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Further reading from Keeping Archives (3rd Edition)

This consolidated list of further reading is provided for ease of reference.

Chapter 1: What are Archives & Archivists

Australian Society of Archivists Committee on Descriptive Standards 2007, Describing
archives in context: A guide to Australian practice, Australian Society of Archivists.
Biskup, P, Dan, K, McEwen, C, O’Shea, G & Powell, G 1995, Debates & discourses:
Selected Australian writings on archival theory 1951–1990, Australian Society of Archivists.
Bearman, D 1994, Electronic evidence: Strategies for managing records in contemporary
organisations, Archives and Museum Informatics, Pittsburgh.
Cook, T 1994, 'Electronic records, paper minds: The revolution in information management
and archives in the post-custodian and post-modernist era', Archives and Manuscripts, Vol.
22, No. 2., pp. 300 – 328.
Cunningham, A (ed.), The arrangement and description of archives amid administrative and
technological change: Essays and reflections by and about Peter J. Scott, (Australian Society
of Archivists–forthcoming).
Jenkinson, H 1965, A manual of archive administration (2nd edn reissue), P. Lund,
Humphries, London.
McKemmish, S & Piggott, M (eds) 1994, The records continuum, Ancora Press and
Australian Archives, Canberra.
McKemmish, S, Piggott, M, Reed, B & Upward, F (eds) 2005, Archives: Recordkeeping in
society, Centre for Information Studies, Charles Sturt University.
McKemmish, S & Upward, F 1994, 'Somewhere beyond custody', Archives and Manuscripts,
vol. 22, no. 1, viewed 1 May 2008,
Schellenberg, TR 1956, Modern archives: Principles and techniques, F W Cheshire,
Scott, P J 1966, ‘The record group concept: A case for abandonment’, The American
Archivist, vol. 29, October, pp. 493-504 (reprinted in Biskup 1995 and Cunningham
forthcoming – listed above).
Standards Australia, AS 4390 – 1996 Records Management
Standards Australia, AS ISO 15489 – 2003 Records Management
Reed, B 1999, 'Archives of the new millennium: Exploring the archival issues of the early
twenty-first century ', Paper presented as the keynote address at the 23rd Annual Conference
of Archives and Records Association of New Zealand, Auckland, July, viewed 1 May 2008,

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

Upward, F 1994, 'In search of the continuum: Ian Maclean's "Australian Experience" Essays
on recordkeeping', The records continuum: Ian Maclean and Australian Archives first fifty
years, Ancora Press in association with Australian Archives, Clayton, viewed 1 May 2008,

Upward, F 1996, ‘Structuring the records continuum, Part One: Post-custodial principles and
properties’, Archives and Manuscripts, vol.24, no.2, viewed 1 May 2008,
Upward, F 1997, ‘Structuring the records continuum, Part Two: Structuration theory and
recordkeeping’, Archives and Manuscripts, vol.25, no.1, viewed 1 May 2008,
Australian Society of Archivists 2008, Dickson, ACT, viewed 1 May 2008,
Understanding Society through its Records 2008, Curtain University of Technology, Perth,
Western Australia, viewed 1 May 2008,
The Records Continuum Research Group (RCRG) 2008, Monash University, Caulfield,
Melbourne, viewed 1 May 2008,
International Council on Archives 2008, Paris, France, viewed 1 May 2008,

Chapter 2: Getting Organised

Yakel, E 1994, Starting an archives: Chicago, Ill and Metuchen, NJ: SAA and Scarecrow
Cox, R 1992, ‘Managing institutional archives: Foundational principles and practices’,
Greenwood Press, Westport.
Keep it for the future! How to set up a small community archives. National Archives of
Australia 2007
Managing and Preserving Community Archives. Te Tari Tohu Taonga National Preservation
Office of New Zealand, National Library of New Zealand and Archives New Zealand 2005
State Library of Queensland 2008, Local history and small archives training manual, viewed
3 May 2008,

The National Archives (UK) National Advisory Services 2008, Advice on caring for archives
and strategic issues for archives, viewed 3 May 2008,

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

Preserving Australia's Multicultural Documentary Heritage: A Starter Kit 2004, National
Library of Australia, viewed 3 May 2008,

Chapter 3: Buildings & Storage

British Standards Institute 2000, British Standard BS5454–2000, Storage and exhibition of
archival documents, viewed 1 May 2008,
Duchein, M 1988, Archive buildings and equipment, K.G. Saur Verlag GmbH & Co. KG,
Heritage Collections Council 2002, Guidelines for environmental control in cultural
institutions, Heritage Collections Council.
Kitching, C 1993, Archive buildings in the United Kingdom 1977–1992, Royal Commission
on Historical Manuscripts, HMSO, London.
Ling, T 1997, Guidelines for mobile shelving for archives, libraries and museums, National
Archives of Australia, Sydney.
Ling, T 1998, Solid, safe, secure: Building archives repositories in Australia, National
Archives of Australia, Canberra.
Storage standards produced by Archives New Zealand (2000), State Records New South
Wales (2000), and the National Archives of Australia (2001).

Chapter 4: Preservation
Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material (AICCM) 2002, Code of ethics
and practice, viewed 1 May 2008,
Adelstein, PZ 2004, IPI media storage quick reference, Image Permanence Institute.
Burge, DM, Reilly, JM & Nishimura, DW 2002, ‘Effects of enclosure papers and paper
boards containing lignins on photographic image stability’, The Journal of the American
Institute for Conservation, Vol. 41, No. 3. pp. 279–290.
Clarkson, C 1994, ‘Rediscovering parchment: the nature of the beast’, in Conservation and
preservation in small libraries, essays based on the conference papers of the Fifth
Anniversary Conference of the Parker Library Conservation Project, Parker Library
Publications, Cambridge, U.K.
Davies, A & Stanbury, P 1985, The mechanical eye in Australia: Photography 1841–1900,
Oxford University Press, London.

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

Ellis, J (ed.) 1993, Keeping archives 2nd edn, The Australian Society of Archivists, DW
Thorpe, Melbourne.
Forde, H 1998, Preservation and conservation of documents; Problems and solutions, Janus,
International Council on Archives.
Forde, H 1999, 'Preservation as a strategic function and an integrated component of archives
management' in 'Access to information: preservation issues', Proceedings of the thirty-fourth
international conference of the round table on archives, Budapest, pp 21-30.
Forde, H 2007, Preserving archives, Facet Publishing, London.
Fox, LL 1986. Preservation microfilming: A guide for librarians and archivists. The
Association of Research Libraries, United States of America.
Gorman, GE & Shep, SJ (ed.) 2006, Preservation management for libraries, archives and
museums, Facet Publishing, London.
Hadgraft, N & Swift, K (eds.) 1994, Conservation and Preservation in Small Libraries.
Parker Library Publications, Cambridge, U.K.
Hendriks, KB 1991, Fundamentals of photograph conservation: A study guide, Lugus
Publications, Canada.
Heritage Collections Council 1998, reCollections: Caring for collections across Australia,
Commonwealth of Australia.
Heritage Collections Council 2000, reCollections: Caring for collections across Australia,
Commonwealth Government, viewed 1 May 2008,
International Standards Organisation 2007, ISO 18916:2007 – Imaging materials – Processed
imaging materials – Photographic activity test for enclosure materials.
Johnson, AW 1978, The Thames and Hudson manual of bookbinding, Thames and Hudson,
Kissel, E & Vigneau, E 1999, Architectural photoreproductions: A manual for identification
and care, Oak Knoll Press, The New York Botanical Garden.
Kite, M & Tomson, R 2006, Conservation of leather and related materials, Butterworth-
Heinemann, Amsterdam.
Lowell, W & Nelb, TR 2006, Architectural records: Managing design and construction
records, Society of American Archivists, U.S.A.
Middleton, BC 1972, The restoration of leather binding. Library Technology Program,
American Library Association, Chicago.
Nitterus, M 2000, Ethanol as fungal sanitiser in paper conservation, Restaurator, 21, pp.
Reilly, JM 1986, The Care and identification of 19th century photographs, Kodak, U.S.A.
Reilly, JM 1993, IPI storage guide for acetate film, Image Permanence Institute, New York.

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

Ritzenthaler, ML & Vogt-O’Connor, D 2006, Photographs: Archival care and management.
Society of American Archivists, Chicago.
Roosa, M (n.d.), Care, handling and storage of photographs, International Federation of
Library Associations and Institutions. Revised and updated by Andrew Robb, 2002.
Soderlund, K 2000, Be prepared: Guidelines for small museums for writing a disaster
preparedness plan, Heritage Collections Council, viewed 1 May 2008,
Standards Australia, AS 4003-1996 - Record Management (superseded).
Tetreault, J (n.d.), Airborne pollutants in museums, galleries and archives: Risk assessment,
control strategies and preservation management, CCI, Canada.
Teygeler, R 2005, ‘Preserving Paper: Recent advances’, in Feather, J (ed.), Managing
preservation for libraries and archives: Current practice and future developments, Ashgate
Publishing, Aldershot, Hants, England, April, pp. 83-112.
The National Trust 2006, Manual of housekeeping: The care of collections in historic houses
open to the public, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, U.K.
Weber, H 1999, ‘Integrated preservation: Achieving best results with scarce resources’ in
‘Access to information: preservation issues’, Proceedings of the Thirty-fourth International
Conference of the Round Table on Archives, Budapest, pp. 103-08.
Wilhelm, H 1993, The permanence and care of color photographs: Traditional and digital
color prints, color negatives, slides and motion pictures, Preservation Publishing Company,

Chapter 5: Appraisal & Disposal

Anthony, J 2003, ‘Political archives: Defining key issues in a significant private records
arena’, Archives and manuscripts, vol. 31, no. 1.
Archives New Zealand 2005, Preparing an appraisal report, viewed 1 May 2008,
Archives New Zealand 2006, Fact sheet: Methods of destruction, viewed 1 May 2008,
Archives New Zealand (n.d.), Continuum resource kit, viewed 1 May 2008,
Collections Australia Network 2008, Ultimo, Sydney, viewed 1 May 2008,
Cunningham, A 2005, ‘Some functions are more equal than others: the National Archives’
macro-appraisal project’, Paper presented to the South Australian Branch of the Australian
Society of Archivists, Adelaide, 21 July 2005, viewed.1 May 2008, <>

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

Ellen, J, Hart, T, Piggott, M & Merrett, D 2004, ‘Making archival choices for business
history’, Australian Economic History Review, vol. 44, no. 2, p. 190.
Gleaves, J & O'Neill, S 2003, ‘Preserving the old school tie–Why school archivists find it
hard saying “no thank you” to the fifth donation of a rowing oar’, Archives and manuscripts ,
vol. 31, no. 1.
Harris, V 2000, Exploring archives: An introduction to archival ideas and practice in South
Africa, Pretoria, National Archives of South Africa.
Harris 2002, ‘The archival sliver: Power, memory and archives in South Africa’, Archival
Science, 2, pp. 73–74.
Hyry, T & Weiderman, C 2004, 'American appraisal theories and practice: A view from a
private archives', Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on Archives, Vienna,
Austria, viewed 1 May 2008,
International Council on Archives, Guidelines on appraisal, viewed 1 May 2008,
Information Enterprises Australia 2007, The Australian records retention manual, Fremantle.
International Standards Organisation 2001, ISO 15489-1 Records management: General.
International Standards Organisation 2001, ISO 15489-2 Records Management: Technical
The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives (n.d.), Creating the
synagogue archives: Collection policy and appraisal, viewed 30 November 2007,
Mandela, NR 2005, ‘Foreword’, Nelson Mandela Foundation 2005, A prisoner in the
garden: Opening Nelson Mandela’s prison archives, Penguin Group (Australia),
Camberwell, Victoria.
Marshall, JA 2006, Accounting for disposition: A comparative case study of appraisal
documentation at the National Archives and Records Administration in the United States,
Library and Archives Canada and the National Archives of Australia, Graduate Faculty of
the Department of Library and Information Science of the School of Information Sciences,
University of Pittsburgh, pp.188–89, viewed 1 May 2008,
National Archives of Australia 2001, Designing and implementing recordkeeping systems
(DIRKS) manual, viewed 23 February 2008, <
National Archives of Australia (n.d.), Normal Administrative Practice, viewed 18 February
National Archives of Australia 2007, Sentencing, viewed 1 May 2008,

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

Newton, T 2001, ‘Will the tension ever end? Some observations and suggestions from an
appraisal archivist’, Archives and Manuscripts, vol. 29, no. 1.
Piggott, M 2001, 'Appraisal–the state of the art', Paper delivered at a professional
development workshop presented by Australian Society of Archives, South Australia Branch,
26 March 2001, viewed 1 May 2008,
Public Record Office Victoria 2006, Appraisal Policy, viewed 18 October 2007,
Reed, B 2002, ‘Appraisal: an overview of theory and practice’, in 'Past Caring?: What does
Society expect of Archivists', Proceedings of the Conference of the Australian Society of
Archivists, Sydney, 13–17 August.
Reed, B 2003, 'Diverse influence: An exploration of Australian appraisal practice (Part One)',
Archives and Manuscripts, vol. 31, no. 1.
Reed, B 2005, 'Records', in McKemmish, S, Piggott, M, Reed, B & Upward, F (eds),
Archives: Recordkeeping in society, Centre for Information Studies, Charles Sturt University,
Wagga Wagga.
Wickman, D 2000, 'Bright specimens for the curious, or the somewhat imponderable guided
by the unfathomable: Use, users and appraisal in archival literature', Archives and
Manuscripts, vol. 28, no. 1, p. 65.
Smithsonian Institution Archive 2007, National Collections Program, Developing a
collections management policy: Policy versus procedure, viewed 30 November 2007,
Standards Australia 1996, AS 4390–1996: Records management Part 1.
State Records New South Wales 2007, The DIRKS manual–Strategies for documenting
government business, viewed 23 February 2008.
State Records New South Wales 2007, 'Appendix 1: Overview of documentation
requirements' in Procedures for disposal authorisation, viewed 23 February 2008.
State Records NSW 2007, Standard on the appraisal and disposal of State records, viewed
19 February 2008. on the
appraisal and disposal of state records.pdf
State Records NSW (n.d.), Glossary of recordkeeping terms, viewed 18 February 2008,
Williams, C 2006, Managing archives, Chandos Publishing, London.
National Archives of Australia (n.d.), Normal administrative practice, viewed 18 February

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

Chapter 6: Acquisition
Australian Society of Archivists 1993, ASA Code of Ethics, Australian Society of Archivists,
Canberra, ACT.
Boadle, D 2006, ‘Regional archives networking–The collecting of State Records by NSW
regional repositories’, Connections & conversations, Australian Society of Archivists
Conference, Port Macquarie, New South Wales.
Brittain, C 2002, ‘Eros Foundation archive’, In ‘Past Caring?: What Does Society Expect Of
Archivists?’, Proceedings of the Australian Society of Archivists Conference, Sydney, 13–17
August, pp.73-81
Cook, T 1993, ‘“Down Under” comes out on top’, Archives and Manuscripts, vol. 21,
November, p. 272.
Commonwealth Public Service Board 1964, Handbook for departmental registrars,
Commonwealth Public Service Board, Canberra, ACT.
Cunningham, A 1998, ‘From here to eternity: Collecting archives and the need for a national
documentation strategy’ in LASIE, March 1998, pp. 32-45, viewed 1 May 2008,
Doubleday, W 2006, ‘Regional archives networking – From System to Network?’,
Connections & Conversations, Australian Society of Archivists Conference , Port Macquarie,
New South Wales.
Eastwood, TE 1989, ‘Reflections on the development of archives in Canada and Australia’ in
Papers and proceedings of the 7th biennial Conference of the Australian Society of
Archivists, Hobart, Tasmania, pp. 76-81.
Ellis, J (ed.) 1993, Keeping Archives, 2nd edn, The Australian Society of Archivists, DW
Thorpe, Melbourne.
Gleaves, J & O’Neill, S 2003 ‘Preserving the Old School Tie–Why school archivists find it
hard saying “no thank you” to the fifth donation of a rowing oar’ , Archives and Manuscripts,
Vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 51-61.
Huebner, S & Cooper, K 2007, ‘Koorie culture and technology: A digital archive project for
Victorian Koorie communities’, Archives and Manuscripts, Vol. 35, May, pp.18-33.
Laszlo, K 2006, ‘Ethnographic archival records and cultural property’, Archivaria, No. 61,
Spring, p. 301.
Logan, J 2006, ‘Regional archives networking–Do Regions Matter?…’, Connections &
conversations, Australian Society of Archivists Conference, Port Macquarie, New South
McKemmish, S 1993, ‘Introducing archives and archival programs’ in Keeping Archives, 2nd
edn, The Australian Society of Archivists, Melbourne.

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

McKemmish S, Piggott M, Reed B & Upward F (eds) 2005, Archives: Recordkeeping in
Society, Centre for Information Studies, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, New South
Piggott, M 2005, ‘Building collective memory archives’, Archives and Manuscripts, Vol. 33,
May, p. 75.
Piggott, M 2007, ‘Fraught and fascinating artefacts in archives’, UMA Bulletin–News from
the University of Melbourne Archives, No. 21, July, pp. 4–5.
Riley, J 1997, ‘Integrating archival programs into the core business of the independent
school’ in Archives and Manuscripts, Vol. 25, May, pp. 50-61.
Samuels, HW 1992, ‘Improving our disposition: Documentation strategy’, Archivaria, No.
33, Winter, pp. 125-6.
Commonwealth Government Cultural Gifts Program 2008, Australian Government, ACT,
viewed 1 May 2008,
Noel Butlin Archives Centre 2008, Procedure Guide to Transferring Records, Australian
National University, Acton, Canberra, viewed 1 May 2008,

Chapter 7: Accessioning
Jenkinson, H 1965, A manual of archive administration, 2nd edn reissue, P. Lund,
Humphries, London.
Archives Association of British Columbia 2006, The archivist’s toolkit: Appraisal and
accessioning, viewed 1 May 2008,

Chapter 8: Arrangement & Description

McKemmish, S & Piggott, M (eds) 1994, The records continuum, Ancora Press and
Australian Australia.
Australian Society of Archivists Committee on Descriptive Standards 2003, Describing
archives in context: A Guide to Australian Practice, Australian Society of Archivists,
Canberra, ACT.
International Council on Archives, Committee on Descriptive Standards 1999, General
international standard on archival description, ISAD(G) 2nd edn, adopted by the Committee

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

of Descriptive Standards,19-22 September at Stockholm, Sweden, viewed 1 May 2008,
International Council on Archives, Committee on Descriptive Standards 2003, International
standard archival authority record for corporate bodies, persons and families, 2nd edn.
Adopted by the Committee of Descriptive Satndards, 27-30 October at Canberra, ACT,
viewed 1 May 2008,
Australian Society of Archivists 1995, Debates and discourses: Selected Australian writings
on archival theory 1951 – 1990, Australian Society of Archivists, Canberra.
National Archives of Australia 1999, CRS manual, viewed 1 May 2008,

Chapter 9: Enriching the Record: Documentation Programs

Charlton, TL, Myers, LE & Sharpless, R 2006, Handbook of oral history, AltaMira Press,
Walnut Creek, CA.
Council on Library and Information Resources 2006, Capturing analogue sound for digital
preservation: Report of a roundtable discussion of best practices for transferring analogue
discs and tapes, Commissioned for and sponsored by the National Recording Preservation
Board, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C, viewed 1 May 2008,
Gluck, SB 2008, An Oral History Primer, California State University, viewed 1 May 2008,
Hampe, B 1997, Making documentary films and reality video: A practical guide to planning,
filming, and editing documentaries of real events, 1st edn, Henry Holt and Company, New
Harlan, D 2003, ‘Ken Burns and the coming crisis of academic history’, Rethinking History,
vol. 7, no. 2, June, pp. 169–92.
Heyler, D, Reilly, LG, Skiffington Dickson, D, & Romano, S 2006, The oral history project:
Connecting students to their community, Grades 4-8, Heinemann, Portsmouth, NH.

Jeffrey, J & Edwall, G (eds) 1994, Memory and history: Essays on remembering and
interpreting human experience, University Press of America, Lanham, MD, viewed 1 May
Library of Congress: American Memory 2008, Using oral history in the classroom, Library
of Congress, Washington, viewed 1 May 2008,

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

Matters, M 1995, Oral history cataloguing manual, Society of American Archivists, Chicago,
Moss, WW 1974, Oral history program manual, New York, Praeger.
Perks, R & Thomson, A (eds) 2006, Oral history reader, 2nd edn, Routledge, New York.
Ritchie, DA 2003, Doing oral history: A practical guide, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press,
Robertson, B (comp.) 2006, Oral history handbook, 5th edn, Oral History Association of
Australia, South Australia Branch, Adelaide, SA.
Northern Territory Archives Service (n.d.), Oral history exhibition on Darwin and cyclone
Tracy, Northern Territory Government, Darwin, viewed 1 May 2008,
Perks, R & Thomson, A (eds) 2006, Oral history reader, 2nd edn, New York, NY:
State Records Office NSW 2006, Vital Signs.A special issue on the making of ‘In Living
Memory’, an exhibition of photographs from the NSW Aborigines Protection/Welfare Board,
viewed 1 May 2008,
The Arts and Humanities Data Service 2008, Kings College London, viewed 3 May 2008,
National Library of Australia 2008, viewed 3 May,
Oral History Association of Australia 2008 East Victoria Park, WA, viewed 3 May 2008,
Oral History Association 2002, (USA), Principles and standards of the oral history
association, viewed 3 May 2008,
Society of American Archivists Visual Materials Section 2008, viewed 3 May 2008,
H-Oralhist 2008, a discussion list maintained by H-Net, Humanities and Social Sciences
Online, Mitchigan State University, viewed 1 May 2008,
Visual Mat 2008, a discussion list maintained by the Visual Materials Section of the Society
of American Archivists, viewed 1 May 2008,

Chapter 10: Using Computers


Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

ARMA International and Society of American Archivists 2002, Sample forms for archival
and records management programs, ARMA International, Lenexa, Kansas and Society of
American Archivists, Chicago, Illinois.
Lake, D, Hartley, K, Morgan, H & Siedel Wall, D (comp.) 2003, International Council on
Archives: Committee on Information Technology, Archival automation: A bibliography,
viewed 3 May 2008,
Lake, D, Loiselle, RF & Stiedel Wall, D (comp.) 2003, International Council on Archives:
Committee on Information Technology, Market survey of commercially available off-the-
shelf archival management software, viewed 3 May 2008,
More information mentioned in the text is available from the following websites:
ADLIB Archive 2008, Flexible software for archives, libraries and museums, The
Netherlands, viewed 3 May 2008,
Archive Manager 2008, SurveyPlus, Western Australia, viewed 3 May 2008,
Archives Online 2006, Vancouver British Columbia, viewed 3 May 2008,
Archivists Toolkit 2007, a collaboration of the University of California San Diego Libraries,
the New York University Libraries and the Five Colleges, Inc. Libraries, viewed 3 May 2008,
Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre 2008, The University of Melbourne,
viewed 3 May 2008,
Minisis M2A 2008, Vancouver British Columbia, viewed 3 May 2008,
Tabularium 2004, State Records of NSW, viewed 3 May 2008,

Chapter 11: Access & Reference Services

Attorney General’s Department, Australian Government, Freedom of Information Act 1982,
viewed 3 May 2008,
Australian Copyright Council 2006, Libraries & copyright: a practical guide, (e-book),
Copyright Law Branch, Attorney-General’s Department, Australian Government, Copyright
Act 1968 (Commonwealth), Barton, ACT, viewed 3 May 2008,

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

Copyright Law Branch, Attorney-General’s Department, Australian Government, Copyright
Amendment Regulations 1969 (Commonwealth), Barton, ACT, viewed 3 May 2008,
Kepley, DR 1988, ‘Reference service and access’, in Bradsher, JG (ed.), Managing archives
and archival institutions, Mansell, London.
McCausland, S 1993, ‘Access and reference services’, in Ellis, J (ed.), Keeping Archives, 2nd
edn, DW Thorpe, Melbourne.
Pugh, MJ 2005, Providing reference services for archives and manuscripts, Society of
American Archivists, Chicago.
Summerrell, R 1999, ‘Improving the education and professional development of reference
archivists’, in Archives and manuscripts: Journal of the Australian Society of Archivists, vol.
27, May 1999, no. 1, pp. 74-95.
Williams, C 2006, Managing archives: Foundations, principles and practice, Chandos,
Australian Copyright Council 2008, Online Information Centre, Redfern, NSW, viewed 3
May 2008,
Copyright Law Branch 2008, Attorney-General’s Department, Australian Government,
viewed 3 May 2008, <>
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Library and Information Resources Network 2005,
Australian Library and Information Association, viewed 3 May 2008,

Chapter 12: Finding Aids

Evans, J, McKemmish, S & Bhoday, K 2005, ‘Create once, use many times: The clever use
of recordkeeping metadata for multiple archival purposes’, Archival Science, vol. 5, pp. 17-
Hedstrom, M 1998, ‘How do archivists make electronic archives usable and accessible?’,
Archives & Manuscripts, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 6-22.
Hurley, C 1998, ‘The making and the keeping of records (1): What are finding aids for?’,
Archives & Manuscripts, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 58-77.
Hurley, C 2000, ‘The making and the keeping of records (2): The tyranny of listing’,
Archives & Manuscripts, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 8-23.
International Standards Organisation 2001, ISO15489 International standard – records
International Standards Organisation 2004, ISO/TS23081-1:2004 Information and
documentation records management processes. Metadata for records: Part IPrinciples.

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

McKemmish, S, Piggot, M, Reed, B & Upward, F (eds) 2005, Archives: Recordkeeping in
society, Centre for Information Studies, Charles Sturt University.
McKemmish, S, Gilliland-Swetland, A & Ketelaar, E 2005, ‘Communities of memory:
Pluralising archival research and education agendas’, Archives &Manuscripts , vol. 33, no. 1,
pp. 146-174.
O’Reilly, T 2005, ‘What is Web 2.0?’, O’Reilly, viewed 3 May 2008.
Reed, B 2005, ‘Beyond Perceived Boundaries: Imagining the potential of pluralised
recordkeeping’, Archives & Manuscripts, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 176-197.
Spindler, R, Kiesling, K, Pitti, D, Gibbs-Thibodeau, S & Barry, RK 2002, ‘Development of
the Encoded Archival Description DTD’, viewed 3 May 2008,
Yakel, E, Shaw, S, & Reynolds, P 2007, ‘Creating the next generation of archival finding
aids’, D-Lib Magazine, vol. 13, no. 5/6, viewed 3 May 2008,

Chapter 13: Digitisation & Imaging

Cornell University Library 2003, Moving theory into practice: Digital imaging tutorial,
viewed 3 May 2008,
Elkington, N (ed.) 1994, RLG Archives microfilming manual, The Research Libraries Group,
Fox, LL (ed.) 1995, Preservation microfilming: A guide for librarians and archivists, 2nd
edn, American Library Association.
Hartley, K, Lake, D, Morgan, H & Seidel Wall, D, (comp.) 2002, Archival automation: A
bibliography, International Council on Archives: Committee on Information Technology,
viewed 3 May 2008,
Kenney, AR & Rieger, OY 2000 (eds and principal authors), Moving theory into practice:
Digital imaging for libraries and archives, Research Libraries Group, Mountain View,
Lee, SD 2001, Digital imaging: A practical handbook, Library Association Publishing,
National Archives and Records Administration 2004, Technical guidelines for digitizing
archival materials for electronic access: Creation of production master files – Raster images,
viewed 3 May 2008,
Queensland State Archives 2006, Guideline for best practice, microfilming of public records,
viewed 3 May 2008,

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

Sitts, MK, (ed.) 2000, Handbook for digital projects: A Management tool for preservation
and access, Northeast Document Conservation Center, Andover, Massachusetts.
Technical Advisory Service for Images 2005, File formats and compression, viewed 3 May
Technical Advisory Service for Images 2006, Metadata and digital images, viewed 3 May
The lists below are not comprehensive as there are many specific standards for different
aspects of digitisation and microfilming. Information on current standards is available from:

• International Organisation for Standardisation

• Standards Australia

• Standards New Zealand

Digitisation standards:
ISO/TS 12033:2001 Electronic imaging – Guidance for selection of document image
compression methods
ISO 12641:1997 Graphic technology – Prepress digital data exchange – Colour targets for
input scanner calibration
ISO 12653-1:2000 Electronic imaging – Test target for the black-and-white scanning of
office documents – Part 1: Characteristics
ISO 12653-2:2000 Electronic imaging – Test target for the black-and-white scanning of
office documents – Part 2: Method of use
Microfilming standards
MP 25:2002 Basic guide to microfilming (available through Standards Australia)
ISO 446:2004 Micrographics – ISO character and ISO test chart No. 1– Description and use
ISO 6148:2001 Micrographics – Films, spools and cores – Dimensions
ISO 3334:2006 Micrographics – ISO resolution test chart No. 2 – Description and use
AS/NZS 4589:1999 Micrographics – Microfilming of documents on 16 mm and35 mm silver-
gelatin type microfilm – Operating procedures
ISO 6199:2005 Micrographics – Microfilming of documents on 16 mm and 35mm silver-
gelatin type microfilm – Operating procedures
ISO 6200:1999 Micrographics – First generation silver-gelatin microforms of source
documents – Density specifications and method of measurement
ISO 8514-1:2000 Micrographics – Alphanumeric computer output microforms – Quality
control – Part 1: Characteristics of the test slide and test data

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

ISO 8514-2:2000 Micrographics – Alphanumeric computer output microforms – Quality
control – Part 2: Method
ISO/TR 10200:19
90/Amd 1:1997 Legal admissibility of microforms; Amendment 1
ISO 10550:1994 Micrographics – Planetary camera systems – Test target for checking
ISO 11928-1:2000 Micrographics – Quality control of graphic COM recorders – Part 1:
Characteristics of the test frames
ISO 11928-2:2000 Micrographics – Quality control of graphic COM recorders – Part 2:
Quality criteria and control
ISO 12653-1:2000 Electronic imaging – Test target for the black-and-white scanning of
office documents – Part 1: Characteristics
ISO 12653-2:2000/Cor 1:2002 Electronic imaging – Test target for the black and-white
scanning of office documents – Part 2: Method of use; TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1
ISO 18901:2002 Imaging materials –Processed silver-gelatin type black-and white films –
Specifications for stability
ISO 18911:2000 Imaging materials – Processed safety photographic films – Storage
ISO 18917:1999 Photography – Determination of residual thiosulfate and other related
chemicals in processed photographic materials – Methods using iodine-amylose, methylene
blue and silver sulfide

Chapter 14: Advocacy & Outreach

Bannister, SM 1994, Family treasures: Videotaping your family history, Clearfield Company
Baltimore, Maryland.
Baum, WK 1987, Oral History for the local historical society, 3rd edn, AltaMira Press and
the American Association for State and Local History, Walnut Creek, California.
Beagrie, N & Jones, M 2001, Preservation management of digital materials: A handbook,
The British Library, London.
Chorzman, TA 1993, A practical introduction to videohistory: The Smithsonian Institution
and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation experiment. Malabar, FL: Krieger Publishing Company,
Malabar, Florida.
Cole, C 2003, ‘The Los Angeles Public Library’s Neighborhood (photography)] Project
2003’, Views: The Newsletter of the Visual Materials Section of the Society of American
Archivists, 18/1 December, pp. 1-5.

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

Davidson, S & Lukow, G 1997, The administration of television newsfilm and videotape
collections: A curatorial manual,. American Film Institute and Wolfson Media History
Center. Miami.
Dunaway, DK & Baum WK (eds) 1996, Oral history: An interdisciplinary anthology, 2nd
edn, AltaMira Press, Walnut Creek, California.
Gluck, SB, An Oral History Primer, viewed 16 October 2003.
Grout, K, Purdy, P & Rymer, J 2000, Creating digital resources for the visual arts:
Standards and good practice, Oxbow Books, Oxford.
Jeffrey, J & Edwall, G (eds) 1994, Memory and history: Essays on remembering and
interpreting human experience, University Press of America, Lanham, Maryland, viewed 3
May 2008,
Jenkins, L 1999, Talking together: A guide to community oral history projects, Kelvin Grove,
QL: OHAA QL, Kelvin Grove, Brisbane.
Kammen, C 2003, On doing local history, 2nd edn, AltaMira Press, Walnut Creek,
Kenny, AR & Rieger, O 2000, Moving theory into practice: Digital imaging for libraries and
archives, Research Libraries Group, Washington, DC.
Matters, M 1995, Oral history cataloguing manual, Society of American Archivists, Chicago,
Perks, R & Thomson, A 1998 (eds), Oral history reader, Routledge, New York.
Price, R 1992, Family memories: A guide to reminiscing, State Library of NSW Press in
association with Bob Price, Sydney.
Ritchie, DA 2003, Doing oral history: A practical guide, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press,
Robertson, B (comp.) 2000, Oral history handbook, Revised and extended 4th edn, Oral
History Association of Australia (South Australian Branch), Adelaide, SA.
Sommer, BW & Quinlan, MK 2002, The oral history manual. AltaMira Press, Walnut Creek,
Sterne, J 2003, The audible past: Cultural origins of sound reproduction. Duke University
Press Durham, North Carolina.
Thompson, P 1998, The voice of the past: Oral history, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press,
H-Oralhist 2008, a discussion list maintained by H-Net, Humanities and Social Sciences
Online, Mitchigan State University, viewed 1 May 2008,

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

Visual Mat 2008, a discussion list maintained by the Visual Materials Section of the Society
of American Archivists, viewed 1 May 2008,
International Oral History Association, viewed 3 May 2008,
The Library of Congress: American Memory 2002, viewed 3 May 2008,
MIC: Moving Image Collections Portal 2003, Rutgers University Libraries, viewed 3 May
Oral History Association of Australia 2008 East Victoria Park, WA, viewed 3 May 2008,
Society of American Archivists Visual Materials Section 2008, viewed 3 May 2008,

Chapter 15: Digital Recordkeeping

AS 4390.1-1996 Records Management Part 1: General Clause 4.20
Australasian Digital Recordkeeping Initiative (ADRI) 2007, Model plan for an archival
authority implementing digital recordkeeping and archiving, viewed 10 March 2008,
Bearman, D 1994, Electronic evidence, Archives and Museum Informatics, Pittsburgh.
Bradley, K, Lei, J, & Blackall, C 2007, Towards an open-source archival repository and
preservation system: Recommendations on the implementation of an open-source digital
archival and preservation system and on related software development, UNESCO, Paris.
viewed 10 March 2008,
Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems 2002, Reference model for an open archival
information system (OAIS), CCSDS Secretariat, viewed 3 May 2008,
Eberhard, K & Fawbert, J 2007, Records retention schedule for non-government schools,
Australian Society of Archivists Inc, Dickson, ACT.
Ellis, JA (ed.) 2000, Selected essays in electronic recordkeeping in Australia, Australian
Society of Archivists, O’Connor, ACT.
International Organization for Standardization, AS ISO 15489 – 2003: Records Management
International Organization for Standardization, AS ISO 19005.1-2006: Document
management – Electronic document file format for long-term preservation – Use of PDF 1.4

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

International Organization for Standardization, AS ISO 23081.1-2006: Information and
documentation - Records management processes - Metadata for records - Principles
International Organization for Standardization, AS ISO 23081.2-2006: Information and
documentation - Records management processes - Metadata for records – Conceptual and
implementation issues
International Organization for Standardization, ISO 14721:2003 Space data and information
transfer systems – Open archival information system (OAIS)–Reference model
Monash University Records Continuum Research Group, Clever recordkeeping metadata
project, viewed 10 March 2008,
National Archives of Australia 2002, An approach to the preservation of digital records,
Canberra, viewed 10 March 2008,
OASIS ODF Adoption Technical Committee 2006, Open by design: The advantages of the
Open Document Format (ODF) An OASIS White Paper, viewed 10 March 2008,
OCLC and the Research Libraries Group, PREMIS (PREservation Metadata: Implementation
Strategies) Working Group, viewed 10 March 2008,
Public Record Office Victoria, Victorian electronic records strategy (VERS), viewed 10
March 2008,
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Canada), National Historical Publications
and Records Commission and the National Science Foundation of the United States,
InterPARES project, viewed 10 March 2008,
Standards Australia, AS 4390 – 1996: Records Management
State Records NSW 2002, Future proof: Ensuring the accessibility of equipment/technology
dependent records, viewed 10 March 2008,
State Records NSW 2003, The DIRKS manual – Strategies for documenting government
business, viewed 10 March 2008,
The National Archives (UK) 2004, Guideline on the realisation of benefits from electronic
records management, viewed 10 March 2008,

Chapter 16: Plans, Photographs & Objects

Collins J, Collins S, Garnaut C ‘Behind the Image: Assessing Architectural Drawings as
Cultural Records’ Archives and Manuscripts Vol. 35, No. 2 , November 2007

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

Lathrop, A, Appraisal of Architectural Records in Practice: The Northwest Architectural
Archives’, American Archivist, Vol. 59, No. 2 1996
McGing A and Picot A, ‘The Conservation of Building Plans Project’ Archives and
Manuscripts Vol 16, No. 2, November 1988
Ritzenthaler, ML, Munof, GJ & Long, MS 1984, Administration of photographic collections,
SAA Basic manual Series, Chicago.
Ritzenthaler, ML, Vogt-O'Connor, DL, Zinkham, H, Carnell, B & Peterson 2006,
Photographs: Archival Care and Management, Society of American Archivists, Chicago.
Wythe, D (editor) 2004, Museum Archives: An Introduction (2nd ed.), Society of American
Archivists, Chicago, Illinois.
Van Bronswijk, B ‘Architectural Archives: Who collects the designs and papers of Australian
Architects?’ Voices: The quarterly journal of the National Library of Australia Vol. 7, no. 2,
Architecture Archives in Europe, ‘Guidelines to managing architectural records’ 1st Edition,
December 2004 at (accessed 28 April 2008)
Heritage Collections Council 2001 ‘Significance: A guide to assessing the significance of
cultural heritage objects and collections’ (reprint 2003; under review 2008/2009)
NB: See also Readings for Chapter 4 for readings regarding photographic collections

Chapter 17: Sound Recordings

Audiovisual archiving
Harrison, HP (ed. comp.) 1997, Audiovisual archives: A practical reader, UNESCO cm-
97lwSl4 Paris, March.
Roberts, D 1993, in J Ellis (ed.), Keeping archives 2nd edn, The Australian Society of
Archivists, DW Thorpe, Melbourne.
National Film and Sound Archive 2006, National Film and Sound Archive: Collection policy
and statement of curatorial values, Australian Film Commission, September.
Pymm, B 2006, 'Ch 7 Preservation of Audiovisual Media: Traditional to Interactive Formats’,
in B.Gorman GE, Shep, Preservation Management for Libraries, Archives and Museums,
Facet Publishing, London.
Ward, A 1990, A manual for sound archive administration, Gower Publishing, UK.

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

Harrison, HP & Schuursma, RL 1987, The archival appraisal of sound recordings and
related materials: A RAMP study with guidelines, UNESCO, PGI.87/WS/1, Paris, February.
Kula, S 2002, Appraising moving images: Assessing the archival and monetary value of film
and video records, Scarecrow Press Inc, Lanham, Maryland, and Oxford.
Kula, S 1983, The archival appraisal of moving images: A RAMP study, with guidelines,
UNESCO, Paris.
Data formats
Library of Congress Collections, Digital Formats, since 2004, Sustainability of digital
formats, Planning for Library of Congress collections, viewed 15 April 2008.
Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO) 2004, Better practice,
Checklist 18: Digitisation of records, May, (organisational details updated January 2008).
Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII) 2002, University of
Glasgow, and the National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (NINCH), The Ninch
guide to good practice in the digital representation and management of cultural heritage
material, October.
Arrangement & Description
AMIM Revision Committee, Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division
2000, Archival moving image materials: A cataloging manual, 2nd edn, Library of Congress,
Harrison, HW (ed.) 1991, for the FIAF Cataloguing Commission, The FIAF cataloguing
rules for film archives, K.G. Saur, München, New York
Martin, AL (ed.) 2001, The AMIA compendium of moving image cataloguing practice,
Society of American Archivists and Association of Moving Image Archivists, Martin, USA.
Miliano, M (ed.)1999, The IASA cataloguing rules, International Association of Sound and
Audiovisual Archives.
Ethics and Principles
Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material (AICCM) 2002, AICCM Code
of ethics and Code of practice, last amended AICCM AGM 11 Oct

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

Boston, G (ed.), UNESCO 2002, Memory of the world: General guidelines to safeguard
documentary heritage, CII-95/WS-11rev, February.
Edmondson, R 2004, Audiovisual archiving: Philosophy and principles, CI/2004/WS/2,
UNESCO, Paris.
Edmondson, R 2006, ‘Ethics in our time’, IASA Journal, no. 27, July, pp. 6–9.
Edmonson, R 2006, A Philosophy of audiovisual archiving, UNESCO, Paris, p 26.
Harris, V 2006, ‘Archival ethics’, IASA Journal no. 25, July, pp. 4–13.
International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA),Technical Committee
2005, IASA-TC 03: The safeguarding of the audio heritage: Ethics, principles and
preservation strategy, version 3, December.
International Council on Archives (ICA), ICA Code of ethics,
International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF) 2002, FIAF Code of Ethics.
International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), IFLA Code of ethics,
Koch, G 2005, ‘Negotiating the maze: Ethical issues for audiovisual archivists’, IASA
Journal, no. 26, December, pp. 10–16.
Marinelli, C 2004, Analogue-to-digital conversion viewed as an alteration of original sound
documents, IASA Journal, no. 24, December, pp. 27–32.
UNESCO 1980, Recommendation for the safeguarding and preservation of moving images,
Belgrade, 27 October. <> and
UNESCO 2003, Convention for the safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage.
UNESCO 2003, Guidelines for the preservation of digital heritage, CI-2003/WS/3,
Bradley, K 2006, Risks associated with the use of recordable CDs and DVDs as reliable
storage media in archival collections, CI/INF/2006/1/REV, UNESCO, October.
Boston, G 2003, Survey of endangered audiovisual carriers, UNESCO, Paris.
Byers, FR 2003, Care and handling of CDs and DVDs–A guide for librarians and archivists,
NIST Special Publication 500-252, National Institute of Standards and Technology and

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

Council on Library and Information Resources, October .
Council on Library and Information Resources, and Library of Congress 2006, Capturing
analog sound for digital preservation: Report of a roundtable discussion of best practices for
transferring analog discs and tapes, March, Washington, D.C.
Eilers DA1993, Audio magnetic tape preservation and restoration, IASA Journal, no. 1.
Henriksson, J & Wallaszkovits, N (n.d.), Audio tape digitisation workflow, Training for
Audiovisual Preservation in Europe (TAPE).
International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA),
IASA Technical Committee 2004, IASA TC-04: Guidelines on the production and
preservation of digital audio objects ,August.
Indiana University Archives of Traditional Music and the Archive of World Music, Harvard
University 2008, Sound directions: Best practices for audiovisual preservation.
Lindner, J c.2000, Magnetic tape preservation, Vidipax, Long Island City, NY.
National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage 2002, The NINCH guide to good
practice in the digital representation and management of cultural heritage materials,
Pymm, B 2006, ‘Preservation of audiovisual media: Traditional to interactive formats’, in B
Gorman & GE Shep, Preservation management for archives and libraries, Facet Publishing,
London, Chapter 17.
PrestoSpace 2006, Preservation guide, BBC and the PrestoSpace project, March.
St-Laurent, G 1996, The care and handling of recorded sound materials, National Library of
Canada, January.
Schoenherr, S 2003, Recording technology history., last updated 21 October 2003.
Schuller, D 2008, Audio and video carriers, Training for Audiovisual Preservation in Europe
Van Bogart, JWC 1995, Magnetic tape storage and handling: a guide for libraries and
archives, National Media Laboratory, Commission on Preservation and Access, Washington
DC, June.
Storage Standards
The following standards may be accessed from the AES-Standards website:

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

AES22-1997, (2003) AES recommended practice for audio preservation and restoration –
Storage and handling – Storage of polyester-base magnetic tape
AES49-2005: (2005) AES standard for audio preservation and restoration – Magnetic tape
– Care and handling practices for extended usage
AES-11id-2006: (2006) AES Information document for Preservation of audio recordings –
Extended term storage environment for multiple media archives
Image Permanence Institute (IPI) 1993, IPI Storage Guide for Acetate Film, J.M Reilly,
Image Permanence Institute, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester.
Image Permanence Institute (IPI) 2004, IPI Media Storage – Quick Reference, Peter Z.
Adelstein, Image Permanence Institute, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester.
International Standards Organisation 2006, ISO 18934 – Imaging Materials – Multiple Media
Archives- Storage Environment, Reference Number ISO 18934:2006(E).
AMIA: Association of Moving Image Archivists
ARSC: The Association for Recorded Sound Collections
ASA: International Association of Sound Archives http://www.iasa-
ASRA – Australian Sound Recording Association
Australian Copyright Council, Online Information Centre
site has a number of information sheets on different aspects of copyright including ownership
of copyright and copyright in relation to film, music, copying DVDs and VHS tapes).
CCAAA: The Coordinating Council of Audiovisual Archive Associations
EBU: European Broadcasting Union
FIAF: International Federation of Film Archives
FIAT: International Federation of Television Archives
SEAPAVAA: Southeast Asia-Pacific Audiovisual Archiving Association
SMPTE: Society of Motion Picture and Sound Engineers
UNESCO has direct relations with the first four associations listed.

Chapter 18: Moving Images

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

Anderson, Joseph & Anderson, Barbara 1993, 'The Myth of Persistence of Vision Revisited',
Journal of Film and Video, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp 3-12.
Australian Government Information Management Office 2004, Better Practice Checklist18
Digitisation of Records, AGIMO Canberra, viewed 10 April 2008,
Bergeron, Rosemary 2007, 'Archiving Moving Image and Audio-Cultural Works in Canada',
Archivaria, No. 63, Spring, pp 55-75.
Byrne A, Garwood A, Moorcroft H, Barnes A (compilers), Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Protocols for Libraries, Archives and Information Services, Australian Library and
Information Association for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Library and
Information Resource Network (ATSILIRN), c.1995, access date 28 March 2008
Byers, Fred R 2003, ‘5. Conditions That Affect CDs and DVDs’ in Care and Handling of
CDs and DVDs: A Guide for Librarians and Archivists, Council on Library and Information
Resources and National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Case, Dominic 2001, Film Technology in Post Production, 2nd end, Focal Press, Oxford.
Charbonneau, Normand, 'The Selection of Photographs', Archivaria, No. 59, Spring 2005,
Ottawa : Association of Canadian Archivists.
De Lusenet, Lola 2006, ‘Moving With the Times in Search of Permanence’ in Preservation
Management for Libraries, Archives and Museums, Gorman GE & Sydney SJ (eds.), Facet,
London pp 78-79.
Eastman Kodak Co. 1992, The Book of Film Care, Publication H-23, Cat 121-1317,
Enticknap, Leo 2005. Moving Image Technology: From Zoetrope to Digital, Wallflower
Press, London, p 90 description of introduction of Kodachrome, p 92 description of
introduction of Eastman Color 1950.
Gardens of the Snowy c. 1967, Snowy Mountains Hydro Electric Authority, held at the
National Archives of Australia, reference A5688, 480A.
Goldman, Michael 2004, DI Down Under, site accessed 1 May 2008, Digital Content,
Harvey, Ross 2005, Ch. 3, 'Why There’s a Problem: Digital Artefacts and Digital Objects' in
Preserving Digital Materials, KG Saur, Munich pp 35 -51. Good summary of the general and
preservation management issues framed specifically for digital records but interwoven with
audiovisual records. Supports the point made that there are parallels between digital and
moving image records. Source of information for magnetic media and optical discs.
Horak, Jan-Christopher, 2007, ‘Archives’ in Grant, BK 2007 (ed. in chief), Encyclopedia of
Film, Thomson Gale, Minnesota, pp 105-6.

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

IP Australia 2008, 'What is Copyright?' in What is Intellectual Property, IP Australia, site
accessed 20 April 2008,
Jeffrey, Brian 1973, Walkabout, July, pp 40-41, reprinted in Bertrand, I (ed.) 1989, Cinema in
Australia A Documentary History, UNSW Press, NSW, pp 197-9.
Laszlo, Krisztina 2006, 'Ethnographic Archival Records and Cultural Property', Archivaria,
No. 61, Spring pp 299.
Library of Congress, Digital Preservation, Digital Formats Sustainability 2007, 'Format
Descriptions', Sustainability of Digital Formats Planning for Library of Congress Collections
Library of Congress, Washington, site accessed 15 April 2008,
Marlow Eugene and Secunda Eugene 1991, Shifting Time and Space, The Story of
Videotape, Praeger Publishers, New York. Table of video formats and introduction dates pp
McCormick-Goodhart, Mark 2006, ‘The Allowable Temperature and Relative Humidity
Range for the Safe Use and Storage of Photographic Materials’, Journal of the Society of
Archivists, Vol. 17, No. 1, http://www.wilhelm-
Nakata, M & Langton M 2005 (eds.), Australian Indigenous Knowledge and Libraries,
Australian Academic & Research Libraries, Vol 36, No. 2, Canberra.
National Archives of Australia n.d., AGLS Metadata Element Set (AS 5044), Reference
Description and User Guide, accessed 10 April 2008,
National Film & Sound Archive 2007, National Registry of Audiovisual Collections,
Australian Film Commission, Canberra,
National Film & Sound Archive 2006, 'Statement of Curatorial Values' in Collection Policy
& Statement of Curatorial Values, Australian Film Commission, Canberra, p V,
'Experiencing the artefacts - respect for the item's cultural identity',
National Film & Sound Archive n.d., 'Film Identification and Handling, Film Duplication and
Generations' in Film Preservation Handbook,
National Film & Sound Archive (NFSA) n.d., Technical Glossary of Common Audiovisual
Terms, NFSA,
National Film Preservation Foundation (NFPF) 2004, The Film Preservation Guide, The
Basics For Archives, Libraries, And Museums. NFPF, San Francisco
National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (NINCH) 2002, 'Chapter 7
Audio/Video Capture Management' in The NINCH Guide to Good Practice in the Digital
Representation and Management of Cultural Heritage Materials, Humanities Advanced
Technology and Information Institute (HATII), University of Glasgow, and NINCH, site
accessed 10 April 2008,

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

Newnham, M & Garvie, C 2003, ‘Investigation Into the Mechanism of Maintaining a Lower
Free Acid Level Inside CTA Motion Picture Films During Long Term Storage Using a Low
Tension “Preservation” Wind’, Journal of Film Preservation, No. 66, October.
Nissen D, Larsen LR, Christensen, TC &Jesper JS (eds.) 2002, Preserve Then Show, Danish
Film Institute, Denmark.
Ohanian, Thomas A 1998, Digital Nonlinear Editing : Editing Film and Video on the
Desktop, 2nd edn, Focal Press, Boston.
Read, Paul & Meyer, Mark-Paul (eds) 2000, Restoration of Motion Picture Film,
Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford.
Reilly, James M 1993, The IPI Storage Guide for Acetate Film, Image Permanence Institute,
Rochester Institute of Technology, New York.
Schuller, Dietrich 2008, ‘Audio and Video Carriers’, in ‘Publications’ on website Training
for Audiovisual Preservation in Europe (TAPE), http://www.tape-
Slide, Anthony c. 2000, Nitrate Won't Wait : A History of Film Preservation in the United
States, McFarland, North Carolina, pp 19-22.
The Story of the Kelly Gang 1906, motion picture film, director Charles Tait, producer
Johnson and Gibson, Australia. Held in the collection of the National Film and Sound
Archive, cover title 710306.
Usai, Paolo Cherchi 2006, 'A Charter of Curatorial Values', NFSA Journal, Journal of the
National Film and Sound Archive, Australia, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp 4-5.
Van Bogart, JWC 1995, ‘Magnetic Tape Storage and Handling — A Guide for Libraries &
Archives’, The Commission on Preservation and Access and the National Media Laboratory,
Watkinson, John 2001, Convergence in Broadcast and Communications Media, Focal Press,
Oxford, pp 287-299.
Watson, David 2007, 'A Review of Digital Cinema, The quest for a digital strategy – quixotic
or realistic?', NFSA Journal, Journal of the National Film and Sound Archive, Australia, Vol.
2, No.1, pp2-3.
Wendlend, Wend 2004, 'Cultural Heritage Archives and Databases, Intellectual Property and
the Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions', IASA Journal, No. 22, Jan pp 51-64, p 60
intellectual property protocols for traditional cultural expressions.
Wheeler, Jim 2002, ‘Videotape Preservation Handbook’ in ‘Traditional Audiovisual
Preservation’ in ‘Resources’, Media Matters, New York
Zavada, RJ 2000, ‘Managing the Moving Image - From an Engineering Point of View - Part
1’, historical paper, SMPTE Journal, January, p 52.

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

Journal of Film Preservation, journal of FIAF (International Federation of Film Archives)
The Moving Image, the journal of the Association of Moving Image Archivists, Los Angeles
IASA Journal, the journal of the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual
Archivists, Canberra
Association of Moving Image Archivists on-line forum, ‘AMIA-L, An On-line Forum for
Moving Image Archivists’ tab ‘Participate’ AMIA,
Conservation On Line - Motion Picture Film Preservation, contributing editor Hannah Frost See also video preservation
resources published on this site.
FIAF n.d., ‘Code of Ethics, International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF)
Film Forever, The Home Film Preservation Guide,
Image Permanence Institute
Media Matters n.d., ‘Resources’, Media Matters, New York,, many useful publications on digital audiovisual preservation in

Nano Lab, Australia’s small gauge film specialists (super 8, standard 8, 16mm), technical
services and information,
Prestospace, Preservation Towards Storage and Access, Standardised Practices for
Audiovisual Contents in Europe,
TAPE Training for Audiovisual Preservation in Europe,

Keeping Archives (3rd Edition) Further Reading

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