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P2 4 Static Electricity - answers

2. Energy of a charged object due to its charge (in joules, J). electrical potential energy
3. Connected to the ground by means of a conducting lead or wire. earthed
4. Electrons that move about freely inside a metal because they are not attached to individual
atoms. conduction electrons
6. A large insulated metal dome charged by the motion of a rubber belt brushing against a friction
pad. Van de Graaf
8. A measure of the difference in electric potential energy per unit charge between two charged
objects (in volts, V). potential difference
9. The process of charging certain insulating materials by rubbing with a dry cloth, causing
electrons to transfer between the materials and the cloth. charging by friction

1. The process in which an insulated conductor is charged without being in direct contact with a
charged object. charging without direct contact
3. The rate of flow of electric charge (in amperes, A). electric current
5. Charge ‘held’ by an insulator or an insulated conductor. static electricity
7. Material that is a poor insulator and which is used to conduct charge to earth. antistatic material

Dr Barker
P2 4 Static Electricity

2. Energy of a charged object due to its charge (in joules, J).
3. Connected to the ground by means of a conducting lead or wire.
4. Electrons that move about freely inside a metal because they are not attached to individual
6. A large insulated metal dome charged by the motion of a rubber belt brushing against a friction
8. A measure of the difference in electric potential energy per unit charge between two charged
objects (in volts, V).
9. The process of charging certain insulating materials by rubbing with a dry cloth, causing
electrons to transfer between the materials and the cloth.

1. The process in which an insulated conductor is charged without being in direct contact with a
charged object.
3. The rate of flow of electric charge (in amperes, A).
5. Charge ‘held’ by an insulator or an insulated conductor.
7. Material that is a poor insulator and which is used to conduct charge to earth.
Dr Barker

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