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If a Christian priest,commit murders, it is OK, and even the CBI

won’t arrest the Christian priest. The Kerala High Court on 31-5-
2010 asked the CBI why Fr Varghese Thekkekkara, the first accused
in the Malankara Varghese murder case, was not arrested. Murder
investigation will not go anywhere if it is committed by a Christian
priest. Every Christian, including even the supreme court judge like
Cyriac Joseph will make sure that the Christian priests escape even
the murder rap. In the 19 year old nun Abhaya murder case, Cyriac
Joseph was present during narco analysis conducted in Bangalore on
the accused priests and nuns and got the tape edited to remove
evidence as per the father of the victim. If the Christian priests are
indulging in pedophile activities, the pope will ask for forgiveness or
pay up to 2 billion dollars to settle the cases and the priests are
allowed to continue to do the same pedophile act and the same
preaching. In Hindu majority India, if a man dons a sanyasi dress and
become popular with mass following church sends its Christian
agents as his driver or cook will videotape his activities, create fake
CDs and create media frenzy to defame the Hindu saint. If the saint is
too old they simply kill him as happened in Orissa. Fake cases will
registed with the help of Christian lawyers, judges, politicians and
media. Using paid goondas the church will create violence against
Hindu saints. But Christian priests like Varghese Thekkekkara, the
first accused in the Malankara Varghese murder case, will not
arrested while some 19 others are arrested for the murder he
ordered. Five long years Kerala police controlled by church dragged
its feet, like the 19 year delay in the murder of Abaya by Christian
priest and nun. CBI that took over the case was afraid to arrest the
Christian priest Varghese. Christians and church control congress
party .

Opus Dei the CIA equivalent of Popes dirty spies, planted Sonia in
India. CIA placed one of its agent Manmohan Singh as the Prime
Minister of India. Sonia a barmaid in UK was planted in the Nehru
family by OPUS DEI and was helped by ISI, KGB, and CIA. Opus Dei
has a lakh members in 90 nations. OD opened office in Delhi in 1993
and in Mumbai in 2001. OD members escape the authority of bishops
and is a religious terrorist sect like the Inquisition. John Paul II
created an office exclusively formed by priests of the OD. OD
members in the DMK killed an employee of the Kanchi Mutt and
created the fake Kanchi Seer case. Opus Dei was involved in
Venezuelan coup of11-4-2002. OD is linked to Colombian death
squads. OD is financed by Woodlawn Foundation, AES Corp,Carlyle
Group. Current pope, is a OD terrorist. AES, the world's largest
independent energy producer, is linked to Opus Dei and initiated
through Sonia the one sided Indo US nuclear treachery. Some 116
christian terrorist groups operate in NE states and now these groups
are augumented by the Christian naxal/maoist organizations that are
funded by the church. 6 groups Terrorist Groups are operating in
Assam. Prominent among them are United Liberation Front of Asom
(ULFA), National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB), Kamtapur
Liberation Organisation (KLO), Karbi National Volunteers (KNV),40
terrorist groups operate in Manipur:. Prominent among them are
United National Liberation Front, People's Liberation.Army, People's
Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak (Prepak) - all of which now operate
from the unified platform of the Manipur People's Liberation Front
(MPLF), Kangleipak Communist Party (KCP) and Kuki National Front

From the beginning when Christianity came to India, the Christian

converts are trying to destroy Hindu religious practices. First attack
on Hindu saints was inititated in TN. Malayali crooked christian
priests had sent a christian to Swami Premanand’s Asramam and
impregnated an inmate. With the police help it became mass rape by
the Seer and his conviction. The case against Premananda started
with a highly defamatory christian press campaign and not from a
complaint to the police, similar to the one in progress now in
Maharastra on Hindu terrorism. The christians manipulated even the
DNA samples to prove Premanda paternity. After tasting success
they attacked the Kanchi Seer. He was arrested for the murder of an
ex employee which was planned and executed by the church with
foreign funding. The christian media tried to show that Seer tried to
rape a sick paralysed woman journalist to defame him

A Blasphemous book ‘Satya Darshini’ CONDEMNING HINDU

GODS was printed in bulk, and published by christian missionaries in
South Indian languages for mass conversion of HINDUS TO
that Urvashi - the daughter of Lord Vishnu - is a pro-stitute. Vashitha
is the son of this pro-stitute. This goes the christian terrorists.
Another christian book ‘Haqeeqat’ written by christians and
used by christian missionaries says many despicable things about
Hindu Gods and Hindus. Christians are a poison in India. In 1857
every christian was killed in Delhi as they were British agents.
Christian terrorists kill more Hindus in NE than muslim terrorists as
per Home ministry. Christian are enemies of Hindus. Indian congress
is controlled by Rome plant Sonia and controls Indian government.
Hindus are left to fend for themselves

Christian Sonia wants to destroy Hinduism in India. Her govt said

that there is no Ram. She is trying to destroy Sethu. The christian
pros from Italy removed Hindu holidays Holi and Janmasthami in
January, 2007 from the list of gazetted government holidays. They
are now only on the list of Restricted Holidays, along with 32 other
festivals and sacred days. Church and Sonia wants to degrade
Hindus in India. Holi, Dusshera and Diwali are among the most
important Hindu festivals. By taking these two festivals from the
gazetted list, the christians are on a war path with Hindus of India.
According to the present list, there are three holidays for Hindus
Diwali, Dussehra and Ram Navami. Christian holidays are Good
Friday and Christmas and Christmas is banned in many US States as
it is not a christian festival. Even Christianity's weekly holiday was
stolen from others. Christianity honoured the Jewish Sabbath of
Saturday, but Constantine shifted it to pagan sun god's weekly day-
Sunday. Christian missionaries tortured and killed for converting
humans to chrisitanity. The torture is known by its sweet name
Inquisition. Inquisition in 1560 in Goa was organized by Francis
Xavier, the first international christian terrorist in India was in 1560 in
Goa. It is not the muslim Osama Bin Laden who is the first
international terrorist as is being made out to be by the present day
media. Vatican authorized and established inquisition in 1560 in Goa.
. The inhuman torture of local population by the christian fanatics
resulted in significant sections of the Hindu population to migrate from
Goa to Mangalore and other Sothern states. Konkanies in Kerala
settled there from Goa and never went back. Only after eight years
after the death of this christian terrorist Francisco Xavier did the
Hindus come back to Goa.. Conversion by torture and terrorism
initiated by Xavier, earned him sainthood from the Pope in 1622. Its
torture methods will shame the Nazi techniques

AP pays 100% of the tuition fees for Muslims in professional colleges

and fees get reimbursement from the govt. AP Urdu Academy grant
is Rs14 crore. The Sanskrit Academy gets just Rs5 lakhs. In Tirupati
the late christian Y Samuel put JRG Wealth Management, a christian
organization as contractor to supply Prasadam for TTD and they
bring beef in their lunch boxes to the temple. In Jan 2005 christian
YSR announced sponsorship of Hockey Tournament with TTD
money on his parents names. In March 2006 he demolished the 1000
pillar Mandapam at Tirupati. ALMOST 85% of the TTD REVENUES
has issued memo to demolish the famous ISKCON’s Krishna
temple in Secunderabadand to take 2890 sq.yards of land. Christians
have usurped the central and state governments in India. Dead
Christian YSR was giving AP government money for performing the
marriage of Muslim and Christian couples at the rate of 15000 per
couple. The marriages themselves will be under the auspices of the
government ‘s minority welfare departments The first such group
marriages was conducted in the State on 22-10-2008. The christian
Chief Minister YSR told this crowd that congress has unbound love
and care and regard for christians and muslims. He told that his
giving 4% reservation for muslims in spite of obstructions from the
High Court and Supreme Court is because of his love for muslims.
Because of the curse of Tirupati Christian YSR was killed in a
helicopter crash. It is rumoured that Christian Naxalites/Maoists were
promised Rs 4000 in return for their support to congress in AP
elections and he was supposed to carry the money in the helicopter.
But Naxalites who got information that YSR was not carrying the
money they shot down the helicopter.

Church symbolizes, murder of nuns,rape of nuns and terrorism. Two

weeks after Sr. Abhaya was murdered, another Sr. Mercy was
murdered and dumped in a waterless pond in the convent at
Mukkootuthara in the Kottayam. Murder became drowning due to
church mafia control. Sr. Paulcy of the Snehagiri or Hill of Love
Convent of Palai, Kottayam was poisoned on 17-5-2000 as she had
seen details of foreign illegal funds flowing in to the convent. After a
couple of months, the body of Sr. Sofi, a 27 year old nun of
Velliyappally Valakkattu Convent of Palai was found in the well of the
convent. Sr. Anjo a 22 year old nun of SH Convent, who was donated
to the church wanted to give up the veil, but the convent refused and
she ended her life by hanging on a ceiling fan on 29-12-2003. Sr.
Ancy, 32, of Bethany Convent of Ranny-Perunnadu was the next
victim in the well of the convent.On 23-6-2006 Sr. Lisa of Saint
Francis Clarist Convent of Iravuchira,Kottayam, was found dead after
consuming poison. In an act of God the 62 feet tall statue of Jesus
statue situated at Monroe, Ohio was struck by lightening on 15-6-
2010 and destroyed and this symbolizes that it is time to wind down
Christianity. Scientists have now concluded that Jesus Christ or a
Mohammad were fictional figures. . Jesus Christ was given divinity by
a committee convened by the Roman emperor Constantine in AD 325
known as the Council of Nicaea and his writers created the Bible
based on the various books prevalent at that time. The Jesus Christ
was on the lines of a God man Horus, or Osiris, etc, the story was
written on the Pyramids. Kapaleeswara temple and the place where
Santome church, and Velankanni church are standing belongs to
Hindus and should be taken back.

Kottayam district Kerala has the highest concentration of 8,

95,000 Christians and forms about 45.83% of the total inhabitants.
From this district young Christian families are sent all over India,
funded by the US churches and can be said to be the Vatican inside
India. The Kottayam Christians produce priests and nuns like car
manufacturing plant to be sent all over India and abroad, and is the
most lucrative of all business for the Christians. Poor parents donate
kids to become nuns and priest. The nuns are said to be married to
Jesus like Devadsis in Hinduism or like the 7000 year old Sumerian
civilization where the ladies have to sleep with at least once with any
stranger, and stay for that in a temple and they have to be veiled.
Probably the priests and Bishops knew this historical background and
this has resulted in forcible intercourse and murder of more than a
dozen nuns in Kerala convents and the police is party to the cover up.
The first was the case of Beena, who is called Sister Abhaya after
she had taken to veil or married to Jesus, a 19 year old girl was
forcibly intercoursed and killed by the priest and dumped her in a well
and the church sent the priest to Vatican to become a citizen there.
Minorities appears to be above LAW. On 10-3- 2006, the Kerala
High Court ordered investigation against the Christian Divine Retreat
Centre in Muringoor in Kerala state, about vagina abuse, homicide,
foreign exchange violation, forceful conversion, abduction,
intimidation and imprisonment of unwilling residents at the center.
The court received a complaint from a former christian employee of
the centre along with two video CDs for action against the christian
faith racket that was going on in Kerala with political and police
protection. Divine Retreat Centre, started in the eighties, is a christian
mafia faith healing centre. Since 1966 a total of 973 persons were
killed in that centre and none of them were reported to the police.
Public and civic leaders have complained against Muringoor Christian
center about the foreign currency violation, vagina abuse,
misdemeanor, felony, forceful conversion, murder, forced intercourse
and abduction and medical malpractice committed at the center.

Christians is 6%, whereas the Churches in India falsely claim

that their population is going down from 2.6% to 2.1%. There is a
Christian demographic bomb in India as Christian families have 4 to 6
children. Meghalaya, Nagaland etc, have become Christian majority
states after independence. Church is hiding the conversion data and
have asked the converts to declare them as Hindus. So the ST SC
students who got about 25% reservations in IITs are all christians.
Christian chief ministers in India, like Ajit Jogi, A.K.Anthony. Oomman
Chandy, dead YSR, Digvijay Singh etc. The congress party is now
virtually controlled in most of the states by the Christians. Sonia is
appointing only christians as DGPs and governors. India is now being
controlled by a foreign funded christian muslim group. Throughout
India poor families are badgered to convert, and the police and
administration support these as many of the minority officials are
holding top political and administrative positions

Christians are waging a war against Hindus, Hinduism and

India with an ultimate aim to dismember India. Fake cases were
created against Hindu saints like Premananda, Nityananda, Kanchi
Shankaracharya, as a psychological war on Hindus. Christians in
India are not only terrorists, but are funded by the Christian west.
Local Christian converts are not realizing that they are being led up
the garden path to become slaves of the West and poverty ridden like
in South American nations that was forced in to Christianity by
Western Christian invaders. The below poverty line population in
these converted nations is directly proportional to the percentage of
converted Christians, and this can be verified by anyone who use the
CIA handbook for details. All Hindus should come together to stop the
conversion and the malicious propaganda by the church and
missionaries in India. Hindus require a formal body with a permanent
Head Office. Archbishop of Madras, Arulappa had written a book in
Tamil, ‘Perinba Villakku’ that says Tiruvalluvar was a Christian.
This fraud Arulappa had created a project to show that Saint Paul, a
disciple of Jesus had come to India, converted Shri Tiruvalluvar to
Christianity who later compiled his famous spiritual writings as a
Christian. This fraud Arulappa used one Hindu, later called as
Acharya Paul to cut old pieces of paper in the shape of palm leaves,
pasted them on a cardboard, got Tiruvalluvar’s writings and
comments in favor of Christianity to look like ancient writings on palm
leaves, photographed the same and played a whole game of fraud, to
spread Christianity and also to make money for himself and for his
victim Acharya Paul. Acharya Paul later wrote his story of how he
became the victim of fraudulent Archbishop. Church had financed a
fraudulent project to show that Geeta was given by Christians to
uncivilized Hindus. Christian terrorists are in to a war on Hinduism.

Kapaleeswarar Temple in Mylapore Chennai was described by

Ptolemy, the Greek geographer (AD 90-168) in his books as
‘Maillarpha’ a well known seaport. Saint Tiruvalluvar the
celebrated author of the world famous ethical treatise Tirukkural lived
in Mylapore nearly 2000 years ago. In 1566 Portuguese Christians
demolished the Mylapore Kapaleeswarar temple located at the beach
and constructed Santome Church over it. The present temple was
rebuilt about 300 years ago inside Chennai away from the beach.
Fragmentary inscriptions from the old temple can be seen in the
present temple and in St. Thomas Cathedral. The Christians have
started an offensive against the reconstructed temple, as a defense
against the occupation of the Santome church by Hindus, as it was
constructed after destroying the original temple Christianity is the
most dangerous organization on earth that killed some 50 crore
humans. The Christian terrorists are targeting prominent Hindus and
Hindu saints for killing. The problem for India started with the
promotion by the Christian British rulers, who selected and promoted
Gandhi who once served the British Army and Jawahar lal Nehru who
was educated in Britain. Gandhi became attached to Nehru as Nehru
who was living in the red-light area, used to supply young girls for the
sexual nude experiments of Gandhi. It is necessary for every India to
study the true Indian history so that our nation will not be runover by
the muslim terrorists or Christian terrorists

Christian priests in Kerala state, South India who face criminal

charges are some 63 numbers, as on Friday, October 19, 2007 for
the previous seven years only. Offences include murder, rape,
molestation, assault, abduction, theft ,break-in, and cheating. What
else can we expect from a sick, unnatural, hate-mongering, organ
obssessed, violent prone religion like Christianutty? Kerala Police
says, the weeds have spread among the wheat. Every offence under
the Indian Penal Code and in the Ten Commandments, has been
committed by the Christian priests who goes around all over India for
conversion work. Two priests have been accused of murder while ten
are charged with attempt to murder. Yet another is booked for aiding
in a murder. Joseph Antony and Maria Lal Manjali are accused of
homicide. Babu Chirakkavur, Mathew Jacob, ET Johnson, KP Mathai,
Joy T Varghese, Jiju Varghese, Reji are accused of attempt to
murder in cases registered in different police stations. Supreme Court
judge Cyriac Joseph is involved in sister Abaya murder case. In a
case of assault and illegal detention in 2002 Fr. M. Santhappan,
parish priest of the Lady Magdalene Church at Pallithura was an
accused. Kerala priest Fr Varghese Thekkekara, the manager of the
Angamalidiocese of the Syrian Jacobite church, was arrested by
police for murder in May 2010

30 old Juliana from Bangalore marrying an 80 year old Tamil

actor Gemini Ganesan or a Selvaraj targeting Gemini Ganesan’s
daughter Dr, Kamala is part of the Christian church strategy. Film
actress Srividya was targeted by a Kerala Christian who later
divorced her and tried to corner her properties. Even the arrival of an
uneducated Italian barmaid who was presented in front of Rajiv
Gandhi in UK is part of the world strategy by the christians. In Andhra
Pradesh the converted christians constitute about one-sixth of the
students in every class and they make unpleasant remarks about
Hinduism, its festivals and traditions in the classes as directed by the
missionaries. Christians are taking our country and the majority
Hindus for a ride with the provisions of the minority educational
institutions. Any Christian can get admission in these institutions and
the state ends up pays for it. In Tripura, for instance, there were no
Christians at independence, the maharaja of the state was a Hindu
and there were innumerable temples all over the State. But from
1950, Christian missionaries with Nehru’s blessings went into the
deep forests of Tripura and started converting the Hindus. Now it is
90% christians. Millions of dollars are being poured in by USA in
North East for destabilizing India. Three priest were arrested in
Tripura in April 2000 for aiding terrorists and possessing a large
quantity of explosives including 60 gelatin sticks, 5kg of potassium,
2kg of sulphur and other ingredients for making bombs. In the year
2001, there were 826 terrorist attacks in Tripura in which 405 persons
were killed and 481 cases of kidnapping by the rebels. Christian
terrorists like All Tripura Tiger Force (ATTF),National Liberation Front
of Tripura (NLFT) are all funded by Americans. These christian
terrorists have killed more than 10,000 Hindus in Tripura in the last 20

Church paid 100 million dollars as compensation to the child

victims of the christian priests. Recently a 62-year-old christian priest
Simon Palanthingal from Kerala linked to the St. Bedes and Don
Bosco in Chennai was charged with four counts of sexual assault on
a 9-year-old American boy. In India with no enforcement of the rule of
law, it is a free run for these pedophile christian missionaries and
christen westerners as seen recently in TN. In Jharkhand a court has
sentenced a Tamil christian priest Christudas, 48, principal of St.
Joseph's School at Guhiyajori to 3 years rigorous imprisonment for
sodomising a 14 year old schoolboy. In March 2005 the christian
priest Prasad Gonsalves was arrested in Radhanpura town in Gujarat
for demanding sexual favours from a woman. The christian priest also
promised to give her a house if she converted to Christianity as per
the Patan police superintendent A V Vasava. The explosion of
conversion activities and the criminalities of the christian church is
resulting in the creation of new christian sects with US funding. They
called City of Faith, Exodus, Joshua, New Life, Master Ministry,
Covenant, Hiel Gospel, City of Faith and High Land Trinity and they
abhor rituals, episcopal hierarchy and all kinds of mediators, including
saints. They discard the church authority and the teachings in the
Sonia has put christian policemen and judges where it matters.
The arrest of Kanchi Seer was not the first case organized by the
christian mafia in India. It was the Swami Premananda’s
“double life term†given by the Madras HC which is a christian
controlled setup, and confirmed by the SC that gave them the
boldness to arrest Kanchi Seer. Premananda case was initiated by a
church. A christian guy was sent to the Hindu Ashram and
impregnating a christian girl there and manipulating even the DNA
samples. Even in labs like CCMB, Hyd have christians who will adjust
samples on church orders to give false result. Sister Abaya case
shows that the hold of church on the CBI. The forced disembarking
from an Indian Airlines flight the Swami Avimukteshwarananda
Saraswati, for carrying his holy dand, a thin bamboo stick which is a
symbol of their spiritual designation, by a christian Indian Airlines Pilot
speaks to the level to which every christian will go to denigrade
Hindus and Hinduism. Sonia has put christian policemen and judges
where it matters. The arrest of Kanchi Seer was not the first case
organized by the christian mafia in India. It was the Swami
Premananda’s “double life term†given by the Madras HC
which is a christian controlled setup, and confirmed by the SC that
gave them the boldness to arrest Kanchi Seer. Premananda case
was initiated by a church. A christian guy was sent to the Hindu
Ashram and impregnating a christian girl there and manipulating even
the DNA samples. Even in labs like CCMB, Hyd have christians who
will adjust samples on church orders to give false result. Sister Abaya
case shows that the hold of church on the CBI

Public do not hear about the christian terrorism as Christians

control congress and christian mafic own the media. On June 16,
2005 Sonia relaxed the rules so that the church is controlling our
media up to 26% with foreign funds. CNN-IBN is fully funded by
Southern Baptist Church and headed by Rajdeep Sardesai and his
wife Sagarika Ghosh. Times Group consisting of Times of India, Mid-
day, Nav-Bharath Times, Stardust, Femina, Vijaya Times, Vijaya
Karnataka, Times Now TV, are owned by Bennet & Coleman for
which 80% of the Funding is done by World christian council and
balance 20% is equally shared by an Englishman and an Italian. The
Italian Roberto Mindo is a relative of Sonia. STAR TV is run by an
Australian, who is supported by St.Peters Pontificial Church
Melbourne. The Hindu has been taken over by Joshua Society,
Berne, Switzerland. Acts Ministries has major stake in the Indian
express. The Censor Board did not block the movie 'Slum Dog
Millionaire' that openly denigrates revered Hindu Deity Lord Sri Ram
and pokes fun at the rich Indian Culture but would have blocked the
movie, if film was denigrading Mohammad or Jesus Christ. The entire
movie Slum Dog Millionaire, portray Bharat wrongly as a country
ridden with negative socio-cultural aspects such as Extreme Poverty,
Continuous rioting, Prostitution etc., these scenes have been over
exaggerated. This movie denigrates Lord Rama through a game
show. A question asked in this game show takes the muslim hero
Jamal into flashback. The question is, 'What is Lord Rama holding in
his right hand?' This question reminds Jamal of the riots that had
occurred during his childhood. The film shows that Hindus attack a
Muslim area saying, 'They're Muslims, get them!' Jamal's mother is
killed by a Hindu after being hit by a rod on the head. Jamal and his
brother Salim run away after seeing their mother killed

India tops the world in the number of terror attacks it is

subjected to. India should be declared as the foremost country in the
world battling terrorism. At least 231 of the country’s 608 Districts
are currently afflicted, at differing intensities, by various insurgent and
terrorist movements. 2005 witnessed a total of 3,236 fatalities in
terrorism-related incidents and in 2006 people died in terrorism-
related violence in India was 2,765. In the last decade, India lost over
53,000 lives to terrorism. In all its wars with Pakistan and China and
other army operations, it has lost around 8,050 lives since
independence. Thus the enormity of the threats that terrorism poses
to India is very large. As per the latest HOME MINISTRY report, the
number of people killed due to the multiple insurgencies of India’s
North East christian terrorism exceeded that by the muslim terrorism
in JK and all over India

Tamil Nadu has the world’s highest rate of churches per

capita. Though only a small minority of people call themselves
Christians, there are 1500 independent Christian churches. Several
cases of cheating cases have been registered against Christian
priests and bishops in 2006, who pretended to build houses for
Tsunami victims and poor people and thereby cheated the public of
huge amounts. At least four bishops have been accused of cheating
the public of Rs 40 crores in the name of charity. While two bishops
of the Moulin Mission Trust in Mahabalipuram and the Calvari Mission
Trust in Vellore have been arrested the police is hunting the other
two. They collected huge deposits from contractors after promising
them orders for house construction for tsunami victims. Some other
bishops, who used the same trick, have so far escaped arrest by
absconding.Many of the churches are still collecting money for house
construction for tsunami victims in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh
Christians are told to make disciples of all nations by their Western
master. The local missionaries have done this so aggressively
including murdering of Hindu leaders and denigrading Hinduism by
publishing a series of anti Hindu publications and media propaganda,
in recent years that Hindus have started buring churches and
christian homes all over India. The Hindus consider the christians as
aliens and a fifth column community and a left over organ of British
rule. The christian meet in Geneva in January 2007 had even
anticipated this natural backlash. As per this meeting discussions
they acknowledged that Christian missionaries are out to convert
using money, fake miracles, outright dirty books that discredit deities
of other religions and even political and even violent methods. Hans
Ucko, a Swedish Lutheran priest said that due to increased
proselytism even using violent methods the fiber of living together is

Hindus can trust the muslims but not a single Christian. One
Christian is more dangerous to the Hindus than all muslims put
together in India. When the muslims were indoctrinated by the
propaganda material from Saudi Arabia, many muslims felt ashamed
and had show it to their Hindu friends. Terrorism is being imposed on
the ignorant muslim community by nations like Saudi Arabia. But a
single Christian is like poison in India and is an agent of the West and
is a very silent terrorist. Look at the Home department report that
says that Christian terrorists kill more Hindus in India than the muslim
terrorists. But ordinary Hindus never heard of Christian terrorism.
That is because the Christians control even the media in India. From
kerala to Kashmir, the christian missionaries are printing books in
different name denigrading Hinduism and Hindus so that they can
carryout mass conversions. In January 2006 at Vasai Road priest
John Matthew was arrested by police for distributing blasphemous
books. In Mumbai in November, 2006 Mulund police arrested a
christian missionary Sunil Samuel Kelvin was arrested for distributing
booklet named 'Live in the Spirit'. denigrading Hindu Gods and faith,
In Tamil Nadu a group,of teachers and students, of East Coast
Christian Matriculation School in Neelankarai while on tour on 23-9-
08 parked their vehicle at Coimbatore, Corporation grounds on
Crosscut road. Five persons of this group started distributing
pamphlets propagating Christianity and denigrating Hindu Gods, The
police arrested them and sent to 15-day judicial remand

The forced disembarking from an Indian Airlines flight the

Swami Avimukteshwarananda Saraswati, for carrying his holy dand,
a thin bamboo stick which is a symbol of their spiritual designation, by
a christian IA Pilot speaks to the level to which every christian will go
to denigrade Hindus. AK Anthony a 3 times Kerala CM became CM
after ousting Karunakaran with fake ISRO spy case. Fake ISRO spy
case was initiated by CIA owned Malayala Manorama fake spy case
blitzkrieg. Mass sterilisation of Hindu tribals in Wayanad was done
when A.K. Antony was the CM, Wayanad District Medical Officer was
stormed by Hindus on 4-12-2003. It was like American Baptist
terrorist Missionary Paul Lewis who clandestinely sterilized 20,000
Akha Hill Tribe women in Burma & Eastern Shan State. AK. Anthony
is a christian fundamentalist. During his time the christians cornered
all lucrative permissions for private education institutions in Kerala.
The church thus is a controlling factor in Kerala politics

On Krishna Janmashtami night, a Hindu saint Swami

Lakshmananda, was murdered along with an aged Hindu nun, Ma
Bhaktimoyee, in his ashram. Sonia’s christian IG tried to direct
and guide the entire investigation till the arrested christian murderers
confessed that Hindu swami's work among tribals made
prosylitisation difficult and hence they took the violent way. The
christian controlled congress party will never arrest the Bishops who
ordered the killing of Hindu saints. The murder happened on the tenth
attempt by christian terrorist. It is reported that out of 42000
conversions only 2 have been through the legal system. BJP is also
in power there. What action was taken by BJP to protect the Hindus
in Orissa and to promote their economic status. Orissa is being
raided by christian conversion terrorists from Kerala with total

Hindus should wear black ribbon on christmas day. In Tirupati the

dead christian CM Y Samuel Rajasekhara Reddy, put JRG Wealth
Management, a christian organization as contractor to supply
Prasadam for TTD and these christians bring beef in their lunch
boxes to the temple premises. In Jan 2005 this dead christian CM
announced sponsorship of Hockey Tournament with TTD money on
his Christian parents names. In March 2006 dead Christian YSR
demolished the 1000 pillar Mandapam at Tiruppathi. 85% of the TTD
revenue is transferred to state coffers by the dead Christian YSR and
from this fund this dead christian YSR gave five crore Rupees for
christian pilgrims to go to Jerusalem. Chrstians are a bigger threat for
Hindus in India than the muslims. Hindu organisations called for
massive protest against this Anti Hindu drive, by Christians. Protest
meet was held on 19-11-08 in front of Hyderabad Collectorate, The
dead Christian CM YSR was a threat to Hindus, and Tirupati curse
eliminated him. Chirag Ali Lane, Abids. Organizers of protest
requested world wide Hindus to show their solidarity and called for
their participation in the fight against Christians in India. The dead
christian YSR put his christian half brother as TTD Chairman. The
last in this type of appointment was a liquor dealer who voted for the
Christian Sonia alias Maino’s Rome congress. A year back the
dirty liquor trader’s relatives were staying in the TTD office at
Himayat Nagar. Later the staff found liquor bottles and condoms, left
over by these liquor traders relatives in the sacred premises. In AP
Hindu students have to convert to Christianity to get admission. See
my picture blog

Congress rule of Italian plant Sonia has increased our poverty

level by ten percent to 37% and this climate sellout will make the
poverty level to 50%. Indian citizens should investigate the takeover
of India by CIA OPUS DEI, ISI, KGB and the background of Antonia
Maino, Manmohan Singh and publish it. This is like it was in Sikkim
when the CIA planted an agent to teach English to the Prince and the
female CIA agent conveniently falls in love with the Prince and marry
him and later the Prince and his US CIA wife wanted an independent
Sikkim. sonia is running down our nation and selling it to the West
using a sick Manmohan who is known as a US plant. Raol or Rahul,
italian christian and Indian half christian, half muslim, a gang rapist,
who got $2 billion in his minor accorunt from KGB, on hehalf of his
Bofors chor father the muslim Rajiv Gandhi, details of which is
available in a Swiss magazine, is amply suited to lead the thugs that
Indians elect to the parliament. All these thugs and other criminals of
India has looted this nation and kept some 1.9 trillion dollars in swiss
bank. With so much money Rahul was running around with his
colombian drug dealers daughter wife in USA, that he was arrested at
Logan airport. The Hijada Haji Vajpayee sent the US ambassador to
release Rahul from FBI custody. So Rahul is amply influential and
experienced in all matters of rape, bribe, arrest etc that he could be
our next pm or president or chairmn for Satyam computer

Union Carbide was sold to Dow to avoid any payment for the
30000 Indians killed and over 5 lakh Indians still suffering, in the
Bhopal gas leak. Dow employed congressmen like Abhishek Manu
Singhvi as its lawyers and got entry in to India. It started the Dow
Chemical International Pvt. Ltd’s Global R&D Center, office at
Panchsheel Tech. Park., Tower C , 6th Floor, Near Don Bosco
School, Off Airport Road, Pune 411040 India. Tel: +91 20 6626 9500,
Fax: +91 20 6626 9555. Dow investment is supposed to be around
Rs 400 crore or $100 million in its R and D facility in a 100 acres area
at Chakan, 40 km from Pune. The centre was supposed to be ready
by 2010. The MoU was signed in 2007 in the presence of Maharastra
Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh and Dow executive president
Michael Gambrell. Marathi villagers who do not trust the traitors like
Vilasarao, set fire to Dow office and vehicles in July 2008. Banda
Tatya Karadkar Maharaj Karadkar, one of the most respected
Kirtankar of Warkari Sampraday (sect) who had led warkaris in
destroying the construction of the notorious Dow Chemicals, marched
on the Chakan Police Station near Pune to get arrested. Tatya had
written a letter to the traitor Vilasarao taking the responsibility of the
demolition of Dow and demanded that Dow Chemical should not only
be thrown out the Sant Bhoomi (sacred land,) but also out of our
country. NGOs such as Lokayat and Lokshashan Andolan have now
joined the protests against the US terrorist chemical firm, and so have
a former judge of the Mumbai high court, B.G. Kolse Patil, and a
retired inspector general of police

BJP leaders are regularly killed so also RSS leaders. This is

organised on a national scale by Opus Dei. The killed leaders are not
very well known but are upcoming popular Hindu leaders. Every
Hindu Sanyasi is targeted by the christian mafia.Christians also
operate adoption agencies using the word Mandir, Ashramam etc.
Illegal adoption racket is being run by church funded Christians using
Hindu sounding names. Recently one Matthew Yanmal, president of
the Gurukul Godavari Balak Ashram at Yerawada, Pune was arrested
by the police were prevented from sealing the agency by Christian

Hindus should wear black ribbon on christmas day. In Tirupati

the dead christian CM Y Samuel Rajasekhara Reddy, put JRG
Wealth Management, a christian organization as contractor to supply
Prasadam for TTD and these christians bring beef in their lunch
boxes to the temple premises. In Jan 2005 this dead christian CM
announced sponsorship of Hockey Tournament with TTD money on
his Christian parents names. In March 2006 dead Christian YSR
demolished the 1000 pillar Mandapam at Tiruppathi. 85% of the TTD
revenue is transferred to state coffers by the dead Christian YSR and
from this fund this dead christian YSR gave five crore Rupees for
christian pilgrims to go to Jerusalem. Chrstians are a bigger threat for
Hindus in India than the muslims. Hindu organisations called for
massive protest against this Anti Hindu drive, by Christians. Protest
meet was held on 19-11-08 in front of Hyderabad Collectorate, The
dead Christian CM YSR was a threat to Hindus, and Tirupati curse
eliminated him. Chirag Ali Lane, Abids. Organizers of protest
requested world wide Hindus to show their solidarity and called for
their participation in the fight against Christians in India. The dead
christian YSR put his christian half brother as TTD Chairman. The
last in this type of appointment was a liquor dealer who voted for the
Christian Sonia alias Maino’s Rome congress. A year back the
dirty liquor trader’s relatives were staying in the TTD office at
Himayat Nagar. Later the staff found liquor bottles and condoms, left
over by these liquor traders relatives in the sacred premises. In AP
Hindu students have to convert to Christianity to get admission

Congress rule of Italian plant Sonia has increased our poverty level
by ten percent to 37% and this climate sellout will make the poverty
level to 50%. Indian citizens should investigate the takeover of India
by CIA OPUS DEI, ISI, KGB and the background of Antonia Maino,
Manmohan Singh and publish it. This is like it was in Sikkim when the
CIA planted an agent to teach English to the Prince and the female
CIA agent conveniently falls in love with the Prince and marry him
and later the Prince and his US CIA wife wanted an independent
Sikkim. sonia is running down our nation and selling it to the West
using a sick Manmohan who is known as a US plant. Raol or Rahul,
italian christian and Indian half christian, half muslim, a gang rapist,
who got $2 billion in his minor accorunt from KGB, on hehalf of his
Bofors chor father the muslim Rajiv Gandhi, details of which is
available in a Swiss magazine, is amply suited to lead the thugs that
Indians elect to the parliament. All these thugs and other criminals of
India has looted this nation and kept some 1.9 trillion dollars in swiss
bank. With so much money Rahul was running around with his
colombian drug dealers daughter wife in USA, that he was arrested at
Logan airport. The Hijada Haji Vajpayee sent the US ambassador to
release Rahul from FBI custody. So Rahul is amply influential and
experienced in all matters of rape, bribe, arrest etc that he could be
our next pm or president or chairmn for Satyam compute
Union Carbide was sold to Dow to avoid any payment for the
30000 Indians killed and over 5 lakh Indians still suffering, in the
Bhopal gas leak. Dow employed congressmen like Abhishek Manu
Singhvi as its lawyers and got entry in to India. It started the Dow
Chemical International Pvt. Ltd’s Global R&D Center, office at
Panchsheel Tech. Park., Tower C , 6th Floor, Near Don Bosco
School, Off Airport Road, Pune 411040 India. Tel: +91 20 6626 9500,
Fax: +91 20 6626 9555. Dow investment is supposed to be around
Rs 400 crore or $100 million in its R and D facility in a 100 acres area
at Chakan, 40 km from Pune. The centre was supposed to be ready
by 2010. The MoU was signed in 2007 in the presence of Maharastra
Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh and Dow executive president
Michael Gambrell. Marathi villagers who do not trust the traitors like
Vilasarao, set fire to Dow office and vehicles in July 2008. Banda
Tatya Karadkar Maharaj Karadkar, one of the most respected
Kirtankar of Warkari Sampraday (sect) who had led warkaris in
destroying the construction of the notorious Dow Chemicals, marched
on the Chakan Police Station near Pune to get arrested. Tatya had
written a letter to the traitor Vilasarao taking the responsibility of the
demolition of Dow and demanded that Dow Chemical should not only
be thrown out the Sant Bhoomi (sacred land,) but also out of our
country. NGOs such as Lokayat and Lokshashan Andolan have now
joined the protests against the US terrorist chemical firm, and so have
a former judge of the Mumbai high court, B.G. Kolse Patil, and a
retired inspector general of police
BJP leaders are regularly killed so also RSS leaders. This is
organised on a national scale by Opus Dei. The killed leaders are not
very well known but are upcoming popular Hindu leaders. Every
Hindu Sanyasi is targeted by the christian mafia.Christians also
operate adoption agencies using the word Mandir, Ashramam etc.
Illegal adoption racket is being run by church funded Christians using
Hindu sounding names. Recently one Matthew Yanmal, president of
the Gurukul Godavari Balak Ashram at Yerawada, Pune was arrested
by the police were prevented from sealing the agency by Christian

CIA report says that Rajiv Gandhi ordered the release of Union
Carbide boss Warren Anderson. Since this was not discussed in the
cabinet committee as per Rajiv Gandhi’s principal secretary PC
Alexander, the release of Anderson was ordered personally by Raiv
Gandhi. Rajiv had never seen good money in his younger days and
this made him go after bribe like in the case of Bofors pay off. Rajiv
Gandhi who was a bribe taker must have enormously benefitted by
this. Rajiv who never had enough pocket money from his mother
Indira, was frequently given money by Antonia Maino, who later
became Sonia, as she was working in London,for Salman Tassir who
was an ISI officer, who had an import export office in Dubai as well.
Rajiv Gandhi who collected money from a gun deal like Bofors have
no difficulty in collecting money from Union Carbide when they
offered it and got it in his Swiss bank account. Rajiv has also
influenced the judge like the corrupt Ahamadi to convert the issue to
the level of a traffic accident. The immoral Rajiv has put the whole
nation at risk by marrying Edvige Antonia Albina Maino Alias Sonia
Gandhi. Vaticans Archbishop Marcinkus who was later made in to a
lay priest for his link to mafia, drug trade, murder and the loss of $700
million to the Vatican bank, planted Sonia in India for the Pope. When
Marcinkus’s friend, Shark Sindona, advisor to Vatican and also a
friend of Pope Paul VI, threatened to reveal the details of the planting
of Sonia Gandhi, Sindona was killed, by poisoning by PM Silvio

But in Hindu majority India, if a man dons a sanyasi dress and

indulge in consensual intimacy in the privacy of his room, the
Christian agents sent as his driver or cook will videotape it and make
it a major issue and the law will act even without any evidence. Fr
Varghese Thekkekkara, the first accused in the Malankara Varghese
murder case, was not arrested but arrested some 19 others for the
murder. Christian priest T Varghese directly handed over Rs 55,000
to a goonda gang leader for a murder on 5-12-2002 that he ordered.
Five long years Kerala police controlled by church dragged its feet,
like the 19 year delay in the murder of Abaya by Christian priest and
nun. CBI that took over the case was afraid to arrest the Christian
priest Varghese Thekkekkara who is the first accused. Rome plant
Mary Sonia control congress, CBI and our judiciary. Hindus should
boycott the congress party which is now virtually controlled by the

If a Christian priest,commit murders, it is OK, and even the CBI

won’t arrest the Christian priest. The Kerala High Court on 31-5-
2010 asked the CBI why Fr Varghese Thekkekkara, the first accused
in the Malankara Varghese murder case, was not arrested. Murder
investigation will not go anywhere if it is committed by a Christian
priest. Every Christian, including even the supreme court judge like
Cyriac Joseph will make sure that the Christian priests escape even
the murder rap. In the 19 year old nun Abhaya murder case, Cyriac
Joseph was present during narco analysis conducted in Bangalore on
the accused priests and nuns and got the tape edited to remove
evidence as per the father of the victim. If the Christian priests are
indulging in pedophile activities, the pope will ask for forgiveness or
pay up to 2 billion dollars to settle the cases and the priests are
allowed to continue to do the same pedophile act and the same

There was a fake ISRO spy scam in Kerala created by the

media, and as per a Russian book by CIA, to delay the liquid
propulsion system (it was delayed by 12 years) that resulted in the
removal of Karunakaran and installation of Anthony as the CM of
Kerala. The ex finance minister of WB had written a book in which he
said that Manmohan was put as FM in Rao govt because of US
pressure. The CIA funded the Vimochanasamaram or the agitation to
remove the elected communist government of Kerala and the state
govt was removed in 1959. This agitation funded by CIA had made
the church Sunday school leaders like AK Anthony, Oomman Chandy
etc as leaders of congress party. The CIA funding was confirmed by
the book written by a former US Abassador to India. Kerala churches
and the christian journalists are on CIA payroll as per Kerala CM
Achuthanandan as told in the assembly on 12-3-2007. There was a
fake ISRO spy scam in Kerala created by the media, and as per a
Russian book by CIA, to delay the liquid propulsion system (it was
delayed by 12 years) that resulted in the removal of Karunakaran and
installation of Anthony as the CM of Kerala. The ex finance minister
of WB had written a book in which he said that Manmohan was put as
FM in Rao govt because of US pressure. The CIA funded the
Vimochanasamaram or the agitation to remove the elected
communist government of Kerala and the state govt was removed in
1959. This agitation funded by CIA had made the church Sunday
school leaders like AK Anthony, Oomman Chandy etc as leaders of
congress party. The CIA funding was confirmed by the book written
by a former US Abassador to India. Kerala churches and the christian
journalists are on CIA payroll as per Kerala CM Achuthanandan as
told in the assembly on 12-3-2007

Lambada tribal girls from AP are very much in demand in the

Gulf as these girls are fair and have sharp features. These girls are
illegally sold to NRIs and foreigners under the guise of adoption. Girls
are sourced from a tribal colony in Nalgonda, 150 km from
Hyderabad. The newborn baby girls from the tribals for Rs 2,000 and
sold for Rs 2 lakh to foreign buyers. Babies are booked as soon as
pregnancy is confirmed. Orphanages called Buds Blossom, in AP is
in to buying and selling of these girls. All adoption papers are forged.
Police have arrested Pastor Sankala Peter Subbaiah, director of the
Good Samaritan Evangelical Society and who is also a Congress dist
committee member of Chittor bought and sold at least 60 baby girls to
people from the US,UK, Belgium and Denmark etc. The infants are
kept in a two-storeyed house in Mahendra Hills, with 32 maids
working in shifts. Committee.,,,, Many children are bought for organ
transplants x trade. Policemen are involved in this racket. In Andhra
Pradesh, Anita Sen who is wife of Christian DGP Swaranjit Sen
carried a reward of Rs 500,000 on her head in 2001, for child trade.
She ran an unlicensed adoption centre called Precious Moments in
Miyapur near Hyderabad and earned around Rs 45 Lakhs . Anita Sen
utilised the services of Tabernacle School of Evangelism to collect
the kid sale money from foreigners. Church and Christian politicians
are involved in the sale of kids can be seen in the renewal of a
cancelled license of an adoption agency called the Sisters of St
Theresa's Tender Loving Care Home (TLCH) on the orders of
Christian CM of AP the late YSR. TLCH fabricated medical reports
and sold more than 600 kids. Another Christian set up involved in
child sale is the John Abraham Memorial Bethany Home (JAMBH) in
Tandur near Hyderabad that even listed non existent villages from
where they procured the kids

Stealing of just born kids is part of the Christian adoption

agencies method. Church is organizing adoption agencies throughout
India, to steal Hindu kids. They bring up Hindu kids, forcibly convert
them and sell them to Christian families in India and abroad. This has
parallel to what church was doing to the local aborigines in Australia.
Christians name these adoption agencies with Hindu names.
Recently one Mathew Rayappa Yanmal, 39 was arrested in Pune,
who was running an adoption agency called Gurukul Godavari Balak
Ashram for selling an HIV-positive baby which died later, to a Mumbai
couple. As per the human anti-trafficking Committee that recorded 35
children’s statements at the ashram, illegal adoption and sale of
children at the ashram was done through another organisation called
Preet Mandir. They also found that children were forced to convert.
Children were converted at Kedgaon in Daund and had their Hindu
names changed.,,, India is an
international baby shopping centre that nets multi billion dollars. It is
guided by chuch and run by Christians using Hindu names for
adoption agencies. This is an all India Christian operation like that of
the love jihad by muslims. Chennai kid kidnappers arrested on 3-5-
2005, sold 350 children to an adoption agency. 10 agencies in Delhi
are under investigation. In 1999, an inter country adoption racket in
Andhra Pradesh run by S. Peter Subbiah of Good Samaritan
Evangelical Social Welfare Association was found buying and selling
babies and it blown the lid off the child adoption racket. In Salem in
TN police arrested five persons who sold the stolen babies from the
government hospital to an adoption agency in Chennai. The going
global rate of a child is $22,000-$25,000 while in India the child, is
sold to international adopters at the rate of $4000 to $5000 per child

Hindus should boycott the congress party which is now virtually

controlled by the church and the Italain plant Rome mary Sonia
Gandhi. The Kerala High Court on 31-5-2010 asked the CBI why Fr
Varghese Thekkekkara, the first accused in the Malankara Varghese
murder case, was not arrested. Christian priest T Varghese directly
handed over Rs 55,000 to a goonda gang leader after committing
murder ordered by the priest on 5-12-2002. Five long years of probe
by the Kerala police’s crime branch yielded nothing as it was
committed by a Christian priest. It was like the murder of Christian
nun Abaya by a Christian priest that went on for 19 years without any
arrest as the church has full control on the congress party. The
Kerala High court in September 2007 ordered a CBI investigation and
yet the CBI’s Chennai unit did not arrestthe first accused due to
Sonia’s control of the congress party but arrested some 19
people for the murder.

Arjun Singh was on the payroll of Union Carbide.Union Carbide

paid Rajiv the bofors chor and Rajiv Gandhi should renamed from his
previous pet name Bofos Rajiv to Bhopal Rajiv. Now he will put the
blame on Narasimha Rao who is no more. In fact Manmohan Singh
might have been the contact man of USA during Rao's tenure.
Manmohan was planted in Rao govt by USA and he must have been
behind the escape of Anderson from India. Economist Dr Ashok Mitra
was also Chief financial Advisor to Indira and a former finance
minister of West Bengal wrote a book titled ‘A Prattler’s
Tale’ in 2007 and book says that the American government
pressurised P.V. Narasimha Rao to put Manmohan Singh as the
finance minister in P V Narasimha Rao’s Cabinet. Manmohan
Singh was flown in to India from USA on the day he was sworn in.
Manmohan has allowed the a Pakistani bank which was a front for
ISI, CIA operations and also known as terrorist funding bank, cocaine
bank, crooks and criminals bank and it was called Bank of Credit and
Commerce International. This ISI bank BCCI opened its branch in
India in 1983 while he was a governor of RBI against RAW advise.
BCCI collapsed in 1991 with a loss of $16 billion, the details came out
in a US senate investigation and in our parliament discussions. A
commission should investigate the full background of Manmohan. He
claims under oath to be a resident of Assam to get elected to Rajya
Sabha. Edvige Antonia Albina Maino Alias Sonia Gandhi and
Manmohan Singh are bad for India. Hindus should boycott the
congress party which is now virtually controlled by the church and the
Italain plant Rome mary Sonia Gandhi.
he church in India controls the congress party headed by the
Itlaiian plant Antonia Maino alias Sonia. Even the Christians split from
congress party form congress a, or congress b, or congress c parties.
The church controls all these splinter groups. Recently the
Changanacherry Archbishop Mar Joseph Perumthottam organized
the merger of Kerala Congress (Joseph) with Kerala Congress (Mani)
in Kerala. The Christian churches involvement in education and
politics is against the secular constitution of India. The intervention of
Christian church should be banned. Religion-based politics of
muslims and Christians are very dangerous for India

The case against Swami Premananda started with a highly

defamatory christian press campaign and not from a complaint to the
police, that lasted many months. Since Swami Premananda’s
arrest and imprisonment there have been a number of attempts to
charge well-known Hindu spiritual leaders and to discredit their
ashrams in South India. The arrest of Kanchi Seer, on Dipawali time,
was the second attack on the Hindu community organized by the
christian mafia in India. From the beginning when Christianity came to
India, the Christian converts are trying to destroy Hindu religious
practices. First attack on Hindu saints was inititated in TN. Malayali
crooked christian priests had sent a christian to Swami
Premanand’s Asramam and impregnated an inmate. With the
police help it became mass rape by the Seer and his conviction. The
case against Premananda started with a highly defamatory christian
press campaign and not from a complaint to the police, similar to the
one in progress now in Maharastra on Hindu terrorism. The christians
manipulated even the DNA samples to prove Premanda paternity.
After tasting success they attacked the Kanchi Seer. He was arrested
for the murder of an ex employee which was planned and executed
by the church with foreign funding

Only tow days back, the Pope apologize to the victims of sexual
abuse of by Catholics preasts and pastors of the Church. I did not
see Indian media has even taken note of such News as it does not
play in pseudo secular and corrupt mind set up of media of India,
which is obviously corrupt and anti Hindus

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