Pemdas Write Up Rubric With Instructions

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Part 2: PEMDAS Poster Summative Project Write Up Rubric

M.115: SMP 3- Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
Name______________________________ Date Due_____________ Period______
4 3 2 1-0
Organization Student demonstrates Student demonstrates a Student demonstrates Student demonstrates
an in-depth foundational a basic understanding minimal understanding of
understanding of the understanding of the of the order of the order of operations by
order of operations by order of operations by a operations by having having several errors in
correctly organizing correctly organizes the some errors in the the organization of the
the order of operations order of operations organization of the order of operations steps
steps, stays on topic. steps with minimal off order of operations and is often off topic.
errors. steps and/or errors.

Procedures Steps are written in Steps are written in Steps are written with Steps are not written in
and detail explaining their some detail and minimal detail and detail and explanation.
Reasoning reasoning, without any explanation of explanation of Steps are missing and/ or
steps missing and reasoning. No steps are reasoning. Steps are any or all numbers and
writes out all numbers missing and writes out missing. Some operations are not written
and operations. almost all numbers and numbers and out.
Ex: 9 as nine operations. operations are not
+ as add or plus written out.

Reflection Students’ reflection of Students’ reflection of Students’ reflection is not

their project is their project is general thoughtful or does not
insightful and in relation to their have a reflection of their
thoughtful that relates mnemonic and the project is general in
to their mnemonic and process of writing relation to their
the process of writing their steps. mnemonic and the
their steps out. process of writing their

Length Write up is 1 page Write up is almost 1 Write up is half a page Write up is less than half
long, double spaced in page long, double long, double spaced in a page long, double
size 12 Times New spaced in size 12 Times size 12 Times New spaced in size 12 Times
Roman Font with 1 New Roman Font with Roman Font with 1 New Roman Font with 1
inch margins. Write up 1 inch margins. Write inch margins. Write up inch margins. Write up is
has students name, up has students name, is missing students missing students name,
period and title. period and title. name, period or title. period or title.

Grammar Paper is free of Paper has minimal Paper has several Paper contains an
Usage spelling, spelling, capitalization, spelling, excessive amount of
capitalization, and and punctuation errors. capitalization, and spelling, capitalization,
punctuation errors. punctuation errors. and punctuation errors.

Turned In on Student turns project Student turns project in Student turns project Student turns project
Time in on time. one day late. in two days late. three or more days late.


Write Up Grade:______________________

Teacher Comments:
PEMDAS Summative Project Write Up Instructions

The Write Up must include:

 Your example expression from your poster
 Steps to solve the expression correctly written in COMPLETE sentences
 Indept reasoning of why you did those steps in that order
 All numbers and operations written out!
o Examples:
 9 as nine
 + as add or plus
 A thoughtful reflection on creating your mnemonic and writing out your steps in your write up using the
order of operations to solve your example expression correctly in complete sentences with all numbers
and operations written out
 Your name and period in the top right corner

 Typed
 Times New Roman Font
 1 inch margins
 Size 12 font
 Double spaced

PEMDAS Summative Project Write Up Instructions

The Write Up must include:

 Your example expression from your poster
 Steps to solve the expression correctly written in COMPLETE sentences
 Indept reasoning of why you did those steps in that order
 All numbers and operations written out!
o Examples:
 9 as nine
 + as add or plus
 A thoughtful reflection on creating your mnemonic and writing out your steps in your write up using the
order of operations to solve your example expression correctly in complete sentences with all numbers
and operations written out
 Your name and period in the top right corner

 Typed
 Times New Roman Font
 1 inch margins
 Size 12 font
 Double spaced

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