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Anonymous • 555-555-5555
City State Zip USA
Tech Skills
Languages: Java, Javascript, ActionScript, Objective C, Html, CSS, SQL, Cucumber,
Junit, jQuery, XML, C, Racket

Miscellaneous: Android Development/Release, iOS Development/Release,

ReactNative, Ant, Maven, Jenkins, Crashlytics, AIR/FLEX, Scrum,
Kanban, Jira , TDD, Monte-Carlo, UCB, UCT1, SSL, X509 Certificates

Mobile Developer June 2015- June 2017 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, MA
 Led a newly formed team, working on projects from design, to development, to
 Developed any and all new mobile features, including location-based settings
and integration of new desktop features
 Automated build processes through Jenkins, Ant, and Maven to generate daily
development builds and have release builds ready at any time
 Implemented field analytics through Crashlytics and and fixed countless bugs
bringing our bug-free sessions to above 99% on all apps
 Automated testing to improve coverage from 0-5% to above 50% on millions of
lines of code
 Apps developed for iOS and Android, written in ActionScript (Flash, AIR, FLEX),
Objective C, Java, and Javascript for browser-based apps

Software Engineer Intern 2013, 2014 Pegasystems, Boston MA

 Led development of certificate management so customers could generate
certificate requests and self-signed certificates, manage, and distribute
 Developed file upload feature for parsing XML documents into PRPC code
 Java backend, PRPC frontend

ReactNative App (Javascript) 2018
 “Butterfly-effect” RPG optimized through graph theory

Android App (XML and Java) 2014-16

 Scalable OO design allowing hundreds of features to work relative to each other

Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester MA
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science May 2015 GPA: 3.5

I left my job at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt to take a year off. From June 2017 to July 2018
I was in New Zealand hiking across the country, then Germany visiting friends.

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