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Revision Details Next Review: January 2015

Rev. Date Revision Status Checked Approved

00 31/03/2014 Draft Yonghyun Kim Seungmin Park

DHI-EHS-HSM-003 (March 2014), Page 1 of 9


The purpose of this manual is to define the requirements for:

• The incident investigation process,
• The tool for identifying the causes of incidents,
• The identification of systemic EHS deficiencies and,
• The identification of actions to prevent recurrence of an incident.


An incident is defined as an uncontrolled string of events that may or may not cause harm to people, property,
environment or reputation. The following incident definitions are used at the project.

Accident: An undesired event giving rise to death, ill health, injury, damage or other loss (OHSAS 18001:2007).

Incident: An event that gave rise to an accident or had the potential to lead to an accident (OHSAS

Fatality: Any work-related fatality of a site employee.

Lost Time Incident (LTI): Number of cases requiring one or more complete days away from work due to work-
related incident (injury or illness).

Restricted Work Case (RWC): Work-related injury or illness case where an employee cannot fulfill his/her
normal work for the day following an accident but is able to undertaken temporary job: work at his/her normal job
but not full-time: work at a permanently assigned job but unable to perform all duties normally assigned to it.

Medical Treatment Case (MTC): Work-related injury or illness case, not resulting in lost time (LTI) or restricted
work (RWC), but where medical treatment by a doctor or nurse is required beyond simple first aid treatment.

First Aid Case (FAC): Minor occupational injuries, for example small scratches, cuts, minor burns, splinters etc.,
which require only first aid treatment and can therefore be adequately treated by a fully qualified first aider.

Near Miss: An event or chain of events which could have caused injury, illness and/or damage (loss) to assets,
the environment or third parties. A Near Miss is a type of Incident.

Ill-health: Identifiable, adverse physical or mental condition arising from and/or made worse by a work activity
and/or work-related situation.

Environmental Incidents: Any unintentional release of hazardous material (Liquid, Solid, or Gaseous), or
intentional release which is in excess of legislative limits.

Work Related: An injury or illness is considered work-related if an event or exposure in the work environment
either caused or contributed to the resulting condition or significantly aggravated a pre-existing injury or illness.
Injuries or illness, which are not work-related, are not recordable.


1.0 Responsibility

1.1 Site Manager

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The Site Manager is responsibility for the effective implementation of this manual and is to ensure:
• Competent resources are available to perform incident investigation. Investigation team is
under direct management of EHS Manager.
• All incidents occurring at Project sites are investigated and corrective action is taken.

1.2 Construction Manager

The Construction Manager is to:
• Ensure that incident investigations are done,
• Progress items requiring corrective action,
• Ensure compliance with this manual.

1.3 Construction Supervisor

The Construction Supervisors are to:
• Assist investigations with the EHS team members;
• Take action to correct deviations identified.

1.4 EHS Manager

The EHS manager is to:
• Select the personnel to carry out incident investigations.
• Give instructions to investigators;
• Follow-up the investigation process;
• Monitor compliance with this manual.

1.5 Subcontractor Management and Supervisors

The Subcontractor Management is responsible to ensure full and immediate compliance with this
manual. Supervisors are to:
• Prepare an investigation report as request by EHS team;
• Monitor any injured employees in his area and accompanied them to medical center;
• Discuss incidents and their prevention with the workforce;
• Assist investigation teams following an incidents;
• Implement corrective action following an incident.

1.6 Employees
Employees are required to:
• Report all situations which could lead to an incident and near misses to their supervision;
• Cooperate with investigation teams following an incident.

2.0 Requirements

2.1 The Incident Management Process

• All incidents, including near misses, shall be investigated as directed by the Project EHS Manager, the
root causes identified and corrective and preventative actions implemented.
• Corrective actions shall be tracked by EHS team and closed out to prevent a reoccurrence of the
• Explanation of incidents at weekly EHS meeting by the company representative involved.

2.2 Response

• The response phase deals with the immediate needs arising from the incident. Actions to be taken
include :
 Making the site and any process safe.
 Preventing escalation of the incident.

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 First move the injured to safety (secure the injured) if possible (in case of incertitude, don’t move
the injured) and provide first aid or emergency treatment. Accompany the injured to medical center
 Performing preliminary investigation to ensure immediate danger has been prevented, inform EHS
team within 24 hours and to provide information for later investigation.

• In the event of a serious incident :

 Secure the incident scene ;
 Inform medical team for assist by radio or telephone ;
 Initiate emergency response as necessary ;
 Preserve the incident scene and take action to prevent repetition of incident ;
 Ensure it is safe before continuing or restarting operations. Consider:
 Assessment of all hazards,
 Actions to control any risks,
 Alternative work,
 Correction of non-conformance,
 Clearance from EHS section.

2.3 Notification
• The Project incident reporting requirements are:
 Notify the Project Owner, Site Management, Doosan Head Office, the form Appendix A -
Accident / Incident Investigation Report. Should be completed as much as possible and clearly
noted as “Preliminary Report” and forwarded via email.
 Notify the enforcement authority including Police where appropriate by the quickest practical
means normally by telephone.
 Notify the owner/occupier of the premises if appropriate.

2.4 Incident Investigation

• A systematic investigation is to be undertaken to gather evidence in order to :
 identify the direct and underlying causes of the incident,
 review the adequacy of existing controls and procedures,
 provide information for determining corrective actions,
 prevent a recurrence of the incident and to improve site safety.
Note: Incident investigation is not to apportion blame or liability.

2.4.1 Minor Incidents

 Minor incidents are events that could have or did involve First Aid and events that could have
involved medical treatment.
 These incidents must be investigated by the contractor’s supervisor and a member of EHS team.
 An Incident Report is to be completed and submitted.
2.4.2 Serious Incidents
 Injuries that require medical treatment, LTIs, fatalities and more serious incidents require
investigation by an investigation team.
 The investigation team is to involve the contractor’s management and to be appointed by the
Project EHS Manager or his delegate.
 The team should comprise responsible and skilled people who are knowledgeable in :
 Hazard identification and risk control,
 Incident investigation,
 The activities and the processes being investigated. Collection of Information

 All relevant facts that will help to understand the incident and the events leading up to it
are to be collected.
 The information can be divided into five main elements :

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 People,
 Environment,
 Equipment,
 Procedures,
 Organization.

 The data collection process includes :

 Inspection of the incident scene and recording details of all relevant conditions and
 Obtaining statements from those involved in the incident.
 Inspection of documentation relating to the process, management systems,
procedures etc.
 Interviewing witnesses to clarify relevant facts.
 Establishing the incident time line and event sequence.
 Examination of equipment, tools, controls, materials and debris.

 All evidence should be logged and securely preserved to allow later retrieval.
 The incident scene should be photographed in detail and a log of the photograph details
completed. Interviews
 Interviews should be conducted with tact and compassion and in a non-threatening way.
 Interviews should begin soon after an incident and be conducted individually.
 Prior discussion about the incident should be prevented.
 Evidence should be taken in a chronological order.
 Questions should not suggest the answer.
 Questions should be factual.

2.5 Establish Corrective Actions

• The purpose of the incident investigation and subsequent analysis is to identify corrective actions in
order to avoid a recurrence of the incident.
• Recurrence can best be achieved by addressing:
 unsafe acts and,
 unsafe conditions and,
 identifying and correcting latent failures.
• A corrective action is a written statement of action to correct the identified causal factors.
• Corrective actions shall be presented to management for evaluation and implementation.
• An action plan and timeframe is to be agreed.
• Corrective actions are to be documented.
• The implementation of corrective actions should be monitored for effectiveness.

2.6 Incident report

• As a minimum, the report of the investigation should include:
 An incident summary including,
 A full description of what happened and how,
 What the investigation revealed,
 The underlying causes and contributing factors,
 Key learning points, recommendations and corrective actions.

2.7 Management review

• The Site Manager is to:
 review the investigation report for completeness and ;
 endorse the corrective actions ;
 progress and finalize Incident Report & Sign Off ;

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 It is the responsibility of those assigned corrective actions to complete them on time ;
 Completion of corrective actions should be recorded.

3.0 Appendix
Appendix A - Incident Investigation Report Form

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Appendix A. Incident Investigation Report Form

1.0 Initial Information Report No:

Location of incident: Incident type, tick one or more boxes

Date & Time of incident: / / / - : am/pm 1. Injurious Incident

2. Near Miss

Name of injured person: 3. Fire

ID #: Age: 4. Occupational exposure

Occupation: 5. Environmental Incident

Employer: Time With Employer: Number of persons injured

Name of person initiating report: Number of persons involved


Employer / Department: /

1.1 Description of Incident

1.2 Details of Injured Person To be completed by clinic / first aider (at site).
Accident book entry Time into clinic Time out of clinic Date

Completed by Signed

1.3 Medical Details

Parts of body affected (x for the main injury and  for other injuries)
Feet and Toes
N/A Chest & Abdomen Lungs Shoulder, Arm, Elbow, Forearm Multiple Injuries

Eyes Buttock & Pelvis Neck & Spine Internal Hand, Fingers and Thumb Knees, ankle, legs

Ears Head None


Nature of Injury
Fatal None Foreign bodies Sprain/Strain Traumatic amputation

Burns Irradiation Crushing injuries Asphyxiation Concussion and fainting

Laceration Fractures Electric shock Puncture Exposure to hazardous substances

Ingestion Drowning Dislocations Bruising with intact skin Other, specify:

Instruction to injured person

Home rest Own Doctor Return to work Referred to Hospital

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Fatality Lost Time Restricted Medical Treatment First Aid
Completed by: Signed: Date

2.0 Investigation
Cause of incident

Machinery / plant Hot substances Objects falling

Transport Hazardous substances Handling goods or articles

Electricity Slips / trips / falls Falls from a height over 1.8 meters

Fire explosions Striking against objects Hand tools

Radiation Dust in eyes Other, specify:

2.1 Actual activity leading to incident

Using portable tools / equipment Driving / piloting Handling hazardous materials / substances

Operating plant / machinery Grinding Breaking connections

Assembling / dismantling Welding / burning Loading / unloading

Scaffolding Cleaning Draining / flushing

Climbing / descending Painting Working at height

Mechanical lifting Working at depth Manual handling

Walking Digging Other, specify:


2.2 Possible Immediate cause

Failure in communication Poor housekeeping Inadequate/ Inappropriate PPE

Failure to follow rules / procedures Substance abuse Failure to use / heed warnings / safety devices

Improper manual handling Failure to wear PPE Faulty tools / equipment

Inadequate warnings / safety devices Work environment Inadequate / misuse of tools / equipment

Insufficient time for task Fatigue / illness Insufficient equipment / personnel

Poor lighting Other, specify:

2.3 Root cause

Inadequate knowledge / skill / understanding Inadequate physical / mental capability Inadequate equipment

Stress Inadequate planning / procedures Inadequate PPE

Negligence Inadequate maintenance Inadequate scheduling of task

Inadequate supervision Inadequate motivation Inadequate management support

Inadequate procedures Other, specify:

2.4 Investigation findings (Add additional sheets where necessary)

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Name Signed Company Date

Attachments (e.g. safety reports, permits, training records etc.):

2.5 Remedial action

Action to be taken Responsible person

Completed by…………………….…………………………….. Signed…………………………………………….. Date ……………………………..

3.0 Further comments (Key learn to avoid this type of incident)


Completed by…………………….…………………………….. Signed…………………………………………….. Date ……………………………..


4.0 Approval
Any further action / risk assessment necessary
To be completed by the site manager

Name: Sign: Date:

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