2018-2019 Im1 Syllabus

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Integrated Math I

Mrs. Ramming Room 2203

Classroom Expectations:
● Know when to talk, know when to listen
● Come with a positive attitude
● Put forth your best effort at all times
● Be on time and prepared to learn
● Be respectful and encouraging towards others at all times

Materials Needed:
● Graphing Calculator- Your student will need access to either a T1-84 graphing calculator or the free online graphing
calculator at https://www.desmos.com/calculator
● Paper and Pencils/Pens
● Notebook- Your student will be given a graphing notebook to your in class

● 15% Homework
○ Assignments are due the following day unless otherwise noted.
○ Late HW is ½ credit until the day of the individual chapter test.
● 5% Quizzes
○ Quizzes will be given approximately once per week. If you miss a quiz, please make up ASAP!
● 15% In-Class Work/ Projects/ Group Participation
● 10% Unit Group Tests and 40% Unit Individual Tests
A group and individual test will be given at the end of each unit. Attendance is very important on these days so
please try to be present. If you are absent for the group test, the individual tests will count for both grades. Please
make arrangements in advance if you know you are going to be absent.
● 15% Final Exam

Overall Grade:
90-100% A 80-89% B 70-79 % C 60-69% D 0- 59% F

Make-ups/ Extra Help:

● I am available during the lunch intervention or Mondays/ Wednesdays after school until 4:00 pm.
● If you come during intervention, I may be working with assigned students at the time. I will do my best to try to get around
and help all students with their questions.

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I have read the above class information and agree to put forth my best effort in Math 1. I understand that Mrs. Ramming will be
available for extra help and that it is my responsibility to request that of her during her hours of extra help or during class time.

Name (Print) ____________________________________ Period:______

Student Signature______________________________________________

Parent Signature__________________________________________________

Want to receive class reminders: Please text: 81010 the message @RammingM1 to join the Remind for Math 1

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