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Intro Ceramics

Alex Case


In this class, students will learn the foundational skills of

ceramics. Ceramics is hard, but it is also satisfying, productive
and useful. In this class, we will make messes, clean up from
them, and sometimes end up with a bowl or vase. But usually
not. Diamond Relief Vase by Jonathan Adler


Throughout this class, students will learn about the history and contemporary art practice of
ceramics. They will also learn about themselves, their peers, and their world by engaging in
thoughtful conversation about the creative process and the art of creating ceramic vessels.


In this class students will learn, among other things:

 Throwing on the wheel

 Hand building techniques including coil, slab, and piecemeal methods
 Proper use of tools, equipment, and materials used in the ceramics studio
 Proper care for a studio space
 How to effectively use a sketchbook
 Reflective mental processes
 How to give and receive positive criticism

Be in my class. If you are gone, it is your responsibility to make up missed work on your own time.
Remember: YOU CAN'T TAKE A WHEEL HOME. Absences are not an excuse for not having work
done when it is due!

Our classroom website has many useful resources. Check it if you are missing something.
Grades will be kept on a running record throughout the semester. Therefore, if you end the first
quarter with an A, and the second quarter with a B, you will have a B for the semester. THEY WILL
NOT BE AVERAGED. Whatever your grade shows is what your grade is.

Grades will be based on the following percentages:

A+ 100-98 B+ 89-88 C+ 79-78 D+ 69-68 F+ 59-58

A 98-93 B 88-83 C 78-73 D 68-63 F 58-53
A- 93-90 B- 83-80 C- 73-70 D- 63-60 F- 53-0

On the date a project is due, I will give a grade to each project. If you are not finished, that is OK, but
I will still put a grade in the grade book for wherever you are at. I will allow you to resubmit projects
later on for full credit as long as you have a project turned in on the due date. It is your responsibility
to notify me of a project that needs to be regraded. However, if you have nothing on the due date, it
will be a 10% penalty when the late project is turned in.


 Specific Procedures will be taught throughout the class as we come to them. They can also be
accessed and reviewed on my website,

General Guidelines

 Come to class prepared to get down and dirty!

 Check yourself before you wreck yourself. (Do what you are supposed to do.)
 Don't eat mud. (Literally and metaphorically)
 Get real. (Expect criticism from peers and Mr. Case.)
 Don't be a horrible person. (Respect the materials, respect others, respect yourself and your
 Expect to make bad work. (If you already knew how to do this you wouldn't be here.)
 What you put in is what you get out (Attitude and kiln)
 Don’t commit crimes in my classroom.
 Talk to me!


You will have shelf space assigned to you. Don't put communal supplies there. But, if you want to get
your own you can keep them there! You can buy a kit on amazon for less than $10. This should
include: synthetic sponge, wire tool, needle tool, wooden rib, metal rib, fettling knife, wooden knife,
big loop tool and small loop tool. I would also recommend an apron or your own big, long-sleeve
shirt to wear over your clothes to keep clean. Or you can use the ones supplied. A link to the kit is on
the website.

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