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Amity University
Amity Business School, MBA Entrepreneurship 2011


The organization culture in various Organizations doesn’t support change. Entrepreneurs

and Management are normally against any kind of change when their business is running
smoothly. They step back when it comes to, changing their business model or accepting
any new concepts.

Coca Colas’ Winning Culture defines the attitudes and behaviors that will be required of
us to make their 2020 Vision a reality.
In todays world it is all about maintaining organizational culture .And change is the only
term which can make it happen. So in order to sustain in present ERA every organization
needs to bring out change and innovation in an organization. The culture of any
organization play a major role in supporting the employees and functioning of any
organization. In order to bring out changes in the culture company should come out with
effective measures and developments to retain its share.

Coca-Cola Enterprises faces strong competition from other beverage companies and
needed a way to work more effectively with its customers and partners. This required
innovation and a new way of communicating within the corporation.

In order to bring out this change the culture and working platform of the organization has
to go for a change. As the communication pattern between the lower level employees and
higher officials was very weak. Most of the diverse CCE personnel work was in a
distributed manner. For that the organization bring out innovation and a new Microsoft
smart tool. Which bring out reasonable change in the working culture of the organization.

And to bring out this culture a leader figure is highly essential. A leader is the one who
brings out the change in the organization by changing its culture. A leader motivates,
supports, guides and sometime forces to bring out the change. Chairman and CEO John
Brock and CIO Esat Sezer come up with the communicating tool to remove hurdles and
make Coca Cola organizational culture work in an effective manner.

 To find out the existing culture in COCA COLA.

 To show how a leader bring out the change in the organization.
 To show what changes were brought in after the change in the organization
 To show the growth trajectory of the company after bringing out the change in
 To come out of the existing mindset that if somebody was not able to do it then
that doesn’t mean we can’t do it.


The COCACOLA company was first eastablished in 1886 by DR. JOHN STYTH
PEMBETON. Today , the company is the World’s leading manufacturer in the
beverage Industry , operating globally in more than 200 countries with its head
office located in ATLANTA ,USA .

In India, Coca-Cola was the leading soft-drink till 1977 when govt. policies
necessitated its departure. Coca-Cola returned to India in 1990 and over the past
nineteen years has captured the imagination of the nation, building strong
associations with cricket, the thriving cinema industry, music etc. Coca-
Cola has been very strongly associated with cricket, sponsoring the World Cup in
1996 and various other tournaments, including the Coca-Cola Cup in Sharjah in
the late nineties.


Coca-Cola Enterprises, established in 1986, is a young company by the standards of the

Coca-Cola system. Yet each of its franchises has a strong heritage in the traditions of
Coca-Cola that is the foundation for this Company. The Coca-Cola Company traces it’s
beginning to 1886,when an Atlanta pharmacist, Dr. John Pemberton , began to produce
Coca-Cola syrup for sale in fountain drinks. However the bottling business began in 1899
when two Chattanooga businessmen, Benjamin F. Thomas and Joseph B. Whitehead ,
secured the exclusive rights to bottle and sell Coca-Cola for most of the United States
from The Coca-Cola Company. The Coca-Cola bottling system continued to operate as
independent, local businesses until the early 1980s when bottling franchises began to
In 1986, The Coca-Cola Company merged some of its companyowned operations with
two large ownership groups that there for sale, the John T. Lupton franchises and BCI
Holding Corporation's bottling holdings, to form Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc. The
Company offered its stock to the public on November 21, 1986, at a split-adjusted price
of $5.50 a share. On an annual basis, total unit case sales were 880,000 in 1986.In
December 1991, a merger between Coca-Cola Enterprises and the Johnston Coca-Cola
Bottling Group, Inc. (Johnston) created a larger, stronger Company, againhelping
accelerate bottler consolidation. As part of the merger, the senior management team of
Johnston assumed responsibility for managing the Company, and began a dramatic,
successful restructuring in 1992.Unit case sales had climbed to 1.4 billion, and total
revenues were $5billion.
Vision & Mission

Our Vision:

 Planet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping build and

support sustainable communities.
 Profit: Maximize long-term return to shareowners while being mindful of our
overall responsibilities.
 Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization.

Our Mission:

Our mission statement is to maximize shareowner value Over time.

In order to achieve this mission, we must create value for all .The constraints we serve,
including our consumers, our Customers , our bottlers, and our communities. The Coca
Cola company creates value by executing comprehensive.

 To inspire moments of optimism and happiness...

 To create value and make a difference.

The ultimate objectives of our business strategy are :

 To increase volume,
 Expand our share of worldwide
 Non alcoholic ready to drink beverages sales,
 Maximize our long-term cash flows,
 Create economic value added by improving economic profit.
Coca-Cola Enterprises Selects Microsoft SharePoint Online to Advance
Productivity And Improve The Organisational culture and
Communication Barrier

Coca-Cola Enterprises (CCE) employs approximately 72,000 people in 431 facilities

around the globe. Much of its workforce is mobile with 55,000 vehicles and 2.4 million
coolers, vending machines, and beverage dispensers. With increasing competition in the
marketplace, CCE needed a more effective way to collaborate with its employees, to
increase its productivity, to enable better flow of information and to create more time for
sales persons to engage with customers. Its worldwide presence required employees and
executives to spend numerous hours on the road every week, travelling to internal
meetings. With Microsoft® Online Services technologies, CCE can save travel expenses
through online meeting tools and collaboration platforms that span time zones and


Coca-Cola Enterprises (NYSE: “CCE”) is the world's largest marketer, producer, and
distributor of Coca-Cola products. Coca-Cola Enterprises’ growing product portfolio
includes the world’s greatest brands and beverages which it delivers with the industry’s
most effective marketplace execution. Today, it serves 419 million consumers,
throughout North America, the U.S. Virgin Islands, other Caribbean islands, Belgium,
France, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Monaco, and the Netherlands. It employs
approximately 72,000 people and operates 431 facilities, 55,000 vehicles, and 2.4 million
coolers, vending machines, and beverage dispensers. 
Coca-Cola Enterprises faces strong competition from other beverage companies and
needed a way to work more effectively with its customers and partners. This required
innovation and a new way of communicating within the corporation. In 2008, CCE
acknowledged that its current communications platforms were no longer enabling the
innovation and collaboration required to take it to the next level to compete in an
increasingly demanding economic environment. 
CCE required a centralized platform on which to promote the company’s initiatives. Its
messaging was based largely around e-mail, which was unable to reach its largely mobile
workforce. Chairman and CEO John Brock and CIO Esat Sezer agreed that in order to
evolve the company culture and improve customer relationships at CCE, the leadership
team needed the ability to communicate with all CCE employees, especially those
managing day-to-day operations in the field.  Most of the diverse CCE personnel work in
a distributed manner. Employees in manufacturing facilities had limited access to the
corporate network. Its mobile, customer-facing employees, who are on the front line,
making sales and positioning the CCE products in store environments, also lacked
convenient access to company content.   Additionally, CCE needed to drive action and
information to all employees in its business by role. CCE’s infrastructure did not allow
for this, making it difficult for employees to locate appropriate content in a timely
manner. Kevin Flowers, Director of Enabling Technologies, says, “John Brock, our CEO,
challenged us to find better ways to connect all of our employees. He asked us to create a
unified way to reach all of the field resources for more than 400 locations in the U.S.
alone. SharePoint Online addressed those challenges and helped us launch from a legacy
infrastructure to a solution which provided better business value to all of our people.”
Taking on a new project like building a corporate intranet was exciting yet daunting as IT
resources were engaged on many other initiatives as part of their transformation journey.
IT considered using partners to address its messaging needs and wanted to expand this to
include development of its corporate intranet. Both solutions needed to support mobile
devices to reach employees in manufacturing facilities and the field.


With many older systems, CCE had several partners providing dozens of communication
and collaboration solutions. CCE saw an opportunity to optimize its infrastructure by
broadening its relationship with Microsoft.  With the implementation of Microsoft Online
Services, which includes Microsoft SharePoint® Online, Microsoft Exchange Online,
Microsoft Office Communications Online, and Microsoft Office Live Meeting, CCE
consolidated and streamlined its IT partnerships and enhanced its focus on providing
value to the business. CCE deployed its corporate intranet on SharePoint Online as its
primary collaboration platform, which included content management, enterprise search,
workflow, line of business integration, and rights management capabilities. 
In its assessment of whether to upgrade its current platform or transform the company to
a hosted model, CCE considered options presented by several major software and
service providers. CCE desired a partnership where it could utilize its enterprise software
on premises with integrated software services in the cloud, and turned to Microsoft to
execute upon its objectives. Planning for the project began in mid January 2008 and was
completed by mid May. Microsoft Exchange Online and Microsoft SharePoint Online
received “service acceptance” by July and user migration for both began in September.  
By the end of 2008, 23,000 users had been migrated to Exchange Online, 30,000 users
were on SharePoint Online, and 10,000 users had migrated from IBM Sametime to
Microsoft Office Communications Server for instant messaging. It added Microsoft
Office Live Meeting for Web and video conferencing in April 2008. 


Initially, Tim Smith, the Chief Information Security Officer at CCE needed to be
convinced that Microsoft would provide security measures that matched or exceeded
CCE’s stringent requirements. Visiting the Tukwila data center, Smith was impressed by
the virtual and physical security provided by Microsoft, as well as the third-party SAS 70
audit reports that Microsoft uses to monitor security compliance. Tim Smith, CCE Chief
Information Security Officer, says, “Step one in getting comfortable with giving our data
to Microsoft was visiting one of their data centers.  To understand the physical nature of
what they’re doing to safeguard not only their own information, but also CCE’s, gave us
a great sense of comfort that Microsoft has thought of all the right things.”
A fundamental shift occurred in how CCE viewed Microsoft services and capabilities
running in Microsoft data centers, not as an outsourcing arrangement, but as a security-
enhanced extension of CCE’s own enterprise network.
The Right Information at the Right Time

CCE decided to use Microsoft integrated communication and collaboration tools to

streamline communication across its entire organization. A critical component of the
corporate intranet portal at CCE was the integration of SAP user role information into its
on-premises Active Directory® service and its Microsoft SharePoint Online environment.
This will allow CCE to target the right information to the right employee based on roles
outlined in SAP. By integrating SAP data into SharePoint sites, CCE employees can
access data through recognizable Microsoft Office programs, giving employees the
ability to make information for business operations easy to find, share, and update.
Previously, CCE did not have a common solution that enabled document management. 
Documents that needed to be shared with colleagues were housed in shared folders on
network drives, sent via e-mail, or stored in team rooms, all of which were limited in
access, version control, and searchability.
Ease and Effectiveness of Collaboration Seeing the business need and the ability to
increase its communication and collaboration capabilities, CCE was able to move very
quickly to execute the migration. Lauren Sayeski, Public Affairs and Communications
Manager, says, “We had a massive change agenda that we were trying to communicate to
the organization. We had a lot of objectives with this project, but the two primary ones
were a better way to communicate with our employees while at the same time driving
effectiveness and efficiency.” Content management features on SharePoint Online
include version management, workflow management, and rights management, all of
which enable seamless collaboration across geographies and time zones. John Key,
Assistant Director of Communication and Collaboration Technologies, says, “To have
one source of the truth is very important as teams start to form across the globe. You
want to be sure you always have the latest version of the document you’re working on.
SharePoint Online makes that possible.” 
Knowledge Sharing and Social Networking  CCE’s executive communication prior to its
new corporate intranet was historically top-down. With its Microsoft SharePoint Online
intranet solution, it now has open dialogue with employees communicating to leadership
and with each other. Sayeski says, “We focused on ways for employees to comment back
to the organization as well as communicate with each other. Now we have the ability to
post comments on the intranet and create team sites. We’re finding that employees are
talking to each other and using each other’s resources, sharing knowledge. We launched
our first CEO blog last year and in the first five minutes had more than 40 responses
back.  That’s just the beginning; we know that the intranet can be so much more powerful
as a place of action.”

BenefitsProductivity and Customer Focus

The Microsoft solution enabled CCE to bring new technologies to everyone in the
company, providing them with the information they need, where and when they need it
most. Microsoft SharePoint Online has been embraced by employees across the
company. Within four weeks of enabling users to create team sites, there were over 800
requests for sites focused on business priorities and customer-facing business teams. Tom
Barlow, Vice President of Business Transformation, N.A., says, “From a business
transformation perspective, we have a lot of projects underway which focus on revenue
generation and cost savings.  Through the use of SharePoint Online, we’re able to educate
our team so that they can find information and establish interdependencies across the
different projects. SharePoint allows us to code and manage information so that we can
get it very quickly.”

Worldwide Collaboration

CCE now has a robust intranet portal to support worldwide collaboration and
communication of corporate strategy. Sapient Consulting and Slalom Consulting
designed the custom intranet and collaboration solution on top of Microsoft SharePoint
Online. Sapient created the compelling visual design with a user-based enterprise portal
workflow. Slalom designed and developed custom SharePoint features in accordance
with Microsoft development standards and best practices, as well as provided guidance to
CCE regarding the deployment and configuration options available in SharePoint Online.
Sayeski says, “When you have a workforce like ours, 72,000 strong and geographically
dispersed, that may or may not have access to technology, it can be a challenge to ensure
that the message of the organization is getting through with the clarity and the speed that
you want it to. We focused heavily on the use of video, particularly with our CEO, to
ensure that some of our most critical messages were being captured in a way that the
audience immediately understood. So combining the power of video with the intranet
gave us the ability to touch many more people.”

Powerful Search with Enterprise Content Management 

The corporate intranet also serves as a central location for things like CCE’s HR process
improvement and self-service HR portal and provides a communication platform for
CCE’s desk-based workers. CCE has also increased employee engagement and education
around corporate responsibility and sustainability through the portal content, thereby
addressing the cultural change initiative. Sayeski says, “There have been some particular
areas where we’ve seen that concept of two-way dialogue playing out very well. One is in
our corporate responsibility and sustainability efforts where employees are sharing—
actively sharing their own ideas and their own solutions within their own facilities about
ways they’re generating energy effectiveness.”
Through the intranet, CCE employees are eager to be part of the company direction and
dialogue. Brett Kirkland, Collaboration Architect, says, “The SharePoint Online search
engine is ten times better. It allows us to make items more discoverable, to check them in
and out, and surface particular items that we consider pieces of content that should rise to
the top. The SharePoint solution also gives IT more control and governance over what
content is published and how it is ranked and profiled in search.”
Key says, “Microsoft gave us an incredible platform that allows us to do a number of
things, beyond hosting our portal. It provides workflow management and team
collaboration across geographies and time zones.”
The Road Ahead

In phase II, CCE will be expanding the Microsoft footprint to reach an additional 42,000
deskless workers who work in the field or in sales/distribution facilities. These employees
do not have computers but will be enabled in phase II to have access to the intranet via
Microsoft SharePoint Online through computer workstations at their facilities. 
Additionally, Microsoft is co-developing a sales force automation system that will further
take advantage of SharePoint Online and enable local merchandisers to be more efficient
in getting the things they need into the outlets and stores. CCE will also be using
Microsoft Office Communications Server desktop voice and video for multi-user
applications and adding more than 10,000 BlackBerry users. 
Kevin Flowers concludes, “There was huge excitement and energy around the CCE
partnership with Microsoft. This has been one of the best IT partner projects CCE has
experienced, and we have the added value of a longer IT roadmap with Microsoft than if
CCE had built the solution on premises. This project has exceeded our expectations from
an IT standpoint, showing how well an organization can lay a foundation and transform
the way people communicate in a large company.”

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