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@ Greek Orthedor Patriarchate of Mexandria E All Africa Chinese of Gred = Ongust “2018 ihe Monpay TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Qn_Thy Bith-giving, @ Theotokos, “ha kt ant ated Vgy ond | ROMER SSeeerom A spams arones J 4 : Silsaaicos: Daimation in Thy Falling Aslecp Thow has: not SiGamailel xstAbibas | ysoncs : By q Hoy Maceab e.g SAD jonasery stThenctices|_| 7 Holy Sleepers of Bphesor wsahen the world, Fou luing, Thow was | BSe—moniatmetwen | SipasletMorcow | MCHOL Simmcaace |’ "st suaskaot Pomc vdoaed, feng: the Mather of Sele. | Heat oe dors Nev StAnhonytesomean St Hotinoice of Granslated, being th ey Martyrs ofFeaa ae iRaghden Pricmaryrct Peril Constantinople Wherefore, by Chine Ontercessions, Famphyiaai SiSiephon ot Rome | [2 Conurmans 11 12 -20 Deliver our sou from Death. ee $/8-7,9847-40 |? Ginermw 2223-39" | Romans 18: 30-33 ea Marina 1016-22 | Marnuiw 21:43 48 | Pu Guact paramirse | Marnamw 17:24 18:4 Terra Teansraoa | roar 10m sr Marrarw 5) TAS TERME GMporncios 2 Dacpicc/| Ammar TewcrommaoG) | SeMarm GY StLauronce krcndeaPO sy spyriaons winaciol J Fommactorfencnevsinoy| * SAT, Jt Cumsr | Si Metophanes,Bisnop |“) Kiyronos of Crate Stermanc(Alska | Felcssimos ast Agapios, | StEVPICS 2! Catania Fours or Teusrievetion men ihe Mich Aiba ; iphone. Consentinoo Pesaucestapenisstioe SiPimen the Faster | S,ironiaties New Mayr | SAnibany oferta Deacons 51 Romanos the |! Basil st Theodore of Oe Foun emo: 2a Thossalanika |HelyMentmeotCenctninoria| st a lau Near cares our 1 Zorn 10-19 | 2 Conmmane 2:14 3:9 |, pooh Besson, aurenee olkaiuga | sy scrnna virgin Martyr Peonmmiue sper. | MATIIWI7:1-9 Marruew 2-97" | 7 eonmmmans 304-11 | Vaewi 121782126" | 2 Conmmans 413-18 | 1e3-e a: @ecar Marmw 2320-39 | “Mtarraw 2419-28 | Mastmrats27"a3-eazs1 | 1,Commuams 1:3 PM Susu Parscsess | PM: GrearPassnuess | pot'suatepasamine | PM SuausPasasiens | PR Gazar Pasaniets iarmarw 19:3 paacra St Flores 8 st Lavros avonoe = Tunecurardy) SEER 4 ponanon or ovr taodl 5}, THe Heer Muprucr 1G)... yron of rakes J 7 reegarewes 18 StTheodosios (Holy Relics) | Tapovones & Bree BLESSED | rom taassa to Constantinople) | The Martyrs of Bithynic: St Leontos & St Ermos StTikon ‘$tMaximos of] StAtcadios of Novotorsi Vc Macy StDiomedes of Tarsos_ | st Alpios, Iconographer See -StMaximos the Confessor | Moscow -St Hippolyics, si | StMarcellos of Apameat pt rane stHermes, St Serapion & St StAnicetos & St Photies | Concordia & StAbunaics | 7Holy Martyrs of Georgia | st Makarios tne Roman | 'Ggusunes of Cephalonia } st Demetrios of Samar \GApostios NewManye | Shoninecoghicmana | Ralvesncs offeme 2 Comm :10-15 | 2Commane 5-18-21 | tu1:38-49ee6 | Si Cherimon ot Layer Sronysies& 5 Hetmippas are 17918 Siarrnew 12 16"22 Pmurrans 2°6- 11 See murs 2:$-1) 5 | riereois7 #102226 | 2 Commas 6:10-16 | 1 Conwmans1:26-2:5 ae mecuarvewns | OF ‘ia2 Sarenew 2:18 "22 Starr 20: 29-34 12AP- 12a 0 5 1 Samuel Hoty Po ae SiAgatnonikos S2otie A) Arononse « DomummoxD 3) 5 bayychis, ieromany SrTiros ‘Accu Ean ssomwpieyrom’O ation 21] teams 7m, deme Pama Bitlet Bee 25} Standrow Stratelates, | os oniiSt Hearn 3 | si Miete SABO 5, |Sisevonance Steno komer| Domettas ol Thesaionice [st Glonysios of zarystnos | __ si dorinis Cote aaspssoldiors sttimeiny| FANE a anocct | Agapios eetSeicr | HayyMarysctNcomocia | "stlrenasus of Lyons hogina startle Ha Apesto Svcs Si Tes mesic! mis He Hal Maxi occa | 9 ana ELT od expert eee tram | See ee Spasapice eS Mea S| dE, oan | stapramicates Ephraim fscharesiyes st Novchiiaf Noma ey Staeoniee ol Keel Vagal] Botcgenes cl Gare oe ‘Store a Smolen Stveurot Spain| stcatinkes of Consemsnope | Afation of Clzuciopss st Mons of Constantnoplo Seca IS I ti | 2 Comvmans 8: 7-15 | 2Commramwe §:10-15 | 2conwmans9:5-10:7 | Paunnuns2:5-11 | 2 Conmuans 11: 5-21 |Mros1:1-5:2:18- 5:2: 1216 ees lane a8 12 ease 713-21 Maaed: 200370 | umrlosae-426 11-27-28 | °° Mamas]? ‘lsrraew 814-19 THE. GREAT AND Tre SWALL TBAB. 131m Sr Martane 6 27 28 sxmtavms oF $1 Joun Barbe) Aroposts Sr Jour's BrurashO) TaEBuLT or Tarorose3 J} "pe TT Coe | aby gadtance BSNatate | 5 mancuncsast anno | gy ygct!22 ZO6IY a | st tmeopistect Aegina | sialenanare StJonn & fy @eWPHanot Carthage || THeoToKos are crawvren ycessonesss Ata |Seume aapa RES | Sion of Setentiona Ja Rata saan] “AGT eS z Sordovasst once 0 feme ie . CSnstantinopls [StJecsanh sono ne ST Rcosine Stang Frophotess stAionander Nowy Goya 2 Mae 5: 1-8 | 2 12:10-19 |» commun 18,20 Me 5! a2° (exams 1:1-3620-2:5 ee TEouraans 16 iag¢ |? Comrmans 12:20-19| a commune 12:20-13:2| AeTS 13:25 rans 1 2-3%20-2:5) sass 921-7 Seevice BOOKS ARE Marr 21 33-42 ‘Mase 4: 10-28 eet 3494 6: 18-30 ai 8e 7 Marcannne Pane enon Te aw Gone Gince a How = PO ESAS - Somnce Pan - Pom Eoasasis GOO8 ~ RSA > Wonca, asa urwarens 8574

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