Engineering Project Management: By: Dr. Ali Ahsan

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Engineering Project Management

Dr. Ali Ahsan

EPM All Rights Reserved By Dr. Ali Ahsan

Today’s Agenda
• Course Outline
• A glance at PMBOK
• General discussion
• General terms [if time permits]

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• Emails + Contact No + Name

EPM All Rights Reserved By Dr. Ali Ahsan

How is PMBOK structured?

EPM All Rights Reserved By Dr. Ali Ahsan

What is a project?
• A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique
product, service, or result. The temporary nature of projects indicates a
definite beginning and end. The end is reached when the project’s
objectives have been achieved or when the project is terminated
because its objectives will not or cannot be met, or when the need for
the project no longer exists. Temporary does not necessarily mean
short in duration. Temporary does not generally apply to the product,
service, or result created by the project; most projects are undertaken
to create a lasting outcome. For example, a project to build a national
monument will create a result expected to last centuries. Projects can
also have social, economic, and environmental impacts that far outlast
the projects themselves.
• Every project creates a unique product, service, or result. Although
repetitive elements may be present in some project deliverables, this
repetition does not change the fundamental uniqueness of the project
work. For example, office buildings are constructed with the same or
similar materials or by the same team, but each location is unique—
with a different design, different circumstances, different contractors,
and so on.

EPM All Rights Reserved By Dr. Ali Ahsan

What is PM?
• Project management is the application of knowledge,
skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the
project requirements. Project management is accomplished
through the appropriate application and integration of the
42 logically grouped project management processes
comprising the 5 Process Groups. These 5 Process Groups
– Initiating,
– Planning,
– Executing,
– Monitoring and Controlling, and
– Closing.

EPM All Rights Reserved By Dr. Ali Ahsan

Project Management
• A project is a one-off change to be achieved by a
finite, time-ordered and interrelated set of tasks. One-
off means that the project is not repeated. (Non-
• The one-off change is the project.
• The time-ordered set of tasks is called the project
• Project management is the identification of one-off
change and the management of the project sequence.

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EPM All Rights Reserved By Dr. Ali Ahsan

Project Vs Process
• A process is a repetitive activity like a plant
turning over and producing the same
• Running a train service? A project or a
• Introducing signals, new timetables new
tracks, new meal plans etc… are projects.

EPM All Rights Reserved By Dr. Ali Ahsan

Project, Program, Task, Work Package

• Military is the source of most these terms.

• Program:
– Refers to a an exceptionally large, long range
objective that is broken down into a set of
• Projects are further divided into tasks.
• Tasks are split into work packages.
• Work packages are composed of work units.

EPM All Rights Reserved By Dr. Ali Ahsan

A Little More

• Project:
– It is a set of interrelated activities that are
directed towards a goal or purpose and are
unique, complex and must be completed within
time, within budget and according to

EPM All Rights Reserved By Dr. Ali Ahsan

Attributes / Characteristics
• Purpose:
– One time activity with a well defined set of desired end
– Divided into subtasks that must be completed to achieve
project goals.
• Complex:
– Coordination and control in terms of timing, precedence,
cost and performance are required.
– Non-routine activities.
• Life Cycle:
– Slow beginning, buildup of size, peak, decline and
• Interdependencies:
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Project Life Cycle

100 % Slow finish

Project Quick
Completed momentum


EPM All Rights Reserved By Dr. Ali Ahsan

Attributes / Characteristics
• Uniqueness:
– Projects are never alike.
– Projects by their nature cannot be completely reduced
to routine.
• Conflict:
– PMs live in a world characterized by conflict.
– Projects compete with functional departments for
– Main stake holders are
• Client, parent organization, project team, public.

EPM All Rights Reserved By Dr. Ali Ahsan

Why Project Management?

• Basic purpose of a project is to accomplish

certain goals.
• Reason to organize a task as a project is to
focus the responsibility and authority to
attain the goals.
• Systematic undertaking of the projects.
• Advantages and disadvantages.

EPM All Rights Reserved By Dr. Ali Ahsan

Characteristics of Project Management

• Continual elaboration: Project management is
the management of a problem solving sequence
over time. A continual elaboration of the content
of the project and of project sequence is
• Brokering agreement: Acting like an agent or
negotiator to solutions that everyone agrees.
Project Manager is like a broker.
• Establishing criteria for completion: When the
project is completed.
EPM All Rights Reserved By Dr. Ali Ahsan

Characteristics of Proj. Mgt
• Negotiating tradeoffs.
• Managing subcontractors.
• Coping with unfamiliar technology.
• Cutting across organizational lines.
• Managing complexity.

EPM All Rights Reserved By Dr. Ali Ahsan

Skills Needed to Manage a Project

• Identify outcomes and deliverables.
• Devise a sequence to achieve the goals.
• Assess the capability of the sequence.
• Recognize if and when the outcomes have been
• Deal skillfully with people.
• Manage unfamiliar complex systems and technical
• Identify key issues.
• Respond to contingent situations.
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Skills Needed to Manage a Project
• Identify and manage interfaces.
• Manage time and cost.
• Setup Project Management Information
• Manage political and community issues
(Management of stakeholders).
• Manage contractual matters.
• Maintain a sense of urgency.
• Cope with risk.
• Save your tail.
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Project Life Cycle

• Project Selection
• Planning
• Implementation
• Control
• Evaluation
• Termination

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Stages of PM

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The Triple Constraint of Project


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Role of PM?

PM & OM?

EPM All Rights Reserved By Dr. Ali Ahsan

Your Feedbacks!

Q & A?
EPM All Rights Reserved By Dr. Ali Ahsan


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