ISE 5110 Design of Experiments: Test I Study Guide

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ISE 5110

Design of Experiments
Test I Study Guide

There are a total of 27 questions.

Question Topics: (the number in parenthesis indicates the number of questions for that topic)

Given a scenario, you must define the proper tool or hypothesis to use. (6)
Determine goodness of fit of regression models
Given a narrative, fill in an ANOVA table
Given a regression model, predict output given a level for “x”
Understand what is meant by the MSE and R2 values; if given a Regression table, you can calculate both
What is meant by confidence interval (4)
Given a narrative, write the null and alternative hypothesis
Interpret the results of a hypothesis (5)
Understand the correlation coefficient, r
Understand the causes & effects of multicollinearity
Understand the difference in the measurement scales (nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio)
Understand what information a test statistic is providing
Given a Fobs and Fcritical, be able to determine an appropriate p-value
Given a narrative, fill in a Regression table
Understand the conventions of hypothesis testing

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