Selling To Hollywood: The Question: What Are The Requirements To Make A BIG SALE?

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Selling To Hollywood

A free teleconference by
Hal Croasmun

The Question: What are the requirements

to make a BIG SALE?
Key Components
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Key: In order to make a sale, a __________________________________________________

in your favor.

Tier 1: ___________________
Tier 2: _______________________
Tier 3: _______________________
Tier 4: _______________________

Key: Go to ___________________ who are connected to the ______________________.

Copyright 2013 Hal Croasmun, all rights reserved
How to Light Up Hollywood

1. Your Most Important Marketing Decision -- ______________________________________________

a. High Concept

1. _______________________

2. _______________________

3. _______________________

b. Combine your passion with _______________________.

c. Underlying ______________________________________________.

2. Truly great writing that is ____________________________.

3. A well written ____________________________________.

4. Real _________________________________ in this industry.

a. Quality of ______________________________________________.

b. Career successes - _____________________________________________________________________

c. Be vetted by ______________________________________________.

d. You have _______________________.

5. A _____________________________ that you work with.

a. _______________________

b. _______________________

IMPORTANT: ___________________________________________ happens when #1 - 4 are in place.

Copyright 2013 Hal Croasmun, all rights reserved
TroubleShooting: What To Do If Your Script
Is Not Selling.
If producers aren't requesting your script, go to:

1. _______________________

2. _______________________

3. _______________________

4. _______________________

If producers/agents read the script, but turn it down, go to:

1. Does it ______________________________________________in the best way possible?

2. Are the ______________________________________________special, and attractive?

Special = _____________________________________________________________________

Attractive = _____________________________________________________________________


3. Scenes filled with ______________________________________________

4. _____________________________ Moments

5. Opening that ______________________________________________.

Ending that ______________________________________________.

6. ______________________________________________ that works and is interesting.

7. Cool ______________________________________________

Copyright 2013 Hal Croasmun, all rights reserved
Getting To Producers and Studios
How To Get Your Network To Sell You

Purpose of Networking: Build a group of ________________________________!

1) Look into your __________________________________

2) Use your scripts to ______________________

KEY: Only give

3) Cultivate people ____________________________________________________

4) Notify your network each time your ____________________________________

5) Create projects specifically designed to __________________________________________________ .

Direct Paths To Studios

1. Concept Studio

2. Concept Studio

3. Concept Studio

High Agent /
4. Concept Manager

Copyright 2013 Hal Croasmun, all rights reserved
Over 150 ProSeries Writers have sold scripts,
done writing assignments, or landed representation.

In the ProSeries, you will:
4 Stages - 10 Classes
 Write the best script of your life, so far, 300 Professional Skills
 Learn 300 high-level screenwriting techniques,
Stage One: Create the
 Combine writing with business so your script fits producer’s
foundation of a Marketable
 Build the habit of writing and improving everyday,
1. Create a Marketable Concept in
 Improve your writing by 200% or more, the High Concept class.
 And receive an invitation to the ProSeries Alumni. 2. Plotting and Outlining an
amazing story.
3. Create Characters for A-list
ProSeries Alumni Actors.

Stage Two: make the script a

 Instant network of high-level writers who are active in the
4. Write Fascinating Scenes.
 Great feeback source,
5. Create Anticipation,
 Special events for ProSeries Alumni where we meet with Expectation, and Compelling
agents, managers and producers face-to-face, Description. Turn your script
 ScreenwritingU promoting your successes to the industry. into a Page-Turner.

Stage Three: Elevate your

Regular price $1100
writing to a Professional Level.
Teleconference special $________________.
Use coupon code 623E4. 6. Revealing Subtext Class.
7. Advanced Dialogue.
8. Make your First Ten
Pages Shine.
9. Write a Great Ending.
Rated #1 By:
Stage Four: Get yourself and
your script ready for the

10. Create a Complete Marketing

Campaign for your script.

Copyright 2013 Hal Croasmun, all rights reserved

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