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Roll No. ‘Total No. of Questions :13] (Total No. of Printed Pages : 3 M.B.A. Ist Semester (FT) Examination, 2017 DN-121 MANAGEMENT CONCEPT AND PRACTICE Paper : CP-101 ‘Time 3 Hours) [Maximum Mart Nofe = Attempt all questions, BeetlowA nas 1. What do you understand by the term management ? Discuss its Functions 2, Discuss the contibution of Elton Mayo in the field of management. 3. What is Planning ? Why is it important ? Explain SY-121 at) Tum Over ‘ 4. Write a short note on MBE. 5. Explain the concept and process of decision making. 6 Write a note on detigation and decentralization 7. What is Staffing ? Write is process. 8. Heighlight the importance of @ good leader in an organization. Seetion-B 9. Write a detailed note on management and society with relevant examples. 10, Recent trends and future challenges of management LL. What is Ds jon Making ? Explain its techniques and process. 12, Write notes on ; @)Departmentation (©) Motivation SY-121 (2) 13.How controlling is helpful for the manager in achieving its goals ? Elaborate your answer with the help of suitable examples from industry. SY-121 (3)

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