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ACT Subject: English (ESL)

Grade: 10

Unit Code
Semester 1
Task 1
Weighted Score 35%
Pre-Task 11 – 8 – 2017
Due Date: 21 – 9 – 2017

Argumentative Essay: TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE

(out of class preparation)

Time Allocation: 11 school days

Minimum minutes: 5-7

Pre-Task 1: Research Phase and Team Discussion Points

Some topics you can mention (but are not restricted to) are:
 Talk about ALS (Lou Gehrig Disease). Find as many references online as you can and map out the
progressions of the disease from the initial detection stage until the final stage.
 Talk about memories of your family. What struggles did you have growing up? What are some
favorite memories? Are there experiences hat you feel are significant to forming your character?
 How would your life and outlook change if you were diagnosed with a deadly disease?

Be as engaging as possible.

Support Training (Ongoing): Ongoing focal points during the course of the story and movie
 Learn to grasp a “Big Idea” (BHI) from the story to use as the argumentative point in an essay.
 Learn to write a Thesis Statement. The process should include: 1. Choosing a topic based on the
student’s “BHI”; 2. Stating a Position and forming an action statement; 3. Defining “Qualifications”
(3 opponents to the student’s “BHI“) and a quote from each of them; 4. Defining Purpose/Reason
for the essay/thesis. 5. Build It formula: 3+4+2.
 Develop and understand the components of an argumentative essay. Cover 4 sections including
Introduction, Body Paragraph 1, Body Paragraph 2, and Conclusion. The Introduction should
contain 2 parts: Supportive Background from the story and Thesis Statement. The Body Paragraph
1 should contain a summary of the opponent’s arguments and a rebuttal for each. The Body
Paragraph 2 should contain 3 points of argumentation with support. The Conclusion should revisit
the Thesis Statement, summarize the writer’s arguments and end with an analytical conclusion.

Grading Criteria:

 Clear expression of ideas

 Usage of higher-order thinking: going beyond rote memory and ’reporting”
 Originality of ideas or way of expressing opinion
 Using standard act Rubric for HOTs, with slight modification in the second part for framework fo

Cheating and Dishonest Practice

The integrity of the college’s highest system relies upon all involved acting in accordance with the highest standards of
honesty and fairness. Any departure from such standards will be viewed very seriously, which is as follows:
 Plagiarism-claiming authorship of someone else’s work-is a serious misdemeanor, and attracts severe penalties.
 Students are required to acknowledge the source of all material that is incorporated into their own work.
 Students may not submit the same item for assessment in more than one unit, unless specific agreement has been
reached with the class teacher.

Penalties for Late Work

 Except in exceptional circumstances, students must apply for an extension in advance, providing due cause and
adequate documentary evidence for late submission.
 Calculation of a notional zero in T units is based on items submitted on or with an approved extension (i.e.: a
genuine score)
 A late penalty will apply unless an extension is granted. The penalty for late submission is 5% (of possible marks)
per calendar day late (including weekends and public holidays) until the notional zero. Submission on weekends or
public holidays is not acceptable.
 The principal has the right to exercise discretion in the application of the late penalty in special circumstances with
satisfactory documentation.
 It may not be possible to grade or score work submitted late after marked work in a unit has been returned to other

Penalty-Percentage of Total Marks Available

(Note: NZ: Notional Zero)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Received Monday (On time) 0

Received Tuesday 5% 0

Received Wednesday 10% 5% 0

Received Thursday 15% 10% 5% 0

Received Friday 20% 15% 10% 5%

Saturday No work Submission will be accepted

Received Monday 35% 30% 25% 20% 15%

Received Tuesday NZ 35% 30% 25% 20%

Received Wednesday NZ NZ 35% 30% 25%

Received Thursday NZ NZ NZ 35% 30%

Received Friday NZ NZ NZ NZ 35%

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