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Agricultural Systems 157 (2017) 93–106

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Integrated modelling of efficient crop management strategies in response to MARK

economic damage potentials of the Western Corn Rootworm in Austria
Elisabeth Feusthuber, Hermine Mitter⁎, Martin Schönhart, Erwin Schmid
Institute of Sustainable Economic Development, BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Feistmantelstraße 4, 1180 Vienna, Austria


Keywords: The spread of the Western Corn Rootworm (WCR; Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) challenges farmers in intensive
Western Corn Rootworm maize production regions. We model efficient crop management strategies in response to economic damage
Integrated land use modelling potentials of the invasive WCR in Austria. A spatially explicit integrated modelling framework has been de-
Crop rotation veloped to calculate economic damage potentials from maize yield losses for a past (1975–2005) and a future
Efficient crop management strategy
(2010–2040) period with climate change. The economic damage potentials determine the choice of efficient crop
Climate change
management strategies considering insecticide applications, crop rotations with gradual maize limitations,
fertilization intensities and irrigation. The integrated modelling framework includes the crop rotation model
CropRota, the bio-physical process model EPIC, and the non-linear land use optimization model BiomAT. Typical
crop rotations are simulated by CropRota at the municipality level. They are input to EPIC to simulate crop yields
at the 1 km pixel resolution, which are part of the gross margin calculations entering BiomAT. Results of eco-
nomic damage potentials with a 10% maize yield loss range between 3 €/ha and 180 €/ha, depending on the
location, and increase to between 14 €/ha and 903 €/ha at 50% maize yield loss. The analysis of economic
damage potentials shows a high regional variability. Moreover, the model results show that a decrease in maize
shares combined with moderate fertilization levels is more efficient for WCR control than insecticide use.
However, further crop management strategies have to be developed in order to reduce maize yield and economic

1. Introduction maize roots, which limits the larvae's ability to complete their life cycle
on most other crops (Spencer et al., 2009). Despite of that, the dispersal
Maize yields are at risk due to animal pests, weeds, and pathogens and egg deposition of highly mobile WCR adults has to be observed
(Oerke, 2006). The invasive Western Corn Rootworm (WCR; Diabrotica carefully (Levay et al., 2015; Meinke et al., 2009). In Europe, the WCR
virgifera virgifera) has become a major maize pest in Europe and its has been observed and monitored since the early 1990s (Kiss et al.,
prevalence is likely to increase under climate change (Diffenbaugh 2005). Originating from Belgrade in Serbia, the pest spread in eastern
et al., 2008). Considerable damage has been observed and specific WCR Europe and was first confirmed in Austria in 2002 (Cate, 2002). The
control is indispensable in regions with intensive maize production. Austrian WCR monitoring shows a distribution of the pest across major
Integrated pest management (IPM) aims at preventive and need-based crop production regions (see
pest control activities and thus prescribes relevant management mea- DIABROTICA.html for an interactive map). Currently, WCR pressure
sures (Barzman et al., 2015). The efficiency of such management is predominant in regions with high maize shares, i.e. where the maize
measures under current and future climate conditions can be analyzed production area is large relative to the total cropland (Fig. 1).
in integrated modelling approaches by linking climate impacts, bio- Schaafsma et al. (1999) suggested to designate regions with maize
physical processes, agronomic measures and economic evaluation of shares above 50% as ‘high-risk regions’. When the first WCR adults
damage and abatement costs. were detected, about 21% of maize growing areas in Austria were de-
clared as high-risk regions, with a clear focus in south-eastern Styria
1.1. The Western Corn Rootworm (WCR) in Europe and Austria (Baufeld and Enzian, 2005), a hotspot of WCR observations today.
Hotspots of maize production develop in favorable bio-physical
The primary habitat and food source of juvenile larvae of WCR are conditions and in intensive, maize-based livestock feeding regions. In

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H. Mitter).
Received 30 March 2017; Received in revised form 14 July 2017; Accepted 14 July 2017
0308-521X/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E. Feusthuber et al. Agricultural Systems 157 (2017) 93–106

Fig. 1. Average share of maize on cropland at the municipality level in 2012–2014.

Source: IACS (BMLFUW, 2015a).

Austria, industrial demand for grain maize was almost as high as the rotations highly efficient, as continuous production of a single crop can
amount used for livestock feeding in the last decade (Sinabell et al., increase its susceptibility to diseases or insect pests (Schaafsma et al.,
2014). Profitability of maize production is attributed to high yield po- 1999; Tilman et al., 2002). Bertossa et al. (2013) report on a successful
tential and little labor demand compared to the production of other reduction of WCR by crop rotations in Swiss field trials, but they sug-
crops (AWI, 2016). Economic damage from WCR establishment is thus gest that immigration from other fields may contribute to the final
related to yield loss as well as additional variable costs and labor de- number of adults on a rotated field. Moreover, combining pest control
mand for pest control (Kehlenbeck and Krügener, 2014). methods is inevitable as a high selection pressure of effective methods
can promote the development of resistant pests (Pimentel, 2005).
The spectrum of WCR control measures indicates that effective
1.2. WCR control control requires profound knowledge on agro-ecosystems, including
knowledge on pest phenology and behavior as well as on climatic
IPM is defined as a sustainable and profitable crop protection conditions (Furlan and Kreutzwieser, 2014; Meissle et al., 2010).
method (Boller et al., 2004). It has been promoted for European crop Moreover, climate change will likely amplify crop pests and diseases.
production in the Directive 2009/128/EC (European Parliament and Impacts from climate change scenarios on soil temperature and induced
the Council of the European Union, 2009), which has been im- effects on the phenology of WCR have been simulated for Austrian
plemented in Austria at regional level (see e.g. Burgenländisches fields until 2050 and show a shift to earlier pest occurrence (Eitzinger,
Pflanzenschutzmittelgesetz, 2012; NÖ Pflanzenschutzmittelgesetz, 2012). Results indicate that the first larvae occur 10–19 days and the
2012; Steiermärkisches Pflanzenschutzmittelgesetz, 2012). A survey first beetle 16–24 days earlier compared to current conditions at an
among agricultural extension experts in several European countries average temperature increase of about 2 °C. Consequently, monitoring
outlines a range of potential WCR control measures within IPM (Meissle of soil temperature is suggested as a tool to improve WCR prediction
et al., 2010). Irrigation and fertilization may strengthen root re- and control.
generation after larval feeding and support the stabilization of maize
plants after lodging. A robust root system may also be developed by
early or very late planting dates (Meissle et al., 2010). Additionally, the 1.3. Economic damage of WCR infestation
choice of maize hybrids matters as they show a variability in injury
tolerance and recovering potential (Urías-López and Meinke, 2001). Economic implications of WCR for maize production regions have
Biological control options, a key measure in IPM, have been studied in been assessed by Baufeld and Enzian (2005). They analyzed maize
field experiments by Pilz et al. (2009). Entonompathogenic nematodes production data for selected EU member states and Switzerland based
have shown a comparable efficacy to soil insecticides, whereas en- on the above-mentioned classification by Schaafsma et al. (1999), who
tomopathogenic fungi resulted in a lower efficacy (Pilz et al., 2009). define regions with maize shares exceeding 50% of cropland as high-
Investigations on the phenology of the pest provide knowledge on the risk regions. High-risk regions have a significant share of cropland in
crop-pest-interactions (Spencer et al., 2009) and reveal the spectrum of continuous maize, which can foster a rapid growth of WCR populations.
WCR management measures (Furlan and Kreutzwieser, 2014). Varia- In these regions, WCR population densities approach economic
bility in the efficacy of measures is observed between study locations thresholds faster due to a higher colonization rate, compared to low-
and years and indicates a large impact of the environment and popu- risk regions (Baufeld and Enzian, 2005).
lation dynamics on actual maize yield losses (Dun et al., 2010; Toepfer Pest spread and the anticipated arrival of WCR in climatically sui-
and Kuhlmann, 2005). Besides WCR-specific agents, crop rotations are table production regions in Europe have been simulated by Wesseler
seen as an important crop management measure to interrupt the life and Fall (2010) in order to quantify potential economic damage in a no-
cycle of WCR (Kehlenbeck and Krügener, 2014; Schuster, 2016; Szalai control situation for several EU member states, which is proposed as an
et al., 2014). This is because continuous cultivation and high regional upper limit of costs for pest control programs. The authors suggest that
densities of maize are required for the establishment of WCR popula- spread control by national authorities can delay WCR infestation. WCR
tions. Specialist pests like the WCR are more affected by land use control strategies are analyzed in more detail by Kehlenbeck and
changes than generalists (O'Rourke and Jones, 2011). This makes crop Krügener (2014). They calculate cost-benefit-ratios for WCR

E. Feusthuber et al. Agricultural Systems 157 (2017) 93–106

eradication and WCR containment strategies for Germany at the na- WCR control. In particular, we include alternative crop rotation systems
tional and regional level. With respect to environmental impacts from at high spatial resolution, which represent different upper limits of
pesticide applications, containment strategies result in lower cost-ben- maize cultivation in a rotation. The proposed crop rotation systems
efit ratios than eradication strategies. Yield loss is shown to be the most have not been examined in previous economic pest control studies.
critical factor for all strategies. An eradication strategy is only pro- Grain sorghum is included in the analysis due to its favorable char-
mising in areas with low maize production and thus useful at single acteristics as a maize substitute. Furthermore, we model climate change
outbreak events. In infested regions, crop rotations are shown to be a impacts on crop production potentials and present the implications on
more beneficial strategy (Kehlenbeck and Krügener, 2014). the efficiency of WCR control strategies.
Economic impacts of WCR management at farm level have been The article is structured as follows. In Section 2, we present the
calculated by Köhler and Schätzl (2014). A break-even analysis depicts single models and linkages in the IMF as well as the dataset and ap-
different sensitivities of cash crop and forage production farms to maize plication design. Section 3 presents results, which are discussed with
yield losses from WCR infestation. The highest costs for WCR control respect to the applied methods in Section 4. Finally, we conclude and
are found for biogas-producing farms, which commonly compete for address future research demand in Section 5.
maize supply with livestock farms. Measures such as the purchase or
backfitting of machinery, a shift in labor demand and absent markets 2. Material and methods
for new cultivars can hamper the adoption of alternative crop produc-
tion activities (Köhler and Schätzl, 2014). 2.1. An integrated modelling framework (IMF)
The competitiveness of selected WCR control measures was studied
by Dillen et al. (2010), including genetically modified varieties (Bt We combine the crop rotation model CropRota (Schönhart et al.,
maize) which are not approved in most European countries. The results 2011b), the statistical climate change model for Austria ACLiREM
for Hungary predict the frequency at which a single WCR control (Strauss et al., 2012, 2013), the bio-physical process model EPIC
measure would be beneficial. For example, crop rotation has been (Williams, 1995), and the economic land-use optimization model
identified as beneficial solution in 69% of the simulated years for land- BiomAT (Mitter et al., 2015b; Stürmer et al., 2013) to conduct a spa-
constrained farmers. Bt maize is valuable for monoculture. Finally, the tially explicit analysis of economic WCR damage potentials and effi-
cost-effectiveness of control measures also depends on the farm char- cient crop management strategies. The IMF is applied for the Austrian
acteristics and the farmer's attitude (Stallman and James, 2015). cropland and for past and potential future climate conditions. Fig. 2
In a review on economic implications of invasive species manage- portrays the sequence of the four stand-alone models in the IMF, data
ment, a comparison of costs and potential damage was identified as incorporation and the model interfaces. Outputs from CropRota and
most critical for determining economically optimal crop protection EPIC are implemented in BiomAT, which is driven by scenarios (see
measures (Epanchin-Niell and Hastings, 2010). Evaluating the optimal Section 2.3).
choice of pest control measures is difficult due to uncertainties in da-
mage determination. However, the examples in the previous paragraph 2.1.1. CropRota
show that quantitative approaches are useful to support the develop- CropRota is applied to generate typical crop rotations at the muni-
ment of efficient WCR control measures and related policies. cipality level. Historical crop shares from a statistical database at mu-
nicipality level and an agronomic score matrix valuing pre crop-main
1.4. Aims and structure of the article crop sequences of 23 crops are used in CropRota to derive typical crop
rotations with relative weights (see Table 4 in the Appendix for the full
This article aims at developing an integrated modelling framework list of crops considered in CropRota). The relative weights are an in-
(IMF) to assess economic damage potentials occurring from WCR in- dicator for the spatial extent of each crop rotation in a municipality.
festation as well as efficient crop management strategies for WCR The score matrix reflects an average level of agronomic crop compat-
control in Austria. Changing availability of chemical control agents due ibilities, but no specific regional or phytosanitary requirements. Cro-
to legal bans as well as recurrent damages emphasize the need for al- pRota has been identified effective for modelling empirically-based
ternative WCR control measures in order to keep WCR populations at crop rotations and has been developed and validated by Schönhart et al.
low levels and to reduce the risk of high economic damage. Several (2011b).
WCR control measures are discussed in detail in the scientific literature In this analysis, the typical or reference crop rotation system “REF”
and among agricultural experts. However, integrated quantitative as- represents average cropland use in 2012–2014 in the Austrian muni-
sessments of these measures are still lacking, especially at a high spatial cipalities. Maize dominated crop rotations (including maize mono-
resolution. Insights on WCR management under specific crop produc- culture) are found in the major production regions of grain and silage
tion conditions may advance knowledge on potential economic im- maize. Grain maize is mainly cultivated in central Upper Austria, the
pacts, regional WCR control design, and the performance of specific Lower Austrian alpine foreland, northern Burgenland, and south-
control measures. We build on the work by Feusthuber et al., 2017 (in eastern Styria. Silage maize is of major importance in western Upper
print) who conclude that the consideration of regional heterogeneities Austria, the Lower Austrian alpine foreland, and in the inner alpine
in both maize management and climate conditions is key for analyzing valleys of Vorarlberg, Tyrol, Carinthia, and Styria. Up to 23 different
WCR damage potentials. Furthermore, recent changes in legal and crop rotations are computed per municipality. Each crop rotation
policy regulations highlight the societal demand for research results on consists of one to six crops in a sequence.
future WCR damage potentials and efficient crop management strate- Alternative crop rotation systems with different upper limits on
gies in Austria. Therefore, we aim at investigating spatially explicit grain and silage maize shares have been modelled in CropRota to ac-
economic damage potentials occurring from WCR infestation under count for crop rotation legislation of the Austrian federal provinces. In
past and potential future climate conditions. Moreover, we aim at particular, “75M” and “66M” refer to upper limits for maize in three out
modelling efficient crop management strategies for WCR control and of four years (75%) and two out of three years (66%), respectively. The
marginal opportunity costs of maize abandonment for a past most restrictive regulations limit maize to each second year (“50M”) or
(1975–2005) and a future period (2010–2040) with three climate fourth year (“25M”). In addition, we have derived maize-free crop ro-
change scenarios at high spatial resolution. tations (“00M”) for each municipality to account for total maize
In our analysis, typical crop production systems in Austria are abandonment. These alternative crop rotation systems are deviations
analyzed in order to compute economic damage potentials of WCR from REF, where maize is substituted by grain sorghum with up to 25%
infestation and develop alternative crop management strategies for in the crop rotation as well as by increasing shares of winter wheat,

E. Feusthuber et al. Agricultural Systems 157 (2017) 93–106

Fig. 2. Integrated modelling framework (IMF).

winter barley or spring barley. In total, we have developed six mutually 2.1.3. EPIC
exclusive crop rotation systems in this analysis, i.e. REF, 75M, 66M, The Environmental Policy Integrated Climate model (EPIC) has
50M, 25M, and 00M. Particular crop sequences at municipality level been developed for the simulation of bio-physical processes in agro-
may be similar or even identical in the reference and one or more al- ecosystems accounting for climate-soil-crop-management interactions
ternative crop rotation systems. For instance, a crop rotation where (Williams, 1995). EPIC is applied to Austrian cropland at 1 km pixel
corn and winter wheat are in a sequence could be part of all crop ro- resolution, which constitutes homogenous units of climate-soil-topo-
tation systems except for “00M”. Shares of grain sorghum in REF refer graphy characteristics (Stürmer et al., 2013). The reference and alter-
to observed grain sorghum production, whereas the shares in the al- native crop rotations generated at municipality level are assigned to the
ternative crop rotation systems are computed according to the above- pixels within each municipality according to their relative weights in
mentioned assumption. Other policy regulations usually comprise ad- the particular crop rotation system. Timing of crop cultivation (e.g.
ditional measures on security zones, crop protection, harvest, second sowing and harvesting dates) is specified in EPIC by referring to frac-
growth control and machinery hygiene, which are not considered in tions of potential heat units required for the maturation of crops. Each
this analysis. crop rotation is modelled with three fertilizer application levels under
rain-fed conditions, i.e. “high”, “moderate”, “low”, and with irrigation
“airr”. The latter is combined with a high fertilization level only. The
2.1.2. ACLiReM crop rotations are simulated in EPIC over a period of 31 years including
The statistical climate change model for Austria a past (1975–2005) and a future period (2010–2040) with three climate
(ACLiReM—Austrian Climate change Model using Linear Regression; change scenarios (see Section 2.3). EPIC provides outputs on crop yields
Strauss et al., 2012, 2013) provides climate data for a past (1975–2005) and environmental indicators. It should be noted that crop yield re-
and a future period (2010–2040) with climate change scenarios at a ductions due to WCR infestation or other pests and diseases are not
spatial and temporal resolution of 1 km and 1 day. In ACLiREM, a na- considered in EPIC. Spatial variation of crop yields results from the bio-
tional temperature trend of about 0.05 °C per year was estimated based physical conditions at the 1 km pixel level as well as the particular crop
on historical weather station data from 1975 to 2007. This temperature rotation and crop management. Fractional maize yield losses due to
trend was extrapolated to the future period and is the basis for all cli- WCR infestation are calculated based on EPIC outputs of REF (see
mate change scenarios. For precipitation, the statistical analyses did not Section 2.3).
show any significant trend (Strauss et al., 2013). Therefore, three sce-
narios were developed to capture the currently expected bandwidth of
2.1.4. BiomAT
climate projections in Austria until 2040, as suggested by climate data
BiomAT is a spatially explicit bottom-up agricultural land use op-
from Regional Climate Models (RCMs) for Austria (see e.g. Loibl et al.,
timization model for Austria (Mitter et al., 2015b; Stürmer et al., 2013)
2009, 2011; Gobiet et al., 2012, 2014). Mean daily precipitation sums
and extended by a non-linear objective function in this analysis. A Posi-
are assumed to resemble the past (“SIMILAR”) or change by ± 20%
tive Mathematical Programming (PMP) approach (Howitt, 1995) is
(“WET” and “DRY”), respectively (Strauss et al., 2013). ACLiReM
used to calibrate BiomAT to the REF crop rotation system. As typical for
considers small-scale climate patterns and models their development
PMP, we apply a two-step procedure. First, we solve a linear model with
until 2040. It is thus an interesting alternative to RCMs, which typically
calibration constraints to derive shadow prices for all crop rotation
face high uncertainties in mountainous regions like Austria
systems and cropland pixels. Second, the derived shadow prices are
(Schiermeier, 2010; Strauss et al., 2013). However, ACLiREM is limited
used as parameters in the non-linear objective function. The resulting
by the assumption on the linear temperature trend, which may lead to
non-linear model then reproduces the observed cropland use without
inaccurate estimations of the damage effect of high temperature on crop
the calibration constraint. The derived shadow prices are also used in
and maize yields (see e.g. Sánchez et al., 2014; Schlenker and Roberts,
the analysis of climate change scenarios, insecticide efficiency and
2006, 2009).
maize yield loss assumptions. BiomAT is written in the General Alge-
braic Modeling System (GAMS). The dimensions of the model are i

E. Feusthuber et al. Agricultural Systems 157 (2017) 93–106

pixels with i = {1, … , 36498}, m crop management variants with m = provincial Chamber of Agriculture in Styria (Fragner, 2016, personal
{high, moderate, low [fertilization], irrigation} and r crop rotations sys- comm.). In particular, Biscaya, an insecticide based on the active in-
tems with r = {REF, 75M, 66M, 50M, 25M, 00M}. gredient Thiacloprid, can be applied at a rate of 0.3 l/ha using a high-
Eqs.(1)–(3) represent the non-linear BiomAT. clearance tractor. One application of Biscaya is considered in intensive
η ∼∝
maize crop rotations systems and with low and moderate fertilization
i, rXi, r
⎧∑ 0 intensity levels. In case of a severe beetle infestation, the insecticide is
⎪ i, r ∝ x 0 (∝−1) , x i, r > 0
max NR = ∑ (GMi, m, r Xi, m, r )−

i, r approved for two-time application, which we include in the fertilization

i , m, r ⎪ ∑i, r ηi, r Xi, r , x i0, r = 0 (1) application levels high and high with irrigation. Standard crop man-

agement data are not available for grain sorghum, which is considered
∑ Xi,m,r ≤ bi ∀i as alternative crop to maize in some crop rotations. We therefore esti-
m, r (2) mate variable production costs based on information provided by
Eberdorfer (2016, personal comm.), who have experience on grain

∑ Xi,m,r = Xi, r ∀ i, r sorghum varieties and management from field experiments. Table 4 in
m (3) the Appendix presents variable production costs, labor demand and
commodity prices for all crops. Agri-environmental premiums are
∑ Xi,m,r = x i0, r ∀ i, r
(4) considered in gross margin calculations for moderate and low fertili-
zation applications (50 €/ha and 115 €/ha, respectively). Additionally,
The total net return (NR, in €) of crop production is maximized in a single farm payment of 283 €/ha cropland is included.
the objective function (1). The first part of this function sums the
product of gross margins (GM) and the cropland use variable (X) in
2.3. IMF application design
pixel i, considering crop management m and crop rotation system r. The
second part of the objective function represents the PMP cost function:
∼ The integrated modelling framework presented in Section 2.1. is
the product of shadow prices (η) and the cropland use variable X (to
applied to assess spatially explicit economic damage potentials from
the power of the PMP parameter ∝, which we assume 2), which is di-
WCR and efficient crop management strategies for WCR control. In our
vided by the observed land use (x0) represented by the REF crop rota-
analysis, we consider the past (1975–2005) and the future period
tion system in pixel i. The non-linear part of the cost function is used if
(2010–2040) with three climate change scenarios, i.e. SIMILAR, WET,
the observed cropland is greater than zero (i.e. REF). Otherwise, the
and DRY.
linear part is used in the model for mathematical reasons to avoid a
division by zero in the non-linear part of the cost function (i.e. xi , r0 = 0
for 75M, 66M, 50M, 25M, and 00M). Eq.(2) restricts X to the cropland 2.3.1. Economic damage potentials from WCR infestation
endowment b (in ha) in all pixels i. We calculate potential economic damage from WCR infestation
The shadow prices (η) of cropland use in pixel i and crop rotation based on spatially explicit maize crop yield simulations from EPIC. Crop
system r are derived in a linear BiomAT model by maximizing net re- damage usually occurs when crop growth is reduced by the pest and no
turns (∑i, m, r GMi, m, r Xi, m, r ) subject to constraint 4, which forces the or insufficient pest control measures are applied. It should be noted that
model to take positive values for the REF crop rotation system and zero historically observed WCR infestation and induced yield losses were not
values for all other crop rotation systems (i.e. 75M, 66M, 50M, 25M, considered in the analysis, because systematic recording of damages in
00M). Hence, shadow prices (η) are available for all crop rotation sys- maize due to WCR is not available for Austria. For the damage calcu-
tems r and pixels i. The gross margins (GM) consist of revenues from lations, we therefore consider six levels of maize yield losses using the
crop production minus variable production costs. Policy premiums are maize yields of the REF crop rotation system (i.e. 10%, 20%, 30%, 50%,
included in the gross margins if immediately attributable to the land use 70% and 100% yield loss). The economic damage is computed for each
(e.g. decoupled direct payments). pixel by the difference of gross margins with and without maize yield
losses in the crop rotations. Production costs and producer prices are
2.2. Data assumed to remain constant and depict a crop management planning
process without expected WCR infestation. The maize harvesting costs
The database of the Integrated Administration and Control System are omitted under the assumption of a 100% yield loss level.
(IACS) includes 36,498 cropland pixels of 1 km resolution
(Guggenberger et al., 2012), which represent about 1.35 million ha of 2.3.2. Crop management strategies for WCR control
cropland in Austria in 2014 (BMLFUW, 2015b). Thereof, about Pest control strategies include acute and preventive measures. They
277,800 ha or 21% are used for the production of grain maize and si- differ in costs and duration with respect to feasible effects on pest
lage maize. Historical cropping data are available from IACS data at the control. We seek for efficient crop management responses to WCR da-
municipality level (BMLFUW, 2015a) and are input to CropRota (see mage potentials at the pixel level. Thereby, economic damage potential
Section 2.1.1). Each cropland pixel contains information on mean ele- in maize production from six maize yield loss levels (see Section 2.3.1)
vation and slope as well as on soil properties including silt, sand and acts as driver for crop rotational and management responses including
clay contents, depth, humus content, pH, CaCO3 content and the con- insecticide application. We take into account variability in insecticide
tent of coarse fragments per soil layer (BMLFUW, 2016). All of them are efficiency by assuming two rates of prevented yield losses. Insecticide
input in EPIC. application is limited to intensive maize crop rotation systems, i.e. 75M
We employ standard variable production costs for gross margin and 66M. Insecticides are not applied in other crop rotations systems,
calculations from the Austrian Federal Institute of Agricultural i.e. 50M, 25M, and 00M as well as REF. In BiomAT, insecticide effi-
Economics (AWI, 2016). The database provides 5-year average pro- ciency of 100% (90%) is considered as a 0% (10%) maize yield loss in
ducer prices (2010–2014) and variable production costs for standard crop rotation systems 75M and 66M. Table 4 in the Appendix presents
crop management in Austria. Variable production costs comprise costs costs for insecticide applications. Hence, BiomAT is solved for the
for seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, machinery, labor, insurance, drying and combinations of the six levels of maize yield losses and the two in-
irrigation (AWI, 2016). Costs for pesticides are distinguished between secticide efficiency rates. Table 1 gives an overview on the specification
wet and dry cropping conditions using a threshold of 650 mm of annual of crop management strategies for WCR control. The robustness of crop
precipitation (Strauss et al., 2013). The application rates and costs of management strategies is analyzed by comparing impacts from WCR on
optional insecticide treatment for WCR control are provided by the maize production under climate change.

E. Feusthuber et al. Agricultural Systems 157 (2017) 93–106

Table 1 Apparently, the impact of climate change declines at increasing maize

Specification of crop management strategies for WCR control. abandonment level.
Crop rotation Maize limit Insecticide Insecticide
system application efficiency 3.2. Economic damage potentials from different maize yield loss levels

REFa No No NA Regions with high shares of maize on cropland, which are particu-
75M Maize in max. 3 Yesb 100%
larly susceptible to economic damage from WCR infestation, are pre-
out of 4 years 90%
66M Maize in max. 2 Yesb 100% sented in Fig. 1. The results of our calculations show a large spatial
out of 3 years 90% variability in the damage potential of WCR on gross margins (Fig. 4).
50M Maize in max. 1 No NA For instance, a maize yield loss of 10% reduces gross margins by 3 €/ha
out of 2 years
to 180 €/ha with an average of 49 €/ha at the national level. At 50%
25M Maize in max. 1 No NA
out of 4 years
maize yield loss, gross margins would be reduced by 14 €/ha to 903 €/
00M No maize No NA ha with an average of 244 €/ha. A maize yield loss of 100% would
reduce gross margins between 29 €/ha and 1803 €/ha with an average
“Reference crop rotation system” in Fig. 2. of 488 €/ha. A total maize yield loss can be a consequence of a large

One insecticide application in fertilization levels low and moderate; two insecticide
WCR population on a field in combination with adverse weather con-
applications in fertilization levels high and high with irrigation.
ditions. The spatial variability of economic damage potential of maize
yield losses corresponds with regional maize densities shown in Fig. 1.
3. Results
For example, regions with a high maize share are observed in the South-
East of Austria, a region which is prone to high maize yield losses due to
3.1. Marginal opportunity costs of maize abandonment
WCR pressure, thus showing a high economic damage potential (Fig. 4).
These results are confirmed by WCR monitoring results, which identify
We compute marginal opportunity costs of gradually reducing
the South-East of Austria as national hotspot.
maize areas in the cropland pixels by 10%, 20%, 30%, 50%, 70%, and
The results of economic damage potentials with 50% maize yield
100% based on the crop rotation system REF which is substituted by
losses are summarized for past and future periods with climate change
crop rotation system “00M”. The boxplots in Fig. 3 show that median
scenarios SIMILAR, WET and DRY in Fig. 5. The figure shows economic
and variability of marginal opportunity costs are increasing with the
damage potentials by quartiles of maize shares on cropland in the
level of maize area abandonment. For instance, at 10%, 50% and 100%
municipality (i.e. maize shares on cropland ≤ 25% (Quartile
maize area abandonment levels, the medians are 182 €/ha, 907 €/ha
1), > 25–50% (Quartile 2), > 50–75% (Quartile 3), and > 75%
and 1813 €/ha, the lower quartiles 124 €/ha, 618 €/ha, and 1235 €/ha,
(Quartile 4)). Quartiles 3 and 4 are considered as high-risk regions as
the higher quartiles 273 €/ha, 1364 €/ha, and 2728 €/ha, and the
described in Section 1.1.
means 206 €/ha, 1030 €/ha and 2060 €/ha, respectively. It should be
The mean damage in Quartiles 1 and 2 is highest in DRY, i.e. 182 €/
noted that outliers are not presented in Fig. 3 and may originate from
ha and 236 €/ha. By contrast, the mean damage is highest in SIMILAR
different sources. The spatial distribution of marginal opportunity costs
(377 €/ha) in Quartile 3, and highest in the past (536 €/ha) in Quartile
at a reduction of maize areas by 50% are presented in Fig. 8 in the
4. The variability in economic damage is similar within the climate
Appendix. The map reveals a considerable spatial variability with
scenarios among the Quartiles 1 to 4. The lower quartiles are between
comparably low opportunity costs in maize production hotspots such as
90 €/ha in Quartile 1 and 308 €/ha in Quartile 4. The upper quartiles
south-eastern Styria. It indicates that maize crop substitutes such as
are between 211 €/ha in Quartile 1 and 763 €/ha in Quartile 4. The
grain sorghum provide reasonable gross margins in these hotspots
median damage among climate scenarios is between 138 €/ha in
areas. In other areas, the gross margin differences between maize and
Quartile 1 and 540 €/ha in Quartile 4. It should be noted that climate
substitute crops (see Section 2.1.1) are rather large.
change impacts only affect crop yields and not the life cycle of WCR in
The impacts of climate change scenarios SIMILAR, WET and DRY on
our analysis.
marginal opportunity costs of maize area abandonment are shown in
Fig. 9 in the Appendix. In general, climate change leads to lower
3.3. Efficient crop management strategies for WCR control
average but higher variability of marginal opportunity costs of maize
abandonment. For instance, at a reduction of maize areas by 10–20%,
We model efficient crop management strategies for the past and the
the marginal opportunity costs are lower in almost 75% of the cropland
future period with three climate change scenarios driven by six maize
pixels compared to the past period. However, the spatial variability of
yield loss levels. The results for the past are presented at an aggregated
marginal opportunity costs is higher (see Fig. 9 in the Appendix).
level for Austria in Table 2. The results for the future period with

Fig. 3. Boxplots of marginal opportunity costs in €/ha for

the past period (1975–2005) by increasing abandonment of
maize areas in Austria. Note: Outliers are not presented.

E. Feusthuber et al. Agricultural Systems 157 (2017) 93–106

Fig. 4. Average economic damage potentials as reduction of gross margins in €/ha with 50% maize yield loss on Austrian cropland for the past period (1975–2005). Note: No cropland in
white area.

climate change scenarios SIMILAR, WET, and DRY are presented in efficiency (except at 10% maize yield loss). Interestingly, the total net
Table 5 in the Appendix. return from crop production does not change considerably between the
In the calibrated reference situation, i.e. REF and the past period, two insecticide efficiencies. Gross margins are partially compensated by
grain maize is produced on 16% of total cropland or 212,804 ha, and a reduction in fertilizer use in granting access to agri-environmental
silage maize on 5% or 65,003 ha in Austria. A 10% maize yield loss payments.
would lead to a 7% reduction of maize areas in Austria. At the 50% The economic damage potentials from maize yield losses incentivize
maize yield loss level, crop rotation systems 75M, 66M, 50M, 25M, and higher adoption of moderate and low fertilization intensity levels,
00M would be adjusted between 4% and 6% compared to the calibrated which increase by 14% compared to the reference situation (see Fig. 7).
reference situation and assuming 100% efficiency in insecticide appli- The change in crop rotations causes a shift in crop distribution, which is
cations (see Fig. 6). The maize area would decline by 30% with an determined by our specification of alternative crop rotations in Section
average reduction of 36% in gross margins (not shown in the table). 2.1.1. At a maize yield loss level of 100% and an insecticide efficiency
With maize yield losses above 50% and reduced insecticide efficiency of 100%, grain sorghum is the most important maize substitute with
(i.e. 90%), the model expands the adoption of alternative crop rotations 50,770 ha (+452%). In addition, soybean increases by 51,975 ha
systems with maize shares of 50% or less, i.e. 50M, 25M or 00M. At an (+ 28%), winter barley by 86,898 ha (+24%), faba bean by 8242 ha
assumed yield loss level of 100%, maize is produced on 62% of the (+ 24%), and sunflower by 27,357 ha (+21%; not shown in the table).
reference maize area (i.e. 171,188 ha) in the past period. Insecticide
applications are not profitable on many locations even at 100% maize
yield loss in spite of insecticide efficiency of 100%. 3.4. Efficient crop management strategies under climate change
The rate at which crop yields can be sustained by the application of
an insecticide is considerably important for crop management choices. We assess efficient crop management strategies under the three
We model two insecticide efficiency rates of 100% and 90%, whereby climate change scenarios SIMILAR, WET, and DRY. The simulated crop
the total maize areas decrease more at 90% than at 100% insecticide yields differ by climate change scenario, whereas prices, costs, and
policy premiums are kept constant. As a response to climate change

Fig. 5. Boxplots of economic damage potentials as reduction of gross margins in €/ha with 50% maize yield loss for past (1975–2005) and future periods (2010–2040) with climate
change scenarios SIMILAR, WET and DRY by quartiles of maize shares on cropland in municipalities. Note: Outliers are not presented.

E. Feusthuber et al. Agricultural Systems 157 (2017) 93–106

Table 2
Efficient crop management strategies in % of total cropland for the past period (1975–2005) by assumptions on insecticide efficiency and maize yield loss level.

Crop rotation system REF 75M 66M 50M 25M 00M

Insecticide efficiencya 100% 90% 100% 90% 100% 90% 100% 90% 100% 90% 100% 90%
Maize yield loss level 0% 100.0 – 0.0 – 0.0 – 0.0 – 0.0 – 0.0 –
10% 94.6 97.2 0.8 0.1 0.9 0.1 1.1 0.8 1.3 0.9 1.3 0.9
20% 89.2 89.2 1.6 0.3 1.9 0.3 2.3 3.2 2.5 3.5 2.5 3.5
30% 84.0 84.0 2.4 0.4 2.8 0.4 3.3 4.7 3.7 5.2 3.8 5.3
50% 74.2 74.3 3.9 0.7 4.5 0.7 5.4 7.5 6.0 8.3 6.0 8.5
70% 66.6 66.6 5.0 0.9 5.6 1.0 6.9 9.6 7.9 10.8 8.0 11.1
100% 63.3 63.1 5.5 1.0 6.2 1.1 7.5 10.6 8.7 11.9 8.8 12.3

Insecticides are only applied in crop rotation systems 75M and 66M where insecticide efficiency of 100% (90%) is considered as a 0% (10%) maize yield loss. No additional maize
yield loss is considered in crop rotation systems 50M, 25M, and 00M under both insecticide efficiency rates.

impacts and compared to the past, model results reveal an increase in zero maize yield loss, maize area decreases by 10% in SIMILAR com-
alternative crop rotation systems (see Table 5 in the Appendix), higher pared to the past (see Table 3). At 100% maize yield losses, maize area
fertilization and irrigation intensities (see Fig. 7), and higher average is reduced by 34% compared to the past, which is in line with the al-
gross margins, regardless of the climate change scenario and the yield ternative crop rotation choices in SIMILAR.
loss level. In scenario WET, grain maize yields increase by 3% and silage maize
The share of the REF crop rotation system is reduced in all three yields by 7% on average, compared to the past. Average gross margins
climate change scenarios in favor of alternative crop rotation systems from crop production are the highest among all scenarios. The dis-
(see Table 2 and Table 5 in the Appendix). It implies that crop rotation tributions of crop rotation systems among the maize yield loss levels are
choices are affected by climate change impacts even without specific similar to climate change scenario SIMILAR. Irrigated cropland is
pest pressure. It should be noted that an increase in maize area beyond halved compared to the past, and reduced by two thirds compared to
REF is not considered in this analysis. Hence, grain maize areas decline SIMILAR. The adoption of low fertilization levels slightly decreases
by 8% to 9% or 16,500 ha (SIMILAR) to 18,100 ha (DRY) and silage compared to SIMILAR, whereas the share of high fertilization without
maize areas by 16% to 18% or 10,100 ha (WET) to 11,900 ha (DRY) irrigation is largest among all climate change scenarios. At the same
among the climate scenarios and assuming no maize yield loss (see time, the share of high fertilization strongly increases compared to the
Table 3). However, the rate of decline in maize areas increases with the past period at the expense of high fertilization with irrigation and low
level of maize yield losses. fertilization. Although maize area in WET is slightly reduced without
In climate change scenario SIMILAR, average grain maize yields maize yield losses compared to SIMILAR (see Table 3), the respective
increase by 4% and silage maize yields by 6%, in comparison to the past area is larger at all other maize yield loss levels.
period. The adoption of maize-free crop rotations increases significantly In scenario DRY, grain maize and silage maize yields increase at a
(see e.g. Fig. 6). Without maize yield losses, the shares of high fertili- similar rate of 5% on average, compared to the past period. Average
zation and irrigation increase by 80% and 44% at the expense of gross margins increase compared to the past, but at a much lower rate
moderate and low fertilization, compared to the past period. However, than in SIMILAR and WET. The adoption of alternative crop rotation
fertilization intensities slightly shift from high to moderate and low systems is analog to SIMILAR and WET, but there is a significant shift in
levels with increasing yield losses (see Fig. 7). The distribution of fer- irrigation. The share of irrigated cropland increases by 233% (i.e.
tilization levels is similar for the two insecticide efficiency levels. At 391,000 ha) compared to the past period, and by 130% (i.e.

Fig. 6. Percentage shares of crop rotation systems with 50%

maize yield loss for the past (1975–2005) and future
(2010–2040) periods with climate change scenarios
SIMILAR, WET, and DRY by 90% and 100% insecticide ef-
ficiency rates.

E. Feusthuber et al. Agricultural Systems 157 (2017) 93–106

Fig. 7. Shares of crop management intensities including low, moderate and high fertilization levels and irrigation for the past (1975–2005) and future (2010–2040) periods with climate
change scenarios SIMILAR, WET, and DRY by maize yield loss levels.

317,000 ha) compared to SIMILAR. Referring to the situation without infestation. Second, we discuss challenges of integrating crop pests into
maize yield loss, cropland with low or moderate fertilization levels economic modelling approaches and comment on the applied methods
decline by 42% compared to the past and by 25% compared to SIMILAR and model assumptions as well as related uncertainties.
and WET. At high yield loss levels (i.e. 50% upwards), maize area in
climate change scenario DRY increases compared to SIMILAR and WET,
4.1. Efficient WCR control strategies in Austrian crop production
whereas the area decreases at lower yield loss levels. However, maize
area decreases in DRY compared to the past period at all yield loss
High regional maize shares and the recurrent use of maize in crop
levels (see Table 3).
rotations predetermine the economic damage potential of a highly
mobile pest with a high reproduction potential like WCR. For farmers,
4. Discussion the risk of economic damage from maize yield losses can be balanced
with the adoption of diversified and eventually less profitable crop
In this article, an integrated modelling framework is applied to rotations. However, WCR control is rarely undertaken by farmers who
analyze economic damage potentials from WCR infestation and effi- have not experienced yield losses so far (Kehlenbeck and Krügener,
cient crop management strategies at 1 km spatial resolution for Austria. 2014). The model results include high maize yield loss levels of 50%,
The discussion is divided into two subsections. First, we discuss the 70% and 100%, which demonstrate a substantial damage potential on
contribution of the integrated modelling results for managing WCR Austrian maize fields. High damage potentials usually occur at hotspots

Table 3
Impact of climate change on total maize area (ha), total maize production (t), and average and standard deviation of maize yields (t/ha) with 0% maize yield loss level and 100%
insecticide efficiency. Model results are shown for the past (1975–2005) and future (2010–2040) periods with climate change scenarios SIMILAR, WET, and DRY.

Climate scenario Total maize area (ha) Total maize production (t) Average (std. dev.) maize yields (t/ha)

Grain maize Silage maize Grain maize Silage maize Grain maize Silage maize

PAST 212,804 65,003 2,085,370 2,734,193 9.7 (4.6) 41.9 (18.1)

SIMILAR 196,277 54,521 1,932,544 2,354,353 9.9 (4.9) 43.8 (19.7)
WET 195,086 54,857 1,883,903 2,376,852 9.8 (4.8) 44.1 (19.9)
DRY 194,671 53,070 1,967,650 2,313,792 10.0 (5.0) 43.2 (19.4)

E. Feusthuber et al. Agricultural Systems 157 (2017) 93–106

with considerable WCR populations, but are balanced at the regional Niell and Hastings, 2010). Consequently, strict control policies not only
scale. The crop rotations 75M and 66M combined with insecticide ap- reduce yield losses, but also trigger high compliance costs (Carrasco
plications show a relatively low adoption rate in our scenarios. This is et al., 2012). Hence, an integrated WCR control strategy should target
surprising as we assume high insecticide efficiencies at 90% and 100%, regional demands and support alternative crop production opportu-
respectively. However, our model results suggest that the application of nities.
insecticides to prevent maize yield losses is economically unfavorable
for many locations compared to a reduction of maize shares in the crop 4.2. Integrated modelling for the assessment of WCR control
rotations. At lower maize yield loss levels, the crop rotation system REF
is dominating, which is reasonable as the damage potential does not Spatially explicit assessments of pest management are multifaceted
exceed the costs of reduced maize shares in combination with addi- as they include theories and methods from different scientific dis-
tional costs for insecticide applications. At higher maize yield loss le- ciplines. Our integrated modelling framework aims at the inclusion of a
vels, the diversification of crop rotation distributions towards 50M, specific crop-pest complex into economic land use optimization. Crop
25M and 00M reveals that it is more efficient to reduce maize shares in management modelling at the national level is feasible at the 1 km
the crop rotation than to apply insecticides. The results on insecticide spatial resolution as bio-physical conditions and land use data are
efficiency reinforce that benefits from insecticide applications diminish available at this resolution. This may be insufficient for the analysis of
at lower efficiency levels, even for crops with high gross margin po- pest management at the farm or field level because of individual phy-
tentials like maize. Contrary to the model set-up, limited information tosanitary needs and farm endowments. Other yield reducing factors
challenges the identification of optimal WCR control measures for (i.e. weeds, pests, diseases, pollutants; van Ittersum et al., 2013) are
farmers (Epanchin-Niell and Hastings, 2010). With regard to the prin- currently not considered in the analysis and are not available from
ciples of IPM, pheromone traps can overcome information gaps by other sources. We assume certain maize yield loss levels for Austrian
predicting a potential need of insecticide applications. Traps cost about cropland to assess economic damage potentials from WCR infestation
50 € each (i.e. average costs for trap, lure and labor; Kehlenbeck and and to assess efficient crop management strategies for WCR control
Krügener, 2014), which is less than the costs of a single insecticide under various climate change scenarios. This is a prerequisite simpli-
application on 1 ha of cropland. They may serve as a valuable tool to fication in the current structure of the IMF, but disconnects the ap-
reduce costs in regions with potential demand for chemical WCR con- proach from a particular pest and its life cycle. Already experienced
trol. yield losses from WCR infestation are not considered in the analysis due
In addition to crop rotations, fertilization intensity levels and irri- to data limitations. Hence, we show the responses in efficient crop
gation are part of crop management choices. Options in crop manage- management by capturing the full spectrum of yield loss levels even
ment strategies for WCR control include adjustments in rotational under past and potential future climate conditions. With respect to WCR
maize shares, fertilization levels, irrigation, and insecticide treatments. control, the IMF comprehensively covers the main control strategy (i.e.
In the past period, the adoption rate of crop managements with high crop rotations), which is sufficiently represented at the pixel level.
fertilization levels decreases with increasing maize yield loss levels and The non-linear objective function in BiomAT enables calibration of
declining shares of maize in the crop rotations. The fertilization in- historically based crop management choices by including a range of
tensity increases in our climate change scenarios SIMILAR, WET, and alternative crop rotation systems. This is important as economic opti-
DRY. For instance, crop managements with high fertilization including mization often results in a narrow set of production activities instead of
irrigation are applied on > 50% of the cropland with maize in the ro- a realistic diversification (Heckelei et al., 2012). Furthermore, the
tation in scenario DRY. This result is in-line with other studies sug- model results include efficient crop management responses under fu-
gesting intensification as a main climate change adaptation response on ture climate conditions. In this context, land use change is mainly
Austrian cropland (Mitter et al., 2015a). Increasing levels of maize yield driven by crop yield changes, because dynamic crop rotations or other
losses foster the adoption of crop rotations with low maize shares if crop management strategies like dynamic pest response or adaptation
control agents are not cost-effective even under assumed 100% in- to changing economic and political conditions are beyond the scope of
secticide efficiency. Additionally, high levels of fertilization intensities our model structure.
under climate change scenarios indicate divergent crop production and Further studies should address these to examine their relevance and
crop management strategies. However, the choice of fertilization in- to assess diversified management results. For example, demand-based
tensities is primarily economically driven. insecticide applications can be analyzed by a dynamic modelling ap-
Lower maize shares in the crop rotations, as suggested by the model proach to comply with IPM principles. Regional WCR incidence could
results, are a challenge for farms which strongly depend on maize be derived from monitoring results. Moreover, empirical investigations
production, e.g. for feeding livestock or for biogas production. of insecticide efficiencies could provide important information in
However, we have not differentiated between farm types in the analysis modelling exercises. Yet, the integration of a complete pest-agent-crop-
even though previous investigations have shown that the efficiency of response network including economic assessment is difficult, but ne-
WCR control strategies may vary by farm types involved in the culti- cessary to develop efficient management strategies. Similarly, maize
vation of maize (see e.g. Dillen et al., 2010; Köhler and Schätzl, 2014). yield losses from a specific WCR infestation are difficult to monitor at
The production potential of grain sorghum as maize substitute is con- regional scale due to a broad range of influencing variables. Unlike in
firmed by our results. In the farming practice, cultivation methods for our model assumptions, maize yield losses cannot be ruled out in crop
grain sorghum have to be tested and improved in order to promote its rotations with low maize shares (i.e. 50% maize or less). Our yield loss
adoption by farmers. A key determinant for grain sorghum establish- assumptions are convenient to compute economic damage potentials in
ment is its suitability in livestock feeding diets and the technical im- assessing efficient crop management strategies of WCR control. In this
plementation into existing farm facilities (Mayer, 2016, pers. comm.). study, uniform cost structures and crop prices do not take into account
Operational constraints on highly specialized livestock producing farms the heterogeneity of agricultural production in Austria including dif-
can also reduce the substitution opportunity of maize (Guggenberger ferent farm sizes and production technologies as well as consequences
et al., 2012). for maize supply from shifts in maize production. This would be re-
Our results indicate high opportunity costs of maize abandonment levant for farm size-dependent insecticide management shown by
on a range of locations. These findings confirm that established invasive Schaafsma et al. (1999). Other farm-specific management subjects
pests can cause high damage as well as high control costs (Epanchin- closely related to maize production like livestock feeding and policy

E. Feusthuber et al. Agricultural Systems 157 (2017) 93–106

compliance can be assessed within bio-economic farm models like can be a tool to reduce the risk of economic damage, but might si-
FAMOS[space], an expanded version of FAMOS (FArM Optimization multaneously modify the typical regional production characteristics.
System; Schmid, 2004; Schönhart et al., 2011a). Sector models would Additionally, the model results indicate an increase in fertilization in-
enable the analysis of extensive impacts of land use change, especially tensity, which is larger in climate change scenarios than in adaptation
on supply and demand including price and cost structures. Further re- to maize yield loss under past climate conditions. In conclusion, WCR
search should focus on attitudes and behavioral dynamics of farmers, control requires targeted crop management measures and adaptive
which have been proven to be important by Carrasco et al. (2012). The capacity of farmers, which can be enhanced by scientific analysis and
case of controlling invasive species can elicit an interesting set of pre- dissemination of the key findings. WCR policies should address regional
ferences towards preventive and non-preventive strategies as has been heterogeneity of economic damage potentials, which are closely cor-
demonstrated by Finnoff et al. (2007). They discovered different risk related with maize shares and yield potentials in cropping systems.
aversion characteristics for ecological and economic perspectives which While the implementation of WCR specific policies is proceeding in
may be relevant for policy planners of pest control. Austria, empirical evidence on efficient strategies is not yet available.
Future research should integrate WCR specific policies into the full
5. Conclusions setting of agricultural policies to assess additional crop management
adaptation options. Crop rotation analysis may be enhanced by com-
Farmers in maize-intensive production regions are increasingly prehensively considering crop-pest-interactions to take into account
aware of risks to cropping systems resulting from pests and climate multiple (regional) crop protection requirements. Finally, WCR control
change. Robust cropping systems and adequate policies have to be will benefit from advanced farm and farmer type specific information
designed to tackle the acceleration of insect population growth and systems with a high spatial and temporal resolution. WCR monitoring
dispersal due to an increase in temperature (Lamichhane et al., 2014). may aid in damage prevention and the reduction of control costs.
Our modelling framework covers Austrian cropland at a high spatial
resolution and captures observed historical cropland use, bio-physical Acknowledgements
characteristics and economic evaluation of damages and abatement
costs. The IMF enables us to assess economic damage potentials from The presented results are derived from the project “Water resources
WCR as well as efficient crop management strategies considering cli- under climatic stress. An integrated assessment of impacts on water
mate change. So far, impacts of a specific pest have rarely been con- availability and water quality under changing climate and land use”
sidered in economic assessments due to limited data on pest population, (Aqua-Stress; KR13AC6K11034) and the project “Combined weather
related losses and control efficiency. related risk assessment monitor for tailoring climate change adaptation
The assessment of efficient crop management strategies including in Austrian crop production” (COMBIRISK; KR15AC8K12614). Both
crop rotational restrictions reveals a major trade-off in controlling WCR projects are funded within the Austrian Climate Research Program
infestations: In high-risk regions, the diversification of crop rotations (ACRP) of the Climate and Energy Fund.

Appendix A

Table 4
Commodity prices, labor demand and variable production costs for standard crop management.

Crop Price (€/t) Labor (h/ha) Variable costs (€/ha) Crop protection expenditures (€/ha)

Dry regions Wet regions

Low Moderate High/airr Low Moderate High/airr

Winter wheat 163.9 6.7 373.8 34.3 38.2 69.6 80.1 115.1 150.8
Durum wheat 229.7 6.8 411.3 39.4 69.0 69.0 39.4 69.0 69.0
Rye 160.7 6.5 346.6 34.3 59.5 72.0 47.9 80.0 110.9
Winter barley 141.7 6.8 373.2 39.4 57.9 70.8 81.7 134.8 157.5
Summer barley 178.7 6.8 366.5 39.4 59.1 59.1 46.4 81.4 103.4
Oats 137.8 6.5 352.9 34.6 38.5 38.5 39.3 42.2 45.2
Triticale 141.3 6.5 366.7 34.3 59.9 72.5 80.4 96.1 144.3
Grain maize 161.8 5.9 820.6 72.7a 72.5a 72.5a 70.0a 70.0a 70.0a
Silage maize 26.0 7.4 698.4 72.5a 72.5a 72.5a 70.0a 70.0a 70.0a
Grain sorghum 137.5 5.9 746.0 59.0 59.0 59.0 59.0 59.0 59.0
Field pea 179.8 5.1 393.4 101.3 115.1 115.1 111.0 111.0 111.0
Faba bean 185.4 4.8 380.6 102.0 127.8 127.8 106.0 131.8 131.8
Red clover 90.0 9.5 390.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Clover-grassland 90.0 9.5 390.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Alfalfa 90.0 12.4 411.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Timothy 90.0 12.4 411.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Winter oilseed rape 370.1 7.6 363.2 126.0 151.8 203.7 144.6 184.8 250.0
Sugar beet 40.3 15.0 823.6 224.5 267.6 267.6 301.2 319.8 388.3
Potato 95.3 29.2 1715.4 427.5 458.4 458.4 427.5 458.4 458.4
Sunflower 326.2 7.7 445.7 99.3 99.3 99.3 99.3 99.3 99.3
Soybean 375.1 4.8 376.3 97.7 97.7 97.7 78.8 78.8 78.8

E. Feusthuber et al. Agricultural Systems 157 (2017) 93–106

Vegetables 168.2 45.6 1865.8 175.7 265.2 367.6 175.7 265.2 367.6
Fallow 0.0 5.7 − 211.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Variable costs include costs for seeds, drying, insurances, and variable machinery costs and are taken from AWI (2016) and other data sources.
Crop protection expenditures include costs for herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, growth regulators, and application costs.
Fertilization costs are calculated by the nitrogen and phosphorus input demands simulated in EPIC at the 1 km pixel level (nitrogen: 1.1 €/kg, phosphorus: 1.6 €/kg). “High”, “moderate”
and “low” denote fertilization intensity levels; “airr” denotes high fertilization with irrigation.
Regional classification by mean annual precipitation:
Wet regions: > 650 mm mean annual precipitation.
Dry regions: ≤650 mm mean annual precipitation.
Commodity prices are averaged over five years (2010–2014), AWI (2016).
Labor hours are valued with 10 €/h.
Irrigation costs are taken from Heumesser et al. (2012): 213 €/ha.
Insecticide costs for WCR treatment are not included; one application of 0.3 l Biscaya is 22.5 €/ha and 40 €/ha for a high-clearance tractor.

Table 5
Efficient crop management strategies in % of total cropland for the future period (2010–2040) with climate change scenarios SIMILAR, WET, and DRY by assumptions on insecticide
efficiency and maize yield loss level.

Climate change scenario Crop rotation system REF 75M 66M 50M 25M 00M
Insecticide efficiency 100% 90% 100% 90% 100% 90% 100% 90% 100% 90% 100% 90%

SIMILAR Maize yield loss level 0% 89.7 – 0.7 – 0.9 – 1.4 – 2.2 – 5.1 –
10% 84.3 84.6 1.1 0.7 1.3 0.8 2.1 2.2 3.3 3.5 7.9 8.2
20% 78.9 79.2 1.5 0.8 1.7 1.0 2.7 3.0 4.5 4.8 10.7 11.2
30% 73.6 74.0 1.8 1.0 2.1 1.2 3.4 3.7 5.6 6.0 13.5 14.1
50% 64.7 65.1 2.4 1.3 2.8 1.5 4.5 4.9 7.5 8.2 18.1 19.0
70% 58.0 58.2 2.9 1.6 3.4 1.8 5.3 5.9 8.9 9.8 21.5 22.7
100% 54.9 55.1 3.2 1.7 3.7 2.0 5.7 6.4 9.6 10.6 22.9 24.2
WET Maize yield loss level 0% 88.8 – 0.9 – 1.1 – 1.7 – 2.3 – 5.2 –
10% 83.6 83.9 1.3 0.8 1.5 0.9 2.3 2.5 3.4 3.7 7.9 8.2
20% 78.3 78.6 1.7 1.0 2.0 1.1 3.0 3.3 4.4 4.9 10.6 11.1
30% 73.1 73.6 2.0 1.1 2.5 1.3 3.7 4.0 5.5 6.1 13.2 13.9
50% 64.2 64.5 2.8 1.5 3.3 1.7 4.8 5.3 7.3 8.3 17.6 18.7
70% 57.3 57.6 3.4 1.8 4.0 2.0 5.7 6.4 8.8 10.0 20.8 22.2
100% 54.1 54.5 3.7 1.9 4.4 2.2 6.2 6.9 9.5 10.9 22.1 23.6
DRY Maize yield loss level 0% 88.0 – 0.9 – 1.0 – 1.6 – 2.6 – 5.9 –
10% 82.7 83.1 1.3 0.7 1.5 0.8 2.3 2.6 3.6 3.9 8.6 8.9
20% 77.2 77.6 1.7 0.9 2.0 1.0 3.0 3.4 4.8 5.3 11.3 11.8
30% 71.9 72.2 2.2 1.0 2.5 1.2 3.6 4.3 5.9 6.6 13.9 14.7
50% 62.8 63.2 2.9 1.3 3.4 1.5 4.8 5.8 7.9 8.9 18.2 19.3
70% 55.9 56.3 3.5 1.6 4.1 1.8 5.8 7.0 9.4 10.7 21.3 22.6
100% 53.4 53.5 3.7 1.7 4.4 1.9 6.1 7.5 10.0 11.5 22.4 23.9
Insecticides are only applied in crop rotation systems 75M and 66M where insecticide efficiency of 100% (90%) is considered as a 0% (10%) maize yield loss. No additional maize
yield loss is considered in crop rotation systems 50M, 25M, and 00M under both insecticide efficiency rates.

Fig. 8. Modelled marginal opportunity costs in €/ha at 50% maize abandonment on Austrian cropland for the past period (1975–2005). Note: No cropland in white area.

E. Feusthuber et al. Agricultural Systems 157 (2017) 93–106

Fig. 9. Boxplots on percent changes in modelled marginal opportunity costs of the future period (2010–2040) with climate change scenarios SIMILAR, WET and DRY compared to the past
period (pixel level) at 10%, 20%, 30%, 50%, 70% and 100% maize abandonment in Austria. Note: Outliers are not presented.

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