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Management Theories
• Scientific Management Theory (Taylorism)
- Taylor (1911)

• Bureaucratic Theory
-Weber (1922/1946)
Motivational Theories
• Hierarchy of Needs Theory
- Maslow (1970)
• Two-Factor Theory (Motivation-Hygiene)
- Herzberg (1968)
• Theory X and Theory Y dichotomy
- McGregor (1960)
• Theory Z
- Ouichi (1981)
Leadership Theories
• Great Man Theory (1840s)
- popularized by Thomas Carlyle

• Trait Theory (1930s – 1940s)

- Gordon Allport identified almost 18,000 English
personality-relevant terms (Matthews, Deary &
Whiteman, 2003, p. 3)

• Behavioral Theories (1940s – 1950s)

 The Managerial Grid Model/ Leadership Grid
 Role Theory
Leadership Theories
• Contingency Theories

 Fiedler's Contingency Theory

 Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory
 Path-Goal theory
 Vroom-Yetton-Jago Decision-Making Model of
 Cognitive Resource Theory
 Strategic Contingencies Theory
Leadership Theories
• Transactional Leadership Theories (1970s)
 Leader-Member Exchange (LMX)

• Transformational Leadership Theories (1970s)

 Burns Transformational Leadership Theory
 Bass Transformational Leadership Theory
 Kouzes and Posner's Leadership Participation
Leadership Styles
• Autocratic

• Laissez-Faire

• Participative/Democratic

• Transactional

• Transformational

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