Design of Toe Wall: Concrete M20

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Project: Rehabilitation and Up gradation of Bhutan Border (At Pasakha) to Bangladesh Border (At

Changrabandha) as part of AH-48 DOC.NO

Subject Design of Toe wall Date May-16
Revision Zero
Basic Input Remarks

Height of wall above GL H 2 m

Depth of foundation Df 1.2 m Concrete M20

Total height of retaining wall , H at toe 2+ 1.2 3.2 m
Height of Earth fill at tip of the heel (( 3.2+( .9/1000- .3/1000+1.20)*TAN(0.00))) 3.20 m
Top width of wall wt 0.3 m Steel Fe415
bottom width of wall wb 0.9 m
thickness of toe at edge tt1 0.4 m
tt2 0 m allowable tensile
thickness of heel at edge th1 0.4 m stress -
th2 0 m 0.53N/

Width of toe slab tw 1.20 m

width of heel slab hw 1.20 m

Depth of shear key 0.00 m

Total width of foundation , B 1.20+1.20+ .9 3.30 m

Average depth of soil fill over toe slab 1.2-( .4*2+ 0)/2 0.80 m

Average depth of soil fill over heel slab 3.2-(2* .4+ 0)/2 2.80 m

Angle of Internal friction of Back fill material  30.00 deg.

Equivalent height for LL surcharge pressure 1.2 m

Unit weight of back fill material 1.8 t/cum

Grade of concrete M20

Unit weight of concrete, PCC 2.3 t/cum

Grade of steel Fe 500
Project: Rehabilitation and Up gradation of Bhutan Border (At Pasakha) to Bangladesh Border (At
Changrabandha) as part of AH-48 DOC.NO
Subject Design of Toe wall Date May-16
Revision Zero


Height wall above GL , h = 2.0 8

tt2 = 0 1
Df= 1.2 4 th2 = 0
tt1 = 0.4 3 th1 = 0.4

0.9 Earth press surcharge press

1.2 1.2
Project: Rehabilitation and Up gradation of Bhutan Border (At Pasakha) to Bangladesh Border (At
Changrabandha) as part of AH-48 DOC.NO
Subject Design of Toe wall Date May-16
Revision Zero

Kah calculation (ie horizontal componenet of active earth pressure)

angle of inclination of wall with horizontal  77.90 deg 1.36 rad
angle of inclination of top surface of soil - horz  0.00 deg 0.00 as per columb's
angle of wall friction  20.00 deg 0.35 rad theory
Kh 0.373
Kv 0.136
Kp 5.720
Clear cover to reinforcement (walls) 0.05 m
footings 0.075 m
Check for stability (under Normal case)
S.No Item description Load(t) Lever arm wrt toe Moment (t.m)
1 Self weight of structure
I Footing
2 .9*( .4+ 0)* 2.3 0.828 1.20+ .9*0.5 1.65 1.37
heel 3 1.20*( .4)* 2.3 1.104 3.30-1.20*0.5 2.70 2.98
3 0.5*1.20* 0* 2.3 0.000 3.30-0.66*1.20 2.51 0.00
toe 4 .4*1.20* 2.3 1.104 0.5*1.20 0.60 0.66
4 0.5* 0*1.20* 2.3 0.000 0.66*1.20 0.79 0.00
II wall
5 ( .3)*( 3.2-(( .4+ 0)))* 2.3 1.93 1.20+0.3+0.5* .3 1.65 3.19
9 0.5*( 3.2-(( .4+ 0)))*(( .9- .3)/2)* 2.3 0.97 1.20+(0.67*(0.3)) 1.40 1.35

6 0.5*( 3.2-(( .4+ 0)))*( .9- .3)* 2.3 1.93 1.20+0.3+( .3)+(0.33*(0.3)) 1.90 3.67
III Soil over

wall (7) 0.5*( 3.2-(( .4+ 0)))*( .9- .3)* 1.8 1.51 1.20+( .3)+(0.66*( .9- .3)) 1.90 2.87
heel (8) 2.80*1.20* 1.8 6.05 3.30-0.5*1.20 2.70 16.33
toe (1) 1.20*0.80* 1.8 1.73 0.5*1.20 0.60 1.04

traingular component of earth

fill over retaining wall(10) 0.5*(1.20+( .9- .3))*(3.20- 3.2)* 1.8 0.00 0.666*1.20+ .9+1.20 2.90 0.00
5 Vertical component of
Backfill 0.5*0.136* 1.8*3.20^2 1.25 1.20+( .3+0.5*( .9- .3)) 1.80 2.25
V  Stabilising moment 35.702
Project: Rehabilitation and Up gradation of Bhutan Border (At Pasakha) to Bangladesh Border (At
Changrabandha) as part of AH-48 DOC.NO
Subject Design of Toe wall Date May-16
Revision Zero

Item description Load(t) Lever arm wrt toe Moment (t.m)

Horzontal loads
Horizontal component (active) 0.5*0.373* 1.8*3.20^2 3.436 0.42*3.20 1.34 4.618

LL surcharge 1.8*0.373* 1.2*3.20 2.577 1.6 4.123

H 6.013 Mo 8.741 t.m

Check for stability
Passive Resistance from Shear Key

Passive Earth pr developed Pp 6.09*5.720 34.82 t/sq.m

Total Passive pressure 34.82*0.00 0.0 t/m

Active EP developed at Key 6.013 6.01 t/m

F.S against Overturning (  M /  Mo ) (35.702/8.741) 4.08 >2.0 Hence ok

F.S against sliding (  V *  /  H) (18.40*0.5+0.0)/6.01 1.53 >1.5 Hence ok

X' (35.702-8.741)/18.40 1.465 m b/6 =

e ( = B/2-x' ) 3.30/2-1.465 0.185 m 0.55

Pmax (P1) V / B ( 1 + 6 e / B ) 18.40/3.30*(1+6*0.185/3.30) 7.45 t/sq.m

Net SBC at founding level 7.45- 1.8* 1.2 5.29 t/sq.m

Pmin (P2) V / B ( 1 - 6 e / B ) 18.40/3.30*(1-6*0.185/3.30) 3.701 t/sq.m

Design of foundation:

Design of Toe slab:

Earth pressure from bottom at tip, p1 7.45 7.45 t/sq.m

Earth pressure at face of wall, P3 3.701+((3.30-1.20)/3.30*(7.45-3.701)) 6.09 t/sq.m

Soil + self weight form top ( .4+ 0+ .4)/2* 2.3+( 1.2-( .4+ 0+ .4)/2)* 1.8 2.36 t/sq.m

Bending moment at face of wall ((6.09- 2.36)*1.20^2/2+(7.45-6.09)*0.5*0.6666*1.20*1.20) 3.34 tm

Min thickness of footing for M20 grade concrete ( Allowable tensile
stress = 0.53Mpa) SQRT(3.34*10000000*6/(1000*0.53)) 614.85 mm
Project: Rehabilitation and Up gradation of Bhutan Border (At Pasakha) to Bangladesh Border (At
Changrabandha) as part of AH-48 DOC.NO
Subject Design of Toe wall Date May-16
Revision Zero

d eff

toe heel

(A) Kp .P3

P1 P5 P3 P4

Design of heel slab :

Earth pressure from bottom at tip, p2 3.70 t/sq.m
Earth pressure at face of wall, p4 3.701+((1.20)/3.30*(7.45-3.701)) 5.07 t/sq.m
Soil + self weight form top ( .4+ 0+ .4)/2* 2.3+( 3.2-(( .4+ 0+ .4))*0.5)* 1.8 5.96 t/sq.m
Bending moment at face of wall (5.96*1.20^2/2-3.70*1.20^2/2 -(5.07-3.70)*1.20*0.33*1.20*0.5) 1.30 tm

Min thickness of footing for M20 grade concrete ( Allowable tensile

stress = 0.53Mpa) SQRT(1.30*10000000*6/(1000*0.53)) 383.97 mm

Stem design :
Bending moment at bottom of wall
Height of wall 3.2-( 0+ .4) 2.80 m
Due to earth pressure (2.80*1.8*0.373)*0.5*2.80*0.42*2.80 3.094 tm
Due to LL surcharge (1.8* 1.2*0.373)*2.80*0.5*2.80 3.16 tm
Project: Rehabilitation and Up gradation of Bhutan Border (At Pasakha) to Bangladesh Border (At
Changrabandha) as part of AH-48 DOC.NO
Subject Design of Toe wall Date May-16
Revision Zero
Due to DL eccenticity ROUNDUP(173.249/64.648,1) 0.000 tm
Total bending moment at bottom of wall, at C 0.000+3.16+3.094 6.250 tm

Min thickness of footing for M20 grade concrete ( Allowable tensile

stress = 0.53Mpa) SQRT(6.250*10000000*6/(1000*0.53)) 841.19 mm

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