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270 Br J Sports Med 1999;33:270–273

The wrist of the formula 1 driver

Emmanuel H Masmejean, Hervé Chavane, Alain Chantegret, Jean-Jacques Issermann,
Jean-Yves Alnot

Abstract upper extremities, such as hand-arm vibration

Objectives—During formula 1 driving, syndrome.3 It can be exhibited as nerve
repetitive cumulative trauma may pro- disorders, such as nerve compression as part of
voke nerve disorders such as nerve com- an overuse syndrome, or osteoarticular lesions.
pression syndrome as well as osteoliga- Nerve disorders of the upper extremities are in
ment injuries. A study based on particular represented by carpal tunnel syn-
interrogatory and clinical examination of drome at the wrist and by cubital tunnel
22 drivers was carried out during the 1998 syndrome at the elbow. Osteoligamentous
formula 1 World Championship in order lesions of the wrist, by progressive distension,
to better define the type and frequency of are mainly represented by scapholunate liga-
these lesions. ment distension, but triquetrolunate ligament
Methods—The questions investigated injuries as well as triangular fibrocartilage
nervous symptoms, such as paraesthesia complex lesions may also be evoked.
and diminishment of sensitivity, and os- For the formula 1 driver, the frequency and
teoligamentous symptoms, such as pain, intensity of vibration are such that they may
specifying the localisation (ulnar side, provoke these lesions. We have carried out an
dorsal aspect of the wrist, snuV box) and epidemiological study based on interrogation
the eVect of the wrist position on the and a bilateral clinical examination of the wrists
intensity of the pain. Clinical examination and hands of formula 1 drivers. The goal was to
was carried out bilaterally and symmetri- evaluate the type and frequency of such injuries
cally. in order to propose preventive measures.
Results—Fourteen of the 22 drivers re-
ported symptoms. One suVered cramp in Subjects and methods
his hands at the end of each race and one SUBJECTS
described a typical forearm eVort com- During the 1998 French Grand Prix on the
partment syndrome. Six drivers had effort Magny-Cours track, 22 formula 1 drivers from
“osteoligamentous” symptoms: three 12 diVerent nations were clinically examined
Hôpital Bichat Hand scapholunate pain; one medial hyperp- by the same independent doctor (EHM). They
Surgery Service, 46, comression of the wrist; two sequellae of a comprised 19 drivers taking part in the current
rue Henri Huchard, distal radius fracture. Seven reported World Championship and three former for-
75877 Paris Cedex 18, nerve disorders: two eVort carpal tunnel
France mula 1 drivers, who were still driving in other
syndromes; one typical carpal tunnel syn- categories (rallying, endurance, etc). Each
E H Masmejean
J-Y Alnot drome; one eVort cubital tunnel syn- driver had raced in a mean of 63 formula 1
drome; three paraesthesia in all fingers at Grand Prix (range 7 to 176).
Hôpital Edouard the end of a race, without any objective The mean age of the drivers was 30.7 years:
Hérriot, Pavillon T, signs. 28.1 years for the drivers in the current cham-
Orthopaedic Conclusions—This appears to be the first
Department, Place pionship and 37.3 years for the three former
report of upper extremity disorders in drivers.
d’Arsonval, 69437 Lyon
Cedex 03, France competition drivers. The use of a wrist pad Twenty drivers were right handed and two
H Chavane to reduce the eVects of vibration may help were left handed.
to prevent trauma to the wrist in formula
Fédération Française 1 drivers. METHODS
du Sport Automobile (Br J Sports Med 1999;33:270–273)
(FFSA), 17−21, avenue Questioning established medical and surgical
du Général Mangin, Keywords: wrist; trauma; cumulative trauma; nerve history and other sports played, especially
75116 Paris, France compression; ligamentous distension; racing drivers those involving the upper extremities—for
A Chantegret example, tennis and golf. Nervous symptoms
were also investigated such as paraesthesia and
Internationale de
In the literature, the incidence of wrist and diminishment of sensitivity, and also osteoliga-
l’Automobile Sport hand injuries in the general sporting popula- mentous symptoms such as pain, with specifi-
(FIA Sport), Medical tion is estimated to be about 25%.1 In weight cation of the location (ulnar side, dorsal aspect
Department, lifting for instance, wrist lesion occurs in 12% of the wrist, snuV box) and the eVect of the
2, Chemin de of lifters.2 These injuries can be subdivided into wrist position on the intensity of the pain. The
Blandonnet, 1215 four categories: overuse, nerve (and vascular), interrogation also researched wrist instability
Genève L5,
Switzerland traumatic, and the weight lifting injuries.1 and/or “clunk”.
J-J Issermann Weight lifting lesions are more specific to gym- The clinical examination was carried out
nasts. The other three kinds can be observed in bilaterally and symmetrically. The basic rules
Correspondence to: other sports where wrists and hands are of physical examination of a patient, namely,
Dr E H Masmejean.
involved, such as competitive driving. In the appearance, palpation, movement, and stress
Accepted for publication formula 1 driver, cumulative microtrauma may are especially important at the wrist level.4 The
19 April 1999 produce diVerent pathologies at the level of the range of motion of the digits and the wrist in
Wrist injuries in formula 1 drivers 271

Tendinomuscular symptoms
Two drivers complained of muscular pain. One
described cramps in the hand itself at the end
of each Grand Prix. One former formula 1
driver, who still competes in long distance
races, described a typical forearm eVort
compartment syndrome; he also complained of
a bilateral eVort cubital tunnel syndrome (see
below). No tendinopathies or tenosynovitis
were observed.

Osteoarticular symptoms
Figure 1 Back view of the bear hand grip on the steering Six drivers reported such symptoms: three
wheel. Note the semiautomatic gear change which is involved the scapholunate ligament, two were
controlled with the long finger on the right hand. sequellae of a distal radius fracture, and one
involved hypercompression of the medial com-
flexion-extension as well as in prosupination partment of the wrist.
was noted. Palpation of the joints identified One driver described a typical syndrome of
areas of tenderness, which were related to the hypercompression of the medial compartment
intercarpal intervals—that is, the spaces be- of his non-dominant left wrist. The pain was
tween the scaphoid and the lunate, and the classically reproducible on ulnar deviation of
lunate and the triquetrum. The Kirk Watson the wrist. This experienced driver said that
test5 assessed scapholunate instability. The these dorsoulnar pains were systematic at the
Reagan shuck test was used to look for peritri- end of each Grand Prix, with a maximum of
quetral instability.6 Finally a midcarpal instabil- discomfort after the Italian Grand Prix at
ity sign was looked for. Monza, where there are many chicanes (zig-
The mobility of the thumb column was zags).
evaluated using the opposition scale of The driver who had had a dorsal ganglion
Kapandji.7 cyst removed previously under endoscopy still
Grip strength was then measured with a grip suVered dorsal pains after the eVort of driving.
dynamometer. The key pinch, which evaluates During the clinical examination, we found pain
the thumb-index finger pinch, was measured at the level of the scapholunate ligament and a
with a special dynamometer. diminution of range of motion in flexion-
Sensitivity of the tips of the thumb, the index extension (150° v 170°).
finger, and the little finger was assessed with Finally, two drivers reported bilateral dorsal
Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments.8 pains around the scapholunate ligament space
after each Grand Prix. In the clinical examina-
tion, there was only tenderness to palpation or
Results subjective complaints and pains without any
All the drivers participated in other sports No drivers tested positive in the scapholu-
(running, swimming, body building) as train- nate (Kirk Watson test) or triquetrolunate
ing or entertainment. Ten of the 22 drivers (Reagan test) tests, nor was any midcarpal
played a sport that involved the upper instability observed.
extremities—for example, tennis, squash, and One former driver who had had a right wrist
golf. fracture complained of dorsal eVort pain in his
Among the medical histories, we noted the wrist, with the range of motion in flexion-
following traumas, the causes of which were extension limited to 70°. Another former driver
not restricted to motor racing: one polytrauma with a previous right dominant wrist fracture
with a trauma of the pelvic belt and both lower had dorsal eVort pain without any objective
limbs; one fracture of the acetabulum; three leg sign on clinical examination except for a dimi-
fractures (including one bilateral case compli- nution of grip strength (56 v 58 kg).
cated on one side by a compartment syn-
drome); one bilateral knee fracture and one Nervous symptoms
knee anterior cruciate ligament tear; three Seven drivers reported paraesthesia in the
ankle fractures (one bilateral); three clavicle fingertips. Symptoms were always bilateral.
fractures; one elbow fracture and one elbow Two drivers described paraesthesia in the
dislocation; one forearm fracture; three wrist thumb and index finger after each race, evoking
fractures; one dorsal ganglion cyst of the wrist a subjective form of an eVort carpal tunnel
(endoscopic removal); two carpal scaphoid syndrome, without any objective sign in the
fractures. clinical examination. Three drivers had paraes-
Only eight drivers did not report any thesia in all the fingertips at the end of each
problems with the wrists or hands. All drivers Grand Prix, also with no objective symptoms in
who raced before 1991 complained of palm the examination. One former driver described
irritation after each race resulting from using a typical carpal tunnel syndrome, with pins and
the gear change lever on the right hand side. needles at night and an irritative sign of the
Since the 1991–1992 season, when a semiauto- median nerve at the wrist (Tinel’s sign).
matic gear change on the steering wheel was Another former driver had bilateral eVort
introduced (fig 1), none of the drivers have cubital tunnel syndrome after each race, with
reported pain at the base of the palm. paraesthesia in the ring and little fingers. In the
272 Masmejean, Chavane, Chantegret, et al

The discovery in two drivers of “muscular”

disorders after a race does not appear to us to
be a specific problem. In fact, the eVort
compartment syndrome reported was found in
a former driver who is now involved in long
distance races (rallying). The quasicomplete
disappearance of symptoms such as cramps
appears to be due to better adaptation of the
wheel diameter to the driver’s hand using a
rubber grip as used for tennis players (fig 2).
Although there are many reports of soft tissue
injuries incurred in other sports,9 10 we did not
Figure 2 Front view of the bear hand grip. Note the observe any in this group of racing drivers. We
hypertrophy of the lateral thenar muscle and the adaptation also found no cases of tendinitis or synovitis,
of the steering wheel diameter by the use of a grip to avoid such as is found in players of racket sports,
muscular symptoms such as cramps.
repetitive motion of the wrist in extreme
clinical examination, there was a sharp irrita- positions contributing to this condition.
tive sign of the ulnar nerve at the level of the Nerve disorders in sportsmen are now well
flexor carpi ulnaris arcade at the elbow. known as part of cumulative trauma disorders,
No drivers reported subjective diminution of especially in cyclists1 and rock climbers.11 For
sensitivity of the fingertips. the formula 1 driver, we found, like Weinstein
and Herring,12 that sports associated neuro-
OBJECTIVE VALUES genic syndromes are usually incomplete, with-
Range of motion of the digits out severe motor or sensory deficits, with typi-
All the drivers had the full range of motion for cally subjective complaints of pain or vague
all the fingers, except the thumb, in extension sensory disturbance. In our series, unfortu-
as well as on making a fist. For the thumb, 16 nately it was not possible to carry out
drivers presented full bilateral opposition electrodiagnostic testing. Although some au-
(10/10 on Kapandji’s scale). For the remaining thors recommend the systematic use of an
six, the opposition was 9/10. electromyogram in injured sportsmen,13 we
think that an electromyogram and nerve
Range of motion of the elbow and wrist conduction velocity test would only need to be
At the wrist, the mean flexion was 87.5° for the performed on our two patients with nerve
dominant hand and 89.8° for the non- compression syndrome with objective symp-
dominant hand. Mean extension was found to toms. On the one hand, the absence of electro-
be 82.5° for the dominant side and 85° for the myogram and nerve conduction velocity ab-
opposite side. Mean pronation was 87.2° for normalities is not unusual in sportsmen.12 14 On
the dominant side and 88.4° for the opposite the other hand, with regard to hand-arm vibra-
side. Mean supination was 87.7° on both sides. tion syndrome, Dasgupta and Harrison3 found
that in miners the mean motor nerve conduc-
Strength tion velocity in the vibration exposed group was
The mean grip strength, evaluated with a Jamar significantly decreased. It would be worth
dynamometer, was 53.9 (range 41.5–67) kg for while, with hand-arm vibration syndrome of a
the dominant hand and 50.6 (range 41.5–67) mild degree, investigating further with a cold
kg for the non-dominant hand. The key pinch challenge test and perhaps thermography after
strengths between the thumb and index finger a practice session. We consider that the first
were 10.8 (range 8–12.5) kg for the dominant preventive treatment should be the use of a
hand and 9.2 (range 7–12) kg for the palmar wrist pad, as silicone rubber splinting is
non-dominant hand. a well known treatment of sports related hand
and wrist injuries.15 16 Such a pad should
Sensitivity measured with monofilaments partially absorb the vibrations and prevent, or
Four drivers had a value of 2.36 for all finger- eventually reduce, the paraesthesia that ap-
tips. Two drivers had a value of 2.36 for all fin- pears during eVort.
gertips of the dominant hand and 2.44 for all Pain at the dorsal aspect of the wrist is often
fingertips of the non-dominant hand. For one attributed to progressive distension of the
driver, it was the converse. Four drivers scapholunate ligament as the result of repeti-
presented a value of 2.44 for all fingertips on tive trauma, especially in boxers and volleyball
both hands. One driver presented a value of players.17 The problem in sportsmen is to
2.83 for all fingertips. The 10 remaining drivers define which paraclinical examination is
had normal sensitivity of between 2.44 and required.18 We consider that, in the case of
2.83 on diVerent fingertips. symptomatology evoking scapholunate disten-
sion due to cumulative trauma, plain x ray
Discussion examination of the wrists, with anteroposterior
If the present discovery of nerve and osteoliga- and lateral views, is the first step required. To
mentous disorders in this group of high level complement this, it is also important to obtain
drivers is predictable, the frequency of such dynamic anteroposterior x ray pictures in ulnar
lesions can be considered important. No previ- and radial deviation, and a clenched fist view.
ous papers have been found in the literature In the case of a clinical syndrome of hypercom-
that mention upper extremity problems of rac- pression of the medial aspect of the wrist, an
ing drivers. arthro computed tomography or magnetic
Wrist injuries in formula 1 drivers 273

resonance imaging scan can be performed after The authors wish to thank Professor Sid Watkins, Medical Del-
egate for the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile.
the x ray examination. Arthroscopy remains
interesting as a supplementary aid to diagnosis,
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muscles through gripping the steering wheel 1996;6:196–203.
(fig 2). In all the drivers, sensitivity of the 12 Weinstein SM, Herring SA. Nerve problems and compart-
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fingertips could be considered normal. Med 1992;11:161–88.
13 Mosher JF, Peripheral nerve injuries and entrapments of the
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CONCLUSION extremity injuries in athletes. St Louis: American Academy
The extent of nerve injuries and/or osteoliga- Orthopaedics Surgeons/CV Mosby, 1986:174.
14 Aulicino PL. Neurovascular injuries in the hands of athletes.
mentous disorders resulting from cumulative Hand Clin 1990;6:455.
trauma has been measured for the first time in 15 Canelon MF. Silicone rubber splinting for athletic hand and
wrist injuries. J Hand Ther 1995;8:252–7.
formula 1 drivers. In our series, 63% (13 of 22) 16 Canelon MF, Karus AJ. A room temperature vulcanizing
of the drivers reported problems, either liga- silicone rubber sport splint. Am J Occup Ther 1995;49:244–
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ders presenting essentially as eVort compres- wrist: an unusual entity. Report of a 7000 year-old prehis-
toric case. Annals of Hand Surgery 1997;16:207–14.
sive syndromes. However, this is a purely 18 Belhobek GH, Richmond BJ, Piraino DW, et al. Special
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vibrations at the level of the wrist. 1985;66:69–72.

Take home message

Nerve injuries and/or osteoligamentous disorders of the wrist resulting from cumulative
trauma have been shown in formula 1 drivers. In our series, 63% reported problems, either
ligamentous progressive distension or nerve disorders mainly presenting as eVort compressive
syndromes. The use of a wrist pad could reduce the consequences of the vibrations
experienced by these drivers at the level of the wrist.

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