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Zero, First and Second Conditional

Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………… Class: ………………………………

I - Use the words below to complete the sentences

become ice / heat water / not drink enough water / boil water / they die / heat ice

1. If you ....................... to 100°C, it boils. 4. If you ..................................., you feel dizzy.

2. If you freeze water, it ................................ 5. If you water some plants every day, ......................
3. If you ...................................., it melts. 6. If you ............................, it becomes steam.

II - Write sentences in the first conditional with will

1. I / have time → I / read / magazine ...............................................................................................................
2. you/ change / the batteries → the camera / work ......................................................................................
3. it/ snow → they / cancel /the game .............................................................................................................
4. he / tell / the truth → he/ feel/ better ..........................................................................................................
5. we / not/ go now → we / be/ late/ dinner ....................................................................................................
6. the car/ not start → we/ take / taxi .............................................................................................................
7. you/ like / chocolate → you/ love /theses biscuits ......................................................................................
8. she/ not pass/ exam → she / be / upset .......................................................................................................

II - Circle the correct verb in the if clause / result clause to make a real conditional in the present or future.
Playing at the Park
Every weekend, if the weather is nice, I ❶(will spend / spend) time outside with my
children. One of their favorite things to do is to go to a nearby park. If we ride our bikes to
the park, it ❷(takes / will take) about 10 minutes. If there ❸(is / will be) a lot of traffic,
it takes a little longer.

Once we get to the park, the kids choose their favorite playground equipment to
play on. Jeffrey likes the climbing walls, but if he ❹(climbs / will climb) too high, I start to
get nervous. I always have to remind him, “If you’re not careful, you ❺(fall / will fall) and
hurt yourself.” His reaction is usually to roll his eyes at me. My daughter Cheryl loves to
play on the seesaw. On the way to the park, she almost always asks me, “Mom, if there
❻(is / will be) no one for me to play with, ❼( do / will ) you go on the seesaw with me?”

If she ❽ (finds / will find) someone to play with at the park, she ❾(will spend / spends)
the entire time on the seesaw. Sometimes I talk to the other parents who are there. After
an hour or so, the kids and I ride our bikes back home. On the way, I tell them, “If the
weather is nice next weekend, we ❿(come / will come) back.”
III - Complete the second conditional sentences below

1. If she ...................... (live) in China, she .............................. (speak) Chinese.

2. If there ................................ (be) a late flight, ................. you ............... (take) it.

3. If they .......................... (not have) such a big family, it ............................. (not be) so crazy at their house.

4. If he ......................... (find) money on the street, he ............................... (not keep) it.

5. Mummy ............................. (worry) if you ............................... (not call)

6. If I ............................. (know) how to use this machine, I ............................. (not ask) you to explain it.

7. If they ............................. (be) in trouble, ........................ you ..................... (help) them?

8. If they .................................. (be) rich, they ....................................... (travel) around the world.

9. It’s Monday today, but if it .......................... (be) Saturday, I ......................(go) to the beach.

10. I don’t have any money now, but if I ...................... (have) some, I ...................... (lend) it to you.

11. I have to work tomorrow, but if I ...................... (be) free, I ...................... (go) shopping with you.

12. Sue doesn’t know how to knit. If she ...................... (know) how to knit, she .......................... (make) a
sweater for you for your birthday.

13. I don’t own a pair of skis. If I .......................... (have) skis, I ......................... (go) skiing with you tomorrow.

14. I can’t understand what he’s saying. If he ................... (speak) more clearly, I ........................(understand).

15. We are not going to buy that house, but if it ..................... (be) a little cheaper, we........................ (buy) it.

16. He is not going to pass his exam. If he .......................... (study) harder, he .......................... (pass).

17. John has a lot of car accidents. If he .......................... (drive) more carefully, he ..........................

(have) fewer accidents.

18. Beth eats a lot of junk food. If she ....................... (eat) healthier food, she ........................ (lose) weight.

19. Robert smokes a lot. If he .......................... (quit) smoking, his cough .......................... (get) better.

20. Frank is always tired. If he ...................... (go) to bed earlier every night, he ......................... (feel) better.

IV. Give advice. Write the second conditionals

example: A: My hair looks terrible. (be / you / go / to a different hairdresser)
B: ..... If I were you, I would go to a different hairdresser.......
1. A - It’s raining hard. (be / you / not go out)

B - ...............................................................................................................

2. A - They might not pass the exam. (be / them / work harder)

B - ..............................................................................................................
3. A - She can understand Spanish but she cannot speak it. (be/ her / go / Spain / for a month)

B - ..............................................................................................................

4. A - I’m tired. (be / you / I / go / to bed / early / tonight)

B - .............................................................................................................

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