AAC September 2018 Bulletin

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ELUL 5778/TISHREI 5779


“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.” — Isaiah
Long before the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA),
the prophet Isaiah provided an inspired vision of inclusion that remains the
goal of all religious communities. If, as our tradition teaches, every human
being is created in God’s image, then it is incumbent upon us to ensure that
the mission of our community is accessible to all. In this season of
introspection, it is appropriate to reflect on the degree to which we, as a
religious institution, are living up to our civic, religious, and moral obligation
to guarantee equal opportunity and dignity to all and to provide
accommodations that help people with disabilities live full, productive Jewish
What are the barriers to creating such a community? Some are more
obvious than others. Aesthetically beautiful as our sanctuary is, the fact that
AGUDAS ACHIM someone in a wheel chair must sit in the back is a reminder that we still have
CONGREGATION a long way to go. We are fortunate to have a hearing loop in the sanctuary, but
are all the goods and services of Agudas accessible to those with hearing
impairments? Are the educational and spiritual resources of our community
and tradition available to all – no matter where they stand on the learning
spectrum? From our physical structure to the ethic permeating our
membership, we have work to do before we arrive at the communal model
described by Isaiah.
It is thus with great excitement that I share some of the productive work
of our newly formed Disability and Inclusion Committee. Through a series of
surveys and conversations we are in the process of gathering feedback as to
how we can be a more inclusive community and identify the necessary steps
towards arriving at our goal. Already we are adding allergy labeling to all
food served during kiddush, moving forward with plans to add a hearing loop
to the chapel, looking into additional accessible parking spaces near the front
door, providing large print prayer books, and so much more. Most of all, I am
truly grateful to our lay committee, chaired by Barbara Elkin, for leading this
critical initiative for our communal future. As with all things we do at Agudas,
I hope the work of this committee serves the needs of our membership and
models possibilities for other communities to follow. If you would like to get
involved, please contact Barbara for more information.
As we prepare to usher in the New Year, it is our responsibility to do
heshbon ha-nefesh, to conduct a spiritual inventory to assess how well we are
reaching the “wholeness” that we aspire towards, as individuals and as a
community. This year let us ask how our community can become better at
serving those in our midst who are seeking entry into Jewish life and living.
More importantly, let us each look inward to ask what we personally can do
towards making the prophetic vision of Isaiah a reality.
Shanah tovah u-m’tukah! With best wishes for a sweet good year!
2908 V•alley D•rive
Alexandria, V•
A 2• 2302
Candlelighting.......................7:22 p.m. Our Chevra Kadisha Committee has a mission: To honor the dead, by caring
Friday Evening Service.........6:30 p.m.
for them according to the dictates of our Jewish law. To honor the living, by caring
for them according to the dictates of our humanity.
Shabbat Services....................8:09 a.m. When a death occurs, it is usually overwhelming for the family. There are so
Mincha........45 minutes after Kiddush
Havdalah Time......................8:19 p.m. many things to do and it’s hard to know where to turn. Here are some guidelines:
Leil Selichot..........................9:00 p.m. Please notify the Rabbi or Executive Director before contacting a funeral home
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 or cemetery. The Rabbi can provide you with information regarding funeral
Candlelighting.......................7:11 p.m. arrangements and timing of the service. We are fortunate to be working with
Friday Evening Service.........6:30 p.m.
Jefferson Funeral Home. The staff there is very knowledgeable about Jewish
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 funeral practices and is very cooperative with any of our requests. On Yom Tov and
Shabbat Services....................8:09 a.m.
Mincha........45 minutes after Kiddush Shabbat, even though detailed funeral arrangements should not be made, you can
Havdalah Time......................8:08 p.m. call 703-998-6460 to learn from the message whom to contact.
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 When a death occurs, the first thing that happens after the family informs the
Mincha/Ma’ariv.....................6:30 p.m. synagogue is the e-mail notice on our list serve. We call a family member to learn
Holiday Candlelighting.........7:08 p.m. a little about the deceased so that our notice will give honor to the family.
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 To arrange for rituals involving traditional Jewish burial practices through our
ROSH HASHANAH DAY 1 Chevra Kadisha (burial society), please speak to the rabbi or executive director, or
Shacharit................................8:30 a.m.
Tashlich.................................5:30 p.m. call Lynne Sandler, chair of the Chevra Kadisha (703-548-0427). The
Mincha/Ma’ariv.....................6:30 p.m. congregation will offer support for shmirah (people known as shomrim to “watch”
Light Holiday Candles After. 8:04 p.m. or “guard” the deceased at the funeral home), tahara (ritual washing of the
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 deceased), and minyan during shivah with leaders from our congregation. If
ROSH HASHANAH DAY 2 shomrim are requested, we broadcast that request to the list serve. Someone from
Shacharit................................8:30 a.m. our Bereavement Committee will contact you to offer help with the setup of shivah
Mincha/Ma’ariv.....................7:15 p.m.
Holiday Ends.........................8:03 p.m. and to provide support.
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 If the burial plot is at our cemetery, the synagogue will make the arrangements
Candlelighting.......................7:00 p.m. for the grave to be opened at the appropriate time. No grave liner is required.
Friday Evening Service.........6:30 p.m.
If the plot is at King David Memorial Gardens, it is best to contact Jefferson
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Funeral Home (703-971-7400) before contacting the cemetery because they can
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m. provide some of the items, including grave liners, that King David requires at a cost
Mincha........45 minutes after Kiddush savings. King David will need a family member to go to the cemetery to identify
Havdalah Time......................7:56 p.m. the plot before the grave can be opened.
The funeral home will need to know the name of the deceased (both the English
Mincha/Ma’ariv.....................6:30 p.m. and Hebrew names), birth date, Social Security number, parents’ names, mother’s
Kol Nidre...............................6:45 p.m. maiden name, and the name of the cemetery with the section and plot number, and
Holiday Candlelighting.........6:54 p.m. all pertinent information for a death notice in The Washington Post (if you would
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 like that). It is customary to provide the funeral home with the tallit of the deceased
YOM KIPPUR for burial. However, if one is not available, our Chevra Kadisha will provide one.
Shacharit................................9:00 a.m.
Yizkor....................................2:00 p.m. The hospital will provide you with a death certificate from an attending
Mincha/Neilah.......................5:15 p.m. physician. Otherwise, you will need a death certificate from the deceased’s
Break the Fast/
Holiday Ends.........................7:50 p.m. physician.
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 A meal of consolation to serve 10 people will be provided by the Sisterhood for
Candlelighting.......................6:49 p.m. a member of the congregation who has suffered the loss of an immediate family
Friday Evening Service.........6:30 p.m.
member upon return from the cemetery if the funeral is within a 50 mile radius.
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 Otherwise, the congregation will provide a small platter (fruit or pastry) for shiva.
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m.
Mincha........45 minutes after Kiddush If you have questions, please contact the Rabbi, Hazzan, Executive Director, or
Havdalah Time......................7:45 p.m. our Chevra Kadisha committee (Lynne Sandler is the chair).
Candlelighting.......................6:49 p.m.
Friday Evening Service.........6:30 p.m.
(Continued on page 3. )


PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE (Continued from page 2. )
Kenneth Labowitz SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m.
Mincha........45 minutes after Kiddush
Havdalah Time......................7:45 p.m.
Communication is a mystery to me, both in the modern context and surely in
understanding the Biblical text at the very heart of our faith. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23
As I mentioned in the Congregational meeting, for the first time in the century- Ma’ariv..................................6:30 p.m.
plus history of this Congregation there is no single mode of communication among Candlelighting.......................6:46 p.m.
all the members. Some of you are reading this in digital form, the only way that MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24
you receive news from the Congregation. Others are reading my words in the Sukkot Services.....................9:30 a.m.
traditional way, what my children refer to as the dead-tree format that arrives at Mincha/Ma’ariv.....................6:30 p.m.
your mailbox via the U.S. Mail, or more accurately, the Postal Service. And some Candlelighting.......................7:42 p.m.
of you receive both. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25
All of which is fine, and we will continue to provide both digital and mailed Sukkot Services.....................9:30 a.m.
versions of the same information. There may come a time when there is no further Mincha/Ma’ariv.....................7:30 p.m.
need for the mail, which may go the way of the telephone land line: fondly Holiday Ends.........................7:40 p.m.
remembered but no longer relevant. I doubt that will happen any time soon.
As in any group of humans, there is of course the continuing tradition of word Candlelighting.......................6:38 p.m.
Friday Evening Service.........6:30 p.m.
of mouth communication, with members passing along what each understands to
be the reality but perhaps enhanced or altered by the sender’s hearing or SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m.
understanding or belief or hopes. Mincha........45 minutes after Kiddush
The goal for the leadership of the Congregation is transparency in all our Havdalah Time......................8:08 p.m.
actions, financial and otherwise. In August you should have received from me a SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30
statement of the financial status for the Congregation including specific HOSHANAH RABA
information about the amount in each endowed fund. Please feel free to ask any EREV SH’MINI ATZERET
question you have about the finances or anything else about the Congregation. I Hoshanah Raba Service.........9:00 a.m.
Candlelighting.......................6:35 p.m.
promise to get you the answer promptly, either directly from me or from someone Mincha/Ma’ariv.................... 6:30 p.m.
in the leadership or on staff who actually knows.
As we most recently learned from the Congregational meeting, hearing what is ILANA BAT BARUCH ELIEZER V’SIGAL
being said, even in a small space with good acoustics, can be a challenge. My PARASHA HOSHANA RABA
reading of Exodus has always left me with questions: How did hundreds of MONDAY, OCTOBER 1
thousands of Jews learn about what was going on? When Moses came down from SH’MINI ATZERET
Mount Sinai, people in the back must have asked, “What is going on? What is he EREV SIMCHAT TORAH
carrying?” When the sky started raining frogs, how did the masses grasp who was Sh’mini Atzeret Services.......9:30 a.m.
Mincha/Ma’ariv.....................6:15 p.m.
responsible and what it meant? We read the stories in the Torah as reported to us Simchat Torah Celebration....6:30 p.m.
from a sort of CNN perspective, as if we are on the scene, but that cannot have been Light Holiday Candles After. 7:30 p.m.
the reality on the ground for the people Moses was responsible for leading out of
The miracles of the past remain to be contemplated by each of us, but for now Simchat Torah Services.........9:30 a.m.
Ma’ariv..................................6:30 p.m.
there is a clear source of accurate information about the Congregation. Just ask. Holiday Ends.........................7:29 p.m.


Open on the Sundays Religious School meets from DAILY MINYAN SCHEDULE
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon and by appointment. (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ABOVE.)
Shop with us and help support lots of local worthy causes. Monday through Friday
Mornings................................7:30 a.m.
Check out our new merchandise and remember
we can do special orders on items as requested. Sundays and Federal Holiday
Mornings............................... 9:00 a.m.
We are your source for B’Nai Mitzvah needs as well Sunday through Thursday
as gift suggestions. Evenings................................7:50 p.m.
Chairs: Michelle (202 288-9856) Susan (703 489-5068)


Barry Nove
As you may know we started the
AAC Rides program at the beginning of
this year to assist congregants who need L’Shanah Tovah. It is hard to believe this is my second High Holy Days with
rides to medical appointments. Just the congregation. In that time we have transitioned to an entirely new general
imagine that a member needs a ride to a ledger and now to a new membership database. We replaced the Lainoff
medical appointment and is unable to Auditorium Roof last spring and received a number of substantial bequests over
drive has no other way of getting to the the course of the past year. You might say those gifts have made wishes come true.
medical appointment. Our goal is to Projects both large and small over the years have been made possible through
fulfill that mitzvah for our members. testamentary gifts and planned gifts to the congregation. As an example, the
We struggling to meet our ride repaving of the parking lots before I joined the staff was made possible through
requirements despite the limited number such a gift.
of ride requests. My goal is not to have Working with our clergy and staff, I have developed a “Wish List” of projects
to turn anybody down for a lack of that we would like to do but are only in the wish stage without financial support.
drivers. I’m happy to say that those who have expressed interest in seeing the “Wish List”
We are expanding the program to have been impressed by these wishes and what they say about our congregation’s
include rides to Agudas Achim for vision and direction. For example, the Religious School is getting a number of
services and other programs. Future new Chrome Book laptop computers for their new multi-media classroom space,
expansion would be for senior members which is being set up in Classroom 5 for this fall.
to visit friends in the hospital. We would Making wishes come true need not be something on this particular “Wish
also like to be able to take seniors for List.” Making wishes come true can come from supporting the congregational
necessary shopping trips. To do all this, community through volunteering to coming to minyan, or participating in our
we will need more volunteers. program of giving a fellow congregant a ride to an appointment or Shabbat
A couple of comments from our services. But there are times members of our community may want to do
drivers: “I like participating. It has something on the order of once in a lifetime.
allowed me to get to know one of my I’ve served in planned giving roles at a number of the non-profits I’ve worked
fellow congregants so much better, and at over the years. One of the simplest and tax beneficial ways I’ve seen people
it imbues me with gratefulness for my leave gifts to the charities they care about has been through including them as a
health -- I may complain about aches and partial beneficiary of an IRA. IRAs are heavily taxed after the passing of a
pains, but this program has allowed me surviving spouse but leaving a portion to a charity or charities reduces the taxable
to see what real health challenges look amount so family beneficiaries inherit more. Please consult your tax advisor about
like -- and how to face them.” “This whether this might be something to consider as part of estate planning.
program represents an opportunity for
members of our community to I consider trying to make Agudas Achim’s wishes come true part of my job as
productively spend some free time in executive director. So, if you have an idea that should be considered for our “Wish
support of others who could use a little List” or are interested in perusing the list, please let me know.
help. It's not taxing physically but it is Best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year to you and your entire family.
rewarding emotionally.”
Barry Nove
Feedback from one of our families Executive Director
is that they do not know how they would bnove@agudasachim-va.org
have survived without our help. This is
the feeling that I want all of our
congregants to share, but I can’t do ’ma ica S
without your help. The more volunteer Lan hop
drivers we have, the fewer rides each Ein SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 Ope
driver will need to provide. I urge you to Vis 5:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. ALL CONGREGATION BARBECUE
assist me with this Mitzvah. Please help it t r
vol e AA H unge
me Give The Gift of a Lift. unt C for
Please contact me at backsam@aol.com, eer We e c t ion Month
sig bsite oll s
and I will provide you with the nu o d C arenes
p. for F o
application form.


(Continued from previous column.)
Hazzan Elisheva Dienstfrey
Thank you for opening your homes and
helping to make our guests’ time in DC
MOMENTS OF AWE and Alexandria extra special.
The High Holidays never seem to be on time. Either they are too early (like this We hope you can join us at the
year) or too late. Regardless, my preparation for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur following programs, and are looking
starts in the summer. I go through all the services several times – reviewing forward to another exciting and fun year!
melodies, learning new ones. And I listen. This year, I was excited to listen to UPCOMING EVENTS
Hazzan Azi Schwartz’s High Holiday album he produced last year, “Moments of September 10 & 11
Awe: Music of the High Holy Days.” It did not disappoint. Join us for our annual Rosh
Hazzan Schwartz (from Park Avenue Synagogue in NYC) has one of the most Hashana Apples to Apples to Apple Pie
beautiful voices on the planet, so I knew the quality would be spectacular, but the hosted/sponsored by Agudas Achim
musical choices he made for this recording are just as wonderful. There are USY & Kadima. All students in
traditional pieces like ‘Kol Nidrei’ and Max Janowski’s ‘Avinu Malkeinu,’ and grades 7-12 are invited to join us!
Yossele Rosenblatt’s ‘Hasidic Kaddish;’ but there are also several less traditional You do not need to be a member of
and equally beautiful pieces, like Leonard Cohen’s ‘Halleluyah’ (a setting of Psalm USY/Kadima to participate. We will be
150), Meir Finkelstein’s ‘Ahavat Olam,’ Alexander “Sasha” Argov’s ‘P’tah Lanu meeting in the Teen Lounge around
Sha’ar,’ and Gilad Cohen’s ‘Lashanah Haba’ah,’ to name a few. noon. Come, hang out, have fun, and eat
some pie. Because there will be oh so
The most interesting piece included on this album, though, is Rodgers’ and
much apple pie...
Hammerstein’s ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’ from Carousel. The melody is, of
course, gorgeous, but it is the lyrics that make this so appropriate for the High September 15
Holidays – a time when we call on God’s presence as a community, a time that we Seaboard Region USY Fall Kickoff
call upon our own faith to get us through another year: “At the end of a Party.
storm/There’s a golden sky/And the sweet silver song of a lark/Walk on through September 16
the wind/Walk on through the rain/Though your dreams be tossed and blown/Walk Seaboard Region USY Leadership
on, walk on/With hope in your heart/And you’ll never walk alone/You’ll never Training Institute
walk alone.” We are reminded that not only is God with us on our life’s journey,
but our entire community is there to support us through whatever we encounter on September 22
our way. Kadima Saturday Night Live at Pump It
Up in Silver Spring, MD
You can find this album on amazon.com and portions of it can be heard on
Youtube. September 26
Lulav Shakes and Pizza Party. 6:30-
Shanah Tovah umetukah – Wishing everyone a sweet New Year! 8pm at Agudas Achim. Cost $5 per
*Please Note: This column will alternate between music person. Bring a friend, and let’s get
reviews/recommendations and “Dear Hazzan” letters. If you would like to shaking!
introduce or recommend recordings, or if you have a question for the Hazzan October 19-21
regarding the ritual, liturgy, and/or music of the synagogue, please write Hazzan Seaboard Region Fall Kadima Kallah,
Dienstfrey at the synagogue (2908 Valley Drive, Alexandria, VA 22302) or email Capital Camps
her at HazzanERLD@hotmail.com.
October 24
Agudas USY Pizza & Game Night.
USY 6:30-8pm at Agudas Achim.
Cost $5 per person.
Agudas Achim USY was honored to be recognized as Seaboard Region USY’s November 6
2017-2018 Most Improved Chapter and as a Chapter of Excellence. We have some Election Day bake sale.
exciting programs planned for the coming year, including the return of our Election Don’t forget to vote! (and after you do,
Day Bake Sale for Tikkun Olam, our 2nd Annual Hamantaschen sale, programs help support Tikkun Olam!)
planned by our teens, and some important social action programs to help us give
back to our community. In addition to taking the lead on Operation Isaiah, Agudas November 16-18
Achim USY has a lot planned for September. USY Fall Convention
We’d also like to send a special thank you to all of the families who hosted USY Capital Camps
on Wheels Bus C during their visit to Agudas and Washington, D.C. in August.


focused on families with Chaya Silver
children ages 0-5. Youth/Education Director

BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR One of my favorite metaphors used in the month of Tishrei is that Adonai
INFORMATION ON OUR FACEBOOK assesses each of us and decides if we should be written into The Book of Life.
PAGE ON HOW TO REGISTER FOR THE As a child I imagined what the volume must look like. I visualized a giant cos-
YOUNG FAMILY TENT SERVICES ON mic hand meticulously writing names in a huge jewel encrusted ledger -the new
THE HIGH HOLIDAYS! Hebrew year written on its spine. As I got older I realized that in the columns
next to our name was written what our year would be like; would we thrive or
perish, live in robust health or wither away? Our tradition teaches me that while
Gan Shabbat we might not be able to change what is ordained for us, we can have an influence
Saturdays 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on our ultimate outcome by pursuing a life of social justice, ethical living, and
Rooms 1 &2 using prayer and meditation to improve our relationship with the divine and with
Volunteer led service for kids ages one another.
0-5, accompanied by an adult. Looking
In my daily work with children, I have seen again and again a child’s ability
for volunteers to lead – no experience
to change what appeared to be an unavoidable negative situation by making up
his or her mind to engage in responsible positive behavior and to do random acts
Oh Say Shalom Sing-a-Long and of kindness. Disciplinary actions are mollified, medical conditions are met with
Playgroup strength, and academic challenges are overcome. The example of a child who
Not Held in September due to the sets out to make things right in their lives is a good metaphor for how The Book
High Holiday Schedule of Life works. While there may be a difficult year ahead, our free will and our
Hazzan Elisheva Dienstfrey leads resolve enable us to make the year a positive one. Bad doesn’t turn to good all at
songs for the first half hour with free once. Success happens hug by hug, kind word by kind word, smile by smile.
play after. No Jewish knowledge or Each day I watch children make positive life choices in big and small moments.
experience necessary. Each child
No matter what might be in store for each of us in the coming year, we have
requires a grownup.
the ability to make the year a good one. Each time we have the opportunity to
Shababy Kabbalat Shabbat engage in human interaction or the chance to email, tweet, or post on Facebook,
Friday, September 21 | 5:30 p.m. we can chose to act with mindfulness, kindness, and generosity. We can assume
Friday night service for kids 0-5 positive intent in our interactions. Adults, like kids won’t get things right every
and parents with songs, instruments, time. Some days it is two steps forward and one step back. However, we can set
scarves, dancing, parachutes, challah, ourselves on a positive course. When we get lost in the weeds, we can use our
and juice. Information to sign-up for GPS (God Positioning System) to get us back on track.
Shabbat Dinner will be coming in
Perhaps the metaphor of a giant cosmic ledger is less evocative for a genera-
future weekly emails and on our
tion of folks who see life on screens large and small. Nevertheless, the idea
Facebook page.
hasn’t changed much. No matter what life throws our way, we can decide how
CONNECT WITH YOUNG we will receive the message. As 5779 comes closer and closer, let’s all do our
FAMILIES best to assume positive intent, to build rather than tear down, to listen more than
we talk, and to put our best selves forward.
  Find  us  on  the  Facebook  ‟Agudas
Achim Young Families” Group to keep Please know that my amazing family, Fran, Art, Emma, Caleb, Lilly, Caril-
track of what is going on and receive the lon, Max, and Rachelle, and Raphie join me in sending you and those you love
latest updates! For more information or to our very best wishes for 5779. May you have a year filled with love, health, good
get involved contact: humor, and hope. L’Shanna Tova Tikateyvu- "May you be inscribed (in the Book
of Life) for a good year."
Hannah Kraushaar
at hannah.kraushaar@gmail.com SAVE THE DATE
Jennifer Munz
Sunday, October 14, 2018, at 4:00 p.m.
MacKenzie Silverman
Featuring Meryl Justin Chertoff
Executive Director, The Aspen Institute’s Justice
and Society Program


BRINGING ISRAEL TO there also things I learned here at
AGUDAS: OUR SHLICHA, Agudas, that I hope to adopt and make
MIRI BERNOVSKY part of my own personal holiday
traditions when we return to Israel. So
as the holidays approach, I want to use
Like most Israeli kids, I always loved the High Holiday period, or as we call
this opportunity to wish a Shana Tova
it in Israel, "the holidays of Tishrei" (the first month on the Hebrew year calendar.)
U'metuka to everyone at the
These three holidays - Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Sukkot - always come just
congregation - I can only hope that it
a few weeks after the end of the school summer break. They make going back to
will be as good, meaningful and joyful
school on September 1st every year somewhat sweeter for kids. It's difficult to say
as my previous year here.
goodbye to summer and return to your school obligations, but the fact that you
suddenly receive a bunch of vacation days just a few weeks into the school year, SELICHOT: FOR GOD, FOR EACH
because of these three holidays, makes it easier. OTHER, AND FOR OURSELVES
As I grew up, I learned to appreciate these days for more than just the relieving Saturday, September 1 | 9:00 p.m.
break from school that they provide. I love the prayers of Yom Kippur, the special Flax Family Chapel
Israeli songs that you sing on Erev Rosh Hashana, and the family tradition of Traditional Selichot service to follow
spending time together in the Sukkah. In every family and community, these
holidays have their own special features and small traditions. Yom Kippur in Tel Miri Bernovsky, will be teaching
Aviv looks different than in Jerusalem. Sukkot in the Kibbutz is different than in on the following topic:
the city. During the month of Elul we recite
Selichot – asking forgiveness from
Last year, I felt very lucky to experience what these holidays look like here in God. What other kinds of Selicha –
the United States. I loved the holy atmosphere of Yom Kippur at Agudas Achim, forgiveness – are there? What should
and enjoyed being hosted by members of the community in their Sukkahs. I saw we do to enable ourselves to truly
that many things are different in how we celebrate the holidays, but much more is forgive ourselves and others? And how
shared in common. And while there are things I miss - like the secular Israeli is it all connected?
tradition of riding your bicycle on Yom Kippur, when all the roads are empty -
Please help us to maintain our INCLUSIVE AND SPIRITUAL
daily minyan. If someone is saying
kaddish and we don’t have ten people, Agudas Achim is continuing to expand opportunities for all individuals,
kaddish cannot be recited. regardless of disability, to fully participate in the spiritual, educational, and social
life of our congregation. A number of you have shared your comments and concerns
Morning minyan meets at 7:30 am,
to the Disability Inclusion Committee either in person or via the inclusion survey. If
Monday-Friday. Evening minyan meets
you have not already done so, and would like to provide your input, the survey will
at 7:50 p.m. every night except for
be up indefinitely on the Agudas Achim Inclusion web page on our website. Paper
Friday when we have Kabbalat Shabbat,
copies of the survey are also available in the lobby and from the office.
and Saturday (unless someone requests a
minyan on Saturday evening for saying Agudas Achim has already done the following in response to your comments and
kaddish). suggestions:
Some of the ● Purchased a portable ramp so that the Sukkah Courtyard is now accessible
regulars say that from the lobby
attending minyan gives ● Ordered large print versions of the High Holiday Machzor
them a wonderful start ● Instituted a set of practices for labeling of potential allergens at all food events
or end for the day, and ● Begun using amplification regularly at events in the chapel
that the friendships they ● Reached out to the Rabbinical Assembly about producing a large print
have made there have been true and version of Siddur Lev Shalem, as well as a Braille edition
lasting. Check for yourself – join us at Some of the other things we are working on this coming Fall/Winter:
one of these times whenever you can.
● Expanding access and inclusion in our religious school beyond what is
already offered
● Acquiring an audio loop to be installed in the Chapel
● Designating certain aisle seats on the right side of the Sanctuary as priority
seating for persons with mobility disabilities
AAC CAN EARN MONEY THROUGH ● Investigating the possibility of installing electronic door openers at the front
AMAZON SMILE and side doors to the building
Do you shop Amazon? You could ● Whenever possible, making documents available electronically ahead of
be supporting AAC with every time for meetings and classes at Agudas Achim
purchase. Use the Amazon Smile web ● Designating a “quiet room” to be available to children and adults who need
address and Amazon will donate 0.5% a calming space during services and synagogue events
of the price of eligible purchases to ● Getting signage to make it clear that cars should not block the curb ramps
AAC. Visit the Support Us page on the leading from the road to the sidewalk both in front of and on the side of the
AAC website for all the details building
including a link to the Amazon Smile ● Offering a support group run by JSSA for congregants with depression
website. ● Obtaining conference call capability for meetings to enable individuals who
cannot get to shul to participate in meetings and classes
● Looking into having several parking spaces on the street in front of the
entrance designated by the city as accessible spaces on Shabbat and Yom
If you would like to join the Disability Inclusion committee or speak with one of
When a child is born, please
us, please contact Committee Chair, Barbara Elkin at 703-489-4715.
contact the synagogue office as soon
as practical to arrange for Brit Milah
Save the Date: On October 6, 2018, in recognition of Mental Health Awareness
and/or naming. The Rabbi will be
Month, Michael Scheinberg will address the congregation during Shabbat Services.
happy to advise you regarding
scheduling and name selection.
Also, please contact the syn-
agogue office and the Rabbi regarding
arrangements for weddings or other
life-cycle events before announcing
your plans.


Charles Wayne and family In memory of Mildred Sugarman
on the death of his mother, Eileen G. Wayne Scott Sugarman
Rebecca and Jim Halloran In appreciation of Rabbi Rein phone call
on the birth of their son, Jacob David Halloran Janet Barnett
David and Debra Leekoff In memory of Eva Turk
on the birth of their grandson, Asher Elias Anita Turk
In memory of Jacob Finkelstein
In honor of Nancy Hailpern chanting haftarah In memory of Mildred Sugarman (yahrzeit)
Patricia Franklin Scott Sugarman
Anita Turk In honor of Noah Krischer's Bar Mitzvah
ESFORMES FUND Mitchell & Supriya Wunsh
In memory of Philip Bernanke In honor of Sharon & Arnie Rosenblatt's twin granddaughters
David and Judith Bernanke Stanley and Rhoda Sulak
In honor of the birth of twin granddaughters
In memory of Arnold Moore from Anita Turk with deepest
Elliot and Karen Parkin
sympathy and love
In memory of Arnold Moore
Anita Turk
Neale Ainsfield
In memory of mother, Sarah Goldberg
Melvin and Elaine Stokols
Anita Deitch
Scott Sugarman
A donation In memory of Arthur Fotios Kalfopulos from the Scharf Family
Anita Turk Jeffrey Scharf and Amy Melnick-Scharf
In honor of Anita Turk Birthday In memory of Elliot Parkin's Aunt
Robert and Maureen Shapiro Stanley and Rhoda Sulak
In honor of Anita Turk's birthday In memory of Judy Bregman
Patricia Franklin Melvin and Elaine Stokols
Juli Cooper In memory of Mary Mogel
Nancy Siegal Russell and Carolyn Finn
In memory of Arnold Moore In memory of my mother, Else Adler
Carole Pollner & Jay Warshawsky Richard Morton and Dottie Bennett
Gwen Stokols Mazel tov to Arnold & Sharon Rosenblatt on the birth of their
In memory of Bernard Cohen Grandkids
Wilma Probst Scott Sugarman
In memory of Judy Bregman
In memory of Arnold Moore
Gwen Stokols
Alice, Michael, Stephen, Ruth, Patti Mostov & Marty
In memory of Jacob Siegel and Diane Alvin
Sara Lee Siegel Allan and Mickey Lazarus
In memory of Roswell Franklin
In appreciation of Ken Labowitz & Barry Nove
Patricia Franklin
Janet Barnett
In memory of Arnold Moore In memory of Arnold Moore
Kathryn Linver Janet Barnett
In memory of Harold Bernanke
In memory of Arnold Moore
A. David and Judith Bernanke
Robert and Maureen Shapiro
In memory of Jacob Finkelstein
In memory of Milton Bacca Kodish
Jonathan and Ruth Ruskin
Stephen and Tanya Bodzin
In memory of Mildred Sugarman (yahrzeit) PRESCHOOL DONATIONS
Scott Sugarman Congratulations on the birth of Jacob David
Howard and Sherri Kohr
In honor of birthday of Samuel Ziskind RELIGIOUS SCHOOL DONATIONS
Barry Landau In memory of Charles Sklarewitz
In memory of Arnold Moore Ms Beatrice Sklarewitz
Susan Hartman Muska
In memory of Col Jack W. Chesley, Jr
Howard and Alice Fierstein (Continued on page 10.)


IN THE FAMILY ● Granola bars and healthy snacks for children
(Continued from page 9.)
See the Most Wanted Food Wish List:
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN https://www.alive-inc.org/Content/MostWantedFood.pdf
In honor of Lainoff Auditorium's new roof
Patricia Franklin Consider donating healthy alternatives such as low-
In honor of Phil Lurie's kindness sodium soups, tuna packed in water, no-sugar-added fruits,
Patricia Franklin etc.
In loving memory of Arnold Moore MAZON
Audrey Bashkin
In memory of Henry Kanarick On Yom Kippur, we choose to skip meals and go
hungry as part of our Jewish celebration, but we are blessed
Seymour and Judith Wengrovitz
In memory of Oscar Wengrovitz to have the choice. Even if our hunger lasts only a day, it
Seymour and Judith Wengrovitz is enough to make us aware of the challenge hunger
presents to those who experience it. This year, take your
SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE experience with hunger and turn it into a meaningful
Volunteer. Organize. Advocate action. MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger is a
SAMARA WEINSTEIN, CHAIR national nonprofit working to end hunger among people of
SEPTEMBER IS HUNGER AWARENESS MONTH all faiths and backgrounds in the U.S. and Israel. Take
Action to fight Hunger. For more information go to:
1 out of 5 Alexandrians struggle to put food on their ta- www.mazon.org
bles. Please help feed our neighbors in need.
FOOD COLLECTION AT AAC ANNUAL BARBECUE On Sunday, October 28, join the AAC Community for
Sunday, September 2 a fun fall afternoon of gleaning apples. Gleaned apples will
Food banks tell us that one of the things they need most be donated to local area food pantries. Stay tuned for
are protein sources to give to families. To kick-off Hunger details on where and what time to meet.
Awareness Month, please bring canned fish, chicken, and/or MONTHLY COMMITTEE MEETINGS
peanut butter to the AAC Annual Barbecue. Your contribu- Help us make the world a better place! Join the Social
tions will be distributed to local hunger organizations. Action Committee at our monthly meeting on Thursday,
While we feed you kosher hot dogs and hamburgers, September 13 at 7:00 p.m. in the Schonberger Library.
please help those who are hungry in our community! Get involved and help plan an exciting array of programs
This year Agudas Achim’s award winning USY Chapter
is taking the lead on Operation Isaiah, the High Holiday AAC ACTIVE SENIORS
food drive of the Conservative Movement. LUNCH AND LEARN PROGRAM
Beginning on Rosh Hashanah, grocery bags and lists of
Tuesday, October 9 | 12:00 noon – 2:00 p.m.
requested items will be available in the lobby of the syna-
Lainof Auditorium
gogue. Families are asked to take one home, and bring back
at least one bag with food on or before returning to the syn- Join us as we welcome former Congressman Mar-
agogue for the Kol Nidre service. tin Frost (D-TX) to share his expert views on the up-
USY will help sort the food which will be distributed to coming November elections. Congressman Martin
ALIVE!, the oldest and largest hunger relief and private so- Frost has a reputation for keen analysis of politics and
cial safety net organization serving the City of Alexandria. policy. His background in journalism, history and law
ALIVE! relies on donations from the community to help enhances his legal commentary skills. He was the first
alleviate hunger, and volunteers to help distribute food to Jewish congressman elected to a House of Representa-
the neighbors who need it the most. tive leadership post. Following his retirement from the
House of Representatives, he now resides in the area.
ALIVE! Food Program Wish List:
● Nonperishable food is always welcome, and the fol- Reservations are required. RSVP by Thursday,
lowing types of food are especially important: September 26 to Jane Bergen (janebergen@verizon.net/
● Canned meat (tuna, chicken, beef stew, etc.) 703-861-6419) or Nancy Siegal (nsiegal@comcast.net/
● Canned vegetables, beans, soups, and fruits 703-671-0957).
● Cereal This program is funded in full by AAC Sisterhood
● Peanut Butter (and jelly!) although donations are welcome. We need volunteers to help
● Multiple meal staples such as rice, spaghetti, and set up prior to the event and to clean up at the conclusion. If
other forms of pasta you are interested, please contact Jane or Nancy.
● Macaroni and cheese
Profiles of Our LEADERS
ARDEN LEVY by Carol Backman
Arden Levy grew up in Bridgewater, New Jersey, but for the says that it was relatively new to have a woman lawyer
Jewish holidays her family traveled to her grandparents’ home in serving and deploying with troop commanders, and it was
the Bronx, New York. “My grandmother was the matriarch of the an exciting opportunity for her. In that role, she deployed to
family. She was the glue that held everyone together late into her Kuwait as the Brigade JAG in 1995 for three months.
90’s.” recalls Arden. Her father emphasized hard work, while also Arden then was assigned to Washington, D.C. in 1996,
making clear his goal that his children would have opportunities first working in the Army’s Criminal Defense Appellate
that he did not have such as moving away to attend college and Division, and then in the Army’s Litigation Division. She
graduate school and traveling the world. While Jewish culture and left active duty in early 2001, and stayed in the Reserves as
history were emphasized as important, Jewish observance was not. a Major until 2005 when it became too hard to manage
A serious ballet dancer growing up, Arden missed so much reserve duty with her private practice and children. Arden
religious school that she had to drop out of religious school in joined a large law firm in January 2001 and remained there
the fifth grade. Her parents then decided to also allow her until 2011. “Now I have my own law firm, Arden Levy
brother, who was a year away from his Bar Mitzvah, to drop Law. We do insurance recovery work and mediation,”
out of religious school, explains Arden.
and the family left their Arden says that she had always regretted dropping out
Reform synagogue. At of religious school and missing her Bat Mitzvah. When
the same time, Arden celebrating the High Holidays during her military
credits her mother, in deployment to Kuwait, Arden felt she was unable to answer
particular, for making questions her commanders asked about the holidays, and
sure the family she decided that she wanted to be more knowledgeable
celebrated many Jewish about Judaism. At the same time, she learned that her
holidays and discussed mother, who had met her father at their university’s Hillel
Jewish values. and raised Arden and her brother as Jews, had never
Arden recalls fondly her family’s Vermont Christmas-time formally converted to Judaism.
ski trips when she was a teenager and skiing on Christmas day This came as quite a surprise to Arden, because her
when almost everyone was Jewish. Arden even planned to entire identity was as a Jew. Good friends of hers had gone
travel to Israel on a teen summer trip in the pre-Birthright days. through the conversion process with Rabbi Jack Moline and
While she ended up winning a scholarship to travel to Paris for suggested that she reach out to him. As soon as Arden
the summer instead, she knew she would make it to Israel returned to Washington, D.C., she met with Rabbi Jack.
eventually. Going through the formal conversion process and the
Arden attended Northwestern University in Chicago, Mikvah bath was an important milestone for her.
majoring in European History and French Studies, and she Arden met her husband, Tony Sanchez, an Army
spent her junior year in Paris, studying ballet part of the time at intelligence officer, at Fort Hood, Texas. He eventually
a school affiliated with the Paris Opera Ballet. While she was followed her to Washington, D.C., and they were married
not particularly engaged in Jewish life, most of her friends and by a Reform rabbi in Seattle, Washington where her parents
roommates were Jewish. now lived and where Tony was from. The couple purchased
After college, Arden entered George Washington a house and settled in Alexandria in 1997. They decided to
University Law School. While in law school, she realized that maintain a Jewish home and join a congregation. “Tony got
she wanted to become a trial lawyer, so she decided to join the the choice about which synagogue to join, and he really
Judge Advocate General’s “JAG” Corps. After graduating law liked Jack Moline, so we joined Agudas,” Arden notes.
school and passing the bar exam, she was commissioned a First She studied Hebrew for a year at the JCCNV, and then
Lieutenant in the Army as a JAG. She was stationed at Fort she joined an adult B’nai Mitzvah class with Hazzan
Hood, Texas for three years where she was assigned to the First Elisheva Diensfrey. “I had an adult Bat Mitzvah in 2004,
Cavalry Division. and it was an incredible experience.” she says. Arden also
Arden explains that after the 1989 Gulf War, women began said that particularly during her time in the Army, she felt
serving in certain jobs that were attached to combat units. “I like she straddled two worlds, helping educate others about
was the first female lawyer for the Second (Blackjack) Brigade, Judaism. With that in mind, she decided to choose a second
an armor brigade within the First Cavalry Division, advising Hebrew name, “Esther,” to add to her first name,
Commanders and serving as the brigade’s prosecutor.” Arden


(Continued from page 11. ) Arden is a familiar personality at AAC for the work she
“Yardena,” to reflect her feeling like a link between Jews and does in the congregation. She was involved with the Pre-
non-Jews, and her growing involvement with Judaism. School Committee for two years, then became involved with
the Youth and Religious School Committee for several
Arden and Tony have two children, Jacob, born in 2004, years, and now is the Vice President of Youth Services and
and Julianna, born in 2006. At Jacob’s Bris, Arden recalls that serving on the Board of Directors.
everyone in her family was overjoyed by the occasion, even
her father, who was uncertain about how he would feel at a Additionally, she has been involved with the Purim
religious ceremony. “Seeing the rabbi say prayers over Jacob, Carnival and Sisterhood for many years, beginning with the
my family thought it was amazing. As the first bris celebrated prize table when the children were in preschool, and now
by the family in decades, the day represented a linking of serving as the Co-Chair of the Purim Carnival for three
generations and everybody coming together,” years. “My kids love that I do it, and that’s why I volunteer,”
Arden says. Recently, she also worked with the B’nai
Arden remembers. She recalls an equally memorable day Mitzvah Task Force as it looked at ways to improve and
in 2006 at Julianna’s baby naming held in the AAC sanctuary. evolve the program at AAC.
“My 95 year-old grandmother sat on a chair on the Bima and
held Julianna. It was so meaningful.” Arden and Tony moved to the AAC neighborhood two
years ago. The move was precipitated by plans to begin a
Jacob became a Bar Mitzvah at AAC in November, 2017. large renovation of their existing home of 15 years. Tony
Arden recalls how hard Jacob worked to prepare, doing a wanted to move rather than remodel, but Arden said she
fantastic job. “He had such a sense of accomplishment,” she would only move if they found a house within walking
says. The event was equally important for her family, many distance from the synagogue. Coincidentally, a new house
of whom traveled long distances to join the celebration. was built across the street from the synagogue and went up
There had not been a Bar Mitzvah in her family for many for sale at the exact same time, so the family decided to
years, and Arden had not seen her mother with all her siblings move. Arden says it was life changing for the children. “It
in decades. The entire family is now looking forward to means their world now includes being able to walk to the
Julianna becoming a Bat Mitzvah at AAC in November 2019. synagogue, and I get called for Minyan a lot,” jokes Arden.
SEPTEMBER 1, 2018 ELUL 21, 5778 SEPTEMBER 11, 2018 TISHRI 2, 5779 SEPTEMBER 22, 2018 TISHRI 13, 5779
Gen. Thomas Benton Baker * Lilyan Chitlik Jerome Chapman
Lily Friedberg * Max Gazin * Janet Distler
David Schneider Louis Klein Benjamin B. Garbow
SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 ELUL 22, 5778 Bertha Schneider * Esther Goldberg
Marshall Becker Shirley Silberberg Irene Goldhammer
Mollie B. Deutsch Albert Zimmerman * Rabbi David M. Shohet
Emery Grosz SEPTEMBER 12, 2018 TISHRI 3, 5779 SEPTEMBER 23, 2018 TISHRI 14, 5779
* Anne Leventhal Meyer Diamond * Jacob Abraham
SEPTEMBER 3, 2018 ELUL 23, 5778 * Mary Fagelson * Bessie Rossen
* Irving Kushner Rose Miller * Bertha G. Teitelbaum
* Sadie Mintz SEPTEMBER 13, 2018 TISHRI 4, 5779 SEPTEMBER 24, 2018 TISHRI 15, 5779
Freda Schiller Nancy Fisher Eugene Loble
SEPTEMBER 4, 2018 ELUL 24, 5778 Morton Goldenberg Betty Ravitz
Charles Craft * Irwin Goodwin George Rollins
Nathan Miller * Louis Kasse * Anita Weiner Wiesman
* Chaim Rubin SEPTEMBER 14, 2018 TISHRI 5, 5779 SEPTEMBER 25, 2018 TISHRI 16, 5779
Charles Wanger Maurice Konheim * Anna Levinson
SEPTEMBER 5, 2018 ELUL 25, 5778 * Anna Ruben Marilyn Otterness
Marcella Cohn Deborah Aronson Stern * Victor I. Romano
* Robert Kaminsky Rose Zafren * Gwen Marilyn Swers
James J Kelly SEPTEMBER 15, 2018 TISHRI 6, 5779 Justin Wilson
* Max Schmier Marlena Gelboin SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 TISHRI 17, 5779
* Irving Willig * Lena Shanker Gladys Notis
SEPTEMBER 6, 2018 ELUL 26, 5778 SEPTEMBER 16, 2018 TISHRI 7, 5779 * Robert Roberts
* Joseph Freeman Fred Begun SEPTEMBER 27, 2018 TISHRI 18, 5779
Elizabeth Sheppard Evelyn Glick Dorothy Bodzin
Mamie Weiss Samuel Landau James Mark Kranz
* Hyman J. Witkin Jimmy Lubotsky Miriam Rein
SEPTEMBER 7, 2018 ELUL 27, 5778 Nancy Rose Shapiro * Lottie G. Schwartz
* Sadie Greene Naomi Loble Stern SEPTEMBER 28, 2018 TISHRI 19, 5779
Carole Millman SEPTEMBER 17, 2018 TISHRI 8, 5779 Carl David
Rose Yellin Scott Goodfarb Rose Flax
SEPTEMBER 8, 2018 ELUL 28, 5778 * Raymond Kelly Dorothy Landman
Alice David Michael N. Kreiger Roy Ruben Rose
Janet Appel Levy * Shirley Silver SEPTEMBER 29, 2018 TISHRI 20, 5779
Harry Linver SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 TISHRI 9, 5779 * Gitelle Amorky
Jeanette Loeb * Melvin Finn * Marvin J. Brandt
Willis Ranck * Marshall Flax * Dora Chadab
* Sonia Chai Rubin Morris Gutterman * Samuel Goldstein
* Lillian Slotkin Howard Leonard Raiten * Herman Grenadier
SEPTEMBER 9, 2018 ELUL 29, 5778 * Edwin Shalloway Ruth Milzman
Corinne Coen SEPTEMBER 19, 2018 TISHRI 10, 5779 SEPTEMBER 30, 2018 TISHRI 21, 5779
Kitty Coiner Perla Amar * Nathan Kramer
* Bessie Diamond Phyllis Appel * Mary Mendelson
Bessie Jahss Jennie Cohen Doris Rosenblum
Sidney Katz Selma Geiger * Morris Shuman
Lillian Richer Carolyn Gordon * Francis Siegal
William Segan Harry Newman * Kate A. Woolf
* Sorah Eiteh Witkin SEPTEMBER 20, 2018 TISHRI 11, 5779 Stuart Young
SEPTEMBER 10, 2018 TISHRI 1, 5779 Miriam Barber
Herman William Bernstein Mary Cooper
Dooley Gross Hyman Kaback
Anna Schwartz Jack Kabcenell
Ruth Schwartz Yehoshua Montanez
* Lieb Hillel Shapiro SEPTEMBER 21, 2018 TISHRI 12, 5779
David Terner * Carlyn Herman
Barbara Tregub Alvin Ring
* Max Witkin * George Silverman
Jerome Turk

* A memorial light will be lit in the synagogue for those names marked with an asterisk.


Elliot Parkin, Men’s Club President
Men’s Club continues to provide
Sisterhood was thrilled to welcome our very own AAC Education Director service to the Agudas Achim community.
Chaya Silver to our stage for our final program of the year. A great big Yasher Koach Harvey Stoler and Louis Marcus
to Chaya for her compelling and thought-provoking interactive presentation on organized the volunteers to grill,
Mindful Speech and Loshon Horah in the Age of Tweets, Facebook and Community prepare, and serve food and beverage at
Discourse. Thank you to our kitchen and set up crew for getting up extra early to get the Congregation’s annual BBQ. Doc
the coffee brewing and putting out a gorgeous brunch spread. Susan Auerhan, Nancy Shantz is coordinating the ushers for the
Siegal, Robin Braverman, Jane Bergen and Lynne Rosenblum, Ken Notis and Sarah High Holidays. If you haven’t
Notis were invaluable. Kudos to those who stayed behind to clean up before our volunteered yet, you can sign up for a
membership meeting. We had an impressive turnout and are so glad you joined us slot by contacting Doc at
for bagels, lox, and a refreshingly healthy and decadent yogurt parfait station. docmoney1@gmail.com.
Following the program, President Lenore Garon led a membership wide Men’s Club will erect the Sukkah in
discussion on the direction of Sisterhood for the coming year and members shared the courtyard on Sunday, Septmeber 23
ideas, insights and our path going forward. Thanks to all who attended and offered at 9:30 AM. Please contact Brian Kolstad
their opinions and comments. at brianandsusannah@yahoo.com if you
UPCOMING EVENTS can lend a hand. Refreshments will be
SUPPER IN THE SUKKAH provided to laborers and kibitzers.
Thursday, September 27, 2018 Upcoming events this fall include
7:00 pm cocktails. Dinner 7:30 pm the joint Sisterhood and Men’s Club
Cost: Age 12 - Adult $36 5 - 12 $18 0-5 Free Supper in the Sukkah on Thursday,
As you read this, summer is gently fading into fall but you’d never know it by September 27 (see the Sisterhood
the blistering heat and long days at the ocean, mountains or pool. But get ready for column for details) and lox and bagel
our blockbuster Fall event. As you prepare for Rosh Hashana, don’t forget to RSVP brunches on Sunday, October 14 and
for this fabulous Sukkot dinner. Sisterhood is once again teaming up with Men’s Sunday November 18 at 10 AM in the
Club to bring back Supper in the Sukkah for a second straight year. Lainoff Auditorium. Watch for details
This is a popular event, seating is limited and fills up fast. Make check payable on our events in the weekly
to AAC Men’s Club, indicate Sukkah Supper and number of attendees in the subject announcements.
line. Leave the check in the AAC Men’s Club mailbox in the AAC office workroom The Men’s Club Israel Pilgrimage
or mail to AAC Men’s Club, 2908 Valley Drive, Alexandria, 22302. Watch this Scholarship Program provided three
space and our e-communications for additional on-line registration capability. Come scholarships this past year to teens of the
celebrate the glorious earthy holiday of Sukkot under a canopy of stars as we bring Congregation for Israel experiences.
you a sumptuous buffet of traditional Hungarian Chicken Schnitzel with other Emphasis is on trips sponsored by the
mouth-watering selections. Conservative Movement and Jewish day
FALL SNEAK PEEK schools. If you have a teen who is interested
in a peer trip to Israel, please contact Mike
Sunday, October 21 | 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Scheinberg at mike@schuschein.com for
Paid up membership Soiree and Officer Installation
scholarship details.
Sunday, November 4 | 9:30 a.m.
We would greatly appreciate your
Sisterhood Brunch
support for Men’s Club this coming year by
Sunday, December 9 | 9:30 a.m. sending in your membership dues for 2018-
Joint brunch and program with AAC Social Action Committee with the Sisterhood 19 (5779). Our nominal dues for the year
of Salaam Shalom as our guests. are $36, but please consider donating
JOIN US “Chai’er” amounts, such as $54, $72, $90,
or $108. We welcome your ideas for future
Don't miss out on the latest Sisterhood news. Send an email to Sisterhood events as well as your help with activities.
Co-Communications Director Jodi Wittlin to get on our email distribution list. Please contact me at
jlwittlin@yahoo.com. elliot.parkin@gmail.com or 703-575-
7879 with your particular interests.


Agudas Achim Congregation RABBI’S MESSAGE...........................page 1
2908 Valley Drive SCHEDULE OF SERVICES..................page 2
Alexandria, VA 22302 CHEVRA KADISHA............................page 2
Phone: 703-998-6460 Fax: 703-998-5843 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE...................page 3
The Bulletin is published monthly - ISSN1084-9858 AAC RIDES APPEAL FOR DRIVERS. . page 4
DEAR HAZZAN.................................page 5
Rabbi .....................................................................….…………Steven I. Rein USY................................................page 5
Hazzan..........................................................................Elisheva R. Dienstfrey MAH KOREH - EDUCATION...............page 6
Rabbi Emeritus...............................................................................Jack Moline YOUNG FAMILIES.............................page 6
Executive Director.....................................................................….Barry Nove BRINGING ISRAEL TO AGUDAS.........page 7
Youth/Education Director...........….……….................................Chaya Silver DISABILITY INCLUSION......................page 8
Preschool Director……............................................................….Jen Halpern IN THE FAMILY.................................page 9
Shlicha.………………………………………………………Miri Bernovsky SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE..........page 10
President……..……………………………………………Kenneth Labowitz AAC ACTIVE SENIORS LUNCH.......page 10
Sisterhood President.….……….........….……………………...Lenore Garon PROFILES OF OUR LEADERS...........page 11
Men’s Club President..........................…..………………………Elliot Parkin IN MEMORIAM................................page 13
Communication Specialist.....………………….………………Marya Runkle SISTERHOOD DOINGS.....................page 14
Email: synagogue@agudasachim-va.org Twitter: @agudasachim MEN’S CLUB MENSCHENING...........page 14
Web: www.agudasachim-va.org Facebook: facebook.com/agudasachim
Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m............................................Conversational Hebrew
Fridays, 9:00 a.m...........................................................Talmud Study Class
Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. ....................................................Parashat Ha’Shavua
Saturdays, 11:00 a.m.................................................................Gan Shabbat


See pages 2-3 for Full High Holiday Service Schedule
Saturday, September 1.........................................................................Selihot
Sunday, September 2................................................AAC Annual Barbecue
Sunday, September 23...............................................Build the AAC Sukkah
Thursday, September 27.............................................Supper in the Sukkah

Time Value
Alexandria, VA
Permit No. 263 Address Service Requested
U.S. Postage Alexandria, VA 22302
Non-Profit Org. 2908 Valley Drive
Agudas Achim Congregation

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