Reading Lesson Plan

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Teacher Mr.

Abdelmjid Seghir Skills work: Writing

Term First
Level 3rd Grade
Unit 3. Family
Write a simple and coherent letter to S’s book, blackboard, Ss’ notebooks
give information about family and
Objectives: Materials:

Stages Instruction Remarks

Introduction  T. greets Ss
and warm  T. asks about today’s date
Pre-writing  Review of family members
 Ss talk about activities they do at the weekend.
 T. helps with vocabulary and pronunciation.
While  Ss read Don Smith’s letter. (focus on a model text)
writing  Ss read the notes about Ahmed Rami
 Ss write Ahmed Rami’s letter to Don.
Post writing  T. asks Ss to exchange their letters and correct any mistakes they
may find. (Spelling, grammar, capitalization)
 Ss read aloud their letters.
 SS copy a sample letter into their notebooks

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