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IPASJ International Journal of Information Technology (IIJIT)

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A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2018 ISSN 2321-5976


G. Jeeva1, Dr. S. Prakasam M.C.A.,Ph.D.,2
1 Research Scholar, SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram (Tamil Nadu)
2 Associate Professor, SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram (Tamil Nadu)


India has supplementary children with dawn deficiency and developmental hindrance than any other country in the world. This
is basically due to its inhabitants size: it has a child population of more than 400 million and a frequency of birth flaws of
between 61 and 70 per thousand exist births, which interprets to around 1.7 million children born with birth deficiency each
year. The proposed model using agent and content based web crawler approach for analyzing the child birth defect and
developmental delays. To implement this model for detecting and analyzing the various factors affecting child birth defect. In
this work, a content based mining has been done on child health care using CHD-CRAWLER (Child Health Developmental
Crawler). And analyzes the child birth defect and developmental delays for detecting the various factors affecting the child birth
defect. This detection report will be handed over to the end-users such has Doctors, Organization and Researchers for analyzing
and to create social awareness about child birth defect rate. CHD-Crawler forecast the influencing factor of child birth defects
and reduces the percentage such defects and delays. Currently, the working functionality of the web crawler has been explained
to 200 respondents and their responses was collected to analyze the proposed chd-crawler ranking has been performed on their
collected responses based on positive and negative opinion.

Keywords: Web crawler, Web mining, Content Based Mining, Child Birth Defect.

Health and fitness concern need to be eminent from each other for no better motivation than that the former is often
incorrectly seen as a direct utility of the latter. Heath is not clearly the mere deficiency of disease. Good health bestows
on a person or group freedom from infirmity - and the ability to realize one's prospective. Health is therefore best
implicit as the requisite basis for defining a person's sense of well being. The strength of inhabitants is a divergent key
issue in public policy discourse in every established society often deceiving the deployment of huge society. They
include its cultural understanding of ill health and well-being, extent of socio-economic disparities, reach of health
services and quality and costs of care and recent bio-medical perceptive about health and illness. Health care not only
medical care but also all aspects pro-preventive care too. Nor can it be limited to care rendered by or financed out of
public expenditure- within the government sector alone but must include incentives and disincentives for self care and
care paid for by private citizens to get over ill health. Where, as in India, private out-of-pocket expenditure dominates
the cost financing health care, the effects are bound to be regressive. Heath care at its essential core is widely
recognized to be a public good. Its demand and supply cannot therefore, be left to be regulated solely by the invisible
had of the market. Nor can it be established on considerations of utility maximizing conduct alone[1].

A birth defect is defined as any abnormality affecting body structure or function that is present from birth. It may be
clinically obvious at birth or may be diagnosed only later in life. For example, spina bifida is a structural birth defect
clinically obvious at birth and hemophilia is a functional birth defect that may present clinically only in infancy or
childhood. A few birth defects, like Huntington disease, manifest only in adulthood. Serious birth defects are life-
threatening or have the potential to cause lifelong disability [Christianson RE et al., 1981; WHO]. India has more

Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2018 Page 40

IPASJ International Journal of Information Technology (IIJIT)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2018 ISSN 2321-5976

children with birth defects and developmental delays than any other country in the world. In 2013, the Indian Ministry
of Health and Family Welfare launched a new Child Health Screening and Early Intervention Services initiative –
“Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK)” – to provide free, targeted, comprehensive screening and care for all
child health conditions to children aged 0–18 years. Under RBSK, children are screened for 4Ds – defects at birth,
diseases, deficiencies, and developmental delays including disabilities – in order to identify early interventions where
feasible. The programme has been implemented on a staggered basis, with some states introducing it before others.
However, India lacks a surveillance system to capture the full extent of birth defects and developmental delays. There
are limited epidemiological data in this area as well as very little social research. While there are other health programs
in place to address interventions related to diseases and deficiencies, interventions to address birth defects and
developmental delays including disabilities (2Ds) are covered only under RBSK.(world report on disabilities


Birth Defects Developmental Delays
1. Neural Tube defect 1. Vision Impairment
2. Down’s Syndrome 2. Hearing Impairment
3. Cleft Lip & Palate/Cleft Palate alone 3. Neuro-Motor Impairment
4. Club Foot/Talipes 4. Motor Delay
5. Development Dysplasia of Hip 5. Cognitive Delay
6. Congenital Cataract 6. Language Delay
7. Congenital Heart Disease 7. Behavior Disorder
8. Retinopathy of Prematurity 8. Learning Disorder


 Most caregivers are unaware of any technical term or medical details of their child’s condition; Very
few were able to explain the condition in medical term
 About 40% of the caregivers with birth defects and aware of their condition since birth, since
developmental delays takes some time to manifest, only 15% of the caregivers of children with
development delay are aware of their condition since birth.
 Over 50% of caregivers were played were feelings of worry or depression, when they found out about
their child’s condition, majority of the caregivers worry stemmed from thinking about the future of their
child’s especially when the parents would no longer be around to take care of their children.
 Nearly 32% of the respondent felt that the community members encraged them to seek medical care,
24% of the parents/caregivers of children with 2d shared that community members were sympathetic
towards them.
 More than 50% of caregivers identified as their major barrier financial consideration were barrier both
in routine care of the child at home, and to avail treatment for the child health facility.
 Respondent identified poor understanding of their child’s condition, medical cause of impairment,
course of treatment/care and treatment option as a major barriers.
 Many parents chose private sector as their first point of care because they do feel that the government
health system does not have the capacity to deliver. Moreover, they lose a lot of time in waiting at the
centre, making repetitive trips, spending on diagnostic, and end up to not getting the expected „quality
of care‟.
 Access to basic preventive and curative health and nutrition measures throughout childhood. Timely
and appropriate preventive and basic health care proper nutrition, including micro nutrients.[2]

The main objectives of this work are:
 To develop a model for occurring the reasons using agent and content -based web crawler approach for
analyzing the child birth defect and developmental delays.

Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2018 Page 41

IPASJ International Journal of Information Technology (IIJIT)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2018 ISSN 2321-5976

 To implement the proposed model for detecting and analyzing the various factors affecting child birth

Geeta Sharma, Pravin Khobragade, Lakshmi Gopalakrishnan, Deepak Seharawat, Ajay Khera, Arun Sigh et
al(Formative Research Report on RBSK „From Survival to Healthy Survival)‟ With a child population of over
400 million, India has the largest number of children between the ages of 0-18 years globally. India’s child
health indicators are a cause of concern, as India contributes 20% to global child deaths. The actual burden of
birth defects and developmental delays is not known in India due to inadequate epidemiological information.
Birth defects prevalence varies from 61 to 69.9 per 1000 live births. With a large birth cohort of almost 26
million per year, India would account for the largest share of birth defects in the world, which translates to 1.7
million birth defects annually accounting for 9.6 per cent of all newborn deaths. Developmental delays
including disabilities in the first five years significantly hinder the growth potential of the child[2].

World report on disability (World Health Organization) Many people with disabilities do not have equal access
to health care, education, and employment opportunities, do not receive the disability-related services that they
require, and experience exclusion from everyday life activities. Following the entry into force of the United
Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), disability is increasingly understood as
a human rights issue. It is also an important development issue with an increasing body of evidence showing
that persons with disabilities experience worse socioeconomic outcomes and poverty than persons without
disabilities. Despite the magnitude of the issue, both awareness of and scientific information on disability issues
are lacking. In response to this situation, the World Health Assembly (resolution 58.23 on “Disability,
including prevention, management and rehabilitation”) requested the World Health Organization (WHO)
Director-General to produce a World report on disability based on the best available scientific evidence. The
World report on disability has been produced in partnership with the World Bank, as previous experience has
shown the benefit of collaboration between agencies for increasing awareness, political will and action across
sectors. The World report on disability is directed at policy-makers, practitioners, researchers, academics,
development agencies, and civil society [3].

Atal Bihar Vajpayee Institute of Good Governance & Policy Analysis-Study Report Interstate Comparison on
Health: There are strong linkages between population, health and development. India is the second most
populous country in the world, next only to China. The health challenges in India are not only vast in magnitude
due to its large population but they are complex due to its diversity, chronic poverty and inequality. As the
states are at different stages of demographic transition, epidemiological transition and socioeconomic
development, there are extreme inter-state variations. India’s health scenario gives a mixed picture with better
performing states like Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Punjab offering a vivid contrast to several low performers.
Compared to countries that enjoy sustained high growth like China, Japan, Malaysia, and Korea, India is
extremely backward in terms of health outcomes. In fact, India’s health outcomes are comparable to countries
which have poor economic growth and health outcomes like Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan[4].


Allan Heydon and Marc Najork Mercator: A scalable, extensible Web crawler: Designing a scalable Web
crawler comparable to the ones used by the major search engines is a complex Endeavour. However, due to the
competitive nature of the search engine business, there are few papers in the literature describing the challenges
and tradeoffs inherent in Web crawler design. This paper main contribution is to fill that gap. It describes
Mercator, a scalable, extensible Web crawler written entirely in Java. By scalable, mean that Mercator is
designed to scale up to the entire Web, and has been used to fetch tens of millions of Web documents.

Achieve scalability by implementing our data structures so that they use a bounded amount of memory,
regardless of the size of the crawl. Hence, the vast majority of our data structures are stored on disk, and small
Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2018 Page 42
IPASJ International Journal of Information Technology (IIJIT)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2018 ISSN 2321-5976

parts of them are stored in memory for efficiency. By extensible, mean that Mercator is designed in a modular
way, with the expectation that new functionality will be added by third parties. In practice, it has been used to
create a snapshot of the Web pages on our corporate intranet, to collect a variety of statistics about the Web,
and to perform a series of random walks of the Web. One of the initial motivations of this work was to collect
statistics about the Web. There are many statistics that might be of interest, such as the size and the evolution
of the URL space, the distribution of Web servers over top level domains, the lifetime and change rate of
documents, and so on. However, it is hard to know a priori exactly which statistics are interesting, and topics of
interest may change over time. Mercator makes it easy to collect new statistics – or more generally, to be
configured for different crawling tasks – by allowing users to provide their own modules for processing
downloaded documents. For example, when we designed Mercator, we did not anticipate the possibility of using
it for the random walk application cited above. Despite the differences between random walking and traditional
crawling, we were able to reconfigure Mercator[6].

Faustian Johnson- Web content mining techniques: A Survey Web content mining is a subdivision under web
mining. This paper deals with a study of different techniques and pattern of content mining and the areas which
has been influenced by content mining. The web contains structured, unstructured, semi structured and
multimedia data. This survey focuses on how to apply content mining on the above data. It also points out how
web content mining can be utilized in web usage mining. Web mining helps to understand customer behavior,
helps to evaluate the performance of a web site and the research done in web content mining indirectly helps to
boost business. Web content mining examines the search result of search engine. Manually doing things
consumes a lot of time. When the data to be analyzed is in large quantities, then it is hard to find out the
relevant data. Since now in every field of life manual work is replaced by technology. Same happened in the
case of internet. As people already admit that internet is really a magic of technology. Web Mining became a
boon to this magic. In the early stages Web contained few amount of data. So there was no need of web mining
tools. As years passed Web got accumulated with large amount of data. Then retrieval of data according to
users need became hard task. Web mining came as a rescue for this problem[7].

Bing Liu Editorial: Special Issue on Web Content Mining: Due to the heterogeneity and lack of structure of
Web data, automated discovery of targeted or unexpected knowledge/information is a challenging task. It calls
for novel methods that draw from a wide range of fields spanning data mining, machine learning, natural
language processing, statistics, databases, and information retrieval. In the past few years, there was a rapid
expansion of activities in the Web mining field, which consists of Web usage mining, Web structure mining,
and Web content mining. Web usage mining refers to the discovery of user access patterns from Web usage
logs. Web structure mining tries to discover useful knowledge from the structure of hyperlinks. Web content
mining aims to extract/mine useful information or knowledge from Web page content[8].

According to the background and the shortage of current researchers that discussed in the literature review
section, therefore propose architecture which combines the techniques of content based Web crawler using
agent based approach. Figure 3.1 shows the proposed architecture in this research based on the concept.

Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2018 Page 43

IPASJ International Journal of Information Technology (IIJIT)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2018 ISSN 2321-5976


Crawl module is the base module for the Web Crawling process. This module determines the basic activities of
crawling such as when to crawl, what to crawl and from where to crawl. Crawl module starts the crawling process with
the seed URL. It stores the URL in the form of Queue structure to determine the order of crawling for the unvisited
URLs. Module maintains the list of visited and unvisited web pages.

Content mining can be done on unstructured data such as text. Mining of unstructured data give unknown information.
Text mining is extraction of previously unknown information by extracting information from different text sources.
Content mining requires application of data mining and text mining techniques. Basic Content Mining is a type of text
mining. Some of the techniques used in text mining are Information Extraction, Topic Tracking, Summarization,
Categorization, Clustering and Information Visualization.

Agent based approach incorporate the tasks such as user query personalization based on user profile, scheduling the
queries to appropriate search engines and synthesizing the results based on weights assigned to the search engines.
Each task is accomplished using appropriate agent in a multi agent environment. The agents are the computational
models which act in the background of the Meta search engines to perform various tasks. Each task is the goal to be
achieved by the agent. The performance of an agent is a measurement of maximizing the utility of the agent. In case of
search engines, the utility can be defined as maximizing the search query volume, reducing query retrieval time and
enhancing effectiveness of the result.

Intelligent agents are goal-driven and autonomous, can communicate and interact with each other. Moreover, they can
evaluate information obtained online from heterogeneous sources and present information tailored to an individual‟s
needs. The Internet has emerged as the most popular method for disseminating information and accessing services on
communication networks.


With this page, there are several details given for reasons of child health developmental crawler. For why this
application made, how it works.

Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2018 Page 44

IPASJ International Journal of Information Technology (IIJIT)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2018 ISSN 2321-5976

Figure: 4.1 Reasons for chd-c page

This is the main feature of this application, it gets the search item by clicking on a search button. It also automatically
found the URL of the particular page. And by clicking the “Crawl” button it starts to process the URL. First it finds the
url either “http” or “https”. It has found the URL by separating the column by privilege of url separations. And it
performs the hash function for making the url tiny and found it by similar attributes of url that comes under given url.

Figure: 4.2 Crawler Page

Crawled urls can be catagorized by clicking on “Crawl” button in previous page. By founded urls user can view the
original URL by navigating them by click.

Figure: 4.3 Crawled Page

Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2018 Page 45

IPASJ International Journal of Information Technology (IIJIT)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2018 ISSN 2321-5976

The information mining in view of substance based web digging for the web crawler. The principle impacting
factors are as a matter of first importance thing is troublesome in finding required assets for the required time.
So the legislature or private association may close with this examination.


Data consists of lists of items with some partial order specified between items in each list . This order is
typically induced by giving a numerical or ordinal score or a binary judgment


Attribute selection mode is use full training set. Here output percentage of the given is clearly see the much
influencing factors are result of ranking algorithm is difficult to make economic contribution 57.968,
Environment factors 56.847, Awareness 56.595, about the delays 55.411, lack of motivation 51.242 & worst
thing about the disease 20.782.

Figure: 4.4 Ranking For Negative Attribute


Attribute selection mode is use full training set. Here output percentage of the given is clearly see the much
influencing factors are result of ranking algorithm is easy to navigate the useful session 35.461414,
Collaborating Newsletter 28.875216, Economic Awareness 21.315731, Liabilities for health 17.848209,
helpful for act 16.000167, own knowledge in the disease awareness 14.808517 & online experience
increased the opportunity 14.422091.

Figure: 4.5 Ranking Based for Positive

In this work, a content based mining has been done on child health care using CHD-CRAWLER (Child Health
Developmental Crawler). The chd-crawler analyzes the child birth defect and developmental delays for detecting the
various factors affecting the child birth defect. This detection report will be handed over to the end-users such has
Doctors, Organization and Researchers for analyzing and to create social awareness about child birth defect rate. Chd-

Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2018 Page 46

IPASJ International Journal of Information Technology (IIJIT)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2018 ISSN 2321-5976

crawler forecast the influencing factor of child birth defects and reduces the percentage such defects and delays.
Currently, the working functionality of the CHD web crawler has been explained to 200 respondents and their
responses was collected to analyze the proposed chd-crawler ranking has been performed on their collected responses
based on positive and negative opinion. In future enhanced technology will be used to collect the responses from more


1. Despite the fact that the numbers legitimize the dependability on this application. It can be additionally improved
with different elements and all the more no of information accumulation.
2. Enhanced usage with different calculation proposition. Also, take different examination in light of the calculation
and application.

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Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2018 Page 47

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