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Daniel Chang
PC 10.0 Process
Control – Continuous
Monitoring Framework

Continuous Monitoring Framework –

Take-Over Document
Date: Nov 22, 2011
Location: Palo Alto
Continuous Monitoring Framework – BRF+


1 Specification of functionality ........................................................................................ 3

1.1 Business Logic............................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.2 Examples ........................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

2 Design of functionality ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.1 Flow logic........................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2 Technical information .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.1 List of transaction codes .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.2.2 List of WebDynpro applications/components/views ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.2.3 List of ABAP programs: class, interface, reports, includes ..................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.2.4 List of function groups and modules ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.2.5 Important methods .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.2.6 List of database tables ............................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.2.7 List of notes and customer-specific corrections ...................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.2.8 List of help-programs............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.3 Important hints ............................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3 Other sources of information and links............................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

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Continuous Monitoring Framework – BRF+

2 Specification of functionality
2.1 Business Logic
Describe the function from the business perspective in your own wording. The focus is mainly on the end
user perspective.

GRC 10 uses BRF+, the standard Netweaver rule engine, to let users define additional filters and
calculations. You can configure very powerful processing using this rule engine, and our goal was to make it
easy to configure relatively simple rules (calculate an average of two fields, say, or compare two dates), and
yet provide a path to configure more complex rules if that is your need.

BRFplus information center:

BRFplus is used in Configurable Business rule, BI Query, SAP Query and Event.

BRFplus functions in PC10.0 Business Rules:

 Additional Filter
 Field Value Calculation
 Pattern
 Currency Conversion
 Grouping/Aggregation
 Send Notification
 Trigger AM Job

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Continuous Monitoring Framework – BRF+

2.2 Examples
Specify system access and global parameters, which you usually use for testing the program. This should
also contain the example data, customizing data and also the data, which is posted to the system.

2.2.1 Additional Filter

„Additional Filter‟ is opitional

„Additional Filter‟ is used to get qualified data based on user entry in BRFplus formula
„Additional Filter‟ will be always placed in the 1 BRFplus function.

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Continuous Monitoring Framework – BRF+

Select BRFplus object name (Field Name) to be compared with another BRFplus object names or use
existing formula button to create additional formula to check against BRFplus object names. You can create
complex Additional Filter logics using existing BRFplus object names and formula buttons as long as long as
there is no error found when click button „Check Syntax‟.
Click button „Check Syntax‟ to make sure no errors found in formula entry.
During Business Rule execution time, if the data does not match the additional filter condition, then this
record will be ignored.

2.2.2 Field Value Calculation

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Continuous Monitoring Framework – BRF+

„Field Value Calculation‟ is used to assign value to specific „Calculated Field‟. The value can come from
single BRFplus object name or multi BRFplus object name with operation (i.e +, -, ..) or use formula button
to create more complex value.
For a “calculated field” deficiency (above), this tab lets you define the calculation necessary to compute its
The “Calculations” tab (or corresponding wizard step when creating the rule) allows three types of
calculations: A Field Value calculation, a currency conversion, or grouping and aggregation (see screenshot

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Continuous Monitoring Framework – BRF+

2.2.3 Pattern

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Continuous Monitoring Framework – BRF+

Select View to analysis

Select fields to analysis

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Continuous Monitoring Framework – BRF+

Enter decision table contents to analyzie deficiency

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Continuous Monitoring Framework – BRF+

3 Design of functionality
3.1 Flow logic
Describe the main logical flow in the program to help with analysis of the code, especially parts which have
been error prone in the past.

3.2 Technical information

BRFplus information center:
BRFplus is used in Configurable Business rule, BI Query, SAP Query and Event.
BRFplus application name for Business Rule: GRFN_AM_RUNTIME
BRFplus functions and related components (Data Element, Expression, Function..) will be automatically
generated from Web Dynpro GRFN_AM_UIBB_BRFP_INT methods using AMF and BRFplus standard APIs
and is ready to be used.
User could configure more complex Additional Filter and Field Value Calculation in BRF+ formula only. But, it
is not recommended and should avoid to modify value in BRF+ directly if it is possible. Modify the rest of
BRF+ components (i.e Input, Output structure, Rule, Loop, Expression.....) are not allowed and will cause the
Busines Rule out of sync between BR BRF+ components and BRF+ workbench components and cannot be

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 BRFplus ABAP Types

The elementary internal BRFplus ABAP types can be found via the interface IF_FDT_TYPES:

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Continuous Monitoring Framework – BRF+

Syntax Description Type Declaration Syntax Example Values

TEXT Data lv_text_elt TYPE lv_text_elt = ‘Sample Text’


NUMBER Data lv_num_elt TYPE

lv_num_elt = 1234

BOOLEAN Data lv_bool_elt TYPE

lv_bool_elt = ‘X’ (ABAP_TRUE)

AMOUNT Data ls_amount_elt TYPE

ls_amount_elt‐number = 1000
ls_amount_elt‐currency = ‘USD’
=> 1000 USD
QUANTITY Data ls_quantity_elt TYPE
ls_quantity_elt‐number = 100
y ls_amount_elt‐unit = ‘cgm’
=> 100 centigram

TIMEPOINT Data ls_timept_elt TYPE

ls_ timept_elt‐date =
=> 24th of Dec 2008.

The following table Element Type Max Length Max Number Only Positive Timepoint
describes which element of Decimals Values Type
type is created according to
the supplied DDIC type:
Char Text 1-255 n/a n/a n/a
String Text 255 n/a n/a n/a
Numc Text 1-255 n/a n/a n/a
Int1 Number 1-3 0 Yes n/a
Int, int4 Number 10 0 No n/a
Int2 Number 5 0 No n/a
Packed Number 1-31 10 No n/a
Float Number 16 10 No n/a
Decfloat16 Number 16 10 No n/a
Decfloat34 Number 31 10 No n/a
Date Timepoint n/a n/a n/a Date
Time Timepoint n/a n/a n/a Time
Timestamp (!) Timepoint n/a n/a n/a UTC

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 BRFPlus Object Types used in Business Rule – Automatically generated

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3.2.1 List of transaction codes

Write down the transaction codes, which are used to run or customize the functionality.
Transaction Code Description

BRF+ BRFplus workbench

GRFN_AMF_FDT_EXPORT Export BRFplus XML for Business Rule
GRFN_AMF_FDT_IMPORT Import BRFplus XML for Business Rule

3.2.2 List of WebDynpro applications/components/views

Specify the list of WebDynpro applications/components/views. Do not forget to add short description of them,
containing the most difficult or problematic parts, etc.
WebDynpro Description


V_ADDITIONAL_FILTER Additional Filter and Field Calculation
V_BRFP_FUNC Create Condition, Calculation, and Pattern BRFPlus functions
V_DEF_HANDLERS Select View to retrieve data
V_INPUT_BRFP_DATA Input BRFplus formula data
V_PATTERN Pattern Bisiness Rule

3.2.3 List of ABAP programs: class, interface, reports, includes

Specify the list of ABAP reports and includes. Do not forget to add short description of them, containing the
most difficult or problematic parts, etc.
Program Description

GRFN_AM_FDT_XML_EXPORT Export BRFplus XML for Business Rule

GRFN_AM_FDT_XML_IMPORT Import BRFplus XML for Business Rule

3.2.4 List of function groups and modules

Specify the list of function groups and modules. Please give the details desription for each function modules.

3.2.5 Important methods

Specify details description for each important medthod. And please list the name of the important methods
which are used in the area too.


ADD_EXCEPT_ATTRS_ELEMENT Add exception list special attribute to context and result

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Continuous Monitoring Framework – BRF+

CHECK_ACTION_NAME Check action name follow the standard

CHECK_RULE_DEEP Deep Check Active BRF function, so can be transported
CHECK_SPECIAL_TOKEN check Formula Tokens
CHECK_SYSTEM_NAME_SPACE Check system name space
CONVERT_INT_TO_EXT Convert internal to external representation
CONVERT_INT_TO_EXT_QUANTITY Convert quantity to external (text) format
CREATE_ACT_CALL_PROCEDURE Create call procedure
CREATE_APPLICATION Create Application - Test only !!!
CREATE_CALC_DEF_RULE_EXP Create calculation deficiency Rule expression
CREATE_CALL_PROCEDURE Create call procedure
CREATE_CONSTANT Creat constant timepoint
CREATE_DATA_OBJECTS Create data objects - used to create 1st BR function
CREATE_DATA_OBJECTS_AGAIN Create data objects - except for the 1st BR function
CREATE_DDIC_STRUCTURE Create contxet parameter using DDIC definition
CREATE_DT_EXPRESSION Create decision table expression
CREATE_ELEMENT Create element
CREATE_FORMULA Creat formula with empty formula
CREATE_LOOP_EXPRESSION Create Loop expression
CREATE_RULE_EXPRESSION Create Rule expression
DELETE_RULE Delete BRF function
DEQUEUE_DT_ID Deque Decision Table ID
EXECUTE_RULE Execute Function
GET_APPLICATION Get Application detail - transport...
GET_APPLICATION_DATA Get Application data
GET_APPL_FUNCTION_ID Get ID for specific function and application combination
GET_BR_FIELDS_DT_COLUMNS Get BR fields Decision Tables columns
Get number of decimals for currency (TCURX), default 2 -
GET_DATA_OBJECT_TYPE Get Object and Data Object Type
GET_DECISION_TABLE_COLUMNS Get Decision Tables columns
GET_DECISION_TABLE_DATA Get Decision Table Data - Action ID in Decision table
GET_DECISION_TABLE_ID Get Decision Table Object ID
GET_FIELDS_LIST Get input context elements
GET_FORMULA_ID Get formula Id
GET_ID Get Object ID
GET_INPUT_DATAOBJ_LAYOUT Get function input/output layout
GET_NAME Get Name and related data object information
MODIFY_DECISION_TABLE_COLUMNS Modify Decision Tables columns
RAISE_ERROR Set error message

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READ_SYSTEM_PARAMS Read System Installation
RETRIEVE_RULE Retrieve function and Formula
RETRIEVE_RULE_NORMAL_MODE Retrieve function and Formula - Normal Mode
SAVE_DELETE_RULE Save BRF deleted function
SAVE_DT_CONTENT Save decision table content
SAVE_RULE Save BRF function
SET_AM_NAME Set Table/Structure/Expression name
SET_DECISION_TABLE_DATA Set decision table data
Set new functionm name to generated new version brfplus
SET_EVENT_DECISION_RESULT Set the Event decision table result
SET_PATTERN_DECISION_RESULT Set the Pattern decision table result to abap_true
SET_TEXT Set text
SUBSTITUTE_STRINGS Parse string to FDT UUID code - Internal format
SUBSTITUTE_STRINGS_FDTNAME Parse string to FDT Name - External format
UPDATE_RULE Update BRF function and formula
VALIDATE_RULE Validate BRF function

Class: CL_GRFN_BRFP_ADDITIONAL_FILTER Additional Filter Function

IF_GRFN_BRFP~EXECUTE Execute function, this method must be static

IF_GRFN_BRFP~CREATE_FUNCTION_AGAIN Create new function ID due to formula change

Class: CL_GRFN_BRFP_CALC_DEF Calculating Deficiency Function

IF_GRFN_BRFP~EXECUTE Execute function, this method must be static
IF_GRFN_BRFP~CREATE_FUNCTION_AGAIN Create new function ID due to formula change

Class: CL_GRFN_BRFP_PATTERN Pattern Function

IF_GRFN_BRFP~EXECUTE Execute function, this method must be static
IF_GRFN_BRFP~CREATE_FUNCTION_AGAIN Create new function ID due to formula change

Class: CL_GRFN_AM_BRFP_UI_MODE – Set BRFplus UI in Edit Mode

IF_FDT_WD_UI_MODE~GET_CONFIGURATION Returns the configuration

IF_FDT_WD_UI_MODE~GET_DESCRIPTION Returns the description for the mode
IF_FDT_WD_UI_MODE~GET_NAME Returns the name of the mode

Class: CL_GRFN_AM_BRFP_UI_MODE _DISPLAY - Set BRFplus UI in Display Mode

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IF_FDT_WD_UI_MODE~GET_CONFIGURATION Returns the configuration

IF_FDT_WD_UI_MODE~GET_DESCRIPTION Returns the description for the mode
IF_FDT_WD_UI_MODE~GET_NAME Returns the name of the mode

3.2.6 List of database tables

Specify the list of ABAP database table. Do not forget to add short description of them.
ID Description

GRFNBRFPATTRS BRFPlus - Exception function attribute fields

HRP5350 BRF Plus Function

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3.2.7 List of notes and customer-specific corrections

ID Description

1584124 Missing BRF+ fields when create Calculated fields

1586597 Missing BRF+ fields when create Calculated fields
1588564 Re-create BRF+ Application Name & ID
1519164 Create BRF+ application name & ID for Co

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Continuous Monitoring Framework – BRF+

Since the BRFplus application name must be unique to import BRFplus

contents from source system to target system, so we need to create same
BRFplus application name and application id in all enviroments first.
Other terms

In case this note was not applied right after installation and the
Business Rule was created, then please use note 1588564 to install PC
10.0 BRF+ Application ID and Name.
Create Continuous Monitoring application ID for application name
This application id will be used to create BRFplus function in
Continuous Monitoring Business Rule processing.
The BRFplus application name and id must be created in installation
Please use attached file 'GRFN_AM_RUNTIME_BRF_APPL_ID.xml' to create
Continuous Monitorin BRFplus Application ID.

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Continuous Monitoring Framework – BRF+

3.2.8 List of help-programs

Describe the programs, which help you analyze or correct errors. In case the program is a local object please
specify the name and system also.

3.3 Important hints

Give any hints and describe procedures which might be important:
 transaction codes to analyze the functionality or debug the program
 ok-codes to be used in debugger
 other involved persons and contacts for SAP tools, etc.

4 Other sources of information and links

BRFplus information center:

4.1 Transfer BR BRF+ components to target system

1. BRF+ application name and ID must be transfered first in all systems.

Use the attachments of Notes 1588564 or 1519164 to create BR BRF+ Application name and
Application ID in all systems.
The Application name must be GRFN_AM_RUNTIME
The Application ID must be 80E0ED08B0561DEF92B59B6E451DCE60

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2. Use the following two programs to transfer the rest of BR BRF+ components to target systems
 Run program GRFN_AM_FDT_XML_EXPORT to export Source systemBRF+ components
 Run program GRFN_AM_FDT_XML_IMPORT to import BRF+ components to target system

4.2 Find Corresponding BR Condition and Calculation functions in

BRF+ workbench

Application name: GRFN_AM_RUNTIME

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BRFPlus Object Types used in Business Rule – Automatically generated

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Continuous Monitoring Framework – BRF+

Sample BRF+:
Business Rule: BR/90001197

You could find the corresponding BRFplus function in tcode BRF+ by following steps.
(1) Go to tcode BRF+
(2) Click Advance Search button

Enter Object Type: Function

Object Name: BR90001197*
Click search button

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Continuous Monitoring Framework – BRF+

This is BRFplus function for Business Rule BR/90001197

Input and Output Structure from Business Rule:

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Continuous Monitoring Framework – BRF+

Amount Samples:

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Continuous Monitoring Framework – BRF+

Main Expression:

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Continuous Monitoring Framework – BRF+

Another sample simulation with Data exist

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Continuous Monitoring Framework – BRF+

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