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I. General Principles II. Administrative

Administrative Law is that branch of modern
law under which the executive department of
the government, acting in a quasi-legislative or
quasi-judicial capacity, interferes with the Administrative Agencies – are the organs of
conduct of the individual for the purpose of government, other than a court and other than
promoting the well-being of the community the legislature, which affect the rights of private
[Roscoue Pound] parties either through adjudication or through
rule-making [Nachura].
AGENCIES COME ABOUT? Where its function is primarily regulatory even if
(1) Growing complexities of modern life it conducts hearings and determines
(2) Multiplication of number of subjects controversies to carry out its regulatory duty.
needing government regulation; and
(3) Increased difficulty of administering laws On its rule-making authority, it is administrative
[Pangasinan Transportation v. Public Service when it does not have discretion to determine
Commission (1940)] what the law shall be but merely prescribes
details for the enforcement of the law.
Because the government lacks: (1) 1987 Constitution
(1) Time (E.g. CSC, COMELEC, COA, CHR, Judicial
(2) Expertise and and Bar Council, NEDA and Office of the
(3) Organizational aptitude for effective and Ombudsman)
continuing regulation of new developments (2) Legislative Enactments
in society [Stone] (E.g. NLRC, SEC, PRC, Social Security
Commission, Commission on Immigration
and Deportation, Philippine Patent Office,
Games and Amusement Board, Board of
Energy, and Insurance Commission)
(3) Executive Orders/ Authorities of law
(E.g. Fact-finding Agencies)


The Executive is given much leeway in ensuring
that our laws are faithfully executed. As stated
above, the powers of the President are not
limited to those specific powers under the
Constitution. One of the recognized powers of


the President granted pursuant to this

constitutionally mandated duty is the power to
III. Powers of
create ad hoc committees. This flows from the
obvious need to ascertain facts and determine if
Administrative Agencies
laws have been faithfully executed. […] There is
no usurpation on the part of the Executive of the The powers of administrative agencies are:
power of Congress to appropriate funds, (1) Quasi-legislative (Rule-making)
because there will be no appropriation, but only (2) Quasi-judicial (Adjudicatory) and
an allotment or allocation of existing funds (3) Determinative powers
already appropriated. [Biraogo v. Phil. Truth
Comm’n, G.R. No. 192935, Dec. 7, 2010] Does the grant of such powers to Administrative
Agencies violate the Doctrine of Separation of
Powers? No.
(1) Government grant or gratuity, special
Administrative agencies became the catch
privilege (e.g. Bureau of Lands, Phil.
basin for the residual powers of the 3 branches.
Veterans Admin., GSIS, SSS, PAO);
The theory of the separation of powers is
(2) Carrying out the actual business of
designed to forestall overaction resulting from
government (e.g. BIR, Bureau of Customs,
concentration of power. However with the
Bureau of Immigration, Land Registration
growing complexity of modern life, there is a
constantly growing tendency toward the
(3) Service for public benefit (e.g. Phil Post,
delegation of greater powers by the legislature.
[Pangasinan Transportation v. Public Service
(4) Regulation of businesses affected with
Commission (1940)]
public interest (e.g. Insurance Commission,
Doctrine of Necessary Implication – [W]hat is
(5) Regulation of private businesses and
implied in a statute is as much a part thereof as
individuals (e.g. SEC);
that which is expressed. Every statute is
(6) Adjustment of individual controversies
understood, by implication, to contain all such
because of a strong social policy involved
provisions as may be necessary to effectuate its
(e.g. ECC, NLRC, SEC, DAR, COA).
object and purpose, or to make effective rights,
powers, privileges or jurisdiction which it grants,
including all such collateral and subsidiary
consequences as may be fairly and logically
inferred from its terms. Ex necessitate legis. And
every statutory grant of power, right or privilege
is deemed to include all incidental power, right
or privilege. This is so because the greater
includes the lesser, expressed in the maxim, in
eo plus sit, simper inest et minus. [Chua v. CSC


A. QUASI-LEGISLATIVE (RULE- being challenged. [Chiongbian v.Orbos

(Asked 5 times in the Bar)
Kinds of Administrative Rules and Regulations
The authority delegated by the law-making (1) Supplementary legislation – pertains to
body to the administrative agency to adopt rules rules and regulations to fix details in the
and regulations intended to carry out the execution of a policy in the law. e.g. IRRs of
provisions of a law and implement a legislative the Labor Code.
policy. [CRUZ] (2) Interpretative legislation – Pertains to rules
and regulations construing or interpreting
the provisions of a statute to be enforced
Doctrine of Subordinate Legislation - Power to
and they are binding on all concerned until
promulgate rules and regulations is only limited
they are changed, i.e. BIR Circulars.
to carrying into effect what is provided in the
legislative enactment.
Non-Delegation Doctrine – Potestas delegata INTERPRETATIVE RULES,
non delegare potest.What has been delegated DISTINGUISHED
cannot be delegated.
Legislative Rules Interpretative Rules
A.1. LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION Promulgated Passed pursuant to its
i. Requisites for a Valid Delegation pursuant to its quasi-judicial capacity.
(1) Completeness Test –The law must be quasi-legislative/
complete in itself and must set forth the rule-making
policy to be executed functions.
(2) Sufficient Standards Test – The law must fix Create a new law, a Merely clarify the
a standard, the limits of which are new policy, with the meaning of a pre-
sufficiently determinate or determinable, to force and effect of existing law by inferring
which the delegate must conform. [See law. its implications.
Abakada v. Purisima, G.R. No. 168056, Sep. Need publication. Need not be published.
1, 2005] So long as the court The court may review
finds that the the correctness of the
What is a sufficient standard: legislative rules are interpretation of the law
(1) Defines legislative policy, marks its limits, within the power of given by the
maps out its boundaries and specifies the the administrative administrative body,
public agency to apply it; and agency to pass, as and substitute its own
(2) Indicates the circumstances under which seen in the primary view of what is correct.
the legislative command is to be effected. law, then the rules If it is not within the
[Santiago v. COMELEC (1997); Abakada v. bind the court. The scope of the
Ermita (2005)] court cannot administrative agency,
question the wisdom court can only invalidate
Forms of the sufficient standard: or correctness of the the same but not
(1) Express policy contained in substitute its decision or
(2) Implied [Edu v.Ericta (1970)] the rules. interpretation or give its
(3) Embodied in other statutes on the same own set of rules.
matter and not necessarily in the same law


Legislative Rules Interpretative Rules i. Publication Rules

Due process means Due process involves (1) Administrative rules and regulations are
that the body whether the parties subject to the publication and effectivity
observed the proper were afforded the rules of the Admin Code.
procedure in passing opportunity to be (2) Publication Requirement: EO 200 (Art.
rules. notified and heard 2, Civil Code) requires publication of
before the issuance of laws in the Official Gazette or in a
the ruling. newspaper of general circulation.
Publication is indispensable, especially
Restrictions on interpretative regulations: if the rule is general. Tañada v. Tuvera
(1) does not change the character of a (1986) interpreted this to apply to
ministerial duty; administrative rules and regulations “if
(2) does not involve unlawful use of legislative their purpose is to enforce or implement
or judicial power. existing law pursuant also to a valid
Administrative interpretations: May eliminate Exceptions:
construction and uncertainty in doubtful cases. (1) Interpretative rules [Tañada v.
When laws are susceptible of two or more Tuvera (1986)]
interpretations, the administrative agency (2) Internal regulations (i.e. regulating
should make known its official position. personnel) [Id.]
(3) Letters of instructions issued by
Administrative construction/ interpretation not administrative superior to
binding on the court as to the proper subordinates
construction of a statute, but generally it is (3) Filing Requirement
given great weight, has a very persuasive
influence and may actually be regarded by the ADMIN. CODE, Bk. VII, Sec. 3. Filing. -
courts as the controlling factor. (1) Every agency shall file with the University
of the Philippines Law Center three (3) certified
Administrative interpretation is merely advisory; copies of every rule adopted by it. Rules in
Courts finally determine what the law means. force on the date of effectivity of this Code
which are not filed within three (3) months
Contingent legislation – Pertains to rules and from that date shall not thereafter be the basis
regulations made by an administrative authority of any sanction against any party or persons.
on the existence of certain facts or things upon […]
which the enforcement of the law depends.
(4) Effectivity: 15 days after filing and
Requisites of a valid administrative rule
(1) Within the scope or authority of law ADMIN. CODE, Bk. VII, Sec. 4. Effectivity. - In
(2) Authorized by law addition to other rule-making requirements
(3) Reasonable provided by law not inconsistent with this
(4) Promulgated in accordance with prescribed Book, each rule shall become effective fifteen
procedure (15) days from the date of filing as above
provided unless a different date is fixed by law,
or specified in the rule in cases of imminent


danger to public health, safety and welfare, (2) The law itself must declare the act as
the existence of which must be expressed in a punishable and must also define or fix the
statement accompanying the rule. The agency penalty for the violation [Id.]; and
shall take appropriate measures to make (3) The rule must be published before it takes
emergency rules known to persons who may effect. [People v. Que Po Lay (1954)]
be affected by them.
Can administrative bodies make penal rules?
Note: NO. Penal statutes are exclusive to the
(1) The Admin. Code requires filing. legislature and cannot be delegated.
(2) The Civil Code requires publication. [supra] Administrative rules and regulations must not
include, prohibit or punish acts which the law
Because the Admin. Code does not preclude does not even define as a criminal act. [People
other rule-making requirements provided by v.Maceren (1977)]
law (i.e. the Civil Code), both publication and
filing must be satisfied before the 15 day-count A.4. POWER TO AMEND, REVISE, ALTER
[T]he grant of express power to formulate
Exceptions: implementing rules and regulations must
(1) Different date is fixed by law or specified in necessarily include the power to amend, revise,
the rule. alter, or repeal the same. [Yazaki Torres
(2) In case of imminent danger to public health, Manufacturing, Inc. v. CA (2006)]
safety and welfare.
ii. Penal Rules
Admin. Code, Bk. VII, Sec. 6. Omission of Some
(Asked 4 times in the Bar)
Rules. – […] (2) Every rule establishing an
offense or defining an act which, pursuant to
The power of the administrative agency to
law is punishable as a crime or subject to a
determine questions of fact to which the
penalty shall in all cases be published in full
legislative policy is to apply, in accordance with
the standards laid down by the law itself.
[Smart Communications v. NTC (2003)]
General Rule: Rules must not provide penal
Incidental to the power of regulation but is
Exception:“A violation or infringement of a rule
often expressly conferred by the legislature
or regulation validly issued can constitute a
through specific provisions in the charter of the
crime punishable as provided in the authorizing
statute and by virtue of the latter.” [People v.
Maceren (1977)]

Therefore, three conditions must concur:

(1) The agency was given rule-making authority



PROCEEDINGS General Rule: Get the aid of RTC.
Kind of Exception: Law gives agency contempt
Administrative Judicial power. [Sec. 13, Bk. VII, 1987 Admin Code]
Nature of (3) Power to issue Search Warrant or Warrant
Inquisitorial Adversarial of Arrest
Liberally Follow
Rules of applied technical rules General Rule: Only Judges may issue.
Procedure in the Rules of Under the express terms of our Constitution, it
Court is doubtful whether the arrest of an individual
Decision Decision may be ordered by any authority other than the
limited to includes judge if the purpose is merely to determine the
Nature and existence of a probable cause, leading to an
matters of matters
Extent of administrative investigation. [Qua Chee Gan v.
general brought as
Decision Deportation Board (1963), decided under the
concern issue by the
parties 1935 Const. Note that the 1987 and 1935
The agency The parties are Constitutions are the same in limiting the
itself may be a only the issuance of warrants of arrest to a judge.]
Parties party to the private
proceedings litigants Exception: Warrants of Arrest may be issued by
before it the Commissioner of Immigration for the sole
purpose of carrying out a final order of
deportation. [Board of Commissioners v. De La
Requisites for a Valid Exercise Rosa (1991)]
(1) Jurisdiction
i. Due Process
General Rule: A tribunal, board or officer While [Admin. Agencies are] free from the
exercising judicial functions acts without rigidity of certain procedural requirements, they
jurisdiction if no authority has been conferred to cannot entirely ignore or disregard the
it by law to hear and decide cases fundamental and essential requirements of due
(1) Jurisdiction to hear is explicit or by necessary process in trials and investigations of an
implication, conferred through the terms of the administrative character. [Ang Tibay v. CIR
enabling statute. (1950)]
(2) Effect of administrative acts outside
jurisdiction—Void. In administrative proceedings, the essence of
due process lies simply in the opportunity to
B.3. POWERS INCLUDED IN QUASI- explain one’s side or to seek reconsideration of
JUDICIAL FUNCTION the action or ruling complained of. What is
(1) Subpoena Power – In any contested case, proscribed is the absolute lack of notice or
the agency shall have the power to require hearing. [Office of the Ombudsman v. Coronel
the attendance of witnesses or the (2006)]
production of books, papers, documents
and other pertinent data. [Sec. 13, Bk. VII,
1987 Admin Code]


ii. Cardinal Primary Rights The law, in prescribing a process of appeal to a

Ang Tibay v. CIR (1950) lays down the cardinal higher level, contemplates that the reviewing
primary rights: officer is a person different from the one who
(1) Right to a hearing (Includes the right of a issued the appealed decision. Otherwise, the
party to present his own case and submit review becomes a farce; it is rendered
evidence in support thereof) meaningless. [Rivera v. CSC (1995)]
(2) The tribunal must consider the evidence
presented Is a trial necessary?—NO. Holding of an
(3) Decision must be supported by evidence. adversarial trial is discretionary. Parties cannot
(4) Evidence must be substantial. demand it as a matter of right. [Vinta Maritime
v. NLRC (1978)].
Quantum of Proof: Substantial Evidence –
The amount of relevant evidence which a BUT the right of a party to confront and cross-
reasonable mind might accept as adequate to examine opposing witness is a fundamental right
justify a conclusion [Sec. 5, Rule 134, Rules of which is part of due process. If without his fault,
Court] this right is violated, he is entitled to have the
direct examination stricken off the record.
(5) Decision must be rendered on the evidence [Bachrach Motors v. CIR (1978)]
presented at the hearing or at least
contained in the record and disclosed to the Evidence on record must be fully disclosed to
parties affected the parties. [American Inter-Fashion v. Office of
(6) Independent consideration of judge (Must the President (1991)]but respondents in
not simply accept the views of a administrative cases are not entitled to be
subordinate) informed of findings of investigative committees
(7) Decision rendered in such a manner as to but only of the decision of the administrative
let the parties know the various issues body. [Pefianco v. Moral (2000)]
involved and the reasons for the decision
rendered. iii. Due process is violated when:
(1) There is failure to sufficiently explain the
Due process does not always entail notice and reason for the decision rendered; or
hearing prior to the deprivation of a right. (2) If not supported by substantial evidence;
Hearing may occur after deprivation, as in (3) And imputation of a violation and
emergency cases, in which case, there must be imposition of a fine despite absence of due
a chance to seek reconsideration. [UP Board of notice and hearing. [Globe Telecom v NTC
Regents v. CA (1999)] (2004)].

Presence of a party at a trial is not always the iv. Self-incrimination

essence of due process. All that the law requires (1) The right against self-incrimination may be
is the element of fairness; that the parties be invoked by the respondent at the time he is
given notice of trial and called by the complainant as a witness.
(1) An opportunity to be heard (2) If he voluntarily takes the witness stand, he
(2) In administrative proceedings, an can be cross examined; but he may still
opportunity to seek reconsideration invoke the right when the question calls for
(3) An opportunity to explain one’s side an answer which incriminates him for an


offense other than that charged. [People vii. Administrative Appeal and Review
v.Ayson (1989)] Different kinds of administrative appeal and
review: [De Leon]
v. Notice and Hearing (1) That which inheres in the relation of
When required: administrative superior to administrative
(1) When the law specifically requires it. subordinate where determinations are
(2) When it affects a person’s status and liberty. made at lower levels of the same
administrative system;
When not required: (2) That embraced in statutes which provide for
(1) Urgent reasons. a determination to be made by a particular
(2) Discretion is exercised by an officer vested officer of body subject to appeal, review, or
with it upon an undisputed fact. redetermination by another officer or body
(3) If it involves the exercise of discretion and in the same agency or in the same
there is no grave abuse. administrative system;
(4) When it involves rules to govern future (3) That in which the statute attempts to make
conduct of persons or enterprises, unless a court a part of the administrative scheme
law provides otherwise. by providing in terms or effect that the
(5) In the valid exercise of police power. court, on review of the action of an
administrative agency, shall exercise
Administrative Decisions or Interpretation not powers of such extent that they differ from
part of the legal system: A memorandum ordinary judicial functions and involve a trial
circular of a bureau head could not operate to de novo of matters of fact or discretion and
vest a taxpayer with a shield against judicial application of the independent judgment of
action. [PBCom v. CIR, 1999] the court;
(4) That in which the statute provides that an
vi. Notice and Hearing under the Admin. Code: order made by a division of a Commission or
Required in the following instances: Board has the same force and effect as if
(1) Contested cases [Admin. Code, Bk. VII, Sec. made by the Commission subject to a
3] rehearing by the full Commission, for the
(2) Certain licensing procedures, involving ‘rehearing’ is practically an appeal to
grant, renewal, denial or cancellation of a another administrative tribunal;
license; i.e. when the grant, renewal, denial (5) That in which the statute provides for an
or cancellation of a license is required to be appeal to an officer on an intermediate level
preceded by notice and hearing [Sec. 17(1)] with subsequent appeal to the head of the
(3) All licensing procedures, when a license is department or agency; and
withdrawn, suspended, revoked or annulled (6) That embraced in statutes which provide for
[Sec. 17(2)] appeal at the highest level, namely, the
Exception (to #3 only): Notice and hearing not
required in cases of (a) willful violation of A party must prove that it has been affected or
pertinent laws, rules and regulations or (b) aggrieved by an administrative agency in order
when public security, health, or safety require to entitle it to a review by an appellate
otherwise. [Sec. 17(2)] administrative body or another administrative


The appellate administrative agency may effect of a final judgment within the purview of
conduct additional hearings in the appealed the doctrine of res judicata, which forbids the
case, if deemed necessary [Reyes v. Zamora, 90 reopening of matters once judicially determined
SCRA 92]. by competent authorities.

N.B. Under the Doctrine of Qualified Political However, res judicata does not apply in
Agency [see Villena v. Secretary of Interior (1939)], administrative adjudication relative to
a decision of the department head generally citizenship. [Board of Commissioners v. De la
need not be appealed to the Office of the Rosa 197 SCRA 853]
President, since the department head (e.g.
Secretary) is the alter ego of the President, and C. FACT-FINDING, INVESTIGATIVE,
the former’s acts are presumably the LICENSING AND RATE-FIXING
President’s. However, the doctrine does not
apply when (a) the act is repudiated by the
President, or (b) the act is required (by law) to be
performed specifically by the department head.
A statute may give to non-judicial officers:
viii. Administrative Res Judicata
(1) The power to declare the existence of facts
The doctrines of forum shopping, litis pendentia
which call into operation the statute’s
and res judicata also apply to administrative
provisions and
(2) May grant them and their subordinate
officers the power to ascertain and
When it applies determine appropriate facts as a basis of
The doctrine of res judicata applies only to procedure in the enforcement of laws.
judicial or quasi-judicial proceedings and not to (3) Such functions are merely incidental to the
the exercise of purely administrative functions. exercise of power granted by law to clear
Administrative proceedings are non-litigious navigable streams of unauthorized
and summary in nature; hence, res judicata obstructions. They can be conferred upon
does not apply. [Nasipit Lumber Co. v. NLRC executive officials provided the party
(1989)] affected is given the opportunity to be
heard. [Lovinav. Moreno (1963)]
(1) The former judgment must be final;
(2) It must have been rendered by a court
Administrative agencies’ power to conduct
having jurisdiction over the subject matter
investigations and hearings, and make findings
and the parties;
and recommendations thereon is inherent in
(3) It must be a judgment on the merits; and
their functions as administrative agencies.
(4) There must be identity of parties, subject
matter and cause of action [Ipekdijan
Findings of facts by administrative bodies which
Merchandising v. CTA (1963)]
observed procedural safeguards (e.g. notice to
and hearing of parties, and a full consideration
of evidence [i.e. supported by substantial
Decisions and orders of administrative bodies
evidence]) are accorded the greatest respect by
rendered pursuant to their quasi-judicial
authority have, upon their finality, the force and


C.3. LICENSING FUNCTION privilege, a permission or authority to do what is

within its terms. It is always revocable. [Gonzalo
Admin. Code, Bk. VII, Sec. 17.Licensing Procedure. SyTrading v. Central Bank (1976)]Note, however,
– (1) When the grant, renewal, denial or that the Admin. Code prescribes notice and
cancellation of a license is required to be hearing before it can be revoked, subject to
preceded by notice and hearing, the provisions certain exceptions.
concerning contested cases shall apply insofar
as practicable. C.4. FIXING OF RATES, WAGES, PRICES
(2) Except in cases of willful violation of
pertinent laws, rules and regulations or when Admin. Code, Book. VII, Sec. 2(3). “Rate” means
public security, health, or safety requires any charge to the public for a service open to
otherwise, no license may be withdrawn, all and upon the same terms, including
suspended, revoked or annulled without notice individual or joint rates, tolls, classification or
and hearing schedules thereof, as well as communication,
mileage, kilometrage and other special rates
Admin. Code, Bk. VII, Sec. 18. Non-expiration of which shall be imposed by law or regulation to
License. – Where the licensee has made timely be observed and followed by any person.
and sufficient application for the renewal of a
license with reference to any activity of a i. Publication requirement for rate-fixing
continuing nature, the existing license shall
not expire until the application shall have been Admin. Code, Book. VII, Sec. 9. Public
finally determined by the agency. Participation. – […] (2) In the fixing of rates, no
rule or final order shall be valid unless the
Admin. Code, Bk. VII, Sec. 2(10). “License” proposed rates shall have been published in a
includes the whole or any part of any agency newspaper of general circulation at least 2
permit, certificate, passport, clearance, weeks before the first hearing thereon.
approval, registration, charter, membership,
statutory exemption or other form of Generally, the power to fix rates is a quasi-
permission, or regulation of the exercise of a legislative function, i.e. it is meant to apply to all.
right or privilege. However, it becomes quasi-judicial when the
rate is applicable only to an individual. [See
Admin. Code, Bk. VII, Sec. 2(11).“Licensing” Vigan Electric Light Co. v. Public Service
includes agency process involving the grant, Commission (1964)]
renewal, denial, revocation, suspension,
annulment, withdrawal, limitation, N.B. The old doctrine is if the rate-fixing power
amendment, modification or conditioning of a is quasi-legislative, it need not be accompanied
license. by prior notice and hearing. Under the Admin.
Code (supra), the distinction seems to have
When are notice and hearing required in been disregarded, since the provision did not
licensing? Only if it is a contested case. qualify the character of the rate-fixing, and now
Otherwise, it can be dispensed with (e.g. driver’s requires prior notice (via publication) before the
licenses). hearing.

No expiry date does not mean the license is Can the power to fix rates be delegated to a
perpetual. A license permit is a special common carrier or other public service? NO. The


latter may propose new rates, but these will not adjudications.[St. Martin’s Funeral Homes v.
be effective without the approval of the NLRC (1998)]
administrative agency. [KMU v. Garcia (1994)]
N.B. Rule 43 of the Rules of Court provides that
What are considered in the fixing of rates? the Court of Appeals shall have appellate
(1) The present valuation of all the property of jurisdiction over judgments or final orders of the
a public utility, and Court of Tax Appeals and from awards,
(2) The fixed assets. judgments, final orders or resolutions of or
authorized by any quasi-judicial agency in the
The property is deemed taken and condemned exercise of its quasi-judicial functions.
by the public at the time of filing the petition,
and the rate should go up and down with the A. DOCTRINE OF PRIMARY
physical valuation of the property. [Ynchausti v. ADMINISTRATIVE JURISDICTION
Public Utility Commissioner (1922)]
General Rule: Courts will not intervene if the
question to be resolved is one which requires
IV. Judicial Recourse and the expertise of administrative agencies and the
legislative intent on the matter is to have
Review uniformity in the rulings. [Panama Refining Co.
v. Ryan (1935, US Supreme Court decision)]
General Rule: Judicial review may be granted or
withheld as Congress chooses. Thus, a law may It can only occur where there is a concurrence of
provide that the decision of an administrative jurisdiction between the court and the
agency shall be final and unreviewable and it administrative agency.
would still not offend due process. [See, e.g.
Labor Code, which does not provide for appeals It is a question of the court yielding to the
from decisions of the NLRC (St. Martin Funeral agency because of the latter’s expertise, and
Homes v. NLRC)] does not amount to ouster of the court. [Texas &
Pacific Railway v. Abilene (1907, US Supreme
Exception: Such a statute cannot preclude the Court decision)]
exercise of the inherent power of judicial review
of courts. It is the recent jurisprudential trend to apply the
doctrine of primary jurisdiction in many cases
Rationale: that demand the special competence of
(1) There is an underlying power of the courts administrative agencies. It may occur that the
to scrutinize the acts of such agencies on Court has jurisdiction to take cognizance of a
questions of law and jurisdiction even particular case, which means that the matter
though no right of review is given by statute; involved is also judicial in character. However, if
(2) The purpose of judicial review is to keep the the determination of the case requires the
administrative agency within its jurisdiction expertise, specialized skills and knowledge of the
and protect the substantial rights of the proper administrative bodies because technical
parties; matters or intricate questions of facts are
(3) It is that part of the checks and balances involved, then relief must first be obtained in an
which restricts the separation of powers and administrative proceeding before a remedy will be
forestalls arbitrary and unjust supplied by the courts even though the matter is


within the proper jurisdiction of a Requisites:

court.[Industrial Enterprises v. CA (1990)] (1) An administrative body and a regular court
have concurrent and original jurisdiction
Well-entrenched is the rule that courts will not (2) Question to be resolved requires expertise
interfere in matters which are addressed to the of administrative agency
sound discretion of the government agency (3) Legislative intent on the matter is to have
entrusted with the regulation of activities uniformity in rulings
coming under the special and technical training (4) Administrative agency is performing a
and knowledge of such agency. Administrative quasi-judicial or adjudicatory function (not
agencies are given a wide latitude in the rule-making or quasi-legislative function
evaluation of evidence and in the exercise of their [Smart v. NTC (2003)]
adjudicative functions, latitude which includes
the authority to take judicial notice of facts within Rationale: It is presumed that an administrative
their special competence[(Quiambao v. CA agency, if afforded an opportunity to pass upon
(2005)] a matter, would decide the same correctly, or
correct any previous error committed in its
The doctrine of primary jurisdiction applies forum.[Caballes v. Sison (2004)]
where a claim is originally cognizable in the
courts, and comes into play whenever A.1. WHEN THE DOCTRINE IS
enforcement of the claim requires the resolution INAPPLICABLE:
of issues which, under a regulatory scheme, (1) If the agency has exclusive (original)
have been placed within the special jurisdiction (i.e. Doctrine of Exhaustion
competence of an administrative body; in such would apply);
case, the judicial process is suspended pending (2) When the issue is not within the competence
referral of such issues to the administrative of the administrative body to act on (e.g.
body for its view. And, in such cases, the court pure questions of law, over which the
cannot arrogate into itself the authority to expertise is with the courts);
resolve a controversy, the jurisdiction over which (3) When the issue involved is clearly a factual
is initially lodged with an administrative body of question that does not require specialized
special competence. [Sherwill v. Sitio Sto Nino skills and knowledge for resolution to justify
(2005)] the exercise of primary jurisdiction.

Rationale: In this era of clogged docket courts, A.2. EFFECT

the need for specialized administrative boards The case is not dismissed, but merely
with the special knowledge and capability to suspendeduntil after the matters within the
hear and determine promptly disputes on competence of the administrative agency are
technical matters has become well-nigh threshed out and determined. [Vidad v. RTC
indispensable. Between the power lodged in an (1993)]
administrative body and a court, the
unmistakable trend has been to refer it to the
former. [GMA v. ABS CBN (2005)]


B. DOCTRINE OF EXHAUSTION OF (7) Where the administrative remedy is only

ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES permissive or voluntary and not a
prerequisite to the institution of judicial
proceedings. [Corpuz v.Cuaderno (1962)]
General Rule: Where the law has delineated the
(8) Application of the doctrine will only cause
procedure by which administrative appeal or
great and irreparable damage which cannot
remedy could be effected, the same should be
followed before recourse to judicial action can be prevented except by taking the
appropriate court action. [Paat v. CA (1997);
be initiated. [Pascual v. Provincial Board (1959)]
Ciprianov.Marcelino (1972)]
(9) When it involves the rule-making or quasi-
legislative functions of an administrative
(1) The administrative agency is performing a
agency.[Smart v. NTC (2003)]
quasi-judicial function;
(10) Administrative agency is in estoppel.
(2) Judicial review is available; and
[Republic v.Sandiganbayan (1996)]
(3) The court acts in its appellate jurisdiction.
(11) Doctrine of qualified political agency
(12) Subject of controversy is private land in land
case proceedings. [Paat v. CA (1997)]
(1) Legal reason: The law prescribes a
(13) Blatant violation of due process. [Paat v. CA
(1997); Pagara v. CA]
(2) Practical reason: To give the agency a
(14) Where there is unreasonable delay or
chance to correct its own errors and prevent
official inaction. [Republic v. Sandiganbayan
unnecessary and premature resort to the
(15) Administrative action is patently illegal
(3) Reasons of comity: Expedience, courtesy,
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction.
[Paat v. CA (1997)]
(16) Resort to administrative remedy will
amount to a nullification of a claim.[DAR v.
EXHAUSTION OF REMEDIES: Apex Investment (2003); Paat v. CA (1997)]
(1) Purely legal questions. [Castro v. Secretary (17) No administrative review provided for by
(2001)] law. [Estrada v. CA (2004)]
(2) Steps to be taken are merely matters of (18) Issue of non-exhaustion of administrative
form. [Pascual v. Provincial Board (1959)] remedies rendered moot. [Estrada v. CA
(3) Administrative remedy not exclusive but (2004)]
merely cumulative or concurrent to a (19) In quo warranto proceedings. [Corpus v.
judicial remedy. [Pascual v. Provincial Board Cuaderno (1962)]
(1959)] (20) Law expressly provides for a different
(4) Validity and urgency of judicial action or review procedure. [Samahang Magbubukid
intervention. [Paat v. CA (1997)] v. CA (1999)]
(5) No other plain, speedy, adequate remedy in
the ordinary course of the law.[Paat v. CA Note: The exceptions may be condensed into
(1997); Information Technology Found’n v. three:
COMELEC (2004)] (1) Grave abuse of discretion;
(6) Resort to exhaustion will only be oppressive (2) Pure question of law; or
and patently unreasonable. [Paatv. CA (3) No other plain, speedy, and adequate
(1997); Cipriano v.Marcelino (1972)] remedy.


However, the long list has been developed by ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION
jurisprudence. It is prudent to cite it over the
shortened list.
Courts will not interfere with the act of an
administrative agency before it has reached
B.2. EFFECT OF FAILURE TO EXHAUST finality or it has been completed.
Rationale: Without a final order or decision, the
It does not affect jurisdiction of the court. power has not been fully and finally exercised.

The only effect of non-compliance is that it will Prohibition is not the proper remedy [when] the
deprive complainant of a cause of action, which enabling law itself, which is B.P. Blg. 325, has
is a ground for a motion to dismiss. specifically tasked the Cabinet to review and
approve any proposed revisions of rates of fees
But if not invoked at the proper time, this and charges. Petitioners should have availed of
ground is deemed waived. [Republic v. this easy and accessible remedy instead of
Sandiganbayan (1996)] immediately resorting to the judicial process.
[Paredes v. CA (1996)]

Doctrine of Exhaustion
of Doctrine of Primary Administrative
Administrative Remedies Jurisdiction
Jurisdiction of Court Concurrent Original Jurisdiction with
Admin Body
Ground for Non-exercise The court yields to the jurisdiction of
of Jurisdiction Exhaustion of Administrative the Administrative agency because of
Remedy a condition precedent. its specialized knowledge or
Court Action Dismiss Suspend Judicial Action




I. Public Corporations

Corporation – An artificial being created by N.B. While contained in laws governing private
operation of law, having the right of succession corporations, this definition is also used by
and the powers, attributes and properties authorities [see MARTIN] and is taken from US
expressly authorized by law or incident to its case law.
existence. [Corp. Code, sec. 2; Act No. 1459, sec.


Public Corporations Private Corporations Quasi-Public Corporations
Corporations created by the Corporations organized wholly Private corporation that renders
state as its own device and for the profit or advantage of public service or supply public
agency for the accomplishment their own members, or some wants.
of parts of its own public works. “private purpose, benefit, aim, or
end.” [Act. No. 1459, sec. 3] Organized for the gain or benefit
of its members, but required by
law to discharge functions for
the public benefit. [Phil. Society
for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals v. COA(2007)]
Created by the state, either by Created by the will of the [May be created by special
general or special act. incorporators, with the charter or under the general law.
recognition of the state [i.e. (e.g. utility, railroad, telephone,
through the CORP. CODE] transportation companies)]


“The true criterion […] is the totality of the On the other hand, the Philippine Society for
relation of the corporation to the State. If the the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, while
corporation is [1] created by the State as [2] the created by Act No. 1285, is a private
[State’s] own agency or instrumentality to [3] corporation as (1) it is not subject to state
help it in carrying out its governmental control, and (2) its powers to arrest offenders
functions, then the corporation is considered of animal welfare laws and to serve processes
public; otherwise, it is private.” have been withdrawn by C.A. No. 148. [Phil.
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Hence, “provinces, chartered cities, and v. COA (2007)]
barangays can best exemplify public


i. Public Corporations Distinguished from GOCCs

Municipal Corporations Government-Owned or Controlled Corporations
Local governance over inhabitants of cities/towns; Agencies of the State for limited purposes to take
agency of the State for assistance in civil charge of some public or state work, other than
government of the country for regulation of local community work. [Nat’l Waterworks & Sewerage
and internal affairs. Authority v. NWSA Consolidated Unions (1964)]
Political subdivision of the Republic of the Separate and distinct from the government;
Philippines Subject to provisions of the Corporation Code;
Mere fact that the Government is a majority
stockholder of the corporation does not make it a
public corporation;
Government gives up its sovereign character with
regard to transactions of the corporation. [Bacani
v. Nat’l Coconut Corp. (1956)]
Nature and Status
Constituted by law and possessed of substantial Organized as a stock or non-stock corporation
control over its own affairs; [ADM. CODE, Introductory Provs., sec. 2(13); MIAA
Autonomous in the sense that it is given more v. CA (2006)]
powers, authority, responsibilities, and resources; Independent agency of the government for
administrative purposes; Has corporate powers to
be exercised by its board of directors, and its own
assets and liabilities; [Nat’l Waterworks &
Sewerage Authority v. NWSA Consolidated Unions

Vesting of corporate powers on a government

instrumentality does not make the latter a
GOCC if it is not organized as a stock or non-
stock corporation. [MIAA v. CA (2006)]




Nature and Creation Function
Body corporate and politic organized Agency (1) primarily to regulate and
for the government of a definite administer the internal affairs of a
Municipal Corp. Proper locality locality and (2) to assist in the civil
government of a country
[e.g. LGUs]
Created by the state as its own device For the accomplishment of some
and agency[i.e. not of or for a parts of its own public work other
particular locality] than the local government carried on
Non-Municipal Corp. in designated areas by municipal
[e.g. Rehabilitation Finance Corp., corporations
Phil. Nat’l Red Cross, Boy Scouts of
the Phils.]
State agencies having a corporate Governmental or police functions
form but with merely nominal
Quasi-Corp. (Municipal) independent powers, but actually
under constant control of the State;
Created for a narrow and limited
Quasi-Corp. (Non- purpose [MARTIN] State functions which are not
Municipal) political in nature

1) Quasi-Corporations 2) Municipal Corporations

Public corporations created as agencies of A body politic and corporate constituted by the
the State for a narrow and limited purpose; incorporation of the inhabitants of a locality for
Not possessed with powers and liabilities the purpose of local government. [MARTIN]
of self-governing corporations; and e.g. LGUs
Take charge of some public or state work
for the general welfare (other than
government of a community) [MARTIN]
Include Quasi-Municipal Corporations e.g.
water districts

Municipal Corporation Proper Quasi-Municipal Corporation

Exists and is governed by a charter [Does not necessarily exist by virtue of a charter
(e.g. water districts)]
An agency of the state invested with the power of Operates directly as an agency of the State to
local government [MARTIN] help in the administration of public functions


II. Municipal Corporations LGU acts as agent of

the national
LGU acts as agent of
the community in
government [Republic administration of
A. ELEMENTS v. City of Davao (2002)] local affairs. [Republic
(1) Legal creation or incorporation; v. City of Davao
(2) Corporate name by which the entity is
known and in which all corporate acts are Examples: Examples:
done; Regulations Municipal
against fire, waterworks,
(3) Population which is invested with the disease; markets, wharves,
powers of the corporation through duly fisheries;
constituted officers and agents; and Preservation of
public peace; Maintenance of
(4) Territory within which the local parks, golf
government exercises civil and corporate Establishment of courses,
functions. [MARTIN] schools, public cemeteries;
offices, etc.



LGC, Sec. 15. Every LGU created under this Code is OR DISSOLUTION
a body politic and corporate. It shall exercise
powers both as a political subdivision of the Sec 1. Art X. Const. The territorial and political
National Government, and as a corporate entity subdivisions are the provinces, cities, municipalities,
representing the inhabitants of its territory. and barangays. There shall be autonomous regions
in Muslim Mindanao and the Cordilleras[...]
Political/Governmental Corporate/Proprietary Sec 10. Art X. Const. No province, city, municipality,
or barangay may be created, divided, merged,
Exercised in the Exercised for the abolished, or its boundaries substantially altered,
administration of special benefit and except
powers of the state and advantage of the [a]in accordance with the criteria established in the
for promotion of public community [Torio v. Local government code; and,
welfare [Torio v. Fontanilla (1978)] [b]subject to approval by a majority of the votes
cast in a plebiscite called for the purpose in the
Fontanilla (1978)]
political unit or units directly affected.
Concern health, safety, Seek to obtain special
advancement of public corporate benefits or C.1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS
good and welfare as earn pecuniary profit (1) Applicable to all LGUs
affecting the public [Republic v. City of (2) Law or Ordinance
generally [Republic v. Davao (2002)] (3) Plebiscite
City of Davao (2002)] (4) Election and Qualification of Elective
Legislative, judicial, Ministerial, private,
public, and political and corporate


i. Law or Ordinance municipal corporations would allow him to

A local government unit may be created, exercise over LGUs the power of control
divided, merged, abolished, or its boundaries denied to him by the Constitution. [Pelaez
substantially altered EITHER: v. Auditor General (1965)]
(1) By law enacted by Congress in the case of
provinces, cities, municipalities, and any Power to create provinces cannot be
other political subdivision; OR delegated: Section 19, Article VI of RA
9054 is unconstitutional insofar as it
(2) By ordinance passed by the Sangguniang grants to the ARMM Regional Assembly
Panlalawigan or Sangguniang Panlungsod the power to create provinces and cities.
in the case of a barangay within its Congress’ delegation of the power to
territorial jurisdiction [LGC, sec. 6]. create a province includes the creation of a
legislative district, which is
unconstitutional, since legislative districts
N.B. In the case of the creation of barangays by may be created or reapportioned only by
the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, the an Act of Congress. [Sema v. COMELEC
recommendation of the Sangguniang Bayan (2008)]
concerned shall be necessary. [LGC, sec. 385]

Power of creation is legislative in nature ii. Plebiscite

The authority to create municipal The plebiscite shall be conducted by the
corporations is essentially legislative in COMELEC within 120 days from the date of
nature. [Pelaez v. Auditor General (1965)] effectivity of the law or ordinance, unless said
law or ordinance fixes another date. [LGC, sec.
The enactment of a LGC is not a sine qua 10]
non for the creation of a municipality, and
before the enactment of such, the power When a Plebiscite is Required: When an LGU is
remains plenary except that creation created, divided, merged, abolished, or its
should be approved in a plebiscite. boundaries substantially altered [LGC, sec. 10].
[Torralba v. Sibagat (1987)] This includes:
(1) Conversion (e.g. from a city to a highly
urbanized city) [LGC, sec. 453; see also
To whom and what power may be delegated
Tobias v. Abalos (1994)]
To local legislative bodies: “Under its
plenary legislative powers, Congress can (2) Downgrading (e.g. from an independent
delegate to local legislative bodies the component city to a component city)
power to create local government units, [Miranda v. Aguirre (1999), on the
subject to reasonable standards and downgrading of Santiago, Isabela]
provided no conflict arises with any
provision of the Constitution.” [Sema v.
COMELEC (2008)] Note that it has done so When Plebiscite is NOT Required: There is no
by delegating the power to create need for any plebiscite in the creation,
barangays. dissolution or any other similar action on the
Not to the President: The power is (1) Legislative Districts: Legislative districts
inherently legislative, and to grant the are not political subdivisions through
President the power to create or abolish which functions of the government are


carried out. [Bagabuyo v. COMELEC a plebiscite concerning the conversion of a

(2008)] city (e.g. Mandaluyong) to a highly
urbanized city. [See Tobias v. Abalos
(2) Administrative [vs. autonomous] Regions: (1994)]
Administrative regions are not territorial
and political subdivisions. The power to
create and merge administrative regions is Plebiscite Requirement for Autonomous
traditionally vested in the President. Regions
Hence, the merger of provinces that did not The creation of the autonomous region shall be
vote for inclusion in the ARMM into effective when approved by a majority of the votes
cast by the constituent units in a plebiscite called
existing administrative regions does not
for the purpose. However, only provinces, cities, and
require a plebiscite. [See Abbas v.
geographic areas voting favorably in such plebiscite
COMELEC (1989)] shall be included in the autonomous region.
[CONST.,art. X, sec. 18]
Plebiscite must be “in the political units directly
Majority requirement: What is required by the
Constitution is a simple majority of votes
Meaning: When the law states that the
approving the Organic Act in individual
plebiscite shall be conducted “in the
constituent units.
political units directly affected,” it means
A double majority [in (1) all constituent
that the residents of the political entity
units put together, (2) as well as in the
who would be economically dislocated by
individual constituent units] is not
the separation of a portion thereof have
required. [Abbas v. COMELEC (1989)]
the right to vote in said plebiscite. [Padilla
v. COMELEC (1992)]
Sole province cannot validly constitute an
“Material change” as standard: If the autonomous region: An autonomous region
creation, division, merger, abolition or cannot be created if only one province
substantial alteration of boundaries of an approved of its creation in the plebiscite called
LGU will cause a material change in the for the purpose [Ordillo v. COMELEC (1990), on
political and economic rights of a political the plebiscite concerning the Cordilleras].
unit, the residents of such political unit
should have the right to participate in the Not all amendments require plebiscite: Only
required plebiscite. [Miranda v. Aguirra amendments to, or revisions of, the Organic
(1999)] Act constitutionally-essential to the creation of
autonomous regions—those aspects specifically
Hence, in the conversion of a component mentioned in the Constitution which Congress
city to a highly urbanized city, the residents must provide for in the Organic Act—require
of the province must participate. The ratification through a plebiscite.
conversion of the city will, among others,
result in reduction in taxing jurisdiction Rationale: If all amendments to the Organic
and reduced economic viability of the Act have to undergo the plebiscite requirement
province. [Umali v. COMELEC (2014)] before becoming effective, this would hamper
the ARMM’s progress by impeding Congress
But the inhabitants of a neighboring city
from enacting laws that timely address
(e.g. San Juan) are properly excluded from
problems as they arise in the region, as well as


weighing down the ARMM government with amended

the costs that unavoidably follow the holding by R.A.
of a plebiscite. [Abas Kida v. Senate of the Phil No. 9009]
Municipali P2.5M 25,000 50 sq. km.
iii. Beginning of Corporate Existence ty (1991
General Rule: The corporate existence of an [sec. 442] prices)
LGU commences upon the election and No 2,000; No
qualification of its chief executive and a requireme OR requiremen
majority of the members of its sanggunian. Barangay nt 5,000 (if t except for
[sec. 386] in Metro contiguity
Exception: Unless some other time is fixed Manila or
therefor by the law or ordinance creating it. HUCs)
[LGC, sec. 14]
Which requirements must be satisfied
(1) Income; AND
Province or
Verifiable Indicators of Viability (Summary) (2) EITHER population OR land
General rule: all requirements are minimum, (1) Income;
i.e. at least Municipality (2) Population; AND
Income Population Land Area (3) Land Area
Average Total Generally, (1) Population; AND
annual number must be Barangay
(2) Territorial contiguity
income of contiguous
The creation of an LGU or its conversion
N.B. inhabitan
from one level to another level shall be
ts within
based on verifiable indicators of viability
and projected capacity to provide services.
[LGC, sec. 7]
Complianc Departme National Lands
e attested nt of Statistics Manageme N.B. Because “highly urbanized city” (HUC)
by: Finance Office nt Bureau is a classification of cities, the LGC appears
to contemplate a situation where a
Province P20M 250,000 2,000 sq.
municipality or a cluster of barangays is
[LGC, sec. (1991 km.
first converted into a city before being
461] prices)
classified into an HUC [see sec. 451-453]
Highly P50M 200,000 100 sq. km.
Urbanized (1991 i. Income
City prices) Income must be sufficient to provide for all
[sec. 452] essential government facilities and services
commensurate with the size of its population.
Compone P100M 150,000 100 sq. km. [LGC, sec. 7]
nt City (2000
[sec. 450, prices) What is included in average annual income:
as Income accruing to the general fund, exclusive


of special funds, transfers, and non-recurring Composed of 1 Composed of 2

income. [LGC, sec. 442, 450, 461] or more islands or more islands
The internal revenue allotment (IRA) forms City
[LGC, sec. [LGC, sec.
part of the income of the LGU. The funds 450(b)] 450(b)]
generated from local taxes, IRA, and
Composed of 1 Composed of 2
national wealth utilization proceeds accrue
or more islands or more islands
to the general fund of the LGU.[Alvares v. Municipality
[LGC, sec. [LGC, sec.
Guingona (1996)]
442(a)] 442(b)]
[No Composed of 2
ii. Population
requirement] or more islands
Total number of inhabitants within the Barangay
[LGC, sec.
territorial jurisdiction of the local government
unit. [LGC, sec. 7]
LGC IRR, art. 9(2) expresses the true
iii. Land Area (Territory) Congressional intent and corrects the
Land area must be “congressional oversight” in not placing a
(1) Contiguous, unless it comprises of two or land area exception under the LGC.
more islands or is separated by an LGU [Navarro v. Ermita (2011), on the creation of
independent of the others; the province of Dinagat Islands]
(2) Properly identified by metes and bounds
with technical descriptions; and, C.3. OTHER LGUS
(3) Sufficient to provide for such basic services
and facilities to meet the requirements of i. Special Metropolitan Political Subdivisions
its populace. [LGC, sec. 7] Created by Congress, subject to a plebiscite
Component cities/municipalities retain
Land Area (Territory) requirements, exceptions: their basic autonomy and are entitled to
Need not follow Need not be their own local executive and legislative
land area contiguous assemblies.
The jurisdiction of the metropolitan
Under the LGC: (a) Composed
authority that will be created shall be
No exception. of 2 or more
limited to basic services requiring
islands; or
coordination. [CONST. art. X, sec. 11]
Under the LGC
IRR: Composed (b) Separated N.B. The MMDA is not an LGU, much less a
of 1 or more by cities
which do special metropolitan political subdivision. “The
islands [LGC MMDA is a ‘development authority’ which is a
IRR, art. 9(2); not
Province ‘national agency, not a political government
held valid under contribute
to the unit.’” [MMDA v. Bel-Air(2000)]
Navarro v.
income of The scope of the MMDA's function is
Ermita (2011)]
the limited to the delivery of [7 basic services
province enumerated in its charter.] It is not vested
[LGC, sec. with police power, let alone legislative
461(b)] power. All its functions are administrative in
nature. [MMDA v. Bel-Air (2000)]


ii. Highly Urbanized Cities and Independent Requisites:

Component Cities (1) Apparently valid law under which the
corporation may be formed;
Highly Urbanized Cities and Independent (2) Attempt in good faith to organize the
Component Cities shall be independent of the corporation;
Province. [CONST. art. X, sec. 12] (3) Colorable compliance with law; and
Independent Component Cities are those (4) Assumption of corporate powers.
whose charters prohibit their voters from [Municipality of Malabang v. Benito
voting for provincial elective officials. They (1969)]
are independent of the province. [LGC, sec.
451] Effect of Being Classified as a De Facto
Highly Urbanized Cities are those that meet Corporation
the higher population threshold for cities in
the LGC [see LGC, sec. 452(a)]. Collateral attacks are not allowed. The action
to attack its personality is reserved to the state
iii. Autonomous Regions in a proceeding for quo warranto or any other
Consist of provinces, cities, and municipalities direct proceeding. The proceeding must be:
and geographical areas sharing common and (1) Brought in the name of the Republic of
distinctive historical and cultural heritage, the Philippines
economic and social structures, and other (2) Commenced by the Solicitor General or
relevant characteristics within the framework of
the fiscal when directed by the
the Constitution;
The President exercises general supervision
(3) Timely raised [Municipality of San
over such region;
All powers and responsibilities not granted to it
Narciso v. Mendez (1994)]
by law or the Constitution shall be vested in the
National Government;
LGC’s Conversion of De Facto Corporations to
Created via organic act for each autonomous
De Jure
region, with participation of the regional Sec. 442(d. LGC). Municipal districts which were
consultative commission. The organic act: organized pursuant to presidential issuances or
(1) Defines the basic structure of government executive orders and which have their respective set
for the region consisting of the executive of elective municipal officials holding office at the
department and legislative assemblies, time of the effectivity of the LGC are considered as
both of which shall be elective and regular municipalities.
representative of the constituent political
units; and, v. Sub-provinces
(2) Provides for special courts with personal, Existing sub-provinces are hereby converted into
family, and property law jurisdiction. regular provinces upon approval by a majority of
[ X,sec. 15-18] the votes cast in a plebiscite to be held in the said
subprovinces and the original provinces directly
iv. De Facto Corporations – Formed when there affected[.] [LGC, sec. 462]
is defect in the creation of a municipal
corporation but its legal existence has been
recognized and acquiesced publicly and



i. Division and Merger Ground: An LGU may be abolished when its

Requirements: Division and merger shall income, population, or land area has been
comply with the same requirements prescribed irreversibly reduced to less than the minimum
for the creation of an LGU. [LGC, sec. 8] standards prescribed for its creation as
certified by the national agencies concerned to
Limitations: the Congress or the sanggunian. [LGC, sec. 9]
Division shall not reduce the income,
population, or land area of the LGU or Resulting merger: The law or ordinance
LGUs concerned to less than the minimum abolishing an LGU shall specify the province,
requirements prescribed; city, municipality, or barangay with which the
LGU sought to be abolished will be
The income classification of the original incorporated or merged. [LGC, sec. 9]
LGU or LGUs shall not fall below its current
classification prior to the division [LGC, sec. The fact that nobody resides in an LGU does
8] not result in its automatic cessation. The
Congress or the sanggunian concerned must
Effects of Division and Merger: pass a law or an ordinance for the abolition of
such LGU, subject to the mandatory
Under the old REV. ADM. CODE, the effect of
requirement of a plebiscite. [Sultan Usman
division and merger are determined by the
Sarangani v. COMELEC (2000)]
law effecting such. [sec. 68] There is no
equivalent provision in either the ADM.
Dissolution does not occur due to:
CODE (1987), the LGC, or the LGC IRR.
(1) Non-user or surrender of charter;
Following effects are taken from common
law. [MARTIN] (2) Failure to elect municipal officers;

Effects of Merger Effects of Division (3) Change of sovereignty; or

Legal existence and The legal existence of (4) Change of name or boundaries.[MARTIN]
right of office of the the original LGU is
annexed LGU are extinguished. iii. Downgrading
Ordinances of the [Silent] Downgrading falls within the meaning of
annexing LGU shall creation, division, merger, abolition, or
prevail substantial alteration; hence ratification in a
Title to property is Successor LGUs plebiscite is necessary. There is a material
acquired and debts acquire property, change in the political and economic rights of
are assumed by the rights, powers, and the LGU's inhabitants as well as its budget,
annexing LGU. obligations falling and thus reasonable to require the consent of
within their respective the affected population. The effects of
territorial limits. downgrading from independent component
city to component city are:
(1) The city mayor will be placed under the
administrative supervision of the Governor;


(2) Resolutions and ordinances passed by the

City Council will have to be reviewed by the B. DECENTRALIZATION V.
Provincial Board; and, DEVOLUTION
(3) Taxes will have to be shared with the Decentralization refers to either (1)
province. [Miranda v. Aguirre (1999)] decentralization of administration or to (2)
decentralization of power.
III. Principles of Local
Decentralization of Decentralization of
Autonomy Administration Power
Occurs when the Abdication of political
central government power in favor of
delegates LGUs declared to be
administrative powers autonomous regions,
Sec 2. Art X. Const. The territorial and political to political making the latter no
subdivisions shall enjoy local autonomy. subdivisions in order longer accountable to
to make it more the national
A.1. DECLARATION OF POLICY responsive. [Limbona government, but to its
(1) The territorial and political subdivisions of v. Mangellin (1989)] constituency. [Ganzon
the State shall enjoy genuine and v. CA (1991)]
meaningful local autonomy to enable them
to attain their fullest development as self- Devolution is the act by which the national
reliant communities and make them more government confers power and authority upon
effective partners in the attainment of the various local government units to perform
national goals. specific functions and responsibilities [LGC,
(2) The State shall provide for a more sec. 17]
responsive and accountable local
government structure instituted through a The principle of local autonomy under the
system of decentralization whereby local 1987 Constitution simply means
government units shall be given more decentralization. [Basco v. PAGCOR (1991)]
powers, authority, responsibilities, and N.B. Basco was decided prior to the LGC.
resources. Basco holds that the Constitution
(3) All national agencies are required to guarantees decentralization, but says
conduct periodic consultations with the nothing which precludes devolution. The
appropriate LGUs, NGOs, people’s Court later recognized that “the
organizations and other concerned sectors centerpiece of LGC is the system of
before any project or program is decentralization[.] Indispensable thereto is
implemented in their respective devolution and the LGC expressly provides
jurisdictions. [LGC, sec. 2] that ‘[a]ny provision on a power of a local
government unit shall be liberally
Congressional Pork Barrel goes against the
interpreted in its favor, and in case of
constitutional principles on local autonomy
doubt, any question thereon shall be
since it allows district representatives, who are
resolved in favor of devolution of powers
national officers, to substitute their judgments
and of the lower local government unit.’”
in utilizing public funds for local development.
[Belgica v. Ochoa (2013), on the PDAF]


[Tano v. Socrates (1997), citing LGC, sec. discretion, order the discretion to modify
5(a)] act undone or redone or replace them. If
Also, note that the Constitution provides by their subordinates the rules are not
for political autonomy (and not merely or even decide to do it observed, they may
administrative autonomy) for autonomous themselves. order the work done
regions. [Cordillera Broad Coalition v. COA or redone, but only to
(1990)] conform to such
rules. They may not
C. GENERAL SUPERVISION OVER prescribe their own
LOCAL GOVERNMENTS manner of execution
of the act.
SUPERVISION The Constitution confines the President's
The President of the Philippines shall exercise
power over local governments to one of
general supervision over local governments. general supervision
Provinces with respect to component cities and
municipalities, and cities and municipalities with D. LOCAL FISCAL AUTONOMY
respect to component barangays, shall ensure that
the acts of their component units are within the Under existing laws, LGUs enjoy not only
scope of their prescribed powers and functions. administrative autonomy, but also local fiscal
[CONST. art. X, sec. 4] autonomy.
This means that LGUs have the power to
Supervision v. Control [Pimentel v. Aguirre create their own sources of revenue in
(2000)] addition to their equitable share in the
Power of Supervision Power of Control national taxes released by the national
Overseeing; the Power of an officer to government, as well as the power to
power or authority of alter or modify or allocate their resources in accordance with
an officer to see that nullify or set aside their own priorities.
subordinate officers what a subordinate It extends to the preparation of their
perform their duties officer has done in budgets, and local officials in turn have to
the performance of work within the constraints thereof. They
his duties are not formulated at the national level
If subordinate fails, If subordinate fails, and imposed on local governments,
superior may take superior may whether they are relevant to local needs
such action or step as substitute the and resources or not. [Pimentel v. Aguirre
prescribed by law to judgment of the latter (2000)]
make them perform for that of the former.
their duties. D.1. SOURCES OF LGU FUNDS
Officers in control lay Supervising officials (1) Taxes, fees, and charges which accrue
down the rules in the merely see to it that exclusively for their use and disposition
performance or the rules are (2) Just share in national taxes which shall be
accomplishment of followed, but they automatically and directly released to
an act. If these rules themselves do not lay them
are not followed, they down such rules, nor (3) Equitable share in the proceeds from
may, in their do they have the utilization and development of national


wealth and resources within their territorial government does not matter. Any retention
jurisdiction [LGC, sec. 18] is prohibited. [Pimentel v. Aguirre (2000)]
Since under Art X, Sec. 6 of the
Constitution, only the just share of local
governments is qualified by the words “as
determined by law,” and not the release
thereof, the plain implication is that
Local government units shall have a just share, as
Congress is not authorized by the
determined by law, in the national taxes which shall
Constitution to hinder or impede the
be automatically released to them. [CONST. art. X,
sec. 6] automatic release of the IRA. [ACORD v.
Zamora (2005)]
General Rule: LGUs shall have a 40%share in
the national internal revenue taxes based on
the collection of the third fiscal year preceding
IV. Powers of Local
the current fiscal year. [LGC, sec. 284(c)] Government Units
Exception: When the national government Sources of Power:
incurs an unmanageable public sector deficit, (1) 1987 Constitution
the President authorized to reduce the (2) Local Government Code and special laws
allotment to 30%. [LGC, sec. 284, par. 2]. (3) Charter

Requisites for Exception:

(1) Unmanageable public sector deficit;
(2) Recommendation of the Secretaries of (a)
Finance, (b) Internal and Local Gov’t, and
Four Categories of Powers Exercised by LGUs:
(c) Budget and Management; and
(1) Powers expressly granted
(3) Consultation with (a) heads of both houses
(2) Powers necessarily implied therefrom
of Congress, and (b) presidents of the liga.
(3) Powers necessary, appropriate, or
[LGC, sec. 284, par. 2]
incidental for efficient and effective
Automatic Release: The share of each LGU
(4) Powers essential to the promotion of the
shall be released, without need of any further
general welfare [LGC, sec. 16]
action, directly to the respective treasurer on a
quarterly basis within five (5) days after the
Within their respective territorial jurisdictions,
end of each quarter, and which shall not be
LGUs shall ensure and support:
subject to any lien or holdback that may be
(a) Preservation and enrichment of culture
imposed by the national government for
(b) Promotion of health and safety
whatever purpose. [LGC, sec. 286(a)]
(c) Enhancement of the right of the people to a
Hence, sec. 4 of A.O. 372, withholding 10% balanced ecology
of the LGUs' IRA "pending the assessment (d) Development of self-reliant scientific and
and evaluation by the Development technological capabilities
Budget Coordinating Committee of the (d) Improvement of public morals
emerging fiscal situation" is invalid and (e) Enhancement of economic prosperity and
unconstitutional. The “temporary” nature social justice
of the retention by the national


(f) Promotion of full employment among Illustrations –Police Power Applied

residents (1) Prescribing zoning and classification of
(g) Maintenance of peace and order merchandise sold in the public market;
(h) Preservation of the comfort and (2) Condemnation and demolition of buildings
convenience of its inhabitants [LGC, sec. 16] found to be in dangerous or ruinous
Nature (3) Regulation of operation of tricycles;
The police power of a municipal corporation (4) Zoning regulations [Patalinghug v. CA
extends to all great public needs, and includes (1994)];
all legislation and functions of the municipal (5) Providing burial assistance to the poor
government. The drift is towards social welfare [Binay v. Domingo (1991)];
legislation geared towards state policies to (6) Enforcement of fishery laws within LGU
provide adequate social services, the waters [Tano v. Socrates (1997)]
promotion of general welfare, and social
justice. [Binay v. Domingo (1991)] Illustrations –Invalid Exercise of Police Power
(1) Prohibition of operation of night clubs, as it
Two Branches of General Welfare Clause is a lawful trade or pursuit of occupation
(1) General legislative power – Authorizes [Dela Cruz v. Paras (1983)];
municipal councils to enact ordinances and (2) Rescinding of mayor's permits based on
make regulations not repugnant to law arbitrary grounds [Greater Balanga Dev’t
and may be necessary to carry into effect Corp. v. Mun. of Balanga (1994)].
and discharge the powers and duties
conferred upon it by law B. EMINENT DOMAIN
(2) Police power proper – Authorizes the It is government's right to appropriate, in the
municipality to enact ordinances as may be nature of a compulsory sale to the State,
proper and necessary for the health and private property for public use or purpose.
safety, prosperity, morals, peace, good Inherently possessed by the national
order, comfort and convenience of the legislature, the power of eminent domain may
municipality and its inhabitant, and for the be validly delegated to local governments, other
protection of their property [Rural Bank of public entities and public utilities. [Moday v. CA
Makati, Inc. v. Municipality of Makati (1993)]
Requisites for the Exercise of Eminent Domain
Limitations by an LGU
(1) The General Welfare clause cannot be used (1) An ordinance [not a mere resolution]is
to justify an act not authorized by law. enacted by the local legislative council
(2) The exercise must pass the test of a valid authorizing the local Chief Executive to
ordinance [supra]. exercise the power of eminent domain;
The principle that the general welfare (2) The power is exercised for public use,
clause authorizes the abatement of purpose or welfare, or for the benefit of the
nuisances without judicial proceedings poor and the landless;
applies only to nuisances per se, or those (3) There is payment of just compensation
which affect the immediate safety of based on the fair market value of the
persons and property. [Tayaban v. People property at the time of taking; and,


(4) A valid and definite offer was previously swapping, land assembly or consolidation,
made to the owner of the property, but the land banking, donation to the Government,
offer was not accepted.[Heirs of Suguitan v. joint venture agreements, and negotiated
City of Mandaluyong (2000)] purchase.

Jurisdiction If all the other methods have been exhausted

An expropriation suit falls under the and expropriation to continue, the LGU shall
jurisdiction of the RTCs. The subject of an acquire lands for socialized housing in the
expropriation suit is the government’s exercise following order:
of eminent domain, a matter that is incapable (1) Government lands
of pecuniary estimation. [Barangay San Roque (2) Alienable lands of public domain
v. Heirs of Pastor (2000)] (3) Unregistered or abandoned and idle lands
(4) Lands within Areas for Priority
Just Compensation Development
The determination of “just compensation” (5) Unacquired BLISS sites
in eminent domain cases is a judicial (6) Private lands
function. Hence, a statutory provision on a
fixed formula in the computation of just Furthermore, lands of small-property owners
compensation in cases of acquisition of are exempt from expropriation for purposes of
easements of right of way is not binding socialized housing. “Small-property owners”
upon the Court. [National Power Corp. v. are defined by two elements:
Ileto (2012)] (1) They are owners of real property which
Just compensation is determined as of the consists of residential lands with an area of
time of actual taking [LGC, sec. 19] not more than 300 sq. meters in highly
urbanized cities, and 800 sq. meters in
Requisites for the Immediate Entry by the LGU other urban cities; and
(1) Filing of the complaint for expropriation (2) They do not own real property other than
sufficient in form and substance; and the same.
(2) Deposit of an amount equivalent to 15% of
the fair market value of the property to be C. TAXING POWER
expropriated based on the current tax Sec 5. Art X. Const. Each local government unit
declaration [LGC, sec. 19] shall have the power to create its own sources
of revenues and to levy taxes, fees, and
Upon compliance with the requisites, the charges subject to limitations as Congress may
issuance of a writ of possession becomes provide, consistent with the basic policy of
ministerial. There is no need for a hearing for local autonomy. Such taxes, fees, and charges
the writ to issue. [City of Iloilo v. Legaspi shall accrue exclusively to the local
(2004)] governments.

Socialized Housing [R.A. No. 7279]

Under the Urban Development and Housing
Act, expropriation by an LGU for purposes of
urban land reform and housing shall occur
only as a last resort. It must be shown by the
LGU that other methods of acquisition have
been exhausted: community mortgage, land



Annual ad valorem tax on real property may be
(1) Taxation shall be uniform;
levied by a:
(2) Taxes, fees, and charges:
(1) Province; or
(3) Shall be equitable and based as far as
(2)City; or
practicable on the taxpayer's ability to pay;
(3) Municipality within Metropolitan Manila
(4) Shall be levied and collected only for a
Area [LGC, sec. 232, LGC]
public purpose;
(5) Shall not be unjust, excessive, oppressive, Exemptions from Real Property Tax
or confiscatory; and The following are exempted from payment of
(6) Shall not be contrary to law, public policy, the real property tax:
national economic policy, or in restraint of (a) Real property owned by the Republic of the
trade; Philippines or any of its political
(7) Collection shall in no case be left to any subdivisions
private person; EXCEPT when the beneficial use thereof
(8) Revenue shall inure solely to the benefit of has been granted, for consideration or
the levying LGU, unless otherwise otherwise, to a taxable person;
specified; and (b) Charitable institutions, churches,
(9) Each LGU shall, as far as practicable, parsonages or convents appurtenant
evolve a progressive system of taxation thereto, mosques, nonprofit or religious
[LGC, sec. 130] cemeteries and all lands, buildings, and
improvements actually, directly, and
exclusively used for religious, charitable or
EXEMPTION PRIVILEGES educational purposes;
(c) All machineries and equipment that are
Unless otherwise provided in the LGC, tax actually, directly and exclusively used by
exemptions or incentives granted to, or local water districts and government-
enjoyed by all persons, whether natural or owned or –controlled corporations
juridical, including government-owned or - engaged in the supply and distribution of
controlled corporations were withdrawn upon water and/or generation and transmission
the effectivity of the LGC. of electric power;
(d) All real property owned by duly registered
Privileges Retained: Tax exemption privileges
cooperatives as provided for under R.A.
of the following were not withdrawn by the No. 6938; and
LGC: (e) Machinery and equipment used for
(1) Local water districts; pollution control and environmental
(2) Cooperatives duly registered under R.A. protection [LGC, sec. 234]
No. 6938; and
(3) Non-stock and non-profit hospitals and Withdrawal of Real Property Tax Exemption
educational institutions [LGC, sec. 193] Privileges
Except as otherwise provided by the LGC, any
exemption from payment of real property tax
previously granted to all persons, whether
natural or juridical, including all government-


owned or –controlled corporations, were Requisites for Temporary Closure

withdrawn upon the effectivity of the LGC (1) Via ordinance;
[LGC, sec. 234] (2) May be done due to:
a) Actual emergency;
C.4. OTHER LIMITATIONS ON TAXING b) Fiesta celebrations;
POWERS OF LGUS c) Public rallies;
Taxes already imposed by National Gov’t: d) Agricultural or industrial fairs; or
Generally, LGUs cannot impose taxes that e) Undertaking of public works and
are already imposed by the National highways, telecommunications, and
Government (e.g. income tax, documentary waterworks projects;
stamps, customs duties, excise taxes under (3) Duration of closure must be specified by
the NIRC, VAT) [See generally, LGC, sec. the by the local chief executive in a written
133] order; and
Persons exempted: LGUs cannot impose (4) If for the purpose of athletic, cultural, or
taxes, fees, and charges on (a) countryside civil activities, these must be officially
and barangay business enterprises; (b) sponsored, recognized, or approved by the
cooperatives duly registered under the local government. [LGC, sec. 21]
Cooperative Code; and National
Government, its agencies and Note: A City, Municipality, or Barangay may
instrumentalities, and local government also temporarily close and regulate the use
units. [LGC, sec. 133(n)-(o)] of any local street, road, thoroughfare or
o An instrumentality of the State or any other public place where shopping
National Government is exempt malls, Sunday, flea or night markets, or
from local taxation. [LGC, sec. shopping areas may be established for the
133(o)] Hence, the Manila general public. [Sec. 21(d)]
International Airport Authority,
Requisites for Permanent Closure
being such an instrumentality and
(1) Via ordinance approved by at least 2/3 of
not being an OGCC, is exempt from
all members of the Sanggunian;
local taxation. [MIAA v. CA (2006)]
(2) When necessary, an adequate substitute
o However, GOCCs are [generally]
for the public facility that is subject to
not exempt from local taxation.
closure should be provided;
[MIAA v. CA (2006)]
(3) Such ordinance must have provisions for
the maintenance of public safety therein;
ROADS (4) If a freedom park is permanently closed,
there must be a provision for its transfer or
Scope of LGU’s power to close [LGC, sec. 21] relocation to a new site. [sec. 21(a),(b)]
Road, alley, park or square is
National Local Such property permanently withdrawn
Temporary closure (1) Temporary; or from public use may be used or conveyed
only. (2) Permanent for any purpose for which other real
closure. property belonging to the LGU may be
lawfully used or conveyed. [sec. 21(b)]


Public Roads are Outside the Commerce of Man E.3. PRESIDING OFFICER
A public road may not be the subject of lease Legislative Body Presiding Officer
or contract, as public roads are properties for Sangguniang
public use outside the commerce of Panlalawigan
man.[Dacanay v. Asistio (1992)] Sangguniang
As long as a property owner has
Sangguniang Bayan Vice-Mayor
reasonable access to the general system of
streets, he has no right to compensation Punong Barangay
for the closure of a public street. The
Constitution does not undertake to The presiding officer shall vote only to
guarantee to a property owner the public break a tie.
maintenance of the most convenient route
A temporary presiding officer shall be
to his door. [Cabrera v. CA (1991)]
elected from and by the members present
and constituting a quorum, in the event of
E. LEGISLATIVE POWER the inability of the regular presiding officer
to preside at a session. The temporary
presiding officer shall certify within 10 days
Local legislative power shall be exercised by
from the passage of ordinances enacted
and resolutions adopted by the
(1) Sangguniang panlalawigan for the
sanggunian in the session over which he
temporarily presided. [LGC, sec. 49]
(2) Sangguniang panlungsod for the city;
Non-membership of Acting Governor: A
(3) Sangguniang bayan for the municipality;
Vice-Governor who is concurrently an
Acting Governor is actually a quasi-
(4) Sangguniang barangay for the barangay
Governor. He is deemed a non-member of
[LGC, sec. 48]
the sanggunian for the time being and so
E.2. ORDINANCE V. RESOLUTION cannot preside over its sessions. The
[Garcia v. COMELEC (1994)] procedure for the election of a temporary
Ordinance Resolution presiding officer in case of inability of the
Mere declaration of the regular presiding officer shall apply in such
Considered as a law opinion of the case.[Gamboa v. Aguirre (1999)]
lawmaking body
On matters applying to E.4. INTERNAL RULES OF PROCEDURE
persons or things in On a specific matter On the first regular session following the
general election of its members and within 90 days
Intended to thereafter, the sanggunian shall adopt or
permanently direct and Temporary in nature
update its existing rules of procedure. [Sec. 50,
A third reading is not
necessary unless On the first regular session the
A third reading is sanggunian concerned shall adopt or
decided otherwise by a
majority of all the update its existing rules of
sanggunian members procedure.LGC, sec. 50 does not mandate
that no other business may be transacted


on the first regular session. [Malonzo v.

Zamora (1999)] General rule: A majority of the members
The rules of procedure shall provide present, there being a quorum is required for
for: the valid enactment of an ordinance or
(1) Organization of the Sanggunian and resolution [LGC IRR, art. 107(g)]
the election of its officers
(2) Creation of Standing Committees Exception: When otherwise provided by the
(3) Order and calendar of business for LGC (e.g. any ordinance or resolution
each session authorizing or directing the payment of money
(4) Disciplinary rules for members for or creating a liability requires the approval of
disorderly behavior and absences the majority of all the sanggunian members).
without justifiable cause for 4
consecutive sessions It is legally permissible for the sanggunian to
The penalties which the sanggunian may provide for a higher voting requirement for the
impose are: (1) censure, (2) reprimand, (3) enactment or amendment of a particular
exclusion from the session, (4) suspension ordinance. [Casiño v. CA (1991)]
for not more than 60 days, and (5)
When there is no quorum:
The presiding officer may declare a recess
o The penalty of suspension or expulsion
until such time as a quorum is constituted.
requires the concurrence of at least 2/3
of all the sanggunian members. A majority of the members present may
o A member convicted by final judgment also adjourn from day to day and may
to imprisonment of at least 1 year for a compel the attendance of any member
crime involving moral turpitude shall absent without justifiable cause by
be automatically expelled from the designating a member of the sanggunian
sanggunian. [LGC, sec. 50] to arrest the absent member and present
him at the session.
E.5. QUORUM o The member designated shall be
The presence of a quorum is required to assisted by a member or members
transact official business. A majority of all of the police force in the territorial
members of the Sanggunian who have been jurisdiction of the LGU concerned.
elected and qualified shall constitute a If there is still no quorum, no business shall
quorum. [LGC, sec. 53] be transacted. The presiding officer, upon
The presence of the presiding officer is proper motion duly approved by the
considered in determining the presence of members present, shall then declare the
a quorum since a presiding officer is session adjourned for lack of quorum.
considered a “member” of the [LGC, sec. 53]
sanggunian.[La Carlota City v. Rojo (2012)]
Quorum shall be based on the total
number of members without regard to the First session following the election, the
filing of a leave of absence. The filing of a Sanggunian shall, by resolution, fix the
leave of absence does not affect a day, time, and place of its regular sessions.
member's election to, and qualification as Minimum Number of Regular Sessions:
member of, a local legislative
body.[Zamora v. Caballero (2004)]


o Sangguniang Panlalawigan, i. Approval: Local chief executive shall affix his

Panlungsod, and Bayan: Once a signature on each and every page of the
week ordinance. [LGC, sec. 54]
o Sangguniang Barangay: Twice a The signature of the local chief executive in
month the approval of an ordinance or resolution
Public sessions: All sessions shall be open is not a mere ministerial act, as it requires
to the public. the exercise of analysis and judgment. This
o Exception: Closed-door session is is part of the legislative process.[Delos
ordered by majority of the Reyes v. Sandiganbayan (1997)]
members present, there being a
quorum, in the public interest or ii. Disapproval (Veto):The local chief executive
for reasons of security, decency or shall veto the ordinance, stating his reasons in
morality. writing. [LGC, sec. 54]
No two sessions, regular or special, may be Grounds: Under the LGC, only two grounds:
held in a single day. (1) Ultra vires; or
(2) Prejudicial to public welfare, stating his
E.7 SPECIAL SESSIONS reasons in writing.
May be called by the local chief executive The local chief executive may veto an
or by majority of the Sanggunian. ordinance or resolution only once.
Written notice to the members shall be Periods: The ordinance is returned with
served personally at their usual place of objections to the Sanggunian within 15
residence at least 24 hours before the days in the case of Sangguniang
special session is held. Panlalawigan, or within 10 days in the case
of Sangguniang Panlungsod/Bayan;
No other matters may be considered
otherwise, the ordinance shall be deemed
except those stated in the notice unless
otherwise concurred in by 2/3 vote of those
present, there being a quorum. Override: The veto may be overridden by
the Sanggunian upon a 2/3 vote of all its
No veto for barangays: The veto power
cannot be exercised by the punong
Local legislative bodies do not have the power
barangay (since he is a member of the
to subpoena witnesses and the power to
sangguniang barangay). The punong
punish non-members for contempt. They may
barangay signs the ordinances enacted by
only invite resource persons who are willing to
the sangguniang barangay upon their
supply information which may be relevant to
the proposed ordinance. [Negros Oriental II
Electric Cooperative, Inc. v. Sangguniang Item veto:The local chief executive, except
Panlungsod of Dumaguete (1987)] the punong barangay, shall have the
power to veto any particular item or items
ORDINANCES (1) appropriations ordinance;
(2) ordinance or resolution adopting the local
development plan or public investment
program; and


(3) ordinance directing the payment of money appropriations ordinance of the previous
or creating liability year corresponding to those vetoed shall
In case of an item veto, the veto shall not be deemed re-enacted.
affect the items not objected to. If the veto
is not overridden, the items in the


Following rules apply to (1) ordinances and (2) resolutions approving the local government plan and
public investment programs.

Publication Effectivity
General Rule
[LGC, sec. 59(a)]
Posted (1) in a bulletin board at the entrance of 10 days after posting, unless otherwise stated in
the provincial capitol or city, municipal, or the ordinance
barangay hall, as the case may be, and (2) in at
least 2 other conspicuous places
Highly Urbanized and Independent Component Cities
[LGC, sec. 59(d)]
In addition to posting, main features of the 10 days after completion of posting and
ordinance shall be published once (a) in a local publication requirements, unless otherwise stated
newspaper of general circulation; or if none, (b) in in the ordinance
any newspaper of general circulation
All Ordinances with Penal Sanctions
[LGC, sec. 59(d), 511]
(1) Posted at prominent places in the provincial Unless otherwise provided therein, the ordinance
capitol, or city, municipal or barangay hall for a shall take effect on the day following its
minimum period of 3 consecutive weeks; publication, or at the end of the period of posting,
whichever occurs later.
(2) Published in a newspaper of general
circulation within the LGU concerned (where
available) except in the case of barangay
ordinances; AND

(3) Gist of such penal ordinance shall be

published in a newspaper of general circulation
within the province where the local legislative
body belongs; if none, posting shall be made in
all municipalities and cities of the said province


Tax Ordinances and Revenue Measures

[LGC, sec. 188]
Within 10 days after their approval, certified true 10 days after publication or posting, unless
copies shall be published in full for 3 consecutive otherwise stated in the ordinance
days (a) in a newspaper of local circulation, or, (b) if
none, the same may be posted in at least 2
conspicuous and publicly accessible places


Sanggunian of Component Cities and Sangguniang Barangay
By Whom
Sangguniang Panlalawigan Sangguniang Panlungsod or Sangguniang Bayan
Within 3 days from approval, forwarded by Within 10 days from approval, forwarded by Sang.
Secretary of Sang; Barangay
(1) Ordinances and (2) Resolutions approving local All barangay ordinances
development plans and public investment
How Reviewed
Sangguniang Panlalawigan shall examine the The sanggunian concerned shall examine the
documents or transmit them first to the Prov. Atty. ordinance
(if none, to Prov. Prosecutor) for comments and
Grounds for Rejection
If beyond the power conferred upon the Whether consistent with law and the city and
Sanggunian concerned municipal ordinances
Period to Review
30 days; if no action after 30 days, presumed 30 days; if no action after 30 days, deemed
consistent with law and valid approved

Any attempt to any enforce any ordinance Prior Hearing Requirement for Tax and
or resolution approving the local Revenue Measures
development plan or public investment Public hearings must be conducted prior to the
program, after the disapproval thereof, enactment of a tax ordinance or revenue
shall be sufficient ground for the measure. [LGC, sec. 187-188]
suspension or dismissal of the official or
employee concerned. [LGC,sec. 58]


Review of Tax Ordinances by the Sec. of Justice (2) Any business, financial, or professional
[sec. 187] relationship or relation by
Within 30 days from the effectivity of tax affinity/consanguinity up to the 4th degree
ordinances or revenue measures, questions on with any person affected by any ordinance
their constitutionality or legality may be raised or resolution under consideration by the
on appeal to the Sec. of Justice. sanggunian which may result in a conflict
Sec. of Justice shall render a decision of interest. Such relationship shall include:
within 30 days from receipt of appeal. (a) Ownership of stock or capital, or
The appeal shall not have the effect of investment, in the entity or firm to
suspending the effectivity of the ordinance which the ordinance or resolution may
and the accrual of the tax, fee or charge. apply; and
Within 30 days from receipt of Sec. of (b) Contracts or agreements with any
Justice’s decision or the lapse of the 60- person or entity which may be affected
day period without the Sec. of Justice by the ordinance or resolution. [sec.
taking action, the aggrieved party may file 51(a)]
action with competent court.
Conflict of Interest refers in general to one
Sec. 187 is valid as it is merely an exercise
where it may be reasonably deduced that a
of the power of supervision [Drilon v. Lim
member of the sanggunian may not act in
the public interest due to some private,
pecuniary, or other personal considerations
that may tend to affect his judgment to the
prejudice of the service or the public. [sec.
Exception: If the Constitution or statute has
When: Disclosure is required
a definition which specifically applies to
(1) Upon assumption of office [sec. 51(a)];
the situation. [sec. 51(a)]
(2) Before participation in the deliberations on
the ordinance or resolution under i. Requisites for a Valid Ordinance
consideration [sec. 51(b)(1)]; [City of Manila v. Laguio, Jr. (2005)]
(3) If he did not participate during the (1) It must be within the corporate powers of
deliberations, before voting on the the LGU to enact;
ordinance or resolution on second and (2) It must be passed according to the
third reading [sec. 51(b)(1)]; and procedure prescribed by law; and
(4) when taking a position or making privilege (3) It must conform to the following
speech that may affect his interests [sec. substantive requirements:
51(b)(2)] (a) Not contrary to the Constitution and
How: (1) In writing and (2) submitted to the
(b) Not unfair or oppressive
secretary of the sanggunian or the secretary of
(c) Not partial or discriminatory
the committee of which he is a member. [sec.
(d) Not unreasonable
(e) May regulate, but not prohibit trade
(f) Must be general and consistent with
public policy.
(1) Any business and financial interests; and


V. Local Initiative and Referendum

Legal process whereby the registered voters of an LGU may directly
propose, enact, or amend an ordinance. [sec. 120]
All registered voters of the provinces, cities, municipalities, and
Exercised by
barangays. [sec. 121]
15 days after the Certification by the COMELEC that the proposition is
approved by a majority of the votes cast [sec. 123]
(1) Local initiative shall not be exercised more than once a year.
(2) Initiative shall extend only to subjects or matters which are within
the legal powers of the sanggunians to enact.
Limitations on Power of (3) If at any time before the initiative is held, the sanggunian
Initiative concerned adopts in toto the proposition presented and the local
chief executive approves the same, the initiative shall be cancelled.
However, those against such action may, if they so desire, apply for
initiative. [sec. 124]
Any proposition or ordinance approved through the system of
initiative and referendum:
Shall not be repealed, modified, or amended by the sanggunian
concerned within six (6) months from the date of its approval; and
Limitations upon
May be amended, modified, or repealed by the sanggunian within
three (3) years thereafter [only] by a vote of three-fourths (3/4) of all
its members.
However, in case of barangays, the period shall be eighteen months.
[sec. 125]

A.1. PROCEDURE [LGC, SEC. 122] representatives may invoke their power of
(1) File petition with local legislature. Not less initiative, giving notice thereof to the local
than 1,000 registered voters in case of legislative body concerned
provinces and cities, 100 in case of Two or more propositions may be
municipalities, and 50 in case of submitted in an initiative.
barangays, may file a petition with the (3) Collection of signatures. Proponents shall
local legislative body, proposing the have 90 days in case of provinces and
adoption, enactment, repeal, or cities, 60 days in case of municipalities,
amendment, of any ordinance or and 30 days in case of barangays, from
resolution. notice to collect the required number of
(2) Invoke initiative by giving notice. If no signatures.
favorable action thereon is made by local The petition shall be signed before the
legislative body within 30 days from its Election Registrar, or his designated
presentation, the proponents through their representative, in the presence of a
duly authorized and registered representative of the proponent, and a


representative of the local legislative B. LOCAL REFERENDUM

body concerned in a public place in the Legal process whereby the registered
LGU. voters of the local government unit may
(4) Certification of COMELEC and setting of approve, amend, or reject any ordinance
date of vote. The COMELEC shall certify enacted by the Sanggunian.
that the required number of signatures has
It shall be held under the direction of
been obtained and shall set a date for
COMELEC within 60 days in case of
approval of the proposition within 60 days
provinces and cities, 45 days in case of
from the date of certification by the
municipalities and 30 days in case of
COMELEC in case of provinces and cities,
barangays.[sec. 126]
45 days in case of municipalities, and 30
days in case of barangays.
(5) Voting and Results. The results of the
initiative shall be certified and proclaimed
by the COMELEC.



Initiative Referendum
Initiated by the people directly. Law-making body submits matter to
How initiated the registered voters of its territorial
To legislate, because the law-making To approve or reject any ordinance or
body fails or refuses to enact the resolution which is duly enacted or
Objective or Purpose ordinance or resolution that they approved by such lawmaking
desire or because they want to amend authority.
or modify one already existing.
No role [except for unfavorable action Legislative. A referendum consists
on the petition submitted to it]. merely of the electorate approving or
Initiative is a process of law-making by rejecting what has been drawn up or
Role of Legislature
the people themselves without the enacted by a legislative body. [SBMA v.
participation and against the wishes of COMELEC (1996)]
their elected representatives.


VI. Corporate Powers Suability v. Liability: However, the fact that

they are suable does not necessarily mean
that they are liable. Reference must be had
Sec 22. LGC. Every local government unit, as a to the applicable law and established facts
corporation, shall have the following powers: to determine their liability. [San Fernando,
(1) To have continuous succession in its La Union v. Firme (1991)]
corporate name; The Congressional grant of the consent to
(2) To sue and be sued; be sued only means that the State (here,
(3) To have and use a corporate seal; the LGU) gives up its immunity from suit.
(4) To acquire and convey real or personal This does not concede liability, but merely
property; allows the plaintiff a chance to prove, if it
(5) To enter into contracts; and can, that the State or its officials are liable.
(6) To exercise such other powers as are [USA v. Guinto (1990)]
granted to corporations, subject to the
limitations provided in this Code and B. TO ACQUIRE AND SELL PROPERTY
other laws.
Local government units may continue using,
modify, or change their existing corporate
seals: Provided, That newly established local Nature and control: If the property is owned
government units or those without corporate by the municipality in its public and
seals may create their own corporate seals governmental capacity, the property is
which shall be registered with the Department public and Congress has absolute control
of the Interior and Local Government: over it. If the property is owned in its
Provided, further, that any change of corporate private or proprietary capacity, then it is
seal shall also be registered as provided patrimonial and Congress has no absolute
hereon. control. The municipality cannot be
Unless otherwise provided in this Code, no deprived of it without due process and
contract may be entered into by the local chief payment of just compensation.
executive in behalf of the local government To be considered public, it is enough that
unit without prior authorization by the the property be held and devoted for
sanggunian concerned. A legible copy of such governmental purposes like local
contract shall be posted at a conspicuous administration, public education and
place in the provincial capitol or the city, public health. [Province of Zamboanga del
municipal or barangay hall. Norte v. City of Zamboanga (1968)]
Local government units shall enjoy full Regardless of the source or classification of
autonomy in the exercise of their proprietary land in the possession of a municipality,
functions and in the limitations provided in this excepting those acquired with its own
Code and other applicable laws. [LGC, sec. 22] funds in its private or corporate capacity,
such property is held in trust for the State
A. TO SUE AND BE SUED for the benefit of its inhabitants, whether it
be for governmental or proprietary
LGUs are suable even if they are acting in their purposes. It holds such lands subject to the
governmental capacity because they are given paramount power of the legislature to
the power “to sue and be sued.” dispose of the same, for after all it owes its
creation to it as an agent for the


performance of a part of its public work, Approval by national agency concerned

the municipality being a subdivision or
instrumentality thereof for purposes of General rule: No necessity of securing
local administration. [Rabuco v. Villegas clearance or approval from national
(1974)] agency or from any higher LGU

C. TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTS Exception: If the projects financed by such

grants or assistance be with national
C.1. REQUISITES security implications, they shall be
(1) Entered into by the local chief executive in approved by the national agency
behalf of the LGU; concerned. Failure by such national agency
(2) Prior authorization by Sanggunian to act on request for approval within 30
concerned; and days from receipt thereof will render the
(3) Legible copy of contract posted at a projects deemed approved.
conspicuous place in theprovincial capitol Reporting duty: The local chief executive
or city, municipal or barangay hall [LGC, shall report to both Houses of Congress
sec. 22] and the President the nature, amount and
terms of such assistance within 30 days
Appropriation ordinance as prior upon signing of the grant agreement or
authorization: Prior authorization may deed of donation [LGC, sec. 23]
come in the form of a sufficiently detailed
appropriation ordinance, but not when the C.2. ULTRA VIRES CONTRACTS
ordinance is merely a reenacted budget. An LGU can legitimately exercise powers of
Specificity requirement: No further government only within the limits of the
authorization is required if the authority granted to it, or else its acts are ultra
appropriation ordinance already contains vires.
in sufficient detail the project and cost of a Illustration: A public street is property for
capital outlay such that all the local chief public use; hence, outside the commerce of
executive needs to do after undergoing the man. Being outside the commerce of man,
requisite public bidding is to execute the it may not be the subject of lease or other
contract.[See Quisumbing v. Garcia (2008)] contract. The city government, contrary to
o The appropriation ordinance is not law, has been leasing portions of the
sufficient if it merely describes the streets. Such lease or license is null and
projects in generic terms (e.g. void for being contrary to law. [Dacanay v.
“infrastructure projects,” “inter- Asistio (1992)]
municipal waterworks.”) [Id.]

Authority to Negotiate and Secure Grants

Who may negotiate: Local Chief Executive,
upon authority of Sanggunian.
What are negotiated: Financial grants or
donations in kind in support of basic
services or facilities from local and foreign
assistance agencies.


Types of Ultra Vires Acts

Void Ultra Vires Acts Ultra Vires Acts Subject to Ratification/Validation
Act is outside the municipality’s jurisdiction Act is attended only by an irregularity but
remains within municipality’s powers
Examples: Examples:
(1) Contract entered into beyond the express, (1) Contract entered into by the improper
implied, or inherent powers of the LGU; department, board, officer, or agent;
(2) Contract does not comply with substantive (2) Contract does not comply with the formal
requirements of law (e.g. actual appropriation requirements of a written contract (e.g.
and certificate of availability of funds for an Statute of Frauds)
expenditure of public funds)
[Land Bank v. Cacayuran (2013)]

VI. Liability of Local Government Units

Local government units and their officials are The obligation imposed by article 2176 is
not exempt from liability for death or injury to demandable not only for one's own acts or
persons or damage to property. [LGC, sec. 24] omissions, but also for those of persons for
whom one is responsible. […]
Under pre-LGC case law and B.P. Blg. 337,
an LGU is not liable for the acts of its The State is responsible in like manner when it
officers or agents in the performance of its acts through a special agent; but not when the
government functions. damage has been caused by the official to
However, it is not clear if sec. 24 intended whom the task done properly pertains, in
to broaden the liability of local which case what is provided in article 2176
governments and their officials, since the shall be applicable. […]
reference to immunity for official functions
was removed. [GATMAYTAN] The responsibility treated of in this article shall
cease when the persons herein mentioned
When a member of a city or municipal police prove that they observed all the diligence of a
force refuses or fails to render aid or protection good father of a family to prevent damage.
to any person in case of danger to life or [CIVIL CODE, art. 2180]
property, such peace officer shall be primarily
liable for damages, and the city or municipality Provinces, cities and municipalities shall be
shall be subsidiarily responsible therefor. The liable for damages for the death of, or injuries
civil action herein recognized shall be suffered by, any person by reason of the
independent of any criminal proceedings, and defective condition of roads, streets, bridges,
a preponderance of evidence shall suffice to public buildings, and other public works under
support such action. [CIVIL CODE, art. 34] their control or supervision. [Art. 2189, Civil


Political/Governmental Acts Corporate/Proprietary Acts

LGU generally not liable unless a statute provides Can be held liable ex contractu or ex delicto
otherwise, e.g.
(1) Damages due to defective condition of roads,
streets, buildings, and other public works
[CIVIL CODE, art. 2189]
(2) Damages due to failure of a peace officer to
render aid or protection in case of danger to
life or property [CIVIL CODE, art. 34]
No valid defense for non-performance Defense of due diligence in the selection and
supervision of its officers
Personal Liability of Officers
Officers or agents acting within official duties are Officers and agents are like (a) individuals; or (b)
not liable unless they acted willfully and the directors and officers of a private corporation,
maliciously [Mendoza v. de Leon (1916); but see i.e. they are liable if they acted in bad faith or with
LGC, sec. 24] gross negligence. [See Mendoza]
Application of Respondeat Superior
Respondeat superior does not apply Respondeat superior applies [Mendoza v. de Leon

Illustrations which the LGU is not authorized to make even

if it has accepted the benefits thereunder [San
A. ON CONTRACT Diego v. Municipalityof Naujan (1960), on the
lease of municipal waters without a public
General Rule: The LGU is liable only for bidding]
contracts that are intra vires.
Exception: The Doctrine of Implied Municipal Under jurisprudence, liability of the LGU would
Liability provides that an LGU may become depend on the nature of the act.
obligated upon an implied contract to pay If in the performance of a governmental
reasonable value of the benefits accepted by it function, the LGU is not liable. [Palafox v.
as to which it has the general power to Province of Ilocos Norte (1958), on an
contract. [Province of Cebu v. IAC (1987), on the accident during the construction of a
hiring of a private counsel by the governor provincial road.]
which was not repudiated by the provincial If in the performance of a proprietary
board] function, the LGU is liable. Hence, the LGU
is liable for:
Exception to the Exception: The LGU may not o The improper grant of a ferry service
be estopped in order to validate a contract franchise [Mendoza v. de Leon (1916)];


o Deaths caused by a collapsed stage in

a town fiesta [Torio v. Fontanilla (1978)]
VIII. Settlement of
Liability for back pay of employees
Boundary Disputes
LGUs may be held liable for the back pay or
wages of employees or laborers illegally A. AMICABLE SETTLEMENT
separated from the service, whether employed
to perform (a) proprietary functions (e.g. Boundary disputes between and among local
market sweepers) or (b) performing primarily government units shall, as much as possible,
governmental functions (e.g. policemen). be settled amicably. [LGC, sec. 118 (a)-(d)] To
[Guillergan v. Ganzon (1966)] this end:
Note: Guillergan’s obiter on policemen cited
cases which applied a law expressly awarding Boundary Where Amicably
them back pay in case they are acquitted of dispute settled by
administrative charges. between
2 or more Same city or Sangguniang
Liability under Art. 2189based on control barangays municipality Panlungsod or
For liability to arise under Art. 2189 of the Civil Sangguniang
Code, ownership of the roads, streets, bridges, Bayan
public buildings and other public works, is not 2 or more Same Sangguniang
a controlling factor, it being sufficient that a municipalities province Panlalawigan
province, city or municipality has control or Municipalities Different Jointly referred
supervision thereof. [Municipality of San Juan v. or component provinces to
CA (2005)] cities sanggunians
of the
The public official is personally liable for Component N/A Jointly referred
damages city or to respective
(1) In contracts and torts, if he acts (i) Municipality v. sanggunians
beyond the scope of his powers; or(ii) Highly of the parties
with bad faith [see Rivera v. Maclang urbanized city
(1963)]; and Between 2 or
(2) For his refusal or neglect, without more highly
justifiable cause, to perform his official urbanized
duty. [CIVIL CODE, art. 27] cities

While a municipality cannot be bound by a N.B.The power of provincial boards to settle

contract which is void for being ultra vires, boundary disputes is limited to implementing
“case law states that the [officers] who the law creating a municipality. Thus,
authorized the same can be held personally provincial boards do not have the authority to
accountable for acts claimed to have been approve agreements which in effect amend the
performed in connection with official duties boundary stated in the creating statute.
where they have acted ultra vires.” [See Land [Municipality of Jimenez v. Baz (1996)]
Bank v. Cacayuran (2013)]


B. FORMAL TRIAL jurisdiction is an issue raised in the

pending boundary dispute, until and
Trial by Sanggunian: In the event the unless such issue is resolved with finality,
sanggunian fails to effect an amicable to define the territorial jurisdiction of the
settlement within 60 days from referral of the proposed barangay would only be an
dispute, exercise in futility. [City of Pasig v.
(a) It shall issue a certification to that COMELEC (1999)]
effect; and
(b) The dispute shall be formally tried by
the sanggunian concerned, which shall
decide the issue within 60 days from
the date of the certification referred to
above. [LGC, sec. 118(e)]

Trial by RTC: When the dispute between two

LGUs do not fall under those enumerated in
LGC, sec. 118, the RTC shall exercise original
jurisdiction over the settlement of a boundary
dispute between a municipality and an
independent component city. [Municipality of
Kananga v. Madrona (2003), applying B.P. Blg.
129, sec. 19(6)or the RTC’s general original


Appeal of the Sanggunian Decision

When: Within the time and manner
prescribed by the Rules of Court
Where: Proper Regional Trial Court having
jurisdiction over the area in dispute.[LGC,
sec. 119]

N.B. Maintenance of the Status Quo

Pending final resolution of the dispute, the
status of the affected area prior to the dispute
shall be maintained and continued for all
purposes. [LGC IRR, art. 18]
The conduct of a plebiscite on the creation
of a barangay should be suspended or
cancelled in view of a pending boundary
dispute between two local governments
involving an area covered by the proposed
barangay. Precisely because territorial


IX. Succession of
Elective Officials
Permanent Vacancy occurs when an elective
local official:
(1) Fills a higher vacant office;
(2) Refuses to assume office;
(3) Fails to qualify;
(4) Dies;
(5) Is removed from office;
(6) Voluntarily resigns; or
(7) Is otherwise permanently incapacitated
from discharging the functions of his office.
[LGC, sec. 44, ¶ 2]


[LGC, SEC. 44]

Vacant Positions Successor

Governor; or Vice Governor;or
Mayor Vice Mayor
Vice-Governor;or Highest-ranking Sangguinang member
Governor and Vice-Governor; or Highest-ranking Sanggunian member to become Governor/Mayor;
Mayor and Vice-Mayor Second highest-ranking Sanggunian member to become Vice-

Subsequent vacancies filled according to their rank.

Punong Barangay Highest-ranking Sangguniang Barangay Member

Resolution of ties: A tie between or among Ranking in the sanggunian: Determined on

highest ranking sangguninan members the basis of the proportion of votes
shall be resolved by the drawing of lots. obtained by each winning candidate to the
[LGC IRR, art. 83(b)(3)] total number of registered voters in each
district in the immediately preceding local
election. [LGC, sec. 44]

[FARIÑAS V. BARBA (1996); LGC, SEC. 45]
Appointing If prior member was If prior member not a member of
Authority member of a political party any political party
Sangguniang Nomination and Recommendation of the
Panlalawigan Certification of the political Sangguniang Panlalawigan
President through
Sangguniang Panlungsod the party of the member who
(of highly urbanized and Secretary caused the vacancy issued Recommendation of the
independent component by the highest official of Sangguniang Panlungsod
cities) the political party
Sangguniang Panlungsod Nomination and Recommendation of
(of component cities) Certification of the political Sangguniang Panglungsod
party of the member who
caused the vacancyissued Recommendation of
Sangguniang Bayan
by the highest official of Sangguniang Bayan
the political party

(There is no right given to

a political party to
nominate the person to fill
the vacancy in the Recommendation of
Sangguniang Barangay City or Municipal
Sangguniang Barangay Sangguniang Barangay
because the members of
the Sangguniang
Barangay are not allowed
to have party affiliations.
[Fariñas v. Barba (1996)])


If the sanggunian member who caused the The appointee under Sec. 45 serves the
vacancy is a member of a political party, the unexpired term of the vacant office.
appointee must come from the same If the vacancy pertains to barangay or youth
political party as that of the sanggunian representation in the sanggunian, the
member who caused the vacancy. [LGC, sec. vacancy is automatically filled by the official
45(b)] next in rank of the organization concerned.
o Rationale: To maintain party [Sec. 45(d), LGC]
representation as willed by the
people in the election. [Navarro v. A.3. RESIGNATION OF ELECTIVE
o There must be a nomination and
certificate of membership from the General Rule: Deemed effective only upon
highest official of the political party acceptance of the resignation by the following
concerned. authorities:
o An appointment without such
nomination and certification isnull Resignation by Approved by
and void ab initio and is a ground Governors and vice- President
for administrative action against the
Mayors and vice-mayors
responsible official. [LGC, sec. 45(b)] of HUCs and ICCs
If the sanggunian member who caused the Mayors and vice-mayors Governors
vacancy does not belong to any political of component cities and
party, the local chief executive shall appoint municipalities
a qualified person, upon recommendation Sanggunian members Sanggunian
of the sanggunian concerned. [Sec. 45(c), concerned
LGC] Barangay officials City or municipal
The local chief executive under Sec. 45(c) mayor
LGC refers to the local chief executive under
Exceptions: Resignation is deemed accepted
Sec. 45(a) while the sanggunian concerned
refers to the sanggunian where the vacancy
(1) Not acted upon: The resignation shall be
occurs. [Fariñas v. Barba (1996)]
deemed accepted if not acted upon by the
The appointing authority is not bound to
authority concerned within 15 working days
appoint anyone recommended to him by the
from the receipt thereof. [LGC, sec. 82]
sanggunian concerned. The power of
(2) Irrevocable resignations by sanggunian
appointment is a discretionary power. On
members shall be deemed accepted upon
the other hand, neither is the appointing
presentation before an open session of the
authority vested with so large a discretion
sanggunian concerned and duly entered in
that he can disregard the recommendation
its records. [LGC, sec. 82]
of the sanggunian concerned. Since the
recommendation takes the place of Resignation not allowed in recall: The elective
nomination by political party, the local official sought to be recalled shall not be
recommendation must likewise be allowed to resign while the recall process is in
considered a condition sine qua non for the progress. [LGC, sec. 73]
validity of the appointment. [Fariñas v.
Barba (1996)]


Resignation v. Abandonment Office where Who Temporarily Succeeds

Although a resignation is not complete without Temporary Vacancy into Office
an acceptance thereof by the proper authority, Occurs
an office may still be deemed relinquished
Governor Vice-Governor,
through voluntary abandonment which needs
no acceptance.
On Resignation: Under established Mayor Vice-Mayor, automatically
jurisprudence, resignations, in the absence Punong Barangay Highest-ranking
of statutory provisions as to whom they Sanggunian Member,
should be submitted, should be tendered to automatically
the appointing person or body.
On Abandonment: Abandonment is Local Chief (1) The person designated
“voluntary relinquishment of an office by Executive is in writing by the local
the holder, with the intention of terminating travelling within chief executive; OR
his possession and control thereof.” It is a the country but is (2) Vice-Governor, Vice-
species of resignation; while resignation in outside his Mayor, or highest-
general is a formal relinquishment, territorial ranking Sangguniang
abandonment is a voluntary relinquishment jurisdiction for a Barangay Member, on
through nonuser.[Sangguniang Bayan of period not the 4th day of absence,
San Andres v. CA (1998)] exceeding three if local chief executive
consecutive days fails or refuses to
Requisites for Essential elements of designate a successor
resignation abandonment
(1) Intention to (1) Intent to B.1. EXTENT OF DUTY EXERCISED BY
relinquish a part of abandon; and TEMPORARY SUCCESSOR
the term; (2) Overt act by General Rule: The successor shall automatically
(2) Act of which the intention exercise the powers and perform the duties and
relinquishment; is to be carried into functions of the local chief executive.
and effect
(3) Acceptance by the Exception: The successor may exercise the
proper authority power to appoint/suspend/dismiss employees
only if the period of incapacity exceeds 30
[LGC, SEC. 46)] Designation by Local Chief Executive
Temporary vacancy occurs when the local chief General Rule: The local chief executive can only
executive is temporarily incapacitated to authorize the vice-governor, city/municipal
perform his duties for physical or legal reasons vice-mayor, or highest ranking sangguniang
such as, but not limited to: barangay member, as the case may be, to
(1) Leave of absence; exercise powers/duties/functions of his office.
(2) Traveling abroad; or [sec. 46(e)]
(3) Suspension from office.


Exception: If the local chief executive is traveling B.3. LEAVES OF ABSENCE

within the country but outside his territorial Local Official LOA Approved by
jurisdiction for a period not exceeding 3
consecutive days, he may designate in writing Governors and mayors The President or his
the officer-in-charge. of highly-urbanized duly authorized
The creation of a temporary vacancy in the cities or independent representative
office of the Governor creates a corresponding component cities
temporary vacancy in the office of the Vice Vice-Governors, The Local Chief
Governor whenever the latter acts as Governor City/Municipal Vice- Executive
by virtue of such temporary vacancy. This event Mayors
constitutes an inability on the part of the
City/Municipal Mayors The Governor
presiding officer (Vice Governor) to preside
of component cities
during the sanggunian sessions, which thus
and municipalities
calls for the operation of the remedy set in sec.
49(b) of the LGC on the election of a temporary Sanggunian The Vice-Governor or
presiding officer. [Gamboa v. Aguirre (1999)] Panlalawigan, Vice-Mayor
Panglungsod, and
INCAPACITY their employees
Upon submission by the local chief executive to Punong Barangays The City/Municipal
the sanggunian of a written declaration that he Mayor
has reported back to office
Sanggunian Barangay The Punong Barangay
If the temporary incapacity is due to legal
causes, the local chief executive must also
submit the necessary documents showing that If the application for LOA is not acted upon
the legal causes no longer exist. [sec. 46(b)] within 5 working days after receipt, the
application is deemed approved. [LGC, sec. 46]


X. Discipline of Local No investigation may be held within 90 days

Officials immediately prior to any local election. [LGC,
sec. 62]

A. DISCIPLINE OF ELECTIVE ii. Ombudsman Jurisdiction

OFFICIALS Primary Jurisdiction Acts or omissions of a
[R.A. No. 6770, sec. public officer or employee
A.1. GROUNDS FOR DISCIPLINARY 15] in cases cognizable by
ACTION the Sandiganbayan (i.e.
(1) Disloyalty to the Republic of the Philippines; salary grade of 27 or
(2) Culpable violation of the Constitution; higher)
(3) Dishonesty, oppression, misconduct in Concurrent Cases cognizable by
office, gross negligence, or dereliction of Jurisdiction regular courts and other
duty; [LGC, sec. 61) investigative agencies of
(4) Commission of any offense involving moral the government
turpitude or an offense punishable by at
least prision mayor; In administrative cases involving the concurrent
(5) Abuse of authority; jurisdiction of two or more disciplining
(6) Unauthorized absence for fifteen (15) authorities, the body in which the complaint is
consecutive working days filed first, and which opts to take cognizance of
Except in the case of members of the the case, acquires jurisdiction to the exclusion of
local legislative bodies. other tribunals exercising concurrent
(7) Application for, or acquisition of, foreign jurisdiction. [Office of the Ombudsman vs
citizenship or residence or the status of an Rodriguez (2010)]
immigrant of another country; and
(8) Such other grounds as may be provided in Who is salary grade 27 and above? [LGC, sec.
the LGC and other laws. [LGC, sec. 60(a)] 443-486]
Municipalities Munipical Mayor
City Mayor; Vice-Mayor; and
i. Administrative Complaints under the LGC (for highly-urbanized cities)
[LGC, sec. 61] Sanggunian Panglungsod
Elective Local Official of Complaint filed at
Governor; Vice-Governor; and
Province, highly urbanized Office of the Provinces Sanggunian Panlalawigan
city, independent President members.
component city, or
component city
The powers of the Ombudsman are not
Municipality Sangguniang merely recommendatory. Under RA 6770
Panlalawigan and the 1987 Constitution, the Ombudsman
Barangay Sangguniang has the constitutional power to directly
Panglungsod or remove from government service an erring
Bayan public official other than members of


Congress and the Judiciary. [COA, Regional Rules on Length of Preventive Suspension
Office No. 13 v. Hinampas(2007)] (1) Any single preventive suspension cannot
exceed 60 days;
iii. Sandigandbayan Jurisdiction (2) Cannot be imposed within 90 days
Exclusive original jurisdiction over violations of immediately prior to any local election; if
RA 3019 (Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act), imposed before said period but extends to
RA 1379 and Chapter II, Sec. 2, Title VII, Book II such, automatically lifted upon start of the
of the RPC (Bribery) and other offenses or 90 day period;
felonies in relation to public office where one or (3) If there are several administrative cases
more of the accused are officials occupying against an elective official, he cannot be
positions corresponding to salary grade 27 or preventively suspended for more than 90
higher days within a single year on the same
Where none of the accused are occupying ground/s existing and known at the time of
positions corresponding to salary grade 27 the first suspension;
or higher, exclusive original jurisdiction (4) Once lifted, official is deemed reinstated
shall be vested in the proper RTC or first without prejudice to the continuance of the
level court as the case may be. The proceedings against him. [LGC, sec. 62-63]
Sandiganbayan in such case shall exercise
exclusive appellate jurisdiction over final Rights of Respondent Pending Preventive
judgments or orders of RTCs in the exercise Suspension
of their original or appellate jurisdiction. (1) No salary paid during period of suspension,
[PD 1606 as amended, sec. 4] but if subsequently exonerated and
reinstated, he shall be paid full salary that
A.3. GROUNDS FOR DISCIPLINARY accrued during such suspension;
ACTION (2) Accorded full opportunity to appear and
defend himself in person or by counsel, to
i. Under the LGC confront and cross-examine witnesses, and
require attendance of witnesses and
Elective local official of production of evidence through compulsory
imposed by
process of subpoena or subpoena duces
Province, highly urbanized tecum. [LGC, sec. 64-65]
city, or independent President
component city ii. Under the Ombudsman Act
[R.A. No. 6770, sec. 24]
Component city, or
municipality Who may impose: Ombudsman or Deputy
Barangay The Mayor Ombudsman

Requisites for Preventive Suspension

When Imposed: Any time (1) the issues are
(1) The evidence of guilt is strong; and
joined, (2) when the evidence of the guilt is
(2) Any of the following is present:
strong and(3) given the gravity of the offense,
(a) The charge against such officer or
there is great probability that the continuance
employee involves dishonesty,
in office of the respondent could influence the
oppression or grave misconduct or
witnesses or threaten the safety/integrity of the
neglect in the performance of duty;
records or evidence. [LGC, sec. 63(b)]


(b) The charges would warrant removal removal from other evidence
from the service; or office; or
(c) The respondent's continued stay in (c) The respondent’s
office may prejudice the case filed continued stay in
against him. office would
prejudice the case
Length of Preventive Suspension filed against him
General Rule: Until the case is terminated by the Maximum period: 6 Maximum period: 60
Office of the Ombudsman but not more than six months days
(6) months without pay
N.B. The shorter period of suspension under the
Exception: When the delay in the disposition of LGC is intended to limit the period of
the case by the Ombudsman is due to the fault, suspension that may be imposed by a mayor,
negligence or petition of the respondent, the governor or the President, who may be
period of such delay shall not be counted in motivated by partisan political considerations. In
computing the period of suspension contrast, the Ombudsman is not likely to be
similarly motivated because it is a constitutional
Not in the nature of a penalty body. [Garcia v. Mojica (1999)]
A preventive suspension is merely a preliminary
step in an administrative investigation, and can iii. Preventive suspension due to an R.A. No.
be decreed on an official under investigation 3019 information
after the charges are brought and even before Any incumbent public officer against whom any
the charges are heard. [Castillo-Co v. Barbers criminal prosecution under a valid information
(1998)] under RA 3019 or under Title 7, Book II of the
RPC or for any offense involving fraud upon
Preventive Suspension Preventive Suspension government or public funds or property is
under the under the LGC pending in court shall be suspended from office.
Ombudsman Act [R.A. No. 3019, sec. 13]
(1) The evidence of (1) At any time after
guilt is strong; the issues are The suspension pendente lite under Sec. 13, RA
AND joined; 3019 is mandatory upon the filing of a valid
(2) Any of the ff. is (2) The evidence of information against the erring official. The court
present: guilt is strong; and trying a case has neither discretion nor duty to
(a) The charge (3) Given the gravity determine whether preventive suspension is
against the officer of the offense, required to prevent the accused from using his
or employee there is great office to intimidate witnesses or frustrate his
should involve probability that prosecution or continue committing
dishonesty, the continuance in malfeasance in office. This is based on the
oppression or office of the presumption that unless the public officer is
grave misconduct respondent could suspended, he may frustrate his prosecution or
or neglect in the influence the commit further acts of malfeasance or both.
performance of witnesses or pose
duty; a threat to the The suspension is not automatic, but requires
(b) The charges safety and integrity the determination of the presence of a valid
should warrant of the records and information. Upon determination of validity, it is


the court's ministerial duty to issue an order of states that “an elective local official may be
preventive suspension. [Segovia v. removed from office by order of the proper court
Sandiganbayan (1998)] or the Disciplining Authoritywhichever first
acquires jurisdiction to the exclusion of the
The term “office” in Sec. 13, RA 3019 applies to other” is void for being repugnant to Sec. 60,
any office which the officer might currently be LGC.
holding and not necessarily the particular office
in relation to which he is charged. [Segovia v. But if the official concerned is an appointive
Sandiganbayan] official, the OP may remove him. [Pablico v.
Villapando (2002)]

i. Suspension
XI. Administrative
The penalty of suspension shall not exceed the Appeal
unexpired term of the respondent or a period of
6 months for every administrative offense.
It shall not be a bar to the candidacy of the LGC
respondent so suspended. [LGC, sec. 66(b)]
30 days from receipt of the decision
ii. Removal
An elective local official may be removed from
office by order of the proper court.[LGC, sec. 60] B. TO WHOM APPEALABLE:
Decision of Appeal to
The penalty of removal from office as a result of
Sangguniang Panglungsod of Sangguniang
administrative investigation shall be considered
component cities; and Panlalawigan
a bar to the candidacy of the respondent for any
Sangguniang Bayan
elective position. [LGC, sec. 66(c)]
Sangguniang Panlalawigan; Office of the
A suspension for multiple offenses does not and President
amount to a removal if each suspension Sangguniang Panglungsod of
corresponding to each offense does not exceed HUCs / ICCs
6 months. [Salalima v. Guingona (1996)] Office of the President [Final and
Proper court order
Local legislative bodies and/or the Office of the
Decisions are immediately executory: Appeals
President cannot validly impose the penalty of
shall not prevent a decision from being final
dismissal or removal from service on erring local
and executory. [sec. 68]
elective officials. It is clear from Sec. 60 of LGC
that an elective local official may be removed
Respondent is considered to have been placed
from office on the grounds enumerated only by
under preventive suspension during the
order of the proper court.
pendency of the appeal in the event he wins,
and shall be paid his salary that accrued during
Art. 124 (b), Rule XIX of the Rules and
the pendency of the appeal. [LGC, sec. 68]
Regulations Implementing the LGC, which


The phrase “decision shall be final and (d) Fine not equivalent to one month
executory” simply means that the salary.
administrative appeal shall not prevent the
enforcement of the Sanggunian decision. The In all other cases, the decision shall become
decision is immediately executory but the final after the expiration of 10 days from receipt
respondent may appeal to the Office of the thereof by the respondent, unless a motion for
President or the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, as reconsideration or an appeal is filed by him to
the case may be. [Don v. Lacsa (2007)] the Court of Appeals. [Rules of Proc. of the
Ombudsman, Rule III, sec. 7]
Sec. 6, Admin. Order No. 18 which authorizes
the President to stay the execution of the C. DOCTRINE OF CONDONATION
decision pending appeal remains valid despite
the enactment of the LGC. The execution of Rule: A public official cannot be removed for
decisions pending appeal is procedural and in administrative misconduct committed during a
the absence of a clear legislative intent to prior term, since his re-election to office
remove from reviewing officials the authority to operates as a condonation of the officer's
order a stay of execution, such authority can be previous misconduct to the extent of cutting off
provided in the rules and regulations governing the right to remove him therefor. [Aguinaldo v.
the appeals of elective officials in administrative Santos (1992)]
cases. [Berces, Sr. v. Guingona, Jr. (1995)]
When not applicable:
The decisions of the Office of the President are (1) There is already a final determination of
final and executory. No motion for guilt. Subsequent re-election cannot be
reconsideration is allowed by law but the deemed a condonation if there was already
parties may appeal the decision to the Court of a final determination of his guilt before the
Appeals. The appeal, however, does not stay re-election. [Reyes v. COMELEC (1996)]
the execution of the decision. Thus, the DILG (2) Criminal cases. The doctrine finds no
Secretary may validly move for its immediate application to criminal cases, as these are
execution. [Calingin v. CA (2004)] violations against the state itself.[Aguinaldo
v. Santos (1992)]
Decisions of the Ombudsman
General Rule: A decision of the Ombudsman is N.B. The doctrine of condonation does not
not immediately executory. distinguish the precise timing or period when
the misconduct was committed, reckoned from
Exception: The decision is final, immediately the date of the official’s reelection, except that it
executory, and unappealable in the following must be prior to said date. Hence, the fact that
cases: the misconduct was committed so near the
(1) Where the respondent is absolved of the election day does not prevent the application of
charge; the doctrine. [Garcia v. Mojica (1999)]
(2) Where the penalty imposed is:
(a) Public censure;
(b) Reprimand;
(c) Suspension of not more than one
month; or



The power to discipline is specifically granted by E.1. REQUISITES
the Administrative Code to heads of
departments, agencies, and instrumentalities, Ground for Loss of confidence
provinces, and cities. The appointing authority recall:
is generally the disciplinary authority. Right given to: Registered voters of an LGU
to which the local elective
D.1. DISCIPLINARY AUTHORITY official subject to recall
Except as otherwise provided, the local chief belongs
executive may impose: Commencement By a Petition of a registered
(1) Removal from service of recall process: voter supported by
(2) Demotion in rank (1) 25% of registered voters
(3) Suspension for not more than 1 year without if LGU has population not
pay more than 20,000
(a) If less than 30 days, unappealable (2) 20% of registered voters
(b) If 30 days or more, appealable to the if LGU has voting
CSC population of 20,000 to
(4) Fine not exceeding 6 months’ pay 75,000. In no case shall
(5) Reprimand; and petitioners be less than
(6) Otherwise discipline subordinate official 5,000.
and employees under his jurisdiction. [LGC, (3) 15% of registered voters if
sec. 87] LGU has voting
population of 75,000 to
D.2. PREVENTIVE SUSPENSION OF 300,000. In no case shall
APPOINTIVE OFFICIALS petitioners be less than
May be imposed by the local chief executive for 15,000.
a period not exceeding 60 days if (4) 10% of registered voters if
(1) The charge against the official involves LGU has voting
dishonesty, oppression or grave misconduct population of more than
or neglect in the performance of duty; OR 300,000. In no case
(2) If there is reason to believe that the shall petitioners be less
respondent is guilty of charges which would than 45,000.
warrant his removal from service. [LGC, sec. When Recall (1) Barangay, city, or
85] Election Held: municipal officials: not
later than 30 days from
(2) Provincial officials: not
later than 45 days from


Effects to official (1) Not allowed to resign

sought to be while recall process is in E.2. PROCEDURE
recalled progress. [sec. 78] (1) Petition. Filed by a registered voter in the
(2) Automatically considered LGU concerned to the COMELEC, supported
as candidate and is by the necessary number of registered
entitled to be voted upon. voters;
[sec. 71] (2) COMELEC certification of sufficiency. Within
Effectivity of Upon election and 15 days from filing of the petition, the
recall proclamation of a successor. If COMELEC must certify the sufficiency of the
the official sought to be required number of signatures. Failure to
recalled receive the highest obtain the required number shall result in
number of votes, confidence the automatic nullification of the petition.
in him is affirmed and he (3) Notice, publication, posting. Within 3 days
shall continue in office. [LGC from certification of sufficiency, COMELEC
sec. 69-75, as amended by shall:
R.A. No. 9244] (a) Provide the official subject of recall
with a copy of the petition;
Signature requirement: The law states “upon (b) Cause the publication of the petition
petition of at least 25% of registered voters” for 3 weeks in a national newspaper
and not “signed by 25% of the registered and a local newspaper of general
voters.” The petition must be filed not by one circulation; and
person but at least by 25% of the total number (c) Cause its posting for 10 to 20 days
of registered voters. While the initiatory recall at conspicuous places
petition may not yet contain the signatures of at (4) Verification and authentication of
least 25% of the total number of registered signatures. COMELEC verifies and
voters, the petition must contain the names of authenticates the signatures;
at least 25% of the total number of registered (5) Filing of candidacies. COMELEC announces
voters in whose behalf only one person may sign the acceptance of candidates for the recall
the petition in the meantime. [Angobung vs election, the official subject of the recall
COMELEC (1997)] being automatically included in the list.
(6) Setting of election. COMELEC shall set the
Note: The Angobung decision is likelyno longer election within 30 days upon completion of
good law as it was decided under the LGC’s the above procedure in barangays, cities,
original provisions on recall. As amended by and municipalities; or within 45 days in
R.A. No. 9244, the LGC seems to require that provinces.
the petition already contains the required
number of signatures upon the filing thereof. E.3. LIMITATIONS
[See LGC, sec. 70, as amended] (1) Any local elective official may be the subject
of recall election only once during his term
[…] The petition to recall shall contain the of office for loss of confidence.
following: (2) No recall election shall take place within 1
a. The names and addresses of the petitioners year from the assumption of office of the
written in legible form and their signatures. official concerned, nor within 1 year
[…][LGC, sec. 70, as amended by R.A. No. 9244, immediately preceding the date of a regular
sec. 1] election. [LGC, sec. 74(b)]


The phrase “regular local election” refers to XII. Term Limits

an election where the office held by the
local elective official sought to be recalled A. LENGTH OF TERM
will be contested and be filled by the SEC 8, ART X, CONST. THE term of office of elective
electorate. [Paras v. COMELEC (1996)] local officials, except barangay officials (which
The word “recall” as used in Sec. 74(b) shall be determined by law), shall be three
refers to the election day itself by means of years.
which voters decide whether they should
retain their local official or elect his A.1. R.A. NO. 9164: SYNCHRONIZED
replacement. Hence, recall proceedings BARANGAY AND SANGGUNIANG
may be initiated within 1 year from the BARANGAY ELECTIONS (2002)
official’s assumption of office as long as the Term of office of barangay and
recall election is outside such period. sangguniang kabataan officials: 3 years
The phrase “immediately preceding a No barangay elective official shall serve for
regular local election” in Sec. 74(b) refers to more than 3 consecutive terms in the same
the day of regular election not the election position
period which is normally at least 45 days (1) Reckoned from the 1994 barangay
immediately preceding the day of the elections
election. [Claudio v. COMELEC (2000)] (2) Voluntary renunciation of office for any
length of time shall not be considered
as an interruption [sec. 2]


No “deemed resigned” rule for elective
officials: An elective official running for any
office other than the one which he is holding
in a permanent capacity, is no longer
considered ipso facto resigned from his
office upon the filing of his certificate of
candidacy. [sec. 14]
o N.B. Sec. 14 of RA 9006 expressly
repealed Sec. 67 of BP 881 or the
Omnibus Election Code which
states that “any elective official,
whether national or local, running
for any office other than the one
which he is holding in a permanent
capacity, except for President and
Vice-President, shall be considered
ipso facto resigned from his office
upon the filing of his certificate of


“Deemed resigned” rule retained for The interruption of a term that would prevent
appointive officials. Sec. 14 of RA 9006 did the operation of the three-term rule involves
not repeal Sec. 66 of the Omnibus election “no less than the involuntary loss of title to
Code, leaving intact Sec. 66 thereof which office [or the right to hold on to an office]” or “at
imposes a limitation to appointive officials least an effective break from holding office.”
and considers them ipso facto resigned [Aldovino, Jr. v. COMELEC (2009)]
from office upon filing of their certificate of
candidacy. 2 Conditions for the Application of the
Distinction is constitutional. (1) The Disqualification
classification justifying Sec. 14 of RA (1) Elected for three consecutive times for the
9006, i.e., elected officials vis-a- same position; and
vis appointive officials, is anchored upon (2) Fully served three consecutive terms [Borja
material and significant distinctions (e.g. v. COMELEC (1998)]
elective officials occupy their office by virtue
of the mandate of the electorate, appointive Prevailing doctrines on issues affecting
officials are prohibited from engaging in consecutiveness of terms and/or involuntary
partisan political activity except to vote). (2) interruption
All the persons belonging under the same [Abundo, Sr. v. COMELEC (2013)]
classification are similarly treated.
Therefore, the equal protection clause of (1) Assumption of Office by Operation of Law:
the Constitution is not infringed. [Fariñas v. When a permanent vacancy occurs in an
Executive Secretary (2003)] elective position pursuant to the rules of
succession under the LGC, supra:
TERMS (a) For the office assumed: The successor’s
[N]o such official shall serve for more than service for the unexpired portion of the
three consecutive terms. Voluntary term of the replaced official is not
renunciation of the office for any length of time treated as one full term and is not
shall not be considered as an interruption in counted in the application of any term
the continuity of his service for the full term for limit. [Borja v. COMELEC (1998)]
which he was elected. [CONST. art X, sec. 8]

B.1. WHAT CONSTITUTES A TERM OF (b) For the office held before succession:
The successor’s assumption by
operation of law to the higher office
The term limit for elective officials must be
(e.g. vice-mayor) is considered an
taken to refer to the right to be elected as well
involuntary severance or interruption of
as the right to serve in the same elective
the office he previously held (e.g.
position. Consequently, it is not enough that an
councilor). [i.e. it is not counted in the
individual has served three consecutive terms in
application of any term limit.]
an elective local office, he must also have been
[Montebon v. COMELEC (2008)]
elected to the same position for the same
number of times before the disqualification can
apply. [Borja v. COMELEC (1998)]


(2) Recall Elections: An elective official, who finish. His full service should be counted
has served for three consecutive terms and in the application of the term limits
who did not seek the elective position for [Ong v. Alegre (2006) and Rivera III v.
what could be his fourth term, but later won COMELEC (2007)]
in a recall election, had an interruption in
the continuity of his service. For, he had (6) Effect of Winning in an Election Protest: The
become in the interim [i.e. from the end of period during which the winner of an
the 3rd term up to the recall election] a election protest is unable to assume office
private citizen. [Adormeo v. COMELEC as it was occupied by his opponent is
(2002); Socrates v. COMELEC (2002)] considered to be an involuntary interruption
in the service of his term and therefore bars
(3) Conversion: The abolition of an elective the application of the three-term limit rule.
local office due to the conversion of a [Abundo, Sr. v. COMELEC (2013)]
municipality to a city does not, by itself,
work to interrupt the incumbent official’s
continuity of service [Latasa v. COMELEC

(4) Preventive Suspension: Preventive

suspension is not a term-interrupting event
as the elective officer’s continued stay and
entitlement to the office remain unaffected
during the period of suspension, although
he is barred from exercising the functions of
his office [Aldovino, Jr. v. COMELEC (2009)]

(5) Losing in an Election Protest:

(a) When a candidate is proclaimed a
winner for an elective office and
assumes office, his term is interrupted
when he loses in an election protest and
is ousted from office, thus disenabling
him from serving what would otherwise
be the unexpired portion of his term of
office had the protest been dismissed
[Lonzanida v. COMELEC (1999) and
Dizon v. COMELEC (2009)]
(c) However, when an official loses in an
election protest and said decision
becomes final after said official had
served the full term for said office, then
his loss in the election contest does not
constitute an interruption since he
managed to serve the term from start to




I. General Principles A.2. NOT PROPERTY

A public office is not property, in that it can
neither be appropriated nor owned by the
Public Office - the right, authority and duty, public officer, thus:
created and conferred by law, by which, for a His removal or suspension, if in accordance
given period either fixed by law or enduring at with law, is not a denial of due process
the pleasure of the creating power, an He has neither vested right over the office that
individual is invested with some portion of the he holds, nor over the expectancy of holding
sovereign functions of government, to be public office.
exercised by that individual for the benefit of The public office is a privilege entitled to the
the public. [Mechem, quoted in Fernandez v. protection of the law, e.g. security of tenure.
Sto. Tomas (1995)] The office is personal to him. Thus, the death
of a public officer terminates his right to
It is also a charge, station or employment occupy the contested office and extinguishes
conferred by appointment or election by a his counterclaim for damages.
However, in some cases, a public office may be
Essence of a public office – delegation of some considered property in a limited sense:
of the sovereign functions of government. (1) In quo warranto proceedings to decide
which of two persons is entitled to a public
Purpose office.
To effect the end for the government’s (2) When the dispute concerns security of
institution, i.e. the common good, and not the tenure [Lumiqued v. Exevea (1997)]
profit, honor, or private interest of any person,
family or class of persons [63 Am Jur 2d 667] A.3. NOT A CONTRACT
The rights and benefits that result from the
A. NATURE OF A PUBLIC OFFICE holding of a public office arise because of the
law expressly or impliedly creating and
A.1. PUBLIC TRUST conferring it.
Sec. 1, Art XI, Const. Public office is a public Public Office Contract
trust. Public officers and employees must, at
all times, be accountable to the people, serve How Created
them with utmost responsibility, integrity, Incident of Originates from will of
loyalty, and efficiency; act with patriotism and sovereignty. contracting parties.
justice, and lead modest lives. Object

Powers delegated to the officers are held in To carry out sovereign Obligations imposed
trust for the people. As such they are held to as well as only upon the persons
the highest standards of accountability and governmental who entered into the
service, and to standards not generally functions contract.
demanded or required from ordinary citizens. Subject Matter
Embraces the idea of Limited duration and
tenure, duration, specific in its object.
continuity, and the Its terms define and


duties connected limit the rights and elements of a public

therewith are obligations of the office
generally continuing parties, and neither Most important: Includes positions in
and permanent. may depart therefrom Involves the GOCCs that do not
without the consent of delegation to the perform sovereign
the other. individual of some of functions.
the sovereign
functions of
Duties that are Duties are very specific government, to be
generally continuing to the contract. exercised for the
and permanent. benefit of the public.
Where duties are defined
(a) Created by the Constitution, law, or agency
General Rule: Legislative in nature, through
with which the power to create was
statute or law.
(b) Invested with an authority to exercise some
portion of the sovereign power for public
(1) Offices created by the Constitution
(2) Offices created by a tribunal or body to
(c) Powers and functions defined by the
which the power to create has been validly
Constitution, law or legislative authority;
(d) Duties are performed independently,
without control of a superior power other
If the delegation is invalid, so is the office
than law, unless they are those of a
subordinate; and
(e) Continuing and permanent in nature.
Taken together, the above (statute or law,
Constitution, or delegated power) are the 3
Characteristics that are not material:
modes of creating public office.
(1) Continuity
(2) Permanence
C. DISTINCTIONS General Rule: Legislative in nature, as the
power to create includes to power to modify or
Public Office v. Public Employment
Public Office Public Employment
Narrower; all public Broader: not all
(1) Where the Constitution prohibits such
officers are public public employees are
employees public officers
(2) Where the Constitution gives the people
Created by law Created by contract
the power to modify or abolish the office
Has all of the Does not
(i.e., recall)


Estoppel in Denying Existence of Office branches public duties as an employee, agent

A person is estopped from denying that he has or subordinate official, of any rank or class,”
occupied a public office when he has acted as a For the purposes of criminal liability, there is
public officer– more so when he has received no distinction between public officer and
public monies by virtue of such office. public employee.
[Mendenilla v. Onandia (1962)]
E. PUBLIC OFFICER (1) Ad Hoc officers [Laurel v. Desierto]
Public Officer - One who holds a public office (2) Officers promoting heritage [id.]
An officer, required by law to be elected or (3) Those performing governmental functions
appointed, who has a designation or title by without compensation [id.]
law, and who exercises functions concerning (4) Temporary performance of public functions
the public and assigned to him by law. [Maniego v. People]
(5) Money order-sorter and filer [People v.
Under the Administrative Code. Paloma]
An “Officer” refers to a person whose duties,
not being of a clerical or manual nature, E.2. WHO ARE NOT PUBLIC OFFICERS
involves the exercise of discretion in the (1) Special policemen salaried by a private
performance of the functions of the entity and patrolling only the premises of
government. such private entity [Manila Terminal Co. v.
CIR (1952)]
As distinguished from an employee, who is any (2) Concession forest guards [Martha Lumber
person in the service of the government. Mill v. Lagradante (1956)]
With reference to an authority to do a (3) Company cashier of a private corporation
particular act or perform a particular function, owned by the government [Tanchoco v.
any government employee with such authority GSIS (1962)]
is a public officer.[E.O. 292, Sec. 2 (14-15)]
Cf. Sec 2 (a), RA 3019 AND PUBLIC OFFICERS
A “Public Officer” includes elective and Creation Constitutional
appointive officials and employees, whether Statutory
permanent or temporary, in the classified, Public Body Served National
unclassified or exempt service, who is receiving Local
compensation, even nominal, from the Department of Legislative
government. government to which their Executive
functions pertain Judicial
Cf. Art. 203, RPC
Nature of functions Civil
A public officer, as defined in Art. 203, is “any
person who any person who, by direct provision
Exercise of Judgment or Discretionary
of the law, popular election or appointment by
Discretion Ministerial
competent authority, shall take part in the
Legality of Title to office De Jure
performance of public functions in the
De Facto
Government of the Philippine Islands, of shall
perform in said Government or in any of its Compensation Lucrative


II. Modes of Acquiring abandoned

designated appointive
position is position is
Title to Public Office assumed? assumed?
NO Usually YES
A public office can only be obtained in the
manner prescribed by the constitution or law.
This gives us: A. WHO HAS THE POWER TO
(1) Election APPOINT
(2) Appointment The power to select public officers resides
(3) Others: primarily in the people. This is done directly in
(a) Succession by operation of law; election and indirectly through the placement
(b) Direct provision of law, e.g. ex-officio of such power in officials through the
officers Constitution or congressional enactment.

Election – selection or designation by popular In practice, generally, appointment is an

vote. Covered extensively under Election Law. executive function.
More specifically:
Appointment – the act of designation by the The President can appoint certain officials
executive officer, board, or body to whom that (see Presidential appointments, infra.)
power has been delegated, of the individual The Supreme Court has the power to
who is to exercise the powers and function of a appoint all offiicials and employees of the
given office. judiciary in accordance with the Civil
Service Law
Cf. Designation - imposition of additional Constitutional Commissions shall appoint
duties upon an existing office. their officials and employees in accordance
(1) Revocable and temporary; does not give a with law.
security of tenure to the designee.
Ombudsman appoints its own official and
(2) Does not entitle the designee to additional
employees, aside from the Deputies.
benefits or the right to claim the salary
attached to the position.
Essentially a discretionary power and cannot
Designation Appointment be delegated; it must be performed by the
Definition Imposition of Appointing officer upon whom it is vested according to his
additional authority best lights, the only condition being that the
duties upon selects an appointee should possess the qualifications
existing office individual who required by law.
will occupy a If he does, then the appointment cannot be
certain public faulted on the ground that there are others
office better qualified who should have been
preferred [Luego v. CSC (1986)]
Extent of Limited Comprehensive
As a result:
Security of No Yes Unless gravely abused, courts cannot
Tenure? review the exercise of discretion.
Is prior/1st office …a 2nd …a 2nd


Appointment cannot be the subject of

mandamus. There can be no appointment without an
Appointment is generally considered a actual vacancy.
political question so long as the appointee
has the minimum qualifications prescribed C.2. UNDER THE CONSTITUTION
No limitations can be imposed on the Nepotism — President may not appoint his
appointing power by Congress, except spouse and relatives within the 4th civil degree
those requiring the concurrence of the of consanguinity or affinity as members of the
Commission on Appointments; and Concomms, Ombudsman, or as Secretaries,
resulting from the exercise of the limited Undersecretaries, Chairmen, or heads of
legislative power to prescribe the bureaus or offices
qualifications to a given appointive office.
[Manalang v. Quitoriano (1954)] Midnight appointments — the president shall
If only one person can qualify for the posts not make appointments 2 months immediately
in question, the President is precluded before the next presidential elections, except
from exercising his discretion to choose temporary appointments to executive positions
whom to appoint. It is no power at all and when continued vacancies will prejudice public
goes against the very nature of service or endanger public safety.
appointment itself. [Flores v. Drilon (1993)]
The CSC has no power to revoke the II. APPOINTMENTS IN THE JUDICIARY –
appointment on the sole ground that there INVOLVEMENT BY THE JBC
is another person more qualified, nor to The Members of the SC and judges of lower
order the appointment of a substitute. courts shall be appointed from a list of 3
However, the CSC may revoke the nominees prepared by the Judicial and Bar
appointment on other grounds, such as the Council. For lower courts, the appointments
lack of qualifications of the supposed shall be made within 90 days from submission
appointee. of the list. For the Supreme Court, the
The discretion includes not only the choice appointment shall be made 3 months from the
of the person who is to be appointed but vacancy.
also the nature and character of the
appointment intended (e.g. permanent or Constitutional Commission members shall be
temporary). appointed without re-appointment, if
appointed to fill a vacancy, only for the
C. RESTRICTIONS ON THE POWER TO unexpired term of the predecessor, and shall
not be appointed in a temporary or acting

C.1. IN GENERAL An elective official cannot be appointed or

The appointee must possess the prescribed designated to any Government position during
qualifications. his term.

The power of appointment must be exercised An appointive official cannot hold any other
with disinterested skill and in a manner office or employment in the government, or
primarily for the benefit of the public. any agency, subdivision or instrumentality


thereof, unless otherwise allowed by law or the E. EFFECTS OF A COMPLETE, FINAL

primary function of his position. AND IRREVOCABLE APPOINTMENT
General Rule: An appointment, once made, is
Laws may provide qualifications and
irrevocable and not subject to reconsideration.
disqualifications for the public offices they
The appointing officer loses the power over
the office. No new appointment can be made
to that office until it is vacant.
In general, where an appointment must be
made with the recommendation of another
officer, such recommendation is a condition
(1) Appointment is an absolute nullity [Mitra
sine qua non for appointment. [CSC v. San
v. Subido (1967)];
(2) Appointee commits fraud [id.]
However, when the recommendation required
is that of another officer also under the control
of the appointing authority, such
recommendation is merely advisory. [Bermudez It is not necessary for the completion or validity
v. Torres] of the appointment, but it is necessary for the
possession of office.
Form of acceptance may be express, i.e.,
verbally or in writing or implied, i.e. the
appointee exercises the duties and function of
If the appointment does not need confirmation, the office.
the appointment may be issued at once.
If the appointment is subject to confirmation or
assent of some other officer, the appointment
is only effective upon such assent or
confirmation. General Rule: a person cannot be compelled to
accept a public office.
Appointments to the Civil Service must be
submitted to the Commissioner of Civil Service Exceptions:
for approval. (1) When citizens are required, under
conditions provided by law, to render
However, the Commissioner has no authority personal military or civil service (see Sec. 4,
to reject the appointment if the appointee is Art. II, 1987 Const.);
qualified. The rule is merely to ensure eligibility (2) When a person who, having been elected
of the appointee. by popular election to a public office,
refuses without legal motive to be sworn in
or to discharge the duties of said office.
This is a felony punishable by arresto
mayor or a fine not exceeding P1,000.
[RPC, Art. 234]



Majority view is that there should be some B. PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTMENTS
written memorial of the fact of appointment so B.1. WHO THE PRESIDENT MAY APPOINT
that the public may know when and in what [Art. VII, Sec. 16, Const]
manner the duty has to be performed, because (1) Heads of executive departments,
an appointment affects the public. In contrast, ambassadors, other public ministers and
the minority view states that no written consuls, officers of the armed forces form
appointment is necessary, as that is merely a the rank of colonel or naval captain, and
means for the appointee to prove his other officers whose appointments are
appointment, not a requirement. vested in him by the Constitution, with the
consent of the Commission on
General Rule: When the appointment is final
and complete, it is not subject to Only public officials appointed under this
reconsideration or revocation. The CSC cannot paragraph require confirmation by the
replace the appointee with someone solely Commission on Appointments. Congress
because he is more qualified. cannot require confirmation of the
appointments of other public officers.
Exception: Where an officer is removable at the
will of the appointing power. This includes those officers president has
been vested by the Constitution with the
authority to appoint, including Members of
III. Modes and Kinds of Constitutional Commissions
(2) All other officers whose appointments
Appointment are not otherwise provided by law, i.e.
those created by Congress but whose
A. CLASSIFICATION OF appointments were not provided for.
APPOINTMENTS (3) Those whom the President is authorized
by law to appoint
A.1. AS TO FINALITY (4) The Ombudsman and his deputies
(1) Absolute — no further consent necessary (5) Members of the SC
(2) Conditional – approval by some other (6) Judges of Lower Courts
officer is necessary (7) OICs in the ARMM, in accordance with
RA 10153 [Kida v. Senate]
(8) Other officers lower in rank whose
appointments the Congress by law vests
(1) Presidential
in the President alone
(2) Regular
(3) Ad interim
Note: Officers under numbers 2-4 may be
(4) Permanent
appointed even without CA approval.
(5) Temporary or Acting
(6) Civil Service (discussed under “The Civil
Service,” infra.
(7) Career


disapproved appointee cannot be a

(1) Regular: Appointments made by the Cf. Bypassed Appointee.
President while Congress is in session after The Commission on Appointments’ failure to
the nomination is confirmed by the confirm an ad interim appointment is NOT
Commission of Appointments, which disapproval. An ad interim appointee
continue until the end of the term. disapproved by the COA cannot be
(2) Permanent: those which last until lawful reappointed. But a by-passed appointee, or one
termination whose appointment was not acted upon the
(3) Temporary: those which last until a merits by the COA, may be appointed again by
permanent appointment is issued. the President.
(4) Ad interim appointments.
Ad interim appointments – appointments made APPOINTMENTS
while Congress is not in session, before Permanent appointments are those that last
confirmation by the Commission on until lawful termination. Security of tenure
Appointments; immediately effective and attaches to the appointment.
ceases to be valid if disapproved or bypassed by
the Commission on Appointments. This is a In contrast, temporary or acting appointments
permanent appointment and its being subject are those that last until a permanent
to confirmation does not alter its permanent appointment is made, or in the absence or
character. incapacity of the incumbent. There is no
security of tenure.
The Constitution itself makes an ad interim
appointment permanent in character by Permanent Acting
making it effective until disapproved by the Must be qualified Must be qualified if a
Commission on Appointments or until the next presidential
adjournment of Congress. [Matibay v. Benipayo appointment. See
(2002)] difference under
portion under “The
Ad interim appointments are interim, not Civil Service,” where
temporary or acting, and so members of even persons
Constitutional commissions may be appointed unqualified for a
on an ad interim basis. particular position
may fill a vacancy if
I. REQUIREMENT OF APPROVAL OF AD civil service eligible.
INTERIM APPOINTMENTS Security of tenure— No security of tenure—
Being a permanent appointment, COA may not be removed may be removed at
approval, where required, must still be unless for cause. the pleasure of the
obtained in the case of ad interim appointing authority.
appointments. If an ad interim appointment is Must be confimed by Cannot be confirmed
disapproved for lack of qualifications, the Commission on by the Commission on
Appointments Appointments,


because confirmation duties of the office to which he is

presupposes a valid commissioned. It is written evidence of
nomination or ad appointment.
interim appointment.
Endures until lawful
IV. Eligibility and
General Rule: At the pleasure of the appointing
authority. A. DEFINITIONS
Eligibility – the state or quality of being legally
Exception: Fixed-Period Temporary fitted or qualified to be chosen.
appointments, which may be revoked ONLY at
the period’s expiration. Revocation before Eligible – legally fit and qualified to hold an
expiration must be for a valid cause. office.

B.6. STEPS IN THE PRESIDENTIAL Qualification – endowment/act which a person

APPOINTING PROCESS must do before he can occupy a public office.
(1) Nomination—exclusive prerogative of the May be understood in two senses:
President on which no limitation may be (1) Endowment –refers to the qualities or
imposed by Congress, except the attributes which make an individual
requirement of concurrence by the eligible for public office. It must be
Commission on Appointments and the possessed at the time of appointment or
prescription of qualifications by Congress. election and continuously for as long as
(2) Confirmation—by Congress through the the official relationship continues
Commission on Appointments (2) Act –refers to the act of entering into the
Where necessary, no appointment until performance of the functions of the office.
If not necessary, the President cannot B. POWER TO PRESCRIBE
confer participation to the CA, nor can the
CA create a power to confirm
(1) Constitution – When the qualifications are
prescribed by the Constitution, they are
Confirmation need not be done at a
generally exclusive, except where the
regular session of Congress.
Constitution itself provides otherwise
It cannot be reconsidered after the
(2) Congress - In the absence of constitutional
President is notified of the confirmation
inhibition, Congress has the same right to
and has issued the commission
provide disqualifications that it has to
(3) Issuance of commission—not strictly a
provide qualifications for office. [De Leon,
requirement, but serves as evidence of the
consummation of the exercise of the
appointing power.
(4) A commission is a written authority from a
competent source given to the officer as his
warrant for the exercise of the powers and



QUALIFICATIONS (1) At the time specified by the Constitution or
(1) Congress cannot exceed its constitutional law.
powers; (2) If time is unspecified, there are two views:
(2) Congress cannot impose conditions of (a) Qualification during commencement of
eligibility istent with constitutional term or induction into office– if qualified
provisions; at the time of commencement of the
(3) The qualification must be germane to the term or induction into office,
position ("reinconsasonable relation" rule); disqualification of the candidate or
(4) Congress cannot add to eligibility appointee at the time of election or
requirements specified in the Constitution. appointment is immaterial
(5) Congress cannot prescribe qualifications (b) Qualification/eligibility during election or
so detailed to amount to making a appointment – conditions of eligibility
legislative appointment: it is must exist at the time of the election or
unconstitutional and therefore void for appointment, and that their existence
being a usurpation of executive power only at the time of the commencement of
B.2. EXAMPLES OF LEGISLATIVE the term of office or induction of the
APPOINTMENT candidate or appointee into office is not
(1) Extensions of the terms of office of the sufficient to qualify him to office.
incumbents; How do we reconcile? – If the provision
(2) A proviso which limits the choices of the refers to “holding of office”, rather
appointing authority to only one eligible than to eligibility to office, in defining
[Flores v. Drilon (1993)] the qualifications, the courts are
(3) Designating an unqualified person. The inclined to hold that the qualifications
People's Court Act, which provided that the are to be determined at the time of the
President could designate Judges of First commencement of the term. [De Leon,
Instance, Judges-at-large of First Instance 26-27]
or Cadastral Judges to sit as substitute (3) Qualification is of a continuing nature, and
Justices of the Supreme Court in treason must exist throughout the holding of the
cases without them necessarily having to public office. Once the qualifications are
possess the required constitutional lost, the public officer forfeits the office.
qualifications of a regular Supreme Court No estoppel in ineligibility.Knowledge of
Justice; [Vargas v. Rilloraza (1948)] ineligibility of a candidate and failure to
(4) Automatic transfer to a new office. question such ineligibility before or during the
[Manalang v. Quitorano (1954)] election is not a bar to questioning such
(5) Requiring inclusion in a list. A provision eligibility after such ineligible candidate has
that impliedly prescribes inclusion in a list won and been proclaimed. Estoppel will not
submitted by the Executive Council of the apply in such a case. [Castaneda v. Yap (1952)]
Phil. Medical Association as one of the D. CONSTRUCTION OF
qualifications for appointment; and which REQUIREMENTS
confines the selection of the members of The right to public office should be strictly
the Board of Medical Examiners to the 12 construed against ineligibility and in favor of
persons included in the list; [Cuyegkeng v. eligibility. [De Leon, 26]
Cruz (1960)]

Chair Chair & Chairman
President Members Chairman and
Justices of the and members and Ombudsman and
and Vice- Senators of the members of
SC members of members deputies
President HOR COA
of CSC Comelec of CHR
Citizenship Natural-born Filipino
At least 40 At least 35 At least At least 40 At least 35 years old At least At least 40
on election on 25 on 40
day election election
day day
Able to read and write At least 15 Proven With At no time all Majority Members of the Bar.
years capacity college of the same must be
a judge in the for degree profession, members For Ombudsman, 10
lower court, public but may be of the years as
or adminis- A either Bar Judge or
engaged in tration majority CPA with not Engaged in the practice
the practice of the less than 10 of law
of law members years auditing
should be experience, or
members Engaged in
of the the practice of
Philippine law for 10
Bar years.
Registered Registered Regis-tered Proven Was not a candidate for any elective Proven Probity and
voter in the
voter, and voter, district competence, position in the elections immediately Intelligence
a resident resident where he integrity, preceding appointment.
of the for not seeks to be probity, and Was not a candidate for
Other Requirements elected, and
Philippines less than 2 a resident independence any elective position in
for 10 years. therein for the elections
not less
years or than 1 year.
immediately preceding
more appointment.
Mayor or
Sangguniang Punong
MTC, of
Panglungsod Barangay, Members of
Department METC, Provinces Member of Board of
CA justices RTC Judge other than Sangguniang Sangguniang
Secretaries MCTC and Election Inspectors
highly Bayan or Kabataan
judges highly
urbanized Pambarangay
Filipino (i.e. Natural-Born Filipino Filipino, not necessarily Natural-Born
does not
Citizenship need to be
Not less At least 40 At least 35 At least At least At least 21 At least 18 on At least 15 No age requirement,
than 25 years old 30 23 years on election election day but not older but must be a
old on day than 21 on registered voter, so
Age election election day at least 18 on
day election day.
10 years’ 10 years’
experience experience
15 years’ in the in the
practice of practice of
law or has law or has
as a judge in Able to read and
Educational held public held public Able to read and write Filipino or any other local
- a lower write English or a
Attainment office office language or dialect
court or in local dialect
requiring requiring
the practice admission admission
of law to the to the
practice of practice of
law law
Good moral
character and
Registered voter
No pending
competence, Registered voter in the place where he wants to be
Other information for any
- integrity, - - elected, and resident thereof for at least 1 year before the
Requirements election offense.
probity and election.
Has never been
convicted of any
election offense or
any offense
punishable by more
than 6 monhts

D.1. PRACTICE OF LAW administering and maintaining the

Any activity, in or out of court, which requires qualification standards as an incentive to
the application of law, legal procedure, career advancement. [Sec. 7, Rule IV,
knowledge, training and experience. Generally, Omnibus Rules]
to practice law is to give notice or render any (c) Such establishment, administration, and
kind of service which requires the use in any maintenance shall be assisted and
degree of legal knowledge or skill. [Cayetano v. approved by the CSC and shall be in
Monsod (1991)] consultation with the Wage and Position
Classification Office [ibid.]
D.2. RESIDENCE REQUIREMENT (d) It shall be established for all positions in the
“Residency” in election law, refers to domicile, 1st and 2nd levels [Sec. 1, Rule IV, Omnibus
i.e. the place where a party actually or Rules]
constructively has his permanent home, where
he intends to return. To effect a change of F. POLITICAL QUALIFICATIONS FOR
domicile, the candidate must prove an actual AN OFFICE
removal or an actual change of domicile.
[Aquino v COMELEC (1995)] General Rule: No political qualifications shall be
required for public office.
There is a presumption in favor of domicile of
origin. Domicile requires the twin elements of Exceptions:
actual habitual residence and animus manendi (1) Membership in the electoral tribunals of
(intent to permanently remain). Domicile of either the House of Representatives or
origin is not easily lost; it is deemed to continue Senate [Art. VI, Sec. 17, 1987 Const.];
absent a clear and positive proof of a successful (2) Party-list representation;
change of domicile. [Marcos v. COMELEC] (3) Commission on Appointments;
(4) Vacancies in the Sanggunian [Sec. 45, Local
No religious test shall be required for the
exercise of civil or political rights [Art. III, Sec. 5, F.1. NO PROPERTY QUALIFICATIONS
Since sovereignty resides in the people, it is
E. QUALIFICATION STANDARDS AND necessarily implied that the right to vote and to
REQUIREMENTS UNDER THE CIVIL be voted should not be dependent upon a
SERVICE LAW candidate’s wealth. Poor people should also be
allowed to be elected to public office because
(a) It enumerates the minimum requirements social justice presupposes equal opportunity for
for a class of positions in terms of both rich and poor. [Maguera v. Borra (1965) and
education, training and experience, civil Aurea v. COMELEC (1965)]
service eligibility, physical fitness, and other
qualities required for successful F.2. CITIZENSHIP REQUIREMENTS
performance. [Sec. 22, Book V, (1) Aliens are not eligible for public office.
Administrative Code] (2) The purpose of the citizenship requirement
(b) The Departments and Agencies are is to ensure that no alien, i.e., no person
responsible for continuously establishing, owing allegiance to another nation, shall


govern our people and country or a unit of II. CAUSES OF VACANCY—SEE

territory thereof. [Frivaldo v. COMELEC TERMINATION, ETC.
(1996)] (1) Death, Permanent disability, Removal from
office, Resignation
G. EFFECT OF REMOVAL OF (2) Abandonment, expiration of term,
QUALIFICATIONS DURING THE TERM conviction of a crime, impeachment
Termination from office conviction, acceptance of incompatible
Cf. Effect of Pardon upon the Disqualification to office, creation of a new office, reaching age
Hold Public Office limit, and recall

General Rule: Pardon will not restore the right III. ANTICIPATED VACANCIES
to hold public office. [Art. 36, Revised Penal General Rule: An appointing power can fill an
Code] anticipated vacancy when the law does not
forbid it.
(1) When the pardon’s terms expressly restores Exception: However, such an appointment
such right [Art. 36, RPC]; cannot take effect after the power to appoint
(2) When the reason for granting pardon is itself expires.
non-commission of the imputed crime.
[Garcia v. Chairman, COA (1993)] H. QUALIFYING TO OFFICE

G.1. VACANCY Officers are required by law to do some act by

There is a vacancy when an office is empty and which he signifies his acceptance of the office.
without a legally qualified incumbent appointed Generally, it takes the form of an official oath.
or elected to it. Some offices also require the posting of a
There can be no appointment without a vacancy. Under BP 881, the office of any elected official
who fails or refuses to take his oath of office
Physical vacancy is not essential; if a de facto within six months from his proclamation shall
officer, usurper or holdover officer occupies an be considered vacant unless said failure is for
office, the office is still vacant and a permanent cause or causes beyond his control.
appointment can be made.
An oath of office is a qualifying requirement
for a public office. Only when the public
I. CLASSIFICATIONS OF VACANCY officer has satisfied this prerequisite can his
(1) Ordinary — office is crated and no one right to enter into the position be considered
has been appointed to it. plenary and complete. Until then, he has
(2) Constructive — when incumbent has no none at all, and for as long as he has not
legal right or claim to continue in office qualified, the holdover officer is the rightful
and can be legally replaced by another occupant. [Lecaroz v. Sandiganbayan (1999)]
(3) Accidental — when the incumbent dies,
resigns or is removed
General Rule: Deemed a refusal of office. The
(4) Absolute —term of an incumbent
person appointed will be considered a de facto
expires, and he is not held over.


(1) If the qualification is supplied later
V. Disabilities and
(2) When the delay in qualification is
justified, eg. Sickness, fortuitous events.
Inhibitions of Public
Outward pledge where one formally calls upon
God to witness the truth of what he says or to
the fact that he sincerely intends to do what he PUBLIC OFFICE IN GENERAL
says. Individuals who lack ANY of the qualifications
prescribed by the Constitution or by law for a
i. BEFORE WHOM OATH MUST BE MADE public office are ineligible (i.e. disqualified from
(1) In general, any officer in the service of the holding such office).
government of the Philippines whose
appointment is vested in the president, B. AUTHORITY TO PRESCRIBE
(2) Notaries, members of the judiciary, Generally, the legislature has the right to
secretaries of congress, secretaries of prescribe disqualifications in the same manner
departments, bureau directors, registrars of that it can prescribe qualifications, PROVIDED
deeds, provincial governors, lieutenant that the prescribed disqualifications do not
governors, city mayors, and other officers violate the Constitution.
whose duties require presentation to him of
any statement under oath. C. GENERAL CONSTITUTIONAL
However, only notaries, municipal judges and DISQUALIFICATIONS
clerks of court are not obliged to administer (1) Losing candidates cannot be appointed to
oaths unless in matters of official business. any governmental office within one year
after such election. [Art. IX-B Sec. 6]
H.3. GIVING OF BONDS (2) Elective officials during their tenure are
Accountable public officials or those to whom ineligible for appointment or designation in
are entrusted the collection and custody of ANY capacity to ANY public office or
public money, and public ministerial offices position [Art. IX-B Sec. 7(1)] unless they
whose actions may affect the rights and forfeit their seat
interests of individuals are usually required to
give bonds. General Rule: Appointive officials shall not hold
any other governmental position, UNLESS
i. NATURE OF BONDS otherwise allowed by law or his position’s
In the nature of an indemnity bond primary functions [Art. IX-B Sec 7 (2)]
In effect, a contract between the officer and
the government, binding the officer to Exception: ex-officio positions, which are
discharge the duties of his office positions held as provided by law and required
Binds sureties to make good the officer’s by the primary functions of the office.
default for the benefit of the public interest.
However, merely collateral security for the Exception to the Exception: However, the
performance of the duties. President, VP, the members of the Cabinet and
their deputies or assistants are subject to the


stricter disqualification that they cannot hold

ANY other office or employment, even ex-officio

Exception to THAT: where such holding of two

positions is provided in the Constitution, e.g. the
President is the head of NEDA. [CLU v Exec. Sec.]


Public Officer Disqualifications

The President, Vice President, the Members of the Shall not hold any other office or employment
Cabinet and their deputies or assistants during their tenure, UNLESS otherwise provided in
the Constitution, [Art. VII, Sec. 13]
Senator or Member of the House of May not hold during his term any other office or
Representatives employment in the Government, or any
subdivision, agency or instrumentality thereof,
including government -owned or -controlled
corporations or their subsidiaries
If he does, he forfeits his seat
Shall also not be appointed to any office when
such was created or its emoluments were
increased during his term. [Art. VI, Sec 13]
Members of the Supreme Court and other courts Shall not be designated to any agency performing
established by law quasi-judicial or administrative functions. [Art. VIII,
Sec. 12]
Members of the Constitutional Commission Shall not hold any other office or employment
[during their tenure]. [Art. IX-A, Sec. 2]
Members of Constitutional Commissions, the No other office or employment during their tenure.
Ombudsman and his Deputies [Art. XI, Sec. 8]
The President’s spouse and relatives by Shall not be appointed during President’s tenure
consanguinity or affinity within the fourth civil as Members of the Constitutional Commissions, or
degree the Office of the Ombudsman, or as Secretaries,
Undersecretaries, chairmen or heads of bureaus or
offices, including government-owned-or -
controlled corporations. [Art. VIII, Sec. 13]


E. OTHER DISQUALIFICATIONS practice of his or her profession

(1) Mental or physical incapacity under the following conditions:
(2) Misconduct or crime: persons convicted first, the private practice is
of crimes involving moral turpitude are authorized by the Constitution or by
disqualified from holding public office. the law; and
(3) Impeachment—an official removed after second, the practice will not conflict,
impeachment cannot thereafter hold or tend to conflict, with his or her
public office.. official functions.
(4) Removal or suspension from office: not (9) Relationship with the appointing
presumed non-imposable when such power/Nepotism
ineligibility is not constitutionally or
statutorily declared. General Rule: The Civil Service Decree (PD 807)
(5) Previous tenure of office: for example, prohibits all appointments in the national and
an appointed Ombudsman is absolutely local governments or any branch or
disqualified for reappointment [Article instrumentality thereof made in favor of
XI, Constitution] relatives within the third degree of
(6) Consecutive terms limit: consanguinity or affinity of:
(a) Vice-President = 2 consecutive terms (1) appointing authority;
(b) Senator = 2 consecutive terms (2) recommending authority;
(c) Representative = 3 consecutive terms (3) chief of the bureau office; or
(d) Elective local officials = 3 consecutive (4) person exercising immediate
terms [Sec. 8, Art. X, Constitution] supervision over the appointee
See Term Limits, infra. In the last two cases, it is immaterial who the
(7) Holding more than one office, supra. appointing or recommending authority is. To
(8) Holding of office in the private sector: constitute a violation of the law, it suffices that
(a) Section 7 (b)(1)of RA 6713 makes it an appointment is extended or issued in favor of
unlawful for public officials and a relative of the chief of the bureau or office, or
employees to own, control, manage, the person exercising immediate supervision
or accept employment as officer, over the appointee [CSC v. Dacoycoy (1999)]
employee, consultant, counsel,
broker, agent, trustee or nominee in Exceptions to rule on nepotism:
any private enterprise regulated, (a) persons employed in a confidential capacity
supervised or licensed by their office (b) teachers
during their incumbency unless (c) physicians
expressly allowed by law. (d) members of the Armed Forces of the
(b) Section 7 of RA 6713 also generally Philippines
provides for the prohibited acts and (e) those who were already appointed to the
transactions of public officials and same office, but later got married.
employees. Subsection (b)(2)
prohibits them from engaging in the (10) Under the Local Government Code, the ff.
private practice of their profession cannot be local government officials [Sec.
during their incumbency. As an 40]:
exception, a public official or (a) Sentenced by final judgment for an
employee can engage in the offense involving moral turpitude or for
an offense punishable by 1 year or more


of imprisonment, within 2 years after When doubts arise, express grants of power are
serving sentence; subject to strict interpretation, and as
(b) Removed from office as a result of an conferring only those powers which are
administrative case; expressly granted or necessarily implied.
(c) Convicted by final judgment for
violating the oath of allegiance to the C. SCOPE OF POWER OF A PUBLIC
Republic; OFFICER
(d) Those holding dual allegiance The power of a public officer includes those:
Note that dual citizenship in itself is not (1) Expressly conferred upon him by the act
a disqualification. See discussions under appointing him
Citizenship. (2) Expressly annexed to the office by law
(e) Fugitive from justice in criminal or non- and
political cases here or abroad; (3) Attached to the office by common law
(f) Permanent residents in a foreign as incidents to it
country or those who have acquired the
right to reside abroad and continue to Doctrine of necessary implication – all powers
avail of the same right after the necessary for the effective exercise of the
effectivity of the Local Government express powers are deemed impliedly granted
(g) The Insane or feeble-minded.
VI. Powers and Duties of Authority can be exercised only during the term
when the public officer is, by law, invested with
Public Officers the rights and duties of the office
May only be exercised in the territory where the
A. SOURCE OF POWER OF PUBLIC authority is effective.
Sovereignty resides in the people, and is then E. CLASSIFICATION OF POWERS AND
delegated to public officers. DUTIES
(1) As to Nature
B. AUTHORITY OF PUBLIC OFFICERS (a) Ministerial — duty is absolute, certain
The granting of authority is not presumed. In and imperative involving merely
the absence of a valid grant, they are devoid of execution of a specific duty arising from
power. fixed and designated facts. Where the
officer or official body has no judicial
The public is presumed to have knowledge of a power or discretion as to the
public official’s authority, and are given the interpretation of the law, and the course
responsibility to ascertain the scope of his to be pursued is fixed by law, their acts
authority. As a result, there is no such thing as are ministerial only.
apparent authority of a public officer. (b) Discretionary — duty necessarily
requires the exercise of reason in the
However, a citizen has the right to presume that adaptation of means to an end, and
a public officer knows his duties and performs discretion in determining how or
the same in accordance with law. whether the act shall be done or the


course pursued. Discretion arises when E.1. DISTINCTION BETWEEN MINISTERIAL

the act may be performed in one or two AND DISCRETIONARY POWERS
or more ways, either of which would be The key distinction between ministerial and
lawful, but where the choice as to which discretionary power is the exercise of discretion.
one to perform is left to the will or Thus,
judgment of the officer. Ministerial Discretionary
(2) As to the Obligation of the Officer to No discretion required. Discretion required.
Perform his Powers and Duties Performance may be Only action may be
(a) Mandatory – powers conferred on public compelled by compelled, but not
officers are generally construed as mandamus performance of a
mandatory although the language may specific act
be permissive, where they are for the May be delegated May not be delegated
benefit of the public or individuals
(b) Permissive – statutory provisions define Discretion – act or liberty to decide according to
the time and mode in which public the principles of justice and one’s ideas of what
officers will discharge their duties, and is right and proper under the circumstances,
those which are obviously designed without willfulness or favor. The officer
merely to secure order, uniformity, concerned acts according to the dictates of their
system and dispatch in public business own judgment and conscience, uncontrolled by
are generally deemed directory. If the the judgment and conscience of others.
act does not affect third persons and is
not clearly beneficial to the public, E.2. TIME OF PERFORMANCE OF DUTIES
permissive words will not be construed Generally, within the time stated in the statute.
as mandatory. If not stated, within a reasonable time. It must
(3) As to the Relationship of the Officer to his be noted, however, that unless the statue
subordinates prohibits the performance of an act other than
(a) Power of Control – power of an officer to at the times stated, the provision of a time of
manage, direct or govern what a performance is merely directory.
subordinate had done in the
performance of duties, including the
power to alter or modify or set aside
Where an act is exercised defectively, it can be
what the subordinate had done in the
ratified, as it is voidable. However, if the officer
performance of his duties and to
had no authority, the act is void and cannot be
substitute his judgment for that of the
(b) Power of Supervision – the power of
mere oversight over an inferior body
which does not include any restraining CIVIL SERVICE LAW
authority over such body. A supervising (1) Commitment to public interest
officer merely sees to it that the rules (2) Professionalism
are followed, but he himself does not (3) Justness and sincerity
lay down such rules, nor does he have (4) Political neutrality
the discretion to modify or replace (5) Responsiveness tot eh public
them. (6) Nationalism and patriotism
(7) Commitment to democracy


(8) Simple living spouses and of unmarried children under

18 years of age living in their household.
Note, however, that failure to comply with these Must be filed within:
norms is not a ground for dismissal, but only for (1) 30 days of assumption of office,
disciplinary measures. (2) On or before April 30 of every year,
(3) Within 30 days after separation from
(1) To be accountable to the people, to serve (3) To owe the State and the Constitution
them with utmost responsibility, integrity, allegiance at all times [Sec. 18, Art XI]
loyalty and efficiency [Sec. 1, Art XI]
(a) To obey the law G. SPECIFIC DUTIES OF PUBLIC
(b) To accept and continue in office OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES
(c) To accept the burden of office (1) Act promptly on letters and requests
(d) Use reasonable skill and diligence in the (a) Must be within 15 working days
performance of his official duties, (b) When the request can be disposed of
particularly where rights of individuals promptly, it must be done immediately.
may be jeopardized by his neglect. (c) Reply must contain the action taken on
(e) Use public funds and property with the the request.
diligence of a good father of a family. (2) Submit annual performance reports within
(f) Make the best available appointment, if 45 working days from the end of the year, to
in a position to appoint. be submitted to the CSC.
(g) Ethical duties (3) Process documents and papers
(i) Refrain from outside activities which expeditiously
interfere with the proper discharge (a) Must be processed and completed
of their duties. within a reasonable time from
(ii) Not to place himself in a position preparation
which will subject him to conflicting (b) Must not contain more than 3
duties or expose him to the signatories.
temptation of acting in any manner (c) In the absence of an authorized
other than in the best interests of signature, the official next in rank shall
the public. sign in his stead.
(iii) To act with civility. (4) Act immediately on personal transactions
(2) Duty to make public disclosure of (5) Make documents accessible to the public.
statements of assets and liabilities [Sec. 17,
Art. XI]
Public officials and employees have an
obligation under the Code of Conduct and
Ethical Standards for Public Officials and
Employees to accomplish and submit
declarations under oath of, and the public
has the right to know, their assets,
liabilities, net worth and financial and
business interests including those of their


VII. Rights of Public that are embraced within the

constitutional rights of others, when such
Officers activities are reasonably deemed
inconsistent with their public status and
OFFICE (3) Right to salary
The rights of one elected or appointed to office Salary – personal compensation to be paid
are, in general, measured by the Constitution or to the public officer for his services, and it is
the law under which he was elected or generally a fixed annual or periodical
appointed. payment depending on the time and not on
the amount of the services he may render
Right to office – The just and legal claim to Distinguished from wages in that salary is
exercise the powers and the responsibilities of given to officers of higher degree of
the public office employment than those to whom wages
are given.
Term Tenure The power to fix the compensation of
public officers is not inherently and
Period during which Period during which
exclusively legislative in character.
the officer may claim to the officer actually
hold the office as of holds office Unless the Constitution expressly or
right impliedly prohibits Congress from doing
so, it may delegate the power to other
government bodies or officers.
The salary of a public officer may not, by
(1) Protection from publication commenting on
garnishment, attachment or order of
his fitness and the like
execution, be seized before being paid to
The mere fact that one occupies a public him and, appropriated for the payment of
office does not deprive him of the his debts.
protection accorded to citizens by the
The rationale behind this doctrine is
Constitution and the laws.
obvious consideration of public policy.
However, by reason of the public The functions and public services
character of his employment or office, a rendered by the State cannot be allowed
public officer is, in general, held not to be paralyzed or disrupted by the
entitled to the same protection from diversion of public funds from their
publications commenting on his fitness legitimate and specific objects, as
and the like, as is accorded to the ordinary appropriated by law. [De la Victoria v.
citizen. Burgos, (1995)]
(2) Engaging in certain political and business
The governmental interest in maintaining
The relation between an officer and the public is
a high level service by assuring the not the creation of contract, nor is the office
efficiency of its employees in the
itself a contract. Hence, his right to
performance of their tasks may require
compensation is not the creation of contract. It
public employees to suspend or refrain
exists as the creation of law and belongs to him
from certain political or business activities


not by force of any contract but because the law Right to Retirement Pay – given to government
attaches it to the office. employees to reward them for giving giving the
best years of their lives in the service of their
The right to compensation grows out of the country. Retirement laws are liberally construed
services rendered. After services have been in favor of the retiree [Profeta v. Drilon (1992)]. It
rendered, the compensation thus earned cannot may not be withheld and applied to his
be taken away by a subsequent law indebtedness to the government [Tantuico v.
. Domingo (1994)]
As a general proposition, a public official is not
entitled to any compensation if he has not B. OTHER RIGHTS
rendered any service. [Acosta v. CA, (2000)]
Right of a de facto officer to salary –where there
is no de jure officer, a de facto officer who, in (1) Right to self-organization
good faith, has possession of the office and has The right to self-organization shall not be
discharged the duties thereof, is entitled to denied to government employees. [Sec.
salary 2(5), Art. IX-B, Constitution]. Government
employees in the civil service are granted
Right to Back Salaries –back salaries are the right to form unions enjoyed by
payable to an officer illegally dismissed or workers in the private sector.
otherwise unjustly deprived of his office, the
However, the constitutional grant to
right to recover accruing from the date of
government workers of the right to form
deprivation. The claim for back salaries must be
labor organizations or unions does not
coupled with a claim for reinstatement and
guarantee them the right to bargain
subject to the prescriptive period of 1 year.
collectively with the government or to
engage in concerted activities including
To fall under this exception, 2 conditions must
the right to strike, which are enjoyed by
be complied with:
private employees. They are prohibited
(1) the employee must be found innocent of the
from staging strikes, demonstrations,
mass leaves, walk-outs and other forms of
(2) his suspension must be unjustified.
mass actions which will result in
temporary stoppage or disruption of
Right to Vacation Leave and Sick Leave with Pay
public services.
– under Sec. 81 of the LGC, elective local
(2) Right to protection of temporary employees
officials shall be entitled to the same leave
Employees in the government given
privilieges as those enjoyed by appointive local
temporary appointments do not enjoy
officials, including the accumulation and
security of tenure. They shall be given
commutation thereof. Government officers and
such protection as may be established by
employees are entitled to commutation of all
law to prevent indiscriminate dismissals
leave credits without limitation and regardless
and to see to it that their separation or
of the period when the credits were earned
replacement is made only for justifiable
provided the claimant was in the service as of
Jan. 9, 1985 [Presidential Memo Circular No. 54]
(3) Freedom of members of Congress from
arrest and from being questioned


A Senator or Member of the House of power are bona fide for the best interest of the
Representatives shall, in all offenses public service and the person chosen has the
punishable by not more than six years needed qualifications.
imprisonment, be privileged from arrest
while Congress is in session. No member ii. PERSONNEL ACTIONS
shall be questioned nor be held liable in Any action denoting the movement or progress
any other place for any speech or debate of personnel in the civil service is known as
in the Congress or in any committee personnel action. It includes:
thereof. [Sec. 11, Art. VI, Constitution] (1) appointment through certification
(4) Right not to be removed or suspended (2) promotion
except for cause provided by law (3) transfer
Implicit in the constitutional prohibition (4) reinstatement
against removal or suspension except for (5) reemployment
cause, is the existence of a charge, due (6) detail
hearing, and the finding of guilt by the (7) reassignment
proper authority. (8) demotion and
(9) separation
DECREE AND THE NEW ADMINISTRATIVE To hold that the Civil Service Law requires
CODE filling up any vacancy by promotion, transfer,
(1) Right to preference in promotion reinstatement, reemployment, or certification
(2) Right to present complaints and grievances IN THAT ORDER would be tantamount to
(3) Right not to be suspended or dismissed legislative appointment which is repugnant to
except for cause as provided by law and the Constitution. What it does purport to say
after due process is that as far as practicable the person next in
(4) Right to organize rank should be promoted, otherwise the
vacancy may be filled by transfer,
i. NEXT-IN-RANK RULE reinstatement, reemployment or certification,
This rule specifically applies only in cases of as the appointing power sees fit, provided the
promotion. It neither grants a vested right to the appointee is certified to be qualified and
holder nor imposes a ministerial duty on the eligible. [Pineda v. Claudio (1969)]
appointing authority to promote such person to
the next higher position. B.3. RIGHTS UNDER THE REVISED
One who is “next-in-rank” to a vacancy is given Covered employees are entitled to retirement
preferential consideration for promotion to a benefits, separation benefits, unemployment or
vacant position, but it does not necessarily involuntary separation benefits, disability
follow that he alone and no one else can be benefits, survivorship benefits, funeral benefits
appointed. and life insurance benefits.

Reason for the rule: The preference given i. RIGHT TO REIMBURSEMENT AND
assumes that employees working in an office for INDEMNITY
longer period have gained not only superior When a public officer, in the due performance
skills but also greater dedication to the public of his duties, has been expressly or impliedly
service provided that the acts of the appointing


required by law to incur expenses on the Where such are indispensable in the proper
public account, not covered by his salary or conduct of the office, the officer may not take
commission and not attributable to his own them as his own property.
neglect or default, the reasonable and proper
amount thereof forms a legitimate charge If, not being required by law, they are prepared
against the public for which he should be by the officer apart from his official duties and
reimbursed. are not indispensable in the proper conduct of
Within the same limits, the officer is entitled the office, the officer may acquire a property
to be indemnified by the public against the right therein.
consequences of acts which he has been
expressly or impliedly required to perform
upon the public account, and which are not
VIII. Liabilities of Public
manifestly illegal and which he does not know
to be wrong.
The liability of a public officer to an individual or
the public is based upon and is co-extensive
with his duty to the individual or the public. [De
SALARY Leon, 2008]
Reinstatement – the restoration to a state or
condition from which one had been removed or
separated. One who is reinstated assumes the
A public officer is not liable for the injuries
position he had occupied prior to the dismissal
sustained by another as a consequence of
Back salary or wages is a form of relief that
official acts done within the scope of his
restores the income that was lost by reason of
authority, except as otherwise provided by law.
unlawful dismissal
[Nachura, 2009]
For a plaintiff to succeed in seeking
A public officer shall not be civilly liable for acts
reinstatement to an office, he must prove his
done in the performance of his official duties,
right to the office. Unless this right is shown,
unless there is a clear showing of bad faith,
the action must fail even if the appointment of
malice or negligence. [Sec. 38(1), Administrative
the successor is first in issue.

iii. RIGHTS TO PROPERTY, DEVICES AND No subordinate officer or employee shall be

INVENTIONS civilly liable for acts done by him in good faith in
Title to a public office carries with it the right, the performance of his duties. However, he shall
during the incumbency of the officer, to the be liable for wilful or negligent acts done by him
insignia and property thereof. which are contrary to law, morals, public policy
and good customs even if he acted under orders
The question whether records, discoveries, or instructions of his superiors.
inventions, devices, data and the like, made or
prepared by an officer while he is occupying the Under Sec. 24, LGC, local governments and
office, belong to the public, must be determined their officials are not exempt from liability for
with reference to the facts of each case. death or injury to persons or damage to


B. STATUTORY LIABILITY Crimes peculiar to certain public officers:

(1) Revised Penal Code
B.1. UNDER THE CIVIL CODE (2) Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act
(1) Article 27— Any person may file for damages (3) Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards
arising from the refusal or negligence of a (4) Forfeiture of Unexplained Wealth Act
public servant or employee to perform his (5) Civil Service Decree
official duty without just cause, without (6) Government Auditing Code
prejudice to any disciplinary administrative (7) Local Government Code
action (8) National Internal Revenue Code
(2) Article 32— Public officer or employee may (9) Omnibus Election Code
be liable for damages when they, directly or
indirectly obstructs, defeats, violates or in Article 34 of the Civil Code
any manner impedes or impairs A member of a city or municipal police force
constitutional rights. refuses or fails to render aid or protection in
An entirely separate and distinct civil case of danger to life or property:
action for damages, or for other relief
Primary Liability for damages: Peace officer
This civil case may be proved by
preponderance of evidence
Subsidiary Liability: The city or municipality
Moral and exemplary damages may be
The civil action herein recognized shall be
However, the responsibility in this
independent of any criminal proceedings, and a
provision is not demandable from a judge
preponderance of evidence shall suffice to
unless his act is punishable under the
support such action
Penal Code and other penal statutes
A criminal action may also be filed if the Article 38(2) of the Administrative Code
defendant’s act or omission constitute a
Liability for damages by any public officer who
criminal offense
neglects to perform a duty without just cause
Under this provision, it is not necessary within:
that the public officer acted with malice or
A period fixed by law or regulation, or
bad faith. To be liable, it is enough that
Within a reasonable period if none is fixed
there was a violation of the constitutional
This action is without prejudice to such other
rights of the aggrieved party, even on the
liability as may be prescribed by law.
pretext of justifiable motives or good faith
in the performance of one’s duties. Good
Liability on Contracts – the public officer shall
faith is not a defense.
be personally liable on contracts he enters into
if he acted without, or exceeded his authority
[De Leon, 2008]
Liability on Tort – The public officer shall be
The mere fact that an officer is acting in an
personally liable if he goes beyond the scope of
official capacity will not relieve him from
his authority, or exceeds the powers conferred
criminal liability.
upon him by law.

Presidential Immunity from Suit –The privilege is

enjoyed only during the tenure of the President.



A public officer is under a three-fold TO PUBLIC OFFICERS
responsibility for violation of duty or for Neither the principle of command responsibility
wrongful act or omission: (in military or political structural dynamics) nor
(1) Civil Liability: if the individual is damaged by the doctrine of respondeat superior (in quasi
such violation, the official shall, in some delicts) applies in the law of public officers. The
cases, be held liable civilly to reimburse the negligence of the subordinate cannot be
injured party. ascribed to his superior in the absence of
(2) Criminal Liability: if the law has attached a evidence of the latter’s own negligence [Reyes v.
penal sanction, the officer may be punished Rural Bank of San Miguel (2004)]
(3) Administrative Liability: such violation may Exception: The President, being the
also lead to imposition of fine, reprimand, commander-in-chief of all armed forces,
suspension or removal from office. This necessarily possesses control over the military
administrative liability is separate and that qualifies him as a superior within the
distinct from the penal and civil liabilities. purview of the command responsibility doctrine
[Agpalo, 2005] [In the Matter of the Petition for Writ of Amparo
and Habeas Data in favor of Noriel H. Rodriguez;
C. LIABILITY OF MINISTERIAL Rodriguez v. Macapagal-Arroyo (2011)]
(1) Nonfeasance – Neglect or refusal to perform C.2. PREVENTIVE SUSPENSION AND
an act which is the officer’s legal obligation BACK SALARIES
to perform Preventive Suspension - a disciplinary measure
(2) Misfeasance – Failure to use that degree of which is intended to enable the disciplinary
care, skill, and diligence required in the authority to investigate charges against the
performance of official duty respondent by preventing the latter from using
(3) Malfeasance – The doing, through his position or office to influence witnesses, to
ignorance, inattention or malice, of an act intimidate them, or to tamper with the records
which he had no legal right to perform which may be vital in the prosecution of the
case against him.
A head of a department or a superior officer i. KINDS OF PREVENTIVE SUSPENSION
shall not be civilly liable for the wrongful acts, (1) Preventive suspension pending
omissions of duty, negligence or misfeasance of investigation
his subordinates, unless he has actually The proper disciplining authority may
authorized by written order the specific act or preventively suspend any subordinate
misconduct complained of [Sec. 38(3), officer under his authority pending an
Administrative Code] investigation, if the charge against such
officer involves dishonesty, oppression or
grave misconduct or neglect in the
performance of duty or if there are
reasons to believe that the respondent is


guilty of the charges which would warrant (c) When – pending an investigation
his removal from service [De Leon, 2008] (d) Grounds – Dishonesty, oppression or
No compensation is due for the period of grave misconduct, neglect in the
preventive suspension pending performance of duty or if there are
investigation because such is not a reasons to believe that respondent is
penalty but only a means of enabling the guilty of the charges which would
disciplining authority to conduct an warrant his removal from the service
unhampered investigation. [De Leon, (e) Period – administrative investigation
2008] must be terminated within 90 days,
(2) Preventive suspension pending appeal if the otherwise the respondent shall be
penalty imposed by the disciplining automatically reinstated unless the
authority is suspension or dismissal and, delay in the disposition of the case is
after review, the respondent is exonerated. due to the fault, negligence or petition
[Caniete v. Secretary of Education, (2000)] of the respondent, in which case the
Employees are entitled to compensation period of delay shall not be counted
for the period of their suspension pending (2) Presidential Appointee
appeal if they are found innocent. Such Can only be investigated and removed
suspension is actually punitive so that a from office after due notice and hearing
public officer should be reinstated with by the President under the principle that
full pay for the period of the suspension. the power to remove is inherent in the
power to appoint as can be implied from
Pending Investigation Pending Appeal Sec. 5 of RA 2260 [Villaluz v. Zaldivar
Not a penalty but only Punitive in character
a means of enabling Elective Officials [Sec. 63, RA 7160]. –
the disciplining (1) By – against
authority to conduct (a) President – elective official of a
unhampered province, HUC or ICC
investigation (b) Governor – elective official of CC or
No backwages due for If exonerated – municipality
the period of reinstated with full pay (c) Mayor – elective official of a brgy
suspension even if for the period of (2) When – at any time after the issues are
found innocent unless suspension joined
suspension is (3) Requisites:
unjustified If reprimanded – (a) After the issues are joined;
cannot claim (b) Evidence of guilt is strong; and
backwages. Penalty is (c) Given the gravity of the offense, there is
commuted great probability that the continuance in
office of of the respondent could:
ii. RULES ON PREVENTIVE SUSPENSION (i) influence the witnesses; or
Appointive Officials. – (ii) pose a threat to the safety and
(1) Not a Presidential Appointee integrity of the records and other
(a) By – the proper disciplining authority evidence.
(b) Against – any subordinate officer or
employee under such authority


(4) Duration
(a) Single administrative case – not to
IX. Immunity of Public
exceed 60 days
(b) Several administrative cases – not more
than 90 days within a single year on the
same ground or grounds existing and General Rule: The doctrine of state immunity
known at the time of the first suspension from suit applies to complaints filed against
(5) Preventive suspension of an elective local public officials for acts done in the performance
official is not an interruption of the 3-term of their duties.
limit rule [Aldovino v. COMELEC (2009)]
(1) Where the public official is charged in his
official capacity for acts that are unlawful
and injurious to the rights of others. Not
Reinstatement and back salary or wages are exempt, in their personal capacity, from
separate and distinct reliefs given to an liability arising from acts committed in bad
illegally dismissed official or employee. faith
Where an officer was unlawfully removed and (2) Where the public official is clearly being
was prevented for a time by no fault of his sued not in his official capacity but in his
own from performing the duties of his office, it personal capacity, although the acts
was held that he might recover backwages, complained of may have been committed
and that the amount that he had earned in while he occupied a public position
other employment during his unlawful [Lansang v. CA (2000)]
removal should not be deducted from his (3) Suit to compel performance of official duty
unpaid salary. He may recover the full amount or restrain performance of an act
notwithstanding that during the period of his
removal, the salary has been paid to another
appointed to fill the vacancy unlawfully
The “no work, no pay” principle does not OFFICERS
apply where it has been sufficiently shown Rationale: promotion of fearless, vigorous and
that a public official was wrongfully prevented effective administration of policies of
from entering the office and carrying out his government.
If the illegal dismissal is found to have been It is generally recognized that public officers
made in bad faith by the superior officers then and employees would be unduly hampered,
they will be held personally accountable for deterred and intimidated in the discharge of
back salaries of the illegally dismissed their duties, if those who act improperly, or even
employee. exceed the authority given them, were not
protected to some reasonable degree by being
The award of backwages is limited to a
relieved from private liability. The threat of suit
maximum period of 5 years and not to full
could also deter competent people from
back salaries from illegal termination up to
accepting public office.
reinstatement [David v. Gania (2003)]


Other public policy considerations: in the discharge of his official duties are not
(1) Loss of valuable time caused by such actionable as long as it is not shown that they
actions were motivated by malice or gross negligence
(2) Unfairness of subjecting officials to personal amounting to bad faith.
liability for the acts of their subordinates
(3) A feeling that the ballot and removal D. IMMUNITY FROM SUIT OF THE
procedures are more appropriate methods PRESIDENT
of dealing with the misconduct in public
General Rule: The President shall be immune
from suit during his tenure.
IMMUNITY (1) Impeachment complaint [Sec. 2 Art. XI,
The immunity of public officials is a more (2) While the President is immune from suit,
limited principle than governmental immunity she may not be prevented from instituting a
since its purpose is not directly to protect the suit.
sovereign, but rather to do so only collaterally,
by protecting the public official in the Note: A non-sitting President does not enjoy
performance of his government function. immunity from suit, even for acts committed
during the latter’s tenure [In the Matter of the
The doctrine of sovereign immunity principally Petition for the Writ of Amparo and Habeas Data
rested upon the tenuous ground that the king in favor of Noriel H. Rodriguez; Rodriguez v.
could do no wrong. It served to protect the Macapagal-Arroyo (2011)]
impersonal body politic or government itself
from tort liability.
X. De Facto Officers
Official Immunity serves as a protective aegis for
public officials from tort liability for damages It is the doctrine that a person who is admitted
arising from discretionary acts or functions in and sworn into office by the proper authority is
the performance of their official duties. deemed to be rightfully in such office until:
(1) he is ousted by judicial declaration in a
proper proceeding; or
(2) his admission thereto is declared void.
Doctrine’s Purpose: to ensure the orderly
A public officer enjoys only qualified, not functioning of government. The public cannot
absolute immunity. The protection afforded by afford to check the validity of the officer's title
the doctrine generally applies only to activities each time they transact with him.
within the scope of office that are in good faith
and are not reckless, malicious or corrupt. De Facto Officer – one who has the reputation of
being the officer that he assumes to be, and yet
But acts of a public officer are protected by the is not a good officer in point of law. [Torres v.
presumption of good faith. Even mistakes Ribo (1948)]
concededly committed by such a public officer


He must have: (3) He possessed public office under color of a

(1) Acted as an officer for such length of time, known election or appointment, but such is
(2) Under color of title and under such VOID because:
circumstances of reputation or (a) He is ineligible;
acquiescence by the public and public (b) The electing or appointing body is not
authorities, empowered to do such;
(3) As to afford a presumption of election or (c) His exercise of his function was
appointment, and defective or irregular;
(4) Induce people, without inquiry, and relying (d) Important: The public does NOT KNOW
on the supposition that he is the officer he of such ineligibility, want of power, or
assumes to be, to submit to or invoke his defect being.
action. (4) He possessed public office under color of an
election or an appointment by or pursuant
A person is a de facto officer when the duties of to a public, unconstitutional law, before the
his office are exercised under ANY of the same is adjudged to be such.
following circumstances: What is unconstitutional is the officer’s
(1) There is no known appointment or election, appointment to an office not legally existing,
but people are induced by circumstances of (not creation of an unconstitutional office).
reputation or acquiescence to suppose that [Norton v. County of Shelby (1886)]
he is the officer he assumes to be.
Consequently, people do not to inquire into
his authority, and they submit to him or
invoke his action;
(2) He possessed public office under color of a
known and valid appointment or election,
but he failed to conform to some precedent
requirement or condition (e.g., taking an
oath or giving a bond);


De Jure De Facto
Requisites A de jure office exists; De jure office;

He is legally qualified for the office; He assumed office under color of

right or general acquiescence by the
He is lawfully chosen to such office; public;

He undertakes to perform the duties He actually and physically possessed

of such office according to law’s the office in good faith.
prescribed mode.


Basis of Authority Right: Reputation: He possesses office and

He has the lawful right / title to the performs its duties under color of
office right, but he is not technically
qualified to act in all points of law
How Ousted Cannot be ousted. In a direct proceeding (quo warranto);
Validity of official acts Valid, subject to exceptions (e.g., Valid as to the public until his title to
acting beyond his scope of authority, the office is adjudged insufficient.
Rule on Compensation Rightfully entitled to compensation;
Conditionally entitled to receive
compensation: only when no de jure
The principle "No work, no pay" is officer is declared;
inapplicable to him.
He is paid only for actual services


De Facto Intruder
Nature He becomes officer under any of the 4 He possesses office and performs
circumstances discussed under Part II official acts without actual or
(above). apparent authority.
Basis of Authority Color of right or title to office None. Neither lawful title nor color of
right to office.
Validity of “official” acts Valid as to the public until his title to Absolutely void; His acts can be
the office is adjudged insufficient impeached at any time in any
proceeding (unless and until he
continues to act for a long time,
creating a presumption of his right to
act) [De Leon, 119]
Rule on Compensation Entitled to receive compensation only Not entitled to compensation at all.
when no de jure officer is declared and
only for actual services rendered.

An intruder / usurper may be presumed a de facto officer with the passage of time, when the public
presumes in their minds IN GOOD FAITH that the intruder is rightfully acting as a public officer.


C. ELEMENTS OF A DE FACTO abolition and over the fiscal’s objection

OFFICERSHIP [People v. So (1995)]
(3) Office created under an unconstitutional
(1) A validly existing public office;
The prevalent view is that a person
(2) Actual physical possession of the office in
appointed or elected in accordance with a
good faith;
law later declared to be unconstitutional
(3) Color of title to the office:
may be considered de facto at least before
(a) Reputation or acquiescence;
the declaration of unconstitutionality.
(b) Known and valid appointment or
election, but the officer failed to
conform to a legal requirement
(c) Known appointment or election but void FACTO OFFICERS
because of ineligibility of the officer, or [Monroy v. CA (1967)]
want of authority of the appointing or
electing authority, or because of an (1) As regards the officers themselves: A party
irregularity in his appointment or suing or defending in his own right as a
election, such ineligibility, want of public officer must show that he is an officer
authority or irregularity being unknown de jure. It is not sufficient that he be merely
to the public a de facto officer.
(d) Known appointment or election (2) As regards the public and third persons: The
pursuant to an unconstitutional law acts of a de facto officer are valid as to third
before declaration of unconstitutionality persons and the public until his title to
office is adjudged insufficient.
D. WHO ARE NOT CONSIDERED DE Rationale: The doctrine is intended not for
the protection of the public officer, but for
the protection of the public and individuals
who get involved in the official acts of
(1) A judge who has accepted an appointment persons discharging the duties of a public
as finance secretary and yet renders a office.
decision after his acceptance: if he has (3) De Facto Officer’s Official Acts are not
ceased to be judge by actually accepting subject to collateral attack
and entering into some other office and has Rule: A de facto officer’s and his acts’
actually entered upon the performance of validity cannot be collaterally questioned (in
the duties of the other office, it is difficult to proceedings where he is not a party, or were
understand how he can still be considered not instituted to determine the very
as actually occupying and performing the question).
duties of the office which he had abandoned
and vacated. An abandonment and a Remedy: Quo warranto proceedings filed by:
vacation of an office is inconsistent and (a) The person claiming entitlement to the
repugnant to the idea of actually continuing office;
to perform the duties of such office; [Luna v. (b) The Republic of the Philippines
Rodriguez (1917)] (represented by the Solicitor-General or a
(2) A judge whose position has already been public prosecutor).
lawfully abolished, and yet promulgates a
decision in a criminal case after the


F. LIABILITY OF DE FACTO OFFICERS unconstitutional because it allowed Cabinet

[De Leon, 130-131] members to hold multiple offices in direct
contravention of the Constitution, it was
A de facto officer generally has the same degree held that during their tenure in the
of liability and accountability for official acts like questioned positions, the respondents may
a de jure officer. be considered de facto officers and as such
entitled to the emoluments of the office/s
The de facto officer may be liable for all for actual service rendered.
imposable penalties for ANY of the following A de facto officer, not having good title,
acts: takes the salaries at his risk and must
(1) usurping or unlawfully holding office; account to the de jure officer (when there
(2) exercising the functions of public office is one) for whatever salary he received
without lawful right; during the period of his wrongful tenure,
(3) ineligibility for the public office as even if he occupied the office in good
required by law faith.
BUT when the de jure officer assumed
The de facto officer cannot excuse responsibility another position under protest, for which
for crimes committed in his official capacity by she received compensation: while her
asserting his de facto status. assumption to the said position and her
acceptance of the corresponding
G. RIGHT TO COMPENSATION OF DE emoluments do not constitute
FACTO OFFICER abandonment of her rightful office, she
cannot recover full back wages for such.
She is only entitled to back pay
General Rule: None. A de facto officer cannot
differentials between the salary rates for
sue for the recovery of salary, fees or other
the lower position she assumed and the
emoluments attached to the office, for the
position she is rightfully entitled to. [Gen.
duties he has performed. His acts, as far as he
Manager, Philippine Ports Authority v.
himself is concerned, are void. [63A Am. Jur. 2d
Monserate (2002)]
The rightful incumbent may recover from the
de facto officer the salary received by the latter
during his wrongful tenure, even though he
entered into the office in good faith and under
color of title. [Monroy v CA (1967)]

(1) Where there is no de jure public officer, the
officer de facto who in good faith has had
possession of the office and has discharged
the duties pertaining thereto is legally
entitled to the emoluments of the office.
[Monroy v. CA (1967)]
(2) Civil Liberties Union v. Executive Secretary
(1991): Even as EO No. 284 was declared


XI. Termination of B. DEATH OR PERMANENT

Official Relation
The death of the incumbent of an office, which
is by law to be filled by one person only,
necessarily renders the office vacant. The public
TENURE OF OFFICE official cease to hold office upon his death and
all his rights, duties and obligations pertinent to
Upon the expiration of the officer’s term, unless the office are extinguished.
he is authorized by law to hold over, his rights,
duties and authority as a public officer must Permanent disability covers both physical or
ipso facto cease. mental disability.

Term of office – the time during which the

officer may claim to hold the office as of right
and fixes the interval after which the several
incumbents shall succeed one another. It is a Resignation – the act of giving up or the act of a
fixed and definite period of time to hold office, public officer by which he declines his office and
perform its functions and enjoy its privileges renounces the further right to use it. It is an
and emoluments until the expiration of said expression of the incumbent in some form,
period express or implied, of the intention to surrender,
renounce and relinquish the office and the
Tenure of office – the period during which the acceptance thereof by competent lawful
incumbent actually holds office. authority [Ortiz v. COMELEC (1988)]

Accomplishment of the Purpose – Where an Requisites:

office is created, or an officer is appointed, for (1) Intention to relinquish a part of the term
the purpose of performing a single act or the (2) Act of relinquishment
accomplishment of a given result, the office (3) Acceptance by the proper authority, either
terminates and the officer’s authority ceases expressly or implied
with the accomplishment of the purposes which
called it into being reaching the age limit Form of resignation:
(retirement) (1) Where by law a resignation is required to be
made in any particular form, that form must
This mode results in the compulsory and be substantially complied with.
automatic retirement of a public officer (2) Where no such form is prescribed no
particular mode is required, but the
Compulsory Retirement Age resignation may be made by any method
(1) Members of the Judiciary – 70 yrs old indicative of the purpose. It need not be in
(2) Other government officers and employees – writing, unless so required by law.
65 yrs old [New GSIS Charter] (3) A written resignation, delivered to the board
(3) Optional retirement age – after rendition of or officer authorized to receive it and fill the
the minimum number of years of service [RA vacancy thereby created, is prima facie, but
1616] not conclusive evidence of the intention to
relinquish the office.



NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE Courtesy Resignation cannot properly be
Republic v. Singun (2008): The Court ruled that interpreted as a resignation in the legal sense
since respondent was not finally notified of its for it is not necessarily a reflection of a public
acceptance, resignation could validly be official’s intention to surrender his position.
withdrawn. Rather, it manifests his submission to the will of
(1) Art. 238 of the RPC makes it an offense for the political authority and the appointing power
any public officer who, before acceptance of [Ortiz v. COMELEC (1988)]
his resignation, abandons his office to the
detriment of the public service D. ACCEPTANCE OF AN
(2) Accepting Authority INCOMPATIBLE OFFICE
(a) As provided by law
(b) If the law is silent on who shall accept It is contrary to the policy of the law that the
and the public officer is an appointive same individual should undertake to perform
officer, tender to the appointing inconsistent and incompatible duties.
authority. If elective, tender to those Note that acceptance even of a temporary
authorized by law position, if incompatible, results in termination.
[Romualdez III v. CSC (1991)]
Resigning Public Officer Accepting Authority

President and VP Congress General Rule: One who, while occupying one
office, accepts another incompatible with the
Members of Congress Respective Houses
first, ipso facto, absolutely vacates the first
Governor, Vice Gov, President office.
Mayor, Vice Mayor, of
City Mayors and Vice Governor Incompatibility is to be found in the character of
Mayors of CCs, the offices and their relation to each other, in
Municipal Mayors and the subordination of one to the other and in the
Vice Mayors nature of the functions and duties which attach
to them
Sanggunian Members Sanggunian concerned
Elective Barangay Municipal or City It exists where:
Officials Mayors (1) There is conflict in such duties and
Appointive Public Appointing Authority functions, so that the performance of the
Officers duties of one interferes with the
performance of the duties of the other as to
Effective date of resignation render it improper from consideration of
The date specified in the tender; and if no such public policy for one person to retain both.
date is specified, then resignation shall be (2) One is subordinate to the other and is
effective when the public officer receives notice subject in some degree to its supervisory
of the acceptance of his resignation, not the power for obviously in such a situation, the
date of the letter or notice of acceptance design that one acts as a check on the other
[Gamboa v. CA (1981)] would be frustrated.


(3) The Constitution or the law itself declares F. PRESCRIPTION OF RIGHT TO

the incompatibility even though there is no OFFICE
inconsistency in the nature and functions of
the offices.
Under the Rules of Court, quo warranto is the
proper remedy against a public officer for his
ouster from office which should be commenced
(1) Where the public officer is authorized by law
within one year after the cause of such ouster or
to accept the other office (ex officio
the right of the plaintiff to hold such office or
position arose; otherwise, the action will be
(2) In case of the forbidden office, it is the
second office that is absolutely void

Rationale for the one-year period: Title to public

E. ABANDONMENT OF OFFICE office should not be subjected to uncertainties
but should be determined as speedily as
Abandonment – the voluntary relinquishment of possible.
an office by the holder of all right, title, or claim Filing of an action for administrative remedy
thereto with the intention of not reclaiming it or does not suspend the period for filing the
terminating his possession and control thereof. appropriate judicial proceeding.

Requisites G. REMOVAL
(1) Intention to abandon
(2) Overt act by which the intention is carried
Removal entails the ouster of an incumbent
into effect
before the expiration of his term. It implies that
the office exists after the ouster. Another term
used is dismissal.
While resignation in general is a formal
relinquishment, abandonment is a voluntary
relinquishment through non-user. Non-user
refers to a neglect to use a privilege or a right or
to exercise an easement or an office (1) Appointment of another officer in the place
[Municipality of San Andres, Catanduanes v. CA of the incumbent operates as a removal if
(1998)] the latter was notified. [De Leon]
(2) The transfer of an officer or employee
Abandonment may also result from without his consent from one office to
acquiescence by the officer in his wrongful another, whether it results in promotion or
removal [Canonizado v. Aguirre (2001)]. demotion, advancement or reduction in
salary, is equivalent to his illegal removal or
Civil Service Rules – an officer or employee shall separation from the first office. [Gloria v.
be automatically separated from the service if Court of Appeals (2000)]
he fails to return to the service after the (3) Demotion to a lower position with a lower
expiration of one-year leave of absence without rate of compensation is also equivalent to
pay. Also, officers and employees who are removal if no cause is shown for it. [De
absent for at least 30 days without approved Guzman v. CSC (1994)]
leave (AWOL) shall be dropped from the service It is the forcible and permanent
after due notice separation of the incumbent from office


before the expiration of his term [Ingles v. H. IMPEACHMENT

Mutuc (1968)].
Impeachment – method of national inquest into
Note: Constitutional guarantee of security of the conduct of public men.
tenure – No officer or employee of the civil
service shall be removed or suspended except Purpose: To protect the people from official
for cause provided by law [Sec. 2(3), Art IX-B, delinquencies or malfeasances. It is primarily
Constitution]. intended for the protection of the State, not for
the punishment of the offender.
Demotions and transfers without just cause
are tantamount to removal. H.1. IMPEACHABLE OFFICERS
Removal or resignation from office is not a bar (1) The President
to a finding of administrative liability [Office of (2) Vice-President
the President v. Cataquiz (2011)]. (3) Members of the Supreme Court
Removal not for a just cause, or non- (4) Members of the Constitutional
compliance with the prescribed procedure Commissions, and
constitutes a reversible error and entitles the (5) The Ombudsman
officer or employee to reinstatement with
back salaries and without loss of seniority H.2. GROUNDS FOR IMPEACHMENT
rights (1) Culpable violation of the Constitution
(2) Treason
REMOVAL POWER (4) Graft and corruption
(1) With respect to non-career officers (5) Other high crimes, or
exercising purely executive functions whose (6) Betrayal of public trust.
tenure is not fixed by law (i.e. members of
the Cabinet), the President may remove All other public officers and employees may be
them with or without cause and Congress removed from office as provided by law, but not
may not restrict such power. by impeachment. [Sec. 2, Art. XI, Constitution]
(2) With respect to officers exercising quasi-
legislative or quasi-judicial functions (e.g. The House of Representatives has the sole
members of the SEC), they may be removed power to initiate all cases of impeachment while
only on grounds provided by law to protect the Senate sits as a court for the trial of
their independence. impeachment cases. Judgment in cases of
(3) With respect to constitutional officers impeachment shall not extend further than
removable only by means of impeachment, removal from office and disqualification to hold
and judges of lower courts, they are not any office under the Republic of the Philippines,
subject to the removal of the President. but the party convicted shall nevertheless be
(4) With respect to civil service officers, the liable and subject to prosecution, trial, and
President may remove them at his pleasure punishment, according to law. [Sec. 3, Art. XI,
with or without cause. Constitution]


I. ABOLITION OF OFFICE Attrition – reduction of personnel as a result of

To consider an office abolished, there must have resignation, retirement, dismissal in accordance
been an intention to do away with it wholly and with existing laws, death or transfer to another
permanently. office [Sec. 2(a), RA 7430 Attrition Law]

Except when restrained by the Constitution, I.2. ABOLISHING AN OFFICE ALSO

the Congress has the right to abolish an ABOLISHES UNEXPIRED TERM.
office, even during the term for which an The legislature’s abolition of an office (i.e. court)
existing incumbent may have been elected. also abolishes the unexpired term. The
Valid abolition of office does not constitute legislative power to create a court carries with it
removal of the incumbent. the power to abolish it. [Ocampo v. Sec. of
No law shall be passed reorganizing the Justice (1955)]
Judiciary when it undermines the security of
tenure of its members [Sec. 2, Art. VIII, I.3. IS ABANDONMENT EQUIVALENT TO
Constitution]. ABOLITION?
The fundamental principle afforded to civil General Rule: When a public official voluntarily
service employees against removal “except accepts an appointment to an office that is
for cause as provided by law” does not protect newly-created by law -- which new office is
them against abolition of the positions held incompatible with the former -- he will be
by them in the absence of any other provision considered to have abandoned his former office.
expressly or impliedly prohibiting abolition
thereof. [Castillo v. Pajo (1958)] Exception: when the public official is
constrained to accept because the non-
I.1. REQUISITES acceptance of the new appointment would
[Mendoza v. Quisumbing (1990)]: affect public interest. In this case there is NO
(1) Abolition must be done in good faith abandonment. [Zandueta v. De La Costa (1938)]
(2) Clear intent to do away with the office
(3) Not for personal or political reasons J. CONVICTION OF A CRIME
(4) Cannot be implemented in a manner When the penalties of perpetual or temporary
contrary to law absolute disqualification or penalties of
perpetual or temporary special disqualification
Reorganization – reduction of personnel, are imposed upon conviction of a crime,
consolidation of offices, or abolition thereof by termination of official relation results, for one of
reason of economy or redundancy of functions. the effects of the imposition of said penalties is
It could result in the loss of one’s position the deprivation of the public office which the
through removal or abolition of an office. offender may have held.
However, for a reorganization for the purpose of
economy or to make the bureaucracy more Conviction – conviction in a trial court. It
efficient to be valid, it must pass the test of contemplates a court finding guilt beyond
good faith; otherwise, it is void ab initio [United reasonable doubt followed by a judgment
Claimant Association of NEA v. NEA (2012)] upholding and implementing such finding.
Reorganization is valid provided they are
pursued in good faith



OFFICE WITHIN SIX MONTHS FROM Reversed 2009 Decision and upheld the
constitutionality of Sec. 13(3) of RA
9369 and Sec. 66 of BP 881
The office of any official elected who fails or
refuses to take his oath of office within six Affirmed the ruling in Fariñas v.
months from his proclamation shall be Executive Secretary (2003)- Substantial
considered vacant, unless said failure is for a distinctions exist between elective
cause or causes beyond his control [Sec. 11, BP officials and appointive officials. The
former occupy their office by virtue of
the mandate of the electorate. On the
other hand, appointive officials hold
their office by virtue of their designation
It is a method of removal prior to the expiration
thereto by an appointing
of the term of a public officer on account of loss
authority. Also, under the
of confidence exercised directly by the
Administrative Code of 1987, appointive
registered voters of a local government unit
officials, as officers and employees in
the civil service, are strictly prohibited
Quinto v. COMELEC
from engaging in any partisan political
2009 Decision
activity or take part in any election
Appointive and Elective Officials Not Deemed
except to vote. Elective officials, on the
Resigned upon Filing of CoC – Sec. 13(3) of RA
other hand, are obviously expressly
9369 and Sec. 66 of BP 881, which makes an
allowed to take part in political and
appointive official ipso facto resigned from his
electoral activities.
office upon the filing of his CoC, were declared
as unconstitutional

Equal Protection Clause Violated – since it

creates a situation of obvious discrimination
against appointive officials who were deemed
ipso facto resigned upon filing of CoCs while
elective officials were not. The differential
treatment was not germane to the purposes of
the law.

Overbroad – because it pertains to all civil

servants holding appointive posts without
distinction as to whether they occupy high
positions in government or not. And also, the
provision is directed to the activity of seeking
any and all public offices, whether they be
partisan or nonpartisan in character, whether
they be in the national, municipal or barangay


XII. The Civil Service B.3. REVIEW


The only function of the CSC is to review the

A. SCOPE appointment in light of the requirements of the
Civil Service Law, and when it finds the
Embraces all branches, subdivisions, appointee to be qualified and all other legal
instrumentalities and agencies of the requirements have been otherwise satisfied, it
Government, including government-owned and has no choice but to attest to the appointment.
controlled corporations with original charters [Lapinid v. CSC (1991)]
[Sec. 2(1), Art. IX-B, Constitution]
B. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION’S (1) It cannot order the replacement of the
appointee simply because it considers
another employee to be better qualified.
[Lapinid v. CSC (1991)]
B.1. EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION (2) The CSC cannot co-manage or be a
(1) Disciplinary cases surrogate administrator of government
(2) Cases involving “personnel action” affecting offices and agencies.
the Civil Service employees: (3) It cannot change the nature of the
(a) Appointment through certification appointment extended by the appointing
(b) Promotion officer. [Luego v. CSC (1986)]
(c) Transfer
(d) Reinstatement
(e) Reemployment
(f) Detail, reassignment
(g) Demotion
(h) Separation C.1. SCOPE
(3) Employment status Embraces all branches, subdivisions,
(4) Qualification standards instrumentalities and agencies of the
Government, including GOCCs with original
B.2. RECALL OF APPOINTMENT charters [Art. IX-B Sec. 2(1), Constitution]
Includes the authority to recall an appointment
which has been initially approved when it is C.2. CLASSES OF SERVICE
shown that the same was issued in disregard of (1) Career Service – Entrance based on merit
pertinent CSC laws, rules and regulations. and fitness determined by competitive
examinations, or based on highly technical
As opposed to Recall under Sec 69-75 of the qualifications, opportunity for advancement
Local Government Code: recall is a mode of to higher career positions and security of
removal of a public official by the people before tenure.
the end of his term of office. [Garcia v. (2) Non-career Service – Entrance on bases
COMELEC, (1993)] other than those of the usual tests. Tenure
limited to a period specified by law or which
is coterminous with the appointing
authority or the duration of a particular


project. (i.e. elective officials, Department BUT the appointing authority still
Heads and Members of Cabinet) exercises discretion and is not bound by
this rule, although he is required to
C.3. REQUISITES: specify the “special reason or reasons” for
General Rule: not appointing the officer next-in-rank.
(1) Appoint only according to merit and fitness, (2) Automatic Reversion Rule
to be determined as far as practicable. All appointments involved in a chain of
(2) Require a competitive examination. promotions must be submitted
simultaneously for approval by the
Exceptions: (Positions where appointees are Commission.
exempt from Competitive Examination The disapproval of the appointment of a
Requirements) person proposed to a higher position
(1) Policy determining – in which the officer lays invalidates the promotion of those in the
down principal or fundamental guidelines lower positions and automatically
or rules; or formulates a method of action restores them to their former positions.
for government or any of its subsidiaries However, the affected persons are entitled
(2) Primarily Confidential – denoting not only to payment of salaries for services actually
confidence in the aptitude of the appointee rendered at a rate fixed in their
for the duties of the office but primarily promotional appointments. [Sec. 13 of the
close intimacy which ensures freedom of Omnibus Rules Implementing
intercourse without embarrassment or Administrative Code]
freedom from misgivings or betrayals on
confidential matters of the state Requisites:
(“Proximity Rule” as enunciated in De los (a) Series of promotions
Santos v Mallare [1950]) (b) All promotional appointments are
(3) Highly Technical – requires possession of simultaneously submitted to the
technical skill or training in a superior Commission for approval
degree. (e.g. City Legal Officer) (c) The Commission disapproves the
appointment of a person to a higher
It is the nature of the position which position.
determines whether a position is policy
determining, primarily confidential or highly II. APPOINTMENT THROUGH
Appointment through Certification is issued to a
I. PROMOTION (1) Selected from a list of qualified persons
Promotion – movement from one position to certified by the Civil Service Commission
another with increase in duties and from an appropriate register of eligibles
responsibilities as authorized by law and is (2) Qualified
usually accompanied by an increase in pay.
(1) Next-in-rank Rule III. TRANSFER
The person next in rank shall be given Transfer – a movement from one position to
PREFERENCE in promotion when the another which is of equivalent rank, level or
position immediately above his is vacated. salary without break in service.


This may be imposed as an administrative VI. REASSIGNMENT

remedy. An employee may be reassigned from one
organizational unit to another in the same
General Rule: If transfer is without consent, it agency.
violates security of tenure.
It is a management prerogative of the CSC and
Exceptions: any dept or agency embraced in the Civil Service.
(1) Temporary Appointee
(2) Career Executive Service Personnel It does not constitute removal without cause.
whose status and salaries are based on
ranks (≠ positions) Requirements:
(1) NO reduction in rank, status or salary.
IV. REINSTATEMENT (2) Should have a definite date or duration (c.f.
Reinstatement – technically the issuance of a Detail). Otherwise, a floating assignment =
new appointment and is discretionary on the a diminution in status or rank.
part of the appointing power.
It cannot be the subject of an application for a VII. REEMPLOYMENT
writ of mandamus. Names of persons who have been appointed
permanently to positions in the career service
Who may be reinstated to a position in the same and who have been separated as a result of
level for which he is qualified: reduction in force and/or reorganization, shall
(1) Any permanent appointee of a career be entered in a list from which selection for
service position reemployment shall be made.
(2) No commission of delinquency or
misconduct, and is not separated.

Reinstatement has the same effect as

Executive Clemency, which completely
obliterates the adverse effects of the
administrative decision which found him
guilty of dishonesty. He is restored ipso facto
upon grant of such. Application for
reinstatement = unnecessary.

Detail – the movement of an employee from one
agency to another without the issuance of an
(1) Only for a limited period.
(2) Only for employees occupying professional,
technical and scientific positions.
(3) Temporary in nature.


XIII. Accountability of may not be filed against the same official

within a one year period following Article XI,
Public Officers Section 3(5) of the Constitution.” [Francisco,
Jr. v. House of Representatives (2003)]

[Agpalo, 2005]
Impeachment – a criminal proceeding against a B.1. FUNCTIONS
public officer, before a quasi-judicial political (1) Investigate any act or omission of any public
court, instituted by written accusation called official, employee, office or agency which
‘articles of impeachment.’” [Agpalo, 2005] appears to be illegal, unjust, improper, or
inefficient. This may be done by the
A.2. PURPOSE Ombudsman on its own or upon complaint.
Its purpose is to protect the people from official (2) Direct any public official or employee, or any
delinquencies or malfeasances. It is primarily government subdivision, agency or
intended for the protection of the State, not for instrumentality, as well as of any
the punishment of the offender. The penalties government-owned or controlled
attached to impeachment are merely incidental corporation with original charter:
to the primary intention of protecting the (a) To perform and expedite any act or duty
people as a body politic. [De Leon, 2008] required by law, or
(b) To stop, prevent, and correct any abuse
A.3. GROUNDS or impropriety in the performance of
[Sec. 2, Art. XI, Constitution] duties
(1) Culpable violation of the Constitution (3) Direct the officer concerned:
(2) Treason (a) To take appropriate action against a
(3) Bribery public official or employee at fault, and
(4) Graft and corruption (b) To recommend the latter’s removal,
(5) Other high crimes suspension, demotion, fine, censure, or
(6) Betrayal of public trust prosecution, and
The acts which are impeachable grounds (c) To ensure compliance therewith.
must be committed in the performance of (4) Direct the officer concerned, in any
the official’s public office. [Agpalo, 2005] appropriate case, and subject to such
No impeachment proceedings shall be limitations as may be provided by law, to
initiated against the same official more than furnish it with copies of documents relating
once within a period of one year. [Sec. 3, Art. to contracts or transactions entered into by
XI, Constitution] his office involving the disbursement or use
“Having concluded that the initiation takes of public funds or properties. The
place by the act of filing of the Ombudsman can also report any irregularity
impeachment complaint and referral to the to the Commission on Audit for appropriate
House Committee on Justice, the initial action.
action taken thereon, the meaning of (5) Request any government agency for
Section 3 (5) of Article XI becomes clear. assistance and information necessary in the
Once an impeachment complaint has been discharge of its responsibilities, and to
initiated in the foregoing manner, another


examine, if necessary, pertinent records and controlled corporations and their

documents. subsidiaries. [Sec. 21, RA 6770]
(6) Publicize matters covered by its The disciplinary power of the
investigation when circumstances so Ombudsman is not exclusive but is shared
warrant and with due prudence. with other disciplinary authorities of the
(7) Determine the causes of inefficiency, red government.
tape, mismanagement, fraud, and The disciplinary power of the
corruption in the Government and make Ombudsman over elective officials is
recommendations for their elimination and concurrent with the power vested in the
the observance of high standards of ethics officials specified in the Local Government
and efficiency. Code of 1991. [Hagad v. Dozo-Dadole, (1995)]
(8) Promulgate its rules of procedure and Exception: The Ombudsman has no
exercise such other powers or perform such disciplinary power over the following:
functions or duties as may be provided by (a) Officials who may be
law [Sec. 13, Art. XI, Const.] removed only by
(9) Administer oaths, issue subpoena and impeachment
subpoena duces tecum, and take testimony (b) Members of Congress
in any investigation or inquiry, including the (c) Members of the Judiciary
power to examine and have access to bank [Sec. 21, RA 6770]
accounts and records; However, the Office of the Ombudsman
(10) Punish for contempt in accordance with the has the power to investigate any serious
Rules of Court and under the same misconduct in office committed by
procedure and with the same penalties officials removable by impeachment, for
provided therein; the purpose of filing a verified
(11) Delegate to the Deputies, or its complaint for impeachment, if
investigators or representatives such warranted. [Sec. 22, RA 6770]
authority or duty as shall ensure the (2) Power to Preventively Suspend
effective exercise or performance of the The Ombudsman or his Deputy may
powers, functions, and duties herein or preventively suspend any officer or
hereinafter provided; employee under his authority pending an
(12) Investigate and initiate the proper action for investigation, if in his judgment the
the recovery of ill-gotten and/or evidence of guilt is strong, and
unexplained wealth amassed after February (a) The charge against such officer or
25, 1986 and the prosecution of the parties employee involves dishonesty,
involved therein [Sec. 15, RA 6770] oppression or grave misconduct or
neglect in the performance of duty;
B.2. POWERS (b) The charges would warrant removal
(1) Disciplinary Power Over Public Officers from the service; or
General rule: The Office of the Ombudsman (c) The respondent's continued stay in
has disciplinary authority over all elective office may prejudice the case filed
and appointive officials of the government against him. [Sec. 24, RA 6770]
and its subdivisions, instrumentalities and The preventive suspension shall
agencies, including Members of the Cabinet, continue until the case is terminated by
local government, government-owned or the Office of the Ombudsman but not
more than six (6) months, without pay,


except when the delay in the disposition C. SANDIGANBAYAN

of the case by the Office of the
Ombudsman is due to the fault,
negligence or petition of the
The Sandiganbayan was created under PD 1606
respondent, in which case the period of
as amended by RA 8249.
such delay shall not be counted in
computing the period of suspension
It is a special court, of the same level as the
herein provided. [Sec. 24, RA 6770]
Court of Appeals and possessing all the
Prior notice and hearing is not required inherent powers of a court of justice.
before suspension may be meted out.
Suspension is not a punishment or It is composed of a presiding justice and
penalty but only a preventive measure fourteen associate justices who shall be
to prevent the respondent from using appointed by the President.
his position or office to influence or
intimidate prospective witnesses or
tamper with the records which may be
The Sandiganbayan has exclusive original
vital in the prosecution of the case
against them.
(1) Over the following crimes, when committed
by public officials and employees classified
B.3. JUDICIAL REVIEW IN as Salary Grade 27 or higher:
ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDINGS (a) Violations of R.A. No. 3019 and No.
Decisions or resolutions of the Ombudsman in 1379;
administrative cases absolving the respondent (b) Crimes committed by public officers and
of the charge or imposing upon him the penalty employees embraced in Chapter II, Sec.
of public censure or reprimand, suspension of 2, Title VII, Book II of the Revised Penal
not more than one month, or a fine equivalent Code
to one month salary, is final and unappealable. (c) Other offenses or felonies, whether
[Agpalo, 2005] simple or complexed with other crimes,
committed in relation to their office
Appeals from decisions of the Office of the (2) Civil and criminal cases filed pursuant to
Ombudsman in administrative disciplinary and in connection with Executive Orders No.
cases should be taken to the Court of Appeals 1,2, 14, and 14-a issued in 1986
under the provisions of Rule 43. [Fabian v.
Ombudsman, (1998)] In the absence of any allegation that the
offense charged was necessarily
B.4. JUDICIAL REVIEW IN PENAL connected with the discharge of the
PROCEEDINGS duties or functions of a public officer,
In all other cases, the decision shall become the ordinary court, not the
final after the expiration of 10 days from receipt Sandiganbayan, has jurisdiction to hear
thereof by the respondent, unless a motion for and decide the case.
reconsideration or a petition for review is filed What is controlling is not whether the
with the CA pursuant to Rule 43 of the Rules of phrase "committed in relation to public
Court. (Agpalo, 2005) office" appears in the Information. What
determines the jurisdiction of the


Sandiganbayan is the specific factual director and those holding the rank of senior
allegation in the Information that would superintendent or higher;
indicate close intimacy between the (e) City and provincial prosecutors and their
discharge of the accused's official duties assistants, and officials and prosecutors in the
and the commission of the offense Office of the Ombudsman and special
charged in order to qualify the crime as prosecutor;
having been committed in relation to (2) Presidents, directors or trustees, or
public office. managers of government-owned or controlled
The relation between the crime and the corporations, state universities or educational
office must be direct and not accidental, institutions or foundations;
that is, the relation has to be such that, (3) Members of Congress and officials thereof
in the legal sense, the offense cannot classified as Grade "27" and up under the
exist without the office. Compensation and Position Classification Act of
C.3. OFFICIALS AND PRIVATE (4) Members of the judiciary without prejudice
INDIVIDUALS SUBJECT TO ITS to the provisions of the Constitution;
JURISDICTION (5) Chairpersons and members of Constitutional
Under Section 4 (a, b) of PD No. 1606, as Commissions, without prejudice to the
amended, the Sandiganbayan shall exercise provisions of the Constitution; and
exclusive original jurisdiction over the cases (6) All other national and local officials
mentioned in (1) above where one or more of the classified as Grade "27" and higher under the
accused are officials occupying the following Compensation and Position Classificafion Act of
positions in the government, whether in a 1989.
permanent, acting or interim capacity at the In case private individuals are charged as co-
time of the commission of the offense: principals, accomplices or accessories with the
(1) Officials of the executive branch occupying public officers or employees, including those
the positions of regional director and higher, employed in government-owned or -controlled
otherwise classified as Grade '27' and higher, of corporations, they shall be tried jointly with said
the Compensation and Position Classification Act public officers and employees in the proper
of 1989 (R.A. No. 6758), specifically including: courts which shall exercise exclusive jurisdiction
(a) Provincial governors, vice-governors, over them.
members of the sangguniang panlalawigan,
and provincial treasurers, assessors, engineers, C.4. EXCLUSIVE APPELLATE
and other provincial department heads; JURISDICTION
(b) City mayors, vice-mayors, members of the The Sandiganbayan shall exercise exclusive
sangguniang panlungsod, city treasurers, appellate jurisdiction over final judgments,
assessors, engineers, and other city department resolutions or orders of regional trial courts
heads; whether in the exercise of their own original
(c) Officials of the diplomatic service occupying jurisdiction or of their appellate jurisdiction.
the position of consul and higher; [Sec. 4, PD 1606]
(d) Philippine army and air force colonels, naval
captains, and all officers of higher rank; C.5. APPELLATE JURISDICTION OF THE
(d) Officers of the Philippine National Police SUPREME COURT OVER
while occupying the position of provincial


SANDIGANBAYAN DECISIONS AND or government-owned or controlled

ORDERS corporations and their subsidiaries,
The appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court (4) By obtaining, receiving or accepting directly
is limited to questions of law over decisions and or indirectly any shares of stock, equity or
final orders of the Sandiganbayan [Republic v. any other form of interest or participation
Sandiganbayan (2002)] including the promise of future employment
in any business enterprise or undertaking;
D. ILL-GOTTEN WEALTH (5) By establishing agricultural, industrial or
commercial monopolies or other
combinations and/or implementation of
Sec. 15, Art. XI, Const. The right of the State to
decrees and orders intended to benefit
recover properties unlawfully acquired by
particular persons or special interests, or
public officials or employees, from them or
(6) By taking undue advantage of official
from their nominees or transferees, shall not
position, authority, relationship, connection
be barred by prescription, laches or estoppel.
or influence to unjustly enrich himself or
themselves at the expense and to the
This provision applies only to civil actions for
damage and prejudice of the Filipino people
recovery of ill-gotten wealth and not to criminal
and the Republic of the Philippines. [Sec. 1,
cases. Thus, prosecution of offenses arising
RA 7080]
from, relating or incident to, or involving ill-
gotten wealth in the said provision may be
barred by prescription [Presidential Ad-hoc Fact D.1. PLUNDER
Finding Committee on Behest Loans v. Desierto [Sec. 2, RA 7080]
(1) Any public officer who, by himself or in
Ill-gotten wealth – any asset, property, business connivance with members of his family,
enterprise or material possession of any person relatives by affinity or consanguinity,
acquired by himself directly or indirectly business associates, subordinates or other
through dummies, nominees, agents, person, amasses, accumulates or acquires
subordinates and/or business associates by any ill-gotten wealth through a combination or
combination or series of the following means or series of overt or criminal acts in the
similar schemes: aggregate amount or total value of at least
(1) Through misappropriation, conversion, P75,000,000.00
misuse, or malversation of public funds or (2) Any person who participated with the said
raids on the public treasury; officer in the commission of plunder shall
(2) By receiving, directly or indirectly, any likewise be punished.
commission, gift, share, percentage,
kickbacks or any other form of pecuniary ii. PENALTY
benefit from any person and/or entity in Life imprisonment with perpetual absolute
connection with any government contract or disqualification from holding any public office
project or by reason of the office or position The court shall declare any and all ill-gotten
of the public officer concerned; wealth and their interests and other incomes
(3) By the illegal or fraudulent conveyance or and assets including the properties and shares
disposition of assets belonging to the of stocks derived from the deposit or investment
National Government or any of its thereof forfeited in favor of the State. [Agpalo,
subdivisions, agencies or instrumentalities 2005]


XIV. Term Limits Election – the means by which the people
choose their officials for a definite and fixed
A. ALL ELECTIVE LOCAL OFFICIALS, period and to whom they entrust for the time
EXCEPT BARANGAY OFFICIALS [AS being the exercise of the powers of government.
[Sec. 8, Art. X, Constitution; Sec. 43 LGC] B. KINDS OF ELECTION
(1) Regular – one provided by law for the
Term of office: 3 years from noon of June 30, election of officers either nation-wide or in
1992 or the date provided by law certain subdivisions thereof, after the
expiration of the full term of the former
All local officials first elected during the officers.
local elections immediately following the The SK election is not a regular election
ratification of the 1987 Constitution shall because the latter is participated in by
serve until noon of June 30, 1992; youth with ages ranging from 15-21 (now
No official shall serve for more than 3 15-18 as per RA 9164), some of whom are
consecutive terms for the same position not qualified voters to elect local or
Voluntary renunciation of the office for any national elective officials [Paras v.
length of time is not an interruption in the COMELEC (1996)]
continuity of his service for the full term for (2) Special – one held to fill a vacancy in office
which he was elected before the expiration of the full term for
which the incumbent was elected.
B. TERM OF OFFICE OF BARANGAY (3) Plebiscite – a vote of the people expressing
their choice for or against a proposed law or
enactment submitted to them. The term is
OFFICIALS applied to an election at which any
[Sec. 2, RA 9164] proposed amendment to, or revision of, the
Constitution is submitted to the people for
Term of office: 3 years ratification. It may also refer to an election
to secure the approval of the people directly
No barangay elective official shall serve for affected before proposed changes affecting
more than 3 consecutive terms in the same LGUs may be implemented.
position (4) Referendum – submission of a law passed
Reckoned from the 1994 barangay elections by the national or local legislative body to
Voluntary renunciation of office for any the registered voters at an election called
length of time shall not be considered as an for the purpose for their ratification or
interruption rejection.
(5) Initiative – the power of the people to
XV. Suffrage propose amendments to the Constitution or
to propose and enact legislation through an
The right to vote in the election of officers election called for the purpose. [Sec. 3a,
chosen by the people and in determination of R.A. 6735]
questions submitted to the people. Three systems of initiative:


(a) Initiative on the Constitution – petition (1) Citizenship – Filipino citizen by birth or
proposing amendments to the naturalization.
Constitution. Incumbent upon one who claims
(b) Initiative on statutes – petition Philippine citizenship to prove to the
proposing to enact a national satisfaction of the court that he is really
legislation. Filipino. Any doubt regarding
(c) Initiative on local legislation – petition citizenship must be resolved in favor of
proposing to enact a regional, the State. [Go v. Ramos (2009)]
provincial, city, municipal or barangay (2) Age – at least 18 at the time of the election
law, resolution or ordinance. (3) Residency
The constitutional provision on people's (a) Resident of the Philippines for at least 1
initiative to amend the Constitution can year and
only be implemented by law to be (b) Resident of the place wherein they
passed by Congress. No such law has propose to vote for at least 6 months
been passed. R.A. No. 6735 is immediately preceding the election
incomplete, inadequate, or wanting in Any person who temporarily resides in
essential terms and conditions insofar another city, municipality or country solely
as initiative on amendments to the by reason of his:
Constitution is concerned. Note: Section (i) Employment in private or public
2 of Art. XVII Constitution is limited to service
proposals to AMEND — not to REVISE — (ii) Educational activities
the Constitution. [Santiago v. COMELEC (iii) Work in the military or naval
(1997)] reservations within the Philippines
Recall: the termination of official (iv) Service in the AFP, PNP or
relationship of a local elective official for (v) Confinement or detention in
loss of confidence prior to the expiration government institutions in
of his term through the will of the accordance with law shall not be
electorate. deemed to have lost his original
residence [Sec. 9, R.A. 8189, Voter’s
C. ELECTION PERIOD Registration Act of 1996]
Unless otherwise fixed by the COMELEC in It is not necessary that a person should
special cases, the election period shall have a house in order to establish his
commence 90 days before the day of the residence or domicile in a municipality. It
election and shall end 30 days thereafter. [Art. is enough that he should live there,
IX-C, Sec. 9, Const.] provided that his stay is accompanied by
his intention to reside therein
permanently. [Marcos v. COMELEC (1995)]
XVI. Qualification and In election cases, the Court treats
Disqualification of Voters domicile and residence as synonymous
terms. Both import not only an intention
to reside in a fixed place but also personal
A. QUALIFICATIONS presence in that place, coupled with
[Art. V, Sec. 1, 1987 Const.] conduct indicative of such intention.
[Pundaodaya v. COMELEC (2009)]


There is nothing wrong in an individual B. OVERSEAS ABSENTEE VOTER

changing residences so he could run for
an elective post, for as long as he is able B.1. QUALIFICATIONS
to prove that he has effected a change of (1) All Filipino citizens abroad
residence for the period required by law. (2) Not otherwise disqualified by law
[Aquino v. COMELEC (1995)] (3) At least 18 years of age on the day of
(4) Not otherwise disqualified by law – these are elections [Sec. 3 (f), R.A. 9189]
the three grounds for disqualification to
register as a voter under Sec. 11, R.A. 8189,
Voter’s Registration Act of 1996:
(1) Have lost their Filipino citizenship in
(a) Sentenced by final judgment to suffer
accordance with Philippine laws
imprisonment for not less than 1 year
(2) Have expressly renounced their Philippine
(unless granted a plenary pardon or an
citizenship and who have pledged
amnesty) shall automatically reacquire
allegiance to a foreign country
right to vote upon the expiration of 5
(3) Have committed and are convicted in a final
years after the service of sentence.
judgment by a court or tribunal of an
(b) Adjudged by final judgment for having
offense punishable by imprisonment of not
committed any crime involving
less than 1 year, including those who have
disloyalty to the duly constituted
committed and been found guilty of
government (e.g. rebellion, sedition,
Disloyalty as defined under Article 137 of the
violation of the firearms law) or any
crime against national security (unless
(4) Immigrant or a permanent resident who is
restored to full civil and political rights
recognized as such in the host country
in accordance with law) shall
unless he/she executes, upon registration,
automatically reacquire the right to vote
an affidavit prepared for the purpose by the
upon the expiration of 5 years after the
Commission declaring that:
service of sentence
(a) He/she shall resume actual physical
(5) Insane or incompetent persons as declared
permanent residence in the
by competent authority
Philippines not later than 3 years
from approval of his/her
Registered voter – in order that a qualified
registration and
elector may vote in any election, plebiscite or
(b) He/she has not applied for
referendum, he must be registered in the
citizenship in another country
Permanent List of Voters for the city or
Effect of failure to return: cause for the
municipality in which he resides. [Sec. 115, B.P.
removal of his/her name from the
National Registry of Absentee Voters
and his/her permanent disqualification
No literacy, property or other substantive
to vote in absentia.
requirement shall be imposed on the exercise of
(5) Previously declared insane or incompetent
suffrage. [Art. V, Sec. 1, Const.]
by competent authority in the Philippines or
abroad, as verified by the Philippine
embassies, consulates or Foreign Service
establishments concerned. [Sec. 5, R.A.


XVII. Registration of only if the same cannot be reasonably held

within the period provided by law. There is no
Voters ground to hold that the mandate of
continuing voter registration cannot be
reasonably held within the period provided by
A. DEFINITION Sec. 8 of R.A. 8189. [Palatino v. COMELEC
Registration of voters – act of accomplishing
and filing of a sworn application for registration In Akbayan-Youth vs. COMELEC (2001),
by a qualified voter before the election officer of petitioners filed their petition with the Court
the city or municipality wherein he resides and and sought the conduct of a two-day
including the same in the book of registered registration all within the 120-day prohibitive
voters upon approval by the Election period. In this case, both the dates of filing of
Registration Board. [Sec. 3a, R.A. 8189] the petition and the extension sought were prior
to the 120-day prohibitive period.
Registration does not confer the right to vote
but it is a condition precedent to the exercise of B.2. ILLITERATE OR DISABLED VOTERS
the right [Yra v. Abano (1928)] Illiterate person – may register with the
assistance of the Election Officer or any
B. SYSTEM OF CONTINUING member of an accredited citizen’s arms
Physically disabled person – application for
registration may be prepared by:
The personal filing of application of registration
(1) Any relative within the 4th civil degree of
of voters shall be conducted daily in the office of
consanguinity or affinity or
the Election Officer during regular office hours.
(2) By the Election Officer or
(3) Any member of an accredited citizen’s arm
B.1. PERIOD OF REGISTRATION [Sec. 14, R.A. 8189]
No registration shall be conducted within
(1) 120 days before a regular election Disabled Voter – a person with impaired
(2) 90 days before a special election [Sec. 8, capacity to use the Automated Election System
R.A. 8189] (AES) [Sec. 2(11), RA 9369 The Poll Automation
COMELEC Resolution 8585, which set the
deadline for voter registration to Oct. 31, 2009
(election was May 10, 2010—more than 120
There shall be in each city and municipality as
days), was declared null and void because Sec.
many Election Registration Boards as there are
8 of RA 8189 has determined that the period of
election officers therein [Sec. 15, RA 8189]
120 days before a regular election and 90 days
before a special election is enough time for the
COMELEC to make all the necessary
(1) Chairman: Election Officer
preparations with respect to the coming
If disqualified, COMELEC shall designate an
acting Election Officer
COMELEC is granted the power to fix other
(2) Members:
periods and dates for pre-election activities
(a) Public school official most senior in rank


(b) Local civil registrar, or in his absence, III. WHEN FILED

the city or municipal treasurer. Must be filed not later than the 2nd Monday of
If neither are available, any other the month in which the same is scheduled to be
appointive civil service official from the heard or processed by the ERB.
same locality as designated by the Should 2nd Monday fall on a non-working
COMELEC. holiday, filing may be made on the next
following working day [Sec. 18, R.A. 8189]
Relation to each other or to any incumbent city IV. HEARING
or municipal elective official within the 4th civil 3rd Monday of the month
degree of consanguinity or affinity. [Sec. 15, R.A.
Before the end of the month
i. Change of residence to another city or APPROVAL/DISAPPROVAL OF
The registered voter may apply with the Election
Officer of his new residence for the transfer of
Aggrieved party may file a petition for exclusion
his registration records. [Sec. 12, R.A. 8189]
or inclusion, as the case may be, with the MTC.
ii. Change of address in the same
municipality or city
Voter shall immediately notify the Election
Officer in writing. [Sec. 13, R.A. 8189] D.1. DEFINITION
Deactivation – process of deactivating the
B.5. CHALLENGES TO RIGHT TO registration of certain persons, removing their
REGISTER registration records from the corresponding
precinct book of voters and placing the same in
the inactive file, properly marked “deactivated”
and dated in indelible ink.
Any voter, candidate or representative of a
registered political party.
The board shall remove the registration records
ii. FORM
of the following persons from the corresponding
(1) In writing
precinct book of voters and place the same in
(2) State the grounds therefor
the inactive file:
(3) Under oath and
(4) Attached to the application, together with
(1) Sentenced by final judgment to suffer
the proof of notice of hearing to the
imprisonment for not less than 1 year (unless
challenger and the applicant
granted a plenary pardon or an amnesty)
shall automatically reacquire right to vote
upon the expiration of 5 years after the
service of sentence as certified by clerks of


(2) Adjudged by final judgment for having E. CERTIFIED LIST OF VOTERS

committed any crime involving disloyalty to
the duly constituted government (e.g.
rebellion, sedition, violation of the firearms
List of Voters – refers to an enumeration of
law) or any crime against national security
names of registered voters in a precinct duly
(unless restored to full civil and political
certified by the Election Registration Board for
rights in accordance with law) shall
use in the election
automatically reacquire the right to vote
upon the expiration of 5 years after the
Preparation – The ERB shall prepare and post a
service of sentence
certified list of voters 90 days before a regular
(3) Insane or incompetent persons as declared
election and 60 days before a special election.
by competent authority
[Sec. 30, R.A. 8189]
(4) Did not vote in the 2 successive preceding
regular elections (excluding SK elections)
Posting – copies of the certified list along with a
(5) Registration has been ordered excluded by
certified list of deactivated voters categorized by
the Court and
precinct per barangay, within the same period
(6) Lost his Filipino citizenship. [Sec. 27, R.A.
shall be posted in the office of the Election
Officer and in the bulletin board of each
city/municipal hall. Upon payment of the fees
D.3. REACTIVATION OF REGISTRATION as fixed by the Commission, the candidates and
Any voter whose registration has been heads shall also be furnished copes thereof
deactivated may file with the Election Officer a [Sec.30, RA 8189]
sworn application for reactivation of his
registration in the form of an affidavit stating
that the grounds for the deactivation no longer
(1) Deactivation/Reactivation
(2) Exclusion/Inclusion
Filing is any time not later than 120 days before
(3) Cancellation of Registration in case of death
a regular election and 90 days before a special
(4) New voters
election. [Sec. 28, R.A. 8189]
(5) Annulment of Book of Voters
(6) Transfer of Residence
The Election Officer shall submit said
application to the ERB and if approved, the
The precinct assignment of a voter in the
Election Officer shall retrieve the registration
permanent list of voters shall not be
record from the inactive file and include the
changed/altered/transferred to another
same in the corresponding precinct book of
precinct without the express written consent of
the voter. Provided, however, that the voter
shall not unreasonably withhold such consent.
Local heads or representatives of political
Any violation thereof shall constitute an
parties shall be properly notified on approved
election offense. [Sec. 4, R.A. 8189]



The COMELEC shall, upon verified petition of I. DEFINITION
any voter or election officer or duly registered Registry – the consolidated list prepared,
political party, and after notice and hearing, approved and maintained by the COMELEC, of
annul any book of voters that is: overseas absentee voters whose applications for
(1) Not prepared in accordance with R.A. 8189 registration as absentee voters, including those
or the Voters’ Registration Act of 1996 registered voters who have applied to be
(2) Prepared through fraud, bribery, forgery, certified as absentee voters, have been
impersonation, intimidation, force, or any approved by the Election Registered Board. [Sec.
similar irregularity 3 (e), R.A. 9189]
(3) Contains data that are statistically
improbable II. GROUNDS FOR
No order, ruling or decision annulling a book of
voters shall be executed within 90 days before
(1) When the overseas absentee voter files a
an election. [Sec. 39, R.A. 8189]
letter under oath addressed to the Comelec
that he/she wishes to be removed from the
F. OVERSEAS ABSENTEE VOTER Registry of Overseas Absentee Voters, or
F.1. DEFINITIONS that his/her name be transferred to the
Absentee Voting – process by which qualified regular registry of voters.
citizens of the Philippines abroad exercise their (2) When an overseas absentee voter’s name
right to vote. [Sec. 3a, R.A. 9189, The Overseas was ordered removed by the Comelec from
Absentee Voting Act] the Registry of Overseas Absentee Voters
for his/her failure to exercise his/her right
Overseas Absentee Voter – citizen of the to vote under R.A. 9189 for 2 consecutive
Philippines who is qualified to register and vote national elections. [Sec. 9, R.A. 9189]
under this Act, not otherwise disqualified by law,
who is abroad on the day of elections. [Sec. 3 (f),
R.A. 9189]

Elections for president, vice-president, senators
and party-list representatives [Sec. 3f, R.A. 9189]


Registration as an overseas absentee voter shall
be done in person. [Sec.5, R.A. 9189]


XVIII. Inclusion and Who may file

(1) One whose Any registered voter,
Exclusion Proceedings application for representative of a
A. JURISDICTION IN INCLUSION AND registration has been political party or the
disapproved by the BEI Election Officer
The Municipal and Metropolitan Trial Courts
(2) One whose name
shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction
has been stricken out
over all cases of inclusion and exclusion of
from the list
voters in their respective cities or municipalities.
[Sec. 33, R.A. 8189] Period to decide
Within 15 days after its Within 10 days from its
B. APPEAL filing filing
Decisions of the MTC or MeTC may be appealed
by the aggrieved party to the RTC within 5 days D. OVERSEAS ABSENTEE VOTER
from receipt of notice thereof. No motion for
Petition for Inclusion Petition for Exclusion
reconsideration shall be entertained. [Sec. 33,
[Sec. 6.7, RA 9189] [Sec. 6.6, RA 9189]
R.A. 8189]
When to file
Except for the right to remain in the list of voters 5 days after receipt of Any time not later than
or for being excluded therefrom for the notice of disapproval 210 days before the day
particular election in relation to which the of the elections
proceedings had been held, a decision in an
Who may file
exclusion or inclusion proceeding, even if final
and unappealable, does not acquire the nature Applicant or his Any interested person
of res judicata. [Domino v. COMELEC (1999)] authorized
The trial court has no power to order the change Period to decide
or transfer of registration from one place of
5 days after its filing 15 days after its filing
residence to another for it is the function of the
election Registration Board as provided under
Section 12 of R.A. No. 8189. [Domino v.
COMELEC, supra]


Petition for Inclusion Petition for Exclusion

When to file
Any time except 105 Any time except 100
days before a regular days before a regular
election or 75 days election or 65 days
before a special before a special
election election


XIX. Political Parties (3) Sectoral party – organized group of citizens

belonging to any of the following sectors:
A. PARTY SYSTEM labor, peasant, fisherfolk, urban poor,
Sec. 6, Art. IX-C, Const. A free and open party indigenous cultural communities, elderly,
system shall be allowed to evolve according to handicapped, women, youth, veterans,
the free choice of the people. overseas workers and professionals whose
principal advocacy pertains to the special
Sec. 7, Art. IX-C, Const. No votes cast in favor of interests and concerns of their sector.
a political party, organization, coalition shall
be valid, except for those registered under the Sectoral organization – group of citizens or a
party-list system. coalition of groups of citizens who share similar
physical attributes or characteristics,
B. JURISDICTION OF THE COMELEC employment, interests or concerns.
Coalition – an aggrupation of duly registered
national, regional, sectoral parties or
C. DEFINITIONS organizations for political and/or election
Party – either a political party or a sectoral party purposes. [Sec. 3, R.A. 7941, Party-List System
or a coalition of parties [Sec. 3(b), RA 7941,
Party-List System Act]
Party-list system - Mechanism of proportional
representation in the election of representatives
Sec. 2, R.A. 7941. To enable Filipino citizens
to the House of Representatives from national,
belonging to marginalized and
regional and sectoral parties or organizations or
underrepresented sectors, organizations and
coalitions registered with the COMELEC. [Sec.
parties, and who lack well-defined political
3(a), RA 7941]
constituencies but who could contribute to the
formulation and enactment of appropriate
Political party
legislation that will benefit the nation as a
An organized group of citizens advocating an
whole, to become members of the House of
ideology or platform, principles and policies for
the general conduct of government and which,
as the most immediate means of securing their
adoption, regularly nominates certain of its
leaders and members as candidates for public
office. [Sec. 60, BP 881 and Sec. 3(c) of RA 7941]

3 kinds of parties:
(1) National party – constituency is spread over
the geographical territory of at least a
majority of the regions.
(2) Regional party – constituency is spread over
the geographical territory of at least a
majority of the cities and provinces
comprising the region.


E. REGISTRATION (4) Those supported by foreign governments

Any organized group of persons may register as [Art. IX-C, Sec. 2 (5), Constitution]
a party, organization or coalition for purposes of
the party-list system. E.3. PURPOSE OF REGISTRATION
(1) To acquire juridical personality
E.1. PROCEDURE FOR REGISTRATION (2) To entitle it to rights and privileges granted
to political parties
Sec. 5, R.A. 7941 (3) To participate in the party-list system


File with the COMELEC not later than 90 REFUSAL/CANCELLATION OF
days before the election a petition verified REGISTRATION
by its president or secretary stating its The COMELEC may, motu proprio or upon
desire to participate in the party-list verified complaint of any interested party,
system as a national, regional or sectoral refuse or cancel, after due notice and hearing,
party or organization or a coalition of such the registration of any national, regional or
parties or organizations attaching thereto sectoral party, organization or coalition on any
its constitution, by-laws, platform or of the following grounds:
program of government, list of officers, (1) Religious sect or denomination,
coalition agreement and other relevant organization or association, organized for
information as the COMELEC may require religious purposes
(2) Advocates violence or unlawful means to
seek its goal
(3) Foreign party or organization
COMELEC shall publish the petition in at (4) Receives support from any foreign
least 2 national newspapers of general government, foreign political party,
circulation foundation, organization, whether directly
or through any of its officers or members or
indirectly through third parties for partisan
COMELEC shall, after due notice and election purposes
hearing, resolve the petition within 15 days (5) Violates or fails to comply with laws, rules
from the date it was submitted for decision or regulations relating to elections
but in no case not later than 60 days before (6) Declares untruthful statements in its
election petition
(7) Ceased to exist for at least 1 year
(8) Fails to participate in the last 2 preceding
elections or
E.2. GROUPS WHICH CANNOT BE (9) Fails to obtain at least 2% of the votes cast
REGISTERED AS POLITICAL PARTIES under the party-list system in the 2
(1) Religious denominations and sects preceding elections for the constituency in
(2) Those which seek to achieve their goals which it has registered [Sec. 6, R.A. 7941]
through violence or unlawful means
(3) Those which refuse to uphold and adhere to
the Constitution



Sec. 7, RA 7941. COMELEC shall prepare a (1) Natural-born citizen of the Philippines
certified list of national, regional, or sectoral (2) Registered voter
parties, organizations or coalitions which have (3) Resident of the Philippines for a period of
applied or who have manifested their desire to not less than 1 year immediately preceding
participate under the party-list system the day of the election
(4) Able to read and write
COMELEC must prepare the list not later than (5) Bona fide member of the party or
60 days before election. organization which he seeks to represent for
at least 90 days preceding the day of the
Names of party-list nominees shall not be election
shown on the certified list. (6) At least 25 years old on the day of the
Each registered party, organization or coalition SEATS FOR PARTY-LIST
shall submit to the COMELEC not later than 45 REPRESENTATIVES
days before the election a list of names, not less i. 20% ALLOCATION
than 5, from which party-list representatives The combined number of all party-list
shall be chosen in case it obtains the required congressmen shall not exceed 20% of the total
number of votes. membership of the House of Representatives,
including those elected under the party-list.
A person may be nominated: Number available to x 20 = Number of
(1) in 1 list only party-list seats
(2) if he/she has given his/her consent in representatives available to
writing actually obtained, is party-list
(3) is not a candidate for any elective office or entitled to a representatives
(4) has not lost his bid for an elective office in maximum of 3
the immediately preceding election seats; one
qualifying and of
No change of names or alteration shall be seats available to
allowed after the same shall have been legislative districts
submitted to the COMELEC except when: .80
(1) the nominee dies
(2) withdraws his nomination ii. 2% THRESHOLD
(3) becomes incapacitated Only those parties garnering a minimum of 2%
of the total votes cast for the party-list system
Sec. 8, RA 7941. Incumbent sectoral shall be entitled to one guaranteed seat each.
representatives in the House of
Representatives who are nominated shall not
be considered resigned
The additional seats shall be computed in
“proportion to their total number of votes.”



Each party, regardless of the number of votes it PARTICIPATE IN THE PARTY-LIST
actually obtained, is entitled to a maximum of 3 ELECTIONS
seats; one qualifying and 2 additional seats. [Atong Paglaum v. COMELEC, (2013)]
In computing the allocation of additional
seats, the continued operation of the 2% (1) Three different groups may participate in
threshold for the distribution of the additional the party-list system: (1) national parties or
seats as found in the second clause of Sec. organizations, (2) regional parties or
11(b) of R.A. 7941 which provides that “those organizations, and (3) sectoral parties or
garnering more than 2% of the votes shall be organizations.
entitled to additional seats in proportion to (2) National parties or organizations and
their total number of votes” is regional parties or organizations do not
unconstitutional. The 2% threshold frustrates need to organize along sectoral lines and do
the attainment of the permissive ceiling that not need to represent any “marginalized
20% of the members of the HR shall consist and underrepresented” sector.
of party-list representatives. [Banat vs. (3) Political parties can participate in party-list
COMELEC (2009)] elections provided they register under the
There are 2 steps in the second round of seat party-list system and do not field
allocation: candidates in legislative district elections. A
(1) The percentage of votes garnered by each political party, whether major or not, that
party-list candidate is multiplied by the fields candidates in legislative district
remaining available seats. The whole elections can participate in party-list
integer of the product corresponds to a elections only through its sectoral wing that
party’s share in the remaining available can separately register under the party-list
seats system. The sectoral wing is by itself an
Formula for remaining available seats independent sectoral party, and is linked to
No. of seats available to x Guaranteed a political party through a coalition.
party-list representatives seats of the (4) Sectoral parties or organizations may either
two-percenters be “marginalized and underrepresented” or
Formula for percentage of votes garnered by each lacking in “well-defined political
party-list candidate constituencies.” It is enough that their
No. of votes garnered by ÷ Total no. of principal advocacy pertains to the special
each party votes cast for interest and concerns of their sector. The
party-list sectors that are “marginalized and
candidates underrepresented” include labor, peasant,
fisherfolk, urban poor, indigenous cultural
(2) Assign one party-list seat to each of the communities, handicapped, veterans, and
parties next in rank until all available overseas workers. The sectors that lack
seats are completely distributed. “well-defined political constituencies”
include professionals, the elderly, women,
and the youth.
(5) A majority of the members of sectoral
parties or organizations that represent the
“marginalized and underrepresented” must
belong to the “marginalized and


underrepresented” sector they represent.

Similarly, a majority of the members of
XX. Candidacy
sectoral parties or organizations that lack A. QUALIFICATIONS OF CANDIDATES
“well-defined political constituencies” must Candidate – any person who files his certificate
belong to the sector they represent. The of candidacy within prescribed period shall only
nominees of sectoral parties or be considered as a candidate at the start of the
organizations that represent the campaign period for which he filed his
“marginalized and underrepresented,” or certificate of candidacy. [Sec. 15, R.A. 9369]
that represent those who lack “well-defined
political constituencies,” either must belong Sec. 15, R.A. 9369. Unlawful acts or omissions
to their respective sectors, or must have a applicable to a candidate shall take effect only
track record of advocacy for their respective upon the start of the aforesaid campaign
sectors. The nominees of national and period.
regional parties or organizations must be
bona-fide members of such parties or Any registered national, regional, or sectoral
organizations. party, organization or coalition thereof that has
(6) National, regional, and sectoral parties or filed a manifestation to participate under the
organizations shall not be disqualified if party-list system which has not withdrawn or
some of their nominees are disqualified, which has not been disqualified before the start
provided that they have at least one of the campaign period. [COMELEC Res. 8758,
nominee who remains qualified. Feb. 4, 2010]


TERM-SHARING AGREEMENT Qualifications prescribed by law are continuing
The fact that the nominees of a party to the requirements and must be possessed for the
party-list elections entered in a term-sharing duration of the officer's active tenure [Frivaldo v.
agreement is not a sufficient ground for the COMELEC (1989); Labo v. COMELEC (1989)].
cancellation of the party’s registration and
accreditation if such agreement was not See Qualifications under Public Officers.
implemented. [Senior Citizens’ Party-List v.
E.11. EFFECT OF CHANGE OF AFFILIATION (1) Declared incompetent or insane by
Any elected party-list representative who competent authority [Sec. 12]
changes his political party or sectoral affiliation: (2) Permanent resident of or an immigrant to a
(1) during his term of office shall forfeit his seat foreign country unless he has waived such
(2) Within 6 months before an election shall status [Sec. 68]
not be eligible for nomination as party-list (3) Sentenced by final judgment for:
representative under his new party or (a) Subversion, insurrection, rebellion
organization [Sec. 15, R.A. 7941] (b) Any offense for which he has been
sentenced to a penalty of more than 18
months imprisonment
(c) A crime involving moral turpitude [Sec.


(4) Given money or other material any political party within the polling place
consideration to influence, induce or corrupt or within a 30m radius [Sec.]
voters or public officials performing
electoral functions II. UNDER SECTION 40 OF THE LGC
(5) Committed acts of terrorism to enhance his (1) Sentenced by final judgment for an offense
candidacy punishable by at least 1 year imprisonment
(6) Spent in his election campaign an amount within 2 years after serving sentence
in excess of that allowed The phrase “within 2 years after serving
(7) Solicited, received or made prohibited sentence” applies both to (1) those who
contributions [Sec. 68] have been sentenced by final judgment
(8) Engaged in election campaign or partisan for an offense involving moral turpitude
political activity outside the campaign and (2) those who have been sentenced
period and not pursuant to a political party by final judgment for an offense
nomination [Sec. 80] punishable by one year or more of
(9) Removed, destroyed, defaced lawful imprisonment
election propaganda [Sec. 83] Those who have not served their sentence
(10) Engaged in prohibited forms of election by reason of the grant of probation should
propaganda [Sec. 85] not be disqualified from running for a
(11) Violated election rules and regulations on local elective office because the 2-year
election propaganda through mass media period of ineligibility does not even begin
[Sec. 86] to run [Moreno v. COMELEC (2006)]
(12) Coerced, intimidated, compelled, or (2) Removed from office as a result of an
influenced any of his subordinates, administrative case
members, or employees to aid, campaign or This disqualification does not retroactively
vote for or against any candidate or aspirant apply to those who were removed from
for the nomination or selection of office as a result of an administrative case
candidates [Sec. 261.d] before the effectivity of the LGC. [Grego v.
(13) Threatened, intimidated, caused, inflicted COMELEC (1997)]
or produced any violence, injury, (3) Convicted by final judgment for violating
punishment, damage, loss or disadvantage the oath of allegiance to the Republic of the
upon any person or of the immediate Philippines
members of his family, his honor or (4) Dual citizenship
property, or used fraud to compel, induce or
Dual citizenship as a disqualification must
prevent the registration of any voter, or the
refer to citizens with dual allegiance. For
participation in any campaign, or the
candidates with mere dual citizenship, the
casting of any vote, or any promise of such
filing of certificate of candidacy is
registration, campaign, vote, or omission
considered as an election of Filipino
therefrom [Sec. 261.e]
citizenship and renunciation of foreign
(14) Unlawful electioneering [Sec. 261.k]
citizenship. [Mercado v. Manzano (1999)]
(15) Violated the prohibition against release,
For a natural born Filipino, who
disbursement or expenditure of public funds
reacquired or retained his Philippine
45 days before a regular election or 30 days
citizenship under RA 9225, to run for
before a special election [Sec. 261.v]
public office, he must: (1) meet the
(16) Solicited votes or undertook propaganda on
qualifications for holding such public
election day for or against any candidate or
office as required by the Constitution and


existing laws; and (2) make a personal (5) Fugitive from justice in criminal and non-
and sworn renunciation of any and all political cases here and abroad. “Fugitive
foreign citizenships before any public from justice” includes
officer authorized to administer oath. (a) those who flee after conviction to avoid
[Japzon v. COMELEC (2009)] punishment and
With respect to a person with dual (b) those who, after being charged, flee to
allegiance, candidate’s oath of allegiance avoid prosecution. This presupposes
to the Republic of the Philippines and his knowledge by the fleeing subject of
Certificate of Candidacy do not either an already instituted indictment
substantially comply with the requirement or of a promulgated judgment of
of a personal and sworn renunciation of conviction. [Rodriquez v. COMELEC
foreign citizenship. (1996)]
Section 5(2) of R.A. No. (6) Insane or feeble-minded
9225 compels natural-born Filipinos, who
have been naturalized as citizens of a B. FILING OF CERTIFICATES OF
foreign country, but who reacquired or CANDIDACY
retained their Philippine citizenship (1) to
take the oath of allegiance under Section 3 Sec. 73, B.P. 881.No person shall be eligible for
of Republic Act No. 9225, and (2) for those any elective public office unless he files a
seeking elective public offices in the sworn certificate of candidacy within the period
Philippines, to additionally execute fixed herein.
a personal and sworn renunciation of any
and all foreign citizenship before an The certificate of candidacy shall be filed by the
authorized public officer prior or candidate personally or by his duly authorized
simultaneous to the filing of their representative.
certificates of candidacy, to qualify as
candidates in Philippine elections. [Jacot
When: Any day from the commencement of
vs. Dal (2008); De Guzman v. COMELEC
the election period but not later than the day
before the beginning of the campaign period.
Based on jurisprudence, the mere filing of
certificate of candidacy is a sufficient form In cases of postponement or failure of election,
of renunciation for dual citizens but not no additional certificate of candidacy shall be
for those with dual allegiance who accepted except in cases of substitution of
reacquired/retained Filipino citizenship candidates. [Sec. 75, B.P. 881]
under RA 9225.
While the act of using a foreign passport Filing of 2 certificates of candidacy
is not one of the acts constituting (1) No person shall be eligible for more than
renunciation and loss of Philippine one office to be filled in the same election.
citizenship, it is nevertheless an act which (2) If he files a certificate of candidacy for more
repudiates the very oath of renunciation than one office he shall not be eligible for
required for a former Filipino citizen who either.
is also a citizen of another country to be (3) Before the expiration of the period for the
qualified to run for a local elective filing of certificates of candidacy, the person
position. [Maquiling v. COMELEC, G.R.
195649, April 16, 2013]


who has filed more than one certificate of B.2. SUBSTITUTION OF CANDIDATES
candidacy, may - If after the last day for filing of the certificates of
(a) declare under oath the office for which candidacy, an official candidate of a registered
he desires to be eligible and political party dies, withdraws or is disqualified
(b) cancel the certificate of candidacy for for any cause, he may be substituted by a
the other office/s [Sec. 73, B.P. 881] candidate belonging to and nominated by the
same political party.
(1) Any person holding a public appointive No substitute shall be allowed for any
office or position including active members independent candidate. [Recabo, Jr. v. COMELEC
of the AFP, and other officers and (1999)]
employees in GOCCs, shall be considered
ipso facto resigned from his office upon the The substitute must file his certificate of
filing of his certificate of candidacy. [Sec. candidacy not later than mid-day of the election
66(1), B.P. 881] day
Applies to employees of GOCCs without
an original charter [PNOC Energy Devt. If the death, withdrawal or disqualification
Corp. v. NLRC (1993)] should happen between the day before the
(2) Any person holding an elective office or election and mid-day of the election day,
position shall not be considered resigned certificate may be filed with:
upon the filing of his certificate of candidacy (1) any Board of Election Inspectors in the
for the same or any other elective office or political subdivision where he is a
position. [Sec. 4, Comelec Resolution No. candidate or
8678, Guidelines on the Filing of Certificates (2) with the COMELEC if it is a national
of Candidacy and Nomination of Official position [Sec. 77, B.P. 881]
Candidates of Registered Political Parties in
Connection with the May 10, 2010 National For there to be a valid substitution of a
and Local Elections] candidate, the latter must have filed a valid
SC upheld the validity of the COMELEC certificate of candidacy.
Resolution in Quinto v. COMELEC A person who is disqualified under Sec. 68
Sec. 67, B.P. 811, which deemed elective OEC is only prohibited from continuing as a
officials automatically resigned from candidate but his CoC remains valid. He may
office upon filing of their certificate of therefore be substituted.
candidacy was repealed by Sec. 14 R.A A person whose CoC is cancelled or denied
9006, Fair Election Act. This means that due course under Sec. 78 for false material
such elective official is no longer deemed representation is considered to have a CoC
resigned when he files his CoC for any that is void ab initio. Thus, he cannot be
position validly substituted. [Talaga v. COMELEC,

Sec. 74 requires the candidate to state under

oath in his CoC “that he is eligible for the said
office”. Therefore, as long as a person who filed
his CoC is suffering from an ineligibility at the
time of filing, he commits false material


representation sufficient to make his CoC void from running for public office. [Jalosjos v.
ab initio. COMELEC,(2012)]
It is not necessary that the subject of
ineligibility be one of those specifically B.4. NUISANCE CANDIDATES
enumerated under Sec. 74. Petition to declare a duly registered candidate as
Examples: a nuisance candidate
(1) Ineligibility by reason of perpetual special [Sec. 5, R.A. 6646]
disqualification imposed as a penalty for a
criminal offense [Jalosjos, Jr. v. COMELEC I. WHO MAY FILE
(2012)] Any registered candidate for the same office
(2) Ineligibility by reason of term limit [Talaga
Within 5 days from the last day for the filing of
B.3. MINISTERIAL DUTY OF COMELEC TO certificates of candidacy
Duty of COMELEC [Sec. 76, B.P. 881] III. HOW TO FILE
General Rule: The COMELEC shall have the Personally or through duly authorized
ministerial duty to receive and acknowledge representative with the COMELEC
receipt of the certificates of candidacy provided
said certificates are: under oath and contain all IV. GROUNDS FOR FILING
the required data and in the form prescribed by Certificate of candidacy has been filed -
the Commission. (1) To put the election process in mockery or
disrepute or
The COMELEC has no discretion to give or not (2) To cause confusion among the voters by the
to give due course to a certificate of candidacy similarity of the names of the registered
filed in due form. While the COMELEC may look candidates or
into patent defects in the certificate, it may not (3) Clearly demonstrate that the candidate has
go into matters not appearing on their face. no bona fide intention to run for the office
[Abcede v. Imperial, (1958)] for which the certificate of candidacy has
been filed and thus prevent a faithful
Exception: COMELEC may go beyond the face of determination of the true will of the
the certificate of candidacy – electorate [Sec. 69, B.P. 881]
(1) Nuisance candidates
(2) Petition to deny due course to or cancel a V. NATURE OF PROCEEDING
certificate of candidacy Summary in nature

The Court also recently held that even without a B.5. PETITION TO DENY OR CANCEL
petition to deny course to or cancel a certificate
of candidacy, the COMELEC is under a legal
duty to cancel the CoC of anyone suffering from
Any person
the accessory penalty of perpetual special
disqualification to run for public office by virtue
of a final judgment of conviction. The final
ii. WHEN:
judgment of conviction is notice to the Any time not later than 25 days from the time of
COMELEC of the disqualification of the convict the filing of the certificate of candidacy


iii. EXCLUSIVE GROUND If a candidate is not declared by final judgment

Any material representation contained in the before any election to be disqualified and he is
certificate of candidacy is false. Provided that voted for and receives the winning number of
(1) the false representation pertains to material votes in such election, the Court or COMELEC
matter affecting substantive rights of a shall continue with the trial and hearing of the
candidate and action, inquiry, or protest and upon motion of
(2) the false representation must consist of the complainant or any intervenor, may during
deliberate attempt to mislead, misinform, the pendency thereof, order the suspension of
or hide a fact which would otherwise render the proclamation of such candidate whenever
a candidate ineligible [Salcedo II v. the evidence of his guilt is strong. [Sec. 6, R.A.
COMELEC (1999)] 6646]


Shall be decided, after due notice and hearing, COMPLAINT/PETITION IS FILED:
not later than 15 days before the election. [Sec. (1) before the election and proclamation of the
78, B.P. 881] respondent and the case is not resolved
before the election - the trial and hearing of
The false representation must pertain to a the case shall continue and be referred to
material fact that affects the right of the the Law Department for preliminary
candidate to run for the election for which he investigation
filed his COC. Such material fact refers to a (2) after the election and before the
candidate’s eligibility or qualification for proclamation of the respondent - the trial
elective office like citizenship, residence or and hearing of the case shall be suspended
status as a registered voter. Aside from the and referred to the Law Department for
requirement of materiality, the false preliminary investigation
representation must consist of a deliberate
attempt to mislead, misinform, or hide a fact In either case, if the evidence of guilt is strong,
that would otherwise render a candidate the COMELEC may order the suspension of the
ineligible. In other words, it must be made with proclamation of respondent, and if proclaimed,
the intention to deceive the electorate as to the to suspend the effects of proclamation. [Sec. 4,
would-be candidate’s qualifications for public Resolution No. 8678]
office. [Salic Maruhom v. COMELEC (2009)]
Jurisdiction over a petition to cancel a certificate TO PROCLAMATION
of candidacy lies with the COMELEC in division General rule: A void certificate of candidacy on
and not with the COMELEC en banc [Garvida v. the ground of ineligibility that existed at the
Sales (1997)] time of filing of the CoC can never give rise to a
valid candidacy, and much less to valid votes.
Whether the CoC is cancelled before or after
B.6. EFFECT OF DISQUALIFICATION the election is immaterial because the
Any candidate who has been declared by final cancellation on such ground means he was
judgment to be disqualified – never a valid candidate from the very beginning,
(1) shall not be voted for and his CoC being void ab initio. Hence, in case that
(2) the votes cast for him shall not be counted person wins, the candidate receiving the next


highest number of votes may take over and

assume the position.
XXI. Campaign
Election campaign or partisan political activity –
Exception: Decisions holding that the second- an act designed to promote the election or
placer cannot be proclaimed winner if the first- defeat of a particular candidate or candidates to
placer is disqualified or declared ineligible (see a public office. [Sec. 79, B.P. 881]
Labo, Jr. v. COMELEC (1992)) should be limited
to situations where the CoC of the first-placer Campaign includes:
was valid at the time of filing but subsequently (1) Forming organizations or groups of persons
had to be cancelled because of a violation of (2) Holding political caucuses, meetings, rallies
law that took place, or a legal impediment that or other similar assemblies
took effect, after the filing of the CoC. [Jalosjos v. (3) Making speeches or commentaries
COMELEC (2012)] (4) Publishing or distributing campaign
literature or materials for the purpose of
Exception to the Exception: A possible exception soliciting votes and/or undertaking any
to the Labo doctrine is predicated on the campaign or propaganda to support or
concurrence of two assumptions, namely: oppose the election of any candidate
(1) the one who obtained the highest number
of votes is disqualified; and Exclusions:
(2) the electorate is fully aware in fact and in (1) Acts performed for the purpose of
law of a candidate’s disqualification so as to enhancing the chances of aspirants for
bring such awareness within the realm of nomination for candidacy to a public office
notoriety but would nonetheless cast their by a political party, aggroupment, or
votes in favor of the ineligible candidate. coalition of parties.
(2) Public expressions of opinions or
In such a case, the second-placer may be discussions of probable issues in a
proclaimed. [Grego v. COMELEC (1997)] forthcoming election or on attributes or
criticisms of probable candidates proposed
B.7. WITHDRAWAL OF CANDIDATES to be nominated in a forthcoming political
A person who has filed a certificate of candidacy party convention. [Sec. 79, B.P. 881]
may, prior to the election, withdraw the same by
submitting to the office concerned a written Persons Prohibited from campaigning:
declaration under oath. (1) Members of the board of election
inspections [Sec. 173, B.P. 881]
Effect of filing or withdrawal of a certificate of (2) Civil service officers or employees [Art. IX-B,
candidacy Sec. 2 (4), Const.]
Filing shall not affect whatever civil, criminal or (3) Members of the military [Art. XVI, Sec. 5 (3),
administrative liabilities which a candidate may Const.]
have incurred. [Sec. 73, BP 881] (4) Foreigners, whether juridical or natural



General Rule: Any election campaign or partisan [Sec. 5, R.A. 7166]
political activity for or against any candidate
outside of the campaign period is prohibited i. FOR PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT AND
and shall be considered as an election offense. SENATORS
[Sec. 80, B.P. 881] 90 days before the day of the election.

Exception: Political parties may hold political ii. FOR MEMBERS OF THE HR AND
conventions to nominate their official ELECTIVE PROVINCIAL, CITY AND
candidates within 30 days before the start of MUNICIPAL OFFICIALS
the period for filing a certificate of candidacy. 45 days before the day of the election.
[Sec. 15, R.A. 9369]
It is unlawful for any person to engage in an
Print advertisements shall not exceed 1/4 page,
election campaign or partisan political activity
in broad sheet and 1/2 page in tabloids thrice a
week per newspaper, magazine or other
(1) Maundy Thursday
(2) Good Friday
(3) Eve of Election Day and
Bona fide candidates and registered political
(4) Election Day [Sec. 3, COMELEC Resolution
parties running for nationally elective office are
entitled to not more than 120 mins of TV
advertisement and 180 mins of radio
In Penera v. COMELEC, at the time the supposed
advertisement whether by purchase or by
premature campaigning took place, Penera was
not officially a “candidate” although she
already filed her certificate of candidacy. Under
Bona fide candidates and registered political
Section 15 of R.A. 9369, a person who files his
parties running for locally elective office are
certificate of candidacy is considered a
entitled to not more than 60 mins of TV
candidate only at the start of the campaign
advertisement and 90 mins of radio
period, and unlawful acts applicable to such
advertisement whether by purchase or by
candidate take effect only at the start of such
campaign period.
Broadcast stations or entities are required to
Thus, a candidate is liable for an election offense
submit copies of their broadcast logs and
only for acts done during the campaign period,
certificates of performance to the COMELEC for
not before. Before the start of the campaign
the review and verification of the frequency,
period, such election offenses cannot be
date, time and duration of advertisement
committed and any partisan political activity is
broadcast for any candidate or political party.
lawful. [Penera v. COMELEC (2009)]
All mass media entities are required to furnish
the COMELEC with a copy of all contracts for
advertising, promoting or opposing any political


party or the candidacy of any person for public published 7 days before an election is
office within 5 days after its signing. unconstitutional because
(1) it imposes a prior restraint on the freedom
No franchise or permit to operate a radio or TV of expression,
station shall be granted or issued, suspended or (2) it is a direct and total suppression of a
cancelled during the election period. category of expression even though such
suppression is only for a limited period,
Any mass media columnist, commentator, and
announcer, reporter, on-air correspondent or (3) the governmental interest sought to be
personality who is a candidate for any elective promoted can be achieved by means
public office or is a campaign volunteer for or other than the suppression of the freedom
employed or retained in any capacity by any of expression. [Social Weather Stations,
candidate or political party shall: Inc. v. COMELEC (2001)]
(1) be deemed resigned, if so required by their
employer or Exit polls may only be taken subject to the
(2) take a leave of absence from his/her work as following requirements:
such during the campaign period (1) Pollsters shall not conduct their surveys
within 50m from the polling place,
No movie, cinematograph or documentary shall whether said survey is taken in a home,
be publicly exhibited in a theater, television dwelling place and other places
station or any public forum during the (2) Pollsters shall wear distinctive clothing
campaign period which: (3) Pollsters shall inform the voters that they
(1) Portrays the life or biography of a candidate may refuse to answer and
(2) Is portrayed by an actor or media personality (4) The result of the exit polls may be
who is himself a candidate. [Sec. 6, R.A. announced after the closing of the polls
9006] on election day and must clearly identify
the total number of respondents, and the
A.4. ELECTION SURVEYS places where they were taken. Said
Election surveys – the measurement of opinions announcement shall state that the same
and perceptions of the voters as regards a is unofficial and does not represent a
candidate's popularity, qualifications, platforms trend. [Sec. 5, R.A. 9006]
or a matter of public discussion in relation to
the election, including voters' preference for A.5. RALLIES, MEETINGS, OTHER
candidates or publicly discussed issues during POLITICAL ACTIVITY
Surveys affecting national candidates shall not
(1) All applications for permits must
be published 15 days before an election and
immediately be posted in a conspicuous
surveys affecting local candidates shall not be
place in the city or municipal building, and
published 7 days before an election
the receipt thereof acknowledged in writing.
(2) Applications must be acted upon in writing
Sec. 5.4 of RA 9006 providing that surveys
by local authorities concerned within 3 days
affecting national candidates shall not be
after their filing. If not acted upon within
published 15 days before an election and
said period, deemed approved.
surveys affecting local candidates shall not be


(3) The only justifiable ground for denial of the B.2. PROHIBITED CONTRIBUTIONS
application is when a prior written (1) From Public or private financial institutions.
application by any candidate or political Unless:
party for the same purpose has been (a) The financial institutions are legally in
approved. the business of lending money
(4) Denial of any application for said permit is (b) The loan is made in accordance with
appealable to the provincial election laws and regulations AND
supervisor or to the COMELEC whose (c) The loan is made in the ordinary course
decision shall be made within 48 hours and of business
which shall be final and executory. [Sec. 87, (2) Natural and juridical persons operating a
B.P. 881] public utility or in possession of or
exploiting any natural resources of the
(3) Natural and juridical persons who hold
contracts or sub-contracts to supply the
government or any of its divisions,
Contribution – gift, donation, subscription, loan,
subdivisions or instrumentalities, with
advance or deposit of money or anything of
goods or services or to perform construction
value, or a contract, promise or agreement to
or other works
(4) Grantees of franchises, incentives,
(1) whether or not legally enforceable
exemptions, allocations or similar privileges
(2) made for influencing the results of the
or concessions by the government or any of
its divisions, subdivisions or
(3) excludes services rendered without
instrumentalities, including GOCCs
compensation by individuals volunteering
(5) Grantees, within 1 year prior to the date of
their time in behalf of a candidate or
the election, of loans or other
political party
accommodations in excess of P100,000 by
(4) Includes the use of facilities voluntarily
the government or any of its divisions,
donated by other persons, the money value
subdivisions or instrumentalities including
of which can be assessed based on the rates
prevailing in the area. [Sec. 94, B.P. 881]
(6) Educational institutions which have
received grants of public funds amounting
Expenditures – payment of money or anything
to no less than P100,000
of value or a contract, promise or agreement to
(7) Officials or employees in the Civil Service, or
make an expenditure
members of the Armed Forces of the
(1) For the purpose of influencing the results of
the election
(8) Foreigners and foreign corporations,
(2) Includes the use of facilities personally
including foreign governments. [Sec. 95 and
owned by the candidate, the money value of
96, B.P. 881]
the use of which can be assessed based on
the rates prevailing in the area. [Sec. 94,
B.P. 881]
(1) The following are prohibited if held for
raising campaign funds or for the support of


any candidate from the start of the election or for the use of any religious or civic
period up to and including election day: organization.
(a) Dances
(b) Lotteries Exceptions:
(c) Cockfights (1) Normal and customary religious dues or
(d) Games contributions
(e) Boxing bouts (2) Periodic payments for legitimate
(f) Bingo scholarships established and school
(g) Beauty contests contributions habitually made before the
(h) Entertainments, or cinematographic, prohibited period [Sec. 104, B.P. 881]
theatrical or other performances
(3) For any person or organization, civic or C. LAWFUL AND PROHIBITED
religious, directly or indirectly, to solicit ELECTION PROPAGANDA
and/or accept from any candidate or from
his campaign manager, agent or
representative, or any person acting in their
behalf, any gift, food, transportation, (1) Pamphlets, leaflets, cards, decals, stickers,
contribution or donation in cash or in kind or other written or printed materials not
from the start of the election period up to larger than 8.5x14 inches
and including election day (2) Handwritten or printed letters urging voters
Except: Normal and customary religious to vote for or against any political party or
stipends, tithes, or collections on Sundays candidate
and/or other designated collection days (3) Cloth, paper or cardboard posters, framed
[Sec. 97, B.P. 881] or posted, not larger than 2x3 feet
(4) Streamers not larger than 3x8 feet are
allowed at a public meeting or rally or in
announcing the holding of such. May be
displayed 5 days before the meeting or rally
(1) Who: by candidate, spouse, relative within
and shall be removed within 24 hours after
2nd civil degree of consanguinity or affinity,
campaign manager, agent or
(5) Paid advertisements in print or broadcast
representative; treasurers, agents or
representatives of political party
(a) Bear and be identified by the reasonably
(2) When: During campaign period, day before
legible or audible words “political
and day of the election
advertisement paid for” followed by the
true and correct name and address of
B.5. PROHIBITED WHETHER DIRECTLY the candidate or party for whose benefit
OR INDIRECTLY: the election propaganda was printed or
(1) Donation, contribution or gift in cash or in aired. [Sec. 4.1, R.A. 9006]
kind (b) If the broadcast is given free of charge
(2) Undertake or contribute to the construction by the radio or TV station, identified by
or repair of roads, bridges, school buses, the words "airtime for this broadcast
puericulture centers, medical clinics and was provided free of charge by"
hospitals, churches or chapels cement followed by the true and correct name
pavements, or any structure for public use


and address of the broadcast entity. (2) Give or contribute, directly or indirectly,
[Sec. 4.2, R.A. 9006] money or things of value for such purpose
(c) Print, broadcast or outdoor [Sec. 89, B.P. 881]
advertisements donated to the Note: Sec. 85 “Prohibited election propaganda”
candidate or political party shall not be of B.P. 881 was repealed by Sec. 14 R.A. 9006.
printed, published, broadcast or
exhibited without the written D. LIMITATIONS ON EXPENSES
acceptance by said candidate or
political party. Written acceptance
must be attached to the advertising
(1) President and VP: P10 for every voter
contract and submitted to the
currently registered
COMELEC within 5 days after its
(2) Other candidates: P3 for every voter
signing. [Sec. 4.3, R.A. 9006, cf. Sec. 6.3,
currently registered in the constituency
R.A. 9006]
where he filed his certificate of candidacy
(6) All other forms of election propaganda not
prohibited by the Omnibus Election Code or
the Fair Election Act of 2001. [Sec. 3, R.A.
P5 for every voter
P5 for every voter currently registered in the
(1) Aid any candidate or political party, directly
constituency or constituencies where it has
or indirectly
official candidates [Sec. 13, R.A. 7166]
(2) Take part or influence in any manner in any
(3) Contribute or make any expenditure in E. STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS
connection with any election campaign or AND EXPENSES
partisan political activity [Sec. 81, B.P. 881]
Every candidate and treasurer of the political
ii. FOR ANY PERSON DURING THE party shall file:
CAMPAIGN PERIOD (1) In duplicate with the COMELEC
(1) Remove, destroy, obliterate or in any (2) The full, true and itemized statement of all
manner deface or tamper with lawful contributions and expenditures in
election propaganda connection with the election
(2) Prevent the distribution of lawful election (3) Within 30 days after the day of the election
propaganda [Sec. 83, B.P.881]
PARTY, ORGANIZATION OR ANY PERSON No person elected to any public office shall
(1) Give or accept, directly or indirectly, free of enter upon the duties of his office until he has
charge, transportation, food or drinks or filed the statement of contributions and
things of value during the five hours before expenditures
and after a public meeting, on the day The same prohibition shall apply if the
preceding the election, and on the day of political party which nominated the winning
the election; candidate fails to file the statements



XXII. Board of Election
[SEC. 14, RA 7166] Board of Canvassers
(1) 1st offense – P1,000-P30,000 in the (BOC)
discretion of the Commission to be paid
within 30 days from receipt of notice of such A. BOARD OF ELECTION INSPECTORS
failure otherwise it shall be enforceable by a
writ of execution issued by the Commission
against the properties of the offender
(2) 2nd offense – P2,000-P30,000 in the ELECTION INSPECTORS
discretion of the Commission. In addition, I. COMPOSITION
the offender shall be subject to perpetual [Sec. 13, RA 6646 and Sec. 164, BP 881]
disqualification to hold public office (1) Chairman – public school teacher
(2) Poll Clerk – public school teacher
(3) Two members, each representing the two
accredited political parties

[Sec. 166, BP 881]
(1) Good moral character and irreproachable
(2) Registered voter of the city or municipality
(3) Never been convicted of any election
offense or any other crime punishable by
more than 6 months of imprisonment, and
there is no information pending against him
for any election offense
(4) Speak , read and write English or the local
(5) At least 1 member of the BEI shall be an
information technology-capable person
who is trained and certified by the DOST to
use the AES (where AES shall be adopted)
[Sec. 3, RA 9369]

[Sec. 167, BP 881]
(1) Related within 4th degree of consanguinity
or affinity to any member of the BEI
(2) Related within 4th degree of consanguinity
or affinity to any candidate to be voted for in
the polling place or his spouse


(3) Not engaged in any partisan political (3) Act as deputies of the Commission in the
activity or take part in the election except to conduct of the elections
discharge his duties as such and to vote (4) Maintain order within the polling place and
[Sec. 173, BP 881] its premises; keep access thereto open and
unobstructed; enforce obedience to its
A.2. POWERS OF BOARD OF ELECTION lawful orders and prohibit the use of cellular
INSPECTORS phones and camera by the voters. If any
[Sec. 10, COMELEC Resolution 9640, General person refuses to obey the lawful orders of
Instructions for BEI on Testing and Sealing, the BEI, or conducts himself in a disorderly
Voting, Counting and Transmission of Election manner in its presence or within its hearing
Results] and thereby interrupts or disturbs its
(1) Conduct the voting in the polling place and proceedings, the BEI may issue an order in
administer the electronic counting of votes, writing directing any peace officer to take
including the testing and sealing of the said person into custody until the
PCOS machine adjournment of the meeting, but such order
(2) Print the election returns and transmit shall not be executed as to prevent said
electronically the election results through person from voting. A copy of such written
the use of the PCOS machine to the order shall be attached to the Minutes;
(a) City/Municipal Board of Canvassers (5) Furnish watchers Certificate of Votes (CEF
(b) Central Server No. A13) upon request
(c) Transparency Server (Dominant (6) Perform such other functions as prescribed
Majority Party/Dominant Minority by the Code or by the rules and regulations
Party/Accredited Citizens’ Arm/ KBP promulgated by the Commission



[Sec. 20, R.A. 6646]

Province City Municipality

Provincial election supervisor or City election registrar or a lawyer Election registrar or COMELEC
lawyer in the COMELEC regional of COMELEC; representative
In cities with more than 1 election
registrar, COMELEC shall
Provincial fiscal City fiscal Municipal treasurer


Provincial superintendent of City superintendent of schools Most senior district school
schools supervisor or in his absence, a
principal of the school district or
elementary school

In case of non-availability, absence, disqualification due to relationship, or incapacity for any cause of
any of the members, COMELEC may appoint the following as substitutes, in the order named:

Province City Municipality

Ranking lawyer of the COMELEC Ranking lawyer of the COMELEC Ranking lawyer of the COMELEC
-Provincial auditor -City auditor or equivalent; -Municipal Administrator;
-Registrar of Deeds -Registrar of Deeds; -Municipal Assessor;
-Clerk of Court nominated by the -Clerk of Court nominated by the -Clerk of Court nominated by the
Executive Judge of the RTC; Executive Judge of the RTC; Executive Judge of the MTC;
-Any other available appointive -Any other available appointive -Any other available appointive
provincial official city official municipal official
Same as for Vice-Chairman Same as for Vice-Chairman Same as for Vice-Chairman


(1) Chairman and members shall not be related Canvass – the process by which the results in
within the 4th civil degree of consanguinity the election returns are tallied and totalled.
or affinity to any of the candidates whose
votes will be canvassed by said board, or to Certificates of canvass – official tabulations of
any member of the said board. [Sec. 222, votes accomplished by district, municipal, city
B.P. 881] and provincial canvassers based on the election
(2) No member or substitute member shall be returns, which are the results of the ballot count
transferred, assigned or detailed outside of at the precinct level.
his official station, nor shall he leave said
station without prior authority of the The BOC shall canvass the votes by
COMELEC during the period beginning consolidating the electronically transmitted
election day until the proclamation of the results or the results contained in the data
winning candidates. [Sec. 223, B.P. 881] storage devices used in the printing of the
(3) No member shall feign illness to be election returns. [Sec. 20, R.A. 9369]
substituted on election day until the
proclamation of the winning candidates.
Feigning of illness constitutes an election
offense. [Sec. 224, B.P. 881]



(1) Within one hour after the canvassing, the Composition
Chairman of the district or provincial BOC or The chairman and members of the COMELEC
the city BOC of those cities which comprise sitting en banc
one or more legislative districts shall
electronically transmit the certificates of Function
canvass to: It shall canvass the results by consolidating the
(a) COMELEC sitting as the National BOC certificates of canvass electronically transmitted.
for senators and party-list Thereafter, the national board shall proclaim
representatives and the winning candidates for senators and party-
(b) Congress as the National BOC for the list representatives. [Sec. 23, R.A. 9369]
president and vice president, directed to
the President of the Senate. [Sec. 20, B.2. PROCLAMATION
R.A. 9369] Proclamation shall be after the canvass of
(2) The certificates of canvass transmitted election returns, in the absence of a perfected
electronically and digitally signed shall be appeal to the COMELEC, proclaim the
considered as official election results and candidates who obtained the highest number of
shall be used as the basis for the votes cast in the province, city, municipality or
proclamation of a winning candidate. [Sec. barangay, on the basis of the certificates of
20, R.A. 9369] canvass.
(3) 30 copies shall be distributed in accordance
with Sec. 21, R.A. 9369. Failure to comply with this duty constitutes an
election offense. [Sec. 231, B.P. 881]
Composition (1) When it is based on incomplete returns
The Senate and the House of Representatives in [Castromayor v. COMELEC (1995)] or
joint public session. (2) When there is yet no complete canvass.
[Jamil v. COMELEC (1997)]
Functions: (3) A void proclamation is no proclamation at
(1) Upon receipt of the certificates of canvass, all, and the proclaimed candidate’s
the President of the Senate shall, not later assumption into office cannot deprive the
than 30 days after the day of the election, COMELEC of its power to annul the
open all the certificates in the presence of proclamation.
the Senate and the House of
Representatives in joint public session. ii. PARTIAL PROCLAMATION
(2) Congress upon determination of the Notwithstanding pendency of any pre-
authenticity and the due execution thereof proclamation controversy, COMELEC may
in the manner provided by law shall: summarily order proclamation of other winning
(a) canvass all the results for president and candidates whose election will not be affected
vice-president and by the outcome of the controversy. [Sec. 21, R.A.
(b) proclaim the winning candidates. [Sec. 7166]
22, R.A. 9369]



BOC, by resolution, upon 5 days notice to all
XXIII. Remedies and
tied candidates, shall hold a special public Jurisdiction in Election
meeting at which the board shall proceed to the
drawing of lots of tied candidates and shall Law
proclaim as elected the candidates who may be
favored by luck. [Sec. 240, B.P. 881]
There is a tie when: COURSE TO OR CANCEL A
(1) 2 or more candidates receive an equal and CERTIFICATE OF CANDIDACY
highest number of votes; or
(2) 2 or more candidates are to be elected for A.1. CANCELLATION OF CERTIFICATE OF
the same position and 2 or more candidates
received the same number of votes for the
LAST PLACE in the number to be elected.
(1) False material representation in the
certificate of candidacy;
(2) If the certificate filed is a substitute
Upon the expiration of the deadline for the filing
Certificate of Candidacy, when it is not a
of certificates of candidacy in a special election
proper case of substitution under Sec. 77 of
called to fill a vacancy in an elective position
BP 881.
other than for President and VP, when there is
only 1 qualified candidate, he shall be
proclaimed elected without holding the special
election upon certification by the COMELEC that
he is the only candidate for the office and is
therefore deemed elected. [Sec. 2, R.A. 8295,
Law on Proclamation of Solo Candidates] [Sec. 78, BP 881]
Who may file: Any person

If brought under Sec. 69 OEC (Nuisance

Candidates), any registered candidate [Sec. 5(a),
RA 6646]

When filed: At any time not later than 25 days

from the time of the filing of the certificate of
-If brought under Sec. 69 OEC, filing must be
within 5 days from the last day of filing the CoC
[Sec. 5(a), RA 6646]

Decision: Not later than 15 days before election


If brought under Sec. 69 OEC, within 5 days shall continue with the trial and hearing of the
from receipt of Commission of the action, inquiry, or protest and upon motion of
recommendation of the hearing officer the complainant or any intervenor, may during
the pendency thereof, order the suspension of
B. PETITION FOR DISQUALIFICATION the proclamation of such candidate whenever
the evidence of his guilt is strong. [Sec. 6, R.A.
B.1. PROCEDURE 6646]
Any citizen of voting age, or any duly registered
political party, organization or coalition of COMPLAINT/PETITION IS FILED:
political parties (1) Before the election and proclamation of the
respondent and the case is not resolved
II. WHERE TO FILE before the election - the trial and hearing of
Law Department of the COMELEC the case shall continue and be referred to
the Law Department for preliminary
(2) After the election and before the
Any day after the last day for filing of
proclamation of the respondent - the trial
certificates of candidacy, but not later than the
and hearing of the case shall be suspended
date of proclamation
and referred to the Law Department for
preliminary investigation
[Sec. 68 of BP 881]
In either case, if the evidence of guilt is strong,
All other election offenses are beyond the ambit
the COMELEC may order the suspension of the
of the COMELEC jurisdiction [Codilla v.
proclamation of respondent, and if proclaimed,
COMELEC (2004)]
to suspend the effects of proclamation. [Sec. 4,
Resolution No. 8678]
The Commission and the courts shall give
priority to cases of disqualification by reason of
violation of this Act to the end that a final ELECTIONS
decision shall be rendered not later than seven
days before the election in which the C.1. WHAT CONSTITUTES AN ELECTION
disqualification is sought. [Sec. 72, BP 881] Plurality of votes sufficient for:
(1) a choice conditioned on the plurality of valid
B.4. EFFECT votes or
Any candidate who has been declared by final (2) a valid constituency regardless of the actual
judgment to be disqualified – number of votes cast.
(1) Shall not be voted for and
(2) The votes cast for him shall not be counted

If a candidate is not declared by final judgment

before any election to be disqualified and he is
voted for and receives the winning number of
votes in such election, the Court or COMELEC



In any of such cases the failure or suspension of It is neither an election protest nor a pre-
election must affect the result of the election proclamation controversy. [Borja v. Comelec,
(1) Election in any polling place has not been (1998)]
held on the date fixed due to force majeure,
violence, terrorism, fraud, or other C.4. JURISDICTION
analogous causes. COMELEC, sitting en banc, may declare a failure
(2) Election in any polling place had been of election by a majority vote of its members.
suspended before the hour fixed for the
closing of the voting due to force majeure, C.5. REQUISITES
violence, terrorism, fraud, or other The following conditions must concur:
analogous causes. (1) No voting has taken place in the precincts
(3) After the voting and during the preparation concerned on the date fixed by law, or even
and transmission of the election returns or in if there was voting, the election nonetheless
the custody or canvass thereof such election resulted in a failure to elect; and
results in a failure to elect due to force (2) The votes cast would affect the results of
majeure, violence, terrorism, fraud or other the election.
analogous causes. [Sec. 6, B.P. 881]
C.6. Procedure:
Sec. 4, R.A. 7166. Causes for the declaration of (1) Petitioner files verified petition with the Law
failure of election may occur before or after the Department of the COMELEC.
casting of votes or on the day of the election. (2) Unless a shorter period is deemed
necessary by circumstances, within 24
Sec. 4, R.A. 7166. The postponement, hours, the Clerk of Court concerned serves
declaration of failure of election and the notices to all interested parties, indicating
calling of special elections shall be decided by therein the date of hearing, through the
the COMELEC sitting en banc by a majority fastest means available.
vote of its members. (3) Unless a shorter period is deemed
necessary by the circumstances, within 2
Sec. 6, B.P. 881. The COMELEC shall call for the days from receipt of the notice of hearing,
holding or continuation of the election not any interested party may file an opposition
held, suspended or which resulted in a failure with the Law Department of the COMELEC.
to elect: (4) The COMELEC proceeds to hear the
(1) upon a verified petition by any petition. The COMELEC may delegate the
interested party and hearing of the case and the reception of
(2) after due notice and hearing evidence to any of its officials who are
members of the Philippine Bar.
When: On a date reasonably close to the date of (5) The COMELEC then decides whether to
the election not held, suspended or which grant or deny the petition. This lies within
resulted in a failure to elect BUT not later than the exclusive prerogative of the COMELEC.
30 days after the cessation of the cause of such
postponement or suspension of the election or
failure to elect. [Sec. 6, B.P. 881]



CONTROVERSY For the positions of President, VP, Senator, and
Member of the House of Representatives [Sec.
15, R.A. 7166]
Pre-Proclamation Controversy – proceedings of
the board of canvassers which may be raised by
any candidate or by any registered political
party or coalition of political parties, or by any Heard summarily by the COMELEC after due
accredited and participating party list group, notice and hearing. This is because canvass and
before the board or directly with the proclamation should be delayed as little as
Commission [Rule 3, Sec. 1, COMELEC Resolution possible.
No. 8804]
COMELEC Resolution No. 8804 applies to This enumeration is restrictive and exclusive:
election disputes under the Automated Election (1) Illegal composition or proceedings of the
System (AES) using the Precinct Count Optical board of election canvassers;
Scan (PCOS) and shall cover pre-proclamation (2) Canvassed election returns are either:
controversies and election protests [Rule 1, Sec. (a) Incomplete
2, COMELEC Resolution No. 8804] (b) Contain material defects;
(c) Appear to be tampered with or falsified;
It is any question or matter pertaining to or (d) Contain discrepancies in the same
affecting: returns or in other authentic copies;
(1) the proceedings of the board of canvassers, (3) The election returns were:
or (a) Prepared under duress, threats,
(2) any matter raised under Sec. 233-236 of BP coercion, intimidation or
881 (infra) in relation to the preparation, (b) Obviously manufactured or not
transmission, receipt, custody and authentic
appreciation of the election returns. [Sec. (4) Substituted or fraudulent returns in
241, BP 881] controverted polling places were canvassed,
the results of which materially affected the
D.1. JURISDICTION standing of the aggrieved candidate(s).
COMELEC has exclusive jurisdiction over pre- (5) Manifest errors in the Certificates of Canvass
proclamation cases. It may order, motu proprio or Election Returns [Sec. 15, R.A. 7166;
or upon written petition, the partial or total Chavez v. COMELEC]
suspension of the proclamation of any
candidate-elect or annul partially or totally any In Rule 3, Sec. 1 of COMELEC Resolution No.
proclamation, if one has been made. [Sec. 242, 8804 (promulgated March 22, 2010) there are
BP 881] only 2 issues covered in a pre-proclamation
COMELEC has exclusive jurisdiction in pre-
proclamation controversies arising from
national, regional or local elections. [Rule 3, Sec.
2, COMELEC Resolution No. 8804]



[Sec. 1, Rule 4, COMELEC Resolution No. 8804] i. QUESTIONS INVOLVING THE
Exists when, among other circumstances, any of BOARD OF CANVASSERS, OR
the members do not possess legal qualifications CORRECTION OF MANIFEST ERRORS
and appointments. The information technology
capable person required to assist the BOC by Where: Either in the Board of Canvassers or
RA 9369 shall be included as among those directly with the COMELEC. [Sec. 17, R.A. 7166]
whose lack of qualifications may be questioned
ii. ILLEGAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOC (1) A petition involving the illegal composition
[Sec. 2, Rule 4, COMELEC Resolution No. 8804] or proceedings of the board, must be filed
immediately when the board begins to act
Exists when the canvassing is a sham or mere as such [Laodeno v. COMELEC], or at the
ceremony, the results of which are time of the appointment of the member
predetermined and manipulated as when any of whose capacity to sit as such is objected to
the following circumstances are present: if it comes after the canvassing of the board,
(1) Precipitate canvassing or immediately at the point where the
(2) Terrorism proceedings are or begin to be illegal.
(3) Lack of sufficient notice to the members of Otherwise, by participating in the
the BOC proceedings, the petitioner is deemed to
(4) Improper venue have acquiesced in the composition of the
D.5 ISSUES THAT CANNOT BE RAISED (2) If the petition is for correction, it must be
(1) Appreciation of ballots, as this is performed filed not later than 5 days following the
by the BEI at the precinct level and is not date of proclamation, and must implead all
part of the proceedings of the BOC [Sanchez candidates who may be adversely affected
v. COMELEC, (1987)] thereby. [Sec. 5(b), Rule 27, COMELEC Rules
(2) Technical examination of the signatures of Procedure]
and thumb marks of voters [Matalam v.
(3) Prayer for re-opening of ballot boxes PREPARATION, TRANSMISSION,
[Alfonso v. COMELEC, (1997)]
(4) Padding of the Registry List of Voters of a
municipality, massive fraud and terrorism
[Ututalum v. COMELEC (1990)]
(5) Challenges directed against the Board of
Election Inspectors [Ututalum v. COMELEC Where: Only with the Board of Canvassers
(6) Fraud, terrorism and other illegal electoral When: At the time the questioned return is
practices. These are properly within the presented for inclusion in the canvass.
office of election contests over which
electoral tribunals have sole, exclusive Who: Any candidate, political party or coalition
jurisdiction. [Loong v. COMELEC, (1992)] of political parties


Non-compliance with any of the steps above is (5) Upon receipt of the records, the petition
fatal to the pre-proclamation petition. shall be docketed by the Clerk of
Commission and submitted to the
iii. PRE-PROCLAMATION COMELEC en banc for consideration and
RESOLUTION NO. 8804 (6) Within 5 days, the COMELEC shall render its
IF FILED BEFORE THE BOC decision on appeal
(1) Upon receipt of the verified petition, the
BOC shall immediately announce the fact of v. IF FILED DIRECTLY WITH THE
the filing of said petition and the ground/s COMMISSION
raised (1) Upon receipt of the petition by the
(2) BOC shall immediately deliberate on the COMELEC, the Clerk of the Commission
petition and make a prompt resolution shall docket the same and send summons
within 24 hrs; reduced into writing to the BOC concerned with an order
(3) If the decision is in favor of the petition, it directing it to submit, through the fastest
shall immediately inform the Commission of verifiable means available, its answer within
its resolution; the Commission shall make 48 hrs.
appropriate action (2) COMELEC en banc shall resolve the petition
within 5 days from the filing of the answer
In no case shall the receipt by the BOC of the or upon the expiration of the period to file
electronically transmitted precinct, municipal, the same
city or provincial results, be suspended by the
filing of the said petition D.7. EFFECT OF FILING OF PRE-
iv. APPEAL OF AN ADVERSE (1) The period to file an election contest shall
RESOLUTION be suspended during the pendency of the
(1) The petitioner may appeal an adverse pre-proclamation contest in the COMELEC
resolution by the BOC to the COMELEC, by or the Supreme Court.
notifying the BOC of his or her intent to (2) The right of the prevailing party in the pre-
appeal, through a verbal and a written and proclamation contest to the execution of
verified notice of appeal COMELEC’s decision does not bar the losing
(2) Notice on the BOC shall not suspend the party from filing an election contest.
formal proclamation of the official results of (3) Despite the pendency of a pre-proclamation
the election until the final resolution of the contest, the COMELEC may order the
appeal proclamation of other winning candidates
(3) 48 hrs. from such notice to the BOC, the whose election will not be affected by the
petitioner shall submit before the Board a outcome of the controversy.
Memorandum on appeal stating the
reasons why the resolution being
questioned is erroneous and should be
(4) Upon receipt by the BOC of the
memorandum, the Board shall forward the
entire records of the petition at the expense
of the petitioner


D.8. EFFECT OF PROCLAMATION OF An election contest consists of either:

WINNING CANDIDATE (1) An election protest or a
General Rule: A pre-proclamation controversy (2) Quo warranto,
shall no longer be viable after the proclamation
and assumption into office by the candidate Although two distinct remedies, would have one
whose election is contested. The remedy is an objective in view: to dislodge the winning
election protest before the proper forum. candidate from office.
In an election protest, the protestee
Exceptions: The prevailing candidate may still may be ousted and the protestant seated in the
be unseated even though he has been office vacated.
proclaimed and installed in office if:
(1) The opponent is adjudged the true winner General Rule: The filing of an election protest or
of the election by final judgment of court in a petition for quo warranto precludes the
an election contest; subsequent filing of a pre-proclamation
(2) The prevailing party is declared ineligible or controversy, or amounts to the abandonment of
disqualified by final judgment of a court in a one earlier filed, thus depriving the COMELEC of
quo warranto case; or the authority to inquire into and pass upon the
(3) The incumbent is removed from office for title of the protestee or the validity of his
cause. proclamation.
The reason is that once the competent
D.9. EFFECT OF FILING PETITION TO tribunal has acquired jurisdiction of an election
ANNUL OR SUSPEND PROCLAMATION protest or a petition for quo warranto, all
The filing of the petition suspends the running questions relative thereto will have to be
of the period to file an election protest. decided in the case itself and not in another
[Alangdeo v. COMELEC, (1989)] proceeding. This procedure will prevent
confusion and conflict of authority. Conformably,
No law provides for a reglementary period the Court has ruled in a number of cases that
within which to file a petition for the annulment after a proclamation has been made, a pre-
of an election if there is as yet no proclamation. proclamation case before the COMELEC is no
[Loong v. COMELEC (supra)] longer viable. [Samad v. COMELEC, (1993)]

Exceptions: The rule admits of exceptions,

however, as where:
(1) the board of canvassers was improperly
Election protest – is a contest between the constituted;
defeated and winning candidates on the ground (2) quo warranto was not the proper remedy;
of frauds or irregularities in the casting and (3) what was filed was not really a petition for
counting of the ballots, or in the preparation of quo warranto or an election protest but a
the returns. It raises the question of who petition to annul a proclamation;
actually obtained the plurality of the legal votes (4) the filing of a quo warranto petition or an
and therefore is entitled to hold the office. election protest was expressly made
[Samad v. COMELEC, (1993)] without prejudice to the pre-proclamation
controversy or was made ad cautelam; and
(5) the proclamation was null and void. [Samad
v. COMELEC, (1993)]



Summary proceeding of a political character ANNUL OR TO SUSPEND THE
E.2. PURPOSE The filing with the Commission of a petition to
To ascertain the candidate lawfully elected to annul or to suspend the proclamation of any
office candidate shall suspend the running of the
period within which to file an election protest or
E.3. WHO MAY FILE quo warranto proceedings. [Sec. 248. BP 881]
A candidate who has duly filed a certificate of
candidacy and has been voted for. F. QUO WARRANTO
Petition for quo warranto – under the Omnibus
E.4. WHEN Election Code raises in issue the disloyalty or
Within 10 days after the proclamation of the ineligibility of the winning candidate. It is a
results of the election. proceeding to unseat the respondent from office
(1) It is suspended during the pendency of a but not necessarily to install the petitioner in his
pre-proclamation controversy place. [Samad v. COMELEC, (1993)]
(2) It should be decided within 15 days from
filing in case of barangay officials In a quo warranto proceeding, the petitioner is
not occupying the position in dispute. Moreover,
E.5. WHO HAS JURISDICTION under the Omnibus Election Code, quo
(1) COMELEC – over all contests relating to the warranto is proper only for the purpose of
elections, returns and qualifications of all questioning the election of a candidate on the
elective regional, provincial and city officials ground of disloyalty or ineligibility. [Samad v.
[Sec. 250. BP 881] COMELEC, (1993)]
(2) RTC - over contests involving municipal
officials [Sec. 251. BP 881] It is a proceeding to unseat the ineligible person
(3) MeTC or MTC – over election contests from office but not to install the protestant in
involving barangay officials [Sec. 252. BP his place. In this sense, it is strictly speaking,
881] not a contest where the parties strive for
supremacy. While the respondent may be
E.6. GROUNDS unseated, the petitioner will not be seated.
(1) Fraud
(2) Terrorism F.1. WHO MAY FILE
(3) Irregularities Any voter
(4) Illegal acts committed before, during, or
after the casting and counting of votes F.2. WHEN TO FILE
Within 10 days after the proclamation of the
E.7. PAYMENT OF DOCKET FEE results of the election.
A protestant has to pay a docket fee of P300
and an additional docket fee if there is a claim
for damages. Failure to pay the basic docket fee
shall result to the dismissal of the protest [Soller
v. COMELEC (2000)]


F.3. WHO HAS JURISDICTION Quo Warranto in an Quo Warranto in an

(1) COMELEC – over petitions for quo warranto Elective Office Appointive Office
involving regional, provincial and city Issue is the eligibility or Issue is the legality of
officials [Sec. 253. BP 881] loyalty of the officer- the appointment
(2) RTC - over petitions for quo warranto elect
involving municipal officials [Sec. 253. BP
881] Court or tribunal The court determines
(3) MeTC or MTC – over petitions for quo cannot declare the who of the parties has
warranto involving barangay officials [Sec. protestant (or the legal title to the office
253. BP 881] candidate who
obtained the second
F.4. GROUNDS highest number of
(1) Ineligibility votes) as having been
(2) Disloyalty to the Republic


Election Protest Quo Warranto
The trial court may grant a motion for execution
Strictly a contest Refers to questions of pending appeal because the mere filing of an
between the defeated disloyalty or appeal does not divest the trial court of its
and winning ineligibility of the jurisdiction over a case and to resolve pending
candidates based on winning candidate. It is incidents
grounds of election a proceeding to unseat
frauds or irregularities the ineligible person I. VALID AND SPECIAL REASONS TO
as to who actually from office, but not to GRANT THE SAME
obtained the majority install the protestant in
(1) The public interest is involved or the will of
of the legal votes and place
the electorate
therefore is entitled to
(2) The shortness of the remaining portion of
hold the office
the term
Can only be filed by a Can be filed by any (3) The length of time that the election contest
candidate who has voter. It is not has been pending
duly filed a certificate considered a contest
of candidacy and has where the parties strive The rule is strictly construed against the movant
been voted for for supremacy and only when the reason is of such urgency will
A protestee may be While the respondent such execution pending appeal be allowed, as it
ousted and the may be unseated, the is an exception to the general rule
protestant seated in petitioner will not be
the office vacated seated



Election Offenses i. REGISTRATION
(1) Failure of the Board of Election Inspectors
to post the list of voters in each precinct.
OFFENSES (2) Change or alteration or transfer of a voter's
precinct assignment in the permanent list of
A.1. INVESTIGATION AND PROSECUTION voters without the express written consent
COMELEC has exclusive jurisdiction to of the voter [Sec. 4, R.A. 8189]
investigate and prosecute cases involving
violation of election laws [Sec. 2 (6), Art. IX-C, ii. CERTIFICATE OF CANDIDACY
Const] (1) Continued misrepresentation or holding out
as a candidate of a disqualified candidate or
However, it may validly delegate the power to one declared by final and executory
the Provincial Prosecutor or to the Ombudsman. judgment to be a nuisance candidate [Sec.
27f, R.A. 6646]
In the event that the COMELEC fails to act on (2) Knowingly inducing or abetting such
any complaint within 4 months from its filing, misrepresentation of a disqualified or
the complainant may file the complaint with the nuisance candidate [Sec. 27f, R.A. 6646];
fiscal or the Department of Justice, if warranted. (3) Coercing, bribing, threatening, harassing,
[Sec. 265, B.P. 881] intimidating, terrorizing, or actually
causing, inflicting or producing violence,
It is not the duty of the COMELEC, as injury, punishment, torture, damage, loss or
investigator and prosecutor, to gather proof in disadvantage to discourage any other
support of a complaint filed before it person or persons from filing a certificate of
[Kilosbayan v. COMELEC (1997)] candidacy in order to eliminate all other
potential candidates from running in a
A.2. TRIAL AND DECISION special election [Sec. 5, R.A. 8295]
General Rule: RTCs have exclusive original
jurisdiction to try and decide any criminal iii. ELECTION CAMPAIGN
actions or proceedings for violation of election (1) Appointment or use of special policemen,
laws. [Sec. 268, B.P. 881] special agents or the like during the
campaign period [Sec. 261m, B.P. 881]
Exception: MTCs exercise jurisdiction only over (2) Use of armored land, water or aircraft
offenses relating to failure to register or to vote during the campaign period [Sec. 261r, B.P.
B. PREFERENTIAL DISPOSITION OF (3) Unlawful electioneering [Sec. 261k, B.P. 881]
(4) Acting as bodyguards or security in the case
of policemen and provincial guards during
(1) The investigating officer shall resolve the
the campaign period [Sec. 261t, B.P. 881]
case within 5 days from submission.
(5) Removal, destruction, obliteration, or
(2) The courts shall give preference to election
tampering of lawful election propaganda, or
cases over all other cases except petitions
preventing the distribution thereof [Sec. 83,
for writ of habeas corpus.
B.P. 881 vis-à-vis Sec. 262, B.P. 881]



(1) Vote-buying and vote-selling [Sec. 261a, OFFICERS
B.P. 881] (1) Appointment of new employees, creation of
(2) Conspiracy to bribe voters [Sec. 261b, B.P. new positions, promotion, or giving salary
881]: A disputable presumption of a increases within the election period [Sec.
conspiracy to bribe voters is created when 261g, B.P. 881]
there is proof that at least 1 voter in different (2) Transfer of officers and employees in the
precincts representing at least 20% of the civil service within the election period
total precincts in any municipality, city or without the prior approval of the COMELEC
province has been offered, promised or [Sec. 261h, B.P. 881]
given money, valuable consideration or (3) Intervening of public officers and employees
other expenditure by a candidate's relatives, in the civil service in any partisan political
leaders and/or sympathizers for the activity [Sec. 261i, B.P. 881]
purpose of promoting the election of such (4) Use of public funds for an election
candidate. [Sec. 28, R.A. 6646] campaign [Sec. 261o, B.P. 881]
(3) Coercion of subordinates to vote for or (5) Illegal release of prisoners before and after
against any candidate [Sec. 261d, B.P. 881] election [Sec. 261n, B.P. 881]
(4) Dismissal of employees, laborers, or tenants (6) Release, disbursement or expenditure of
for refusing or failing to vote for any public funds during the prohibited period
candidate [Sec. 261d(2), B.P. 881] [Sec. 261v, B.P. 881]
(5) Being a flying voter [Sec. 261z (2), B.P. 881] (7) Construction of public works, etc. during the
prohibited period [Sec. 261w, B.P. 881]
v. COUNTING OF VOTES (8) Suspension of elective local officials during
(1) Tampering, increasing, decreasing votes, or the election period without prior approval of
refusal to correct tampered votes after the COMELEC [Sec. 261x, B.P. 881]
proper verification and hearing by any
member of the board of election inspectors VIII. COERCION, INTIMIDATION,
[Sec. 27b, R.A. 6646] VIOLENCE
A special election offense to be known as (1) Coercion of election officials and employees
electoral sabotage and the penalty to be (2) Threats, intimidation, terrorism, use of
imposed shall be life imprisonment. [Sec. fraudulent devices or other forms of
42, RA 9369] coercion [Sec. 261e, B.P. 881]
(2) Refusal to issue to duly accredited watchers (3) Use of undue influence [Sec. 261j, B.P. 881]
the certificate of votes cast and the (4) Carrying deadly weapons within the
announcement of the election, by any prohibited area [Sec. 261p, B.P. 881]
member of the board of election inspectors (5) Carrying firearms outside residence or place
[Sec. 27c, R.A. 6646] of business [Sec. 261q, B.P. 881]
(6) Organization or maintenance of reaction
vi. CANVASSING forces, strike forces, or similar forces during
Any chairperson of the board of canvassers who the election period [Sec. 261u, B.P. 881]
fails to give notice of meeting to other members
of the board, candidate or political party as ix. OTHER PROHIBITIONS
required [Sec. 27e, R.A. 6646] (1) Unauthorized printing of official ballots and
election returns with printing


establishments that are not under contract iv. PERSONS REQUIRED BY LAW TO KEEP
(2) Wagering upon the results of elections [Sec. For prisoners illegally released from any
261c, B.P. 881] penitentiary or jail during the prohibited period,
(3) Sale, etc. of intoxicating liquor on the day where such prisoners commit any act of
fixed by law for the registration of voters in intimidation, terrorism or interference in the
the polling place, or the day before the election, prison mayor in its maximum period.
election or on election day [Sec. 261dd (1), [Sec. 264, B.P. 881]
B.P. 881]
(4) Opening booths or stalls within 30 meters C. ARRESTS IN CONNECTION WITH
of any polling place [Sec, 261dd (2), B.P. 881]
(5) Holding fairs, cockfights, etc. on Election
Only upon a warrant of arrest issued by a
Day [Sec. 261dd (3), B.P. 881]
competent judge after all the requirements of
(6) Refusal to carry election mail during the
the Constitution have been strictly complied
election period [Sec. 261dd (4), B.P. 881]. In
addition to the prescribed penalty, such
refusal constitutes a ground for cancellation
or revocation of certificate of public D. PRESCRIPTION
convenience or franchise. Five years from the date of their commission. If
(7) Discrimination in the sale of airtime [Sec. the discovery of the offense be made in an
261dd (5), B.P. 881] In addition to the election contest proceeding, the period of
prescribed penalty, such refusal constitutes prescription shall commence on the date on
a ground for cancellation or revocation of which the judgment in such proceedings
the franchise. becomes final and executory. [Sec. 267, B.P. 881]

Note: Good faith is not a defense, as election E. GRANT OF TRANSACTIONAL

offenses are generally mala prohibita. IMMUNITY
Any person guilty of violations of Sec. 261a
B.2. PENALTIES (Vote-buying and vote-selling) and 261b
i. FOR INDIVIDUALS (Conspiracy to bribe voters) of BP 881 who
(1) Imprisonment of not less than 1 year but not voluntarily gives information and willingly
more than 6 years, without probation [Sec. testifies on any violation of said sections in any
264, B.P. 881] official investigation or proceeding shall be
(2) Disqualification to hold public office exempt from prosecution and punishment for
(3) Deprivation of the right of suffrage the offenses with reference to which his
information and testimony were given, without
ii. FOR A FOREIGNER prejudice to his liability for perjury or false
(1) Imprisonment of not less than 1 year but not testimony. [Sec. 28, RA 6646]
more than 6 years (without probation);
(2) Deportation after service of sentence F. PROHIBITED ACTS UNDER RA 9369
(1) Utilizing without authorization, tampering
iii. FOR A POLITICAL PARTY with, damaging, destroying or stealing:
Payment of a fine not less than P10,000 after a (a) Official ballots, election returns, and
criminal conviction certificates of canvass of votes used in
the system; and


(b) Electronic devices or their components, When the tampering, increase and/or
peripherals or supplies used in the AES decrease of votes perpetrated or the refusal
such as counting machine, memory to credit the correct votes or to deduct
pack/diskette, memory pack receiver tampered votes is/are committed in the
and computer set election of a national elective office which is
(2) Interfering with, impeding, absconding for voted upon nationwide and the tampering,
purpose of gain, preventing the installation increase and/ or decrease of votes or refusal
or use of computer counting devices and the to credit the correct votes or to deduct
processing, storage, generation and tampered votes, shall adversely affect the
transmission of election results, data or results of the election to the said national
information office to the extent that losing candidate/s
(3) Gaining or causing access to using, altering, is /are made to appear the winner/s;
destroying or disclosing any computer data, (2) Regardless of the elective office involved
program, system software, network, or any When the tampering, increase and/or
computer-related devices, facilities, decrease of votes committed or the refusal
hardware or equipment, whether classified to credit the correct votes or to deduct
or declassified tampered votes perpetrated is
(4) Refusal of the citizens' arm to present for accomplished in a single election document
perusal its copy of election return to the or in the transposition of the figure / results
board of canvassers from one election document to another and
(5) Presentation by the citizens' arm of involved in the said tampering increase
tampered or spurious election returns and/or decrease or refusal to credit correct
(6) Refusal or failure to provide the dominant votes or deduct tampered votes exceed
majority and dominant minority parties or 5,000 votes, and that the same adversely
the citizens' arm their copy of election affects the true results of the election
returns and (3) Any and all other forms or tampering
(7) The failure to post the voters' list within the increase/s and/ or decrease/s of votes
specified time, duration and in the perpetuated or in cases of refusal to credit
designated location shall constitute an the correct votes or deduct the tampered
election offense on the part the election votes, where the total votes involved exceed
officer concerned. 10,000 votes

F.1. PENALTIES Any and all other persons or individuals

General Rule: determined to be in conspiracy or in
(1) Imprisonment of 8 years and one day to 12 connivance with the members of the BEIs or
years without possibility of parole BOCs involved shall be meted the same
(2) Perpetual disqualification to hold public penalty of life imprisonment.
and any non-elective public office and
(3) Deprivation of the right of suffrage.

Exception: Those convicted of the crime of

electoral sabotage, which includes acts or
offenses committed in any of the following
(1) National elective office


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