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Date: Class Test: Elements of Engineering Paper:-A

Roll No: Std. 10 B Total Mark: 15

1) At what voltage power is generated at power house.

A) 230v B) 440v C) 1100v D) 11000v
2) What is not used as prime mover for running Generator?
A) Steam turbine B) transformer C) Diesel Engine D) Wind mill
3) At what voltage power flows through Secondary distribution
A) 230/440v B) 11kv C) 66kv D) none
4) Name the main organ of distribution system.
A) Feeder B) consumer C) Grid D) transformer
5) Name the device for converting DC into AC.
A) Rectifier B) Inverter C) Diode D) IC
6) Name of the line power flow form substation transformer to consumers areas?
A) Primary distribution line B) Service mains C) Feeder D) Distributor
7) What is used as fuel in Nuclear power plant?
A) Thorium B) Uranium C) Plutonium D) Boron
8) The primary distribution of electrical power is done by?
A) 3-∅ 4wire B) 3-∅ 3wire C) 2-∅ 2wire D) 1-∅ 3wire
9) Trough compass is used for ascertaining ………………… line.
A) North B) South C) East D) West
10) What is used to for Centralization in plane table surveying?
A) Alidade B) Tripod C) Sprit level D) Plumb bob
11) For location of surveying station ………….method is used I n plane table surveying?
A) Resection B) Radiation C) Intersection D) Traversing
12) For accurate vision marking of far places………… used.
A) Alidade B) Telescope Alidade C) Sprit level D) Plumb bob
13) Primary transmission is also called as?
A) High tension line B) low tension line C) EHV D) none
14) What is used to draw straight line with respect to object in plane table surveying?
A) Alidade B) U fork C) Sprit level D) Plum bob
15) What is used to for Plainness of plane table?
A) Alidade B) Tripod C) Sprit level D) Plumb bob

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