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COMBLtSTIONAND FLAME 18, 85-97 (1972) 85

Radiant Ignition of a Reactive Solid with In-Depth Absorption

Escuela de IngenieroxAeronduticos, &mdad UniverJitw~a,Madrid, and
Instituto National de T&cnicaAerorpecial "'Esteban Terradas'; Madrid, Spain
F. A. V ~ L , L ~ S
Department o f the A erospaceand Mecha~:icalEngineering Sciences, University o f California,
San Diego, La Jolla, California

An asymptotic analy~s of the limit of large activation energy is presented for radiant ignition of a
sold that experien:es a one-step Ar~enins reaction in the condensed phase. Both constant and
time-dependent radiant-etm~ fluxes are considered, and the complete ra%~e of values is coveled for
the absorption coe~cient u. It is shown that as p inczeases, the structure of the transition stage, which
foilog~ the inert heat-conduction stage, passes from a thermal explosion without heat conduction, to a
~ l e transient heat-conduction zone with distn'buted chemical heat release, to a two-zone structure
composed of a reactive-diffusive-absorptive zone near the surface and a tr~sient-diffusive zone in the
interior. For very high values o f ~, the reactive-diffusive-absorptive zone further splits into a surface
absorption zone and an interior reactive.diffusive zone, thereby reproducing results obtained
previously for ignition by a surface-applied ener&v flux. The analyfis shows that contrary to earlier
expectation, the nondimen~onal absorption coefficient must be at least as large as the nondimensional
activation enexgy for in-depth absorption to affect the ignition time negligibly.

1. Introduction absorption bands, ~ may depend appreciably on

In a previous paper [1] we have employed • the frequency of the incident radiation. Analyses
asymptotic methods to investigate, in the limb of neglecting this wavelength dependence will be
large activation energy, the ignition of a reactive most nearly applicable either for monochromatic
solid by a constant energy flux appfied to its laser radiation or for arc-image radiation apt~lied to
surface. It has generally been assumed that during materials whose absorpfivities vary but slightly over
radiant ignition of solid propellants, the absorp- the energy-containing wavelength region of the
tion layer is thin enough for the approximation of arc. The principal part of the following develop-
a surface-applied energy flux to be valid. However, ment ignores any wavelength distribution. How-
a theoretical determination of conditions neces- ever, in the final section we shall show that
saw for the neglect of in-depth absorption has not concepts of superposition enable some conclusions
be~.n reported. Our previous finding that a narrow to be drawn concerning ignition of materials with
layer at the surface is of critical importance during wavelength-dependent absorbtivities.
the Wan~/tion stage preceding ignition, suggests A second problem that is especially severe for
that the traditional approximation may be ques- heterogeneous materials, concerns the conse-
tionable. Therefore we have performed the further quences of scattering of radiation. In a crude
analyses reported he.,ein. approximation, one may pze'eume that for hetero-
Difficulties in estimating the effect of in-depth geneities of sufficiently fine scale, the overall
absorption s t ~ from two problems that arise in effect of scattering is to provide an additional
defming the absorption coefficient./c First, par- diffuse contn~oution to the reflection coefficient
ticularly for pokymeric materials in the vicinity of and a modification to the effective value ofF. The

Copyright © 1972 by The Combustion Institute

Published by American Elsevier Publi-~ing Company, Inc.
A. LIHAN and F. A. WIr_I]AMS

constant U enqdoyed herein will be presumed to chemical reaction, and the heat-re!ease parameter
represent an- effective overall absorption coeffici- B - ( T / - To)/To,wheTe TI isthe adiaba~name
ent that includes, in an averaged sense, both temperature of the ignition react/on. The addi-
scat~rin~ and ~, f ~ u e n c y disU~ution. The ac- tional nondimensional pel~meter needed herein is
curacy of this approximation has not been investi- the nondimensional absorption coefficient
gated. a -- ~ T o I ~ .
comld~tiom s u g a r that only careful T h e range of values of a that is of practical
measurements can produce useable values of interest can be inferred by ruing the previously
Measmements h r , e been made for polymers such discu~-~ed range of values o f / ~ Since sofids with
as polystyrene and epoxy by O h l e m ~ r and high absorbti~ities often also have high thermal
~~eld 121, who have ~ conduc~ivities (e.g., materials containing high per-
.'he negl~.~tof in-depth absorption D]- centages of metalic constituents) and throe with
T h ~ abso~tivities range from 74 a n -t for pure low values of/~ tend to have low v~hJes of X, the
polystyrene to 1200 cm-: for material containing range of a exceeds that o f / L Employ~mg To -
20~ carbon black. On the other hand, Evans, 300°K, X from 3 x 10-4-3 x 10 -7 cal/cm-sec°K
Beyer, and McCu.rley [4] report effective values and t~ from 10-100 cal]cmZ-sec we fred the:
/J from 103-los cm -s for p~essed ammonium l 0 -2 ~ a ~< lif t- Since generany l << ~ ' ~ l0 2 ,
perctdorate powder, and they state that the values it is clear that them is reason to study a range of
are higher if small amounts o f catalyst are added. values of a that includes the extremes a << I and
Certainly trmstmrencies of dilferent materials a >> E ' . This complete range w~l be covered
differ greatly. We estimate that in radiant ignition herein.
experiments effective values of # may range from In the absence of an analysis inch as that
10 cm-' (~.g., for nonopacified double-base for- performed below, sufficient conditions for in-
mulations) to 10s cm"~ , although these bounds in depth absorption to be negJ~ble cannot be stated.
fact may be too n ~ r o w . For example, Wise, Inami, and McCuGey [5] us'd
In the present work we employ, as closely as the condition a2r> lO as a justification for
pnss~le, the methods and notation of Ref. I. neglecting the influence of in-depth absorption on
Therefore the ~ermal conductivi~ X and thc the ignition ~t~e. We shall show that a more
thermal diffnsivity g of the solid are a~-umed to be precise condition is a > E'. We shaft also derive
constant, and the initial temperature To of the formulas that predict the extent to which the
solid is taken to be uniform. The ratio of kTo to ignition time is ~ for a < E ' .
the nonre.~Aed portion ~ o f the incident radiant Section 2 briefly formulates the "~mition prob-
energy flux at ~nition will be employed as the lem. In -~ecfion 3, properties of the inert stage for
characteristic length in forming the nondimen- constant flux with in-depth absorption are dis-
sional sl~tial variable ~ .The quantity (~kT.~)IO}2/K cussed. Next, the various regimes of a t~at arise
is the characteristic heat-conduction time that will will be indicated. The two major regimes are
be used to form the nondimensional time variable analysed separately in Sections 5 and 6. The
7. Dependent variables are 0(~, r) =_ T/To, where merging of these two _ _ , e ~ and the limit of
T is the local instantaneous temperature, and thermal explosions are discussed in Section 7.
~(~:, z), the ratio of the product ~acenL~ation to Effects of time-yawing flux, wavelength dism'bu-
the final product. ~ncentration. Nondimensional tions and multidimensionality are descn'bed in
W~ae*.ers that appeared in the previous paper are Section 8.
a Damko-hler numberA, defined as the ratio of the Readers who are interested p d m a r ~ in final
characteristic heat-conduction time to a character- results for ignition times under conditions of
i ~ c chemical time, the lat',er being based solely on constant radiant flux may turn directly to Eq. 36
the. p~-exponential rate factor; the nondimen- for a > E', to Eq. 51 for a -,- 1, to Eq. 53 for
sion~ ~fivation energy Z " - Ta/To, where T= 1<< a << E ' o r to Eq. 56 for a << 1; alternatively,
is the activation tempe~.*ure, the order a of the they may consult Fig. 3, which summarizes these

results. Readers who are concerned with variable 3. The l n ~ t St2ge

flex will f'md "L~nition-tim¢formulas in Eqs. 57 and We parallel our earlier work in seeking the value of
58 and an appropriate plot in Fig. 4. A that produces thermal runaway at a spe~zed
time rc, which is selected consist±nt with the
2. Fmmabtioa requirement that the corresponding increase in
Appropriate nondimensionai parameters and vari- surface temperature under inert heating, 0c - 1, is
ables have been defined in the introduction. In of order uniW. This requirement is imp.Jsed to
addition to these quantities, we m~.~oduce the assure that there exists an inert heating stage prior
function l(r), which is def'med as the ratio of the to the events that lead to ignition and that ignition
instantaneous incident radiant flux to the incident occurs before temperatures are reacbed that are
radiant flux at ignition. For cla~ty of presenta- too high for a well-defined "~nition event to exist.
tion, we shall assmne that l(r) = 1, except in the It can be shown that unless Oc - 1 >> 1 / g ' , a
f'm21 section, where the effect of an arbitrary flux distinct inert stage disappears, causing ignition to
history is ascertained. Gasification and surfa~ merge with the phenomenon of adiabatic thermal
n~ession are n ~ e c t e d throughout. explosion, and unless Oc - ! << E ; chemical
The mathematical problem that must be solved energy will be released at too low a rate to
ca~ be written a s . produce signh~cant departures from inert heating.
In view of these bounds, the fact that E" seldom
Of" = exceeds lO 2 demonstrates that there is little
(1) physical interest in considering the order of Oc - 1
to be otl~r than unity.
In th~ inert stage that precedes transition to
ignition| to lowest order, ~ = 0, and 0 = 0t(~, r),
which fA~constant flux obeys the equation
er = ( ~ . / ( l _ d - exp l_ ~ / ' (2)
Olr = 0t¢¢ + a exp(-a~) , (0

with the initial conditions with the initial and boundary conditions

e(~',0) = 0 , 0(~,0) = 1 (3)" oz( ,o) = ot( , ,) = 1 , = o. (7)

and the boundary conditions The solution to the problem defined by Eqs. 6 £nd
7 has been given by Boehringer and Spindler [El ;
¢(..,r) = 0 , O(=,r) = 1 (4) it is

and 0j = 1-+ tx-lf(ct~,a2r), (8)

oe(o,,') = o . (5) where
f(u, v) -
In Eq. 1 the factor e , wldch is equivalent to
Beer's law, should provide an acceptable descrip- 2 v exp -uerfc u _e-=
tion of in.depth absorption of radiation, although
in no sense is it an exact deduction from the
relevant equation for transport of radiation. Ac- +g
cording to Eq. 5, heat loss from the surface is
neglected; this should be a good approximation for
solids igniting in gaseous atmospheres of moderate + e-" effe (~/~ - 2 " ~ v ) ] "
or low density.

F~luatiom 8 and 9 predict that the peak tent- enough compared with the radhi~nt heating rate to
pentture always occurs at the surface of the solid. c-~_,_~ tl~nnal runaway (see Ref. 1), and the
The expamic~ about the surface is second that adiabatic thermal explosion with
neElk,ifbte p r e h e a t i ~ which requires a time
0 i ~-- 1 + 2 ~ / : / = - ( l - g ~ ( a -I +a~'2/2), rr = (AE~ - l e x p ( E g , does not precede ignition.
For small vahles of a 2 r , unla~ zz~ is sinai]
where we have introduced the abbreviation compared with unity, Eqs. 8 and 9 reduce to

g - exp(a2r)erfc(~v%i (10) 0r ~ 1 + aTe-*~', (16)

s/nee this particular function of a2r which simply represents absorption with negligible
repeatedly. The expansion of the preceding expres- heat conduction; there is a layer at the surface in
s/erafor Or about .% is which the order ~ does not exceed the order of
, where transient heat conduction is of impor-
Or "" Oc +~c(r-rc)-a(1-gc)~2/2, (11) tance. For large values of a2r, unless a~ is large
compared with unity, Eq$. 8 and 9 reduce to
0i -~ 1 + 2 q r / = - ~ - a - I e - ' ¢ , (17)
Oc = l + 2 ~ / r ¢ / = - a - l ( l - g c ) , (12)
which d e s c ~ e s absorption and heat conduction
and where & denotes the function g evaluated at with a negli~'ok ~ t term in Eq. (6); for
a2r = a ' r e . For small values of a2rc, Eq. 12 large compared with the thickness a -1 of the
n~b_~,ces~_to absorption h.~r, e.g., f ~ ~ of the order of ~-r,
t ~ t heat conduction becomes important and
O. -~ 1 + arc, (13) absorption negligible. Only in thi~ 1~nit of large
a2r does one retrievethe inert ~ l e m of Ref. I;
and for large values of a2rc it becomes specifically, an expansion in the artifici~.,small
parameter a -x produ~-s an inner problem whose
solution is
Oc ~- 1 + 2 X / r J : : . (14)

Equation 12 shows that if a is of order unity.. 0! = O/(O,r)-~-a-l(e -'~- D

then 0c - 1 becomes of order unity for rc of
order unity. Equation 13 implies that for a << 1, and an outer problem d e s c n ~ l by the transient
0c - 1 wil become o f order unity for r~ large, of heat-conduction equation with initial and
onter a - l ; E q . 13 is valid in this case becanse a2r~ boundary conditions 0t (~, 0) = 0t(-, r) = 1,
is small of order a. Equation 14 imp:lies that for 0t~(0, r) = - 1, the last condition being ob-
a >> 1, 0~ - I becomes o f order unity for r~ of tained from matching with the first term of the
order nnity; in ~ ~ a2rc is large, of order a 2, itmer expansion.
and s o E q . 14 is valid. Thus, we shall assume that
r~ is of order unity for a > 1 and of order a-a
for a << 1. From this observation, we can estab- 4. Establisimtem of a Regimes
l~h the bounds it is -dear from the preceding disc~t~clon that under
the conditions of tim problem analyzed in the
previous paper, the thickness o f the absorption
I<<A<<~,[(I+a)E'] -l exp(Eg, (15) layer is of order a - 1 . Since the thickness of the
reaction layer was found in this case to be of ordei
which me ~ ~:. ~atisfied for the present analysis to 1 / Z ' , R fonows that the l~evlous analysis is
be ~ The first condition assures that the applicable only if a >> E ' .
chemical heat-release rate can become l~rge When a becomes comparable with g ' , during the
Um~fion ~ a surface h ~ w ~ ~ e l ~ in ~ term of an e x t r a , on
~ r e a ~ m and heat c o n ~ o n occur m a
~ o n whcee t e m ~ r a ~ field is m f l ~ n ~ d by b = b~ + 8b~ + - - . (19)
~th ~so~n, and a new ~ h w ~ be
n e e d . S ~ h an ~ n ~ is ~ e n in ~ f ~ o w ~ of the quantity

T ~ k ~ ~ u e ~ of E" are s u ~ ~ t when a

becomes small compared with E', the next inter- b-In
f wr.)~'4(kE.
) ,2o,
esting case occurs for ct of order unity. In this case \o /j
rc is of order unity, and therefore ~ r c is not
large. It follows that the inert problem of the Since a is large, in these expressions 0 c w~l be
pre~ous paper is not applicable here and Eqs. ~ e n by Eq. 14. Thermal nmaway occurs at
11 and 12 must be considered in their entirety. An a = b~ to ~n ~ b ~ c orders in $ , and the higher
ana.~is o f ' h e ~ f i o n stage for this ~ s e will be c n e m ~ e n ~ b ~ , . . . , in Eq. 19 must be ~hosen to
in Section 6, wl~re it will be found that a minimize the severity of the singularity at o = b~.
~k zone of transient heat conductkm and Such a prescription is quite remonable on physical
dh;x~buted chemical .--ea~_~ondevel.el~, instead o~ grotmds, since its effect is to extend the validity of
~ o - m n e structme obtained in the previous the expansic~ procedme, to as late a time as
~ and m ~ c f i o n 5. pothole.
It w ~ be seen in ~ f i o n 7 that fl~ n ~ d ~ of We anticipate a two-zone structure, with the
~ f i o n 6 for ~ a me~ ~ ~ of~fion 5 thickness of the inner zone, in which absorption,
for ~ n ~ ~ / ~ a n d ~ t ~ ~ off,on 6 for heat conduction and chemical heat release occur,
e describe a therm~ ex~omon ~ t h o u t he~t of order 1/~.T, and with the thickness of the outer
c o n ~ f i o n whkh occurs in a ~ a ~ d h~er of zcme of t r s ~ , n t "heat ~ n & ~ ¢ ~ , -wb,~,¢ the
thickne~ a-S/4/V~. This e x ~ o n ~ an chemically h~erated heat is d~Ln~uted, of order
~ f i o n ~ - ~ that ~ u3mew~t ~ o ~ y w~h 1/~/'~. As in our previous paper, both zon~ axe
a ~dt ob~ned'qm~ ~ by u~ng Eq. 1 ~ thin compared with th~ width of the inert-~age
• e heat-con~cfion term deleted entirely, even tr~n~ent heat-conduction region, whose thickness
• o u O the ~tter ~ w o ~ d p r ~ u c e Eq. 16 is of order umW in ~ . Thus, we introduce
and t h ~ b y i ~ o r e the con~cfion ~yer flint e x ~ tuner spatial ~ l e
at ~ e mfface for sm~ll a ~ d n g the ine~ ~ .
From fl~ present ~ x ~ m n it is ~ r e n t ~ t x = (~)~ (21)
t ~ n ~ d ~ w ~ w ~ be ~ d in ~ o n s 5, 6,
7 w ~ cover the compkte ~ of~ of-,
~ t h of ~ mt~ and the outer spatial variable

5. T i n S ~ for a m ~
~ of the Same O n l ~
When the o n k r of a is fl~ same as that of E', we
w~te a = a s / ~ 2 , w ~ r e ~ = ~ , and as- (22)
s a m e ~ t at is of o n ~ r u m ~ . As in our ~ o u s
~r, we e x a c t to Vmd a t r ~ f i o n ~ a ~ in Expansions for 0 - Ot will be sought in the
w ~ the a ~ m p ~ fin~ ~ u ~ is forn~

0 - ~ = 82~0(x,o) + 83~(x,o) +... (23)

o. = + (1~)
koU and

where b~,whichwea.~ume t o b e oforder unity, is O - O r = B2@0(q,o) + 8s~l(~,o) + . . . , (24)


for the inner and outer zones, respectively. In the It follows that
inner zone the expansion for • is
¢~,o~ = - (=rc)-JJ4Gexp(~0 + o), (32)
• = & l ( , ~ O) + 82e2(x.,
~) + . - - , (25")
where G ~sa function of ea, defined by
and in the outer zone • will be found to be
exponentially small. When expanded in powers of
8, Eqs. 8 and 9 give
G -~exp[-x-a'~lexp(-axx)ldx.

= 0. + B:z[o• - / ~ - x - a ~ exp(-a:~z)] It is easy to show from Eqs. 1, 2, 18-20, 22, 24,

+01~1 (26)
and 27 that the first term of the outer expansion
of 0 obeys the equation of transient heat conduc-
in the inner variable and tion. The initial condition obtained from Eq. 3 is
00(7/,-~0) = O, and the boundary condition im-
plied by Eq. 4 is q~0(~,o) =O.Matching to the
inner expansim mquims(bo(0,o) = ~o and
in tl:~ outer variable.
Substitution of Eqs. 18-21, 23, 25 and 26 into 4~o~(0,o) = - Gexp(~o + o),
E ~ . 1 and 2 produces the inner equations
where use b ~ been made of Eq. (32). The small
time translation o* = o + In G then produces the
~o= + ~,,,,, = - 8(=r~)-U4ecp[~o + o - x
-- e l I exp(_,l:r) ] (28)
4)oa.= 4)07. • ~ o ( r / , - - ) = Oo(~,a9 0,~
up to terms of order ~2 and 0o~ (0, o') = - exp [~0(0, o') + o'].)

q ~ = 8"qm'~) u 4 exo[.~o + o - x (34)

- a~ l exP(-,,lxH (29) which has been sobed l~eviously in Ref. 1.

Thermal runaway was found to occur at
o" = - 0.431 - b0- It follows that in the present
up to terms o f order 8 . From the term of order problem
tmity in Eq. 28 and the boundary condition for
#'o implied by £q. 5, we conclude that .~0 = be - Inn. 05)
depends only ou o . Equation 29 and the initial
condition for e implied by Eq. 3 dmn yield Equations 19-20 then show that, to lowest order
el = B-1"~rc)V4exp[-x

-- a~: exp(--alX)]C e...xp(~o4- o ) d o . (30)

The terms of order 8 in Eq. 28, along with the
boundary conC~ion ~t=(0,o) = 0, implied by This expression for A differs from that obtained
~ . 5, then y~e,~ previously only in the presence of the factor G. It
can be shown tim*.G can be expressed in terms of
~I~ = - ( ~ c ) - u 4 exp(~o the incomplete Gamma function as
+ o)Fexp[-x - aF t exp(-alX)] dx. (31) G = a~Ir{a[1)y*{a~1 , a l l ) , (37)

where y* is a single-valued analytic function of 10

both of its arguments. Tables and graphs of r
and of y* exist [7]. However, to obtain accurate
values of G, it is better to perform numerically
the integration in Eq. 33 than to use the pub-
lished results. We have calculated G as a func-
I • I
tion o f az by numerical integration and show
the results in F ' ~ I. Also shown in Fig. I is
A(m'c)I/4a-I/2e3q~(-E'/Oc) as a f u n c t i o n o f
according to Eq. 36. By u ng last .5
curve a~d Eq. 14 for 0c, the nondimensional
rate constant A can be obtained if a, E" and G
rc ~e imow~ 2
As at -. ~, G approachesunity, and we recover
the result of our previous paper. An ~n~lytical
exl~aSlon for large values o f al, obtained by twny.
Eq. 33, is shown in Fig. I, from which it can be
seen that the expansion is qmte accurate for .05
al -> 1 . For ax of order un/ty, G is of order
unity, and Eqs. 1~ and 26 show that approxi-
r t ly O, lOU = - o Ig'U, in which an .02
2 5 t 2 5 l0
factors are of order unity except E', which is
Fig. 1. G and the n o n d i w n a l rote c o ~ t for
large. Therefore for al of order unity, the "~nition
ignition,as functionof aO~2/E; for= of ord~ E'.
time d..~ends only weakly on G, and very little
difference will be found between the i~ition time
obtained from Eq. 36 and that derived in the
previous paper. On the other hand, for low values
of a b we obtain from Eq. 33

lnG ~ - a [ "]' + ln[Vra'-~I'~'~+ ~ + O( aV:~-l)], (39)

where co, which is of order unity, is the first term
which 5ecomes large in magnitude and thereby
of the expan~on
produces a result which differs appreciably from
that o f our previous work. It can be seen from Fig.
C = CO + ~2C1 +''', (40)
1 that for at <- 1, the numerical results agree
quite well ~ h the asymptotic expmssi~ ~ by
of the quantity
Eq. 38. As ~,~ becomes small, a tends to become
o f order unity, and the analysis given in the
following section becomes appropriate. c -- In[a'Ig'~IAexp(-E'/Oc)], (41)

6. Tmmition Stage f o r a of Order Unity

To analyze the transition stage for a of order in which 0~ is Oven by Eq. 12. Thermal nmaway
unity, we follow a procedure analogous to that of occurs at t = co to all algebraic orders in 8, and
the preceding section, except in that we introduce c't, c2 . . . . are to be chosen to min/mize the
only one new spatial variable, since a s/ngle zone order of the singularity at t = co. The thickness
occm3. The appropriate time variable for the of the zone in which thermal zunaway occun is
transition stage becomes def'med b y y of order unity, where
92 A. LINANand F. A. WII.LI.~[S

tion, derived from Eqs. 3-5, are

Y= k~/ (ctgc)ll2~" (42)
Xo (00, t) = X0 (Y. - oo) = Xoy(0, t) = 0 . (50)

From. this equation and Eq. 10 it is seen that the The problems for Xo, given by Eqs. 47 and 50, is
thickness o f the nmaw.-v zone in ~ is of order well set, aoC- there is only one parameter, F, but
l/,v~: w ~ n a is o f onter unity or later, and the :olution must be obtained numerically. By
larger wben a is small ana!ogy with Eq. 34, it is dear that the solution
An expansion for 0 - 01 ~ be s o ; ~ ' , L". *..he w ~ exhibit thermal runaway, at time t = co,
form which will depend on F and therefore on a2rc. If
a2% is of order unity, then F and c0 w111be of
0-6 i = 82Xo(y,t)+84Xl(y,t)+---, (43) order unity. From F.qs. 40 and 41, the formula for
A, to lowest order in B2, becomes
and for • in the f,-mn

A exp ( - ~ ) = ag~ exp(co), (5D

• = 8 2 , , ) d y . t) + 8(o.)2(y, t) + . . . . (44)

The relevant expam/'on of 0:, obtained from Eq.

ll,is in which gc is related to a2rc according to Eq. 10.
Equation 47 has been integrated nung'rical~- by
a Crank-NichoLvon lint/Licit ~ employing
0s = 0. + B ~ t - c o - F y ~ + O i ~ I, (45)
q-,m'lhwarizatic~, of the source term. For large
negative value e f t , the solution is

(1 - g~)
V~ e ~c 4~e:FeY erfc 1 x/-fy)
~" - (46)
+ e-Y erfe ( 2 ~ - V~y)]- (52)
Sul~d-tution of Eqs. 39-45 into Eqs. 1 and 2
yields, up to terms of order B2,
In performing the numerical integration for other
Xot - X o ~ = exp (X'0 + t - F y 2) (47) values of t, tle quantities e t and err(y) were
employed as independent variables, to ~oduce
and convenient step sizes and finite boundaw loca-
tions. By completing the numerical integration for
~u = W "~ e a P ( X o + t - F y ~ . (48) various values of F, the dependence of c o on F
was obtained. Use of this result in cm0anction
The sohnion to Eq. 48, consistent with the initial with Eqs. 10 and 46 provides c o as a function of
conc~ion i m ~ ~ Eq. 3, is a2rc. From this result and Eq. 10, the quantity
(A/a) exp(-g'/Oc) can be calculated as a func-
wl = B -t ezp(- tion o! a2rc by means of Eq. 51. Equation 12
e z P [ X o (y, t) ÷ t ] d t ,
shows that a(Oc - D is also a function of a2rc.
(49) various functions are plotted in Fig. 2.
A graph of re, as a function of A, for various
which can be evaluated only a f a r *o(Y, O is values of a and g', is shown in Fig. 3. Tbe curves
found. Equation 47 fm X0 is the heat conduction in Fig. 3 labeled log a = - have been given earlier
equation with a distributed nonlinear heat source; b y n ~ [8] and are in agrcement w i t h E q . 36,
the initml and boundary conditions for this ¢qua- while those '.abeled log a = - 0o are limiting lines


Fig. 2. co, F, gc, n o ~ n m l ignition temperatu~.
and nondimendonal rote constant, as function of non-
dimensional ignition time, foz • of o~lex unity.
0 .. ~ "w

-4o -3o -zo -Io o

that correspond to the adiabatic thermal-explosion
time defined after Eq. 15. Figure 2 was used for Fig. 3. Hondimen~ml ignition time as a function of
nond~en.~nal rate const;mt for various values of the
calculating all other curves shown in Fig. 3, except nondimensional activation enex1~ and absotbtivity. The
those with log a = - 2 and -4, for which the numbers that label the c u r v e s axe lo~s oa.
~ p l e r limiting formula given in Eq. 56 was em-
ployed. From Ftg. 3 it can be inferred that for
given values of A and g ' , the ignition time ob- problem emerges that resembles Eq. 28, with
tained from Eq. 51 or from lrtg. 2 is appreciably the exception that the x dependence inside the
longer than that cor~sponding to Eq. 36. This is exponential becomes proportional to - x 2 instead
primarily a consequence of the fact that the time of - x - a~ I ex~(-alx). H,~wever, in the
required to reach any given value of 0c according limit al -, 0 , this last quantity becomes
to Eq. 12 is longer than that required according to - a i I - alx2/2, which, with aii absorbed into a

Eq. 14, when a is of order unity or smaller. Since time translation, is of the same general form as
the expansion parameter here is 8 2 instead of 8 - x 2. The respective length scales for the inner
as in the previous work, for typical values of E" we zones become the same, both being ~ j a E ' ; in
expect the error in the ~alue of A given by Eq. 51 the ~ coordinate. In addition, from Eq. 42 it can
to he less than 5% instead of the ~ error be seen that the length scale for the outer transient
expected from Eq. 36. heat-conduction zone obtained from Eq. 47 is
(nrc)b'4 ( 0 2 / E .) 1/2, which is in agreement with
7. Limit Cases the length scale for the problem de'f'med by Eq.
Further iusigh-', into the character of the depen- 34, as can be seen from the defmition of ~ t#ven
deuce o f i~-nition time upon a can be gleaned by in Eq. 22. Finally, we note that Eqs. 36 and 5i
investi~ting limiting cases of the previous anal. become identical in the limits al -, 0, a -, oo, both
yse,. reducing to
Co,.'..'..'..'..'..'m~fast the form taken by Eq. 47 for large
values of a. From Eqs. I0 and 46 it follows that
F ~, aV~e/'2 Ls a -~ o,, and therefore the coefS-
dent of _y2 in the extxmential in Eq. 47 becomes
large. It follows that for y of order unity the = (wrc)-l/=(2a rcV~-~V2exp(bo ), (53)
source term in Eq. 47 is n~li~'ble; an inner layer
develops, where y is of order F -t/2, in which the since the solution to the two-zone problem
source term must be considered. In this inner derived from Eq. 47 reveals that Co --.b0 +
zone, the time derivative becomes small, and a ln(2a~ I/2 in the limit. In Eq. 53,

Eq_. 14 ~ m be. u...*~_for fl~. From these observe_ sponds approx~nately to a.-- ~ t i o n time that is
tions, it becomes clear that the results of Section 5 inversely proportional to the first power, instead
for small values o f at agree with those o f Section of the square, of the incident radiant flux. These
6 for large values of~, and that therefore solutions results extend the range of a, for which ignition-
are now avmlable which extend from a of order time formulas are available, to values that are small
unity to a large compared with E'. compared with uni~y.
Consider next the form taken by Eq. 47 for
small values o f a . Since Eqs. l0 and 46 show that 8. C,enetaliz,tiom ~mi Disctmion
F -. aVrclb as axl'~r¢-.. O, and since w e h a ~ In principle there is no difficulW in extending the
seen that aV~'~c-.O as a -.0, it follows that the results to arbitrary histories of radiant flux as a
coefficient of _y2 in the exponential in Eq. 47 function of time, the only restriction being that
approaches zero as a - - 0 . Therefore the source the time rate of change of flux not be exceedingly
strength chm~,~ negl~'bly across a layer whose large at the time of ignition. Since the tranfition
t h i c ~ ; (~/~-"a)I/2 iS such that y is of order stage is short compared with the inert stage,
unity. To obtain a region in which the source time-varying flux does not affect the structure of
c~m~es~ appreciably, we ~ust employ a spatial the transition stage, provided that in the time
variable with the larger characteristic t h i c ~ variable of the transition stage the logarithmic
(zr/¢c) t/ 4q82/E') l/ 2/a. In this variable, the space derivative of the flux is small In the appendix, we
derivative in Eq. 47 is neglip~ole in compadsm presume that this condition it ~ f i ~ d and indi-
with the time derivative, and we obtain a simple cate the changes that must be made in the
thermal explosion with n~ii~ifble heat conduction, preceding ~m~lyses to account for arbitraw flux-
viz., X0t = exP(X0 + t - F y ~ , whose solution time histories. The results demonstrate that the
only new problem requiring soluficm is the ~ . r t -
No = - ln(1--et- F~'~)" (54) heating problem whose solution is expressed by
Eq. 8. From the new function [(~,v) that
fL~Stdi~rge~ at t : 0 for y = 0. corresponds to the modified inert-heating prolv
Equation 54 satisfies all of hhe initial and lem, the quantities 0¢ ~nd ~c - OtflO, re)
boundary conditiom given in Eq. 50, as well as ELI. both be exp _re~_~le in tenm of re. It can then be
47, provided that heat conduction is negligible. It shown (see Appendix) that the appropriate gener-
im~ that in the limit of very low atr~rbtivity alizatiom o f Eqs. 36 ~ d 51, respectively, to
Co = 0. A morn formal calculation reveals that conditions of arbitrary flux-time history, are

Co ~ 2 F - 2 + 4 ~,2F2 + O(F3 ) ($5) A exp ~-¢ ~--~-¢2

/ G-lexp(b°) (57)

as F approaches zero. Equation 55 can be used in and

conjunction with Eqs. 10, 46, and 51 to provide
~m ~ forA that is valid for small values of Aeo ',8,
a. When use is made of Eq. 13 for 0o it is found
that the limiting_ form of this expresdon for very
small values o f e can be reduced to with Co in the last expre~on related to the n e w F
def'med in Eq. (A4) by Fig. 2. If gc is interpreted
= -l]/a. (s6), as ~ c / a and the ~ n t a l scale is interpreted as
an arbitra W parmnet~ that is not related to a2rc,
This same remit can be derived by using only Eqs. then all of tic cur~es in Fig. 2, except for
I, 3, and 4, and by neglecting heat conduction a ( O ~ - D, remdn valid fm arbitrary flux-time
~hroughout; such an amdysis produces Eq. 16 for histofie~
the inert stage, in physi:al variables, Eq. 56 c~re- Because e f its more general applicability, a graph

ignition and consider instead the total amount of

| ~
-I- l
I" I t" "1
l-J heat absorbed by the solid up until the time of
ignition, as some authors have attempted to do
(see some studies reviewed in Ref. 9).
If there is a distribution of the absorption
• 20 /
coefficient over the frequency v of the incident
radiation, then in a fairly obw.'ous notation the
radiant heating term in Eq. 1 becomes

o lvav e x p ( - a v ~ ) dv .
.05 a~2!E0
~1~ smal~
This modification will require new solutions to be
.02 obtained for the inert-heating problem, although
these solutions can be constructed by superposi-

tion, since with O! - 1 + . Ov d r , each Ov sepa-
rately satisfies Fxl. 6 with
.01 , I [ i
0~(~,0) = 0,,(~,r) = 0~¢ (0;-r) = 0
.002 ] I ~ , I , I The analysis of the transition stage will depend on
0 2 , .4 ,6 .8 tO whether the incident radiation corresponds princi-
(~el( 0£1al''~ ~ (-£'/Ocl pally to av = O(E') or to a v = O ( D . The
F'g. 4. C¢~pb of ~nifion conditions for in-depth absorp- transition stage that develops will be the one that
tion with an arbitrary flux-time history. produces the shortest ignition time. Since the
ignition time for a v = O(E') is appreciably less
of~/a, as a function of than that for a v = O (D, ignition will occur in the
regime of Section 5, unless only a small fraction of
(Ala) (~ /a)- ~ 2 e x p (- E'IO~); the incident energy falls within that regime. A
generalization of our analysis of Section 5 shows
for various values of a0e2/E" , as obtained from that in this case Eq. 57 is again obtained, provided
Eqs. 57 and 58, is shown in Fig. 4. To use Fig. 4, that the more general definitiun
one mint first solve his particular inert heat-
conduction problem to obtain 0e and 0~ as a
functio~ of r c.
It is remerkabl¢ that only the heat flux at the
time o f ignition (through the nondimemionaliza- (sg)
tion), the inert surface temperature at the time of
ignition, and the inert time rate of increase of the
surface temperature at the time of ignition affect
the "n,nition conditions of any given solid material. is used for G. In the lowest ~proximation, Eq. 57
M2ny of the detafls of the history of inert heating then reveals that the facto~ G can be ignored,
-,av unimportant. However, in general., it is not provided that only the portion of the hucident
p o t ~ l e to eliminate any of the tluee essential energy flux corresponding to the r ~ ,
~ambles stated here in terms of other quantifies. at, = O ( E ' ) is employed in the ~ that is used to
For example, one cannot ignore the inert time rate form the nondimensional time which appears in A
of increase of surface temperature at the firae of and in 0~.
96 A. LINA~ aria F. A. ggLIJA]~.~

If almost al~ of the incident flux corresponds to l(r) = J(a2r), and that this ~ctor will then
" v = O ~D, the,a :6~ition occurs ia ~ e regime of appear in the last term of Eq. 6. It then becomes
Sectio~ 6, and it can be shown that Eq. 58 remains clear that we can write the solution for 0z in the
applicable, with co related th,ough Fig. 2 to the form given by Eq. 8, but the function [(u, v) wRl
gener~liTed quantity depend on the function dfv) and will no longer be
given by Eq. 9. It follows that Eqs. ll-14wfll no
longer be valid. However, it will still be possible to
expand Oi(O,r) about re, obtaining
F-\_(!: lv'cav~--0i , (6o)
O,(O,r) = 0c + 0 ~ . ( r - ~ ) , (AI)

where the int~-al must exclude those values of z, where 0~ - 0tr(0, to). We shall see that the
for which a j is of order ~ ' o r larger. After solving dependence of the exl~mion of 01 about ~ = 0,
the inert-heaticg problem, one should calculate needed in the transition-stage analysis, can be
two ignition times, corresponding respectively to expressed in terms of Oc and 0~. Therefore
Eqs. 57 and 58 with the generalized definitions of formulas for ignition conditions can be obtained in
F and G, and select the shorter time, to complete terms of the two parameters Oc and 0~, which
the computation in the presence of a frequency- then must be expressedin terms of rc from an
dependent absorbtivity. inert-heating analysis to obtain the ignition time.
It is of interest to note from the analyses leading Consider first the case analyzed in Section 5. In
to Eqs. 57 and 58 that for sofids of practical Eq. !8, the factor (=re)- 1/2 must be replaced by
dimensions, the results given here are independent 0"_.:which is assumed to be of order unity. In Eqs.
of the assumption of one-dimensional heat flow. 20 and 22, (re'c) i/4 is replaced by ~ - t / 2 . W i t h i n
only requiretr~,nt is that the narrow surface the context of the asymptotic analysis, ignition
layer in wh/ch reaction ~-st occurs must be cannot occur with negaiive values of 0~; if, for
approximated well as being one-dim=ntionaL For example, the flux is dis.~ntinued before ignition
the inert stage, s three - 2 h ~ i o n a l tra,'ment heat- occurs, so that the surface temperature hegira to
cmduct~n problem must be solved. From this decrease, then ignition never will occur. ~ t h x
solution, for each point on the so]kl mrface, the and o as independent vm-iables, the ~ne-derivat~-e
remits given in hhit section can be applied to terms in Eq. 1 and in Eq. 6 are of higher order
calculate ~ conditions. The thota.est ignition than the space-derivati~ terms, and to lowest
time so obtained will represent the ignition time order Eq. 6 becomes
for the ",hree-dimmsioml mild. The degree of
generality that can be achieved with ~ s e through Olz.~B - 2 = - a i J e x p ( - a s x ) , (A2)
asymptotic methods is imp~e~ve.
The:e results can be used to suggest an improve~ whose solutiou is seen to be gi~n by Eq. 26, when
experimental technique for radiant ignit/o~ use /~ made of Eq. (AI) and the definition
studies. The heat flux at the time o f ignition and d(a2rc) = L Thus, Eqs. 28-32 still follow, with
the histo W of surface temperature at the point of (~rc) v4 replaced by 0~ -1/2. The problem ex~
ignition are both amenable to ~ t . From pressed by Eq. 34 is ~ obtained, and the
.~'dl measurements, Oc and 6~c can be obtained, solution, corresponding to Eq. 36, is given in Eq.
and F~g. 4 can then be used to calculate chemical 57.
rate constants from a few data points, provided, of Consider next the case analyzed in Section 6.
creme, that ignition occurs through a condemed- When the modified form of Eq. 6 is solved for
#ase reactioo. 01~£(0, %), and use is made of Eq. AI, then i.'. is
found that Eq. i I becomes
Appetdtx: Variable Heat Flux
To m . d i f y the obserratiom o f Section 8 in more
explkJ! terms, we fnst note that one can write
01 = 0~ + 0~(r - r~ + 2 • (A3)

In Eqs. 39, 41, and 42, we replace age by 0~, and References
from Eq. A3 we then obtain Eq. 45, w~-th 1. lJ~n~ A., and ~ F. A., Combustion Science
and Technology 3, 91 (1971).
2. OMemfller, 1". J., and Summed]eid, M., "Radiative
F - (a- (A4) Ignition of Polymeric Fuels in an Oxidizing Gas,"
AFOSR Scienti~c Rept. No. /~FOSR 69-2147TR
(1969); Oldemfller, 1". J., Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton
University (1969, unpublished).
From Eq. A4 it might appear that a new condition 3. Oldemiiler, T..~, and Summm4iekl,M, AL4A Jr. 6,
for the generalized analysis to be valid is a > ~ c , 878 (1968).
but in fact this condition is assured by the 4. Evan~M.W., Beya, lLB, andMcOmey, L, ~ O:en~
inert-heating problem. The remainder of the anal- Phys. 40, 2431 (1964).
5. Wise, H, Imuni, S. H., and McOdley, L., Combustion
ysis of Section 6 proceeds unchanged, and the andF~me 11,483 (1967).
generalization of Eq. 51 becomes Eq. 58. 6. Boehringer, J. C., and Spm~ler, IL w AIAA J. 1, 84
The work o f the first author was partia~y 7. Abrmnovitz, ~ and Stegan, I. A., Handb~,k of
supported by the Air Force Office o f ScientiF~ Mathematical Function~, Dover, New York (1964), p.
Research, through the European Of]'~e o f the 261.
Office o f Aerospace Research, United States Air 8. Bradley, H. H, Jr., Combustion Science and Tech-
Force, under Contract No. F61052-69-C-0036. nology 2, 11 (1970).
9. Merzhanov, A. G., and Ave~son, A. E., Combustion
The secor~t author wishes to acknowledge fellow- and F/ame 16, 89 (1971).
ship support from the John Simon Guggenheim
Memorial Foundation and addi~'onal supFort from
the Air Force O ~ o f Scient~ffc Research, Office
o f Aerospace Research, United States A ~ Force
under Project THEMIS Contract
F44620-68-C~010. ICe v,.~h to thank Mr. V.
Torroglosa f o r carrying out the computer calcula- (Received May 1971; revised t~r~on
tion of co. received August 19 71 )

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