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The iterative implementation approach is a theory that eliminates problems of using a waterfall study.

This is invented to avoid a linear and sequential development of study. The overall functionality of the
system is broken down into feature sets. These features sets
often based upon use cases from the analysis stage, containing group of individual features that arerelat
ed, typically by a functional area (Stephen McHenry, 2010)

Adopting the theory of S'tephen $c7enry which is known as the iterativeimplementation covers the
breakdown of overall functionality of the system to a what he called feature set and those features sets
represents different process involve in an enrollment system. It helps locate what feature an enrollment
system will have since that this kind of systems does many activities and processes.

According to Dunn and Scott (2005) science and technology is the root of emerging innovations in this
world. For many years now, a person in this field of expertise does not stop to reshape the landscape of
today’s business world

According to Hossler and Hoezee (2001), “No theoretical construct provides a better
understanding of the emergence of the field of enrollment management, or provides a
better focal point for enrollment managers, than Resource Dependency Theory” (p. 4).
Resources Dependency Theory looks at how the external environment affects internal
resources. Hossler and Hoezee (2001) state that “Resource Dependency Theory helps
enrollment managers to continually ask the following question. What are the scarce
resources for my campus associated with student enrollments?” (p. 5). As the Director
of Admissions, it is crucial that I have the ability to provide input and influence across a
multitude of campus decisions. According to Hossler and Hoezee (2001), “Resources
Dependency Theory provides a conceptual lead for accomplishing this” (p. 5).

The second enrollment management theory is Systems Theory. According to Hossler and
Hoezee (2001), “Systems theory examines the structure and behavior of complex
organizations” (p. 7). SBAC can utilize Systems Theory to analyze the entire organization
with a special focus on closed and open systems. An important aspect of Systems
Theory is organizational communication and collaboration. Hossler and Hoezee (2001)
state that “in order to effectively influence student enrollments enrollment managers
and the units that comprise an enrollment management have to share information,
goals, and strategies frequently” (p. 7). When SBAC was founded in 1976 it relied on a
comprehensive plan and the need for a liberal arts institution for women in its
geographic location. Systems Theory will allow SBAC to analyze why enrollment
numbers are down and to see how the entire college can contribute to renewed and
sustainable growth. Ideally, this analysis will provide evidence and rationale for more of
an open systems perspective at SBAC. The collaborative nature of an open system that
includes campus-wide stakeholders should provide for a healthy SEM strategy.

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