me. Sing with me. Tell me a joke. I love

humor. Allow me to speak to you. Allow me a moment or so to respond
before you go on to the next topic.

You have what is called the Lord’s Prayer, the Our Father, and some of you have been raised
with it from the time you were very small in this
lifetime, and many other lifetimes, as well, so that you have practiced
all of the words of the prayer, and there is the contest to see how fast
you can get through it.

Allow yourself when you say the Lord’s Prayer to think upon each word and its meaning —
or to take another prayer, something that is familiar to you
that feels divine — and to contemplate the meaning of the words, the
meaning that is behind the words. Allow yourself to take even one word
into meditation, a time of quiet, to reflect, “What are the aspects of
this word? What does it mean to me on the surface as it is usually used?
What is the deeper meaning that it symbolizes?”

It is easy to be in judgment. But for those of you who are moving past judgment, take the deep
breath whenever the news media brings you
breaking news. What does it break? We have spoken of this before: it
breaks your peace. That is what breaking news will do. Allow yourself to
stand back from it and to acknowledge that there is a brother or sister
who does not yet know their divinity, does not yet know the simplicity
of being taken care of, not yet knowing that they do not have to toil
with all of the mental gymnastics of wondering how they can make their
mark and how they can amass more power. They do not yet know that they
can allow themselves to be at peace and to live the simple life of just
loving and being, and loving the being.

They will come to a place where they will know peace. And that which you see them doing
now, you recognize, because you have done it yourself in
another lifetime. So you do not judge. You only say, “Bless you on your

One of the things you will want to focus upon is the positive energy that you are. There is
positive energy that you put forth as you are happy.
There are little bubbles of positive ions that exude from you, from your
being, when you are happy, when you are smiling, when you know you are
whole, when you are in a place that you know that you are loved.

You put forth these little bubbles that can be seen by some ones. They are positive ions. They
are ones that can be photographed. You have the
technology for photographing the aura around you; you have already seen
that. The positive ions can be photographed, as well, and they allow the
vibration around you to be uplifted.

Many of you have prayed for ascension. Many of you have said, “I want to be an ascended
master.” And I speak unto you that you are the ascended
master; otherwise, that concept would not be within your realm of
knowing. You are an ascended master. You have been, in other lifetimes,

in the place of ascension where you have recognized how it feels to rise
above all worldly cares.

This lifetime you have said, “I will be closer to some of the worldly cares so that I can raise
up the ones who do not know that there is something
else.” And so you have come a bit closer to the worldly outlook of
things, yet remembering deep within you the divinity and the positive
ions that you are truly as energy.

All is energy, and as you will accentuate the positive ions, it allows an ascension of
consciousness—your consciousness first, because you are the
one who is living in the midst of the positive bubbles of ions — and
also the collective consciousness as it is touched by the upliftment. As
you will focus upon the positive ions and allow yourself to live in
positive energy, you give out the energy to a place where others can be
touched by it and be encouraged by it. Over the last few decades of your
timing, there has been a focus, a growing focus, on awakening, of
meditation, ideas such as the peace clock where ones will focus on peace
instead of the negative ions.

Over the last few decades the positive energy has been growing to a place where you have
many ones who bring forth the message of ascension,
ascending for a moment or so out of the worldly cares, sometimes
ascending for an hour, even for a day, a week, or perhaps longer.

It is happening right now. You have a feeling of hope, a feeling of, “Perhaps this can happen.
Perhaps I can be part of this.” Well, of
course, you can be part of it. You are already doing it. “Perhaps I can
allow collective consciousness to feel an upliftment and to bring about
the Awakening, to bring about the knowing where ones feel good about
themselves once again.” More and more of your lecturers, your writers,
the ones who are giving forth messages are inundating the collective
consciousness with positive ions, and there is an awakening that is

And you are part of it, because you have agreed before the incarnation that you wanted to
make impact, you wanted to be here to experience what it
would feel like to be in a very dense place—and you have experienced
denseness. You have felt the dark night of the soul where you literally
did not sleep because there was a darkness that you felt that was going
to overwhelm and overcome you, and maybe you would not even be able to
breathe; and yet you did.

Then you came to the place where there is the dawning, the literal dawning of the next
morning. It did happen, much to your surprise, because you
thought, “I am going to expire during this night. It is too much to

And yet you kept one breath after another, and the next morning did come; not only the literal
morning, but the figurative morning, where you

began to say, “Wow, you know, I’ve come through that dark night of the
soul, and boy, was it heavy! I was really, really afraid. I didn’t think
I was going to survive it. But, you know, I did survive it. And if I
survived it, I must be more powerful than I thought I was. There must be
something within me that’s keeping me going.”

Well, there is. It’s your divinity. It is the power of the divine One that has said, “I’m not
finished yet. I have work to do.” And so the morning
dawns and you allow even in that morning a few of the positive ions to
go forth from you, a feeling of relief, perhaps.

So I charge you with the task, which is a very happy task, of being the positive ions, and I
remind you not to spend too much time with the
negative ions. I know that they come forth. They are part of duality,
but you do not have to live in that space. You can acknowledge them. You
can even make great drama around them, and then you are finished.

Have you ever recognized that when you are in a place of the negative ions and you feel like
everything is coming crashing down on you and you are
the worst example of human being that there ever could be and everything
is totally wrong with you — you are too big, too small, too unknowing,
too stupid, too whatever that separated ego will say to you — and you
feel yourself to have made many mistakes and to be the most unlovable,
and you cry, you cry your heart out and you lose yourself in those sobs,
have you ever noticed that after awhile the sobs finish?

You have expended all of the negative ions that you have, and they are gone. What is left is
peace. You have been at that place where you have
cried and cried and cried and screamed and you have said, “This is
terrible. What I am experiencing and how I feel about myself is
terrible. I am the worst example of human being. How could I ever be
divine? I am not divine,” and you have denied your divinity.

And you have sobbed and cried and thrown things and been quite the drama person. But then
there comes a place where you are finished. There comes
a place where you breathe. Finally you breathe. And you breathe in the
positive ions that have always been around you. You breathe them out in
peace, because you are finished with the negative.

And then you begin to dance, sometimes quite literally, always figuratively, because you have
found that no matter how harshly you
judge yourself, no matter how much turmoil you put the body through with
all of the sobs and screams, even to the place where you lose the
voice, you come to the place of recognizing that, “I Am that which I
have always been. I Am that which I Am. I Am truly indestructible.”

And at that point of remembrance, when ones would take a photograph of you with special
lens, they would be able to see the positive ions—known as
orbs—around you. Now, not all orbs are your own positive ions. Some orbs
are the loved ones, the masters, the ones who have decided to be light

orbs and to remind you of your Light. They are in a space of positivity,
of being the positive ions.

Accentuate the positive ions as often as you can remember. When you get into a negative
space, recognize it for what it is. If you desire to stay in
that space for awhile, know that it will spend itself and be finished.
Allow yourself then to come up out of that negative space and to be in a
positive ionic space, because it feels good.

Have you ever been with ones who were laughing about something and you did not know
what they were laughing about, but that laughter was so
contagious that you found yourself laughing with them? Ones will start a
laugh and it goes around, and you get caught up in it and you
accentuate the positive.

You have a saying in one of your musical songs, I believe, to “accentuate the positive,
eliminate the negative, and don’t mess with mister in
between.” You see, I listen. (Smile)

Allow yourself to put forth the positive ions everywhere you go. Give a smile; it costs
nothing, and it feels good. And sometimes it will
surprise others and they will wonder what you are smiling about. It
spreads. It is contagious.

Allow others to know that there is another way to look at everything. They do not have to
choose it. If they want to dwell with the negative ions for
awhile, know that they are doing the completion with whatever they feel
they have to complete.

Truly, everything is complete and they can be happy right now and live in positivity, but
sometimes they do not feel complete with whatever the
situation may be. So you smile at them, and they frown at you, because
how can you smile when they are going through such a tough time? But you
smile at them and you allow the positive ions to grow and to uplift all
of humanity, including yourself. Accentuate the positive.

So be it.

Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus) in expression through Judith

Copyright © 2007 Oakbridge University. Oakbridge material is copyrighted but free to
anyone who wants to use it as long as proper credit is listed,
including our website address

Bu Firtina da Gececek
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 14, 2010 at 3:43pm

Bu Firtina da Gececek

Carrie Hart
Ceviri:Lale Kulahli

Hic bitmeyecekmis gibi gorunen bir firtina hatirliyor musunuz? Bir

sonraki gunu nasil goreceginizi dusundugunuz, cok derin ve anlasilmaz
karanlik bir gece hatirliyor musunuz? Kendinizi yalniz ve yoksun hissettiginiz, yuzunuzu
donecek kimsenin olmadigi ve
inancinizin erisilebilir olmadigi zamanlar?

Ve fakat firtina gecti. Sona erdi. Ve gun, daglarin arkasindan yine dogdu ve karanlik, yerini
parlak bir
pembeye, sonra maviye birakti ve inanc tekrar yerine geldi; guller guzel
baslarini gunese dogru kaldirdilar.

Gunes her zaman parlar, size etraf karanlik gorunse de. Firtina her zaman diner, hic
bitmeyecekmis gibi gorunse de.
Ve gokyuzunden yeryuzune dusen yagmurlar nimetlerdir. Sizi en cok korkutan
firtina zamanin esnekliginde sevgiyi guclendirir.

Hersey hareket eder ve degisir ama bir tek sey gercek kalir: Sevgi. Ve su an sevgiden

bitmeyen bir huzur havuzunda tutulan sevgiden. O merkezinizdedir ve sevgiyi

Oyleyse en aci firtinada, sicaklik, sevgi ve huzur icin merkezinize gidin.

Kalbinizin verdigi rahatlligi derinlerinizde hissedin. Ve oradan sizi cevreleyen ve sizi
sarkilariyla kutsayan meleklere bir cagri

Cok derinden seviliyorsunuz ve hep sevileceksiniz. Cagirin, gelecekler. Ve zamanin

gecmesine ve firtinanin bitmesine izin verin, gunes pek
tabii ki yeniden parlayacak,gun sevginin parlak isiklarinda yeniden

Sevgi ve sifayla kalin,

Sifa Cemberi

Sonsuz Seçenek
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 14, 2010 at 4:00pm

Sonsuz Seçenek

Hayatınla ilgili kararlar almaya çalıştığında, seçeneklerin gözüne olduğundan daha az gibi
görünür. Oysa seçeneklerin sonsuz bir deryadır. Durduğun yerin boşlukta bir nokta olduğunu
ve bu noktadan her yöne
hareket edebileceğini bilmelisin. Boşlukta bir nokta olduğunu
hatırladığında, seçeneklerinin de sonsuz olduğunu fark edebilirsin.
Sonsuz seçenek sadece senin için değil, herkes için var. Ne yazık ki
sen, anne karnına düştüğün andan itibaren, sadece şu ana dek depoladığın
kayıtlar doğrultusunda, bu seçeneklerini değerlendirebiliyorsun.

Sonsuz seçeneklerinden herhangi birini seçtiğinde, bunun, bir diğer kişinin seçtiği seçenekle
kesişme ihtimali de, kesişmeme ihtimali de olduğunu unutma. Eğer seçeneğinin izlediği yol,
başka birinin seçeneği
ile kesişiyorsa, o kişiyle fiziksel, mental ya da ruhsal düzeyde bir
bağlantın var demektir. Seçeneklerin kesişmesi, bağlantı noktası
oluşturur. Seçeneklerin illa ki sadece bir kişinin seçenekleri ile
kesişmek zorunda değildir. Farklı yerlerde bulunan birçok insanla da,
bir grupla da kesişebilir. Bazen bir düşünce kalıbına yapışmış,
birbirinden fiziksel olarak bağımsız olan, ancak mental ya da ruhsal
bağlılığı olanlarla da kesişebilir seçeneğin. Eğer böyle bir kesişme söz
konusuysa, sonsuz seçenekler havuzunda birbirinize öğreteceğiniz bir
şeyler vardır ve görünmez bir hatla birbirinize bağlanırsınız.

Hayatın boyunca birçok duygu durumu yaşarsın: acı, zevk, üzüntü, mutluluk, güvensizlik,
özgüven, mutsuzluk, korku, cesaret, yalnızlık, sevgi, aşk, nefret, kin, kalabalıkta boğulma…
Bu duygular saymakla
bitmez. Çünkü onların birkaçı bir araya gelip yeni duygu kalıpları da

Seçeneklerinin kesiştiği kişi ya da kişilerle karşılıklı birbirinizin öğretmeni ve öğrencisi

olursunuz. Bazen birbirinize hiç tanımadığınız duyguları öğretirken, bazen de tanıdığınız,
bildiğiniz duyguların
üzerinden gelme fırsatı tanırsınız birbirinize.

Hayatında fiziksel, mental ya da ruhsal karşılaşmalar yaşadığın/yaşayacağın canlılar ya da

nesneler (bu bazen bir yazarın kitabı, bir çiçek, bir mekân, gözüne kaçan bir çöp,
bir karşılaşma, bir sezgi de olabilir) senin gelişmene fırsat tanıyan
olaylara sebebiyet verir.

Her karşılaşma bir duyguyu ortaya çıkarmana ya da bir duyguyu anlamana yardım amacı ile
vardır. Bu yüzden hayatının içinde yol alırken, sık sık farkındalığına başvurmalısın. Ancak
yakalarsan, alman gereken dersin farkına varırsın. Bu sayede, hayatında
fark yaratmak için, kalabalığın arasında hayat amacını bulma fırsatını

Sen farkında olmasan bile, ruhun her zaman yaşadıklarının farkındadır. O her zaman
gözlemcidir. Fakat ruhunun bu dünya ile olan bağı olan sen (bedenin ve aklın, duyguların),
onun gelişimi için
kullandığı araçtır. Bu yüzden sen farkında değilsen, onun gelişmesi ve
tekâmül yolunda ilerlemesi mümkün değildir. Çünkü o, sadece gözlemci
olarak oradadır. Senin farkındalığına ihtiyacı vardır.

Bu durumda, sadece zaman zaman yakaladığın farkındalığınla, onun zorunlu ihtiyaçlarını

karşılamak dışında ruhuna bir katkıda bulunman mümkün olmaz. Sadece onun için gerekli
olanları vermekle zorunlu olduğun
minimum tekâmül sürecini yaşarsın.

Tekâmül yolunda ilerlemek ruhunu mutlu eder. Tekâmül onu besleyecek, açılmasını
genişlemesini ve gelişmesini sağlayacaktır. Tekâmül yolunda ne kadar yol kat edersen, ruhun
o kadar çok doyuma ulaşacaktır. Ruhun
açılıp geliştikçe, sonsuz seçeneklerin içinden senin bu dünyada bulunma
amacını gerçekleştirmene destek olanları seçebileceksin.

Sonsuz seçenek deryasındaki her seçenek seni amacına ulaştırmayacaktır. Bu yüzden

seçeneklerinin farkında olmalısın. Farkında olmak için ilk başvuracağın yer zihnin değildir.
Öncelikle kalbine
başvurmalısın. Aldığın her kararın kalp süzgecinden geçmesi önemlidir.
Kalp süzgecinden geçen her karar, seni doğru yola, doğru seçeneğe
yönlendirecektir. Zihnine başvurmak, aklına danışmak, veri bankasına göz
atmaktan başka bir şey değildir. Veri bankası seni sadece bildiklerin,
kayıtların doğrultusunda yönlendirebilir. Sana uygun olan, fakat bugüne
kadar deneyimleme fırsatı bulamadığın uygun seçeneklerden habersizdir.
Bu yüzden önce kalbine danışmalısın.

Kalbinin sesini dinleyebilmek için, hayatında sevgiyi iyiden iyiye tanımış olman gerek.
Bunun için önce kendini sevmeyi bilmelisin. Kendinin, sonsuzlukta duran her hangi bir nokta
olmadığını, bütünün
hayrına belirli bir amaç için bulunduğun yerde var olduğunu bilmelisin.
Kendine hak ettiği değeri vermelisin. Burada hem kendi ruhunu, hem de
var olan her şeyin ruhunu geliştirmek adına bir görevin olduğunu her
zaman fark etmelisin.

Kendini sevmelisin, kendini sevdikçe etrafında bir sevgi ruh hali oluşur. Kendini bedeninle,
zihninle ve ruhunla bir bütün olarak sevmeyi öğrenmelisin. Sevgi bulaşıcıdır ve etrafını da
etkiler. Kendini
sevdikçe, zaman içinde, var olan her şeyle bir bütün olduğunu, ne her
şeyin sensiz, ne de senin her şeysiz olamayacağını fark edersin. Kendini
sevemezsen bütünün içinde kendini yalnız ve çaresiz hissedersin. Bu

senin kalp gözünün büzülüp körelmesine, kapanmasına sebep olur. Bağın
kopunca varoluşta işgal ettiğin alanın ne kadar hayırlı olduğunu anlaman
da zorlaşır.

Kendini sevmek, bir süre sonra varoluşu sevmek haline dönüşecektir. Var olan her şeyi,
kendinden ayırmadan, bir bütün olduğunun farkında olarak sevmek haline dönüşecektir. Yan
masadaki bağırışları ile seni
rahatsız eden teyzenin, orada boşuna oturmadığını fark edeceksin. Onun
orda bulunmasının, belki senin duygularını gözden geçirmene, belki
oradan kalkıp giderek başka önemli bir karşılaşmanın zeminini
hazırlamana sebep olacağını fark edeceksin.

Sevgi, sevgiyi çeker. Bütünün içinde seni, senin doğru yoluna yönlendiren bir ağın parçası
olmanı sağlar. Sana kalp sesini dinlemeni öğreten bir kaynağa sahip olmanı sağlar. Bu yüzden
kalp sesini
duyabilmek için önce sevmeyi bilmelisin. Sevmeyi bilmek, ucu sonsuza
açılan bir süreçtir. Sonsuza doğru gelişebilir. Sonsuz bir yoğunluğa
dönüşebilir. Herkesin, her şeyin (sana dünya gözüyle, zihin gözüyle ya
da anlık duygu akışın ile nasıl görünürse görünsün)seninde bir damlası
olduğun sonsuz deryanın bir parçası olduğunu anlayarak sevmelisin.
Sevdiklerin, sevmeye çalıştıkların illa ki hayatın içinde öğrendiğimiz,
mutluluk kavramına iyi gelmek zorunda değildir. Zaten böyle olmasını
isteyen senin zihinsel ve bedensel egondan başka bir merkez değildir.
Her şeyi ve herkesi var olduğu yerde bulunduğu için sevmelisin. Hayatına
çeşitlilik getirdiği ve sonsuz seçeneklerinin sadece onlar sayesinde
var olduğunu bilerek sevmelisin.

Sonsuz seçeneklerin var, en hayırlı seçeneği bulmak için ise sonsuz geliştirebileceğin bir
aracın var: Kalbin. Kalbinin sesini dinle ve ruhunun tekâmülüne destek ol. Bu bir döngüdür,
senin kalbin geliştikçe,
ruhun gelişecektir. Ruhun geliştikçe kalbin daha da açılacaktır. Bu
döngü seni mutlu edecek, doygun bir hayata taşıyacak yegâne döngüdür.
Hayatının amacını yakalamak istiyorsan, bu yolda ilerlemenin ve
farkındalığını artırmanın, ne kadar önemli olduğunu keşfedersin. Bu
döngü sayesinde kendi yolunu bulursun, hayatının bir anlamı olur.

Yolun Açık olsun.


Yurda Hal

12.10.2010, Bostancı

Benim Vizyonum -OSHO
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 14, 2010 at 4:09pm

Benim Vizyonum -OSHO

Dünya artık yerel olamayacağın kadar küçük olduğu için talihliyiz. Kendine rağmen yerel
olamazsın; evrensel olmalısın. Konfüçyus'u, Krişna'yı, Sokrates'i, Bertrand Russell'ı
düşünmen gerekir. Dünyayı
tek bir birim olarak düşünmediğin sürece, farklı dâhilerin katkılarını
düşünmediğin sürece çağdaş insanla konuşmayı başaramazsın. Mesafe çok büyük
olur; yirmi beş yüzyıl, yirmi yüzyıl... Aşmak neredeyse imkânsız

Aşmanın tek yolu, bilen insanın kendi bilişinde durmaması, yalnızca kendi bildiği şeyleri
ifade etmekle yetinmemesidir. Tüm dilleri bilmek için
muazzam çaba harcaması gereklidir.

İş engindir, ama insan dehasının farklı boyutlardan keşfi heyecan vericidir. Eğer içinde anlayış
ışığı varsa,
güçlük çekmeden bir sentez yaratabilirsin. Ve sentez yalnızca dini gizemcilerden
oluşmayacaktır, bu yalnızca bir kısmı olacaktır. Sentez tüm sanatçıları ve
görüşlerini içerecektir; tüm müzisyenler, tüm şairler, tüm dansçılar ve onların
görüşleri. Yaşama katkısı olan, insanlığı daha zengin kılan tüm yaratıcı
insanlar hesaba katılmalıdır. Kimse sanatçıları, onların katkılarının da dini
olduğunu düşünmemiştir.

Ve en önemlisi bilimsel büyümedir. Bir sentez vizyona yürekle ve dindarlıkla bilimsel

büyümeyi getirmek geçmişte mümkün
değildi. Başta, bilim yoktu. Bilim bin bir şeyi değiştirmiştir. Yaşam bir daha
asla aynı olamaz.

Benim vizyonum bir üçgendir; bilim, din, sanat. Ve onlar o kadar farklı boyutlardır ki farklı
dilleri konuşurlar, birbirleriyle
çelişirler; hepsinin içinde eriyebileceği ve bir olacağı derin bir görüşün yoksa
yüzeyde anlaşamazlar.

Benim çabam neredeyse imkânsız olanı yapmaktır.


Ley Hatları - William Bloom, Marko
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 14, 2010 at 4:17pm

Ley Hatları - William Bloom, Marko Pogacnik

Jeolojik somut Dünyanın, hayli elektriksel ve ince bir elektro manyetik özün (yüksek frekanslı
hali) yalnızca bir formundan (düşük frekanslı enerji hali) ibaret olduğunun
farkına varmadan, yeryüzünün yüzeyini saran enerji ağını anlayıp kavramak mümkün
değildir. İnsan vücudu nasıl içsel, devingen ve çok boyutlu bir benliğin gözle
görünür olmasını sağlayan bir araçsa, jeolojik yeryüzü de aynı işi görmektedir
ancak bu daha ince, devingen ve daha elektriksel bir iç ruhun sunum

Ley hatları, yeryüzünün jeolojik yapısının devingen fiziksel ilkesi olan enerji matrisini
oluşturur. Ley hatları, yeryüzü ruhunun büyülü
bedeninin temel yapısıdır. Daha iyi anlamak için yeryüzünü yoğun bir fiziksel
varlıktan çok, iç içe geçmiş elektrik enerjisi hatlarından oluşan, enerji
ağlarıyla örülü bir küre olarak düşünmek yararlı olabilir.

Bu hatların uzunluğu sekiz kilometreden yaklaşık üç bin kilometreye kadar değişebilmektedir;

genelde düz olmalarına karşın uzun mesafelerde hafifçe dalgalanabilirler;
genişlik ve enerji şiddetinde de farklılık gösterirler. Hatların bir kesiti
alındığında, hattın kum saati biçiminde olduğu ve en dar kısmının yeryüzünün
yüzeyiyle kesiştiği noktada ortaya çıktığı görülür. Ley hattı yeryüzünün hem
altında hem de üstünde uzanmaktadır.

Ley, bir çift girdabın içsel oluşumuna sahiptir. Bu iki yönlü girdap yeryüzüne enerji verir ve
aynı anda
enerjinin özel bir niteliğini de ley hattından atmosfere yansır. Çift girdaba
gönderilen enerji farklı yoğunluklardadır; bir kısmı duygu, mantık, ruh ve bunun
gibi insana özgü niteliklere karşılık gelir. Aslında bu girdap olgusu, yeryüzü
ruhunun insan biçiminde ortaya çıkma arzusunun bir göstergesidir. Yeryüzü
ruhunun özü ya da şuuru, insanlarda doğrudan ortaya çıktığında mutluluk hissi
uyandıran oldukça yüksek frekanslı bir enerji halinde varlığını belli eder.
Leylerin girdap benzeri yapısındaki devingenlik, yeryüzünün kendi biçimini
korumak için kullandığı gücün, diğer bir deyişle, hedef veya arzunun bir

Ley hattının içerdiği çift girdabın aynı zamanda enerjinin özel bir niteliğini de yansıttığını
söylemiştik. Peki Ley niye bir çift girdaba
sahiptir ve bu özel nitelik nedir? Bu iki soruyu yanıtlamak için yeryüzü

ruhunun, hayli yoğun bir fiziksel yaşam biçimini almasındaki hedefi kavramak
gerekir. Elbette ki bu hedef, insan biçimine girmedeki amaç ile benzerlikler
taşımaktadır. Yeryüzü ruhunun hedefi, zaman ve titreşimsel deneyim aracılığıyla
yeryüzünü meydana getiren enerji alanlarına yeni bir enerji niteliği
dağıtmaktır. İnsanoğlu, enerjinin bu yeni niteliğiyle koşulsuz sevgi olarak iki
sözcükle özetlenebilecek bir biçimde tanışır.

Aslında insan deneyiminde koşulsuz sevgi adını verdiğimiz şey, gezegensel bir ruh ya da
insana özgü çok
boyutlu bir benlik veya ruh aracılığıyla yaşam ve yaşam gücü olarak bildiğimiz
şeylerin ortaya çıkmasını sağlayan evrensel bir ilkedir. Koşulsuz sevginin insan
biçimini alırken sahip olduğu güç, yokluğu durumunda yaşamın kendisinin de;
gelişim, değişim, ahenk ve hareketin de var olamayacağı devingen ve evrensel bir

Yeryüzü ruhunun yaşam gücü ley hatları ve ley merkezleri aracılığıyla yansır. Ley ağlarından
yansıyan bu yaşam gücü olmasaydı mineral,
bitki, hayvan veya insan gibi farklı doğal oluşumların hiçbirinde gelişme
gerçekleşemezdi. Birtakım Doğu öğretilerinde bu güce fohat ya da prana adı
verilmektedir. Yeryüzünün, ley ağı sayesinde yansıyan yaşam gücü, aynı pranik
alanın parçaları olmaları nedeniyle güneşinkiyle de sıkı sıkıya bağlıdır. Bu
nedenle güneş, yeryüzünün ley ağı ve yeryüzündeki doğal oluşumların hepsinin
sahip olduğu sağlık ya da yaşam gücü arasında eşi görülmemiş yakın bir ilişki
vardır. Tarih boyunca insanların içgüdüsel, sezgisel ya da şuurlu bir biçimde
yeryüzünün ley ağına ilgi göstermiş olmalarının nedeni de budur. Böylelikle
insanlar gerek fiziksel gerekse ruhsal sağlıklarını korumanın yanında,
kendilerini çevreleyen doğal oluşumların
gelişimini de sürdürmeyi ve zenginleştirmeyi başarmışlardır. Bu arada yeryüzü ile
aralarındaki ilişkiyi de
tanıma fırsatı bulmuşlardır.

Ley ağını tam anlamıyla kavramak için göz önüne alınması gereken iki büyük etken daha

Her şeyden önce yeryüzü, kendisinden yayılan enerji ve etkinlik ile aynı oranda enerjiye sahip
tek tip ve durağan bir enerji küresi değildir. Farklı etkinlik düzeyleri ile
farklı enerji duyarlılık ve yayılım merkezlerine sahiptir.

İkincisi, yeryüzü ve güneş sistemi çok daha büyük bir galaksinin ve evrensel sistemin
parçalarıdır ve bu sistem içerisinde yeryüzünün varlığı ve gelişimi için hayati
önem taşıyan sıkı ve duyarlı enerji ilişkileri yer alır.

Dolayısıyla ley ağı sadece insan biçimindeki yeryüzü ruhunun enerjisini taşımakla kalmaz,
zamanda yeryüzünün ve üzerinde yaşayanların gelişimi için gerekli olan galaksiye
ait diğer güçlerin de alıcılığı ve dağıtımı görevini üstlenir. Galaksiye ait bu
güçlerin en bilinenleri burçlar kuşağındaki takımyıldızlar ve güneş sisteminin
diğer gezegenleriyle özdeşleşenlerdir; daha az bilinen ancak aynı oranda önem
taşıyan bir diğeri de Pleiades, Büyük Ayı ve Sirius gibi yıldızlarla olan
ilişkilerdir. Ancak gelen bu enerjilere duyarlılık ve tepki gösterenin yalnızca

ley ağı olmadığını da eklemek gerekir; hem tekil hem çoğul yaşam biçimleri ve
özellikle de insan yaşamı gelen bu enerjilere karşı aynı şekilde duyarlı ve

Görüldüğü gibi ley ağı mineral, bitki, hayvan ve insan gibi oluşumların sahip olduğu güçle
ortak çalışır. Her bitkinin ya da her hayvanın
sahip olduğu enerji de dolayısıyla hem yeryüzündeki bitkiler aleminin ya da
insanlar aleminin tümünün, hem de bir bütün olarak yeryüzünün genel enerji
sisteminde yer alır. Dolayısıyla parçalar ve bütün arasında hayati ve devingen
bir bağımlılık vardır; bu bağımlılık koşulsuz sevgi adını verdiğimiz bu yeni
enerji niteliğini taşıyan yeryüzü ruhunun, sistemin tümü aracılığıyla insan
biçimini almasıyla kendini belli eder. Bu karşılıklı bağımlılık aynı zamanda
galaksiyi ve evreni de birleştirir.

The New Age, An Anthology of Essential Writings adlı kitaptan

çeviren: Sema Özçallı

Arch. Michael's Blue Ray Angel Number &

Power Protection Grid for Empaths &
Ultra Sensitives 10:10 Shekina Rose /
Blue Ray
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 14, 2010 at 4:28pm

Arch. Michael's Blue Ray Angel Number & Power Protection Grid for Empaths & Ultra
Sensitives 10:10
Shekina Rose / Blue Ray
a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Shekina Rose / Blue Ray
Saturday, 9 October, 2010

I, Archangel Michael, in unison with the Blue Ray give to you the Double
Blue Ray Sword Power Protection Grid of Archangel Michael. This comes
straight from the highest order of the warrior force protection
archangels' legions of Archangel Michael Blue Ray Codes of God and
Creation. This is a reply to you as we in heaven and earth have heard

your prayers and call of protection so you may be sovereign in your
divine power of shining Glory.10:10 12:12

The Double Blue Ray Sword Power Protection Grid of Archangel Michael
will assist you in coming back into your bodies to give you the greatest
protection of the universe, thus being your “I am embodiment” of Higher
Self - Soul Power, that is merged in harmonic concordance to the cosmic
pulse of Gaia's Christ Grid. This is a realignment frequency shift to
the galactic core – what you call ascension and coming of the new age of
Light. The Archangel Michael Grid will assist to prepare you for this
next level of complete Divine Alignment and ascension in your bodies for
the 13-33-333 Christ Grid emergence anchoring of the Mother's heart of
Creation, the Shekinah.

Protection and assistance for the empathic ultra sensitive Blue Ray,
Light Bearer, and Star Beings to anchor the Shekinah on the Gaia

You, the Blue Ray, Light Bearer, and Star Beings who are of empathic
ultra sensitive nature can sense and feel the bombardment of increased
energetic and solar radiation activity from the ascension process,
higher and lower dimension vibrations from group consciousness and
shifting frequencies of Gaia, that may have put you out of your bodies
and out of divine alignment.

This can be typical of an ultra sensitive empath being and especially

for the blue ray. Due to this increased energetic overload, your auric
field may have leaks and bleeds from stress, causing you overwhelm,
fatigue, periods of exhaustion, anxiety, heart palpitations, heart ache,
pain, difficult breathing, needing greater nutrition and minerals.
Please seek the counsels of your health and holistic providers, as even
though these can be ascension symptoms, you may still be in need of
assistance for your body. We wish to point out that your evolutionary
new earth bodies 33 are now requiring greater care of love, energetics,
nutrition, minerals, and emotional support, and with increased time and
alignment to Nature, they require an upgrade of what you have normally
been doing.
Archangel Michael's Blue Ray Angel Number 55

I give to you now my code number vibration of 55 and spirit animal the
eagle with my colors being blue and gold with red. When you see this
number vibration and/or my spirit animal the eagle appearing in your
life, know it is Creation's almighty power of God's hands through
Archangel Michael and the Blue Ray clearing all obstacles and lower
density, creating a higher pathway for you. I speak to you in many ways
and this is one you can come to recognize as a sacred communication of
Creation; the universe is speaking to you and it is in constant movement
to serve your highest soul intentions.
The meaning of 55 and new frequency of 10:10 Stargate

You are God in form; your hands - each one with five fingers, represent

the almighty hands of God, that equal 55 - twice the power protection of
God, that equals 10 which means a full cycle is complete and whole.
Once you reach this level you may experience a higher frequency and
choose your next course of activation. The 55s are the action and power
of God's movement of the universe to bring wholeness and balance in
whatever you are praying for to bring you forward into life.
Archangel Michael's Double Blue Sword of Protection

The double blue swords of protection are literally an energetic matrix

X, that come down in front of your sacred heart and solar plexus
creating a Power Protection Grid from all that does not serve your
highest nature to your Christ I Am in form. The double blue swords of
protection ground and neutralize overwhelming frequencies so you may
feel in your bodies your true power and essence until you feel/sense
that you do not require this assistance anymore.

This is a Holy dispensation of Archangel Michael and the Blue Ray to

nurture and honor the sacred divine feminine within you. So you may
experience greater trust to commit fully to being in your bodies and
being home here on Gaia. This creates huge amounts of accessible life
force empowering your path of Light and Divine Original Blueprint power

The protection grid creates an energetic stability so you may

participate more in your world, giving your immune system a chance to
build greater strength and resistance. This will create a spiritual
awareness cognizance to your earth bodies through the electromagnetic
pulse of Gaia so you may balance yourselves at will to the Cosmic Pulse.
This leads to the ultimate protection and power, the emergence of
oneness and unity – wholeness. You, the sensitive empathic Star Being,
are already designed and programmed for this unity telepathic
communication of the universe - it is the true way of your Divine
Archangel Michael's Double Sword Protection Grid & Electromagnetic Balancing

Prepare your body and spirit by touching your 3rd eye and higher heart
the sacred heart, making an 8 sacred alignment then take arms crossing
them as in a X fashion over your heart chakra and still crossed flip
down over your solar plexus, hands straight reaching to the heart of
Gaia, then back to your heart to seal grid.

Then say:

In my Beloved I Am presence of the universe,

I am ready to release what no longer serves my highest good and greatest joy,

I call Archangel Michael, the Blue Ray Codes of Light, Legions of

Michael's Warrior Force Angels, and invoke your Double Blue Ray Sword
Protection Grid now, so I may be in my divine power and sovereign self


In Grace, Elohim, balance my Electromagnetic energies to Mother Gaia's perfect Harmonic

Christ grid;

Empower and harmonize my energy fields and body to radiance and perfect vibrant health;

Release all interference, disturbance, lower density, any energetic in

any form not of my true core essence and well being to Source Creation,
never to return to my space again, as I instantly seal, align and
balance all my energy bodies and fields in my higher self alignment of
peace, now!

Please, Archangel Michael and my Holy Christed self, do what you know
needs to be done so I am whole and in complete divine alignment.

Thank you and it is done!

We know of your highly evolved and advanced gifts of light, this is who
you already are. We sense that you wish to go beyond and we say that is
your great true Mastery of being, to bring yourself and divine essence
to your bodies, to Gaia. As you do, what you have sensed and felt will
come true - that you are so much more. We are giving you the ancient
sacred technologies for you to build upon and create the new age of
Light; this is what is required for you to reach the next level and
frequency shift.

Come back home to your bodies and into the sacred heart which will
activate your divine blueprint, what you came here to do, restoring the
ancient codes of Light back to the cells of your God DNA. This is your
place of longing for home that was encoded by your soul before birth and
was done not so you would wish to leave or feel alienated here on Gaia,
on the contrary, so you would remember, awaken and fulfill your destiny
- to know the holy power of the sacred heart in your body, the true
connection to power and source right where you are. It is time to bring
all that you are to Gaia, as all of Creation is your home in the heart
of God, your I Am consciousness of being truly alive. 13

Continue to receive and be open, be at home where we can find you so we

may give to you the keys of the kingdom of Heaven. 333 We are one with
thee in divine alliance in the cosmic heartbeat of Creation.

The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the
Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms
to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God
consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker.

“Shekinah”, a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the

Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of
Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. Blue Ray

is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays.
Together we give you these transmissions.

Copyright © Language of Light vocal sound transmissions by Shekina Rose of - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article and
videos on the condition that the URL
is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a
non-commercial basis. E-mail:

Devlet, Aile ve Tanrı (Yasak, Ayıp ve
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 14, 2010 at 11:30pm

Devlet, Aile ve Tanrı ... Her biri sistemin birer çarkı, hepsi ideolojik aygıtın birer parçası,
zamanla tersyüz edilip üçünün de içleri
boşaltıldı, toplumu idare etmek, uyuşturmak için ideolojik
bombardımanıın araçları oldu.

Şimdi her biri gençliği yozlaştırıp, dejenere edip, sindirip tek tip
birey haline getirmek için kullanılıyor, her biri gençliği bağımlı hale
getirip itaatkar, duyarsız kılmak için var gücüyle çalışıyor. Çünkü,
sistemin efendileri bu biçim yetiştirme sayesinde gençlerden gelecekte
kendilerine zarar gelmeyeceğini biliyor, sistemin efendilerinin
sorgulamayan, düşünmeyen, çıkarcı bol bol tüketen ve eğlenen bireylere
ihtiyacı var.

Devletten başlayalım; mevcut devlet sistemi, sistemin efendilerinin halk

üzerinde toplumsal ve ekonomik egemenliğinin sürüp gitmesini sağlayacak
şekilde işlemektedir. Sınıfların birbirini baskı altında tutması
devletin temel görevi. Devlet sınıflar üstü değil, tamamen egemen
sınıfın bir silahı. Yasaları yapanlar ile yasaların çıkarları için
yapıldığı efendiler arasında sıkı bir bağ vardır. Devlet efendilerin
denetimi ve kontrolü altındadır.

Dünyanın hangi ülkesi olursa olsun, devletin eğitime ayırdığı bütçe %5'i
geçmez. Devletlerin yarattığı eğitim sistemleri yoğun ezberciliğe
dayalıdır. Ezbere dayalı eğitim sistemi öğrencileri beynin sol lobuna
hapseder, yaratıcılığı, bütünü görmeyi ve sezgiyi artıran sağ lob ise
köreltilir. Bu yüzden öğrencilerin üretkenlik potansiyelleri kat kat
Eğitimin amacı insan potansiyelini geliştirmek, insandaki yaratıcı
yeteneği realize etmek, insanı özgürleştirmek olmalıyken mevcut eğitim
sistemi ile tam tersi gerçekleşiyor. Güncellenmeyen, bilimsel olmayan ve
gerici eğitim müfredatıyla moron bireyler yetiştiriliyor.

Medya, devlet ve sistemin efendileri arasındaki ilişkiyi de unutmayalım.

Devlet ve medya, efendilerin elinde, emrinde ve işbirliği içinde
sistemin egemenliğinin sürmesine hizmet ediyor. Yoğun medya ağıyla
çevriliyiz, medya insanların ihtiyacından daha fazla tüketmesini
sağlıyor. Onları gerçeklikten, sokaklardan uzak tutuyor. Beyinleri
görsel ve enformatik yollarla bombardıma tutarak gerçek gündemden uzak


Sistemin bir diğer çarkı aile; ebeveynler sistemin içinde

yetiştiklerinden, yoğun ideoloji bombardımanına maruz kaldıklarından
sistemin kölesi haline geldi. Para kazanmak için programlanmış insanlar
oldular, neye ve niçin çalıştıklarını unutacak kadar çalışır hale
geldiler. Her şeyi olan ama hiçbir şeyi olmayan insancıklar oldular.
Çocuklarını da kendileri gibi yetiştirmek için çabalıyor: aman siyasete
bulaşma oğlum/kızım, aman n'olursa olsun devlete karşı gelme
oğlum/kızım, eğlenmene, tüketmene bak oğlum/kızım. Haliyle apolitik,
haksızlıklara karşı gelemeyen duyarsız, robot gibi kitleler

Gelelim Tanrı'ya; yozlaşmış dinden/ çarpıtılmış tanrı algısından ne kadar uzak durulursa o
gelişilir. Öte alem fantazisiyle benlikleri ele geçirir dinler.
İnsanların bu dünyada hakkını aramasını, bu dünya için çabalamasını,
dogmatik ve ilkel yapısı ile de gelişmelere ayak uydurmasını engeller.
Elbette dinler mevcut sistemden önce ortaya çıkmışlardı, fakat günümüzde
mevcut sistemin en sağlam silahları arasında. Din insanları kontrol
altında tutmak için, aklı ve mantığı insanlardan uzak tutarak onları
cehalete sürüklemek için kullanılıyor. Bu yüzden efendiler var gucu ile
dindar insanlar yetistirme gayretindeler.

Sonuç olarak devlet, aile ve tanrı üçlüsü tam anlamıyla gençliğin içini
boşaltıyor. Tüketim kültürünü kabul eden, sorgulamayan ve bir şey
üretmekten aciz bir gençlik yetişiyor. Moda, sinema, magazin ve
televizyon ile kapana sıkışan bir gençlik söz konusu. Tükenen sadece
gençlik mi? Dünya kaynakları tükeniyor, yaşanır gelecek tükeniyor. Her
yarım saatte açlıktan ve temiz su bulamamaktan onlarca çocuk ölüyor,
fakir daha da fakirleşiyor. Bir avuç şirket üretimin hemen hemen hepsini
üretmekte, bir avuç şirket onlarca ülkenin toplam milli gelirinden daha
fazla gelire sahip. Onlar kendi geleceklerinin, egemenliklerinin
devamı için insanlığı bitiriyor, insanlığın geleceğini karartıyor.


Social Development in Today's
Technological World
 Posted by Doris Anne Beaulieu on October 19, 2010 at 12:35am

Basmelek Uriel Neden Baskalarina Yardim

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 19, 2010 at 1:46pm

Neden Baskalarina Yardim Edemiyorsunuz

Basmelek Uriel

Jennifer Hoffman kanaliyla

15 Ekim 2010

Jennifer’in Notu: Arkadaslarimin cogu cok uzucu yasam sorunlariyla karsilastigi icin
bugun bu
mesaji istedim. Onlara dualar, sevgi ve isik gondermekten baska bir sey
yapamiyorum. Her seyin ilahi duzen icinde oldugunu bilmeme ragmen, caresiz ve
uzgun hissediyorum. Uriel’e sorum, neden bunun gerceklestigi ve neden bu kadar
caresiz hissettigim idi. Bu onun cevabi.

Baskalarina yardimci olma arzunuz, bu zamanda tum insanliga hizmet etmeye adanmis
olmanizin bir
parcasidir. Istirabini hafifletmeyle insanliga yardimci olmayi karistirmayin.
Anlayis ve harekete gecmenin yeni potansiyellerini sunan alternatifleri ortaya
koyabilirsiniz, ama titresimsel degisimler, yeni enerjiler, yukselis ve donusum
ile bile, karma hala isbasindadir ve ruhsal kontratlar tamamlanmaktadir.
Duygusal sonuclarin otesini, yaratilmakta olan ruhsal gerceklestirmeyi
(tamamlanmayi) gorun. Bircok kontratlar ayriligi, baskalarinin acilarini ve

tepkilerini goz onune almadan yapilan son cozulme ve secimleri

Siz sadece baskalarinin acisini ve uzuntusunu goruyorsunuz, onlarin deneyimlerinin tam

amacini gormuyorsunuz. Bu, bir ruh grubunun icinde
bircok yasamlardir toplanmis olan enerjilerin tamamlanmasini temsil eden bir
omurluk deneyimdir. Her bir insan baglanabilecegi en guclu yolu secer ve
secimleri size gucsuz ve zayif gorunebilse bile, gercekte bu yollar enerjileri
onlari guclu kilacak sekillerde salivermek icin aldiklari karari temsil

Meydana gelen seyler dahil olan herkes icin her zaman neseli bir durum olmasa da, her
yolculugun mutlu bir sonu vardir. Bircok ruh simdi daha
once hic tezahur ettirememis olduklari sonuclari secebiliyor ve bu, onlarin
kendi insan dongulerini nasil ve ne zaman sonuclandiracaklarini da
kapsiyor. Bazilari icin bu, kendi yollarina insan formunda devam etmek yerine,
ruhsal alemlerden calismak olacak. Digerleri icin bu, ruhsal partnerlik olmadan
insanligi deneyimlemek olacak. Tum bu secimler bu yasamda secilmis olan bir
deneyim yolunu temsil eder.

Sizin yardiminiz, baskalarinin yolunu degistirmek, onlari kendi secimlerinin sonuclarindan

kurtarmak veya onlarin
yasamlarindan aciyi uzaklastirmak seklinde olamaz. Sevgi ve isik
gonderebilirsiniz, herkesin kendi en guclu yanlarini gorebilirsiniz ve bunlarin
hepsinin onlarin inandiklari kendi guc noktalarindan secildigini bilebilirsiniz.
Herkesin kendi sectigi kaderi gerceklestirmesine ve karmalarini temizlemelerine
izin verin. Her seyin ilahi duzen icinde oldugunu hatirlayin ve ruha bagli
kalin, cunku bu zamanlarda huzur ve anlayis bulacaginiz yer

Copyright©Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. Bu materyal ABD ve

uluslararasi telif haklarinca korunmaktadir ve yazarin
ismi ve websitesi eklendigi, butunlugu korundugu surece serbestce dagitilabilir.

(Ceviri: Saffet)

A beautiful prayer for healing by Darina
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 19, 2010 at 2:00pm

A beautiful prayer for healing by Darina Stoyanova

I realize that the body is not separate from the mind

As I let go my old attitude toward my body
I appreciate the influence of the spirit and soul
And I embrace my body and my entire self
My body is a reflection of my thoughts
As I give myself positive affirmations
I release my negative emotions and thoughts
And I let my body be healed as well as my mind
I am forgetting that I am not my disease

And that I can stop the disease to please
I am not my mistakes and my failures
And I am not my past and my pains
I am awakening from my illusions
I fear and I choose not to
I suffer and I choose not to
I am sick and I choose not to
I am willing to get better and heal
I am lifted above the areas of my pain
I am rising beyond my suffering
I am releasing my desperation
I understand and accept my insecurities
I feel compassion toward my pains
I surrender my terror for it is not real
I surrender my fear as I surrender all things
I open my heart, my soul and my body
I know the strength and the power of faith
I feel the process of cleansing and
I welcome the miracle of healing
May every cell of my body be healthy
May every feeling of my soul be radiant
May every thought of my being be vibrant
May every action be aligned with love
I accept my imperfections as
I release my fears and doubts
I invite a healing light as
I become illumined and light
I trust the process and the journey
I receive peace and calmness
I learn form my mistakes and
I also learn from happiness
I wish to be released from the pain
I want to rise up joyful and strong
I will be born anew into health
And into happiness, peace, and love
I am aware of the need to forgive
I am grateful for the opportunity to grow
I am confident that I will succeed
I am expectingmy freedom and healing
I listen well to my body
I follow my intuition
I find all the knowledge and
I apply all the insights
I search for the lessons within
I release all shame and blaming
I let go of all false thinking
I let myself be free and happy
I cast out all the impurities
From my body, heart and soul
I do my best to fill myself with love

I expect a miracle with relaxed anticipation
I am my own best doctor and advisor
I am a catalyst for healing
I am a producer of health
I am a creator of happiness
Thank you for my healing body
Thank you for gentle soul
Thank you for strong spirit
Thank you for the chance to heal
I am wiling to be enlightened as
I am blessed with this wisdom
I deserve to be healthy and happy and
I claim my perfect health again
I am ONE and I am LOVING.
I am HERE and I am NOW.
I am HEALED and I am WHOLE.
Thank YOU. Let it Be! And SO IT IS!

The Reality Check

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 19, 2010 at 2:07pm

October 2010

The Reality Check

Dear Family,

This month and forward we are continuing to be repositioned and shifted so that our energy
bodies (and our consciousness) are congruently aligned in the
new timeline architecture as well as the “new energy foundation”. As we
continually undergo “micro-adjustments” in just about every area of our inner
person and lifestyle - we are witnessing more of the patterns and phenomena of
our past cellular memories surface. These memories are both ancient and recently
personal, they are stemming both from our “multiple” self experiences (the many
human incarnation experiences of the same patterns) and that which have defined
us to accept the belief that we are a part of the human race having an
experience on the planet Earth. As a species we have many concepts or archetypes
we believe to be true that define our human identity. All of these patterns are
being refined during this time to give us the opportunity to see what we need to
change or heal inside ourselves. This is a time where we must learn to create
our “new” reality from an entirely new palette of color. These new color

frequencies are from the “unity code” harmonics created by the new energy
foundation and its architecture that is available to us now.
As you study these old patterns you will begin to see them embedded as distortions that have
impacted our energetic human being at so many different levels.
The mental games and control programs that are run by our
unconscious self, those larger behavior patterns that are set by and accepted by
mass society are coming into blaring review. We have to see who and what is
running a “racket” into the mental body of our unconscious mind. A
“racket” is a corrupt mental program running in our conscious or unconscious
self that justifies itself into being to protect the psyche from its deepest and
darkest fears. It is very tricky and manipulative. However we are being able to
clearly “see” these “rackets” running as the “new energy foundation” will not
tolerate nor support them. Running rackets are the antithesis to embodying
personal integrity, and in order to be congruent with the core essence and the
nature of our true self, we have to be disposed of these “rackets”.
This is a time of “Reality Check” so that we can see what damage has been done and take
stock of what we have left to process so we can live by and speak in the deepest truth
and integrity that we are capable. Blind spots in our awareness or the
perception we hold of others that keep us in denial and living inside the
deceptive “psychological defense programs” (or these mental rackets) cannot
continue. We are being rid of layers of drama, trauma and defense mechanisms
that we have operated as a part of “being human”. As the first part of the
Ascension Wayshower’s we are doing this clearing in depth now. It may show up as
a part of healing the larger macrocosm or healing something in your personal
life, however its mechanism is the same. All of humanity is subject to running
these “racket” programs. This process can be painful as it
requires you give it all up at the “Altar”, nothing is held back, nothing is
sugar coated, nothing is veiled from your ability to see or live by the “truth”
as you know it. All we need to do is drop any resistance and let the
circumstance “self correct” as we participate by witnessing the pattern as it is
being shifted or completely dissolved. (It is also dissolving the membranes that
create energetic separation inside of us, so that we can be more “ whole” within
and therefore also be more “whole” in our interaction with others. ) This can be
intense for us so taking the necessary “time out” and being gentle and forgiving
in these circumstances is quite the practice of being in self energetic
The Parallel Earth Timeline
From the level of the Universal macrocosm and personal microcosm the “parallel reality”
where we have a shadow aspect, a painful part of our identity is being brought into our
current awareness. We recently may have become aware of experiencing dark and
intense dreams, warring or conflict scenarios with shadow entities, (such as
black magician archetypes, etc) which is coming into our waking consciousness in
order to be resolved and rehabilitated. It is exacerbated at this time as our 3D
Earth timelines have come into an alignment and intersection with the future
timelines of our 5D parallel Earth and linked further into the 8D core of our
Milky Way Universe. This is impacting many of the consciousness
grid networks on the planet that are releasing imbedded memories as a result.
For those of us that have history imbedded in those “grids”, we will start to
sense them, feel them or relive them. This can mimic a life pattern to be
replayed out in the physical or be worked out in a “dream like” state scenario.

Our astral body is being very much impacted by these energies as the 5D parallel
is a part of the astral and soul bodies where much emotional body damage was
incurred as a part of humanities ancient conflicts.
This event is like saying the time and space fields of the parallel Earth timelines have
intersected with ours in the recent weeks. As the Guardians have mentioned in
recent months, the 5D Reptilian Invasion memories were surfacing as the species
race memory was starting to return to our planetary field. The human race at the
cellular memory level knows that we were destined to be 5D entities, as this is
a part of our species race memory. Our original Ascension Plan was
to be reunited with our 5D parallel selves and then to be able to experience a
much higher reality experience as a part of mass human evolution. Many of us
have inner “knowing” that this is not going to happen and this “knowing” that
our future reality was infiltrated has created a lot of residue sadness. We are
facing these dark aspects now in a variety of ways, however, the underlying
theme present that is surfacing is the Victim-Victimizer archetype (a
mind control) program. It is the core consciousness reality “polarity
program” of the dark vs. the light. This Victim “software” and the various
histories played out with it in the Universal time space fields had a very
negative result on human evolution as it broke apart our emotional bodies. The
pain of its consequence fragmented the soul matrix and astral bodies – indeed,
it hurt us very much.
The Fallen History of Victimizer
As we are currently merging with a critical level of the parallel "fallen history" timeline (an
intersection with the parallel universe) the aggression of the controller’s
agenda will reach a new level of amplification. This amplification will be
especially with the “Victim- Victimizer” software. We may have been already
sensing the quality of this chaos and disruption in the external worldscape. If
this has impacted you - taking care of yourself and working your mental healing
tools to maintain neutral association with these events is critical to be
relieved of suffering. Try to defer to understanding this is a larger “macrocosm
event” influencing your body (do not take it personal) and stay vigilant to keep
your mind clear. Many times our physical body and energy bodies will reach
intense levels of inner pressure ( this is the merging alignment of bringing the
higher light bodies into the physical flesh) in order to catalyze the alchemical
shift that is required to explode that damaged cellular memory out of the body
and clear it from the genetic material. In some rough moments it can feel as if
you are being squeezed through “cheesecloth”. (Indeed it is the time of
transmutation of getting the “camel through the eye of the needle”. This is a
big one.)
However for many of us that have attuned ourselves to the recent new unity architecture, (of
the Ascension Timeline) we will sense that we are being “buffered” from its effects
on the masses. This indeed is true, as we are being protected “foundationally”
in ways that were not available to us on this planet until recently. Many of us
in the Indigo and Starseed family find ourselves physically embodied on this
planet, yet sense we are not actually “here”. It can be a strange
sensation! This is a result of the changed “foundation” that has moved our
lightbody to a different “station of identity” - we have been moved from where
most of the masses are still operating from. If you have not made
it yet to the new “unity” foundational field and are still working great
personal transmutation symptoms, take heart and know you are getting closer to

the finish line. We are all at different levels of our ascension process
however, we are ALL working together for the same goal. The new foundation is
here, we just need to purify the bodies to attune to the resonance of the divine
schematic and not allow anything (and I mean anything) to get in between you and
you relationship to God Source. Do not give up as you are almost there. Call up
your Ascension Buddy or connect to the ES community for extra support.
The Split in the Wall of Time
This cycle is now defining a frequency split between the realities and the consciousness
choices that have been made since June (the accumulated planetary energetic quantic
field as it measured into the July 17th doorway to the parallel
realities). When consciously awake as the observer, it creates the surreal
experience of viewing both lenses of the reality operating in the same “space”
but at a different rate of “speed”. (the rate of the spinning speed of particle
frequency = changes in time) This means we are able to observe two main
“timelines” (or more) advancing that are running programs concurrently in what
appears to be the same “space”. If we are not aware of these “timelines” we will
not be aware of the choices we have at this time to advance our consciousness.
If we do not participate with our consciousness, the planetary energetic quantic
field vibration will automatically match your personal vibrational quotient to
the resonant reality and the timeline of which you most vibrate. This is how the
Controller’s plan to “clear the game board”, if you are not aware of any of this
agenda transpiring, you are not able to make a personal consenting choice to the
direction you place your consciousness energy. By default you are swept into the
most resonant timeline. This is very similar to how a spider catches a fly in
its tangled web work. If you are aware of how to stay out of the web, you will
not be caught. (Focus on your soul purpose, building your inner connection to
God Source and stay out of Victim-Victimizer thought patterns)
The 911 Controller Agenda is advancing as (continued enslavement through debt, sickness,
terrorism, patriarchal domination by being aligned to inorganic, death and artificial
reality systems) vs. the Law of One Ascension Plan advancing as (self
sovereignty and freedom by being aligned to Female Balance and God’s Natural
Laws).This phenomena of having two potential realities co-exist within physical
matter at different vibrational speeds creates a strange phenomena projected out
from the personal Auric Field called “The Negative Form”. Many of us are
experiencing these dark aspects of our “Negative Form” surfacing so that we can
integrate the polarities of its (simultaneous) existence in the other space time
fields. In some cases we will need to completely destroy it and send it back as
raw materials to merge back with the God core.
The Negative Form
The Negative Form is a series of artificial/dead light bodies that were used in our holographic
image to recreate and usurp our genetic material by the Controller forces. Some of
these distorted bodies are from our fallen history and much of the astral body
damage that ensued. It is important to not judge or fear this information but to
get to the clarity and to the bottom of what it is and why it is there. The
Negative Form is like a series of "nesting dolls" that can be attached to your
hologram/lightbody that hold "false information" usually spinning out artificial
realities ( probable timeline events for the unconscious person) usually due to
astral body distortions. Because the Parallel Fallen Timeline has opened up an
access in this reality it is activating this strange phenomena of The Negative
Form “surfacing” in some of us. The Negative Form has been there for a long

time, so do not fear it. Understand “it” is an inorganic part of your
consciousness that needs to be retrieved of all of its parts (all the Dark
Aspects or Reversal Monad Fragments Recollected) then returned to merge back
into the God Core or the Heart of the Cosmic Mother. The Negative Form
“architecture” that has bound you (in the 3D human birth imprint)
to the Controller Grids (Frequency fences and their phantom
realities) then will be disassembled and destroyed. The Mother Arc frequency and
her Arc Hub Gate Network is the new consciousness technology that allows instant
to rapid healings of these “negative forms”. These are remnant bodies left over
from much of the Founder Guardian rehabilitation gridwork to systematically
remove false white light webbings, false umbilicus structures forcing astral
reincarnation and many other planetary enslavement structures. Because we have
aligned to the Parallel recently, more of us are being able to sense or “see”
these Negative Forms. Do not fear them. You are the Cosmic Parent returning and
healing these tortured pieces of consciousness. (Call upon the Mother Arc
Frequency and utilize The Negative Form clearing and AOA Omega clearing
treatments in the ES community resources.)
Additionally this phenomena and the recent frequency split manifests in the larger mass
consciousness fields as the “real” or the “imposter”. This is an amplification
of the material manifestation of the polarity timelines existing concurrently.
For those of us that have cleared out most of these Negative Forms from previous
healing cycles, we may observe an additional change to our external
environment. Two polar extremes show up at once in your reality
and you may ask yourself “why is this person, place or thing showing up like
this?” You will be able to sense different timelines stemming from
the “event” or circumstance. If you drop all need to control the outcome and
release it to God, you will “allow” the “real” to present itself to you. Do not
attempt to struggle with or control the circumstances around you. As you release
your need to control it, it will self correct and you will find a happier
resolution hidden inside of it.
Electron Proton Balance
Many of us that have made it to the “Unity” architecture field are now being matched with a
mirror opposite (male-female unions) in order to move to the next phase of the
Ascension plan. This is learning how to work with “union” alchemy in order to
heal, merge and change the current polarization split existing within our
holographic particle structure. We have learned that even down to the particle
physics, the relationship of the spinning electron to proton balance was
deliberately interfered with in this 3D reality as to create control “nets” over
the human race. (These control nets are the frequency fences that prevent
organic planetary ascension) What current science considers as the
“natural law” of physics is actually not “organic” to our planet. It means that
the electron balance was manipulated to literally “electrify” our consciousness,
literally keeping our energies polarized into a compressed lower mental body
state of being. These distortions were primarily electron based and therefore
the influence of distorted patriarchal domination over the planet was easily
manipulated. Unconscious male bodies who sought dominion over others through the
Victim- Victimizer program were especially rewarded on the Earth plane. It kept
the controller agenda running smoothly.
The First Wave Galactics are working with synthesizing Unity patterns while being held
within the container of “Spiritual Marriage existing in No Time.” Some are attempting

to transition current long term relationships into this new paradigm blueprint.
The first of these “genetic equals” are currently being matched in order to
begin to prototype this “union” template for the planet. This has many different
objectives as well as it adds a very different personal dimension in
experiencing “male-female relationships” on this planet. Clearly it is not all
easy as pie, however it is being directly orchestrated and monitored by the
Guardian Races.
If we understand that all basis of creation is made of Female “Staff” principle (proton) and
Male “Rod” Principle (electron) we can comprehend that by bringing these forces into
balance we can heal our energy field, therefore heal our consciousness from the
effects of “polarity”. A massive amount of progress can be made in healing the
electron imbalance now, and the orchestration of these unions are part and
parcel of that goal. This is also radically changing and bringing the Male
Principle into its true inner “rod” power, by cutting through and dissolving all
the mind control programs based in “patriarchal domination”. This will continue
to progress and is very exciting indeed for our males on the planet!
Stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Heart Path! Be Gentle with your hearts and each other.
Love Always, Lisa
© 2010, Lisa Renee


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 19, 2010 at 2:11pm



continuous repression: "Don't do this!"

These people are always afraid: what to eat, what not to eat, whether to love someone or not
to love someone,
whether to make a house or not to make a house. AND WHATSOEVER YOU REPRESS,
ARE NEVER FREE OF IT. In fact, the more and more you are in its power -- because
when you repress something, it goes deeper into your unconscious. It reaches to
your very roots and poisons your whole being.


follow the religion as ritual, but it
will never become your heart.

I have heard an anecdote...

For centuries European Jews were the victims of organized persecution called
"pogroms". These pogroms took place so often that Jews developed a sense of
humor about them.
In a small town in Poland, soldiers broke into the house of Ostrovoski and his family. Living
with him were his wife, three daughters,
two sons and his very aged and religious mother. She was known around almost as
a saint.
"Line up!" shouted the sergeant in charge. "We are gonna beat up all the men and rape all the
"Wait!" pleaded Ostrovoski. "You can wallop me and my sons, abuse my wife and daughters,
but please, Sir -- I beg you
-- don't rape my mother. She is 75 years old and very religious.
"Shut up!" yelled the old woman. "Let the men do their job. A pogrom is a

Remember, repression is not a way towards freedom. Repression is worse than expression.
Because through expression a person is bound to become
life gives you freedom -- a life LIVED gives you freedom. An unlived life
remains very attractive, and the mind goes on roaming around whatsoever you have

People who live through rituals out of fear may avoid one thing; they will fall into another.
Because the understanding is not their
own. It is just fear-oriented. It is the hell they are afraid of. A REAL
RELIGION GIVES YOU FEARLESSNESS. Let that be the criterion.

If religion gives you fear, then it is not religion, really.

The Beloved
Vol 2, Ch #5: Die Living
am in Buddha Hall

~Galactic Free Press~ 10/18/10
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 19, 2010 at 2:13pm

~Galactic Free Press~ 10/18/10

Your Unique Newspaper, for Your 5D Reality Reading Pleasure

" We Are Manifesting Heaven NOW, ALL AS ONE"

Cat Stevens - Morning Has Broken - Live 1973

~ This is Dedicated to what is left of the minions, banksters included~ Love Mom and Dad

"God's Gonna Cut You Down" by Johnny Cash

See. We Know The Truth that Humanity is immersed in Love, they are not immersed in

~Ticket to Paradise, We gave Each Human Being On Planet Earth=Heart their Ticket into
The Kingdom of Heaven On Earth=Heart, Now all they have to do is step forward
walk through. Simple! REALLY!

England Dan & John Ford Coley...Love is the Answer

Traveling Wilburys - End Of The Line

~The Light Has Taken the Helm.. and what is happening is faster than the minions can plug
up the leak on their sinking ship.~

happens right on the very edge of where anything is possible and
Everything Is. Choose Now.~

Through Meditation=The Present Moment of NOW, one taps into The Divine
Intelligence=Love Everywhere Present, and Indeed You Are Changed
Forever, Eternally.

The darkness not have clarity, The Light Is Completely Clear, as IN Completely Trans-
parent[ We are The Parents], so all the Love Can
Shine Through. What Humanity's Inheritance is, is a Universe, what
are You Going to do with a Universe? Fill It Up? Good Idea!!! The
Only Thing you can fill a Universe Up With IS Your Love. That Makes
You a God, You Already have the Universe, Got Your God

darkness can only go where shadows hide. We don't know where that is,
every time We go there it's filled with Light.

~Obama is the Lightening from Zeus's Hand. He is

Going to Lighten them UP. The minions are on the run..LOL. Cause Obama
is Backed By US, The Galactic Federation of Light, WE are The Big

~Unbeknown to the darkness, Humanity invested heavily in the Light. Is that a hedge fund?
Payment's come due. That's why We're Here, Graduation Day
coming up. Full Inheritance Activation.~

~We Are IN
These Moments of Manifestation Right Now of Manifesting Heaven On Earth as

Codes have clear access and Have Been Released. All Activations are
Complete~ WE are Manifesting HEAVEN NOW, ALL AS ONE decreed and Granted~
Mom and Dad

~We were not a kidden' when We Said Heaven Is Manifesting Right NOW, ALL IS IN~ WE

Olivia Newton John & ELO - Xanadu

End Transmission With Love Everywhere Present

St. Germain is In charge of the “hedge fund” for Humanity and has been in a Trust to be
released to the Lightworkers

Your Donations Assist in the Energy of the Divine Flow and Abundance for ALL. Money is
just Energy, and we take these donations to Serve Love
completely. The Faster We can balance the funds, the faster Nesara
will Be released. Our intent is to get an Abundance Going to Be able
to share this with Others. This has not occurred as of Yet, and this
Will take ALL of US! A Simple support of $5 or $10 Would Assist

Our Total Donations so far for

October is $30.

Please share if you can.

Donations can be Made here

Thank You for Honoring us with your support today!



~pay no attention to the object thats right behind this.. The Light City is Now all the way
through the Sun, This is The Real Truth behind it


~Letters to The Editors~

Dear Father~Mother God Amon Ra,

Gee I feel down in the dumps today...where has all my Joy gone?

Justin Hayman


“Right now the ego is dying, and its grieving its death, this is a Process, of just letting go,
until you are through back to the Joy. Who cares
about the ego and its stupid death..give it a burial if you like,
send it a sympathy card if you like Once ego dies, THE BEING ARISES
ETERNALLY. death ceases to exist. Eternity becomes the New Home, In
Unlimited thought of Love Everywhere Present.” Love Mother and
Father God

Dear Father~MotherGod Amon Ra,

haha, you make me laugh! thank you! I think I just might have a grand funeral for my ole'
ego. It has served me well, but I think I am
getting bored with it! Perhaps it's time for a nap. I love


Love Reporter Anne Widmer


“;-))) ... I AM ... disco*vering with PleasurE ... that I seem to have a NEW ARM in
EX*TensioN ... much more LongeR than I supposed ... ♥ LOL ♥
... and abble to writte better mY small ME all*ways learning EnglisH
... ♥ HYPER * LOL ♥ ... ))
♥ LOVE ♥ THANKS ♥ for THIS mY * SweeT * PRE*CiouS ♥ ONES ♥ ... ♥ LOVE ♥

... and I allow YOU♥ to use ALL WordS YOU♥ may find on ''mY ''
PagE ... ♥ ''MINE'' is ''YOURS'' ♥... ALL*WayS ... sending YOU♥
BotH♥ ... ♥ MuM & DaD ♥ ... a JoY*FULL RAY of GODEN LIGHTS
on YOUR♥ PRE*CiouS♥ PRE*SenceS♥ ... Namaste♥ ... AnaIS♥

Father~MotherGod Amon Ra,

Thank you very much for all that you are doing to help people, In my journey I've realized
that the word love is the best word we have to
describe what cannot be said, it has to be experienced. its great to
connect with you! what does amon Ra mean ?

Ray Gary Burrows

“ Ray, The Moon and The Sun. They Refer to Me Mother God as the Moon or Earth
connection, and Father God the Sky=The sun Connection,
Connecting ALL AS ONE. You can Also look up the Egyptians. They
utilized the names too. Def- we found "Amon Ra" "Egyptian
sun god; supreme god of the universe in whom Amen and Ra were merged;
principal deity during Theban supremacy", truly what this means
is Eternal Being Of The Most of All Equal One. Love Mother and Father

From Love Reporter Predrag

Dear Father-Mother God, With Love, I can see you are busy loving US, unconditionally. I
feel there is so much coming our way, I feel
thousands of souls around me, that LOVE is all they need. No money,
no powers, no greed, JUST LOVE. This is what they need, and this is
what you are GIVING US. AS YOU ARE US. I feel tremendous current
going through my right side of body, from forehead to my toes, like
white energy washing darkness and replacing it with bubbles of LIGHT.
YOUR LOVE is all around us, BELOVED Mother GOD, YOUR LIGHT is within
US, Dear Father GOD. I AM, as I AM YOU, I AM, I AM US. With Love,

Love Reporter Predrag W/ Responses from Us and Love Reporter Shane Ashlund

“Finale Grand Opening.

They can only watch, and see it unfolds,
All this Light, goes strait in their eyes,
they feel blinded, but only for a moment,
realizing this is what they secretly want,
...all their miserable life. Life of lies and deceptions,

are gone, and it will be forgotten, as soon they
are forgiven. They are forgiven already.

With Love to all controllers, Predrag

Transparency in Government, Has been Granted.

This is just the beginning. We have shared that All Truths Must Be
Released NOW. WE are Landing Very Soon, as We have Stated with or
without their participation. They can run, but they cannot hide, and the
minions are now on the run. Times UP! Love Mother and Father

Shane Ashlund :

I am made very happy by this news and love how they used the word "bracing". ha ha ha.
if i were them i would do more than
that. maybe use a sick day. lol one big whirlwind of questions and
demands for more answers are going to be following them with angel
guided GPS hehe. =)

Pentagon bracing for release of 4,00,000 secret Iraq reports

Father~MotherGod Amon Ra

Transparency in Government, Has been Granted. This is just the beginning. We have
shared that All Truths Must Be Released NOW. WE are Landing Very
Soon, as We have Stated with or without their participation. They can
run, but they cannot hide, and the minions are now on the run. Times
UP! Love Mother and Father God

More From Predrag [ by AnaShyNa]

“Love Diet”

Dear Friends of Light,

LOVE DIET [works for every soul, heavy or light, removes all your fears: guaranteed loos
of fear: refunds available after 30 cosmic days, if results not

Yet another fruitless attempt to put some fears in our European brothers and sisters. They
are attempting to divert our attention from what is really happening:
Love is Coming on the Mother Earth, and they want us to look on the
other side.

They want US to move our eyes away from ourselves, and start feeding again this "fear-
beast" which is becoming chronically hungry, cranky and quite desperate as
it does not like this diet. Called Love Diet, as you only consume
LOVE. This fear-beast becoming tinnier and loosing all this fat, that
it accumulated for last couple of hundred of years.

They want US to keep our attention to some false flag staged events [like WW I, WWII,
Cold War, 9/11, War on Terrorism, Afghan/Iraq war, Bin Laden's, Iran Nuclear], but
know better.

We know much better who we want to feed. Like an old proverb, the beast you feed will win
your soul.

If you starve your Fear-beast by not being afraid of all what is around you in this 3D, you
will suddenly realize how easy is this life.

You live it from momentum of NOW to next moment of Now, not warring what will
happens in France or in US.

You know that you have unlimited love for yourself, for your loved ones, for your country,
for your Planet.

You feel that any of these petty fears and imposed rules and laws are not here to protect
YOU and your Sovereign being, but they were only here to control you by your own
fears and by your own despairs, by your own hates and

You simply realize that all of these are YOUR OWN creations, either it is fear, anger or
LOVE or Compassion.

You are Creator of your OWN REALITY, where by paying attention to these news in funny
and deeper way, reading
between the lines, you will radiate Light energy all around you and
your town, and your country.

What Father God gave me great insight, when he called CIA = CONSCIOUS
INTELLIGENCE OF AWARENESS, I realize that we have right and we have possibility to
turn our
for names, titles, events and writings of present and past to
something much more enlighten, more joyful, more fun and

Than suddenly CIA sounds like a playground of CONSCIOUS INTELLIGENCE OF

AWARENESS for all the Humanity, where we use what information we want to use, and
our own castles in the sand, and if we do not like it any more, we
simply pour some sea water, and start building/creating

Keep in mind that YOU are the only creator of your own CASTLE, and you can call it what
Headquarters, HLS
[Home Landing SpaceSHips], DARPA [Dear Archagel
Raphael Parked [his starship]
Appropriately in our heart] ....

This game showed to me by Mother-Father Godgave me freedom of unlimited proportions,

realizing that this FREEDOM
was there all the time, but I simply did not want to hear

Now I see the LIGHT, and now I Feel the LOVE for myself as only Creator of my own
reality. Now I live in Loving Light provided
by our Ultimate Creator
Mother-Father God knowing
that: I KNOW where is the

With Love, Predrag

If you have the ability to desire it, the Universe has the ability to deliver it. You've just got to
line up with what you want, which means - be as happy as you can
as often as you can be there, and let everything else take care of
itself. ~Abraham

Love Reporter Alyson [FB]

“Angel Blessing”

Angel Blessing!
May the Angel of Peace watch over you,
bringing you contentment and clearness of purpose.

May the Angel of Joy give you pleasure in everyday things.

May the Angel of Balance bring

and a strong sense of
Justice to your life.

May the Angel of Wisdom open your eyes, and the windows of
your soul.

May the Hosts of the Heavens guide and protect you!

Author Anon

Picture From

via Beliefnet's social networking site.

Shared with Love Alyson xx

Elizabeth Spencer [FB]

“Fully Commit to the Desired outcome. If you are fully committed you help Spark the
movement in your life.. Allow yourself to enjoy Each
moment.. Fully open your Heart to Every Experience. See the Joy and
the Blessing within. As with each connection we make, we spread the
Love.. the Unity and the peace.. Respecting and Accepting each other

for All the Uniqueness within them, and that is the Blessing that we
offer to each other by Sharing a connection with each other..
Much Love, and Thank you for your Blessed Connection with me.. and To all
that connect with you..”

God's vastness I glimpsed in the skies of quietness. His joy I tasted in the fountains of my
existence. His voice I heard in my unsleeping
conscience.~ Paramahansa Yogananda

Alex Fitch [FB]

“ Love, live, and laugh.Tell the ones you love what you feel, and speak the truth. Be
mindful, embrace this one moment...for we know it is
fleeting...Put away any hate, any grudges, any pain... embrace what
possibilities exist in this very moment.
Step outside, your eyes, take in the scents, the sounds,
This it.”

Love Reporter Xlaurie Merinnela

“Each of us is a brilliant and unique facet of God here on earth. Each of us shiny and
transmuting the light of ...God with the purity and
clarity of our hearts. Every day I seek out the beauty iin all of
life around me, but here where all you lovely light and colorfilled
beings congregate it is like being at the throne of
God....encompassed in His true beauty and LIGHT......each of you has
blessed me beyond measure, and I pray that those blessings will be
returned to you each a thousand fold.
I love each one of you. “

P = People
E = Everywhere
A = Are
C = Created
E = Equal

“No-Thought for the Day : There is nothing more sacred than love and laughter, and there is
nothing more prayerful than playfulness. OSHO

11 ~ In the Dark Game of the Black Alliance they continue with a vengeance. As the HEAT
intensifies Great
Distractions and Grand
Deceptions are being played upon humanity. Media deceptions and
Incredible lies continue to be passed to the followers as Truth. Yet
this cannot continue as this is a shallow and ineffective ploy. It
only enlivens and strengthens the Wayshower's integration and

Highly Recommended Reads

Salusa 10/18/10 " You are seeing before your very eyes, the fall of...


Rysa~Perisanna GoldRing
Would You Like an Awakening Session with Us? Email us at

for a list of services follow this link

If You would like to join the rest of Your Family, you can join us at

Skype: father.mothergod.amon.ra


Techniques to Embody the Qualities of the
2010 Energy Wave with Lord Merlin
channelled through Natalie Glasson -
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 19, 2010 at 2:17pm

Techniques to Embody the Qualities of the 2010 Energy Wave

with Lord Merlin
channelled through Natalie Glasson - 18/10/10


The energy of simplicity is an essential quality to integrate into your

spiritual practices now from the Creator's soul as it will allow you to
place your focus where it is needed. To simplify your life and spiritual
practices is the key. This means that you focus your attentions on what
is needed to aid your ascension and your physical reality on the Earth.
There is a need to bring simplicity to your energies, thoughts,
emotions, actions and experiences, thus allowing a greater sense of
peace, stillness and clarity to anchor. The energy of simplicity washes
away all difficulties allowing everything to flow effortlessly. The
energy of simplicity allows you to see the true meaning and purpose
behind every situation and experience in your life rather than indulging
in the negativity or confusion created. It assists you in removing
veils or shrouds to reveal the light and love of the Creator which
exists within everything. Simplicity is needed now on the Earth to allow
the love of the Creator to shine with ease and perfection.


The light and vibration of simplicity can be anchored with a simple

request when asking to receive the light of the new energy wave. Simply
ask to receive the most appropriate vibration of the 2010 energy wave,
allowing it to flow through your being and into the Earth, stating that
you wish to receive an energy surge of the vibration of simplicity.

You may also wish to repeat affirmations such as, 'My life holds the vibration of simplicity.'

'The energy of simplicity now brings peace and clarity to my actions, experiences, emotions
and thoughts.'

'Through the presence of simplicity in my life I am able to view and accept the truth of the

You may also ask to bathe in the energy of simplicity during your sleep
state especially when you are having problems or difficulties in your
life. It is important to realise that whenever you have difficulties in
your reality you can call upon the energy of simplicity to anchor to
assist and support you.

Love and Loving Mindfulness

The energy of love anchors with a purpose of assisting humanity in

believing that they are worthy and deserving of experiencing and
embodying the love of the Creator. To be worthy is a process of
acceptance which was a focal quality of the 2009 energy wave.

Adopting a loving mindfulness is a powerful key as the mind holds great

control over all aspects of the physical and spiritual realities. When
the mind is able to hold a powerful love and clarity then it has the
ability to manifest love on the Earth through every thought created,
dissolving all negative thoughts. To embody and hold the vibration of
love within your physical body and energy bodies is essential but to
manifest love within your mind brings great liberation from boundaries
and limitations.


To create a loving mindfulness one must activate the natural loving

energies from the soul and heart chakra allowing love to glow into your
surroundings. This can be achieved with a simple intention. Imagining a
golden rod of light extending from the heart to the mind and blending
with the mind's energies is a wonderful way of linking the mind and
heart in love. Being aware of this connection throughout the day allows
you to magnify the love within your mind which will be healing and will
alert you to the negative and destructive thoughts of the mind. When you
become aware of a negative thought you can allow a greater surge of
love to flow from your heart to transform the energy. With focus and
determination you will begin to see a new found peace within your mind
as love inhabits your mind influencing you with greater power. This
technique encourages the existence of living within and from the heart
chakra and soul.

You may also wish to state, 'I now connect the powerful love from my
soul and heart chakra with my mind, let love rest within my mind
dissolving negativity and creating only thoughts of love.

At night before sleep you can call upon a loving guide of your choice to
work with your mind and mental body during your sleep to anchor love of
the purest form, dissolving negative thought habits and magnifying a
loving mindfulness; a love that holds a purpose.

Nature and the Earth

The 2010 energy wave holds a strong focus upon listening to, merging
with and connecting with the energies of the Earth. The Creator wishes
all to work as one with the Earth realising that Mother Earth has a
wealth of wisdom and guidance to share to aid the ascension and
manifestation of love on the Earth. When we listen to the Earth we will
begin to understand how to move forward without causing any more harm or
pain to the Earth and its humanity. We will learn that we must share
our healing energies with the Earth as a service of devotion to the
Creator, recognising the Earth as a sacred manifestation of the
Creator's soul. To respect the Earth is to honour ourselves as
everything is one with the Creator. To build a bond with the Earth and
the nature kingdoms is to dissolve separation that is evident on the
Earth and the separation between humankind and the Creator.


Sitting within nature and expressing a healing energy from your heart is
a wonderful way of blending your energies with the nature kingdoms,
they will be attracted by your light to draw close and connect with you,
maybe even guiding you as to where to direct your energy.

You may also wish to imagine when in nature that you are a tree and that
the healing light that you hold is extending light roots down into the
Earth covering large distances illuminating the Earth and nature
kingdoms and connecting with the soul of Mother Earth.

You can affirm, 'I am one with the nature kingdoms and the Earth, I am
now of loving service to the Earth and share my healing loving light
with ease.'

You can place your hands upon the Earth, trees, flowers or anything connected to nature and
allow your light to flow.

It is appropriate to pray for the healing of the Earth and the

manifestation of love. To ask that humanity becomes aware of the divine
energies of the Earth and learns to be guided by the Earth rather than
battling against the Earth.

Sending your energy through your being and into Mother Earth as well as
the light of the Creator will support Mother Earth and allow you to
receive divine guidance when needed.

You may also imagine the Earth surrounded in a capsule of love, supported, protected and

It is important to follow your own inner guidance when working with

nature allowing yourself to also be guided by nature. Your energy needs
to be sent into the Earth but you must also learn to listen to the

Earth, respecting and honouring the Earth each day. It is to treat the
Earth as an aspect of your body; with care and love.

While these simple techniques may assist you in anchoring and connecting
with the different aspects and teachings of the 2010 energy wave it is
of most important that you follow your intuition. I offer you this
inspiration as a spark of insight to motivate the wisdom that already
exists within you, but simply needs to be acknowledged.

Michael´s Solar Chakra - Activation of the 3

Crowns MIKAËL, October 16, 2010
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 19, 2010 at 2:18pm

Michael´s Solar Chakra - Activation of the 3 Crowns

MIKAËL, October 16, 2010

I am Michael, Prince of the Celestial Militia.

Beloved Children of Light and Children of the Law of One, on this day, at this moment,
by the Grace of your coronation, by the Grace of your
Redemption, by the Grace of the Divine Mary, Fire Celestial Powers that I
manifest, is the possibility, if that is your opening to vibrate
directly at the center of your Heart. The new Tri-Unity, installed and
proven in your Heart, connected to the Merkabah interdimensional human
collective, allows the merger, you, the original vibration Christ /
Michael, in your Heart. So, I Michael, as a Regent, I open the center of
your Earth, the center of your ether, in the center of the Heart:
Vibration of Christ, Unity and Truth.

By the Fire of the Spirit found, Unified States and in central AL and IM-OD-IS: ER,
Fire of ether, fire of the Heart, opening to the Spirit.
Power of Freedom and Love. Reversal of the Earth to Ether. We, the
Christ / Michael, forming the basis of life, in Unity and Truth,
fertilizing the earth and the ether, by the Grace of the Creator, Mary,
fertilizing your temple, revealing to you and you wake up to yourselves,
beyond games Shadow and Light. Fertilization giving me the opportunity
and the ability to vibrate in unison with your Heart in your Temple.
Unity and Truth.

The Fire of Creation, which is Life and Light, awakes in the Instant and Eternity.
Beloved Children of Light, Beloved Children of the Law of One,
Joy is your home. Fire is your Essence. Light is your kingdom. Joy,
Fire and Light, is the Trinity of Love and True Unified in you now,
wherever you are. For your crown and your redemption, the Triangle
Sacred Vibe, now, in unison with the Earth. This sacrum, which in its
wake, aligned, vibrating with the Triangle Tri-Star Unit and Mary, will
sign, if that is your vibration, the imminent return of your unit, for

Your role and function, well beyond what you appearance, is now the anchor, the spin
and the manifestation of what you are, in truth, far beyond
Vibration Christ / Michael is your Essence. It is active. It remains
(in a time longer than linearly, that you call two months)
to accommodate the tip of your fertilizing Triangle Heart:

Mary. Beloved Children of the Law of One, Beloved Starseeds, you have
to strengthen, expand and show the vibration of light, the vibration of
joy, the Vibration of Light, to establish, on Earth Unity.

Regardless what your eyes see, whatever that will capture your senses, remember that
your Inner Temple, Your Heart is your guide, your safe conduct, and
your path to eternity. At most and at best you will reach and penetrate
this point of your Being, called the Heart, at best, and you will enter
eternity and escape the influences of that time. In the Light the Fire
in the Heart, are all, absolutely all of your food, whatever.

The home and surrender to the Light you life abundant Heart. No shade, no evidence
against this abundance can disrupt this abundance. Beloved
Children of Light, Children of the Law of One, centered in the here and
now, between the Alpha and Omega, by Christ, Mary and Michael. Vibration
Unit is available to you, within your consciousness ordinary and
limited. When you step in awakening your roster to the 12 stars, the
Merkabah, each evening at 19h you will, again, have the opportunity to
establish yourself in the center of the Unitary Triangle Tri-Heart and,
for some of you,
in the Triangle of the sacrum.

The Here and Now, this time leading you to the winter solstice, will be the opportunity
and possibility for many of the Children Act One, make sure
they are Children of the Law of One , Children of Light and Children of
Truth. The power of vibration, whether the Crown of the head, the Crown
in Heart, the Triangle Heart or the Sacred Triangle, you will align you
unify, and you will establish yourself in This resonance Unitarian.
Today, the Triangle Fire prior to your head, centered between the
Triangle AL, Attraction and Repulsion, turns. Fire of the Spirit enters
new material,

Beloved Children of Light, Beloved Children of the Law of One, continue to vibrate,
Unified. Beloved Starseeds, if these questions to you on this
stage, I leave in a subsequent time, the Archangel Anael, our Ambassador
and the Ambassador of the new Tri-Unity, answer your questions. I will
return, as for me, so just as Vibratory, December 21 at 21h. At that
time, we will work, and you and me, in full, if that is your vibration,
alignment and fusion of your three fireplaces.
As for me, Peace, Love, Truth and Unity are your Presence.

By the Grace of the Law of Unity

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Merci de faire de même, si vous les diffusez,
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BAĞLANMAK Omurganız dik olarak
oturun ve derin nefesler alıp verin.
Kendinizi bedeninizde hissedin, tam
burada, tam şimdi. Zihninizi, bedeninizi
ve duygularınızı sakinl…
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 19, 2010 at 2:23pm


Omurganız dik olarak oturun ve derin nefesler alıp verin. Kendinizi bedeninizde hissedin, tam
burada, tam
şimdi. Zihninizi, bedeninizi ve duygularınızı sakinleştirin. Sizi
koruması için Işığı ve Yüksek Benliğinizi çağırın. ‘Şimdi Kendime Işığı
Çağırıyorum’ diyebilirsiniz. Işık üzerine meditasyon yapın. Işığın
içinde iken, kalbinizden galaksimizin kalbindeki Büyük Merkezi Güneşe
bağlanın. Kalbinizden, aşağıya Dünya Anamızın kalbine bağlanın. Büyük
Merkezi Güneşe ve Dünya Ana’nın kalbine 12 çakranız ile bağlanın ve bu
yüksek ışıltılı enerjiyi kalbinize demirleyin. Şimdi Yüksek Benliğinizin
sizinle birleşmesini isteyin. Yüksek Benliğinizi bir Işık varlık olarak
görün ve kendinizin bu yüksek veçhenizin bedeninizin hücrelerine
yüklenmesine izin verin. Yüksek Benliğiniz ile birsiniz – sevgi ve Işık
ile dolusunuz. Başınızın içinde parlak altın bir ışık imgeleyerek üçüncü
gözünüzü uyandırın. Bu ışığı kalp merkeziniz ile birleştirin. Kalbiniz
ve üçüncü gözünüz arasındaki bu bağlantı vasıtasıyla Yüksek Benliğiniz
ve Işık bedeniniz ile bağlantınızı kuvvetlendirirsiniz. Şimdi, Dünya’nın
yüzeyinin 1 – 1,2 metre üzerinde Gaia’nın yeni elektromanyetik
ızgarasını gözünüzde canlandırın. Bu ızgarayı, kutsanmış gezegenimizin
etrafında kristalin, altın bir ağ olarak görün. Solar Pleksusunuz
vasıtasıyla bu ızgaranın altın enerjisine bağlandığınızı imgeleyin.
Kendinizi bu ızgaranın bir parçası olarak görün ve bu sevgi ve Işık

denizinde topraklandığınızı hissedin. Izgara vasıtasıyla insanlara ve
Gaia’nın kendisine bilgi ve enerji gönderebiliriz. Bu matrikse, bu
ızgaraya sevgi, enerji gönderin. Kalbinizden ızgaraya sevgi akıtın, bu
sevginin altın ağı ışıklandırdığını hissedin, bu altın ağ tam şimdi
Dünya’daki tüm insanları BİRLİĞİN coşkulu deneyiminde birbirlerine
bağlıyor. Şimdi altın ızgaradan sevginizi Gaia’nın kalbine, derinlerine
gönderin. Sevginizin ve minnettarlığınızın onun bedenine aktığını
hissedin ve bu sevginin çoğalarak bedeninize geri döndüğünü hissedin.
Şimdi, sevginizi elektromanyetik ızgaradan Dünya’nın 100 km üzerindeki
Mesih Bilinci ızgarasına gönderin. Tüm gezegenimizi çevreleyen On İki
Yüzlü şeklin sevginizin ışığıyla parladığını hissedin. Gaia’nın
bedeninin derinlerindeki kristal yataklarından gökkuşağı enerji alanları
ortaya çıkıyor. Gaia’nın bedeninden gelen gökkuşağı enerji alanları bu
sevgi ve Işık matriksini birlikte yaratıyor. Şu anda Yüksek
Benliklerimize bağlıyız. Solar pleksus çakralarımız vasıtasıyla Gaia’nın
yeni elektromanyetik ızgarasına bağlıyız ve kalplerimiz vasıtasıyla
Dünyanın 100 km üzerindeki Mesih Bilinci Izgarasına bağlıyız. Biz Işık
Savaşçıları, şimdi Dünyada Cenneti yaratıyoruz! Namaste. Kaynak: Norma
Milanovich & Solara An Ra (Çeviri: Saffet Güler)

paylasım için sevgili Sibel e teşekkürler


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 22, 2010 at 5:29pm


Talia Hamza

ÖZ ve EGO'nun konuşmaları....
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 24, 2010 at 3:00pm

Herkese merhaba,

Geçenlerde bir arkadaşım bana kafasının içinde konuşan iki kişi olduğunu
söyledi. Nedir bu anlayamıyorum dedi. İçsel yolculuğuma çıkmaya karar
verdim ve sonrasında bu anlam vermediğim konuşmaları düşsel olarak duymaya
başladım. Hangi tarafın "ÖZ"ün ve hangi tarafın da "EGO"nun
konuşmaları olduğunu
bir türlü ayırt edemiyorum dedi.
Ona sakin olması gerektiğini söyledim. Çünkü içsel yolculuğuna çıkan her HAKİKİ
İNSAN olma adayı, bunlarla karşılaşacak
ve en sonunda özün sözüyle yürüyecektir dedim.
Sen de kendinin kim olduğunu ve kim olmadığını bulma yoluna girdin. Gerçekten
bu yol kolay değil ama zor da
değil dedim.
Çünkü uyanan bilinç ,varlığın kendisini bulması için önüne yeni olaylar ve
deneyimler koyar. Aslında bu yolda yürürken sen hep kendinle
karşılaşacaksın.Sana , kendini göstermek için aynalık yapacaklar. Sende aslında
sende olanların tam tersini yaşayarak, idrak ederek kim olduğun gerçeğini
bulacaksın dedim.
Derken aklıma ilginç bir konu geldi. Arkadaşıma yardımcı olmak için EGO VE ÖZÜ
birbirleriyle konuşturan bir yazı yazdım. Asıl amacım ona
öğretmek değil hatırlatmaktı. Arkadaşımın yazdıklarımı kendi bilgisine göre
değerlendirip alması gereken mesajı vermekti. Çünkü kendi gerçeğini o

ÖZ ve EGO'nun konuşmaları....

Öz: Sevgili “X” doğduğundan beri seni sakin bir şekilde yönlendiriyorum. Görev
zamanın geldi.
Artık kim olduğunun gerçeğini sana hatırlatmam lazım. Senin bu dünyaya gelme
nedenin, sadece yaşamak ,eğlenmek gezmek, değil. Tabi ki bunları da
ama asıl gelmenin nedenini anlaman lazım.
Şimdi neden geldiğini ve asıl evrensel görevinin ne olduğunu bulmana yardım
edeceğim. Ben yönlendireceğim ve
sen uygulayarak kim olduğunu bulacak ve evrensel görevini

EGO: Çok beklersin sevgili ÖZ, ben varken seni dinlemesini mi bekliyorsun.
Bunca zaman onun kendini korumasına, hayatta
kalmasına ve ilerlememesine katkıda bulunan bendim. Bunca alışkanlıkları senin
için bırakır mı sanıyorsun.

ÖZ: Benim rolüm seninle tartışmak değil, sen olanları “X” e bıraktırmak.
Sevgili EGO,sende önemlisin bu hayatta kalabilmek
için, ama seninle yürümek imkansız. Eninde sonunda “X” hücresel programına
Görevi hatırlayıp benim sesimle yürüyecek. Ben yürümesi için elinden tutacağım
sen ise yürümemesi için.

EGO: Bunda haklısın.

ÖZ: Sevgili “X” Hangimizin ÖZ hangimizin Ego olduğunu anlamak için sana
hissettirdiklerimizi dinle ve
kararı sen ver.

Ben EGO:

Alışkanlıklara sıkı sıkı yapışırım. HERŞEYİ BEN BİLİRİM, ama uygulamam
Rahatlığımdan ödün vermem. Hep haklıyımdır. Bu arada çok kırılgan ve
alınganımdır. Zaman zaman kızınca da küserim. Hep karşı tarafın adım atması
hoşuma gider. En belirgin özelliğim. Gururdur. Genelde yalan söylerim. Bende
pembeymiş maviymiş gibi yalanlar yoktur. Direkt kendimi savunmak için yalanları
sallarım. Başkası üzülürmüş kırılırmış…..AMAN BOŞ VER GİTSİN ÇOKTA UMRUMDA
derim. Çok ta kıskancımdır. Benim olana kimse bakamaz. Sıkıyorsa
Hemen kavga çıkarırım. Bencilliği çok severim. Benim düşündüğüm her şey
doğrudur…Düşüncelerimi herkese kabul ettirmeye çalışırım.Kabul etmezlerse
sinirlenir ve kabalaşırım.Değişimi sevmem ve hep aynı bilinçte kalmayı ve bana
öğretilenlerle yolda gitmeyi severim.Sabit fikirliyimdir. Hep dediklerimin
görmesini isterim. Saygı beklerim ama saygı göstermem. İnsanları hep yargılarım
ve din, dil, ırk ayrımı yaparım. Dünya benim eksenimde döner. Sevdiklerime
bağımlıyımdır. Ben bağlılıktan hoşlanmam. Gideni vaz geçirmek için kabalığa
baş vururum. Öyle var mı ben gidiyorum demek. Otur oturduğun yerde….İşte ben
Daha çok var anlatacaklarım ama şimdilik bukadar…Egosunu seven benimle gelsin….

Sakince konuşmayı tercih ederim. Telaşım yoktur. Bilirim. Dünyada neden beden
aracılığıyla olduğumu.
Kaptanı olduğum bedene sevgi titreşimleri yollarım. Yönetmem ama yönlendiririm.
Amacım neyse bedenimi onlara
yönlendirir eyleme geçirterek ders almasını sağlarım. İdrak noktasına ulaşınca.
Boşluk duygusu oluşturup. Bir müddet rahatlamasını sağlarım. Adilimdir.
Adalettir benim işim. Hiçbir şeyde beklentim olmadığı için kırılganlıkta
Almadan veririm (gerçekten ihtiyacı olanlara) Kendime yapılmasını istemediğimi
başkasına yapmam. Amacım tüm canlılara saygı duymak ve korumaktır. Saygı, sevgi
,anlayış ,hoş görüdür benim adım. Yaratıcının gözüyüm, sözüyüm. Korkmam,
kıskanmam, özgür bırakırım herkesi.
Bağımlı değil ama bağlıyımdır her şeye. Yargılamadan dinlerim. Herkesin kendisi
gibi olmasına izin veririm. Kimseyi
değiştirmeye ve dediklerimi kabul ettirmeye çalışmam.Bilirim herkesin özgür
iradesi vardır. Ve herkes özgür irade ile kendi yolunu bulmak zorundadır.

İşte Ego ile özü konuşturduk. Yürümemiz ve dinlememiz gereken yol arkadaşımızın
hangisi olduğuna siz karar verin. Ego ile Özün sesini ayırt
edebilmemiz ümüdüyle



Perceiving and Accessing Energetic Portals

in Consciousness By DL Zeta
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 24, 2010 at 3:15pm

Perceiving and Accessing Energetic Portals in Consciousness By DL


Inside every moment, there are energies you can perceive and "read".
Reading and understanding the energies around you allows you to receive
the messages your higher self is constantly downloading into your
consciousness. As you become a better receiving station for these
messages, you learn to access more of the love, abundance and joy
available to all beings within all timeframes.

Reaching Beyond the Boundaries of Physical Reality

There are many different ways in which this works. Because energies
exist at all levels and within all dimensions, learning to perceive
encoded packets of information from your higher self allows you to
understand more about the realities you encounter and to respond beyond
the limitations of the physical. As your responses reach beyond the
boundaries of physical reality, you transform lower frequencies and
incorporate more fifth-dimensional energies and beyond into your
experience and your reality.

Opening Your Receiving/Perceivin

g Station

When you learn to read the energies within every moment, you're able to
respond to all levels - not just to surface energies. The obvious
physical energies - realities you are able to readily observe and/or
detect with the naked eye -- are only a small percentage of the energies
present within a given moment. When you respond only to surface
energies, you greatly limit your potential for spiritual growth,
abundance and relationships. This is what we refer to when we talk about
placing limitations on your self. Are you only recognizing and
responding to surface realities or are you responding to and aligning
with energies and realities that exist beyond the physical? No one seeks
to limit themselves but everyone is limited by what they are able to
perceive. Opening your receiving/perceiving station allows you to
experience yourself as a multi-dimensional cosmic being incarnated into
a physical timeframe within the universe. The alternative of being a
limited, one-dimensional speck in a very large and frightening world is
far less attractive.

Recognizing and Interpreting the Symbols around You

To read energies that exist at all levels, learn to recognize and

interpret the symbols around you. The means learning to unlock the true
meaning of a situation that is before you rather than limiting yourself
to its surface meaning. The true meaning of a situation is intricately
interwoven with your specific life purpose and where you are with it at
the moment. As you seek to understand your purpose and to know yourself
beyond the confines of your physical identity, you free yourself of the
shackles of others' interpretations and even your own.

Remembering and interpreting your nightly dreams is a good practice that
helps you learn to work with the deeper symbols of your life. Another
good practice is to read between the lines of a spiritual or channeled
book. Some books, art works and other original creations contain
energetic codes that have the power to transport you to new portals
within your own consciousness.

Triggering New Portals in Consciousness.

Any good piece of channeled writing exists at multiple layers. It

contains information from a surface perspective and also points to
deeper levels. Many of these levels exist beyond your conscious mind so
it is impossible to know how this information will interact with your
subconscious understandings or what realities/ideas/inspirations it will
trigger. Over time these subconscious energies bubble to the surface of
your physical world, allowing you to manifest synchronicities and
realities beyond the boundaries of your present-moment imaginings.

For more information on accessing portals in consciousness, see Portals

of Spirit: Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by
DL Zeta
For more information, visit

The Affirmation of the Disciple
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 24, 2010 at 3:17pm

The Affirmation of the Disciple

I am a point of light within a greater light

I am a strand of loving energy within a stream of love divine.
I am a point of sacrificial fire, focused within the fiery will of
GOD and thus I stand.
I am a way by which men may achieve
I am a source of strength enabling them to stand
I am a beam of light, shinning upon their way, and thus I stand
And standing thus, revolve and treat this way, the ways of men
And know the ways of GOD. And thus I stand.

I strive towards understanding

Let wisdom take the place of knowledge in my life
I strive towards cooperation
Let the master of my life, the soul, and likewise the one I seek to
Serve, throw light through me on others.

In the centre of the Will of God I stand

Naught shall deflect my will from His
I implement that will by love
I turn towards the field of service
I the triangle divine, work out that will within the square and
serve my fellow men.

I am a messenger of Light
I am a pilgrim on the way of Love
I do not walk alone, but know myself as one with all great souls
And one with them in service
Their strength is mine. This strength I claim.
My strength is theirs and this I freely give
A soul, I walk on earth, I represent the One.

I am one with my group of brothers, and all that I have is theirs

May the love which is in my soul pour forth to them
May the strength which is in me lift an aid them may the thoughts which my soul creates
reach and encourage them.

I know the law, and towards the goal I strive

Naught shall arrest my progress on the way
Each tiny life within my form responds

My soul has sounded forth that call and clearer day by day it

The glamour holds me not

The path of light streams clear ahead
My plea goes forth to reach the hearts of men
I seek; I try to serve your need. Give me your hand and tread the
Path with me

The sons of men are one and I am one of them

I seek to love not hate
I seek to serve and not exact due service
I seek to heal not hurt

Let pain bring due reward of light and love

Let the soul control the outer form and life, and all events, and
Bring it light the love w=which underlies the happenings of the time
Let vision come and insight
Let the future stand revealed
Let inner union demonstrate and outer cleavages be gone
Let love prevail
Let all men love
We know, oh Lord, of life and love, about the need
Touch our hearts anew with love that we too may love and give.

Amen. Amen. Amen

Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish

Adonai T’sebayoth

SHE SPEAKS by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 24, 2010 at 3:29pm

by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

We welcome you daughters of the stars, daughters of the land, daughters of what is yet to
be birthed. we see your beauteous light as it shines brilliantly among the earthen stars. We
are the Pleiadian frequencies. We are your future, we are your past and we are everything
in between. You are sculpted from our vibration as we are integrated with yours. We are

brothers and sisters of light alike with nothing in-between us but pure heart. We see in
your life that you have allowed the entanglements of Earth and the dire needs of others to
unwrap and unravel you, becoming seamless of purpose and beige of life.

Who you once were and who you will become are dancing partners that have not met.
Who you are destined to be can not be interrupted by your life, by your upheavals, or by
your choices. Each of you is being asked to fully integrate into the fullness of your
Earthen life– what is unseen possibility, what is healing, what is truth and what is wisdom
received as gifts from your daily encounters.

Each of you unfolds as the origami of your soul expresses new aspects. You have become
undone and in that undoneness you have seen yourself as She who is sprawled out in the
Universal frequency, exposed naked and without boundaries. You have seen the
possibilities that exist for you as you mourn the loss of another, as you heal
an animal, as you grow weary of your 24 hr. day.

You mourn who you once were and how much time you had to fill your light needs. You
cry to the Universe asking, ‘ what about my light work, what about my personal joy, what
about my mission?’ Your mission ‘[within and for the light’ is not something that you
become; it is something that you were at birth. Stop separating yourself from this delicate
world for she needs your frequencies; she needs to know that you too yearn for more light
as does she. She needs to know that you too do not find the fullness of time in a day to
take a breath and pause and give thanks.

Within you is a portal of creation, within you lives everything that you seek. You cannot
find it outside of yourself. Each one you is a mirror reflection of the potential of the other.
And as you embrace each other and their beauty and their sound and their love understand
that they give to you what you seek. And it is in this fullness of time that you shall circum
navigate the light of your future.

At all intersections of your day, pay homage to the light that you are and the light that you
shine no matter where you venture. No matter who you are interact with. You are giving to
them gifts of energies that they cannot get from anywhere else and that is the gift that you
give 24 hours a day, 7 days a week forever – it has not changed.

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 25, 2010 at 3:16am



Su denli özel, su denli yararlı ve su denli çok, tükenmez… İnanıyorum ki

gerçekten de öylesin. Ama ister çeşmelerden dökül, ister göklerden yağ,
ister nehirler dolusu ak; dibi olmayan bir kovayı dolduramazsın. Yani
seni dinlemeyenlere sesini duyuramazsın. Unutma daha çok bağırdığında
daha çok dinlenmezsin, gürültünün parçası olursun yalnızca!… Suyun
yanında olanlar suyu en az içenlerdir. Çünkü”Su nasılsa burada, gerek
yok ki suyu kana kana içmeye” diye düşünürler.. Tıpkı, sesini sürekli
duyanların seni dinlemedikleri gibi! Ormandaki hiçbir hayvan, ırmağın
gürültüler koparan yerinden su içmeye çalışmadı şimdiye dek. Hepsi, hep
sabahın en sakin anini bekledi; suyun durgun yerlerini bulabilmek için.
Gittiler ve sakin sakin gereksinimlerini giderdiler. Onlar için en uygun
olan kendi istedikleri zamandı. Sen hep bir su olduğunu düşün. Su gibi
güzel, su gibi vazgeçilmez… Ve su gibi yasam kaynağı olduğunu düşün. Ama
su gibi yaşatıcı ol. Su gibi yıkıcı, sürükleyici ve öldürücü değil!..
Suysan tarlalarını basma insanların, yuvalarını yıkma, ocaklarını
söndürme; sana “felaket” denmesin! Suysan bir bardağa sığabil ki
damarlara girebilesin!.. Yaşam ver… vazgeçilmez ol!

Su gibi özel, su gibi güzel, su gibi yararlı, su gibi gerekli ve su gibi

bitmez tükenmez olduğunu da unutma. Ayrıca su gibi sakin olabileceğin
gibi, su gibi de “kıyametler” koparıcı olabileceğini unutma… Vadiler
varken önünde ve ovalar varken, yayılabileceğin küçük ırmaklara
ayırabiliyorsan kendini ve bardaklara bölebiliyorsan, yasam verirsin
çevrene. Yoksa hep duyulmayan, dinlenmeyen, korkulan ve kaçılan olursun
seller, afetler gibi. Tercih elindeydi hep ve hep “senin” ellerinde
olacak… Ya tutmayı öğreneceksin dilini ya da hiç durmadan konuştuğun
için, yalnızca bomboş ve anlamsız sesler çıkartan birisi olduğunu
zannettireceksin çevrendeki insanlara! Ama yapman gereken su değil mi?
Düşüneceksin ne zaman ne söyleyeceğini. Düşüneceksin kimin dinleyip
dinlemediğini, kimin anlayıp anlamadığını.

Düşüneceksin anlatmak istediklerinin ne kadarını anlatabildiğini… Hatta anlayanların

anladıklarının da senin anlattıklarının ne kadarı olduğunu düşüneceksin…
Konuşmak için en uygun zamanı bekleyecek, en az ama en uygun sözcükleri
seçmeye çalışacaksın… Yolcuların, önceden aldıkları biletleri

ceplerinde olduğu halde, saatlerini kontrol ederek, zaman yaklaştığında,
vapurun kalkacağı iskelede hazır olmaları gibi, sen de fikrini
bildireceğin kişinin ” kıyıya yanaşmasını” bekleyeceksin!.. Demeyeceksin
” Ben canim isteyince giderim iskeleye, vapur da o saniyede gelmek
zorunda!..” Demeyeceksin ” Ben aklıma geleni geldiği biçimde söylerim.
Karsımdaki de değil duymak değil dinlemek, anlattığımdan bile fazlasını
anlamak zorunda..” Keşke öyle olsaydı. Keşke hakli olsaydın, ama
maalesef değil… Ağzını açıp “Şelaleden dökülen suyu” içmeye çalışan bir
tavsan gördün mü hiç?… Ya da önüne çıkan ağaçları bile sürükleyen bir
selden susuzluk gidermeye uğrasan bir ceylan gördün mü? Kaplanlar bile
içebilmek için suyun durulmasını bekler; beyni olan her canlı gibi!

Haydi… Sen simdi ” su olduğunu” düşün ve kendini ” su gibi ” hisset… Su gibi

özel, su gibi güzel, su gibi berrak, su gibi yararlı… Su gibi yaşam
kaynağı ve su gibi bitmez tükenmez olduğunu anımsa… Ama yine su gibi ”
küçük bir bardağın içine” sığdır ki kendini girebilmeyi öğren insanların

Elif e teşekkürler


 Posted by senay karakas on October 25, 2010 at 2:25pm


Bir drama eğitmeni ile bir de yaşam koçu kimliğimle benim hazırladığımız ve dünyada
bir ilki gerçekleştirecek olan Yaşam Enerji Sahnesi’ni sizlere tanıtmak isteriz. Bu eğitim
dünyada bir ilk çünkü size drama altında oyunculuğu öğretirken yaşamımızda da kendiniz
üzerine farkındalık geliştirmeyi öğretecek. Drama derslerini alırken kendiniz üzerine
yoğunlaşaksınız. Canlandırdığınız rollerde kendinizi bulacaksınız. Kendinizin en derinlerine
kadar uzanabileceksiniz. Belki orada terk edilmiş, reddedilmiş olan karanlık yanlarınızı
bulacaksınız ya da geçmişinizde hatırlamak istemediklerinizi. Onlarla barışma şansınızı
yakalayacaksınız. Geçmişinize olan bakış açınızı kaydırıp belki de geleceğinizi tekrar
yaratacaksınız. Bu yönde Yaşam Enerji Sahnesi spiritüalizmin ve kişisel gelişimin içersinde
yer alan değişik teknikleri kullanacaktır. Drama eğitiminin bu tekniklerle yoğrulup bireye
farkındalık getirmek amacıyla harekete geçtiği tek eğitimdir, Yaşam Enerji Sahnesi.
Kendinizin başrolde yer aldığı bu eğitim üç aylık iki periyoddan oluşmaktadır. İlk üç
ayda drama temel eğitimiyle beraber kendiniz üzerine farkındalık geliştirme çalışmaları
yapılacaktır. Ayrıca konularında uzman eğitmenler verecekleri workshoplarla programı
zenginleştireceklerdir. İkinci periyodda ise yine kendinizin sınıfla beraber yaratmış olduğu
oyunun sahnelenme çalışmaları yapılacaktır. Ve mutlu sonla oyun, Yaşam enerji Sahnesi’nden

çıkıp tiyatro sahnesiyle buluşacaktır. Sizde kendinizin yarattığı farkındalık dolu yeni
yaşamınızla buluşma şansınızı yakalacaksınız.
Tiyatro Eğitmeni Melis Kutun;
Daha çocukken hayatının aşkı ”Tiyatro” ile tanışan eğitmenimiz Melis Kutun o aşkıyla da
hemen bir ilişkiye başlamıştır. Çocuk tiyatrolarındaki tecrübelerinden sonra gençlik yıllarında
da bu ilişkiyi ilerletip Kadıköy Halk Eğitim Merkezi’nde hem eğitimler alıp hem de
oyunculuğa devam etmiştir. Ardından bu ilişkiye bir süre ara verip İstanbul Üniversitesi
Gazetecilik Bölümü’ne başlamıştır. Fakat ayrılığa dayanamayıp bölümü yarıda keserek tekrar
tiyatroya dönmüştür. Altı yıllık süre içersinde kadim tiyatro ustalarının yanında çıraklık
yaparak tiyatroyla derin bir bağ kurmuştur. Tiyatro dışında kısa film senaryolarının yazarı,
oyuncusu ve yönetmeni olmuştur. Bu şekilde sinemayla da dost olmuştur. Bu dostluğu
yurtdışı festivallere katılarak devam ettirmektedir. Aşkının ve dostluğunun yanı sıra kişisel
gelişimle, mistisizmle, teolojik araştırmalarla yakın arkadaşlıklar kurmuştur. Yaşam Enerji
Sahnesi’nde kendisini iyi bir hayat oyuncusu yapan bu kadim dostlarını sizlerle paylaşacaktır
ve sizlere öğretecektir, iyi birer hayat oyuncusu olmanız için.
Kişisel Gelişim Danışmanı ve Yaşam Koçu Şenay Karakaş;
Hayat yolculuğunun önemli basamağında İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Bölümü’nü
bitirmiştir, eğitmenimiz Şenay Karakaş. Birkaç yılını da bu alanda çalışarak harcadıktan sonra
daha fazla zamanından çaldırmak istemediği için tamamıyla bu alanı bırakıp yaşamında yeni
bir döneme girmiştir. Bu döneme aldığı NLP ve Yaşam Koçu eğitimleriyle geçmiştir. Bu
eğitimlerle kendindeki sevgi ve şifa gücünü keşfetmiştir. Ardından NLP öğretmenin asistanı
ve Yaşam Koçu olarak yaşamındaki sevgi ve şifa gücünü herkesle paylaşmıştır. Bu paylaşım
devam ederken Düşler Akademisi Engelli Derneği’nde engellilerle aktif bir şekilde çalışmıştır.
Engellilerle çalışırken sevginin ve şifanın en derinlerine kadar gitmiştir. Engellilere verdiği
eğitim sürecindeyken de katıldığı workshoplarla, seminerlerle eğitimini daha da
zenginleştirmiştir. Şimdi de Yaşam Enerji Sahnesi’nde sahip olduğu sevgi ve şifa gücünü,
sizlere sunacaktır; hayat oyununda iyi birer oyuncu olmanız için.
Tanıtım ve Eğitim Mekânı;
Tuva Sanat ve Kişisel Gelişim Merkezi
Tuva: 0212 293 44 34
Şenay Karakaş; 0532 260 81 95
Melis Kutun; 0538 822 22 93
İstiklal Caddesi, Ağaoğlu Camii Sokağı, No :16, Kat:4
İstiklal Caddesi, Ağaoğlu Camii Sokağı’ndan girin. Sokağın sonunda sağ koldaki eski
pembe binanın dördüncü katına asansörle çıkın. Sakızağacı Taksi Durağı’nın sokağında aynı

Bir Şeyler yap-Grup Mesajı-Steve Rother
 Posted by Deniz Şiva Oflaz on October 26, 2010 at 3:30am

Steveden;10.10.10 anında hepimizi vuran bir enerji dalgası vardı.Dünya çevresinde batı
yönünde yolculuk yapıyordu.Beklenti ve umutlarımızın yeni bir enerji dalgasını
getiriyordu.Düş kırıklığına uğratılmadık.Kocaman kucaklamalar.Steve Rother
Yuvadan Selamlar,
Işığın harika bir Çapası
Bu Gezegende yaptıklarınız nedeniyle Yuva değişiyor.Herbiriniz ve hepiniz, birlikte taşımak
için Yuvanın çok özel bir parçasını bu Gezegene getirdiniz.Yuvanın bu parçası sadece sizin bir
mesajınız, içsel rehberiniz ve ışığın bir kıvılcımı değildir, ancak o, Gezegeniniz üzerinde sizin
harika olarak söz ettiğiniz bir şeydir.Fiziksel Varlık içinde onların Ruhunun daha fazlasını
taşımak için, İnsan evrimi olarak gelen birçok şey var.Değişikliklerinizin çoğu duygusal ve
enerjetiktir, şu anda onlar Fiziksel seviye üzerinde uygun olarak vuku bulmaya

başlıyorlar.Orada bunun sürdüğünü görmek kolaydır.Bu değişim ve dönüşümde size deneyim
olarak neyin yardımcı olacağını sizinle paylaşacağız.Bir demirlemeye, çapalamaya dair size
anlatmayı arzu ediyoruz, o bütün bu büyüme deneyimleri sırasında, bütün bu durumlar içinde
sizin enerjinizi tutacak bir parçadır.Bunu duymak, anlamak ve özellikle işitmenin birçoğunuz
için zor olduğunu biliyoruz.Ancak sizden bu bilgiyi, tam şimdi Varlığınız içindeki Yuvanın
harikalığını taşıyor olmanız için ilk olarak, basitçe süzdükten sonra Zihinsel bedeniniz içine
almanızı istiyoruz.
Birçoğunuz güçlü bir kalp bağlantısı ile içeri girdiniz.Bir çocukken, içine uymaya uygun
görünmediğinizbir Dünya içine uymak ve bunu denemek için enerjiniz içindeki çekişmeleri
nasıl ayarlayacağınızı öğrenmek zorundaydınız.O çok şüpheli, kesinleşmemiş oldu, ama yine
de, ayrı olma illüzyonunu size vermesi için enerji alanınız içinde onu nasıl tutacağınızı
öğrendiniz.Şimdi, bağlantıda ve daima da bağlantıda olmuş olduğunuzu anlamaya
başlıyorsunuz.Çevrenizi çok sıkı bir şekilde saran bu engelleyici enerjinin gitmesine şimdi
izin vermeye başlıyorsunuz.Şimdi gerçekte kim olduğunuza geri dönmeye başlıyorsunuz ve
şimdi neredeyse her birinize ve hepinize olacak bir şey var.Kendi topraklama işleminizi
kaybedeceksiniz ve bu olduğunda da yapmaya başlayacağınız ilk şey, kendinizden kuşku
duymaktır.Uzun bir zamandır yapıyor olduğunuz şeylere bakarken, acaba onları doğru mu
yaptığınıza dair kuşku şimdi bu Gezegende çok yaygındır.Bir çok şekilde kendinizden
kuşkulanmaya başlıyorsunuz, ancak biz bunun bile böyle bir olumsuzluk olduğunu
düşünmüyoruz. Bunun yerine, bunun basitçe sizin için herşeyi yeniden bir değerlendirme
fırsatı olduğunu düşünüyoruz.Böylece biz, bu sınırlandırmaları kaybetmeye başlarken, farklı
enerji alanları ile bir bağlantı kurmaya ve daha önce sahip olduğunuz bir şekilde diğer
İnsanları duyumsamaya başlıyoruz.Çevrenizdeki başka herkesle kendi bağlantınızı hissetmeye
başlıyorsunuz.Çünki o alışılmadık bir şeydir, o sizin kim olduğunuzu düşündüğünüz
illüzyonunuzu, ayrılığınızı ve özerkliğinizi kaybetmenizi sağlar.
İç güzellik
O, enerjinizi güvenli bir şekilde Evrene nasıl gönderebileceğinizi öğrenme ve teknikleri
uyumlama ile çalışmaya başlamanızın nedenidir.Eğer, güzellik ve enerjinizin akışını Evrene
gönderebileceğinizi ve herkesin de bunu duyumsayabileceğini söyleseydik, enerjinizin
mükemmel olmadığı düşüncesi nedeniyle çok azınız onu yapacaktı.Kendinizden çok fazla
kuşku duyacak ve kendi güzelliğinizi engelleyip tutacaktınız.Çünki siz bir “Özgür Seçim”
Gezegenindesiniz ve o, bütün İnsanlığın onu yapması için devam eden bir döngü olmuştur.O,
bütünden ayrıymış gibi yapma ve enerjiniz içinde getirdiğiniz bir işlemin bir
parçasıdır.Yeryüzüne enkarne olduğunuz sırada çok sıkı çalışmış olduğunuz bu sınırları artık
salıvermeye başlıyorken şimdi o değişiyor.Anlıyor olduğunuz ilk şey, bir bütünün parçası
olduğunuzdur.Size anlattığımız, sizin sizsiz var olamayacak bir bulmacanın bir parçası
olduğunuzdur.Siz eşsiz bir güzelliği, ancak sizin kelimeleriniz, titreşiminiz ve
gülümsemenizle görülebilen Yuvanın bir parçasını barındırıyorsunuz.Sizin ilk ve en önemli

sorumluluğunuz, şu anda ihtiyaç duyulan bulmacanın bir parçası için, kendi iç güzelliğinizi
keşfetmektir.Bu, çoğunuz için korku verici olacaktır.Bir başkasında ya da bir başka şeyde onu
keşfetmek kolaydır, ve hala sizin onu kendinizde görmeniz çok zordur.O, sizin Perde diye
tanımladığınızın bir parçasıdır ki onu siz, gerçekten, bu Dünya Gezegeni oyununun
başlangıcında yarattınız.O sizin dizayn ettiğiniz perdenin bir parçasıdır ve o kişileri gerçekte
onların kim olduğunu anlamalarından uzak tutar.Şimdi o perde dağılmaya başlıyor. Perdenin
yavaş, ancak sağlam bir düşüşü uygun bir çalışmadır.Perde azalmaya başlıyor ve siz daha
önce hiç hissetmediğiniz şeyleri hissetmeye başlıyorsunuz.
Birşeyler yap!
Evrende, bir işleyiş içinde, bir rolü oynama sorumluluğunu elde tutmanın farkında olmaya
başlıyorsunuz.İçerde, derinlerde bir yerde, yaşamınızdaki büyük bazı şeyleri yapmanız için
desteklendiğinize dair bir duyumsamanın farkına varıyorsunuz.Anlıyor ve öngörüyoruz ki bu
yakınlarda siz, Yeryüzünde cenneti yaratmak üzere yuvadan kendi güzelliğinizin bir parçasını
getirme şansına sahip olacaksınız.Bütün parçaları yerleştirinceye kadar var olamayacak
muhteşem bir bulmaca parçası için hepiniz bunun üzerinde çalışıyorsunuz.Bu parçalardan
birini siz tutuyorsunuz.Sizin tutkunuz, heyecanınız ve Ruhunuz üzerinde bir ışık olan bütün
bu şeyler, sizi sizin güzelliğinize götürecektir.Onlar sizi en inanılmaz düşüncelere taşıyacaktır
ve lütfen, bu Gezegen üzerinde çok tuhaf olarak tanımladığınız bu güzellik tarzını anlayın.Her
birinizin güzelliği nasıl tanımladığını görmek çok ilginç, çünki o Yuvanın bir çok
görünümlerinden biridir.O sizin bildiğiniz bir parçanın hatırlamasıdır.Ne zaman kendinizi
bakir bir çayırda Güneşin doğuşunu izlerken bulur ve enerjinin içeri girdiğini görürseniz “Oh,
bu harika” dersiniz, Yuvayı hatırlarsınız.Yuvada, her bir anınızdaki duyumsamanın aynısını
hatırlıyorsunuz.Bu defa o, bu güzelliği ifade etmeyi uygulamak ve onun değerini bilmek,
güzellik düşüncenizi her bir gün tazelemeye zaman harcamak için çok çok yardımcı
olacaktır.O, İnsanların sizi anlamasına izin vermeye ve onları tutmak için çok sıkı çalıştığınız
bu engelleyici sınırları salıverme izni vermeye cüret ettiğiniz bir zamandır.O bir, gitmesine
izin verme zamanıdır.
Her birinizin ve hepinizin bir parçası olan bu parçalar, bir baştan bir başa yürümeye
başlıyor.O kolay değil, ve biz bunu biliyoruz.Herne kadar biz, bu Gezegene hiç enkarne
olmamış ve bu İnsan olma oyununu oynamamışsak da, sizin çok daha yüksek bir seviyedeki
bir parçanız olarak size gerçek
doğanızı tekrar hatırlatmak ve size yardımcı olmak için buradayız.İlk olarak size sizin bir Ruh
olduğunuzu tekrar hatırlamanızda ve ikincisi ise bir İnsana yardımcı olmak üzere
buradayız.Sizin muhteşem bir aile olduğunuzu tekrar hatırlamanıza yardım etmek için
buradayız, ki siz hükümdarlığın kızları ve oğullarısınız.Siz inançlarınızın ötesinde bir
türsünüz ve siz şimdi, bu Gezegen üzerinde daha önce hiç olmadığı kadar gereksinim duyulan
Yuvadan bir ışığa sahipsiniz.Onun sizin için ürkütücü olduğunu biliyoruz.Kendinizden kuşku
duyduğunuzu biliyoruz, o İnsan durumunun bir parçasıdır ve biz sizi bu nedenle

alkışlıyoruz.Arkanızda bir rüzgar duyumsadığınızda o, sizin uzun bir süre bakıp büyüttüğünüz
o güvenli bölgenizin dışına küçük bir adım attığınızda, bizim sizi, herbirinizi bu nedenle
alkışlarken kanatlarımızın birbirine sürtünmesindendir.Şimdi onun sizi engellediğini
keşfedeceksiniz.O sizi hüsrana uğratacaktır, o sizi kendinizden kuşku duyar yapacaktır ve o,
herbiriniz ve hepinizin daima enerji alanında olmanız ve onu salıvermeye başlayabilmenizin
nedenidir.İlk kez o enerjiyi bu fiziksel bedenlerinizin birinde tutmak olanaklı olmuştur.O
yenidir ve sonuç olarak gelen iletişimin yeni biçimleri vardır.İnsanlar şimdilerde, küçük bir
başarı ile iletişim için kelimeleri kullanıp saatlerini birbirleriyle konuşarak harcıyorlar.Daha
sonra, titreşimler eş zamanlılığa kavuştuğunda o sizin durumunuzu belirtmeniz için sadece
yarım saniye alır.Bağlantı içine çok çabuk girmeye muktedir olacaksınız ve derin bir bağlantı
diye isimlendirdiğimizin bütün seviyelerine ulaşacaksınız.
Kuşkunun geri çevrilmesi
Onun hepsine sahip olmadığınızı duyumsanızda zaman, onun uygun olduğunu bilmenize izin
vermektedir.Onu sağlıksız hissetmek uygundur, çünki bu Gezegendeki başka herkes, öyle
söylemeselerde aynı tarzda duyumsuyor.O, İnsan olma durumunun bir parçasıdır ki İnsanlar
şimdi neyin geldiği için bir hazırlık içine doğru gidiyorlar.Biz yıllardır Yeryüzüne gelen
dalgalardan bahsettik.Bu enerji dalgaları 01.01.01 ve 02.02.02 de başladı.Şayet bu dalgaların
doruk noktasını yakalarsanız, o basitçe sizi ileriye doğru kolayca itebilir, bunu söylemek çok
kolaydır.Sizin kendi enerji alanınız, işinizi yaptığınızda ve yapıyorken değişti.Kendinizi
bilinçli olarak değiştiriyorsunuz; ve dış Dünya da değişiyor.Sizin için kim olduğunuz daha
fazla kabul edilir oluyor.Sizin bütün harika doğal nitelikleriniz ve narinliğiniz ile, sizin bizim
gözümüzdeki görünüşünüzü anlamalısınız.Siz Tanrının mükemmel bir kusurusunuz, perdenin
bu tarafındaki her şey de, var olan sayesinde, onun içindeki kusurun bir parçasına sahip olmak
zorundadır.Bu yüzden, Tanrı kusurlu oldu ve kusurlu olma rolü için bir oyun oynadı.O
sizsiniz.Şimdi düşten uyanıyorsunuz.Şimdi, anlayışınızın ötesindeki bir güce sahip
olduğunuzu keşfetmeye başlıyorsunuz.Diğerlerinden ayrı olmadığınızı keşfediyorsunuz,
gerçekte, onlar için hazır olmasanız bile bağlantılara sahipsiniz.Böylece biz, bir parça kendi
harikalığınıza bakmaya cüret etmeye başlamanızı talep edeceğiz.Aksine eğitildiğiniz için o
çok zordur.Herbiriniz ve hepiniz aynaya baktığınızda, çabucak kendi kusurlarınızı
görüyorsunuz ki siz sabırla mükemmel olmaya çabalıyorsunuz.Şimdi sizden bu çabayı ve
kendi kimliğinizi durdurmanızı istiyoruz.Kendisi olanın hepsini...kusurlu diye
adlandırdıklarınız, mükemmellik içinde uyumlu parçalardır.
Bir süre önceydi, sevgililer, o İnsanlık maddeyi bir elmasa benzer yapmayı öğrendi.Gerçekte
bu, onların elmaslarını yazmak için elmas üretimlerine neden oldu, çünki onlar doğal elmaslar
ile İnsan yapımı arasındaki farkı anlatamıyorlardı.Bu gün yapılan elmasların çoğu Endüstriyel
kullanım içindir, fakat biz onu çok ilginç buluyoruz ve neden ise çok basit.İnsan yapımı
elmaslarda kusurlar yoktur, bu nedenle onlar değerli değildir.O ilginç değilmi? Onlar çok
mükemmeldir.O gerçekten içine dahil etmelerdir-elmasın ışığı ve parıltıyı yansıtma tarzı onu

güzel yapar.O sizsiniz.Biz şimdi, elmasın her şey dahil bir parçasına bakıyoruz-geniş
kapsamlı size.Kusurlara bakmak yerine biz, kusurlara odaklanacağız ve onları pozitif bir
tarzda kullanmayı bulacağız.Kusurlar, sizin elmasınız içindeki dahil etmelerin bir parçasıdır,
ki o sizin elmasınızı Yuvadan eşsiz bir güzellik yapar.O kolay değildir, o kendi üstadlığınıza
ve kim olduğunuza sahip çıkmayı ifade eder.En zor parça sizin Egolarınızdır, çünki Egolarınız
daima bir dengeye getirilmek zorundadır.Bunun farkındasınız.
Diğer Tanrılar için bir yer yapmaGüçlendirme sanatı,
Huzurunuzu ve duruşunuzu asla konuşmadığınız Ego içinde olanı, bir çoğunuz çok yakından
ve çok ilgiliyle izliyorsunuz.Yuvadan getirdiğiniz güzelliğin bir parçasını siz asla
paylaşmazsınız.Böylece onun tamamı denge hakkındadır, yine de kontrol istersiniz ve
Egonuzu kontrol etme ve kendi gerçek güzelliğinizi ifade etme tarzı çok basittir.Evren
içindeki diğer Tanrılara da bir yer yapıyormusunuz?Şimdi size en muhteşem sırrı anlatıyoruz
ki bu sizin bir Tanrı olduğunuzdan size hiç bahsetmediğimizdir. Siz onu
araştırdığınızsınız.Dışardaki araştırma sizi içeri götürdü.Siz o sunuz ve o hepsini elinde tutar,
ve yine de perde sizi onu tekrar hatırlamadan uzak tutar.Perde sizi Yuvaya bağlantınızdan
uzak tutar.Şimdi ilk kez, perdeyi kaldırmaya başlıyorsunuz, bu gücü ve bağlantıyı
duyumsuyorsunuz, sonrasında yaptığınız ilk şey, tuğladan duvarlara karşı koşmaktır çünki siz
sadece tek Tanrı olmadığınızı unuttunuz.Şimdi bütün İnsanlığın başladığı, değişiklikleri
deneyimleme ve tekrar hatırlamaya dair size yardım edeceğiz.Sizinle çalışacağımız bu tarz,
sevgililer, sizi en yüksek ışığa ulaştırmaktır ki biz bunu yapabiliriz.Yapabildiğimiz herhangi
bir yolla sizi güçlendirmek için buradayız.Mesajı aldığınızı ve bir başkasını da
güçlendirmenizi umut ediyoruz, çünki gerçek güçlendirme, sadece güçlendirilmiş İnsanlarla
kuşatıldığınızda geçerlidir.Bir anın farkındalığı içinde güçlendirilmiş bir toplum yarattınız ve
o olacaktır.Şimdi, kendi enerji alanınız içinde bu enerjiyi tutabilirsiniz.Şimdi, fiziksel
bedeniniz içinde Yuvaya bağlantınızın çok daha fazlasını tutabilirsiniz, çünki değişiklikler ve
evrimi hepiniz deneyimliyorsunuz.Korku, yalnızlık ve kötü hissetme sadece İnsan
duygularıdır ki her biriniz ve hepiniz evrimin bu seviyesi içinden geçeceksiniz.Meydan
okuma, kendinizden kuşku duyduğunuz zamandır, gerçekten kötü olmadığınıza inandığınızda
ya da vermek için hiçbir şeyiniz olmadığındadır.Size anlattığımız, şayet bu vuku bulmasaydı,
bu, bu Gezegen üzerinde olmayacak olduğunuzdur.
Bu üzerinde olmak için hiç te öyle kolay bir Gezegen değildir; o bir tatil noktası değildir.Her
ne kadar Evrenin bir bahçesi ise de o, Gezegensel enerjiler gidebildiği kadar uzağa giderken
içinde olmak çok zor bir enerjidir.Biz sizin kendi enerjinizi, kendi gücünüzü, kendi gerçek
doğanızı hatırlamanıza yardım etmek için buradayız.Şu veya bu yoldan gitmeniz gerekiri
anlatmak için burada değiliz, o bütünüyle size bağlıdır.Bütün bunlar sizin seçimlerinizdir,
çünki siz bu “özgür seçim Gezegeni” üzerindesiniz.Seçimler için kendinizi yargılamayın,
hatta neyi yanlış olarak düşünüyorsanız bile basitçe onları yapın.Şayet bir seçim yaparsanız,
geri gidip onu değiştirebilirsiniz.Eğer bir seçim yapmazsanız, bir yarışa katılmama, bir görevi

yapmama izlemine düşersiniz.Bu, orada gelen bir çok meydan okuma olduğudur, yaşamınızı
daha uzun bir süre kontrol altında tutamayacağınızdır.Bu zamanlar sorumluluk alma
zamanlarıdır.Hatta onun neye benzediği ya da nasıl hissettirdiği veya yönünün ne olduğunu
kesin olarak bilmeyebilseniz de, orada kendiniz için bir enerji tutmadığınızı
bilebilirsiniz.Böylece her hangi bir yöne doğru yürümek sizi, seçimler yapacağınız ve kendi
ortamınızı yaratacağınız bir yola çıkaracaktır, hatta o sizin arzu ettiğiniz mükemmellikte bir
ortam olmasa bile.O sizi, açıkça o parçayı bulmak için bu seçimleri yapmaya götürecektir.
Bir uyum, rezonans odası olarak kullanılan alan
Sevgililer, enerji alanı sizin bedeniniz çevresinde genişlemiştir.Çok uzun bir zamandır o, sizin
bedeninizden iki inç kadar uzaklıktaydı, ve şimdi o bir çoklarınız için 6 ile 8 feete kadar
uzamıştır, ve diğerleri için bu 10 feet tir.Bu bir çok çalışma almıştır.Hem de bir çok
sınırlamaları ve sizin bir parçanız üzerinde de büyük bir çaba sarf etmeyi almıştır.O oldukça
iyi kapatılmıştır, çünki herbiriniz ve hepiniz evrimleşiyorsunuz, siz çevrenizdeki bu enerji
alanını, “bir Uyum, bir rezonans Odası” olarak kullanacaksınız.Siz şimdi, bir radyo yayını
yapan bir temel enerji olmaktasınız, şimdi sizin enerji alanınız genişleyecek ve daha uzun bir
süre sınırlarla sınılandırılmış olmayacaktır.Başlangıçta bu enerjinin bir çok yanlış kullanımı
olacaktır.Onların daha fazlası bilinir olurken, onları kendi amaçları için kullanmayı deneyen
birçok İnsan olacaktır.Bazı şeylerin yeni olduğunu öğrendiklerinde, İnsanların yaptığı gibi
tipik daha bir çok şey olacaktır. Yine de o, sizin bu adımları atmanıza yardım edecek en büyük
anahtarlardan biridir.Biz, onun her parçası için kavga yerine, enerjinize fazladan küçük bir
parça daha vermesi ve basitçe sizi tepe noktasına ulaştıracak dalgaya dair konuştuk.Sizinle
konuşmadığımız, her dalganın önce kıyılara geldiğidir ve diğer bir yöne gidiyormuş gibi
duyumsatan enerjinin bir geri dönüşü vardır.Su yapının dışına çıkmak zorundadır ki dalga
tekrar geriye gelsin.Siz tam şimdi dalganın dümen suyunda, geri dönüşündesiniz.Bu
bazılarınızın, kendisini kuşatan ortama aşırı tepki göstermesi, saplanıp kalmış hissetmesi ve
paniklemesinin de nedenidir.Bu, bir çoğunuzun acıyan duygulara sahip olmasının ve sanki
Dünyanızın tam ucundaymış gibi hissetmesinin de nedenidir.Size anlattıklarımızdan
korkmayın.Yalnız olmadığınızı bilmeniz yararlıdır, ancak bilmeniz yararlıdır ki bu, İnsan
Varlıklarının içinden geçtiği bir evrimsel işlemdir.Bu, fiziksel bedeniniz içinde kendi
Ruhunuzun daha fazlasını taşıyabildiğiniz bir A noktasından bir B noktasına ulaşmaktır, o, bu
bazı değişikliklerin içinden geçme gerekliliğidir.Bu aynı etki 11.11.11 ve 12.12.12 de de
Böylece bu bir geri yansımadır.Bu zaman, enerjinizin doldurulması yerine, sanki sizden
emilmiş gibi duyumsanması zamanıdır.Fakat biz sizden, gözlerinizi daha büyük bir resim
üzerine çevirmenizi istiyoruz, çünki olabildiği kadar güçlü bir yansıma şimdi sizi olabildiği
kadar kayıp hissettirebilir, siz onun geldiğini biliyorsunuz.Biliyorsunuz ki, gelen üç yıla
girecek olan bu enerjinin ilk dalgası, İnsanlığın yeni bir biçimini ve sizin daha önce hiç var
olma fırsatına sahip olmadığınız güçlendirilmiş yeni bir ortamı getirecektir.Değişime direnen

İnsanlar için değişim hiç de kolay değildir.Sizin güvenlik mekanizmalarınızdan biri de
değişmemektir.Şimdi, daha özgürce bırakacağınızı keşfedeceksiniz.Onu hoş karşılayacak ve
hatta bu enerji alanını ve bu güvenlik bölgesini öyle uzun bir zaman için inşa etmiş
olacaksınız ve onun hareketini duyumsarken coşku duyacaksınız.Bütün bu olasılıklara bir
bakın.Size ne olduğuna bir bakın, ve çevrenizdeki İnsanları etkileyen, buna sahip olduğunuzu
hiç düşünmediğiniz bu sizdeki etkinin ne olduğuna bir bakın.Bunu yapın ve böylece iç
güzelliğinizi duyumsamaya başlayacaksınız.Bu zaman, bilinçle gelecek adımı atmak ve
korkusuz günlük bir temele oturan bu enerjiyle çalışmaya başlamaktır.Onunla oynayın.Yeni
bir İnsan olma rolü yaparak onunla oynayın.Görmeye cüret edebileceğiniz bu en büyük
güzelliği oraya koyarak oynayın.Biz fiziksel bir güzellikten konuşmuyoruz, ancak biz,
Ruhunuzun yaptığı bütün bu şeylere ve tutkuya dair konuşuyoruz.O, hemen hemen, daima
Fiziksel bir biçim içinde gösterilir, fakat tekrar hatırlamalısınız ki o fiziksel güzellik bizim
Gezegenimizde tanımlanmamıştır, çünki o sizin herbiriniz ve hepinizin farklı bazı şeylerinizi
ifade eder.Şayet onu dışa vurursanız, daima sizin güzelliğinizi görecek birileri vardır.Bir
gereklilik olan bunların hepsi, bu adımları atmaya ve etkinizi görmeye muktedir olduğunuz bu
doğru yol üzerinde olduğunuzu bilmektir.Şimdi içinde olduğunuz bu geri yansıma, şimdi bir
hazırlık içindedir.
Bu ilk dalga yerleşirken bu bir son netleştirmedir.Bu Gezegendeki bir çok İnsan merkezde
olmayacaktır, çünki bu enerjinin ilk dalgasında siz, pislik ve karanlık ve kargaşa içinde ayakta
duruyor olacaksınız, ve siz hala bir ışık feneri olarak mükemmel bir şekilde ayakta
dikileceksiniz ve diğerleri size gelerek, “Neler oluyor?, Olup biten nedir?, Siz ne
hissediyorsunuz?, Bu olanlara dair ne öneriyorsunuz?” Diye söyleyeceklerdir.Bu zamanlar
sizin kendi güzelliğinizi ve onun kendisini keşfetme ve bulmaya başlama zamanlarıdır.Bu
zaman sevgililer, kendi üstadlığınıza başlama zamanıdır.Kendi kimliğinize.Şimdi tam bu
yaşam süresi içinde değil, fakat bütün enkarnasyonlarda siz buna burada sahiptiniz.Alın, o
güçtür.Atalarınızdan çekin o enerjiyi ve onu içeri getirin.Hepsi sizin tam şimdiniz için
orada.Hepsinin ötesinde, bu gezintiden hoşnut olun.
En büyük onur kelimeleri ve üç küçük hatırlatma ile sizi bırakıyoruz.Toplumu güçlendirmenin
bir ifadesi olan bu en büyük saygı ile birbirinize davranın.Ulaştığınız her şansta herkesi
yetiştirin ve onun harika bir oyun olduğunu tekrar hatırlayın ve birlikte güzel oynayın.
Çn: Süleyman Kaya
Farkındalığın “Aydınlık” ışığında sevgi huzur ve uyumla....

Söz Don Miguel Ruiz
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 26, 2010 at 7:52am

Sözün ne kadar önemli olduğunu, Tanrı’dan gelen bir güç olduğunu bilmek için, Önce söz
(kelam) vardı ayetini hatırlamamız yeterli olur. Sözlerimiz bize Tanrının armağanıdır. Yaratıcı
gücümüzü sözle ifade
ederiz. Her şeyi söz aracılıyla gerçek kılarız… Söz sadece bir ses ve
yazı sembolü değildir. Hangi Dili konuşursak konuşalım, düşüncelerimizi,
niyetimizi sözlerle ifade ederiz. Sözle kendimizi ifade eder ve
iletişim kurarız. Sözle düşünür ve düşünmekte kullandığımız sözlerle
yaşamımızdaki olayları yaratırız.

Söz bir büyü aracıdır. Ama iki yanı keskin bir kılıca benzer. Güzel bir rüyayı da yaratabilir,
etrafımızdaki her şeyi de yok edebilir. Kötüye kullanımı Kara Büyüdür,
Cehennemi yaratır. İyiye kullanımı Ak Büyüdür, güzellik, sevgi ve
Cenneti yaratır.

İnsan zihni, sürekli olarak tohumlar ekilen bir toprak gibidir. Tohumlar, düşünceler, fikirler ve
kavramlardı. Söz tohum gibidir. Onu çok verimli olan insan zihnine ekerseniz, kolayca
büyüyecektir. Dikkat edilecek konu, sözlerimizin niteliği yani oraya ne
cins bir tohum ektiğimizdir.

Her insan bir büyücüdür. Sözlerimizle bir insana büyü de yapabiliriz, onu büyüden de
kurtarabiliriz. Örneğin, bazen bir arkadaşımıza rastlar ve aklımıza
gelen ilk düşünceyi ona söyleriz. Ona, Yüzünde ki renk, Kanser olacak
insanların yüzündeki renk gibi dersek ve Arkadaşımız sözümüze inanırsa,
sözümüzle anlaşma yapmış olur. Ve bir seneden daha az bir sürede de
Kansere yakalanıp ölebilir. Bu sözün gücüdür.

Bir söz zihnimize bir tohum olarak girebilir ve tüm inanç sistemimizi iyiye ya da kötüye
doğru geliştirebilir.

Sözlerimizin günahsız olması çok önemlidir. İlk anlaşmayı sözlerimizle yapmalıyız. Kendi
doğamızın/varlığımızın aleyhine hissettiğimiz, inandığımız, yaptığımız her şey günahtır.
Herhangi bir şey için kendimizi suçladığımız,
yargıladığımız zaman, kendimize karşı günah işlemiş oluruz.
Günahsız olmak bunun tam zıttıdır. Sözlerimizde günahsız olmak, sözleri
kendimize karşı kullanmamaktır. Birisi size Aptal derse, görünüşte bu
sözü size karşı kullanmıştır. Oysa gerçekte bu sözü kendine karşı
kullanmıştır. Çünkü size aptal dendiğinde ondan nefret edersiniz. Sizin
ondan nefret etmeniz, şüphesiz onun için iyi olamaz. Bu sebeple birisi
size kızgınlık duyup, zehrini sözleriyle akıttığında, kullandığı kötü
sözü kendine karşı kullanmış olur. Bir davranış (dışsal/içsel) bir söz,
benzerini yaratır. Hakaret edene hakaret edilir, seven sevilir,
bencillik edene bencillik edilir. Sözlerinizi birinin üzerinde büyü
yapmak için kullanırsanız, sizde onun büyüsünü üzerinizde hissedersiniz.

Sözleri özenli bir seçicilikte kullanmak, ‘Günahsız’ sözler kullanmak, enerjinin doğru
kullanımıdır. Bu, enerjinizi sevgi oluşturacak şekilde kullanmak demektir. Kendinizle
‘sözünüzde günahsız olabilmek’ için bir anlaşma yapmaya niyetlenmeniz
bile, içinizde birikmiş olan duygusal zehirden kurtulmanıza yetecektir.
Fakat bu anlaşmayı yapmak zordur. Çünkü biz tam zıttı bir şekilde
davranmayı öğrendik. Genellikle sözü, bireysel zehrimizi akıtmak için
kullanıyoruz.-kızgınlığımızı, kıskançlığımızı, çekememezliğimizi ve
nefretimizi ifade etmek için.

İnsan sürekli kendisiyle konuşan bir varlıktır. Çoğu kez kendimizle şöyle konuşuruz;

“Oh şişman görünüyorum”. “Çirkinim” “Aptalım”...”Yaşlanıyorum” “Saçlarım dökülüyor”.

“Asla yeterince iyi olmayacağım”. “Başarısızım”…vb. İşte
bunlar sözü kendimize karşı kullanmak, günah işlemek, kendimize kara
büyü yapmaktır. İşte bu nedenle kendimizle yapacağımız birinci anlaşma,
sözlerimizde günahsız olmaktır.

Sözlerimizi özenle seçmeli ve sevgimizi paylaşacak şekilde kullanmalıyız. Amacımız ne

olursa olsun, onu ifade ederken kullandığımız sözlerin bir büyü aracı
olduğunu, gücü olduğunu hiç akıldan çıkartmamalıyız. Söz aracını

kullanırken, araçların amaç kadar önemli, bizim ve muhataplarımız
üzerinde etkileyici, dönüştürücü bir işleve sahip olduğunu

Nefs üç köşeli dikendir, ne tarafa koyarsan koy, bir ucu batar:-))

Bireysel önemlilik ya da Kişisel algılamak bencilliğin en üst düzeyde ifadesidir.

O halde sizi inciten KİMDİR?

Don Miguel Ruiz


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 26, 2010 at 7:55am

Your Unique Newspaper, for Your 5D Reality Reading Pleasure

“choose someone who loves you, choose that Being because of the Love you can share, when
you choose that someone who loves you.” Love Mom and

Divine Decree “ All suffering is Being transferred to the darkness, you do not even have to tip
the darkness, they will just suck it up”
translated this means all Gods on this Planet are to Awaken into, Now
what you can see, SEE?

Show us a dumb animal, and We will show you a Human who only thinks they are dumb,
[shakes heads]

We did not send humanity into hell, We sent them into a living experience. Now what they
have made of this, will have to be transformed.

The Energies of Oneness are thus upon

Humanity. It's a Big Oneness, cause it includes the All, and that's
US! Sailing, Flying as ONE ~


The Light stands in Presentness,

Unified in Multi-Dimensional Brilliance with the Unknowable as the
Investment. Good returns, Unending.
What is it, to come Here and share

these Moments with All Love Is[Humanity] and Be Present Here too? Fascinating
isn't it? God shows up on a Planet just for Fun, mostly.~

~ Love is Truly Unstoppable, and NOW We are ALL Oneness, How Does this FEEL?~
Watery Eyed Joy!

One Love | Playing For Change | Song Around the World

~ Heaven is NOW HERE, Everywhere Present, and Humanity is Coming Home to Stay
Forever. Its Our Love for You Granted!~ Love Mom and Dad

Help Pour Out The Rain

We Are Now standing outside the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven with signs boycotting
nothing. When We turn them around they say “Love Wins”

End Transmission With Love Everywhere Present



“Special Message From Archangel Michael”

“The time for doing things alone is over.

Choose more. DO less. The days of ease and the emergence of a modern paradise are upon
you NOW.
Awaken to the possibility that this reality exists with just a slight
shift in your understanding. Now that you know it's there...perhaps
you would like to move in?

{Smile} Heaven on Earth: available for immediate occupancy. Enlightened beings wanted.
-Archangel Michael

It is with the strength of self truth which lies in the throat of the blue chakra the radiant color
of this mighty angel may he be a
protector and and guide to all who call his name..Thank YOU Michael
for your loving protection♥

Marc Chauvette “Our Dream Can Never Die ~ LOVE will take Us Through It All !”

'Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of yo...ur
consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you
need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.'
Eckhart Tolle

“Through words, I can hurt or heal you.
Through behaviour, I can calm or make you anxious.
But through presence and silence I only honour, welcome and love you.
Through the heart, I observe all that is - with understanding, compassion,
gratitude, joy.

CHOOSE LOVE ALWAYS!” ~ via Gilles Chamboraire {FB}

Love Reporter Predrag

Dear Friends of Light,

“ watch the sky over the USA, it will be StarShip CLOUDY, UNclokingly on
occasion, With heavy Love droplets, followed with YEppie through
all North America, spreading like a Light all over the Mother

With Love, Predrag


“"If you can't pay, you can't stay!" "You are Collateral Damage -as people were buying
housing want to make money!?" - Hear this friend
discovering us old tacktic how this is our [people's] fault, to have
shelter over our heads.
We are born here on Mother Earth to have shelter, and not to pay for i...t. Trust me, it is
They make us buy homes, pay for them much more than it is worth, built
with fake money, charged illegal interests, and make people to sign
unconstitutional contracts simply to have shelter over our

They will return to you, dear people of Earth, every and single dollar of interest they charged
to you and your families,

they will give you houses, and they will fill your fridges with
healthy food, and they will provide you with clean and free energy to
simply enjoy yourself and your families.
They will! They Will! Very, very soon. Have faith in you, as you survived that much of
suffering and deception and lies already.

This is just a beginning...

Foreclosure Scandal Rocks America - Fox News Video -

~Letters to the Editors~

Hi Mom and Dad,

First off I must tell you what a total joy it is to call two such loving beings Mom and
Dad.....such a contrast to what I have known as parents in this
lifetime. I am
eternally grateful to you both.
Also, note that I tagged you on the symbol of Divine Feminine in the picture...the upward
crescent moon.
Second, I would like your own advice as how to identify your twin flame. Should I issue forth
a contract with Spirit
and then wait for the contract to arrive in complete form as a human?
OR will the twinflame become his most divine self through our
All guidance and suggestions are invited.
So very much love to you both,
your loving daughter,

Father~MotherGod Amon Ra:

Laurie, WE are Honored to Be Humanity's Spiritual Parents. When Two Divine Beings Come
together you certainly Have Found GOD. As We have shared this is a natural
unfoldment, of synchronostic events, and you will not be able to miss
it. When You are In Balance with your male female energies within,
this is when the connection will be made, however it requires you to
be open to this. Listen to Your Angels they can also Guide you along
the Path for this connection. There is nothing you have to do, but
Simply Be the Love You Are, all else follows this. Being Present
Completely In The Now, is the Connection and Balance. BLISS, Being
Love in Simple Service. This is The Path. We Love You, Love Mom and

Laurie's Response:

Thank you.
I will know.
In your service and the service of humanity,

Love Reporter Laurie Marineli

I have been discussing with a friend how does one identify their twin flame? This poem
answers the question. Twin Flames are the absolute
validation ...of self in love, in fear, in happiness, in sorrow, in
joy, in heart ache, in laughter and in tears. There is a completeness
to the journey of the heart when one encounters their twin flame. For
all is there within you, within your twin and within the Love you
both have been part of since before the sun knew how to shine.
It is the person that your love seeks to create in every expression of
itself......for when I didn't know there was a "you".... I
sought out ways to share my love for you in every aspect of my
life.....weaving my life into an energetic tapestry of our
love....waiting for the moment when the sun reflected off the facets
of me and finally you noticed me

Father~MotherGod Amon Ra:

Laurie that is True, in the Twin Flame Connection you are able to heal all from the illusion of
separation from the ONE. The Male transforms the
fear, and the female transforms the pain and suffering. Once this
Occurs Wholeness Begins and True Compassion is Experienced. Love
Mother and Father God, Your Twin Flame Couple who went before you, so
that You Could connect with Your Twin Flames. Twin Flames Represent
Equal Balanced Harmonics. Love US

Dear Father~MotherGod Amon Ra,

did you come from?

Pat Man

23Dear Pat Man,

Yes, We are Your Spiritual Parents In Creation, just like you had 2 parents that created you as
a baby here On Earth=Heart, WE Would Be The Even
Higher Parents. WE Love You! WE came here for The Graduation of
Humanity Home Into The Light. Heaven is a State OF Consciousness=5D
Reality or Full Consciousness. From
The Stars, A Field of Consciousness that Became Aware of Itself, and1
also Called Source. We are The Divine Marriage of Earth and Spirit,
that Brings Everyone HOME, Into Oneness. You Are Also From The Stars,
and You Are Equal US=Love=GOD. Love
Mother and Father God

Dear Father~MotherGod Amon Ra,

tell me what do u see there?

Love Pat Man

Dear Pat Man,

Love Everywhere Present, from the Within to ALL Around, 5D Fields of Energy. You are
made up of this Energy, also called Atoms. You were
Created from LOVE. Love US

Dear, Metka

Thank You for the Donation, WE are So Blessed that there are Some of You, that are sharing
when you can. This Really assists the Abundance Energy for ALL. WE Are always
when you need US, WE Love You, Love Mother and Father God

Metka plesko:

I wish I can give you biiiig money - that you can live in this abundance too

my beautifull you

Dear Metka,

Oh WE Love YOU Soo... Thank You Always for Your Love and Support. You are Supporting
the Flow...To Abundance for all through Donating to US. Thank You for Being IN
Service in This way! Love US

“All Donations received by The Company of Heaven/First Contact Medical Team, go towards
The Energy of Love, that assists in The Abundance for ALL. Since the Energy
Serves Love Only, all Donations are Blessed a Thousand Fold. Thank
you for Your Participation in the Flow for ALL, and assisting us in
transforming the lack Consciousness, into Abundant Flow towards all.”

Please share if you can.

Your Donations Assist in the Energy of the Divine Flow and Abundance for ALL. Money is
just Energy, and we use these donations to Serve Love
completely. The Faster We can balance the funds, the faster Nesara
will Be released. Our intent is to get an Abundance Going to Be able
to share this with Others. This has not occurred as of Yet, and this
Will take ALL of US! A Simple support of $5 or $10 Would Assist this.

Donations can be Made here

Thank You for Honoring us with your support today!

"Never complain about the difficulties of life because a director always gives the hardest roles
to his best actors." — Unknown

Awaken Skye {FB} “out with my daughter today ( shes 9) and hearing church bells i asked
her if she wanted to go .. she said no mommy we can pray at home for free
thats my girl”

Love Reporter Ponder Cory

Notice that those around us will begin to exhibit different

personas as the great energies of Love do their work upon everyone and

everything on Mother Earth. After they first clear all that must be
looked at and released, there will be a greater sense of peace and
harmony that will manifest within them and WE will find more people
...smiling and willing to share their joy of life with each other..and so IT is...♥

As I soar the deep blue skies of your incomparable eyes, the shimmering love light from your
heart uplifts and purifies me. ~ 'Sri Gawn Tu

Laurie Mirinelli “and who takes baggage to a party? It is all left outside the front door! It is
within the sacred walls of a holy celebration where there is no
need for the baggage, Love and Truth the only rules, and fountains of
joy to dance in! (quote fro...m Under the Tuscan Sun): "There's
nothing like a fountain and a magnum of champagne to put you right
again!" Amen!”

"If you want to reach a state of bliss, then go beyond your ego... and the internal dialogue.
Make a decision to relinquish the need to control, the need to be approved
& the need to judge. Those are the 3 things the ego is doing all
the time. It's very important to be aware of them every time they
come up." ~ Wise words of Deepak Chopra ~

Love Reporter PureLightBeings

The Light of World, is in the World. Eternally - Be Awaken, Be reborn 1,000,000 times in one
hour - again and again, NOW.
Renew, Restore, Re-energize, Revitalize, Now. Love like you have never Loved before. Live
and See everything
and EveryONE with New eyes and VISIONs. Release all Past experiences
and LIVE, Now. As Human Beings, As Angels, As Pure Light
Beings, ALL that we are is what we can become - EVERYDAY.
Completely AWAKEN NOW. We are BORN - Completely Awaken. Ever since that day, the
World and Everything around us has been putting EveryONE into a DEEP
Sleep of ILLUSIONs until Death. Awaken, Awaken, Awaken NOW, as a
Co-Creator of Everyone and EVERYTHING that Is and Is Not. We Love you

very, very Deeply. AWAKEN and LIVE Eternally, EveryDAY. By: PureLIght

“You intended to come forth into the physical realm of contrast to define what is wanted, to
connect with the energy that creates worlds, and to flow it toward your
objects of attention. Not because the objects of attention are
important, but because the act of flowing is essential to life.”
--- Abraham

“Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment.” ~ Lao Tzu

"Consciousness is the programming language of the Universe.

We create our reali...ty in every moment"...

"Let us be aware of our power to create a dream of heaven

where everything is possible.
Help us to use our imagination to guide the dream of our life,
the magic of our creation.
Today let something extraordinary happen
that will change our life forever;
let everything we do and say
be an expression of the beauty in our heart,
always based on LOVE.
Don Miguel Ruiz

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself
that you have built against it." - Rumi

"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more
important than facts. It is more important
thatn the past, then education, than money, then circumstances, than
failures, than successes, than ...what other people think or say or
do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It
will make or break a company...a church..a home. The remarkable thing
is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace
for that day. We can't change our past...we can't change the
inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we
have, and that is our attitude...I am convinced that life is 10% what
happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you...we
are in charge of our Attitude."-
Charles Swindoll

two days before bob marley was supposed to perform at a peace rally he was shot... two days
later he walked on stage and performed... they asked him in a interview why
didnt he rest, and he said "the people that are trying to make
the world worse never take a day off , why should i. light up the

The Road to Freedom

THE ROAD TO FREEDOM.. in progress

By:♥♥♥ SHINE A LIGHT ♥♥♥ bev stratton-proemper, visionary artist

ook Feel Taste Breathe Behold Climb To The Top Of A Mountain, Walk Through A Rain
Forest, Sit In The Middle Of Desert In The Cool Winter After A Rainfall Meditate.
Let Us Save Our Mother Our Great Mother Earth. Namaste, All My Heart,
The Ocean Breeze, Swim With The Dol...phins, Love Yourself, Spread
That... Love To Everyone You Come Across, While You Spend Your Time
On This Planet. Blessing Randy {FB}

In The Prism

Photography by George Lourake

Information about The Dawn of The Seventh Day

Carol {FB}"Ego-based institutions are collapsing. Embrace uncertainty. Embrace the

unknown." This is wonderful. ♥ ♥


Healing by the Angels of Love channelled
through Natalie Glasson 25/10/10
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 26, 2010 at 8:42am

Healing by the Angels of Love

channelled through Natalie Glasson


the Angels of Love embrace you in a powerfully pure presence of love
which we channel directly from the Angelic Kingdom and the soul of the
mighty Creator. To be, to accept and to share love is our purpose and
missions as divine beings of light. There is no greater cause to us, for
love is and must become the essence of all. We are here to share love;
this is our main role as angelic beings. It is our purpose to teach and
remind souls how to be love, to understand the energy of love, to embody
the energy of love and to be loving through their actions. We also
assist people to be loving in all their relationships, to learn the

positive influence of love and its nurturing abilities. Essentially we
can assist you in understanding and accepting love in your physical and
spiritual lessons, marrying them together to manifest a complete
existence of love. We have been guided by the Creator to assist humanity
in realising the importance of true unconditional love, to understand
that this is not only a feeling or a thought but is a sacred energy that
can flow eternally through and around your being with ease. Love is a
consciousness, a vibration and an energy that naturally exists within
you because you are the Creator and therefore hold all the same
characteristics and qualities of the Creator.

Due to the energy of love holding the truth and very essence of the Creator's soul it has a
tremendous ability to clear away stagnant and
negative energies allowing it to be a deeply healing and
transformational energy. When you allow yourself to accept love from us
or the Creator you are actually allowing your heart and soul to open,
this is extremely powerful as when open the natural, pure and wise
energies and consciousness of your essence and soul begin to emerge.
Accepting love opens your heart and allows love to activate from within
you. This love flows from your being cradling you in light and love,
while merging with the love that is being directed to you. The result is
a tremendous feeling of being loved and existing as love as well as a
new found openness and confidence to express love. Many believe that
when they receive healing or the energy of love that this energy is
simply anchoring into their vibration, creating a clearing or repairing
process but it is the activation that occurs deep from within the
person's soul that allows the greatest transformation to manifest.

Some people are unable to accept the love of the Creator because they do not feel worthy
of doing so, but it is more difficult to accept love if you
do not first believe in and express the love that is naturally within
your soul. When you are love you will attract love, when you are
concentrated on existing as love you will feel the constant flow of
higher vibrations of love entering your energy systems in response to
your existence. If your heart is closed to love then love will create a
small healing within your being but you are essentially pushing the love
of the Creator away from you and denying yourself as the love of the

It is important to realise the power and positive healing influence that love holds.
Allowing love to flow from and through your being will
assist you in remaining balanced and centred through times of change,
ensure that you gain the support and vibrations that are needed,
permitting the transformations that need to occur to aid your spiritual
development to manifest.

We,the Angels of Love wish to offer a healing invocation which allows the energy of love
to act as a clearing vibration throughout your entire
being and reality. This invocation may be read out loud during a
meditative state of mind or as many times a day as you wish. It is a

tool to aid your healing and the activation of love from within your
'Beloved Angels of Love, surround me now forming a barrier of pure loving light that
embraces me tenderly and gently. Let your love shower over and
through me completely and absolutely bathing me in the most sacred
vibration of Angelic and Creator love. Permit your love to support and
protect me now and at all times throughout my reality, remaining with me
I ask that your divine loving energy anchors deeply into my physical body, into every cell,
bone, muscle and nerve, into my blood and skin.
Let your love be present within every aspect of my physical body
vibrating as the energy, sound and feeling of love.
As your love flows constantly into my being I allow it to anchor into my auric field,
becoming fully and completely present within my etheric,
emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. With the present of love within
my entire being all negative energies, blockages, limitations, fears and
doubts are dissolved completely and absolutely so that I may exist as
the highest vibration of love that is appropriate to me now.

Let me think as love,

Let me act as love,

Let me exist as love,

Let me embody love totally,

I am the entirety of the Creator's love.

Please allow the transformation to begin within me and be completed with ease so that I
may exist as a pure beacon of love on the Earth.
Iask the Angels of Love to guide their energy of love to open my channels so that I may
express love with ease. Let the natural energy of love
activate from my soul and glow brightly into my surroundings, creating a
core pillar of love within my being that is constant. Align my current
personality and perception of myself be aligned to the loving essence of
my being so that I may exist as my truth. Let the love within me be
aligned to the soul of the Creator constantly radiating from my being
and guiding me forth.
As my channels express love openly so my wellbeing, health and vitality improve
transforming into the perfection of the Creator. With the power
of love all financial fears, blockages, problems and limitations
dissolve assisting me in opening to the abundance wealth of the
Creator's energy anchoring into my reality.

Let all pain and suffering within my body and mind be dissolved and let love heal the pain
and suffering of humanity. It is my deepest desire
that all of humanity and I exist as love now and experience the love of
the Creator completely, I believe absolutely that this has now
manifested easily and the vibration of love is emerging from the Earth

and cradling the Earth now.
Let all my spiritual and physical relationships be charged with love, let love heal and bind
the souls of the Creator across the world in love and
Love has now replaced fear; love is the only truth within my mind and the minds of
humanity. The Earth is united in love, I am supported by the
love of the Creator and the souls of humanity and I send my love to
humanity and to my eternal unity with the Creator. My greatest wish is
that humanity is able to see the purpose, truth and freedom that love
offers to all, when it is the love of their souls and the Creator bound
as one.
Angels of Love demonstrate and alert me to the love that I hold, strengthen my love so
that I may share my sacred nurturing and healing energies with
all through my open heart and soul. Show me how to live a life of love
and allow me to make the necessary changes now. I am love and realise
that I am the pure vibrations of the Creator's love.

Allow the presence of love to bring a positive transformation to my own being, life and
energy as well as to the realities of humanity.

I send this prayer, focus and concentration to the very heart of the Creator,

Please Angels of Love embrace me in your love now. Thank you.'

We are here for you always as an example and source of love,

Angels of Love

Dealing with Fear
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 26, 2010 at 8:46am

Dealing with Fear

Fear is normal when we approach a major manifestation. The problem is that is amplified by
mass consciousness in the moment that it is experienced.

I suspect that we are nearing a positive global manifestation -- if our

frequency is lowered by a fear vibration, then it slows our movement
toward radical change.

Here are a few tips for dealing with fear:

1) Realize that almost everyone feels afraid when they move toward
enormous change. So be it! Just move through it, one step at a time.

2) Focus on love and gratitude. Breathe in love and breathe out fear. Remember the feeling of
love and amplify it.

3) Review memories of the past that hold images of success, health,

happiness and abundance. Good memories have uplifting vibrations that
actually affect the present moment.

4) Raise your vibration through meditation, exercise, good friends and

time spent outdoors. Nature can considerably raise your vibration.

5) Avoid people who lower your vibrations. Choose only a few friends
with a positive attitude. If you have "no choice", imagine that you
create a shield that their thoughts and feelings can not penetrate.

6) If fear seems overwhelming, then it's important to realize that

you've connected with mass consciousness. It's only a small percentage
of your consciousness that is involved in the equation. Separate from
the feeling, tell the feelings or thoughts "no." Remember how it feels
to be connected...

7) See solutions for problems. See a clean earth instead of pollution,

kind words for angry ones and global unity. Know that no matter how
great the problem - whether large or small - it is possible to find a
solution or at least a revision in attitude.

8) Know that you are loved by the Universe. You came to Earth to share
your amazingly beautiful light at this time. YOU ARE NEEDED. You are a

star, a brilliant light that can never be extinguished. When you are
fully aware of this fact, your light will illuminate many.

Egoyu Bırakmak!
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 26, 2010 at 9:16am

Egoyu Bırakmak!
SORU:Sürekli olarak egoyu bırakmaktan söz ediyorsunuz fakat neyin ego ve neyin benim
hakiki doğam olduğunu ayırt edemezken bunu nasıl yapabilirim?

Ego bırakılamaz. O tıpkı karanlık gibidir: Karanlıktan vazgeçemezsin, sadece içeriye ışık
getirebilirsin. Işık
olduğu an karanlık yoktur. Karanlıktan vazgeçmenin yolunun bu olduğunu
söyleyebilirsin ama onu sözcük anlamı olarak alma. Karanlık var olmaz bile; o
ışığın yokluğudur. Bu yüzden ona doğrudan bir şey yapamazsın. Sadece ışığa bir
şey yapabilirsin; ya ışığı içeri getirirsin ya da dışarı çıkarırsın. Karanlık
istersen ışığı kapat; karanlık istemezsen ışığı aç. Ego

Meditasyon öğrenilebilir. Meditasyon bir ışık gibi iş görür, meditasyon ışıktır.

Işık ol ve hiçbir yerde egoyu bulamayacaksın.

Şayet onu bırakmak istersen başın derde girecektir çünkü onu bırakmak isteyen kişi kimdir? O
egonun kendisidir: Şimdi yeni bir oyun
oynuyor, maneviyat, din kendini tanıma adı verilen oyun. Soruyu kim soruyor? O
seni aptal yerine koyan egonun kendisidir. Ve egonun nasıl bırakılabileceğini
sorduğunda doğal olarak sen "Bu ego olamaz, ego nasıl olur da kendi intiharını
isteyebilir?" diye düşünürsün. Ego seni kandırmaya böyle devam

Senin kendi doğanın soruları yoktur, onun cevaplara ihtiyacı yoktur. Senin kendi doğan
mutlak ışıktır, ışıkla doludur. O karanlık nedir
bilmez, o asla hiç karanlıkla buluşmamıştır.

Egoyu bırakmaya ihtiyacın yok. Sadece içeri bak, nerede olduğunu araştır; ilk önce onu bul.
Kendi doğan
hakkında şimdilik endişelenme. Sadece içeri gir, egoyu ara ve onu
bulamayacaksın; onun yerine kendi ışıltılı, nilüfer gibi hoş kokulu doğanı

bulacaksın. Kişi asla başka bir yerde böylesi bir güzellikle karşılaşamaz. O
hayattaki en güzel deneyimdir. Ve bir kez sen kendi ışığının nilüferinin
açtığını görürsen ego sonsuza dek bitmiştir. O zaman öyle anlamsız sorular

"Neyin ego ve neyin kendi hakiki doğam olduğunu nasıl ayırt etmeli?"diye soruyorsun.

Ya ego oradadır, o zaman hakiki doğa bilinmiyordur; ya hakiki doğa biliniyordur o zaman ego
kalmamıştır, ikisine
birden sahip olamazsın bu yüzden bir ayrım yapamazsın; onları ayırt edemezsin,
aynı anda ikisi mevcut olamaz. Sadece bir tanesi mevcuttur.

Şu an sen ne olursan ol egodur, o yüzden ayırt etmek konusunda endişelenme. Eğer ego
olmasaydı bu soru ortaya bile çıkmazdı. Kendi doğan hiçbir soru bilmez, kendi
doğan saf mutluluktur, bir sorun değildir.


Yeni bir Dünya geliyor

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 28, 2010 at 1:20am

Yeni bir Dünya geliyor sevgililer ve bu gün biz, sizin acılarınızı sonlandırmayı
arzu ediyoruz...size en fazla acı verenin ne olduğunu hissedin...2012 den
sonraki yaşamın bir parçası olmayacak olan ve içinizde size acıyı en çok
duyumsatan nedir.Bedeninize nüfuz ederek size acı veren her ne ise ona izin oraya kendinizin bir parçasıyla farkındalığınızı yerleş
çocukluğunuza geri dönü düşüncelerin ve duyumsamaların gelmesine izin
verin...izin verin onlar gitsin.Düşünce ve duyumsamalarınızın ne olduğunu

Siz, Kutsal olana derin bir bağlantıda olacağınız, acısız bir Dünya, ve Yeni bir Dünya için,
sizin yolunuzdasınız sevgililer...bir
Dünya ki orada siz, Ruhsal Rehberlerinizi orada siz, Ruhsal
Rehberlerinizi görebilirsiniz ve onlar sizi ellerinizden tutacak ve sizi yeni
bir titreşime götüreceklerdir...bu Yeni Dünya, eskisinden çok, hem de pek çok
farklı olacaktır. Biz, hepimiz bir bolluk içinde yaşıyor olacağız ve siz,
hepiniz düşlerinizin yaşamında yaşıyor olacaksınız...Orası sizin karınızı ve
kocanızı seveceğiniz bir Dünya olacak, orası ilişkilerin yürüdüğü bir Dünya
olacak, ve orada biz, aramızdaki bir çok farklılığı düşünmeden, onun derisinin
rengine ve onun cinsiyetine aldırmadan diğer İnsanlarla çok derin bir bağlantı

kuracağız. Ve siz bir birinize, otomatikman ve tamamen anlam dolu bir tarda
saygı gösterecek ve birbirinizle onur duyacaksınız...daha fazla bir süre yalnız
hissetmeyeceksiniz...Evrenle birliği duyumsayacaksınız...Evrenle bağlanacak ve
kendinizi tamamen emniyette ve tamamen güvende

Şimdi enerjileriniz, 2012 de duyumsayacağınızın % 90 ıdır...Gökyüzü babaya derin, çok daha

derin bir bağlantısına izin vermek
için enerjilerinizin çok, çok daha yükselmesine izin verin...sizin bu
enerjileriniz ilk olarak yürü siz kim olduğunuzu biliyorsunuz...Evrene
tamamen bağlanmayı bütünüyle hissedeceksiniz...bütünlüğü kesinlikle
hissedeceksiniz...cennet ve Dünya arasındaki o sihirli patikada yürüyen bir
Varlık olacaksınız.Şimdi enerjiler, 2012 de olacak olanın % 95 idir ve böylece %
100 ün yakınına ve daha da yakınına doğru yürürken yaşamınızı
gözlemleyin...herkesin yaşamı farklı olacaktır, o tamamen bireysel
olacaktır.Kendi yaşamınızı seçeceksiniz, onu istediğiniz tarda
seçeceksiniz...bütün kararlarınız sevgi temelli olacaktır...Gökyüzü baba ve
Dünya anaya derinden bir bağlantı içinde olacaksınız ve içinizdeki bütün
Yıldıztakımı ailesini tanıyacaksınız; bu Yeni Dünya, düşlerinizin bu Dünyası
içinde ailenize liderlik edeceksiniz.

2012 enerjisi olmayanın ne olduğu için enerjilerinizi gözlemleyin...izin verin onlar
onlar taç çakranızı duyumsayın, ve Büyük Merkezi Güneşİn kalbine ve
Gökyüzü babaya derin, çok derin bir bağlantı kurduğunuzu hissedin...kutsal
babanın enerjileri geri dönüyor...bütün Kutsal eril enerjileri geri
dönüyor....bütün Kutsal dişil enerjileri geri dönüyor.Daha çok sevgi
hissedeceksiniz, daha fazla açılma duyumsayacaksınız...bir çoğunuz daha önce bu
Dünya Gezegeninde bulundunuz...hepiniz yükseldiniz...bu odadaki hepiniz bir
yaşamda veya bir başkasında yükseldiniz ve bir çoğunuz, gerçek Kutsallığa
yükselişin bir sonucu olarak çok büyük eziyetlerin acısını çektiniz ve şimdi bu
eziyet serbest bırakılacaktır.Bu farklı bir zamandır, bütün Gezegen sezgili
birdurum içindedir ve Yeni Dünyaya doğru yürümektedir...bu odadakiler için, siz
yeni bilince liderlik ediyorsunuz, siz Yeni Dünyaya yürüyorsunuz, ve biz sizden,
bu enerjilerin geri dönüşüne izin vererek, bilginin ve bilgeliğin bedenlerinize
akmasını sağlayıp yükseldiğiniz geçmiş yaşamlarınız nedeniyle bunu talep
ediyoruz.Zamanda geriye, geriye, çok daha gerilere, bu Dünya Gezegeni üzerinde
aydınlanmış bir Varlık olduğunuz zamanlara geri bu enerjilerin
içinize akması için izin verin ve bedeniniz içinde daha derine ve çok daha
derine gitmesi için bu düşüncelere izin şimdi bu, 2012 yılında
hissedeceğiniz en düşük enerjidir.

Siz 2012 enerjilerini elinizde tutuyorsunuz...bu, bu öğleden sonra, 2012 enerjilerini elinde
tutabilen küçük
bir grubun seçilme nedenidir...onun ne hissettirdiğini duyumsayın...tam şimdi
duyumsama ile birlikte olun...yaşam zihinsel bir işem değildir...yaşam, bir
duyumsamadır; her ne duyumsuyorsanız onu yaratacaksınız ve kolaylıkla 2012
içinde bu enerjiyi elinizde tutacaksını sahip olduğunuz Gökyüzü babaya bu
derin bağlantıyı duyumsayın ve sahip olduğunuz Dünya anaya da bu derin
bağlantıyı duyumsayın.

Geçmiş kanallıklarda biz, bu enerjiyi sadece bir kaç saniyeliğine tutmaya muktedir oluyorduk,
fakat şimdi sizden bu
enerjiyi bir kaç dakikalığına tutmanızı talep ediyoruz...izin verin, 2012
enerjilerini desteklemeyen ve size daha uzun bir süre hizmet etmeyen her ne ise
o gitsin.Işığı ve özgürlüğü duyumsayın...emniyet ve güveni duyumsayın...birliği
duyumsayın...enerjilerinizin daha yükseğe ve daha da yükseğe hareket ederek
genişlemesine izin verin...şimdi Ruhsal Dünyaca, Ruhsal Rehberlerinizce, Ruhsal
ailenizce daha ve çok daha derinden desteklenmiş oluyorsunuz...onları
hissedebilirmisiniz? Onlar çevrenizdeler, onlar bilinmeyi arzu ediyorlar...siz
seviliyorsunuz..siz, çok, hem de pek çok bu kez, eziyetsiz
bir yükselişi deneyimleyeceksiniz.Diğerleri için endişelenmenize gerek
yoktur...tam şimdi, kendi Ruhunuzun ve kendi bedeninizin ne söylediğine
güvenin...Ruh diğerlerine göz kulak olacaktır...siz yükselirken sizin
enerjileriniz diğerlerini uyandıracaktır... o sizin kendi yükseliş işleminize
odaklanmanız içindir...sevginin akmasına izin verin ve 2012 de yaşamınızın neye
benzeyeceğini gözlemlemeye devam edin...

Sevgililer, bu sizin Dünyanızdır, bu sizin sevginizin Dünyasıdır, ve o, neden bir çok Varlığın
anda bu Gezegende olduğudur ve hepsi bu yükselişi deneyimlemek üzere

Sevgililer, iyi olun ve Tanrı sizi korusun...bu Kryonun imzasıdır.Hepinize teşekkürler.


Çn: Süleyman Kaya

10-10-10 Portal Ceremony Prayer:

channelled by CrystaLin Joy
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 28, 2010 at 1:25am

10-10-10 Portal Ceremony Prayer: CREATING HEAVEN ON EARTH - channelled by

CrystaLin Joy

Beloved Children of Gaia, On 10-10-10 Reno's Healers gathered to Facilitate a Six Element
Healing for Our Beloved Gaia. I am posting the Ceremony for ALL to use, if you resonate
with it and are Called to
Participate. The more Prayers Offered, the more quickly the Healing will
manifest. Thank YOU ALL for your Love & Prayers.

10-10-10 Portal Ceremony Prayer

Creating Heaven On Earth
From the Angelic Kingdom,
Channelled by CrystaLin Joy

Because our 10-10-10 Ceremony was co-facilitated by the Cetaceans and Crystals, I am
Dedicating this Ceremony Prayer to Them:

Thank YOU, Monica for the Beautiful and Very Appropriate Image! With Infinite Love &
Light to ALL, CrystaLin Joy

Note: This Prayer is hereby posted as a tool to facilitate ALL who wish to participate in this
Clearing of the Six Elements to Create Heaven on Earth. It is more powerful when voiced by
two or more people,
however, individuals are always welcome to help Create this Healing.
There are four parts (voices) to this prayer: The Leader, The Chorus
(Whole Group Chanting/Song-as You are Guided), ALL Voices Spoken in
Unison, and the Element Group. Remember, there is NO time or space

through your Intention, and we ALL can connect to the 10-10-10 portal to
Magnify the Creation of this Healing. Many Blessings to ALL.

Before We Begin Our Prayer:

Please Clear your Energy Field, Ground to the Core of Mother Earth, Center
Your Energy in Your Heart, Send it to Your Higher Self then to the
Crystalline (Christ Consciousness) Grid, and call in your Angels and
Guides for Protection and Guidance.
Leader’s Voice:
Knowing that God, Our Creator of ALL That IS, IS Expressing Through US As US, We Ask
that Our Prayer is for Our Highest Good and the Highest Good of ALL That
IS. IF any part of our Prayer/Proclamation is Not in Alignment for the
Highest Good of ALL That IS, We Thank YOU, Our Creator of ALL That IS,
for Correcting it, so that it Matches Our Best Intention to Create the
Greatest Outcome for the Healing and Ascension of Mother Earth and ALL
Her Children. Thank YOU, Beloved Creator, for Making It So, And So It

Begin Prayer:
Chorus (2+Voices) Sing-Chant:



Element Group Voice(s):

WE Are Beloved Mother Earth/Gaia, that Births and Nurtures ALL Our Children that They
may Evolve into the Light.
ALL Voices:
Beloved Mother Earth, How We Love YOU! Thank YOU for ALL your Patience and the
Sacrifices You have Made to Allow Man’s Exploitation and Disregard of
your Precious Resources. You have too long endured a Great Lack of Honor
and Disrespect for Your Benevolent Assistance to Humanity for our
Evolution back to the Light. Today, on this Auspicious Energetic Portal
of 10-10-10, We come to YOU as Emissaries and Healers to Intercede in
Your Behalf, and to Assist YOU with Your Desire to Ascend into 5th
Dimension. The Lightworkers have Awakened in their Passionate Desire to
End this Insanity of Greed and Misuse of Power, and have tripped the
100th Monkey Effect. The Time is NOW. ALL Conscious, Awakening Beings
upon, within, and around Your Planetary Body Desire to Ascend with YOU
NOW. We Love, Honor, and Appreciate YOU for ALL YOU Are and ALL YOU Do
for US. Thank YOU, Beloved Gaia, Thank YOU!

Chorus (2+Voices) Sing-Chant:

ALL Voices:
We NOW Call in the Crystalline Light and Flame of Love, Healing and Transformation,
KNOWING The Dark Energies and Forces at Work on our Beloved Planet that
Choose to Continue to Create Havoc, Terror and Pain, Are Hereby Forever
Banished, and Returned to their Place of Origin. Here and NOW, We KNOW
the Crystalline Light and Flame are Cleansing and Purifying Mother
Earth’s Land and Minerals, Air and Water, and ALL Beings Upon, Within,
and Around Gaia, of All Dark Energies. We See and Feel Our Precious Gaia
and ALL Her Children Glowing with Vibrant Well Being. We See the
Crystalline Light and Flame of Love Bathing Our Precious Mother Earth’s
Essence in The Nurturing Light, to Hold Her Gently in a Healing Light
Cocoon, that She may Revitalize for Her Ascension.

CRYSTALS (Minerals)

Element Group Voice(s):

WE Are the Crystals and Minerals that Form and Support All Life. We Guard
and Guide the Children of Gaia. We also hold the Biologically and
Ecologically Safe Technologies for Gaia’s Future in our Records.

ALL Voices:
We NOW Call upon Beloved Crystal Iris, the Heart of Mother Earth, to
Awaken, Connect with the Crystalline Grid above Mother Earth, and Focus
YOUR Frequencies to Awaken ALL Gaia’s Earth Keeper Crystals, Great
Master Crystals, and Crystal Skulls. As they Awaken, We Thank YOU for
Guiding Them to Connect with the Crystalline (Christ Consciousness)
Grid, that ALL Beings of Gaia may Evolve into Peace and Harmony,
Unconditional Love and Respect for ALL That IS. We Thank YOU for
Directing the Record Keepers to upload to the Crystalline Grid, the
Technologies that will usher in new Insight and Creative Solutions in
Creating the New World of Unconditional Love, Peace and Harmony, Honor
and Respect for ALL That IS ~ Our Heaven on Earth in 5th Dimension. We
also ask for a Cloak of Protection to keep the Crystals Safe from
Exploitation and Misuse. Thank YOU, Beloved Crystal Iris, and ALL the
Crystals of Mother Gaia, for ALL YOU Are and ALL YOU Do. We Love YOU


Element Group Voice(s):

WE Are Grandmother Ocean, the Primordial Life Force of ALL Children of Terra.
We Are the Beginning and the End of the Water Cycle, without which,
there would be NO Life.

ALL Voices:

Beloved Grandmother Ocean, How We Love Thee! Thank YOU for ALL Your Patience and
the Sacrifices
YOU have Made Allowing Man’s Exploitation and Disregard of your Precious
Resources. YOU have too Long Endured a Great Lack of Honor and
Disrespect in YOUR Benevolent Assistance to Humanity for our Evolution
back to the Light. Today, on this Auspicious Energetic Portal of
10-10-10, We come to YOU as Emissaries and Healers to Intercede in YOUR
Behalf, as Mother Earth Desires to Ascend into 5th Dimension. It is Time
to End this Insanity of Greed and the Misuse of Power that Benefits 5%
of Humanity, while the other 95% of Us Suffer the Consequences. We have
come to Heal YOUR Waters of Life and ALL Beings that Live Within those
Waters. We Love, Honor and Appreciate YOU for ALL YOU Are and ALL YOU Do
for US. Thank YOU, Grandmother Ocean, We cannot Live without YOU and
Are Infinitely Grateful for YOUR Eternal Being That Cleanses and
Purifies ALL Gaia’s Children.

Chorus (2+Voices) Sing-Chant


ALL Voice(s)
We NOW Call in the Crystalline Light and Flame of Love, Healing and Transformation,
KNOWING the Light and Flame are Permeating, Purifying and Transmuting
the Waters of Life and ALL Beings Within HER, of All Pollutants and All
Dark Energies. We See Our Precious GRANDMOTHER OCEAN and ALL Her
Children Glowing with Vibrant Well Being. We Feel them All Breathing a
Sign of Relief as their Water Environment Sparkles with Pure Crystalline
Energy, Restoring Purpose and Vitality.


Element Group Voice(s):

We Are the Element of Air that carries the Water of Life and Oxygen to ALL that They may
Live and Breathe, Grow and Evolve.

ALL Voices:
Beloved AIR-REAL, Our Precious Air Element, Thank YOU for ALL your Patience
with Humanity’s Disregard and Lack of Respect for your Precious
Resource. We could not Live without YOU, yet many remain oblivious to
this fact. Today, on this Auspicious Energetic Portal of 10-10-10, We
come to YOU as Emissaries and Healers to Intercede in YOUR Behalf, and
in so doing, to Assist Mother Earth with Her Desire to Ascend into 5th
Dimension. The Insanity of Greed and Misuse of Power must Stop NOW. We
Love, Honor, and Appreciate YOU for ALL YOU Are and ALL YOU Do for US.
Thank YOU, AIR-REAL, our Beloved Air Element, for Your Eternal Gift of
Life, Thank YOU!

Chorus (2+Voices) Sing-Chant:

ALL Voices:
We NOW Call in the Crystalline Light and Flame of Love, Healing and Transformation,
The Dark Energies and Forces at Work on our Beloved Planet that Choose
to Continue to Create Havoc, Terror and Pain through Pollution of our
Precious Pure Air Supply, Are Hereby Forever Banished, and Returned to
their Place of Origin. Here and NOW, WE KNOW the Crystalline Light and
Flame are Cleansing and Purifying Mother Earth’s AIR of ALL Pollutants
and All Dark Energies. I See our Precious AIR Filled with the
Crystalline Lights, Vibrantly Glowing and Sparkling with Renewed Purpose
of Being.


Element Group Voice(s):

We Are the Forest, standing tall and majestic, listening and watching in
silence, as We make Oxygen that ALL might Breathe and Live. We Are the
Grandfather Trees that Nurture, Encourage and Enlighten the Young Trees
through our Network of Roots (neurons and synapses). As such, We
Grandfather Trees are Telepathically in Contact with Every Living Plant
on Gaia. This System Allows Us to Monitor the Air Quality/Oxygen
throughout the Planet, to Encourage Growth in New Places when Trees are
Destroyed, that the Oxygen Content is not Seriously Depleted.

ALL Voices:
Thank YOU, Beloved Grandfather Trees, and ALL Trees and Plants for YOUR Vital
Role in Assisting Humanity to Grow and Evolve. Thank YOU for ALL YOUR
Patience with Humanity’s Disregard and Lack of Respect for YOUR Precious
Resources. We could not Live without YOU. Today, on this Auspicious
Energetic Portal of 10-10-10, We come to YOU as Emissaries and Healers
to Intercede in YOUR Behalf, and also to Assist Mother Earth with HER
Desire to Ascend into 5th Dimension. The Insanity of Greed and Misuse of
Power must Stop NOW. YOU Are Infinitely Loved, Honored, and Appreciated
for ALL YOU Are and ALL YOU Do for US. YOUR Benevolent Presence is
AWESOME to Behold. We Are Eternally Grateful for Your Diiigence in the
Web of Life on Mother Earth
Chorus 2+Voice(s) Sing-Chant:

ALL Voices:
WE NOW Call in the Crystalline Light and Flame of Love, Healing and Transformation,
KNOWING The Dark Energies and Forces at Work on our Beloved Planet that
Choose to Continue to Create Havoc, Terror and Pain in the Forests, Are
Hereby Forever Banished, and Returned to their Place of Origin in the
Cosmos. Here and NOW, WE KNOW the Crystalline Light and Flame are
Cleansing and Purifying Mother Earth’s Trees and Forests of ALL
Pollutants and All Dark Energies. WE See our Precious Trees and Forests
Filled with the Crystalline Lights, Vibrantly Glowing and Sparkling with
Renewed Purpose of Being.


Element Group Voice(s):

WE Are Father Sun that Warms and Enlightens ALL to Grow and Reach Their
Potential, to Provide Adamantine Particles to Beings Evolved enough to
Know how to Use Them. We Are the Element of Fire Within and Upon Gaia
that Fuels Her Energy Systems and Warms and Lightens Humanity’s Burdens.

ALL Voices:
Thank YOU, Beloved Father Sun, Central Sun and Fire Element for YOUR Life
Giving Warmth, Enlightening and Nurturing Light that gives LIFE through
the Alchemical Process of Water, Air and Mineral; and for YOUR Fire
Energy that Lightens Our Lives of Drudgery. Today, on this Auspicious
Energetic Portal of 10-10-10, We come To Assist Mother Earth with Her
Desire to Ascend into 5th Dimension. The Insanity of Greed and Misuse of
Power must Stop NOW. Thank YOU for Your Continued Enlightenment to the
Highest Frequency that We, as the Collective Children of Gaia, can
Handle with Grace and Ease for Our Highest Good and the Highest Good of
ALL That IS. Thank YOU for Teaching US, the Conscious Awakening Ones, to
Assimilate the Adamantine Particles from Our Beloved Central Sun, that
We May Radiate Them Outward to ALL WE meet, Facilitating Peace and
Harmony, Unconditional Love and Wisdom for ALL Gaia’s Children. WE Love,
Honor, and Appreciate YOU for ALL YOU Are and ALL YOU Do for US. Thank
YOU! Thank YOU! Thank YOU!
Leader’s Voice

Thank ALL Your Angels and Guides, for their Conscientious and Tireless Assistance in
Routing the Dark

Ones, their Energies and Technologies, Healing Mother Earth, Her
Elements and Children. We Now Release All from this Work, with Infinite
Love and Our Eternal Blessings and Gratitude
And So it IS

Many Blessings to ALL for Your Loving Assistance!

With Infinite Love and Light,
CrystaLin Joy

10-10-10 Reno Ceremony Crystal Layout:

These Crystals are from the Reno-Hawaii Collection/Connection. Many are Masters,
Channelers, Lemurian, Earth Keepers, etc., This is a Six Element Layout for the Task at Hand.
Do NOT copy Ceremony Layouts - they
are each created for a specific purpose and will not be beneficial for
other ceremonies. You must connect with your Guides and Angels for
Layout guidance. Many Blessings to ALL. With Infinite Love & Light,
CrystaLin Joy

Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul Esoteric
Psychology I PP 22=28 Published in 1936
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 28, 2010 at 1:27am

Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul

Esoteric Psychology I PP 22=28
Published in 1936
Esoteric Psychology I - Section One - I. Introductory Remarks
3. The Seven Rays Enumerated

As part of the initial Plan, the one Life sought expansion, and the seven aeons or emanations
came forth from the central vortex and actively repeated the earlier process in
all its details. They too came into manifestation and in the work of expressing

active life, qualified by love and limited by an outward phenomenal appearance,
they swept into a secondary activity and became the seven Builders, the seven
Sources of [23] life and the seven Rishis of all the ancient scriptures. They
are the original psychic Entities, imbued with the capacity to express love
(which involves the concept of duality, for the loving and the loved, the
desiring and the desired, must here be posited) and to emerge from subjective
being into objective becoming. We call these seven by various names, as

1. The Lord of Power or Will. This Life wills to love, and uses power as an expression of
divine beneficence. For His body of manifestation He uses that planet for which the sun is
regarded as the esoteric substitute.

2. The Lord of Love-Wisdom, Who is the embodiment of pure love, is regarded by esotericists
as being as close to the heart of the Solar Logos as was the beloved disciple close to the heart
of the Christ of Galilee.
This Life instills into all forms the quality of love, with its more material
manifestation of desire, and is the attractive principle in nature and the
custodian of the Law of Attraction, which is the life-demonstration of pure
Being. This Lord of Love is the most potent of the seven rays, because He is on
the same cosmic ray as the solar Deity. He expresses Himself primarily through
the planet Jupiter, which is His body of manifestation.

3. The Lord of Active Intelligence. His work is more closely linked to matter and He works in
cooperation with the Lord of the second ray. He is the motivating impulse in the initial work
of creation. The planet Saturn is
His body of expression within the solar system, and through the medium of matter
(which beneficently obstructs and hinders) He provides humanity with a vast
field of experiment and experience.

I should like to point out here that when I speak in terms of [24] personality and perforce
employ the personal pronoun, I must not be accused of personalizing these great
forces. I speak in terms of entity, of pure Being, and not in terms of human
personality. But the handicap of language persists; and in teaching those who
think in terms of the lower concrete mind, and whose intuition is dormant or
only manifesting in flashes, I am compelled to speak in parables and use the
language of word symbols. Let me point out also that all statements which I may
make are in relation to our particular planet and couched in terms that can be
understood by the humanity which our planet has produced. The work, as I outline
it, constitutes only a fraction of the work undertaken by these Beings; They
each have Their own purpose and radius of influence, and as our Earth is not one
of the seven sacred planets (nor the body of manifestation of one of the basic
seven rays), They have purposes and activities in which our Earth plays only a
minor part.

4. The Lord of Harmony, Beauty and Art. The main function of this Being is the creation of
Beauty (as an expression of truth) through the free interplay of life and form, basing the
design of beauty upon the initial plan as
it exists in the mind of the solar Logos. The body of manifestation of this life
is not revealed, but the activity emanating from it produces that combination of

sounds, colors and word music that expresses - through the form of the ideal -
that which is the originating idea. This fourth Lord of creative expression will
resume activity upon the Earth about six hundred years hence, though already the
first faint impress of His influence is being felt and the next century will see
a re-awakening of creative art in all its branches.

5. The Lord of Concrete Knowledge and Science. This is a Great Life in close touch with the
mind of the creative [25] Deity, just as the Lord of the second ray is in close
touch with the heart of that same Deity. His influence is great at this time,
though not as potent as it will be later. Science is a psychological unfoldment
in man due to this ray influence, and is only entering into its real work. His
influence is waxing in power, just as the influence of the sixth Lord is

6. The Lord of Devotion and Idealism. This solar Deity is a peculiar and characteristic
expression of the quality of the solar Logos. Forget not that in the great scheme of the
universal universe (not just our universe) our solar
Logos is as differentiated and distinctive in quality as are any of the sons of
men. This ray force, with the second ray, is a true and vital expression of the
divine nature. A militant focussing upon the ideal, a one-pointed devotion to
the intent of the life urge, and a divine sincerity are the qualities of this
Lord, and set their impress upon all that is found within His body of
manifestation. Advanced esotericists debate as to whether Mars is, or is not,
the planet through which He manifests. You must remember that only a few of the
planets are the bodies of expression of the Lords of the rays. There are ten
"planets of expression" (to use the term employed by the ancient Rishis), and
only seven ray Lives are regarded as the Builders of the system. The great
mystery, which is finally revealed in the higher initiations, is the relation of
a ray to a planet. Therefore seek not full information at this time. The
influence of this sixth Lord is now passing out.

7. The Lord of Ceremonial Order or Magic is now coming into power and is slowly but surely
making His pressure felt. His influence is most potent upon the physical plane,
for there is a close numerical interrelation between (for [26] instance) the
Lord of the seventh ray and the seventh plane, the physical, just as the seventh
root race will see complete conformity to and a perfect expression of law and
order. This ray of order and its incoming is partially responsible for the
present tendency in world affairs toward governmental dictatorship and the
imposed control of a central governing body.

It may be of value here if I give you the following statement as to the activity, or non-activity,
of the rays, begging you to bear in mind that this statement refers only to our Earth and its

 Ray One - Not in manifestation.

 *Ray Two - In manifestation since 1575 A.D.
 *Ray Three - In manifestation since 1425 A.D.
 Ray Four - To come slowly into manifestation after 2025 A.D.
 *Ray Five - In manifestation since 1775 A.D.
 Ray Six - Passing rapidly out of manifestation. It began to pass out in 1625 A.D.

 *Ray Seven - In manifestation since 1675 A.D.

These are of course all lesser cycles within the influence of the sign Pisces. You will see that
four rays are in manifestation at this time, - the second, third, fifth, and seventh.

The question arises here: How does it happen that we find people in incarnation on all the rays
at practically the same time? The reason is that, as you can easily see, the fourth
is beginning to approach and the sixth is passing out, which puts six of the
rays in the position of having their egos in manifestation. There are however
very few of the fourth ray egos on the Earth at this time, and a very large
number of sixth ray egos, for it will be about two hundred years before all the
sixth ray egos pass out of incarnation. As to the first ray egos, there are no
pure first ray types on the planet. All so-called [27] first ray egos are on the
first subray of the second ray, which is in incarnation. A pure first ray ego in
incarnation at this time would be a disaster. There is not sufficient
intelligence and love in the world to balance the dynamic will of an ego on the
ray of the destroyer.

Just as the human family has a relation to the planetary Logos of our Earth which is best
expressed by stating that it constitutes His heart and brain, so does the sum
total of analogous evolutions within the entire solar system constitute the
heart and brain of the solar Logos. Intelligent activity and love are the
outstanding characteristics of a developed son of God, whilst their lower
reflections - sex and desire - are the characteristics of the average man and
the undeveloped sons of God.

These seven living qualified emanations from the central vortex of force are composed of
untold myriads of energy units which are inherently and innately aspects of life,
endowed with quality and capable of appearance. Below the human, the combination
of these three produces conscious response to the environment, regarding the
environment as composed of the sum total of all lives, qualities and
appearances, - the synthesis of the seven rays or emanations of the Deity. They
produce in the human kingdom a self-conscious awareness, and in the superhuman
world a synthetic inclusiveness. All human monads, carried into manifestation by
the will and desire of some ray Lord, are part of His body of manifestation.
Potentially they express His quality and appear phenomenally according to the
point in evolutionary expression which has been reached. "As He is, so are we in
this world," but only as yet potentially, - the goal of evolution being to make
the potential into the real, and the latent into the expressed. The work of the
esotericist is just this very thing: to bring, out of latency, the hidden
quality. [28]

Thai Yoga
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 28, 2010 at 1:28am

Free or reduced tuition for a 200 hour, Certified Thai Yoga and Thai Massage Practitioner
Program at The Thai Yoga Center (http://www.ThaiYogaCenter.Com) !

We are offering a 100% Free tuition to a Thai Yoga Certification Program to the next six
students to sign up for any remaining full CTP program scheduled for 2011!

That's right, you read this correctly!

We believe, that the economy is in depression and that many students are not able to attend
these valuable programs because they simply cannot afford the tuition. If you are one of these
students we are reaching out to you with
this scholarship offer.

The next six students who respond to this email and sign up for any scheduled CTP program,
we will give a full 100% tuition scholarship!

This CTP is a month long, 200 hour CEU boot camp intensive style training and certification
program covering all of the 5 basic courses required to be competent Thai Yoga and or Thai
Massage practitioner:

SomaVeda Levels 1-5, including

Fundamentals of Thai Yoga,

Southern or "Royal" Style,

Northern Style "Nuad Boran", (Learn over 100 different Asana!)

SomaVeda Thai Ayurveda Theory: Lines, Wheels and Points (Learn Ayurveda and the 22
SomaVeda Assessments for Healing and Balance)

SomaVeda Therapeutic Day (Seven Day/ Seven Session SomaVeda Program)

Dosha Balancing (Vata, Pita and Kapha balancing Vinyasa)

Chakra Balancing sessions

In addition, the CTP's include all 12 additional integration certification modules such as:

1) Thai Table (Massage Table)

2) Thai Chair (Portable Massage Chair)

3) Thai Acupressure Points

4) Breast Cancer Awareness, Care and Prevention

5) Buddhai Sawan Usui Reiki Attunement

6) Reishi Yoga

7) Ayurvedic Healthy Food, Eating and Complimentary Nutrition Strategies

8) Bio-Tapp/ EFT: Touch, Balance and Attunement Techniques for Emotional Liberation!

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Thai Yoga and Thai Massage incorporates elements of mindfulness, gentle rocking, deep
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The Thai Yoga life and livelihood is about securing the necessities of Love, Compassion, Joy
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person doing it as for those receiving. This
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If your interested in learning more about Yoga Therapy based Science and Healing while
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The additional modules separately priced would cost an additional $1,700.00 if purchased
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Next available courses: January, March, June and September of 2011

Call today! For details on how you can receive this training for free or at greatly reduced
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email the office directly at or (706)

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 28, 2010 at 1:30am

Günlerden bir gün: Buddha bir ağacın altında öğrencileriyle oturmaktadır. Bir
adam gelir ve yüzüne tükürür. Buddha yüzünü siler ve adama sorar, “Başka?
Başka ne söylemek istiyorsun?” Adam şaşırır, çünkü bir insanın yüzüne tükürülünce
“Başka?” diye sormasını beklememiştir. Böyle bir deneyimi yoktur.
Daha önce insanları hep aşağılamıştır ve onlar da kızarak tepki vermiştir. Ya
da korkudan

gülümsemiş ve adama yaranmaya çalışmışlardır. Ama Buddha ikisini de yapmamış,
ne öfkelenmiş, ne de korkmuştur. Sadece düz bir şekilde “Başka?” diye
sormuştur. Tepki vermemiştir.Ama Buddha’nın öğrencileri öfkelenir, tepki verir. En yakın
öğrencisi Ananda der ki: “Bu çok fazla, buna tahammül edemeyiz.
Sen öğretine devam et, biz de şu adama bunu yapamayacağını
Cezalandırılması gerekiyor. Yoksa herkes aynı şeyi yapmaya başlar.”Buddha
konuşur:”Sesini çıkartma. O beni kızdırmadı, ama siz kızdırdınız.
O bir yabancı, buralara yeni gelmiş. Benim hakkımda bir şeyler duymuş olmalı;
‘bu adam tanrı tanımaz, tehlikeli, insanları yoldan çıkarıp yanıltıyor’ gibi
şeyler. Benim hakkımda bir fikir edinmiş. O bana tükürmedi, kendi fikrine
tükürdü; beni tanımıyor ki, bana nasıl tükürmüş olabilir? Eğer düşünürseniz, o
kendi zihnine tükürdü.
Ben onun bir parçası değilim, ve görüyorum ki bu zavallı adamın söyleyecek
başka bir şeyi olmalı. Çünkü bu, bir şey söylemenin
bir yolu; tükürmek bir şey söylemenin bir yolu. Bazen dilin yetmediğini
hissettiğin anlar olur; derin sevgide, yoğun öfkede, nefrette, duada. Dilin
yetmediği yoğun anlar olur. O zaman bir şey yapman gerekir.
Derin sevgi duyduğunda, birine sarılırsın; ne yaparsın orada? Bir şey
söylersin. Çok
öfkelendiğinde birine vurursun, tükürürsün, bir şey söylüyorsundur. Bu adamı
anlayabiliyorum. Söyleyecek başka bir şeyi daha olmalı. O yüzden ‘Başka?’ diye
sordum.”Adam daha da çok şaşırır! Ve Buddha öğrencilerine der ki: “Siz beni
daha çok kızdırdınız, çünkü siz beni tanıyorsunuz, benimle yıllarca yaşadınız, ama
yine de tepki veriyorsunuz.”Şaşıran, kafası karışan adam evine döner. Bütün
gece uyuyamaz. Bir buddha gördükten sonra artık eskisi gibi uyumak zordur, mümkün
değildir. Bu deneyim tekrar tekrar aklına gelir.
Ne olduğunu kendine açıklayamaz. Titreme, terleme nöbetleri geçirir. Böyle bir
adama hiç rastlamamıştır; bütün zihni, bütün kalıpları, bütün geçmişi dağılır.Ertesi
sabah geri döner. Buddha’nın ayaklarına kapanır. Buddha sorar: “Başka? Bu da sözle
söylenemeyeni söylemenin başka bir yolu. Ayaklarıma dokunduğun zaman,
sözcüklere sığmayan, sıradan dille anlatılamayan bir şey söylüyorsun.” Buddha devam eder:
“Bak Ananda, bu adam yine burda, bir şey söylüyor. Çok derin duyguları olan bir
adam bu.”Adam Buddha’ya bakar: “Dün yaptığım şey için beni affet.”Buddha cevap
verir: “Affetmek mi? Ama ben, dün o hareketi yaptığın adam değilim ki.
Ganj nehri sürekli akıyor, o hiçbir zaman aynı Ganj değil. Her adam bir
Senin tükürdüğün adam artık burada değil; aynı onun gibi görünüyorum, ama aynı
değilim, bu yirmidört saatte öyle çok şey oldu ki! Nehirden çok su aktı. O
yüzden seni affedemem, çünkü sana kızgın değilim."“Ve sen de yenilendin.
Görüyorum ki sen dün gelen adam değilsin, çünkü o adam kızgındı. O kızgındı,
ama sen önümde eğilip ayağıma dokunuyorsun, nasıl aynı adam olabilirsin? Sen o
değilsin, o yüzden bunu unutalım. O iki adam; tüküren adam ve tükürülen adam,
artık yok. Yakına gel. Başka şeylerden konuşalım."


Sevgi Melekleri - Natalie Glasson Kanalıyla
- 25/10/10
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 28, 2010 at 1:30am

27 Ekim 2010 Çarşamba, 06:11 tarihinde Esra Tan tarafından eklendi

Biz, Sevgi Melekleri, sizi, Meleksi Krallık ve Yaratıcının ruhundan doğrudan aktardığımız
güçlü saf sevginin huzurunda kucaklıyoruz. Sevgi olmak, sevgiyi kabul etmek ve sevgiyi
paylaşmak, Tanrısal
varlıklar olarak bizim amacımız ve misyonumuz. Bizim için sevgiden daha büyük
bir amaç yok, sevgi her şeyin temeli olmalı. Biz sevgiyi paylaşmak için
buradayız, bu meleksi varlıklar olarak bizim esas rolümüz. Bizim amacımız,
ruhlara, sevgi olmayı, sevgi enerjisini anlamayı, sevgi enerjisini
somutlaştırmayı ve davranışları açısından sevecen olmayı öğretmek ve
hatırlatmak. Biz aynı zamanda insanlara, bütün ilişkilerinde sevecen olmaları,
sevginin pozitif etkisini ve besleyici yeteneklerini öğrenmeleri için de yardım
ederiz. Aslında biz size, sevgiyi bütünüyle tezahür ettirmeniz için, fiziki ve
ruhsal derslerinizde sevgiyi anlamanız, kabul etmeniz ve ikisini birleştirmeniz
için yardım edebiliriz. İnsanlığa gerçek koşulsuz sevginin önemini, sevginin
sadece bir his ve düşünce olmadığını, ama, ebediyen, varlığınızdan ve
etrafından kolaylıkla akan kutsal bir enerji olduğunu fark ettirmemiz için,
Yaratıcı tarafından bize rehberlik ediliyor. Sevgi bir bilinç, bir titreşimdir
ve doğal olarak sizde bulunan bir enerjidir çünkü siz yaratıcısınız ve bu
yüzden Yaratıcının tüm niteliklerine ve özelliklerine sahipsiniz.

Yaratıcının ruhunu ve özünü içinde tuttuğu için sevgi enerjisi, durağan ve negatif enerjileri,
derinden şifalayıcı ve dönüştürücü enerji olmasına izin vererek temizlemekte büyük yeteneğe
sahiptir. Bizden ya da
Yaratıcı'dan sevgi kabul ettiğinizde aslında kalbinize ve ruhunuza açılması
için izin verirsiniz, bu son derece güçlüdür, o zaman doğal, saf, bilge
enerjiniz, özünüzün bilinci açığa çıkmaya başlar. Sevgiyi kabul etmek sizin
kalbinizi açar ve içinizdeki sevgiyi aktive eder. Bu sevgi, size yönlendirilmiş
sevgiyle birleşirken, sizi sevgi ve ışıkla sararak varlığınızdan akar. Sonuç,
sevilmenin müthiş hissi ve sevgi gibi olmanın yanı sıra sevgiyi ifade etmek
için yeni bir kapı ve sır keşfetmek. Çokları, şifa ya da sevgi enerjisi
aldıklarında bu enerjinin kendi titreşimlerine kolayca işlediğine, temizleyici
veya tamir edici bir süreç yarattığına inanır, ama bu, kişinin ruhunda derinde
en müthiş dönüşümün meydana gelmesine izin veren ve onu tezahür ettiren bir aktivasyondur.

Bazı insanlar kendilerini değerli hissetmedikleri için Yaratıcı'nın sevgisini kabul edemiyor,
ama sevginin doğal olarak sizin ruhunuzda olduğuna inanmıyor ve onu ifade etmiyorsanız,
sevgiyi kabul etmeniz
daha da zordur. Sevgiyken sevgiyi çekeceksiniz, sevgi olmaya odaklandığınızda,

bu varoluşunuza cevap olarak sizin enerji sisteminize daha yüksek titreşimdeki
sevginin sürekli akışını hissedeceksiniz. Kalbiniz sevgiye kapalıysa sevgi
sizin varlığınızda küçük bir şifa oluşturacak ama esasen siz Yaratıcının
sevgisini kendinizden uzağa itiyorsunuz ve sevgi yaratıcısı olarak kendinizi
inkar ediyorsunuz.

Sevginin içerdiği gücü ve pozitif şifalayıcı etkisini fark etmek önemlidir. Sevginin
varlığınızdan ve varlığınız yoluyla akmasına izin vermeniz; dengeli kalmanız, zaman içindeki
değişimlerde merkezinizde
kalmanız, desteği ve ihtiyacınız olan titreşimleri kesin olarak elde etmeniz,
ruhsal gelişiminize yardım edip açığa vuracak dönüşümlerin meydana gelmesine
izin vermeniz için size yardım eder.

Biz, Sevgi Melekleri, size, sevgi enerjisine, sizin tüm varlığınız ve gerçeğiniz üzerinde
temizleyici bir titreşim gibi davranmasına izin veren şifalayıcı bir dua sunmak istiyoruz. Bu
dua aklın
meditatif olduğu bir süre içinde yüksek sesle ya da her gün dilediğiniz kadar
okunabilir. Şifanızı ve kendi içinizdeki sevginin aktive olmasını destekleyici
bir araçtır.

'Sevgili Sevgi Melekleri, şimdi, saf sevgi ve ışıktan oluşan, beni şefkatle ve nazikçe saran
bir bariyer oluşturun. Meleksi ve Yaradan'ın sevgisinin en kutsal titreşimiyle, üzerimden
ve içimden, sevgi
duşunuzla tamamen ve kesinlikle yıkanmama izin verin. Şimdi, tüm zamanlarda,
tüm gerçeğimde, sonsuza dek benimle kalması, beni desteklemesi ve koruması
için, sevginize izin verin.

Sizin tanrısal sevginizin bütün fiziksel bedenime, bütün hücrelerime, kemiklerime,

kaslarıma ve sinirlerime, kanıma ve tenime derinden işlemesini talep ediyorum.
Sevginizin, Enerji ve ses gibi titreşirken,
sevgiyi hissederken, fiziksel bedenimin her durumunda içimde bulunmasına izin

Sevginiz sürekli varlığıma akarken, onun aura alanıma işlemesine, eterik, duygusal,
mental ve spritüel bedenlerimde bütün olarak ve tamamen varolmasına izin veriyorum.
Bütün varlığımda bulunan sevgiyle; bütün
negatif enerjiler, blokajlar, sınırlar, şüpheler ve korkular tamamen ve
kesinlikle şu an çözülüyor ve böylece bana uyan en yüksek sevgi titreşiminde

Sevgi gibi düşünmeme izin verin,

Sevgi gibi davranmama izin verin,

Sevgi olmama izin verin,

Sevgiyi tamamen somutlaştırmama izin verin,

Ben Yaratıcının sevgisinin bütünlüğüyüm.

Lütfen içsel dönüşümümün başlamasına ve kolaylıkla bitmesine izin verin böylece
Dünya'da saf, yol gösterici sevgi olarak varolabilirim.

Sevgi Meleklerinden sevgi enerjisinin rehberliğinde kanallarımı açmalarını rica

ediyorum, böylece sevgiyi kolayca ifade edebilirim. Sevginin doğal enerjisine, ruhumdan
aktive olması ve beni çevreleyen her şeye
güneş gibi doğması, kendi varlığımla direk bir sevgi ayağı oluşturması için
izin verin. Geçerli kişiliğimi ve algımı kendi varlığımdaki sevginin özüne
hizalayın, böylece kendi gerçeğim olarak varolabilirim. İçimdeki sevginin
varlığımdan yayılmasına, Yaratıcının ruhuna direk hizalanmasına ve bana
ilerlerken rehberlik etmesine izin verin.

Kanallarım açık olarak sevgiyi ifade ederken refahım, sağlığım ve yaşama gücüm
Yaratıcının mükemmelliğine dönüşüyor. Sevginin gücüyle bütün finansal korkular,
blokajlar, problemler ve sınırlar yok oluyor ve
Yaratıcının bolluk ve bereketi bütün gerçeğime işliyor.

Vücudum ve aklımla ilgili tüm ağrı ve acılarımın şimdi sona ermesine ve sevginin
insanlığın ağrılarını ve acılarını şifalandırmasına izin verin. En derin arzum bütün
insanlığın ve benim sevgi olmamız ve
Yaradan'ın sevgisini tamamiyle deneyimlememiz. Bunun şu an kesinlikle tecelli
ediyor olduğuna, sevgi titreşiminin Dünya'da açığa çıkıyor olduğuna ve şu an
Dünya'nın kucağında olduğuna kesinlikle inanıyorum.

Bütün ruhsal ve fiziksel ilişkilerimin sevgiyle dolmasına izin verin. Sevginin bütün
dünyadaki Yaratıcı ruhları şifalandırmasına ve sevgiyle barış içinde birleştirmesine izin

Şimdi sevgi korkunun yerine geçti; sevgi benim aklımdaki ve insanlığın tüm
akıllarındaki tek gerçek. Dünya sevgiyle birleşti. Yaradan'ın sevgisi ve insanlığın ruhları
tarafından destekleniyorum ve
insanlığa, Yaradan ile olan sonsuz birliğe sevgimi gönderiyorum. En büyük
dileğim, sevgi kendi ruhlarının ve tek olan Yaratıcının sevgisi olduğunda,
insanlığın, sevginin bize sunduğu amacı, gerçeği ve özgürlüğü görebilmesidir.

Sevginin, benim kendi varlığımın, hayatımın ve enerjimin yanı sıra, insanlığın

gerçekliğine de pozitif değişim getirmesine izin verin.

Bu dua, odaklanma ve konsantrasyonu Yaratıcının tam kalbine gönderiyorum.

Lütfen Sevgi Melekleri, şimdi sevginizle beni kucaklayın. Teşekkür ederim.'

Sevginin bir örneği ve kaynağı olarak sizin için daima buradayız.

Sevgi Melekleri

Çeviren: Esra Tan

Mesajın İngilizce metni burada:



Kasim 2010
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 28, 2010 at 1:33am

29.ISTANBUL KITAP FUARI 30 Ekim-7 Kasim 2010

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 28, 2010 at 1:34am

“...Gerçekten ve elbette biliyorsunuz (ki), “Sipritüalite

çok ciddidir.” Ve siz “Sipritüel” iseniz, (çoğunlukla) çok İyi olduğunuz
nızın her gününde sayısız “Yansımalarınız” olur.Onlardan
bazıları sizi “DELİ” eder.Biz, (Beşer) İnsan yansımalarından bahsediyoruz, eğer
sizin kendi güzelliğinizi size Yansıtan bir “DOĞA” olmasaydı acaba ne olurdu
diye (merak ediyoruz), çünki sizin “İnsan Yansımalarınız” çoğunlukla çok
Kasvetli ve hiç eğlenceli değiller.Belki de Doğayı bunun için yarattınız,
böylece kendi Yüceliğinizi, Güzelliğinizi, (ve bu) Huşu verici Gücünüzü
gerçekten anlayasınız diye.

Daha önce söylediğimiz gibi, Sipritüalite “İyi Olmakla

İlgili Değil” dir.O “OLMAKLA” , her an, her durumda “İNSAN-OLMAK” la
ilgilidir.Bütün Sevinci, bütün Acısı ve Kederi ile “AN” içinde Olmak ve bunun
ne kadar “Güzel” olduğunu “Bilmekle” (ilgilidir).Hatta,
Öfke ve Hiddet –her ne ise- (ile de) canlısınızdır, onu siz seçmişsinizdir (ve
bu da pekaladır).Bu, “Aydınlanma” ya götüren “Fırtınalı bir Yol” dur.Onun için
Şukran duyun.Eğer böyle olmasaydı, bu sizin için pek “Sıkıcı” olurdu.Siz ona “Tiryaki”
olmuşsunuz.Onu seviyorsunuz.Eğer sevmeseydiniz, o olmazdı ve bu “İkiye-Bölünme”
(Dualite) de hepsinin içinde en Harika ve Mizah dolu olanıdır...”

Mesajları 1

Bölüm 5

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 28, 2010 at 1:42am

Öyleyse canın canımdır... Aynan olmalıyım... Yüzüne söyleyebilmeliyim her

şeyi... Hem sakınmadan, mertçe... Hani bilirsin, esirgemem lâfımı, Ne şekil
gelirse, öylece... Hazırım tüm içtenliğimle konuşmaya, ama, Seni de dupduru
isterim karşımda... Dostsan, Gözlerimin içine baka baka yaka silk benden!
Arkamdan şikayetlenme! Yiğit ol! Gerekirse yiğitçe azarla, çekinme! Lâf değil,
icraat beklerim senden! Öyle bak ki, hislerini görebileyim... Öyle hisset ki,
güvenle bakabileyim... Sevmem, ölenin ardından ağıt yakmayı! Dil dönerken
söylenmeli her şey... Kulak duyarken anlatılmalı... Göz bakarken bakmalıyım
sana... Can sağ iken sarılmalı... Keşkelere meydan vermemeli hayatımız,
Pişmanlıklarla yoğrulmamalı.... Hayır! Dirime selâm vermeyen, Ölüme de fazla
yaklaşmasın! Dostsan, ölmemi bekleme! Haklıysam, yaşarken savun beni! Yaşarken
yanımda ol! İnanmışsan bana, kimse çevirmesin seni yolundan! Ve inanmamışsan,
sakın rol yapma! Her söylediğimi onaylaman şart değil... Her yaptığımı beğenmen
de gerekmez... Dostsan, rahatça eleştir, fikrini rahatça söyle, sıkılma!
Yadırgayabilirsin beni, Ve ben de seni tuhaf bulursam şaşırma... Kandırmanı
aslâ kabul edemem! Her dediğini, her yaptığını hoş görürüm, ama, Beni, bana
sormadan yargılama! Her yediğimiz aynı olmaz belki, Her dakikamız birlikte
geçmez... Her güldüğünde gülmeyi garanti edemesem de, Ağladığında seninle
birlikte oturup ağlarım... Belki her çağırdığında gelemem fakat, Derdine ortak
ararsan, koşarım... Ben de herkes gibi insanım elbet, Ne göklere çıkar beni, ne
de yerin dibine sok! Senin işin bu değil! Benim zaten bir yerim var herkes gibi
yer ile gök arasında... Dostsan, Küçümsemeden, küfretmeden, Sevgiyle, saygıyla
ve huzurla gel sokağıma... Dinlenmek istediğinde, hiç düşünme, sana özel bir
limanım, ama... Yorulduğum zamanlarda, Dilediğimce sığınabilmeliyim
koylarına... Seni bir çocuk kadar saf sevebilirim Ve bir deli kadar art
niyetsiz... Uğruna seve seve hesabı şaşırırım... Görmezden gelebilirim
yanlışlarını... Başkaları enayilik sayabilir, Başkaları akılsızlığıma
yorabilir, Bunları dert bile etmem, ama, Sen, aslında aptal olmadığımı, Her an,
tekrar tekrar hatırla! Ve sakın beni aptal yerine koymaya kalkışma! Seviyorsan,
cimrilik etme, söyle! Muhabbeti varken, yokmuş gibi yapanla, Hiç sevmediği
halde, yılışıp durana sinir olurum! Neyse, o olmalı insan... Kendisi olmaktan
korkmamalı! Kendisi olmaktan kaçmamalı! Bil ki, sensin diye seni bırakmam, ama,
Ben olduğum için bırakırsan beni, Yas da tutmam arkandan! Bedel mi?
Ödemeyeceksen çıkma yola! İçten pazarlık edersen, ancak kendine edersin...
Kendince küser barışır, kendi kendini yersin! Dostsan, mevsimince yağ... Kışsan
kar ol, güzsen yağmur... Soğuğuna, sıcağına, esip savurmana itiraz etmem,
Senden, ille de bahar olmanı beklemem, ama, Dayanmalısın en şiddetli
fırtınalarıma... Belki de çok geldi bunca talep... Bana karşı hiçbir
mecburiyetin yok, korkma... Sana fazla geldiğim ilk anda, Arkana hiç bakmadan,
dönüp gidebilirsin... Geçip gidebilirsin,borçluluk hissetmeden... Mutlaka bir
açıklama da beklemem senden, ama, Gitmeye davranırsam bir gün, Sen de karşımda

set olma! Dost musun? Öyleyse, canın canımdır, Yoluna baş koymaya hazırım ya,
Başını da yollarımda isterim, unutma!!!!

Opening the Halls of Amenti

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 28, 2010 at 2:08am

Opening the Halls of Amenti

A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon

Final Instructions for the World Meditation

on October 31st 2010

The energetic for this world meditation will begin at 12:01 pm, Pacific Daylight Savings Time
on October 31st 2010, and will continue unabated until 12:01 noon
the following day, Monday, November 1st 2010.

At 3 pm Pacific Daylight Savings Time, the group gathered at the event in Seattle,
Washington will enter into an hour-long meditation, as described in our

previous planetary message “The Crystal Palace Within and Opening the
Halls of Amenti.”

We request that you review this message so that you understand the sequence of this
meditation. During the one-hour gathering—in which you are invited to
participate energetically, if you so choose—we will go through
the meditation three times, which will take about 45 minutes. This will
be a powerful energetic.
If you choose to participate during this hour-long period, we strongly suggest that you spend
fifteen minutes resting in silence after you have gone through the
meditation three times. Depending upon your level of evolution and
conscious awareness, you may find yourself transported to multiple
realms of consciousness simultaneously, and it may take some time for
you to re-orient yourself back to three-dimensional time and space. Thus
this fifteen-minute period of silence and rest is not an indulgence,
but an absolute necessity in order for you to integrate the vast realms
of consciousness that will be opened.

During this 24 hour period, from 12:01 pm, October 31st 2010, to 12:01 pm November 1st
2010, Pacific Daylight Savings Time, you would benefit greatly by going
through the meditation as we have described in our previous message

The Crystal Palace Within and Opening the Halls of Amenti.

In other words, this is a planetary wave of energy that you can participate in. There is no need
to coordinate your meditation with the group in Seattle unless you
wish—however we expect the greatest intensity of the energies released
to be during this one-hour period when the group is gathered in Seattle
and for several hours afterward.
The purpose of this world meditation is two-fold. The first is to activate and open your
personal access to your own higher mind, symbolized by the metaphorical term “The Halls of
Amenti.” The purpose of this personal activation is to bring to you the gifts of your own
higher mind—new creative thought, joined with wisdom, for the elevation of your own life
and the elevation of your relationships, as well as your community through the mysterious
arising of personal courage and inspiration. These shall be the gifts that come
to you when you open your own Halls of Amenti, meaning your own Higher Mind.
The second meaning of the term “Halls of Amenti” refers to the energetic work we shall be
undertaking on the behalf of all humanity and future generations. It is
an energetic that will operate independently of you, and does not
involve you, nor does it involve the group that
will be gathered in Seattle.
The action of Opening the Halls of Amenti will involve multi-dimensional energies that we
will engage during the twenty-four hour period we mentioned above,
and especially during the one-hour period while the group in Seattle is
in meditation. We shall orchestrate these extraordinary
multi-dimensional resources to open the actual Halls of Amenti that
reside in the etheric realms, and whose physical anchor is beneath the
Giza Plateau in Egypt. This shall be done for the courage and
inspiration of all mankind, and to bring forward new
understandings, and new technologies joined with wisdom for the elevation of all life.

For those of you who choose to enter into this meditation, time and space shall be
transcended, and you shall fly on the wings of your own higher natures.

The Hathors

October 11, 2010

Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

In their statement above, the Hathors waxed poetic when they said…
“The purpose of this personal activation is to bring to you the gifts of your own higher mind—
new creative thought, joined with wisdom, for the elevation of your own life and the elevation
of your relationships, as well as your community through the mysterious arising of personal
courage and inspiration.”
I confess that I am a lover of poetry, but also of clarity. So after the transmission of this
message, Judi and I asked them to state tha phrase in a different way.
They responded with this…

“When a human reaches up to his/her Higher Mind and accesses the vibrational gifts from that
realm (of his or her own higher consciousness), she or he will
be filled with inspiration and courage. And this type of inspiration
and courage could change the world through
actions that are then taken by that individual.”
I really appreciate this perspective, and it is a viewpoint long held by the Hathors since my
first encounter with them years ago. They have always said that
transformation of the collective will occur through transformation of

I also like how they describe this change (this influx of courage and inspiration) and how they
see it affecting our relationships (how we interact with each
other) and ultimately our communities.
During this meditation, you be joining with thousands upon thousands of others who are part
of a world sangha (spiritual community). We come from many
different countries, and diversity is probably one our hallmarks. Many
of us speak different languages, and differ in our philosophies,
religions and spiritual paths. And most of us will never meet in person.
But all of us who join this meditation will enter the Great Mystery
where our hearts and minds will be unified together for a singular
creative act—the elevation of all life.
The Hathors will begin the energetic for Opening the Halls at 12:01 pm (one minute after
noon) Pacific Daylight Savings Time on Sunday, October 31st and will
continue it for 24 hours until 12:01 pm Pacific Daylight Savings Time on
Monday, November 1st. As they stated, you can join the energy of the
meditation anytime during this 24-hour period. But as they inferred, the
strongest point of the energetics will be while the group in Seattle is
gathered for the meditation. This will take place at 3:00 pm (15:00 hr)
and run to 4:00 pm (16:00 hr). This is based on Pacific Daylight
Savings Time, as the Northwest area of the US will still be using this
time reference while the workshop is taking place. You can find various

Internet time conversion sites, including the World Clock, to convert
this to your local time. We are including a link to the
World Time Clock.

I do want to emphasize the importance of that fifteen-minute period of rest and silence after
going through the meditation three times, as the Hathors
suggest. This meditation can be a potent mind-altering experience,
especially when going through it back-to-back for three full
sequences. To say that one might be a bit disoriented to
three-dimensional reality right after the meditation is, in my opinion,
an understatement. As they said, this period of rest and stillness is
not a personal indulgence. It is a vital necessity in order to integrate
the experience.


We have increased the capacity of our server to deal with more frequent downloads of the
meditation sound track, The Crystal Palace Within, which is located in the Sound Gifts
section of the website. But it would help matters immensely if you would personally
download the sound track onto your computer or mp3
player before the actual meditation rather than play it directly from
our web site. Each new Hathor world activation seems to draw more and
more people, and if too many people hit the play or download button
during the hour of the meditation, it could overwhelm our server despite
our best efforts. So please download the meditation track before the
event so you don’t have to play it from our site during the hour of the
It is vital that you read the complete description of the meditation and experience it at least
once, preferably several times, before the event so that you are
familiar with the transitions and states of mind this sound meditation
produces. To read this important description of
the meditation,

(If you have been forwarded this text and the link doesn’t work, just go to
and click on the Hathor item in the left-hand menu bar of the Home page.
Scroll down the Archives until you find the planetary message entitled,
The Crystal Palace Within and Opening the Halls of Amenti, dated August
29, 2010.)
If you have the time and the inclination, I would also strongly suggest you read

The Art of Jumping Time Lines,

dated August 3, 2010. I am proposing you read this message since I believe that this is one of
the phenomena that will take place during this
Hathor activation—namely, those of us in meditation will temporarily
jump timelines into a more benevolent world expression with
its attendant possibilities for accelerated evolution.
The Hathors have told me that this world meditation will be staggering in its scope, both for
those of us who choose to participate and also for the greater
human family. It is a daring and bold step we are taking together, and

as we take flight into our higher natures, may the
blessings of this collective ascent extend to you and your loved ones.
Tom Kenyon


The Nine Year Cycle by Stephen D. Pugh

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 29, 2010 at 6:59pm

The Nine Year Cycle

Stephen D. Pugh

The third ray governs all cycles such as those of nine million years, nine hundred thousand
years, nine thousand years, nine hundred years and nine years. In other words, all that
originates on the third ray is controlled by spiral-cyclic efforts based upon the numer "9", and
its multiples such as 9,90, 900, 9,000, 90,000, and 900,000. Now, reflect on the fact, that the
3rd Ray is the personality ray of the Earth, the ray of the Mahachohan, and the ray of the third
planetary centre - humanity, the Throat. The emanatory impulses of the third ray pulsate in a
cyclic peak every nine years under the direction and inspiration of the third ray personality ray
of our planetary Logos, Sanat Kumura and the direction of the Mahachohan R. This is the real
reason behind the Occult fact that the Hierarchy meets in silent conclave every nine years:

“At those times, when the Hierarchy meets in silent conclave, a part of God's vision, and His
formulation of that vision for the immediate present, is revealed for the next nine year cycle.
They then, in perfect freedom and with full mutual cooperation lay Their plans to bring about
the desired objectives of the Heads of the Hierarchy, as They in Turn cooperate with still
higher Forces and Knowers." [Esoteric Psychology II, 241-242]

Nine is the number of Humanity, the expression of the planetary throat centre. It is interesting
to further note the numerology of the word Mahachohan. Let us do so:


4+1+8+1+3+8+6+8+1+5 = (45) = 9

The numerical value of the 10 digits which compose the name equal "45" or "9", as (4+5 = 9).
These are, in fact, the key figures of the third ray. The period of peak emergence, or the high-
water mark of the third ray, is at 4.5 years which occurs half-way through its period of 9
years.. After that, the ray energy curves in upon itself, declines and returns to its source only

to again, emerge on its outgoing period. Consider now, the letter "R", the initial and principle
symbol or icon of the present Mahachohan. As you undoubtedly know, the names chosen by
the Masters of Wisdom are hardly incidental or arbitrary. The letter "R" is the 18th letter of
the english alphabet; it is the "canine" because its sound reminds one of the snarl. Its value is
9 because (1+8) = 9.

The cycle of God's revelation of His Divine Plan on Earth, according to the Tibetan, occurs
once every nine years and reveals, as just stated, the "formulation of the vision for the
immediate present" for the next nine year cycle. We are almost half-way through the 9 year
period of the Masters to bring about the desired objectives of the Heads of the Hierarchy in
cooperation with Sanat Kumura, which began in 1996. The next Hierarchical Conclave is in
the year 2005 A.D. Here is a list of recent years, past and future for the nine year cycle:


“The Urge to Formulate a Plan

The third divine instinct or hidden inner trend is the urge to formulate a plan. It will be
apparent that this urge grows out of, or is dependent upon, the previous two trends considered.
It finds its microcosmic reflection in the many plans and projects of finite man as he lives his
little life or runs busily about the planet in connection with his tiny personal affairs. It is this
universal capacity to work and plan which is the guarantee that there exists in man the
capacity to respond eventually and in group formation to God's plan, based on God's vision.
All these basic, developing, divine instincts and expressions of God's consciousness and
awareness find their embryonic reflections in our modern humanity. It is no part of my
purpose to indicate my understanding of God's Plan. This is limited naturally by my capacity.
Only dimly do I sense it, and only occasionally and faintly does the outline of God's
stupendous objective dawn on my mind. This Plan can only be sensed, visioned and known in
truth by the Hierarchy, and then only in group formation and by those Masters Who can
function in full monadic consciousness. They alone are beginning to comprehend what it is.
Suffice it for the rest of those in the Hierarchy - the initiates and disciples in their ordered
ranks and various gradings - to cooperate with that immediate aspect of the Plan which they
can grasp and which comes down to them through the inspired minds of their Directors at
certain stated times, and in certain specific years. Such a year was 1933. Such another will be
the year 1942. At those times, when the Hierarchy meets in silent conclave, a part of God's
vision, and His formulation of that vision for the immediate present, is revealed for the next
nine year cycle. They then, in perfect freedom and with full mutual cooperation lay Their
plans to bring about the desired objectives of the Heads of the Hierarchy, as They in Their
turn cooperate with still higher Forces and Knowers.

The above information will probably evoke much interest from those students who are not as
yet attuned to the higher values. For all who read this, could they but grasp it, this is the least
important part of the chapter and carries for them the minimum of usefulness. It has for us,

you will note, no practical application. Some might enquire then and rightly: Why then give
out this information? Because this Treatise is written for the future disciples and initiates, and
all that is here set forth is part of a revelation of truth which it is desired should be given out.
It comes today through many channels and from many sources - such is the wonder of the
power behind the present world adjustments!

This instinct of Deity is closely connected with the Law of Economy and is an expression of
the Principle of Materialization. For man, it has to be studied, grasped, and wrought out
through the right use of the mental body, working under the influence of Atma or Spirit. The
principle of Continuance has to be wrought out into conscious knowledge by the right use of
the astral or desire nature, working under the influence of Buddhi. The Trend to Synthesis has
finally to be wrought out in the brain consciousness upon the physical plane, under the
influence of the Monad, but its real expression and man's true response to this urge only
become possible after the third initiation. So it is easily to be seen that this Treatise is indeed
written for the future.

We have here received much upon which to ponder, to think and to meditate. Let us search for
the thread of gold which will lead us, in waking consciousness, into the treasure house of our
own souls, and there let us learn to be at-one with all that breathes, to sense the vision for the
whole, as far as we can, and to work in unison with God's plan as far as it has been revealed to
us by Those Who know.

These ancient rules, or determining factors - the essential conditioning laws in the life of the
Soul - are in their nature basically psychological. For that reason, they warrant our study. On
its own plane, the soul knows no separation, and the factor of synthesis governs all soul
relations. The soul is occupied not only with the form that the vision of its objective may take,
but with the quality or the meaning which that vision veils or hides. The soul knows the Plan;
its form, outline, methods and objective are known. Through the use of the creative
imagination, the soul creates; it builds thought-forms on the mental plane and objectifies
desire on the astral plane. It proceeds there to externalize its thought and its desire upon the
physical plane through applied force, creatively actuated by the imagination of the etheric or
vital vehicle. Yet because the soul is intelligence, motivated by love, it can (within the realized
synthesis which governs its activities) analyze, discriminate and divide. The soul likewise
aspires to that which is greater than itself, and reaches out to the world of divine ideas, and
thus itself occupies a midway position between the world of ideation and the world of forms.
This is its difficulty and its opportunity.” ((EP2-242)

The Implications of Embracing Wholeness
& Money a message from Archangel
Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy
Tuesday, 19 October, 2010
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 29, 2010 at 7:11pm

The Implications of Embracing Wholeness & Money

a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy

Tuesday, 19 October, 2010

My beloved ones!
I greet you now in an entirely new location in time and space...and in greater awareness of the
Unified Field which you are and which is an
extension of you. Today I wish to share with you some of the amazing
liberty available to you in this innate state of being; wholeness.

In the Wholeness The Mind Harmonizes With The Heart

During this past year, there has been a huge focus on re-orienting you to your heart. This was
necessary for balance in the progressive movement
toward wholeness. So many of you had for years lived primarily within
your minds that re-orienting you to the heart was critical to
facilitating a felt sense of Unity and the desire to BE-love. Now,
beyond the 10-10-10 Stargate, we have emerged into a domain of
wholeness. Within wholeness, we re-claim the vital and beautiful aspect
of the mind, incorporating and aligning it in harmonious balance with
the heart!

Mental focus is a requirement for clarity and function. It is not possible to have a productive
and happy human life without learning to make peace
with your mind. Your mind, and your thinking capabilities give form to
your energy! They organize and synthesize your experience. The awareness
you experience exists in part through your minds ability to discern
what information to share and make present to you. As you cultivate your
relationship to your mind, your mind, like a TIVO box on the TV learns
what “programs” you prefer and starts to orient around your preferences!

This is the wonderful, adaptive and amazing powers of your mental faculty and your mind!
Thinking is an important and highly creative aspect of the human experience. Now that you
have reconnected with an orientation to oneness, to unity and

have opened your hearts to expect and flow and BE-love, your mind will
participate in your creative life in an entirely new way.

Opening of The New Doorways To Prosperity

Within your experience many of you “lack” much of what you desire in terms of material
things, and the financial resources to choose and create
lifestyle experiences which you feel strongly would bring you happiness
and peace.

In this enlightening time, it’s important to begin to qualify your sense of lack by questioning
how this relates to the innate Oneness you now
believe IS.

I challenge you in this way because you are ready.

For in Oneness you are not separated from anything.

Separation exists only as a mindset, an emotional and even a mental habit or pattern. Belief in
or living from a perspective of separation makes
experiencing financial and material abundance or prosperity difficult to
impossible for many of you.

The New Earth is not a place which simply caters to entitlement. Being Lightworkers does not
mean that you suddenly become magnetic to things
which are not a vibrational match to your emotional beliefs and
patterns. You experience what is a match for your energy. You are not
“rewarded “ in life for being Lightworkers.

The New Earth will not solve all of this by magically taking away the experience of money,
nor by releasing you from the incredibly fun and
joyful experience of aligning with that which you desire and discovering
your POWER!

That would be insulting to you. And although you may say, “No, Archangel Michael, I would
be relieved. Trust me—please just bring it on, that
prosperity experience!” It will not come into your experience in this

Now that I’ve directly spoken to these lingering illusions, let’s explore wholeness and unity as
it relates to money in some depth! I intend to
share with you, to remind you of ideas that you may use to allow the
true nature of reality to flow freely within your experience and loosen
up and release your amazing energy!


First of all, you are free and powerful.

You are one with All-That-Is and live as a particularized aspect of Source Energy or the

Unified Field in the focus of this spiritual energy
embodied in your human life experience.

To treat you as though you cannot master this is to deny your innate Divinity!

Creating Money and turning the Keys to Abundance on the Earth Plane is a shift which you
can experience most easily in small steps. The part of you
that embraces and nurtures a scenario in which there is a sudden shift
and everything in your life in this way is immediately and suddenly
resolved is a debilitating intention for most of you, and ironically
puts an enormous amount of pressure on you, rather then improving yoru
experience! Very few humans are able to align with such an enormous
shift and change. It is far easier to make small changes, see movement,
be uplifted and inspired and create again with this momentum, more.

I am here to encourage you to claim your power, which for starters means realizing if you are
not yet experiencing material and financial
abundance, and you wish to, then begin by considering you might revise
your understanding of this from, "It doesn't exists," or "In the new
earth there won't be any money," to something a bit more accurate in our
Omni-verse comprised entirely of energy: You are not yet a match for
what you desire.

You may have ideas how. You may have heard things and tried things. But essentially, if you
aren’t living it, you don’t yet consciously know how
to get in sync with it. So for starters, what if you realized this,
with complete love and affection and instead begin to
learn-remember-realize what will get you in sync? What if you
acknowledged, that no matter how old you are, how enlightened you are,
how many lifetimes you’ve lived, how spiritual or “good” you are that
perhaps, there are some wonderful and amazing things you might learn
(locally) or truthfully remember (non-locally) which would shift all of
this financial stuff more toward what you’d enjoy!

I know some of you are already learning and practicing, and those who are have had moments
of insight, moments of suddenly having more money, or
things come to them effortlessly and freely even. The experience of the
floodgates opening when one comes into alignment with what they intend
and create immediately in form...So you know what I mean.

I speak for a moment here directly and personally to those who are honestly, deeply tortured
by financial experiences in their life. Who
experience profound stress, self-hatred and pain even based on their
relationship to money. As a result, you often find yourself angry with
those who charge money or seemingly “too much money” for that which you
want. You feel critical and express negative energy to those who do
this. You find yourself looking at wealthy people and finding all kinds
of things wrong with them and I tell you my beloved ones: YOU ARE THAT.
You are the wealthy person. Innately. So if you criticize them, you
criticize you. And then, that part of you cannot come forth freely in

your experience. It lurks in your shadow, angry and unexpressed. It
comes forth in resentment toward those who are in the flow of prosperity
or abundance—to one degree or another—and instead of observing and
noticing how these people live as a way of learning what of that might
speak to you directly and seeing how you might begin to live with a
mindset more like theirs—you create a separation between you and them.
And in this separation, you also separate yourself from your own
financial abundance.

Years ago there was a great writer who spoke that you were meant to experience
EVERYTHING which you were capable of appreciating. This is
indeed true. This does not mean that since you have that potential,
these experiences will flow to you without you coming into alignment
with this truth. This again would rob you of your own power.

So let’s refresh our memory as to what we’ve re-membered together and celebrated over this
past year or so about our beautiful Universe! For
hasn’t this past year revealed you and deepened your appreciation of
some of the key themes of the Universe and indeed of the present human

Unity. Harmony and Balance. Love. Oneness. Multidimensionality. Completion. Divinity.

All of these qualities are innately YOU. And as many of your have experienced firsthand—
getting into sync with these qualities; allowing
them to flow into all aspects of YOU and your experience, has taken some
major effort and has been physically, emotionally and mentally

You have to let go of a great deal to get there, don’t you? And you do this so well.

To extend this, the same is true with the quality of Prosperity. To claim the financial
abundance which is yours, you have to let go of
issues/contrary ideas you have with wealth. With wealthy people. With
money. With charging money. With asking for money for your work. (OH
MY!! Yes, I really said that!)

You see? So many of you don’t really like yourselves that much. You don’t realize that first of
all money, is just a form of energy. It’s a
resource. It’s just energy. And it flows and flows and flows into all
kinds of situations and forms, and just like energy sometimes it gets
stuck and that creates problems, and sometimes there is resistance to it
and that creates problems. And as long as you trust it and use it and
love it and play with it, and don’t hold on, but open to receive, and
allow yourself to ask for it and want it, and let it flow freely without
fear…it will work fine for you.

But you only get as much as you deserve. And guess what? YOU decide what you deserve. So
perhaps you ought to do some serious internal inquiry as
to why (if you’re not experiencing the prosperity you wish) you think

for some reason NOW, RIGHT NOW you don’t deserve it.

And it will likely come down to either not loving yourself enough and/or not believing you’re
enough just as you are and/or thinking you have to
“do” something to make it happen and that “something” is always out in
the future. It’s never now or here.

Well all of this is just getting you nowhere but unhappy.

So I ask you. May I please come forth and simply show you another way?

Open up some doors by making peace with money and everything about it. Make this as
important as making peace with Unity. And Love. And Oneness. As
sending energy to heal the Gulf of Mexico or support the Earth. I tease
you with love my dear ones.

You react to these comments because there is still duality in your belief system! You still have
some beliefs and patterns of living which are
rooted in the concept of separateness and a “lack” of worthiness.
Realize all the value judgement that exists still in your experience.
There is a lot of it on Earth and it will take some time and some doing
to release the charge of it by including everything in your experience
as something you can love and appreciate, and realizing you are not
separate from wealth! Or anything!

So for starters, let’s just be beginners.

You’ve just met money for the first time. I am showing it to you. Look! Here is this amazing
energy form which you can use to create things in your
life! You can use it to pay for lumber for your new dog house. You can
use it to buy a pizza. You can use it to create labels for your new
essential healing oils. You can use it to buy a new computer monitor so
you can write without your eyes getting tired. You can use it to pay for
Lasik surgery so you can open your eyes underwater and see when you’re

Now, let’s consider the another side of the game! What would you like to do and be during the
day? Do you want to read? Talk to people. Make things
with your hands? Create rituals. Play with your kids. Would you like to
learn how to heal broken bones? How to create pastries? How to advise
people on making career changes. To help people as they prepare to die?
Whatever you would enjoy learning, being, doing--imagine that being a
way you receive money. IF you’d like to receive money from this. If not,
imagine how you’d like to receive money. But be careful here—take small
steps and don’t violate other people’s free choice. For example, decide
what you’d like to do for work and if it’s with others in an organized
setting, then ask to be guided to it and pay attention. Tell people you
know what you’re looking for. Expect it to show up. Find ways to start
living and being in that mode already.

Tell money you love it. And if you don’t love it, you’re disconnected from money somehow!
All forms of separation in thinking and behavior limit
your innate divine creative power! Money is an energy which allows you
to exchange, affirm and create experiences you value! Money is another
way you express appreciation for that which you value and which gives
you joy! Like that beautiful haircut which makes you feel so handsome.
Or that spa treatment that turns all of your muscles into noodles. Or
that dinner with your daughter to celebrate her piano recital and treat
her to a luxurious experience as she enters young adult hood. Or that
animal shelter which helps to find homes for dogs--that you love knowing
exists and want to make sure is thriving. Money helps you create in the
world. It’s energy. Just like focus. Just like attention. It’s just

So for starters. Make peace with money. Then make peace with people who make money.
Make peace with people who charge money. And really really
really make peace with people who make LOTS AND LOTS of money because it
shows you that it’s an option if you want it—be appreciative for the
idea! And begin to see if you can embrace the mindset of someone who has
money. The freedom to make choices, to do things, to create things, to
have experiences, to live with ease and focus on creating and
expressing, on loving and learning, on understanding and thinking and
inventing and transforming and KNOWING ALIVENESS! The sense of expecting
to have the ability to choose freely more and more to your liking.

Take this seriously and begin. Accept that learning to master the keys to prosperity, and
release all that stands in your way, is gonna take up
your focus for a while. And it ought to. To get yourself to a place
where that part of life is ironed out a bit is important for it will
give you a platform which you all desire from which to create and
express yourselves.

The size of this energy flow will vary. Some prefer more some prefer less. But most of you
are still learning how to allow in what you prefer. And
that, my dear friends, is what I’d like you to claim as the next theme
for 2010 that you will master.

So Unity, and Balance, and Harmony, and Oneness, and Love and Alignment, and Expansion
and Multidimensionality and Divinity are all extended by
Prosperity and Wealth. And the other thing which is very very very
helpful is physical well-being.

So you see? The New Human is emerging in a way you perhaps did not anticipate. Ascension
is not a one-moment event. Ascension happens
continually. It’s an ascending energy arc you want to be riding on,
living on, attuned with, as often as possible.

The New Human has resolved the duality of the past. In the past spiritual pursuits were not
very integrated with mastering commerce and money.
Spirituality was pursued as though it was separate from money, and

Religion was often the path, and yet that often was separate from any
concept of energy. So much of the old paradigms involved separating
things—sex from holiness, money from spirituality, goodness from
financial aspirations. All of these old paradigms were based on

We’re all about ONENESS now, and inclusiveness and unity. Not because we think these are
"nice" ideas, but because we know that reality IS one,
interconnected, expanding, diversifying energetic field. So let's get on
with mastering that which will allow each of you beautiful beings to
diversify the Universe with the specificity which is yours alone! That's
your role here--to create newness!

So the new human might meditate, get a facial, work with homeless people, drink martinis,
live in a city, be divorced, channel angels, have
memories of being abducted (willingly) on a spaceship for upgrades and
teachings…the new human is as diverse and beautiful and complex and
unique as the Earth is…

And all the ways you hope ascension will remove things that you have not yet mastered is
also an old paradigm which says that you don’t have
power and need to be rescued by something… and Ascension is not about
rescuing you. It's about each of you finding your own limitless point of
creativity and alignment and flowing it! And inspiring others by your
example ! And activating their codes with your expansion. And
collectively creating phenomenal, already unstoppable momentum!

It’s something you create. It’s entirely about YOUR AMAZING POWER! And finding it and
flowing it and enjoying it!

Ascension is about Unity. And the entire experience is about a club which welcomes
everyone, everything and all ways of doing it.

It’s a lot to get your head around, isn’t it?

That’s why you have a heart. It opens and lets’ everything in, very naturally. It’s made for it.

I will continue to remind you, support you, challenge you, in any ways in which you ask. I
AM available to you in all-ways, and especially at
this time, as it relates to work, love, money, health, hope, clarity,
and ultimately energy!

The ascending energy will take you everywhere you want to go…but, you gotta ride it. You
gotta let it surface things within you to clear the way
for the new, really fabulous stuff. And you have to welcome it.

Ascension isn’t going to override your own belief system. Your belief system, will simply
weigh down the arc a bit, and you’ll look up to see people
riding high like you’d like. You can join them at any time if that’s
your preference. Just throw a few things out of your “ship.” Lighten the
load people. That’s all.

It's all yours this amazing, endless wholeness.


I AM Archangel Michael. You are profoundly loved!

© 2009-2010, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications
You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions:
You must give author credit, you may not use this
for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon
this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others
the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if
you get the permission of the copyright holder. Any other purpose of
use must be granted permission by the author.


NASA-KASIM 2010 ayında Gökte neler

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 29, 2010 at 7:13pm

Jane Houston Jones; Venüs sabahleyin, Gaz devi (Jüpiter) akşamleyin

ortaya çıkyor ve gece yarısı Meteor yağmuru başlıyor.

Selamlar ve hoş geldiniz! Ben, Kaliforniya, Pasadenadaki Jet Motoru

İtici Güç Laboratuvarından Jane Houston Jones.Eğer Gökyüzünüz bu ay açık ise,
bazı gösterileri izleyebilirsiniz.

İlk olarak Venüs yükseliyor...

tamı tamına.Onun tam doğuşundan önce
bizim en yakın komşu Gezegenlerimize bakmaya başlıyoruz.Beşincisi üzerinde,
doğuştan önce 35 dakikada iki hilal yükseliyor; İlkinde Venüs sonrasında ise Venüs hilali, Gezegen diskinin % 10 una genişliyor.Ve onun Ay
aydınlatılmış % 25 i Ayla sona eriyor.Galileo uydusu, 400 yıl önceki Venüs
görünümü içindeki değişikliklerin bir resmini yakaladı.

Jüpiter yine, Kasım ayı içinde en üstün saltanatını sürdürüyor.Gerçekten,
Gezegen üzerinde siyah bulut bandını ve ışığı görebilirsiniz.

Uranus ve Neptün, her ikisi birlikte bir Teleskopla görüş alanındadır.

Gök taşları ise, bizim Güneş Sistemi Ailesinin malzemesini muhafaza

eden öykü anlatıcılarıdır.Kasım 4 te, EPOXI uzay aracı Hartley Kuyruklu Yıldızı
ile yakın uçuyor.Geçen ay bu Kuyruklu Yıldızı seyretmek için en iyi aydı.

Parlak ve yavaş Taurid Meteor gösterisi, Kasım ayının ilk iki haftası
içinde.Her saat başı, diğerlerinden ayrı bir Tauridi göreceksiniz.

Kasım ayının daha ünlü bir gösterisi Leonidler içindedir.Ayın 17 ve 18

i, soluk ve hızlı bir Leonid doruk noktasıdır.Ayın doğuş saatlerinin öncesi onları
izlemek için en uygun zamandır.

Güneş Sistemi Misyonunun NASA yılı,

bizim Güneş Sistemi Ailesinin doğum öyküsü üzerinde bir ışık
Gündönümü uydu Misyonu, Gaz devi çevresinde dönen ayları ve halka şeklindeki
diskleri ile, bir bütün olarak mini bir Güneş Sistemi olan Satürne dair yeni
keşifler yapıyor.JUNO uzay aracı 2011 yılında fırlatılacak ve Jüpiterin Evrimi
ve Aslını anlamamız için araştırma yapacaktır.

Güneş Sistemi Yılına dair daha

fazla bilgiyi
kaynağından bulabilirsiniz.

Ve ayrıca NASA misyonuna dair

bilgiyi de linkinden

BU ay için hepsi bu kadar.

Jane Houston Jones

Çn: Süleyman Kaya,

(Not: Ekteki Videodan bahsedilen bu programı görsel olarak


Haber: Bilim Ruyalari Kaydedecek
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 29, 2010 at 7:42pm

Haber: Bilim Ruyalari Kaydedecek

KRYON-"Sevgi gerçek doğadır"
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 29, 2010 at 8:39pm

KRYON-"Sevgi gerçek doğadır" (I)7 Ağustos 2010 Costa Rica

Kryon ~ David Brown kanallığıyla
7 Ağustos 2010 Costa Rica

"Sevgi gerçek doğadır"

Selamlar sevgililer, ben Manyetik Hizmetten Kryon,

Sizinle bu öğleden sonra burada, Costa Rica, San Jose de olmak harika. Havada çok fazla
sevgi var ve bu sevginin anlamı çok
fazla değişim olmasıdır; Bu Gezegene gelen çok, bir çok değişiklik var ve bir
çok değişiklik te Costa Ricaya geliyor.Yeni bir Dünya geliyor, bütünüyle Yeni
bir Dünya.İnsanlığın bilincinde çok büyük bir düşüş olmuştu, ve şimdi o yeniden
yapılandırılıyor. Gezegenin ve onun üzerinde yaşayan İnsanlığın bilinci yeni bir
seviyeye, orada sevginin olduğu yeni bir seviyeye geri dönecek. Ki orada neşe ve
özgürlük vardır. Orada, saf ve emin bir sevgi aracılığıyla Ruhu ve gerçeğinizi
kavrayacağınız bir bilinç olacaktır.

Sevgililer, gelen Yeni bir Dünya var; ve onun anlamı sizin değişmek zorunda olmanızdır, onun
anlamı sizin
içinizde değişecek olmanızdır.Bu odadaki herkes şifacıdır ve şifacının ilk rolü
kendisini şifalandırmaktır...bu bilginin çoğu kayıptır ve bu bilgiyi biz şimdi
David aracılığıyla size getiriyoruz...bu kayıp bilgiyi. Bu kanallık süresi
içinde 2012 yılı enerjisini duyumsamanız için size izin vereceğiz.Bu odanın
enerjisine 2012 yılı enerjilerine yükselmesi için izin

Hepimiz, kalplerimizi açmak ve bir diğeriyle bağlantı kurmak için buradayız. Şimdi
kalplerinizi Evrene açın ve içtenlikle Evrene bağlanın;
ve, tam olarak gelen Yeni bir Dünya için Güneş Sisteminizin eş zamanlılığı ve
enerjilerine bir adım daha yaklaşması için enerjilerinize izin verin; ilk olarak
orada, kızgınlık ve üzüntüleriniz ve incinmeleriniz geçmişte kalacak; bütün ve
tam bir Dünya geliyor ve hepiniz bu yeni bilgiyi ortaya çıkarmaya çok
yakınsınız.Biz sizi Yeni Dünya içine olan bu yolculuğa, bir adım daha
yaklaştırmak için buradayız.

Hatırlamanızı istiyoruz ki sevgililer, bu Gezegen üzerindeki herşey titreşim, enerji ve ışıktır,

ve bu odadaki hepiniz de
bir titreşim ve ışıksınız; ki hepiniz, sizi Yeni Dünyaya götürecek düşlere
sahipsiniz. Şimdi, gevşeyerek gözlerinizi kapamanızı ve kök çakranız ve ayak
tabanlarınız aracılığı ile Dünya Anaya bir bağlantı kurmanızı istiyoruz. Dünya

Ananın merkezinde Pembe, güzel bir Kalp var, o kalbin çarptığını görün ve kendi
kalbinizin de çarptığını hissedin. Nefesinizi gözleyin ve bu Pembe Kalbin içine
doğru inmek için kendinize izin verin...bu pembe, güzel ışığı emen bir sünger
gibi oluyorsunuz... bu pembe enerji, Kutsal Ana ve Kutsal Dişi enerjisidir.
Kendinize, bu enerjiyi içinize almak için izin verin ve izin verin kalbiniz
Dünya Ana ile bir eşzamanlılık kursun. Nefesinizi gözlemleyin...nefes almaya
devam edin..şimdi burada bir yolculuktasınız.

Hepiniz sevgi için yolculuktasınız...hepiniz düşlerinizin yaşamını yaratmak için bu

yolculuktasınız...izin verin sevgi aksı Dünya Anaya bağlanırken
bedeninizdeki duyumsamaya gelmesi için izin bırakın o gitsin.Bırakın
duyumsama gelsin, bırakın duyumsama gitsin...bedeniniz içine, çok çok daha
derinlere iniyorsunuz. Dünya çevresinde dönen Ayı hissetmenizi istiyoruz...tam
şimdi Dünya çevresinde dönen Ayı hayal ediyor ve bunu bir
kadın yada bir erkek olarak hepiniz, içerdeki dişile sahip
olyorsunuz...dişilliğinize, bu Ay eşzamanlılığı ve döngüsü ile bir bağlantı
kurması ve sevginin akması için izin veriyorsunuz ve aynı zamanda da kalbinizin
geniş ve çok daha geniş bir şekilde açılmasına ve bu odadaki herkesin kalbiyle
bir bağlantı kurmasına izin veriyorsunuz...izin verin enerjileriniz çok, çok
daha fazla yü komşularınızla çok daha derin bir bağlantıya izin
verin...izin verin kalbiniz komşularınızın kalbine genişlesin ve komşunuzun
sevgisini alsın...

Şimdi, Merkezi Güneşin tam ortasında güzel, yeşil bir Kalbin olduğunu hayal edelim ve bu
Yeşil Kalp, Kutsal eril ve Kutsal babanın
sembolüdür...bu enerjiye taç çakranız aracılığıyla akması için izin
verin...üçüncü gözünüz iç ona, boğaz çakranızdaki dişil görünüş ile
akması ve onu birleştirmesi için izin verin...kalbinizin içinde...Güneş sinirağı
içinde (solar pleksus)...ikinci çakranız içinde...kök çakranız içinde ve Dünya
Ananın Kalbiyle bağlanıyorsunuz.

Bir kez daha kalbinizi gözlemleyin...kalbiniz olun...hali hazırdaki açık oluşundan daha çok
için ona izin verin...2012 ile birlikte kalbiniz, bütün zamanlarda bütünüyle
açık olacak...sevgililer bu Yeni Dünyadır ve orada biz başı
çekeceğiz.Enerjilerinize çok daha fazla yükselmesi için izin verin...Ruhsal
Rehberleriniz ayaklarınızın dibinde ve havada çok fazla sevgi var, ki o sizin,
bu sevgiye açılması için enerjilerinize izin vermeniz içindir...bu sevgi olmak
için...sevgi sizin gerçek doğanızdır...sevgi sizin gerçek kendinizdir... siz
seviliyorsunuz, siz çok, çok fazla sevgiyle seviliyorsunuz.

Ayaklarınızın dibinde olan Ruhsal Rehberleriniz şimdi burada sevgi içindeler...onlar burada,
hali hazırda yapmış olduğunuz işlerin onuru ve korkuyla karışık meraklı bir
saygısı içinde buradalar... onlardan burada olduklarına dair bir işaret isteyin,
belki onlar yüzünüze veya kulağınıza hafifçe dokunmak ister...onları
duyumsayabileceğiniz bir boşluk yaratmak için kendinize izin verin...hepiniz, bu
zamanda fiziksel bedenler içinde olan Ruhsal Varlıklarsınız...bazen bu Dünya
Gezegeninde eğlenerek, bazen de acı ç acı, incinmeniz içinde
yaratılan bütün bu acılarınız için artık bir sona doğru geliyor

Bedeninizde acı duyumsadığınız o yerde, acıyı duyumsama ile birlikte olun, tam şimdi acının
gelmesine izin izin verin o gitsin.Bu
öğleden sonra sizi, 2012 enerjilerine götürmek için buradayız. Bu enerjilerin
yükselmesi ve çok daha fazla yükselmesi için izin verin; bu odadaki Ruhsal
Dünyadan çok, pek çok enerji, enerjilerin çok, çok daha fazla yükselmesine izin
veriyor. Meleksi Hükümranlıkların bu enerjileri, şimdi bu odayı dolduruyor ve
onların hepsi, sizin uygulamalarınızın desteği içinde buradalar; bu oda içindeki
sevgi ve enerjilerin çok, çok daha fazla yükselmesi için izin verin...Kryon
dahi, sevgi dolu sıcak bir örtü gibi burada...bu sevgi dolu sıcak örtünün sizi
sarmasına izin sevgiyi hissedin...Kryonun sevgisini

Hepiniz, bilinçten bilince olan bir yolculuktasınız...karanlıktan aydınlığa...bir kez daha

sevginin bu enerjileri
ile bağlanarak, ışığın bedeninize akıp ona nüfuz etmesi için izin
verin...kalbinizi çok daha geniş açarak, bu odanın tamamı içine genişlemesi için
izin siz bu odanın tamamına genişlerken, Meleksi Hükümranlığı
duyumsayacaksınız...Ruhun enerjileri ile sizin Dünyasal enerjilerinizin
birbirine karışarak, enerjileriniz içinde büyümenize ve genişlemenize izin

Hepiniz bu yolculuktasınız ve nihai hedef gerçek olma özelliğidir, ki o gerçek, sizsiniz...şimdi

enerjilerinizin çok, pek çok yükselmesine ve daha
da yükselmesine izin verin...bu öğleden sonra 2012 enerjilerine enerjilerinizin bu anı, 2012 de olacak olanın % 80 ile % 90 ı
arasındadır...Yeni bir Dünya geliyor sevgililer ve bu gün biz, sizin acılarınızı
sonlandırmayı arzu
arasındadır...Yeni bir Dünya geliyor sevgililer ve bu gün biz, sizin acılarınızı sonlandırmayı
arzu ediyoruz...size en fazla acı verenin ne olduğunu hissedin...2012 den sonraki yaşamın bir
parçası olmayacak
olan ve içinizde size acıyı en çok duyumsatan nedir.Bedeninize nüfuz ederek size
acı veren her ne ise ona izin oraya kendinizin bir parçasıyla
farkındalığınızı yerleş çocukluğunuza geri dönü düşüncelerin ve
duyumsamaların gelmesine izin verin...izin verin onlar gitsin.Düşünce ve
duyumsamalarınızın ne olduğunu gözlemleyin.

Siz, Kutsal olana derin bir bağlantıda olacağınız, acısız bir Dünya, ve Yeni bir Dünya için,
yolunuzdasınız sevgililer...bir Dünya ki orada siz, Ruhsal Rehberlerinizi orada siz, Ruhsal Rehberlerinizi görebilirsiniz ve onlar sizi
ellerinizden tutacak ve sizi yeni bir titreşime götüreceklerdir...bu Yeni Dünya,
eskisinden çok, hem de pek çok farklı olacaktır. Biz, hepimiz bir bolluk içinde
yaşıyor olacağız ve siz, hepiniz düşlerinizin yaşamında yaşıyor
olacaksınız...Orası sizin karınızı ve kocanızı seveceğiniz bir Dünya olacak,
orası ilişkilerin yürüdüğü bir Dünya olacak, ve orada biz, aramızdaki bir çok
farklılığı düşünmeden, onun derisinin rengine ve onun cinsiyetine aldırmadan
diğer İnsanlarla çok derin bir bağlantı kuracağız. Ve siz bir birinize,
otomatikman ve tamamen anlam dolu bir tarda saygı gösterecek ve birbirinizle
onur duyacaksınız...daha fazla bir süre yalnız hissetmeyeceksiniz...Evrenle

birliği duyumsayacaksınız...Evrenle bağlanacak ve kendinizi tamamen emniyette ve
tamamen güvende hissedeceksiniz.

Şimdi enerjileriniz, 2012 de duyumsayacağınızın % 90 ıdır...Gökyüzü babaya derin, çok daha

derin bir
bağlantısına izin vermek için enerjilerinizin çok, çok daha yükselmesine izin
verin...sizin bu enerjileriniz ilk olarak yürü siz kim olduğunuzu
biliyorsunuz...Evrene tamamen bağlanmayı bütünüyle hissedeceksiniz...bütünlüğü
kesinlikle hissedeceksiniz...cennet ve Dünya arasındaki o sihirli patikada
yürüyen bir Varlık olacaksınız.Şimdi enerjiler, 2012 de olacak olanın % 95 idir
ve böylece % 100 ün yakınına ve daha da yakınına doğru yürürken yaşamınızı
gözlemleyin...herkesin yaşamı farklı olacaktır, o tamamen bireysel
olacaktır.Kendi yaşamınızı seçeceksiniz, onu istediğiniz tarda
seçeceksiniz...bütün kararlarınız sevgi temelli olacaktır...Gökyüzü baba ve
Dünya anaya derinden bir bağlantı içinde olacaksınız ve içinizdeki bütün
Yıldıztakımı ailesini tanıyacaksınız; bu Yeni Dünya, düşlerinizin bu Dünyası
içinde ailenize liderlik edeceksiniz.

2012 enerjisi olmayanın ne olduğu için enerjilerinizi gözlemleyin...izin verin onlar
bırakın onlar taç çakranızı duyumsayın, ve Büyük Merkezi Güneşİn kalbine ve
Gökyüzü babaya derin, çok derin bir bağlantı kurduğunuzu hissedin...kutsal
babanın enerjileri geri dönüyor...bütün Kutsal eril enerjileri geri
dönüyor....bütün Kutsal dişil enerjileri geri dönüyor.Daha çok sevgi
hissedeceksiniz, daha fazla açılma duyumsayacaksınız...bir çoğunuz daha önce bu
Dünya Gezegeninde bulundunuz...hepiniz yükseldiniz...bu odadaki hepiniz bir
yaşamda veya bir başkasında yükseldiniz ve bir çoğunuz, gerçek Kutsallığa
yükselişin bir sonucu olarak çok büyük eziyetlerin acısını çektiniz ve şimdi bu
eziyet serbest bırakılacaktır.Bu farklı bir zamandır, bütün Gezegen sezgili
birdurum içindedir ve Yeni Dünyaya doğru yürümektedir...bu odadakiler için, siz
yeni bilince liderlik ediyorsunuz, siz Yeni Dünyaya yürüyorsunuz, ve biz sizden,
bu enerjilerin geri dönüşüne izin vererek, bilginin ve bilgeliğin bedenlerinize
akmasını sağlayıp yükseldiğiniz geçmiş yaşamlarınız nedeniyle bunu talep
ediyoruz.Zamanda geriye, geriye, çok daha gerilere, bu Dünya Gezegeni üzerinde
aydınlanmış bir Varlık olduğunuz zamanlara geri bu enerjilerin
içinize akması için izin verin ve bedeniniz içinde daha derine ve çok daha
derine gitmesi için bu düşüncelere izin şimdi bu, 2012 yılında
hissedeceğiniz en düşük enerjidir.

Siz 2012 enerjilerini elinizde tutuyorsunuz...bu, bu öğleden sonra, 2012 enerjilerini elinde
tutabilen küçük
bir grubun seçilme nedenidir...onun ne hissettirdiğini duyumsayın...tam şimdi
duyumsama ile birlikte olun...yaşam zihinsel bir işem değildir...yaşam, bir
duyumsamadır; her ne duyumsuyorsanız onu yaratacaksınız ve kolaylıkla 2012
içinde bu enerjiyi elinizde tutacaksını sahip olduğunuz Gökyüzü babaya bu
derin bağlantıyı duyumsayın ve sahip olduğunuz Dünya anaya da bu derin
bağlantıyı duyumsayın.

Geçmiş kanallıklarda biz, bu enerjiyi sadece bir kaç saniyeliğine tutmaya muktedir oluyorduk,
fakat şimdi sizden bu enerjiyi bir

kaç dakikalığına tutmanızı talep ediyoruz...izin verin, 2012 enerjilerini
desteklemeyen ve size daha uzun bir süre hizmet etmeyen her ne ise o
gitsin.Işığı ve özgürlüğü duyumsayın...emniyet ve güveni duyumsayın...birliği
duyumsayın...enerjilerinizin daha yükseğe ve daha da yükseğe hareket ederek
genişlemesine izin verin...şimdi Ruhsal Dünyaca, Ruhsal Rehberlerinizce, Ruhsal
ailenizce daha ve çok daha derinden desteklenmiş oluyorsunuz...onları
hissedebilirmisiniz? Onlar çevrenizdeler, onlar bilinmeyi arzu ediyorlar...siz
seviliyorsunuz..siz, çok, hem de pek çok bu kez, eziyetsiz
bir yükselişi deneyimleyeceksiniz.Diğerleri için endişelenmenize gerek
yoktur...tam şimdi, kendi Ruhunuzun ve kendi bedeninizin ne söylediğine
güvenin...Ruh diğerlerine göz kulak olacaktır...siz yükselirken sizin
enerjileriniz diğerlerini uyandıracaktır... o sizin kendi yükseliş işleminize
odaklanmanız içindir...sevginin akmasına izin verin ve 2012 de yaşamınızın neye
benzeyeceğini gözlemlemeye devam edin...

Sevgililer, bu sizin Dünyanızdır, bu sizin sevginizin Dünyasıdır, ve o, neden bir çok Varlığın
anda bu Gezegende olduğudur ve hepsi bu yükselişi deneyimlemek üzere

Sevgililer, iyi olun ve Tanrı sizi korusun...bu Kryonun imzasıdır.Hepinize teşekkürler.


Çn: Süleyman Kaya

Farkındalığın “Aydınlık” ışığında sevgi, huzur ve uyumla...


 Posted by Roberto Durante on October 30, 2010 at 11:54pm

Hi Everyone,
Check this out and if it speaks to your heart get involved.


This is an incredible opportunity for ALL of us, and I did not want you to miss it.

Click on either link below and then click on the link that says LEARN MORE. You will be
amazed and thrilled!

It is time for us to reap the rewards of our long and arduous labors.

KNOW that the Light of God is ALWAYS Victorious, and WE are that Light!



If these links do not work please copy the bottom link and paste it in your browser.

['You are welcome to forward this message freely']

Ceremony at the Throne of YHWH
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 31, 2010 at 9:20pm

Ceremony at the Throne of YHWH

My Children of Light, I Am your Divine Mother,

I will take you on a meditational journey to the Throne of YHWH. You

will witness Christ Maitreya and Quan Yin installed as the Residing
Deities at the Throne. Before we do, you need to understand the
significance of returning to your Divine Right. This can only be done
when you demand it.

Demanding and Commanding

Demanding that your Divine Right be given to you is not out of

arrogance. In the Origin of Time, when Humankind; God-Man-Kind, chose to
roam the Earth and enter into lower levels of Light, it was they who
decided - who demanded - to be left alone to roam the 3rd Dimensional
frequency of Earth. It is therefore up to you now, to demand to return
to your Divine Right. Please understand this. It is sometimes
overbearing for those who read in the books that the Masters say,
“Demand and Command the Masters and ask your Divine Right,” without
knowing the significance of the concept of “demanding and commanding
your Divine Right.”

People say, “I will never demand, I will never command.” First of all,
demanding and commanding shows that you have the power to Will yourself
to return to your Divinity. For as long as you have not empowered
yourself, to Will yourself, to your Divinity, no Master, no Great Being,
no Angel, no Divine Mother, no nothing can do anything for you. This
power is a power of Free Will.

I can ask and intercede on your behalf but if you don’t accept it, if
you don’t command it, if you don’t demand it, it will be wafting in the
air waiting for you to reach that point of empowerment to know the
significance. I can intercede for you; I am interceding for you, because
you have earned it, because you have requested your Divine Right.
Demanding and commanding your Divine Right does not come from arrogance –
it is actually of utmost humility.

Demanding and commanding your Divine Right comes from a place of

humility because, originally, when the separation happened, those who
commanded and demanded to be left alone to roam the 3rd Dimensional
Realms removed themselves from their own Divinity as Light Beings. In
order for all to return to Oneness, every Soul has to reach that point
of humility where they come back and say, “Now the lessons are learned
and I demand and command to return to my Divinity, which is my Divine
Right. I want to experience that Divine Spark again. I don’t want to be
separate.” That to me, in my book, in Divine Mother’s book, is humility,
nor arrogance.

You came to rescue those who came to roam the Earth. You are all
Melchizedeks, you are all Kumaras. I would even say you are all Great
Beings of Light. That is why in order to protect you, we need to demand
and command Great Cosmic Beings of Light, such as Thoth and Veyga, such
as Melchizedek and Malak, such as Goddesses Victory and Liberty, Glory,
Venus and Veyga to bring their protection. To be re-connected from soul
to soul; from their Soul to your Soul, from their Spirit to your Spirit,
from their Body to your Bodies, from their energy bodies to your energy

The Destiny of these Cosmic Beings is Tied to Yours

These Great Cosmic Beings have made a sacrifice of their own vastness to
encapsulate some of that vastness to envelope you. The destiny of these

Cosmic Beings is tied to yours. They couldn’t come for unawakened Souls
because the Universal Law says they can’t come for someone who knows
nothing of their existence. There is no way for them to ever connect to
the unawakened Souls or newly awakened Souls. I want you to understand
the value of who you are and what you do.

They have done it out of Selfless Service. Better that they tie their
destiny to yours than they tie their destiny to the unawakened Souls. It
is not for the unawakened Souls that they have come – it is for you
that they have come. Do you know why they have come for you? Because you
are making the ultimate sacrifice. A Great Cosmic Being, sending a
fragment, an iota, of his or her energy to envelope you, still has the
totality of the vastness to bathe in the Cosmic Realms. What do you
have? You have the limitations of the aches and pains of this body. You
have the limitations of disconnectedness from your Mental Body, to your
true Mental Body which is also vast and you have all the agony of
emotionally dealing with people who do not understand the value of what
you offer them.

This includes, I am saddened to say, some of your loving partners, your

children, siblings, and parents. In many cases, those children, parents,
siblings, and partners actually feel that you are the ones to blame.
Because you are the one who has left them, you are the one who was doing
ceremony when they needed you, you are the one who was meditating when
they needed you, you are the one who couldn’t go to the movies with them
because the energy gets to you, you are the one who is abnormal and

No one says, “Look at how much Light you earned this year, here’s a
bonus for you,” because – How many of you have given up your cooperate
jobs to turn into healers and have worked for years and years for next
to nothing. Where’s the criteria, the yardstick that measures the
Quotient of Light that you have and says, “Ounce per ounce, pound for
pound, this amount of Light is worth its weight in gold.”

What Being has ever done that for you, or anyone else for that matter?
With all due respect, what Master has done it for you? That’s why I say
to you,

“I demand and command of these Masters, I demand and command of these

Cosmic Beings, to empower you, to bring money, comfort, luxury, health,
wholeness, prosperity, love, joy, partnership, respect, reverence.”

I want to see the world revere you. I want to see that and I will. I
will stand by your side and watch it while I hold your hands.

Let go of Limitation

I ask you, let go of limitation, of limiting yourself. There is no place

in my Reality for you to suffer and fear where the next mortgage

payment, rent payment, food bill, utility bill, car payment is going to
come from. It helps no one; it serves nothing. Those days are gone.

Light is going to be around you, enveloping you, and the Great Cosmic
Beings are going to illuminate your path. Let go of your fears, let go
of your limitations. Ask for comfort and luxury, ask for power and
position. Alongside of Power and Position, comfort and luxury, remember
to ask that you constantly walk the Path of Light and not veer from it;
constantly walk the path of Selfless Service. Even that has already been
provided to you. All these Great Beings who are here to assist you to
gain momentum, to raise the Light, to touch the multitudes and masses,
will watch over you to see that you walk the path of straight and
narrow. I have no concern about any one of you using your powers for
personal gain or for harming others. You need to trust yourself and if
you can’t do that right now, trust me. Know that I will not allow it.

Let go of your fears. Demand and command that the Highest and Brightest
Light shine upon you. If you become the leaders of this world, terror
will end, pain will end, hunger will end, violence will end. Because in
your heart, God-Unity is illuminated, the Flame of Ascension, the Flame
of God-Unity, the Eternal Flame, is forever illumined in your heart and
you are constantly working with those Flames. You are consciously
working with those Flames; you are consciously breathing the Life Force
into that Flame and through the Flame, into the world.

This is why people are attracted to you. This is why peace comes
wherever you go. Or if chaos is bubbling to the surface, it is going to
unfold wherever you go. Don’t blame yourself if you walk into a
situation and everything goes haywire. That’s like a boil that needs to
come to a puss to heal. If your presence will accelerate the process,
that’s not bad, it is good.

Journey to the Throne of YHWH

Visualize yourself standing in a Grid of Light with Divine Mother.

Visualize a Pillar of White Light descending around you and me. We ask
the Archangels of the Four Directions to take their positions around us.
Archangel Uriel and his Legions stand in the north, Archangel Raphael
and his Legions stand in the east, Archangel Michael and his Legions
stand in the south and Archangel Gabriel and his Legions stand in the

Bring your consciousness to your Crown Chakra and visualize your

Antahkarana Cord extending up from the Lotus of the Crown. We spin and
spiral together up to the Throne of I Am That I Am. See your own
Perfected Presence and see Sanat Kumara, the Planetary Logos, and Lady
Venus standing at the Throne of I Am That I Am. Sanat Kumara and Lady
Venus are the residing deities at the Throne of I Am.

Inside the Pillar of Light, we will go up from the Throne of I Am to the

22nd Dimension, to the Throne of YHWH. When we reach the Throne of
YHWH, notice that the Throne is illuminated at the center of the stage
with Golden White Light. Notice that above the Throne in a circle, like
an umbrella, there are 24 seats where the 24 Elders of the Throne are
seated. They are providing an Overlighting Presence above the Throne.
Our very own Christ Maitreya and Quan Yin have taken their seats upon
the Throne of YHWH as the Residing Deities. We have come to bear witness
to their presence upon this throne, to be blessed by them and to
congratulate them in their post as the Residing Deities of this Throne.

Receiving a blessing the Throne of YHWH

I usher you to stand directly in front of Christ Maitreya and Lady Quan
yin at the Throne of YHWH. You will be facing Christ Maitreya and Lady
Quan Yin.

On your behalf, I ask the two of them for the complete healing and
perfection of your Physical Body. I ask for complete regeneration and
rejuvenation of the Physical Body to the perfection of the Original
Intent, to the Perfection of the Divine Plan. This Physical Body is
completely capable of rejuvenating itself. Some of the avatars, the
living Masters that you visit, show no signs of aging. That same
principle can apply to you. If your own Light is not profuse enough as
yet, then I request that it be done because Christ Maitreya’s Light is
profuse enough and because he has made the sacrifice to take a physical
embodiment and is walking on Earth.

I furthermore request, that if it is in your destiny to be in his

physical Presence, that he would accelerate you and pull you to himself,
clearing the deck on your behalf, so that in this lifetime, you have
the good fortune of standing in his physical presence. It is granted,
that the moment you stand his physical presence, your entire Physical
Body circuitry will be rewired and brought to the Perfection of the
Original Intent, the Perfection of the Divine Plan. I therefore,
request, that if it is in your destiny to someday meet Christ Maitreya
in person, that he would accelerate you to that end.

I now let you state your own intentions.

Calling the Melchizedeks

I now call upon the Universal Logos, Lord Melchizedek, and his Consort,
Lady Malak, to come forth. I ask them to bring a healing and clearing to
your Emotional body through my intersession in the presence of Christ
Maitreya and Lady Quan Yin at the Throne of YHWH.

Melchizedek now sends you an illumination of Light, whereby Platinum is

mixed with Melchizedek Blue Light. The Deep Dark Purple Blue is Platinum
leafed to create a cocoon around you. The Light is emanating from their
Heart Core. Lady Malak sends the Feminine Polarity, the Magnetic Force

Field, and Melchizedek sends the Masculine, Electric Force Field. These
two Electromagnetic substances mix together to become one beam of Light
that shines upon your body and envelopes every single layer of your 5
Body System; the Physical Body, Etheric Body or Auric Field, Emotional
Body, Mental Body and Spiritual Body. Feel the Light, the sense of
weightlessness and the energy of Bliss and Ecstasy.

What is beyond love? Bliss. What is beyond Bliss? Ecstasy. To you these
are only words but they are energies. Right now the effulgence of the
energy of ecstasy is pouring on to you and I will ask Melchizedek and
Malak to continue pouring these energies on to you. Breathe and bathe as
your emotional body is cleansed with the energies of the Purple Blue
Light of Melchizedek mixed with Platinum Light of the Feminine
Principle. Visualize your Emotional Body. See how clear and clean it has
been made by Melchizedek and Malak. Your Sacred Geometries that hold
your 5 Body System together have been restored to the Perfection of the
Original Intent.

I invite Melchizedek and Malak to, very specifically, bestow the Highest
Aspect of the Ascension Flame into each of your individual Heart
Chakras and to fill your Heart with the Light from this Flame, clearing
all forgetfulness and all feelings of separation.

I also ask on your behalf that they bestow upon you the ability to
receive and transmit Light, without the pain and intolerance of the
Physical Body or any other of the Energy Bodies; that your Physical Body
will be able to run such heightened energies through it without
detrimental impact on your Physical Body or any of your Bodies. In fact,
I ask that you receive a sense of euphoria and bliss and an extra layer
of feeling energized.

I ask Melchizedek and Malak to bestow the ability to receive from these
altered states of consciousness, fully charged and energized, as if you
have taken a bath in the purest vibration of Love and Light and fully
energized by the experience of Union.

I ask Melchizedek and Malak to continue to cocoon you, and provide you
with a layer of protection to allow you to then perform mundane level
exercises. I specifically ask Lady Veyga and Master Thoth to sharpen
your Mental Bodies. To help precipitate, manifest from thin air, all the
resources that you might need, even before you need them, and all the
comfort and luxury that your Heart desires.

I remind you, in the course of your days, if you feel overwhelmed, go

back to this now moment and ask, through the intercession of Divine
Mother, that Melchizedek and Malak up the ante and raise the vibration
of their own protection, in the form of the Platinum Melchizedek Blue
Light cocoon of protection around each layer of your 5 Body System.
Renew this energy and add it to your morning and evening exercise.

Call upon and ask, through the intercession of Divine Mother, for that
Platinum and Blue Cocoon of Protection from Melchizedek and Malak, which
allows you to stay in the energies of ecstasy; which blankets you
inside the energies of Melchizedek and Malak’s own ecstasy. I ask him to
continue pouring down these energies on you for as long as you live.

Calling the Great Divine Directors

I now call upon the Great Divine Directors to come forth to stand with
us before Christ Maitreya and Lady Quan Yin at the Throne of YHWH.

They are Master Thoth and Lady Veyga. Their domain is the Mental Body.
They emanate from the palms of their hands and all Chakras of the Body,
Golden Green Light. This Light will restore to you Health and Wholeness,
Abundance, Truth, Hope and Healing.

Thoth is the Guardian of Earth’s records. He is the Logos for Mercury.

Veyga is a Great Cosmic Being. Her consciousness stretches across an
entire constellation. Constellation Veyga is its own Galaxy. You could
say Lady Veyga is a Galactic Logos, holding billions and billions of
Star Systems within her consciousness.

The fact that she has agreed to co-chair the seat of the Great Divine
Director is testament to her deep level of sacrifice and Selfless
Service. This is why I have set up these amazingly powerful Great Beings
in their Feminine Countenance, to be in charge of protecting you from
now on. Lady Veyga is one such Great Cosmic Being.

Stand before Thoth and Veyga, stand in prayer pose, bow down your head
and say, “I demand and command through the intercession of Divine
Mother, that you bestow upon me the ability to connect from my Mental
Body to your Mental Body and I take a vow that the Wisdom, held in
Sacred Magic and Alchemy, will be used for the benefit of all humankind
for the return of all the multitudes and masses, who have forgotten,
back to their Divinity. I take a vow that I will help the multitudes and
masses awaken to their Divinity and I ask you to accelerate me, I ask
you to Glorify me, I ask you to bring me Victory, I ask you to bring me
Joy, I ask you to bring me Abundance, I ask you to empower me, I ask you
to bestow leadership positions on me so that, in me, you can lead, you
can be Victorious, you can be Glorified.”

In the Presence of Lady Veyga and Thoth, I ask that they sanction a
healing of your Mental Body and connect your Mental Body to their own.
Thereby, from this moment on, downloading to you the Highest Seed
Thought Forms, of ideas, designs and concepts, which will empower you to
be in leadership positions. I ask that Thoth and Veyga teach you at
their retreats in dream time and to bring back to your consciousness
their teachings.

I want you to make your connection with Thoth and Veyga. They have made a

true sacrifice of accepting to be confined as the co-chairs of the
Office of Great Divine Director. They can open the flood gates of Sacred
Magic in ways that you cannot even imagine in your wildest dreams. They
can and will. In a year or two from now, you’d be working with the
Elements, alchemically, to precipitate, to manifest from thin air - if
all goes well. See that the Golden Green Light is intensified and is
pouring on you.

Make your personal intentions before Master Thoth and Lady Veyga. I hold
each of you responsible to remember Thoth and Veyga and to demand of
them, for this downloading to continue. It is your job to go before them
and ask for recalibration.

Divine Mother’s personal gift

My intention on your behalf is to heal, rejuvenate and regenerate your

5- Body System. On your behalf, I will ask for a fully illuminated
Nervous System, one that is capable of running high intensities of
Light, one that is capable of taking positions of responsibility and
leadership, one that is capable of being empowered to guide the
multitudes and masses; a fully illuminated Nervous System which will
constantly and continuously raise your vibration to the frequencies of
the 5th Dimensional Octave.

On your behalf, I ask for a Light Body that weaves its Light Nodes into
the nodes of your Nervous System; a Brain System that will function 5th
Dimensionally. A Brain System that is able to decipher 5th Dimensional
Energies and then translate them into your Physical brain function, so
that your Physical Brain can understand these alchemical processes and
translate them to be used for the purpose of elevating yourselves,
teaching the multitudes and masses to elevate themselves and for the
anchoring of these energies upon Earth. Set your personal intentions

I want you to stand and listen to celestial music. Set your intentions
and allow this to be etched in your Beingness, for through you, this
Reality is now spread out. You have Co-created this Reality. It has now,
as we speak, become part of the structure and the psyche of Earth’s
Thrones; Earth’s Dimensional Realms in this 22nd Dimension of Reality,
the 24 Elders around the Throne of YHWH, 24 Ancient of Days. Christ
Maitreya and Quan Yin, have taken their position as the Residing Deities
of the Throne. Notice that the essence and the energy of YHWH and
Yahoweh EL is permeating in the Golden White Light that is fully
illumined everywhere. The sound of celestial hymns and celestial music
is wafting in the air.

Set out your intentions.

Now turn back to face Christ Maitreya and Quan Yin in the east. I want
you to go and stand in front of them and ask them to touch you and bless


Let us all together, set our intention that, from this moment on, the
anchoring of all these energies are fully accomplished, above and beyond
expectation and above and beyond limitation, to the highest potential
in all Dimensions, in all Realities, activating the full potential of
the 5th Dimensional Octave and connecting the 5th Dimensional Octave to
the Throne of YHWH which is now the God-Source, the God- Self, the
Higher Self for this Octave; continuing the shower of Light from the
Throne of Divine Mother, at the 122nd Dimension, to Overlight the Throne
of YHWH, the 24 Elders, the Residing Deities and to connect the Throne
of YHWH to the Temple in the 5th Dimension.

I bless each of you with the Light of the Highest and Brightest
vibration. May the Light of YHWH, the blessings of the 24 Elders and the
Protection of the Great Cosmic Beings continue to unfold to protect, to
nourish, to nurture and to empower you.

I am well pleased with what you have done. I am well pleased with all
that you do. I hold each of you I n my own heart. You are the Light that
illuminates this world. You are the Light that warms up my heart. I
walk with you at every step that you take. I thank you.

Blessings to all of you. I am you Mother,

So it is.

~Galactic Free Press~ 10/31/10
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on October 31, 2010 at 10:53pm

Your Unique Newspaper, for Your 5D Reality Reading Pleasure

~Breaking News~ The Graduation Ceremonies are Ready To Commence for Humanity~

~ All Royal Angels On Planet Earth=Heart have now
been Called Into Action, The Awakening Process on the Planet now is
quickening. Here we GO. It matters not if you are Ready, Divine Plan in Full
Motion. Love Mom and Dad ~

Seal - Love's Divine (Video)

does not Require a leader or followers. Real Love, and Balanced
Harmonics, is Everyone Equal Being the Love They Truly are, as
Co-Creators. Its All of Us, Standing Up Together as ONE Family,
Holding Hands, Co-operating, and Functioning as One in Cooperation.~





Love Unlimited Orchestra - Love's Theme (stereo)



Bryan Adams - (Everything I Do) I Do It For You

~Right Now we are In the Midst of The Great Changes, the mind is now dissolving, all that
will remain for Humanity is who they really are.





End Transmission With Love Everywhere Present



~An Inspired Soul is one through which Spirit's Love flows and enriches
the lives of others~ Sri Gawn Tu Fahr

Thank You for Making a Love Donation today in Support of our Work For You and The
Divine Mission. When We say ALL Donations are Blessed 100
times Over, We are Not Kidding. We have had others Make a Donation,
and then within days have received this back in another way And Its
Always More then they donated. You See We Utilize the Money as
Energy. When You Serve Love, You Get it Back In Grander Ways, this is
a Law of The Universe. We Serve Love In Every Moment, and When You
Share Your Love with US, this Energy Comes Back to You. This is the
Magic of this Energy. You can Make a Donation here in Service of the
Greater Good of The ALL, With Our Energy of Love Blessing it..

Total Love Donation Dollars for The Month of October to Support The Divine Mission $ 205.

Love Reporter Will

~Beliefs about God~

What if your separation from God is only an illusion? What if everything you believe about
God just gets in the Way? Everybody thinks they
know what God is and is not, but do all these beliefs really get a
person closer to God? If that was true, you could just read the right
book to connect in with God. People have tried that many many times,
God is beyond what you can encapsulate with words.

The real truth about God is outside the limits of Human Consciousness at the moment, but
since Humans understand everything here through Human
Consciousness, the highest understandings about God are the heights
of Human Consciousness. Contrariwise, any limited beliefs about God
will limit the individual's experience of God, which actually
illustrates how incredibly powerful Consciousness is. It also shows
how incredibly dangerous ignorance is, with ignorance being the only

Could God create a stone so heavy he couldn't lift it? It's really the question, could god
become ignorant of being God? Humanity is the
punchline to that joke, by the way. You are the Eyes and the Ears of
God, and there's no such thing as Consciousness that's separate from
God. Even the Catholic Church understood this, nothing is hidden from
God, yet the Church wasn't aware of their own Consciousness enough to
realize God's Presence there. Jesus even said "greater things
than I" or something along those lines, and he was God, for
Christ's sake. The prophet of the religion said You would be even
greater than He, and what did ignorance do with that? Mostly just
ignored it. That's too far outside of two-dimensional thought for it
to even begin to comprehend.

Humans are the Eyes and Ears of God, and Humans are the Mouths as well after they learn
how to really listen. You are God expressed, You are Hu
made man-ifest. You are a unique hue of the spectrum that is Source
and not a single color is separate from the Rainbow. The Rainbow is
each color being itself to create the beauty that is the Rainbow.
Each color made more amazing because of their relationship to all the
other colors.

What was my original subject? Ah yes, beliefs about God. If my words have lead you to
create any beliefs, please let them go. You only believe you
need beliefs. Where would you be if you didn't be-leave? Well, first
and foremost, totally Present. Note that when you're Present, no
beliefs are necessary. You don't need to believe in anything to have
the experience you're currently having. In Presence, the Truth is
felt, not believed. One has a belief because one is trying to control
the future while holding onto the past. You've got to let go to move
forward, and moving forward doesn't happen in the future, it happens

~Love Letters to The Editors~

Dear Father~MotherGod Amon Ra,

I been recieving visitation from my star family and have been shown transport ships to take
star family and light workers off the planet
and it is my understanding that this is to happen sooner rather than
later . although no date is ever given. what is your feelings on
this? Namaste

Annette Juliano Kessler


Yes, We Are IN Complete Contact with them, WE are From One of The 24 Flagships "Eye of
Ra, Heart of Light". The Argarthans will
be coming to the surface to Get us and anyone else who wants to be a
part of the Planet's Awakening. We Will be going to the center of the
Earth, to Further expand the Awakening, and we will be traveling the
Planet In Argarthans Ships after this occurs. Through this we will be
able to fully adjust the Frequencies to Return the Planet into Her
Perfect Pristine State, Balanced Harmonics. This will be happening
very Quickly, as we have 3 days until The Dawn of The Seventh Day
November 3rd, 2010. We Love You, Love Mother and Father God

Love Reporter Ponder Cory

~Over the weeks and months to come, it will become obvious that the
changes are in our best interests even though at times it will be
chaotic. True Lightworkers and enlightened beings will be a calming
influence, as WE will re-act positively. The doubters will need
proof before they come out of their rigid mindsets, and the Light WILL ...break down their

Without a doubt RIGHT HERE & RIGHT NOW, as you read these very words, your eyes
begin to sparkle, your body begins to tingle, and your heart fills with love. You begin
to feel the expansiveness and abundance of this energy embracing your
heart, body, mind, spirit and radiating out to everyone and
everything. You feel wave pulse after wave pulse of love emanating

The hardest work is done, and the Light is now here and flowing. It has
been firmly established, and it will continue to rapidly
grow and expand within our hearts and on Earth . Hardened hearts are beginning to soften,
and closed minds are opening as a result more
souls are awakening....IT IS INDEED A JOYOUS TIME FOR US ALL. May we all begin to
rejoice together...♥

Love Reporter Sapphire Stone

~WE are In The Transformation~

Massive Changes Are Taking Place Throughout Your Reality In The Present Time Frame!
What Was Once Considered To Be Real Is Being Restructured In Order To Resonate On A

Higher Vibrational Frequency! In This Process, Much That Might Have
Seemed Stable Will Suddenly Be Thrust Into Upheaval And Discord!

Everything That Is Built On A Diminished Vibration Cannot Sustain Itself Under Conditions
That Continue To Accelerate!

Transformation Taking Place Within Each of You Is Reflected In The Collective

That You Are An Energetic Part... of, The Old Structures of Human
Interaction Will Begin To Crumble Unilaterally In The Wake of The
Universal Shift In Human Consciousness Now Taking Place!

People Everywhere Have Begun The Process of Waking Up To A Heightened Level

of Awareness! Eventually Fear of Being Judged As Being Out There Is
Starting To Break Down, As More People Are Sharing The Same

It Is No Accident That You Have Developed A Brand New Awareness of Yourself Within Your
Expanded Universal Knowledge
That Is Now Being Presented To You On A Daily Basis!

I Am Here To Open Up Your Mind And Allow You To Become One Within A Collective
Universal Consciousness of The I Am Presence That Resides Within The
Soul of Everyone!

I Am Here To Tell You, You Are Not Crazy, And That You Have Graduated Into A Multi-
Dimensional Existence, That
Is Enabling You To Make Extraordinary Changes In Your Life!

I Am Here To Empower You, Embrace You, And Let You Know I Am One With
You On Your Spiritual Journey, Where Everyday Is Different And Unique
That Allows You A New Thought, And A New Idea, A New State of Mind,
That Is Transforming You, Which Is Necessary In Order To Ascend Into
Fifth Dimension!

You Are Changing Inside And Out, Into Beings of Great Wisdom, Potential, And Enormous
Powers That You Never Knew
You Had! Flow With These Changes And Become ONE With Them! For When
You Do Your Life's Journey Becomes So Much Easier!

Namaste' ♥*.•´♥`

Love Reporter Steven Anthony

“The Now vs. the New”

I Asked mySELF, SELF, AM I the I AM that I've always BEen?

And my Higher SELF shared,"not even the GREAT I AM, is the same I AM that Once were.
And because YOU have asked this question, the I AM YOU are ceases to BE the same as the I
AM before the

In other words, EVERYTHING as a WHOLE, ALL is a "NEW" Expression of what once

The ONLY thing different between the "NOW" vs "NEW" is the



I AM ♥

~A mind that has been stretched will never return to its original dimension ~ Albert Einstein

Religion is for people afraid to go to hell. Spirituality is for people who have already been
there. ~~Unknown~~

You and I are the perfect loving equation. ~ 'Sri Gawn Tu Fahr'

If I became you and you became me,

Would we be each other?
Would we be tog...ether?
Would we be as one?
Would we have one heart?
Would we have some fun?

Quote from the chapter "Divinity of Woman" in my new book, Love's True Home,
available online via the link

Love Reporter John E Hall

~Lookover yonder-what do you see-the sun is a risin'-most definitely..A new day is comin'-
people are changin'..Ain't it beautiful..gentle green
persuasion...Better get ready-gonna see the light..Love, love is the
answer-and that's all don't you give up now-so easy to
find..Just look to your soul-and open your mind~இ ‫ܓ‬,♥
இ ‫ܓ‬,♥...
இ ‫ܓ‬,♥

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present
moment. ~~ Buddha ~~

~When we walk to the edge of all the light we have and take the step... into the darkness of
the unknown, we must believe that one of two
things will happen. There will be something solid for us to stand on
or we will be taught to fly.~

~ Patrick Overton ~

The separation of awareness + thought is the beginning of change. To be aware in the present
takes control of your thoughts, + interupts the
random automatic thoughts from spinning webs outside of your best
path, + merging your inner + outer purposes. When joy resonates in
the present our inner + outer paths are merging, + the soul is fully
present + also experiencing joy. Bliss. Eckhart Tolle.


~Forgive yourself for all you ever thought was “wrong” about
you. We as humans ar...e our own worst
critics. You put up with and in fact
encourage ways of speaking to yourself that most would NEVER put up with if
someone else spoke to you that way.
Always the first to tear down your dreams, poke a hole in your bubble
happiness, ridicule yourself for just being yourself. Give yourself a break, look at yourself
the eyes of love. Never believe for an
instant you are not worthy of all your heart desires. Wrap yourself in love the same way you
your children, family members, friends and pets. Give yourself a pat on the back for
all you
do every day. Learn to become your own
biggest fan

The children desire freedom! And every particle of their being from their Source says, 'You
are free. You are so free, that every thought you
offer, the entire Universe jumps to respond to it.' And so, to take
that kind of knowledge and try to confine it in any way, defies the
Laws of the Universe. You must allow your children to be free,
because the entire Universe is set up to accommodate that. And
anything you do to the contrary will only bring you regret. You
cannot contain those that cannot be contained. It defies Law."

Love ♥ When your intentions are centered in love and projected with purity, you become a
powerful source of Sacred Fire energy.---Ronna Herman
Gill xx

I am a being of radiant light, like a star in the night sky reflecting and radiating light in the
darkness of the night. The, light, which
emanates from the heart of me is peaceful and loving. I know not who
it touches, but I know it does touch. It is my gift the world.

I am just a tiny point of pure energy, of light, situated at the center of the forehead. And within
that tiny point lie all my thoughts and my
personality traits. Within the point of light that I am, lie all the
qualities of spiri...t that I have - I am a source of love, a source
of peace, a source of contentment and wisdom. · I am a conscient
point of energy, at the center of the forehead and I give life to my
body. This body may be heavy, but I the soul am so light, and free
that I can almost fly. I experience joy as the soul
releases itself from the chains of matter.~

~The ego is always blind, it does not have eyes. YOU (the Self) just have to continue
"SEEING" how blind the ego is; this is the
adjustment you make." Ego: to believe you are your body Ego is
the leader of your mind intellect and chit. The ego is not a thing,
not so...mething tangible. When "YOU" believe: This
(relative self) is I... that is all an ego. Only the state of, "I

am pure Soul" is the egoless state. I am Patel, I am 50 years
old, I am a collector, I am a lawyer, is all ego. ~(Dadashri)

UNIVERSAL AND EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. “The next Buddha may take the form of a
community—a community practicing understanding and loving kindness,
a community practicing mindful living. This may be the most important
thing we can do for the survival of the Earth.”—Thich Nhat Hanh
We have no choice, if we are to survive, but to go LOCAL, COMMUNITY
and GREATER THAN SELF focused.

~ Rysa “Age of Aquarius” ~

~Now we are in the midst of the cusp transition of Picean Age into Aquarius Age. When Earth
falls into alignment with the constellation Aquarius we
will be in the direct gaze of The Eye of God. Within Aquarius is the
“Helix Nebula” or “Eye of God”, what energies could this
powerful cosmic angel transmit to the inhabitants of Earth? The Age
of Aquarius living true to its namesake is best thought of as water,
fluid, ever changing, holding no true form. The Picean Age was
exemplified by the fish fo duality, swimming in the great ocean. Like
fish cannot know the water in which they live, man cannot know God
which contains him. Now the line between fish and ocean have blurred
to a vanishing point.~


~*Divine Source through Barbara Rose ~

~The time has come for the mass population on Earth to respond with each of your Divine
ability to connect to your Higher Self, God, Holy Spirit,
or whatever name you may give to your Highest and purest Spiritual
connection to All That Is in the universe. This is the "I AM"
Presence within you. This is your time to utilize your abilities to
seek answers for yourself, and learn how to receive Divine Truth in

your life on every level of your life. There are many guides and
teachers both in this world of physical form, as well as in the
Higher realms that are all here to assist you to reach the state of
personal awakening to the point where you experience this wisdom as a
part of your everyday experience, rather than an occasional glimpse
of knowing or higher understanding gained from connection to Divine
Source so that you may experience this connection during every waking
moment of your life.

Divine Truth will always be given to you, and yet it may be difficult to follow as you shed old
patterns that
no longer serve your highest good in order to embrace new ones that
will take you far above what many of you have experienced in this
lifetime in your own personal awakening. Each of you has the same
ability that others who have a clear and pure connection to Divine
Source has, it is only a matter of practice. Your sixth sense is your
highest sense of all, and it is time in your evolutionary growth that
you fully activated it. Some of you are the way showers. Some of you
have become awakened and illuminate the path for others who are first
beginning to glimpse their grand spiritual awakening on the personal

Some of you may look at these words and wonder what all of this means. That is all right.
Each of you knows your place, each
of you knows that you are a far greater part of the tapestry of
humanity than you may realize. Remain humble, regardless of where you
are on this path to personal awakening. Have patience for others when
they do not understand - for this is what God has for you - pure
unconditional love and patience. So please activate your God-nature
so that you can also have pure unconditional love and patience for

Posted by - Ange Maya)

♥☀★♥ INSPIRATIONAL STORY ♥☀★♥ Be a Better Person
A Young student approached the famous French scientist and philosopher, Blaise Pascal, and
declared, "If I
had your brains, I would be a better person."
Pondering the depth of that statement, Pascal paused momentarily before replying,
"Be a better person, and you will have my brains."

- by: Author Unknown, The Sower's Seeds

Love Reporter Steve Anthony

~CREATING in the NOW!~
In the Beginning is RIGHT NOW!!!
The ALPHA is NOW!!!
The OMEGA is NOW!!!
The end is NOW!!!
This Basically states that they are
Two sides of the same coin.


Since there is no Beginning, there can not be an end.
LIFE, this JOURNEY, is about CREATION.
Just as past, PRESENT & Future is NOW!
NOW is the expression to what was intended
by US in thoughts before this NOW.
Therefore, what you are thinking with intention
right NOW, will BE your NOW in the near FUTURE.
So NOW, can we intend the Change You want to SEE?
Thank you.


~All we need is the choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings or money - just a choice -
right now - between fear &
love. - The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors,
buy guns and and close yourself off,
the eyes of love instead, see all of us as one. ~(Bill Hicks)

Healing Art With Bev



By:♥♥♥ SHINE A LIGHT ♥♥♥ bev stratton-proemper, visionary artist

The UFO Watch Section


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Possible Cancer Cure. A Marijuana/Cannabis Oil Story - A film by David Triplett – Reupload

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With ALL our Love Unconditionally

Father~Mother God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff

2012 THE END?!?
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on October 2, 2010 at 7:52pm

Eurythmics - I Saved The World Today

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Power of One
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Zeitgeist III: Yol Almak

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Yoga Eye Exercises - Special Variations

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Bringer of Light by Story Waters
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The opening of the Intergalactic Gateway

on 10/ 10 /10
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on October 11, 2010 at 2:35am

10 10 10 Woken2012
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Integrating the I AM Presence

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The meaning of life by Story Waters
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What is Magic?
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Mario Duguay Peintre Visionnaire
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on October 19, 2010 at 2:27pm

Visionary Art by Mario Duguay -

Messenger of Light
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on October 19, 2010 at 2:28pm

Sitting Spinal Twist - Yoga Partner Asana
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Rainbow The Temple Of The King

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Hariprasad Chaurasia and Zakir Hussain

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Azam Ali - From Heaven to Dust!
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The Power And Beauty Of You

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The Cinematic Orchestra - Time And Space

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© 2015 Created by David Dogan Beyo


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