Character Terms

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Dagupan City


2nd Semester, 2011-2012

Name ______________________________ Schedule____________

I. Write True if the statement is correct; False if incorrect.

_______1. The word drama originated from the Greek word “DRAN” meaning “to do or act”.
_______2. Speeches assigned to the characters in a drama are called cue lines.
_______3. Stage directions refer to notes that help in visualizing the setting, lighting, sound effects, etc.
_______4. Persons (or dramatis personae) that appear in a drama are called characters.
_______5. Sequence is the series of events mostly structured with acts and scenes.
_______6. The central idea of a play is known as the theme.
_______7. Aesthetic is a sub item of stage directions that deals with the stage and its artistic backdrop.
_______8. Setting refers to the time and place of the action in the story which directly affects the plot.
_______9. Actions and movements of characters on stage are not important as the lines themselves.
_______10. A comedy is a play with a great noble hero who possesses some major flaws of character.

II. Answer the following questions by circling the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is a way to divide the events that happen in a play?

A. acts B. scenery C. scenes D. script

2. What are instructions for actors, directors, and the stage crew?
A. props B. dialogue C. drama D. stage directions

3. What are painted scenes, backdrops, or other materials meant to show the setting of a play?
A. props B. scenery C. acts D. script

4. What is a story that can be acted out for an audience?

A. drama/play B. monologue C. props D. stage directions

5. What is a speech made by a character that the other characters can also hear?
A. dialogue B. monologue C. soliloquy D. chorus

6. What are objects that actors use during the play?

A. scenery B. acts C. script D. props

7. What is it called when you divide a group of two or more scenes?

A. an act B. a prop C. a scene D. a script

8. What is a conversation between characters?

A. monologue B. chorus C. soliloquy D. dialogue

9. What is a speech made by one person who is along on stage and sharing their thoughts with the
audience and NOT the other characters?
A. soliloquy B. monologue C. dialogue D. chorus

10. Why is audience reaction in drama so important?

A. Because drama is a dramatic art.
B. Because drama is an auditory art.
C. Because drama is a spectator art.
D. Because drama is a visual art.
III. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. “The Madman on the Roof” is a Japanese play written in 1916 by

A. Yasunari Kawabata B. Tu Fu C. Catherine Lim D. Kikuchi Kan

2. It is a short, funny story about a father who is concerned about his 24-year-old son, who climbs
on the roof to watch the ________
A. sunrise B. sunset C. mountain D. beach

3. The father, ___________, is concerned that his son is not entirely sane, and might hurt himself
and embarrass the family.
A. Kichiji B. Tosaku C. Gisuke D. Oyoshi

4. His other son,__________ , tries to convince his father that as long as his brother isn't hurting
anyone, there is no harm in letting him sit on the roof and enjoy the sunset.
A. Yoshitaro B. Suejiro C. Oyoshi D. Tosaku

5. The __________ of this story is "a madman who is able to enjoy the beauty of a sunset is far
better off than the fully sane man who doesn't."
A. theme B. moral C. climax D. conflict

6. Who is hailed as the father of Greek tragedy?

A. Aristotle B. Sophocles C. Aeschylus D. Euripides

7. “Oedipus the Tyrannus” is set in that doomed city-state called ____Thebes.

A. Corinth B. Crete C. Thebes D. Athens

8. Who is the seeker of knowledge and truth?

A. Oedipus B. Jocasta C. Creon D. Teiresias

9. Who said, "Murder? Whose? Did the god say whose…?

A. Oedipus B. Teiresias C. Jocasta D. Creon

10.The hero is made tragic by his __________, which is often called a tragic flaw, but is more
accurately translated as an error made in ignorance or a missing of the mark
A. hubris B. strength C. weakness D. humartia

11. The fact that Oedipus marries, sleeps with, and has four children with his mother gives rise to
term ____________.
A. Electra Complex B. Oedipus Complex C. Maternal Complex D. Paternal Complex

12. Where does Oedipus have scars?

A. hands B. feet C. stomach D. back

13. What will cause the curse to be lifted?

A. If the murderer of Laius is murdered.
B. If the murderer of Laius is found and prosecuted.
C. If the murderer of Laius sacrifices his first born.
D. If someone kills the Sphinx.

14. Why does Jocasta kill herself?

A. Because she didn’t dare tempt the Fates by trying to live through a Greek tragedy.
B. Because she discovered that Oedipus was her son.
C. Because her daughter had been murdered.
D. Because it had been prophesied that she would do so
15. What does Oedipus do when he realizes the truth?
A. He rips out his heart.
B. He tears out his tongue.
C. He gouges out his eyes.
D. He vows never to make that mistake again.

IV. The events in the following plays are presented in scrambled order. Read them and arrange them
chronologically by numbering which statement should be first, second, etc.

1. Oedipus Tyrannus

___ A. Oedipus, aware that there is a curse on Thebes, sends Creon for additional information.
___ B. Oedipus questions Teiresias, a messenger, Jocasta, and a shepherd for information
about Laius’s murder and his own birth.
___ C. Gradually he begins to uncover the truth.
___ D. Jocasta and Oedipus both realize that they have committed incest and that Oedipus has
murdered his father, Laius.
___ E. Oedipus is informed that to lift the curse, he must find and prosecute Laius’s murderer.
He promises to fix things.
___ F. Jocasta hangs herself and Oedipus gouges his eyes out and is exiled.

2. The World Is an Apple

___ A. It's payday and Gloria needs money from Mario. She needs to buy food for their
daughter, Tita.
___ B. Gloria and Tita crying as Mario leaves the house with Pablo.
___ C. Because he stole a single 70-centavo apple. It rolled out of a broken crate and he wanted
to give it to his daughter.
___ D. Mario decides to get a "job" working with his old criminal friend Pablo. He is going back
to a life of thievery.
___ E. Mario lies and says he does not have money because he spent it on liquor... then on
another woman... then finally admits he lost his job.
___ F. Mario doesn't complain nor ask for reconsideration because he doesn't want his ex-
employer to dig up his old police record.

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