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PSCHEM2 Final Exam Reviewer


1. The units of "reaction rate" are 7. Appropriate units for a second-order rate constant
-1 -1
A. L mol s . are
2 -2 -1
B. L mol s . A. M/s.
C. s . B. 1/M·s.
D. s . C. 1/s.
-1 -1 2
E. mol L s . D. 1/M ·s.

2. For the reaction BrO3 + 5Br + 6H  3Br2 + 3H2O at

- - +
8. It takes 42.0 min for the concentration of a reactant
a particular time, -[BrO3 ]/t = 1.5  10 M/s. What
- -2
in a first-order reaction to drop from 0.45 M to 0.32
is -[Br ]/t at the same instant? M at 25C. How long will it take for the reaction to be
A. 13 M/s 90% complete?
B. 7.5  10 M/s
-2 A. 13.0 min
C. 1.5  10 M/s
-2 B. 86.0 min
D. 3.0  10 M/s
-3 C. 137 min
E. 330 M/s D. 222 min
E. 284 min
3. For the hypothetical reaction A + 3B  2C, the rate
9. Appropriate units for a first-order rate constant are
of appearance of C given by ([C]/t) may also be
A. M/s.
expressed as
B. 1/M·s.
A. [C]/t = [A]/t
C. 1/s.
B. [C]/t = -(3/2) [B]/t 2
D. 1/M ·s.
C. [C]/t = -(2/3) [B]/t
D. [C]/t = -(1/2) [A]/t 10. A first-order reaction has a rate constant of 7.5  10
/s. The time required for the reaction to be 60%
4. The reaction A + 2B  products has been found to complete is
have the rate law, rate = k[A] [B] . While holding the A. 3.8  10 s.
concentration of A constant, the concentration of B B. 6.9  10 s.
is increased from x to 3x. Predict by what factor the C. 68 s.
rate of reaction increases. D. 120 s.
A. 3 E. 130 s.
B. 6
C. 9
11. The reaction 2NO2(g)  2NO(g) + O2(g) is
D. 27
suspected to be second order in NO2. Which of the
E. 30
following kinetic plots would be the most useful to
confirm whether or not the reaction is second order?
5 For the hypothetical reaction A + 3B  2C, the rate -1
A. a plot of [NO2] vs. t
should be expressed as B. a plot of ln [NO2] vs. t
A. rate = [A]/t C. a plot of [NO2] vs. t
B. rate = -[C]/ -1
D. a plot of ln [NO2] vs. t
C. rate = -3([B]/t) 2
E. a plot of [NO2] vs. t
D. rate = (1/2)([C]/t)
E. rate = (1/3)([B]/t) 12. For the chemical reaction A  C, a plot of 1/[A]t
versus time was found to give a straight line with a
6. A certain first-order reaction A  B is 25% complete positive slope. What is the order of reaction?
in 42 min at 25C. What is its rate constant?
A. 6.8  10 min
-3 -1
A. zeroth
B. 8.3  10 min
-3 -1
B. first
C. 3.3  10 min
-2 -1 C. second
D. -3.3  10 min
-2 -1 D. Such a plot cannot reveal the order of the
E. 11 min
-1 reaction.

13. Which one of the following changes would alter the 15. The isomerization of cyclopropane follows first order
rate constant (k) for the reaction 2A + B  kinetics. The rate constant at 700 K is 6.20  10
products? min , and the half-life at 760 K is 29.0 min.
A. increasing the concentration of A Calculate the activation energy for this reaction.
B. increasing the concentration of B A. 5.07 kJ/mol
C. increasing the temperature B. 27.0 kJ/mol
D. measuring k again after the reaction has run for C. 50.7 kJ/mol
a while D. 160. kJ/mol
E. 270. kJ/mol
14. The Arrhenius equation is k = A e . The slope of
a plot of ln k vs. 1/T is equal to 16. Given that Ea for a certain biological reaction is 48
kJ/mol and that the rate constant is 2.5  10 s at
-2 -1
A. -k.
B. k. 15C, what is the rate constant at 37C?
A. 2.7  10 s
C. Ea. -2 -1

D. -Ea /R. B. 2.5  10 s

-1 -1

E. A. C. 1.0  10 s
-1 -1

D. 6.0  10 s
-3 -1
E. 1.1 s

17. At a particular temperature the first-order gas-phase

reaction 2N2O5  2N2O4 + O2 has a half-life for the
disappearance of dinitrogen pentoxide of 3240 s. If
1.00 atm of N2O5 is introducted into an evacuated
5.00 L flask, what will be the total pressure of the
gases in the flask after 1.50 hours?
A. 0.685 atm
B. 1.00 atm
C. 0.315 atm
D. 1.68 atm
E. 1.34 atm


1. The equilibrium constant KC for a certain reaction will change if __________ changes.
A) pressure C) volume E) reactant concentrations
B) time D) temperature

2. What is the relationship of the equilibrium constants for the following two reactions?
(1) 2 NO2(g)  N2O4(g); (2) N2O4(g)  2 NO2(g)
A) KC of reaction (1) is the reciprocal of KC of reaction (2) D) KC of reaction (1) = KC of reaction (2)
B) KC of reaction (2) is the reciprocal of KC of reaction (1) E) Answers A and B are both correct
C) There is no relationship between the KC of these reactions

3. What is the correct equilibrium constant expression for the following reaction? 2 Cu(s) + O 2(g)  2 CuO(s)
2 2 2
A) KC = 1/[O2] C) KC = [CuO] /[Cu] [O2] E) KC = 1/[O2]
2 2
B) KC = [CuO] /[Cu] D) KC = [O2]

4. Consider the reaction: 2 SO2(g) + O2(g)  2 SO3. If, at equilibrium at a certain temperature, [SO2] = 1.50 M, [O2] =
0.120 M, and [SO3] = 1.25 M, what is the value of the equilibrium constant?
A) 5.79 C) 8.68 E) None of the above
B) 6.94 D) 0.14

5. PCl5 dissociates according to the reaction: PCl5(g)  PCl3(g) + Cl2(g). One mole of PCl5 was placed in one liter of
solution. When equilibrium was established, 0.5 mole of PCl5 remained in the mixture. What is the equilibrium
constant for this reaction?
A) 0.25 C) 1.0 E) None of the above
B) 0.5 D) 2.5

6. At elevated temperatures, solid silicon reacts with chlorine gas to form gaseous SiCl4. At some temperature, the
equilibrium constant for this reaction is 0.30. If the reaction is started with 0.10 mol of SiCl 4 in a one-liter flask, how
much Cl2 will be present when equilibrium is established?
A) 0.18 mol C) 0.030 mol
B) 0.090 mol D) 0.30 mol

7. Consider the reaction: CO2(g) + H2(g)  CO(g) + H2O(g), for which Kc = 0.64 at 900 K. If the initial CO2 and of H2 are
each 0.100 M, what will be the equilibrium concentrations of each species after the reaction reaches equilibrium?
A) [CO2] = 0.044 M; [H2] = 0.044M; [CO] = 0.056 M; [H2O] = 0.056 M
B) [CO2] = 0.056 M; [H2] = 0.056 M; [CO] = 0.044 M; [H2O] = 0.044 M
C) [CO2] = 0.020 M; [H2] = 0.020 M; [CO] = 0.080 M; [H2O] = 0.080 M
D) [CO2] = 0.080 M; [H2] = 0.080 M; [CO] = 0.020 M; [H2O] = 0.020 M
E) None of the above
- - - 3
8. At some temperature, the reaction: 3 ClO  ClO3 + 2 Cl has an equilibrium constant Kc = 3.2 x 10 . If the
- - -
components of this reaction are mixed such that their initial concentrations are [Cl ] = 0.05 M; [ClO3 ] = 0.32; and [ClO
] = 0.74, is the mixture at equilibrium, yes or no? If the mixture is not at equilibrium in which direction, left to right or
right to left, will reaction occur so that the mixture can reach equilibrium?

A) There is not enough information given to answer this question C) No. Left to right
B) Yes, the mixture is at equilibrium now D) No. Right to left

9. Consider the following endothermic reaction: H2(g) + I2(g)  2 HI(g). If the temperature is increased,
A) more HI will be produced D) the pressure in the container will increase
B) some HI will decompose, forming H2 and I2 E) the pressure in the container will decrease
C) the magnitude of the equilibrium constant will decrease

10. Consider the following reaction at equilibrium: NO2(g) + CO(g)  NO(g) + CO2(g). Suppose the volume of the system
is decreased at constant temperature, what change will this cause in the system?
A) A shift to produce more NO C) A shift to produce more NO2
B) A shift to produce more CO D) No shift will occur
11. A chemical reaction is at equilibrium when
A) the concentrations of reactants is equal to the concentrations of products
B) the limiting reagent has been completely depleted
C) the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction
D) A and B.

12. What is the correct equilibrium constant expression for the following reaction? 2 NO 2(g)  2 NO(g) + O2(g)
2 2 2 2
A) KC = [O2] [NO]/[NO2] D) KC = [NO2] /[NO][O2]
2 2
B) KC= [O2][NO] /[NO2] E) None of the above
2 2
C) KC = [NO2] /[NO] [O2]
13. The equilibrium constant for the reaction 2 NH 3(g) N2(g) + 3 H2(g) is 3 x 10 at some temperature. What is KC for
the reaction 0.5 N2(g) + 1.5 H2(g)  NH3(g) at the same temperature?
A) 0.003 C) 18
B) 0.0 D) 20

14. Consider the reaction that describes the Haber process for the production of ammonia (NH 3): N2(g) + 3 H2(g)  2
o o
NH3(g) for which Kc at 300 C is 9.5. Calculate Kp for this reaction at 300 C
-3 4
A) Kp = 4.3 x 10 C) Kp = 2.1 x 10
B) Kp = 9.5 D) Kp = 1.6 x 10
15. For the reaction H2(g) + I2(g)  2 HI(g), Kc = 12.3 at some temperature T. If [H2] = [I2] = [HI] = 3.21 x 10 M at that
temperature, which one of the following statements is true?
A) The concentration of HI will rise as the system approaches equilibrium
B) The system is at equilibrium, so the concentrations will not change
C) The concentrations of H2 and I2 will increase as the system approaches equilibrium
D) The concentrations of H2 and HI will decrease as the system approaches equilibrium
E) Not enough information is given to answer the question
16. Kc for the reaction 2 NH3(g)  N2(g) + 3 H2(g) is 3 x 10 at some temperature. A mixture containing 1.0 mol of NH3,
0.50 mol of N2, and 0.15 mol of H2 is prepared at this temperature When equilibrium is reached,
A) there will be more N2 and H2 present D) there will be less NH3 and less N2 present
B) there will be more NH3 present E) No shift will occur
C) there will be less N2 but more H2 present.

17. If the equilibrium constant for the reaction PCl5  PCl3 + Cl2 is 1.0, how many moles of PCl5 must be placed into one
liter of solution in order to obtain 0.50 mol of PCl3 when the system reaches equilibrium?
A) 0.25 B) 0.50 C) 0.75 D) 1.00
- - -
18. When the reaction CH3Cl + OH  CH3OH + Cl is started with 0.1 mol of CH3Cl and 0.2 mol of OH , 0.03 mol of
CH3OH is present when the system reaches equilibrium. Calculate the equilibrium constant for the reaction.
A) 0.18 B) 0.08 C) 0.0009 D) 0.30

19. At some temperature, Kc for the reaction PCl5(g)  PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) is 0.020. If 0.10 mol of PCl5 and 0.20 mol of PCl3
are added to a 1-L flask, what will be the Cl2 concentration when equilibrium is reached?
A) 0.020 M B) 8.7 x 10 M C) 0.0052 M D) 0.12 M

20. Consider the following reaction: H2(g) + I2(g)  2 HI(g) for which, at some temperature, Kc = 4.0. When the reaction is
started with equimolar quantities of H2 and I2 and equilibrium is reached, 0.20 mol of HI is present. How much H2 was
used to start the reaction?
A) 0.10 mol B) 0.23 mol C) 0.20 mol D) 4.0 mol

TOPIC: Acids and Bases

1.A Brønsted acid is a(n) _____. 8. The concentration of OH ions in a
A) proton donor 0.0014 HCl solution is _____.
B) hydroxide ion donor A) M
C) proton acceptor B) M
D) electron donor C) M
D) 1 M
2. Which of the following can act both as a
Brønsted acid and base? 9. The pH of a 0.62 M KOH solution is
A) NH3 _____.
B) H2O A) 0.21
C) CO3 B) 13.79

D) OH C) 1.21
D) 12.79
3. The conjugate base of formic acid,
HCOOH, is _____. 10. The hydrogen ion concentration of a

A) OH solution having a pH of 2.42 is _____.
– –3
– –2
2– 2
D) CO2 C) M
D) M

4. In the reaction 11. Which of the following is true for a

solution having pH < 7?
+ –7
A) [H ] < 10 M
2– – –7
A) HPO4 is a conjugate acid B) [OH ] > 10 M
B) HPO4 is a conjugate base C) It is a basic solution.
+ –7
C) NH3 is an acid D) [H ] > 10 M
D) NH4 is a conjugate base
12. The pOH of a solution is 9.40. Its hydrogen ion
5. Which of the following is correct relating concentration is _____.
+ – –3
[H ] and [OH ] in solution at 25C? A) M
+ – –14 –5
A) [H ] + [OH B) 10 M
+ – –5
B) [H ] + [OH ] = 14.0 C) M
+ – 14 –9
C) [H ] [OH D) M
+ – –14
D) [H ] [OH
13. The number of moles of KOH in 5.50
6. pH is_______ mL of a 0.360 M KOH solution is _____.
+ –2
A) log [H ] A)
+ –3
B) – log 1/[H ] B)
+ –3
C) -log [H ] C)
D) 1/log[H ] D) 1.98

14. The pOH of 0.360 M KOH solution is

7. The equation relating pH and pOH is A) 0.444
_____. B) 13.556
A) pH x pOH = 14 C) 4.444
B) pH + pOH = 10 D) 9.556
C) pH + pOH = 14
D) pH + pOH = –14 15. An example of a strong acid is _____.
C) H2CO3
D) HClO4

16. The weakest acid below is _____. 17. Which of the following statements is true
A) HCl for a 1.0 M solution of a strong acid HA?
– +
B) HClO4 A) [A ] > [H ]
C) HF B) [HA] = 1.0 M
D) HNO3 C) pH = 1
D) pH = 0
18. Which of the following statements is true
with respect to the reaction below?

A) The reaction favors the

formation of F (aq).
– –
B) F is a stronger base than OH .
C) Hydrofluoric acid is a weaker
acid than water.
D) The reaction favors the
formation of HF(aq).

1. Which of the following reactions will perform negative work?
A. CO(g) + Cl2(g)  COCl2(g)
B. ZnS(s) + 3CO2(g)  ZnO(s) + 2SO2(g)
C. N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g)
D. 2Na(s) + 2H2O(l)  2NaOH(aq) + H2(g)
E. Al2O3(s) + 2Fe(s)  Fe2O3(s) + 2Al(s)

2. Ethanol undergoes combustion in oxygen to produce carbon dioxide gas and liquid water. The standard heat of
combustion of ethanol, C2H5OH(l), is -1366.8 kJ/mol. Given that Hf [CO2(g)] = -393.5 kJ/mol and Hf [H2O(l)] = -
285.8 kJ/mol, what is the standard enthalpy of formation of ethanol?
A. 3,010 kJ/mol
B. -687.6 kJ/mol
C. -277.6 kJ/mol
D. 687.6 kJ/mol
E. 1,367 kJ/mol

3. Given the standard enthalpy of formation for Al2O3(s). Hf = -1,670 kJ/mol
For the reaction 2Al2O3(s)  4Al(s) + 3O2(g), the enthalpy of the reaction is
A. 3,340 kJ/mol
B. 1,670 kJ/mol
C. -3,340 kJ/mol
D. -1,670 kJ/mol
E. -835 kJ/mol

4. Calculate the standard enthalpy of formation of liquid methanol, CH3OH(l), using the following information:
C(graph) + O2  CO2(g) H = -393.5 kJ/mol
H2(g) + (1/2)O2  H2O(l) H = -285.8 kJ/mol
CH3OH(l) + (3/2)O2(g)  CO2(g) + 2H2O(l)
H = -726.4 kJ/mol
A. -1,691.5 kJ/mol
B. -238.7 kJ/mol
C. 1691.5 kJ/mol
D. 47.1 kJ/mol
E. -47.1 kJ/mol

5 A gas is compressed in a cylinder from a volume of 20 L to 2.0 L by a constant pressure of 10.0 atm. Calculate the
amount of work done on the system.
1.01  10 J
B. -180 J
1.81 10 J
-1.81  10 J
E. 180 J

6. Which of the following processes always results in an increase in the energy of a system?
A. The system loses heat and does work on the surroundings.
B. The system gains heat and does work on the surroundings.
C. The system loses heat and has work done on it by the surroundings.
D. The system gains heat and has work done on it by the surroundings.
E. None of these is always true.

7. Which of the following statements is WRONG?
A. The heat capacity of 20.0 g of water is 83.7 J/C.
B. The work done on the surroundings by the expansion of a gas is w = PV.
C. The heat absorbed by a system at constant pressure is equal to E + PV.
D. In an endothermic process, heat is absorbed by the system.
E. A home aquarium is an example of an open system.


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