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Pedagogy Vs.


 • Premised on five assumptions:
• Teacher-learner model in which • Self-concept
dependency is on the instructor • Experience
• Readiness to learn
• Theories of teaching with a focus of
• Orientation to learning
consideration in regards to instruction
• Motivation to learn
• Experiences help become a main
• Didactics principles include: resource for learning to build • Theory is based off of characteristics of
• All learning happens through the upon adult learners such as life situations and
senses. change in consciousness
• One should proceed from the specific • Both include teaching and
to the general, from what is easy to the learning components
more difficult, from what is known to • Five step model consists of:
the unknown. • In depth learning occurs in similar 1. diagnosing learning needs.
• Teaching should not cover too many methods with children and adults 2. formulating learning needs.
subjects or themes at the same time. 3. identifying human material
• Teaching should proceed slowly and • Opportunities for transformative resources for learning.
systematically. learning promotes deeper 4. choosing and implementing
understanding with both models appropriate learning strategies.
• Theories include relations to mental-discipline, 5. evaluating learning outcomes.
apperception, conditioning, behaviorism,
cognition, maturation, and structure. Four principles applied to adult learning:
1. Adults need to be involved in the planning and
evaluation of their instruction.
2. Experience (including mistakes) provides the
basis for the learning activities.
3. Adults are most interested in learning subjects
that have immediate relevance and impact to their
job or their personal life.
4. Adult learning is problem-centered rather than

Pedagogy Both Andragogy


Pappas, C. (2013). The adult learning theory – andragogy – of – Malcom – Knowles. Retrieved

Smith, M. K. (2002) Malcolm Knowles, informal adult education, self-direction and andragogy.
Retrieved from

Smith, M. K. (2012) What is pedagogy?. Retrieved from

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