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Exponential Multipliers:

Is Heaven on Earth a Real Possibility?

--© 2018 J.Hamilton
By J.Hamilton

The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena; it will make more progress in one decade
than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one
must think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration
--Nikola Tesla

Up and coming non-traditional sciences seem to hold the solutions for mankind—if but we could learn
to embrace them. Most of us think in a linear manner (trial and error/do the same thing over and over
again expecting better results, etc.) and miss so very much of what is going on. Since the advent of
quantum physics in the early/mid 20th century, humanity is moving forward at ever increasing speeds. In
fact, virtually all inventions, discoveries and processes now have their foundation in the nonlinear world
of quantum physics!

Finally, it has come time to express our spiritually from a quantum perspective and generate a
profound contribution to humanity!

What are examples of non-traditional sciences for the advancement of spirituality on planet earth?

1) The Maharishi Effect has been well known for 50+ years. The Maharishi Effect, founded in the
ancient Vedic texts and promoted by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the Transcendental Meditation™
movement from the early 1970's forward, states that when one percent of a population is
meditating in a locale, that one percent has a profound effect upon the entire locale. One of the
better known examples involved 4,000 experienced meditators converging on Washington DC in
1993 for which violent crime decreased 23.3 percent! It is said traffic accidents decreased 23.3
percent as well. 4,000 meditators influencing Washington DC is clearly an exponential multiplier!

The Sanskrit expression "tat sannidhau vairatyagah" from the ancient Vedic texts translates to
"in the vicinity of coherence, hostile tendencies are eliminated" is a very important concept!

It is my thought that as experienced meditators meditate, i.e., move out of the mind and allow,
maybe even said "blend with Innate Intelligence" through meditation, Innate Intelligence expresses
though the meditators into the locale and "coalesces coherence." In other words, as experienced
meditators meditate, Innate Intelligence peeks out through their nervous systems into this
dimension. The frequency of Innate Intelligence, God, Source, the Divine, Universal Mind, etc.,
(coherence) grounded into the world of mankind dissipates distortion!

2) The Map of Consciousness by Dr. David Hawkins ( indicates that as we

become more conscious, i.e., as we become less resistant and more open to Innate Intelligence
expressing through us—the truest definition of consciousness, we become exponentially more
contributive to the unfolding of mankind. By way of example, one person at 700 on the Map of
Consciousness (admittedly a very high number) counterbalances the negativity of 70 million people
below 200! One person at 600 counterbalances the negativity of 10 million below 200 and one
person at 500 counterbalances the negativity of 750,000 below 200!
Clearly one individual can have a huge influence!

It's not about 51 percent of the vote, gathering petitions, demonstrations or "marching against"
to create change; instead, it's about blending with Innate Intelligence so that we can ground
(host) the frequency of god into the dimension of mankind, harness the corresponding
exponential multipliers associated with that connection, and easily "counter" the negativity in
the world—for the ride of our lives, I might add!

3) There is a little known paper written in 1922 by two Columbia University professors titled "Are
Inventions Inevitable? A Note on Social Evolution" identifying 400 years of history replete with 148
significant inventions, discoveries and processes "invented and discovered" by multiple parties
"simultaneously" that has become the foundation of the sciences of the human species. For
example, the Wright Brothers invented the airplane at the same time as Samuel Pierpont Langley
(for which Langley Air Force Base is named) though neither knew of each other's work. The
steamboat had five independent inventors, fractions and decimal points were simultaneously
invented/discovered by multiple parties, sunspots, thermometers, telescopes and even typewriters
were "discovered by multiple parties unbeknownst to each other" to the point that:

 “the pattern of independent multiple discoveries in science is in principle the dominant

pattern, rather than a subsidiary one,”
—Robert K Merton (1960), a preeminent sociologist from Columbia University

 “90-98% of patent lawsuits are filed against independent inventors and not copiers.”
—Mark L Lemley, Stanford School of Law, (2011)

Through the use of CORE Resonance Training™ and CORE Resonance Colonies™, one of the grandest
experiments of our time may very well bring human beings what they most want: heaven on earth. And,
it turns out we do it by blending our consciousness with this larger scale of consciousness that is ever
present. As we deliver/host coherence into the dimension of mankind through the refining of our
nervous systems and enabling our natural state of connection with Source, dissonance and distortion
simply fade away!

Harnessing exponential multipliers seems to be a very good use of one's time!


See Quantum Activism by J.Hamilton for additional insight


As we learn to manage reality creation through partnership with Innate Intelligence, i.e., our connection
with Source, our realities can so vastly improve that heaven on earth can be the result, for which we
would all be well-pleased.
-- Visionaries Thrive In All Times
Chapter 1, Survival, Pg 06

One person connected to Source is more powerful than one million who are not
--Abraham quote from Abraham-Hicks Publishing

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