Global TB Report 2017

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Global TB Report 2017

For RBI Grade B 2018 and NABARD Grade A and Grade B 2018
Relevance of this Topic

With Regard to RBI Grade B:

Phase 2 (Paper – II): Economic and Social Issues under the topics: ‘Social Sectors in India, Health and

With Regard to NABARD (Grade A and Grade B):

Phase 2 (Paper – II): Economic and Social Issues under the topics ‘Social Sectors in India, Health and

Past Year Questions : Question asked on various index and India’s ranking and performance.

India continues to have the highest number of tuberculosis (TB)

cases in the world, the Global TB Report 2017 released by World
Health Organization (WHO)

The report highlighted that underreporting and under diagnosis of TB

cases continue to be a challenge, especially in countries with large
unregulated private sectors and weak health systems, including India.
Report Highlights

In 2016, there were an estimated 10.4 million new TB cases worldwide. Seven countries
accounted for 64% of the total burden, with India having the maximum number of TB
patients, followed by Indonesia, China, Philippines, Pakistan, Nigeria and South Africa

According to the report, Multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) remains a public health crisis and a
health security threat.

WHO estimates that worldwide, there were 600,000 new TB cases with resistance to
rifampicin—the most effective first-line drug, of which 490,000 had MDR-TB. Almost half of
these cases were in India, China and the Russian Federation.

Only one in five MDR-TB cases was started on treatment. India and China accounted for 39%
of the global gap. Treatment success remains low, at 54% globally.
What is MDR TB and XDR TB?

Multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) is TB that does not respond to at least

isoniazid and rifampicin, the 2 most powerful anti-TB drugs.

Extensively drug-resistant TB, XDR-TB, is a form of multidrug-resistant TB with

additional resistance to more anti-TB drugs that therefore responds to even
fewer available .

In 2015, an estimated 480 000 people worldwide developed MDR-TB. India,

China, and the Russian Federation accounted for 45% of the 580 000 cases. It is
estimated that about 9.5% of these cases were XDR-TB.
India’s Scenario.

India registered a slight drop in the number of new tuberculosis cases and TB deaths in 2016 compared with

From an estimated 2.84 million new cases in 2015, the number dropped marginally to 2.79 million in 2016.

In terms of mortality, the drop was from 0.51 million in 2015 to 0.43 million in 2016. The number of deaths and
the incidence rate have been falling both globally and in India.

With 1.7 million new cases in 2016, India still continues to be the largest contributor to the global burden with
up to a quarter of the 6.3 million new cases of TB (up from 6.1 million in 2015).

Funding Source: 74% domestic funding and 26% international funding.

More men above the age of 15 suffer from TB than women.
End TB strategy
Sustainable Development Goal and TB?

The consolidated goal on health is SDG 3.

One of these targets, (Target 3.3), explicitly mentions TB.

SDG 3 also includes a target (Target 3.8) related to universal health coverage (UHC) in which
TB is explicitly mentioned. This includes an indicator on the coverage of essential prevention,
treatment and care interventions.

Emphasis is also given to the importance of death registration within national vital
registration systems for accurate tracking of causes of death (WHO Global Task Force on TB
Impact Measurement).
Government plan and policies
National Strategic Plan (NSP) 2017 – 2025

The Vision is of a TB free India with zero deaths, disease and poverty due to tuberculosis
The Goal is to achieve a rapid decline in the burden of TB, mortality and morbidity, while working towards the elimination of
TB in India by 2025.

Detect – Treat – Prevent – Build

The requirements for moving towards TB elimination in India have been arranged in four strategic areas of Detect, Treat,
Prevent & Build
WHO and Antimicrobial resistance.

WHO has put commonly used

antibiotics under the ‘access’
category; the second line of
antibiotics, slightly more potent,
have been categorized under
‘watch’ and potent drugs to be
used only as a “last resort” fall
under the ‘reserve’ category.
1. Who publishes Global TB report 2017?
a) WEF
b) WHO
c) Amnesty International
d) None of these.

2. Which country has highest TB cases in absolute number according to Global

TB report?
a) China
b) India
c) Congo
d) None of these.
3. “End TB Strategy” of WHO aims to end TB by?
a) 2030
b) 2035
c) 2020
d) 2025

4. Elimination of TB is mentioned under which SDG?

a) SDG 1
b) SDG 2
c) SDG 3
d) SDG 4
5. “National Strategic Plan” for tuberculosis elimination aimed to eliminate TB
a) 2035
b) 2025
c) 2020
d) 2030

6. Red line campaign is aimed at:

a) Human trafficking
b) Border dispute
c) Antimicrobial resistance
d) Ancient monuments protection.
1. B
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. C
Global TB Report
Thank You! Happy Learning!

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