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com 18 March 2016

A Divided Nation | War | The Communist Threat

Italian unification
Italy was unified as a nation
state in 1870 after nearly half a
century of revolutionary wars
and nationalist struggle
against the Austrian Empire.
The most significant player in
the unification was the
northern Italian state of

North South Divide

Piedmont and the north of Italy
was industrialised with railways
and manufacturing and had
The Legacy of the First
more in common with modern
countries like France and
World War
Austria. The south and Sicily When war broke out in 1914 Italy was allied to Germany and
were backward and Austria, but did not declare war on Britain and France.
predominantly peasant Instead the country’s Liberal government waited and opted
agricultural societies, meaning for a policy of neutrality. Extreme nationalist voices on the
that Italy was only politically right, including the former socialist and journalist Benito
unified, not socially or
Mussolini, demanded that Italy join the war. They believed
that the war would be a national crusade that would bind the
Making Italians chaotic and disparate country together. They also hoped that
at the peace conference at the end of the war, Italy would be
Many of the leading thinkers of given new colonies in Africa and the Middle East.
the pre 1914 era in Italy
believed that war would unify The mutilated peace
the nation and make the
The war took an horrific toll on Italy. Most of the war was
population stop thinking so
locally and parochially. Instead, spent fighting Austria in the Italian Alps. Conscripted men
a crusade against an external fought in dismal conditions with out of touch generals who
enemy would forge national needlessly sacrificed their lives. In 1916 the Italian Army all
identity and create ‘Italians’. but collapsed following the Battle of Caporetto and it was
only the intervention of Britain and France the prevented a
full rout. Italian soldiers returning from the front found that 1 18 March 2016

instead of the anticipated social unity in towns and cities, the

inflation the war caused had led to strikes and unrest. Many
soldiers therefore interpreted the socialist and communist
parties in Italy as being disloyal and treacherous. By 1918, The
Italian Army was finally able to win resounding victories
against the collapsing Austro-Hungarian enemy and the
country’s wartime government believed that this would be
sufficient to secure it a place at the post war peace
conference, where the defeated power’s empires would be
The Mutilated Peace handed out (for more on this, see the sidebar, on the
Initially Italy had high hopes of
‘mutilated peace’).
the Paris Peace Conference, but
The outcome of the Paris Peace Conference was seen as a
before the talks had concluded,
national humiliation and in September 1919, the Italian
the Italian delegation stormed
nationalist and war hero Gabriele D’Annunzio decided he
out in outrage. Italy’s initial
demands were set out in 1915 would take direct action to salvage Italy’s honour. At the
when she agreed to join the conference the Italian delegation demanded the city of Fiume
allies. on the Dalmatian Coast, but it was handed to the new state
of Yugoslavia instead. Fiume had a large Italian population
• Italy wanted control territory to
and D’Annunzio used this as a pretext to seize it, along with
her north east, including the
2,000 nationalist volunteers. The seizure caused a major
Austrian province of Tyrol
international incident and eventually the Italian army and
• Italy also demanded the now navy ejected him, under pressure from the British and French.
Yugoslav territory of Dalmatia, Throughout the incident, D’Annunzio was far more popular
including the port of Fiume than the government, who were seen to be attacking a
• Italy wanted the Albanian city popular patriotic figure.
of Vlore, numerous Adriatic
One individual who paid close attention to the marches, the
Islands and parts of the
cult of leadership and the salutes that defined D’Annunzio’s
conquered Ottoman Empire
reign in Fiume was Mussolini. Mussolini had left the socialist
Britain and France believed, with movement, believing that nation and national identity were
some justification, that Italy’s more important than social class and revolution. Instead of
contribution to victory had been the workers taking over, he believed that a vanguard of
minimal. Woodrow Wilson of the
dynamic and powerful individuals who could inspire the
USA also said that the Treaty of
masses. In 1917 British counter intelligence (MI5) paid
London was invalid as America
had not signed it and would not Mussolini a wage to establish anti socialist publications (the
recognise secret treaties. As a British were keen to keep Italy in the war and prevent any left
result, Italy was offered a strip of wing attempts to create a separate peace with Germany). On
territory from Trentino to the the 23rd of March 1919 he established the first Fascio di
Brenner Pass, the Dalmatian Port Combattimento (fighting squad) in Milan. The first fascists
of Zara and some of the were an odd assortment of former soldiers, nationalists,
Dalmatian Islands. The Italian anarchists, poets, intellectuals and others. They had few real
delegates, Orlando and Sonnino,
core ideas, other than a general notion that Italy was
left in outrage.
surrounded by enemies and that intellectualism and
conventional politics had failed. Only inspired leadership and
violent action would now save the nation. 2

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