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So the correct answer for this question is

B. It's only figure B intersected by a sagittal plane.

The first figure is a coronal plane.
And two axial planes are intersecting the second figure.
This will be important when we look at how
tissues are sectioned to make them into slides.
Part of what we hope to give you in the Musculoskeletal AnatomyX course
is new ways of looking at things.
So in every discipline seeing is an active intelligent process
that requires making sense of what they are records.
And the ways of seeing are peculiar to different scientific disciplines.
For art history you probably had to find new ways
of looking at paintings, or a sculpture, or anything else you were looking at.
And in histology and gross anatomy once again
you'll have to be practicing the art of seeing things in new ways.
Questions that you'll be asking as you're looking at a slide,
or looking at tissues, or even looking at some of the operative footage
that we'll see later on the modules are first of all what are the entities.
So you'll see lines and shapes intersecting in various ways.
But what are the actual things-- what are the entities--
that we're looking at.
Second, what are the spatial relationships between the entities?
And this will be challenging in histology because not all of them
will be visible from the surface and also in anatomy as well.
So in anatomy some of the structures that you'll be interested in
will be behind other structures.
In addition to looking and seeing for the entities
and the spatial relationships among them we'll
also be looking at what their arrangements can tell us
about their basic functions.
So what are the entities?
What are the relationships between them?
And what do those things say about the functional basis of the arrangement?
The most important thing we'll be doing at every level of organization
throughout this course is looking at the relationship
between structure and function.
Why the way a thing looks determines what it can do.
We'll be looking at the organizational body in terms of its hierarchy.
And the hierarchy of organization that we'll be seeing in this course
begins with cells.
So cells are composed of molecules.
Cells are composed of smaller things that we
won't be able to see on light microscopy.
But for our purposes in this course, we'll start at the level of cells.
So the cells are composed of molecules.
One level up will be tissues.
And tissues are composed of cells.
We'll be looking at the four basic tissues.
The classification is fairly arbitrary.
And I'm not sure it's entirely successful.
But the four general tissue types are something
that we'll look at and make generalizations about.
Collaborations of tissues form organs.
And organs with related, but slightly different functions,
will form the organ systems.
So the hierarchy will be cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and finally
organisms like ourselves.
So just for a minute have a look at this cell which is pretty much
the field that you would see if you were looking through a light microscope.
This is a piece of tissue from an organism.
And just look at it for a minute.
And see if you can tell which is a cell, which is a nucleus,
and which is something else.
This is a good slide.
And pretty much everything that you see on it will represent something.
But often at the edges of slide there'll be
a place where the tissue a superimposed or a piece of dust
has crept onto the side.
So not everything on a histological slide will be able to be identified.
And not everything will be a good example showing everything
that you need to see.
Those are actual slides.
And let's look for a while at a cartoon slide in which everything
is drawn in contrasting colors.
And the structures will be more apparent than they
will be when we look at an actual slide.
The cell is the smallest independent unit of living tissue.
So unicellular organisms, like bacteria and algae, consist of a single cell.
And the sub cellular structures within that cell
are able to perform all the functions that the organism requires.
Larger multicellular organisms, like ourselves, consist of many cells.
And the cells in a multicellular organism not only
have to perform the functions necessary for the life of that cell,
but they are also specialized for more general functions that
benefit the organism as a whole.
So the cells of multicellular organisms not only
need to meet the particular requirements of those individual cells,
but the requirements and functional requirements of the organism
as a whole.
So let's look at a cartoon cell and get some idea of the basic cell machinery.
Cells are surrounded by membranes.
The internal structures of the cell, the organelles, are organized by membranes.
Every cell is surrounded by a cell membrane, also called a plasma
membrane, that provides a selective barrier between the extracellular
environment outside the cell and the intracellular
environment inside the cell.
So this is the boundary between the cell itself and the rest of the world.
The cell membrane encloses cell cytoplasm.
And although we can't see the detail of the cell cytoplasm
at this level of resolution in a cartoon it
consists of a network of little tubules and filaments called the cytoskeleton
and also a gel surrounding the cytoskeleton.
And that's the cytosol.
So you won't be able to see them on light microscopy, or in this cartoon.
But they will be there.
Everything within the plasma membrane enclosed by a boundary membrane
is called an organelle.
The organelles of the cell are the functional components.
Each, again, surrounded by a membrane just as the plasma membrane
separates the cell in its interior workings from the outside world.
So the membranes surrounding each of the organelles
isolate them and segregate their particular functions and chemical
reactions from the rest of the cell.

The nucleus is surrounded by a nuclear membrane, or nuclear envelope.

And the nucleus is the largest of the organelles of a cell.
The nucleus contains the genetic material of the cell
and serves as the control center for the cell itself.
Instructions for coding and constructing all the other cell components
are stored within the nucleus as DNA, which is arranged on chromosomes.
The black arrow is pointing to the nucleolus which
is the site of ribosomal RNA synthesis and ribosome assembly.
Ribosomes will leaves the nucleus and enter the cytoplasm
to direct protein synthesis for the other organelles.
Endoplasmic reticulum, which is indicated
by both the blue arrow and the red arrow,
is a system of membrane-bound tubules and cisterna.
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is found in cells specialized for hormone synthesis
or detoxification.
And rough endoplasmic reticulum synthesizes proteins and enzymes.
The surface is rough because it's covered
with ribosomes that are clinging to the membrane surface of the reticulum.
The Golgi Apparatus is a stack of membranous sacs and cisternae
that sort, process, and package proteins produced
by the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
It package this into vesicles.
It's kind of like the UPS of the cell.
And it will take these proteins and ship them out
in smaller packages called vesicles.
Two types of vesicles commonly seen in cells
are lysosomes, which are small membrane bound packets of enzymes.
These are actually acid hydrolases that will digests microorganisms,
cell debris, and excess cell organelles.
The other vesicles are peroxisomes.
These are commonly seen.
Peroxisomes are smaller membrane-bound packets of enzymes, this time oxidases,
that can interact with organic substances and form hydrogen peroxide.

Last of the major organelles of a cell are the mitochondria.

And these are the little engines.
These are the principal energy sources of the cells.
They function as sites of oxidative phosphorylation and ATP formation.
And the more active a cell is the more busy
it is in producing proteins or serving other active functions the greater
the number of mitochondria that will appear in it.

So identify the structure indicated by the tip of the black arrow.

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