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‘Character Alignment Race Clase Level, PLAYER CHARACTER RECORD Player's name Family, Raed Clan, Homeland. Liege/Patron. Religion, Sex Age Social clase Status Ht we Bisth rank # Siblings Hair Byes Appearance, Honor (Base honor )_ Reaction adjustment ABILITIES MOVEMENT SAVING THROWS FR Dag WTA SO SiR Base rate px FF TR 7 Light { ) — x Mod ( ) orWand con FP eee | Ot } “a INT SRI aS se (0) — Jon ( X2) wis P= ST Run ( X3 ) — Ta TF wana | Rum ( XA ) ar = a a cma] | fan | XS) = ARMOR Adjusted AC Armortype (pieces) HITPOINTS | Wounds Surprised. Shieldleve Defentes WEAPON COMBAT Weapon WAT Attack ad/Dmg adj THACO Damage (SM/L) Range Weight Type _ Speed [Special attacke ‘Ananition ooag Doooo ooooo ooo Doo000 ooooo ooo [Special abilities Proficienciew/Skille/Languages cy) «7 cr) Cry n ) Cry cr) cry cr) cry n ) Cry cry) C7) cr) Cry cr) Cry cr) Cry n ) Cry cr) C7) cry) Cry n ) CL) Gear Supplies Tosation We [item Location Wi Tocation WE o000 ooooo Oo000 ooooo [Rations Oo000 ooooo Dooo oesoo Dooo ooooo Dooo0 ooooo dooo ooooo sed Gooo ooooo Gooo ooooo booq oosoo Experience Treasure [Coins Other valuables [Gems Miscellaneous information (magical items, command words, small maps, etc:) Henchmer/Animal companions ‘Name "AC RaceClass HD/lvl #ATTHACO Dmg/Btfecte Background Background Background ‘Spell: School/Sphere Level: Range ‘Components: Duration: Casting time: Area of effect Saving throw: Reversible? Effect: Pages School/Sphere Range ‘Components: Duration: (Casting time: Effect: “Area of effect Saving throw: Reversible? Pages ‘Spell: ‘School/Sphere: Level: ‘Components: Duration: (Casting time: Saving throw: Reversible? Effect: Pages ‘Spell: ‘Schoo'/Sphere: Level: Range: ‘Components: Duration: (Casting time: Area of effect: Saving throw: Reversible? Effect Pages Spell: ‘School/Sphere: Level: Range: ‘Components: Duration: Casting time: Area of effect: Saving throw: Reversible? Exfect Pages ‘Spell: ‘School/Sphere Level: Range: ‘Components: Duration: (Casting time: Area of effect Saving throw: Reversible?: Effect Pages Spel ‘School/Sphere Level: Range: Components: Duration: Casting time: Area of effect: Saving throw: Reversible? Effect: Pages Spell: ‘School/Sphere Level: Range: Components: Duration: ‘Casting time: Area of effect, Saving throw: Reversible? Effect Pages ‘Spell: ‘School/Sphere: Level: ‘Components: Duration: (Casting time: Saving throw: Reversible? Effect: Pages ‘Spell: ‘School/Sphere Level: Range: Components: Duration: Casting time: Area of effect Saving throw: Reversible?: Effect: Pages Spell: School/Sphere Level: Range: Components: Duration: Area of effect: aving throw: Reversible’: ‘Casting time: Effect: Pages

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