Top Material Moments: Name: Lopez, Francis V. Section: SBEE-3A

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Name: Lopez, Francis V.

Section: SBEE-3A

Top Material Moments

Date Moment Significance
1876 J. Willard Gibbs publishes the Provides a basis for understanding
first part of the two-part paper modern thermodynamics and
"On the Equilibrium of physical chemistry.
Heterogeneous Substances."

28,000 The earliest fired ceramics--in Introduces materials processing.

BC(estimated) the form of animal and human
figurines, slabs, and balls--
(found at sites in the Pavlov
Hills of Moravia) are
manufactured starting about
this time.

400 Iron smiths forge and erect a Defies deleterious environmental

(estimated) seven meter high iron pillar in effects for more than one and a half
Delhi, India. millennia, creating an artifact of
long-standing materials science
and archaeological intrigue.

1896 Pierre and Marie Curie Marks the beginning of modern-era

discover radioactivity. studies on spontaneous radiation
and applications of radioactivity
for civilian and military

1844 Charles Goodyear invents the Enables enormous progress in the

vulcanization of rubber. transportation, electricity,
manufacturing, and myriad other

1898 William Roberts-Austen Initiates work on the most

develops the phase diagram for significant phase diagram in
iron and carbon. metallurgy, providing the
foundation for the indispensable
tool for other material systems.
Name: Lopez, Francis V.
Section: SBEE-3A

1925 Werner Heisenberg develops Forms the basis of quantum

matrix mechanics and Erwin mechanics.
Schrödinger invents wave
mechanics and the non-
relativistic Schrödinger
equation for atoms.

3000 BC Metal workers in the region of Establishes the concept of metals

(estimated) modern Syria and Turkey alloying--blending two or more
discover that addition of tin ore metals to create a substance that is
to copper ore before smelting greater than the sum of its parts.
produces bronze.

1450 Johannes Gutenberg devises a Establishes the fundamental

lead-tin-antimony alloy to cast enabling technology for mass
in copper alloy molds to communication.
produce large and precise
quantities of the type required
by his printing press.

1913 Niels Bohr publishes his model Introduces the theory that electrons
of atomic structure. travel in discrete orbits around the
atom's nucleus, with the chemical
properties of the element being
largely determined by the number
of electrons in each of the outer

1822 Augustin Cauchy presents his Provides the first careful definition
theory of stress and strain to of stress as the load per unit area of
the French Academy of the cross section of a material.

1939 Otto Hahn and Fritz Establishes nuclear fission and

Strassmann find that they can leads to applications in energy and
split the nucleus of a uranium atomic weapons.
atom by bombarding it with

1934 Egon Orowan, Michael Polyani, Provides critical insight toward

and G.I. Taylor, in three developing the modern science of
independent papers, propose solid mechanics.
Name: Lopez, Francis V.
Section: SBEE-3A

that the plastic deformation of

ductile materials could be
explained in terms of the theory
of dislocations.

200 BC Chinese metal workers develop Introduces the primary approach to

(estimated) iron casting. manufacturing iron objects for
centuries in China.
1886 Charles Martin Hall and Paul Provides the processing foundation
Héroult independently and for the proliferation of aluminum
simultaneously discover the for commercial applications
electrolytic reduction of
alumina into aluminum.

1965 Cambridge Provides an improved method for the high-resolution imaging of

Instruments surfaces at greater magnifications and with much greater depth of
introduces a field than possible with light microscopy.

Jack Kilby
diodes, and
Makes possible microprocessors and, thereby, high-speed, efficient,
1958 convenient, affordable, and ubiquitous, computing and
into a single
communications systems.
circuit or
Brugnatelli Originates the widely employed industrial process for functional and
invents decorative applications.


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