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ook beneath the skin of Dr. Julia Heller "Initially, I approached Julia with great wasn't really sure what my responses were
of Earth 2 and you'll find a complex confidence about who she was," says Steen. to everything that we dealt with in the first
human being. She's someone strug­ "She was involved with Dr. Vasquez, who few episodes, because we didn't have a his­
gling to juggle her duties as a medical pro­ developed the theory for the Syndrome, tory. It felt like it wa. just skating, because I
fessional on a frontier world with her forced which affects children on the space stations. really didn't have the grounding that I prefer
obligations as an uneasy government liai­ "But then it got foggy because they took when I'm working."
son-i.e. spy-for the Council, the ruling the whole Vasquez issue out. I wondered if The revelation that Dr. Heller was an
body of the TV show's space stations orbit­ Vasquez was still part of it. Why wasn't he unwilling agent for the government is a wel­
ing the original, nearly dead Earth. For on the advance ship with me? In an early come aspect of the character, helping flesh
Canadian-born actress Jessica Steen, it's a script, we got a recorded message from her out for Steen. ·' It became a much fuller
meaty but unexpected duality for her charac­ Vasquez aboard the colony ship and his wife picture. The fact that I was a liaison for the
ter after a foggy beginning. was standing beside him. Without him. it got Council is a bigger job than just being a doc­
murky as to why I had given up my life on a tor. Once I got something to sink my teeth '
CRAIG W. CHRISSINGER. \'e1eran STAR­ space station, and said goodbye to everyone into and my characterization became fuller, I
LOG correspondent, profiled John Gegell­ and all the professional perks of being a doc­ felt more contident. It certainly made me
huber in issue #212. tor to go on this massive, endless journey. I worry about the first bunch of episodes.

48 ST ARLOGI April 1995

because I wondered whether things I had things on the planet by Citizen Reilly that go
done during them reflected this coming rev­ way beyond her duties.
elation, Maybe it shouldn 't, but having it "Obviously, if I had known about the
come out of nowhere kind of made me bomb, I would have to be some kind of
frightened. How prepared was I to be a spy kamikaze idiot not to have wormed my way
before I left? I wondered if I was a bad guy off of the advance ship. And then I should
or just a good guy caught in a bad situation. have known more about the Terrians.
Are my intentions honorable or am I truly because as Reilly said, 'We 've known for
nasty?" years that the Terrians possess a quality that
keeps the planet alive: There are definitely
Government Agent details that they've known that they haven't
In Earth 2, the original Earth can barely told us. If I had been a very valuable spy, I'm
sustain human life. and most people live sure they would have valued my life more
instead on crowded space stations. When and kept me informed."
Devon Adair's (Debrah Farentino) son In a unique twist, it is through Julia that
Ulysses becomes afnicted with the most of the Council's knowledge and
Syndrome-believed to be caused by the motives concerning Earth 2 are revealed. "A
stations' sterile environment-Devon orga­ lot of the notion of the stilte 01 the Council
nizes a group of colonists to sell Ie on a comes from my conversations with Reilly:'
planet 22 light years away. Opposed to the she states. "In 'Redemption,' we tind out the
mission. the Council plants a bomb aboard Council is testing five planets for resellle­
the advance ship when red tape can no ment and this planet is the most promising
longer delay it. The ship crash-lands on G­ candidate. They've given Devon years of red
889. where Julia reports back to the Council tape 10 deter her. but primarily they didn't
on the group's activities and contacts with want the general population to know this
the native life forms. especially the mysteri­ planet existed. and was so promising and so
ous Terrians. similar to Earth, because then there would be
Despite being a government lIgent, the a mass exodus. That's why they tried to bury
doctor isn't privy to all of the Council's deci­ it in red tape and put Commissioner Blalock
sions, actions and knowledge. "If I'm a bad in charge of it. As Reilly tells me. Blalock
guy. then I should be savvy to many of the went too far. He was a loose cannon and was
things the Council has been doing. but the put out to pasture. I guess Blalock planted
way it has been described to me is that I was the bomb because he didn't want to report
not supposed to be on the advance ship, but back to the Council that he hadn't done his
on the colony ship. All of these things are job. They don't want anyone on G-8!l9. They "They've developed this relationship, and
coming as new information to me, like the have their whole plan set up and running, It's not an easy or a comfortable one,"
says Steen of the bond between Julia
penal colonists. their knowledge of the and they don't want interference from the and Alonzo Solace (Antonio Sabato Jr.).
Terrians and the bomb. Of course. I'm Eden Project.
resentful toward the Council. They casually "It turns out that their way of testing is to information from the penal colonists and
sent me oft' with no regard for my life. The jellison prisoners-criminals like Gaal [Tim 'thin' out their numbers. The Zeds have been
fact that I'm not privy to all this information CurryJ-from the space stations onto the jellisoned here as well because they're super
means Julia comes from iI more innocent planet. These people are doing the legwork android soldiers who have gOllen out of
place and her intentions can be honorable. for the Council. The Zeds. which came into hand. So, they've sent a bunch of slightly
Suddenly. Julill is being ilsked to do these play in 'Redemption: are sent out to collect over-the-edge folks to do the legwork on the
planet, play guinea pig, and see how it is for
all of us."
Despite her obligations to the Council.
Julia considers her Hippocratic Oath her pri­
mary concern in all actions. When Reilly
asks her to harvest a gland from Ulysses
Adair's brain beclluse he's beginning to
exhibit Terrian traits in "Church of Morgan,"
she protects Devon's son by telling a lie.
"My job is doctor tirst and Iillison second.
I've told Reilly that and I've put myself in
frOll! of danger rather than put Uly at risk.
This whole expedition is because of this tiny,
sick boy. He gets healed by the Terrians, and
I'm suddenly supposed to sacrifice him to
find out how he's connected to our survival
on the planet. It's a really tough decision.
"In 'The Enemy Within,' she tries to
make Morgan Martin [John Gegenhuberl
privy to the whole thing. She thinks she can
convince him to be on her side and to explain
to the government that we cannot just take
the planet and control it. The Terrians are
very important-it's beyond government.
It's not ethereal or the second coming, but it
is so out of our hands. It just seemed to Julia
to be such a monumental discovery and an

STAR LOG/April 1995 49

environmental miracle. If she can just con­ "They've developed this relationship,
vince Morgan and they go together to the and it's not an easy or a comfortable one.
Council. this company man should be able to She's very uneasy about the way it comes
explain what I alone could nol. But he won't about, and it's very unnatural to her. Because
go for it, so I deal with him." he's the injured party in the crash landing,
she has to deal with him a 101. His leg has
Crash Survivor become a nightmare. I came up with leg
Her actions have repercussions on rela­ braces, then physical therapy and trying dif­
tionships with other survivors. In fact, Dr. ferent pills like plasma DNA to build up his
Heller is expelled from the group, and the strength. He isn't the kind of gUy that Julia
only one who will go after her is pilot would be drawn to on the space stations.
Alonzo Solace (Antonio Sabato Jr.)-a rela­ They just wouldn't have hooked up because
tionship begun in "Water" as he begins to they're not of the same clique, She tries to
recover use of his broken leg. "He has keep everything under control and has a very
picked up enough of her intentions from good undl!rstanding of who she is; he's
their interactions that it's worth)t for him to much more raw. He's just going by the seat
get her," she reveals. "Wft've definitely of his pants, and is very confident and
developed a rapport, and it's also a lot of macho. When he speaks to her or calls her on
things, that catches her off-guard.
.5 She's drawn to him because he's SQ
III much easier with himself than she
is. That's very intriguing."
i On the other hand, Julia has no
natural rapport with Devon at the
mission's beginning, having to eam
her respect as a medical profes­
sional. "In the pilot, there's resent­
ment on Devon's pari simply Debrah and me that it's established that we
because I'm the one who's there, I have this respect now and we're a team in the
have lillie experience and I'm not care of Uly.
the person she wanted. And Julia "This whole spy thing has made it very
doesn't like the disrespecl. She says, difficult for Julia to keep her loyalties clear
Trust is a dangerous thing on Earth 2, Dr, 'I am capable of doing this job and and execute the job that she must do because
Julia Heller has earned the trust of Devon you are immediately assuming I'm unquali­ of an ultimatum. Julia's redcmption is
Adair (Debrah Farentino), Only Jessica tied.' There's a level of respect where we are importanl. By the end of 'Redemption,'
Steen knows if her character will betray it. now and it's a healthy relationship, which is Devon says, 'And we're glad to have her.'
why this whole government spy bit blows and I'm back in good graces."
instinct on his parI. The doctor part of me Devon away. After all the time she has spent Julia Heller may have little practical
has shown through the most to him, so to building up her confidence in Julia, this experience as a doctor, but she docs havc one
him, I'm a doctor first and a spy second. comes out of left field. It's important to advantage over others training in the lield-

on: The series had ils many fan!!, "In the let­
Warrior Pilot
thanking, 'Oh, come You have to
suspend your dl behef when you do sCience
fiction, You really have to believ what
ters we got, people remarked that we had
put a lot of thOUght into how thi. all came

P ondering her first venture into , ience

fiction. the 1986-7 . yndicared allempt at
Interactive TV, Cap,ain p(,wt'" allJ till!
you're domg." about, what our role.<; were and how th

Soldiers of'h~ Future, JessIca Steen

remembers being upset by the how' built­
In merchandi. 109 a~pect , "It , emed that
there was , 0 much negativity and anger. and
the future wa.~ po~t-apocalyptic, My
involvement wa.~ pohucal and an
agent/ca, ring director thmg. IW(l, ,,', happy
about h, but I learned a lot, made rome
good (rienm, and had a good time with that
"I'm almost tempted to go back and
look at all the: tapes f the pisode, We
went through all the , tories, and I often
wa iUing in the cockpit Pilot. There
were all the button ' and levers. I wru;
thinking, 'Whar doe. this stuff do'!' And
they would put all these words together that
looked like they had gone through a big, fat
dictionary of long word!. I wasn't fully
savvy to the work or the concept. I would
go, 'Beep, beep, Oh. beep: and then take
out my proton spanner. which was II Black
& Deck~r screwdriver. I just 'hook II over
here and it would do all sort of tuff. I was '" knew from the beginning that I was going to die," says Jessica Steen of
Captain Power.
she has been genetically engineered to be
predisposed toward the medical sciences.
"Much of her genetic enhancement at this
point is instinct:' Steen remarks. '" have the
information, but' don't have the tools or the
knowledge of the local flora and fauna. It's
helpful. but now' have to take whatever'
know and try to make it practical.
'" can see that the genetic enhancement
would have been a way to determine success
-you would huve a focus, a prolcssion and
an income determined. It set her at an advan­
tage over others, and it became something
she got a lot of flak about and people even
resented. She's driven to prove herself to be
a good doctor despitc this unfair advantage."

Pioneer Medico
Julia soon proves hcrself to be skilled as
a physician on a brave new frontier. "Her
confidence is based on the Vasquez issue,
be<.:ause she initially would have worked
hand-in-hand with him . The fa<.:1 Ihatthe rea'
do<.:tor DeVOll has been working with all
along isn't there docs put pressure on Julia.
It ·s almost like being the undersludy.
Although you may know the lines. be well
prepared and have gone through rehearsals.
you're still on shaky ground .
"When' see the Terrians, I'm at square
olle with them . Reilly says we 've known
about them for years, but nobody told me.
When the Koba zaps Morgan and he has lost
his hcartbeul. I'm just stupefied. , don't
know that the Grendlers' saliva will bemme
the answer to the plague that we encounter
from other landing survivors, or tlmt the
Terrians can walk into a tent with a handful
of sui I. drop it on Uly and he gels beller. 'I's
(continued 0/1 puge 70)

Soldien. 01 Ihe FUlure "JlCfilled. And rve found u I e in. We had grealltmc. 10 dIe. and I WBII read ," she ays. "When I
had people come up 10 me OUI of Ihe hlue When we would pow r on, I would go from Signed un. , . aid Ihal if I WIIS gllin,; to do
and ay. 'Wow. We were the biggesl fun!>: my faligu . which wen: prell 001. Dnd thi serie. , I wanted 10 be killed off allhe
Wlls surpn d because 10 me. II was all rub­ ..uddenl I would hn Ihe huge ,"'Unlcul firsl se "'ion' cnd.and lhey agreed, 1dldn' l
ber rock!> and lurr. !!old hoob!.. Ihnl am OUI of nowhere. 1 W1l5 wanl \l C mmilmenl for five yeal'S. II WIIS
"The: maillllUght m lhal people see king. 'Whal happens when I pow~ron. 1 according 10 plan. It' jusllhal the tOYIi
thing. thai 1 mighl 001. There would be seem to have become Ihis robust gal , dldn'l sell at Chrt bl1L'I and that Willi the
whol fral hOlm: thaI wrole in. Ilhoughi. "We did II 'air amounl of itunlwork with how'. nel. 100. 1 WII prepared rur the
'Oel a life. gu s. Aren'l you 'upposed 10 be a 101 !!quib and e pIOlln)O.s . The d~lh. lind 1 liked the WoIY it happened, II
pluyinll foolball or somethlng?'1 didn', ompuler-generated images W~ very ditli­ Wll very louchlng and heroic how Pilot
realize: wtulllh were ing beCIlU ' , cull. We had to d a 101 fblu screen ;tulT. ru back an and Vel the wh< Ie bu.'Ie
neycr really watched the hows WIth any Peter Me elll Will Hawk and he would camp. People were up!iel by II because I
focu~ . It woe only lrom my bad-sport ha I.' 10 spend day. slnlppi:d up lind 11 109 wa.\ Ihe rm/\' regular aclor on Ihe how who
posilion Ihal , saw II. rm nol belillhng lhe around in hiS !iUIt. He war danghnll from WII) female."
peoplc who walched because they saw Ihe ceiling for hours in fmnt of Ihls hlue Art r 11:11 iog CClptmn P(III ('I'. tcen hod
Ihing\ in il Ihal I didn'l ,see. II's my jl1b til !I :ft.'!!n. II wa.o; painful \(I wlltch And Sven II co- tarring role II~ LInda in Han/rlmnt.
find Iho e Ihmgs becau.~e you have 10 value Ole-Thorsen Ia.t; Tonk) WII) dressed In Ihls Most people know her 'mm Ihal crillcally
everything in which you inyulve yourself" huge c(I!ltume Just lik a lank. He wa. hilar­ acclaimed drama serie.... bul she
Looking fur Ihe good in ('tll1ttJlII PII",l!r. ious. hUI he could harely muve. And we (lCca.'iiunaIly till run... Intu a Cllptllm P(IK'C'I'
the Tomnto notive remembers the octllr.; always had 10 react to IheSt: nasty metallic fan. "I gave all my toys IIWI! jusl this pit I
with whum she worked. "Tim Dunigan, bird. III L()rd Dread·s. They would 11 year. 1 had a whole pile of Sluff and 1 Wit
\\;ho was Caplaln Power. was n gTCai guy." around. wreaklOg havoc on U ' whilc we moving. I saved a tuuple of my aclion
he remark . "We had so much fun beCilUM: Slo(ld lhere. fcarful or a liule lape •II' on a ligures. ThaI wa~ alw 'y. n hoot I me
Ih re we would be. sillang in these grip' stand. W would cringe and have 10 because. of course. they wenl with lhe
ridiculous ,uitli. We were all in pande and freeze. II wo" hilariow . . . ilv r and big gold hoobs version of Pilol.
high leather bOOls and gloves. lind we w re AI Ih serie..· end. Jenmfer "Pilol" The show comes up Ilt lhe 11m .
vcrv on or Pm\'I!1' RUIII:l'ri 'h. We would Chase wa.t; kIlled oil". WhIle fan were You Jusl never knew whal people though I
spend hour.; and hours on sel jusl boiling U~I . Sleen was steeled for Ihe evenl !oince: Captam Pml"" wa yndicated and it
hm Ir cold in ur uils. and we had durin~ her whole Capta;It Pm"'r tenure. " I Wll. n' l a huge hit,"
a ho\\ I laughing al allihe silualions we knew from Ihe beginmng thai I WII. goang

(continlled jimn page 51 )

While she was a cast regular on the syn­
dicated SF series Captain Power and the
Soldiers of the Futllrc and now works on
Eartlt 2, the actress, who enjoys kayaking
and rock climbing, has never been a big fan
a new world and I don't know everything, of the genre. ''I'm not an SF person by
but I'm certainly trying to keep up." nature," she admits. "The future is always
Not everyone in the group reacts well to portrayed so negatively and bleak. It's all
the native creatures, while Julia naturally is angUlar, burnt-out, grey and metal. It almost
curious about them and respects their exis­ always looks like we blew it. That's the sci­
tence. "She has an absolute fascination ence fiction part to me about Earth 2-that
about them, especially in the pilot when we we would get a second chance."
see them and Morgan begins shooting. Julia Thinking back to her days as Jennifer
says, 'You idiot. We're the aliens here.' We "Pilot" Chase, one of the Soldiers of the
have to have respect for them. We come to Future on Captain Pow('/', Steen has mixed
know through Alonzo's dreams that the feelings. "Capf(Jin Power was a weird job
Terrians fear us because we've been there for me. I was young and I got bamboozled
before and they feel threatened. I see them as into doing it. It was frustrating on an acting
being shamans and very much a part of the level because we sometimes had the corniest
Earth. They are very, very curious about us stuff to say. In many ways, I was angry
initially, but the penal colonists being there because I knew Captain Power was geared
blew all our chances for an amiable first con­ toward children and it was going to make
tact. The Terrians are healers and are at one piles of money at Christmas selling all these
with the Earth. They're in the food chain, the interactive toys to all those kids. I felt there
web, and that's something that we aren't." was this huge moral obligation as TV pro­
Although not all of Julia's equipment gram makers, and as babysitters and teach­
made it safely to the planet, she does have a ers. I felt guilty about shooting everybody all
few tools to help her treat the ill and injured. the time and all that firepower. That made
Her chief tool is a diagnostic glove, which me very uncomfortable. The Soldiers of the
gives vital signs and much more. "Gosh, the Future were the faction out there trying to
glove does everything from dishes to win­ get Lord Dread and all his nasties, and curb
d0ws," Steen jokes. "It's the 'handy glove!' all their actions. So, yes, we were the good
What I know of the glove is that it can take a guys, but overall, it was a show about selling
heart ratc, pulse, EKG, temperature and test toys, shooting and running around.
for things. I do so much with it and yet often "I was amazed, once we were well into
times I find it doesn't speak to me. I know production, the mail that I got from all over
that the fingers can scan, detect, tlnd, locate the world, saying how my character was so
and probe. It is just a fabulous, must-have, intluential, so important and how she had a
don't-leave-home-without-it kind of thing, good impact on their daughters. It was such
and it does so much. Primarily, the glove is a a learning experience for me, because I'm
scanner of body functions and vital signs. It not a good sport about Cajitain Power. And
also gave Morgan a jolt of electricity when yet the mail showed people were seeing a
his heart was in arrest. great deal of good in it, and they valued my
"I have a lot of other little gizmos that I character because she tried to prevai I in this
use to take skin samples and spinal fluids situation. I was young, and it taught me to
and things. If someone has a virus, I have to see how valuable your work can be."
take samples for my fabulous microscope Thinking of the happier aspects of
that docs all sorts of fun things. And the Captain Power reminds her of Earth 2. "It's
sedater comes in awful handy, too. We zap a monumental undertaking to fathom what
all sorts of thiI1gs with it." an entirely different world would be like.
First, there arc the space stations, which are
Future Soldier our history and where we came from. That's
Serving as a doctor is important to Steen, enough of a task in itself. but to go to a
but episodes dealing with Julia's undercover whole new planet and try to see it for the
government work have provided the actress first time is a major task. What do you focus
with a chance for the action and personal on') The fatigue~ We must be exhausted
drama she enjoys. ''I'm into ,[Ullts ano, ot Irom wagoll-trallling along, walk ing and
course, the drama too," she comments. carrying stuff, and packing and unpacking.
"That's why I've liked these couple of And then there's this constant awe of every­
shows. The decisions have been rough for thing we're seeing. It's so beautiful, so dif­
Julia and it has been intense. Although the ferent."
virtual reality stuff is very draining to do For Jessica Steen, the biggest challenge
because your eyeballs burn, it's hot and very of Earth 2 is making a statement about the
claustrophobic, it is the most focused work condition of the original Earth and trying to
that we've done. I like it. Terry O'Quinn get people to change their habits before it's
[who plays Reilly] and I have had lots of dia­ too late. 'Tm in awe of the beauty in which
logue and interaction. That's what I really we work. This is Earth I and we still have a
like. I find it very diftlcult to do snippets of chance to watch our step and clean up our
things, because you have to keep the pace up act. If we show enough beauty, maybe it'll'
and it's all out of order. So, I've enjoyed the
stunts, Y.R. and the location shoots."
become more important to the people who
cqunt." '*

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