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1- Fill in the blanks putting the verbs in brackets in the present simple:

read go play eat want come be like work

John ______ in a bank. He ______ his job because it ______ very interesting. Many people ______ to the
bank when they ______ money. When he ______ home at night, he ______ dinner and ______ with his two
children. Before they ______ to bed, he ______ them a story.

2- Rearrange the following sentences:

a. never/I/to/Christmas/go/school/to/on/Day.
b. am/at the moment/writing/I/letter/a
c-. seldom/eat/I/meat

3- Put the verbs into the present simple or present continuous:

a. The children ___________ (play) outside now.
b. He sometimes __________ (go) to church.
c. I __________ (do) my homework at the moment.
d. I __________ (read) the newspaper every morning.
e. I __________ (eat) my dinner now.
f. She __________ (usually/read) a book in the evening.
g. We _________ (go) to the disco tonight.
h. He __________ (write) a letter to his pen friend every month.
i. She _________ (travel) to work by train every day.

4. Fill in “Am”, “Is”, “Are”, “Do” or “Does”:

a. ____ you want to come with us?
b. ____she like her new dress?
c. ____he ill?
d.____ you coming to the party tonight?
e. ____ you still angry with me?
f. ____ he finish work at 6 pm?
g. ____ she working hard at the moment?

5- Fill in “There is”, “There are”, “Is there?” or “Are there?”:

a. __________ some eggs in the basket.
b. __________ some butter in the fridge.
c. __________ any knives on the table?
d. __________ a tree in the garden.
e. __________ any money in that box?
f. __________ two apples in the fridge.
g. __________ some flowers on the table?

6- Complete with a question word:

a. __________ is your brother? He’s five.
b. __________ was your English teacher last year? Mrs. Brown.
c. __________ are you going? To the cinema.
d. __________ is your birthday ? It’s in May.
e. __________ is your name? Mary.
f. __________ do you go to school? By car.

7- Substitute the underlined words by a correct subject or object pronoun:

a. Susan is behind John.
b. The boxes are under the bed.
c. Peter is in front of Mary.
d. The children are near the tree.
e. Mark can’t carry the boxes.
f. Mary can’t see Nick.
g. Peter is with his father and his mother.
h. My brother and I can help you and your sister.

8- Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple:

Mrs. Brown _________ (work) in a school. She _________ (teach) English. She __________ (not live)
near the school, so she _________ (drive) to school everyday. She _________ (like) her job and she
__________ (be) a good teacher. Her students __________ (love) her. She __________ (have) two children
and they __________ (go) to school with her. Their names __________ (be) John and Mandy.

9- Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous:

It is Sunday morning. The family is at the park. It is a lovely day and the sun _________ (shine). John
_________ (play) on a swing and Sally _________ (run) after the dog. Mother _________ (sit) under a tree
watching everybody and father _________ (walk) by the river.

10- Make the following sentences negative and interrogative:

a. The children are having a good time.
b. We go to the park on Sunday.
c. There are some cars in the street.
d. He likes fish.
e. He is visiting his grandparents tomorrow.

11- Fill in the blanks with the Simple present or Present Continuous:
Everyday my father __________ (drive) to work. He _________ (work) in a bank. He _________
(like) his job. He _________ (get up) at seven o’clock every morning and he _________ (make) breakfast for
us all. We _________ (eat) breakfast at the moment. We usually _________ (leave) home at half past seven.
At the moment he ________ (laugh) because my brother _________ (tell) him a joke.

12- Complete with a correct question word:

a. ___________ do you go to school? 7.30.
b. ___________ is your mother? In the sitting room.
c. ___________ is my basket? On the table.
d. ___________ is he tired? Because he works a lot.
e. ___________ are they doing? They are watching TV.
f. ___________ is he? He is my cousin.

13- Change to the plural:

a. This is a monkey.
b. It is a record.
c. That is a tooth.
d. She is a nurse.
e. He is a policeman.

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