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Received: 20 July 2017 Revised: 9 August 2017 Accepted: 10 August 2017

DOI: 10.1002/pbc.26812

The American Society of
Cancer Pediatric Hematology/Oncology

Utility of the immature platelet fraction in pediatric immune

thrombocytopenia: Differentiating from bone marrow failure
and predicting bleeding risk

Alicia McDonnell1 Karen L. Bride2 Derick Lim3 Michele Paessler2,3

Char M. Witmer1,2 Michele P. Lambert1,2

1 Department of Pediatrics, Perelman School

of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Abstract

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Background: Differentiating childhood immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) from other cause of
2 Division of Hematology, The Children's Hospital
thrombocytopenia remains a diagnosis of exclusion. Additionally factors that predict bleeding risk
of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for those patients with ITP are currently not well understood. Previous small studies have sug-
3 Department of Pathology and Laboratory
gested that immature platelet fraction (IPF) may differentiate ITP from other causes of thrombo-
Medicine, The Children's Hospital of Philadel-
phia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
cytopenia and in combination with other factors may predict bleeding risk.

Correspondence Methods: We performed a retrospective chart review of thrombocytopenic patients with an IPF
Michele P. Lambert, Division of Hematology, The
measured between November 1, 2013 and July 1, 2015. Patients were between 2 months and
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, 3615 Civic
Center Blvd, ARC 316G, Philadelphia, PA 19104. 21 years of age with a platelet count <50 × 109 /l. Each patient chart was reviewed for final diag-
Email: nosis and bleeding symptoms. A bleeding severity score was retrospectively assigned.

Results: Two hundred seventy two patients met inclusion criteria, 97 with ITP, 11 with bone
marrow failure (BMF), 126 with malignancy, and 38 with other causes of thrombocytopenia.
An IPF > 5.2% differentiated ITP from BMF with 93% sensitivity and 91% specificity. Abso-
lute immature platelet number (AIPN) was significantly lower in ITP patients with severe to
life-threatening hemorrhage than those without, despite similar platelet counts. On multivariate
analysis, an IPF < 10.4% was confirmed as an independent predictor of bleeding risk at platelet
counts <10 × 109 /l in patients with ITP.

Conclusions: IPF measurement alone has utility in both the diagnosis of ITP and identifying
patients at increased risk of hemorrhage. Further study is required to understand the pathophys-
iological differences of ITP patients with lower IPF/AIPN.

bleeding, immature platelet, immune thrombocytopenia, reticulated

1 INTRODUCTION patients, even those with severe thrombocytopenia.3–6 For unknown

reasons, however, some patients with ITP will experience severe bleed-
Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is a significant cause of severe throm- ing and require treatment.7 Beyond the platelet count, which corre-
bocytopenia in pediatric patients but remains a diagnosis of exclusion.1 lates imperfectly with bleeding, risk factors for severe bleeding are not
It is crucial to appropriately differentiate ITP from bone marrow fail- well established.5–8
ure (BMF) syndromes or malignancy, which generally carry a higher The immature platelet fraction (IPF) is an emerging laboratory
risk of bleeding at any given platelet count and differ in treatment test for measuring platelet production/turnover. IPF measurement
recommendations.2 Due to the lower bleeding risk in ITP, current evi- is an automated process resulting in values that correlate with
dence and recommendations support observation in the majority of nonautomated measurements of reticulated platelets (RPs).9,10
RPs are young platelets containing residual RNA, and an increase
in RPs suggests increased thrombopoiesis.11 Some studies have
Abbreviations: AIPN, absolute immature platelet number; BMF, bone marrow failure; IPF,
immature platelet fraction; ITP, immune thrombocytopenia; RP, reticulated platelet suggested that IPF, as expected, increases in diseases of peripheral

Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2017;e26812. 

c 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1 of 6

destruction such as ITP.12–16 In contrast, the IPF should be normal or acute (<3 months), persistent (3–12 months), or chronic (>12 months)
low in BMF, where the bone marrow is not able to increase platelet based on the duration of thrombocytopenia at the time of the
production. CBC.
Immature platelets are thought to be more hemostatic17 and
thus an increased IPF or absolute immature platelet number
2.3 IPF measurement
(AIPN = platelet count x IPF/0.1) might contribute to why patients
with ITP are at a lower relative risk of bleeding than patients with IPF data were measured by the Sysmex XN3000 hematology ana-
BMF even at the same platelet count. There is recent evidence that lyzer (Sysmex Corporation, Kobe, Japan). For patients with multiple
AIPN alone, regardless of platelet count, is the best predictor of IPF measurements, the first IPF was utilized. AIPN was then calculated
bleeding in adult patients with thrombocytopenia due to hematologic using the concurrent platelet count and the IPF.
malignancies.18 A similar, limited study of a small number of pediatric
patients with ITP found a strong inverse correlation between AIPN
2.4 Bleeding scoring
and bleeding score.19 These results suggest that a lower relative AIPN
in an ITP patient may be a potential marker for bleeding risk. However, Bleeding symptoms within 24 hr of the IPF measurement were deter-
the role of immature platelets in hemorrhage is still unclear, as IPF% mined by review of the medical record and scored on a scale of 0–5
did not significantly correlate with bleeding severity in these patients using the Buchanan and Adix overall bleeding severity score.8 A single
and other studies have found a higher IPF% to be associated with more investigator (AM) not blinded to patient lab results assigned bleeding
severe bleeding.19,20 scores based on chart review of each patient, although the bleeding
To address some of the limitations of this conflicting evidence, we scores were confirmed by review of the records in a subgroup of the
examined a large cohort of patients with thrombocytopenia and a mea- patients by a second investigator who was blinded to the initial bleed-
sured IPF (n = 272) with two main goals: to examine the ability of IPF ing score (KB or ML). Scores were determined by reviewing bleeding
to help distinguish patients with BMF from ITP in their initial presenta- signs/symptoms occurring within 24 hr of the IPF measurement, which
tion with thrombocytopenia and to determine whether the IPF or AIPN were documented in the subjective, physical exam, assessment, and
could identify a subset of patients with ITP who were at increased risk plan sections of the most recent progress note. Whether the patient
of significant bleeding. ever required medical attention and/or treatment for bleeding during
the study period was also recorded.

2 METHODS 2.5 Statistical analysis

The protocol was approved by the institutional review board. Data were analyzed using GraphPad Prism, version 6.0 (GraphPad
Softward, La Jolla, CA) and STATA v.11 (Stata Corp., College Station,
TX). Descriptive statistics were used to summarize demographic and
2.1 Study population clinical data. Differences in two or more patient groups were analyzed
We performed a retrospective chart review of all patients with throm- using the nonparametric Wilcoxon rank-sum test or Kruskal–Wallis
bocytopenia, defined as a platelet count <50 × 109 /l, and an IPF test, respectively. Receiver operator characteristic (ROC) analysis was
measured at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia between Novem- utilized to determine the IPF value that differentiates ITP from BMF
ber 1, 2013 and July 1, 2015. Patients of age 2 months–21 years and an IPF value in ITP patients that is associated with a higher likeli-
were included. For patients with multiple measurements, only the first hood of coming to medical attention for severe bleeding and requiring
CBC to meet the study inclusion criteria within the study period was platelet raising therapy. Odds ratios of coming to medical attention for
included. Each patient chart was reviewed for the correct diagnosis bleeding and requiring platelet raising therapy for bleeding based on
causing the thrombocytopenia as well as for bleeding symptoms and IPF were calculated and analyzed using Fishers exact test. Statistical
for subsequent treatment of bleeding. Patients were excluded if the significance was established at P < 0.05.
cause of thrombocytopenia was indeterminate. The independent association between having a bleeding score >3
and an IPF cutoff <10.4% was explored using multivariate logistic
regression. This IPF cutoff of 10.4% was chosen because this was
2.2 Demographic and clinical data
the 25%tile for the ITP cohort. The following potential confounding
Demographic and clinical data were collected on each patient by variables were included in the analysis: platelet count (categorized
reviewing medical and laboratory records. These variables included as either above or below 10,000/mcl); age categorized as <5 years,
age, gender, race, date of diagnosis, other diagnoses, and bleeding 5–10 years, and >10 years; sex; and whether the patient had acute,
episodes that caused the patient to seek medical attention, need for persistent, or chronic ITP at the time of the CBC. Interaction terms
platelet raising therapy due to bleeding symptoms, and laboratory identified during the stratified analysis were included in the multivari-
results including CBC and IPF. ate logistic regression model in order to evaluate their statistical sig-
Causes of thrombocytopenia were categorized as ITP, BMF, malig- nificance. Stratum-specific odds ratios (ORs) were calculated for com-
nancy or other. Patients with ITP were further subcategorized as binations of factors with significant interactions.

TA B L E 1 Summary of cohort demographics and laboratory data

ITP Bone marrow failure Malignancy Other All

Number of patients 97 (36%) 11 (4%) 126 (46%) 38 (14%) 272 (100%)
Age (years) 5 (0.3–20) 9 (7–14) 8 (0.3–21) 4 (0.2–19) 7 (0.2–21)
Female 46 (47%) 7 (64%) 59 (47%) 23 (61%) 135 (49.6%)
Platelet count 11 (1–48) 12 (5–42) 20 (1–49) 31 (3–49) 16.5 (1–49)
IPF 17.5 (0.2–50.5) 2.8 (1.5–7.7) 3.2 (0.2–37.5) 8.7 (0.5–49.8) 6.7 (0.2–50.5)

Data presented as median (range) or count (% of total).

than in patients with malignancy or other causes of thrombocytopenia

(P < 0.0001 for each, Fig. 1A). IPF was significantly higher in patients
with ITP than patients with BMF (17.5% vs. 2.8%, P < 0.001, Fig. 1B).
An ROC curve to analyze the ability of IPF to discriminate between
ITP and BMF (Fig. 1C) demonstrates that with a cut-off of 5.2%, there is
a 93% sensitivity and a 91% specificity for ITP. A similar analysis with all
subjects showed that the best specificity and sensitivity for ITP was at
IPF > 8.45% with sensitivity of 80.4% and specificity of 79.9% (Fig. 1D);
however, there was some significant overlap of ranges of values seen in
congenital thrombocytopenia syndromes, malignancy, and ITP.

3.3 IPF over the course of ITP illness

In our patient population, the platelet count was significantly lower
in patients with acute ITP that resolved in less than 3 months than
in patients whose ITP was chronic or persistent (P = 0.0047 and
P = 0.0034, Fig. 2A), but the IPF did not differ based on duration of ill-
ness (P = 0.3731, Fig. 2B). The bleeding severity score also did not sig-
F I G U R E 1 Distribution of platelet count (A) and immature platelet
nificantly differ between patients with acute, persistent, and chronic
fraction (B) across diagnoses. Depicted boxes represent medians with
ITP (P = 0.1156, Fig. 2C).
range. (C) ROC curve predicting the sensitivity and specificity of IPF to
distinguish ITP from BMF. (D) Same as (C) but for ITP versus all throm- When divided by treatment status, the cohort consisted of 88
bocytopenia patients without ITP treatment and nine patients with ITP treatment.
Patients treated for ITP had a higher mean platelet count (P = 0.01)
than patients without, but there was no significant difference in IPF
between these two groups (P = 0.58).

3.1 Subject characteristics

3.4 IPF as predictor of bleeding in ITP
A total of 272 patients met inclusion criteria, including 97 with ITP, 11
with BMF, 126 with malignancy, and 38 with other causes of thrombo- Of the 97 total patients with ITP, 10 patients had an overall bleed-
cytopenia (Supplementary Fig. S1). Demographics and laboratory data ing severity score of 0, or no signs of hemorrhage, at the time of IPF
are displayed in Table 1. For 64 of 73 newly diagnosed patients with measurement. There were 53 patients with a score of 1 or 2, indicat-
ITP, the initial IPF was sent within 1 week of diagnosis. Ten patients ing minor to mild skin manifestations including bruising and petechiae,
had chronic ITP at the time of first IPF measurement, and eight patients and 26 patients with a score of 3, indicating overt mucosal bleeding
were persistent. The remaining six patients had IPF measured at recur- that did not require immediate medical attention or intervention. A
rence of ITP. total of eight patients were scored at 4 or 5, which indicates mucosal
bleeding or suspected internal bleeding that required immediate med-
ical attention or life-threatening or fatal hemorrhage at any site. The
3.2 Using IPF to distinguish ITP from BMF and other
single patient with life-threatening hemorrhage in this cohort had a GI
causes of thrombocytopenia
bleed that required red cell and platelet transfusion following a lack of
Although the median platelet count and IPF differed significantly response to intravenous immune globulin (Fig. 3A).
between groups (P < 0.001 for each, Fig. 1), it was not different The platelet count of patients with no signs of bleeding or minor skin
when comparing ITP (11 × 109 /L (1–48)) and BMF (12 × 109 /l (5–42), bleeding was significantly higher than patients with mild to moderate
P = 0.59). The platelet count in ITP patients was significantly lower bleeding (18 × 109 /l vs. 6.0 × 109 /l, P < 0.0001, Fig. 3B) and severe to

FIGURE 2 Platelet count (A), IPF% (B), and overall bleeding severity (C) stratified by duration of patient illness

TA B L E 2 Univariate analysis: factors associated with a bleeding

score >3

Clinical factor Odds ratio (95% CI) P-value

Low IPF (<10.4%) 3.3 (1.2–8.6) 0.02
Platelet count <10,000/mcl 4.8 (2–11.9) 0.001
Age category (reference 5–10 years)
<5 years 0.5 (0.1–1.4) 0.3
>10 years 0.6 (0.2–2) 0.4
Female 0.9 (0.4–1.9) 0.6
Disease status (reference persistent)
Acute 1.7 (0.3–9.2) 0.5
Chronic 1.3 (0.2–10.5) 0.8

IPF, immature platelet fraction.

F I G U R E 3 (A) Distribution of bleeding severity scores in ITP patients

in our cohort. (B–D) Association of platelet count (B), IPF (C), and AIPN TA B L E 3 Multivariate analysis: factors associated with a bleeding
(D) with overall bleeding severity scores in patients with ITP. Results score >3
shown are medians with range Clinical factor Odds ratio (95% CI) P-value
Low IPFa
Platelet count > 10,000/mcl 1.9 (0.4–9.6) 0.5
life-threatening hemorrhage (18 × 109 /l vs. 4.0 × 109 /l, P = 0.0016).
The platelet count did not differentiate between patients with mild Platelet count <10,000/mcl 17.4 (3.6–83.4) <0.001

to moderate bleeding from those with severe to life-threatening hem- High IPFa

orrhage (P = 0.4136); however, the median IPF in these two groups Platelet count <10,000/mcl 4.4 (1.4–13.5) 0.01
was significantly different (5.35% vs. 19.0%, P = 0.0015). The AIPN Age category
differentiated all three bleeding severity groups (Fig. 3C). The median <5 years 0.5 (0.1–1.8) 0.3
AIPN of patients with no bleeding or minor bleeding was 3.250 × 109 /l, >10 years 1.1 (0.3–4.5) 0.8
which was significantly higher than the median AIPN of 1.150 × 109 /l Female 0.9 (0.1–4.9) 0.7
in patients with mild to moderate bleeding (P < 0.0001). Furthermore, Disease status
the mild to moderate bleeding group had a significantly higher median
Acute 0.8 (0.1–4.9) 0.8
AIPN than the severe to life-threatening hemorrhage group, which had
Chronic 1.1 (0.1–9.4) 0.9
a median AIPN of 0.205 × 109 /l (P = 0.0136). ROC analysis of AIPN
The odds ratio for IPF (immature platelet fraction) cannot be reported indi-
found that at AIPN < 0.695 × 109 /l, there is an 87.5% sensitivity and
vidually because of evidence of effect modification by platelet count. Only
79.8% specificity for severe or life-threatening hemorrhage. stratum-specific values are reported. The reference is high IPF (>10.4%)
Tables 2 and 3 provide the results of the univariate and multivari- and platelet count > 10,000/mcl.
ate logistic regression analysis. On univariate analysis only a low IPF
(<10.4%) and a low platelet count (<10 × 109 /L) were found to be asso-
ciated with an increased bleeding score. On multivariate analysis there
was a statistically significant interaction between IPF and platelet score >3 while a high IPF (>10.4%) with a platelet count <10 × 109 /l
count; as a consequence, only stratum-specific OR can be reported. A had a lower risk OR (4.4 (1.4–13.5)). Conversely, a low IPF associated
low IPF (<10.4%) combined with a platelet count <10 × 109 /l was asso- with a platelet count >10 × 109 /l was not associated with an increased
ciated with the highest risk (OR 17.4 (3.6–83.4)) of having a bleeding bleeding score.

4 DISCUSSION however, GPIb/IX is expressed on the surface of megakaryoctyes23

and presence of these antibodies in plasma has been shown to
Our results indicate that in a patient presenting with isolated thrombo- suppress megakaryocyte production in vitro.24,25 Further studies
cytopenia, an elevated IPF provides useful supportive data for the diag- will need to be done to elucidate the pathophysiologic differences
nosis of ITP, consistent with other significantly smaller studies.15,16 between ITP patients with high and low AIPN and better understand
In our cohort, the IPF was adequately sensitive and specific to differ- why platelets falling in the IPF gate appear to protect from severe
entiate ITP from BMF at IPF > 5.2%. This threshold is lower than a hemorrhage.
previously reported cut-off of 9.4%, which was found to differentiate This study was limited due to its retrospective design. The quality
patients with ITP from patients with thrombocytopenia on chemother- of documentation of bleeding symptoms and physical exam varied sig-
apy used as a control group to represent bone marrow suppression.16 nificantly and therefore clinically significant bleeding may have been
The lower range of IPF values observed in our BMF cohort likely missed in the chart review because of the lack of documentation of
reflects the fact that noniatrogenic BMF patients are unlikely to be in a these symptoms/signs. Treatment thresholds are also inherently sub-
recovery phase of illness compared with patients on chemotherapy.16 jective, vary by physician, and may influence the way the bleeding man-
Furthermore, in our cohort, the IPF did not differ significantly based on ifestations are documented. Patients in our cohort were at different
length of illness, indicating that the IPF is potentially useful for diagnos- stages of their illness and may or may not have received treatment
tic purposes when patients present with thrombocytopenia of unclear prior to measurement of first available IPF. All of the analysis is retro-
duration. spective, but suggests that IPF may be useful in differentiating patients
The most important finding in our study is that both IPF and AIPN at high risk of bleeding from those who are unlikely to have signifi-
are better predictors of significant bleeding risk in patients with ITP cant bleeding; this would need to be confirmed in a prospective study.
than platelet count in a large cohort of patients with ITP. Higher total Finally, as is true with most ITP cohorts, the majority of patients did not
platelet count may protect against mild bleeding, but at lower platelet have severe or life-threatening hemorrhage so the number of bleeding
counts it appears to be the immature platelets that protect against events is small.
severe and life-threatening hemorrhage. This finding held true on mul- In conclusion, our single-center retrospective study in a relatively
tivariate analysis where IPF was confirmed as a modifier of bleeding large cohort of pediatric patients with ITP demonstrated that IPF mea-
risk but only when the platelet count was <10 × 109 /l. A previous surement may have utility in both diagnosis of ITP and prediction of
small study by Greene et al. suggested that in pediatric patients with relative future risk of bleeding in ITP patients. Use of IPF may prevent
platelet counts under 30 × 109 /l, there was a strong inverse correlation more invasive testing, such as bone marrow biopsy in patients where
between AIPN and acute bleeding score. Those with AIPN > 5.5 × 109 /l the diagnosis of ITP is less clear. Using the IPF to calculate AIPN at
did not experience anything more than cutaneous bleeding, unrelated diagnosis may be a more accurate way to predict bleeding risk, coun-
to platelet count.19 Likewise, a prospective study of bleeding risk in sel patients, and determine which patients to prophylactically treat to
adults with thrombocytopenia due to hematologic malignancies found prevent severe hemorrhage. Future research to prospectively validate
that a rise in AIPN of 0.5 × 109 /l decreased the odds of any bleed- these findings, better understand the physiology of immature platelets,
ing within 1 day by 26% and AIPN > 2 × 109 /l had a 100% negative and clarify the pathophysiology of ITP in patients with a relatively low
predictive value for severe bleeding.18 These previous studies demon- IPF/AIPN is necessary.
strated the predictive value of AIPN in the next 1–2 days; however,
our results suggest that a single measure of IPF or AIPN at diagno- CONFLICT OF INTEREST
sis may have predictive value for risk of bleeding for an even longer
M.L. has been a consultant for GSK and Novartis and has received
period of time, perhaps because in ITP the IPF is fairly stable over time.
research funding from AstraZeneca and the National Institute of
Our finding is significant because there are currently few predictors of
Health, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. The other
hemorrhage in ITP7 and our results suggest that IPF or AIPN is the
authors declare no relevant conflict of interest.
best laboratory predictor identified to date. This is a simple labora-
tory test and its value is that it can help guide prophylactic therapy
decisions. ORCID
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How to cite this article: McDonnell A, Bride KL, Lim
bocytopenia from aplastic thrombocytopenic disorders. Int J Hematol.
2015;101(4):369–375. D, Paessler M, Witmer CM, Lambert MP. Utility of the
immature platelet fraction in pediatric immune thrombocy-
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