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EXPRESSIVE PROPERTIES OF LINE CONCEPT: Line has expressive potential and can portray ideas, moods, feelings, and values. Understanding the expressive properties of line can help one to evaluate and appreciate works of art. Stuclent Material \ Unit 5 \ Lesson 2 \ EXPRESSIVE PROPERTIES OF LINE EXPRESSIVE PROPERTIES OF LINES STRAIGHT HORIZONTAL LINES RIGID, MANUFACTURED / Straight lines are seen jn such things as siding on @ house, wall paneling, and venetian blinds. The lines appear manufactured and can look rigid, fixed, stable, flat, and non-dimensional RESTFUL/ Humans restin a horizontal position, thus horizontal lines can suggest things such as rest, sleep, quiet, silence, or peace. In certain situations horizontal lines ean suggest death. GRD (VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL LINES) GRID / Lines forming a grid ean be seen in a bathroom shower or on a bathroom or kitchen floor. A grid can suggest things a wall or floor covering, It may suggest things such as rigid, immoveable, stable, or stiff. GEOMETRIC / Grids are used in mathematics and ‘ean suggest geometry, accuracy, or precision. VERTICAL LINES FENCES / We are accustomed to secing straight, vertical lines in fences and on buildings. They can appear geometric and manufactured. These lines can appear rigid, flat, or stable. « STRONG / Columns hold up buildings. Vertical lines in this situation can be associated with strength or support. CLASSIC / Vertical lines can be associated with dignity, stateliness, or formality, especially when the columns are like those of the Parthenon, STRAIGHT AND CURVED LINES MOTIF / Simple shapes used in a pattern ean appear like a motif or a design. Such lines can sugzest decoration, pattern, ornament, or embellishment. Student Material \ Unit 5 \ Lesson 2 \ EXPRESSIVE PROPERTIES OF LINE 2 EXPRESSIVE PROPERTIES OF LINES ( / ORGANIC LINES HORIZONTAL ORGANIC LINES FOLDS ORGANIC/Lines of this kind maybe - NATURE / Natural or organie - FABRIC / Lines eeen in fabric and found in rock walls or pavements. They _horizontallinesappearlikethosein the folds are associated with things that appear more organic because of the landscape. These kinds of lines can are soft and pliable. Folds ean be shapes involved in its construction. represent qualities such as natural, associated with clothing, sheets, or ‘These lines can appear less geometric earthly, ike landscape, as things really curtains. They ean suggest things such than briek or tile. They con suggest are, or realistic. ‘as coft, pliable, moveable, comfortable, things such as country, rustic, old, and flowing, outdated, or ancient. FRACTURE LINES ORGANIC LINES CRACKED) Lines seen in such things - ANATOMY / Anatomical lines seen in aselass, plastic, orotherbrittlematerial human bodies or animals ean appear have distinctivekindsoflines. Fracture organic. They may remind us of the lines can remind us of broken objects. shapes ofpeopleor human bodies. These ‘They can suggest things like broken, kind of lines can suggest flesh, muscle, cracked, shattered, action, or accident. bone, or organs. They can appear to PAINFUL / Lines that appear to be bulge, convolute, bubble, or swell broken, jagged, pointed, or sharp can convey a feeling of pain, hurt, bleeding, cr injury. WORN / In some circumstances these kkinds of lines may make the object appear old, worn, or used, ‘Student Material \ Unit 5 \ Lesson 2 \ EXPRESSIVE PROPERTIES OF LINE 3

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