21 Century Philippine Literature and The World Quiz 4

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Name ______________________________ Score ____________

Schedule ______________________________ Date ____________

21ST Century Philippine Literature and the World


Directions: Identify the imagery used in the following. Is it sight, sound, taste, touch, or smell?

1. He was a shaggy, thick-fellow; his coat was greasy about the lapels and pockets, and his hands
played over the cane's crook with a futile sort of clinging.

2. a ginger cat, very tall and thin

streaked glass, flashing with sunlight

3. strong melodious songs

crackling splinters of glass and dried putty

4. soft shapes...inside the hard bodies

5. juicy and tart

6. rolling rumble and crash

7. Leaves were green and stirring,

Berries, luster-glossed

8. What is Poetry? Who knows?

Not a rose, but the scent of a rose apple

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