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My biggest achievement was in 15 of september of 2013.

That day the UNT admited me how

student of economics. I will always remember this it becouse was reallly important for me. That
day, I got up by 8:00, Ihad breakfast and went to doing the university exam. It started at 10:00
am. I was there for thre hours. whhen I finished the examen, I ran to academy, I wanted cheking
my answers. After, I went at home, my parents was there and I told them "Everything is done". I
turned on the radio by 5:00, they was saying "the admitted ´s list ". I did'nt expect to achieve it,
until I Iistened my name, and shout ¡I made it, I made it, It's over! then I understandted that
estudy all days until 1:00am wasn'nt in vain. My parents was working and when they get home I
embraced them. Today I know that I can doing big things if work for it

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