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Topic 8

Approaches, Strategies and

Methods of Teaching
•In teaching, the term approach
refers to the way a subject/course is
being taught in order to achieve long
term objectives.
The criteria of teaching approach
• How teaching is conducted in order to achieve
• The objectives are not achievable in just one or two
teaching sessions
• Based on certain teaching theory, model or principle.
• Possess axiomatic element (true statement,
unquestionable, evidence is not needed/self-evident)
• Consists of _______________, ____________ and






•Refers to the _________ in ________

teaching approach, teaching method,
techniques and activities in order to
achieve teaching objectives
•Involves ____________, ____________ and
____________ of teaching method, technique
and activity
•The teaching strategy must match with the
selected teaching approach
•Concerns with long-term teaching objectives




(Will be covered in Week 11)

•Refers to a series of ___________________by

teachers in order to achieve ____________
teaching objectives
•It is an organized effort and procedure based
on the selected strategy

•A series of systematic and sequential

action by teachers
•It is used to gain __________________
1. .

2. .

3. .

4. .

5. .

6. .

7. .
(Will be covered in Week 11)

•Refers to the teacher’s __________________ in

implementing the selected teaching method
•The ___________ in teaching
•Teacher needs to consider students’ background
in choosing teaching techniques

•Refers to _______________________
during the teaching & learning session.

•Examples : ______________, pair practice,

________________, drawing and etc.

How to deliver effective demonstration

Explanation by teacher
Report writing
• .

• .

• .

• .

• .

• .
Example of inductive approach in teaching
grammar in An English lesson
For example: To teach PLURALITY (use of ‘s’& ‘es’)
• The teacher would present the pupils with a variety of examples for a given
concept without giving any preamble about how the concept is used. (girls,
houses, lions, classes, boxes, watches)
• As pupils see how the concept is used, it is hoped that they will notice how
the concept is to be used and determine the grammar rule. (-s & - es added
to nouns to show more than ONE)
• As a conclusion to the activity, the teacher can ask the pupils to explain the
grammar rule as a final check that they understand the concept. (-s added to
nouns ending with l, e, n & -es added to nouns adding with s, x and ch)
Example of inductive approach in teaching grammar
in An English lesson
• A deductive approach to instruction is a more teacher-centred approach.
• This means that the teacher gives the students a new concept, explains it,
and then has the students practice using the concept, e.g. a new grammar
concept. Example: To teach PLURALITY (use of ‘s’ & ‘es’)
• The teacher will introduce the concept & explain the rules related to its use.
(Eg.: We add –s to nouns ending with e, l, n like in bees, girls, lions to indicate
more than ONE. We add –es to nouns ending with s, ch, x like in glasses,
watches and foxes to show plurality)
• Finally the students will practice using the concept in a variety of different
ways. (E.g.: pencils, bags, dishes, boxes, classes)
How can a teacher decide which method (deductive or
inductive)is the best choice for a given topic?

•Both deductive and inductive sequences are

valuable for teaching concepts,
generalizations, processes, and skills.
•The teacher must decide which to select
given the learning outcomes desired and the
composition of the class.
How can a teacher decide which method (deductive or
inductive)is the best choice for a given topic?

When choosing, the teacher should consider

a number of factors:
1. How _______________should the learning be?
• Pupils will usually be more involved in the learning
experience and tend to participate more actively when an
inductive approach is used.
• If a deductive approach is chosen, it is important to
structure the learning experience in order to draw on pupils'
prior experiences and learning, and to provide for their
active involvement.
How can a teacher decide which method (deductive or
inductive)is the best choice for a given topic?
2. Should __________________ be _____________?
- The deductive approach is more predictable because the teacher selects
the information and the sequence of presentation.
3. What depth of understanding and rate of retention is desired?
- Pupils tend to understand and remember more when learning occurs
4. How much time is available to teach the material?
- The deductive approach is faster and can be an efficient way to teach
large numbers of facts and concrete concepts.
Instructional methods tend to be either deductive or inductive,
although some methods use both. Many lessons can include
both approaches.
• Use a combination & infusion of strategies
• Combining different skills, e.g. Language skills or skills from various
• Infusion skills – integration of knowledge elements & true values.
• Include aspects of:
oindividual & community affairs
onationalistic spirit
oMalaysian society values
Our PAST & current kssr & kssm adopt the
integration approach
• Integration of the 4 language skills (KBSR & KBSM)
• Although KSSR adopts a modular approach focusing on
language skills, grammar, & language arts, we still DON’T teach
a skill in ISOLATION.
• Integration of salient new technologies
• use of ICT to facilitate and encourage meaningful language
• creative and innovative use of the new technologies by
pupils to enhance language learning in the classroom
• Character-building infused
• inculcating moral values
•Thematic learning (often synonymous
with thematic instruction) is an instructional
method of teaching in which emphasis is given on
choosing a specific theme for teaching one or many
•Thematic learning takes place when different
disciplines/subjects are all centred towards one
definite concept.
•A thematic approach also defined as a teaching
approach that organizes subject matter around
unifying themes.
•Each subject area is brought together under the
banner of a certain topic, such as insects, dinosaurs,
environment, etc.
•The topic is then studied in-depth from the
perspectives of reading, writing, math, science and
other subject areas.
•Help children make sense of what they are being
taught, since content areas are integrated and not
made to stand alone.
•Help them retain more information when it is not
presented as isolated facts, but rather as part of a
•Encourage the involvement of all pupils through
topics relevant to them.
•Enable them to relate to real-world experiences and
build on prior knowledge of a topic.
•Help teachers teach to the different learning styles of
their pupils.
•Research conducted by Piaget, Vygotsky and Bruner
suggested that integrating subject matter across different
content areas, such as math and science, engages the
whole brain through active and hands-on involvement.
How to create a unit
•Teachers should ___________________________or
month depending on the broadness of the theme.
• Units can be planned around a book, season of the
year, or basic skill such as colours or letters.
•Another resource for theme ideas comes from the
pupils themselves.
•Poll the class to find out where their interests lie
and plan a few units around those particular ideas.
How to create a unit
•Once themes have been chosen, find learning
centre and hands-on activities to support the topic.
•Gather books about the theme to read.
•Study teacher resource books and websites for
games and lessons that teach math, science and
social studies skill as they relate to the theme.
•Plan art and music activities to include fine arts.
pop quiz
Identify the correct teaching approach for statements below.
1. In the classroom, the teacher conducts lessons by introducing and
explaining concepts to students, and then expecting students to
complete tasks to practice the concepts; this approach is very teacher-
centred. (……………………)
2 The teacher uses techniques and activities from a range of
language teaching approaches and methodologies. The
teacher decides what methodology or approach to use depending on
the aims of the lesson and the learners in the group
3. This is a way of teaching and learning, whereby many areas of the
curriculum are connected together and integrated within a common
aspect. It allows learning to be more natural and less fragmented than
the way, where a school day is time divided into different subjects.
( ………………………….)
4. It is a pupil-centred approach that makes use of a strategy known as
‘noticing’ when students are given the examples, and they come to
understand the rule by noticing what those examples have in
common. (………………………..)

5. It is based on skill development around a particular topic that is

relevant to the children in the class. It encourages pupils to see the
interconnectedness and interrelationships between the curriculum
area, allowing pupils to explore, gather, process, refine and present
information about topics they want to investigate without the
constraints imposed by traditional subject barriers. (……………….)
•Teacher-centered strategy
•Student-centered strategy
•Material-based strategy
•Task-based strategy
Teaching strategy
•Can be referred as a teaching plan
which includes a series of specific
actions to be implemented by a
teacher to achieve pre-determined
teaching and learning objectives.
Teaching strategy should include the following
planning and organization:

ØTo determine teaching approach according to the

teaching and learning objectives
ØTo choose teaching methods and techniques according
to the teaching approach.
ØTo arrange systematically teaching methods and
techniques according to the principles and theories of
Teacher-centred Pupil-centred


Material-Centred Task-Based
1. teacher-centred strategy
o Has been practised by teacher since ancient
o Teacher plays a ___________________.
o Teacher controls all the teaching and learning
activities in the classroom.
o Teaching based on the expository teaching
o The probable choice of the methods of
teaching would be whole-class teaching,
demonstration, lecture, story telling.
o The teacher will talk a lot, while the pupils will
sit quietly and listen a lot.
Characteristics of teacher-centred
• Teacher plays a primary and active role, while the pupils
play a passive role as listeners or audience.
• It is a one-way interaction and communication between
teacher and pupils.
• _____________ teaching style, whereby the teacher
controls and gives instructions.
• Teaching strategies are planned according to teaching
objectives only.
Characteristics of teacher-centred

• Emphasize only on the learning of subject matter and

skills rather than to foster nobles values or socio-
emotional development.
• Emphasize on the pupils’ achievement in tests and
• ______________________________ with very limited
social interaction and communication among pupils.
Characteristics of teacher-centred

• Emphasize on the whole class organization, adopt

whole class teaching method, and _______________

• Pupils become less creative and are not encouraged to

take their own initiative to learn.
oThe pupils play a primary role in the learning process.
oPupils are encouraged to ___________________in learning,
and the teacher normally plays facilitating role and guide the
pupils to learn.
oMost of the learning time will be allotted for pupils’
oThe methods of teaching suitable for pupil-centred strategy
are individual learning, group activity, inquiry-discovery,
_______________, _____________________, simulation,
role play and problem solving.
• Pupils play an active primary role in the learning process,
while the teacher plays the role as a facilitator.

• The interaction and communication process between the

teacher and pupils is often ________________.

• Teacher practises ______________ teaching style, and

pupils are encouraged to air their opinions.

• Emphasize on the achievement on the learning objective of

the pupils.
• Emphasize on the overall development of pupils’
• Emphasize on the _______________________ to ascertain
pupils’ weaknesses in learning.
• Interaction process among pupils is mainly to foster social
skills and noble values.
• It places importance in carrying out pupils’ activities in
small groups.

•This teaching strategy also emphasizes on the

organization of group activities according to
•Pupils tend to be more ____________ and
____________, and often take their own
initiative to learn.
3. Material-based Strategy

oEmphasize on the use of teaching and learning


oTeaching materials used as teaching aids are charts,

maps, specimens, model, film slides, radio, tape
recorder, projector, television, video and computers.

oLearning materials are materials used by pupils such

as textbooks, work sheets, printed materials, module,
laboratory apparatus and computer.
oInvolved teacher-centred strategy:
- teacher may use teaching aids to demonstrate or
explain a certain teaching strategy.

oInvolved pupil-centred strategy:

- when using teaching methods such as inquiry-
discovery, pupils need to use learning materials to
perform, investigate and study to carry out their learning
Characteristics of material-based
• Teaching and learning materials/aids play a primary and
important role.
• They provide opportunities for interaction and
communication among the teacher, pupils and teaching
and learning aids.
• The skills of using teaching and learning aids play the
primary role to achieve the pre-determined objectives.
• Also emphasize on the overall development of the
pupils’ potential.
Characteristics of material-based
•Teacher will be able to present the lesson clearly,
accurately and in an interesting manner.

•Pupils will be able to develop their manipulative

skills, and foster noble values.

•Provide opportunity for meaningful teaching and

learning experiences
4. Task-Based Strategy
oTask-centred language teaching is also known as
task-based instruction (TBI)
oFocuses on the use of authentic language and on
asking students to do meaningful tasks using the
target language.
oSuch tasks can include visiting a doctor, conducting
an interview, or calling customer service for help.
4. Task-Based Strategy
oBased on learning activities that are planned by
teacher for pupils to carry a certain task.
oRequired teaching and learning materials
oClosely related with __________________ strategy
as well as ___________ strategy.
oThe teaching methods are role play, drama, project
such as model making, discussion such as debate
and brainstorming.
•Task-based learning offers an alternative for
language teachers.
•In a task-based lesson the teacher doesn't
pre-determine what language will be
•The lesson is based around the completion
of a central task and the language studied is
determined by what happens as the pupils
complete it.
Advantages of task-based strategy
• Pupils are _________________________________.
• A natural context is developed from the pupils'
experiences with the language that is personalised and
relevant to them.
• The pupils will have a much more varied exposure to
language with TBI.
• They will be exposed to a whole range of lexical phrases,
collocations and patterns as well as language forms.
• The language explored arises from the pupils' needs.
Advantages of task-based strategy
• This need dictates what will be covered in the lesson rather
than a decision made by the teacher or the
• It is a strong communicative approach where students
spend a lot of time communicating.
• A ___________________ learning process as they spend
communicating during a task-centred lesson.
• It is enjoyable and motivating.
Tutorial week 10
In groups of NOT more than 4 members:
•Simulate how ONE grammar item can be taught
using either the inductive, deductive or eclectic
•For the list of grammar items for Year 3 – 6, refer
to the current DSKP which can be accessed from
Bahagian Perkembangan Kurikulum’s website.

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