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Character in Real Life

For FAITH vs Presumption
Faith Committee, Character Council of Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky

Faith is confidence that actions rooted in good character will yield the best outcome,
even when I cannot see how.

By Reverend Phil and Donna Resnick

Social Studies Teacher, Cincinnati Christian Schools, Fairfield, OH

Shaklee Distributors, Taylor Mill, KY

Abraham lived in the city known as Ur of the Chaldeans approximately 1921 BCE. The city, one
of the old Babylonian royal towns, was a center of moon-god worship. Abraham’s father, Terah,
moved the family to Haran, a commercial city at the crossroads to the west. While living there
the Lord spoke to Abraham and told him to leave his country, his relatives and his father’s house,
to move his family to a land the Lord would show him.

Abraham received the promise that the land where he was going would be his inheritance. He
was told that the Lord would make of him a great nation, that his name would be great, and that
he should be a blessing as He traveled with all of his possessions and family not knowing where
he was going. Abraham showed faith by obeying as the Lord had spoken to him.

But as his life progressed, an obstacle gradually arose to God’s promise. Abraham and Sarah
were advanced in years, and she was barren. How would God make a great nation of Abraham’s
descendents without an heir? While in the land, by faith Abraham and Sarah, being too old to
have children, had a son promised to them by the Lord. God rewarded their faith when at the age
of 90 Sarah gave birth to God’s promise, Isaac. You can read more about Abraham’s life of faith
in Genesis 11:26-25:10.

But the righteous shall live by his faith. [Habakkuk 2:4b, Masoretic text]

Faith is recognizing God’s will in a given matter and acting upon it.

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